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Auto Load Big Image

Auto expand image width height quality for image urls with custom sizes.

Installer ce script?
Script suggéré par l'auteur

Vous pourriez également aimer Google Image Direct View.

Installer ce script
// ==UserScript==
// @name         Auto Load Big Image
// @version      1.6
// @description  Auto expand image width height quality for image urls with custom sizes.
// @author       navchandar
// @match        http*://*/*
// @exclude      http*:**/*
// @grant        none
// @license      MPL-2.0
// @run-at       document-start
// @homepage
// @homepage
// @homepageURL
// @contributionURL
// @contributionAmount $1.00
// @copyright    2019, navchandar (
// @supportURL
// @setupURL
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

function isNum(num) {
  return !isNaN(num)

function getNum(text) {
  return parseInt(text.replace(/[^0-9\.]/g, ''), 10);

function Load(uri) {
  window.location.href = uri

function has(String, search) {
  try {
    if (String.indexOf(search) > -1) {
      return true;
  catch (err) {}
  return false;

function getRegexMatch(String, regex) {
  var finalText = "";
  try {
    var arr = String.match(regex);
    if (arr != null && arr.length >= 1) {
      finalText = arr[0];
  catch (err) {}
  return finalText;

function widthUpdate(uri, w) {
  if (has(uri, w)) {
    var res = uri.split(w);
    if (res.length == 2) {
      if (res[1] != "10000" && isNum(res[1])) {
        var newuri = res[0] + w + "10000";

function sizeUpdate(uri, w) {
  if (has(uri, w)) {
    var res = uri.split(w);
    if (res.length == 2) {
      var end = "";
      var width = "";
      if (has(res[1], "&")) {
        var arr = res[1].split("&");
        for (var i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
          end += "&" + arr[i];
        width = arr[0]
      else {
        width = res[1]
      if (width != "6000" && isNum(width)) {
        var newuri = res[0] + w + "6000" + end;

function WidthandHeightUpdate(uri, format, width, height) {
  if (has(uri, format) && has(uri, width) && has(uri, height)) {
    var res1 = uri.split(width);
    if (res1.length == 2) {
      var res2 = res1[1].split(height);
      if (res2.length == 2) {
        if (res2[0] != "6000" && isNum(res2[0]) && isNum(res2[1])) {
          var w = getNum(res2[0]);
          var h = getNum(res2[1]);
          var newh = parseInt((h / w) * 6000);
          var newuri = res1[0] + width + "6000" + height + newh;
        else {
          if (res2[0] != "6000" && has(res2[1], "&") && (has(res2[1], "quality=") || has(res2[1], "q="))) {
            var qual = "";
            if (has(res2[1], "quality=")) {
              qual = "&quality=";
            if (has(res2[1], "q=")) {
              qual = "&q=";
            var res3 = res2[1].split(qual);
            if (res3.length >= 2 && isNum(res2[0]) && isNum(res3[0]) && isNum(res3[1])) {
              w = getNum(res2[0]);
              h = getNum(res3[0]);
              newh = parseInt((h / w) * 6000);
              newuri = res1[0] + width + "6000" + height + newh + qual + "100";

function HeightandWidthUpdate(uri, format, height, width) {
  if (has(uri, format) && has(uri, width) && has(uri, height)) {
    var res1 = uri.split(height);
    if (res1.length == 2) {
      var res2 = res1[1].split(width);
      if (res2.length >= 2) {
        var end = "";
        var w = "";
        var h = res2[0];
        if (has(res2[1], "&")) {
          var arr = res2[1].split("&");
          for (var i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
            end += "&" + arr[i];
          w = arr[0]
        else {
          w = res2[1]
        if (w != "6000" && isNum(w) && isNum(h)) {
          var w1 = getNum(w);
          var h1 = getNum(h);
          var newh = parseInt((h1 / w1) * 6000);
          var newuri = res1[0] + height + newh + width + "6000" + end;

function QualityUpdate(uri, format, start, end) {
  if (has(uri, format) && has(uri, start) && has(uri, end)) {
    var res1 = uri.split(start);
    if (res1.length >= 2 && has(res1[1], end)) {
      var res2 = res1[1].split(end);
      if (res2.length > 0 && res2[0] != 100 && isNum(res2[0])) {
        var newuri = uri.replace((start + res2[0] + end), (start + "100" + end));

function ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, format, regex, replacement) {
  if (has(uri, format)) {
    try {
      if (regex.test(uri)) {
        var newuri = uri.replace(regex, replacement);
    catch (err) {}

function UpdateCustomWidthandHeight(uri, format, regex) {
  if (has(uri, format)) {
    try {
      if (regex.test(uri)) {
        var res = getRegexMatch(uri, regex);
        var rep = res.replace("/", "");
        rep = rep.replace("/", "");
        if (has(rep, "x") && has(rep, ",")) {
          var res1 = rep.split("x");
          var res2 = res1[1].split(",");
          if (res1[0] != "6000" && res2.length >= 2 && isNum(res1[0]) && isNum(res2[0]) && isNum(res2[1])) {
            var w = getNum(res1[0]);
            var h = getNum(res2[0]);
            var newh = parseInt((h / w) * 6000);
            var replacement = "/" + 6000 + "x" + newh + ",100" + "/";
            var newuri = uri.replace(res, replacement);
    catch (err) {}

