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facebook - unhide the link with the timestamp in "activity log" PERMANENTLY

Posted: 25-08-2016

facebook - unhide the link with the timestamp in "activity log" PERMANENTLY

I'm new to this forum and also new to greasemonky.

As described I'm searching a almost ready script or a tutorial which describes how to unhide the link with the timestamp on the left side of activity log. ("Peter Pan replied on his own commment ... Aug. 25 2016..."). This timestamp is on the left side in the second / third line and will appear if I hover with the mouse. Otherwise the timestamp is hidden.

Does anybody know a discussion about this topic or a almost ready solution?

thanks in ahead

Posted: 26-08-2016
Edited: 26-08-2016


1. example (using a new language)

Aug 25, 2016 6:11pm

Hint: In the brackets between PRE is following text:
"a class="_39g5" href="/myName/posts/1087202148032066""

2. example (I commented on "otherProfiles'-Post)

Aug 25, 2016 3:24pm

Hint: In the brackets between PRE is following text:
"a class="_39g5" href="/myName/posts/2111934452365882:45""

(today I learned the difference between inner HTML and outer HTML while copying it.)
thank you for this

Posted: 26-08-2016

Eh, I forgot to mention <code> so I've edited the question.

Posted: 26-08-2016
Edited: 26-08-2016

It's possible to solve without a userscript, simply install Stylish-chrome and then:

  1. click its toolbar icon, click Manage styles
  2. click Write new style, click Import
  3. give it a name like Show activity timestamp
  4. click Import, paste the text and click Overwrite
  5. click Save.
@-moz-document domain("") {
._5shl { visibility: visible!important }
Posted: 26-08-2016
Edited: 30-08-2016


it works very well ;)
With installation-video and on & off-switching. fine.

I will transfer the suerordinate problem for this small one in a new thread.


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