bumble-enhanced JS - show votes, show online status, and change location on bumble
Pikpak地区限制绕过 JS - 简单脚本,绕过Pikpak地区限制
Enhanced Steam Workshop Downloader JS - Adds an extra button to download, supports collections and new workshop layout
Seterra Hack JS - simple hack for seterra. colours the correct country/location in black, then white when clicked.
GreasyFork优化 JS - 自动登录账号、快捷寻找自己库被其他脚本引用、更新自己的脚本列表、库、优化图片浏览、美化页面、Markdown复制按钮
YouTube Lite (meilleure expérience) JS - Rend l'interface YouTube plus légère, masque les vidéos avec des mots-clés, ajoute un bouton de téléchargement et ouvre la vidéo sur une page sans publicité (intégrer youtube-nocookie).
Youtube AdBlock ban bypass JS - Fix the "Ad blockers violate YouTube's Terms of Service" Error
虎牙免登录观看 JS - 虎牙未登录时不自动暂停,并隐藏进入页面后的登录框,解锁登录清晰度,若需要登录请勿使用!!
BiliBili 高级倍速功能 JS - BiliBili倍速插件,支持自定义速度、记忆上一次速度、快捷键调速。
Sketchfab Model Downloader JS - Download Sketchfab models
bilibili 页面净化大师 JS - 净化 B站/哔哩哔哩 页面,支持「精简功能、播放器净化、过滤视频、过滤评论、全站黑白名单」,提供 300+ 功能,定制自己的 B 站
Youtube Shorts to Traditional Video JS - Simple script to use traditional UI to view Youtube Shorts
The Password Game (TAS Userscript) JS - TAS Userscript for The Password Game (I compiled it myself to save you all time) All credit goes to the original owner of the script, once again, I did not make this script, I just compiled it to save all of your time. Sourcecode: https://github.com/Mabi19/password-game-tas
Zotero GPT Connector JS - Zotero GPT Pro, support ChatGPT Gemini Poe Kimi Coze Chatglm Yiyan Tongyi Claude Mytan ChanlderAi DeepSeek Doubao AIStudio MicrosoftCopilot
Bilibili 按标签、标题、时长、UP主屏蔽视频 JS - 对Bilibili的视频卡片,以标签、标题、UP主、时长、竖屏、充电、评论等信息来屏蔽视频,附带去除视频卡片中的直播、广告、推广内容的功能。
Torn Crimes 2.0 - Disposal JS - Color codes disposal type based on difficulty
Bilibili-Live-Spamer JS - B站直播文字、表情独轮车
Moomoo.io - Dark Visuals JS - Menu and gameplay enhancements with a minimalist touch.
Youtube Tools JS - Youtube Tools All in one
小破站・哔哩哔哩超级助手, 视频下载(单P和批量), 自动签到领瓜子辣条等,===大家都说好系列😈 JS - 为爱发电,B站视频下载(👉支持多P批量快速下载👈)、浏览记录提示、一键三连、访问任意B站链接,即可自动签到领取瓜子辣条、视频描述中文本网址转链接,专栏文章中文本网址转链接,跳转访问更加方便等,脚本长期稳定更新,大家可以放心使用
XHS-Downloader JS - 提取小红书作品/用户链接,下载小红书无水印图文/视频作品文件
Shell Shockers Basic Aimbot + ESP: LibertyMutualV1 JS - UPDATED FOR 0.50.0! Fed up of a popular script injecting ads into your game? Need a simple script to modify or use? FOSS ESP, Tracers and Aimbot. Hold right mouse button to aimlock.
B站直播间SC记录板 JS - 实时同步SC、同接、高能和舰长数据,可拖拽移动,可导出,可单个SC折叠,可侧折,可搜索,可记忆配置,可生成图片(右键菜单),活动页可用,直播全屏可用,黑名单功能,不用登录,多种主题切换,自动清除超过12小时的房间SC存储,可自定义SC过期时间,可指定用户进入直播间提示、弹幕高亮和SC转弹幕,可让所有的实时SC以弹幕方式展现,可自动点击天选,可自动跟风发送combo弹幕
Brune RemodV3 BETA JS - CUSTOM HEALTH, ANIMATED hotbar, ANIMATED skybox, ANIMATED cursur, ANIMATED chat box and more soon to COME!
知乎🔥2024 最新增强插件 JS - 2024 年最新知乎增强插件,基于老牌插件进一步修改,可以移除登录弹窗、屏蔽首页视频、默认收起回答、快捷收起回答/评论(左键两侧)、快捷回到顶部(右键两侧)、屏蔽用户、屏蔽关键词、移除高亮链接、屏蔽盐选内容/热榜杂项、净化搜索热门、净化标题消息、展开问题描述、显示问题作者、置顶显示时间、完整问题时间、区分问题文章、直达问题按钮、默认高清原图、默认站外直链
ShellFarm V2 - Utilities for Shell Shockers. JS - Some useful mods for Shell Shockers, including infinite history, FOV, Custom SFX, skyboxes and more. Bindable too.
