Conductorr JS - Searches across multiple sources at once.
SF.net: Direct download links JS - Replaces links in the Files tab on sourceforge.net with direct download links
Gazelle to bB Crossposter JS - Fills the bB upload form with data from a Gazelle tracker
BTN + Trakt.tv Calendar JS - Searches for torrents on BTN from the calendar on Trakt.tv
Gazelle Autofiller JS - Automatically fills a Gazelle form
TVMaze: add "Watched" button to calendar JS - Add "Mark as watched" button to calendar entries at TVMaze
TVMaze: add BTN search to calendar JS - Add BTN search to calendar at TVMaze
Bencode encoder/decoder JS (ספריה) - Module for encoding/decoding Bencoded data
Rusha JS (ספריה) - A JavaScript implementation of the Secure Hash Algorithm, SHA-1