Nexus Clash Interface Tweaks

Various Tweaks to the Nexus Clash Browser Game Interface

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Nexus Clash Interface Tweaks

This script makes several small changes to the game interface of Nexus Clash. A browser based MMORPG. It includes the same code as two of my other scripts so install this OR the other two.

If you install this script then disable/uninstall

  • Nexus Clash Add Drop Item Safety Check Box
  • Nexus Clash Colour Messages

This script has the same code as well as some further tweaks.

This script

  • adds a checkbox for each drop button and disables the button until the checkbox is checked.
  • adds a checkbox for each learn skill button and disables the button until the checkbox is checked.
  • adds a checkbox to the leave faction button and disables the button until the checkbox is checked.
  • adds a checkbox to the revoke stronghold button and disables the button until the checkbox is checked.
  • adds a check box to the craft button and disables the button until the checkbox is checked.
  • adds a checkbox to the learn from spellgem button and disables the button until the checkbox is checked.
  • colours headings yellow to indicate low ap.
  • colours headings red to indicate low health.
  • make health bars / mana bars thinner if at 100%
  • makes hatchets (else throwing knives else rocks) default item to pickup
  • highlights text for shadows seen in buildings at night.
  • makes the message box a bit bigger and resizable
  • hides wearable items with 0 weight(ie clothing but not armour) in inventory by default
  • Colours messages based on content
    • colours attacks - hits red and misses pink.
    • indents acheivement anouncements and makes them smaller.
    • colours being given something orange.
    • colours healing blue.
    • colours searching olive/dull olive depending on if something found
    • colours speech light blue.
    • colours emotes if they have "speech".
    • colours environmental damage red
    • colours crafting purplish
    • indents pet spam and makes its smaller
      • colours pet kills crimson
      • colours pet attacks on player red
      • colours pet attacks on others pale red
      • colours pet misses pale orangish
      • colours pet healing blue (for aethersprites/will-o-wisps/possibly wights)
      • colours pet rejuvenation purple
      • colours pet despawn orange

    Still to do - Fix minor bug related to door repair.


  • update 21/02/12
    -fix message log size being altered.

    -fix item pickup
  • update 20/10/12
    -colour speech
  • update 20/10/12
  • update 14/11/12
    -bugfix with pet spam highlighting

    -added red background for low hp warning
  • update 05/12/12
    -bugfix. Small text made bigger. Was relying on minimum text size being set in firefox.
  • update 21/06/13
    -Made text replacing hopefully more efficient

    -Colour searching ~light olive?

    -Colour being given something ~orange

    -Colour environmental damage red

    -Colour being healed ~darkish blue
  • update 21/06/13 1.1.6
    -Bugfix for bugged duplicate achievements
  • update 25/06/13 1.2
    -Changed pet healing (sprites/will-o-wisps(&possibly wights)) to be indented.

    -Added Colour/indent for pet rejuv and despawn
  • update 25/06/13 1.2
    -Shadows in buildings text highlighting

    -emotes with "speech"
  • update 25/06/13 1.3
    -BUGFIX -fixed shadowtext higlighting breaking crafting!
  • update 13/02/14 1.5
    -Message pane bigger on login if many messages.

    -Highlight SM.

    -Low health highlighting less intrusive.
  • update 13/02/14 1.5.2
    -Fix lock picking so it now works with this script
  • update 12/10/15 1.5.9
    -Add enchanting highlighting.
  • update 12/10/15 1.6
    -Add more highlighting.

    -Fix door repair bug