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Youtube to Invidious

Scan page for Youtube embeds and urls and replace with Invidious.

< Feedback on Youtube to Invidious

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2018.12.23.


Using it results in the browser slowing down. Please use something else instead of it.

Posted: 2019.04.22.

If you know a viable replacement I am happy to experiment with it.

Posted: 2019.04.28.
Edited: 2019.04.28.

Problem is they're not actually using MutationObserver but instead triggering looking at the whole DOM again every time it changes.

edit: I'm removing this site from my oAuth again so who knows if I'll orphan this account.

Posted: 2019.05.09.

These performance issues should be fixed now, let me know if you still have problems.

Posted: 2019.07.20.

They have been fixed.

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