爱奇艺视频、优酷视频、芒果TV、腾讯视频、哔哩哔哩全网VIP解析,免费使用,跳过广告。 JS - 视频解析,无广告,全网vip视频解析,无需再购买视频会员,好用到飞起。
[Bilibili] 关注管理器 JS - 快速排序和筛选你的关注列表,一键取关不再关注的UP等
全网视频去水印-VIP视频解析 JS - 本脚本支持去除 腾讯视频 爱奇艺 优酷 西瓜 PPTV 视频平台的非内嵌水印,并且支持解析视频网站VIP蓝光视频
Download Weibo Images & Videos (Only support new version weibo UI) JS - Download images and videos from new version weibo UI webpage.
超星学习通网课助手(多接口)(装这一个就够了) JS - 自动挂机看尔雅MOOC,支持视频、音频、文档、图书自动完成,章节测验自动答题提交,支持自动切换任务点、挂机阅读时长、自动登录等,解除各类功能限制,开放自定义参数
Code Injector - Bonk.io JS - Allows different userscripts to define functions that modify the game's code
Smart Dark Mode JS - It is a smart dark theme that automatically switches to a dark screen when the background color of the homepage is bright. Provides a filter function that allows users to add or exclude URLs to apply directly.
抖音网页版优化 JS - 抖音网页版推荐、直播优化,网页全屏,全黑,自动按浏览器窗口调整大小
Bonk Host JS - Makes hosting rooms in bonk.io better
Ome.tv IP Geolocation JS - Ome.tv IP Geolocation By RannStudio
Cotrans Manga/Image Translator (Regular Edition) JS - (WIP) Translate texts in images on Pixiv, Twitter, Misskey, Calckey
Scribd Book Downloader JS - Scribd Book and Document Downloader
图片下载器 JS - 批量下载图片,一个可扩展的图片下载器。
u-Youtube JS - make Youtube under ur control
Spotify Downloader - Download Spotify songs, playlists, and albums JS - Downloads Spotify songs, playlists, and albums as MP3. Can also download full playlist or album as ZIP.
微博助手-dev JS - 微博助手:自动超话签到、自动评论、自动关注、自动回复
moPsEk - CSGO MTSL 2 MOD MENU JS - moPsEk for CSGO MTSL Version 2
Studocu Hack JS - Unblur and download Studocu Premium Documents.
MEGA.nz Ultimately Import JS - Bypass import limit on Mega Web client & remove warning about the space usage
ZOMBS.io HACK 2022 | Custom Welcome Message,Chat Blocker MAX,Base AutoBuilder | Resurgence Bundle X JS - Best Scripts Ever! By DarkResurgence
venge mod menu JS - CheatWare a mod menu for many games but at the moment only venge.io also works with school laptops/computers
EP Overhaul JS - Education Perfect Information Skipper
双融双创教师培训平台::pc-srsc.gdedu JS - 双融双创教师培训平台
Country Streak Counter JS - Adds a country streak counter to the GeoGuessr website
Win Every Nitro Type Race You play. JS - Sing Developments has created this script for you to use for personal use. This script should help you to win every Nitro Type race you play. Make sure to go to the link below to use this correctly. Enjoy! https://singdevelopmentsblog.wordpress.com/2022/11/01/win-every-nitro-type-race-you-play/
Video Downloader for Tampermonkey JS - Will add a download button to various websites such as Reddit, Facebook, Youtube and Twitter
The Internet gets better: No Cookies 🍪 JS - First version: gets rid of cookies 🍪🍪🍪 Let me know wich website it doesn't work on
PlumFont - Replace Roboto, Segoe UI, Arial, and other fonts JS - Replace web page fonts with your preferred ones. Stop using Segoe UI, Arial, and Microsoft YaHei. Replace English numerals with the SF Pro and Inter fonts.
