- // ==UserScript==
- // @name 北理工乐学增强
- // @namespace YinTianliang_i
- // @version 1.6.14
- // @description 增强北理工乐学的功能
- // @author Aloxaf
- // @include *//lexue.bit.edu.cn/*
- // @grant GM_setClipboard
- // @grant unsafeWindow
- // @run-at document-end
- // @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js
- // ==/UserScript==
- /*jshint esversion: 6 */
- // 视频放大
- let video = document.querySelectorAll('.mediaplugin_videojs > div')[0];
- if (video) {
- video.attributes.style.value = '';
- }
- // 来自 http://www.cnblogs.com/colima/p/5339227.html
- let prefixURL = 'http://lexue.bit.edu.cn/mod/programming';
- let Ajax = {
- //get: $.get,
- get: function (url, fn) {
- let obj = new XMLHttpRequest(); // XMLHttpRequest对象用于在后台与服务器交换数据
- obj.open('GET', url, true);
- obj.onreadystatechange = function () {
- if (obj.readyState == 4 && obj.status == 200 || obj.status == 304) { // readyState == 4说明请求已完成
- fn.call(this, obj.responseText); //从服务器获得数据
- }
- };
- obj.send();
- },
- post: function (url, data, fn) { // datat应为'a=a1&b=b1'这种字符串格式,在jq里如果data为对象会自动将对象转成这种字符串格式
- let obj = new XMLHttpRequest();
- obj.open("POST", url, true);
- obj.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); // 添加http头,发送信息至服务器时内容编码类型
- obj.onreadystatechange = function () {
- if (obj.readyState == 4 && (obj.status == 200 || obj.status == 304)) { // 304未修改
- fn.call(this, obj.responseText);
- }
- };
- obj.send(data);
- }
- }
- let divTemp = (color, text) => {
- return `<div style="color:${color}"><b>${text}</b></div>`;
- };
- function xpath(s, root = document) {
- return document.evaluate(s, root, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
- }
- function AddClickBack() {
- let course = xpath('//a[contains(@href, "course/view.php")]');
- let course_id = course.href.match(/id=(\d+)/)[1];
- let labels = JSON.parse(localStorage[`label_${course_id}`]);
- if (localStorage[`label_${course_id}`]) {
- let ddl = xpath('//li[@class="breadcrumb-item" and contains(./text(), "日 - ")]');
- let ddl_name = ddl.textContent;
- let ddl_url = `${course.href}#${labels[ddl_name]}`;
- ddl.innerHTML = `<a href="${ddl_url}">${ddl_name}</a>`;
- }
- }
- function RefreshLabels(id) {
- let label_list = !localStorage["label_" + id] ? {} : JSON.parse(localStorage["label_" + id]);
- let weekworks = document.getElementsByClassName('section main clearfix');
- for (let week_work of weekworks) {
- let label = week_work.getAttribute('aria-label');
- if (label !== null) {
- label_list[label] = week_work.id;
- }
- }
- localStorage["label_" + id] = JSON.stringify(label_list);
- }
- function AddMyACCount(id) {
- // let table = document.getElementsByClassName('generaltable')[1].children[1];
- let table = xpath('//div[contains(./h5/text(), "编程排名")]//tbody');
- let my_cnt = JSON.parse(localStorage[`AC_${id}`] ?? "[]").length;
- if (table.rows[0].cells[0].textContent != '0') { // 判断是否已经增加了一行
- let row = table.insertRow(0);
- row.insertCell(0).textContent = '0';
- row.insertCell(1).textContent = 'Your';
- row.insertCell(2).textContent = my_cnt;
- } else {
- table.rows[0].cells[2].textContent = my_cnt;
- }
- }
- // TODO:对加载页面的影响有点大 一直显示等待响应(其实就是欠的题太多了)
- function RefreshACStatus(id) {
- let reg = new RegExp("userloginex|contest_login.php.cid=(\\d+)");
- let matches = location.toString().match(reg);
- let problem_list = document.getElementsByClassName("activity programming modtype_programming");
- for (let problem of problem_list) {
- let problem_id = problem.id.split("-")[1];
- problem.firstChild.firstChild.style = 'display: flex';
- let dstDiv = problem.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild;
- // 有些题目没有没对齐不能忍
- if (dstDiv.className == "mod-indent") {
- dstDiv.className += " mod-indent-1";
- dstDiv.style = 'width: 35px;'
- }
- // 待优化 no let!!!
