Cookie Clicker Auto Wrinkler Popper JS - Automatically pops wrinklers in Cookie Clicker.
Google meet spammer JS - Spams in google meet
评论历史记录与评论收藏(哔哩哔哩|B站|bilibili) JS - 记录点赞的评论, 发送过的历史评论, Ctrl+双击可收藏页面中的评论, 双击评论记录可跳转到评论来源页面
Simple Ringed Reticle JS - Simple Shell Shockers Theme only editing the Scope ADS and hipfire crosshair
Letterboxd Watchlist JS - Highlight films in your watchlist on Letterboxd
🥇🥇💯睿学在线-批量刷课助手💯🥇🥇 JS - 🥇🥇💯睿学在线-批量刷课助手1💯🥇🥇
CC字幕 | 查词翻译 |谷歌翻译|沙拉查词 JS - 在B站和YouTube学英语的时候,有时候开启了CC字幕,但是CC字幕没办法复制某个单词,得需要手动输入到翻译工具里,感觉有点麻烦,所以我做了一个油猴小插件,让CC字幕可以能够被选中复制,结合谷歌翻译或者沙拉查词就能很快的找到对应单词或句子的翻译了。
ourcoincash.xyz | Auto Claim Faucet, PTC Support JS - https://ourcoincash.xyz/?r=6946
GC Larger Dice-A-Roo Buttons JS - Easier to click Dice-A-Roo buttons so you can chill and idly tap a nice large target. Applies to the 'Roll Again' when playing, 'Press Me' when game over, and 'Lets Play!' when at the main menu buttons.
BOSS直聘-外包标注 JS - BOSS直聘外包标注工具,对可能是外包的岗位进行显示提醒。
allfaucet.xyz | Auto Claim Faucet, PTC Support JS - https://allfaucet.xyz/?r=1539
隐藏抖音登录弹窗 JS - 隐藏抖音上的登录弹窗、评论登录提示和验证码容器
Evoworld.io cелектор серверов Европы JS - a cheat that can connect to a disabled server and so on
杏坛豆瓣书籍自动检索工具 JS - 已有的书籍名称通过豆瓣API获取信息,然后填充至各个信息区
MooMoo.io Items Marker JS - Draws markers on items
推特只看原创内容 JS - 在网页版推特中只查看原创内容
图片CDN-修复网页图片不可见的问题 JS - 将网页的全部图片套用CDN,从而使得可以更快地显示(前提是图片正常)。
Steamworkshop downloader JS - Downloads Steam Workshop items that really works, replacing the deprecated or free space left from steamworkshop.download
云盘批量重命名 JS - 批量重命名云盘里的文件,支持123云盘、阿里云盘、百度网盘、移动云盘、天翼云盘、夸克云盘
Block YouTube Premium Advertisement JS - Block Premium Popup
Universal Autoplay Stopper JS - Aims to prevent autoplay on any streaming service!
NodeSeek X JS - 【原NodeSeek增强】自动签到、无缝翻页帖子评论、快捷回复、代码高亮、屏蔽用户、屏蔽帖子、楼主低等级提醒
Cryzen.io No spread JS - No spread (recoil still presists) TRY SHOTGUN, LOL! (for cryzen)
蝦皮短網址 JS - 縮短蝦皮網址
Zombs.io bad(?) Hack newest JS - The best defensive script (probably)
B站用户成分指示器 JS - 自动标注成分
FileCR Assistant Bypass & Helper JS - extracts software download links (including 'fast download' URLs) and provides access to premium contents.
Cryzen enemy nickname display JS - Shows some additional visual legal info in cryzen
Voxiom.io ORE/BASE/DUNGEON XRAY! (WORKING 2024) JS - Simple yet versatile script for voxiom
去掉哔哩哔哩推荐广告 JS - 去掉bilibili的推荐广告
Lazyloadfier Userscript JS - 9/8/2023, 1:42:06 AM
[Premium] Coinpayu.com by Andrewblood JS - Open and close Framed and Frameless Ads with Overlay for settings
Doc88Downloader JS - Download screenshots from all pages from a Doc88 file in one PDF
Saltar Acortador Compucalitv JS - Salta el acortador de Compucalitv al descargar
Free host download JS - free down it
Click Video To Pause JS - Userscript that enables pause on click for kick.com video player
蜜柑计划(Mikan Project)复制全部磁链 JS - 复制某部番的某个字幕组的全部磁链
Discord Token Login JS - Allows you to log into Discord Accounts with the Discord Account Token or copies your own Discord Account Token
MAM Guide Re-title JS - 11/16/23 Re-title MAM Guide tab to put the guide name first
Infinite Power Script JS - made by mai
删除知识星球水印 JS - 删除知识星球文章水印
BC Seed Tracker Util JS - Helps you find the optimal use of your tickets and cat food in BC Seed Tracker.
