TorrentBD - Easy mentioning in Shoutbox (No longer maintained) JS - In Shoutbox, clicking on the time behind a Username will pass that username over to the Shout/Chat input making it easier to mention anyone.
TorrentBD True Dark CSS - Github Theme JS - Modifies TorrentBD to use Dark mode inspired by Github.
TorrentBD - SeedBonus to Upload Credit Converter & Tab to Indent JS - Take a quick look at how much Upload Credit you would have if converted your SeedBonus amount. Press Tab to indent instead of going to the next input field
Remove quotes - textcolorizer - stuffbydavid JS - Removes quotation marks around font-family and font-size
Mobilism - Mobile Easy Searchbar JS - 3/22/2023, 6:14:31 PM
Quality filters - torrentgalaxy.to JS - Feel some of the benefits of Private trackers.