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Fxxk GitHub's new UI

Move repo information to the top.

< Feedback on Fxxk GitHub's new UI


Posted: 2020.07.01.
Edited: 2020.07.01.

Hi, it's me again.

I found out the script is increasing the div class "box-header" size without showing the repo information to the top for some reason.


Any fix? :b

Posted: 2020.07.01.

I can't reproduce it. And the script will only decrease it's size actually.

Have you tested it with other scripts/extensions disabled?

Posted: 2020.07.01.
Edited: 2020.07.01.

Yes, i have tested it on TamperMonkey and ViolentMonkey with all other scripts disabled.

The script works well after refreshing the repo a few times but, sometimes, it happens.

And now, i'm getting the following error in dev tools (with ViolentMonkey enabled): "Failed to execute 'evaluate' on 'Document': parameter 2 is not of type 'Node'".

Any suggestions to this odd bug? (:

Important: All of my testings were done with not signed in to GitHub yet.

Posted: 2020.07.02.

Updated. Does it work now?

(I still failed to reproduce it……

Posted: 2020.07.02.
Edited: 2020.07.02.

Nope, still not fixed yet at all. ):

Is is possible that the issue is on my client side? i mean, the xpath expression can't match properly every time that i refresh or visit the repo as intended.

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