Outils Youtube Tout-en-un local Téléchargez MP4, MP3.

Outils Youtube Tout-en-un local Téléchargez des mp4, des MP3

< Commentaires sur Outils Youtube Tout-en-un local Téléchargez MP4, MP3.

Avis: OK - le script fonctionne, mais souffre de quelques problèmes

Posté le: 2023-09-04

I'm not sure why, but it changes my YouTube ambient mode settings from dark theme to device theme. Only the white theme works when changing the settings from the top right of my YouTube profile. The other way to fix it is to turn off ambient mode altogether from the video player settings. Overall amazing script! I wish I could have the tools and video title moved to the left as an option. Could I also have the option of changing the video title's color? I don't like the video title being red.

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