强制页面在新标签页打开 JS - 强制链接在新标签页打开,脚本采用白名单的模式,在油猴自带的菜单里面控制开关
Reddit CSS JS - New Design with new functionalities
Reddit Old Mobile 📱 JS - Mobile-friendly design for Reddit Old
Reddit Old Auto-Expand ↕️ JS - Automatically expands posts on old.reddit.com
去掉飞书虚拟滚动 JS - 去掉飞书虚拟滚动,连接整个网页
亚洲审美车(极品比较多) JS - 破解网站时长限制,需要自己注册登录
Play with MPV -- enabled on all websites. JS - Play videos and songs on the website via mpv-handler
CivitaiAutoShow JS - Hover the mouse over a hidden picture to reveal it automatically
faucetoshi Auto PTC JS - Automatically views all PTC ads on faucetoshi.com
bing搜索去广告 JS - bing搜索去广告,优化bing搜索
谷歌搜索结果两栏显示 Google Search Double Column Results JS - 搜索结果支持两栏
摸鱼小说阅读器 Loafing-Reader JS - 内嵌浏览器里用来上班摸鱼看小说
BILIBILI-Beautify JS - Bilibili beautification | enhancement | custom background | comment filtering, etc
YoutubeDL JS - Download youtube videos at the comfort of your browser.
图寻我的插件 JS - 我的插件
MAHE Power Tools JS - An amalgamation of all the tools I have created yet.
Gray | Скрипт для ГА/ЗГА/КУРАТОРОВ/ГКФ/ЗГКФ JS - По вопросам обратная связь в Вк: https://vk.com/lmhokage
Vimeo Player Custom Buttons JS - Add an interface to add custom buttons to embeded Vimeo players
Hide feeds JS - Hide youtube and bilibili home page recommendations 90% (so you still have chance to know what's trending) of the time. Preventing the algorithm steal you time.
Geoguessr Duels Notification JS - Plays a sound when you find a duel
Substack - Stop Text Selection Quote Popup JS - Prevent quote popup from appearing when text is selected on Substack.
USTC研究生选课插件 JS - 显示USTC研究生选课人数
Custom YouTube Theme JS - Replaces YouTube Home button, background, and colors with custom content.
百度贴吧增强——【花生米】 JS - 百度贴吧增强;去广告、自动签到、免除重定向直接跳转到目标链接、搜索楼主全部贴子
Quality filters - torrentgalaxy.to JS - Feel some of the benefits of Private trackers.
番茄免费小说网页复制乱码文字还原-方便复制 JS - 还在为番茄免费小说网页版复制出的小说内容一堆乱码而烦恼?使用此脚本即可恢复乱码,随意复制!
移除 Bilibili 链接垃圾参数 JS - 移除Bilibili地址栏链接中的垃圾参数,如spm_id_from、from_sourse、from等
futaba-image-preview JS - ふたばちゃんねるのスレッド上で「あぷ」「あぷ小」の画像をプレビュー表示する
NP一键认领 JS - 适用于NP架构的一键认领
你果然关注了这些人(微博特征用户关注检测) JS - 新浪微博,查看用户关注「典型」用户的数量。一个常见的应用场景就是看ta关注了哪些你会拉黑的人。
🔥【就是爽】解决网盘不保存只能观看1秒的限制+可显示字幕(360和chrome均已测试) JS - 修复百度网盘视频播放暂停问题
Video Popout and No scroll on Click timestamps JS - Adds a button for watching YouTube videos in picture in picture mode while viewing comments and prevents the page from scrolling up if the user clicks a timestamp in the comments
Aceable Autoanswer and video player script JS - an autoanswer script for questions, pages, going next
HF model downloader JS - Extract urls to model of Huggingface. Make your life easier when downloading the weights manually.
Dark mode JS - Enable dark mode with only one line of CSS
Aladar JS - Aladar aka allies radar showing your allies on minimap.
全网视频解析播放 JS - 新增数据库,海量弹幕解析口为数据库1和4
移除复制后缀 JS - 移除复制后缀,手机、电脑全平台通用,长期维护:CSDN、简书、掘金、知乎专栏、B站专栏、力扣
吾爱折叠 - 自动折叠水贴 JS - 在吾爱破解论坛手动或自动折叠不想看到的帖子,如水贴和已被屏蔽的帖子。
CloudFlare Challenge JS - cloudflare
绕过网页复制和右键限制 JS - 支持绕过很多网站的禁止复制和粘贴的限制
Improved Bullet Stacking By Mekhi Maragh JS - Makes some tanks more powerful (Tri-angle branch, spread shot, penta shot, octo tank, gunner trapper, streamliner).
bumble-enhanced JS - show votes, show online status, and change location on bumble
电信网上大学超级学习 JS - 更快、更全、更好用的电信网上大学(知学云zhixueyun)学习工具。
Freebitco.in Auto Roll, Auto WoF (work with tiers hcaptcha resolver) 08/2023 JS - Please use my Referal-Link https://freebitco.in/?r=1748546, if you find the script useful and want to donate, please use bc1qwdsgre7gzy4z63ujsev9mfkv68f33jykdzeypj
Complete Explorer Mode JS - Improve your list and map in explorer mode with old official maps (Vietnam and Türkiye (duplicate)).
OverLord Test JS - Secret scripet
视频加速 JS - 网页内视频内容加速播放。使用方法:右键-Tampermonkey-视频加速-点击修改
PreventPageVisibility JS - Block websites from knowing if you switched tabs/windows
Free PixelPlace Player Tracker JS - Provides all free users of pixelplace with a Player Tracking feature! There are no hidden tricks.
