// ==UserScript==
// @name Automatic Privacy Reminder Killer for YouTube
// @namespace SteveJobzniak
// @version 1.0.2
// @description Makes YouTube shut up about its obnoxious privacy policy reminder.
// @author SteveJobzniak
// @homepage https://greasyfork.org/scripts/33378-automatic-privacy-reminder-killer-for-youtube
// @license https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// @contributionURL https://www.paypal.me/Armindale/0usd
// @match *://www.youtube.com/*
// @exclude *://www.youtube.com/tv*
// @exclude *://www.youtube.com/embed/*
// @run-at document-end
// @grant none
// @noframes
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
/* --- START: Utils-MultiRetry v1.1.0 by SteveJobzniak --- */
/* Performs multiple retries of a function call until it either succeeds or has failed all attempts. */
var retryFnCall = function(fnCallback, maxAttempts, waitDelay) {
// Default parameters: 40 * 50ms = Max ~2 seconds of additional retries.
maxAttempts = (typeof maxAttempts !== 'undefined') ? maxAttempts : 40;
waitDelay = (typeof waitDelay !== 'undefined') ? waitDelay : 50;
// If we don't succeed immediately, we'll perform multiple retries.
var success = fnCallback();
if (!success) {
var attempt = 0;
var searchTimer = setInterval(function() {
var success = fnCallback();
// If we've reached max attempts or found success, we must now stop the interval timer.
if (++attempt >= maxAttempts || success) {
}, waitDelay);
/* --- END: Utils-MultiRetry by SteveJobzniak --- */
/* --- START: Utils-ElementFinder v1.3.0 by SteveJobzniak --- */
/* Searches for a specific element. */
var findElement = function(parentElem, elemQuery, expectedLength, selectItem, fnCallback) {
var elems = parentElem.querySelectorAll(elemQuery);
if (elems.length === expectedLength) {
var item = elems[selectItem];
return true;
//console.log('Debug: Cannot find "'+elemQuery+'".');
return false;
var retryFindElement = function(parentElem, elemQuery, expectedLength, selectItem, fnCallback, maxAttempts, waitDelay) {
// If we can't find the element immediately, we'll perform multiple retries.
retryFnCall(function() {
return findElement(parentElem, elemQuery, expectedLength, selectItem, fnCallback);
}, maxAttempts, waitDelay);
/* Searches for multiple different elements and uses the earliest match. */
var multiFindElement = function(queryList, fnCallback) {
for (var i = 0, len = queryList.length; i < len; ++i) {
var query = queryList[i];
var success = findElement(query.parentElem, query.elemQuery, query.expectedLength, query.selectItem, fnCallback);
if (success) {
// Don't try any other queries, since we've found a successful match.
return true;
return false;
var retryMultiFindElement = function(queryList, fnCallback, maxAttempts, waitDelay) {
// If we can't find any of the elements immediately, we'll perform multiple retries.
retryFnCall(function() {
return multiFindElement(queryList, fnCallback);
}, maxAttempts, waitDelay);
/* --- END: Utils-ElementFinder by SteveJobzniak --- */
/* Automatically closes YouTube's privacy policy reminder. */
var killPrivacyReminder = function() {
// This privacy reminder element only exists during the page-loads that have a privacy reminder.
// After it has been dismissed, the DOM element will be missing on subsequent website/page loads.
retryFindElement(document, 'ytd-consent-bump-renderer ytd-button-renderer#remind-me-later-button', 1, 0, function(privacyReminderCloseButton) {
// We don't want to interfere with any currently open popup menus (such as the settings menu),
// so wait until no popup menus are open... (This is mainly for compatibility with my auto-dark mode script.)
retryFnCall(function() {
var menuIsOpen = document.querySelectorAll('iron-dropdown:not([style*="display: none"])').length > 0;
if (menuIsOpen) {
return false;
// Now just click "Remind me later". It's safe to click it again
// even if the user has already clicked it and hidden the element.
return true;
}, 20, 300); // If a popup menu is open, do 20 retries at 300ms intervals.
}, 4, 750); // If privacy reminder not found, do 4 retries at 750ms intervals.
if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
} else {
document.addEventListener('readystatechange', function(evt) {
if (document.readyState === 'complete') {