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(MAL) My Anime Lisst highlight/hide "non anime" entries

Posted: 23.08.2016.

(MAL) My Anime Lisst highlight/hide "non anime" entries

I was wondering if it would be possible to make an script that highlights/hides non anime entries on lists, searches, recommendations etc by that I mean to highlight/hide movies, games, hentai, web comics, web series etc each with different colors so you can separate/filter them easier.

Thanks in advance.

Posted: 23.08.2016.

Summoning @akarin

Posted: 23.08.2016.
Edited: 23.08.2016.

Just sort your search results by the Type column.

Posted: 23.08.2016.
Edited: 23.08.2016.

That helps a bit but you can't highlight/hide hentai or web comics/series original works light novels etc only movies ONA OVA specials and music also there is no way to do that on recommendations.

Posted: 23.08.2016.
Edited: 24.08.2016.

Well, you'll have to use ajax requests. And cache them, of course, in order not to make MAL ban the ip of an ardent visitor. It's even better to include the info for all those thousands of existing anime titles in the userscript itself so that only newer titles would need an ajax request. This internal database should be updated with each new update of the script. A check should be performed for the currently opened page to compare the displayed info with the database, just in case.

Posted: 24.08.2016.

Thanks for your tip but I'm not a dev I have no idea what you said or how to do it sadly.

Posted: 24.08.2016.

You can try asking @Cptmathix I don't make scripts which I won't use myself.

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