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J-WIDの作品データベース検索サービスへの自動接続で直リン(直接のリンク)が出来なる allow JASRAC direct links by auto-login

Od 13.11.2014.. Pogledajte najnovija verzija.

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v2016.5.17 19.11.2023.

    aligning metadata block keys

    @downloadURL and @updateURL fixed: // → //…/raw/ @author normalised: PATATE12

    @downloadURL and @updateURL fixed: // → //…/raw/ @author normalised: PATATE12

    CR + LF → LF


    highlight current row. use regular latin characters, etc.

    LF → CR+LF back to Windows (my OS) good old end of line characters. clipboard made it too prone to mistake for too few bytes gained.

    Focus search form title field on load

    remove useless nested sandbox

    metadata cleanup

    Global search replace “self” → “window”. It seems Opera v12.18.1272 no longer finds self. Might be a better fix to than only self.getComputedStyle (fbbb86978292865a00bec860d709aef1c20dedd6). Initially spotted in #209, #210, #211, and #212.

    Revert my too hasty changes after a false alert:

    • Putting back favourite “self” instead of less explicit “window”
    • Explicit “self” on location
    • No self on prompt Closes #218. More info at violentmonkey/violentmonkey-oex#45.
  • v2022.4.10 10.04.2022. Remove selectDomain() broken duplicate #671 Broken duplicate of "Select music release rights" Make "Select music release rights" selector more self-explanatory
  • v2022.1.27 26.01.2022. JASRAC became HTTPS
  • v2021.3.26 26.03.2021. Allow script to run without user css in restricted pages SUPER TURBO Pages like /account/* and /admin/* prohibit user css Content-Security-Policy: style-src 'self'; Missing 'unsafe-inline' That crashed the script when trying to add the <style> to the <head> try {} is not appropriate (not working) for CSP. Fixes #531: SERVER_SWITCH not displayed in Profile edit page OTHER SCRIPTS Simply exclude CSP restricted pages from matches, Bump version, align metadata (#510) and drop
  • v2021.1.20.2099 03.02.2021. Metadata block clean-up (#510) - Use Web Archive for userscripts(-mirror).org for safety - Use same namespace and namespace everywhere
  • v2021.1.20.2099 01.02.2021. eslint recommended: first pass, CRLF→LF Redoing this whole replace now that I use Linux, First wave of custom eslint rules, Bump versions post ESLint clean-up, Merge branch 'eslint'
  • v2020.4.16 16.04.2020. Adapt to new J-WID Hopefully they only changed wording and removed trailing .jsp Closes #498, Compatibility update / metadata cleanup, Click default domain after loading completes (#498) Otherwise data is not fully available.
  • v2018.8.20 27.09.2018. FIX #358: has still been blocking my licences for months… I didn’t notice. Continuing ☞ I’m really wondering again: Abandon or continue to adapt to GF and OUJS (#396). Previous fix (GPL-3.0+) 3161796570372feb4f48a4f71f4b2d8848d7e8dc did work but no more. Now GPL-3.0-or-later deb8c4b2081ac328d7403df2b401746a32b21b56 seems to be accepted.
  • v2018.8.20 20.08.2018. - Site code is stealing focus from title - Auto closing are acting strangely in non Opera, apparently, for me - Update browser support
  • v2017.6.16 12.03.2018. FIX #358: OUJS has not updated my scripts since 25/11/2017. A specific licence pattern is now required. Bumped only the versions more recent than 25/11/2017.
  • v2017.6.16 04.12.2017. update browser support
  • v2017.6.16 16.06.2017. FIX #322: DOMException: NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR Problem spotted on mb_COOL-ENTITY-LINKS, mb_INLINE-STUFF, mb_REVIVE-DELETED-EDITORS and mb_SUPER-MIND-CONTROL-II-X-TURBO Problem fixed by #331’s 578183b06ef3c359125f9db4785dee35805bd970 Now a deterministic code retrieves the newly added style sheet instead of crossing fingers. cdj_TURBO-DASH was not affected by the problem but I applied same global code.
  • v2016.5.17 17.05.2016. Synced from GitHub - Revert my too hasty changes after a false alert: - Putting back favourite “self” instead of less explicit “window” - Explicit “self” on location - No self on prompt Closes #218. More info at violentmonkey/violentmonkey-oex#45.
  • v2016.5.11 11.05.2016. Synced from GitHub - Global search replace “self” → “window”. It seems Opera v12.**18**.1272 no longer finds **self**. Might be a better fix to than only self.getComputedStyle (fbbb86978292865a00bec860d709aef1c20dedd6). Initially spotted in #209, #210, #211, and #212.
  • v2016.3.30 04.04.2016. Synced from GitHub - Focus search form title field on load - remove useless nested sandbox - metadata cleanup
  • v2015.7.9.1705 09.07.2015. Synced from GitHub - cleanup - highlight current row. use regular latin characters, etc.
  • v2014.4.23.1807 10.04.2015. Synced from GitHub - @downloadURL and @updateURL fixed: // → //…/raw/ @author normalised: PATATE12
  • v2014.4.23.1807 13.11.2014. Synced from GitHub - &lt;ninja&gt; aligning metadata block keys - @icon with a cute kirby gif I animated long time ago (as suggested by ScitJav - @version Chromium bug #1 - @since researched for all - @downloadURL/@updateURL explicit everywhere
  • v2014.0423.1807 10.06.2014. Imported from URL