【减负社区】【超星学习通小助手】【完全免费】视频-章节测试|自动挂机|防清进度|不占资源 JS - ▶▶▶上次更新:2024.12.12◀◀◀【💻可最小化💻】🆒支持超星视频、文档、答题、自定义正确率、掉线自动登录🤘取消视频文件加载,多开也不占用网速,放心追剧🍊自定义答题正确率,提高学习效率🍆每日功能测试,在发现问题前就解决问题,防清进度,无不良记录
🔥🔥🔥【免梯子+免翻墙+免科学上网工具/国内直连】HTML5视频播放器YouTube油管增强脚本/全网VIP视频破解去广告免费看+短视频无水印下载+音乐下载+知乎增强 JS - 📜HTML5视频播放器增强脚本,支持所有H5视频网站,🎉例如:B站、抖音、腾讯视频、优酷、爱奇艺、西瓜视频、YouTube/油管、微博视频、知乎视频、搜狐视频、网易公开课、百度网盘、阿里云盘、TED、Instagram/ins/IG、Twitter等。全程快捷键控制,支持:倍速播放/加速播放、视频画面截图、画中画、网页全屏、调节亮度、饱和度、对比度、自定义配置功能增强等功能,为你提供愉悦的在线视频播放体验。还有视频广告快进、在线教程/教育视频倍速快学、视频文件下载能力等,集合优酷、爱奇艺、腾讯、B站/bilibili、芒果等全网VIP视频/PC+移动端免费破解去广告,网易云音乐、QQ音乐、酷狗、酷我、虾米、蜻蜓FM、荔枝FM、喜马拉雅等网站音乐和有声书音频免客户端下载,全网VIP视频免费破解去广告、音乐直接下载、知乎增强、百度网盘直接下载、短视频无水印下载等多功能工具箱,功能可独立开关
雨课堂刷课助手 JS - 针对雨课堂视频进行自动播放
Instagram Anonymous Story Viewer JS - Blocks a specific request to maintain anonymity while viewing Instagram stories.
网页中英双显互译 JS - 中-英-外互转,双语显示。支持谷歌,微软等API,为用户提供了快速准确的中英文翻译服务。无论是在工作中处理文件、学习外语、还是在日常生活中与国际友人交流,这个脚本都能够帮助用户轻松应对语言障碍。通过简单的操作,用户只需点击就会立即把网页翻译,节省了用户手动查词或使用在线翻译工具的时间,提高工作效率。
Songsterr Premium - songsterr.com JS - Unlock all premium features on Songsterr
YouTube Super Fast Chat JS - Ultimate Performance Boost for YouTube Live Chats
下载CSDN、简书、掘金、博客园、微信公众号、知乎专栏、脚本之家、51CTO、程序员大本营、吾爱破解、B站、思否、轻识、腾讯云、阿里云、华为云等文章保存为Word/Markdown文件 JS - 下载保存博客文章为markdown/word,已支持CSDN、简书、掘金、知乎专栏、博客园、微信公众号、脚本之家、51CTO、程序员大本营、吾爱破解、腾讯云、阿里云、华为云、B站专栏、思否、轻识、百家号、百度经验、360个人图书馆、码农教程等,脚本仅限学习,请大家尊重版权。
让你的飞书更好用(优化版) JS - 让飞书文档不受权限限制,可以复制任意内容,可以打开右键菜单(复制下载图片)
YouTube JS Engine Tamer JS - To enhance YouTube performance by modifying YouTube JS Engine
搜索引擎重定向优化(百度、搜狗、谷歌、必应) JS - 1.绕过百度、搜狗、谷歌、好搜搜索结果中的自己的跳转连接,直接访问原始网页-反正都能看懂 2.新增自定义网站拦截功能 3添加Favicon显示 4.页面CSS 5.添加计数 6.开关选择以上功能 7.自动翻页功能
e等公務園+學習平台 小幫手 JS - try to take over the world!
XHS-Downloader JS - 提取小红书作品/用户链接,下载小红书无水印图文/视频作品文件
Times Tables Rock Stars Hack JS - An overpowered ttrs cheat.
