Greasy Fork is available in English.

WaniKani Item Hover Details

Show kanji & radical mnemonics and related vocabulary in a tooltip

    // ==UserScript==
    // @name          WaniKani Item Hover Details
    // @namespace
    // @description   Show kanji & radical mnemonics and related vocabulary in a tooltip
    // @author        irrelephant
    // @version       1.3
    // @include       *://*

    // @grant         none
    // ==/UserScript==

    (function() {
        'use strict';

        // CONFIG START ----------------------------------------------------
        var config = {
            //if set to true, tooltips will automatically displayed during reviews when asked for the reading
            automaticallyShowTooltipDuringReviews: false,

            //change these numbers if you want to see fewer vocabulary items in the tooltips
            //number of vocab on desktop
            maxVocabItemsInTooltip: 8,
            //number of vocab on mobile

             //could be used to inject custom notes into tooltips; ask in the forum thread in case you are interested about this
            customNoteCsv : ""
        // CONFIG END ------------------------------------------------------

        // TOOLTIP PLUGIN --------------------------------------------------
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Date).getTime(),this.__touchEvents.push(a)),this},_touchSwiped:function(a){for(var b=!1,c=this.__touchEvents.length-1;c>=0;c--){var d=this.__touchEvents[c];if("touchmove"==d.type){b=!0;break}if("touchstart"==d.type&&}return b},_trigger:function(){var b=Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);return"string"==typeof b[0]&&(b[0]={type:b[0]}),b[0].instance=this,b[0].origin=this._$origin?this._$origin[0]:null,b[0].tooltip=this._$tooltip?this._$tooltip[0]:null,this.__$emitterPrivate.trigger.apply(this.__$emitterPrivate,b),a.tooltipster._trigger.apply(a.tooltipster,b),this.__$emitterPublic.trigger.apply(this.__$emitterPublic,b),this},_unplug:function(b){var c=this;if(c[b]){var d=a.tooltipster._plugin(b);d.instance&&a.each(d.instance,function(a,d){c[a]&&c[a].bridged===c[b]&&delete c[a]}),c[b].__destroy&&c[b].__destroy(),delete c[b]}return c},close:function(a){return this.__destroyed?this.__destroyError():this._close(null,a),this},content:function(a){var b=this;if(void 0===a)return 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            if (response) {
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        //helper object because I'm lazy
        var allData = {
            ownMnemonics: {},
            formattedAdditionalInfo : {},
            allApiItems : [],
            config: config,

       vocabForKanji:{"上":["上がり[あがり]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;slope;advance income;crop yield;ascent;rise;advance;death;spinning;completion;stop;finish;after  N1","上がる[あがる]to enter; to go up;to rise;to climb up;to advance;to appreciate;to be promoted;to improve;to call on;  N1","上下[じょうげ<br>うえした<br>かみしも<br>しょうか<br>じょうか]high and low; up and down;unloading and loading;praising and blaming  N1","上手[じょうず<br>うわて<br>かみて<br>じょうしゅ<br>じょうて]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;upper part;upper stream;left side (of a stage); 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;skillful (only in comparisons);dexterity (on  N1","上回る[うわまわる]to exceed  N1","お手上げ[おてあげ]all over; given in;given up hope;bring to knees  N1","向上[こうじょう]elevation; rise;improvement;advancement;progress  N1","逆上る[さかのぼる]to go back; to go upstream;to make retroactive  N1","参上[さんじょう]calling on; visiting  N1","仕上がり[しあがり]finish; end;completion  N1","仕上げ[しあげ]end; finishing touches;being finished  N1","仕上げる[しあげる]to finish up; to complete  N1","上位[じょうい]superior (rank not class); higher order (e.g. byte);host computer (of connected device)  N1","上演[じょうえん]performance (e.g. music)  N1","上空[じょうくう]sky; the skies;high-altitude sky;upper air  N1","上司[じょうし]superior authorities; boss  N1","上昇[じょうしょう]rising; ascending;climbing  N1","上陸[じょうりく]landing; disembarkation  N1","その上[そのうえ<br>そのかみ]in addition; furthermore  N1","途上[とじょう]en route; half way  N1","引き上げる[ひきあげる]to withdraw; to leave;to pull out;to retire  N1","真上[まうえ]just above; right overhead  N1","盛り上がる[もりあがる]to rouse; to swell;to rise  N1","読み上げる[よみあげる]to read out loud (and clearly); to call a roll  N1","売上[うりあげ]amount sold, proceeds  N2","仕上がる[しあがる]to be finished  N2","上級[じょうきゅう]advanced level, high grade,senior  N2","上旬[じょうじゅん]first 10 days of month  N2","出来上がり[できあがり]be finished, ready,made for,cut out  N2","出来上がる[できあがる](1) to be finished, to be ready,by definition,(2) to be very drunk  N2","上り[のぼり]up-train (going to Tokyo), ascent  N2","上る[のぼる<br>あがる]to ascend, to go up,to climb  N2","目上[めうえ]superior(s), senior  N2","上[うえ<br>じょう<br>かみ<br>うわ]on&nbsp; (〜の)  N3","上京[じょうきょう]proceeding to the capital (Tokyo)  N3","上達[じょうたつ]improvement,  advance, progress  N3","上等[じょうとう]superiority,  first class, very good  N3","立ち上がる[たちあがる]to stand up  N3","頂上[ちょうじょう]top,  summit, peak  N3","取り上げる[とりあげる]to take up,  to pick up, to disqualify, to confiscate, to deprive  N3","持ち上げる[もちあげる]to raise,  to lift up, to flatter  N3","以上[いじょう]more than, this is all  N4","屋上[おくじょう]rooftop  N4","差し上げる[さしあげる](polite) to give  N4","召し上がる[めしあがる](polite) to eat  N4","申し上げる[もうしあげる](humble) to say, to tell  N4","上げる[あげる]to give  N5","上着[うわぎ]jacket  N5","年上[としうえ]older ","打ち上げる[うちあげる<br>ぶちあげる]blast off ","見上げる[みあげる]look up ","売り上げ[うりあげ]Amount Sold,  sales ","作り上げる[つくりあげる]make up ","同上[どうじょう]as above ","地上[ちじょう]above ground ","思い上がる[おもいあがる]get conceited ","海上[かいじょう]on the sea ","風上[かざかみ]upwind ","上半身[じょうはんしん]upper part of the body ","身の上[みのうえ]one's career ","返上[へんじょう]return ","最上[さいじょう<br>もがみ]best ","起き上がる[おきあがる]get up ","路上[ろじょう]on the road ","上流[じょうりゅう]upstream ","上映[じょうえい]screening ","上品[じょうひん<br>じょうぼん]elegant ","席上[せきじょう]at the meeting ","史上[しじょう]historically ","飛び上がる[とびあがる]fly up ","値上がり[ねあがり]price rise ","値上げ[ねあげ]price hike ","上述[じょうじゅつ]Above Mentioned,  the above mentioned ","上巻[じょうかん]First Volume ","逆上せる[のぼせる]get dizzy ","陸上[りくじょう]land ","盛り上げる[もりあげる]bring excitement ","至上[しじょう]Supremacy ","胴上げ[どうあげ]tossing in the air ","上記[じょうき] (n, adj-no) above-mentioned/above-named/above (P) ","父上[ちちうえ] (n) (pol) father (esp. used in samurai families prior to the Meiji period) ","上手い[うまい] (adj-i) (1) (uk) skillful/skilful/clever/expert/wise/successful (2) (uk) delicious/appetizing/appetising/tasty (3) (uk) fortunate/splendid/promising (P) ","立ち上げる[たちあげる] (v1, vt) to start (something)/to start up/to boot (a computer)/to launch (a business) (P) ","母上[ははうえ] (n) (pol) (arch) mother ","上海[シャンハイ] (n) Shanghai (China) (P) ","上場[じょうじょう] (n, vs) (1) listing (on the stock exchange, etc.)/taking a company public (2) presentation (e.g. of a play, opera)/performance (P) ","上出来[じょうでき] (n, adj-no,adj-na) good performance/good work/great success ","兄上[あにうえ] (n) (hon) older brother ","上部[じょうぶ] (n, adj-no) top part/surface (P) ","上田[じょうでん] (n) high rice field/very fertile rice field (P) ","上げ[あげ] (n, n-suf) (1) tuck (e.g. in a dress) (n) (2) rise (e.g. in price) (P) ","上院[じょういん] (n) upper house/upper legislative chamber/senate (P) ","上限[じょうげん] (n, adj-no) (1) upper limit (n) (2) (math) supremum (P) ","引き上げ[ひきあげ] (n) (1) pulling up/drawing up/salvage/re-flotation (2) raising/increase/upward revision (3) repatriation/evacuation (P) ","川上[かわかみ] (n) upper reaches of a river/upstream (P) ","上越[じょうえつ] (n) area on Japan Sea side of Japan,  including Niigata (P) ","上皇[じょうこう] (n) retired emperor/ex-emperor/former emperor/emperor emeritus ","水上[すいじょう<br>みなかみ] (n) aquatic/on the water (P) ","手上げ[てあげ] (n) all over/given in/given up hope/bring to knees ","誌上[しじょう] (n) in a magazine (P) ","上洛[じょうらく] (n, vs) proceeding to the capital ","上手く[うまく] (adv) (1) (uk) skilfully/skillfully/well/aptly/cleverly (2) (uk) successfully/smoothly (3) (uk) deliciously ","浮上[ふじょう] (n, vs) (1) surfacing/rising to the surface (2) emerging/leaping into prominence (3) rising (of rank) (P) ","艦上[かんじょう] (n) aboard a warship ","上方[かみがた<br>じょうほう] (n, adj-no) Kyoto and vicinity (esp. during Edo period)/Kyoto-Osaka region/Kansai region (P) ","計上[けいじょう] (n, vs) (1) including a sum of money in one's calculations (2) appropriation (a sum of money) (P) ","献上[けんじょう] (n, vs) presenting to (P) ","線上[せんじょう] (adj-f) on the line/borderline ","地球上[ちきゅうじょう] (adj-no) on the earth (P) ","浮かび上がる[うかびあがる] (v5r, vi) (1) to rise to the surface (2) to come to the front/to emerge (e.g. from obscurity) (3) to stand out (e.g. against a dark background) (P) ","積み上げる[つみあげる] (v1, vt) (1) to pile up/to make a heap/to lay (e.g. bricks) (2) to acquire (e.g. experience)/to build (a reputation) ","炎上[えんじょう] (n, vs) (1) going up in flames/destruction by fire (esp. of a large building) (2) (col) stirring up a storm of criticism online (of an article, tweet, statement, etc.)/becoming the target of an Internet pitchfork mob (P) ","売上高[うりあげだか] (n) sales/amount sold/proceeds (P) ","橋上[きょうじょう] (n) (on the) bridge ","盛り上がり[もりあがり] (n) (1) climax/uprush (2) bulge (P) ","北上[ほくじょう] (n, vs) going north (P) ","打ち上げ[うちあげ] (n) (1) launching/launch (2) end (of a theatrical run,  etc.) (3) closing party (e.g. a theater show)/cast party/party to celebrate successful completion of a project (P) ","上層部[じょうそうぶ] (n) top brass/upper echelon/higher-ups/top management/upper reaches/top of the pile ","上院議員[じょういんぎいん] (n, adj-no) senator/member of the upper house ","上段[じょうだん] (n) (1) upper tier/upper section/upper deck/upper row/upper step/upper grade/upper berth/top shelf (2) place of honor/place of honour (3) dais/raised part of floor (4) overhead position (of a sword in kendo,  etc.) ","上層[じょうそう] (n) upper stratum (classes,  stories, storeys) (P) ","上り線[のぼりせん] (n) up line/in-bound line ","予想以上[よそういじょう] (adv, adj-no) more than expected (P) ","持ち上がる[もちあがる] (v5r, vi) (1) to be lifted/to be raised/to rise/to go up (2) to happen suddenly/to occur/to come up/to turn up (3) to be homeroom teacher for the same class multiple years in a row/to move up with one's class ","上水[じょうすい] (n) water supply/tap water ","立ち上げ[たちあげ] (n) starting up (e.g. business,  computer) ","上官[じょうかん] (n) superior officer ","繰り上げる[くりあげる] (v1, vt) to move up/to advance (P) ","山上[さんじょう] (n) mountain top ","上人[しょうにん] (n) holy priest/saint ","上々[じょうじょう] (adj-no, adj-na,n) the very best/excellent/superb (P) ","ネット上[ネットじょう] (exp, adj-no) (on the) net (on the) Internet (on the) Web ","上告[じょうこく] (n, vs) (law) final appeal to the highest court (P) ","地上波[ちじょうは] (n) (1) ground wave/terrestrial broadcast signal (i.e. not satellite) (adj-no) (2) terrestrial/over-the-air ","この上ない[このうえない] (exp) the most/the best/peerless/the greatest/first-rate ","上皮[うわかわ<br>じょうひ] (n, adj-no) (1) outer layer (e.g. of skin)/cuticle/epidermis/bark/rind/crust/film (on the surface of a liquid)/scum (2) (anat) epithelium ","利上げ[りあげ] (n, vs) increase in interest rates (P) ","上智[じょうち] (n) supreme wisdom ","書き上げる[かきあげる] (v1, vt) (1) to finish writing/to complete (2) to write down (e.g. a list)/to write out (P) ","格上げ[かくあげ] (n, vs) status elevation/upgrading/promotion (P) ","洋上[ようじょう] (n, adj-no) on the sea/on the ocean (P) ","買い上げ[かいあげ] (n) buying/purchasing/procurement (P) ","右上[みぎうえ] (n, adj-no) upper right (P) ","上奏[じょうそう] (n, vs) report to the throne ","切り上げる[きりあげる] (v1, vt) (1) to close (at a certain point)/to cut short/to stop early/to finish (at a convenient spot) (2) to round up (number) (3) to revalue (currency) ","急上昇[きゅうじょうしょう] (n, vs) sudden rise/steep climb/zoom ","売上げ[うりあげ] (n) amount sold/sales/proceeds/takings/turnover (P) ","上質[じょうしつ] (adj-na, n,adj-no) fine quality ","上顎[うわあご<br>じょうがく] (n) upper jaw/palate ","築き上げる[きずきあげる] (v1, vt) to build up/to establish (one's reputation) (P) ","押し上げる[おしあげる] (v1, vt) to boost/to force up/to push up ","左上[ひだりうえ] (n, adj-no) upper left (P) ","追い上げる[おいあげる] (v1, vt) to gain on/to put pressure on/to close in on (P) ","頭上[ずじょう] (n, adj-no) overhead/above one's head/high in the sky (P) ","樹上[じゅじょう] (adj-no, n) up in a tree ","形而上[けいじじょう] (n) metaphysical ","紙上[しじょう] (n) on paper/in the newspapers/in a letter (P) ","上乗せ[うわのせ] (n, vs) adding/addition/extra (P) ","氷上[ひょうじょう] (adj-no) on ice ","天上[てんじょう] (n, vs,adj-no) the heavens ","繰り上がる[くりあがる] (v5r, vi) (1) to move up (e.g. date, rank, order)/to be advanced (2) (math) to be carried (of a number in addition) ","上向く[うえむく<br>うわむく] (v5k, vi) (1) to point upward/to look upward (2) to improve ","嵩上げ[かさあげ] (n, vs) increase/raising (e.g. embankment, levee)/padding or inflation (e.g. of a bill) ","遡上[そじょう] (n, vs) going upstream/swimming upstream ","船上[せんじょう] (adv, adj-no) on board ","上訴[じょうそ] (n, vs,adj-no) appeal (in court) ","巻き上げる[まきあげる] (v1, vt) (1) to roll up/to hoist/to heave up (2) to take away/to rip off (e.g. money from someone) (3) to blow up (dust) ","上申[じょうしん] (n, vs) report to a superior (P) "],"下":["上下[じょうげ<br>うえした<br>かみしも<br>しょうか<br>じょうか]high and low; up and down;unloading and loading;praising and blaming  N1","下位[しもい<br>かい]low rank; subordinate;lower order (e.g. byte)  N1","下番[しものばん]going off duty  N1","下品[げひん]inferior article  N1","下吏[したつかさ]lower official  N1","下らない[くだらない]good-for-nothing; stupid;trivial;worthless  N1","下痢[げり]diarrhoea  N1","下がる[さがる]to hang down; to abate;to retire;to fall;to step back  N1","下心[したごころ]secret intention; motive  N1","下調べ[したしらべ]preliminary investigation; preparation  N1","下地[したじ]groundwork; foundation;inclination;aptitude;elementary knowledge of;grounding in;prearrangement;spade  N1","下取り[したどり]trade in; part exchange  N1","下火[したび]burning low; waning;declining  N1","城下[じょうか]land near the castle  N1","引き下げる[ひきさげる]to pull down; to lower;to reduce;to withdraw  N1","部下[ぶか]subordinate person  N1","ぶら下げる[ぶらさげる]to hang; to suspend;to dangle;to swing  N1","真下[ました]right under; directly below  N1","落下[らっか]fall; drop;come down  N1","下降[かこう]downward, descent,fall,drop,subsidence  N2","下線[かせん]underline, underscore  N2","下る[くだる<br>さがる]to get down, to descend  N2","下車[げしゃ]alighting, getting off  N2","下旬[げじゅん]month (last third of)  N2","下水[げすい<br>したみず]drainage, sewage,ditch,gutter,sewerage  N2","下駄[げた]geta (Japanese footwear), wooden clogs  N2","下書き[したがき]rough copy, draft  N2","下町[したまち]Shitamachi, lower parts of town  N2","地下水[ちかすい]underground water  N2","低下[ていか]fall, decline,lowering,deterioration  N2","見下ろす[みおろす]to overlook, to command a view of,to look down on something  N2","目下[めした<br>もっか]at present, now  N2","下す[くだす<br>おろす]to lower,  to let go down  N3","下さる[くださる](hon) to give,  to confer  N3","下り[くだり]down-train (going away from Tokyo)  N3","下[した<br>もと<br>げ<br>しも<br>か]under&nbsp; (〜の)  N3","地下[ちか]basement,  underground  N3","以下[いか<br>いげ]less than  N4","下りる[おりる]to get off  N4","下宿[げしゅく]lodging  N4","下げる[さげる]to hang, to lower,to move back  N4","下着[したぎ]underwear  N4","靴下[くつした]socks  N5","地下鉄[ちかてつ]underground train  N5","下手[へた<br>したて<br>したで<br>しもて]unskillful  N5","廊下[ろうか]corridor  N5","下さい[ください]Please ","ぶら下がる[ぶらさがる]hang down ","下がり[さがり]decline ","下ろす[おろす]bring down ","天下[てんか<br>てんが<br>てんげ]the whole country ","下見[したみ]preliminary inspection ","年下[としした]younger ","足下[あしもと<br>そっか]step ","食い下がる[くいさがる]hang on ","風下[かざしも]downwind ","下半身[かはんしん<br>しもはんしん]lower half of one's body ","地下道[ちかどう]underground passage ","下流[かりゅう]downstream ","昼下がり[ひるさがり]early afternoon ","下等[かとう]inferior ","飛び下りる[とびおりる]jump off ","値下がり[ねさがり]fall in price ","値下げ[ねさげ]price reduction ","下巻[げかん]Last Volume,  final volume ","地下街[ちかがい]Underground Shopping Mall,  underground shopping center, shopping centre ","却下[きゃっか]Rejection,  dismissal ","下敷き[したじき]being buried ","零下[れいか]Below Zero,  sub zero ","陛下[へいか]Your Majesty,  his majesty, her majesty ","下記[かき] (n, adj-no) the following (P) ","手下[てか<br>てした] (n) subordinate/underling/henchman/minion ","月下[げっか] (n) in the moonlight ","門下[もんか] (n) one's pupil/one's student/one's follower (P) ","下野[げや<br>しもつけ] (n, vs) (1) retirement from public office (2) going into opposition/losing power (P) ","配下[はいか] (n) followers/subordinates/being under someone's command ","閣下[かっか] (n, n-suf) (hon) your Excellency/his Excellency/her Excellency (P) ","山下[さんか<br>さんげ<br>やました<br>やまもと] (n) foot of a mountain/base of a mountain ","地下室[ちかしつ] (n) cellar/basement (P) ","下部[かぶ<br>しもべ] (n) (1) lower part/substructure (2) subordinate (office)/good and faithful servant (P) ","南下[なんか] (n, vs) going south ","幕下[まくした] (n) (sumo) third highest division/wrestlers of the third highest division (P) ","降下[こうか] (n, vs) (1) descent/fall/drop (atmospheric) depression (2) passing down (of an order, decree, etc.) (P) ","見下す[みくだす] (v5s, vt) to despise/to look down on (P) ","下院[かいん] (n) lower house/lower legislative chamber (P) ","下回る[したまわる] (v5r, vt) to fall below (esp. figures: profits, unemployment rate, etc.)/to be less than/to be lower than/to fall just short of/to be just under ","傘下[さんか] (n) affiliated with/under jurisdiction of/under the umbrella (P) ","下落[げらく] (n, vs) depreciation/decline/fall/slump (P) ","投下[とうか] (n, vs) (1) throwing down/dropping/airdrop (2) investment (P) ","書き下ろす[かきおろす] (v5s, vt) to write a play, book, filmscript, etc. ","城下町[じょうかまち] (n) castle town/city in Japan that developed around the castle of a feudal lord (P) ","下級[かきゅう] (n, adj-no) lower grade/low class/junior (officer) (P) ","下げ[さげ] (n) (1) lowering/sinking/bringing down/letting down (2) depreciation/price fall (3) punch line (of a rakugo story) (4) (abbr) (arch) sword strap ","直下[ちょっか] (n, adj-no,vs) (1) directly under (n,vs) (2) falling perpendicularly (P) ","下田[げでん] (n) worn-out rice land ","引き下げ[ひきさげ] (n) reduction/cut (P) ","天下り[あまくだり] (n, vs) (1) retiring high-ranking government officials taking a lucrative job in a private or semi-private corporation (2) command (from superior to inferior, government to private sector, etc.)/order/imposition (3) descent from heaven (P) ","殿下[てんが<br>でんか] (ok) (pn) your Highness/his Highness/her Highness ","県下[けんか] (adj-no, n) in the prefecture/prefectural (P) ","床下[ゆかした] (n, adj-no) under the floor (P) ","下ろし[おろし] (n-suf, n) (1) dropping/unloading/removing (n) (2) grated vegetables, fruit, etc. (3) (abbr) grater (4) using new tools (or clothes, etc.)/new tools (or clothes, etc.) ","引き下がる[ひきさがる] (v5r, vi) (1) to withdraw/to leave/to retire (2) to back down/to give up ","下り線[くだりせん] (n) down line/outbound line ","下層[かそう] (n, adj-no) lower strata (classes) ","土下座[どげざ] (n, vs) kneeling down on the ground/prostrate oneself ","掘り下げる[ほりさげる] (v1, vt) to dig down/to delve into/to get to the bottom of (a matter)/to investigate further ","取り下げる[とりさげる] (v1, vt) to withdraw/to abandon (e.g. a lawsuit) ","下段[かだん<br>げだん] (n) (1) lower tier/lower step/lower column/lower berth/bottom shelf (2) low position (of a sword in kendo,  etc.) ","払い下げる[はらいさげる] (v1, vt) to make a sale of government property ","最下位[さいかい] (n) (1) last place/lowest position/lowest rank (adj-no) (2) (comp) least significant (bit)/lowest order ","下方[かほう] (n) lower region/lower part (P) ","下顎[かがく<br>したあご] (n, adj-no) lower jaw ","格下げ[かくさげ] (n, vs) demotion/downgrading ","川下[かわしも] (n, adj-no) downstream (P) ","下請[したうけ] (n, vs) (1) subcontract (n) (2) subcontractor (person or company) ","臣下[しんか] (n, adj-no) retainer/subject/vassal/servant ","下請け[したうけ] (n, vs) (1) subcontract (n) (2) subcontractor (person or company) (P) ","下山[げさん<br>げざん] (n, vs) descending (mountain) ","右下[みぎした] (n, adj-no) lower right (P) ","沈下[ちんか] (n, vs) sinking/subsidence (P) ","宣下[せんげ] (n, vs) imperial proclamation ","落下傘[らっかさん] (n) parachute ","下限[かげん] (n) (1) lower limit (2) (math) infimum (P) ","吊り下げる[つりさげる] (v1, vt) to suspend from/to be suspended (from) ","麾下[きか] (adj-no, n) under the command (of)/under the banner (of)/influenced (by) "],"大":["大方[おおかた]perhaps; almost all;majority  N1","大柄[おおがら<br>おおへい]large build; large pattern  N1","大げさ[おおげさ]grandiose; exaggerated  N1","大事[おおごと<br>だいじ]important; valuable;serious matter  N1","大ざっぱ[おおざっぱ]rough (as in not precise); broad;sketchy  N1","大空[おおぞら]heaven; firmament;the sky  N1","大筋[おおすじ]outline; summary  N1","大幅[おおはば]full width; large scale;drastic  N1","大水[おおみず]flood  N1","お大事に[おだいじに]Take care of yourself  N1","大人しい[おとなしい]obedient; docile;quiet  N1","盛大[せいだい]grand; prosperous;magnificent  N1","壮大[そうだい]magnificent; grand;majestic;splendid  N1","大概[たいがい]in general; mainly  N1","大金[たいきん<br>おおがね]great cost  N1","大衆[たいしゅう]general public  N1","大部[おおぶ]most (e.g. most part); greater;fairly;a good deal;much  N1","短大[たんだい]junior college  N1","大胆[だいたん]bold; daring;audacious  N1","大便[だいべん]feces; excrement;shit  N1","長大[ちょうだい]very long; great length  N1","大通り[おおどおり]main street  N2","大凡[おおよそ]about, roughly,as a rule,approximately  N2","増大[ぞうだい]enlargement  N2","総理大臣[そうりだいじん]Prime Minister  N2","大学院[だいがくいん]graduate school  N2","大工[だいく]carpenter  N2","大して[たいして](not so) much, (not) very  N2","大小[だいしょう]size  N2","大層[たいそう]very much, exaggerated,very fine  N2","大分[おおいた<br>だいぶ<br>だいぶん]considerably, greatly,a lot  N2","大木[おおき<br>たいぼく]large tree  N2","膨大[ぼうだい]huge, bulky,enormous,extensive,swelling,expansion  N2","偉大[いだい]greatness  N3","大いに[おおいに]very,  much, greatly  N3","大家[おおや<br>たいか<br>たいけ]rich family,  distinguished family  N3","拡大[かくだい]magnification,  enlargement  N3","巨大[きょだい]huge,  gigantic, enormous  N3","重大[じゅうだい]serious,  important, grave, weighty  N3","大[だい<br>おお<br>おおい<br>おおき<br>たい]big  N3","大会[たいかい]convention,  tournament, mass meeting, rally  N3","大気[たいき]atmosphere  N3","大使[たいし]ambassador  N3","大した[たいした]considerable,  great, important, significant, a big deal  N3","大臣[だいじん<br>おとど]cabinet minister  N3","大戦[たいせん]great war,  great battle  N3","大抵[たいてい]usually,  generally  N3","大統領[だいとうりょう]president of a country  N3","大半[たいはん]majority,  mostly, generally  N3","大部分[だいぶぶん]most part,  greater part, majority  N3","大変[たいへん]awful,  dreadful, terrible, very  N3","大陸[たいりく]continent  N3","莫大[ばくだい]enormous,  vast  N3","大学生[だいがくせい]university student  N4","大体[だいたい]generally  N4","大きい[おおきい]big  N5","大きな[おおきな]big  N5","大勢[おおぜい<br>たいせい<br>たいぜい]great number of people  N5","大人[おとな<br>たいじん<br>だいにん]adult  N5","大学[だいがく]university  N5","大使館[たいしかん]embassy  N5","大丈夫[だいじょうぶ<br>だいじょうふ<br>だいじょぶ]all right  N5","大切[たいせつ<br>おおぎり<br>たいせち]important  N5","大好き[だいすき]to be very likeable  N5","大きさ[おおきさ]Size ","大まか[おおまか]general ","大みそか[おおみそか]new year's eve ","大手[おおて<br>おおで]major company ","大正[たいしょう]Taisho era ","広大[こうだい]extensive ","大文字[おおもじ<br>だいもんじ]Capital Letters,  uppercase letters, capital letter, uppercase letter, uppercase, capital ","大作[たいさく]An Epic,  epic, epic saga, masterpiece, masterwork, magnum opus ","大声[おおごえ<br>たいせい]Large Voice,  loud voice, big voice ","多大[ただい]great ","大雨[おおあめ]heavy rain ","大麦[おおむぎ]barley ","大国[たいこく]world power ","大地[だいち]earth ","大雪[おおゆき<br>たいせつ]heavy snow ","大役[たいやく]Important Task,  great duty ","医大[いだい]Medical University,  medical school, med school ","大多数[だいたすう]greater part ","最大[さいだい]biggest ","大別[たいべつ]division into major classes ","大根[だいこん<br>おおね<br>だいこ]Daikon,  japanese radish ","短期大学[たんきだいがく]junior college ","大仏[だいぶつ]Giant Buddha Statue,  daibutsu, giant statue of buddha, large buddha statue, large statue of buddha ","大阪[おおさか<br>おおざか]Osaka,  oosaka ","私立大学[しりつだいがく]Private College,  private university ","大喜び[おおよろこび]great joy ","大急ぎ[おおいそぎ]in a great hurry ","大阪弁[おおさかべん]Osaka Dialect ","私大[しだい]Private College,  private university, private uni ","大脳[だいのう]cerebrum ","大きい順[おおきいじゅん]Decreasing Order,  descending order, largest first ","大失敗[だいしっぱい]Total Failure,  huge mistake, big mistake, debacle, massive failure, epic fail ","大嫌い[だいきらい]hate ","大敵[たいてき]Arch Enemy,  rival, enemy ","大前提[だいぜんてい]major premise ","大量[たいりょう]Large Quantity,  huge amount ","副大統領[ふくだいとうりょう]Vice President ","大型[おおがた]large ","最大限[さいだいげん]greatest ","大違い[おおちがい]Big Difference ","大規模[だいきぼ]Large Scale ","大間違い[おおまちがい]Big Mistake ","大略[たいりゃく]Summary,  outline ","雄大[ゆうだい]grand ","大騒ぎ[おおさわぎ]racket ","外務大臣[がいむだいじん]Minister Of Foreign Affairs ","大盛り[おおもり]large helping ","大蔵省[おおくらしょう]Ministry of Finance ","大損[おおぞん]Heavy Loss,  big loss ","大豆[だいず]soybean ","大将[たいしょう<br>だいしょう]General,  admiral, head, leader ","大砲[たいほう]Cannon ","誇大[こだい]Exaggeration,  hyperbole ","大麻[たいま<br>おおあさ]Hemp,  cannabis, shinto paper offerings ","寛大[かんだい]tolerance,  liberality, leniency ","粗大[そだい]rough ","大尉[たいい<br>だいい]captain ","大腸[だいちょう<br>おおわた]large intestine,  large bowel, colon ","大腸菌[だいちょうきん]e. coli,  escherichia coli, e coli ","甚大[じんだい]immense,  tremendous, enormous ","大形[おおがた<br>おおぎょう] (adj-no, n) large/large-sized/large-scale/big ","大きく[おおきく] (adv) in a big way/on a grand scale ","国務大臣[こくむだいじん] (n) Minister of State ","大志[たいし] (n) ambition/aspiration ","大名[だいみょう] (n) daimyo (Japanese feudal lord)/daimio (P) ","大字[おおあざ<br>だいじ] (n) larger section (of village) ","大日[だいにち] (n) Mahavairocana (Tathagata)/Great Sun/Supreme Buddha of Sino-Japanese esoteric Buddhism ","大切に[たいせつに] (adv) carefully/with caution/with great care ","大坂[おおさか<br>おおざか] (n) (1) Osaka (city) (2) (arch) large hill ","大西洋[たいせいよう] (n) Atlantic Ocean (P) ","大韓民国[だいかんみんこく<br>テハンミングク] (n) Republic of Korea ","大成功[だいせいこう] (n) huge success (P) ","大学校[だいがっこう] (n) educational facility established in affiliation with a government agency ","大賞[たいしょう] (n) big prize/first prize (P) ","大蔵[おおくら] (n) Ministry of Finance (P) ","大敗[たいはい] (n, vs) crushing defeat (P) ","大和[やまと] (n) (1) Yamato/ancient province corresponding to modern-day Nara Prefecture (2) (ancient) Japan (adj-f) (3) Japanese (P) ","大都市[だいとし] (n) metropolis/large city (P) ","大隊[だいたい] (n) battalion (P) ","大河[たいが] (n) large river (P) ","大相撲[おおずもう] (n) professional sumo wrestling (P) ","大関[おおぜき] (n) (sumo) ozeki (second highest rank in sumo) (P) ","大切な人[たいせつなひと] (exp, n) special someone/special person/precious one/significant other ","大佐[たいさ<br>だいさ] (n) colonel (navy) captain (P) ","大洋[たいよう] (n, adj-no) ocean (P) ","大昔[おおむかし] (n-adv, n-t) great antiquity/old-fashioned/long ago (P) ","大物[おおもの] (n, adj-no) (1) important person/big-shot/bigwig (2) big game (animal, fish)/big thing/valuable thing (P) ","大歓迎[だいかんげい] (n) warm welcome ","大社[おおやしろ<br>たいしゃ] (n) (Shinto) (abbr) Izumo Grand Shrine ","大石[おおいし<br>たいせき] (n) (1) large stone/boulder (2) large group of stones (in the game of go) ","大野[おおの] (n) large field (P) ","大川[おおかわ<br>たいせん] (n) big river ","大同[だいどう] (exp) (1) largely the same (n) (2) Daido era (806.5.18-810.9.19) (P) ","大人気[おとなげ<br>だいにんき] (n) adultness/maturity ","大好物[だいこうぶつ] (n) (one's) favourite food (one's) favorite food ","大震災[だいしんさい] (n) (1) great earthquake (disaster) (2) (abbr) Great Kanto earthquake of 1923 (P) ","大垣[おおがき] (n) roofed mud wall around a villa or temple ","大宮[おおみや] (n) (1) (hon) imperial palace/shrine (2) Grand Empress Dowager/Empress Dowager (3) woman of imperial lineage who has borne a child (4) elderly woman of imperial lineage ","大破[たいは] (n, vs) serious damage/drubbing (P) ","大山[たいざん<br>だいせん] (n) great mountain (P) ","大火[たいか] (n) large fire (P) ","大納言[だいなごん] (n) (1) chief councillor of state/chief councilor of state (2) large-grained variety of adzuki bean ","大樹[たいじゅ] (n) large tree/big tree/huge tree ","大王[おおきみ<br>おおぎみ<br>だいおう] (n) emperor/king/prince ","強大[きょうだい] (adj-na, n) mighty/powerful (P) ","大問題[だいもんだい] (n) big problem ","大森[おおもり] (n) large forest ","大差[たいさ] (n, adj-no) great difference (P) ","大輔[たいふ<br>たゆう<br>だゆう] (n) (arch) vice-minister (ritsuryo system)/deputy minister ","大軍[たいぐん] (n) large army ","大目に[おおめに] (adv) rather large ","大企業[だいきぎょう] (n) large company/enterprise (P) ","大成[たいせい] (n, vs) completion/accomplishment/attainment of greatness or success (P) ","大金持ち[おおかねもち<br>おおがねもち] (n) very rich person/the super rich ","全国大会[ぜんこくたいかい] (n) national convention/national competition/national athletic meet ","一大[いちだい] (n-pref) one large .../a great ... (P) ","大師[たいし<br>だいし] (n) (1) Senior Grand Tutor (senior-most of the top three civil positions of the Zhou Dynasty) (2) Grand Minister/Chancellor of the Realm ","大勝[たいしょう] (n, vs,adj-no) great victory/crushing victory (P) ","大惨事[だいさんじ] (n) great disaster/horrible tragedy/catastrophe/catastrophic event/catastrophic incident/dire calamity/terrible disaster/apocalypse ","大ばか[おおばか] (n, adj-na) (1) extreme foolishness/grave stupidity (n) (2) big fool/damn idiot/utter fool ","大バカ[おおバカ] (n, adj-na) (1) extreme foolishness/grave stupidity (n) (2) big fool/damn idiot/utter fool ","大門[おおもん<br>だいもん] (n) large front gate ","大学院生[だいがくいんせい] (n) graduate student ","大当たり[おおあたり] (n, vs,adj-no) big hit/big prize/bumper crop/striking it rich/right on the mark/bonanza/bull's eye/bullseye (P) ","大満足[だいまんぞく] (adj-na, vs) completely satisfied/as pleased as can be ","絶大[ぜつだい] (adj-na, n) tremendous/immense (P) ","大活躍[だいかつやく] (n, vs) being very active/being very useful/greatly flourishing/playing a very active part ","大忙し[おおいそがし] (adj-no) very busy (person or thing) ","大晦日[おおみそか] (n-t) New Year's Eve/December 31st (P) ","世界最大[せかいさいだい] (adj-no, n) world's largest ","過大[かだい] (adj-na) excessive/too much/unreasonable (P) ","大帝[たいてい] (n) great emperor/... the Great ","大々的[だいだいてき] (adj-na) great/grand/extensive/large-scale (P) ","大混乱[だいこんらん] (n) chaos/turmoil/pandemonium/havoc ","女子大[じょしだい] (n) (abbr) women's college/women's university (P) ","大笑い[おおわらい] (adj-na, n,vs) great laughter/burst of laughter (P) ","大本営[だいほんえい] (n) Imperial General Headquarters (Japan) ","大きめ[おおきめ] (adj-no) largish/biggish/a little bit larger ","大黒[だいこく] (n) (1) (abbr) god of wealth (2) (arch) monk's wife ","大理石[だいりせき] (n) marble (P) ","大いなる[おおいなる] (adj-pn) big/large/great ","法務大臣[ほうむだいじん] (n) Minister of Justice ","大道[たいどう<br>だいどう] (n) main street/avenue ","大乗[だいじょう] (n) (Buddh) Mahayana (Buddhism)/the Great Vehicle ","集大成[しゅうたいせい] (n, vs) (1) (large) compilation (n) (2) culmination (of hard work) (P) ","大自然[だいしぜん] (n) nature/Mother Nature (P) ","大雑把[おおざっぱ] (adj-na, n) rough (as in not precise)/broad/sketchy (P) ","大口[おおくち<br>おおぐち] (n, adj-no) (1) big mouth (2) boastful speech/tall talk (3) large amount/large sum ","大の[だいの] (adj-pn) (1) large/big (2) grown (man,  etc.) (3) great (friend, etc.)/huge (football fan, etc.) ","大義[たいぎ] (n) great cause/moral law/justice (P) ","大袈裟[おおげさ] (adj-na, n) grandiose/exaggerated (P) ","大洲[たいしゅう] (n) continent ","肥大[ひだい] (n, vs) (1) swelling/enlargement/becoming fat (2) (med) hypertrophy (P) ","大政[たいせい] (n) sovereign power/the reins of government ","大掛かり[おおがかり] (adj-na, n) large-scale (P) ","大綱[おおづな<br>たいこう] (n) (1) thick rope (2) fundamental principles/outline/general features ","大判[おおばん] (n, adj-no) (1) large size (paper, book, etc.) (n) (2) oban/large oval gold coin used in the Edo period ","大奥[おおおく] (n) inner palace (in Edo Castle)/palace's ladies chambers/shogun's harem ","大主教[だいしゅきょう] (n) archbishop (Orthodox,  Anglican, etc.) ","大宰府[だざいふ] (n) dazaifu (under the ritsuryo system,  governmental office with jurisdiction over Kyushu, Iki and Tsushima) ","大怪我[おおけが] (n) serious injury ","大老[たいろう] (n) (Edo-period) chief minister ","大御所[おおごしょ] (n) leading figure/influential figure/mogul ","大リーグ[だいリーグ] (n) (baseb) the major leagues ","特大[とくだい] (adj-no, adj-na,n) extra-large/king-size (P) ","大海[おおうみ<br>たいかい] (n) (1) ocean/large sea (2) fabric pattern ","無限大[むげんだい] (adj-na, n) infinity ","大安[たいあん<br>だいあん] (n) lucky day/auspicious day ","大蒜[にんにく] (n) (uk) garlic (Allium sativum) (P) ","大台[おおだい] (n) (1) (major) mark/level/barrier (2) 100-yen unit (stock market) (P) "],"八":["お八[お]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;(uk) between meal snack;afternoon refreshment;afternoon tea; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;mid-day snack  N1","八[はち<br>パー<br>や]eight  N5","八百屋[やおや]greengrocer  N5","八つ[やっつ]eight  N5","八日[ようか]eight days,  eighth day of the month  N5","八つ当たり[やつあたり]unjustified outburst of anger ","八冊[はっさつ]Eight Books,  eight volumes ","八月[はちがつ] (n-adv) August (P) ","八幡宮[はちまんぐう] (n) Shrine of the God of War ","八重[やえ] (n) multilayered/doubled (P) ","八王子[はちおうじ] (n) Hachioji (city) ","八幡[はちまん] (n) (1) (abbr) Hachiman (God of War) (2) (abbr) Hachiman shrine (adv) (3) (arch) certainly (P) ","八千代[やちよ] (n) (1) very long period/forever (2) eight thousand years (P) ","八雲[やくも] (n) (1) (arch) thick clouds (2) (arch) classical Japanese poetry ","八百長[やおちょう] (n, adj-no,vs) match fixing/put-up job/fixed game ","八景[はっけい] (n) eight picturesque sights "],"入":["入口[いりぐち<br>いりくち<br>はいりくち<br>はいりぐち]entrance; gate;approach;mouth  N1","入る[はいる<br>いる]to get in; to go in;to come in;to flow into;to set;to set in  N1","受け入れ[うけいれ]receiving; acceptance  N1","受け入れる[うけいれる]to accept; to receive  N1","恐れ入る[おそれいる]to be filled with awe; to feel small;to be amazed;to be surprised;to be disconcerted;to be sorry;to b  N1","介入[かいにゅう]intervention  N1","加入[かにゅう]becoming a member; joining;entry;admission;subscription;affiliation;adherence;signing  N1","購入[こうにゅう]purchase; buy  N1","仕入れる[しいれる]to lay in stock; to replenish stock;to procure  N1","新入生[しんにゅうせい]freshman; first-year student  N1","潜入[せんにゅう]infiltration; sneaking in  N1","出入り口[でいりぐち]exit and entrance  N1","投入[とうにゅう]throw; investment;making (an electrical circuit)  N1","導入[どうにゅう]introduction; bringing in;leading in  N1","入手[にゅうしゅ]obtaining; coming to hand  N1","入賞[にゅうしょう]winning a prize or place (in a contest)  N1","入浴[にゅうよく]bathe; bathing  N1","納入[のうにゅう]payment; supply  N1","申し入れる[もうしいれる]to propose; to suggest  N1","入れ物[いれもの]container, case,receptacle  N2","四捨五入[ししゃごにゅう]rounding up (fractions)  N2","侵入[しんにゅう]penetration, invasion,raid,aggression,trespass  N2","出入り[でいり<br>ではいり]in and out, coming and going,free association,income and expenditure,debits and credit  N2","出入口[でいりぐち]exit and entrance  N2","手入れ[ていれ]repairs, maintenance  N2","取り入れる[とりいれる]to harvest, to take in,to adopt  N2","入社[にゅうしゃ]entry to a company  N2","日の入り[ひのいり]sunset  N2","気に入る[きにいる]to find something agreeable (〜が/を)  N3","記入[きにゅう]entry,  filling in of forms  N3","収入[しゅうにゅう]income,  receipts, revenue  N3","入院[にゅういん]hospitalization  N3","入学[にゅうがく]entry to school or university,  matriculation  N3","入場[にゅうじょう]entrance,  admission, entering  N3","輸入[ゆにゅう<br>しゅにゅう]importation,  import, introduction  N3","押し入れ[おしいれ]closet  N4","入れる[いれる]to put in  N5","入り口[いりぐち<br>いりくち<br>はいりくち<br>はいりぐち]Entrance ","入力[にゅうりょく]input ","水入らず[みずいらず]by themselves ","お気に入り[おきにいり]favorites ","仕入れ[しいれ]purchasing ","入金[にゅうきん]receipt of money ","弟子入り[でしいり]acolyte ","入国[にゅうこく<br>にゅうごく]entry into a country ","入室[にゅうしつ]entering a room ","入札[にゅうさつ]bid ","入所[にゅうしょ]Admission,  entrance ","進入[しんにゅう]penetration entry ","入れ歯[いれば]dentures ","入館料[にゅうかんりょう]Admission Fee,  entrance fee, entry fee ","入選[にゅうせん]being selected for a contest ","入念[にゅうねん]carefully ","念入り[ねんいり]careful ","入門[にゅうもん]Admission,  entrance ","入荷[にゅうか]arrival of goods ","入梅[にゅうばい]beginning of the rainy season ","梅雨入り[つゆいり]start of the rainy season ","書き入れる[かきいれる]To Write In,  to fill in ","入試[にゅうし]entrance examination ","立ち入り禁止[たちいりきんし]no trespassing ","入団[にゅうだん]Join,  enlist, enrollment, enlistment ","立入禁止[たちいりきんし]Do Not Enter,  no entry, entry prohibited, no trespassing, trespassing prohibited ","入学試験[にゅうがくしけん]Entrance Exams,  entrance examinations, admission test, admission exam, admission examination, entrance test ","先入観[せんにゅうかん]bias ","入隊[にゅうたい]Enlist In The Army,  enlist ","輸入する[ゆにゅうする]To Import ","入場券[にゅうじょうけん]entrance ticket ","入江[いりえ]Inlet,  cove ","編入[へんにゅう]admission ","押入れ[おしいれ]Closet,  wall cubbard, wall cupboard ","密入国[みつにゅうこく]illegal entry ","入獄[にゅうごく]Imprisonment ","入籍[にゅうせき]entry in the family register ","歳入[さいにゅう]Annual Revenue ","入れ墨[いれずみ]Tattoo ","挿入[そうにゅう]insertion ","挿入する[そうにゅうする]To Insert ","入り[いり] (n, n-suf) (1) entering (2) setting (of the sun) (3) containing/content/audience (4) income (5) beginning (P) ","乗り入れる[のりいれる] (v1, vt) (1) to drive into/to ride into (2) to extend (a railway line, bus route, etc.) into/to link (a railway line) with/to join up with (a separate line) ","突入[とつにゅう] (n, vs) (1) rushing into/breaking into/storming (2) plunging into (war, etc.)