蒸汽夏卖 - 自动探索 JS - 自动探索下一个项目。
Join ther server by pressing X - By KongKongGaming JS - Join ther server by pressing X
Remove Reddit NSFW Posts JS - Quick and dirty fix that blocks and removes all NSFW posts on reddit
Mturk Expired-Queue-HIT-Death-Loop Rescuer JS - Redirects to queue view on expired queue HIT and continues on HITs with more time remaining
Trainer chicken JS - Da CHicken Trainer
SGW Pack Slip Helper JS - Sets defaults for the Shipping Pack Slips page, for pickup orders
Penny Arcade Forums - Spoil EVERYTHING JS - Adds a 'Show All Spoilers' toggle button. Setting is saved per thread.
Tabun IMG'er JS - I Want my <img> back!
Yahoo Mail - Skip Password Change Request JS - Skip password change screens
Yahoo Mail - Skip Mobile/Cell Number Request JS - Skip the request for adding a recovery mobile / cell phone number
NarouRefiner JS - 「小説家になろう」を読みやすく設定
Replace the Viglink ad link redirector in Proboards JS - Make the links crystal clear, without referrer crap.
RemoverMSG JS - Remover Mensagem HE2
HE Banco de Dados Grabber JS - Pega todo seu banco de dados e suas informaçoes
Remover IP Auto JS - Remover seu ip de todos os logs
Hacker Experience Utils JS - Remover MSG HE2; Auto BTC Compras; Auto Log Edit;
rsload auto link fix JS - auto changes media get links to direct
Cik | Public Extension Mozilla Firefox JS - Made by Cik | Host: Sniikz (only works with greasemonkey)
GameFAQS Auto-Redirect to Printable JS - Whenever a GameFAQs FAQ is loaded, redirect to the Printable Version of said FAQ.
Fanfiction.net Highlight Enable JS - Lets you highlight things on fanfiction.net
Wattpad+ JS - Adds useful things to Wattpad
Blokace mamrdu na zive.cz JS - Blokuje komentáře mamrdů a tím zachovává úroveň diskuzí
Voat Archive JS - Mirror links on archive.is for Voat submission links
Search in Douban JS - Searches the douban page from themoviedb, better using Chinese language
GetMovieDownloadLink(BETA) JS - Searches BT links by movie original name(English)
迅雷离线界面优化 JS - 优化迅雷离线界面,方便多选
Remove youtube topbar on theater mode JS - Removes the youtube topbar when theater mode is on
我的JS函数库 JS - 一些常用的JS函数库
Fuck百度云 JS - 就他妈不装百度云管家
RTHK Adblock Fix JS - Fix broken page of RTHK when adblock is enabled
IFL - Load Full Article JS - Load complete article
sis chrome fix JS - fixes logging in to rpi's SIS on chrome by disabling autocomplete/fill
Trimps Squish JS - Makes the Trimps window on Kongregate less wide
YouTube Auto Like JS - Magically like YouTube videos from channels you subscribe to.
匿名版一键搜图 JS - 一键搜图(让盗图狗不再得意,让你不再为祭品信息而烦恼)
WME ANDES mMR 17-7-2016 JS - polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "ANDES mMR" layer
Prevent idle pop-up on 9gag.com JS - Simulates scroll event to prevent idle pop-up
Ornikar au clavier ! JS - Permet une gestion au clavier des séries ornikar
Automatyczny atak... JS - Atakuje moby (Championy i Elity z klawisza R) (Legendarne z klawisza G)
Ver usuarios suspendidos JS - Ver si un usuario está suspendido o no
T411 - Shoutbox notifications JS - Affiche une notification de bureau lors de la réception d'un message
XClient设置下载链接 JS - XClient
BandesNoires JS - remplace les bandes bleues par des noires
anti social locker JS - Anti Social Locker plugin required user like or share before viewing content. If script doesn't work, please refresh the page to rebuild the cache and try again.
Lichess Board Coords JS - Add coords and other features to lichess board
move army JS - shine bright like a diamond
Games Done Quick Schedule Enhancer JS - Highlights currently active Event on GDQ schedule and adds an anchor. Also non-AM/PM timestamps.
Pep - Rate 6 sec. Video Clips JS - Sets default answers for rude videos.
ao3 relationship savior JS - hide works with too many relationships on the AO3
Stig's Last.fm Album Linkr JS - Adding album links and headers to tracks on Last.Fm's recent plays listings - plus linkifying About Me section on profiles
Lepro Total Comments JS JS - lepro total comments JS
WME Validator Idaho Localization JS - This script localizes WME Validator for Idaho. You also need main package (WME Validator) installed.
