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Drag-Drop Image Uploader

Enables image uploading by simply dragging and dropping images onto a fixed div in the bottom right corner of the page. Easily upload and use images on any website with this convenient script.

< Commentaires sur Drag-Drop Image Uploader

Question / commentaire

Posté le: 2024-02-16

What kind of server/website is this?
What are the upload rate/size/filetype limits?
What is the TOS of that API? like which kind of images does it allow and doesn't allow?

  1. Image uploading (Private use) for a forum in hong kong.
  2. GIF, PNG, JPG are supported. WEBP and WEBM are not supported.
  3. All images are allowed.

This is already mentioned in description.

no filesize limit as long as you can upload it

Posté le: 2024-02-22
Édité le: 2024-02-22


I don't see any console errors, but it doesn't work and there is no button showing anywhere either

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