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Avoid Copy Self Email in OpenAI ChatGPT

To avoid copying the avatar email address in OpenAI ChatGPT's chatroom.

< Commentaires sur Avoid Copy Self Email in OpenAI ChatGPT

Avis: Mauvais - le script ne fonctionne pas

Posté le: 2023-04-11

I'm officially in love with this script now

Posté le: 2023-11-29

needs to be updated

needs to be updated

?? It seems that OpenAI changed this to User instead. You mean you want to avoid the word "User" being copied?

Posté le: 2024-02-16


user and YOU

Posté le: 2024-04-03



Posté le: 2024-04-05

It still does not erase the words You and ChatGPT


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