4chan sounds player

A player designed for 4chan sounds threads.

< Commentaires sur 4chan sounds player

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Posté le: 07/05/2020

2.0 Update borked things

Hey, first of all thanks for doing this lovely script. I've been running this with the 4chan External Sounds script, 4chanx, and all of them mounted using greasemonkey, with no issues until your latest update. Now the buttom in the top right corner is gone and I can't see it anymore. Other anons seem to have the same issue. https://boards.4channel.org/v/thread/506790685#p506840421 I've also tried disabling both 4chanX and the other sound plugin, only having this one running, and that does not seem to solve the issue. I checked and do not have my NoScript or Ublock blocking github, greasyfork, or any of the upload websites. Help.

Posté le: 07/05/2020

I'm no programmer, but it looks like 2.0 squished your code? https://files.catbox.moe/4jomhm.PNG

Posté le: 07/05/2020

Update on this: Updating to 2.1 did nothing to resolve my issues.

Switched from Greasemonkey to Violentmonkey, which then made it work on blue boards (i.e. https://boards.4channel.org/v/thread/506790685) But not traditional boards (i.e. https://boards.4chan.org/trash/thread/30035053)

Here's the errors in my firefox console while using greasemonkey https://files.catbox.moe/zwvtcq.PNG Here's the errors in my firefox console while using violentmonkey https://files.catbox.moe/rpcha2.PNG

Posté le: 07/05/2020

It looks like it doesn't like lodash. I was including a custom build to cut down of just get, set and template so I might need to rethink that.

Posté le: 07/05/2020

Version 3.0 now works for me on both boards, but only if I use violentmonkey. Using it with greasemonkey, I can see the button in the top right, but when I click it, it gives me "TypeError: Player. container is null seen below: https://z.zz.ht/GRpfv.png

I'm going to be sticking with running the scripts with violentmonkey since that's been giving me the least troubles, but I figured it'd be good to know in case others using only greasemonkey start having issues.

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