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Twitter image viewing enhancement

Make Twitter photo viewing more humane

Mint 2022.09.30.. Lásd a legutóbbi verzió

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Twitter image viewing enhancement
// @name:zh-CN   Twitter 图片查看增强
// @name:zh-TW   Twitter 圖像查看增強
// @icon
// @namespace
// @version      1.2.3
// @description        Make Twitter photo viewing more humane
// @description:zh-CN  让推特图片浏览更加人性化
// @description:zh-TW  讓 Twitter 照片瀏覽更人性化
// @author       Jindai Kirin
// @include*
// @license      MIT
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_registerMenuCommand
// @run-at       document-end
// ==/UserScript==

// 注意 NOTICE
// v1.0.0 是一次重大更新,你将不再需要设置 aria-label,并且支持所有语言。如果某一天脚本突然无法正常工作,请于脚本页面反馈,或退回至 v0.6.3。
// v1.0.0 is an major update, you will no longer need to set up aria-labels and it support all languages. If one day the script not work, please feedback on the script homepage or use v0.6.3.

(() => {
  'use strict';

  // 滑动切换图片
  let enableDragToSwitch = GM_getValue('enableDragToSwitch', false);
  GM_registerMenuCommand('Drag to swtich images', () => {
    enableDragToSwitch = confirm(`Do you want to enable drag to swtich images?
Current: ${enableDragToSwitch ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled'}

Please refresh to take effect after modification.`);
    GM_setValue('enableDragToSwitch', enableDragToSwitch);

  if (enableDragToSwitch) GM_addStyle('img{-webkit-user-drag:none}');

  const labels = {};
  try {
    const kv = {
      af8fa2ad: 'close',
      af8fa2ae: 'close',
      c4d53ba2: 'prev',
      d70740d9: 'next',
      d70740da: 'next',
    const i18nModule = webpackChunk_twitter_responsive_web.find(([[name]]) =>
    Object.values(i18nModule[1]).forEach(fn => {
      if (fn.length < 3) return;
      try {
        fn(undefined, undefined, () => ({
          _register: () => (k, v) => {
            if (k in kv) labels[kv[k]] = v;
      } catch (e) {}
  } catch (error) {

  const getBtnByLabel = label =>
    document.querySelector(`div[aria-labelledby="modal-header"] div[aria-label="${label}"]`);
  const clickBtn = name => {
    const $btn = getBtnByLabel(labels[name]);
    if ($btn) {
      return true;
    return false;

  const closeImgView = () => clickBtn('close');
  const prevImg = () => clickBtn('prev');
  const nextImg = () => clickBtn('next');

  window.addEventListener('wheel', ({ deltaY, target: { tagName, baseURI } }) => {
    if (tagName == 'IMG' && /\/photo\//.test(baseURI)) {
      if (deltaY < 0) prevImg();
      else if (deltaY > 0) nextImg();

  if (enableDragToSwitch) {
    let x = 0;
    let y = 0;
    window.addEventListener('mousedown', ({ clientX, clientY }) => {
      x = clientX;
      y = clientY;
      ({ button, clientX, clientY, target: { tagName, baseURI } }) => {
        if (button !== 0 || !(tagName == 'IMG' && /\/photo\//.test(baseURI))) return;
        const [sx, sy] = [clientX - x, clientY - y].map(Math.abs);
        const mx = clientX - x;
        if (sx <= 10 && sy <= 10) closeImgView();
        if (sy <= sx) {
          if (mx > 0) prevImg();
          else if (mx < 0) nextImg();
  } else {
      e => {
        const {
          target: { tagName, baseURI },
        } = e;
        if (!(tagName == 'IMG' && /\/photo\//.test(baseURI))) return;
      { capture: true }