Advanced Skribbl.io Cheat GUI JS - Enhanced Cheat GUI for Skribbl.io
GreasyFork Search JS - Rechercher avec GoogleGreasyForketSleazyForkécriture supérieure
ChatGPT Jailbroken! Use it for whatever JS - ChatGPT Jailbroken! Includes FREE GPT-4
Auto Typer for TypingClub JS - This script types for you automatically on www.typingclub.com:
Blooket Cheat Script JS - A script for Blooket cheats, with various functionalities and checks.
Pixeldrain Download Bypass (with zip file content support) JS - Bypass Pixeldrain Download Limit
Light.gg Bilingual Display Tool JS - 命运2工具网站 light.gg 的增强脚本,将物品名显示为双语,并可选择性设置tooltip语言。
M3U8 Filter Ad Script JS - 自用,拦截和过滤 m3u8(解析/采集资源) 的切片(插播)广告,同时在console打印过滤的行信息,不会误删。
Times Tables Rock Stars Hack JS - An overpowered ttrs cheat.
【移动端】MT论坛优化 JS - MT论坛效果增强,如自动签到、自动展开帖子、滚动加载评论、显示UID、自定义屏蔽、手机版小黑屋、编辑器优化、在线用户查看、便捷式图床、自定义用户标签、积分商城商品上架提醒等
【最新可用】小红书无水印下载图片视频笔记 JS - 小红书无水印下载图片视频笔记
Torn Market Filler JS - On "Fill" click autofills market item price with lowest market price currently minus $1 (can be customised), fills max quantity for items, marks checkboxes for guns.
Gimkit Custom Cosmetic Overlay JS - Adds a custom cosmetic overlay to Gimkit on the home page and in-game
Onlyfaucet - Autoclaim Faucet & Remove Ads JS - Autoclaim faucet & remove ads from Onlyfaucet
黑猫大麦演唱会抢票 JS - 支持黑猫大麦全自动抢票,自动提交订单,解放双手!可能会失效!
Twitter AdBlocker [Enhanced] | 推特广告过滤[优化版]🚫 JS - Hide ads in tweets and sidebar. Optimized performance.
Cobalt Tools Video Downloader JS - Adds a context menu item that downloads the current page's video.
Blooket Token Adder JS - Adds tokens and XP to your Blooket account (up to 1,000,000 tokens daily)
2024 Blooket Script Test JS - Add coins and tokens to your Blooket account
国家中小学智慧教育平台电子课本下载 JS - 在国家中小学智慧教育平台网站中添加电子课本下载按钮,下载电子课本
ChatGPT Helper JS - 一站式ChatGPT增强工具,支持Access Token获取、服务降级检测等功能
AI Chat Window Enhancer Pro JS - Enhanced chat window for various AI platforms: ChatGPT, Claude, Kimi, Tongyi, ChatGLM, Tiangong, Deepseek, Gemini
Tribals.io spawner JS - Script to spawn tools, items, and players in Tribals.io game using Tampermonkey.
! za's mod JS - press t to toggle autooneframe
Snake.io cheat (beta) JS - Cheats for snake.io
battleHelper (fixed) JS - Исправленный и рабочий battleHelper
Kahoot Cheat (Beta) (Working Dec 2024) JS - Skibidi Toilet approved, made by floidAI
Torn Item Market Helper JS - Items market 2.0 helper
Drawaria Avatar Builder ++ JS - Adds a modernized, light-themed UI with upload image input to the avatar builder.