9mm [MooMoo.io] [v1.0.1] JS - It's a good script for moomoo.io, it's not the best, but I'll try to make it as good as possible. M - Auto mills. Q/F/V/N/H - Macro placers. Everything else works automatically! If some hats were not bought by yourself, then you can buy them in the store.
|2025寒假研修|智慧中小学平台|自动1.98倍播放|自动静音自动播放自动下一个视频 JS - |自动1.98倍播放(2倍)|自动静音|自动播放自动下一个视频|
(高等教育教师学习)2024年寒假教师研修|国家智慧教育公共服务平台|自动刷视频 JS - 国家智慧教育公共服务平台(国家中小学智慧教育平台)自动刷视频!
Bilibili - 防止在首页下拉刷新时被要求登录 JS - 防止在首页下拉刷新时被要求登录
Infinite Craft Tools JS - Tools for infinite craft
Infinite powers + Multidrop*PUBLIC RELEASE* JS - easy :D
Moomoo.io Raven HM RE 1.1 JS - https://discord.gg/rvu46WKdRu
Autopass Cloudflare CAPTCHA in iFrame JS - 自动点击“验证您是真人”
4chan XT JS - 4chan XT is a script that adds various features to anonymous imageboards.
Arceus X Official Bypass JS - An bypasser that bypasses the "spdmteam.com" checkpoints for a key system. It checks the link, goes to an API from arceus, and then check the loot link title. If it's the right title, it will go to another API link completing the checkpoint. It will take around 2-5 seconds to do. (depending on your wifi)
Google Gbar Restored JS - Brings back the universal Gbar on Google sites
SampleFocus Downloader JS - Download unlimited samples from SampleFocus
如意文库 JS - 百度|原创力|人人|360文库|豆丁|豆丁建筑|道客|MBA智库|得力|七彩学科|金锄头|爱问|蚂蚁|读根网|搜弘|微传网|淘豆网|GB等公开免费文档下载
autoCX学习通自动刷课脚本 JS - autoCX是基于原生js编写的一个网页版学习通刷课脚本,其功能包括但不限于视频快进,ppt快进,章节测试快进(暂不支持自动答题),且脚本支持后台自动刷课。
【Mod】Twitter Media Downloader JS - Save Video/Photo by One-Click.
学术论文期刊免费下载工具-知网免费下载 JS - 支持的网站:知网|万方|维普|皮书|中华医学会|博看图书。知网的硕博论文以及期刊免费下载、万方数据知识平台的文章免费下载、维普期刊的所有期刊免费下载、皮数数据库的期刊和报告免费下载、中华医学会的期刊论文免费下载、博看图书的图书和期刊免费全本下载。如果遇到问题请在反馈中登记,看到后会及时的回复的。
Twitter Web Exporter JS - Export tweets, bookmarks, lists and much more to JSON/CSV/HTML from Twitter(X) web app.
GeoGuessr XP FARM - The Best Cheat Out There! [Ultimate Bundle] JS - Introducing Exodus: One of the greatest geoguessr scripts out there able to farm xp very fast to precise location pinpointing + a lot more like seriously.. this script will amaze you!
Twitter remove content warning JS - Remove twitter content warning
Powerline.io infinite score and length JS - Exploits debugging capabilities in the Powerline.io server to grant infinite score and length
🌐全国图书馆参考咨询联盟🔍📘一键查询电子版图书✔️ JS - 全国图书馆参考咨询联盟【一键查询电子版图书】为搜索红太狼的平底锅的朋友新加功能,显示dxid、等为用于图书文献、图书互助、图书资源查询、群组找书等场景;全方位助力您下载各类书籍显示大学数字图书馆国际合作计划(cadal)的书号-ssno,可以直接显示文献的读秀ssid号或dxid进行互助,pdf电子版,图书代找,图书电子版,PC、手机、MAC、苹果设备都可用一键查询超星龙岩东莞图书馆深圳图书馆广东图书馆获取书籍电子版PDF,图书馆有最新2024年的书籍,豆瓣读书,百度网盘图书pdf互助,图书分享,pan.baidu.com。
Ev.IO Aimbot, NameTags ESP & Wireframe View JS - Ev.IO's aimbot enables you to target the closest enemy even through walls and objects, with customizable settings such as Smoothing and offsetY. The NameTag ESP feature lets you view enemy health bars through walls, which can be toggled in the menu. Customize the game lighting and make the scene wireframe.
