
filter space separated tags in comment box on bangumi index page

// ==UserScript==
// @name         番组计划(bangumi)目录页多标签筛选
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version
// @description  filter space separated tags in comment box on bangumi index page
// @author       oscardoudou
// @include      /^https?://(bangumi|bgm).tv/index.*$/
// @icon         https://bangumi.tv/img/favicon.ico
// @require      https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.1/jquery-ui.js
// @grant        unsafeWindow
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// @grant        GM_getResourceText
// @grant        GM.setValue
// @grant        GM.getValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_getValue

// ==/UserScript==
GM_addStyle(".tag_filter { display: inline-block; margin: 0 5px 5px 0; padding: 2px 5px; font-size: 12px; color: #dcdcdc; border-radius: 5px; line-height: 150%; background: #6e6e6e; cursor: pointer;}");
GM_addStyle(".tag_filter { font-family: 'SF Pro SC','SF Pro Display','PingFang SC','Lucida Grande','Helvetica Neue',Helvetica,Arial,Verdana,sans-serif,Hiragino Sans GB;}");
GM_addStyle(".tag { margin: 1px; cursor: pointer}");
GM_addStyle(".searchContainer { height: 25px; min-width: 100%}")
GM_addStyle(".searchLabel { height: 25px; min-width: 100%}")
GM_addStyle(".searchInput { position: relative; width: 80%; top: 0; left: 0; margin: 0; height: 25px !important; border-radius: 4px; background-color: white !important; outline: 0px solid white !important; border: 0p}")
GM_addStyle("#browserTools { height: 55px;}")
GM_addStyle(".grey {font-size: 10px; color: #999;}")

//global var
//var $ = unsafeWindow.jQuery;
let GM4 = (typeof GM.getValue === 'undefined') ? false : true;
if (window.itemList == undefined) {
   window.itemList = $('#browserItemList')[0].children
   window.comments = $('#browserItemList #comment_box .text')
   window.infotips = $('#browserItemList .info.tip')
   window.filterBar = $('#browserTools')[0]
   window.browserTypeSelector = $('#browserTools')[0].children[0]
   window.map = new Map()
   window.dict0 = new Map()
   window.dict1 = new Map()
//get rid of eslint syntax complaint
var itemList = window.itemList
var comments = window.comments
var infotips = window.infotips
var filterBar = window.filterBar
var browserTypeSelector = window.browserTypeSelector
var map = window.map
//store comment tag count
var dict0 = window.dict0
//store infotip tag count, we need 2 map bc each would generate a panel
var dict1 = window.dict1
//min occurrence to be present in tag summary on the side
const minOccurence = 3
//max length of a tag from infotip, avoid some crazy long metadata tag
//this makes sure xxxx年xx月xx日 won't be filtered out, as we keep full date as tag
const maxInfoTipTagLength = 12
//global var that store previous used filter/tags
let indexUrl = window.location.href
let indexId = indexUrl.substring(indexUrl.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, indexUrl.length);
let persistKey = `bgm_index_${indexId}_tags`
//let tagList = getStorage(persistKey, [])
var tagList = []

//create hash from string
Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, 'hashCode', {
  value: function() {
    var hash = 0, i, chr;
    for (i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
      chr = this.charCodeAt(i);
      hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + chr;
      hash |= 0; // Convert to 32bit integer
    return hash;

(function() {
    getStorage(persistKey, []).then(x => main())

function main(){
     for ( let i = 0 ; i < infotips.length ; i++){
         process(comments[i], true)
         process(infotips[i], false)
    //reapply previous used filter/tags
    console.log("tagList:"+ tagList)
    tagList.forEach(tag => filterTag(tag))

//to use GM.getValue or GM.setValue you have to wrap it in async await or use the value in callback then
async function getStorage(key, defaultValue){
        console.log('not GM4')
        tagList = GM_getValue(key, defaultValue)
//         GM.getValue(key, defaultValue).then(x => {tagList = x; console.log("tagList: "+tagList); main()});
        tagList = await GM.getValue(key, defaultValue)

//to use GM.getValue or GM.setValue you have to wrap it in async await or use the value in callback then
async function setStorage(key, value){
        console.log('not GM4')
        GM_setValue(key, value)
        await GM.setValue(key, value)

//use for both comment and infotip
function process(element, isComment){
    if(typeof element == 'undefined') return;
    let tags
    let tagIds = []
    var dict
       tags = element.innerHTML.split(" ").slice(1);
       dict = dict0
       //split infotip into different section, use innerText to avoid triming innerHTML
       let infotip = element.innerText.split(" / ");
       //extract all(global) number from the 1st section(date info) of infotip, map first 2 as YYYY and month, add default value to deal with unavailable date metadata
       const [year, month, day] = (infotip[0].match(/\d+/g) || [0,0]).map(Number)
       //concat date info and rest info into infoTag array, convert number to string in this step, so hashCode() won't yell
       if(year != 0 && month != 0){
           tags = infotip.concat([year+"年",month+"月"])}
           tags = infotip
       //stop some crazy long infotip become a tag
       tags = tags.filter(tag => tag.length <= maxInfoTipTagLength)
       dict = dict1
    tags.forEach((tag) => {
        let anchor = document.createElement('a');
         //keep one trailing space, so when edit again in comment box, it will still be space separated
        anchor.innerHTML = `${tag} `
        anchor.className = 'tag'
        let tagId = tag.hashCode()
        anchor.setAttribute('tagId', tagId)
        //set onClick function of anchor is not viable, due to function is defined in userscript scope, which is outside target page scope. That's why when it evaluate the value of onClick attribute, it yells func not defined
        anchor.addEventListener('click',function(){ filterTag(tag)}, false)
         //store map as string -> id
            map.set(`${tag}`, tagId)
            dict.set(`${tag}`, dict.get(`${tag}`)+1)

