Discussions » Creation Requests

Agarz.com Extension - Paying $4 to $8

Posted: 28-10-2015
Edited: 28-10-2015

Agarz.com Extension - Paying $4 to $8

Hello everyone, i request an extension and i'll be paying money via PayPal if it is well done, i don't know if you saw or used ogar / zt extension before for agar.io, but i have a group which plays agarz.com mostly, it's eight - ten members and we decided to buy an extension for ourselves which can make our game easier, something like it should include in-game chat which only can be accessable to ppl who got that extension, blob guides, built-in macro feed, and cursor line. Contact fb.com/kemaldikkulak for a better communication.

Example (it's for agar.io, i want an agarz.com version)

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