🔥🔥小说下载器,支持部分VIP网站🔥🔥 JS - 小说一键下载,点击一键下载后,会自动抓取小说章节目录,完成后会打包成zip,小说格式为txt
解除网站不允许复制的限制 JS - 【😉♂️文本选中后点击复制按钮即可复制,主要用于 百度文库 道客巴巴 腾讯文档 豆丁网 无忧考网 学习啦 蓬勃范文 思否社区 力扣 知乎 语雀💚】
🔵全国图书联盟❤豆瓣🔥京东⭕一键复制🔵一键查询🔍 JS - 全国图书馆参考咨询联盟⭕DXID🔥豆瓣读书❤京东图书🔥读秀SSID❤一键复制🔵一键查询🔍图书电子版⭕图书互助⭕图书文献分享⭕下载电子书,图书联盟,douban.com🔍jd.com👆www.ucdrs.superlib.net👆duxiu.com👆pan.baidu.com⭕比红太狼的平底锅功能更加简便,实用,清洁,只要安装这一个插件即可完成您全网找电子书,1000万+资源,电子书代找,百度网盘图书pdf互助,用完我们的插件请您留下宝贵建议!
【学习通刷课助手】||防止鼠标移出暂停|章节结束自动跳转|章节测试[调用AI接口答题,正确率待验证] JS - 学习通课程自动挂机,当前脚本支持课程视频播放完成,自动跳转下一小节,章节测试自动跳过,后台播放防止视频暂停,章节测试刷题。
Better UI Smart Chess Bot JS - Our chess analysis system, modified with a better UI, is designed to give players the edge they need to win. By using advanced algorithms and cutting-edge technology, our system can analyze any chess position and suggest the best possible move, helping players to make smarter and more informed decisions on the board.
Blooket Hacks GUI JS - script ported over from https://github.com/therealgliz/blooket-hacks
Moomoo.io ๖ۣۜℱ₴Ⱨ 𝕞𝕠𝕕 Private Version JS - Best Auto Heal Mod ( Esc to open menu )
🔥【百度网盘加速】33Down 网盘解析 🔥 JS - 破除网盘限速,成就你的体验,无视任何黑号,加速你的下载!灵感来源于KDown,经作者同意,发布本脚本给各位网友体验!
Paywall Bypass Script (12ft.io, Google Cache, PaywallBuster.com) JS - Mobile and desktop-friendly paywall bypass with dropdown menu and right-click options. Added Mobile + Desktop support.
Sigmally Damelu.vz JS - Easily 3X your FPS on Sigmally.com + many bug fixes + great for multiboxing + supports SigMod
pvp master JS - let your pvp better--jk:D||press "F" when pvp||copy by Advanced zoom->https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/493029/Advanced%20zoom.user.js
Bilibili - 优化未登录情况下的移动网页端 JS - 优化未登录情况下的移动网页端的使用体验 | V0.5 累积更新
💰 轻松省钱!超简洁好用的购物优惠券小助手,自动显示淘宝(taobao.com)、天猫(tmall.com)、聚划算、京东(jd.com)等平台优惠券与历史价格,支持手机扫码下单!最新技术实现。🛍️ JS - 🚀 最新简洁好用的购物优惠券小助手!自动显示淘宝(taobao.com)、天猫(tmall.com)、天猫超市、天猫国际(tmall.hk)、聚划算、京东(jd.com)、京东国际(jd.hk)、京东图书、京东电子书、京东工业品、京东大药房(yiyaojd.com)等平台的隐藏优惠券与历史价格。支持手机扫码下单,方便快捷。告别虚假降价,以最优惠的价格,快乐购物,心情美满!🎉 持续维护中,让您省时省力,享受购物的乐趣!
