Direct links JS - Direct links out
Stickers Koh-Lanta JS - Ajoute des stickers Koh-Lanta à JVC
Stickers Koh-Lanta JS - Ajoute des stickers Koh-Lanta à JVC
Sb Mod JS - smd
Always desktop Wikipedia JS - Redirect mobile Wikipedia to desktop
GitHub Code Guides JS - A userscript that allows you to add one or more vertical guidelines to the code
Facebook Crying Grin Smiley / Emoji Replacer JS - Replaces the terrible crying grin emoji / smiley on Facebook with the standard :D one
Forenputze JS - Applies changes to the user interface of The-West's XenForo forum including design changes, addition of useful links like "Forum read"-buttons and other features.
Pikabu oldschool JS - Возвращает Бровастика в футер Пикабу
WaniKani random font JS - Randomize between Japanese fonts on WaniKani.
500px Download button and enable right click JS - This script will add a gren Download button to the Photo page on 500px.com and also enable right clicking the photo.
Google Drive Video Player for Synchtube JS - Play Google Drive videos on Synchtube
Virtonomica: раскраска строк на складе в зависимости от запасов и расхода JS - Сравниваются текущий приход (реально обеспеченный запасами поставщиков), текущий объем заказов и запасы на самом складе. Если, например, при текущий объемах отгрузки/закупок/запасов товара станет не хватать через 10 пересчетов, то строка товара подсвечивается желтым цветом, если через 2 - оранжевым, если уже недопоставка - красным. И наоборот, если на складе запасов более чем на 30 пересчетов - подсвечивается зеленым.
yugioh wiki card info JS - try to take over the world!
Anime History JS - Highlights episodes that have been visited
Unborder JS - Injects some CSS to remove the default active state dotted border from objects
WME Color Highlights (Thadius856 mod) JS - Adds colours to road segments to show their status
Premium JS - premium
海事大学图书馆插件 JS - 我终于把界面做好看了
STagila post hider script JS - Скрывает определенные посты с форума.
Markdown and BB-codes for discuss.moe JS - Enable ability mark text in VK.
LinkTube JS - Replaces an embedded video with a link to the video page.
LinkTube JS - Replaces an embedded video with a link to the video page.
leboncoin - Titre avec le prix JS - Ce script ajoute le prix d'une annonce dans le titre. Pratique quand on met en favoris une annonce
Cards Against Humanity Chat Spam JS - Spamming your dongers
Bubble.am Script By Yomoi JS - Shift Is Split, Q Is Macro
Pocket Web Reader Width JS - Change the width of the article view in the Pocket.com Web Reader
Global Session Storage JS - Global Storage
xkcd: Add explainxkcd.com links to comics JS - This script adds the relevant explainxkcd.com link to xkcd comics.
SgWin JS - SG win
禁止腾讯新闻自动播放视频 JS - 禁止腾讯新闻自动播放视频(如gd.qq.com大粤网等地方新闻)
Remove noscript mask on ebay JS - Sets display property of noscript to none
Арена калькулятор торговца JS - Калькулятор торговца
Sorties OVS filtrees en fonction de l'age des organisateurs (NANTES) JS - Supprimer les sorties OVS organisees en fonction de l'age des organisateurs
Modératorbar JS - -----------------
斗鱼弹幕隐藏&新标签页打开直播间 JS - try to take over the world!
Slither.io Donuts JS - Slither.io Donuts is a slither.io extension that allows you to create your own custom skins. Please, subscribe to the developer on YouTube: https://goo.gl/7XnfAz. If you use the extension for your videos, please, credit my channel.
HTML5 Player for Ningmeng JS - Replace flash player with HTML5 audio tags for Ningmeng.name.
Réponse pré-défini JS - Un script pour rajouter des réponses pré-défini au forum !
Pixiv Ajax Bookmark Mod JS - Automatically adds artwork tags when you bookmark. ブックマークのタグを自動的につける。
Julimbo Split JS - Trick Split = T/Q Double Split = G/Q
匿名版图片修复 JS - 匿名版图片修复(正常时请关闭)
JIRA Links JS - Link JIRA issues by patterns. Change variables below to match your issue pattern and JIRA URL
VK-ScrollUpRemove JS - Уполовинивает кнопку скролла вверх, освобождая место для безопасного клика слева от постов.
Toggl-Button Trello JS - Toggle button for Trello
Steamgifts Shortcuts JS - Press enter to click the insert/delete button
MaSt Clan Extension Powerful and Useful! JS - MODS FOR AGAR & OTHER !
