智慧教育平台_教材下载 JS - 智慧教育平台(教材下载)
🔥【就是爽】解决网盘不保存只能观看1秒的限制+可显示字幕(360和chrome均已测试) JS - 修复百度网盘视频播放暂停问题
HF model downloader JS - Extract urls to model of Huggingface. Make your life easier when downloading the weights manually.
Dark mode JS - Enable dark mode with only one line of CSS
Neopets Inventory Quick Actions JS - Userscript that adds new quick actions button to the inventory modal on Neopets.
全局滚动条美化 & 字体修改 JS - 全局字体美化,滚动条美化,支持自定义字体、自定义规则
Youtube Downloader JS - Adds a download button (That actually looks good) that redirects to yt1s.com.
Auto Refresh Twitter (X) Timeline JS - Automatically refreshes the Twitter (X) timeline every 5 seconds without refreshing the tab.
TrioLingo JS - Duolingo cheat script hack. Based on DuoPower
Dogeminer2 Cheats Infinite(NO ADDS)[Diamonds,DogeCoins,CustomBackground,SkipLevels] JS - Simple (MOD MENU) Dogeminer 2 Cheats Infinite Diamonds && DogeCoins Working 2022
Better xCloud No VPN - Xbox Cloud Gaming Region Unlocker JS - Add-on script for Better xCloud to bypass region restriction (no VPN)
Torn Russian Roulette JS - Loader for the Torn RR Helper script
护眼脚本 JS - 修改网页背景色,让网页原本的白色背景色变成乡土黄、豆沙绿、浅色灰、淡橄榄一干颜色,更加护眼。默认背景色是豆沙绿。自用脚本,不伺候,有删历史版本的习惯。
Enhanced Steam Workshop Downloader JS - Adds an extra button to download, supports collections and new workshop layout
Seterra Hack JS - simple hack for seterra. colours the correct country/location in black, then white when clicked.
Flipfire script 2023 JS - Press F to sync bullets DO NOT use autofire or shoot, then just click right mouse button and it stacks
HeroWarsHelper_Bot_TC JS - Automation of actions for the game Hero Wars
Bypass Paywall JS - Adds a context menu option to bypass an article's paywall.
osu!web enhancement JS - Some small improvements to osu!web, featuring beatmapset filter and profile page improvement.
Torn Fast Slots JS - Makes slots stop instantly. Works for every spin except first.
Mortal 显示恶手率 JS - Mortal牌谱解析增强脚本 (雀魂麻将/天凤(天鳳)(てんほう)/麻雀一番街)(Mahjong Soul/Tenhou/Riichi City)
Devuplads/Up Remove Bloat JS - show only download button and try click
CheatNite JS - CraftNite cheat client. Credits to 🄱u𝕥c🅷e𝕣_B𝙤🅈 for icon.
Agma.io Gold Nickname Blinker JS - Make your gold nickname in Agma.io blink
YouTube iFrame AdBlocker JS - Bypass YouTube's ad-blocker detection by dynamically replacing the video player with an iframe.
Pickpocket J.A.R.V.I.S. JS - color pick-pocket targets based on difficulty
微博图片批量下载-支持无水印 JS - 本程序支持新版微博图片批量下载功能
Old Reddit Redirect! JS - Converts reddit.com links to old.reddit.com links
云盘批量重命名 JS - 批量重命名云盘里的文件,支持123云盘、阿里云盘、百度网盘、移动云盘、天翼云盘、夸克云盘
Cryzen.io Visible models JS - Makes models better visible
FileCR Assistant Bypass & Helper JS - extracts software download links (including 'fast download' URLs) and provides access to premium contents.
bilibili 页面净化大师 JS - 净化 B站/哔哩哔哩 页面,支持「精简功能、播放器净化、过滤视频、过滤评论、全站黑白名单」,提供 300+ 功能,定制自己的 B 站
YouTube H.264 + FPS JS - Clone of h264ify with optional limit up to 30 FPS.
Steam市场cs武器箱批量出售 JS - 批量出售cs武器箱
ChatGPT Prompt Collector JS - a prompt collector for chatgpt
Boîte Inutile de Facebook JS - Supprimez la boîte qui indique que vous devez vous inscrire ou vous connecter pour voir cette page sur Facebook.