全网VIP视频解析在线原网页观看 JS - 优酷 爱奇艺 腾讯 芒果 AB站等全网VIP视频免费解析
Bumble Unblur with Names JS - Unblur Bumble beeline profiles and show names
Fake知乎 JS - 在常见搜索引擎中屏蔽知乎相关结果,不登陆就不让看,那就不要怪人民放弃它了。
Krunker Market Tweaks JS - Tweaks the krunker market
稿定设计 一键高清无水印下载 JS - 🔥【2025.1.22】稿定设计去水印 + 一键高清无水印原下载、支持长图、无需截图直接导出
极乐禁地|观看vip金币付费视频 JS - 🔥(新脚本「糖心」已上线)观看全站vip金币付费视频,复制播放链接,下载视频(日限),去广告🔥
123网盘无广告下载增强 JS - 123网盘去广告,并伪装客户端下载
AI智能考试答题 JS - 💯【不限平台不限知识】🔍AI智能答题,不限平台不限知识💻自动联网搜索知识答题📝截图识别答题✅可选择模型规模🏆用于各类问答,网课问题,竞赛问题,专业术语,业务名称,情景问题,在线作业等。🥇操作简单🥇无需配置安装即可使用。🏆解除各类功能限制,解除字体加密。支持但不限于以下平台:支持【超星学习通】【智慧树】【职教云系列】【雨课堂】【考试星】【168网校】【u校园】【大学MOOC】【云班课】【优慕课】【继续教育类】【绎通云课堂】【九江系列】【柠檬文才】【亿学宝云】【优课学堂】【小鹅通】【安徽继续教育】【上海开放大学】【华侨大学自考网络助学平台】【良师在线】【和学在线】【人卫慕课】【国家开放大学】【山财培训网(继续教育)】【浙江省高等学校在线开放课程共享平台】【国地质大学远程与继续教育学院】【重庆大学网络教育学院】【浙江省高等教育自学考试网络助学平台】【湖南高等学历继续教育】【优学院】【学起系列】【青书学堂】【学堂在线】【英华学堂】【广开网络教学平台】【中国大学mooc】【新国开】【知到】【蓝墨云】【智慧职教】【云班课精品课】【山东专技】【西财在线绎通云】
JanitorAI Personality Snatcher JS - Steals JanitorAI bot descriptions.
Scribd Content Viewer/Downloader JS - View or export scribd docs content for free
super mod v5 JS - Press ` if u need smooth, also im coming out im super gay, slight edit from hax this is wats mod not mine, that him not me
Arcalive gallery view JS - arcalive 게시글의 이미지를 미리보여줍니다.
Sparx Maths Auto Solver JS - Solves Sparx Maths homework questions using WolframAlpha
CheatGuessr | GeoGuessr Cheat JS - Extremely customizable GeoGuessr cheating client. Click 3 to open the settings menu.
Keep TSR Tab Focused JS - Trick TheSimsResource into thinking the tab is always in focus | Tab Focus Timer Bypass
YouTube Mobile Background Playback (Firefox Android) JS - Enable YouTube background playback in Firefox for Android
youtube-adb JS - A script to remove YouTube ads, including static ads and video ads, without interfering with the network and ensuring safety.
youtube-adb JS - A script to remove YouTube ads, including static ads and video ads, without interfering with the network and ensuring safety.
Hasans- Bypass All Shortlinks Manual Captcha JS - Bypass All Shortlinks Sites Automatically Skips Annoying Link Shorteners , Skip AdFly and No Annoying Ads, Directly to Your Destination and now Support Auto Downloading Your Files
Nexus Mods Fast Download JS - Overrides the "Manual" button on NexusMods mod pages to download the file without extra steps.
Monkeytyper JS - Type really fast on Monkeytype! Useful for scuffing leaderboard entries.
简洁网页翻译助手 JS - 单击按钮即可将当前页面翻译成中文(使用 Google 翻译)
Auto Click Collect Your Reward Button on OurCoinCash Faucet JS - Klickt automatisch auf den "Collect Your Reward"-Button auf https://ourcoincash.xyz/faucet
Google Search Results Maximizer JS - Google disabled the option to display/show more than 10 results. This script allows you to get 100 Google search results per page again.