WWT - Auto Reload with counter JS - Reload pages every x minutes
Bettor Status JS - Puts the betting status of the person in their avatar
Informator beta JS - Dodatkowe informacje o zgłoszeniach w panelu naruszeń portalu Wykop.pl.
FaceIT Extra info in Match Room JS - More info for FaceIT match room.
Quizlet gravity game cheat JS - The correct answer pops up in the browser console and the restart button down left
WME TN Mapraid Overlay - East JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "TN Mapraid Groups" layer
WME TN Mapraid Overlay - Middle JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "TN Mapraid Groups" layer
WME TN Mapraid Overlay - West JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "TN Mapraid Groups" layer
Geeklist Tweaks JS - Various tweaks to improve BGG (boardgamegeek.com).
Rblogbar JS - remove sidebars from r-bloggers.com
Batoto Image Link JS - Batoto - click on image to go to next page
Block Opener on Targeted Links JS - Add rel attribute values on mouseup to block window.opener in the linked site, also blocks referer (2016-09-01)
Juick tweaks JS - Feature testing
FMU Skill Color JS - Skill color change
Autofill workload JS - Autofill platform.levtech.jp worklog
proxy getter JS - 从代理表中获取代理 ip:port 列表
Google Timer Title Update JS - Automatically updates the title when using Google's timer
Acfun自动投香蕉 JS - 在Acfun自动投香蕉
Reddit cracktorio JS - Makes the subreddit title more accurate
Acfun随机送香蕉 JS - Acfun随机送香蕉500次
Fancy Local Directories JS - Generate more useful file:// index, to have the base name as the title
Redirect to Bigfile.to from Uploadable.ch JS - Test version
MAL Thumbnail Swapper JS - Increases the size of thumbnails on MAL by swapping them out with their original file
No Caps JS - Makes stuff with all caps lowercase
Omegle Group Chat JS - Make a group of strangers in Omegle chat with each other
Darker Minds JS - Dark theme for minds.com
RealityGamingBar 13211 JS - By Maxence
Twitch Chat Cleverbot JS - try to take over the world!
H0T3 D0G3 HACK AGARLIST JS - Add skin changing
Agarlist Skin Changer JS - Add skin changing
Nortiana Pool JS - Úprava stránky www.duelovky.cz pre hru Pool Live Tour.
Extratorrent Redirecter| Karzz JS - On any web page it will check if the clicked links goes to Extratorrent.cc. If so, the link will be rewritten to proxy site
AMCGAming 13333 JS - By Maxence Edite WZN
AMCGAming 13333 JS - By Maxence Edite WZN
Szybsza wyszukiwarka JS - Wpisanie @nick lub #tag w wyszukiwarce przenosi od razu do celu
AmeliorationTchat2.0 JS - Ameliore l'utilisation des balises /me combinée aux couleurs. Adaptation du script de Gideon pour la version de l'interface précédente.
VK-4ImageWallpaper JS - Скрипт для любителей обоев из 4-ёх картинок на главной. Смотрите на скриншотах результат.
Smiley personnalisé JS - Un script pour rajouter des smileys personnalisé sur le forum, ainsi que dans les conversations !
Réponse pré-défini JS - Un script pour rajouter des réponses pré-défini au forum !
Krayagar JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1
Kitsu MangaDex Links JS - Adds MangaDex links to Kitsu manga pages
Skip Steam Link filter JS - Annoying but necessary, except for people that know their stuff.
Autoplay Reddit JS - autoplays videos on reddit
DubX JS - Autorun DubX on dubtrack.fm
乌云网漏洞及知识库链接转换器 JS - 将原乌云网漏洞及知识库链接转换为指定的镜像站链接,实现无缝浏览!
iks: virtonomica оптовое строительство (добавил выбор региона и страны) JS - Автоматический запуск постройки нескольких подразделений одного типа, кроме офисов. origin: https://greasyfork.org/ru/scripts/9228-iks-virtonomica-%D0%BE%D0%BF%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B5-%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%BE
Voorportaal ICT Alfa JS - http://ict-alfa.nl/index.html/
Acfun自动5蕉原生版 JS - Acfun自动投5蕉,使用模拟点击的原生方法送香蕉
Amboss No Distractions JS - Hide all distractions and maximize your reading efficiency in Miamed Amboss. It hides the top / side bar and expand all sections of a card automatically.
Vk Design (Firefox version) JS - возвращает старый дизайн вконтакте
css88辅助工具 JS - css88上的辅助性工具,用于去除广告等
Tło JS - ---
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