Greasy Fork is available in English. NoobScript V3 InstaFind Fragment

A fragment of code from NoobScript V3 - The instant player find feature. Click on a name on the leaderboard or click on a name in the chat to instantly find them. Use the < and > keys to navigate as well.

// ==UserScript==
// @name NoobScript V3 InstaFind Fragment
// @namespace
// @version      1.2
// @description  A fragment of code from NoobScript V3 - The instant player find feature. Click on a name on the leaderboard or click on a name in the chat to instantly find them. Use the < and > keys to navigate as well.
// @author       NoobishHacker
// @match*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==
var gotoUsers = [];
var gotoIndex = 0;
window.overrideSocketEvents = window.overrideSocketEvents || [];
window.chatCommands = window.chatCommands || {};

window.chatCommands.find = function(split) {
    var name = split.slice(1).join(' ');
    if (name == '') {
        addChat('Please specify a username', 'Client')
    name: "l",
    description: "Leaderboard Insta Find override",
    func: function(a) {
        var d = "",
            c = 1,
            b = 0;
        for (; b < a.length;) {
            d += "<div class='leaderboardItem' onclick=goto2(" + a[b] + ");><div style='display:inline-block;float:left;' class='whiteText'>" + c + ".</div> <div class='" + (player && a[b] == player.sid ? "leaderYou" : "leader") + "'>" + a[b + 1] + "</div><div class='scoreText'>" + a[b + 2] + "</div></div>", c++, b += 3;
        leaderboardList.innerHTML = d;
}) = 'auto'; = 'auto';

window.goto = function(username) {
    gotoUsers = users.filter((user) => {
        return === username
    gotoIndex = 0;
    if (gotoUsers[0]) {
        camX = gotoUsers[0].x - player.x;
        camY = gotoUsers[0].y - player.y;
    addChat(gotoUsers.length + ' users found with the name ' + username, 'Client');
    return gotoUsers.length;
window.goto2 = function(id, go) {
    gotoUsers = users.filter((user) => {
        return user.sid === id;
    gotoIndex = 0;
    if (!go && gotoUsers[0]) {
        camX = gotoUsers[0].x - player.x;
        camY = gotoUsers[0].y - player.y;
    return gotoUsers.length;

window.gotoLeft = function() {
    if (!gotoUsers.length) return;

    if (camX == gotoUsers[gotoIndex].x - player.x && camY == gotoUsers[gotoIndex].y - player.y) {
        if (gotoIndex <= 0) gotoIndex = gotoUsers.length;
    camX = gotoUsers[gotoIndex].x - player.x;
    camY = gotoUsers[gotoIndex].y - player.y;

window.gotoRight = function() {
    if (!gotoUsers.length) return;

    if (camX == gotoUsers[gotoIndex].x - player.x && camY == gotoUsers[gotoIndex].y - player.y) {
        if (gotoIndex >= gotoUsers.length - 1) gotoIndex = -1;
    camX = gotoUsers[gotoIndex].x - player.x;
    camY = gotoUsers[gotoIndex].y - player.y;

window.addChat = function(msg, from, color) {
    color = color || "#fff";
    var b = document.createElement("li");
    b.className = "chatother";
    b.innerHTML = '<span style="color:' + color + '">[' + from + ']</span> <span class="chatText">' + msg + "</span>";
    10 < chatList.childNodes.length && chatList.removeChild(chatList.childNodes[0]);

window.resetCamera = function() { // Override
    camX = camXS = camY = camYS = 0;
    cameraKeys = {
        l: 0,
        r: 0,
        u: 0,
        d: 0

    if (socket && window.overrideSocketEvents && window.overrideSocketEvents.length) {
        window.overrideSocketEvents.forEach((item) => {
            socket.on(, item.func);



window.addChatLine = function(a, d, c) {
    if (player) {
        var b = getUserBySID(a);
        if (c || 0 <= b) {
            var g = c ? "SERVER" : users[b].name;
            c = c ? "#fff" : playerColors[users[b].color] ? playerColors[users[b].color] : playerColors[0];
            player.sid == a && (c = "#fff");
            b = document.createElement("li");
            b.className = player.sid == a ? "chatme" : "chatother";

            b.innerHTML = '<span style="color:' + c + '" onclick=goto2(' + a + ');>[' + g + ']</span> <span class="chatText">' + d + "</span>";
            10 < chatList.childNodes.length && chatList.removeChild(chatList.childNodes[0]);

window.addEventListener("keyup", function(a) {
    a = a.keyCode ? a.keyCode : a.which;
    if (a === 190) {
    } else if (a === 188) {
