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Absolute Enable Right Click & Copy

Force Enable Right Click & Copy & Highlight

< Feedback on Absolute Enable Right Click & Copy


Deleted user 71649
Posted: 2017.04.03.

not working

not working in

Posted: 2017.04.03.
Edited: 2017.04.18.

Hi My Dear.

I tested the script and it worked fine on this website

Could you please introduce a direct link where it did not work

And also i noticed on this site, there isn't any text protections.

Posted: 2017.04.06.
Edited: 2017.04.18.

Is this site like what I said?

Please Reply.

Deleted user 128
Posted: 2017.04.12.

The script runs fine on as elsewhere.

I already had the opportunity to mention that 'Absolute Enable Right Click & Copy' is, IMO, the best script in its category.

Concerning user Yoselin Villanuva who opened this thread, may him as all those who's comments expect an answer, who get answered by the developer and never acknowledge that answer, go to hell. The amount of uneducated people is stunning.
Moreover when the comment includes a bad review which appears to be totally irrelevant as in the case of Yoselin, it's just plain rude.

Absolute, your script is excellent, no problem.

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