/embarking on (a new venture) (P) ","参入[さんにゅう] (n, vs) (1) entering (the marketplace)/introducing (something) to the market/access (2) visiting a high-class or noble individual (P) ","出入[しゅつにゅう] (n, vs) in and out/income and expenses/free associations/run of the house (P) ","入[いり<br>しお] (io) (n, n-suf) (1) entering (2) setting (of the sun) (3) containing/content/audience (4) income (5) beginning ","新入り[しんいり] (n, adj-no) newcomer/initiate/rookie ","侵入者[しんにゅうしゃ] (n) intruder/invader/trespasser/raider ","入居[にゅうきょ] (n, vs) moving into (house) (P) ","入会[いりあい<br>にゅうかい] (n) common (e.g. fishery or hunting ground)/commonage ","入り込む[いりこむ<br>はいりこむ] (v5m, vi) (1) to go into/to come into/to penetrate/to get in/to step in (a house) (2) to become complicated ","入党[にゅうとう] (n, vs) joining a political party (P) ","入線[にゅうせん] (n, vs) (1) entering a track (of a train)/arrival of a train (at a platform) (2) passing the post (horseracing)/crossing the finish line ","流入[りゅうにゅう] (n, vs) afflux/influx (P) ","気に入り[きにいり] (n) favorite/favourite/pet (P) ","封入[ふうにゅう] (n, vs) enclose (in letter) ","入植[にゅうしょく] (n, vs) settlement/immigration (P) ","差し入れ[さしいれ] (n, vs) (1) insertion/letter drop (2) things sent to a prisoner (3) supply of provisions, refreshments, etc. to someone carrying out a task ","入れ[いれ] (n-suf) container/receptacle ","入り江[いりえ] (n) inlet/cove/creek/bay ","入れ替える[いれかえる] (v1, vt) to replace/to substitute/to shift/to change places ","入部[にゅうぶ] (n, vs) joining a club ","入閣[にゅうかく] (n, vs) joining the cabinet (P) ","注入[ちゅうにゅう] (n, vs) pouring/injection (P) ","思い入れ[おもいいれ] (n, vs) (1) emotional attachment (2) attitude (expressing emotion)/meditative pose (e.g. an actor)/posing for effect ","立ち入る[たちいる] (v5r, vi) (1) to enter/to trespass (2) to interfere/to meddle/to pry into ","入城[にゅうじょう] (n, vs) entry into a castle (by a conquering force) ","入れ替わる[いれかわる] (v5r, vi) to change places/to relieve one another/to replace someone ","不法侵入[ふほうしんにゅう] (n) (yoji) trespassing/intrusion ","入港[にゅうこう] (n, vs) entry into port/arriving in harbor (P) ","乱入[らんにゅう] (n) (1) trespassing/intrusion (vs) (2) to barge into/to burst into/to trespass ","移入[いにゅう] (n, vs) importation/ingression/migration/transfection ","入幕[にゅうまく] (n, vs) advancing to the first grade (P) ","迎え入れる[むかえいれる] (v1, vt) to show in/to usher in ","転入[てんにゅう] (n, vs) move in (to a new house) ","踏み入れる[ふみいれる] (v1, vt) to walk in on/to tread upon ","新入[しんにゅう] (n, adj-no) newly arrived/newly joined/newly entered/newcomer (P) ","借入金[かりいれきん] (n) loan/loan payable/debt (P) ","入校[にゅうこう] (n, vs) matriculation ","混入[こんにゅう] (n, vs) mixing/blending/adding/adulteration (P) ","組み入れる[くみいれる] (v1, vt) to incorporate/to work into/to insert ","入道[にゅうどう] (n) (1) (Buddh) entering the priesthood/priest/monk (2) man with a shaven head (3) bald-headed monster ","搬入[はんにゅう] (n, vs) carrying in (esp. heavy objects, artwork, furniture)/bringing in/taking in (P) ","入出力[にゅうしゅつりょく] (n) (comp) input and output/input-output/IO ","申し入れ[もうしいれ] (n) proposal/offer/report/proposition/notice/request (P) ","入れ替え[いれかえ] (n, vs) (1) replacement/substitution/change (2) shunting (rail)/switching (P) ","吸入[きゅうにゅう] (n, vs,adj-no) inhalation (P) ","聞き入れる[ききいれる] (v1, vt) to grant (a wish)/to accede/to comply with/to heed ","借入[しゃくにゅう] (n, vs) borrowing ","代入[だいにゅう] (n, vs) substitution/assignment ","入庫[にゅうこ] (n, vs) (1) warehousing/storing (2) entering a garage/entering the depot ","入園[にゅうえん] (n, vs) (1) enrollment in kindergarten/enrolment in kindergarten (2) entering a park, garden, zoo, etc. (P) ","入射[にゅうしゃ] (n, vs) (1) incidence/injection/input (adj-no) (2) incident "],"山":["鉱山[こうざん]mine (ore)  N1","山岳[さんがく]mountains  N1","山腹[さんぷく]hillside; mountainside  N1","山脈[さんみゃく<br>やまなみ]mountain range  N1","沢山[たくさん<br>だくさん]many; a lot;much  N1","不山戯る[ふやまおどける]to romp; to gambol;to frolic;to joke;to make fun of;to flirt  N1","火山[かざん]volcano  N2","山林[さんりん]mountain forest, mountains and forest  N2","登山[とざん]mountain-climbing  N3","山[やま<br>さん<br>ざん<br>むれ]mountain  N5","ふじ山[ふじさん]Mt Fuji,  mount fuji, mt. fuji ","氷山[ひょうざん]iceberg ","山登り[やまのぼり]mountain climbing ","岡山県[おかやまけん]Okayama Prefecture ","山積[さんせき]pile ","富士山[ふじさん<br>ふじやま]Mt Fuji,  mount fuji ","銅山[どうざん]Copper Mine ","山中湖[やまなかこ]Lake Yamanaka,  yamanaka lake ","山頂[さんちょう]summit ","山荘[さんそう]mountain retreat,  mountain cottage, mountain villa ","山葵[わさび]wasabi,  japanese horseradish ","山賊[さんぞく]bandit,  brigand ","山里[やまざと] (n) mountain hamlet/mountain village ","山地[さんち<br>やまち] (n, adj-no) mountainous district (P) ","山城[さんじょう<br>やまじろ] (n) mountain castle ","山陽[さんよう] (n) south side of a mountain/Sanyo district (P) ","山本[やまもと] (n) (1) foot of a mountain/base of a mountain (2) mine/colliery (3) owner of a mountain/operator of a mine ","山形[やまがた<br>やまなり] (n, adj-no) mountain-shape/chevron/cone (P) ","青山[あおやま<br>せいざん] (n) lush mountain/green mountain ","山ほど[やまほど] (adv, n) a heap/great amount of ","山下[さんか<br>さんげ<br>やました<br>やまもと] (n) foot of a mountain/base of a mountain ","山梨[やまなし] (n) wild nashi (Pyrus pyrifolia var. pyrifolia)/wild Japanese pear ","山手[やまて<br>やまのて] (n, adj-no) (1) place near the mountains (n) (2) hilly section of a city (e.g. Tokyo, Kobe, Yokohama) (P) ","高山[こうざん] (n, adj-no) high mountain (P) ","小山[こやま] (n) hill/knoll (P) ","山陰[さんいん<br>やまかげ] (n) place in the shade of a mountain/shelter of the mountains ","本山[ほんざん] (n) head temple/this temple (P) ","泰山[たいざん] (n) large mountain/Mt Taishan (China) ","金山[かなやま<br>きんざん] (n) (metal) mine ","山麓[さんろく] (n) foot of a mountain/base of a mountain ","山中[さんちゅう<br>やまなか] (n) in the mountains/among the mountains ","山名[さんめい] (n) name of a mountain ","野山[のやま] (n) hills and fields/hill and dale (P) ","大山[たいざん<br>だいせん] (n) great mountain (P) ","山内[さんない] (n, adj-no) in the mountains/within the grounds of a temple ","山川[さんせん<br>やまかわ<br>やまがわ] (n) mountains and rivers (P) ","山羊[やぎ] (n, adj-no) (uk) goat ","開山[かいさん] (n, vs) founding a temple (on a hill-top) ","山間[さんかん<br>やまあい<br>やまま] (n, adj-no) among the mountains (P) ","石山[いしやま] (n) stony mountain ","北山[きたやま] (n) northern hill ","山村[さんそん] (n) mountain village (P) ","山道[さんどう<br>せんどう<br>やまみち] (n) mountain road/mountain trail ","山上[さんじょう] (n) mountain top ","山寺[やまでら] (n) mountain temple (P) ","山々[やまやま] (n) (1) (many) mountains (adv) (2) (uk) very much (esp. wanting to do something one cannot)/greatly/really (P) ","勝山[かつやま] (n) woman's hairstyle (Edo period) (made popular by a Yoshiwara prostitute called Katsuyama) ","山積み[やまづみ] (n, vs) huge mound/heap/pile ","遠山[えんざん<br>とおやま] (n) distant mountain (P) ","山野[さんや] (n) hills and fields/countryside (P) ","比叡山[ひえいざん] (n) Mt. Hiei (in Kyoto) ","山毛欅[ぶな] (n) (uk) Japanese beech (Fagus crenata)/Siebold's beech ","名山[めいざん] (n) famous mountain ","下山[げさん<br>げざん] (n, vs) descending (mountain) ","奥山[おくやま] (n) remote mountain/mountain recesses (P) ","山車[さんしゃ<br>だし<br>だんじり<br>だんぢり<br>やまぐるま] (n) parade float/festival float ","山系[さんけい] (n) mountain range/mountain system (P) ","閉山[へいざん] (n, vs) (1) ending the climbing season/closure of a mountain to climbers (2) closing a mine/discontinuation of mining ","山門[さんもん] (n) (1) (Buddh) main temple gate (2) (Buddh) temple ","山小屋[やまごや] (n) hut (esp. on a mountain)/shack/refuge/shanty (P) ","登山口[とざんぐち] (n) starting point of a mountain ascent/trailhead (leading up a mountain) ","山水[さんすい<br>やまみず] (n) (1) mountain and water/landscape (containing hills and rivers) (2) (abbr) landscape picture (3) mountain stream/water that flows down from a mountain (4) garden which contains an artificial hill and a pond ","岩山[いわやま] (n) rocky mountain (P) ","山路[さんろ<br>やまじ] (n) mountain path ","梁山泊[りょうざんぱく] (n) place of assemblage for the bold and ambitious ","連山[れんざん] (n) (1) mountain range (2) Lian Shan (Xia period method of Chinese divination) ","雪山[せっさん<br>せつざん<br>せっせん<br>ゆきやま] (n) (1) snowy mountain/permanently snow-covered mountain (2) Himalayas "],"九":["九[きゅう,  く<br>きゅう<br>く<br>ここ<br>ここの<br>この<br>チュー]nine  N3","九日[ここのか]nine days,  ninth day  N5","九つ[ここのつ]nine  N5","九州[きゅうしゅう]Kyuushuu,  kyushu ","九月[くがつ] (n-adv) September (P) ","北九州[きたきゅうしゅう] (n) Kitakyushu (city) (P) ","九重[ここのえ] (n) ninefold/imperial palace/the Court (P) "],"一":["一々[いちいち]one by one; separately  N1","一概に[いちがいに]unconditionally; as a rule  N1","一見[いっけん<br>いちげん]unfamiliar; never before met  N1","一言[ひとこと<br>いちげん<br>いちごん]single word  N1","一日[いちにち<br>ついたち](1) one day,  (2) first of month  N1","一定[いってい<br>いちじょう]fixed; settled;definite;uniform;regularized;defined;standardized;certain;prescribed  N1","一同[いちどう]all present; all concerned;all of us  N1","一人[ひとり]one person  N1","一部[いちぶ]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;one copy&nbsp;&nbsp;e.g. of a document; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;a part;partly;some  N1","一部分[いちぶぶん]a part  N1","一別[いちべつ]parting  N1","一面[いちめん]one side; one phase;front page;the other hand;the whole surface  N1","一目[ひとめ<br>いちもく]a glance; a look;a glimpse  N1","一様[いちよう]uniformity; evenness;similarity;equality;impartiality  N1","一律[いちりつ]evenness; uniformity;monotony;equality  N1","一連[いちれん]a series; a chain;a ream (of paper)  N1","一括[いっかつ]all together; batch;one lump;one bundle;summing up  N1","一気[いっき]drink!(said repeatedly as a party cheer)  N1","一挙に[いっきょに<br>いっきょ に]at a stroke; with a single swoop  N1","一切[いっさい]all; everything;without exception;the whole;entirely;absolutely  N1","一心[いっしん]one mind; wholeheartedness;the whole heart  N1","一帯[いったい]a region; a zone;the whole place  N1","一敗[いっぱい]one defeat  N1","一変[いっぺん]complete change; about-face  N1","一昨昨日[さきおとつい]two days before yesterday  N1","単一[たんいつ<br>たんいち]single; simple;sole;individual;unitory  N1","第一[だい<br>だいいち]first; foremost;# 1  N1","一寸[ちょっと](ateji) (adv int) (uk) just a minute; a short time;a while;just a little;somewhat;easily;readily;rath  N1","一向[いっこう]earnestly  N1","一息[ひといき]puffy; a breath;a pause;an effort  N1","一頃[ひところ]once; some time ago  N1","一筋[ひとすじ]a line; earnestly;blindly;straightforwardly  N1","一まず[まず]for the present; once;in outline  N1","一人でに[ひとりでに]by itself; automatically;naturally  N1","一応[いちおう]once, tentatively,in outline,for the time being  N2","一段と[いちだんと]greater, more,further,still more  N2","一流[いちりゅう]first class, top grade,foremost,top-notch  N2","一昨日[いっさくじつ<br>おととい<br>おとつい]day before yesterday  N2","一昨年[いっさくねん<br>おととし]year before last  N2","一斉[いっせい]simultaneous, all at once  N2","一旦[いったん]once, for a moment,one morning,temporarily  N2","統一[とういつ]unity, consolidation,uniformity  N2","一通り[ひととおり]ordinary, usual,in general,briefly  N2","一休み[ひとやすみ]a rest  N2","一時[じ<br>いちじ<br>ひととき<br>いっとき]moment,  time  N3","一度に[いちどに]all at once  N3","一番[いちばん<br>ひとつがい]best  N3","一家[いっか<br>いっけ]a house,  a home, a family, a household  N3","一種[いっしゅ<br>ひとくさ]a species,  a kind, a variety  N3","一瞬[いっしゅん]a moment,  an instant  N3","一生[いっしょう]whole life,  a lifetime, all through life  N3","一層[いっそう]much more,  still more, all the more  N3","一体[いったい](1) one object,  one body, (2) what on earth?, really?, (3) generally  N3","一致[いっち](1) coincidence,  agreement, (2) conformity  N3","一般[いっぱん]general,  liberal, universal, ordinary, average  N3","一方[いっぽう<br>ひとかた](1) on the other hand,  (2) meanwhile, (3) only, simple, in turn  N3","同一[どういつ]identity,  sameness, similarity  N3","一人一人[ひとりひとり<br>ひとりびとり]one by one,  each, one at a time  N3","万一[まんいち<br>ばんいち<br>ばんいつ<br>まんいつ]by some chance,  by some possibility, if by any chance, 10E4:1 odds  N3","唯一[ゆいいつ<br>ゆいつ,  ゆいいつ<br>ゆいつ<br>ゆういつ]only, sole, unique  N3","一度[いちど<br>ひとたび]once  N4","一生懸命[いっしょうけんめい]with utmost effort  N4","一[いち<br>イー<br>いっち<br>ひ<br>ひい<br>ひと<br>ひとつ]one  N5","一緒[いっしょ]together  N5","一つ[ひとつ]one  N5","一月[いちがつ<br>いちげつ<br>ひとつき]one month  N5","もう一度[もういちど]again  N5","一人で[ひとりで]by oneself ","一口[ひとくち]mouthful ","一千[いっせん]One Thousand ","一円[いちえん]throughout the region ","一台[いちだい]One Machine ","一万[いちまん]Ten Thousand ","一心に[いっしんに]wholeheartedly ","一年生[いちねんせい]First Year Student ","一代[いちだい]One Lifetime ","一本気[いっぽんぎ]One Track Mind,  single mindedness ","一文字[いちもんじ,  いちもじ]Straight Line ","一打[いちだ]Strike,  stroke, blow ","一気に[いっきに]in one breath ","一足[ひとあし]a step ","一回[いっかい]One Time,  once ","一行[いっこう<br>いちぎょう]group ","一歩[いっぽ]One Step ","一人前[いちにんまえ<br>ひとりまえ]one portion ","一向に[いっこうに]absolutely (not) ","一風[いっぷう]eccentric ","一重[ひとえ]one layer ","一番目[いちばんめ]First Thing,  the first ","一位[いちい]First Place,  first ranked ","一昔[ひとむかし]age ","一階[いっかい]First Floor,  floor one, first story, first storey ","第一位[だいいちい]First Place,  first rank ","一員[いちいん]member ","一億[いちおく]One Hundred Million ","一億円[いちおくえん]One Hundred Million Yen ","一例[いちれい]Instance,  example ","一周[いっしゅう]One Time Around,  once around ","一等[いっとう]First Class,  first rank, the best ","一冊[いっさつ]One Book,  one volume ","一個[いっこ]One Small Thing,  one thing, one small object, one object ","一夫多妻[いっぷたさい]Polygamy ","一割[いちわり]Ten Percent ","一巻[いっかん]One Volume,  first volume ","第一印象[だいいちいんしょう]First Impression ","第一段[だいいちだん]The First Step,  first step ","一段落[いちだんらく<br>ひとだんらく]end of chapter ","一杯[いっぱい]One Cup,  one cup of liquid, a drink, one drink ","一人娘[ひとりむすめ]Only Daughter ","力一杯[ちからいっぱい]with full force ","精一杯[せいいっぱい]with all one's might ","一覧[いちらん]A Look,  a glance ","均一[きんいつ<br>きんいち]equality ","刻一刻と[こく いち こく と]moment by moment ","一般に[いっぱんに]generally ","一人暮らし[ひとりぐらし]Living Alone ","一人称[いちにんしょう]First Person ","一般的[いっぱんてき]Ordinary,  normal, common ","一致する[いっちする]To Match ","一緒に[いっしょに]together ","択一[たくいつ]multiple choice ","一泊[いっぱく]One Night's Stay ","一握り[いち にぎり]a handful ","一斉に[いっせいに]all together ","一匹[いっぴき]One Small Animal ","間一髪[かんいっぱつ]by a hair's breadth ","一貫[いっかん]one piece of sushi,  one sushi, consistency ","一抹[いちまつ]a little,  a touch, slightly ","一遍[いっぺん]once,  one time ","一周忌[いっしゅうき]first anniversary of death,  first death anniversary ","一遍に[いっぺんに]at once,  at one time ","一度も[いちども] (adv) never/not even once ","世界一[せかいいち] (n-adv, n-t) best in the world (P) ","一族[いちぞく] (n) (1) family/relatives/dependents (2) household (P) ","一時的[いちじてき] (adj-na) temporary (P) ","一揆[いっき] (n) uprising (esp. in Japan since middle ages,  e.g. peasant uprising)/revolt/insurrection/putsch/riot ","一門[いちもん] (n) (1) family/clan/kin (2) sect/school/adherents/followers/disciples (3) (sumo) group of related sumo stables (P) ","一環[いっかん] (n) link (e.g. in a chain of events)/part (of a plan,  campaign, activities, etc.) (P) ","一晩中[ひとばんじゅう] (n, n-adv) all night long/all through the night (P) ","一説[いっせつ] (n) one theory (opinion)/another theory (opinion) ","ご一緒[ごいっしょ] (n, vs) (hon) going together ","一躍[いちやく] (n-adv, n,vs) (1) suddenly (rising to fame, etc.)/instantly/immediately/overnight (n,vs) (2) one bound/one leap (P) ","一新[いっしん] (n, vs) complete change/reform/restoration/remodeling/remodelling/renewal (P) ","一角[いっかく<br>いっかど<br>ひとかど] (n) (1) corner/section/point/part (2) one horn (3) (uk) narwhal (Monodon monoceros) (P) ","日本一[にっぽんいち<br>にほんいち] (n, adj-no) Japan's best/number one in Japan ","十一月[じゅういちがつ] (n-adv) November (P) ","万が一[まんがいち<br>まんがいつ] (exp, adv) if by any chance/just in case/in the worst case/in the unlikely event that/10000 to 1 (P) ","一般人[いっぱんじん] (n) ordinary person/member of the general public/non-celebrity (P) ","一方的[いっぽうてき] (adj-na) one-sided/unilateral/arbitrary (P) ","一時期[いちじき] (n-adv) a period (of time) (P) ","一派[いっぱ] (n) school/sect/party (P) ","一刻も早く[いっこくもはやく] (exp, adv) immediately/as soon as possible/as quickly as possible ","一期[いちご<br>いっき] (n) one's life time/lifetime (P) ","もう一つ[もうひとつ] (exp) (1) another/one more (exp, adv) (2) not quite/not very good/lacking ","一人ひとり[ひとりひとり] (n-t, suf) one by one/each/one at a time ","一色[いっしき<br>いっしょく<br>ひといろ] (adj-na, n) (1) one color/one colour/one article/monochrome (2) same tendency/everyone being caught up in the same thing ","一夜[いちや<br>ひとや<br>ひとよ] (n-adv, n-t) one night/all night/overnight/one evening (P) ","一日中[いちにちじゅう<br>いちにちぢゅう] (n, n-adv) all day long/all the day/throughout the day (P) ","一品[いっぴん<br>ひとしな] (n) (1) item/article (2) dish/course (3) finest item (P) ","一線[いっせん] (n) line (P) ","第一歩[だいいっぽ] (n) first step (P) ","一刻[いっこく] (adj-na, n-adv,n-t) (1) minute/moment/an instant (2) stubborn/hot-headed (P) ","一大[いちだい] (n-pref) one large .../a great ... (P) ","第一線[だいいっせん] (n) the front (of a battlefield)/forefront (P) ","一転[いってん] (n, vs) (1) one turn/spinning around (n,vs,n-adv) (2) complete change/reversal (an) about-face/sudden transformation ","一国[いっこく] (adj-na, n-adv,n-t) (1) whole country (2) hotheaded/stubborn (P) ","一撃[いちげき] (n, vs) blow/hit/poke (P) ","一文[いちぶん<br>いちもん] (n) (a) sentence ","一体化[いったいか] (n, vs) unification/integration ","一本化[いっぽんか] (n, vs) unification/centralization/integration/drawing things together/working out a common policy/consolidation ","一夏[いちげ<br>ひとなつ] (n) (Buddh) one summer (during which a monk attends a summer retreat) ","一因[いちいん] (n) cause (P) ","第一人者[だいいちにんしゃ] (n) leading person/foremost figure (P) ","一座[いちざ] (n, vs) (1) party/those present/troupe (2) first seat (P) ","一端[いったん<br>いっぱし] (n) (1) one end/an end (2) part/fragment (P) ","一読[いちどく] (n, vs) perusal/one reading ","一挙[いっきょ] (n-adv, n) one effort/one action (P) ","一式[いっしき] (n) complete set/all/everything (P) ","一味[いちみ<br>ひとあじ] (n) (1) clan/partisans/conspirators/gang/ring/crew (n, vs) (2) participation (e.g. in a plot) (n) (3) one flavour/one charm (4) one ingredient (in traditional Chinese medicine) (5) (Buddh) universality (of the teachings of Buddha) ","もう一人[もうひとり] (n, adv) another (person)/the other person/one more (person) ","一つ一つ[ひとつひとつ] (adv, adj-no) one-by-one/separately/in detail (P) ","何一つ[なにひとつ] (adv) (not) one ","一途[いちず<br>いっと] (adj-na, n) wholehearted/earnest (P) ","勲一等[くんいっとう] (n) order of the 1st class ","一掃[いっそう] (n, vs) clean sweep/purging/doing away with/eradication (P) ","随一[ずいいち<br>ずいいつ] (n) best/greatest/first (P) ","一級[いっきゅう] (adj-na, n) one grade/first-class/primary (P) ","一元化[いちげんか] (n, vs) unification/centralization/centralisation (P) ","一節[いっせつ<br>ひとふし] (n) a verse (e.g. in the Bible)/stanza/paragraph/passage/a joint/section/a tune/note/strain/measure (P) ","一発[いっぱつ] (n) (1) shot/charge/explosion (2) blow/punch (3) (baseb) home run (n, n-adv) (4) try/attempt (n) (5) (mahj) win on the first go-around after calling riichi (P) ","一男[いちなん] (n) boy/eldest son (P) ","一段[いちだん<br>いったん] (adv-to, adv) (1) more/much more/still more/all the more (n) (2) step/rung/level/rank (3) paragraph/passage (4) (abbr) ichidan (verb, verb conjugation) (P) ","一安心[ひとあんしん] (n, vs) feeling of relief (for the time being)/peace of mind (for now) (P) ","一晩[ひとばん] (n-adv, n-t) (1) one night/one evening (2) all night/overnight (P) ","画一[かくいつ] (n, adj-na) uniformity/standardization/standardisation (P) ","純一[じゅんいつ] (adj-na, n) purity/homogeneity/unadorned ","一群[いちぐん] (n) (1) group/flock/crowd/herd (2) wide expanse (of flowers) ","一眼[いちがん] (n, adj-no) one eye/single lens (e.g. camera) ","一意[いちい] (n) (1) one meaning/one thought (adv) (2) wholeheartedly/single-mindedly/devotedly ","一元[いちげん] (n, adj-no) unitary (P) ","三位一体[さんみいったい] (n) (1) the Trinity (in Christianity) (2) three parts/three components/three factors/three aspects ","一目瞭然[いちもくりょうぜん] (adj-na, n,adj-no) (yoji) apparent/obvious/very clear ","一眼レフ[いちがんレフ] (n) single-lens reflex camera ","一翼[いちよく] (n) (1) one wing (2) (a) role (a) part (P) ","一団[いちだん] (n) body/group/party/gang/troupe/troop (P) ","一騎打ち[いっきうち] (n, vs) personal combat/one-to-one fight (P) ","一望[いちぼう] (n, vs) one sweep (of the eye)/sweeping view/unbroken view ","一直線[いっちょくせん] (n) straight line (P) ","一回り[ひとまわり] (n-adv) (1) one turn/one round (2) (a) size (vs) (3) to go around/to make a circuit/to take a turn (n-adv) (4) twelve years/one cycle of the Chinese zodiac (P) ","一女[いちじょ] (n) (1) one daughter (2) eldest daughter/first-born daughter (P) ","一役[いちやく<br>ひとやく] (n) an office/an important office ","光一[ぴかいち] (n) (1) scoring hand in hanafuda with one 20 point card and six 1 point cards (2) something (or someone) that stands out above the rest ","一室[いっしつ] (n) one room (P) ","一命[いちめい] (n) (a) life (a) command "],"人":["商人[あきんど<br>しょうにん<br>あきうど<br>あきびと<br>あきゅうど]trader; shopkeeper;merchant  N1","他人[たにん<br>あだびと<br>ひと]another person; unrelated person;outsider;stranger  N1","一人[ひとり]one person  N1","大人しい[おとなしい]obedient; docile;quiet  N1","玄人[くろうと]expert; professional;geisha;prostitute  N1","故人[こじん]the deceased; old friend  N1","殺人[さつじん]murder  N1","産婦人科[さんふじんか]maternity and gynecology department  N1","主人公[しゅじんこう]protagonist; main character;hero(ine) (of a story);head of household  N1","証人[しょうにん]witness  N1","使用人[しようにん]employee; servant  N1","新人[しんじん]new face; newcomer  N1","人[ひと<br>じん<br>たり<br>と<br>にん<br>り]man; person;people  N1","人格[じんかく]personality; character;individuality  N1","人材[じんざい]man of talent  N1","人体[じんたい<br>じんてい<br>にんてい]human body  N1","人民[じんみん<br>おおみたから]people; public  N1","人目[ひとめ<br>じんもく]glimpse; public gaze  N1","仲人[なこうど]go-between; matchmaker  N1","当人[とうにん]the one concerned; the said person  N1","二人[ふたり]two persons; two people;pair;couple  N1","人情[にんじょう]humanity; empathy;kindness;sympathy;human nature;common sense;customs and manners  N1","万人[まんにん<br>ばんにん]all people; everybody;10000 people  N1","人柄[ひとがら]personality; character;personal appearance;gentility  N1","人質[ひとじち]hostage; prisoner  N1","一人でに[ひとりでに]by itself; automatically;naturally  N1","女の人[おんなのひと]woman  N2","職人[しょくにん]worker, mechanic,artisan,craftsman  N2","素人[しろうと<br>しらひと<br>しらびと<br>しろと]amateur, novice  N2","人造[じんぞう]man-made, synthetic,artificial  N2","人文科学[じんぶんかがく]social sciences, humanities  N2","人命[じんめい](human) life  N2","知人[ちじん]friend, acquaintance  N2","人差指[ひとさしゆび]index finger  N2","人通り[ひとどおり]pedestrian traffic  N2","役人[やくにん]government official  N2","男の人[おとこのひと]man  N3","恋人[こいびと]lover,  sweetheart  N3","個人[こじん]individual,  private person, personal, private  N3","詩人[しじん]poet  N3","人工[じんこう]artificial,  manmade, human work, human skill, artificiality  N3","人種[じんしゅ]race (of people)  N3","人生[じんせい](human) life (i.e. conception to death)  N3","人物[じんぶつ]character,  personality, person, man, personage, talented man  N3","人類[じんるい]mankind,  humanity  N3","成人[せいじん]adult  N3","人気[にんき<br>じんき<br>ひとけ<br>ひとげ]sign of life  N3","人間[にんげん<br>じんかん]human being,  man, person  N3","犯人[はんにん]criminal  N3","美人[びじん]beautiful person (woman)  N3","人込み[ひとごみ]crowd of people  N3","一人一人[ひとりひとり<br>ひとりびとり]one by one,  each, one at a time  N3","夫人[ふじん<br>はしかし<br>ぶにん]wife,  Mrs, madam  N3","婦人[ふじん]woman,  female  N3","本人[ほんにん]the person himself  N3","名人[めいじん]master,  expert  N3","友人[ゆうじん]friend  N3","老人[ろうじん]the aged,  old person  N3","御主人[ごしゅじん](honorable) your husband  N4","人口[じんこう]population  N4","人形[にんぎょう]doll,  figure  N4","大人[おとな<br>たいじん<br>だいにん]adult  N5","外国人[がいこくじん]foreigner  N5","アメリカ人[あめりかじん,  アメリカじん<br>アメリカじん]American, american person ","フランス人[ふらんすじん,  フランスじん<br>フランスじん]Frenchman, french person ","三人[さんにん]Three People ","一人で[ひとりで]by oneself ","人だかり[ひとだかり]crowd ","白人[はくじん<br>しらひと<br>しらびと<br>しろうと<br>しろと]Caucasian,  white person, white people ","人々[ひとびと<br>にんにん]people ","人出[ひとで]turnout ","人手[ひとで]staff ","外人[がいじん<br>ほかびと]Foreigner,  outsider ","〜人[にん]Number Of People,  people, people counter ","主人[しゅじん<br>あるじ]Head Of Household,  husband, head of a household, head of the household, landlord, master ","村人[むらびと]Villager ","ご主人[ごしゅじん](someone else's) husband ","人名[じんめい]person's name ","何人[なんにん<br>なにじん<br>なにびと<br>なんびと<br>なんぴと]How Many People ","社会人[しゃかいじん]working member of society ","一人前[いちにんまえ<br>ひとりまえ]one portion ","人前[ひとまえ<br>にんまえ]in front of people ","人見知り[ひとみしり]shyness towards strangers ","死人[しにん<br>しびと]corpse ","黒人[こくじん<br>くろうと<br>くろと]Black Person,  black people ","不人気[ふにんき]Unpopular,  not popular ","住人[じゅうにん]Resident,  inhabitant, dweller ","人数[にんずう<br>にんず<br>ひとかず]The Number Of People,  number of people, the amount of people, amount of people ","人道[じんどう<br>にんどう]humanity ","人事[じんじ<br>ひとごと]human affairs ","人相[にんそう]looks ","見物人[けんぶつにん]spectator ","病人[びょうにん]Sick Person,  patient ","鉄人[てつじん]Strong Man,  badass, iron man, macho man, tough guy ","発起人[ほっきにん]originator ","別人[べつじん<br>べつにん]Changed Man,  different person, different man, changed person, new man ","西洋人[せいようじん]Westerner ","悪人[あくにん]Bad Person,  villain, evildoer, bad guy, wicked person, evil person ","人殺し[ひとごろし]murder ","芸人[げいにん]Comedian,  actor, performer ","求人[きゅうじん]Help Wanted,  seeking workers ","人性[じんせい]Human Nature,  instinct ","人道的[じんどうてき]humane ","人間性[にんげんせい]human nature ","芸能人[げいのうじん]celebrity ","変人[へんじん]An Eccentric,  eccentric, oddball ","殺人者[さつじんしゃ]Murderer ","軍人[ぐんじん]Soldier ","法人[ほうじん]corporation ","料理人[りょうりにん]A Cook,  cook, chef ","保証人[ほしょうにん]guarantor ","イギリス人[いぎりすじん,  イギリスじん<br>イギリスじん]British Person, english person ","無人[むじん<br>ぶにん<br>むにん]deserted ","達人[たつじん]Master,  expert ","人混み[ひとごみ]crowd ","人類学[じんるいがく]Anthropology ","人達[ひとたち]People ","宇宙人[うちゅうじん]Alien ","人権[じんけん]Human Rights ","張本人[ちょうほんにん]author ","人差し指[ひとさしゆび]index finger ","人違い[ひとちがい]mistaken identity ","人影[ひとかげ]human figure ","管理人[かんりにん]Manager ","巨人[きょじん]A Giant,  giant ","人並み[ひとなみ]like others ","一人娘[ひとりむすめ]Only Daughter ","貧乏人[びんぼうにん]poor person ","人脈[じんみゃく]Personal Connections,  network ","恩人[おんじん]Benefactor ","一人暮らし[ひとりぐらし]Living Alone ","依頼人[いらいにん]Client ","一人称[いちにんしょう]First Person ","邦人[ほうじん]Fellow Countryman,  japanese national ","仙人[せんにん]Hermit,  mountain man ","隣人[りんじん]Neighbor ","狩人[かりゅうど]Hunter ","賢人[けんじん]Wise Man ","偉人[いじん]great person,  great man, hero ","凡人[ぼんじん]ordinary person,  average person, mediocre ","盲人[もうじん]blind person ","浪人[ろうにん]ronin,  masterless samurai ","囚人[しゅうじん<br>めしうど<br>めしゅうど]prisoner,  convict ","2人とも[ふたりとも] (n-adv) both (people) ","人たち[ひとたち] (n) people (P) ","あの人[あのひと] (pn) (1) he/she/that person (2) (arch) you (P) ","いい人[いいひと] (exp, n) (1) good-natured person/good person (2) lover ","日本人[にっぽんじん<br>にほんじん] (n) Japanese person/Japanese people ","中華人民共和国[ちゅうかじんみんきょうわこく] (n) People's Republic of China (P) ","個人的[こじんてき] (adj-na) personal/individual/private (P) ","番人[ばんにん] (n) guard/watchman ","ユダヤ人[ユダヤじん] (n) Jew/Jewish person ","ある人[あるひと] (n, exp) someone (unspecified, but someone in particular)/a certain person ","同人[どうじん<br>どうにん] (n) (1) same person (2) said person/the person in question (3) coterie/clique/fraternity/kindred spirits/comrade/colleague (4) dojin/doujin/Japanese fans or hobbyists who produce their owns magazines,  manga, software, etc. (P) ","売人[ばいにん] (n) trader/smuggler/pusher/drug dealer/drug runner ","2人きり[ふたりきり] (n) just the two of them ","殺人事件[さつじんじけん] (n) murder case (P) ","殺人犯[さつじんはん] (n) murderer ","中国人[ちゅうごくじん] (n) Chinese person (P) ","才人[さいじん] (n) talented person/clever person ","善人[ぜんにん] (n) good person/virtuous person ","人員[じんいん] (n) number of persons/personnel (P) ","超人[ちょうじん] (n) (1) superman/superwoman (2) Ubermensch (e.g. Nietzsche's ideal man of the future)/overman (P) ","有名人[ゆうめいじん] (n) celebrity/famous person/public figure/big name (P) ","有人[ゆうじん] (adj-no, n) manned/occupied/piloted (P) ","大切な人[たいせつなひと] (exp, n) special someone/special person/precious one/significant other ","殺人鬼[さつじんき] (n) devilish homicide/cutthroat ","地球人[ちきゅうじん] (n) earthling/earthman ","たった1人[たったひとり] (exp, n) just one person/only one ","真犯人[しんはんにん] (n) the real criminal/true culprit ","命の恩人[いのちのおんじん] (exp, n) lifesaver/person who saved one's life ","人助け[ひとだすけ] (n, vs) act of mercy/helping another person ","ご主人様[ごしゅじんさま] (exp, n) (1) master (2) Your lordship/My lord (3) husband ","けが人[けがにん] (n) wounded person/injured person (P) ","ケガ人[ケガにん] (n) wounded person/injured person ","ドイツ人[ドイツじん] (n) German person ","人種差別[じんしゅさべつ] (n) racial discrimination/racism ","被告人[ひこくにん] (n) accused/defendant/prisoner at the bar (P) ","歌人[うたびと<br>かじん] (n) (1) skillful tanka poet (2) official in charge of court poetry and music (ritsuryo period) (3) poet ","大人気[おとなげ<br>だいにんき] (n) adultness/maturity ","何人も[なにびとも<br>なんびとも<br>なんぴとも] (n) (1) (no matter) who/everyone/anyone (2) nobody ","人間界[にんげんかい] (n) human realm/world of humans/terrestrial world ","人びと[ひとびと] (n, adj-no) each person/people/men and women/everybody ","ロシア人[ロシアじん] (n) Russian (person,  people) ","代理人[だいりにん] (n) proxy/agent/substitute/deputy/alternate/representative/attorney (P) ","一般人[いっぱんじん] (n) ordinary person/member of the general public/non-celebrity (P) ","愛人[あいじん] (n) lover/mistress (P) ","人文[じんぶん<br>じんもん] (n) humanity/civilization/civilisation/culture (P) ","人称[にんしょう] (n, adj-no) (ling) person/personal ","米国人[べいこくじん] (n) an American ","星人[せいじん] (suf) person from (the planet of) ","門人[もんじん] (n) pupil/student/follower ","イタリア人[イタリアじん] (n) Italian (person) ","人事院[じんじいん] (n) National Personnel Authority (P) ","韓国人[かんこくじん] (n) South Korean person ","聖人[しょうにん<br>せいじん] (n) (1) (Buddh) person on the path to enlightenment (2) (Buddh) Buddha/bodhisattva (3) (hon) high priest ","民間人[みんかんじん] (n) private citizen/civilian ","怪人[かいじん] (n) mysterious person ","二人とも[ふたりとも] (n-adv) both (people) (P) ","人の子[ひとのこ] (n) (1) child/children (2) other people's children (3) the Son of Man/Christ ","一人ひとり[ひとりひとり] (n-t, suf) one by one/each/one at a time ","メキシコ人[メキシコじん] (n) Mexican (person) ","インド人[インドじん] (n) Indian ","人狼[じんろう] (n) werewolf ","人造人間[じんぞうにんげん] (n) android/artificial human/robot ","人力[じんりき<br>じんりょく] (n) human power/human strength/human effort/human agency ","未亡人[みぼうじん] (n) widow (P) ","同居人[どうきょにん] (n) (1) person living with a family/lodger (2) housemate/flatmate/roommate ","知識人[ちしきじん] (n) intellectual (P) ","人間関係[にんげんかんけい] (n) human relations/personal relationships (P) ","支配人[しはいにん] (n) manager/executive (P) ","朝鮮民主主義人民共和国[ちょうせんみんしゅしゅぎじんみんきょうわこく] (n) Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)/DPRK (P) ","英人[えいじん] (n) Briton/Englishman ","通行人[つうこうにん] (n) passerby/pedestrian/foot passenger ","御家人[ごけにん] (n) lower-ranking vassal in the Kamakura and Edo periods ","他人事[たにんごと<br>ひとごと] (n) other people's affairs/somebody else's problem ","隼人[はいと<br>はやと<br>はやひと] (n) people who lived in Kyushu in ancient times,  and who opposed the state of Yamato ","客人[きゃくじん<br>まれびと<br>まろうと<br>まろうど] (n) caller/visitor/company/guest ","第一人者[だいいちにんしゃ] (n) leading person/foremost figure (P) ","助っ人[すけっと] (n) (1) helper/supporter/second/backer (2) foreign player (hired to strengthen a team) (P) ","人気者[にんきもの] (n) popular person/favorite/favourite (P) ","文人[ふみびと<br>ぶんじん] (n) (arch) person of letters/poet ","異星人[いせいじん] (n) alien (from another planet) ","上人[しょうにん] (n) holy priest/saint ","赤の他人[あかのたにん] (exp, n) complete stranger/total stranger ","旅人[たびにん<br>たびびと<br>りょじん] (n) nomad/person who goes from place to place,  gambling, etc./pilgrim ","恋人同士[こいびとどうし] (n) pair of lovers/girlfriend and boyfriend ","中の人[なかのひと] (exp, n) (1) person inside a cartoon body suit/voice actor (2) insider ","個々人[ここじん] (n) an individual/individual people (P) ","もう一人[もうひとり] (n, adv) another (person)/the other person/one more (person) ","人様[ひとさま] (n) other people/others ","人的[じんてき] (adj-na) human/personal (P) ","弁護人[べんごにん] (n) counsel/defender/advocate (P) ","直人[ただうど<br>ただひと<br>ただびと<br>なおびと] (ok) (n) ordinary person/untitled individual ","対人[たいじん] (adj-no) personal/inter-personal ","要人[ようじん] (n) important person (P) ","罪人[ざいにん<br>つみびと] (n) criminal/lawbreaker/wrongdoer/offender (P) ","人為[じんい] (n, adj-no) human work/human agency/art/artificiality (P) ","俳人[はいじん] (n) haiku poet (P) ","人家[じんか] (n) house/dwelling/human habitation ","先人[せんじん] (n) predecessor/pioneer/ancestor (P) ","人当たり[ひとあたり] (n) one's manners/one's attitude ","人魚[にんぎょ] (n) mermaid/merman ","人妻[ひとづま] (n) (1) married woman (2) another's wife (P) ","少人数[しょうにんず<br>しょうにんずう] (n, adj-no) small number of people ","人参[にんじん] (n) (1) (uk) carrot (Daucus carota) (2) (uk) Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng) (P) ","町人[ちょうにん<br>まちにん] (n) townspeople/townsfolk/commoner/civilian/merchant/tradesman/tradeswoman/tradespeople/artisan/members of the lowest Edo-period social class (comprising commoners not involved in farming) (P) ","人身[じんしん<br>ひとみ] (n) the human body/one's person ","各人[かくじん] (n-adv, n-t) each person ","後見人[こうけんにん] (n) guardian ","選挙人[せんきょにん] (n) qualified voter (P) ","人間らしい[にんげんらしい] (adj-i) human/humane ","擬人[ぎじん] (n) simulation of a person ","小人[こども<br>こびと<br>しょうじん<br>しょうにん] (gikun) (n) child/small person ","真人[しんじん<br>まうと<br>まひと<br>もうと] (n) true man ","華人[かじん] (n) ethnic Chinese (living abroad,  esp. with non-Chinese citizenship)/overseas Chinese ","漢人[あやひと<br>からびと<br>かんじん] (n) ancient Chinese immigrant ","家人[かじん<br>けにん] (n) occupant of a house/family member (P) ","海人[あま<br>うみんちゅ] (n) (1) male diver (who collects shells,  seaweed, etc.) (2) fisherman ","人骨[じんこつ] (n) human bones (P) ","和人[わじん<br>わひと] (n) (arch) Japanese person ","余人[よじん<br>よにん] (n) others/other people (P) "],"川":["河川[かせん]rivers  N1","川[かわ<br>がわ]river  N3","川/河[かわ/かわ]river  N5","川口[かわぐち]River Mouth,  estuary ","天の川[あまのがわ]Milky Way ","小川[おがわ]stream ","川底[かわぞこ]Riverbed,  river bottom ","川原[かわら]dry riverbed ","川崎[かわさき]Kawasaki,  kawasaki city ","徳川[とくがわ]Tokugawa,  tokugawa shogun ","神奈川県[かながわけん]Kanagawa Prefecture ","香川県[かがわけん]Kagawa Prefecture ","堀川[ほりかわ]Canal ","滝川[たきがわ]Rapids ","淀川[よどがわ]Yodogawa ","川上[かわかみ] (n) upper reaches of a river/upstream (P) ","大川[おおかわ<br>たいせん] (n) big river ","四川[しせん] (n) Sichuan (China)/Szechuan/Szechwan ","古川[ふるかわ] (n) old river ","山川[さんせん<br>やまかわ<br>やまがわ] (n) mountains and rivers (P) ","谷川[たにがわ] (n) mountain stream (P) ","川田[かわた] (n) (uk) (derog) lowly people (Edo period)/eta ","川辺[かわべ] (n, adj-no) riverside/edge of a river ","川端[かわばた] (n) riverbank (P) ","川下[かわしも] (n, adj-no) downstream (P) ","松川[まつかわ] (n) (uk) barfin flounder (Verasper moseri) ","川柳[かわやぎ<br>かわやなぎ<br>せんりゅう] (n) (arch) riverside willow ","河川敷[かせんしき<br>かせんじき] (n) flood plain/river terrace/riverside area/area between river and river bank ","川岸[かわぎし] (n) riverbank/riverside (P) "],"七":["七日[なのか]seven days; the seventh day (of the month)  N1","七[なな,  しち<br>なな<br>しち<br>チー<br>な<br>ひち]seven  N3","七つ[ななつ]seven  N5","七夕[たなばた<br>しちせき]The Star Festival ","七宝[しちほう<br>しっぽう] (n) (Buddh) the seven treasures (gold,  silver, pearls, agate, crystal, coral, lapis lazuli) ","七月[しちがつ] (n-adv) July (P) ","七面鳥[しちめんちょう] (n) turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) "],"十":["十分[じゅうぶん<br>じっぷん<br>じゅっぷん]10 minutes  N1","十字路[じゅうじろ]crossroads  N1","五十音[ごじゅうおん]the Japanese syllabary  N2","十[じゅう<br>シー<br>と<br>とお]ten  N3","二十[]20 years old,  20th year  N3","十日[とおか]ten days, the tenth day  N5","二十歳[はたち]20 years old, 20th year  N5","二十日[はつか]twenty days, twentieth  N5","五十[ごじゅう]Fifty ","四十[よんじゅう]Forty ","四十二[よんじゅうに]Forty Two,  the answer ","十六[じゅうろく]Sixteen ","十月[じゅうがつ]October ","十万[じゅうまん]One Hundred Thousand,  hundred thousand, a hundred thousand ","十台[じゅうだい]Ten Machines ","不十分[ふじゅうぶん]insufficient ","何十[なんじゅう]several tens ","四十二階[よんじゅうにかい]Forty Second Floor,  floor forty two, 42nd floor, floor 42, forty second story, forty second storey ","五十音順[ごじゅうおんじゅん]Aiueo Order,  in aiueo order ","十字架[じゅうじか]cross ","十二月[じゅうにがつ] (n-adv) December (P) ","十一月[じゅういちがつ] (n-adv) November (P) ","十字[じゅうじ] (adj-no, n) cross/crossed/cruciform (P) ","赤十字[せきじゅうじ] (n) Red Cross ","十代[じゅうだい] (n) (1) the teens (10-19)/teenage (2) the tenth generation (P) "],"三":["三味線[しゃみせん<br>さみせん]three-stringed Japanese guitar; shamisen  N1","三[さん<br>サン<br>み](num) three  N1","三日月[みかづき<br>みかずき]new moon; crescent moon  N1","再三[さいさん]again and again, repeatedly  N2","三角[みょうか<br>さんかく]triangle, triangular  N2","三日[みっか]three days,  third day of the month  N5","三つ[みっつ<br>みつ]three  N5","三人[さんにん]Three People ","三世[さんせい]Third Generation ","三角形[さんかっけい<br>さんかくけい]triangle ","三百[さんびゃく]Three Hundred ","三番目[さんばんめ]Third Thing,  the third ","三流[さんりゅう]third-rate ","三冊[さんさつ]Three Books,  three volumes ","三個[さんこ]Three Small Things,  three things, three objects, three small objects ","三杯[さんばい]Three Cups,  three cups of liquid ","三つ編み[みつあみ]Braided Hair,  hair braid ","三国[さんごく] (n) (1) three countries (2) Japan,  China and India/Japan, Korea and China/all the world (3) Three Kingdoms (in China, 220-280) (4) Three Kingdoms (in Korea, 57 BCE - 668 CE) ","三男[さんなん] (n) (1) three sons (2) third son (P) ","三振[さんしん] (n, vs) (baseb) strikeout/strike out/fanning out (P) ","三月[さんがつ<br>みつき] (n) March (P) ","三重[さんじゅう<br>みえ] (n, adj-no) triple/treble/threefold/three-ply/triplicate (P) ","三郎[さぶろう] (n) (1) third son (2) (uk) Occella iburia (species of poacher) ","第三者[だいさんしゃ] (n) third party/third person/outsider/disinterested person (P) ","三輪[さんりん] (n) three wheels (P) ","三昧[さんまい<br>ざんまい] (n) (1) (Buddh) samadhi (state of intense concentration achieved through meditation) (san:) (n-suf) (2) being immersed in/being absorbed in/indulging in/doing to one's heart's content (3) prone to/apt to ","三部作[さんぶさく] (n) trilogy (P) ","従三位[じゅさんみ] (n) second grade of the third rank of honor (honour) ","三方[さんかた<br>さんぼう<br>さんぽう] (n) (obsc) day laborer (in construction,  etc.)