Greasy Fork is available in English.

Bypass All Shortlinks

Bypass All Shortlinks Sites Automatically Skips annoying link shorteners

Mint 2022.01.12.. Lásd a legutóbbi verzió

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Bypass All Shortlinks
// @namespace    Violentmonkey Scripts
// @version      12.7
// @description  Bypass All Shortlinks Sites Automatically Skips annoying link shorteners
// @author       Bloggerpemula
// @match      *://*/recaptcha/api2/*
// @match      *://*
// @match      *://*
// @match      *://*
// @match      *://*
// @match      *://*
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// @match      *://**
// @match      *://*
// @match      *://**
// @grant      none
// @license    MIT
// @run-at     document-end
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
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        if (elementExists(query)) {console.log(document.querySelector(query))
                                   window[funcName](function() {document.querySelector(query).click();}, timeInSec * 1000);}}
    const recaptchaInterval = (query, timeInSec = 0.5) => {
        if (elementExists(query)) {const timer = setInterval(function() {if (window.grecaptcha && !!window.grecaptcha.getResponse()) {
            document.querySelector(query).submit(); clearInterval(timer);}}, timeInSec * 1000);}}
    function customInterval(query, timeInSec = 1, p = true) { if (elementExists(query) && p) {
        const timer = setInterval(function() { const element = document.querySelector(query);
                                              element[element.tagName === 'FORM' ? 'submit' : 'click'](); clearInterval(timer);}, timeInSec * 1000);}}
    const recaptchaIntervalclick = (query, timeInSec = 0.5) => {
        if (elementExists(query)) {const timer = setInterval(function() {if (window.grecaptcha && !!window.grecaptcha.getResponse()) {
            document.querySelector(query).click(); clearInterval(timer);}}, timeInSec * 1000);}}
    if(window.location.hostname==("") != -1 || window.location.hostname==("") != -1 ){
        var ticker = setInterval(function(){ try{window.grecaptcha.execute(); clearInterval(ticker);} catch(e) {}},2000);}else {}
    // ============================================
    // Captcha Mode
    // ============================================
    recaptchaInterval('#lview > form')
    recaptchaInterval('.col-12 > form:nth-child(1)')
    recaptchaInterval('#adb-not-enabled > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(6) > form:nth-child(1)')
    if (elementExists("#userForm")) {
        const timer = setInterval(function() {
            if (window.grecaptcha && !!window.grecaptcha.getResponse()) {
                clearInterval(timer); } else {
                    document.querySelector("#cbt").click();}}, 500);}

    // ============================================
    // SetTimeout Mode
    // ============================================
    // 3 Sec
    clickIfElementExists('.recaptcha-checkbox-border', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('button#btn6.yu-btn.yu-go', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('.yu-blue.yu-btn', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('button#showTimerText.btn.btn-accent', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('a#firststep-btn.btn.btnstep1', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('a#finalx22.btn.btnstep1', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('#url_qu > a:nth-child(1)', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('#wpsafelinkhuman > img:nth-child(1)', 3)
    clickIfElementExists(' > div:nth-child(4) > a:nth-child(1)', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('#links > a:nth-child(2) > center:nth-child(1) > img:nth-child(1)', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('#links > form:nth-child(2) > button:nth-child(3) > img:nth-child(1)', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('button#btn6.g-recaptcha.btn.btn-primary', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('button#btn6.btn.btn-outline-primary.btn-captcha.m-2', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('button#submit-button.btn.btn-primary', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('div#mainlink.h_mnm.h_count a.s-btn-f', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('#link1s-snp > button:nth-child(1)', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('button.btn-main.get-link', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('.next-button.btn-lg.text-white.btn-info.btn', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('.next-button.text-white.btn-info.btn', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('.btn-outline-white.btn', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('button#bt.btn.btn-info.btn-lg', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('button#btn-main.btn.btn-main', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('button#btn-get-link', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('.col-md-8 > form:nth-child(17) > button:nth-child(3)', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('#cl1 > center:nth-child(1) > a:nth-child(1)', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('div#wpsafe-generate a img', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('a.submitBtn.btn.btn-primary', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('button#submitbtn.g-recaptcha.btn.btn-primary', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('p.getlink', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('button#getlink.getlink.disabled', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('#link1s-snp > button:nth-child(1)', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('#cl1 > a:nth-child(2) > font:nth-child(1)', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('button#mdt.custom-btn.btn-7', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('input#btn-main.btn.btn-primary', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('#cl1 > a:nth-child(1) > font:nth-child(1) > b:nth-child(1)', 3)

