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AniList High-Contrast Dark-Theme

Adjusts the dark-theme to have higher contrast and more tweaks.

נכון ליום 12-03-2021. ראה הגרסה האחרונה.

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AniList High-Contrast Dark-Theme

Changelog at the bottom

I did a major overhaul of the default dark-theme on AniList to improve accessibility for visual impairments where increased contrast is helpful but where dark themes are preferred.


1.0.0 - Released

1.0.1 - Fixed navbar not disappearing when scrolling

1.1.0 - Adjusted the scrollbar to integrate better with the look and be slimmer

1.1.1 - Fixed an issue with the quick-add-to-list dropdown on media pages having white text on a white background

1.1.2 - Fixed an issue with the watching/reading status from the advanced entry editor - I accidentally deleted the closing bracket at the end which broke the plugin. Should be fixed now.

1.1.3 - Apparently I can't have that many numbers in my version, so I had to change it to 1.1.3 instead of

1.2.0 - Made the scrollbar-styling work in Firefox using official CSS spec. Made the scrollbars in long posts not change the width of the content when you hover over the element (as in, it's always there, but transparrent until you hover over the field).

1.2.1 - Removed the padding I added for some testing and forgot to remove before publishing. Oops.

1.3.0 - Added dark-theme to the database submission manual and darkened the announcement background colour.

Known Issues

  • Some text elements still don't contrast well. These are mostly static elements though, so they're not necessarily the most urgent ones to fix
  • Calendar is still light-themed
  • The GraphiQL interactive editor is still light-themed.
  • I want to increase font-sizes to make it more accessible. This theme is accessibility-focused in general.

If any of these issues are really annoying to you, message me on my profile