Twitter Antibot JS - The script highlights the Kremlin's bots in the Russian-language segment of Twitter
old google Favicon JS - old google.
让链接可点击 JS - 如其名
Youtube Downloader JS - Adds a download button (That actually looks good) that redirects to yt1s.com.
qB-WebUI 标记tracker异常 JS - 在 qBittorrent WebUI 中添加按钮,用于标记tracker状态出错的种子
AI Chat WideScreen JS - Make the ChatGPT & DeepSeek conversation window wider.使ChatGPT和DeepSeek的聊天对话框更宽
夸克/阿里网盘批量重命名 JS - 夸克/阿里网盘中文件、文件夹批量重命名
Крисбот JS - Бот для мафии
Boss直聘高亮未沟通, 隐藏已沟通 JS - 一个油猴脚本, 将Boss直聘的未沟通岗位高亮, 同时可选隐藏已沟通岗位, 方便各位海投
enaeaHelperPlus JS - make your life easier
ROBLOX 2013 FAVICON JS - this script brings back the 2013 logo of roblox to match with melo's 2014-esque roblox theme
sABER-Click shortlink helper JS - Script de uso personal, adicional para pasar acortadores. Contribuciones via FaucetPay User: Crypto4Script. Try to take over the world!
Always Start With 100 Resources JS - Start with 100 resources in moomoo.io
Wanikani Review Summary JS - Show a popup with statistics about the review session when returning to the dashboard
Bilibili旧版首页 JS - 阻止b站修改buvid3以退回旧版2023/09/14
MooMoo.io Auto Triple Mill JS - Automatically place Triple Mill in MooMoo.io when the [M] key is pressed.
Torn Faction War Helper JS - Display faction data on Torn
Better xCloud No VPN - Xbox Cloud Gaming Region Unlocker JS - Add-on script for Better xCloud to bypass region restriction (no VPN)
Блокировщик рекламы на Dzen JS - ru: Блокирует рекламу на сайте Dzen
Torn Russian Roulette JS - Loader for the Torn RR Helper script
YouTube Short Link Copier JS - Copy the short YouTube link directly when pressing Shift + S, and with timestamp when pressing Shift + C.
Steam显示隐藏的偏好设置 JS - 将Steam偏好设置里隐藏的设置完整的显示出来,包括选项的标题和描述。可解决例如Wallpaper Engine:壁纸引擎 锁国区等问题
Fix Brave Bug for YouTube Live Chat JS - To Fix Brave Bug for YouTube Live Chat
steam-wallpaperEngine-fix JS - 近期小红车一些限制级内容创意工坊软锁,可以通过网页端隐藏的后两个选项打开。此插件用于修复隐藏的后两个选项内容
护眼脚本 JS - 修改网页背景色,让网页原本的白色背景色变成乡土黄、豆沙绿、浅色灰、淡橄榄一干颜色,更加护眼。默认背景色是豆沙绿。自用脚本,不伺候,有删历史版本的习惯。
Cube Engine JS - Enhance your Experience
Torn Crimes Card Skimming Extended JS - Sorts all installed card skimmers by location, time installed, score or cards skimmed. Adds card/hour stat. Remembers your choice.
DigDig.io AmongusFall JS - Add a snowfall effect to digdig.io with AMONGUS
Enhanced Steam Workshop Downloader JS - Adds an extra button to download, supports collections and new workshop layout
Unshort YouTube JS - Watch a YouTube Shorts video in the normal YouTube player
自動點以圖搜尋按鈕 JS - 在Google圖片搜尋自動點擊以圖搜尋按鈕
Avistaz Plus JS - This extension simply calculates the required seeding time and displays it in the hours seeded box. Colors Ratio accordingly. Many other QOL features to come. - This is not affiliated with Avistaz. At all. -
Expand All Lists of GeForce NOW Status JS - Expand all lists on a webpage
禁用无限调试脚本debugger JS - 破解无限Debugger;禁用无限调试脚本debugger;
隐藏B站搜索框热搜 JS - 隐藏B站搜索框内的热搜
学习通自动播放视频 JS - 仅支持任务点全为视频的自动播放,静音播放,自动连播,自动下一个任务点
2013 youtube favicon restored JS - brings back the old 2013 youtube favicon
论坛列表显示图片 JS - 论坛列表显示图片,同时支持discuz搭建的论坛(如吾爱破解)以及phpwind搭建的论坛(如south plus)灯
Seterra Hack JS - simple hack for seterra. colours the correct country/location in black, then white when clicked.
雨课堂自动刷未读PPT JS - 一款可以支持将未读的PPT刷下去的插件!
反 devtools-detector 反调试 2 JS - 麻麻再也不怕 https://github.com/AEPKILL/devtools-detector 不让我调试啦!
Torn Loadout Switcher JS - Adds customisable quick loadout change buttons on Items page.
arXiv论文下载自动重命名为论文名 【功能增强版】| arXiv download pdf auto rename tool JS - 下载arXiv论文并自动重命名,兼容更多arXiv页面
Auto Cambiar skins JS - cambia de skins con la tecla "C" automaticamente
Video URL grabber JS - Display video URLs and allow copying on the webpage while playing videos.
FPS Booster [Sploop.io, Moomoo.io and other] (if you want me to add sites, dm me) JS - Improve MooMoo.io FPS performance.(if you want me to add sites, dm me)
AgarSkin JS - Get all skins for free!
Bypass Paywall JS - Adds a context menu option to bypass an article's paywall.
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