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Extract links on page

Posted: 27.05.2014.

Extract links on page

Can someone make a script that extracts all links (or ones that follow a filter) from a page?

Something like

Now you might say "Why not just use that?" Well because it doesn't always work.

Posted: 27.05.2014.

What would you want the output to look like?

The shortest path to a collection of links is:

There may also be URLs launched using scripts associated with various elements in the page. Those are difficult to extract.

Posted: 28.05.2014.
Edited: 28.05.2014.

Well just a blank page with the links in plain text would be fine with me (like the extension itself does)

Basically if i can see the links on the page i want to be able to extract them

Posted: 28.05.2014.

Hmm, I found an old bookmarklet I created 8 years ago. Maybe this will tide you over?

To install a bookmarklet, copy the code, then right-click your Bookmarks Toolbar and choose New Bookmark, paste the code in Location, and give it a name like ListLinks.


As for doing a userscript, what kind of user interface are you looking for? It's not so convenient to use the "monkey menu" and I am not aware of a way to integrate with the right-click context menu. That leaves the option of adding a button into the page or defining a keyboard shortcut (with the potential for a conflict if it's not unique).

Posted: 29.05.2014.

Well in the extension there's a button on the add-on bar that you right click and it gives you the option to extract all links or do it by a filter.

Is it possible to do that with a greasemonkey script?

Posted: 29.05.2014.
Posted: 29.05.2014.
Is it possible to do that with a greasemonkey script?

It is possible, but not necessary (IMO;)

Posted: 29.05.2014.

I do not think user scripts can create their own toolbar buttons. On the Greasemonkey button drop-down, you will find "User Script Commands" if a script is enabled for the current page. So it's buried a bit. Still, if you do not need it very often, that might be convenient enough.

Posted: 29.05.2014.

By the way, this extension was updated on May 19th to version 1.3.3, so if you have an older version, you might want to test the current one.

Posted: 01.06.2014.
Edited: 01.06.2014.

i tested the new version, same problems

i wish it worked properly because it has the exact functionality i want.

Posted: 01.06.2014.
i tested the new version, same problems

i wish it worked properly because it has the exact functionality i want.

You did not tell what problems you are having. You mite be better of contacting the addons' author and open an issue about your problems.

Posted: 06.06.2014.

The problem is it doesn't always extract the links

One instance would be when the links are inside of a [code] tag on a vbulletin forum, it just completely ignores them.

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