/day labourer ","三宮[さんぐう] (n) (obsc) Grand Empress Dowager,  the Empress Dowager and the Empress Consort ","三者[さんしゃ] (n) three persons/three parties (P) ","三女[さんじょ] (n) third daughter (P) ","三位一体[さんみいったい] (n) (1) the Trinity (in Christianity) (2) three parts/three components/three factors/three aspects ","三役[さんやく] (n) (1) three highest ranks (wrestling,  unions, etc.) (2) three parts/three divisions (P) ","正三位[しょうさんみ] (n) senior grade of the third court rank ","三種[さんしゅ] (n, adj-no) three kinds/three varieties (P) ","三塁打[さんるいだ] (n) (baseb) three-base hit/triple (P) ","第三紀[だいさんき] (n) the Tertiary period ","三脚[さんきゃく] (n, adj-no) tripod/three legs "],"二":["二人[ふたり]two persons; two people;pair;couple  N1","真っ二つ[まっぷたつ]in two equal parts  N1","二十[]20 years old,  20th year  N3","二階建て[にかいだて]two storied  N4","二[ふた<br>に<br>アル<br>ふ<br>ふう]two  N5","二十歳[はたち]20 years old, 20th year  N5","二十日[はつか]twenty days, twentieth  N5","二つ[ふたつ]two  N5","二日[ふつか]two days,  second day of the month  N5","二月[にがつ<br>ふたつき]February ","四十二[よんじゅうに]Forty Two,  the answer ","二万[にまん]Twenty Thousand ","二台[にだい]Two Machines ","二世[にせい]Second Generation ","二百[にひゃく]Two Hundred ","二時半[にじはん]Two Thirty,  half past two, half two ","二番[にばん]Number Two,  second ","二重[にじゅう<br>ふたえ]Double,  dual ","二度と[にどと]never again ","第二章[だいにしょう]Chapter Two,  second chapter ","二倍[にばい]Double,  two times, twice ","四十二階[よんじゅうにかい]Forty Second Floor,  floor forty two, 42nd floor, floor 42, forty second story, forty second storey ","二階[にかい]Second Floor,  floor two, second story, second storey ","二流[にりゅう]second-rate ","二枚舌[にまいじた]Forked Tongue ","二巻[にかん]Second Volume,  two volumes ","二杯[にはい]Two Cups,  two cups of liquid ","二日酔い[ふつかよい]Hangover ","二泊[にはく]Two Night's Stay ","不二[ふじ<br>ふに] (n) (1) being two sides of the same coin/being the same (while appearing different) (exp) (2) Very sincerely yours (adj-no, n) (3) (arch) peerless/unparalleled/unparallelled ","十二月[じゅうにがつ] (n-adv) December (P) ","二宮[にぐう] (n) the Two Ise Shrines (P) ","二輪[にりん] (n) two wheels/two flowers ","二人とも[ふたりとも] (n-adv) both (people) (P) ","二酸化炭素[にさんかたんそ] (n) carbon dioxide (P) ","二塁打[にるいだ] (n) (baseb) two-base hit/double (P) ","二葉[によう<br>ふたば] (n) two flat things ","二見[ふたみ] (adj-no) forked (road,  river) (P) "],"女":["貴女[きじょ<br>あなた]you; lady  N1","少女[しょうじょ<br>おとめ]daughter; young lady;virgin;maiden;little girl  N1","女子[じょし<br>おなご<br>おみなご<br>めこ]woman; girl  N1","女史[じょし]Ms.  N1","王女[おうじょ<br>おうにょ]princess  N2","女の人[おんなのひと]woman  N2","長女[ちょうじょ]eldest daughter  N2","女房[にょうぼう<br>にゅうぼう<br>にょうぼ]wife  N2","女王[じょおう]queen  N3","女優[じょゆう]actress  N3","彼女[かのじょ]she, girlfriend  N4","女性[じょせい<br>にょしょう]woman  N4","女[おんな<br>うみな<br>おうな<br>おな<br>おみな<br>じょ<br>め]woman  N5","女の子[おんなのこ<br>めのこ]girl  N5","女らしい[おんならしい]womanly ","男女[だんじょ<br>おとこおんな<br>なんにょ]men and women ","次女[じじょ]second daughter ","美女[びじょ<br>びんじょ]beautiful woman ","悪女[あくじょ]Evil Woman,  wicked woman, bad woman ","女性的[じょせいてき]feminine ","女権[じょけん]Women's Rights,  woman's rights ","処女[しょじょ]first ","婦女[ふじょ]the fair sex ","魔女[まじょ]Witch ","淑女[しゅくじょ]lady ","早乙女[さおとめ]rice planting girl,  saotome ","女子生徒[じょしせいと] (n) schoolgirl/female student ","女神[おみながみ<br>おんながみ<br>じょしん<br>めがみ] (n) (arch) paper doll to which children pray for good weather ","女将[おかみ<br>じょしょう<br>にょしょう] (n) proprietress (of a traditional Japanese inn or restaurant)/landlady/hostess/mistress ","女子高生[じょしこうせい] (n) female high-school student (P) ","巫女[のろ<br>ふじょ<br>みこ] (n) noro/member of a hereditary caste of female mediums in Okinawa ","女学校[じょがっこう] (n) girl's school (P) ","女流[じょりゅう] (n) woman (writer,  artist, aviator, etc.) (P) ","乙女[おとめ] (n) little girl/maiden/young lady/female usually between 7 and 18 years old ","女子高[じょしこう] (n) (abbr) girls' high school (P) ","子女[しじょ] (n) (1) sons and daughters/male and female children/children (2) girl (P) ","養女[ようじょ] (n) adopted daughter/foster daughter ","女児[じょじ] (n) baby girl/primary schoolgirl (P) ","皇女[おうじょ<br>こうじょ<br>みこ] (n) imperial princess ","女子学生[じょしがくせい] (n) female student ","侍女[じじょ] (n) lady attendant/lady's maid/waiting maid (P) ","女友達[おんなともだち] (n) female friend/woman friend ","女子大[じょしだい] (n) (abbr) women's college/women's university (P) ","美少女[びしょうじょ] (n) beautiful girl ","女装[じょそう] (n, vs) female clothing/wearing female clothing/cross dressing (for a man) ","彼女ら[かのじょら] (pn) they (females)/them ","女系[じょけい<br>にょけい] (n) female line/matrilinear ","三女[さんじょ] (n) third daughter (P) ","女形[おやま<br>おんながた] (n) onnagata/male actor in female kabuki roles ","女帝[じょてい] (n) empress ","遊女[ゆうじょ] (n) prostitute/harlot ","一女[いちじょ] (n) (1) one daughter (2) eldest daughter/first-born daughter (P) ","女官[じょかん<br>にょうかん<br>にょかん] (n) court lady/lady-in-waiting "],"本":["脚本[きゃくほん]scenario  N1","根本[ねもと<br>こんぽん<br>ねほん]origin; source;foundation;root;base;principle  N1","台本[だいほん]libretto; scenario  N1","手本[てほん]model; pattern  N1","本格[ほんかく]propriety; fundamental rules  N1","本館[ほんかん]main building  N1","本気[ほんき]seriousness; truth;sanctity  N1","本質[ほんしつ]essence; true nature;reality  N1","本体[ほんたい<br>ほんだい]substance; real form;object of worship  N1","本音[ほんね]real intention; motive  N1","本の[ほんの]mere; only;just  N1","本能[ほんのう]instinct  N1","本場[ほんば]home; habitat;center;best place;genuine  N1","本文[ほんぶん<br>ほんもん]text (of document); body (of letter)  N1","本名[ほんみょう<br>ほんめい]real name  N1","標本[ひょうほん]example, specimen  N2","本部[ほんぶ]headquarters  N2","本来[ほんらい]essentially, naturally,by nature  N2","見本[みほん]sample  N2","基本[きほん]foundation,  basis, standard  N3","資本[しほん]funds,  capital  N3","日本[にっぽん<br>にほん,  にっぽん<br>にほん]Japan  N3","本当[ほんとう<br>ほんと]truth,  reality  N3","本人[ほんにん]the person himself  N3","本物[ほんもの]genuine article  N3","本[ほん<br>もと]book  N5","本棚[ほんだな]bookshelves  N5","本日[ほんじつ]today ","古本[ふるほん<br>こほん<br>ふるぼん]secondhand book ","本心[ほんしん]one's mind ","一本気[いっぽんぎ]One Track Mind,  single mindedness ","本年[ほんねん]this year ","本社[ほんしゃ<br>ほんじゃ]Headquarters,  hq, head office, company headquarters ","本当に[ほんとうに<br>ほんとに]really ","全日本[ぜんにほん]All Japan,  all of japan ","本州[ほんしゅう]Honshuu,  honshu ","本国[ほんごく]one's native country ","本店[ほんてん<br>ほんだな]head office ","本番[ほんばん]real performance ","絵本[えほん]picture book ","本屋[ほんや<br>ほんおく]Bookstore,  book shop ","日本語[にほんご<br>にっぽんご]Japanese Language,  japanese ","日本酒[にほんしゅ,  にっぽんしゅ<br>にほんしゅ]Japanese Style Alcohol, japanese alcohol, sake ","本線[ほんせん]main line ","不本意[ふほんい]reluctant ","本流[ほんりゅう]Mainstream ","日本的[にほんてき]Very Japanese,  typically japanese ","本格的[ほんかくてき]authentic ","単行本[たんこうぼん]separate volume ","基本的[きほんてき]Fundamentals,  basics, fundamental, standard, basic ","本箱[ほんばこ]bookcase ","資本主義[しほんしゅぎ]capitalism ","資本家[しほんか]capitalist ","張本人[ちょうほんにん]author ","日本製[にほんせい]Made In Japan ","熊本県[くまもとけん]Kumamoto Prefecture ","本塁打[ほんるいだ]Homerun ","本舗[ほんぽ]head office,  main shop, shop name suffix ","日本語字幕[にほんごじまく] (n) Japanese subtitles ","本塁[ほんるい] (n) (1) base/stronghold/main fort (2) (baseb) home base/home plate (P) ","本拠[ほんきょ] (n) stronghold/inner citadel/base/headquarters (P) ","日本人[にっぽんじん<br>にほんじん] (n) Japanese person/Japanese people ","山本[やまもと] (n) (1) foot of a mountain/base of a mountain (2) mine/colliery (3) owner of a mountain/operator of a mine ","旗本[はたもと] (n) shogunal vassal/direct retainer of a shogun ","写本[しゃほん] (n) manuscript (book)/written copy of a book/codex/transcription/copying ","本書[ほんしょ] (n) text/script/this book (P) ","本土[ほんど] (n) mainland/one's home country/the country proper (P) ","本部長[ほんぶちょう] (n) general manager/director-general ","本田[ほんでん] (n) rice paddy ","日本国[にほんこく] (n) Japan ","本郷[ほんごう] (n) one's hometown ","本尊[ほんぞん] (n) (1) principal object of worship at a temple (usu. a buddha or bodhisattva)/principal image/idol (2) (joc) the man himself/the person at the heart of the matter (P) ","日本一[にっぽんいち<br>にほんいち] (n, adj-no) Japan's best/number one in Japan ","本山[ほんざん] (n) head temple/this temple (P) ","日本海[にほんかい] (n) Sea of Japan (P) ","西日本[にしにっぽん<br>にしにほん] (n) western Japan/Japan west of the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line,  i.e. the Chūbu region and westward ","本家[いや<br>ほけ<br>ほんいえ<br>ほんけ] (ok) (n) head house (family)/birthplace/originator ","本堂[ほんどう] (n) main temple building/nave (P) ","本題[ほんだい] (n) main question/real issue at hand (P) ","本年度[ほんねんど] (n) current year (fiscal,  academic, etc.) ","本数[ほんすう] (n) number of long thin objects (movies,  TV programs, baseball games, etc.) (programmes) (P) ","本丸[ほんまる] (n) (1) inner citadel (2) core/center/centre/focus/crux ","お手本[おてほん] (n) example/role model ","藤本[とうほん] (n) climbing trees/liana ","本校[ほんこう] (n) (1) main school/principal school (2) this school/our school (P) ","本島[ほんとう] (n) (1) main island (2) this island (P) ","日本銀行[にっぽんぎんこう<br>にほんぎんこう] (n) Bank of Japan/BOJ/BoJ (P) ","本件[ほんけん] (n) this matter/this case (P) ","本編[ほんぺん] (n) (1) original story/original version (2) this volume ","日本共産党[にほんきょうさんとう] (n) Japanese Communist Party ","古本屋[ふるほんや] (n) second hand bookstore (bookshop) (P) ","本殿[ほんでん] (n) main shrine/inner sanctuary ","本稿[ほんこう] (n) this manuscript ","本因坊[ほんいんぼう] (n) Hon'inbo/Honinbo/grand master of the game of go (P) ","一本化[いっぽんか] (n, vs) unification/centralization/integration/drawing things together/working out a common policy/consolidation ","脚本家[きゃくほんか] (n) scriptwriter/playwright/scenario writer ","本誌[ほんし] (n) this magazine ","本陣[ほんじん] (n) (1) troop headquarters/stronghold (2) inn designated for use by a daimyo (Edo period) ","抜本[ぬきほん<br>ばっぽん] (n) excerpt/selection ","本業[ほんぎょう] (n) principal occupation/core business (P) ","本宮[ほんぐう<br>もとみや] (n) main shrine ","大本営[だいほんえい] (n) Imperial General Headquarters (Japan) ","本学[ほんがく] (n) this university/this educational establishment ","東日本[ひがしにっぽん<br>ひがしにほん] (n) eastern Japan/Japan east of the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line,  i.e. east of the Chūbu region ","本紙[ほんし] (n) this newspaper (P) ","本間[ほんけん<br>ほんま] (n) measure of length corresponding to 6 shaku (approx. 1.82 meters) ","日本食[にほんしょく] (n) Japanese food/Japanese meal ","本隊[ほんたい] (n) (1) main body (of an army)/main force (2) these troops (P) ","本庁[ほんちょう] (n) central government office/this office ","本命[ほんめい] (n, adj-no) (1) favorite (to win)/favourite/likely winner (2) (col) one's heart's desire/first choice (P) ","本案[ほんあん] (n) this plan ","文庫本[ぶんこぼん] (n) small-format paperback book/pocket paperback ","本性[ほんしょう<br>ほんせい] (n) true character/real nature (P) ","日本円[にほんえん] (n) Japanese yen ","本拠地[ほんきょち] (n) stronghold/inner citadel/base/headquarters ","原本[げんぽん] (n) the original/original copy/script (P) ","本位[ほんい] (n) standard/basis/principle (P) ","本選[ほんせん] (n) final selection ","本領[ほんりょう] (n) (1) characteristic quality/special character/one's real ability/one's specialty (2) one's function/one's duty (3) fief/inherited estate (P) ","木本[もくほん] (n, adj-no) tree/woody plant ","読本[とくほん<br>どくほん<br>よみほん] (n) (1) reading-book/reader/guidebook/manual (2) textbook (esp. a pre-war elementary school Japanese language textbook) (P) ","見本市[みほんいち] (n) trade fair (P) ","本籍[ほんせき] (n) one's registered domicile (as recorded in the family register)/one's legal domicile (as opposed to where one lives) (P) ","湯本[ゆもと] (n) source of a hot spring ","本職[ほんしょく] (n) (1) principal occupation/main job (2) professional/an expert/specialist (pn) (3) I (of a government official,  etc.)/me (P) ","本道[ほんどう] (n) (1) highway/main road/the right road (2) internal medicine (in Chinese medical practice) "],"子":["女子[じょし<br>おなご<br>おみなご<br>めこ]woman; girl  N1","原子[げんし]atom  N1","子息[しそく]son  N1","梯子[はしご<br>ていし]ladder; stairs  N1","捻子[ねじ]screw; helix;spiral  N1","分子[ぶんし]numerator; molecule  N1","利子[りし]interest (bank)  N1","子孫[しそん]descendants, posterity,offspring  N2","障子[しょうじ]paper sliding door  N2","末っ子[すえっこ]youngest child  N2","扇子[せんす]folding fan  N2","判子[はんこ]seal (used for signature)  N2","椅子[いす<br>いし]chair  N3","王子[おうじ]prince  N3","菓子[かし]pastry  N3","男子[だんし]youth,  young man  N3","調子[ちょうし]tune,  tone, key  N3","電子[でんし]electron  N3","双子[ふたご<br>そうし]twins,  a twin  N3","迷子[まいご]lost (stray) child  N3","様子[ようす]aspect,  state, appearance  N3","子[こ<br>こう<br>し<br>す<br>ね<br>み]child  N4","息子[むすこ](humble) son  N4","お菓子[おかし]sweets,  candy  N5","男の子[おとこのこ<br>おのこ]boy  N5","女の子[おんなのこ<br>めのこ]girl  N5","子供[こども]child  N5","帽子[ぼうし]hat  N5","子犬[こいぬ]Puppy ","竹の子[たけのこ]Bamboo Shoots,  bamboo sprouts ","子牛[こうし]Calf,  baby cow ","弟子[でし<br>ていし]disciple ","弟子入り[でしいり]acolyte ","黒子[ほくろ<br>くろこ<br>くろご<br>こくし<br>ははくそ<br>ははくろ<br>ほくそ]birthmark ","親子[おやこ<br>しんし]parent and child ","根っ子[ね っこ]root ","養子[ようし]Adopted Child,  son in law ","格子[こうし]lattice ","子猫[こねこ]Kitten,  kitty ","面子[めんつ<br>めんこ<br>メンツ]face ","原子力[げんしりょく]atomic energy ","穴子[あなご]Conger Eel,  anago ","電子機器[でんしきき]Electronic Equipment,  electronics ","妻子[さいし<br>つまこ<br>めこ]Wife And Kids,  wife and children ","菓子屋[かしや]Candy Store,  candy shop, sweet store, sweet shop ","皇太子[こうたいし]Crown Prince ","親子丼[おやこどんぶり,  おやこどん]Parent And Child Bowl, parent and child rice bowl ","遺伝子[いでんし]Genes ","原子爆弾[げんしばくだん]Atomic Bomb ","原子炉[げんしろ]Atomic Reactor,  nuclear reactor ","辛子[からし]Mustard ","粒子[りゅうし]Particle,  grain, atomic particle ","素粒子[そりゅうし]Elementary Particle,  particle ","車椅子[くるまいす]wheelchair ","皇太子妃[こうたいしひ]Crown Princess ","唐辛子[とうがらし<br>とんがらし]red pepper ","胞子[ほうし]spore ","拍子[ひょうし]beat ","餃子[ぎょうざ<br>ギョーザ<br>ギョウザ<br>チャオズ]Chinese dumpling ","あの子[あのこ] (pn) (1) that girl/that kid (2) (arch) you (mainly used by a brothel owner or senior prostitutes when addressing servant girls) ","子供たち[こどもたち] (n) children (P) ","いい子[いいこ] (exp, n) good boy/good girl ","子ども[こども] (n) child (P) ","女子生徒[じょしせいと] (n) schoolgirl/female student ","男子生徒[だんしせいと] (n) schoolboy/male student ","硝子[ガラス<br>しょうし] (n) (1) (uk) glass (dut: glas)/pane (adj-f) (2) vitreous ","沙子[いさご<br>すなご] (n) sand/grit ","鳴子[なるこ] (n) clapper ","息子さん[むすこさん] (n) (hon) son ","子会社[こがいしゃ] (n) subsidiary (company) (P) ","世子[せいし] (n) heir/successor ","蛭子[えびす<br>ひるこ] (n) Ebisu/god of fishing and commerce ","少子化[しょうしか] (n, vs) declining birth rates/decrease in the number of children ","電子音[でんしおん] (n) electronic sound ","子守[こもり] (n, vs) (1) nursemaid/nanny/babysitter (2) child-minding/babysitting (P) ","皇子[おうじ<br>みこ] (n) imperial prince ","子分[こぶん] (n) (1) henchman/follower (2) (arch) adopted child ","子どもたち[こどもたち] (n) children (P) ","女子高生[じょしこうせい] (n) female high-school student (P) ","陽子[ようし] (n) (physics) proton (P) ","っ子[っこ] (suf) (col) someone with a liking or characteristic/a true representative of (place) ","嫡子[ちゃくし] (n) legitimate child (P) ","金子[きんす] (n) money/funds (P) ","太子[たいし] (n) (1) crown prince (2) (abbr) Shotoku Taishi (P) ","子育て[こそだて] (n, vs) child rearing/child raising/raising children/parenting (P) ","お子さん[おこさん] (n) (hon) child ","子役[こやく] (n) dramatic role for child/child actor (P) ","子音[しいん<br>しおん] (n) (ling) consonant ","我が子[わがこ] (exp, n) one's own child/one's own children ","中性子[ちゅうせいし] (n) (physics) neutron (P) ","父子[ふし] (n) father and child/father and son/father and daughter (P) ","素子[そし] (n) (1) element (esp. component in electronics)/elemental device/device (2) data/datum (P) ","干菓子[ひがし] (n) dried candies/dried confectionary/cookies ","因子[いんし] (n) (1) factor (2) (math) factor/divisor (P) ","八王子[はちおうじ] (n) Hachioji (city) ","端子[たんし] (n) (1) terminal (electricity) (2) pin (on a semiconductor or microcontroller) (3) port (e.g. LAN port) ","子供達[こどもたち] (n) children (P) ","子爵[ししゃく] (n) viscount ","母子[おやこ<br>ぼし] (n) mother and child ","実子[じっし] (n) biological child/one's own child (P) ","柚子[ゆず] (n) (uk) yuzu (Citrus ichangensis x C. reticulata) (P) ","女子高[じょしこう] (n) (abbr) girls' high school (P) ","獅子[しし] (n) (1) lion (2) left-hand guardian dog at a Shinto shrine (P) ","お子様[おこさま] (n) (pol) (hon) (someone else's) child (P) ","人の子[ひとのこ] (n) (1) child/children (2) other people's children (3) the Son of Man/Christ ","子供時代[こどもじだい] (n) childhood ","子女[しじょ] (n) (1) sons and daughters/male and female children/children (2) girl (P) ","茄子[なす<br>なすび] (n) (uk) eggplant (Solanum melongena)/aubergine (P) ","囃子[はやし] (n) (music) accompaniment for traditional performances (noh,  kabuki, etc.)/orchestra/band ","原子核[げんしかく] (n) (physics) nucleus/atomic nucleus (P) ","草子[そうし] (n) (1) written work (esp. a bound text,  as opposed to a scroll) (2) a text written entirely in kana (3) graphic novel (esp. one created between the 12th and 19th centuries) (4) notebook (for practicing kana, drawing pictures, etc.) (5) rough draft ","種子[しゅし] (n, adj-no) seed/pit (P) ","愛子[いとしご<br>まなご] (n) beloved child/dear child ","光子[こうし] (n) (physics) photon ","女子学生[じょしがくせい] (n) female student ","子宮[しきゅう] (n, adj-no) womb/uterus (P) ","冊子[さっし<br>そうし] (n) book/booklet/story book/pamphlet/notebook (P) ","量子[りょうし] (n, adj-no) (physics) quantum ","男子学生[だんしがくせい] (n) male student ","和子[わこ] (n, pn) (arch) son of a person of high social standing ","公子[こうし] (n) young nobleman (P) ","庶子[しょし] (n) illegitimate child ","女子大[じょしだい] (n) (abbr) women's college/women's university (P) ","椰子[やし] (n) (uk) palm tree (any tree of family Arecaceae) ","養嗣子[ようしし] (n) adoptive heir ","銚子[ちょうし] (n) (sake) decanter (P) ","撫子[なでしこ] (n) (1) (uk) pink (any flower of genus Dianthus,  esp. the fringed pink, Dianthus superbus) (2) (arch) lovable, caressable girl ","精子[せいし] (n, adj-no) sperm (P) ","小冊子[しょうさっし] (n) booklet/pamphlet (P) ","里子[さとご] (n) foster child (P) ","少子[しょうし] (n) (1) small number of children (per family)/low birth rate (2) youngest child (in the family) ","子弟[してい] (n) (1) children/sons/children and younger brothers (2) young people (P) ","教え子[おしえご] (n) one's student (esp. a former one)/one's pupil/one's disciple (P) ","舞子[まいこ] (n) (1) maiko/apprentice geisha (2) dancing girl ","順子[シュンツ<br>じゅんツ] (n) (mahj) chow (chi:)/three-in-a-row ","振り子[ふりこ] (n) pendulum (P) ","団子[だんご] (n) (1) dango/dumpling (usu. sweet)/doughboy (2) ball-shaped object/something round (3) lump/group/bunch/knot/tight crowd ","孔子[くじ<br>こうし] (n) Confucius ","胡頽子[ぐみ] (n) (uk) oleaster (any plant of genus Elaeagnus)/silverberry (US) ","和菓子[わがし] (n) wagashi/traditional Japanese confectionery (P) ","種子島[たねがしま] (n) (arch) matchlock/arquebus/harquebus ","綾子[りんず] (n) figured satin ","晶子[しょうし] (n) crystallite ","量子化[りょうしか] (n, vs) quantization/quantisation/quantizing ","氏子[うじこ] (n) (Shinto) shrine parishioner ","梃子[てこ] (n) (1) (uk) lever (2) (uk) agent (causing something to happen)/instrument/force (3) (uk) assistant/helper ","烏帽子[えぼし] (n) black-lacquered headgear (made of silk,  cloth or paper) originally worn by court nobles in ancient Japan, and afterwards spreading to the common people "],"出":["家出[いえで]running away from home; leaving home  N1","売り出し[うりだし](bargain) sale  N1","売り出す[うりだす]to put on sale; to market;to become popular  N1","演出[えんしゅつ]production (e.g. play); direction  N1","追い出す[おいだす]to expel; to drive out  N1","お出でになる[おいでになる]to be  N1","お目出度う[おめでたう](ateji) (int) (uk) Congratulations!; an auspicious occasion!  N1","差し出す[さしだす]to present; to submit;to tender;to hold out  N1","産出[さんしゅつ]yield; produce  N1","出血[しゅっけつ]bleeding; haemorrhage  N1","出産[しゅっさん](child)birth; delivery;production (of goods)  N1","出社[しゅっしゃ]arrival (in a country&nbsp; &nbsp;at work&nbsp;&nbsp;etc.)  N1","出生[しゅっせい<br>しゅっしょう]birth  N1","出世[しゅっせ]promotion; successful career;eminence  N1","出費[しゅっぴ]expenses; disbursements  N1","出品[しゅっぴん]exhibit; display  N1","出演[しゅつえん]performance; stage appearance  N1","出題[しゅつだい]proposing a question  N1","出動[しゅつどう]sailing; marching;going out  N1","進出[しんしゅつ]advance; step forward  N1","脱出[だっしゅつ]escape  N1","出合う[であう]to meet by chance; to come across;to happen to encounter;to hold a rendezvous;to have a date  N1","出入り口[でいりぐち]exit and entrance  N1","出来物[できもの]able man; tumour;growth;boil;ulcer;abcess;rash;pimple  N1","出切る[でぎる]to be out of; to have no more at hand  N1","出くわす[でくわす]to happen to meet; to come across  N1","出鱈目[でたらめ]irresponsible utterance; nonsense;nonsensical;random;haphazard;unsystematic  N1","出直し[でなおし]adjustment; touch up  N1","投げ出す[なげだす]to throw down; to abandon;to sacrifice;to throw out  N1","逃げ出す[にげだす]to run away; to escape from  N1","抜け出す[ぬけだす]to slip out; to sneak away;to excel  N1","振り出し[ふりだし]outset; starting point;drawing or issuing (draft)  N1","噴出[ふんしゅつ]spewing; gushing;spouting;eruption;effusion  N1","放出[ほうしゅつ]release; emit  N1","放り出す[ほうりだす<br>ひりだす]to throw out; to fire;to expel;to give up;to abandon;to neglect  N1","申出[もうしで]proposal; request;claim;report;notice  N1","申し出る[もうしでる]to report to; to tell;to suggest;to submit;to request;to make an offer;to come forward with informati  N1","言い出す[いいだす]to start talking, to speak,to tell,to propose,to suggest,to break the ice  N2","お出掛け[おでがけ]  N2","貸し出し[かしだし]lending, loaning  N2","出勤[しゅっきん]going to work, at work  N2","出張[しゅっちょう]official tour, business trip  N2","出合い[であい]an encounter  N2","出入り[でいり<br>ではいり]in and out, coming and going,free association,income and expenditure,debits and credit  N2","出入口[でいりぐち]exit and entrance  N2","出掛ける[でかける]to depart, to set out,to start,to be going out  N2","出来上がり[できあがり]be finished, ready,made for,cut out  N2","出来上がる[できあがる](1) to be finished, to be ready,by definition,(2) to be very drunk  N2","出迎え[でむかえ]meeting, reception  N2","出迎える[でむかえる]to meet, to greet  N2","取り出す[とりだす]to take out, to produce,to pick out  N2","引出す[ひきだす]to pull out, to take out,to draw out,to withdraw  N2","日の出[ひので]sunrise  N2","見出し[みだし]heading, caption,subtitle,index  N2","呼び出す[よびだす]to summon, to call (e.g. phone)  N2","思い出[おもいで]memory  N3","外出[がいしゅつ<br>そとで]outing,  going out  N3","支出[ししゅつ]expenditure,  expenses  N3","出身[しゅっしん]coming from  N3","出席[しゅっせき]attendance,  presence  N3","出発[しゅっぱつ]departure  N3","出版[しゅっぱん]publication  N3","出会い[であい]meeting,  rendezvous, encounter  N3","出会う[であう]to meet by chance,  to come across, to happen to encounter  N3","提出[ていしゅつ]presentation,  submission, filing  N3","出来事[できごと<br>できこと]incident,  affair, happening, event  N3","出来るだけ[できるだけ]if at all possible  N3","飛び出す[とびだす]to jump out,  to rush out, to fly out  N3","輸出[ゆしゅつ<br>しゅしゅつ]export  N3","思い出す[おもいだす]to remember  N4","引き出し[ひきだし]drawer, drawing out  N4","引き出す[ひきだす]to withdraw  N4","降り出す[ふりだす]to start to rain  N4","出す[だす]to put out  N5","出かける[でかける]to go out  N5","出口[でぐち]exit  N5","出る[でる]to appear, to leave  N5","お出で[おいで]coming ","人出[ひとで]turnout ","出[で<br>しゅつ]coming from ","出力[しゅつりょく]output ","口出し[くちだし]interference ","生み出す[うみだす]generate ","見出す[みいだす<br>みだす]discover ","出来る[できる]To Be Able To Do ","出前[でまえ]home delivery of food ","出国[しゅっこく<br>しゅつごく]departure (from a country) ","食み出す[はみだす]project ","食み出る[はみでる]project ","出欠[しゅっけつ]attendance ","出所[しゅっしょ<br>でどこ<br>でどころ]Source,  origin, place of origin ","出場[しゅつじょう<br>でば]participation ","乗り出す[のりだす<br>のりいだす]lean forward ","出願[しゅつがん]application ","選出[せんしゅつ]election ","出荷[しゅっか]shipping ","続出[ぞくしゅつ]one after another ","派出所[はしゅつじょ]police box ","出現[しゅつげん]appearance ","割り出す[わりだす]calculate ","張り出す[はりだす]jut out ","輸出する[ゆしゅつする]To Export ","抜き出す[ぬきだす]To Select,  to extract ","貸し出す[かしだす]lend ","漏出[ろうしゅつ]Leak Out,  escape, leakage ","出版社[しゅっぱんしゃ]publishing company ","出版する[しゅっぱんする]To Publish ","出納[すいとう]receipts and expenses ","出獄[しゅつごく]Release From Prison ","吐き出す[はきだす]To Spit Out,  to disgorge, to spew out ","排出[はいしゅつ]Emission ","吹き出す[ふきだす]blast out ","駆け出す[かけだす]To Rush Out ","露出[ろしゅつ]Exposure,  photographic exposure ","揚げ出し[あげだし]Deep Fried ","抽出[ちゅうしゅつ]Extraction,  selection, sampling, abstraction ","搬出[はんしゅつ]Carry Out ","出没[しゅつぼつ]appearing frequently,  infesting ","噴き出す[ふきだす]to burst out,  to spout out ","出走[しゅっそう] (n, vs) entry in a race (P) ","出土[しゅつど] (n, vs) archeological excavation (archaeological) (P) ","見出だす[みいだす] (v5s, vt) (1) to find out/to discover/to notice/to detect (2) to select/to pick out (3) to look out (from the inside) (4) to be wide-eyed (in surprise, anger, etc.) ","輩出[はいしゅつ] (n, vs) turning out in great numbers/appearing one after the other (P) ","出入[しゅつにゅう] (n, vs) in and out/income and expenses/free associations/run of the house (P) ","出来[しゅったい<br>でき] (n, vs) occurrence/happening/taking place (P) ","上出来[じょうでき] (n, adj-no,adj-na) good performance/good work/great success ","作り出す[つくりだす] (v5s, vt) (1) to manufacture/to produce/to raise (crops) (2) to invent/to dream up/to create (P) ","連れ出す[つれだす] (v5s, vt) to take out ","出店[しゅってん<br>でみせ] (n, vs) (1) setting up a stall or booth (bazaar, festival) (n,adj-f,vs) (2) opening a branch office/opening a store ","救出[きゅうしゅつ] (n, vs) rescue/extricate/reclaim/deliverance (P) ","打ち出す[うちだす] (v5s, vt) (1) to emboss (2) to print out/to print (3) to work out (e.g. policy)/to hammer out/to come out with/to set forth (4) to strike (a drum indicating the end of a performance) (5) to begin striking/to start beating (P) ","検出[けんしゅつ] (n, vs) detection/sense (e.g. sensor) (P) ","出撃[しゅつげき] (n, vs) sortie/sally/attack (P) ","出資[しゅっし] (n, vs) investment/contribution/financing (P) ","出家[しゅっけ<br>すけ] (n, vs) (1) (Buddh) entering the priesthood (n) (2) (Buddh) priest/monk/bonze ","流出[りゅうしゅつ] (n, vs) (1) discharge/outward flow/efflux/effluence/haemorrhage/hemorrhage/bleeding (e.g. ink into paper) (2) leak of (private) information or pictures (P) ","呼び出し音[よびだしおん] (n) (1) ringtone/ring tone (2) ringback tone/ringing tone ","出港[しゅっこう] (n, vs) departure from a port/leaving port/setting sail (P) ","出番[でばん] (n) (1) one's turn/one's shift (2) one's turn on stage/screen time/screentime (P) ","出陣[しゅつじん] (n, vs) departure for the front (P) ","出兵[しゅっぺい] (n, vs) dispatch of troops/despatch of troops/expedition ","持ち出す[もちだす] (v5s, vt) (1) to take out/to carry out/to bring out from where it belongs (2) to mention something/to broach a topic/to bring up (a subject)/to raise (an issue)/to mention (P) ","出し[だし] (n) (1) (uk) dashi (Japanese soup stock made from fish and kelp) (2) pretext/excuse/pretense (pretence)/dupe/front man (P) ","捜し出す[さがしだす] (v5s, vt) to track down/to locate/to find out/to smoke out/to ferret out/to chase up/to discover ","聞き出す[ききだす] (v5s, vt) (1) to get information out of a person (2) to begin listening ","送り出す[おくりだす] (v5s, vt) to send out/to forward/to show (a person) out ","出自[しゅつじ] (n) (1) birthplace (2) descent/blood-lines/origins (3) one's outward self ","出馬[しゅつば] (n, vs) (1) running (for election)/coming forward as a candidate (2) going on horseback (3) going in person (4) (arch) letting out a horse/taking out a horse (P) ","手出し[てだし] (n, vs) (1) meddling/interfering (n) (2) (mahj) choosing to keep the drawn tile and discarding a different one ","出直す[でなおす] (v5s, vi) (1) to make a fresh start/to turn over a new leaf (2) to call again/to visit again/to come again ","動き出す[うごきだす] (v5s) to come alive/to get going/to start to move (P) ","出航[しゅっこう] (n, vs) departure (of a boat, plane)/setting sail/leaving port/putting out to sea/takeoff ","算出[さんしゅつ] (n, vs) calculation/computation (P) ","出仕[しゅっし] (n, vs) attendance/serving ","出回る[でまわる] (v5r, vi) (1) to appear on the market/to be in season (e.g fruit) (2) to circulate widely/to make the rounds/to go around/to float around ","申し出[もうしで] (n) proposal/request/claim/report/notice/offer (P) ","映し出す[うつしだす] (v5s, vt) (1) to project/to show (2) to portray/to depict/to describe/to reflect (P) ","お出かけ[おでかけ] (n) (1) (hon) (pol) about to start out/just about to leave or go out (2) outing/trip ","突出[とっしゅつ] (n, vs,adj-no) projection/protrusion (P) ","お出まし[おでまし] (n) (hon) presence/appearance/attendance/visit/going out ","出展[しゅってん] (n, vs) exhibit/display (P) ","出典[しゅってん] (n) source (e.g. quotation)/authority (P) ","見つけ出す[みつけだす] (v5s, vt) to find out/to discover/to locate ","助け出す[たすけだす] (v5s) to help out of (trouble)/to extricate ","踏み出す[ふみだす] (v5s, vi,vt) (1) to step forward/to step forth/to advance (2) to start/to embark on/to set forth on/to take steps toward ","出征[しゅっせい] (n, vs) (1) going to war/departure for the front (2) departure for military service (in response to a draft) (P) ","呼び出し[よびだし] (n, vs) (1) call/summons/paging/curtain call (n) (2) (sumo) usher who calls the names of wrestlers, sweeps the ring, etc. (3) (abbr) telephone number at which a person without a telephone can be reached (4) (arch) box-shaped area containing clean water for rinsing oneself (in an Edo-period bathhouse) (5) (arch) high-ranking prostitute in the Yoshiwara district (Edo period) (6) (arch) unlicensed prostitute in the Fukagawa red-light district (Edo period) (P) ","創出[そうしゅつ] (n, vs) creation/generation (P) ","出向く[でむく] (v5k, vi) to go to/to proceed to/to leave for (P) ","出塁[しゅつるい] (n, vs) (1) (baseb) getting on base/reaching first base (n) (2) (baseb) times on base/TOB (P) ","転出[てんしゅつ] (n, vs) moving out/transfer (P) ","流れ出る[ながれでる] (v1) to flow out/to stream out/to pour out/to gush forth/to leak/to ooze out/to drift away ","繰り出す[くりだす] (v5s, vt) (1) to draw (a thread)/to let out (e.g. a rope) (2) to head out as a group/to set out in large numbers/to flock/to sally forth (3) to send out one after another/to dispatch (4) to lunge/to unleash (P) ","出演者[しゅつえんしゃ] (n) performer/entertainer/actor ","救い出す[すくいだす] (v5s, vt) to rescue/to free ","届出[とどけで] (n) report/notification ","押し出す[おしだす] (v5s, vt) (1) to crowd out/to push out/to squeeze out (2) to start together/to set out en masse (3) to highlight/to draw attention to ","買い出し[かいだし] (n) (1) going out to shop/going shopping (2) buying in quantity/buying wholesale/bulk purchasing (P) ","出場者[しゅつじょうしゃ] (n) participants/participating athletes ","出向[しゅっこう] (n, vs) (1) temporary transfer (of an employee)/secondment/relocation/loan (2) proceeding to/leaving for (P) ","拠出[きょしゅつ] (n, vs) donation/contribution (P) ","突き出る[つきでる] (v1, vi) to project/to stick out/to stand out ","日出[にっしゅつ] (n) sunrise (P) ","導き出す[みちびきだす] (v5s, vt) to draw (conclusion)/to deduce/to derive ","突き出す[つきだす] (v5s, vt) (1) to push out/to project/to stick out (2) to hand over (e.g. to the police) ","想い出[おもいで] (n) memories/recollections/reminiscence ","出頭[しゅっとう] (n, vs) (1) appearance/presence/attendance (2) surrender (e.g. to the police)/turning oneself in (P) ","探し出す[さがしだす] (v5s, vt) to track down/to locate/to find out/to smoke out/to ferret out/to chase up/to discover ","歳出[さいしゅつ] (n) annual expenditure (P) ","届け出る[とどけでる] (v1, vt) to report/to notify ","貸出[かしだし] (n, vs) lending/loaning ","創り出す[つくりだす] (v5s, vt) (1) to manufacture/to produce/to raise (crops) (2) to invent/to dream up/to create (P) ","出遅れる[でおくれる] (v1, vi) to get a late start (P) ","出逢う[であう] (v5u, vi) to meet (by chance)/to come across/to run across/to encounter/to happen upon ","摘出[てきしゅつ] (n, vs) (1) picking out/taking out (surgical) removal (2) exposure (P) ","派出[はしゅつ] (n, vs) sending out/dispatching/despatching ","考え出す[かんがえだす] (v5s, vt) to think out/to devise/to invent/to begin to think/to come up with a plan ","捻出[ねんしゅつ] (n, vs) (1) contriving (to raise funds, to find time, etc.) (2) working out (a solution) ","出来高[できだか] (n, adj-f) yield/crop/production/volume/piecework (P) ","つくり出す[つくりだす] (v5s, vt) (1) to manufacture/to produce/to raise (crops) (2) to invent/to dream up/to create ","入出力[にゅうしゅつりょく] (n) (comp) input and output/input-output/IO ","走り出す[はしりだす] (v5s) to begin to run/to start running/to break into a run (P) ","醸し出す[かもしだす] (v5s, vt) to create (an atmosphere, feeling, etc.)