Show Password onMouseOver JS - Show password when mouseover on password field
hwm_time_seconds JS - Время с секундами (by Demin)
Remove Google Click-tracking JS - Removes Google's click-tracking from result links
Vkontakte video downloader JS - add button to download video from vkontakte.ru Opera fixed version of script 17126
AgarBot JS - Plays Agar
AQW Wiki Link Preview JS - Adds image previews for links on the official AQW Wiki
百度云下载不受限制 JS - 把"share"改为"wap"百度网盘下载大于2G的文件不用安装云管家
Search By Image JS - Search By Image | 以图搜图
WME Route Checker JS - Allows editors to check the route between two segments
Fix chess.com analysis board for tabs JS - Move the movelist back to the left on the analysis board, so that it is useable when forced into a tab
仓库用度盘投稿助手 JS - 简易功能增强, 方便仓库投稿用
ao3 savior JS - Hide specified works on AO3
Multi-OCH Helper JS - nopremium.pl and premiumize.me. Inserts a direct download link on several one-click-hosters and some container/folder providers.
TWLeoTools JS - Useful tools for The West!
WestForts.com Import Link JS - A new link to launch the WestForts import script
MoreMovieRatings JS - Show IMDb ratings on Douban, and vice versa
Maximize Video JS - Maximize all video players.Support Piture-in-picture.
My Match Analyzer JS - en
Smoothscroll JS - Smooth scrolling on pages using javascript
ABPVN AdsBlock JS - Script block ads, remove wating of ABPVN
Auto Close YouTube Ads JS - Close and/or Mute YouTube ads automatically!
W.A.R. Links Checker Premium JS - this script automatically checks links from hundreds of filehosts. For Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari & edge.
Scribd Print and Download JS - Changes "Upload" link to open a printable viewer (print to PDF)
500px图片下载 JS - 在500px.com网站添加下载图片按钮
Direct links out JS - Removes all "You are leaving our site" and redirection stuff from links
百度网盘分享(版本1) JS - 百度网盘批量分享, 每个勾勾都生成一个分享链接, 可以自定义访问密码
Tumblr Tamer JS - Restyles Tumblr's new reblogging template, and makes it look like before. Plus adds some bonus features!
WME RA Util JS - Providing basic utility for RA adjustment without the need to delete & recreate
去除知乎跳转 JS - 去除知乎重定向,不再跳转
Inject2Download JS - Simple media download script
Pinterest Plus JS - Show full size + open original image.
MoreCAPTCHA JS - Speeds up solving Google reCAPTCHA challenges by shortening transition effects and providing continuous selection ability.
bilibili HTML5播放器 JS - 启用bilibili的html5播放器,自动宽屏、原生右键菜单
Remove Yandex Redirect JS - Remove Yandex redirect in search, news and mail
Quizlet micromatch bot JS - Win micromatch in < 100 seconds!
The West Fortbattle Tool JS - Fort battle tools for The West!
RobuxChanger by ModderOP JS - Script by ModderOP
Disable YouTube 60 FPS (Force 30 FPS) JS - Tells YouTube that your browser only supports videos at 30FPS or less, which switches all 60FPS videos to 30FPS and allows old computers to watch high-resolution videos without stutter!
知乎免登录 JS - 并且去掉链接跳转。
Sorry, Pinterest JS - Sorry, Pinterest (hide the login)
VIP会员视频解析 JS - 解析并自动跳转各大视频网站会员视频(傻瓜版)
Netflix - subtitle downloader JS - Allows you to download subtitles from Netflix
Cookie clicker tools JS - Cookie clicker tools (visual)
searchEngineJump 搜索引擎快捷跳转 JS - 方便的在各个搜索引擎之间跳转,增加可视化设置菜单,能更友好的自定义设置,修复百度搜索样式丢失的问题
反图片防盗链 JS - 破解图片防盗链
Show Rottentomatoes meter JS - Show Rotten Tomatoes score on imdb.com, metacritic.com, letterboxd.com, BoxOfficeMojo, serienjunkies.de, Amazon, Google Play, allmovie.com, Wikipedia, themoviedb.org, movies.com, tvmaze.com, tvguide.com, followshows.com, thetvdb.com, tvnfo.com, save.tv
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