function CustomWidthandHeightUpdate(uri, width, height) {
  if (has(uri, width) && has(uri, height)) {
    var res1 = uri.split(width);
    var res2 = res1[1].split(height);
    if (isNum(res2[0]) && res2[0] != "6000") {
      var w = getNum(res2[0]);
      var h = getNum(res2[1].split("-")[0]);
      var res = width + w + height + h;
      var newh = parseInt((h / w) * 6000);
      var replacement = width + 6000 + height + newh;
      var newuri = uri.replace(res, replacement);
      if (uri != newuri) {

function DPRUpdate(uri, d) {
  if (has(uri, d)) {
    var res = uri.split(d);
    if (isNum(res[1]) && res[1] < 3) {
      var newuri = res[0] + d + "3";
    else if (!isNum(res[1]) && has(res[1], "&")) {
      var res2 = res[1].split("&")[0];
      if (isNum(res2) && res2 < 3) {
        newuri = uri.replace((d + res2), (d + "3"));

function main(uri, format) {

  if (has(uri, "image/upload/")) {
    ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, "." + format, /q\_auto\//g, "q_auto:best/");
    ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, "." + format, /f\_auto\,|fl\_lossy\,|c\_limit\,/g, "");
    ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, "." + format, /upload\/[hw]\_\d+\,[hw]\_\d+\//g, "upload/");

  if (has(uri, "wiki")) {
    ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, ".svg", /thumb\/|\/\d+px[-]?\w+(.)*.svg(.)*/g, "");
    ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, ".jpg", /thumb\/|\/\d+px[-]?\w+(.)*.jpg(.)*/g, "");
    ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, ".png", /thumb\/|\/\d+px[-]?\w+(.)*.png(.)*/g, "");
    ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, "." + format, /\/zoom\-crop\/(.)*/g, "");
  if (has(uri, "blogspot") && !has(uri, "/s6000/")) {
    ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, "." + format, /\/s\d+\//g, "/s6000/");
  if (has(uri, "twimg") && !has(uri, "video")) {
    ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, format, /\_normal\./g, ".");
    if (has(uri, "name")) {
      ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, format, /\?format\=jpg\&name\=(.)*/g, "?format=png&name=large");
      ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, format, /\?format\=png\&name\=[^(large)(4)](.*)/g, "?format=png&name=large");
      ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, format, /\?format\=png\&name\=medium/g, "?format=png&name=large");
    else if (has(uri, "format")) {
      ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, format, /\?format\=jp(.)*/g, "?format=png");

  if (has(uri, "usercontent")) {
    CustomWidthandHeightUpdate(uri, "=w", "-h");
    ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, format, /\?s\=\d+\&v\=\d+/g, "");

  widthUpdate(uri, "." + format + "?w=");
  widthUpdate(uri, "." + format + "?width=");
  WidthandHeightUpdate(uri, "." + format + "?", "w=", "&h=");
  WidthandHeightUpdate(uri, "." + format + "?", "width=", "&height=");

  HeightandWidthUpdate(uri, "." + format + "?", "h=", "&w=");
  HeightandWidthUpdate(uri, "." + format + "?", "height=", "&width=");

  // Remove crops
  ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, "." + format, /\/\d+\,\d+\,\d+\,\d+\//g, "/");
  ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, "." + format, /\?crop=\d+\%\d\w\d+\%\d\w\w+\%\w+/g, "");
  ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, "." + format, /\?crop=\d+\%3A\d+|\?crop=\d+\:\d+/g, "");
  ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, "." + format, /thumbor\/\d+x\d+\//g, "thumbor/origxorig/");
  if (!has(uri, "%2F2000")) {
    ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, "." + format, /\%2F\d+x0.jpg/g, "%2F2000x0.jpg");
  if (!has(uri, "/2000")) {
    ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, "." + format, /\/\d+x0.jpg/g, "/2000x0.jpg");

  // Remove Blur and bring original
  if (has(uri, '.it/') && has(uri, 'blur') && !has(uri, 'external-preview.')) {
    if (has(uri, '?blur')) {
      ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, format, /\?blur\=(.)*/g, "");
    else if (has(uri, '?width=')) {
      ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, format, /\?width\=(.)*/g, "");
    if (has(uri, 'preview.')) {
      ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, format, /preview/, "i");

  // Remove watermark
  ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, format, /\&mark64\=(.)*/g, "");
  // Auto Enhance
  ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, format, /auto\=compress/g, "auto=enhance");
  ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, format, /\&cs\=tinysrgb/g, "");

  UpdateCustomWidthandHeight(uri, "." + format, /\/\d+\x\d+\,\d+\//g);

  QualityUpdate(uri, "." + format, "/q_", "/");
  QualityUpdate(uri, "." + format, "/x,", "/");
  QualityUpdate(uri, format, "&q=", "&");

  sizeUpdate(uri, "." + format + "?size=");
  DPRUpdate(uri, "&dpr=");


(function () {
  'use strict';
  var uri = window.location.href;
  if (has(uri, "jpg")) {
    main(uri, "jpg");
  else if (has(uri, "png")) {
    main(uri, "png");
  else if (has(uri, "jpeg")) {
    main(uri, "jpeg");
  else if (has(uri, "webp")) {
    main(uri, "webp");
  else if (has(uri, "")) {
    main(uri, "usercontent");