    // 5 Sec
    clickIfElementExists('input.btn.btn-primary', 5)
    clickIfElementExists('a.get-link.disabled', 5)
    clickIfElementExists('div.complete a.btn', 5)
    clickIfElementExists('div#makingdifferenttimer', 5)
    clickIfElementExists('div#wpsafe-link a img', 5)
    clickIfElementExists('#wpsafe-snp > a:nth-child(1)', 5)
    clickIfElementExists('#wpsafe-snp > center:nth-child(1) > a:nth-child(1)', 5)
    clickIfElementExists('a#surl1.btn-main.get-link', 5)
    clickIfElementExists('button#invisibleCaptchaShortlink.btn-main.get-link', 5)
    clickIfElementExists('.btn-captcha.btn-sm.btn-primary.btn', 5)
    clickIfElementExists('button#invisibleCaptchaShortlink.btn.ybtn.ybtn-accent-color.btn-captcha', 5)
    clickIfElementExists('button#invisibleCaptchaShortlink.btn.btn-outline-primary.btn-lg.btn-block.btn-captcha', 5)
    // 7 Sec
    clickIfElementExists('button#invisibleCaptchaShortlink.btn.btn-primary.btn-goo.btn-captcha', 7)
    clickIfElementExists('button#get_link.btn.btn-primary.btn-sm', 7)
    clickIfElementExists('button.btn.btn-success', 7)
    // 9 Sec
    clickIfElementExists('', 9)

    if (elementExists('#before-captcha')) { setTimeout(function() { document.querySelector('#before-captcha').submit();}, 3000);}
    if (elementExists('a#firststep-btn.btn.btnstep1')) { setTimeout(function() {
        document.querySelector('button#getlink.btn.m-2.btn-success.disabled').click();}, 3000);}
    // ============================================
    // setInterval Mode
    // ============================================

    // 3 Sec
    clickIfElementExists('#makingdifferenttimer', 3, 'setInterval')
    clickIfElementExists('', 3, 'setInterval')
    clickIfElementExists('button#main-button.claim-button.btn.btn-lg.btn-accent', 3, 'setInterval')
    clickIfElementExists('.next-button.btn-lg.btn-info.btn', 3, 'setInterval')
    clickIfElementExists('input.g-recaptcha.btn.btn-primary', 3, 'setInterval')
    clickIfElementExists('.get-link.ybtn-accent-color.ybtn.btn', 3, 'setInterval')
    // 5 Sec
    clickIfElementExists('#go_d', 5, 'setInterval')
    clickIfElementExists('#yuidea-btmbtn', 5, 'setInterval')
    clickIfElementExists('.close-me > a:nth-child(1)', 5, 'setInterval')
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    clickIfElementExists('a.btn.btn-primary.get-link.text-white', 5, 'setInterval')
    clickIfElementExists('a.btn-main.get-link', 5, 'setInterval')
    clickIfElementExists('#ytimer > .s-btn-f', 5, 'setInterval')
    clickIfElementExists('div.column:nth-child(2) > font:nth-child(2) > a:nth-child(8)', 3)
    clickIfElementExists('#yuidea-btn > .m-2.btn-captcha.btn-outline-primary.btn', 5, 'setInterval')
    clickIfElementExists('#btn6.btn-captcha.btn-primary.btn', 5, 'setInterval')
    clickIfElementExists('.btn-danger.btn-raised', 5, 'setInterval')
    clickIfElementExists('button#link.btn.btn-primary', 5, 'setInterval')
    clickIfElementExists('#btn6.yu-btn.yu-go', 35, 'setInterval')
    // Old Codes
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    if(window.location.hostname== ''){setInterval(function() { document.querySelector('#cbt.btn-primary.btn-warningbtn.btn').click(); }, 3000);}
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    if(window.location.hostname== '') { clickIfElementExists('.get-link.btn-lg.btn-success.btn', 5, 'setInterval')}
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    if(typeof tokenURL=="string") {
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                                                                                                                             }, function(e) { location.href = e.url})
                                                                : $.post("/links/go2", { alias: location.pathname.substr(1, location.pathname.length - 1), token:, }, function(e) { location.href = e.url})});}
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                                                  beforeSend: function (xhr) {pesan.attr("disabled", "disabled"); $('a.get-link').text('Bypassed by Bloggerpemula');
                                                                              notforsale.replaceWith('<button class="btn btn-default , col-md-12 text-center" onclick="javascript: return false;"><b>Thanks for using Bypass All Shortlinks Scripts and for Donations , Regards : Bloggerpemula</b></button>');
                                                                              blogger.replaceWith('<button class="btn btn-default , col-md-12 text-center" onclick="javascript: return false;"><b>Thanks for using Bypass All Shortlinks Scripts and for Donations , Regards : Bloggerpemula</b></button>');
                                                                              pemula.replaceWith('<button class="btn btn-default , col-md-12 text-center" onclick="javascript: return false;"><b>Thanks for using Bypass All Shortlinks Scripts and for Donations , Regards : Bloggerpemula</b></button>');},
                                                  success: function(result , xhr){ location.href=""+result.url}});});}
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