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Adds a button to download video from a tweet
< Feedback on Twitter Video Download
Ok, I changed it so that it no longer copies that button, but instead uses its own svg. Does it look better now?
It is perfect now. Thank you very much!
Nice work, thank you! As I see, you take the path for image of "Download" button from the last button under the video. I do not know about other users, but in my newsfeed the last button is "Share" with 3 joint circles. It does not look okay for download. Maybe you'd better create your own path?
I would suggest the following code:
<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" aria-hidden="true" class="r-4qtqp9 r-yyyyoo r-50lct3 r-dnmrzs r-bnwqim r-1plcrui r-lrvibr r-1srniue">
<path style="transform: rotateX(180deg) translateY(-18px);" d="M17.53 7.47l-5-5c-.293-.293-.768-.293-1.06 0l-5 5c-.294.293-.294.768 0 1.06s.767.294 1.06 0l3.72-3.72V15c0 .414.336.75.75.75s.75-.336.75-.75V4.81l3.72 3.72c.146.147.338.22.53.22s.384-.072.53-.22c.293-.293.293-.767 0-1.06z" googl="true">
<path d="M19.708 21.944H4.292C3.028 21.944 2 20.916 2 19.652V14c0-.414.336-.75.75-.75s.75.336.75.75v5.652c0 .437.355.792.792.792h15.416c.437 0 .792-.355.792-.792V14c0-.414.336-.75.75-.75s.75.336.75.75v5.652c0 1.264-1.028 2.292-2.292 2.292z" googl="true">