/to produce/to engender ","切り出す[きりだす] (v5s, vt) (1) to quarry/to cut (timber)/to cut and carry off (2) to begin to talk/to break the ice/to broach (3) to start a fire (with flint, by rubbing sticks together, etc.) (4) to select and extract (from a media file)/to splice out ","送出[そうしゅつ] (n, vs) sending ","出水[しゅっすい<br>でみず] (n, vs) flood/freshet/inundation ","傑出[けっしゅつ] (n, vs) being outstanding/excelling/being foremost (P) ","出奔[しゅっぽん] (n, vs) flight/elopement/running away/absconding ","出汁[だし] (n) (uk) dashi (Japanese soup stock made from fish and kelp) ","出先[でさき] (n) one's destination ","湧出[ゆうしゅつ<br>ようしゅつ] (n, vs) gushing out/welling up/springing up ","出稼ぎ[でかせぎ] (n, vs) working away from home (P) ","供出[きょうしゅつ] (n, vs) delivery (P) ","編み出す[あみだす] (v5s, vt) to work out/to think out/to devise/to invent ","剥き出し[むきだし] (adj-na, adj-no,n) (1) naked/bare/uncovered (2) frank/open/blunt ","叩き出す[たたきだす] (v5s, vt) (1) to begin to strike (2) to kick out/to forcefully expel/to fire (someone) (3) to hammer (pattern, etc.) into metal ","出で立ち[いでたち] (n) (uk) dress/outfit ","導出[どうしゅつ] (n, vs,adj-no) derivation (e.g. in math, logic)/drawing (conclusion, summary etc.)/leading (e.g. to a conclusion, opinion, etc.) ","出火[しゅっか] (n, vs) outbreak of fire (P) "],"火":["火傷[やけど<br>かしょう]burn; scald  N1","火星[かせい]Mars (planet)  N1","火燵[こたつ]table with heater; (orig) charcoal brazier in a floor well  N1","下火[したび]burning low; waning;declining  N1","焚火[たきび](open) fire  N1","点火[てんか<br>とぼし]ignition; lighting;set fire to  N1","火花[ひばな]spark  N1","防火[ぼうか]fire prevention; fire fighting;fire proof  N1","火口[かこう<br>ひぐち<br>ほくち]a burner, origin of a fire  N2","火山[かざん]volcano  N2","花火[はなび]fireworks  N2","噴火[ふんか]eruption  N2","火災[かさい]conflagration,  fire  N3","火曜[かよう](abbr) Tuesday  N3","火事[かじ]fire  N4","火[ひ<br>か]fire  N4","火曜日[かようび]Tuesday  N5","小火[ぼや]small fire ","火力[かりょく]fire power ","発火[はっか]combustion ","放火[ほうか]arson ","消火[しょうか]fire extinction ","消火器[しょうかき]fire extinguisher ","火薬[かやく]gunpowder ","火葬[かそう]Cremation ","火鉢[ひばち]Brazier ","耐火[たいか]Fireproof ","火炎瓶[かえんびん]molotov cocktail ","火器[かき] (n) firearms/guns (P) ","大火[たいか] (n) large fire (P) ","月火[げつか] (n) Monday and Tuesday ","火炎[かえん] (n) flame/blaze ","砲火[ほうか] (n) gunfire/fire (P) ","火砲[かほう] (n) artillery ","戦火[せんか] (n) (1) wartime fire (2) war/wartime destruction/horrors of war (P) ","引火[いんか] (n, vs) ignition/catching fire ","聖火[せいか] (n) (1) sacred fire (torch) (2) Olympic flame (P) ","出火[しゅっか] (n, vs) outbreak of fire (P) "],"五":["五月蝿い[うるさい]noisy; loud;fussy  N1","五十音[ごじゅうおん]the Japanese syllabary  N2","四捨五入[ししゃごにゅう]rounding up (fractions)  N2","五日[いつか]five days,  fifth day  N5","五つ[いつつ]five  N5","五[ご<br>い<br>いつ<br>ウー]five  N5","五十[ごじゅう]Fifty ","五月[ごがつ<br>さつき]May ","五台[ごだい]Five Machines ","五分[ごぶ]fifty percent ","五百[ごひゃく]Five Hundred ","五感[ごかん]The Five Senses,  five senses ","五枚[ごまい]Five Flat Objects,  five sheets ","五十音順[ごじゅうおんじゅん]Aiueo Order,  in aiueo order ","五輪[ごりん] (n) Olympic rings/Olympics (P) ","五色[ごしき<br>ごしょく] (n) (1) five colors (usu. red,  blue, yellow, white and black)/five colours (adj-no) (2) many kinds/varied (n) (3) melon/gourd "],"四":["四角[しかく]square  N2","四角い[しかくい]square  N2","四季[しき]four seasons  N2","四捨五入[ししゃごにゅう]rounding up (fractions)  N2","四つ角[よつかど]four corners, crossroads  N2","四[し,  よん<br>よん<br>し<br>スー<br>よ]four  N3","四日[よっか]four days,  fouth day of the month  N5","四つ[よっつ<br>よつ]four  N5","四月[しがつ<br>よつき]April ","四十[よんじゅう]Forty ","四十二[よんじゅうに]Forty Two,  the answer ","四千[よんせん]Four Thousand ","四方[しほう<br>よほう<br>よも]all directions ","四百[よんひゃく]Four Hundred ","四国[しこく]Shikoku ","四十二階[よんじゅうにかい]Forty Second Floor,  floor forty two, 42nd floor, floor 42, forty second story, forty second storey ","真四角[ましかく]square ","四匹[よんひき]Four Small Animals ","四隅[よすみ]four corners ","四半期[しはんき] (n) quarter (of a year) (P) ","四球[しきゅう] (n) (baseb) four balls/base on balls/a walk (P) ","四川[しせん] (n) Sichuan (China)/Szechuan/Szechwan ","四肢[しし] (n, adj-no) limbs/extremities (P) ","四股名[しこな] (ateji) (n) (sumo) (uk) wrestler's stage name ","四囲[しい] (n, vs) surroundings/circumference "],"天":["天[てん<br>あま<br>あめ]heavenly; imperial  N1","天地[てんち<br>あめつち]heaven and earth; the universe;nature;top and bottom;realm;sphere;world  N1","雨天[うてん]rainy weather  N1","天皇[てんのう<br>すべらぎ<br>すべらみこと<br>すめらき<br>すめらぎ<br>すめらみこと<br>すめろぎ]Emperor of Japan  N1","晴天[せいてん<br>せいでん]fine weather  N1","先天的[せんてんてき]a priori; inborn;innate;inherent;congenital;hereditary  N1","天国[てんごく]paradise; heaven;Kingdom of Heaven  N1","天才[てんさい]genius; prodigy;natural gift  N1","天災[てんさい]natural calamity; disaster  N1","天井[てんじょう]ceiling; ceiling price  N1","天体[てんたい]heavenly body  N1","天候[てんこう]weather  N3","天然[てんねん]nature,  spontaneity  N3","天気予報[てんきよほう]weather forecast  N4","天気[てんき]weather  N5","天の川[あまのがわ]Milky Way ","天ぷら[てんぷら]Japanese deep-fried food ","天下[てんか<br>てんが<br>てんげ]the whole country ","天辺[てっぺん]summit ","歩行者天国[ほこうしゃてんごく]vehicle-free promenade ","天使[てんし]Angel ","後天的[こうてんてき]acquired ","楽天的[らくてんてき]optimistic ","干天[かんてん]Dry Weather,  drought ","仰天[ぎょうてん]Taken Aback,  amazed, horrified, flabbergasted ","有頂天[うちょうてん]ecstasy ","楽天[らくてん] (n) optimism ","天神[てんじん] (n) (1) heavenly god/heavenly gods (2) spirit of Sugawara no Michizane (3) Tenmangu shrine (dedicated to Michizane's spirit) (4) (col) pit of a dried plum/dried plum (5) (abbr) tenjin hairstyle (6) prostitute of the second-highest class (Edo period) (P) ","天津飯[てんしんはん] (n) (food) crab omelet on rice ","天文[てんぶん<br>てんもん] (n, adj-no) Tenbun era (1532.7.29-1555.10.23) ","天津[あまつ<br>てんしん] (adj-f) (arch) heavenly/imperial ","天王[てんのう] (n) (1) (Buddh) heavenly king (2) Gozu Tenno (deity said to be the Indian god Gavagriva) ","お天気[おてんき] (n) (1) (pol) weather (2) temper/mood ","天道[あまじ<br>てんとう<br>てんどう] (n) (1) (Buddh) deva realm (svarga) (2) path in the heavens ","いい天気[いいてんき] (exp, n) fine weather/fair weather ","天守[てんしゅ] (n) castle tower ","天然ガス[てんねんガス] (n) natural gas (P) ","天理[てんり] (n) natural laws/rule of heaven (P) ","天竜[てんりゅう<br>てんりょう] (n) (1) (Buddh) deva and naga (2) heavenly dragon ","天馬[てんば<br>てんま] (n) flying horse/Pegasus ","天下り[あまくだり] (n, vs) (1) retiring high-ranking government officials taking a lucrative job in a private or semi-private corporation (2) command (from superior to inferior, government to private sector, etc.)/order/imposition (3) descent from heaven (P) ","天狗[てんぐ] (n) (1) tengu/long-nosed goblin (2) (id) bragging/braggart (P) ","天草[てんぐさ] (n) (uk) any red algae in the family Gelidiaceae (esp. Gelidium crinale) ","天プラ[てんプラ] (n) tempura (por: tempero,  temporas)/deep-fried fish and vegetables in a light batter ","天台宗[てんだいしゅう] (n) Tendai sect (of Buddhism) ","天文学[てんもんがく] (n) astronomy (P) ","天空[てんくう] (n) sky/air/ether/firmament/the heavens ","先天[せんてん] (n) inherent/innate ","天領[てんりょう] (n) (1) imperial lands (2) shogun's demesne ","露天[ろてん] (n, adj-no) open air ","天満宮[てんまんぐう] (n) Tenmangu shrine (shrine dedicated to Sugawara no Michizane's spirit) (P) ","弁天[べんてん] (n) Benten (goddess of arts and wisdom) ","天平宝字[てんぴょうほうじ] (n) Tenpyo-hoji era (757.8.18-765.1.7) ","天童[てんどう] (n) cherub/gods disguised as children/children parading as cherubs ","天上[てんじょう] (n, vs,adj-no) the heavens ","天王星[てんおうせい<br>てんのうせい] (n) Uranus (planet) ","天然痘[てんねんとう] (n) smallpox/variola (P) ","昇天[しょうてん] (n, vs) (1) ascension (into heaven)/the Ascension (2) death ","天秤[てんびん] (n) (1) (balance) scales (2) shoulder carrying pole (3) steelyard ","天敵[てんてき] (n) natural enemy ","天球[てんきゅう] (n) celestial sphere/the heavens ","天主[てんしゅ] (n) Lord of Heaven/God "],"左":["左程[さほど](not) very; (not) much  N1","左様なら[さようなら]good-bye  N1","左利き[ひだりきき]left-handedness; sake drinker;left-hander  N1","左右[さゆう<br>さう<br>そう<br>とかく](1) left and right,  (2) influence, control, domination  N3","左[ひだり<br>さ]left hand side  N5","左手[ひだりて<br>ゆんで]Left Hand ","左側[ひだりがわ<br>さそく]Left Side ","左翼[さよく]Left Wing ","左遷[させん]demotion,  degradation, demolish ","左派[さは] (n, adj-no) left wing (P) ","左岸[さがん] (n) left bank (of a river) ","左腕[さわん<br>ひだりうで] (n) (1) left arm (2) left-handed (baseball pitcher) (P) ","左足[ひだりあし] (n) (1) left foot (2) left leg (P) ","左上[ひだりうえ] (n, adj-no) upper left (P) ","左舷[さげん] (n, adj-no) port (left side of vessel) ","左折[させつ] (n, vs) turning to the left/left turn (P) "],"中":["心中[しんじゅう<br>しんちゅう<br>しんぢゅう]double suicide; lovers suicide  N1","中継[ちゅうけい<br>なかつぎ]relay; hook-up  N1","中指[なかゆび]middle finger  N1","中傷[ちゅうしょう]slander; libel;defamation  N1","中枢[ちゅうすう]centre; pivot;mainstay;nucleus;backbone;central figure;pillar;key man  N1","中断[ちゅうだん]interruption; suspension;break  N1","中腹[ちゅうふく]irritated; offended  N1","中毒[ちゅうどく]poisoning  N1","中立[ちゅうりつ<br>なかだち]neutrality  N1","中和[ちゅうわ]neutralize; counteract  N1","途中[とちゅう]on the way; en route  N1","中程[なかほど]middle; midway  N1","真ん中[まんなか]middle; centre;mid-way  N1","命中[めいちゅう]a hit  N1","夜中[よなか<br>やちゅう<br>よじゅう]all night; the whole night  N1","連中[れんちゅう<br>れんじゅう<br>れんぢゅう]colleagues; company;a lot  N1","御中[おんちゅう]and Company, Messrs.  N2","空中[くうちゅう]sky, air  N2","中間[ちゅうかん<br>ちゅうげん]middle, midway,interim  N2","中旬[ちゅうじゅん]second third of a month  N2","中世[ちゅうせい]Middle Ages, mediaeval times  N2","中性[ちゅうせい]neuter gender, neutral (chem.),indifference,sterility  N2","中途[ちゅうと]in the middle, half-way  N2","中年[ちゅうねん]middle-aged  N2","中身[なかみ<br>あてみ]contents, interior,substance,filling,(sword) blade  N2","中味[なかみ]contents, interior,substance,filling,(sword) blade  N2","話中[わちゅう]while talking, the line is busy  N2","最中[さいちゅう<br>さなか<br>もなか]in the middle of  N3","集中[しゅうちゅう]concentration,  focusing the mind  N3","中[なか<br>ちゅう<br>うち<br>じゅう<br>ぢゅう<br>チュン]inside&nbsp; (〜の)  N3","中央[ちゅうおう]centre,  central, center, middle  N3","中学[ちゅうがく]middle school,  junior high school  N3","中古[ちゅうこ<br>ちゅうぶる](1) used,  second-hand, old  N3","中止[ちゅうし]suspension,  stoppage, discontinuance, interruption  N3","中心[ちゅうしん<br>なかご]center,  core, heart, pivot, emphasis, balance  N3","日中[にっちゅう<br>ひなか]daytime,  broad daylight  N3","熱中[ねっちゅう]nuts!,  enthusiasm, zeal, mania  N3","年中[ねんじゅう<br>としなか<br>ねんちゅう<br>ねんぢゅう]whole year,  always, everyday  N3","夢中[むちゅう]daze,  (in a) trance, ecstasy, delirium, engrossment  N3","世の中[よのなか]society,  the world, the times  N3","背中[せなか]back of the body  N4","中学校[ちゅうがっこう]junior high school, middle school  N4","中々[なかなか]considerably  N4","真中[まんなか]middle  N4","水中[すいちゅう]in water ","お中元[おちゅうげん]mid-year gift ","中学生[ちゅうがくせい]junior high school student ","中国[ちゅうごく<br>ちゅうこく]China ","中東[ちゅうとう]Middle East ","中道[ちゅうどう<br>なかみち]golden mean ","中級[ちゅうきゅう]Intermediate Level,  intermediate rank, intermediate grade ","発売中[はつばいちゅう]Now On Sale,  now for sale, currently on sale ","集中する[しゅうちゅうする]To Concentrate ","中庭[なかにわ]courtyard ","中流[ちゅうりゅう<br>ちゅうる]mid-stream ","的中[てきちゅう]hitting of the mark ","食中毒[しょくちゅうどく]Food Poisoning ","同期中[どうきちゅう]Syncing,  synchronizing ","真っ最中[まっさいちゅう]midst ","真夜中[まよなか]midnight ","中国製[ちゅうごくせい]Made In China ","営業中[えいぎょうちゅう]Open For Business ","中途半端[ちゅうとはんぱ]Half Finished,  half assed ","中退[ちゅうたい]dropping out ","無我夢中[むがむちゅう]Total Absorption,  ecstasy ","中絶[ちゅうぜつ]abortion ","中欧[ちゅうおう]Central Europe ","中華[ちゅうか]Chinese ","山中湖[やまなかこ]Lake Yamanaka,  yamanaka lake ","中核[ちゅうかく]core ","中継ぎ[なかつぎ]broadcasting ","暑中見舞い[しょちゅうみまい]summer greeting ","募集中[ぼしゅうちゅう]Now Hiring,  now recruiting ","中軸[ちゅうじく]Axis,  pivot ","中堅[ちゅうけん]nucleus ","渦中[かちゅう]vortex,  maelstrom ","中尉[ちゅうい]first lieutenant,  lieutenant ","世界中[せかいじゅう] (n, adj-no) around the world/throughout the world (P) ","中華人民共和国[ちゅうかじんみんきょうわこく] (n) People's Republic of China (P) ","中将[ちゅうじょう] (n) lieutenant general/vice-admiral (P) ","中華民国[ちゅうかみんこく] (n) Republic of China (Taiwan) ","中隊[ちゅうたい] (n) company,  battery, troop (P) ","中小[ちゅうしょう] (n) small to medium (P) ","中には[なかには] (adv) some (of them)/among (them) ","劇中[げきちゅう] (n) during a play ","中部[ちゅうぶ] (n) (1) center/centre/middle/heart (2) (abbr) Chubu region (incl. Aichi,  Nagano, Shizuoka, Niigata, Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui, Yamanashi and Gifu prefectures) (P) ","心の中[こころのうち] (exp, n) one's mind ","月中[がつちゅう<br>げつちゅう<br>つきなか] (n-suf) (for the) whole month ","中国語[ちゅうごくご] (n) Chinese (language) (P) ","中国人[ちゅうごくじん] (n) Chinese person (P) ","中期[ちゅうき] (n-t, adj-no) (1) middle period (2) medium-term (P) ","仕事中[しごとちゅう] (n) at work/in the midst of work/working (P) ","中佐[ちゅうさ] (n) lieutenant colonel/commander (navy) (P) ","中京[ちゅうきょう] (n) Nagoya (P) ","中盤[ちゅうばん] (n-adv, n) middle (stage) (P) ","中頃[なかごろ] (n-adv, n) about the middle ","中形[ちゅうがた] (n, adj-no) medium size ","中でも[なかでも] (exp, adv) among (other things)/especially/particularly/inter alia/above all (else) (P) ","府中[ふちゅう] (n) (1) provincial capital (under the ritsuryo system)/provincial office (2) public place of imperial rule ","一晩中[ひとばんじゅう] (n, n-adv) all night long/all through the night (P) ","中島[なかじま] (n) island in a pond or river (P) ","中日[ちゅうにち<br>なかび] (n) (1) China and Japan (2) the middle day (3) the equinoctial day (P) ","市中[いちなか<br>しちゅう] (ok) (n) in the city ","今日中に[きょうじゅうに] (adv) by today/before the day is over ","中性子[ちゅうせいし] (n) (physics) neutron (P) ","地中海[ちちゅうかい] (n) (1) Mediterranean Sea (n, adj-no) (2) mediterranean (P) ","中高[ちゅうこう<br>なかだか] (n) (1) (abbr) middle and high school (2) medium and high (level) (P) ","山中[さんちゅう<br>やまなか] (n) in the mountains/among the mountains ","集中力[しゅうちゅうりょく] (n) (powers of) concentration/ability to concentrate (P) ","戦中[せんちゅう] (n) during the war (P) ","老中[ろうじゅう<br>ろうぢゅう] (n) member of shogun's council of elders ","中原[ちゅうげん] (n) middle of a field/middle of a country/field of contest (P) ","体中[からだじゅう] (n) all over the body/from head to foot/all over ","宮中[きゅうちゅう] (n) imperial court (P) ","一日中[いちにちじゅう<br>いちにちぢゅう] (n, n-adv) all day long/all the day/throughout the day (P) ","中等[ちゅうとう] (n, adj-no) second grade/medium quality/average/middle class/secondary grade (P) ","中略[ちゅうりゃく] (n, vs) omission (of middle part of a text)/ellipsis (P) ","その中[そのなか] (exp) wherein/therein/thereinto (P) ","調査中[ちょうさちゅう] (exp, adj-no) under investigation ","中共[ちゅうきょう] (n) (1) (abbr) Chinese Communist Party/Chinese Communists (2) Communist China ","中納言[すけのものもうすつかさ<br>ちゅうなごん<br>なかのものもうすつかさ] (n) medium-ranked councillor in the Department of State ","地中[ちちゅう] (n, adj-no) underground/subterranean (P) ","海中[かいちゅう] (n, adj-no) in the sea (P) ","準備中[じゅんびちゅう] (n) in preparation (shop) not yet open for business ","道中[どうちゅう<br>みちなか] (n) (1) journey/trip/travels (n, n-adv) (2) during the journey/on the way/while travelling ","生中継[なまちゅうけい] (n, vs) live broadcast (radio, TV)/live coverage (P) ","街中[まちじゅう<br>まちなか] (n) the whole town/all over the town/throughout the town ","授業中[じゅぎょうちゅう] (n) while in class (P) ","午前中[ごぜんちゅう] (n) in the morning/during the morning (P) ","中の人[なかのひと] (exp, n) (1) person inside a cartoon body suit/voice actor (2) insider ","中長期[ちゅうちょうき] (n, adj-no) mid-to-long term/medium and long term ","そこら中[そこらじゅう] (n) everywhere/all over the place ","野中[のなか] (n) in the middle of a field (P) ","中高年[ちゅうこうねん] (n, adj-no) middle and old age ","家中[いえじゅう<br>うちじゅう<br>かちゅう] (n) (1) whole family/all (members of) the family (2) all over the house ","中興[ちゅうこう] (n, vs) restoration/revival/resurgence ","中南米[ちゅうなんべい] (n) Central and South America (P) ","中米[ちゅうべい] (n) Central America ","獄中[ごくちゅう] (n, adj-no) during imprisonment/while in jail (gaol) (P) ","南中[なんちゅう] (n, vs) crossing the meridian ","中心地[ちゅうしんち] (n) center/centre/metropolis ","小中学校[しょうちゅうがっこう] (n) elementary and middle schools ","中国共産党[ちゅうごくきょうさんとう] (n) Chinese Communist Party ","中央アジア[ちゅうおうアジア] (n) central Asia ","中越[ちゅうごし] (n) over center field (centre) (P) ","中空[ちゅうくう<br>なかぞら] (adj-no, n) (1) hollow (n,adj-no) (2) mid-air/air/sky ","手中[しゅちゅう] (n) in one's hands/in one's control (P) ","中居[なかい] (n) waitress (in a ryokan or traditional restaurant)/hostess ","中葉[ちゅうよう] (n-adv, n-t) (1) about the middle (of an era) (n) (2) (anat) middle lobe (right lung)/median lobe (prostate) ","文中[ぶんちゅう] (n) (1) in the sentence/in the text (2) Bunchu era (of the Southern Court) (1372.4.?-1375.5.27) (P) ","中段[ちゅうだん] (n) half-way up a slope or stairway/landing/center of three (horizontal) columns (of print) (centre) ","中生代[ちゅうせいだい] (n) Mesozoic era ","脳卒中[のうそっちゅう] (n) stroke/cerebral haemorrhage/cerebral hemorrhage (P) "],"月":["五月蝿い[うるさい]noisy; loud;fussy  N1","ヶ月[かげつ]#NAME?  N1","月日[つきひ<br>がっぴ](the) date  N1","月謝[げっしゃ]monthly tuition fee  N1","月賦[げっぷ]monthly installment  N1","先先月[せんせんげつ]month before last  N1","月並み[つきなみ]every month; common  N1","満月[まんげつ]full moon  N1","三日月[みかづき<br>みかずき]new moon; crescent moon  N1","月給[げっきゅう]monthly salary  N2","月末[げつまつ<br>つきずえ]end of the month  N2","再来月[さらいげつ]month after next  N2","生年月日[せいねんがっぴ]birth date  N2","先々月[せんせんげつ]month before last  N2","月曜[げつよう]Monday  N3","月[つき<br>げつ]moon  N3","年月[ねんげつ<br>としつき]months and years  N3","さ来月[さらいげつ]the month after next  N4","月曜日[げつようび]Monday  N5","今月[こんげつ]this month  N5","先月[せんげつ]last month  N5","一月[いちがつ<br>いちげつ<br>ひとつき]one month  N5","毎月[まいつき<br>まいげつ,  まいつき<br>まいげつ]every month  N5","来月[らいげつ]next month  N5","四月[しがつ<br>よつき]April ","二月[にがつ<br>ふたつき]February ","六月[ろくがつ]June ","五月[ごがつ<br>さつき]May ","十月[じゅうがつ]October ","正月[しょうがつ]New Year ","半月[はんつき<br>はんげつ]half a month ","月見[つきみ]Moon Viewing ","名月[めいげつ]full moon ","年月日[ねんがっぴ]date ","月光[げっこう]Moonlight,  moonbeam ","何月[なんがつ]What Month,  which month ","月夜[つきよ]moonlit night ","月食[げっしょく]lunar eclipse ","月初め[つきはじめ]the beginning of the month ","月額[げつがく]Monthly Amount ","翌月[よくげつ]The Next Month,  next month ","月刊[げっかん]Monthly Edition ","歳月[さいげつ<br>としつき]Time,  years ","隔月[かくげつ]Every Other Month ","か月[かげつ] (ctr) months (period of) ","カ月[かげつ] (ctr) months (period of) ","ヵ月[かげつ] (ctr) months (period of) (P) ","10月[じゅうがつ] (n-adv) October (P) ","6月[ろくがつ] (n-adv) June (P) ","12月[じゅうにがつ] (n-adv) December (P) ","4月[しがつ] (n-adv) April (P) ","11月[じゅういちがつ] (n-adv) November (P) ","7月[しちがつ] (n-adv) July (P) ","3月[さんがつ] (n) March (P) ","5月[ごがつ] (n-adv) May (P) ","9月[くがつ] (n-adv) September (P) ","8月[はちがつ] (n-adv) August (P) ","1月[いちがつ] (n-adv) January (P) ","2月[にがつ] (n-t, n-adv) (1) February (2) second month of the lunar calendar (P) ","ケ月[かげつ] (ctr) months (period of) ","1か月[いっかげつ] (n) one month ","1カ月[いっかげつ] (n) one month ","1ヵ月[いっかげつ] (n) one month ","三月[さんがつ<br>みつき] (n) March (P) ","月下[げっか] (n) in the moonlight ","月中[がつちゅう<br>げつちゅう<br>つきなか] (n-suf) (for the) whole month ","七月[しちがつ] (n-adv) July (P) ","九月[くがつ] (n-adv) September (P) ","八月[はちがつ] (n-adv) August (P) ","月間[げっかん] (n, adj-f) month-long period (during) month (P) ","十二月[じゅうにがつ] (n-adv) December (P) ","十一月[じゅういちがつ] (n-adv) November (P) ","数か月[すうかげつ] (n) several months ","数カ月[すうかげつ] (n) several months ","数ヵ月[すうかげつ] (n) several months ","日月[じつげつ<br>にちげつ] (n) (1) sun and moon (2) time/days and months/years ","望月[ぼうげつ<br>もちづき] (n) full moon/15th day of the lunar calendar ","月琴[げっきん] (n) yueqin (4-stringed Chinese lute) ","葉月[はづき] (n) (obs) eighth month of the lunar calendar ","月火[げつか] (n) Monday and Tuesday ","お正月[おしょうがつ] (n) (1) (pol) New Year (esp. first three days) (2) (pol) the first month of the year/January ","皐月[さつき] (n) (1) (obs) fifth month of the lunar calendar (2) (uk) satsuki azalea (Rhododendron indicum) ","月面[げつめん] (n) moon's surface (P) ","同月[どうげつ] (n-adv, n-t) the same month (P) ","月別[つきべつ] (n) by months ","ひと月[ひとつき] (n) one month ","花月[かげつ] (n) (1) (arch) flowers and the moon (2) (arch) refined leisure/elegant pastime ","秋月[しゅうげつ] (n) autumn moon/harvest moon ","月収[げっしゅう] (n) monthly income (P) "],"右":["左右[さゆう<br>さう<br>そう<br>とかく](1) left and right,  (2) influence, control, domination  N3","右[みぎ]right side  N5","右手[みぎて]Right Hand ","右利き[みぎきき]Right Handed ","右側[みぎがわ<br>うそく]Right Side ","右翼[うよく]Right Wing ","右派[うは] (n, adj-no) right wing (P) ","右岸[うがん] (n) right bank (of a river) ","右腕[うわん<br>みぎうで] (n) (1) right arm (2) (baseb) right-handed pitcher ","右脳[うのう] (n) right brain ","右足[みぎあし] (n) (1) right foot (2) right leg (P) ","右上[みぎうえ] (n, adj-no) upper right (P) ","右舷[うげん] (n, adj-no) starboard ","右肩[みぎかた] (n) right shoulder ","右折[うせつ] (n, vs) turning to the right/right turn (P) ","右下[みぎした] (n, adj-no) lower right (P) ","極右[きょくう] (n, adj-no) far right (in politics)/extreme right/ultraconservative (P) "],"六":["六[ろく<br>む<br>むう<br>リュー](num) six  N1","六日[むいか]six days,  sixth day of the month  N5","六つ[むっつ]six  N5","六月[ろくがつ]June ","十六[じゅうろく]Sixteen ","六花[りっか] (n) snow ","双六[すぐろく<br>すごろく] (ok) (n) sugoroku/traditional Japanese board game played with dice "],"小":["小売[こうり]retail  N1","小柄[こがら<br>こづか<br>しょうへい]short (build)  N1","小切手[こぎって]cheque; check  N1","小銭[こぜに]coins; small change  N1","小児科[しょうにか]pediatrics  N1","小父さん[おじさん]middle-aged gentleman, uncle  N2","小遣い[こづかい<br>こずかい]personal expenses, pocket money,spending money,incidental expenses,allowance  N2","小指[こゆび]little finger  N2","縮小[しゅくしょう]reduction, curtailment  N2","小学生[しょうがくせい]grade school student  N2","小数[しょうすう]fraction (part of), decimal  N2","小便[しょうべん<br>しょんべん](col) urine, piss  N2","大小[だいしょう]size  N2","小包[こづつみ]parcel,  package  N3","小麦[こむぎ]wheat  N3","小屋[こや<br>しょうおく]hut,  cabin, shed, (animal) pen  N3","小[しょう<br>お<br>ぐゎー<br>こ<br>さ<br>ささ<br>さざ]small size  N3","小鳥[ことり]small bird  N4","小学校[しょうがっこう]elementary school  N4","小説[しょうせつ]novel  N4","小さい[ちいさい]little  N5","小さな[ちいさな]little  N5","小川[おがわ]stream ","小火[ぼや]small fire ","小皿[こざら]Small Plate,  small dish, little plate, little dish ","小文字[こもじ]lowercase letter ","小売り[こうり]retail ","小雨[こさめ<br>こあめ<br>しょうう]drizzle ","小売店[こうりてん]retail store ","小数点[しょうすうてん]decimal point ","最小[さいしょう]the smallest ","小さい順[ちいさいじゅん]Increasing Order,  ascending order, smallest first ","小型[こがた]small size ","最小限[さいしょうげん]minimum ","小規模[しょうきぼ]Small Scale ","小麦粉[こむぎこ]flour ","小豆[あずき<br>しょうず]Azuki Beans,  adzuki beans ","小舟[こぶね]Boat,  small craft ","小形[こがた] (adj-no, n) small/small-sized/small-scale/miniature ","中小[ちゅうしょう] (n) small to medium (P) ","小野[おの] (n) (arch) plain/field ","小鷹[こたか] (n) (1) (abbr) small hawk or falcon (used for hunting) (2) falconry (using small hawks or falcons) ","小学[しょうがく] (n) (abbr) elementary school/primary school/grade school (P) ","小田[おだ] (n) (arch) rice field (usu. small) ","小生[しょうせい] (pn) (hum) (male) I/me/my humble self ","小夜[さよ] (n) evening ","小娘[こむすめ] (n) young girl (approx. 14-15 years old)/lass/adolescent female ","小宇宙[しょううちゅう] (n) microcosmos/microcosm ","小島[おじま<br>こじま<br>しょうとう] (n) small island/islet ","小山[こやま] (n) hill/knoll (P) ","小銃[しょうじゅう] (n) rifle/small arms (P) ","小松[こまつ] (n) small pine/young pine ","小物[こもの] (n) accessories/small articles (P) ","小枝[こえだ] (n, adj-no) twig/spray (P) ","小声[こごえ] (n, adj-no) low voice/whisper (P) ","小隊[しょうたい] (n) platoon ","小児[しょうじ<br>しょうに] (ok) (n) young child/infant ","小室[こむろ] (n, adj-no) areole ","小僧[こぞう] (n) (1) youngster/boy/kid/brat (2) young Buddhist monk/young bonze (3) young shop-boy/errand boy/apprentice (P) ","小惑星[しょうわくせい] (n) (astron) asteroid (P) ","小国[しょうこく] (n) small country (P) ","微小[びしょう] (adj-na, n,adj-no) microscopic (P) ","小節[こぶし<br>しょうせつ] (n) (1) undulating melodic ornamentation or embellishment,  esp. in folk and popular songs (2) unit of timber measurement ","小冊子[しょうさっし] (n) booklet/pamphlet (P) ","小道具[こどうぐ] (n) (1) small tool/gadget (2) (stage) properties/prop (3) (abbr) prop master (P) ","小作[こさく] (n) tenant farming ","小杉[こすぎ] (n) (1) (abbr) (arch) small cedar (2) thin Japanese paper (used as tissue during the Edo period) ","小中学校[しょうちゅうがっこう] (n) elementary and middle schools ","小結[こむすび] (n) (sumo) wrestler of the fourth highest rank (P) ","小人[こども<br>こびと<br>しょうじん<br>しょうにん] (gikun) (n) child/small person ","小判[こばん] (n) (1) koban/small oval gold coin used in the Edo period (n, adj-no) (2) oval/elliptical/oblong (n) (3) small size (of paper) ","小競り合い[こぜりあい] (n, vs) (1) skirmish/brush (with the enemy)/small fight with a military enemy (2) squabble/quarrel/brief argument/exchange of words ","山小屋[やまごや] (n) hut (esp. on a mountain)/shack/refuge/shanty (P) ","弱小[じゃくしょう] (adj-na, n) puniness/youth ","小口[こぐち] (n) (1) cut end/edge (of a page,  etc.) (2) small amount/small sum (3) beginning/clue (4) tiger's den/jaws of death/dangerous place (P) "],"土":["国土[こくど<br>くにつち]realm  N1","土産[みやげ<br>とさん<br>どさん]product of the land  N1","土台[どだい]foundation; base;basis  N1","土手[どて]embankment; bank  N1","土俵[どひょう]arena  N1","土木[どぼく]public works  N1","風土[ふうど]natural features; topography;climate;spiritual features  N1","領土[りょうど]dominion; territory;possession  N1","土[つち<br>と<br>ど<br>に]earth,  soil  N3","土地[とち<br>どおじ<br>どじ<br>どち]plot of land,  lot, soil  N3","土曜[どよう]Saturday  N3","お土産[おみやげ<br>おみあげ]souvenir  N4","土曜日[どようび]Saturday  N5","土足[どそく]wearing shoes ","土間[どま]earth floor ","粘土[ねんど<br>ねばつち<br>へな<br>へなつち]clay ","土俵際[どひょうぎわ]Edge Of A Sumo Ring,  sumo ring edge, edge, sumo ring ","浄土[じょうど]pure land ","土壌[どじょう]soil ","出土[しゅつど] (n, vs) archeological excavation (archaeological) (P) ","本土[ほんど] (n) mainland/one's home country/the country proper (P) ","土日[どにち] (n) weekend/Saturday and Sunday (P) ","土器[かわらけ<br>どき] (n) (1) earthenware (2) unglazed (bisque-fired) earthenware ","安土[あずち] (n) mound on which targets are placed (in archery)/firing mound ","土方[つちかた<br>どかた] (n) (sens) construction worker/laborer (labourer)/navvy ","郷土[きょうど] (n) (1) native place/birth-place/one's old home (2) province/region/locality (P) ","土砂[どさ<br>どしゃ] (n) sediment/earth and sand ","全土[ぜんど] (n) whole nation/whole land/whole country (P) ","土下座[どげざ] (n, vs) kneeling down on the ground/prostrate oneself ","土着[どちゃく] (n, vs) (1) indigenousness/being native (to a region)/settling (of people) (adj-no) (2) native/indigenous/aboriginal ","土星[どせい] (n) Saturn (planet) (P) ","浄土宗[じょうどしゅう] (n) Pure Land sect (of Buddhism)/Jodo (sect) ","土橋[つちばし<br>どばし] (n) earthen bridge ","土産物[みやげもの] (n) souvenir ","盛り土[もりつち<br>もりど] (n) embankment (for road,  railway, etc.)/raising the ground level/fill ","土竜[どりゅう<br>むぐら<br>むぐらもち<br>もぐら<br>もぐらもち] (ok) (n) (uk) mole (Talpidae spp.,  esp. the small Japanese mole, Mogera imaizumii) "],"日":["悪日[あくび]unlucky day  N1","明後日[みょうごにち<br>あさって]day after tomorrow  N1","一日[いちにち<br>ついたち](1) one day,  (2) first of month  N1","日付[ひづけ]date; dating  N1","月日[つきひ<br>がっぴ](the) date  N1","期日[きじつ<br>きにち<br>ごじつ]fixed date; settlement date  N1","今日は[きょうは]hello; good day (daytime greeting&nbsp;&nbsp;id)  N1","一昨昨日[さきおとつい]two days before yesterday  N1","明々後日[しあさって]two days after tomorrow  N1","終日[しゅうじつ<br>ひねもす<br>ひめもす<br>ひもすがら]all day  N1","七日[なのか]seven days; the seventh day (of the month)  N1","西日[にしび]westering sun  N1","日夜[にちや]day and night; always  N1","日当[にっとう<br>ひあたり]daily allowance  N1","日頃[ひごろ]normally; habitually  N1","日取り[ひどり]fixed date; appointed day  N1","日向[ひなた]sunny place; in the sun  N1","日の丸[ひのまる]the Japanese flag  N1","日々[ひび<br>にちにち]every day; daily;day after day  N1","日焼け[ひやけ]sunburn  N1","三日月[みかづき<br>みかずき]new moon; crescent moon  N1","連日[れんじつ]every day; prolonged  N1","一昨日[いっさくじつ<br>おととい<br>おとつい]day before yesterday  N2","祭日[さいじつ]national holiday, festival day  N2","祝日[しゅくじつ]national holiday  N2","生年月日[せいねんがっぴ]birth date  N2","定休日[ていきゅうび]regular holiday  N2","当日[とうじつ]appointed day, very day  N2","日時[にちじ]date and time  N2","日用品[にちようひん]daily necessities  N2","日課[にっか]daily lesson, daily work,daily routine  N2","日程[にってい]agenda  N2","日当たり[ひあたり]exposure to the sun, sunny place  N2","日帰り[ひがえり]day trip  N2","日陰[ひかげ]shadow  N2","日日[にちにち]every day, daily,day after day  N2","日の入り[ひのいり]sunset  N2","日の出[ひので]sunrise  N2","平日[へいじつ<br>ひらび]weekday, ordinary days  N2","夕日[ゆうひ<br>せきじつ](in) the evening sun, setting sun  N2","来日[らいにち<br>らいじつ]arrival in Japan, coming to Japan,visit to Japan  N2","今日[きょう<br>こんにち<br>こんじつ<br>こんち]today  N3","先日[せんじつ]the other day,  a few days ago  N3","日[ひ<br>にち<br>か]day  N3","日常[にちじょう]ordinary,  regular, everyday, usual  N3","日曜[にちよう]Sunday  N3","日光[にっこう]sunlight  N3","日中[にっちゅう<br>ひなか]daytime,  broad daylight  N3","日本[にっぽん<br>にほん,  にっぽん<br>にほん]Japan  N3","曜日[ようび]day of the week  N3","明日[あした<br>あす<br>みょうにち<br>あした,  あす]tomorrow  N4","日記[にっき]journal  N4","五日[いつか]five days,  fifth day  N5","火曜日[かようび]Tuesday  N5","昨日[きのう<br>さくじつ]yesterday  N5","金曜日[きんようび]Friday  N5","月曜日[げつようび]Monday  N5","九日[ここのか]nine days,  ninth day  N5","水曜日[すいようび]Wednesday  N5","誕生日[たんじょうび]birthday  N5","十日[とおか]ten days, the tenth day  N5","土曜日[どようび]Saturday  N5","日曜日[にちようび]Sunday  N5","二十日[はつか]twenty days, twentieth  N5","二日[ふつか]two days,  second day of the month  N5","毎日[まいにち]every day  N5","三日[みっか]three days,  third day of the month  N5","六日[むいか]six days,  sixth day of the month  N5","木曜日[もくようび]Thursday  N5","八日[ようか]eight days,  eighth day of the month  N5","四日[よっか]four days,  fouth day of the month  N5","日ごろ[ひごろ]daily ","日ソ[にっそ]Japanese-Soviet ","日にち[ひにち]date ","日に日に[ひにひに]day by day ","本日[ほんじつ]today ","元日[がんじつ<br>がんにち]New Year's Day ","半日[はんにち<br>はんじつ]half a day ","休日[きゅうじつ]Holiday ","年月日[ねんがっぴ]date ","何日[なんにち]How Many Days,  what day, which day ","同日[どうじつ]Same Day,  the same day ","近日[きんじつ]Soon,  in a few days, coming days ","日米[にちべい]Japan and the U.S. ","全日本[ぜんにほん]All Japan,  all of japan ","両日[りょうじつ]Both Days ","日食[にっしょく]solar eclipse ","明くる日[あくるひ]the following day ","日付け[ひづけ]date ","末日[まつじつ]last day ","朝日[あさひ]Morning Sun,  rising sun ","反日[はんにち]anti-Japanese ","対日[たいにち]toward Japan ","日数[にっすう<br>ひかず]number of days ","日和[ひより<br>びより]fine weather ","日本語[にほんご<br>にっぽんご]Japanese Language,  japanese ","日本酒[にほんしゅ,  にっぽんしゅ<br>にほんしゅ]Japanese Style Alcohol, japanese alcohol, sake ","親日[しんにち]pro-Japan ","初日[しょにち<br>しょじつ<br>はつひ]first day ","命日[めいにち]anniversary of death ","日本的[にほんてき]Very Japanese,  typically japanese ","記念日[きねんび]memorial day ","日光浴[にっこうよく]Sunbathe ","在日[ざいにち]in Japan ","日増しに[ひましに]day by day ","日本製[にほんせい]Made In Japan ","日差し[ひざし]rays of the sun ","日替わり[ひがわり]changing on a daily basis ","お誕生日おめでとう[おたんじょうびおめでとう]Happy Birthday ","日給[にっきゅう]daily wage ","日欧[にちおう]Europe And Japan,  japan and europe ","日韓[にっかん]Japan And South Korea,  south korea and japan, japan and korea, korea and japan ","日系[にっけい]Japanese Descent,  of japanese descent ","翌日[よくじつ]The Next Day,  next day ","幾日[いくにち]many days ","日暮れ[ひぐれ]dusk ","日誌[にっし]diary ","聖日[せいじつ]Holy Day ","二日酔い[ふつかよい]Hangover ","日刊[にっかん]Daily Edition ","駐日[ちゅうにち]Resident Of Japan,  stationed in japan ","排日[はいにち]anti-Japanese ","即日[そくじつ]Same Day ","日没[にちぼつ]sunset ","嘉日[かじつ]auspicious day,  lucky day ","日本語字幕[にほんごじまく] (n) Japanese subtitles ","日間[にっかん<br>ひあい] (n) (arch) daytime/during the day ","日本人[にっぽんじん<br>にほんじん] (n) Japanese person/Japanese people ","ある日[あるひ] (n, exp) one day (e.g. 