Greasy Fork is available in English.

TW NightMode

The West Nightmode,pasted from hiroaki;best usage 30%

Version au 02/04/2018. Voir la dernière version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name               TW NightMode
// @version            0.01
// @license            LGPLv3
// @description        The West Nightmode,pasted from hiroaki;best usage 30%
// @author             Thomas_776
// @match              https://**
// @match              https://**
// @match              https://**
// @match              https://**
// @match              https://**
// @match              https://**
// @match              https://**
// @match              https://**
// @match              https://**
// @match              https://**
// @match              https://**
// @match              https://**
// @match              https://**
// @match              https://**
// @match              https://**
// @match              https://**
// @match              https://**
// @match              https://**
// @grant              none
// @namespace
// @icon     
// ==/UserScript==

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	newScript.setAttribute("type", "application/javascript");
	newScript.textContent = '(' + fn + ')();';
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})(function() {
	$("#map").css({ "filter": "brightness(55%)", "-webkit-filter": "brightness(55%)" });