TMVN Match Event(CN Beta)

Trophymanager: show main events of the match. So you can easy research tactics of other clubs and your tactics rules happened as expected or not.

< Commentaires sur TMVN Match Event(CN Beta)

Avis: OK - le script fonctionne, mais souffre de quelques problèmes

Posté le: 2024-05-22


function display() {
        if (mainEventHTML !== "" && $('.box_body.mv_bottom').length > 0) {
            if ($('.post_report').length > 0) {
                let divArea = $('.box_body.mv_bottom div.post_report')[0];
                divArea.innerHTML =divArea.innerHTML+
                    '<div class="mega_headline tcenter report_section_header dark_bg">主要事件</div><div><ul class="clean underlined large_padding">' +
                    mainEventHTML +
            } else if (!pause) {
                let divArea = $('.content')[0];
                divArea.innerHTML =divArea.innerHTML+
                    '<div class="mega_headline tcenter report_section_header dark_bg">主要事件</div><div><ul class="clean underlined large_padding">' +
                    mainEventHTML +
                pause = true;
Posté le: 2024-05-22


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