
Résolvez les leçons pratiques automatiquement ou manuellement, pour augmenter l'XP à différentes vitesses, utilisez l'outil DuoSolverGrinder (https://duosolver.is-great.net).

< Commentaires sur DuoSolver

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 2024-12-15

Your tool can't solve this part Please fix it

Posté le: 2024-12-15

Your tool can't solve this part Please fix it

Thanks for the feedback Tommy!, could you please tell me the learning language. As i can see the base is Vietnamese.

Posté le: 2024-12-16

it's English

Posté le: 2024-12-16

It always stops when it sees this question.

Posté le: 2024-12-17

ok, updated. Thanks!

Posté le: 2024-12-18

Your tool is very good, but it has this mistake.

Posté le: 2024-12-18

This version should do the fixed.

Posté le: 2024-12-19

fastest mod
Always have a mistake in WRITE

Posté le: 2024-12-19


Posté le: 2024-12-19

Thank you Tommy, for all these feedbacks!, I´ll check it out.

Posté le: 2024-12-20

it happens again

Posté le: 2024-12-21

Could you please use word bank only at least for now, while this one works it won't get stuck. About that problem in speed mode fastest, still happens that mistake? I couldn't reproduce it. Thanks in advance!

Posté le: 2024-12-21

but your tool is good

Posté le: 2024-12-21

Thank you!, Glad you liked it!

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