
QoL improvements for CYOAs made in IntCyoaCreator

< Commentaires sur IntCyoaEnhancer

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 17/09/2023

Oh You removed the updating history when it's so useful to just copy the URL to start where you left easily on cyoas without the box to copy and past the codes of choices. Can you please keep this part of the code?

Posté le: 18/09/2023

I mean, it's still there… You just need to use a bookmark if you want to “save” the state. (And if you absolutely cannot live without the old behaviour, you can simply edit your local copy of the script – it should be just a matter of substituting location.replace for location.assign inside the $updateUrl definition.)

I never actually meant to pollute browser history with hundreds of URLs in the first place, it's just that I tend to keep browser history turned off so I haven't noticed the difference :-D

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