'one day while studying, ..') ","大日[だいにち] (n) Mahavairocana (Tathagata)/Great Sun/Supreme Buddha of Sino-Japanese esoteric Buddhism ","朝日新聞[あさひしんぶん] (n) Asahi Shimbun (newspaper) ","前日[ぜんじつ<br>まえび] (n-adv, n-t) previous day/day before/eve/prior day/preceding day (P) ","日経[にっけい] (n) (abbr) Nikkei (newspaper,  share index) (P) ","後日[ごじつ<br>ごにち] (n-adv, n-t) in the future/another day/later (P) ","日本国[にほんこく] (n) Japan ","土日[どにち] (n) weekend/Saturday and Sunday (P) ","中日[ちゅうにち<br>なかび] (n) (1) China and Japan (2) the middle day (3) the equinoctial day (P) ","日産[にっさん] (n) (1) daily output (2) (abbr) Nissan (Japanese car company) (P) ","日本一[にっぽんいち<br>にほんいち] (n, adj-no) Japan's best/number one in Japan ","今日中に[きょうじゅうに] (adv) by today/before the day is over ","日本海[にほんかい] (n) Sea of Japan (P) ","西日本[にしにっぽん<br>にしにほん] (n) western Japan/Japan west of the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line,  i.e. the Chūbu region and westward ","全日[ぜんじつ] (n-adv, n-t) all days (P) ","日月[じつげつ<br>にちげつ] (n) (1) sun and moon (2) time/days and months/years ","数日後[すうじつご] (n-adv, n-t) several days later ","何日も[なんにちも] (adv) for many days/for several days ","日報[にっぽう] (n) daily report (P) ","日本銀行[にっぽんぎんこう<br>にほんぎんこう] (n) Bank of Japan/BOJ/BoJ (P) ","春日[しゅんじつ<br>はるひ<br>はるび] (n) spring day/spring sunlight ","一日中[いちにちじゅう<br>いちにちぢゅう] (n, n-adv) all day long/all the day/throughout the day (P) ","日銀[にちぎん] (n) (abbr) Bank of Japan/BOJ/BoJ ","日本共産党[にほんきょうさんとう] (n) Japanese Communist Party ","最終日[さいしゅうび] (n) last day/final day ","大晦日[おおみそか] (n-t) New Year's Eve/December 31st (P) ","向日葵[ひまわり] (n) (uk) sunflower (Helianthus annuus) ","日出[にっしゅつ] (n) sunrise (P) ","東日本[ひがしにっぽん<br>ひがしにほん] (n) eastern Japan/Japan east of the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line,  i.e. east of the Chūbu region ","日本食[にほんしょく] (n) Japanese food/Japanese meal ","日本円[にほんえん] (n) Japanese yen ","日蓮宗[にちれんしゅう] (n) Nichiren school of Buddhism ","日用[にちよう<br>ひよう] (n) daily use ","日暮[ひぐれ] (n) twilight/sunset/dusk/evening ","日照[にっしょう] (n) sunlight (P) ","向日[こうじつ] (n) anthelion (optical phenomenon) "],"千":["千[せん<br>ち]thousand  N5","千円[せんえん]1000 Yen,  one thousand yen, a thousand yen, thousand yen ","四千[よんせん]Four Thousand ","一千[いっせん]One Thousand ","何千[なんぜん]Thousands ","千円札[せんえんさつ]Thousand Yen Bill,  thousand yen note, one thousand yen note, one thousand yen bill ","千葉[ちば] (n) Chiba (city) (P) ","千代[ちよ] (n) (1) thousand years (2) very long period/forever (P) ","千里[せんり] (n-adv, n-t) 1000 ri (a) long distance (P) ","千歳[せんざい<br>ちとせ] (n, adj-no) millennium/one thousand years/long time ","千鳥[ちどり] (n) (uk) plover (P) ","千秋[せんしゅう] (n) thousand years/many years ","八千代[やちよ] (n) (1) very long period/forever (2) eight thousand years (P) ","千秋楽[せんしゅうらく] (n) (1) concluding festivities/concluding program/concluding programme (2) (sumo) final day of a tournament (P) ","千種[ちくさ<br>ちぐさ] (n) (1) great variety of flowering plants (2) (abbr) light greenish-blue (adj-na, adj-no,n) (3) various ","千尋[せんじん<br>ちひろ] (n) (1) great depth/bottomless (2) great height "],"木":["木綿[きわた<br>もめん<br>ゆう]cotton  N1","雑木[ぞうき]various kinds of small trees; assorted trees  N1","樹木[じゅもく]trees and shrubs; arbour  N1","土木[どぼく]public works  N1","植木[うえき]garden shrubs, trees,potted plant  N2","材木[ざいもく]lumber, timber  N2","大木[おおき<br>たいぼく]large tree  N2","並木[なみき]roadside tree, row of trees  N2","木材[もくざい]lumber, timber,wood  N2","木曜[もくよう]Thursday  N3","木[き<br>もく]tree, wood  N5","木曜日[もくようび]Thursday  N5","草木[くさき]plants and trees ","木の葉[このは]tree leaves ","木製[もくせい]Wooden,  made from wood, made of wood ","木造[もくぞう<br>きづくり]being made of wood ","木枯らし[こがらし]cold wintry wind ","枯れ木[かれき]dead tree ","苗木[なえぎ]seedling,  sapling, young tree ","栃木県[とちぎけん]tochigi prefecture ","赤木[あかぎ] (n) (1) (uk) bishop wood (Bischofia javanica) (2) barked tree (3) red tree ","青木[あおき] (n) (1) Japanese laurel/spotted laurel/Aucuba japonica (2) live tree (P) ","高木[こうぼく] (n) tall tree ","水木[すいもく<br>みずき] (n) Wednesday and Thursday ","木場[きば] (n) lumberyard (P) ","木星[もくせい] (n) Jupiter (planet) (P) ","荒木[あらき] (n) logs in bark/rough wood/unseasoned timber/new lumber (P) ","木戸[きど] (n) (1) wicket gate/wooden door (2) entrance to an entertainment venue (i.e. sumo arena,  etc.) (P) ","黒木[くろき] (n) unbarked lumber (P) ","木々[きぎ] (n) (many) trees/every tree/all kinds of trees (P) ","木霊[こだま] (n, vs) (1) (uk) echo/reverberation (n) (2) spirit of a tree/tree spirit ","低木[ていぼく] (n) shrub/shrubbery ","正木[まさき] (n) Japanese spindletree (Euonymus japonicus) ","柏木[かしわぎ] (n) oak-tree (P) ","真木[まき] (n) (uk) yew plum pine (Podocarpus macrophyllus) ","木工[もっこう] (n) woodworking/woodworker/carpenter (P) ","木版[もくはん] (n) wood-block printing/wood engraving ","木管[もっかん] (n) (1) wooden pipe (2) wooden bobbin (3) (abbr) woodwind instrument ","白木[しらき] (n) plain wood/unfinished woodwork ","木本[もくほん] (n, adj-no) tree/woody plant ","朽木[くちき] (n) (1) decayed tree/rotted tree/decayed wood/rotten wood (2) obscure,  meaningless life (metaphor) "],"水":["大水[おおみず]flood  N1","降水[こうすい]rainfall; precipitation  N1","洪水[こうずい]flood  N1","水気[みずけ]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;moisture;dampness;vapor; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;dropsy;edema  N1","水源[すいげん]source of river; fountainhead  N1","水洗[すいせん]flushing  N1","水田[すいでん](water-filled) paddy field  N1","潜水[せんすい]diving  N1","排水[はいすい]drainage  N1","海水浴[かいすいよく]sea bathing, seawater bath  N2","下水[げすい<br>したみず]drainage, sewage,ditch,gutter,sewerage  N2","香水[こうすい<br>こうずい]perfume  N2","水産[すいさん]marine products, fisheries  N2","水蒸気[すいじょうき]water vapour, steam  N2","水素[すいそ]hydrogen  N2","水滴[すいてき]drop of water  N2","水筒[すいとう]canteen, flask,water bottle  N2","水分[すいぶん]moisture  N2","水平[すいへい]water level, horizon  N2","水平線[すいへいせん]horizon  N2","水曜[すいよう]Wednesday  N2","淡水[たんすい]fresh water  N2","断水[だんすい]water outage  N2","地下水[ちかすい]underground water  N2","噴水[ふんすい]water fountain  N2","水準[すいじゅん](1) water level,  (2) level, standard  N3","水泳[すいえい]swimming  N4","水道[すいどう]water supply  N4","水曜日[すいようび]Wednesday  N5","水[みず<br>すい<br>み]water  N5","水中[すいちゅう]in water ","水入らず[みずいらず]by themselves ","水力[すいりょく]water power ","水色[みずいろ<br>すいしょく]Sky Blue,  light blue, light blue color, light blue colour, sky blue color, sky blue colour ","海水[かいすい]seawater ","飲み水[のみみず]drinking water ","水着[みずぎ]Swim Suit,  swimsuit, bathing suit, swimwear, swimming suit ","水深[すいしん]Water Depth,  depth of water ","水銀[すいぎん]Mercury,  quicksilver ","水族館[すいぞくかん<br>すいぞっかん]aquarium ","飲料水[いんりょうすい]drinking water ","水面[すいめん<br>みなも]surface of the water ","水兵[すいへい]Navy Soldier,  naval soldier, seaman ","塩水[しおみず]Salt Water ","水害[すいがい]Flood Damage,  water damage ","防水[ぼうすい]Waterproof,  watertight ","水臭い[みずくさい]not frank ","水増し[みずまし]dilution ","脱水[だっすい]dehydration ","冷水[れいすい]cold water ","漏水[ろうすい]Water Leakage ","泥水[でいすい,  どろみず]Muddy Water ","汚水[おすい]Dirty Water,  filthy water, sewage ","水爆[すいばく]hydrogen bomb ","水仙[すいせん]Daffodil ","潜水艦[せんすいかん<br>せんすい かん]Submarine ","排水溝[はいすいこう]Drainage ","水泡[すいほう]Foam,  bubble ","水彩画[すいさいが]Watercolor Painting ","水溶性[すいようせい]Water Soluble ","浸水[しんすい]Submersion,  flood ","水晶[すいしょう]Crystal ","浄水[じょうすい]clean water ","水槽[すいそう]fish tank,  water tank ","湧水[ゆうすい,  わきみず]spring water, spring ","水域[すいいき] (n) waters/water area (P) ","清水[きよみず<br>しみず<br>せいすい] (n) (1) spring water (2) clear (pure) water ","水系[すいけい] (n) water system/river system/drainage system (P) ","用水[ようすい] (n) irrigation water/water for fire/city water/cistern water (P) ","進水[しんすい] (n, vs) (ship's) launching ","治水[ちすい] (n, vs) river management/river improvement/flood control (P) ","水木[すいもく<br>みずき] (n) Wednesday and Thursday ","水上[すいじょう<br>みなかみ] (n) aquatic/on the water (P) ","お水[おみず] (n) (1) (a cup of) water (adj-na) (2) racy/titillating/sexy/suggestive ","貯水[ちょすい] (n, vs) storage of water (P) ","風水[ふうすい] (n) (1) feng shui/fengshui (2) wind and water ","水族[すいぞく] (n) aquatic fauna/aquatic animals ","水路[すいろ] (n) (1) waterway/canal/channel/watercourse/aqueduct (2) swimming pool lane (P) ","水雷艇[すいらいてい] (n) torpedo boat ","水没[すいぼつ] (n, vs) submerge ","水車[すいしゃ<br>みずぐるま] (n) (1) water wheel (2) water turbine/hydraulic turbine (P) ","上水[じょうすい] (n) water supply/tap water ","水質[すいしつ] (n) water quality (P) ","取水[しゅすい] (n, vs) drawing water from river or lake/water intake (P) ","水位[すいい] (n) water level (P) ","水量[すいりょう] (n) quantity or volume of water (P) ","給水[きゅうすい] (n, vs) water supply (P) ","水冷[すいれい] (n, adj-no) water cooling ","水利[すいり] (n) (1) utilization of water/water supply/irrigation (2) water transportation/navigability (e.g. of a river) (P) ","水温[すいおん] (n) water temperature (P) ","放水[ほうすい] (n, vs) hosing down/drainage/discharge of water/spraying with water (P) ","湧き水[わきみず] (n) spring water ","加水[かすい] (n, vs) adding water/dilution with water ","農林水産省[のうりんすいさんしょう] (n) Ministry of Agriculture,  Forestry and Fisheries/MAFF ","水辺[すいへん<br>みずべ] (n) waterside/waterfront ","水運[すいうん] (n) water transportation ","利水[りすい] (n, adj-no) irrigation ","水門[すいもん] (n) sluice gate/water gate/flood gate ","垂水[たるみ] (n) (arch) waterfall ","出水[しゅっすい<br>でみず] (n, vs) flood/freshet/inundation ","水流[すいりゅう] (n) water current ","水星[すいせい] (n, adj-no) Mercury (planet) (P) ","水圧[すいあつ] (n, adj-no) water (hydraulic) pressure ","水口[みずぐち<br>みなくち] (n) spout (P) ","揚水[ようすい] (n, vs) pumping up water (e.g. to a high place for energy storage) ","温水[おんすい] (n, adj-no) warm water ","流水[りゅうすい] (n) running water/stream ","雨水[あまみず<br>うすい] (n) (1) rain water (2) 'rain water' solar term (approx. February 19) (P) ","水和物[すいわぶつ] (n) hydrate ","水彩[すいさい] (n) watercolor painting ","湖水[こすい] (n) lake (P) ","山水[さんすい<br>やまみず] (n) (1) mountain and water/landscape (containing hills and rivers) (2) (abbr) landscape picture (3) mountain stream/water that flows down from a mountain (4) garden which contains an artificial hill and a pond ","増水[ぞうすい] (n, vs) rising water (of river, lake, etc.)/swelling water/increased water/high water (P) ","汽水[きすい] (n) brackish water "],"白":["明白[めいはく<br>あからさま]obvious; overt;plainly;frankly  N1","面白い[おもしろい]interesting; amusing  N1","告白[こくはく]confession; acknowledgement  N1","蛋白質[たんぱくしつ]protein  N1","白状[はくじょう]confession  N1","青白い[あおじろい]pale, pallid  N2","白髪[しらが<br>しらかみ<br>しろかみ<br>はくはつ]white or grey hair, trendy hair bleaching  N2","真っ白[まっしろ]pure white  N2","白[しろ<br>しら<br>はく]white  N5","白い[しろい]white  N5","白人[はくじん<br>しらひと<br>しらびと<br>しろうと<br>しろと]Caucasian,  white person, white people ","白/白い[しろ/しろい]White ","白バイ[しろばい]white police motorcycle ","空白[くうはく]blank ","自白[じはく]admission ","白鳥[はくちょう<br>しらとり<br>しろとり]Swan ","白紙[はくし<br>しらかみ]blank sheet of paper ","白黒[しろくろ]Black And White,  white and black ","白線[はくせん]white (warning) line ","白熱[はくねつ]white heat ","白書[はくしょ]white paper ","腕白[わんぱく]naughtiness ","潔白[けっぱく]innocent ","白旗[しらはた,  はっき]White Flag ","白粉[おしろい]powder ","白菜[はくさい]Chinese cabbage ","紅白[こうはく]red and white ","白衣[はくい]white coat ","白菊[しらぎく]White Chrysanthemum ","白痴[はくち]idiocy ","白雪[しらゆき<br>はくせつ] (n) white snow ","白石[しろいし] (n) (1) white stone (2) white (go pieces) ","面白[おもしろ] (adj-f) amusing/interesting (P) ","蛋白[たんぱく] (n) (1) (uk) (abbr) protein (2) egg white/albumen/albumin ","真白[ましろ<br>まっしろ] (ok) (adj-na, adj-no,n) (1) pure white (2) blank (e.g. mind, paper) ","白色[はくしょく] (n) white (P) ","関白[かんぱく] (n) chief advisor to the Emperor (adviser) ","白血病[はっけつびょう] (n) leukemia (P) ","白面[しらふ<br>はくめん] (n, adj-no) (1) (uk) sobriety/soberness (2) sober face ","白雪姫[しらゆきひめ] (n) Snow White ","白夜[はくや<br>びゃくや] (n) night under the midnight sun/white night (at extreme latitudes)/night during which the sun doesn't set ","目白[めじろ] (n) (1) (uk) white-eye family of birds (Zosteropidae) (2) (uk) Japanese white-eye (Zosterops japonicus) (P) ","白地[あからさま<br>しらじ<br>しろじ<br>はくち] (ateji) (adj-na, adj-no) (uk) plain/frank/candid/open/direct/straightforward/unabashed/blatant/flagrant ","白馬[あおうま<br>しろうま<br>はくば] (n) (1) dark-colored horse with a lustrous coat (coloured) (2) white horse ","白血球[はっけっきゅう] (n) leukocyte/leucocyte/white blood cell (P) ","白金[しろかね<br>しろがね<br>はっきん] (iK) (ok) (n, adj-no) (1) silver (Ag) (n) (2) silver coin/money (3) silver medal (n,adj-no) (4) silver colour/silver color ","白浜[しらはま] (n) white sandy beach ","白亜紀[はくあき] (n) Cretaceous Period ","白銀[しろかね<br>しろがね<br>はくぎん] (ok) (n, adj-no) (1) silver (Ag) (n) (2) silver coin/money (3) silver medal (n,adj-no) (4) silver colour/silver color ","白木[しらき] (n) plain wood/unfinished woodwork "],"円":["円滑[えんかつ<br>えんこつ]harmony; smoothness  N1","円満[えんまん]perfection; harmony;peace;smoothness;completeness;satisfaction;integrity  N1","円周[えんしゅう]circumference  N2","楕円[だえん]ellipse  N2","円い[まるい]round, circular,spherical  N2","円[えん<br>まる]circle,  money  N3","丸い/円い[まるい/まるい]round, circular  N5","千円[せんえん]1000 Yen,  one thousand yen, a thousand yen, thousand yen ","一円[いちえん]throughout the region ","円安[えんやす]depreciation of the yen ","千円札[せんえんさつ]Thousand Yen Bill,  thousand yen note, one thousand yen note, one thousand yen bill ","円高[えんだか]strong yen ","一億円[いちおくえん]One Hundred Million Yen ","円盤[えんばん]Disk,  flying saucer ","円弧[えんこ]Arc ","楕円形[だえんけい]oval ","円筒[えんとう] (n) cylinder (P) ","円墳[えんふん<br>えんぷん] (n) round burial mound ","円形[えんけい<br>まるがた] (n) round shape/circle/circular form (P) ","円錐[えんすい<br>まるぎり] (n, n-pref) (math) cone ","日本円[にほんえん] (n) Japanese yen ","円柱[えんちゅう<br>まるばしら] (n, adj-no) (1) column/shaft/cylinder (n) (2) round pillar (esp. in buildings) (P) ","半円[はんえん] (n, adj-no) semicircle "],"父":["お祖父さん[おじいさん]grandfather; male senior-citizen  N1","父母[ふぼ<br>かぞいろ<br>かぞいろは<br>ちちはは<br>ててはは<br>ぶも]father and mother; parents  N1","伯父さん[おじさん]middle-aged gentleman, uncle  N2","小父さん[おじさん]middle-aged gentleman, uncle  N2","叔父さん[おじさん]middle-aged gentleman, uncle  N2","父親[ちちおや]father  N3","祖父[そふ<br>おおじ<br>おじ<br>じい<br>じじ<br>そぶ]grandfather  N4","伯父/叔父[おじ/おじ]grandfather, male senior citizen  N5","お父さん[おとうさん<br>おとっさん](honorable) father  N5","父[ちち<br>あて<br>かそ<br>かぞ<br>しし<br>ちゃん<br>てて<br>とと]Dad,  pa, papa ","父兄[ふけい]parents ","神父[しんぷ]Father ","義父[ぎふ]father-in-law ","祖父母[そふぼ]Grandparents ","継父[けいふ]Step Father ","叔父[おじ<br>おとおじ<br>しゅくふ]uncle ","父上[ちちうえ] (n) (pol) father (esp. used in samurai families prior to the Meiji period) ","お父様[おとうさま] (n) (hon) father ","伯父[えおじ<br>おじ<br>はくふ] (n) (arch) uncle (one's father's older brother) ","父ちゃん[とうちゃん<br>とっちゃん] (n) (chn) dad/daddy/papa/pa/pop ","親父[おやじ<br>しんぷ] (gikun) (n) one's father/old man/one's boss (P) ","父子[ふし] (n) father and child/father and son/father and daughter (P) ","養父[ようふ] (n) foster father/adoptive father (P) ","父さん[とうさん] (n) father/dad/papa/pa/pop/daddy/dada (P) ","実父[じっぷ] (n) one's real father/natural father ","叔父ちゃん[おじちゃん] (n) (uk) (fam) middle-aged man/uncle ","父方[ちちかた] (n) (1) father's side of family (adj-no) (2) paternal (grandfather,  uncle, etc.) (P) "],"半":["半端[はんぱ]remnant; fragment;incomplete set;fraction;odd sum;incompleteness  N1","過半数[かはんすう]majority  N2","半径[はんけい]radius  N2","半島[はんとう]peninsula  N2","大半[たいはん]majority,  mostly, generally  N3","半ば[なかば]middle,  half, semi, halfway, partly  N3","半[はん]half  N5","半分[はんぶん<br>はんぷん]half minute  N5","半日[はんにち<br>はんじつ]half a day ","半月[はんつき<br>はんげつ]half a month ","半年[はんとし<br>はんねん]half a year ","前半[ぜんはん<br>ぜんぱん]first half ","後半[こうはん]latter half ","二時半[にじはん]Two Thirty,  half past two, half two ","上半身[じょうはんしん]upper part of the body ","下半身[かはんしん<br>しもはんしん]lower half of one's body ","半数[はんすう]half the number ","半身[はんしん<br>はんみ]half the body ","半面[はんめん]one side ","半減[はんげん]50 percent reduction ","半導体[はんどうたい]semiconductor ","半額[はんがく]Half Price ","中途半端[ちゅうとはんぱ]Half Finished,  half assed ","半裸[はんら]Half Naked,  half nude ","半袖[はんそで]short sleeves ","時半[じはん<br>ときなか] (suf) half past (the hour) (P) ","年半[としなか] (n) middle of a year ","半球[はんきゅう] (n) hemisphere ","四半期[しはんき] (n) quarter (of a year) (P) ","朝鮮半島[ちょうせんはんとう] (n) Korean peninsula (P) ","半田[はんだ] (n) solder/pewter ","半期[はんき] (n-adv, n-t) half-term/half-time/half period (P) ","半生[はんしょう<br>はんせい] (n) half death ","半角[はんかく] (n) half-width characters (e.g. romaji)/single-byte characters/en quad ","半音[はんおん] (n, adj-no) (music) semitone/half-tone ","半円[はんえん] (n, adj-no) semicircle "],"生":["生かす[いかす]to revive; to resuscitate;to make use of  N1","生まれつき[うまれつき]by nature; by birth;native  N1","衛生[えいせい]health; hygiene;sanitation;medical  N1","生[なま<br>せい<br>いく<br>うぶ<br>き<br>しょう<br>なまり<br>ふ]pure; undiluted;raw;crude  N1","生真面目[きまじめ]too serious; person who is too serious;honesty;sincerity  N1","再生[さいせい]playback; regeneration;resuscitation;return to life;rebirth;reincarnation;narrow escape;reclamation;r  N1","出生[しゅっせい<br>しゅっしょう]birth  N1","新入生[しんにゅうせい]freshman; first-year student  N1","生育[せいいく]growth; development;breeding  N1","生計[せいけい]livelihood; living  N1","生死[せいし<br>しょうし<br>しょうじ]life and death  N1","生理[せいり]physiology; menses  N1","畜生[ちくしょう]beast; brute;damn  N1","生臭い[なまぐさい]smelling of fish or blood; fish or meat  N1","生温い[なまぬるい]lukewarm; halfhearted  N1","生身[いきみ]living flesh; flesh and blood;the quick  N1","年生[としお<br>ねんせい]pupil in .... year; student in .... year  N1","発生[はっせい]outbreak; spring forth;occurrence;incidence;origin  N1","生やす[はやす]to grow; to cultivate;to wear beard  N1","野生[やせい]wild  N1","生き生き[いきいき]vividly, lively  N2","生け花[いけばな](1) flower arrangement  N2","写生[しゃせい]sketching, drawing from nature  N2","小学生[しょうがくせい]grade school student  N2","生ずる[しょうずる]to cause, to arise,to be generated  N2","生存[せいぞん]existence, being,survival  N2","生長[せいちょう]growth, increment  N2","生年月日[せいねんがっぴ]birth date  N2","生意気[なまいき]impertinent, saucy,cheeky,conceit,audacious,brazen  N2","生る[なる]to bear fruit  N2","生える[はえる](1) to grow, to spring up,(2) to cut (teeth)  N2","生き物[いきもの]living thing,  animal  N3","一生[いっしょう]whole life,  a lifetime, all through life  N3","生まれ[うまれ]birth,  birth-place  N3","生地[きじ<br>せいち]birthplace  N3","芝生[しばふ]lawn  N3","生じる[しょうじる]to produce,  to yield, to result from, to arise, to be generated  N3","人生[じんせい](human) life (i.e. conception to death)  N3","生産[せいさん<br>せいざん]production,  manufacture  N3","生物[せいぶつ<br>なまもの]raw food  N3","生命[せいめい]life,  existence  N3","誕生[たんじょう]birth  N3","生きる[いきる]to live  N4","一生懸命[いっしょうけんめい]with utmost effort  N4","高校生[こうこうせい]high school student  N4","生活[せいかつ]to live  N4","大学生[だいがくせい]university student  N4","生まれる[うまれる]to be born  N5","学生[がくせい<br>がくしょう<br>がくそう]student  N5","生徒[せいと]pupil  N5","先生[せんせい<br>シーサン<br>せんじょう]teacher, doctor  N5","誕生日[たんじょうび]birthday  N5","留学生[りゅうがくせい]overseas student  N5","生む[うむ]To Give Birth ","生い立ち[おいたち]one's childhood ","生き方[いきかた]way of life ","生き生きと[いきいきと]lively ","生ぬるい[なまぬるい]halfway ","生み出す[うみだす]generate ","一年生[いちねんせい]First Year Student ","中学生[ちゅうがくせい]junior high school student ","生前[せいぜん]during one's lifetime ","長生き[ながいき]long life ","生き返る[いきかえる]be restored to life ","同級生[どうきゅうせい]classmate ","私生活[しせいかつ]Personal Life,  one's personal life, private life, one's private life ","生保[せいほ]Life Insurance ","無生物[むせいぶつ]inanimate object ","厚生[こうせい]public welfare ","派生[はせい]derivation ","生態[せいたい]ecology ","生誕[せいたん]birth ","優等生[ゆうとうせい]honor student ","お誕生日おめでとう[おたんじょうびおめでとう]Happy Birthday ","往生[おうじょう]passing away ","微生物[びせいぶつ]Microorganism,  microbe ","寄生[きせい]parasite ","更生[こうせい]Rebirth,  resuscitation ","研修生[けんしゅうせい]Trainee ","生卵[なまたまご]Raw Egg ","衛生的[えいせいてき]sanitary ","生還[せいかん]Reaching Home Plate ","生き甲斐[いきがい]reason for living ","生殖[せいしょく]Reproduction ","塾生[じゅくせい]Cram School Student ","寮生[りょうせい]Boarding Student,  boarder ","生涯[しょうがい]One's Lifetime,  one's career ","弥生[やよい<br>いやおい]yayoi period,  yayoi ","女子生徒[じょしせいと] (n) schoolgirl/female student ","男子生徒[だんしせいと] (n) schoolboy/male student ","生成[きなり<br>せいせい] (n) (1) unbleached cloth/unbleached colour (color) (adj-na, adj-no) (2) unbleached/undyed ","生き残る[いきのこる] (v5r, vi) to survive (P) ","殺生[せっしょう] (n, vs) (1) killing/destruction of life (adj-na) (2) barbarous/callous/brutal/cruel/heartless ","生年[しょうねん<br>せいねん] (n, n-pref) number of years since one's birth/age ","転校生[てんこうせい] (n) transfer student/student changing schools ","厚生省[こうせいしょう] (n) Ministry of Health and Welfare (now Ministry of Health,  Labour and Welfare) (P) ","生徒会[せいとかい] (n) student council ","生命体[せいめいたい] (n) life-form ","生息[せいそく] (n, vs) inhabiting/living (P) ","生存者[せいぞんしゃ] (n) survivor ","小生[しょうせい] (pn) (hum) (male) I/me/my humble self ","女子高生[じょしこうせい] (n) female high-school student (P) ","受験生[じゅけんせい] (n) student preparing for or taking examinations (usu. entrance exams)/test-taker ","結婚生活[けっこんせいかつ] (n, adj-no) wedded life/married life ","校長先生[こうちょうせんせい] (n) (hon) school principal/school headmaster/school headmistress ","食生活[しょくせいかつ] (n) eating habits (P) ","卒業生[そつぎょうせい] (n) graduate/alumnus (P) ","生ける[いける] (v1, vt) (1) to arrange (flowers)/to plant (adj-f) (2) living/live (P) ","新生[しんせい] (n, vs,adj-no) rebirth/new birth/nascent (P) ","生き延びる[いきのびる] (v1, vi) to survive/to live long ","生徒会長[せいとかいちょう] (n) head of the student council/president of the student council ","生まれ変わる[うまれかわる] (v5r) to be born again/to make a fresh start in life ","共生[きょうせい] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) coexistence/living together (2) (biol) symbiosis (3) (geol) paragenesis (P) ","生体[せいたい] (n, adj-no) organism/living body (P) ","自生[じせい] (n, vs,adj-no) growing wild (naturally)/native ","生中継[なまちゅうけい] (n, vs) live broadcast (radio, TV)/live coverage (P) ","誕生会[たんじょうかい] (n) birthday party ","生後[せいご] (n-adv, n-t) post-natal/since birth (P) ","女子学生[じょしがくせい] (n) female student ","生放送[なまほうそう] (n, vs) live broadcast ","大学院生[だいがくいんせい] (n) graduate student ","生き抜く[いきぬく] (v5k, vi) to live through/to survive ","生母[せいぼ] (n) one's real mother ","男子学生[だんしがくせい] (n) male student ","回生[かいせい] (n, vs) (1) resurrection/resuscitation/regeneration (n-suf) (2) (ksb:) university student in ... year (P) ","現生[げんしょう<br>げんせい<br>げんなま] (n) (Buddh) present world ","学生時代[がくせいじだい] (n) student days (P) ","生きがい[いきがい] (n) reason for living/something one lives for/purpose in life/raison d'etre ","生物学[せいぶつがく] (n) biology (P) ","民生[みんせい] (n) public welfare/the people's livelihood (P) ","生き残り[いきのこり] (n) (1) survival (2) survivor/relic (P) ","原生[げんせい] (adj-no, n) primeval/primordial/primitive/pristine (P) ","生き[いき] (n) (1) living/being alive (2) freshness/liveliness/vitality (3) situation in which a group of stones cannot be captured because it contains two or more gaps (in go) (4) (uk) stet/leave as-is (proofreading) (pref) (5) damned (P) ","転生[てんしょう<br>てんせい] (n, vs,adj-no) (Buddh) transmigration of souls/reincarnation ","生家[しょうか<br>せいか] (n) (1) house where one was born (2) parents' house ","蘇生[そせい] (n, vs) (1) revival/resuscitation (2) revitalization/rejuvenation/regeneration ","生化学[せいかがく] (n) biochemistry (P) ","生々しい[なまなましい] (adj-i) lively/green/fresh/raw/vivid/graphic (P) ","抗生物質[こうせいぶっしつ] (n, adj-no) antibiotic/antibiotics (P) ","植生[しょくせい] (n) vegetation ","生態学[せいたいがく] (n) ecology (P) ","生理学[せいりがく] (n) physiology (P) ","院生[いんせい] (n) (1) (abbr) graduate student (2) insei/apprentice go professional ","卵生[らんせい] (n, vs,adj-no) oviparity/produced from eggs ","生まれ育つ[うまれそだつ] (v5t) to be born and raised (in one particular place) (P) ","幼生[ようせい] (adj-na, n,adj-no) larva/larvae ","半生[はんしょう<br>はんせい] (n) half death ","終生[しゅうせい] (n-adv, n-t) all one's life/throughout one's life/as long as one lives ","余生[よせい] (n) one's remaining years/the rest of one's life ","生業[すぎあい<br>すぎわい<br>せいぎょう<br>なりわい] (ok) (n) (1) occupation/calling (2) livelihood ","芽生える[めばえる] (v1, vi) to bud/to sprout ","両生類[りょうせいるい] (n) amphibia/amphibian ","生まれ故郷[うまれこきょう] (n) one's birthplace ","生協[せいきょう] (n) cooperative association/co-op store (P) ","中生代[ちゅうせいだい] (n) Mesozoic era ","胎生[たいせい] (n) (1) viviparity (adj-no) (2) viviparous/zoogonous/live-bearing ","群生[ぐんじょう<br>ぐんせい] (n) (Buddh) all animate creation ","生起[せいき] (n, vs) occurrence/taking place/happening "],"母":["お祖母さん[おばあさん]grandmother; female senior-citizen  N1","父母[ふぼ<br>かぞいろ<br>かぞいろは<br>ちちはは<br>ててはは<br>ぶも]father and mother; parents  N1","分母[ぶんぼ]denominator  N1","保母[ほぼ]day care worker in a kindergarten&nbsp; &nbsp;nursery school&nbsp;&nbsp;etc.  N1","母校[ぼこう]alma mater  N1","伯母さん[おばさん](hon) aunt  N2","叔母さん[おばさん](1) aunt, (2) middle-aged lady  N2","母親[ははおや]mother  N3","祖母[そぼ<br>うば<br>おおば<br>おば<br>ばば]grandmother  N4","お母さん[おかあさん](honorable) mother  N5","伯母さん/叔母さん[おばさん/おばさん]aunt  N5","母[はは<br>あも<br>いろは<br>おも<br>かか<br>はわ]Mom,  mum, ma ","母国語[ぼこくご]one's native language ","義母[ぎぼ]mother-in-law ","祖父母[そふぼ]Grandparents ","航空母艦[こうくうぼかん]Aircraft Carrier ","伯母[おば<br>はくぼ]Aunt ","酵母[こうぼ]yeast,  leaven ","叔母[おば<br>しゅくぼ]aunt ","お母様[おかあさま] (n) (hon) mother ","母上[ははうえ] (n) (pol) (arch) mother ","母ちゃん[かあちゃん] (n) (1) (chn) mum/mom/mummy/mommy (2) (fam) the missus ","母音[ぼいん<br>ぼおん] (n) (ling) vowel (P) ","母艦[ぼかん] (n) mother ship ","異母[いぼ] (n) different mother ","母さん[かあさん<br>かかさん] (n) (1) mother (2) (col) wife (P) ","聖母[せいぼ] (n) (1) holy mother/birth mother of a holy man (or woman) (2) Virgin Mary (P) ","母方[ははかた] (n) (1) mother's side of family (adj-no) (2) maternal (grandfather,  uncle, etc.) (P) ","母体[ぼたい] (n) (1) mother's body (esp. when pregnant or after giving birth) (2) parent body/parent organization/base/basis/nucleus (P) ","空母[くうぼ] (n) (abbr) aircraft carrier (P) ","母子[おやこ<br>ぼし] (n) mother and child ","母国[ぼこく] (n, adj-no) one's homeland (P) ","雲母[うんぼ<br>うんも<br>きらら] (n, adj-no) mica/isinglass ","叔母ちゃん[おばちゃん] (n) auntie/older woman ","生母[せいぼ] (n) one's real mother ","母港[ぼこう] (n) home port ","乳母[うば<br>おんば<br>ちうば<br>ちおも<br>ちも<br>にゅうぼ<br>にゅうも<br>まま<br>めのと] (n) wet nurse/nursing mother ","母語[ぼご] (n) (1) mother tongue/native language (2) (ling) protolanguage/parent language ","字母[じぼ] (n) (1) letter (of an alphabet)/syllabic character (2) matrix/printing type ","実母[じつぼ] (n) real (own) mother "],"北":["南北[なんぼく]south and north  N2","北極[ほっきょく]North Pole  N2","北[きた<br>ペー]north  N5","北西[ほくせい]Northwest ","東北[とうほく<br>ひがしきた]Northeast,  tohoku, tohoku region, touhoku region, touhoku ","北東[ほくとう<br>きたひがし]northeast ","北風[きたかぜ]north wind ","北海道[ほっかいどう]Hokkaido,  hokkaidou ","北部[ほくぶ]north ","敗北[はいぼく]defeat ","北緯[ほくい]northern latitude,  north latitude ","北朝鮮[きたちょうせん] (n) North Korea (P) ","北米[ほくべい] (n, adj-no) North America ","北京[ペイチン<br>ペキン] (n) Beijing (China)/Peking ","北九州[きたきゅうしゅう] (n) Kitakyushu (city) (P) ","以北[いほく] (n, n-suf) north of/and northward ","北端[ほくたん] (n) northern extremity (P) ","北口[きたぐち] (n) north entrance (P) ","北方[ほっぽう] (n, adj-no) (1) the north/northward/northern direction (n) (2) northern part (e.g. of a country)/northern district (P) ","北陸[ほくりく] (n) Hokuriku region of Honshu (incl. Niigata,  Toyama, Ishikawa and Fukui prefectures) (P) ","北欧[ほくおう] (n) Northern Europe/Nordic countries/Scandinavia (P) ","北魏[ほくぎ] (n) Northern Wei dynasty (China,  386-535) ","西北[せいほく<br>にしきた] (n) north-west ","北上[ほくじょう] (n, vs) going north (P) ","北海[ほっかい] (n) (1) northern sea (2) North Sea (P) ","台北[タイペイ<br>たいほく] (n) Taipei ","北側[きたがわ<br>ほくそく] (n) north side/north bank (P) ","北斗[ほくと] (n) (astron) (abbr) the Big Dipper (asterism)/the Plough/the Plow ","湖北[こほく] (n) north of a lake/north of Lake Biwa ","北山[きたやま] (n) northern hill ","華北[かほく] (n) North China ","北宋[ほくそう] (n) Northern Song dynasty (China,  960-1127) ","北洋[ほくよう] (n) northern waters ","北国[きたぐに<br>ほっこく] (n) (1) northern country (2) northern provinces/northern regions/northland (P) "],"今":["今更[いまさら]now; at this late hour  N1","今日は[きょうは]hello; good day (daytime greeting&nbsp;&nbsp;id)  N1","今晩は[こんばんは]good evening  N1","今に[いまに]before long,  even now  N3","今にも[いまにも]at any time,  soon  N3","今回[こんかい]now,  this time, lately  N3","今後[こんご]from now on,  hereafter  N3","今日[きょう<br>こんにち<br>こんじつ<br>こんち]today  N3","今度[こんど]now, next time  N4","今夜[こんや]tonight  N4","今[いま<br>こん]now  N5","今朝[けさ<br>こんちょう]this morning  N5","今年[ことし<br>ことし,  こんねん<br>こんねん]this year  N5","今月[こんげつ]this month  N5","今週[こんしゅう]this week  N5","今晩[こんばん]this evening  N5","ただ今[ただいま]I'm home! soon ","今ごろ[いまごろ]by now ","今まで[いままで]until now ","今すぐ[いますぐ]At Once,  right now, immediately, right away ","昨今[さっこん<br>さくこん]These Days,  nowadays ","今から[いまから] (adv) hence/from now/from the present moment/from this time forward ","今でも[いまでも] (adv) even now/still/as yet ","今のところ[いまのところ] (exp, adv) at present/currently/so far/for now/for the time being ","今こそ[いまこそ] (adv) now is the time ","今頃[いまごろ] (n-adv, n-t) about this time (P) ","今さら[いまさら] (adv) (1) now (after such a long time)/at this late hour (i.e. it is too late for something)/at this point of time (2) afresh/anew/again ","今年度[こんねんど] (n-adv, n-t) this year/this fiscal year/this school year (P) ","今や[いまや] (adv) now (esp. in contrast to the past)/now at last/at present/right now (P) ","今では[いまでは] (adv) now/nowadays ","今日中に[きょうじゅうに] (adv) by today/before the day is over ","たった今[たったいま] (adv) just now/a moment ago/this very minute ","今どき[いまどき] (n-adv, n-t) (1) these days/nowadays/present day/modern times (2) at this time (of the day) ","只今[しこん<br>ただいま] (conj) (arch) just now ","今になって[いまになって] (adv, exp) at this stage/at this point/now (contrasting with the past) ","今宵[こよい] (n-adv, n-t) this evening/tonight (P) ","今週末[こんしゅうまつ] (n) this weekend (P) ","古今[こきん<br>ここん] (ok) (n, adj-no) ancient and modern times/all ages/past and present ","今季[こんき] (n-adv, n-t) this season (P) ","今期[こんき] (n-adv, n-t) the present term (P) ","今ひとつ[いまひとつ] (exp, adv) (1) (uk) (col) one more/another/the other (2) not quite/not very good/lacking ","今時[いまどき] (n-adv, n-t) (1) these days/nowadays/present day/modern times (2) at this time (of the day) (P) ","今尚[いまなお] (adv) still/even now "],"外":["域外[いきがい]outside the area  N1","課外[かがい]extracurricular  N1","外貨[がいか]imported goods; foreign money  N1","外観[がいかん]appearance; exterior;facade  N1","外相[がいしょう]Foreign Minister  N1","外来[がいらい]imported; outpatient clinic  N1","除外[じょがい]exception; exclusion  N1","外方[がいほう]look (or turn) the other way  N1","その外[そのそと]besides; in addition;the rest  N1","野外[やがい]fields; outskirts;open air;suburbs  N1","案外[あんがい]unexpectedly  N2","屋外[おくがい<br>やど]outdoors  N2","外部[がいぶ]the outside, external  N2","外科[げか]surgical department  N2","外れる[はずれる]to be disconnected, to get out of place,to be off,to be out (e.g. of gear)  N2","例外[れいがい]exception  N2","意外[いがい]unexpected,  surprising  N3","海外[かいがい]foreign,  abroad, overseas  N3","外交[がいこう]diplomacy  N3","外出[がいしゅつ<br>そとで]outing,  going out  N3","外す[はずす]to unfasten,  to remove  N3","外[そと<br>がい<br>と<br>ほか<br>よそ]outside  N3","以外[いがい]with the exception of  N4","郊外[こうがい]outskirts  N4","外国[がいこく<br>そとぐに]foreign country  N5","外国人[がいこくじん]foreigner  N5","外れ[はずれ]Extremity,  furthest point, end, outskirts, outer limits, edge, miss, failure ","外人[がいじん<br>ほかびと]Foreigner,  outsider ","市外[しがい]outside the city ","外気[がいき]open air ","外見[がいけん<br>そとみ]outward appearance ","外車[がいしゃ]imported car ","町外れ[まちはずれ]outskirts of town ","国外[こくがい]outside the country ","外食[がいしょく]eating out ","対外[たいがい]Foreign,  overseas, external ","外来語[がいらいご]Foreign Word,  borrowed word, loanword ","外国語[がいこくご]foreign language ","外面[がいめん]Exterior ","取り外す[とりはずす]dismantle ","外交官[がいこうかん]Diplomat ","外側[そとがわ<br>がいそく]Outside ","在外[ざいがい]Overseas,  abroad ","外務省[がいむしょう]Ministry of Foreign Affairs ","外務大臣[がいむだいじん]Minister Of Foreign Affairs ","圏外[けんがい]Out Of Range ","外堀[そとぼり]Outer Moat ","紫外線[しがいせん]Ultra Violet Rays ","欄外[らんがい]margin ","疎外[そがい]estrangement,  neglect, alienation ","外務[がいむ] (n) foreign affairs (P) ","外科医[げかい] (n) surgeon (P) ","内外[うちそと<br>ないがい] (n, adj-no) (1) inside and outside/interior and exterior (n-suf) (2) around/about/approximately ","外野手[がいやしゅ] (n) (baseb) outfielder (P) ","外伝[がいでん] (n) (1) supplementary biography (2) anecdote/side story/spin-off ","部外者[ぶがいしゃ] (n) outsider/someone outside of a group ","想定外[そうていがい] (adj-no, n) beyond expectations/beyond what one expected/not foreseen/exceeding assumptions ","赤外線[せきがいせん] (n) infrared rays/infrared radiation (P) ","外資[がいし] (n) foreign capital (e.g. in a company)/foreign investment (P) ","外傷[がいしょう] (n) external wound (physical) trauma (P) ","外装[がいそう] (n, adj-no) exterior/packaging/cladding/armor (armour)/arm ","番外[ばんがい] (n) (1) exception/supernumerary/extra (theatrical) (adj-no) (2) extra (e.g. performance,  item, object, etc.)/additional (3) outsize ","国内外[こくないがい] (exp, adj-no) domestic and foreign/inside and outside the country ","口外[こうがい] (n, vs) revealing (information, a secret, etc.)/disclosure/telling/letting out ","予想外[よそうがい] (adj-no, adj-na,n) unexpected/unforeseen/strange (P) ","社外[しゃがい] (n, adj-no) outside the company (P) ","外野[がいや] (n) (1) (baseb) outfield (2) (baseb) (abbr) outfielder (3) (baseb) (abbr) outfield bleachers (4) third party/outsider/onlooker/bystander (P) ","外壁[がいへき<br>そとかべ] (n) outer wall (P) ","外洋[がいよう] (n) open sea/ocean (P) ","外界[がいかい] (n, adj-no) outside world/physical world (P) ","外周[がいしゅう] (n) outer circumference ","外郭[がいかく] (n) (1) outer wall (e.g. castle)/outer block (enclosure) (2) outline/contour (P) ","外様[とざま] (n) (1) (abbr) outside daimyo/non-Tokugawa daimyo (2) outsider/one not included in the favored (favoured) group ","外戚[がいせき] (n) maternal relative ","外形[がいけい] (n) externals/external form ","門外[もんがい] (n) outside a gate/beyond one's area of expertise "],"午":["正午[しょうご]noon,  mid-day  N3","午後[ごご]afternoon  N5","午前[ごぜん]morning  N5","午[うま<br>ひる] (n) seventh sign of the Chinese zodiac (The Horse,  11am-1pm, south, May) (P) ","午前中[ごぜんちゅう] (n) in the morning/during the morning (P) "],"万":["万[まん<br>ばん<br>よろず]many; all  N1","万人[まんにん<br>ばんにん]all people; everybody;10000 people  N1","万能[ばんのう<br>まんのう]all-purpose; almighty;omnipotent  N1","万歳[ばんざい<br>ばんぜい<br>まんざい]hurrah,  cheers  N2","万一[まんいち<br>ばんいち<br>ばんいつ<br>まんいつ]by some chance,  by some possibility, if by any chance, 10E4:1 odds  N3","万年筆[まんねんひつ]fountain pen  N5","十万[じゅうまん]One Hundred Thousand,  hundred thousand, a hundred thousand ","一万[いちまん]Ten Thousand ","二万[にまん]Twenty Thousand ","万引き[まんびき]shoplifting ","百万[ひゃくまん]Million,  one million, a million ","万事[ばんじ]all things ","万が一[まんがいち<br>まんがいつ] (exp, adv) if by any chance/just in case/in the worst case/in the unlikely event that/10000 to 1 (P) ","万博[ばんぱく] (n) (abbr) world fair/international exposition ","万国[ばんこく] (n, adj-no) all countries/the whole world/universal/all nations (P) ","準備万端[じゅんびばんたん] (exp) fully prepared/all ready ","万全[ばんぜん] (n, adj-no,adj-na) perfection/flawlessness (P) ","万里[ばんり] (n) thousands of miles (P) ","万延[まんえん] (n) Man'en era (1860.3.18-1861.2.19) "],"友":["友好[ゆうこう]friendship  N2","親友[しんゆう]close friend,  buddy  N3","友[とも]friend,  companion, pal  N3","友情[ゆうじょう]friendship,  fellowship  N3","友人[ゆうじん]friend  N3","友達[ともだち]friend  N5","友だち[ともだち] (n) friend/companion (P) ","交友[こうゆう] (n) (1) friend/companion/acquaintance (2) friendship/companionship (P) ","女友達[おんなともだち] (n) female friend/woman friend ","友達がい[ともだちがい] (n) true friendship ","盟友[めいゆう] (n) sworn friend (P) ","友愛[ゆうあい] (n) fraternity/friendship (P) ","友軍[ゆうぐん] (n, adj-no) friendly army/friendly troops/allied army ","旧友[きゅうゆう] (n) old friend/old pal ","学友[がくゆう] (n) school friend (P) "],"車":["風車[かざぐるま<br>ふうしゃ]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;windmill; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;pinwheel  N1","機関車[きかんしゃ]locomotive, engine  N2","下車[げしゃ]alighting, getting off  N2","車庫[しゃこ]garage, car shed  N2","車掌[しゃしょう](train) conductor  N2","車輪[しゃりん](car) wheel  N2","乗車[じょうしゃ]taking a train, entraining  N2","停車[ていしゃ]stopping (e.g. train)  N2","歯車[はぐるま]gear, cog-wheel  N2","駐車[ちゅうしゃ]parking (e.g. car)  N3","発車[はっしゃ]departure of a vehicle  N3","列車[れっしゃ]train (ordinary)  N3","汽車[きしゃ]steam train  N4","駐車場[ちゅうしゃじょう]parking lot  N4","車[くるま<br>しゃ]car, vehicle  N5","自転車[じてんしゃ<br>じでんしゃ]bicycle  N5","自動車[じどうしゃ]automobile  N5","電車[でんしゃ]electric train  N5","車内[しゃない]Inside The Car,  in the car, in a car, inside a car, within the car, within a car ","外車[がいしゃ]imported car ","空車[くうしゃ]Open Taxi,  free taxi, open cab, free cab, available taxi, vacant taxi, available cab, vacant cab ","車両[しゃりょう]Railroad Car,  vehicle ","車道[しゃどう]road ","乗用車[じょうようしゃ]automobile ","客車[きゃくしゃ<br>かくしゃ]passenger car ","戦車[せんしゃ]Tank ","洗車[せんしゃ]Car Wash ","消防車[しょうぼうしゃ]fire engine ","各駅停車[かくえきていしゃ]Local Train ","乗車券[じょうしゃけん]train ticket ","救急車[きゅうきゅうしゃ]Ambulance ","貨車[かしゃ]freight car ","降車[こうしゃ]Getting Off A Train,  get off a train, getting off the train, get off the train ","車椅子[くるまいす]wheelchair ","台車[だいしゃ] (n) (1) platform truck/hand truck/trolley/dolly/cart (2) (railway) truck/bogie/flatcar/wagon/waggon (P) ","停車場[ていしゃじょう<br>ていしゃば] (n) (1) (arch) railway station (2) generic term for rail yards,  junctions, railway stations, etc. ","廃車[はいしゃ] (n) (1) decommissioned vehicle/out of service vehicle/end of life vehicle (2) deregistered vehicle/unregistered vehicle (n, vs) (3) deregistering (vehicle)/unregistering ","気動車[きどうしゃ] (n) railcar powered by a diesel or gasoline engine/rail motor ","車輌[しゃりょう] (n) rolling stock/railroad cars/wheeled vehicles (P) ","車線[しゃせん] (n) traffic lane/road lane (P) ","車体[しゃたい] (n) body (of car)/frame (P) ","馬車[ばしゃ] (n) (horse-drawn) coach/carriage/wagon/cart (P) ","車輛[しゃりょう] (n) rolling stock/railroad cars/wheeled vehicles ","車種[しゃしゅ] (n) (1) car model (2) type of (wheeled) vehicle/vehicle classification (P) ","車軸[しゃじく] (n) axle (P) ","飛車[ひしゃ] (n) (shogi) rook/hisha (P) ","新車[しんしゃ] (n) new car (P) ","水車[すいしゃ<br>みずぐるま] (n) (1) water wheel (2) water turbine/hydraulic turbine (P) ","愛車[あいしゃ] (n) (one's) beloved car (or motorcycle,  bicycle, etc.) (one's) wheels ","操車場[そうしゃじょう] (n) switchyard ","拍車[はくしゃ] (n) (riding) spur (P) ","山車[さんしゃ<br>だし<br>だんじり<br>だんぢり<br>やまぐるま] (n) parade float/festival float ","車検[しゃけん] (n) vehicle inspection (P) ","車載[しゃさい] (n, adj-no) in-vehicle/on-board "],"気":["呆気ない[あっけない]not enough; too quick (short&nbsp;&nbsp;long&nbsp;&nbsp;etc.)  N1","意気込む[いきごむ]to be enthusiastic about  N1","一気[いっき]drink!