预约挂号 JS - 这是预约挂号
Numerade Blur Unlocker JS - Unlock some of the blurred content on numerade
DLsite Play Downloader JS - 在浏览器完成DLsite Play漫画的下载、拼图和保存
Steam市场cs武器箱批量出售 JS - 批量出售cs武器箱
净化主流新闻资讯网站影响阅读体验的广告 JS - 净化易有料、东方头条(东方资讯)、快科技(驱动之家)、MSN每日新闻、凤凰科技、TechWeb、QQ、edge浏览器自带的新闻资讯等广告,因为这些广告简直铺天盖地,非常影响体验,还你一个纯洁的新闻世界
图书互助 JS - 可以直接显示文献的ss号或dxid进行互助,,可以秒传和生成pdf,PC、手机、MAC、苹果设备都可用,可查询全国图书馆参考咨询联盟、超星、读秀、龙岩、东莞图书馆,获取全文PDF。
AniDB自动获取详情页动漫英文/日文名 跳转动漫花园/Nyaa等BT站和字幕站 JS - AniDB自动获取详情页动漫英文/日文名 跳转动漫花园/Nyaa等BT站和字幕站点
MyAnimeList详情页 自动获取详情页动漫日文/英文名 发售时间复制 2020年8月23日 JS - MyAnimeList详情页 自动获取详情页动漫日文/英文名 发售时间复制
小鹅通|常速|代刷+vx:shuake345 JS - 进入课程界面|自动学习小节|自动换课|需要代刷+vx:shuake345
YouTube Theater Plus JS - Make theater mode fill the entire page view with a hidden navbar and auto theater mode (Support new UI)
Blossom V3 JS - Revamped Blossom V2. Compatible with v45.0 and up.
JetBra JS - Add a button on the plugin homepage and click to get the plugin activation code
[Chrome] Enable Picture-in-picture (PiP) for Weverse.io JS - Enable Picture-in-picture (PiP) on weverse.io for Chrome browser.
Passei Direto Bypass JS - Changes a few things to remove the paywall card and unblur the answers.
Fuck Yudao JS - 屏蔽芋道官方文档登录校验
Time on Tab Title JS - Display remaining travel time, hospital time, raceway time, and time left for chain on tab title.
TikTok video downloader (broken) JS - Downloads videos from TikTok without the watermark.
YouTube Playback Speed Up JS - Speeding up shit talking without leaving out any information
Adblock Scroll Unblocker and Ad Elements Remover for OneJailbreak.com JS - Enable scrolling on pages that block it due to adblock detection and remove specific ad elements
Old Reddit Auto Expand Images and Post Text JS - Automatically expands images and post text on old Reddit feeds.
hwmBattleLinks JS - Быстрые ссылки на итоги боя; начало, конец, чат боя
AliExpress Total Price JS - Display total price (including shipping) on AliExpress item pages
testmod JS - Moomoo.io Mod // Client - ;cmds // For hackers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> This mod is not functional as a hack, as of now, only the textures are functional. For more info, go to the end of the source code.
Auto Claim JS - Auto claim loop
Gooboo辅助 JS - 循环学习、参加考试、使用装备、循环播种
a11yInsta JS - Script criado pra tornar o Instagram mais acessível
bilibili 视频下载 JS - bilibili 视频下载,支持多种格式(现 b 站已废弃 flv 格式)
AWBW Replay archive JS - Reload or download an archived replay, from 2023 onward.
Medium Unlocker (2023-12-06 updated) JS - Automatically detect Medium articles (including subdomains and custom domains) and replace the URL with readmedium.com to unlock Medium Posts.
Auto ZNext Channel JS - This will force you to stay in zNext (Global) channel on ROBLOX aka the stable branch instead of the beta channels.
Torn Crimes 2.0 - Disposal JS - Color codes disposal type based on difficulty
TORN: Display Crime Chain JS - Calculates and displays your current crime chain
MidishowCrack JS - Midishow免积分脚本 基于 https://github.com/66hh/MidishowCrack
屏蔽搜索部分结果 JS - 用于屏蔽某站搜索的部分结果,直接进行移除
快捷复制轻雀文档脚本 JS - 可以用ctrl+c复制轻雀文档脚本
NEW ASH BOT JS - free-litecoin BOT
YouTube Playlist Autoplay Button JS - Allows the user to toggle autoplaying to the next video once the current video ends. Stores the setting locally.
Youtube Tools JS - Youtube Tools All in one
browser-color-picker JS - pick color in browser
滚动到顶/底 JS - 在网页右下添加一个的按钮,通过上下滑动可以切换按钮形态,快速回到页面顶部或底部。
TTROCK-bot JS - Times Tables Rockstars bot.
NexusMods Extended View JS - This extends the content you can see by using more of the screen.
下载你赞助的fanbox JS - 快速下载你赞助的fanbox用户的所有投稿
hwmTimers JS - Таймеры здоровья, гильдии рабочих, кузнецов, наёмников, охотников, воров/рейнджеров, лидеров
Bilibili剧场版播放 JS - B站播放器剧场模式
치지직 광고 자동 스킵 JS - 치지직 방송에서 나오는 광고를 자동으로 스킵해주는 스크립트입니다.
哔哩哔哩 阻止侵入式的登录提示 JS - 阻止B站侵入式的登录提醒
CSDN、知乎、简书浏览体验优化脚本 JS - 为了查资料时拥有最好的阅读体验,致力于优化所有博客网站的无关元素
脚本管理器 JS - jsm 通用脚本设置界面
Agsv-Torrent-Assistant JS - Agsv审种助手
115备份小工具 JS - 改自115转存助手ui优化版3.5,先感谢一下作者,其次我太懒了,不想写新的
网页看板娘 JS - 看板娘
Cmpedu Resource Downloader JS - 机械工业出版社教育服务网资源下载,无需登录,无需教师权限,油猴脚本。
链接预览 JS - 鼠标指向链接标识图标预览链接网页
Switch520下载优化 JS - Switch520点击下载按钮后,直接弹出下载地址,无需反复跳转、输入密码
叔叔不约只配女并自动问好 JS - 叔叔不约只配女 并自动问好
永页机伴侣 JS - 开启页面自动滚动,通过点击按钮改变自动滚动速度,可与永页机一起使用
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