YouTube Playlist AutoPlay JS - AutoPlay next Playlist item in YouTube
HideImages JS - hide web images
Loot Links Ad Skipper JS - Redirects to the publisher link if "loot" is in the URL
Gooboo辅助 JS - 循环学习、参加考试、使用装备、循环播种
Gartic.io Anonim Menu JS - Press F2 to open and close the menu
Bilibili-Live-Spamer JS - B站直播文字、表情独轮车
JKLM Bomb Party: view opponent bonus letter status JS - Displays the status of bonus letter use for opponents.
下载你赞助的fanbox JS - 快速下载你赞助的fanbox用户的所有投稿
Gimkit Dark Mode JS - Dark mode
夸克懒得点 JS - 夸克懒得点..
Bonk Skin Editor Overlay JS - Adds an image overlay to skin editor
[GC] - Bilge Dice Keyboard Controls & Tracking Enhancements JS - Keyboard controls for Bilge Dice. Streak tracking tweaked so the new in-game streak is displayed during gameplay. You can now press enter to start a game with a default Ante, which is set to 10 NP unless you change it.
小破站・哔哩哔哩超级助手, 视频下载(单P和批量), 自动签到领瓜子辣条等,===大家都说好系列😈 JS - 为爱发电,B站视频下载(👉支持多P批量快速下载👈)、浏览记录提示、一键三连、访问任意B站链接,即可自动签到领取瓜子辣条、视频描述中文本网址转链接,专栏文章中文本网址转链接,跳转访问更加方便等,脚本长期稳定更新,大家可以放心使用
Youtube download button - yt1s.com (revised SuchtiOnTour Edit) JS - This Script Adds a Download Button next to the subscribe button, you can easily download Audio/Video
赛尔号启航Pc修改版黄金天马透视 JS - 赛尔号启航Pc.
TurboType for Monkeytype 🤖 JS - This script automates typing tests on Monkeytype by simulating character input at random intervals when the "CtrlLeft" key is pressed. Keyboard events are intercepted and transmitted to the input field, providing a configurable automated typing test experience. The test can be started or stopped through a menu accessible with the "CtrlLeft" key.
Studocu Premium Banner Bypass JS - Remove premium banner & blur of Studocu document
!!!! Project kindvers unpatched fps boost !!!! JS - works best with stick hammer has autopush, auto trap, auto insta, autoheal, can get katana gun VISUALS not real (still deals 35 dmg but looks like katana) to get this go with sword and DO NOT PICK KATANA or you will not be able to get gun, select the gun then you will get katana visuals :D thats all
Bloxd Keep Run / Crouch JS - Help you keep running or crouching in Bloxd.io with the key X and V.
ShellFarm V2 - Utilities for Shell Shockers. JS - Some useful mods for Shell Shockers, including infinite history, FOV, Custom SFX, skyboxes and more. Bindable too.
Sigmally Macros JS - Macro for sigmally
TikTok Magic (téléchargement dynamique) JS - Téléchargez des vidéos sans logo/marque d'eau en un seul clic, directement depuis TikTok. Plus de fonctionnalités à venir.
✅ RoVerify | Roblox Verification Badge JS - A simple script that adds the Roblox verification badge to your name.
Moonstone Client for bloxd.io JS - this is cool
Auto Translate to English JS - Automatically translate web pages to English
日租号解析一同看(仅支持标清) JS - 如果仅针对苹果用户的脚本也不生效,只能安装这个旧版本的解析脚本。
Bilibili - 防止在首页下拉刷新时被要求登录 JS - 防止在首页下拉刷新时被要求登录
Infinite Craft Tools JS - Tools for infinite craft
18Comic 之路 JS - JM / 18Comic 车牌号划词查询工具
【学习公社】学习中心视频自动打卡继续观看 JS - 学习公社学习中心,检测打卡弹窗并点击,检测继续观看弹窗并点击
CatWar UwU JS - Визуальное обновление CatWar'а, и не только...
Infinite Craft Helper JS - A script that adds various useful features to Infinite Craft.
Infinite Crafting JS - Create & Manage Items in Infinite Craft with an Easy to use Menu!
WikiView: AQW Link Preview JS - Adds image previews for links on the official AQW Wiki, AQW character pages, and AQW account management.
YouTube Default Audio Track JS - Makes it possible to select the desired Audio Track played by default.
