Il y a des librairies publiées par l'utilisateur Greasy Fork que vous pouvez @require
dans vos scripts. Pour les autres genres de librairies vous pouvez @require
, lire les règles de Greasy Fork sur @require
block JS (Bibliothèque) - ominięcie blokad
Super_GM_setValue_and_GM_getValue.js JS (Bibliothèque) - Extends the GM_setValue and GM_getValue functions for any javascript variable type.
[TS] USO-Updater JS (Bibliothèque) - An advanced USO Script Updater
jqModal JS (Bibliothèque) - jqModal plugin
Interval Looper JS (Bibliothèque) - 非同步数组枚举回调
Google Translate Tooltip JS (Bibliothèque) - Translates selected text into a tooltip.
jQuery.timers JS (Bibliothèque) - Timer abstractions for jQuery
popmundo_lib JS (Bibliothèque) - Library to be used by popmundo scripts
gif.js JS (Bibliothèque) - gif.js from
Video Url Parser JS (Bibliothèque) - urlParser to get extract information like provider, videoId and other from urls
jquery.fullscreen JS (Bibliothèque) - jquery fullscreen plugin
jquery.bind-first JS (Bibliothèque) - jquery bind-first plugin
GM_config JS (Bibliothèque) - GM_config library
JSL - AJAX plugin JS (Bibliothèque) - An AJAX plugin for JSL
Require test library JS (Bibliothèque) - A test of requires - will alert "I am running!"
bPopup JS (Bibliothèque) - bpopup from
Meihua_cn2tw JS (Bibliothèque) - Simplified to Traditional Chinese Conversion Table. 簡體字轉換為繁體字的轉換表,只收錄了單字對單字的轉換
TogglLibrary JS (Bibliothèque) - Library for Toggl-Button scripts used on platforms like drupal, github, youtrack and others.
Object.assign shim JS (Bibliothèque) - An Object.assign shim.
tieba.ui JS (Bibliothèque) - 贴吧对话框 for GreaseMonkey 2.x
GM 2 port - Function Override Helper JS (Bibliothèque) - Not yet.
parseuri license JS (Bibliothèque) - Required for cs script
jsdiff JS (Bibliothèque) - Required for hitdb
YouTube - Button Container (@require) JS (Bibliothèque) - Creates a button container, under the video, onto which buttons can be added
Simulate_click JS (Bibliothèque) - Simulate click
JoeSimmons' Library JS (Bibliothèque) - A JavaScript library used by JoeSimmons
GM_config JS (Bibliothèque) - GreaseMonkey Script Configurator
Prot.js JS (Bibliothèque) - Helps neaten code without being a heavy library
GOCR Library JS (Bibliothèque) - OCR Library for Javascript
Ultimate Div Popup JS (Bibliothèque) - This is for use in a script use with @require.
pbr Game Scout statslib JS (Bibliothèque) - description
libpbr2 JS (Bibliothèque) - You don't need this unless you're planning on writing a script that runs alongside Replay Rewrite.
pbr Game Scout JS (Bibliothèque) - modification of tciss(?)'s game scout script for
WM Common Library JS (Bibliothèque) - A collection of useful functions and objects, some of which are specific to the Wall Manager family of scripts.
Super_GM_setValue_and_GM_getValue.js JS (Bibliothèque) - Extends the GM_setValue and GM_getValue functions for any javascript variable type.
on.js JS (Bibliothèque) - A micro-library for DRY:ing up the boring boilerplate of user scripts
WM Graph API Interface (Beta Branch) JS (Bibliothèque) - Creates a low-access, read-only interface to the FB Graph API.
WM Config Interface JS (Bibliothèque) - Creates a configuration interface which allows users to set and get options easily.
JS Forms Library B JS (Bibliothèque) - Encapulates and extends many HTML forms elements.
WM Debug Console JS (Bibliothèque) - Creates a debug console that slides up from the bottom right of the screen
WM Common Library JS (Bibliothèque) - A collection of useful functions and objects, some of which are specific to the Wall Manager family of scripts.
WM Graph API Interface (Beta Branch) JS (Bibliothèque) - Creates a low-access, read-only interface to the FB Graph API.
WM Config Interface JS (Bibliothèque) - Creates a configuration interface which allows users to set and get options easily.
JS Forms Library B JS (Bibliothèque) - Encapulates and extends many HTML forms elements.
WM Debug Console JS (Bibliothèque) - Creates a debug console that slides up from the bottom right of the screen
WM Common Library JS (Bibliothèque) - A collection of useful functions and objects, some of which are specific to the Wall Manager family of scripts.
waitUntilExists JS (Bibliothèque) - Is a small one function script, my most use one I use..
RTCMultiConnection JS (Bibliothèque) - Library for comfortable using WebRTC technology.
Tieba Common JS (Bibliothèque) - Common JS for Baidu scripts by Gerald
Portable MD5 Function JS (Bibliothèque) - Usage: hex_md5 ('String');
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