Youtube Peek Preview

See video thumbnails, ratings and other details when you mouse over a Youtube link from almost any website

< Commentaires sur Youtube Peek Preview

Question / commentaire

Posté le: 16/03/2020

If it stops working get an API key

The script uses a YouTube API key. It seems that if enough people use it in a day it will reach the limit of its daily request quota and stop working. To get around this you will need to get your own API key from the Google developer console and replace it with the current one on line 249.

Posté le: 06/05/2020

You should have included how to get a key... ...

This post describes how to get your very-own "YouTube Data API v3" key:

which you can then use in this script, and also the original YouTube Link Title. You can even use both together (run YLT first).

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