(said repeatedly as a party cheer)  N1","陰気[いんき]gloom; melancholy  N1","浮気[うわき]flighty; fickle;wanton;unfaithful  N1","気質[きしつ<br>かたぎ]spirit; character;trait;temperament;disposition  N1","気触れる[かぶれる]to react to; to be influenced by;to go overboard for  N1","寒気[かんき<br>さむけ]cold; frost;chill  N1","気兼ね[きがね]hesitance; diffidence;feeling constraint;fear of troubling someone;having scruples about doing someth  N1","気軽[きがる]cheerful; buoyant;lighthearted  N1","気障[きざ]affectation; conceit;snobbery  N1","気象[きしょう]weather; climate  N1","気立て[きだて]disposition; nature  N1","気配[けはい<br>きはい]indication; market trend;worry  N1","気品[きひん]aroma  N1","気風[きふう]character; traits;ethos  N1","気まぐれ[きまぐれ]whim; caprice;whimsy;fickle;moody;uneven temper  N1","気楽[きらく]at ease; comfortable  N1","気流[きりゅう]atmospheric current  N1","根気[こんき]patience; perseverance;energy  N1","強気[つよき<br>ごうき<br>ごうぎ]great; grand  N1","湿気る[しける]to be damp; to be moist  N1","磁気[じき]magnetism  N1","水気[みずけ]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;moisture;dampness;vapor; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;dropsy;edema  N1","素っ気ない[そっけない]cold; short;curt;blunt  N1","短気[たんき]quick temper  N1","何気ない[なにげない]casual; unconcerned  N1","不景気[ふけいき]business recession; hard times;depression;gloom;sullenness;cheerlessness  N1","本気[ほんき]seriousness; truth;sanctity  N1","無邪気[むじゃき]innocence; simple-mindedness  N1","換気[かんき]ventilation  N2","気圧[きあつ]atmospheric pressure  N2","気体[きたい]vapour, gas  N2","気を付ける[きをつける]to be careful, to pay attention,to take care  N2","湿気[しっけ<br>しっき]moisture, humidity,dampness  N2","蒸気[じょうき]steam, vapour  N2","水蒸気[すいじょうき]water vapour, steam  N2","生意気[なまいき]impertinent, saucy,cheeky,conceit,audacious,brazen  N2","呑気[のんき]carefree, optimistic,careless,reckless,heedless  N2","吐き気[はきけ]nausea, sickness in the stomach  N2","平気[へいき]coolness, calmness,composure,unconcern  N2","湯気[ゆげ]steam, vapour  N2","活気[かっき]energy,  liveliness  N3","気温[きおん]temperature (weather - not used for things)  N3","気候[きこう]climate  N3","気付く[きづく]to notice,  to recognize, to become aware of  N3","気に入る[きにいる]to find something agreeable (〜が/を)  N3","気の毒[きのどく]pitiful,  a pity  N3","気味[きみ<br>きあじ<br>きび<br>ぎみ]-like,  -looking, -looked  N3","景気[けいき]condition,  state, business (condition)  N3","大気[たいき]atmosphere  N3","人気[にんき<br>じんき<br>ひとけ<br>ひとげ]sign of life  N3","雰囲気[ふんいき<br>ふいんき]atmosphere (e.g. musical),  mood, ambience  N3","勇気[ゆうき]courage,  bravery, valour, nerve, boldness  N3","陽気[ようき]season,  weather, cheerfulness  N3","気[き<br>ぎ<br>け<br>げ]spirit, mood  N4","気分[きぶん]mood  N4","気持ち[きもち]feeling, mood  N4","空気[くうき]air, atmosphere  N4","天気予報[てんきよほう]weather forecast  N4","元気[げんき]health,  vitality  N5","天気[てんき]weather  N5","電気[でんき]electricity, electric light  N5","病気[びょうき<br>やまいけ]illness  N5","一本気[いっぽんぎ]One Track Mind,  single mindedness ","お気に入り[おきにいり]favorites ","一気に[いっきに]in one breath ","内気[うちき]bashful ","外気[がいき]open air ","気まま[きまま]selfish ","気力[きりょく]energy ","気心[きごころ]disposition ","気前[きまえ]generosity ","不人気[ふにんき]Unpopular,  not popular ","弱気[よわき]wimpy ","気を付けて[きをつけて]Be Careful,  take care ","乗り気[のりき]keenness to do ","気配り[きくばり]attention to detail ","気持ちいい[きもちいい]Good Feeling,  feeling good, feels good ","不気味[ぶきみ]uncanny ","意気地[いくじ]honor ","悪気[わるぎ<br>あっき<br>わるげ]malice ","殺気[さっき]stormy atmosphere ","熱気[ねっき<br>ねつけ]fevered air ","気持ち悪い[きもちわるい]To Feel Terrible,  terrible, to feel bad, bad feeling, feeling bad, feeling terrible ","気性[きしょう]disposition ","英気[えいき]energy ","気取る[きどる<br>けどる]make an affected pose ","何気無く[なにげなく]as if nothing had happened ","低気圧[ていきあつ]low pressure ","気難しい[きむずかしい<br>きむづかしい]hard to please ","高気圧[こうきあつ]high atmospheric pressure ","気違い[きちがい]insanity ","気掛かり[きがかり]anxiety ","気象庁[きしょうちょう]Weather Agency,  meteorological agency ","健気[けなげ]brave ","眠気[ねむけ]sleepiness ","気絶[きぜつ]fainting ","怒気[どき]Anger,  fit of anger ","排気[はいき]Exhaust,  ventilation ","排気ガス[はいきがす]exhaust gas ","狂気[きょうき]Madness,  insanity ","気泡[きほう]Air Bubble ","換気扇[かんきせん]ventilation fan ","気概[きがい]Strong Spirit,  backbone ","鬱気[うっき]Gloomy,  melancholy, gloominess ","覇気[はき]ambition,  aspiration, spirit ","呆気[あっけ]amazement ","気づく[きづく] (v5k, vi) to notice/to recognize/to recognise/to become aware of/to perceive/to realize/to realise (P) ","正気[しょうき<br>せいき] (n, adj-no) sanity/consciousness/soberness ","気筒[きとう] (n, ctr) cylinder (P) ","やる気[やるき] (n) willingness (e.g. to do something)/eagerness/motivation/inspiration/determination/high aspirations ","お気に[おきに] (n) (uk) (sl) (abbr) favorite/favourite/pet ","気まずい[きまずい] (adj-i) unpleasant/awkward/embarrassing/uneasy ","その気[そのき<br>そのけ] (exp, n) what one has a mind to do/what one feels like (doing)/being so minded (with) that in mind ","気が付く[きがつく] (exp, v5k) (1) to notice/to become aware/to perceive/to realize/to realise (2) to be scrupulous/to be attentive (3) to recover consciousness/to come to oneself (P) ","気動車[きどうしゃ] (n) railcar powered by a diesel or gasoline engine/rail motor ","いい気[いいき] (adj-na, n) easygoing/optimistic/conceited ","気がつく[きがつく] (exp, v5k) (1) to notice/to become aware/to perceive/to realize/to realise (2) to be scrupulous/to be attentive (3) to recover consciousness/to come to oneself (P) ","お気の毒[おきのどく] (exp, adj-na) (pol) I am sorry (to hear, to say, etc.)/a pity ","気持[きもち] (n) (1) feeling/sensation/mood (2) preparedness/readiness/attitude (3) (hum) thanks/solicitude/sympathy (adv) (4) just a little/somewhat/slightly ","気持ちよい[きもちよい] (exp, adj-i) good feeling/feeling good ","気合[きあい] (n) (1) (fighting) spirit/motivation/effort (2) shout (for getting in the right mood to deal with something,  etc.)/cheer/yell (3) (MA) kiai/short shout when performing an attacking move (P) ","気取り[きどり] (n) affectation/pretension ","気に入り[きにいり] (n) favorite/favourite/pet (P) ","お天気[おてんき] (n) (1) (pol) weather (2) temper/mood ","気のせい[きのせい] (exp, n) in one's imagination (P) ","大人気[おとなげ<br>だいにんき] (n) adultness/maturity ","気遣い[きづかい] (n) consideration/concern/fear/worry/solicitude (P) ","気合い[きあい] (n) (1) (fighting) spirit/motivation/effort (2) shout (for getting in the right mood to deal with something,  etc.)/cheer/yell (3) (MA) kiai/short shout when performing an attacking move ","いい天気[いいてんき] (exp, n) fine weather/fair weather ","平気で[へいきで] (adv) without compunction/coolly/without batting an eyelid/unscrupulously/nonchalantly/remorselessly/without hesitation ","気遣う[きづかう] (v5u, vt) to worry about (someone's welfare or comfort)/to feel anxious about/to have apprehensions of ","気分転換[きぶんてんかん] (n) (yoji) change of pace/change of mood (mental) break (e.g. going for a walk)/refreshment (P) ","気球[ききゅう] (n) balloon/blimp (P) ","気づき[きづき] (n) awareness/realization ","吸気[きゅうき] (n) (1) inhalation (of air)/inhaled air (2) intake (e.g. of air) ","妖気[ようき] (n) ghostly air/weird air/unearthly atmosphere ","気味悪い[きびわるい<br>きみわるい] (adj-i) unpleasant/uncomfortable/creepy/spooky ","士気[しき] (n) morale (of troops,  team, etc.)/esprit de corps (P) ","人気者[にんきもの] (n) popular person/favorite/favourite (P) ","気晴らし[きばらし] (n, vs) recreation/diversion/relaxation (P) ","気味が悪い[きみがわるい] (exp, adj-i) creepy (feeling)/uneasy (feeling)/bad (feeling)/giving one the creeps/hideous/scaring/weird ","気持ち良い[きもちよい] (exp, adj-i) good feeling/feeling good ","意気込み[いきごみ] (n) ardor/enthusiasm (P) ","嫌気[いやき<br>いやけ<br>けんき] (n, vs,adj-no) dislike/disgust/disinclination/tired of (P) ","合気道[あいきどう] (n) (MA) aikido ","色気[いろけ] (n) (1) colouring/coloring/shade of colour (color) (2) sex appeal (esp. of women)/sexiness/sexual allure/seductiveness (3) interest in the opposite sex/sexual feelings/sexual urge (4) charm/elegance/romance/graciousness (5) feminine presence (6) desire/interest/ambition/inclination (P) ","意気投合[いきとうごう] (n, vs) (yoji) hit it off with (a person)/find a kindred spirit in (a person)/sympathy/mutual understanding ","気管支[きかんし] (n) bronchial tube (P) ","和気[かき<br>わき] (n) harmonious atmosphere ","気化[きか] (n, vs) vaporization/vaporisation ","脚気[かっけ] (n) beriberi "],"百":["百科事典[ひゃっかじてん]encyclopedia  N1","百科辞典[ひゃっかじてん]encyclopedia  N1","百[ひゃく<br>もも]hundred  N5","八百屋[やおや]greengrocer  N5","五百[ごひゃく]Five Hundred ","四百[よんひゃく]Four Hundred ","百万[ひゃくまん]Million,  one million, a million ","二百[にひゃく]Two Hundred ","何百[なんびゃく]several hundred ","三百[さんびゃく]Three Hundred ","百貨店[ひゃっかてん]department store ","百姓[ひゃくしょう<br>おおみたから<br>ひゃくせい]farmer ","百合[ゆり<br>ゆる] (n) (1) lily (Lilium spp.) (2) (sl) comics and novels about female homosexuality (P) ","百済[くだら] (n) Baekje/Paekche/ancient Korean kingdom (18 BCE - 660 CE) ","百選[ひゃくせん] (n-suf, n) top hundred/hundred best ","百科[ひゃっか] (n) (1) many objects (for study) (2) (abbr) encyclopedia/encyclopaedia ","八百長[やおちょう] (n, adj-no,vs) match fixing/put-up job/fixed game ","百舌[もず] (n) (1) (uk) shrike (any bird of family Laniidae) (2) bull-headed shrike (Lanius bucephalus)/butcher bird "],"男":["長男[ちょうなん]eldest son  N2","男の人[おとこのひと]man  N3","男子[だんし]youth,  young man  N3","男性[だんせい]male  N4","男[おとこ<br>お<br>おっこ<br>おのこ<br>なん]man  N5","男の子[おとこのこ<br>おのこ]boy  N5","男らしい[おとこらしい]manly ","男女[だんじょ<br>おとこおんな<br>なんにょ]men and women ","次男[じなん]second son ","男前[おとこまえ]handsome man ","男性的[だんせいてき]masculine ","男優[だんゆう]Actor ","男子生徒[だんしせいと] (n) schoolboy/male student ","三男[さんなん] (n) (1) three sons (2) third son (P) ","嫡男[ちゃくなん] (n) heir/eldest son ","男爵[だんしゃく] (n, adj-no) (1) baron (2) Irish cobbler (variety of potato) (P) ","男子学生[だんしがくせい] (n) male student ","男児[だんじ] (n) (1) boy/son (2) man (P) ","一男[いちなん] (n) boy/eldest son (P) ","男系[だんけい] (n, adj-no) male lineage ","美男[びだん<br>びなん] (n) handsome man "],"名":["記名[きめい]signature; register  N1","姓名[せいめい]full name  N1","著名[ちょめい]well-known; noted;celebrated  N1","名残[なごり]remains; traces;memory  N1","名高い[なだかい]famous; celebrated;well-known  N1","名付ける[なづける]to name (someone)  N1","名札[なふだ]name plate; name tag  N1","本名[ほんみょう<br>ほんめい]real name  N1","名産[めいさん]noted product  N1","名称[めいしょう]name  N1","名簿[めいぼ<br>みょうぶ]register of names  N1","名誉[めいよ]honor; credit;prestige  N1","宛名[あてな]address, direction  N2","送り仮名[おくりがな]part of word written in kana  N2","片仮名[かたかな]katakana  N2","仮名[かな<br>かめい<br>かりな<br>けみょう](n) alias, pseudonym,pen name  N2","仮名遣い[かなづかい]kana orthography, syllabary spelling  N2","氏名[しめい<br>うじな]full name, identity  N2","題名[だいめい]title  N2","代名詞[だいめいし]pronoun  N2","地名[ちめい]place name  N2","平仮名[ひらがな]hiragana, 47 syllables,the cursive syllabary  N2","振り仮名[ふりがな], pronunciation key  N2","名字[みょうじ]surname, family name  N2","名作[めいさく]masterpiece  N2","名刺[めいし]business card  N2","名詞[めいし<br>なことば]noun  N2","名所[めいしょ<br>などころ]famous place  N2","名物[めいぶつ]famous product, special product,speciality  N2","署名[しょめい]signature  N3","名[な<br>めい]name,  reputation  N3","名人[めいじん]master,  expert  N3","名前[なまえ]name  N5","有名[ゆうめい]famous  N5","あだ名[あだな]nickname ","人名[じんめい]person's name ","名月[めいげつ]full moon ","名目[めいもく<br>みょうもく]name ","名声[めいせい]fame ","名曲[めいきょく]Famous Music,  famous song, famous tune ","国名[こくめい]country name ","高名[こうめい<br>こうみょう]fame ","名古屋[なごや]Nagoya ","実名[じつめい]one's real name ","別名[べつめい<br>べつみょう]alias ","名門[めいもん]distinguished family or school ","品名[ひんめい]name of article ","無名[むめい]Anonymous ","固有名詞[こゆうめいし]Proper Noun ","名義[めいぎ]name ","名案[めいあん]splendid idea ","呼び名[よびな]given name ","名著[めいちょ]famous book ","名残惜しい[なごりおしい]be sad to leave ","匿名[とくめい]anonymity,  pseudonym ","名無し[ななし] (n, adj-no) being without a name/being nameless/namelessness ","改名[かいみょう<br>かいめい] (n, vs) name change ","大名[だいみょう] (n) daimyo (Japanese feudal lord)/daimio (P) ","学名[がくめい] (n) scientific name/technical name/binomial name/Latin name ","町名[ちょうめい] (n) name of a town or street ","名乗る[なのる] (v5r, vi,vt) (1) to give one's name (as)/to introduce oneself (as) (2) to claim to be/to call oneself/to wear the title of (3) to reveal oneself (as)/to admit to being (v5r,vt) (4) to adopt as one's name/to take (a name) (v5r,vi) (5) (arch) to call out the goods one is selling (P) ","指名[しめい] (n, vs) (1) naming/nominating/designating (2) calling on/asking for/requesting (P) ","芸名[げいめい] (n) stage name (P) ","命名[めいめい] (n, vs,adj-no) naming/christening (P) ","襲名[しゅうめい] (n, vs) succession to another's professional name (P) ","駅名[えきめい] (n) station name ","有名人[ゆうめいじん] (n) celebrity/famous person/public figure/big name (P) ","異名[いみょう<br>いめい] (n) another name/nickname/alias (P) ","幼名[おさなな<br>ようみょう<br>ようめい] (n) childhood name ","和名[わみょう<br>わめい] (n) Japanese name (often of plants and animals,  and written in kana) ","名残り[なごり] (io) (n) (1) remains/traces/vestiges/relics (2) (the sorrow of) parting (3) end ","知名度[ちめいど] (n) degree of familiarity/popularity ","社名[しゃめい] (n) name of company (P) ","指名手配[しめいてはい] (n, vs) (yoji) (the police) wanting (someone) for questioning/having (someone) on the wanted list (P) ","山名[さんめい] (n) name of a mountain ","徒名[あだな] (n) rumor of a romance (rumour) ","英名[えいめい] (n) (1) fame/glory/reputation (2) English name of plants and animals ","東名[とうめい] (n) Tokyo and Nagoya ","校名[こうめい] (n) name of a school ","旧名[きゅうめい] (n) former name/maiden name ","名づける[なづける] (v1, vt) to name/to call/to christen/to term ","除名[じょめい] (n, vs) expulsion/excommunication (P) ","名神[みょうじん<br>めいしん] (n) shrine ranking system (ritsuryo system) ","名言[めいげん] (n) wise saying/famous saying ","名取[なとり] (n) (1) accredited master (of a performing art) (2) being famous/being popular (3) famous person ","連名[れんめい] (n) joint signature (P) ","名手[めいしゅ] (n) (1) master/expert (2) expert board game player (chess,  go, shogi, etc.) (P) ","名実共に[めいじつともに] (exp, adv) both in name and reality/both in name and substance ","名勝[めいしょう] (n) place of scenic beauty/the sights ","四股名[しこな] (ateji) (n) (sumo) (uk) wrestler's stage name ","曲名[きょくめい] (n) musical composition title/song title ","筆名[ひつめい] (n) alias/pseudonym/pen name/nom de plume (P) ","件名[けんめい] (n) (1) subject/title (2) subject (of an email)/subject line ","偽名[ぎめい] (n) false name/alias/assumed name/pseudonym ","名山[めいざん] (n) famous mountain ","名城[めいじょう] (n) fine castle/famous castle ","名家[めいか] (n) (1) distinguished family/noted family/noble family (2) family status in the Imperial Court (3) master (of a craft)/expert ","名寄せ[なよせ] (n, vs) (1) aggregation of names, addresses, etc. (2) collation of accounts held by the same person (by financial institutions) ","名馬[めいば] (n) fine horse/famous horse ","戒名[かいみょう] (n) posthumous Buddhist name ","家名[かめい] (n) (1) family name/house name (2) family honour/family honor ","書名[しょめい] (n) book title (P) ","店名[てんめい] (n) store name ","渾名[あだな<br>こんめい] (n, vs) nickname (P) ","名主[なぬし<br>みょうしゅ] (n) (ktb:) village headman ","名士[めいし] (n) celebrity/personage ","悪名高い[あくみょうたかい<br>あくみょうだかい] (adj-i) infamous/notorious ","名分[めいぶん] (n) (1) moral duty/moral obligations (2) justification/pretext/just cause ","名将[めいしょう] (n) great commander/famous commander ","名付け親[なづけおや] (n) (1) godparent (2) first person to give something its name "],"先":["お先に[おさきに]before; ahead;previously  N1","先に[さきに]before; earlier than;ahead;beyond;away;previously;recently  N1","先行[せんこう]preceding; going first  N1","先先月[せんせんげつ]month before last  N1","先先週[せんせんしゅう]week before last  N1","先代[せんだい]family predecessor; previous age;previous generation  N1","先だって[せんだって]recently; the other day  N1","先着[せんちゃく]first arrival  N1","先天的[せんてんてき]a priori; inborn;innate;inherent;congenital;hereditary  N1","勤め先[つとめさき]place of work  N1","優先[ゆうせん]preference; priority  N1","先程[さきほど]some time ago  N2","先々月[せんせんげつ]month before last  N2","先々週[せんせんしゅう]  N2","先祖[せんぞ]ancestor  N2","先端[せんたん]pointed end, tip,fine point  N2","先頭[せんとう]head, lead,vanguard,first  N2","祖先[そせん]ancestor  N2","真っ先[まっさき]the head, the foremost,beginning  N2","先日[せんじつ]the other day,  a few days ago  N3","先ず[まず]first (of all),  to start with, about, almost, hardly (with neg. verb)  N3","先輩[せんぱい]senior  N4","先[さき<br>せん]the future, previous  N5","先月[せんげつ]last month  N5","先週[せんしゅう]last week  N5","先生[せんせい<br>シーサン<br>せんじょう]teacher, doctor  N5","先年[せんねん]Former Years,  formerly, a few years ago, previous years, past years, prior years ","先ほど[さきほど]some time ago ","口先[くちさき]lip service ","先回り[さきまわり]Anticipation,  anticipate ","先決[せんけつ]previous decision ","先進国[せんしんこく]developed country ","先例[せんれい]precedent ","鼻先[はなさき]Tip Of The Nose,  tip of nose, nose tip ","率先[そっせん]initiative ","先入観[せんにゅうかん]bias ","最先端[さいせんたん]cutting edge ","爪先[つまさき]tip of a toe ","刃先[はさき]Edge Of Blade,  blade edge ","先頃[さきごろ]Recently,  the other day ","宛先[あてさき]postal address ","先進[せんしん] (n, adj-no) seniority/advance/leadership (P) ","先住[せんじゅう] (n, adj-no) (1) original inhabitant/aboriginal (n) (2) previous priest (P) ","先駆ける[さきがける] (v1, vi) to be the first (P) ","先発[せんぱつ] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) starting in advance/starting first/going first/going ahead (2) (sports) starting (in team sports) (P) ","連絡先[れんらくさき] (n) contact address (P) ","この先[このさき] (n-adv, adj-no) beyond this point/from now on/after this ","先立つ[さきだつ] (v5t, vi) (1) to lead/to take the lead (in doing something) (2) to precede/to go before/to take precedence (3) to die before (esp. one's spouse, parents, etc.) (4) to be a prerequisite ","最優先[さいゆうせん] (n, vs) maximum preference/maximum priority/priority handling ","先述[せんじゅつ] (adj-no, n,vs) aforementioned/above-mentioned ","校長先生[こうちょうせんせい] (n) (hon) school principal/school headmaster/school headmistress ","先般[せんぱん] (n-adv, n-t) some time ago/the other day (P) ","先住民[せんじゅうみん] (n, adj-no) indigenous people/native people/aborigines ","先制[せんせい] (n, vs,adj-no) head start/initiative/preemption (P) ","先方[さきかた<br>さきがた<br>せんぽう] (n) other party/other side ","手先[てさき] (n) (1) fingers/fingertips (2) underling/stooge/tool/pawn/minion ","先駆[せんく] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) forerunner/pioneer/precursor (2) herald (3) outrider/pilot car (P) ","行き先[いきさき<br>ゆきさき] (n) (1) destination (2) whereabouts (3) future/prospects (P) ","先行き[さきいき<br>さきゆき] (n) the future/future prospects ","目先[めさき] (n) (1) before one's eyes/under one's nose (adj-no, n) (2) immediate (e.g. interests)/present/at hand/short-run (n) (3) foresight/near future (4) appearance (P) ","つま先[つまさき] (n) toes/tips of the toes/toe of a shoe,  sock, etc. (P) ","先物[さきもの] (n) futures (P) ","指先[ゆびさき] (n, adj-no) (1) fingertip/finger (2) toe tip/toe (P) ","先鋒[せんぽう] (n) (1) advance guard/vanguard (2) athlete who competes in the first match of a team competition (kendo,  judo, etc.) ","先送り[さきおくり] (n, vs) postpone (P) ","先手[さきて<br>せんて] (n) front lines/vanguard ","先々[さきざき] (n-adv, n-t) (1) distant future/inevitable future (2) places one goes to (P) ","先人[せんじん] (n) predecessor/pioneer/ancestor (P) ","先ずは[まずは] (exp) (uk) first of all/to begin with ","先導[せんどう] (n, vs) guidance/leadership/leading the way (P) ","先天[せんてん] (n) inherent/innate ","先取り[さきどり] (n, vs) (1) receiving in advance/taking before others (2) (comp) prefetch (3) (ling) anticipatory completion/finishing another person's sentence in anticipation of what likely to be said next (P) ","矢先[やさき] (n) (1) arrowhead (2) target of a flying arrow/brunt (of an attack) (3) the very moment (when)/the point (of doing) (P) ","出先[でさき] (n) one's destination ","先んずる[さきんずる] (vz, vi) to go before/to precede/to forestall/to anticipate ","先ず先ず[まずまず] (adj-no, adj-na,adv) (uk) tolerable/passable/adequate/so-so "],"休":["お休み[おやすみ]holiday; absence;rest;Good night  N1","休学[きゅうがく]temporary absence from school; suspension  N1","休戦[きゅうせん]truce; armistice  N1","産休[さんきゅう]maternity leave  N1","休める[やすめる]to rest; to suspend;to give relief  N1","連休[れんきゅう]consecutive holidays  N1","休業[きゅうぎょう]closed (e.g. store), business suspended,shutdown,holiday  N2","休講[きゅうこう]lecture cancelled  N2","休息[きゅうそく]rest, relief,relaxation  N2","休養[きゅうよう]rest, break,recreation  N2","定休日[ていきゅうび]regular holiday  N2","一休み[ひとやすみ]a rest  N2","休暇[きゅうか]holiday,  day off, furlough  N3","休憩[きゅうけい]rest,  break, recess, intermission  N3","昼休み[ひるやすみ]noon break  N4","夏休み[なつやすみ]summer holiday  N5","休み[やすみ]rest, holiday  N5","休む[やすむ]to rest  N5","休日[きゅうじつ]Holiday ","休止[きゅうし]Pause,  rest, break ","冬休み[ふゆやすみ]winter vacation ","休校[きゅうこう]temporary school closure ","週休[しゅうきゅう]weekly holiday ","運休[うんきゅう]suspension of service ","春休み[はるやすみ]Spring Break,  spring vacation, spring holiday ","無休[むきゅう]No Holidays,  always open ","休憩所[きゅうけいじょ]Rest Area,  rest stop ","休刊[きゅうかん] (n, vs) suspension of publication (P) ","定休[ていきゅう] (n) (abbr) regular holiday/fixed day off/regular closing day (P) ","休場[きゅうじょう] (n, vs) (1) theater closure/theatre closure/stage absence (2) (sumo) wrestler's absence from the tournament (P) ","休載[きゅうさい] (n, vs) suspending publication (of serialized content in newspapers, magazines, etc.) ","休眠[きゅうみん] (n, vs,adj-f) idle/dormant ","休部[きゅうぶ] (n, vs) (1) club that has suspended its activities (2) not attending one's club ","休職[きゅうしょく] (n, vs) temporary retirement/suspension from office (P) "],"見":["異見[いけん]different opinion; objection  N1","一見[いっけん<br>いちげん]unfamiliar; never before met  N1","会見[かいけん]interview; audience  N1","見地[けんち]point of view  N1","偏見[へんけん]prejudice; narrow view  N1","見合い[みあい]formal marriage interview  N1","見合わせる[みあわせる]to exchange glances; to postpone;to suspend operations;to refrain from performing an action  N1","見落とす[みおとす]to overlook; to fail to notice  N1","見掛ける[みかける]to (happen to) see; to notice;to catch sight of  N1","見方[みかた]viewpoint  N1","見苦しい[みぐるしい]unsightly; ugly  N1","見込み[みこみ]hope; prospects;expectation  N1","見すぼらしい[みすぼらしい]shabby; seedy  N1","見せびらかす[みせびらかす]to show off; to flaunt  N1","見せ物[みせもの]show; exhibition  N1","見っともない[みっともない]shameful; indecent  N1","見積り[みつもり]estimation; quotation  N1","見通し[みとおし]perspective; unobstructed view;outlook;forecast;prospect;insight  N1","見逃す[みのがす]to miss; to overlook;to leave at large  N1","見晴らし[みはらし]view  N1","見舞[みまい]enquiry; expression of sympathy;expression of concern  N1","見渡す[みわたす]to look out over; to survey (scene);to take an extensive view of  N1","目論見[もくろみ]a plan; a scheme;a project;a program;intention;goal  N1","余所見[よそみ]looking away; looking aside  N1","見学[けんがく]inspection, study by observation,field trip  N2","拝見[はいけん](hum) (pol) seeing, look at  N2","見送る[みおくる](1) to see off, to farewell,(2) to escort,(3) to let pass  N2","見下ろす[みおろす]to overlook, to command a view of,to look down on something  N2","見掛け[みかけ]outward appearance  N2","見出し[みだし]heading, caption,subtitle,index  N2","見付かる[みつかる]to be found, to be discovered  N2","見付ける[みつける<br>みっける]to be familiar, to discover,to detect  N2","見直す[みなおす]to look again, to get a better opinion of  N2","見慣れる[みなれる]to become used to seeing, to be familiar with  N2","見本[みほん]sample  N2","見舞う[みまう]to ask after (health), to visit  N2","見解[けんかい]opinion,  point of view  N3","見当[けんとう]be found,  aim, estimate, guess, approx  N3","発見[はっけん]discovery,  detection, finding  N3","見送り[みおくり]seeing one off,  farewell, escort  N3","見事[みごと]splendid,  magnificent, beautiful, admirable  N3","見舞い[みまい]enquiry,  expression of sympathy, expression of concern  N3","見る[みる]to see;  to look at; to watch&nbsp;(〜を)  N3","意見[いけん]opinion  N4","お見舞い[おみまい]calling on someone who is ill, enquiry  N4","見物[けんぶつ<br>みもの]sightseeing  N4","花見[はなみ]cherry-blossom viewing  N4","見える[みえる<br>まみえる]to be in sight  N4","見つかる[みつかる]to be discovered  N4","見つける[みつける]to discover  N4","見せる[みせる]to show  N5","見る&nbsp; &nbsp;観る[みる&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;みる]to see,  to watch  N5","月見[つきみ]Moon Viewing ","見分ける[みわける]To Distinguish,  to tell apart, to differentiate ","よそ見[よそみ]look away ","下見[したみ]preliminary inspection ","外見[がいけん<br>そとみ]outward appearance ","見かけ[みかけ]looks ","見す見す[みすみす]before one's very eyes ","見た目[みため]outward appearance ","見つめる[みつめる]stare ","見なす[みなす]presume ","見る見る[みるみる]in a moment ","見上げる[みあげる]look up ","見出す[みいだす<br>みだす]discover ","見分け[みわけ]distinction ","形見[かたみ]keepsake ","人見知り[ひとみしり]shyness towards strangers ","見ず知らず[みずしらず]strange ","見失う[みうしなう]lose sight of ","見所[みどころ<br>けんしょ<br>けんじょ]good point ","見物人[けんぶつにん]spectator ","見習い[みならい]apprentice ","見習う[みならう]learn ","見聞[けんぶん<br>けんもん]experience ","見放す[みはなす]abandon ","見返る[みかえる]To Look Back At,  to look back on ","見晴らす[みはらす]look out ","見守る[みまもる]watch ","見栄[みえ<br>みばえ]vanity ","見覚え[みおぼえ]recognition ","見比べる[みくらべる]look and compare ","見過ごす[みすごす]let go by ","見張る[みはる]guard ","見届ける[みとどける]make sure ","見違える[みちがえる]change beyond recognition ","見せ掛け[みせかけ]outward appearance ","見限る[みかぎる]desert ","見抜く[みぬく]To See Through ","見極める[みきわめる]ascertain ","見積もり[みつもり]assessment ","見詰める[みつめる]To Stare At ","見捨てる[みすてる]desert ","拝見する[はいけんする]To Have A Look At,  to see ","見損なう[みそこなう]fail to see ","甘く見る[あまくみる]To Not Take Seriously,  to take lightly ","暑中見舞い[しょちゅうみまい]summer greeting ","脇見[わきみ]Looking From The Side,  looking aside ","見惚れる[みとれる]be fascinated by ","見窄らしい[みすぼらしい]poor-looking ","見縊る[みくびる]look down on ","見做す[みなす] (v5s, vt) (uk) to consider as/to regard (as equivalent)/to deem (as)/to equate ","見直し[みなおし] (n, vs) review/reconsideration/revision (P) ","見かける[みかける] (v1, vt) to (happen to) see/to notice/to catch sight of (P) ","見出だす[みいだす] (v5s, vt) (1) to find out/to discover/to notice/to detect (2) to select/to pick out (3) to look out (from the inside) (4) to be wide-eyed (in surprise, anger, etc.) ","見れる[みれる] (v1) (col) to be able to see ","見張り[みはり] (n) watch-keeping/guard/lookout (P) ","見てくれ[みてくれ] (n) appearance/outward show ","味見[あじみ] (n, vs) tasting/sampling ","見込む[みこむ] (v5m, vt) (1) to anticipate/to estimate/to expect (2) to count on (P) ","お見通し[おみとおし] (n) seeing through (a trick,  someone's mind, etc.) ","見下す[みくだす] (v5s, vt) to despise/to look down on (P) ","見る目[みるめ] (n) (1) public opinion/public eye (in) the eyes of others (2) discerning eye/an eye (for sth) (3) perspective/way of looking at things/point of view ","見受ける[みうける] (v1, vt) to catch sight of/to see/to suppose/to assume from appearances (P) ","夢見る[ゆめみる] (v1, vt) to dream (of) ","記者会見[きしゃかいけん] (n, vs) press conference (P) ","見え[みえ] (n) airs/pretensions/show/ostentation/display/appearance/vanity/charm ","必見[ひっけん] (adj-no, n) must-see/not to be missed/a must ","邪見[じゃけん] (n) evil point of view ","見殺し[みごろし] (n) letting (someone) die without helping ","見せかける[みせかける] (v1, vt) to pretend/to feign ","見通す[みとおす] (v5s, vt) (1) to see without obstruction/to see through (2) to forecast/to predict/to anticipate ","見くびる[みくびる] (v5r, vt) to underrate/to belittle/to look down on/to despise ","見返り[みかえり] (n) (1) reward/compensation/repayment/something done or given in return (2) collateral/security (3) turning to look behind (P) ","見合う[みあう] (v5u) (1) to exchange glances (2) to correspond/to counterbalance ","見つけ出す[みつけだす] (v5s, vt) to find out/to discover/to locate ","見せつける[みせつける] (v1, vt) to make a display of/to show off/to flaunt ","お見合い[おみあい] (n, vs) formal marriage interview ","垣間見る[かいまみる] (v1, vt) to take a peep at/to catch a glimpse of (P) ","見積もる[みつもる] (v5r) to estimate ","見いだす[みいだす] (v5s, vt) (1) to find out/to discover/to notice/to detect (2) to select/to pick out (3) to look out (from the inside) (4) to be wide-eyed (in surprise, anger, etc.) ","面倒見[めんどうみ] (n) taking care of someone ","見当たる[みあたる] (v5r) to be found (P) ","見積[みつもり] (io) (n) estimate/estimation/valuation/quotation ","見立てる[みたてる] (v1, vt) (1) to select/to choose (2) to diagnose (an illness)/to judge (3) to liken to something else/to regard as something else (e.g. to use another person as a mirror) (4) to see someone off (5) to look after/to be (someone's) guardian (6) to underrate/to look down on/to underestimate (someone) ","所見[しょけん] (n) view/opinion/finding/findings (P) ","私見[しけん] (n) personal opinion (P) ","見もの[みもの] (n) sight/attraction/spectacle/something worth seeing ","知見[ちけん] (n, vs) expertise/experience/knowledge ","高見[こうけん<br>たかみ] (n) (1) (hon) your views/your opinion (2) great idea/excellent idea (P) ","後見[こうけん] (n, vs) (1) guardianship/guardian (2) (theatrical) assistant/prompter (P) ","散見[さんけん] (n, vs) being seen here and there ","見回す[みまわす] (v5s, vt) to look around/to survey ","見知らぬ[みしらぬ] (adj-pn) strange/unfamiliar/unknown (P) ","予見[よけん] (n, vs) foresight/foreknowledge/divination ","見識[けんしき] (n) (1) views/opinion/discernment (2) pride/self-respect (P) ","見せ付ける[みせつける] (v1, vt) to make a display of/to show off/to flaunt ","見据える[みすえる] (v1, vt) (1) to stare fixedly at/to fix one's gaze on (2) to make sure of/to set one's eyes on (e.g. the future)/to focus on ","後見人[こうけんにん] (n) guardian ","謁見[えっけん] (n, vs) audience (with a superior, e.g. nobility) ","見越す[みこす] (v5s, vt) to anticipate/to foresee ","露見[ろけん] (n, vs) discovery (of a plot, misdeed, etc.)/detection/exposure/disclosure (P) ","見せ掛ける[みせかける] (v1, vt) to pretend/to feign ","見本市[みほんいち] (n) trade fair (P) ","二見[ふたみ] (adj-no) forked (road,  river) (P) ","見せ場[みせば] (n) (1) highlight (scene)/high point/climax/showtime (2) show-off scene (of an actor in a play) (P) ","見習[みならい] (io) (n) (1) apprenticeship/probation/learning by observation (n, adj-no) (2) apprentice/trainee/probationer ","御目見[おめみえ] (n, vs) (1) (the privilege to have) an audience (with one's lord, a dignitary, etc.)/interview (with one's superior) (2) one's debut (first) appearance/debut (of a new product, work of art, actor, etc.) (3) trial service (of a servant) "],"年":["同い年[おないどし]of the same age  N1","元年[がんねん]first year (of a specific reign)  N1","成年[せいねん]majority; adult age  N1","定年[ていねん]retirement age  N1","年頃[としごろ]age; marriageable age;age of puberty;adolescence;for some years  N1","年寄り[としより]old people; the aged  N1","年鑑[ねんかん]yearbook  N1","年号[ねんごう]name of an era; year number  N1","年生[としお<br>ねんせい]pupil in .... year; student in .... year  N1","年長[ねんちょう]seniority  N1","年輪[ねんりん]annual tree ring  N1","一昨年[いっさくねん<br>おととし]year before last  N2","学年[がくねん]year in school, grade in school  N2","再来年[さらいねん]year after next  N2","青少年[せいしょうねん]youth, young person  N2","生年月日[せいねんがっぴ]birth date  N2","中年[ちゅうねん]middle-aged  N2","年度[ねんど]year, fiscal year,school year,term  N2","少年[しょうねん]boys,  juveniles  N3","青年[せいねん]youth,  young man  N3","年月[ねんげつ<br>としつき]months and years  N3","年寄[としより]old people,  the aged  N3","年間[ねんかん]year  N3","年中[ねんじゅう<br>としなか<br>ねんちゅう<br>ねんぢゅう]whole year,  always, everyday  N3","年代[ねんだい]age,  era, period, date  N3","年齢[ねんれい]age,  years  N3","去年[きょねん<br>こぞ]last year  N5","今年[ことし<br>ことし,  こんねん<br>こんねん]this year  N5","さ来年[さらいねん]year after next  N5","年[とし<br>とせ<br>ねん]year  N5","毎年[まいとし<br>まいとし,  まいねん<br>まいねん]every year  N5","万年筆[まんねんひつ]fountain pen  N5","来年[らいねん]next year  N5","一年生[いちねんせい]First Year Student ","先年[せんねん]Former Years,  formerly, a few years ago, previous years, past years, prior years ","年内[ねんない]Within A Year,  within the year ","2011年[にせんじゅういちねん]Year 2011,  2011, the year 2011 ","お年玉[おとしだま]New Year's gift money ","半年[はんとし<br>はんねん]half a year ","平年[へいねん]normal year ","年々[ねんねん<br>としどし]year by year ","年上[としうえ]older ","年下[としした]younger ","年月日[ねんがっぴ]date ","本年[ほんねん]this year ","年来[ねんらい]For Some Years,  for years, longstanding ","光年[こうねん]Light Year ","近年[きんねん]Recent Years ","何年[なんねん]What Year,  how many years ","年次[ねんじ]Annual,  yearly ","前年[ぜんねん]the year before ","明年[みょうねん]next year ","長年[ながねん]many years ","年末[ねんまつ]Year End,  end of the year, end of year ","新年[しんねん]New Year ","年始[ねんし]beginning of the year ","年表[ねんぴょう]chronological table ","年配[ねんぱい]advanced age ","年頭[ねんとう]beginning of the year ","未成年[みせいねん]minor ","周年[しゅうねん]Anniversary ","例年[れいねん]typical year ","昨年[さくねん]last year ","晩年[ばんねん]one's later years ","留年[りゅうねん]repetition of a year ","忘年会[ぼうねんかい]Year End Party,  end of year party ","年代順[ねんだいじゅん]Chronological Order ","年賀[ねんが]New Year's celebration ","年賀状[ねんがじょう]New Year's card ","年収[ねんしゅう]annual income ","年額[ねんがく]Annual Amount,  yearly amount ","年輩[ねんぱい]Elderly Person,  old person, elderly ","幼年時代[ようねんじだい]Childhood ","翌年[よくねん,  よくとし<br>よくねん<br>よくとし]The Next Year, next year ","壮年[そうねん]Prime Of Life ","年俸[ねんぽう]annual salary ","年譜[ねんぷ]chronological record ","謹賀新年[きんがしんねん]happy new year,  happy new year! ","閏年[うるうどし<br>じゅんねん]leap year ","享年[きょうねん] (n, n-pref) one's age at death ","没年[ぼつねん] (n) (1) year of a person's death (2) one's age at death ","後年[こうねん] (n-adv, n-t) future years/in (one's) later years ","年初[ねんしょ] (n) beginning of the year (P) ","生年[しょうねん<br>せいねん] (n, n-pref) number of years since one's birth/age ","年半[としなか] (n) middle of a year ","年金[ねんきん] (n, adj-no) annuity/pension (P) ","年少[ねんしょう] (adj-no, n,adj-na) young/juvenile ","今年度[こんねんど] (n-adv, n-t) this year/this fiscal year/this school year (P) ","初年度[しょねんど] (n) first year/initial (year) ","来年度[らいねんど] (n) next year/next fiscal year ","同年[どうねん] (n-adv, n-t) that year/same year/same age (P) ","数年前[すうねんまえ] (adv, adj-no) a few years ago/some years back (P) ","前年度[ぜんねんど] (n-adv, n) preceding fiscal year (P) ","弱年[じゃくねん] (n, adj-no) youth ","本年度[ほんねんど] (n) current year (fiscal,  academic, etc.) ","幼年[ようねん] (n) childhood/infancy ","若年[じゃくねん] (n, adj-no) youth (P) ","年数[ねんすう] (n) number of years (P) ","昨年度[さくねんど] (n-adv) previous year (fiscal,  academic, etc.) (P) ","年末年始[ねんまつねんし] (n) (yoji) New Year's holiday/period encompassing the close of the old year and the start of the New Year ","多年[たねん] (n-adv, n-t) many years ","年貢[ねんぐ] (n) annual tribute/land tax ","中高年[ちゅうこうねん] (n, adj-no) middle and old age ","初年[しょねん] (n-adv, n-t) first year/early years (of a reign or era) (P) ","往年[おうねん] (n, adj-no) years gone by/earlier years/former years/the past (P) ","年刊[ねんかん] (n, adj-no) annual publication/year of publication (P) ","通年[つうねん] (n, adj-no) all year/year round (P) ","年会[ねんかい] (n) conference/annual convention (P) ","年明け[としあけ<br>ねんあけ] (n) beginning of the year/early in the New Year (P) ","年限[ねんげん] (n) length of time/term ","若年寄[わかどしより] (n) (1) young person acting like an old person (2) officials who helped the council of elders during the Edo period ","年越し[としこし] (n, vs) New Year's Eve/end of the year ","当年[とうねん] (n-adv, n-t) the present year/at that time "],"来":["外来[がいらい]imported; outpatient clinic  N1","元来[がんらい]originally; primarily;essentially;logically;naturally  N1","来る[くる<br>きたる]to come; to arrive;to be due to;to be next;to be forthcoming  N1","家来[けらい]retainer; retinue;servant  N1","為来り[しきたり]customs  N1","従来[じゅうらい]up to now; so far;traditional  N1","出来物[できもの]able man; tumour;growth;boil;ulcer;abcess;rash;pimple  N1","伝来[でんらい]ancestral; hereditary;imported;transmitted;handed down  N1","来場[らいじょう<br>らいば]attendance  N1","再来月[さらいげつ]month after next  N2","再来週[さらいしゅう]week after next  N2","再来年[さらいねん]year after next  N2","出来上がり[できあがり]be finished, ready,made for,cut out  N2","出来上がる[できあがる](1) to be finished, to be ready,by definition,(2) to be very drunk  N2","本来[ほんらい]essentially, naturally,by nature  N2","来日[らいにち<br>らいじつ]arrival in Japan, coming to Japan,visit to Japan  N2","以来[いらい]since,  henceforth  N3","出来事[できごと<br>できこと]incident,  affair, happening, event  N3","出来るだけ[できるだけ]if at all possible  N3","未来[みらい]future (life,   tense)  N3","来[き<br>らい],  for (10 days), next (year)  N3","さ来月[さらいげつ]the month after next  N4","さ来週[さらいしゅう]the week after next  N4","将来[しょうらい]future, prospects  N4","さ来年[さらいねん]year after next  N5","来月[らいげつ]next month  N5","来週[らいしゅう]next week  N5","来年[らいねん]next year  N5","古来[こらい]Ancient ","年来[ねんらい]For Some Years,  for years, longstanding ","やって来る[やってくる]come all the way ","行き来[いきき<br>ゆきき]comings and goings ","出来る[できる]To Be Able To Do ","由来[ゆらい]history ","来客[らいきゃく<br>らいかく]guest ","外来語[がいらいご]Foreign Word,  borrowed word, loanword ","連れて来る[つれてくる]bring (a person) ","到来[とうらい]advent ","来賓[らいひん]guest,  visitor ","舶来[はくらい]imported ","来歴[らいれき] (n) history/career ","出来[しゅったい<br>でき] (n, vs) occurrence/happening/taking place (P) ","上出来[じょうでき] (n, adj-no,adj-na) good performance/good work/great success ","来年度[らいねんど] (n) next year/next fiscal year ","それ以来[それいらい] (exp, n-adv) since then/from that time/ever since ","来店[らいてん] (n, vs) coming to a store (restaurant, bar, shop, etc.) (P) ","往来[おうらい] (n, vs) (1) coming and going/traffic (n) (2) road/street (n,vs) (3) association/socializing/socialising/fellowship/mutual visits (4) recurring (e.g. thoughts) (5) correspondence (P) ","如来[にょらい] (n) Tathagata/perfected one (suffix of high-ranking Buddhist deities) ","在来[ざいらい] (n, adj-no) pre-existing/already there/conventional (P) ","飛来[ひらい] (n, vs) (1) coming flying in (migratory birds, airborne sand, pollen, etc.) (2) coming by airplane ","来す[きたす] (v5s, vt) (uk) to cause/to induce/to bring about a result or state/to produce ","旧来[きゅうらい] (adj-no, n-adv,n-t) traditional/from ancient times/formerly (P) ","渡来[とらい] (n, vs) (1) visit (from abroad) (2) introduction (from abroad)/importation (P) ","襲来[しゅうらい] (n, vs) invasion/raid/attack/visitation (of a calamity) ","来訪[らいほう] (n, vs) visit/call (P) ","来航[らいこう] (n, vs) arrival