- id_list = !localStorage["AC_" + id] ? [] : JSON.parse(localStorage["AC_" + id]);
- ddl_list = !localStorage["DDL_" + id] ? [] : JSON.parse(localStorage["DDL_" + id]);
- if (id_list.indexOf(problem_id) != -1) {
- dstDiv.innerHTML = divTemp('green', 'AC');
- } else if (ddl_list.indexOf(problem_id) != -1) {
- let html = `<a title="点击刷新" href="javascript: RefreshDDL(${id}, ${problem_id})">DDL</a>`
- dstDiv.innerHTML = divTemp('gray', html);
- } else {
- Ajax.get(`${prefixURL}/result.php?id=${problem_id}`,
- res => {
- matches = res.match(/未能通过的有 *(\d+)* *个/);
- if (matches) {
- if (matches[1] == "0") {
- id_list = id_list.concat(problem_id);
- localStorage["AC_" + id] = JSON.stringify(id_list);
- // 这个post是异步的, 所以只能每一次post完成都刷新一次AC数
- // 确保AC数正确
- AddMyACCount(id);
- dstDiv.innerHTML = divTemp('green', 'AC');
- } else {
- dstDiv.innerHTML = divTemp('red', 'WA');
- }
- } else if (/当前状态:程序编译失败。/.test(res)) {
- dstDiv.innerHTML = divTemp('orange', 'CE');
- } else if (/当前状态:程序已提交,正等待编译。/.test(res)) {
- dstDiv.innerHTML = divTemp('gray', 'PE');
- } else {
- Ajax.get(`${prefixURL}/submit.php?id=${problem_id}`,
- res => {
- if (/时间已到,您不能再提交程序了。/.test(res)) {
- ddl_list = ddl_list.concat(problem_id);
- localStorage["DDL_" + id] = JSON.stringify(ddl_list);
- let html = `<a title="点击刷新" href="javascript: RefreshDDL(${id}, ${problem_id})">DDL</a>`
- dstDiv.innerHTML = divTemp('gray', html);
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- }
- }
- unsafeWindow.divTemp = divTemp;
- unsafeWindow.AddMyACCount = AddMyACCount;
- unsafeWindow.RefreshACStatus = RefreshACStatus;
- unsafeWindow.RefreshDDL = (course_id, problem_id) => {
- let ddl_list = JSON.parse(localStorage[`DDL_${course_id}`]);
- let idx = ddl_list.indexOf(problem_id);
- ddl_list.splice(idx - 1, 1);
- localStorage[`DDL_${course_id}`] = JSON.stringify(ddl_list);
- RefreshACStatus(course_id);
- }
- function AddHistroysubmit(id) {
- Ajax.get(`${prefixURL}/history.php?id=${id}`,
- res => {
- let doc = document.createElement('div'), ul = document.createElement('ul');
- let submit_ids = [], n = 1;
- doc.innerHTML = res;
- for (let histort_submit of doc.getElementsByClassName('submit')) {
- submit_ids.push(histort_submit.getAttribute('submitid'));
- }
- ul.setAttribute('class', 'nav nav-tabs');
- for (let history_id of submit_ids.reverse()) {
- ul.innerHTML += `<li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" href="${location.origin + location.pathname + '?id=' + id}&submitid=${history_id}">第${n++}次</a></li>`;
- }
- let parent = xpath('//div[@role="main"]');
- parent.insertBefore(ul, parent.children[2]);
- });
- }
- function AddCopyToClipboard() {
- let oldHTML = document.evaluate('//a[text()="下载"]', document, null,
- // view页面没有"下载",因此手动添加
- if (!oldHTML.snapshotItem(0)) {
- for (let node of document.querySelectorAll('.showasplaintext.small')) {
- let acopy = $('<a/>', {
- href: node.href,
- text: '复制'
- });
- acopy.insertAfter($(node));
- $(node).append(document.createTextNode(' '));
- }
- oldHTML = document.evaluate('//a[text()="复制"]', document, null,
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < oldHTML.snapshotLength; i++) {
- let node = oldHTML.snapshotItem(i);
- node.innerText = '复制';
- node.href_bak = node.href;
- node.href = 'javascript:;';
- (node => { // 不知道该怎么称呼这种问题...反正用闭包解决
- node.onclick = () => {
- node.innerText = '请求中';
- Ajax.get(node.href_bak, res => {
- GM_setClipboard(res);
- node.innerText = '成功!';
- setTimeout(() => {
- node.innerText = '复制';
- }, 1000);
- });
- };
- })(node);
- // 在迭代的时候修改node的属性会导致Error
- // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23850984/selected-and-remove-all-matching-data-attributes
- // -------
- // 然而现在不用迭代了
- }
- }
- function AddHideCompileResults() {
- //居左 方便添加按钮
- cplResults = document.getElementsByClassName('box compilemessage')[0];
- if (!cplResults)
- return;
- cplResults.style.display = 'none';
- textResult = document.evaluate('//h3[text()="编译结果"]').iterateNext();
- textResult.style = 'float:left';
- button = document.createElement('button');
- button.innerText = '显示';
- //button.style = 'height:25px;width=180px;';
- button.onclick = () => {
- if (/none/.test(cplResults.style.display)) {
- cplResults.style.display = 'block';
- button.innerText = '隐藏';
- } else {
- cplResults.style.display = 'none';
- button.innerText = '显示';
- }
- };
- cplResults.parentElement.insertBefore(button, cplResults);
- }
- if (/programming\/view.php\?id=\d+/.test(location.toString())) {
- AddCopyToClipboard();
- // 增加历史提交情况,复制数据,隐藏编译结果
- } else if (/programming\/(result|history).php\?id=\d+/.test(location.toString())) {
- if (/result/.test(location.toString()))
- AddHideCompileResults();
- let id = location.toString().match(/id=(\d+)/)[1]; // 页面id
- AddHistroysubmit(id);
- AddCopyToClipboard();
- // 隐藏 上传文件
- } else if (/programming\/submit.php\?id=\d+/.test(location.toString())) {
- document.getElementsByClassName('fitem fitem_ffilepicker')[0].style = 'display:none';
- } else if (/course\/view.php\?id=\d+/.test(location.toString())) {
- let id = location.toString().match(/id=(\d+)/)[1]; // 页面id
- // 储存锚点 (似乎放在RefreshACStatus后面会bug)
- RefreshLabels(id);
- // 更新AC状态
- RefreshACStatus(id);
- // 增加 "自己的AC数"
- AddMyACCount(id);
- }
- // 增加点击日期跳转
- if (/mod\/programming\//.test(location.toString())) {
- AddClickBack();
- }
- // TODO:获取提交次数
- function get_submit_cnt(id) {
- return s.match(/submit="\d+"/).length;
- }