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Write a note!

You can edit a note on all websites!

< Commentaires sur Write a note!

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 2014-03-04
Édité le: 2014-05-24

Works great! Very Handy.

Thankyou very much ich01.
All issues resolved.

Very useful script that works well.
Replaces an addon for stickies.

Posté le: 2014-03-09

There will be a fix in the next update!

Posté le: 2014-03-11

Thanks for the link. Is it working now?

Posté le: 2014-03-11
Édité le: 2014-03-11

Nope. Still not working ich01.
As you can see... now... this is slightly different Error than the one posted above in first post.
Now it says http* instead of *

Posté le: 2014-03-11
Édité le: 2014-03-11

@ich01 if you want your script to run on http and https only, use two @match metadata

// @match      http://*/*
// @match      https://*/*

Chrome user can use @match *://*/* but on Firefox, the script will run on all URL schemes that are supported by Greasemonkey/Scriptish.

Posté le: 2014-03-13

Thanks! Updated it to version 0.3.

Posté le: 2014-03-13
Édité le: 2014-03-14

Okay so it installs fine now thanks ich01. (and thanks LouCypher for stepping in with install help/fix)

Took me awhile to figure out where the NOTE is supposed to appear and how to access it... because my cookies were shut OFF.
I always keep my cookies shut OFF on most websites and it will only work if cookies are ON... including 3rd party cookies must be on.
Is it necessary to have cookies ON? Thankyou.

Posté le: 2014-03-14
Édité le: 2014-03-14

Okay it doesn't matter about cookies then ich01 because I will just go with a Firefox Addon.

Just to report...

Note does not Delete after Reload (WindowsVista Firefox27).

Good Job. Thankyou very much !

Posté le: 2014-03-17

Thank you for your message. I have not gone ahead at this script for a long time. I will soon release an update that makes it more user friendly and that fixes this bug!

About the cookies: No, cookies are not used by the script - only localStorage, a javascript feature.

Posté le: 2014-03-19
Édité le: 2014-03-19


Make Note Tiny until hover. Although it would be even better if it could be tiny until Click Note.
Like this but of course...with some added code changes in the script to get the text appearing correctly.


And Edit is a "Pencil Image" instead of "E" which would allow to eliminate the | and width save space.

WNOTE SPAN[onclick="localStorage.setItem((document.getElementsByTagName('wnote')[0].getAttribute('urlnotef'))+'__notf',prompt('Enter your note (Appears after reload):',''));"]
{color: yellow !important;
background-image: url("") !important;}

SPAN[oncontextmenu="'none';"][onclick="localStorage.setItem((document.getElementsByTagName('wnote')[0].getAttribute('urlnotef'))+'__notf',prompt('Enter your note (Appears after reload):',''));"]

If you rightclick on the Note... it disappears.

Posté le: 2014-03-22

Update finished, 100% working in Google Chrome, but not tested in Firefox. This weekend, I will test it with Firefox and Greasemonkey. If there are no bugs, it'll be released today/tomorrow.

I've included your first suggestion, but an edit-button in the mini-note is no longer needed. My idea was to create a popup were you can edit your note more user-friendly(You get it when you click on the note).
In the popup you can also enable or disable the mini note in the top right corner.
I've also added a menu item for the Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey menu, if you disabled the mini note.
On first run, you can activate the mini note over the menu item.

Supports German and English.

Posté le: 2014-03-24

A big bug in Firefox - update needs Moore time.

Posté le: 2014-04-05
Édité le: 2014-04-05

The script hides important portion of google tasks.
Google Tasks can be seen also in Gmail itself.

Please exclude also google plus comments (can be seen for example below every YT video)*

...and all facebook plugins

...and evernote web application*

...and google plus hangouts sidebar
??? - what regular expression should be used to exclude?

Posté le: 2014-04-28
Édité le: 2014-05-04

There will be a fix in the next update, i'm working on. I'm including your new excludes, the note in the top left corner would not be hiding any important stuff anymore.

Thanks for your comment

Posté le: 2014-05-04

First, good luck with your next version.

1. As of now the script cuts without warning text that is more than 20-30 chars.

2. Have you considered excluding all sites (maybe except and letting the user add pages sites with the "add to included pages" button ?
That way the note will be more noticeable.

Posté le: 2014-05-18

Included your suggestet exclude rules.

If you click on the note, you will see the full text.

Reply to your second suggestion: I think this will be to much work for an normal user, he must add all pages where he will write a note. Maybe I can include a new option for that in the settings menu in the next update.

Thanks for your feedback!

Posté le: 2014-05-18

Did you forget to exclude facebook plugins ?

Posté le: 2014-05-21

Ups, sorry!

Updated to version 2.2!

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