🔥【免梯子+免翻墙+免科学上网工具/国内直连】HTML5视频播放器YouTube油管增强脚本知乎增强 JS - 📜HTML5视频播放器增强脚本,支持所有H5视频网站,🎉例如:B站、抖音、腾讯视频、优酷、爱奇艺、西瓜视频、YouTube/油管、微博视频、知乎视频、搜狐视频、网易公开课、百度网盘、阿里云盘、TED、Instagram/ins/IG、Twitter等。全程快捷键控制,支持:倍速播放/加速播放、视频画面截图、画中画、网页全屏、调节亮度、饱和度、对比度、自定义配置功能增强等功能,为你提供愉悦的在线视频播放体验。还有视频广告快进、在线教程/教育视频倍速快学、视频文件下载能力等,集合优酷、爱奇艺、腾讯、B站/bilibili、芒果等全网VIP视频/PC+移动端免费破解去广告,网易云音乐、QQ音乐、酷狗、酷我、虾米、蜻蜓FM、荔枝FM、喜马拉雅等网站音乐和有声书音频免客户端下载,全网VIP视频免费破解去广告、音乐直接下载、知乎增强、百度网盘直接下载、短视频无水印下载等多功能工具箱,功能可独立开关
Multibox script enhanced (Up to 2 bots unless you use proxies) JS - multibox
全网视频解析 JS - 支持在via里使用,推荐在via/vie浏览器里使用该脚本
Weibo auto sign and post. JS - Weibo auto register and post. 微博自动签到和发帖。
Blooket Hacks GUI JS - script ported over from https://github.com/therealgliz/blooket-hacks
Unreal? mod v4 JS - Ong this mod so op it kell all server
MiniClient - Syringe JS - Enhance your MiniBlox experience
Autodarts - Rematch-Button JS - Rematch-Button on mainpage with the last 2-6 players
组卷网学科网试卷处理下载打印 JS - 【2024/11/16】✨ 自动处理组卷网学科网试卷,并打印,支持去广告,答案分离。
Ventionware Deadshot.io JS - Adds a custom crosshair to deadshot.io with UI to enable/disable and change colors, plus smooth rainbow text. THIS IS OUTDATED. THE LATEST IS https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/524040-deadshot-io-ventionware-v2
pikpak助手plus JS - pikpak网盘助手的增强版,搭配代理可实现直连下载,支持推送文件夹到aria2中!
哔哩哔哩大会员视频替换 JS - 此脚本会替换掉原本的播放器,然后匹配相关资源并播放,支持部分港澳台。同时提供视频和弹幕下载。
Youtube 双语字幕版 JS - YouTube双语字幕,任何语言翻译成中文或用户选择的目标语言。支持YouTube翻译和谷歌翻译,自动切换。支持移动端和桌面端,适配Via浏览器。
Advanced Hypothetical YouTube Automation Script JS - Script avançado hipotético para automatizar interações no YouTube
Kirka.io Custom Skin JS - Apply a custom skin to Kirka.io
Undiscord V2 JS - Press Escape three times in quick succession to toggle auto-delete | Capable of deleting all of your messages inside of a dm with no limits.
Updated Blooket Gui JS - An Updated version of Minesraft2 and 05konz's blooket cheats.
FPS unlocker JS - Mope.io fps unlocker
ChatGPT Jailbroken! Use it for whatever JS - ChatGPT Jailbroken! Includes FREE GPT-4
ChatGPT Anti-Degeneracy JS - 修改ChatGPT相关网页UA为移动端以解决模型降级问题
IXL Hack JS - this prob wont work dont get angry if it doesnt. if your good at coding lmk what i can do to fix this script.
Claim.ourCoinCash.xyz AutoClaim Faucet JS - Automatically Login and Click Faucet
🔐 密码填充 JS - 为Via设计的第三方密码自动保存/填充工具,支持管理与导出密码
Spotify Downloader +++ JS - Adds convenient download buttons to Spotify tracks, allowing users to download music directly from the web.
Declutter Pinterest JS - Removes intrusive Pinterest shopping promotions, ads, and clutter, and makes the website more user-friendly
Arras.io Multibox script JS - Free arras.io multibox script still working!
AGARIO Vanilla (@ya6h_) JS - 2015/2016
Times Tables Rock Stars Hack JS - An overpowered ttrs cheat.
TW Inventory Reloaded JS - Better Inventory and tools for The West!
YGN REDBOT V4.7 JS - gartic io hack script
JLC_CART_TOOL_2.0 JS - 购物车助手2.0
🌱【免费版】广东省教育双融双创智慧共享社区|如需自动下一集、自动换课程、视频中途自动答题等高级功能见收费版本:https://doc.zhanyc.cn/pages/gdsrsc/ JS - 【可付费代挂,代挂极速完成,大量低价】当前是免费版本,只包含了视频页面自动播放、解除播放暂停限制功能。如需自动下一集、自动换课程、视频中途自动答题、全自动无人值守高级功能可升级付费版本,一杯咖啡钱,保你无忧学习,且永久使用|接各类脚本开发、代挂工作,微信:zhanyc_cn 备用微信:zhanfengkuo 个人网站:http://doc.zhanyc.cn
YouTube AdBlocker Enhanced |YouTube 广告拦截增强版 JS - 结合多个脚本优势的 YouTube 广告拦截器,支持移动端/PC端,支持视频广告/界面广告,性能优化
치지직 광고 팝업 차단 JS - Remove ad block popup
Tribal IO Mod Menu JS - Mod menu for Tribal IO browser game with item spawning functionality and enhanced UI
Google Forms Unlocker JS - Stops Google Forms from being locked, consequently letting you do them without a chromebook.
Chzzk Auto High Quality JS - Chzzk자동으로 최고화질로 설정
Nexus No Wait ++ JS - Download from Nexusmods.com without wait and redirect (Manual/Vortex/MO2/NMM), Tweaked with extra features.
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