function addSearchBar(){
   //create search bar
    let searchbar = document.createElement('div')
    searchbar.className = 'ui-widget searchContainer'
    filterBar.insertBefore(searchbar, browserTypeSelector)
    let activeFilter = document.createElement('div')
    activeFilter.style = 'display:flex'
    activeFilter.id = 'active_filter'
    let label = document.createElement('label')
    label.className = 'searchLabel'
    label.innerHTML = '标签: '
    let input = document.createElement('input')
    input.id = 'tags'
    input.className = 'searchInput'
    //auto complete is a funciton in jquery-ui, need @require
    $('#tags').autocomplete ( {source: Array.from(map.keys()) ,
        minLength: 1});
        select: function( event, ui ) { filterTag(ui.item.value); $(this).val(''); return false;}

function addSideSummary(groupName, isComment){
    //add tags that occurence >= minOccurence(3) to tag summary on the side
    let toBeInserted = $('#columnSubjectBrowserB')[0]
    let panel = document.createElement('div')
    panel.className = 'SidePanel png_bg'
    let panelTitle = document.createElement('h2')
    panelTitle.innerText = groupName
    var tempDict = isComment ? dict0 : dict1 ;
    var dict = new Map([...tempDict].filter(([k,v]) => v >= minOccurence && k !== "" ).sort((a, b) => (a[1] < b[1] && 1) || (a[1] === b[1] ? 0 : -1)))
    dict.forEach(function(value, key, map){
        //map here is map variable, thus the dict being iterated now, not the global var map
        let tag = document.createElement('a')
        let count = document.createElement('small')
        tag.innerHTML = key
        tag.className = 'tag l'
        //Ugh, horrible naming
        tag.setAttribute('tagId', window.map.get(key))
        tag.addEventListener('click',function(){ filterTag(key)}, false)
        count.innerHTML = `(${value})`
        count.className = "grey"
        // &nbsp;?
        this.append(' ')
    }, panel)

function filterTag(tag){
    var tagId = window.map.get(tag)
    //if tag is one of the active filters, then ignore it
    if(getActiveFilterIds().indexOf(tagId) != -1){
    let filterButton = document.createElement('a')
    filterButton.innerHTML = tag
    filterButton.className = 'tag_filter'
    filterButton.id = tagId
    filterButton.addEventListener('click',function(){removeFilter(this)}, false)
    for( let i = 0 ; i < itemList.length ; i++){
        var tagAnchorList;
        var hide = true;
        if(typeof $('#browserItemList #comment_box .text')[0] != 'undefined'){
            tagAnchorList = comments[i].children
            for( let j = 0 ; j < tagAnchorList.length; j++){
                if(tagAnchorList[j].getAttribute('tagId') == tagId){
                    hide = false
        tagAnchorList = infotips[i].children
        for( let j = 0; j < tagAnchorList.length; j++){
            if(tagAnchorList[j].getAttribute('tagId') == tagId){
                hide = false
            itemList[i].style.display = 'none'

    //add tag to persistent storage
    if(tagList.indexOf(tag) == -1) {
    setStorage(persistKey, tagList)

function removeFilter(tag){
    //hide all items first
    $('.item.clearit').css( "display", "none" )
    let activeFitlerIds = getActiveFilterIds()
    for(let i = 0; i < itemList.length; i++){
        if(itemQualified(activeFitlerIds, comments[i], infotips[i])){
            itemList[i].style.display = 'block'

    //remove tag from persistent storage
    const index = tagList.indexOf(tag.innerHTML)
    if(index > -1){
        tagList.splice(index, 1)
    setStorage(persistKey, tagList)

function getActiveFilterIds(){
    return $('.tag_filter').map(function(){
        //return int instead of string
        return parseInt(this.id)
    //return array instead of jquery object

function itemQualified(activeFitlerIds, comment, infotip){
    for(let i = 0 ; i < activeFitlerIds.length; i++){
        //if any of actived filter not present in either comment or infotip's tagIds, then item is not qualified
        if( (typeof comment == 'undefined' || (typeof comment != 'undefined' && $(comment).data('tagIds').indexOf(activeFitlerIds[i]) == -1)) && $(infotip).data('tagIds').indexOf(activeFitlerIds[i]) == -1){
            return false;
    return true;