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{ REQ HELP } Replace Text Body

Hi All.
I Need Help For Replace Text Body all code text not working.
can help me.

Need change item:
var saniye = 300;
var saniye = 10;

randsay: '337',
randsay: '999',

thank you.

Posté le: 07/11/2020

me too. i want to replace a var value in original page and its javascript value.. it is actually a timer for watching a video.. i want to reduce it so that the video is marked as watched earlier than expected.

let me know if you have any idea.

Posté le: 07/11/2020

Come on, you can change that yourself, you asked a question and already answered it, lol

Hi hacker09
can add sample.
thank you.

Me add code for change

addJS_Node ('var saniye = 10;');

function addJS_Node (text, s_URL, funcToRun, runOnLoad) {
var D = document;
var scriptNode = D.createElement ('script');
if (runOnLoad) {
scriptNode.addEventListener ("load", runOnLoad, false);
scriptNode.type = "text/javascript";
if (text) scriptNode.textContent = text;
if (s_URL) scriptNode.src = s_URL;
if (funcToRun) scriptNode.textContent = '(' + funcToRun.toString() + ')()';

var targ = D.getElementsByTagName ('head')[0] || D.body || D.documentElement;
targ.appendChild (scriptNode);

for item work "var saniye = 10;"
but "randsay" random number not work.

Posté le: 08/11/2020

I think that I understand what you meant know.
At first you wasn't specific, so I thought that you just wanted someone to write var saniye = 300;
var saniye = 10;
randsay: '337',
randsay: '999',

But to write that is pretty easy, you could do that yourself, but now you said that even if you did write that, the code wouldn't work as you wanted, these are 2 different things.

As I said earlier I don't have an account on that website to help you,sorry

Posté le: 08/11/2020

So this is the js codes of the website right?

why you want to change var saniye and var randsay?
You want to modify these 2 variables because you want to "hack" the website, and mine bitcoints faster? I doubt that it's possible.
If this is the js codes of the website, you would need to know what is the value of the variable luck and all others, you can't modify an already existent js script on the website, if you don't know the values of every single variable existent on the js code.

If I'm right, you would also need to block or remove or disable the actual js of the website, and make you own version of it, this requires a lot of programming knowledge and time usually.

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