Sigmally Macros JS - Macro for sigmally
Tieba Remix: 贴吧网页端重塑 JS - 贴吧网页端重塑
|2025寒假研修|智慧中小学平台|自动1.98倍播放|自动静音自动播放自动下一个视频 JS - |自动1.98倍播放(2倍)|自动静音|自动播放自动下一个视频|
TikTok Magic (téléchargement dynamique) JS - Téléchargez des vidéos sans logo/marque d'eau en un seul clic, directement depuis TikTok. Plus de fonctionnalités à venir.
✅ RoVerify | Roblox Verification Badge JS - A simple script that adds the Roblox verification badge to your name.
Duolingo Auto Solver JS - Duolingo Auto-Solver cheat [WORKING OCT 2023]
Bilibili - 防止在首页下拉刷新时被要求登录 JS - 防止在首页下拉刷新时被要求登录
网页加速器 JS - 自动帮你加速网页中的超链接,加快打开网页的速度,实测符合条件的网页打开速度减少50%以上。
Infinite Craft FastCheat JS - Adds a menu on the top left corner for fast access to cheats.
Pre 2024 Youtube UI JS - Revert to old Youtube UI
跳转成人GreasyFork按钮 JS - 浏览greasefork或sleazyfork或tampermonkey时,在页面增加一个进入greasefork或者sleazyfork的按钮
通用ai插图脚本8 JS - 使用sd、novelai3、comfyui 配合ai在酒馆生成插图 以及酒馆正则管理 投喂咖啡:https://afdian.com/a/cqgnyy
4chan XT JS - 4chan XT is a script that adds various features to anonymous imageboards.
IXL Hack JS - this prob wont work dont get angry if it doesnt. if your good at coding lmk what i can do to fix this script.
抖音优化 JS - 视频过滤,包括广告、直播或自定义规则,伪装登录、屏蔽登录弹窗、自定义清晰度选择、未登录解锁画质选择、禁止自动播放、自动进入全屏、双击进入全屏、屏蔽弹幕和礼物特效、手机模式、修复进度条拖拽、自定义视频和评论区背景色等
Blooket Hacks JS - hack blooket
Sigmally Damelu.vz JS - Easily 3X your FPS on Sigmally.com + many bug fixes + great for multiboxing + supports SigMod
proxies moddified khan hack JS - Here Is A Moddifed Version Of Khan Hack
pvp master JS - let your pvp better--jk:D||press "F" when pvp||copy by Advanced zoom->https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/493029/Advanced%20zoom.user.js
Bilibili - 优化未登录情况下的移动网页端 JS - 优化未登录情况下的移动网页端的使用体验 | V0.5 累积更新
Pano Detective JS - Find the exact time a Google Street View image was taken (default coverage)
Twitter kaizen JS - Enjoy Twitter Comfortably
Florr Ultras Userscript JS - Grants all ultras in Florr
抖音净化 JS - 净化抖音网页版界面,只留下播放窗口、评论按钮和作者头像,其他元素统统移除,我只想安安静静的用网页刷短视频
星耀云/飞猫云/kufile/rosefile/expfile/城通网盘破解优化 JS - 快速下载 精简页面
Blooket Hacks GUI JS - script ported over from https://github.com/therealgliz/blooket-hacks
抖音/快手/微视/instagram/TIKTOK/小红书/微博/今日头条 主页视频下载 JS - 在抖音/快手/微视/instagram/TIKTOK/小红书/微博/今日头条 主页右小角显示视频下载按钮
Kirka.io Custom Skin JS - Apply a custom skin to Kirka.io
Gplinks Bypass JS - Bypassing gplinks.co
1v1.LOL Aimbot, ESP & Wireframe View JS - Lets you see players behind walls. Comes with a wireframe view mode and an aimbot too. Press M, N, and T to toggle them.
