KissAnime Anti-Adblock Blocker

Not even the people from Easylist seem to fight this site anymore, someone had to try as this looks popular enough. *sigh*

< Commentaires sur KissAnime Anti-Adblock Blocker

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 31/01/2018

Add banner

Amzing script works well for me
HOwevr there is one problem it is not able to rmeove the banner right bellow the video player
Also it removes the "hide" option due to which i cant even hide the add.

Posté le: 01/02/2018

I suggest using uBlock Origin, but with the latest script update things should be better.

Posté le: 08/02/2018

I would actually recommend using Nano Adblocker instead, it is based on uBlock Origin. It is also easier to use together with Nano Defender (Nano Defender also works with uBlock Origin, you just have to go through a few more steps.)

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