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Youtube New UI Fix

Fixes the new UI to one that resembles old one

Mint 2016.06.23.. Lásd a legutóbbi verzió

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This user-script is based on my user-style on (Youtube Controls Under Player). Sadly enough a user-style is not going to cut it to cleanup the garbage Youtube has made (again). The main problem was that the time did not update when not hovering over the controls. This script solves that by adding an interval that calls the onmousemove event of the controls.

This script was originally written in typescript and compiled to plain javascript, if you want to see the original!5QwmFLjB!LfeZP537ckW2u796o7btMcJdHdwqXeH2WeF4C0crFNs

To customize the script a little, I've added a few checkboxes to the playback settings page on youtube:

If for some reason you need to check if this script is present (for compatibility with another script for example), you can check for a script tag with YoutubeNewUIFix-Style as the id.

if (document.getElementById("YoutubeNewUIFix-Style") !== null)
    alert("youtube new ui fix is present");


  • Non-transparent controls
  • Controls are not over the video
  • Controls don't hide at all
  • Controls have the old colors back
  • Controls are smaller (35px vs 40px)
  • Controls will update, they won't freeze until you hover over them
  • Option: disable animations (the expanding of the context menu when changing the quality)
  • In full-screen mode, the controls are also always visible, original colors, and they are smaller (35px again)
  • Option: re-enable auto-hide only in full-screen
  • Subtitles don't move up and down when going over the video
  • The settings that popup (for changing the quality, etc) have a non-transparent background
  • Controls are smaller in full-screen
  • Option: move the watch later button to the controls (next to the subtitles button at the bottom)
  • Works for embedded videos, but the height is not adjusted and will make the videos slightly smaller than intended.
  • Option: move the 'go back' button on the settings menus to the bottom (default off).
  • Attempts to remove the scrollbar that sometimes appears in the quality settings (can still appear if the player is 360px or smaller, or when there are a lot of options (on 4k videos))
  • Option: makes the progressbar take up all the width (but only when not hovering over it). Thanks to Takato for this.
  • Option: makes the title appear when hovering over the video (it will never appear in full-screen, because then there is no way to not hover over the video). Thanks to q1k for this.
  • Option: makes the volume slider always visible.

Things still to do:

  • Nothing

Things I can't do (if you know how to do any of these things, let me know):

  • Change the width of the progress bar without bugging it out (works now when not hovering over)
  • Increase the height on embedded videos
  • Make the "show title on hover" option work for embedded videos