Wanikani Level-Up Time Assistant JS - Shows the earliest date and time you can level up if your reviews are correct. Adds an indication if you have items available for lesson/review that are needed to advance your current level.
Wanikani Wrap-up Button Enhancement (Jerky Edition) JS - Beefed-up Wrap-up button (Jerky Edition)
Wanikani Ultimate Timeline JS - Review schedule explorer for WaniKani
TextFugu Link Fix JS - Gets rid of the #top at the end of links on all the lessons pages
Video Element Rate Controller Re-dux JS - Add keyboard shortcuts that will increase/decrease the playback rate for video elements.
WaniKani Media Context Sentences JS - Formerly named "Wanikani Anime Sentences 2". Adds example sentences from anime, dramas, games, literature, and news for vocabulary from
WKStats Levelup Fix JS - Fix weird issues with the levelups on wkstats that are assumed to be caused by new additions of kanji to levels
WaniKani Show Hidden Allowed Answers JS - Adds a section below the "primary" and "alternative" answers to show the hidden "allowed" answers when any exist
Wanikani Open Framework Turbo Events JS - Adds helpful methods for dealing with Turbo Events to WaniKani Open Framework