of ships/arrival by ship ","出来高[できだか] (n, adj-f) yield/crop/production/volume/piecework (P) ","近未来[きんみらい] (n, adj-no) near future ","来襲[らいしゅう] (n, vs) raid/attack/invasion (P) "],"毎":["毎[ごと<br>まい]each respectively  N1","毎度[まいど]each time, common service-sector greeting  N2","毎朝[まいあさ<br>まいちょう]every morning  N5","毎月[まいつき<br>まいげつ,  まいつき<br>まいげつ]every month  N5","毎週[まいしゅう]every week  N5","毎日[まいにち]every day  N5","毎年[まいとし<br>まいとし,  まいねん<br>まいねん]every year  N5","毎晩[まいばん]every night  N5","毎回[まいかい]Every Time,  each time ","毎時[まいじ] (n-adv, n-t) every hour/hourly (P) ","毎秒[まいびょう] (n-adv, n-t) every second ","毎分[まいふん] (n-t) every minute/per minute "],"行":["行き違い[いきちがい]misunderstanding; estrangement;disagreement;crossing without meeting;going astray  N1","行き成り[ゆきなり]suddenly  N1","移行[いこう]switching over to  N1","売れ行き[うれゆき]sales  N1","行い[おこない]deed; conduct;behavior;action;asceticism  N1","刊行[かんこう]publication; issue  N1","慣行[かんこう]customary practice; habit;traditional event  N1","強行[きょうこう]forcing; enforcement  N1","行[ぎょう<br>こう]line; row;verse  N1","行政[ぎょうせい]administration  N1","決行[けっこう]doing (with resolve); carrying out (i.e. a plan)  N1","現行[げんこう]present; current;in operation  N1","行為[こうい]act; deed;conduct  N1","行員[こういん]bank clerk  N1","行進[こうしん]march; parade  N1","施行[しこう<br>しこう,  せこう<br>しぎょう<br>せぎょう<br>せこう]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;execution;enforcing;carrying out  N1","修行[しゅぎょう<br>すぎょう]pursuit of knowledge; studying;learning;training;ascetic practice;discipline  N1","進行[しんこう]advance  N1","徐行[じょこう]going slowly  N1","先行[せんこう]preceding; going first  N1","走行[そうこう]running a wheeled vehicle (e.g. car); traveling  N1","流行[りゅうこう<br>はやり]fashionable; fad;in vogue;prevailing  N1","非行[ひこう]delinquency; misconduct  N1","平行[へいこう](going) side by side; concurrent;abreast;at the same time;occurring together;parallel;parallelism  N1","夜行[やこう<br>やぎょう]walking around at night; night train;night travel  N1","売行き[うれゆき]sales  N2","行事[ぎょうじ]event, function  N2","行列[ぎょうれつ](1) line, procession,(2) matrix (math)  N2","孝行[こうこう]filial piety  N2","流行る[はやる]to flourish, to thrive,to be popular,to come into fashion  N2","並行[へいこう](going) side by side, concurrent,abreast,at the same time  N2","行き[いき<br>ゆき,  いき<br>ゆき]going  N3","行儀[ぎょうぎ]manners  N3","行動[こうどう]action,  conduct, behaviour, mobilization  N3","実行[じっこう]practice,  performance, execution (e.g. program), realization  N3","通行[つうこう]passage,  passing  N3","発行[はっこう]issue (publications)  N3","飛行[ひこう<br>ひぎょう]aviation  N3","行う[おこなう]to do  N4","急行[きゅうこう]speedy,  express  N4","飛行場[ひこうじょう]airport  N4","行く[いく<br>ゆく]to go  N5","銀行[ぎんこう]bank  N5","飛行機[ひこうき]aeroplane  N5","旅行[りょこう]travel  N5","よそ行き[よそゆき]best behavior ","一行[いっこう<br>いちぎょう]group ","代行[だいこう]agent ","行き来[いきき<br>ゆきき]comings and goings ","行き止まり[いきどまり]dead end ","行方[ゆくえ<br>いきかた<br>いきがた<br>ゆきかた<br>ゆきがた]one's whereabouts ","直行[ちょっこう]Nonstop,  direct ","通行止め[つうこうどめ]road closed ","歩行者[ほこうしゃ]pedestrian ","歩行者天国[ほこうしゃてんごく]vehicle-free promenade ","行楽[こうらく]excursion ","持って行く[もっていく]take ","行使[こうし]employment ","運行[うんこう]movement ","成り行き[なりゆき]course of events ","流行歌[りゅうこうか]popular song ","流行語[りゅうこうご]Popular Phrase,  catchphrase ","旅行する[りょこうする]To Travel,  to take a trip ","旅行者[りょこうしゃ]Traveler,  tourist ","単行本[たんこうぼん]separate volume ","連れて行く[つれていく]take along ","犯行[はんこう]crime ","行き過ぎ[いきすぎ]going too far ","行き届く[いきとどく<br>ゆきとどく]be attentive ","行き渡る[いきわたる]pervade ","修学旅行[しゅうがくりょこう]school excursion ","行程[こうてい]distance ","新婚旅行[しんこんりょこう]Honeymoon ","執行[しっこう<br>しぎょう<br>しゅうぎょう<br>しゅぎょう]execution ","刊行する[かんこうする]To Publish ","奥行[おくゆき]depth ","親孝行[おやこうこう]filial piety ","遂行[すいこう]Accomplishment,  execution ","壮行[そうこう]Rousing ","試行錯誤[しこうさくご]trial and error ","奉行[ぶぎょう]magistrate,  shogunate administrator ","敢行[かんこう]decisive action,  perform, dare, carry out ","執行猶予[しっこうゆうよ]suspended sentence ","蛮行[ばんこう]barbarism,  brutality ","行なう[おこなう] (v5u, vt) to perform/to do/to conduct oneself/to carry out ","行方不明[ゆくえふめい] (adj-no, n) (yoji) missing/lost/unaccounted for/whereabouts unknown (P) ","改行[かいぎょう] (n, vs) (1) new line/new paragraph (2) (comp) newline (e.g. LF, CR, CRLF) ","尾行[びこう] (n, vs) shadow/tail/following (P) ","歩行[かち<br>ほこう] (n) (1) foot soldier (Edo period)/samurai on foot (2) (arch) going on foot/walking ","同行[どうぎょう<br>どうこう] (n, vs) fellow pilgrim/fellow practicer of austerities ","興行[こうぎょう] (n, vs) (1) show/performance/act (n) (2) entertainment industry/show business (P) ","暴行[ぼうこう] (n, vs) (1) assault/outrage/act of violence (2) rape/sexual assault (P) ","行李[こうり] (n) portmanteau/wicker trunk/luggage/baggage ","航行[こうこう] (n, vs) cruise/navigation/sailing (P) ","連行[れんこう] (n, vs) taking (a suspect to the police)/dragging (someone) away (P) ","続行[ぞっこう] (n, vs) continuation/continuance/going on/resuming (P) ","宇宙飛行士[うちゅうひこうし] (n) astronaut (P) ","執り行う[とりおこなう] (v5u, vt) to hold a ceremony ","紀行[きこう] (n) traveller's journal/traveler's journal/travelogue (P) ","日本銀行[にっぽんぎんこう<br>にほんぎんこう] (n) Bank of Japan/BOJ/BoJ (P) ","行き先[いきさき<br>ゆきさき] (n) (1) destination (2) whereabouts (3) future/prospects (P) ","先行き[さきいき<br>さきゆき] (n) the future/future prospects ","行軍[こうぐん] (n, vs) march/marching ","通行人[つうこうにん] (n) passerby/pedestrian/foot passenger ","試行[しこう] (n, vs) making an attempt/trial run (P) ","行き着く[いきつく<br>ゆきつく] (v5k, vi) to arrive at/to end up ","履行[りこう] (n, vs) performance (of a duty)/fulfillment (of a promise)/fulfilment/execution (of a contract)/discharge/implementation (P) ","銀行強盗[ぎんこうごうとう] (n) (1) bank robbery (2) bank robber ","随行[ずいこう] (n, vs) attendant/follower ","携行[けいこう] (n, vs) carrying (on one's person)/taking with one ","通行止[つうこうどめ] (exp, n) (1) closure (of a road)/suspension of traffic (exp) (2) Road closed (on a sign)/Closed to traffic/No through road ","行き詰まる[いきづまる<br>ゆきづまる] (v5r) to reach the limits/to come to the end of one's tether ","蛇行[じゃこう<br>だこう] (n, vs) meandering/snaking/zigzagging ","横行[おうぎょう<br>おうこう] (ok) (n, vs,adj-no) (1) walking sideways/staggering/striding (2) being rampant/being widespread/being prevalent ","行き違う[いきちがう<br>ゆきちがう] (v5u, vi) (1) to cross (each other)/to pass (each other) (2) to misunderstand/to go amiss ","奥行き[おくゆき] (n) depth/length (P) ","挙行[きょこう] (n, vs) celebration (of ceremony)/solemnization (e.g. of a marriage)/solemnisation ","行司[ぎょうじ] (n) (sumo) referee (in sumo) (P) ","逆行[ぎゃくこう<br>ぎゃっこう] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) reverse movement/retrogression/going backwards/moving in the wrong direction/running counter to (e.g. the laws of nature)/running against (e.g. the tide of the times) (2) (astron) retrogradation/retrogression ","断行[だんこう] (n, vs) decisive action/carry out (P) ","緩行[かんこう] (n, vs) going slowly ","行者[あんじゃ<br>ぎょうじゃ] (n) temple helper ","正行[しょうぎょう] (n) (Buddh) correct practices (esp. in Jodo,  the path to rebirth in paradise) "],"金":["黄金[おうごん<br>きがね<br>くがね<br>こがね]gold  N1","金槌[かなづち]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;(iron) hammer; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;punishment  N1","金庫[きんこ<br>かねぐら]safe; vault;treasury;provider of funds  N1","基金[ききん]fund; foundation  N1","残金[ざんきん]remaining money  N1","資金[しきん]funds; capital  N1","送金[そうきん]remittance; sending money  N1","大金[たいきん<br>おおがね]great cost  N1","賃金[ちんぎん<br>ちんきん]wages  N1","募金[ぼきん]fund-raising; collection of funds  N1","預金[よきん]deposit; bank account  N1","金魚[きんぎょ]goldfish  N2","集金[しゅうきん]money collection  N2","賞金[しょうきん]prize, monetary award  N2","針金[はりがね]wire  N2","金[きん<br>きん,  かね<br>かね<br>かな<br>こがね](1) gold, (2) gold general (shogi) (abbr)  N3","金持ち[かねもち]rich man  N3","金額[きんがく]amount of money  N3","金銭[きんせん]money,  cash  N3","金属[きんぞく]metal  N3","金融[きんゆう]monetary circulation,  credit situation  N3","金曜[きんよう](abbr) Friday  N3","現金[げんきん]cash,  ready money, mercenary, self-interested  N3","借金[しゃっきん]debt,  loan, liabilities  N3","奨学金[しょうがくきん]scholarship  N3","税金[ぜいきん]tax  N3","代金[だいきん]price,  payment, cost, charge  N3","貯金[ちょきん](bank) savings  N3","料金[りょうきん]fee,  charge, fare  N3","お・金持ち[お・かねもち]rich man  N4","お金[おかね]money  N5","金曜日[きんようび]Friday  N5","金玉[きんたま]Testicles ","入金[にゅうきん]receipt of money ","引き金[ひきがね]trigger ","礼金[れいきん]fee ","金もうけ[かねもうけ]moneymaking ","金色[きんいろ<br>きんしょく<br>こんじき]golden color ","金利[きんり]interest ","官金[かんきん]Government Funds,  government money ","罰金[ばっきん]A Fine,  fine ","賞与金[しょうよきん]Bonus ","貯金箱[ちょきんばこ]Savings Box,  piggy bank, bank, money box ","献金[けんきん]Donation,  offering ","敷金[しききん]Security Deposit ","金髪[きんぱつ]Blonde ","錬金術[れんきんじゅつ]Alchemy ","剰余金[じょうよきん]surplus ","賠償金[ばいしょうきん]reparations,  compensation ","金縛り[かなしばり]tied down by money,  sleep paralysis, bound hand and foot, temporary paralysis ","年金[ねんきん] (n, adj-no) annuity/pension (P) ","合金[ごうきん] (n) alloy (P) ","金剛[こんごう] (n) (1) vajra (indestructible substance)/diamond/adamantine (2) thunderbolt/Indra's weapon/Buddhist symbol of the indestructible truth ","金子[きんす] (n) money/funds (P) ","金山[かなやま<br>きんざん] (n) (metal) mine ","お金持ち[おかねもち] (n) rich person ","錬金術師[れんきんじゅつし] (n) alchemist (P) ","金儲け[かねもうけ] (n, vs) money-making (P) ","身代金[みのしろきん] (n) ransom ","大金持ち[おおかねもち<br>おおがねもち] (n) very rich person/the super rich ","金城[きんじょう] (n) impregnable castle ","保釈金[ほしゃくきん] (n) bail (money) ","金貨[きんか] (n) gold coin (P) ","金星[きんせい<br>きんぼし] (n, adj-no) Venus (planet) (P) ","保険金[ほけんきん] (n) insurance payout/insurance money (P) ","鍍金[ときん<br>めっき] (n, vs) (1) (uk) plating (chrome, gold, silver, etc.)/coating/gilding/gilt (n) (2) (uk) pretense/pretence/simulation ","課金[かきん] (n, vs) (1) charges/billing (2) (sl) paying for items in online games ","金メダル[きんメダル] (n) gold medal ","金銀[きんぎん] (n) (1) gold and silver (2) money ","返金[へんきん] (n, vs,adj-no) repayment (P) ","借入金[かりいれきん] (n) loan/loan payable/debt (P) ","サラ金[サラきん] (n) (abbr) consumer financing firm/loan shark ","換金[かんきん] (n, vs) realization (of goods into money)/conversion (into money)/liquidation (P) ","白金[しろかね<br>しろがね<br>はっきん] (iK) (ok) (n, adj-no) (1) silver (Ag) (n) (2) silver coin/money (3) silver medal (n,adj-no) (4) silver colour/silver color ","金型[かながた<br>かねがた] (n) (1) die (2) (metal) mold/mould ","金管[きんかん] (n) brass (musical) instrument ","金堂[こんどう] (n) main temple structure (sanctuary,  hall) ","身の代金[みのしろきん] (n) ransom ","金鉱[きんこう] (n) (1) gold ore/gold deposit (2) gold mine ","金具[かなぐ] (n) metal fittings/metal fixtures (P) ","冶金[やきん] (n, adj-no) metallurgy ","貸し金[かしきん] (n) loan/advance ","金網[かなあみ] (n) wire netting/wire mesh/wire screen/chain-link mesh (P) "],"雨":["雨具[あまぐ]rain gear  N1","雨天[うてん]rainy weather  N1","雨戸[あまど]sliding storm door  N2","梅雨[つゆ<br>ばいう]rainy season,  rain during the rainy season  N3","雨[あめ]rain  N5","大雨[おおあめ]heavy rain ","小雨[こさめ<br>こあめ<br>しょうう]drizzle ","時雨[しぐれ]late fall or early winter rain ","雨期[うき]rainy season ","雨宿り[あまやどり]shelter from the rain ","梅雨入り[つゆいり]start of the rainy season ","梅雨明け[つゆあけ]end of the rainy season ","暴風雨[ぼうふうう]rainstorm ","雨漏り[あまもり]leak ","雨垂れ[あまだれ]raindrops ","雨降り[あめふり]rainfall ","雷雨[らいう]Thunderstorm ","霧雨[きりさめ]drizzle ","俄雨[にわかあめ]shower ","豪雨[ごうう] (n) torrential rain/heavy rain/cloudburst/downpour (P) ","降雨[こうう] (n) rainfall/rain (P) ","雨季[うき] (n) rainy season (P) ","雨量[うりょう] (n) (amount of) rainfall (P) ","雨水[あまみず<br>うすい] (n) (1) rain water (2) 'rain water' solar term (approx. February 19) (P) "],"学":["学芸[がくげい]arts and sciences; liberal arts  N1","学士[がくし]university graduate  N1","学説[がくせつ]theory  N1","学歴[がくれき]academic background  N1","休学[きゅうがく]temporary absence from school; suspension  N1","共学[きょうがく]coeducation  N1","工学[こうがく]engineering  N1","考古学[こうこがく]archaeology  N1","修学[しゅうがく]learning  N1","退学[たいがく]dropping out of school  N1","法学[ほうがく]law; jurisprudence  N1","学術[がくじゅつ]science, learning,scholarship  N2","学年[がくねん]year in school, grade in school  N2","学部[がくぶ]department of a university, undergraduate  N2","学力[がくりょく]scholarship, knowledge,literary ability  N2","学科[がっか]study subject, course of study  N2","学会[がっかい]scientific society, academic meeting  N2","学級[がっきゅう]grade in school  N2","見学[けんがく]inspection, study by observation,field trip  N2","在学[ざいがく](enrolled) in school  N2","自然科学[しぜんかがく]natural science  N2","社会科学[しゃかいかがく]social science  N2","小学生[しょうがくせい]grade school student  N2","人文科学[じんぶんかがく]social sciences, humanities  N2","大学院[だいがくいん]graduate school  N2","化学[かがく<br>ばけがく]chemistry  N3","学[がく]learning,  scholarship, erudition, knowledge  N3","学者[がくしゃ]scholar  N3","学習[がくしゅう]study,  learning  N3","学問[がくもん]scholarship,  study, learning  N3","学期[がっき]term (school)  N3","語学[ごがく]language study  N3","奨学金[しょうがくきん]scholarship  N3","進学[しんがく]going on to university  N3","中学[ちゅうがく]middle school,  junior high school  N3","通学[つうがく]commuting to school  N3","哲学[てつがく]philosophy  N3","入学[にゅうがく]entry to school or university,  matriculation  N3","学ぶ[まなぶ]to study (in depth),  to learn, to take lessons in  N3","留学[りゅうがく]studying abroad  N3","医学[いがく]medical science  N4","科学[かがく]science  N4","高等学校[こうとうがっこう]high school  N4","小学校[しょうがっこう]elementary school  N4","数学[すうがく]mathematics, arithmetic  N4","大学生[だいがくせい]university student  N4","中学校[ちゅうがっこう]junior high school, middle school  N4","文学[ぶんがく]literature  N4","学生[がくせい<br>がくしょう<br>がくそう]student  N5","学校[がっこう]school  N5","大学[だいがく]university  N5","留学生[りゅうがくせい]overseas student  N5","中学生[ちゅうがくせい]junior high school student ","夜学[やがく]night school ","学長[がくちょう]school president ","心理学[しんりがく]Psychology ","工学者[こうがくしゃ]Engineer ","文学者[ぶんがくしゃ]literary person ","科学者[かがくしゃ]scientist ","学界[がっかい]academic circles ","工学部[こうがくぶ]department of engineering ","理学部[りがくぶ]science department ","学院[がくいん]Academy,  institute ","学位[がくい]academic degree ","勉学[べんがく]study ","新学期[しんがっき]new term ","短期大学[たんきだいがく]junior college ","法学部[ほうがくぶ]faculty of law ","私立大学[しりつだいがく]Private College,  private university ","学園[がくえん]educational institution ","薬学[やくがく]Study Of Pharmacy,  pharmacology, pharmaceutics ","人類学[じんるいがく]Anthropology ","入学試験[にゅうがくしけん]Entrance Exams,  entrance examinations, admission test, admission exam, admission examination, entrance test ","学費[がくひ]tuition ","経済学[けいざいがく]Economics,  study of economics ","停学[ていがく]suspension from school ","学割[がくわり]student discount ","独学[どくがく]Self Study ","修辞学[しゅうじがく]Rhetoric ","修学旅行[しゅうがくりょこう]school excursion ","博学[はくがく]erudition ","幾何学[きかがく]Geometry ","哲学者[てつがくしゃ]Philosopher ","倫理学[りんりがく]ethics,  moral philosophy ","解剖学[かいぼうがく]anatomy ","学名[がくめい] (n) scientific name/technical name/binomial name/Latin name ","学区[がっく] (n) school district/school area (P) ","大学校[だいがっこう] (n) educational facility established in affiliation with a government agency ","小学[しょうがく] (n) (abbr) elementary school/primary school/grade school (P) ","神学[しんがく] (n, adj-no) theology (P) ","医学部[いがくぶ] (n) medical faculty ","農学[のうがく] (n) (science of) agriculture ","力学[りきがく] (n) mechanics/dynamics (P) ","文学部[ぶんがくぶ] (n) department (faculty) of literature ","史学[しがく] (n, adj-no) study of history (P) ","女学校[じょがっこう] (n) girl's school (P) ","光学[こうがく] (n, adj-no) optics (P) ","奨学[しょうがく] (n) encouragement to study (P) ","科学的[かがくてき] (adj-na) scientific (P) ","創価学会[そうかがっかい] (n) Soka Gakkai (lay organization,  based on Nichiren Buddhism) (organisation) (P) ","理学[りがく] (n) (1) physical science/natural science (2) physics (3) lixue (Song-era Chinese philosophy) (4) (arch) philosophy (P) ","心理学者[しんりがくしゃ] (n) psychologist ","女子学生[じょしがくせい] (n) female student ","学業[がくぎょう] (n) studies/schoolwork/classwork (P) ","儒学[じゅがく] (n) Confucianism (P) ","大学院生[だいがくいんせい] (n) graduate student ","男子学生[だんしがくせい] (n) male student ","学卒[がくそつ] (n) college graduate (P) ","美学[びがく] (n, adj-no) esthetics/aesthetics (P) ","学内[がくない] (n, adj-no) within the school (P) ","学生時代[がくせいじだい] (n) student days (P) ","就学[しゅうがく] (n, vs) entering school/school attendance (P) ","生物学[せいぶつがく] (n) biology (P) ","本学[ほんがく] (n) this university/this educational establishment ","国文学[こくぶんがく] (n) Japanese literature (P) ","産学[さんがく] (n, adj-f) industry-academic/industry-university ","商学部[しょうがくぶ] (n) business school (in a university)/faculty of commerce ","経済学部[けいざいがくぶ] (n) economics department/economics school ","雑学[ざつがく] (n) miscellaneous knowledge ","生化学[せいかがく] (n) biochemistry (P) ","天文学[てんもんがく] (n) astronomy (P) ","歯学[しがく] (n) dentistry ","学び[まなび] (n) learning/study ","生態学[せいたいがく] (n) ecology (P) ","生理学[せいりがく] (n) physiology (P) ","国学[こくがく] (n) (1) study of (ancient) Japanese literature and culture (2) (arch) provincial school (under Japan's ritsuryo system and pre-Sui Chinese law) (P) ","私学[しがく] (n) private (non-governmental) school (college,  university) (P) ","小中学校[しょうちゅうがっこう] (n) elementary and middle schools ","学理[がくり] (n) scholarly principle/scientific principle ","商学[しょうがく] (n) commercial science (P) ","漢学[かんがく] (n) Sinology/study of China or of the Chinese classics ","開学[かいがく] (n, vs) establishment of a university ","学識[がくしき] (n) scholarship/scientific attainments (P) ","学童[がくどう] (n) school child/pupil (P) ","蘭学[らんがく] (n) Dutch studies/studies of Western knowledge ","学徒[がくと] (n) student/follower/students and pupils (P) ","学舎[がくしゃ<br>まなびや] (n) school (building) ","教学[きょうがく] (n, vs) education and learning ","学際[がくさい] (n, adj-no) interdisciplinary (P) ","学友[がくゆう] (n) school friend (P) ","遊学[ゆうがく] (n, vs) studying abroad/travelling to study/traveling to study "],"西":["西日[にしび]westering sun  N1","関西[かんさい<br>かんせい<br>かんぜい]Kansai  N2","西暦[せいれき]Christian Era, anno domini (A.D.)  N2","東西[とうざい<br>ひがしにし]East and West, whole country  N2","西洋[せいよう]western countries  N4","西[にし<br>シャー<br>せい]west  N5","北西[ほくせい]Northwest ","南西[なんせい<br>みなみにし]southwest ","西部[せいぶ]the West ","西洋人[せいようじん]Westerner ","西側[にしがわ]West Side ","関西弁[かんさいべん]Kansai Dialect ","西欧[せいおう]the West ","西瓜[すいか]watermelon ","大西洋[たいせいよう] (n) Atlantic Ocean (P) ","西方[さいほう<br>せいほう<br>にしがた] (n) (1) western direction (2) (Buddh) (abbr) Western Pure Land (Amitabha's Buddhist paradise) ","西南[せいなん<br>にしみなみ] (n) south-west (P) ","西日本[にしにっぽん<br>にしにほん] (n) western Japan/Japan west of the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line,  i.e. the Chūbu region and westward ","以西[いせい] (n, n-suf) ... and westward/west of ","西北[せいほく<br>にしきた] (n) north-west ","西岸[せいがん] (n) west coast/west bank ","西口[にしぐち] (n) west entrance (P) ","西ドイツ[にしドイツ] (n-pr) West Germany (1949-1990)/Federal Republic of Germany (P) ","西海岸[にしかいがん] (n) west coast ","西経[せいけい] (n) west longitude ","西魏[せいぎ] (n) Western Wei dynasty (China,  535-557) ","西京[さいきょう] (n, adj-no) western capital/Kyoto "],"何":["如何[いかが<br>いか<br>いかん<br>どう]how; in what way  N1","如何に[いかがに<br>いかに]how?; in what way?;how much?;however;whatever  N1","如何にも[いかにも]indeed; really;phrase meaning agreement  N1","何れ[いずれ<br>いづれ<br>どれ]where; which;who;anyway;anyhow;at any rate  N1","何時[なんじ<br>いつ<br>なんどき]when; how soon  N1","何時か[いつか]sometime; someday;one day;some time or other;the other day;in due course;in time  N1","何時でも[いつでも<br>なんどきでも](at) any time; always;at all times;never (neg);whenever  N1","何時の間にか[いつのまにか]before one knows; unnoticed;unawares  N1","何時までも[なんじまでも]forever; for good;eternally;as long as one likes;indefinitely  N1","何時も[なんじも<br>いつも]always; usually;every time;never (with neg. verb)  N1","如何して[どうして]why?; for what reason;how;in what way;for what purpose;what for  N1","如何しても[いかがしても]by all means; at any cost;no matter what;after all;in the long run;cravingly;at any rate;surely  N1","何卒[なにとぞ]please; kindly;by all means  N1","何処[どこ<br>いずく<br>いずこ<br>いづこ<br>いどこ]where; what place  N1","何処か[どこか]somewhere; anywhere;in some respects  N1","何方[どちら]which; who  N1","何の[なんの<br>どの]which; what  N1","何々[なになに]which (emphatic)  N1","何故[なぜ<br>なにゆえ]why; how  N1","何故なら[なぜなら]because  N1","何気ない[なにげない]casual; unconcerned  N1","何しろ[なにしろ]at any rate; anyhow;anyway;in any case  N1","何も[なにも]nothing  N1","何より[なにより]most; best  N1","何だか[なんだか]a little; somewhat;somehow  N1","何て[なんて]how...!; what...!  N1","何と[なんと]what; how;whatever  N1","何となく[なんとなく<br>なにとなく]somehow or other; for some reason or another  N1","何とも[なんとも<br>なにとも]nothing (with neg. verb); quite;not a bit  N1","何なり[なんなり]any; anything;whatever  N1","何分[なんふん<br>なにぶん]what minute?, how many minutes?  N2","何[なに<br>なに,  なん<br>なん]what  N3","何か[なにか]something  N3","何で[なんで]Why?,  What for?  N3","何でも[なんでも]by all means,  everything  N3","何とか[なんとか]somehow,  anyhow, one way or another  N3","何日[なんにち]How Many Days,  what day, which day ","何人[なんにん<br>なにじん<br>なにびと<br>なんびと<br>なんぴと]How Many People ","何回[なんかい]How Many Times ","何千[なんぜん]Thousands ","何月[なんがつ]What Month,  which month ","何年[なんねん]What Year,  how many years ","何かと[なにかと]in various ways ","何べん[なんべん](how) many times ","何ら[なんら<br>なにら]of any kind ","何十[なんじゅう]several tens ","何百[なんびゃく]several hundred ","何事[なにごと]what ","何度[なんど]how many times ","何気無く[なにげなく]as if nothing had happened ","何枚[なんまい]How Many Flat Objects,  how many sheets ","幾何学[きかがく]Geometry ","幾何[きか<br>いくばく]geometry ","何遍[なんべん]how many times,  how often ","何だ[なんだ] (int) (uk) What! ","何度も[なんども] (adv) many times over/often ","何等か[なんらか] (adj-no, adv) some/any/in any way/of some kind/of some sort ","何にも[なににも<br>なんにも] (exp, adv) everything/all ","何故か[なぜか] (adv) (uk) somehow/for some reason/without knowing why (P) ","何者か[なにものか] (n) someone ","何度か[なんどか] (adv) several times/once or twice ","何もかも[なにもかも] (exp, n,adv) anything and everything/just about everything ","何よりも[なによりも<br>なんよりも] (adv) more than anything/above all else ","何様[なにさま] (n) (1) person of importance/a somebody (adv) (2) absolutely/certainly/to be sure ","何者[なにもの] (n) who/what kind of person (P) ","何かしら[なにかしら] (adv) (1) somehow or other/for some reason (n, adj-no) (2) something or other ","何という[なんという] (exp) (1) (uk) how (beautiful,  etc.)/what a ... (2) (uk) nothing worth mentioning/nothing special (3) (uk) of what name (P) ","何事も[なにごとも] (exp) (1) anything/whatever (2) nothing (with neg. verb) ","何人も[なにびとも<br>なんびとも<br>なんぴとも] (n) (1) (no matter) who/everyone/anyone (2) nobody ","何回も[なんかいも] (adv, adj-no) time and time again/many times/a number of times ","何度でも[なんどでも] (adv) any number of times (P) ","何日も[なんにちも] (adv) for many days/for several days ","何やら[なにやら] (adv) (uk) something/for some reason/some kind of (P) ","何にでも[なににでも<br>なんにでも] (adv) everything/for (to) everything (in) anything ","何一つ[なにひとつ] (adv) (not) one ","何せ[なにせ<br>なんせ] (adv) (uk) at any rate/anyhow ","何時しか[いつしか] (adv) (uk) before one knows/unnoticed/unawares ","何時迄も[いつまでも] (adv) (uk) forever/for good/eternally/as long as one likes/indefinitely/no matter what ","何彼と[なにかと] (adv) one way or another "],"後":["明後日[みょうごにち<br>あさって]day after tomorrow  N1","後回し[あとまわし]putting off; postponing  N1","後悔[こうかい]regret; repentance  N1","後退[こうたい]retreat; backspace (BS)  N1","産後[さんご]postpartum; after childbirth  N1","明々後日[しあさって]two days after tomorrow  N1","背後[はいご]back; rear  N1","以後[いご]after this, from now on,hereafter,thereafter  N2","後輩[こうはい]junior (at work or school)  N2","前後[ぜんご<br>まえしりえ]around, throughout,front and back,before and behind,before and after  N2","直後[ちょくご]immediately following  N2","後[あと<br>のち<br>うしろ<br>ご<br>しり]after (an event)<div>the rest</div>  N3","後者[こうしゃ]the latter  N3","今後[こんご]from now on,  hereafter  N3","最後[さいご]last, end  N4","後ろ[うしろ]behind  N5","午後[ごご]afternoon  N5","後で[あとで]After,  afterwards, later ","後ろ向き[うしろむき]facing backward ","後半[こうはん]latter half ","後方[こうほう]back ","後始末[あとしまつ]cleaning up ","戦後[せんご]postwar period ","老後[ろうご]one's old age ","後期[こうき]latter term ","後天的[こうてんてき]acquired ","紀元後[きげんご]After Death,  ad, anno domini, ce, common era ","後書き[あとがき]afterword ","後援[こうえん]backing ","後戻り[あともどり]turning back ","後片付け[あとかたづけ]cleaning up ","後ろ盾[うしろだて]Backing,  support, backer, supporter ","没後[ぼつご]after death,  posthumously ","その後[そのあと<br>そのご<br>そののち] (exp, n-adv,n-t) after that/afterwards/thereafter ","後に[のちに] (adv) (uk) later on/subsequently/by and by/after a while ","此の後[このあと<br>このご<br>こののち] (n-adv, n-t) after this/henceforth/henceforward/from now on ","後年[こうねん] (n-adv, n-t) future years/in (one's) later years ","後継[あとつぎ<br>こうけい] (n) (1) heir/inheritor (2) successor ","越後[えちご] (n) Echigo/old name for Niigata Prefecture (P) ","死後[しご] (n-adv, n-t) after death (P) ","後日[ごじつ<br>ごにち] (n-adv, n-t) in the future/another day/later (P) ","後継者[こうけいしゃ] (n) successor ","後続[こうぞく] (n, adj-no,vs) succeeding/following/trailing (P) ","後述[こうじゅつ] (n, vs,adj-no) mentioning later/discussing below ","後部[こうぶ] (n, adj-no) rear/stern (P) ","後世[こうせい<br>ごせ] (n-adv, n) posterity/future life/life to come (P) ","後任[こうにん] (n, adj-no) successor (P) ","数日後[すうじつご] (n-adv, n-t) several days later ","後ほど[のちほど] (adv, n) later on/eventually/afterwards ","後記[こうき] (n, vs,adj-no) postscript/under-mentioned/described below ","生後[せいご] (n-adv, n-t) post-natal/since birth (P) ","後輪[あとわ<br>こうりん<br>しずわ<br>しりわ] (n) (1) rear wheel (2) cantle ","後進[こうしん] (n) (1) one's junior/next generation (n, vs) (2) reversing/going astern/going backwards (P) ","後押し[あとおし] (n, vs) (1) pushing/backing/boosting/supporting (2) pushing from behind (a cart, etc.)/pusher (P) ","放課後[ほうかご] (n-adv, n-t) after school (P) ","後編[こうへん] (n) latter part (of book,  etc.)/sequel/concluding part ","食後[しょくご] (n-adv, n-t) after a meal (P) ","後発[こうはつ] (n, vs,adj-no) starting late (P) ","後身[こうしん] (n) (1) successor (e.g. organization) (2) new existence after rebirth ","後見[こうけん] (n, vs) (1) guardianship/guardian (2) (theatrical) assistant/prompter (P) ","事後[じご] (n-adv, n-t) after-/post-/ex-/after the fact/ex post (P) ","後見人[こうけんにん] (n) guardian ","後遺症[こういしょう] (n) prognostic symptoms/after-effect (P) ","予後[よご] (n, adj-no) prognosis/aftereffects/recuperation/convalescence ","後手[ごて] (n) (1) losing initiative/being forestalled (2) second move (in go or shogi)/moving second/person with the second move (3) rear guard (P) ","後々[あとあと<br>のちのち] (n-adv, n-t) distant future ","後妻[ごさい] (n) second wife (P) ","最後尾[さいこうび] (n) end of a line (queue) (P) ","後宮[こうきゅう] (n) (1) inner palace (reserved for women)/harem/seraglio (2) consort of the emperor "],"国":["国境[こっきょう<br>くにざかい]national or state border  N1","国産[こくさん]domestic products  N1","国定[こくてい]state-sponsored; national  N1","国土[こくど<br>くにつち]realm  N1","国防[こくぼう]national defence  N1","国有[こくゆう]national ownership  N1","国連[こくれん]U.N.; United Nations  N1","国交[こっこう]diplomatic relations  N1","天国[てんごく]paradise; heaven;Kingdom of Heaven  N1","国王[こくおう]king  N2","国籍[こくせき]nationality  N2","国立[こくりつ]national  N2","国語[こくご]national language  N3","国民[こくみん]national,  people, citizen  N3","国家[こっか]state,  country, nation  N3","国会[こっかい]National Diet,  parliament, congress  N3","全国[ぜんこく]country-wide,  nation-wide, whole country, national  N3","国際[こくさい]international  N4","外国[がいこく<br>そとぐに]foreign country  N5","外国人[がいこくじん]foreigner  N5","国[くに]country  N5","米国[べいこく]America,  united states, united states of america, usa ","中国[ちゅうごく<br>ちゅうこく]China ","四国[しこく]Shikoku ","入国[にゅうこく<br>にゅうごく]entry into a country ","出国[しゅっこく<br>しゅつごく]departure (from a country) ","国々[くにぐに]nations ","国内[こくない<br>くぬち<br>こくだい]domestic ","国力[こくりょく]national power ","国名[こくめい]country name ","国外[こくがい]outside the country ","大国[たいこく]world power ","本国[ほんごく]one's native country ","王国[おうこく]kingdom ","自国[じこく]one's own country ","君主国[くんしゅこく]Monarchy ","国道[こくどう]national highway ","国電[こくでん]National Railway ","歩行者天国[ほこうしゃてんごく]vehicle-free promenade ","先進国[せんしんこく]developed country ","国鉄[こくてつ]Japan National Railways ","外国語[がいこくご]foreign language ","母国語[ぼこくご]one's native language ","共和国[きょうわこく]republic ","英国[えいこく]Britain,  uk, united kingdom, england ","帰国[きこく]return to one's country ","愛国心[あいこくしん]Patriotism ","国税[こくぜい]national tax ","国際化[こくさいか]internationalization ","国際的[こくさいてき]international ","軍国主義[ぐんこく しゅぎ]militarism ","各国[かっこく<br>かくこく]each country ","国営[こくえい]government-managed ","国費[こくひ]national expenditure ","中国製[ちゅうごくせい]Made In China ","我が国[わがくに]our country ","国益[こくえき]National Benefit,  national interests ","韓国[かんこく<br>からくに]South Korea,  korea ","国旗[こっき]National Flag ","密入国[みつにゅうこく]illegal entry ","国宝[こくほう]National Treasure,  nic cage ","諸国[しょこく]various countries ","国債[こくさい]National Debt,  bonds ","隣国[りんごく<br>りんこく]Neighboring Country ","国柄[くにがら]National Character ","帝国[ていこく]Empire ","帝国主義[ていこくしゅぎ]Imperialism ","鎖国[さこく]national isolation,  exclusion of foreigners ","国賓[こくひん]state guest ","憂国[ゆうこく]patriotic concern,  patriotism ","靖国神社[やすくにじんじゃ]yasukuni shrine ","国勢[こくせい] (n) state of a country (population,  resources, etc.)/condition of a country/strength of a country (P) ","国務大臣[こくむだいじん] (n) Minister of State ","中華人民共和国[ちゅうかじんみんきょうわこく] (n) People's Republic of China (P) ","わが国[わがくに] (exp, n) our country/our land/one's own country ","国軍[こくぐん] (n) national armed forces (P) ","アラブ首長国連邦[アラブしゅちょうこくれんぽう] (n) United Arab Emirates/UAE ","中華民国[ちゅうかみんこく] (n) Republic of China (Taiwan) ","三国[さんごく] (n) (1) three countries (2) Japan,  China and India/Japan, Korea and China/all the world (3) Three Kingdoms (in China, 220-280) (4) Three Kingdoms (in Korea, 57 BCE - 668 CE) ","大韓民国[だいかんみんこく<br>テハンミングク] (n) Republic of Korea ","か国[かこく] (ctr) counter for countries ","カ国[かこく] (ctr) counter for countries (P) ","ヵ国[かこく] (ctr) counter for countries ","中国語[ちゅうごくご] (n) Chinese (language) (P) ","中国人[ちゅうごくじん] (n) Chinese person (P) ","両国[りょうこく<br>りょうごく] (n) both countries (P) ","靖国[せいこく<br>やすくに] (n) pacifying the nation ","アメリカ合衆国[アメリカがっしゅうこく] (n) United States of America (P) ","日本国[にほんこく] (n) Japan ","戦国[せんごく] (n) belligerent country/country in civil war/warring states (P) ","合衆国[がっしゅうこく] (n) (1) federal state (2) (abbr) United States of America ","国体[こくたい] (n) (1) national polity (2) (abbr) National Athletic Meet (P) ","国府[こう<br>こくふ<br>こくぶ<br>こふ] (n) provincial office (under the ritsuryo system)/provincial capital ","祖国[そこく] (n) motherland/fatherland/native country (P) ","韓国語[かんこくご] (n) Korean (language) ","国務[こくむ] (n) affairs of state (P) ","コンゴ民主共和国[コンゴみんしゅきょうわこく] (n) Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire) ","国政[こくせい] (n, adj-no) national politics/political situation/statecraft/body politic (P) ","建国[けんこく] (n, vs) founding of a nation (P) ","愛国[あいこく] (n, adj-no) love of (one's) country/patriotism (P) ","米国人[べいこくじん] (n) an American ","万国[ばんこく] (n, adj-no) all countries/the whole world/universal/all nations (P) ","母国[ぼこく] (n, adj-no) one's homeland (P) ","国歌[こっか] (n) national anthem (P) ","他国[たこく] (n, vs) (1) foreign country/other country (2) another province (3) strange land/alien land (P) ","韓国人[かんこくじん] (n) South Korean person ","国史[こくし] (n) history of a nation/Japanese history ","国分寺[こくぶんじ] (n) state-supported provincial temple (Nara period) (P) ","国庫[こっこ] (n, adj-no) national treasury (P) ","全国大会[ぜんこくたいかい] (n) national convention/national competition/national athletic meet ","東国[とうごく] (n) eastern country/eastern provinces/Kanto provinces ","ドミニカ共和国[ドミニカきょうわこく] (n) Dominican Republic ","国内外[こくないがい] (exp, adj-no) domestic and foreign/inside and outside the country ","朝鮮民主主義人民共和国[ちょうせんみんしゅしゅぎじんみんきょうわこく] (n) Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)/DPRK (P) ","一国[いっこく] (adj-na, n-adv,n-t) (1) whole country (2) hotheaded/stubborn (P) ","国教[こっきょう] (n, adj-no) state religion ","小国[しょうこく] (n) small country (P) ","護国[ごこく] (n) defense of one's country/defence of one's country (P) ","同国[どうこく] (n) the same country/the same province/the said country (P) ","国別[くにべつ] (n, adj-no) by country ","ケ国[かこく] (ctr) counter for countries ","ヶ国[かこく] (ctr) counter for countries (P) ","国文学[こくぶんがく] (n) Japanese literature (P) ","国民党[こくみんとう] (n) (1) (abbr) Constitutional Nationalist Party (1910-1922) (2) Guomindang (Chinese Nationalist Party)/Kuomintang ","国文[こくぶん] (n) national literature ","異国[いこく] (n, adj-no) foreign country (P) ","国策[こくさく] (n) national policy (P) ","国学[こくがく] (n) (1) study of (ancient) Japanese literature and culture (2) (arch) provincial school (under Japan's ritsuryo system and pre-Sui Chinese law) (P) ","開国[かいこく] (n, vs) (1) founding a country (2) opening of a country (e.g. Japan) to the world (P) ","中国共産党[ちゅうごくきょうさんとう] (n) Chinese Communist Party ","南国[なんごく] (n) (1) southern country (2) southern provinces/southern lands ","敵国[てきこく<br>てっこく] (n, adj-no) enemy nation (P) ","国務院[こくむいん] (n) State Council (of the People's Republic of China) ","軍国[ぐんこく] (n) nation at war/militant nation ","興国[こうこく] (n, vs) (1) making a country prosperous/prosperous country (2) Kokoku era (of the Southern Court) (1340.4.28-1346.12.8) ","北国[きたぐに<br>ほっこく] (n) (1) northern country (2) northern provinces/northern regions/northland (P) ","内国[ないこく] (n) home country ","立国[りっこく] (n, vs) founding of a nation (P) ","国主[こくしゅ] (n) king/sovereign/daimyo ","倭国[わこく] (n) Japan/name for Japan used in ancient China ","国元[くにもと] (n) hometown/native place ","国公立[こっこうりつ] (adj-no) national and public ","国衙[こくが] (n) (1) (arch) provincial governor's office (2) (abbr) provincial governorate (beginning in the late Heian period) ","属国[ぞっこく] (n) vassal state/vassal nation/dependency ","島国[しまぐに<br>とうごく] (n) island country (P) ","宗主国[そうしゅこく] (n) suzerain state "],"東":["東[ひがし<br>あずま<br>あづま<br>トン<br>ひむかし<br>ひんがし]east; Eastern Japan  N1","関東[かんとう]eastern half of Japan,  including Tokyo  N2","東西[とうざい<br>ひがしにし]East and West, whole country  N2","東洋[とうよう]Orient  N2","東方[とうほう<br>ひがしかた<br>ひがしがた]Eastward,  eastern direction ","中東[ちゅうとう]Middle East ","東北[とうほく<br>ひがしきた]Northeast,  tohoku, tohoku region, touhoku region, touhoku ","南東[なんとう<br>みなみひがし]Southeast ","東京[とうきょう<br>とうけい]Tokyo,  toukyou ","北東[ほくとう<br>きたひがし]northeast ","東口[ひがしぐち]East Exit,  east entrance, eastern exit, eastern entrance ","東部[とうぶ]eastern part ","東京都[とうきょうと]Tokyo Metropolitan Area,  tokyo metro, tokyo metropolis ","東京弁[とうきょうべん]Tokyo Dialect ","東側[ひがしがわ<br>とうそく]East Side ","東欧[とうおう]East Europe ","東芝[とうしば]Toshiba,  toushiba ","東亜[とうあ]east asia,  the orient ","東海道[とうかいどう] (n) Tokaido (Edo-period Edo-Kyoto highway) ","東南[とうなん<br>ひがしみなみ] (n) south-east (P) ","東海[とうかい] (n) (1) region south of Tokyo on Pacific Ocean side of Japan/eastern sea (2) East Sea (controversial name for the Sea of Japan proposed by Korea) (P) ","東南アジア[とうなんアジア] (n) Southeast Asia ","東アジア[ひがしアジア] (n, adj-no) East Asia ","極東[きょくとう] (n, adj-no) Far East (P) ","東証[とうしょう] (n) (abbr) Tokyo Stock Exchange ","東端[とうたん] (n) east end/eastern tip ","東名[とうめい] (n) Tokyo and Nagoya ","広東[カントン] (n, adj-no) (1) Guangdong (China)/Kwangtung (2) Guangzhou/Kwangchow/Canton (China) (P) ","東国[とうごく] (n) eastern country/eastern provinces/Kanto provinces ","以東[いとう] (n, n-suf) ... and eastward/east of ","東経[とうけい] (n) east longitude (P) ","東邦[とうほう] (n) Oriental country/the Orient (P) ","東日本[ひがしにっぽん<br>ひがしにほん] (n) eastern Japan/Japan east of the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line,  i.e. east of the Chūbu region ","坂東[ばんどう] (n) Bando/former name of the Kanto region ","東ティモール[ひがしティモール] (n) East Timor/Timor-Leste ","東シナ海[ひがしシナかい] (n) East China Sea ","近東[きんとう] (n) Near East ","東雲[しののめ] (n) (arch) daybreak/dawn ","東魏[とうぎ] (n) Eastern Wei dynasty (China,  534-550) "],"食":["給食[きゅうしょく]school lunch; providing a meal  N1","食い違う[くいちがう]to cross each other; to run counter to;to differ;to clash;to go awry  N1","主食[しゅしょく]staple food  N1","定食[ていしょく]set meal; special (of the day)  N1","衣食住[いしょくじゅう]necessities of life (food,  clothing, etc.)  