Script para el Elements JS - Un script para el Elements.
ss-Google-Search JS - highlight keywords and double tap 's' key
plsdonteatme OLD VERSION AKA BETTER VERSION JS - Very fast macro to enhance gameplay!
Formatador de referências JS - Formata referências para serem usadas na Wikipédia. Para utilizar, basta apertar CTRL + Q em qualquer site que aparecerá um prompt com a referência já formatada.
ProjectFreeTV Episode Links JS - Enhance Project Free TV viewing page with links to previous and next episodes
oncopy=null JS - Literally add document.oncopy=null to pages.
NNM Club and Rustorka ad remover JS - Removes ad banners by marketgid/tovarro on nnmclub.to and rustorka.com (use with Ublock Origin or Adblock Plus)
Hermes HIT exporter JS - Adds an Export button to MTurk HIT capsules to share HITs on forums, reddit, etc.
Anti Anti Adblocker JS - Lad lige være. Vil jeg bruge adblocker, er det det jeg gør.
Etarg ad remover JS - Removes etarg and traforet ad banners (use with Ublock Origin or Adblock Plus)
知乎外链免确认 JS - RT
Hide Chat Button JS - Hides the chat button.
T411 - Shoutbox notifications JS - Affiche une notification de bureau lors de la réception d'un message
csgodouble.com - automated cleaned by Ori JS - An userscript that automates csgodouble.com betting using 6 chooseble systems.
MyFitnessPal Percentages and Net Carbs JS - Adds display of Carb/Protein/Fat percentages to any daily food diary page. Also adds "Real Calories" calcalation based off 4/4/9 algorithm. Based on "MyFitnessPal Percentages and Net Carbs"
Storeparser Pagination JS - Copy the pagination controls to the bottom of the page as well
taz: remove paywall JS - Removes taz.de paywall
Grepolis Attack - Sound Alarm JS - Make some noise if ya get attacked. With integrated toggle-button to mute/unmute alarm sound.
Facebook Switch Accounts JS - Connexion rapide pour Facebook
Реванда хейдер ответов. JS - Revanda скрытие ответов!
C2B-UT JS - my youtube panel and hotkeys script (beta version) Work in progress!!
HTML5 on Youtube JS - Makes Youtube use HTML5
Better Unity Forums JS - Fixes a lot of the issues people have with the new forum style
KoL Detective Helper JS - Helps with solving the detective school puzzles in Kingdom of Loathing
4life JS - 4life clan extension
WME GIS Buttons JS - Displays the locality of the current map location and provides links to open GIS if available
7cups Master Addons JS - Modify 7cups with addons BY AZURE
Furvilla - Price Checker JS - Shows stall prices and sellback value of items on the quickstock and stall management pages.
Furvilla - Explore in New Window JS - Changes the explore button to open a new window rather than a lightbox.
Furvilla - User Links JS - Adds some useful link icons in your user info area.
WoTExtendedStat JS - Adds some usable fields for MMO game World of Tanks user's page
Medium: Editor For Programmers JS - Use `code` for inline code. Automatically fix quotes in code tags. Link to a section of text easily.
Furvilla - Ace Editor JS - Replaces the description and css editors with ace editor - https://ace.c9.io/
AMT Searchbar JS - A Simple Mturk/Greasyfork/MTG search bar
Homestuck Nepeta Leijon JS - Fully supports the landing page, watch page, channel page, and search page, among others.
Cik | Public Extension JS - Made by Cik | Host: Sniikz
NGU Stay Active JS - Keeps You Active in NGU ShoutBox
CodeSchool Keyboard Shortcuts JS - Adds much-needed and much-requested keyboard shortcuts to go to the next section in a course.
動漫花園 Copy torrent link shortcut JS - Generate a link to copy the torrent link.
Greasy Fork Panel Layout JS - Moves the control panel to the right of the scripts listing as its own list group and removes ad
Furvilla - Hide Furdollar Repairs JS - Hides repair offers in the maintenance market that cost furdollars.
Poczytaj mi, mamo JS - Ułatwia czytanie odpowiedzi na mirko i wypoku
Now News Adblock Fix JS - Fix broken page of Now News when adblock is enabled
Remove Facebook Trending Topics JS - Hide the "Trending Topics" section of Facebook, reduce stress in your life.
Selecteur de couleur JS - Color Picker Iraz Modding
Rutracker Seed Sort JS - Сортировка по сидам на Rutracker
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