[Premium] Shortlink Maker by Andrewblood JS - Automatic click the buttons for much Shortlink sites (a list is no longer possible with so many pages)
Auto Read JS - 自动刷linuxdo文章
解除复制限制 JS - 解除部分网站的复制限制及小尾巴,如百度文库、CSDN、哔哩哔哩专栏等。
YGN RedBOT v3 JS - Gartic.io RedBOT v3 [OPENSOURCE]
🔥超星学习通小助手-章节、作业、考试覆盖98%|后台自动挂机|闯关课程|自动答题|阅读时长|公式题、图片题|1:1时长|不清进度|云端题库实时更新 JS - 🔥新版学习模式,避免页面切换烦恼,亿级题库支撑,搜索无答案自动后台检索,可视化配置界面,参数DIY⭐️【复习模式】可补次数补时长,⭐️【闯关课程】支持闯关模式课程全自动学习
Don't forget your Xanax JS - Reminds you to take your xanax when you have no drug cooldown
Geotastic Helper JS - Helps you in the game Geotastic
TTRockstars Devil JS - Automatic answer bot for https://play.ttrockstars.com/
Custom Cursor JS - Custom Bloxd Cursor
Boss直聘助手 JS - 优化UI去除广告,批量投递简历,高级筛选,GPT自动打招呼,多账号管理...
duohacker JS - there's cheats for Duolingo? what
Reddit Age Bypass JS - Bypass the "open in app prompt" for nsfw posts
DropGalaxy Auto Skip JS - Auto skip ads and auto download on DropGalaxy
Stop Nefarious Redirects JS - Block unauthorized redirects and prevent history manipulation
学术论文期刊免费下载工具-知网免费下载 JS - 支持的网站:知网|万方|维普|皮书|中华医学会|博看图书。知网的硕博论文以及期刊免费下载、万方数据知识平台的文章免费下载、维普期刊的所有期刊免费下载、皮数数据库的期刊和报告免费下载、中华医学会的期刊论文免费下载、博看图书的图书和期刊免费全本下载。如果遇到问题请在反馈中登记,看到后会及时的回复的。
Freetrx.in Auto roll JS - Automatic rolls and claims
Youtube short remover JS - Removes Youtube shorts from search results and watch page. Configuration Menu to the Settings at https://www.youtube.com/account_playback
pURLfy for Tampermonkey JS - The ultimate URL purifier - for Tampermonkey
Fortnite Aimbot JS - Automatically aim at enemies in Fortnite.
图片下载 | 页面所有图片打包下载 | 单张下载 | 图片预览放大,旋转,信息展示 | 简单有效,想要哪张点哪张 JS - 简单纯洁的网页图片下载工具,侵入性小不影响原网页显示,可集中展示页面所有图片,可点击预览放大,可旋转,可查看图片信息(尺寸,格式,图片大小) | (Ctrl+鼠标右键)下载单个图片
Powerline.io infinite score and length JS - Exploits debugging capabilities in the Powerline.io server to grant infinite score and length
Highlight Answers JS - View All The Correct Answers on Blooket
Classic Youtube Layout JS - Revert to old Youtube UI Layout. Comments below the video and recommendations in the sidebar. Forked from https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/488254-pre-2024-youtube-ui v.1.1.0 by KartongFace on 4/22/2024
Kirka gun fire rate increase toggleable, Speed hack, Fast Reload, AutoDodge, AutoJump, & AutoSwitch. JS - Click X/x to toggle fire rate, B/b to toggle AutoDodge, K/k to toggle AutoWalk, G/g to toggle AutoJump, N/n to toggle KillAura/AutoShoot, L/l to toggle AutoCrouch, M/m to toggle AutoSwitch
Voxiom.IO Aimbot, ESP & X-Ray JS - Let's you see players and items behind walls in voxiom.io. Comes with an aimbot that locks aim at nearest enemy and auto fires at them. Also shows ores and names of the items that are far far away.
[Premium] Firefaucet.win JS - Dayli Bonus/Faucet Roll/Level Rewards/Dayli Tasks/Shortlinks/PTC
Instagram de Base JS - Restaure le contrôle vidéo de base pour les vidéos Instagram après avoir cliqué pour "désactiver le mode silencieux" (affichage du temps et de la barre de progression) et autorise le clic gauche.
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