Invisible Weapon (CrossBow) ZOMBS.IO!

Press [-] for this invisible weapon! It is called crossbow and it is found in the game files

< Commentaires sur Invisible Weapon (CrossBow) ZOMBS.IO!

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Nice script, I was looking for this right after Xtreme posted a video in 2019 I was absolutely going crazy finding this.

Posté le: 2021-01-21

My friend gave this person the script its not something to go crazy about rlly.

Nah mate there was a lot of raiders in 2019 and I was killing like 10 raiders each day defending from my 1k+ wave base I needed something so I found this.

Posté le: 2021-01-21
My friend gave this person the script its not something to go crazy about rlly.


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