Greasy Fork is available in English.
划词翻译。谷歌翻译和有道词典双引擎;CTRL + ?翻译剪贴板
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// ==UserScript== // @name 智能划词翻译(个人修改) // @namespace // @version 1.6.2 // @description 划词翻译,自动切换谷歌翻译和有道词典 // @author xinggsf 田雨菲 // @include http* // @run-at document-start // @connect // @connect // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // ==/UserScript== 'use strict'; // const youdaoUrl = '{"count":99,"dicts":[["ec"]]}&jsonversion=2&q='; const youdaoUrl = '' const googleUrl = ''; const reHZ = /^[\u4E00-\u9FA5\uFF00-\uFF20\u3000-\u301C]/; const countOfWord = s => s ? s.split(/\s+/).length : 0; const isChina = s => reHZ.test(s); // 翻译结果面板 class TranslateTip { constructor() { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.hidden = true; div.setAttribute('style', `position:absolute!important; font-size:13px!important; overflow:auto!important; background:#fff!important; font-family:sans-serif,Arial!important; font-weight:normal!important; text-align:left!important; color:#000!important; padding:0.5em 1em!important; line-height:1.5em!important; border-radius:5px!important; border:1px solid #ccc!important; box-shadow:4px 4px 8px #888!important; max-width:350px!important; max-height:216px!important; z-index:2147483647!important;` ); document.documentElement.appendChild(div); //点击了翻译内容面板,不再创建翻译图标 div.addEventListener('mouseup', e => e.stopPropagation()); this._tip = div; } showText(text) { //显示翻译文本 this._tip.innerHTML = text; this._tip.hidden = !1; } hide() { this._tip.innerHTML = ''; this._tip.hidden = true; } pop(ev) { = ev.pageY + 'px'; //面板最大宽度为350px = (ev.pageX + 350 <= document.body.clientWidth ? ev.pageX : document.body.clientWidth - 350) + 'px'; } } const tip = new TranslateTip(); class Icon { constructor() { const icon = document.createElement('span'); icon.hidden = true; icon.innerHTML = `<svg style="margin:4px !important;" "width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 768 768"> <path d="M672 640.5v-417c0-18-13.5-31.5-31.5-31.5h-282l37.5 129h61.5v-33h34.5v33h115.5v33h-40.5c-10.5 40.5-33 79.5-61.5 112.5l87 85.5-22.5 24-87-85.5-28.5 28.5 25.5 88.5-64.5 64.5h225c18 0 31.5-13.5 31.5-31.5zM447 388.5c7.5 15 19.5 34.5 36 54 39-46.5 49.5-88.5 49.5-88.5h-127.5l10.5 34.5h31.5zM423 412.5l19.5 70.5 18-16.5c-15-16.5-27-34.5-37.5-54zM355.5 339c0-7.381-0.211-16.921-3-22.5h-126v49.5h70.5c-4.5 19.5-24 48-67.5 48-42 0-76.5-36-76.5-78s34.5-78 76.5-78c24 0 39 10.5 48 19.5l3 1.5 39-37.5-3-1.5c-24-22.5-54-34.5-87-34.5-72 0-130.5 58.5-130.5 130.5s58.5 130.5 130.5 130.5c73.5 0 126-52.5 126-127.5zM640.5 160.5c34.5 0 63 28.5 63 63v417c0 34.5-28.5 63-63 63h-256.5l-31.5-96h-225c-34.5 0-63-28.5-63-63v-417c0-34.5 28.5-63 63-63h192l28.5 96h292.5z" style="fill:#3e84f4;"></svg>`; icon.setAttribute('style', `width:32px!important; height:32px!important; background:#fff!important; border-radius:50%!important; box-shadow:4px 4px 8px #888!important; position:absolute!important; z-index:2147483647!important;` ); document.documentElement.appendChild(icon); //拦截二个鼠标事件,以防止选中的文本消失 icon.addEventListener('mousedown', e => e.preventDefault(), true); icon.addEventListener('mouseup', ev => ev.preventDefault(), true); icon.addEventListener('click', ev => { if (ev.ctrlKey) navigator.clipboard.readText() .then(text => { this.queryText(text.trim(),ev); }) .catch(err => { console.error('Failed to read clipboard contents: ', err); }); else { const text = window.getSelection().toString().trim().replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' '); this.queryText(text,ev); } }); this._icon = icon; } pop(ev) { const icon = this._icon; = ev.pageY + 12 + 'px'; = ev.pageX + 'px'; icon.hidden = !1; setTimeout(this.hide.bind(this), 2e3); } hide() { this._icon.hidden = true; } queryText(text,ev) { if (text) { this._icon.hidden = true; tip.pop(ev); //const url = isChina(text) ? googleUrl +'en&q=' : countOfWord(text) == 1 ? youdaoUrl : googleUrl +'zh-CN&q='; const url = youdaoUrl; ajax(url, text); } } } const icon = new Icon(); document.addEventListener('mouseup', function(e) { var text = window.getSelection().toString().trim(); if (!text) { icon.hide(); tip.hide(); } else icon.pop(e); }); function ajax(url, text) { const isYd = url.includes('//dict.youdao.'); url += encodeURIComponent(text); console.log(url + "\n" + text); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', responseType: 'json', url: url, onload: function(res) { //isYd ? youdao(res.response, text) : google(res.response); youdao(res.response, text); }, onerror: function(res) { console.log(res); tip.showText("连接失败\nURL: "+ url); } }); } function youdao(rst, text) { if (!rst) { //ajax(googleUrl + 'zh-CN&q=', text); return; } let html = ''; if(!!rst.fanyi){ html += rst.fanyi.tran; tip.showText(html); return; } if(!!rst.ce){ let trsce = rst.ce.word[0].trs; html += =>[0] => w["#text"]).join(' ')).join('<br />'); tip.showText(html); return; } if(!!{ const { trs, ukphone, usphone, phone } =[0]; if (!!ukphone && ukphone.length > 0) { html = `<span style="color:#9E9E9E !important;">英[${ukphone}]</span>`; } if (!!usphone && usphone.length > 0) { html += `<span style="color:#9E9E9E !important;">美[${usphone}]</span>`; } if (html.length > 0) { html += '<br />'; } else if (!!phone && phone.length > 0) { html += `<span style="color:#9E9E9E !important;">[${phone}]</span>`; } html += =>[0].l.i[0]).join('<br />'); tip.showText(html); return; } tip.showText(text); } function google(rst) { console.log(rst) let k, html = ''; for (k of rst.sentences) html += k.trans; tip.showText(html); }
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