Microsoft Bing Rewards每日任务脚本 JS - 自动完成微软积分每日搜索任务
ChatGPT Jailbroken! Use it for whatever JS - ChatGPT Jailbroken! Includes FREE GPT-4
Twitch Turbo + Updated JS - Block all Twitch ads, auto-claim bonus points, auto-join raids, add clip download link, and promote Discord server
Magic Way Idle JS - 法师助手
Pixeldrain Download Bypass (with zip file content support) JS - Bypass Pixeldrain Download Limit
Auto Retry for lucida.to JS - Automatically press the retry button when something goes wrong. Mostly meant to fix error 429 but also works for other errors.
Bloomberg - Paywall Bypass JS - Simple script to bypass the paywall on Bloomberg
【最强】【最全面】【全网页可用】【持续更新中】解除禁止复制和粘贴限制并支持手动粘贴 JS - ⭐学习通⭐pta⭐csdn⭐飞书云文档⭐破解所有网站【禁止复制】和【禁止粘贴】限制,支持【模拟人工输入】。安装后,打开目标网页即可解除限制。若粘贴解锁不生效,可以使用ctrl+m呼出浮动输入框进行模拟人工输入,详情请阅读下方说明。有疑问或者反馈都可以发我邮箱啊:[email protected]
Cobalt Tools Video Downloader JS - Adds a context menu item that downloads the current page's video.
super fast load JS - Enhance your browsing with Super Fast Load! Stop YouTube autoplay, add download buttons, and block ads, pop-ups, and trackers. Speed up slow connections, save data, and preload links for quick access. Hide cookie banners, disable location tracking, and block unnecessary scripts. Optimize for VPN/Tor, lazy load images and videos, and boost download speeds. Improve website loading by optimizing media elements and reducing ad buffering. Experience faster, safer browsing today!
IXL Auto Answer (OpenAI API Required) JS - Sends HTML and canvas data to AI models for math problem solving with enhanced accuracy, a configurable API base, an improved GUI with progress bar and auto-answer functionality.
ChatGPT降智风险检测✅(优化版) JS - ChatGPT会对某些IP进行无提示的服务降级,Plus用户模型会降至4-Mini,此脚本检测账号IP情况用于让你判断是否降智✅。
Optimized Krunker.IO Aimbot & ESP JS - High-performance aimbot and ESP for Krunker this auto locks on and tracks through walls
VOXploit JS - Aimbot, triggerbot, chams, no-recoil for voxiom.io
文武直链助手-百度网盘在线解析网页直链获取助手 JS - 不限制速度的百度网盘SVIP解析直链网页获取助手,支持 Gopeed(一键解析)、IDM、NDM 等多线程极速下载工具
Better Theater Mode for YouTube JS - Improves YouTube's theater mode with a Twitch.tv-like design, enhancing video and chat layouts, while maintaining performance and compatibility. Also fixes the broken fullscreen UI from the recent YouTube update.
抖音网页直播点赞(可调节频率,可设置是否默认自动点赞) JS - 这是一个基于抖音直播的自动点赞脚本,支持调节点赞频率,修改自别人的脚本
小红书下载助手 JS - 小红书图片、视频、实况下载
[TORN] OC 2.0 Helper JS - Adds a list of members available for OC2.0, and adds a notifier to the sidebar if you are not in an OC.
强制解除网页复制限制 JS - 去除网页的复制限制,解除右键和选择文本的限制。
Blooket Auto Answer JS - Automatically answers questions in Blooket games
Moomoo.io Mod - Auto Heal, Traps, Hotkeys JS - Hotkeys (F: Soldier Hat, G: Tank Gear, T: Spikes), Auto-Heal, Auto-Trap Escape
资源嗅探 JS - 资源嗅探工具,支持 M3U8 解析下载,优化 UI,增强交互体验
Janitor Ripper JS - Download Janitor AI characters as Tavern JSON files (compatible with SillyTavern)
2025年寒假教师研修|国家智慧教育公共服务平台|国家中小学智慧教育平台|自动刷视频,可秒刷视频!适合中小学(基础教育) | 职业教育 详情咨询客服微信:wkds857 JS - 适用2025国家智慧教育平台寒假研修.中小学课程,可快速通过视频学习。即秒刷!| 职业教育/高等教育 可自动挂机。自动刷视频!!
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