N2","食塩[しょくえん]table salt  N2","食器[しょっき]tableware  N2","食う[くう](male) (vulg) to eat  N3","食事[しょくじ]meal  N3","食卓[しょくたく]dining table  N3","食品[しょくひん]commodity,  foodstuff  N3","食物[しょくもつ<br>くいもの]food,  foodstuff  N3","食欲[しょくよく]appetite (for food)  N3","食料[しょくりょう]food  N3","食糧[しょくりょう]provisions,  rations  N3","昼食[ちゅうしょく<br>ちゅうじき<br>ひるげ]lunch,  midday meal  N3","食料品[しょくりょうひん]groceries  N4","食堂[しょくどう<br>じきどう]dining hall  N5","食べる[たべる]to eat  N5","食べ物[たべもの]food  N5","会食[かいしょく]dinner together ","夕食[ゆうしょく]supper ","外食[がいしょく]eating out ","日食[にっしょく]solar eclipse ","月食[げっしょく]lunar eclipse ","肉食[にくしょく<br>にくじき]carnivore ","草食[そうしょく]herbivore ","食[しょく]appetite ","食い下がる[くいさがる]hang on ","食い止める[くいとめる]check ","食パン[しょくぱん]loaf of bread ","食み出す[はみだす]project ","食み出る[はみでる]project ","朝食[ちょうしょく<br>あさけ<br>あさげ]breakfast (formal) ","間食[かんしょく]food between meals ","和食[わしょく]Japanese Style Food,  japanese food ","飲食店[いんしょくてん]restaurant ","洋食[ようしょく]Western Food,  western style food ","食べ放題[たべほうだい]All You Can Eat ","食中毒[しょくちゅうどく]Food Poisoning ","試食[ししょく]Sample,  taste, food sample ","食費[しょくひ]food expenses ","食い違い[くいちがい]cross-purposes ","菜食[さいしょく]Vegetarianism,  vegetarian diet ","食い込む[くいこむ]eat into ","腐食[ふしょく]Corrosion ","侵食[しんしょく]Erosion,  corrosion ","偏食[へんしょく]unbalanced diet ","飽食[ほうしょく]gluttony,  satiation, engorgement ","乞食[こじき]beggar ","飲食[いんしょく<br>おんじき] (n, vs) food and drink/eating and drinking (P) ","食材[しょくざい] (n) (1) ingredient (2) foodstuff ","食い物[くいもの] (n) (1) food/foodstuff (2) prey/victim ","捕食[ほしょく] (n, vs) predation/eating prey/preying upon ","食感[しょっかん] (n) food texture/mouthfeel ","食生活[しょくせいかつ] (n) eating habits (P) ","食わせる[くわせる] (v1, vt) (1) to feed (e.g. an animal on oats)/to let eat/to serve (e.g. in a restaurant)/to force to eat (2) to support (e.g. a family)/to provide for/to keep (3) to inflict (damage)/to deal (e.g. a blow)/to administer (4) to deceive/to cheat/to trick ","食らう[くらう] (v5u, vt) (1) (vulg) to eat/to drink/to wolf/to knock back (2) to receive (e.g. a blow) (3) to be on the receiving end (of something undesirable)/to undergo (trouble) (P) ","食いつく[くいつく] (v5k, vi) (1) to bite at/to snap at/to nibble (2) to get one's teeth into (metaphorically)/to get to grips with/to really get into (3) to hold on to/to cling to/to stick to (4) to complain/to bicker ","食用[しょくよう] (adj-no, n) for use as food/edible (P) ","断食[だんじき] (n, vs) fasting/fast (P) ","餌食[えじき] (n) prey/victim ","食い[くい] (n) (1) eating (2) bite (in fishing) ","捕食者[ほしょくしゃ] (n) predator ","食する[しょくする] (vs-s, vt) to eat ","食後[しょくご] (n-adv, n-t) after a meal (P) ","日本食[にほんしょく] (n) Japanese food/Japanese meal ","食肉[しょくにく] (n) meat (for consumption) (P) ","浸食[しんしょく] (n, vs) erosion/corrosion (P) ","摂食[せっしょく] (n, vs) feeding/feed ","食道[しょくどう] (n, adj-no) esophagus/gullet/esophageal (P) "],"前":["当たり前[あたりまえ]usual; common;ordinary;natural;reasonable;obvious  N1","腕前[うでまえ]ability; skill;facility  N1","事前[じぜん]prior; beforehand;in advance  N1","前[まえ<br>さき<br>ぜん]before  N1","前提[ぜんてい]preamble; premise;reason;prerequisite  N1","前途[ぜんと]future prospects; outlook;the journey ahead  N1","前例[ぜんれい]precedent  N1","建前[たてまえ]face; official stance;public position or attitude (as opposed to private thoughts)  N1","前売り[まえうり]advance sale; booking  N1","前置き[まえおき]preface; introduction  N1","前もって[まえもって]in advance; beforehand;previously  N1","真ん前[まんまえ]right in front; under the nose  N1","前後[ぜんご<br>まえしりえ]around, throughout,front and back,before and behind,before and after  N2","直前[ちょくぜん]just before  N2","手前[てまえ<br>てめえ]before, this side,we,you  N2","以前[いぜん]ago,  since, before, previous  N3","前者[ぜんしゃ]the former  N3","前進[ぜんしん]advance,  drive, progress  N3","午前[ごぜん]morning  N5","名前[なまえ]name  N5","お前[おまえ<br>おまい<br>おめー<br>おめえ]you ","一人前[いちにんまえ<br>ひとりまえ]one portion ","人前[ひとまえ<br>にんまえ]in front of people ","出前[でまえ]home delivery of food ","前半[ぜんはん<br>ぜんぱん]first half ","前向き[まえむき]facing forward ","前回[ぜんかい]last time ","前夜[ぜんや]eve ","前年[ぜんねん]the year before ","前方[ぜんぽう<br>まえかた]front ","気前[きまえ]generosity ","生前[せいぜん]during one's lifetime ","男前[おとこまえ]handsome man ","目前[もくぜん<br>めさき]at hand ","この前[このまえ]Last Time,  recently, lately, previous, previously ","戦前[せんぜん]prewar period ","前期[ぜんき]previous term ","駅前[えきまえ]Front Of Station,  in front of station, front of the station, in front of the station, station front ","建て前[たてまえ]one's public stance ","昼前[ひるまえ]in the morning ","前面[ぜんめん]Front,  front side ","前書き[まえがき]foreword ","紀元前[きげんぜん]Before Christ,  bc, bce, before common era ","前借り[まえがり]advance ","大前提[だいぜんてい]major premise ","前触れ[まえぶれ]previous notice ","前景[ぜんけい]Foreground ","前売り券[まえうりけん]Advance Ticket,  ticket sold in advance ","前払い[まえばらい]advance payment ","前兆[ぜんちょう]Omen,  sign ","前述[ぜんじゅつ] (adj-no, n,vs) aforementioned/above-mentioned ","前作[ぜんさく<br>まえさく] (n) (1) previous work/preceding work (2) first crop grown in a double-cropped field/preceding crop ","前日[ぜんじつ<br>まえび] (n-adv, n-t) previous day/day before/eve/prior day/preceding day (P) ","御前[おまい<br>おまえ<br>おめー<br>おめえ<br>おんさき<br>おんまえ<br>ごぜ<br>ごぜん<br>みさき<br>みまえ] (pn) (fam) (male) you ","お前さん[おまえさん] (n) (1) you (2) my dear (3) hey ","目の前[めのまえ] (exp, n) (1) before one's eyes/in front of one/under one's nose (2) immediate/imminent/around the corner (P) ","前部[ぜんぶ] (n, adj-no) front part/fore/front (P) ","寸前[すんぜん] (n, n-suf) (1) just before/on the verge of/on the brink of (2) just in front of/just ahead of (P) ","前線[ぜんせん] (n) (1) (weather) front (n, adj-no) (2) (mil) front line/forward area/action zone (P) ","数年前[すうねんまえ] (adv, adj-no) a few years ago/some years back (P) ","前身[ぜんしん] (n) antecedents/ancestor/previous position/previous existence/predecessor organization/predecessor organisation (P) ","前年度[ぜんねんど] (n-adv, n) preceding fiscal year (P) ","以前に[いぜんに] (adv) ago/since/before/previously/heretofore/earlier ","前編[ぜんぺん] (n) first part/first volume/prequel ","前輪[ぜんりん<br>まえわ] (n) front wheel ","前科[ぜんか] (n) previous conviction/criminal record/previous offense/previous offence ","最前線[さいぜんせん] (n) front line/forefront (P) ","従前[じゅうぜん] (n, adj-no) previous/former ","前衛[ぜんえい] (n, adj-no) (1) advance guard/vanguard (2) avant-garde (e.g. music) (P) ","筑前[ちくぜん] (n) name of ancient country located in the modern Fukuoka prefecture ","前任[ぜんにん] (n, adj-no) former (incumbent)/predecessor ","前記[ぜんき] (n, adj-no) aforesaid/above-mentioned/said/above (P) ","分け前[わけまえ] (n) share/portion/quota/cut (P) ","午前中[ごぜんちゅう] (n) in the morning/during the morning (P) ","前照灯[ぜんしょうとう] (n) headlights ","前座[ぜんざ] (n) (1) opening performance/opening act/curtain raiser (2) minor performer/minor storyteller/subordinate part ","前々[ぜんぜん<br>まえまえ] (pref) (one) before last/two before/two in front (e.g. rows) ","自前[じまえ] (n, adj-no) (1) taking care of one's responsibilities by oneself/one's own efforts/one's own expense (2) going into business for oneself (selling one's own products)/entrepreneur of such a business (P) ","前哨戦[ぜんしょうせん] (n) (1) (preliminary) skirmish (2) prelude/preliminary encounter/warm-up match (e.g. before a final) (P) ","門前[メンゼン<br>もんぜん] (n) (mahj) (abbr) one's hand being completely concealed (chi:)/not having called any tiles ","前項[ぜんこう] (n) preceding paragraph ","前奏[ぜんそう] (n) prelude/overture ","持ち前[もちまえ] (n, adj-no) one's nature/characteristic/inherent/natural (P) ","前立腺[ぜんりつせん] (n) prostate gland ","前倒し[まえだおし] (n, vs) moving forward (e.g. plans)/acceleration (e.g. of payment schedule)/front-loading (P) ","空前[くうぜん] (adj-no) unprecedented/record-breaking (P) "],"長":["長[ちょう<br>おさ<br>たき<br>たけ<br>つかさ<br>なが]chief; head  N1","長官[ちょうかん<br>かみ<br>かん<br>こう]chief; (government) secretary  N1","長大[ちょうだい]very long; great length  N1","長編[ちょうへん]long (e.g. novel&nbsp; &nbsp;film)  N1","長々[ながなが]long; drawn-out;very long  N1","年長[ねんちょう]seniority  N1","長閑[のどか]tranquil; calm;quiet  N1","延長[えんちょう]extension, elongation,prolongation,lengthening  N2","生長[せいちょう]growth, increment  N2","長所[ちょうしょ](1) strong point, merit,(2) advantage  N2","長女[ちょうじょ]eldest daughter  N2","長短[ちょうたん]length, long and short,+-  N2","長男[ちょうなん]eldest son  N2","長方形[ちょうほうけい]rectangle, oblong  N2","特長[とくちょう]forte, merit  N2","長引く[ながびく]to be prolonged, to drag on  N2","議長[ぎちょう]chairman  N3","身長[しんちょう]height (of body),  stature  N3","成長[せいちょう]growth,  grow to adulthood  N3","長期[ちょうき]long time period  N3","課長[かちょう]section manager  N4","校長[こうちょう]headmaster  N4","社長[しゃちょう]company president  N4","部長[ぶちょう]head of a section  N4","長い[ながい]long  N5","会長[かいちょう]president ","体長[たいちょう]body length ","学長[がくちょう]school president ","市長[しちょう]mayor ","長さ[ながさ]length ","長らく[ながらく]for a long time ","長年[ながねん]many years ","長生き[ながいき]long life ","船長[せんちょう<br>ふなおさ]captain ","長話[ながばなし]long conversation ","長持ち[ながもち]endurance ","波長[はちょう]wavelength ","駅長[えきちょう]Station Master,  stationmaster, train station master, train stationmaster ","細長い[ほそながい]long and thin ","長続き[ながつづき]lasting for a long time ","機長[きちょう](plane) captain ","長崎[ながさき]Nagasaki ","長崎県[ながさきけん]Nagasaki Prefecture ","長靴[ながぐつ]Boots ","延長する[えんちょうする]To Prolong,  to extend ","長寿[ちょうじゅ]Long Life,  longevity ","班長[はんちょう]Squad Leader,  honcho, team leader, group leader ","悠長[ゆうちょう]leisurely,  slow, deliberate, easygoing ","長唄[ながうた]long shamisen song,  epic shamisen song, nagauta ","長袖[ながそで]long sleeves ","局長[きょくちょう] (n) bureau director/office chief (P) ","アラブ首長国連邦[アラブしゅちょうこくれんぽう] (n) United Arab Emirates/UAE ","副長[ふくちょう] (n) (1) deputy head/deputy director/vice chief (of something) (2) executive officer (navy) ","長い間[ながいあいだ] (exp, n-t) long time/long interval/for quite some time (P) ","隊長[たいちょう] (n) commanding officer (P) ","所長[しょちょう] (n) chief/head (of an office,  of a laboratory) (P) ","理事長[りじちょう] (n) board chairman ","編集長[へんしゅうちょう] (n) editor-in-chief ","委員長[いいんちょう] (n) committee chairman (P) ","本部長[ほんぶちょう] (n) general manager/director-general ","艦長[かんちょう] (n) captain (of a warship) ","総長[そうちょう] (n) (college) president/secretary-general (P) ","裁判長[さいばんちょう] (n) presiding judge ","院長[いんちょう] (n) director (P) ","巡査部長[じゅんさぶちょう] (n) police sergeant ","店長[てんちょう] (n) shop manager (P) ","全長[ぜんちょう] (n, adj-no) over-all length/span (P) ","校長先生[こうちょうせんせい] (n) (hon) school principal/school headmaster/school headmistress ","署長[しょちょう] (n) chief (of police)/head (of office) (P) ","副社長[ふくしゃちょう] (n) (abbr) executive vice-president (P) ","長老[ちょうろう] (n, adj-no) (1) elder/senior (n) (2) (Buddh) senior monk (3) dean/presbyter/patriarch (P) ","次長[じちょう] (n) vice-chief/vice-director/assistant director/deputy manager (P) ","組長[くみちょう] (n) boss (esp. yakuza)/foreman (P) ","長時間[ちょうじかん] (n-adv, n-t) long time (P) ","町長[ちょうちょう] (n) town headman/town mayor (P) ","生徒会長[せいとかいちょう] (n) head of the student council/president of the student council ","村長[そんちょう<br>むらおさ] (n) village headman/village mayor (P) ","団長[だんちょう] (n) leader of a delegation (body,  party) (P) ","座長[ざちょう] (n) (1) chairman (2) leader of a troupe/proprietor of a theatrical company (P) ","副会長[ふくかいちょう] (n) vice president (of a club or organization,  organisation) ","室長[しつちょう] (n) section chief/laboratory manager/office head/room monitor (P) ","首長[しゅちょう] (n) (1) head (of organization,  organisation)/chief (2) sheikh/emir (P) ","最長[さいちょう] (adj-no, n) (1) longest (2) oldest (P) ","係長[かかりちょう] (n) subsection head/assistant manager/chief clerk (P) ","長いこと[ながいこと] (exp, adv) for a long time ","長期間[ちょうきかん] (n, adj-no) long period (of time) ","館長[かんちょう] (n) superintendent/director/curator/chief librarian (P) ","長調[ちょうちょう] (n, adj-no) (music) major key (P) ","長居[ながい] (n, vs) long visit/overstaying (P) ","長江[ちょうこう] (n) Yangtze River/Changjiang River ","長距離[ちょうきょり] (n, adj-no) long distance/long haul (P) ","長者[ちょうざ<br>ちょうしゃ<br>ちょうじゃ] (n) (1) one's superior/one's elder/one's senior (2) (arch) virtuous and gentle person ","長文[ちょうぶん] (n) (1) long sentence (n, adj-no) (2) long piece of writing (e.g. passage, letter, article, telegram) ","長身[ちょうしん] (n, adj-no) tall figure/high stature (P) ","長旅[ちょうりょ<br>ながたび] (ok) (n) long trip ","長兄[ちょうけい] (n) eldest brother ","中長期[ちゅうちょうき] (n, adj-no) mid-to-long term/medium and long term ","酋長[しゅうちょう] (n) chieftain ","家長[かちょう] (n, adj-no) patriarch/family head ","長ける[たける] (v1, vi) (1) to excel at/to be proficient at (2) to grow old (3) to ripen (4) to rise high (e.g. the sun) ","長屋[ながや] (n) tenement house/row house (P) ","伸長[しんちょう] (n, vs,adj-no) expansion/extension/elongation/stretching/uncompression ","助長[じょちょう] (n, vs) (1) promotion/encouragement/fostering/furtherance (n) (2) unwanted help (usu. unintentionally harmful)/unnecessary help ","区長[くちょう] (n) head of a ward/mayor of a ward/chief administrator of a ward (P) ","八百長[やおちょう] (n, adj-no,vs) match fixing/put-up job/fixed game ","曹長[そうちょう] (n) master sergeant/sergeant major (JSDF) ","長城[ちょうじょう] (n) great wall (of China)/long wall ","伍長[ごちょう] (n) corporal ","長ずる[ちょうずる] (vz, vi) (1) to grow/to grow up (2) to be good at/to excel in ","園長[えんちょう] (n) head of a garden/kindergarten principal/nursery school principal/park director/zoo director/head of a plantation (P) ","冗長[じょうちょう] (adj-na, n) (1) tedious/verbose/prolix (2) redundancy ","族長[ぞくちょう] (n, adj-no) patriarch/head of a family "],"南":["南[みなみ<br>ナン]south  N1","南極[なんきょく]south pole, Antarctic  N2","南米[なんべい]South America  N2","南北[なんぼく]south and north  N2","南東[なんとう<br>みなみひがし]Southeast ","南西[なんせい<br>みなみにし]southwest ","南口[みなみぐち]South Exit,  south entrance, southern exit, southern entrance, south gate ","南部[なんぶ]South ","南極圏[なんきょくけん]Antarctic Circle,  antarctica ","南緯[なんい]southern latitude,  south latitude ","南瓜[かぼちゃ]pumpkin,  squash, kabocha ","南蛮[なんばん]southern barbarians,  nanban, south sea countries ","南海[なんかい] (n) southern sea (P) ","東南[とうなん<br>ひがしみなみ] (n) south-east (P) ","南端[なんたん] (n) southern tip ","東南アジア[とうなんアジア] (n) Southeast Asia ","西南[せいなん<br>にしみなみ] (n) south-west (P) ","南下[なんか] (n, vs) going south ","以南[いなん] (n, n-suf) south of/and south ","南京[ナンキン] (n) (1) Nanjing/Nanking (2) (ksb:) pumpkin/squash (n-pref) (3) Chinese/Southeast Asian/foreign (4) rare/precious/cute ","南アフリカ[みなみアフリカ] (n) South Africa (P) ","南方[なんぽう] (n, adj-no) (1) the south/southward/southern direction (n) (2) countries in the south (esp. Southeast Asia and the pre-WWII South Pacific Mandate) (P) ","海南[かいなん] (n) island in the southern sea (esp. Shikoku) ","南側[なんそく<br>みなみがわ] (n) south side ","南洋[なんよう] (n) South Seas ","南宋[なんそう] (n) Southern Song dynasty (China,  1127-1279) ","中南米[ちゅうなんべい] (n) Central and South America (P) ","南中[なんちゅう] (n, vs) crossing the meridian ","南国[なんごく] (n) (1) southern country (2) southern provinces/southern lands ","指南[しなん] (n, vs) instruction (in martial arts, performance, etc.)/teaching/coaching "],"時":["何時[なんじ<br>いつ<br>なんどき]when; how soon  N1","何時か[いつか]sometime; someday;one day;some time or other;the other day;in due course;in time  N1","何時でも[いつでも<br>なんどきでも](at) any time; always;at all times;never (neg);whenever  N1","何時の間にか[いつのまにか]before one knows; unnoticed;unawares  N1","何時までも[なんじまでも]forever; for good;eternally;as long as one likes;indefinitely  N1","何時も[なんじも<br>いつも]always; usually;every time;never (with neg. verb)  N1","時刻表[じこくひょう]table; diagram;chart;timetable;schedule  N1","時差[じさ]time difference  N1","時折[ときおり<br>ときより]sometimes  N1","時間割[じかんわり]timetable, schedule  N2","時速[じそく]speed (per hour)  N2","日時[にちじ]date and time  N2","臨時[りんじ]temporary, special,extraordinary  N2","一時[じ<br>いちじ<br>ひととき<br>いっとき]moment,  time  N3","時期[じき]time,  season, period  N3","時刻[じこく]instant,  time, moment  N3","当時[とうじ]at that time,  in those days  N3","同時[どうじ]simultaneous(ly),  concurrent, same time, synchronous  N3","時[とき<br>じ<br>どき]when ...;  at the time of ...  N3","時代[じだい]era  N4","時間[じかん]time  N5","時々[ときどき]sometimes  N5","時計[とけい<br>ときはかり]watch, clock  N5","二時半[にじはん]Two Thirty,  half past two, half two ","時には[ときには]occasionally ","時雨[しぐれ]late fall or early winter rain ","不時着[ふじちゃく]emergency landing ","目覚まし時計[めざましどけい]alarm clock ","時報[じほう]time signal ","時機[じき]opportunity ","時間割り[じかんわり]time schedule ","時限[じげん]Time Limit ","腕時計[うでどけい]Wristwatch,  watch ","時候[じこう]Season,  time of year ","時効[じこう]prescription ","時給[じきゅう]hourly wage ","幼年時代[ようねんじだい]Childhood ","潮時[しおどき]Tidal Hour,  the right time ","零時[れいじ]Midnight,  twelve o'clock ","瞬時[しゅんじ]Moment,  instant ","随時[ずいじ]at any time ","時期尚早[じきしょうそう]premature ","同時に[どうじに] (adv, conj) coincident with/while/simultaneously (P) ","時点[じてん] (n) point in time/occasion (P) ","時半[じはん<br>ときなか] (suf) half past (the hour) (P) ","一時的[いちじてき] (adj-na) temporary (P) ","戦時[せんじ] (n) wartime (P) ","常時[じょうじ] (n-adv) (1) usually/ordinarily/always (adj-no) (2) continuous/24-hour (operation,  care, etc.)/constant/always on (P) ","時に[ときに] (exp) (1) by the way/incidentally (adv) (2) sometimes/occasionally ","短時間[たんじかん] (n-adv, n-t) short time (P) ","時間のむだ[じかんのむだ] (exp, n) waste of time ","時間のムダ[じかんのムダ] (exp, n) waste of time ","時間の問題[じかんのもんだい] (exp, n) a matter of time/matter of hours/question of time ","現時点[げんじてん] (n) present point (i.e. in history)/at the present time (P) ","長時間[ちょうじかん] (n-adv, n-t) long time (P) ","時間切れ[じかんぎれ] (n) (1) being out of time/passing the deadline (2) time-out (P) ","時事[じじ] (n) events of the day/current affairs (P) ","一時期[いちじき] (n-adv) a period (of time) (P) ","時空[じくう] (n, adj-no) space-time ","と同時に[とどうじに] (exp) at the same time as/while/as well as (multiple roles) ","定時[ていじ] (n, adj-no) regular time/stated period (P) ","高校時代[こうこうじだい] (n) one's high school days ","数時間[すうじかん] (n) a few hours (P) ","毎時[まいじ] (n-adv, n-t) every hour/hourly (P) ","子供時代[こどもじだい] (n) childhood ","時間の無駄[じかんのむだ] (exp, n) waste of time ","制限時間[せいげんじかん] (n) time limit ","時間稼ぎ[じかんかせぎ] (n) holding out/stalling/putting off/time-buying ","即時[そくじ] (adj-no) prompt/immediate/in real time (P) ","学生時代[がくせいじだい] (n) student days (P) ","時系列[じけいれつ] (n, adj-no) chronological order/time series ","時計回り[とけいまわり] (n) clockwise rotation/CW ","平時[へいじ] (n, adj-no) (1) peacetime/time of peace (2) ordinary times/normal times (P) ","今時[いまどき] (n-adv, n-t) (1) these days/nowadays/present day/modern times (2) at this time (of the day) (P) ","待ち時間[まちじかん] (n) waiting time/latency/standby time (e.g. cellular phones)/queueing time ","時代遅れ[じだいおくれ] (adj-no, adj-na,n) old-fashioned/behind the times/out-of-date/antiquated ","時価[じか] (n, adj-no) current value/price/market value (P) ","時として[ときとして] (adv) in some cases/sometimes/on occasions (P) ","適時[てきじ] (n, adj-na,adj-no) timely/opportune (P) ","往時[おうじ] (n) ancient times ","何時しか[いつしか] (adv) (uk) before one knows/unnoticed/unawares ","時宗[じしゅう] (n) Jishu sect (of Buddhism) ","何時迄も[いつまでも] (adv) (uk) forever/for good/eternally/as long as one likes/indefinitely/no matter what "],"高":["高原[こうげん]tableland; plateau  N1","高尚[たかなお<br>こうしょう]high; noble;refined;advanced  N1","残高[ざんだか](bank) balance; remainder  N1","高[こう<br>たか<br>だか]quantity; amount;volume;number;amount of money  N1","高まる[たかまる]to rise; to swell;to be promoted  N1","名高い[なだかい]famous; celebrated;well-known  N1","高級[こうきゅう]high class, high grade  N2","高層[こうそう]upper  N2","高度[こうど]altitude, height,advanced  N2","高等[こうとう]high class, high grade  N2","高める[たかめる]to raise, to lift,to boost  N2","高価[こうか]high price  N3","高速[こうそく]high speed,  high gear  N3","最高[さいこう]highest,  supreme, the most  N3","高校[こうこう]high school  N4","高校生[こうこうせい]high school student  N4","高等学校[こうとうがっこう]high school  N4","高い[たかい]tall,  expensive  N5","円高[えんだか]strong yen ","高さ[たかさ]height ","高名[こうめい<br>こうみょう]fame ","高地[こうち]high ground ","高音[こうおん<br>たかね]high-pitched sound ","高速道路[こうそくどうろ]freeway ","高低[こうてい<br>たかひく]high and low ","高温[こうおん]high temperature ","高熱[こうねつ]high fever ","高気圧[こうきあつ]high atmospheric pressure ","高血圧[こうけつあつ]High Blood Pressure,  hypertension ","高値[たかね]High Price,  expensive price ","高齢者[こうれいしゃ]Elderly Person,  old person ","高齢[こうれい]advanced age ","高瀬[たかせ]Shallows ","高炉[こうろ]Blast Furnace ","高騰[こうとう]sudden price jump,  steep price rise ","崇高[すうこう]loftiness,  sublimity, nobility ","高架[こうか] (adj-no, n) elevated (structure)/overhead (P) ","高木[こうぼく] (n) tall tree ","標高[ひょうこう] (n) elevation/height above sea level (P) ","高麗[こうらい<br>こま] (n) (1) (abbr) Goryeo (dynasty of Korea;  918-1392 CE) (n, n-pref) (2) Korea (esp. the Goguryeo kingdom or the Goryeo dynasty) (P) ","高額[こうがく] (adj-na, n,adj-no) large sum (money) (P) ","高山[こうざん] (n, adj-no) high mountain (P) ","女子高生[じょしこうせい] (n) female high-school student (P) ","最高峰[さいこうほう] (n) (1) highest peak/highest mountain (2) greatest authority/most prominent person/pinnacle (e.g. of art)/peak (P) ","最高裁[さいこうさい] (n) (abbr) Supreme Court (P) ","高圧[こうあつ] (n, adj-no) high voltage/high pressure (P) ","中高[ちゅうこう<br>なかだか] (n) (1) (abbr) middle and high school (2) medium and high (level) (P) ","女子高[じょしこう] (n) (abbr) girls' high school (P) ","高校時代[こうこうじだい] (n) one's high school days ","最高裁判所[さいこうさいばんしょ] (n) Supreme Court ","売上高[うりあげだか] (n) sales/amount sold/proceeds (P) ","高句麗[こうくり] (n) Goguryeo/Koguryo/ancient Korean kingdom (37 BCE - 668 CE) ","高砂[たかさご] (n) (1) (uk) double-lined fusilier (Pterocaesio digramma) (2) Taiwan (nickname) (3) Takasago (classic noh play by Zeami) ","高性能[こうせいのう] (n, adj-no,adj-na) high efficiency/high performance (P) ","高台[たかだい] (n, adj-no) elevation/high ground (P) ","高官[こうかん] (n, adj-no) high official (P) ","高裁[こうさい] (n) (abbr) High Court (P) ","高め[たかめ] (adj-no, adj-na) (1) high (e.g. ball in baseball)/highish/on the high side (2) on the expensive side/comparatively expensive (n) (3) (mahj) wait tile which produces a winning hand with a higher score ","高見[こうけん<br>たかみ] (n) (1) (hon) your views/your opinion (2) great idea/excellent idea (P) ","中高年[ちゅうこうねん] (n, adj-no) middle and old age ","高揚[こうよう] (n, vs) enhancement/exaltation/promotion/uplift (P) ","高角砲[こうかくほう] (n) high-angle or anti-aircraft gun ","全高[ぜんこう] (n) overall height/distance from the ground to the highest point of an object ","割高[わりだか] (adj-na, n) comparatively high/fairly expensive (P) ","出来高[できだか] (n, adj-f) yield/crop/production/volume/piecework (P) ","高座[こうざ] (n) platform/stage/upper seat/pulpit ","高次[こうじ] (n, pref) higher-order-/meta- ","高射砲[こうしゃほう] (n) antiaircraft gun ","高専[こうせん] (n) (1) (abbr) technical college (2) higher schools and colleges ","高所[こうしょ] (n) (1) high place/high altitude/heights/elevation (2) broad view (P) ","高根[たかね] (n) high peak ","高梁[こうりゃん<br>こうりょう] (n) kaoliang (chi:)/variety of sorghum,  esp. used in making spirits ","高貴[こうき] (adj-na, n,adj-no) high class/noble ","高卒[こうそつ] (n, adj-no) (abbr) high school graduate (P) ","悪名高い[あくみょうたかい<br>あくみょうだかい] (adj-i) infamous/notorious ","高遠[こうえん] (adj-na, n) noble/lofty ","高々[たかだか] (adv-to) (1) very high/high up/aloft (adv) (2) at most/at best/no more than ","高弟[こうてい] (n) best pupil/leading disciple "],"校":["校[こう]-school; proof  N1","転校[てんこう]change schools  N1","登校[とうこう]attendance (at school)  N1","母校[ぼこう]alma mater  N1","校舎[こうしゃ]school building  N2","校庭[こうてい]campus  N2","高校[こうこう]high school  N4","高校生[こうこうせい]high school student  N4","校長[こうちょう]headmaster  N4","高等学校[こうとうがっこう]high school  N4","小学校[しょうがっこう]elementary school  N4","中学校[ちゅうがっこう]junior high school, middle school  N4","学校[がっこう]school  N5","休校[きゅうこう]temporary school closure ","予備校[よびこう]preparatory school ","校則[こうそく]school regulations ","校閲[こうえつ]revision,  proofreading ","開校[かいこう] (n, vs) opening a school (P) ","大学校[だいがっこう] (n) educational facility established in affiliation with a government agency ","転校生[てんこうせい] (n) transfer student/student changing schools ","校区[こうく] (n) (ksb:) school district/school area ","女学校[じょがっこう] (n) girl's school (P) ","分校[ぶんこう] (n) branch school (P) ","校長先生[こうちょうせんせい] (n) (hon) school principal/school headmaster/school headmistress ","廃校[はいこう] (n, vs) closing of a school/closed school ","将校[しょうこう] (n) commissioned officer (P) ","高校時代[こうこうじだい] (n) one's high school days ","校名[こうめい] (n) name of a school ","本校[ほんこう] (n) (1) main school/principal school (2) this school/our school (P) ","校内[こうない] (n, adj-no) within a school (P) ","校歌[こうか] (n) school song (P) ","閉校[へいこう] (n, vs) closing a school ","入校[にゅうこう] (n, vs) matriculation ","小中学校[しょうちゅうがっこう] (n) elementary and middle schools ","校正[こうせい] (n, vs) (1) proofreading/correction of press (2) calibration (P) ","校訂[こうてい] (n, vs,adj-no) revision ","全校[ぜんこう] (n) the whole school (P) ","在校[ざいこう] (n, vs) being in school/being a student of ","校章[こうしょう] (n) school badge/school emblem/school insignia ","校訓[こうくん] (n) school precepts ","検校[けんぎょう<br>けんこう] (n) (1) (arch) inspector (2) temple administrator/shrine administrator (3) villa administrator (4) highest ranking blind court official "],"電":["電源[でんげん]source of electricity; power (button on TV&nbsp;&nbsp;etc.)  N1","電線[でんせん]electric line  N1","乾電池[かんでんち]dry cell, battery  N2","停電[ていでん]failure of electricity  N2","電球[でんきゅう]light bulb  N2","電池[でんち]battery  N2","電柱[でんちゅう]telephone pole, telegraph pole,lightpole  N2","電波[でんぱ]electro-magnetic wave  N2","電流[でんりゅう]electric current  N2","電力[でんりょく]electric power  N2","発電[はつでん]generation (e.g. power)  N2","電子[でんし]electron  N3","電灯[でんとう]electric light  N4","電報[でんぽう]telegram  N4","電気[でんき]electricity, electric light  N5","電車[でんしゃ]electric train  N5","電話[でんわ]telephone  N5","国電[こくでん]National Railway ","発電所[はつでんしょ]power plant ","電鉄[でんてつ]Electric Railway ","終電[しゅうでん]last train ","留守番電話[るすばんでんわ]Answering Machine ","電子機器[でんしきき]Electronic Equipment,  electronics ","電圧[でんあつ]voltage ","祝電[しゅくでん]congratulatory telegram ","電飾[でんしょく]Decorative Lighting ","電磁場[でんじば]Electromagnetic Field ","充電[じゅうでん]Recharge ","携帯電話[けいたいでんわ]cellular phone ","充電する[じゅうでんする]To Charge A Battery,  to recharge, to recharge a battery ","電卓[でんたく]Calculator ","電話帳[でんわちょう]Telephone Book,  telephone directory ","電話番号[でんわばんごう] (n) telephone number (P) ","電子音[でんしおん] (n) electronic sound ","電撃[でんげき] (n) (1) electric shock (n, adj-f) (2) blitz/lightning attack (adj-f) (3) sudden and without warning/shocking (P) ","電[いなずま<br>いなづま] (oK) (n) lightning/flash of lightning/lightning bolt ","市電[しでん] (n) municipal railway/city streetcar/tram ","留守電[るすでん] (n) (abbr) answering machine/answerphone ","家電[いえでん<br>かでん] (n) (sl) home telephone/home phone number ","電動[でんどう] (n, adj-no) electric (P) ","電化[でんか] (n, vs) electrification (P) ","お電話[おでんわ] (n) (1) (hon) telephone call (2) (hon) telephone (device) ","電信[でんしん] (n, adj-no) telegraph (P) ","電機[でんき] (n) electrical machinery/appliances (P) ","電器[でんき] (n) electric (goods) (P) ","電磁[でんじ] (adj-f) (physics) electromagnetic ","電脳[でんのう] (n) (1) (comp) computer (2) cyberbrain/digital brain ","送電[そうでん] (n, vs) transmission of electricity/electricity supply/power supply (P) ","電位[でんい] (n) potential (electric) ","電極[でんきょく] (n) electrode (P) ","電磁波[でんじは] (n) (physics) electromagnetic wave ","発電機[はつでんき] (n) dynamo/power generator (P) ","電話機[でんわき] (n) telephone instrument (P) ","電停[でんてい] (n) tram stop ","放電[ほうでん] (n, vs) electrical discharge ","電離[でんり] (n, vs) (1) (abbr) ionization/ionisation (2) electrolytic dissociation ","電工[でんこう] (n) (1) (abbr) electrician (2) (abbr) electrical engineering (n-suf) (3) electric works (following company name) ","変電所[へんでんしょ] (n) transformer substation ","電光[でんこう] (n) (1) lightning (2) electric illumination/light from an electric source (P) ","蓄電池[ちくでんち] (n) storage battery (P) ","誘電[ゆうでん] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) induction/induced electricity (adj-f) (2) dielectric/inductive ","配電[はいでん] (n, vs) distribution of electricity (P) ","給電[きゅうでん] (n, vs) supplying electricity "],"間":["間柄[あいだがら]relation(ship)  N1","合間[あいま]interval  N1","空間[くうかん<br>あきま]vacancy; room for rent or lease  N1","何時の間にか[いつのまにか]before one knows; unnoticed;unawares  N1","区間[くかん]section (of track&nbsp; &nbsp;etc)  N1","この間[このあいだ<br>このかん]the other day; lately;recently  N1","茶の間[ちゃのま]living room (Japanese style)  N1","昼間[ひるま<br>ちゅうかん]daytime; during the day  N1","束の間[つかのま]moment; brief time;brief;transient  N1","間違う[まちがう]to make a mistake; to be incorrect;to be mistaken  N1","間々[まま]occasionally; frequently  N1","間もなく[まもなく]soon; before long;in a short time  N1","貸間[かしま]room to let  N2","間隔[かんかく]space, interval,SPC  N2","間接[かんせつ]indirection, indirectness  N2","客間[きゃくま]parlor, guest room  N2","時間割[じかんわり]timetable, schedule  N2","隙間[すきま]crevice, crack,gap,opening  N2","中間[ちゅうかん<br>ちゅうげん]middle, midway,interim  N2","床の間[とこのま]alcove  N2","寝間着[ねまき]sleep-wear, nightclothes,pyjamas,nightgown,nightdress  N2","間も無く[まもなく]soon, before long,in a short time  N2","民間[みんかん]private, civilian,civil,popular,folk,unofficial  N2","夜間[やかん]at night, nighttime  N2","居間[いま]living room (western style)  N3","期間[きかん]period,  term  N3","週間[しゅうかん]week,  weekly  N3","瞬間[しゅんかん]moment,  second, instant  N3","世間[せけん]world,  society  N3","手間[てま]time,  labour  N3","仲間[なかま<br>ちゅうげん]company,  fellow, colleague, associate  N3","人間[にんげん<br>じんかん]human being,  man, person  N3","年間[ねんかん]year  N3","間[あいだ<br>ま<br>かん<br>あわい<br>けん<br>はさま<br>はざま]between (A と B の)  N3","間違い[まちがい]mistake  N3","間違える[まちがえる]to make a mistake  N4","間に合う[まにあう]to be in time for  N4","時間[じかん]time  N5","〜間[かん,  〜かん]Amount Of Time, interval of time, time interval, period of time ","いつの間に[いつのまに]when ","いつの間にか[いつのまにか]without noticing ","土間[どま]earth floor ","間に合わせ[まにあわせ]makeshift ","間に合わせる[まにあわせる]make do ","間近[まぢか<br>まじか]up close ","間食[かんしょく]food between meals ","洋間[ようま]Western-style room ","人間性[にんげんせい]human nature ","間借り[まがり]renting a room ","間際[まぎわ]just before ","時間割り[じかんわり]time schedule ","間抜け[まぬけ]bonehead ","大間違い[おおまちがい]Big Mistake ","絶え間なく[たえま なく]continually ","間一髪[かんいっぱつ]by a hair's breadth ","鈍間[のろま]dull fellow ","間伐[かんばつ]tree thinning,  thinning, periodic thinning ","日間[にっかん<br>ひあい] (n) (arch) daytime/during the day ","間違いなく[まちがいなく] (adv) clearly/unmistakably/certainly/without a doubt ","長い間[ながいあいだ] (exp, n-t) long time/long interval/for quite some time (P) ","その間[そのあいだ<br>そのかん] (n-t, n-adv) in the meanwhile/during the time ","分間[ふんかん] (ctr) minutes (period of) (P) ","あっという間に[あっというまに] (exp, adv) just like that/in the twinkling of an eye/in the blink of an eye/in the time it takes to say 'ah!' (P) ","アッという間に[アッというまに] (exp, adv) just like that/in the twinkling of an eye/in the blink of an eye/in the time it takes to say 'ah!' ","月間[げっかん] (n, adj-f) month-long period (during) month (P) ","短期間[たんきかん] (n) short term/short time (P) ","短時間[たんじかん] (n-adv, n-t) short time (P) ","時間のむだ[じかんのむだ] (exp, n) waste of time ","時間のムダ[じかんのムダ] (exp, n) waste of time ","時間の問題[じかんのもんだい] (exp, n) a matter of time/matter of hours/question of time ","人間界[にんげんかい] (n) human realm/world of humans/terrestrial world ","長時間[ちょうじかん] (n-adv, n-t) long time (P) ","時間切れ[じかんぎれ] (n) (1) being out of time/passing the deadline (2) time-out (P) ","数時間[すうじかん] (n) a few hours (P) ","民間人[みんかんじん] (n) private citizen/civilian ","長期間[ちょうきかん] (n, adj-no) long period (of time) ","人造人間[じんぞうにんげん] (n) android/artificial human/robot ","亜空間[あくうかん] (n) hyperspace/subspace ","時間の無駄[じかんのむだ] (exp, n) waste of time ","山間[さんかん<br>やまあい<br>やまま] (n, adj-no) among the mountains (P) ","垣間見る[かいまみる] (v1, vt) to take a peep at/to catch a glimpse of (P) ","人間関係[にんげんかんけい] (n) human relations/personal relationships (P) ","制限時間[せいげんじかん] (n) time limit ","時間稼ぎ[じかんかせぎ] (n) holding out/stalling/putting off/time-buying ","股間[こかん] (n) nether region/between the legs/groin/crotch ","手間取る[てまどる] (v5r, vi) to meet unexpected difficulties/to take time/to be delayed ","間取り[まどり] (n) layout (of a house or apartment)/arrangement of rooms (P) ","あっという間[あっというま] (exp, n) a blink of time/the time it takes to say 'Ah!' (P) ","アッという間[アッというま] (exp, n) a blink of time/the time it takes to say 'Ah!' ","本間[ほんけん<br>ほんま] (n) measure of length corresponding to 6 shaku (approx. 1.82 meters) ","待ち時間[まちじかん] (n) waiting time/latency/standby time (e.g. cellular phones)/queueing time ","狭間[はさま<br>はざま] (ok) (n) (1) interval/space/interstice/threshold (2) valley/gorge/ravine (3) loophole (in a wall)/crenel/eyelet ","瞬く間に[またたくまに] (adv) in the twinkling of an eye/in a flash ","人間らしい[にんげんらしい] (adj-i) human/humane ","谷間[たにあい<br>たにま] (n) (1) valley/ravine/chasm/dell (2) cleavage (breasts) (3) slum ","間奏[かんそう] (n) (music) interlude/intermezzo "],"話":["対話[たいわ]interactive; interaction;conversation;dialogue  N1","話し合い[はなしあい]discussion; conference  N1","受話器[じゅわき](telephone) receiver  N2","神話[しんわ]myth, legend  N2","童話[どうわ]fairy tale  N2","話合い[はなしあい]discussion, conference  N2","話し掛ける[はなしかける]to accost a person, to talk (to someone)  N2","話中[わちゅう]while talking, the line is busy  N2","世話[せわ]looking after,  help, aid, assistance  N3","話し合う[はなしあう]to discuss,  to talk together  N3","話題[わだい]topic,  subject  N3","会話[かいわ]conversation  N4","電話[でんわ]telephone  N5","話[はなし<br>わ]talk, story  N5","話す[はなす]to speak  N5","作り話[つくりばなし]fiction ","民話[みんわ]folk story ","立ち話[たちばなし]stand talking ","話し声[はなしごえ]talking voice ","通話[つうわ]telephone call ","長話[ながばなし]long conversation ","実話[じつわ]true story ","談話[だんわ]conversation ","話し言葉[はなしことば]spoken language ","昔話[むかしばなし]legend ","話し方[はなしかた]Way Of Speaking,  speaking style, way of talking, talking style ","英会話[えいかいわ]English Conversation ","留守番電話[るすばんでんわ]Answering Machine ","話し込む[はなしこむ]have a long talk ","内緒話[ないしょばなし]Confidential Talk,  whispering ","携帯電話[けいたいでんわ]cellular phone ","懇話[こんわ]Friendly Chat,  friendly talk ","電話帳[でんわちょう]Telephone Book,  telephone directory ","逸話[いつわ]anecdote ","お話[おはなし] (n) story/tale (P) ","お世話[おせわ] (n) help/aid/assistance ","話しかける[はなしかける] (v1, vt) (1) to address (someone)/to accost a person/to talk (to someone) (2) to begin to talk/to start a conversation (P) ","電話番号[でんわばんごう] (n) telephone number (P) ","お話し[おはなし] (n) story/tale (P) ","いい話[いいはなし] (exp, n) (1) good story (e.g. heartwarming) (2) good prospect (e.g. marriage, business) ","話せる[はなせる] (v1, vi) (1) to be able to speak/to be able to talk (2) to be understanding/to be sensible ","お電話[おでんわ] (n) (1) (hon) telephone call (2) (hon) telephone (device) ","話者[わしゃ] (n) speaker/narrator ","おとぎ話[おとぎばなし] (n) fairy-tale/nursery-tale ","電話機[でんわき] (n) telephone instrument (P) ","話し相手[はなしあいて] (n) person with whom to speak/someone to talk to/companion/advisor/adviser ","説話[せつわ] (n, vs) tale/narrative ","手話[しゅわ] (n) sign language (P) "],"読":["講読[こうどく]reading; translation  N1","購読[こうどく]subscription (e.g. magazine)  N1","読者[どくしゃ]reader  N1","読み上げる[よみあげる]to read out loud (and clearly); to call a roll  N1","朗読[ろうどく]reading aloud; recitation  N1","句読点[くとうてん]punctuation marks  N2","読書[どくしょ<br>とくしょ]reading  N3","読み[よみ]reading  N3","読む[よむ]to read  N5","読み方[よみかた]Reading,  pronunciation, way of reading ","必読[ひつどく]essential reading ","立ち読み[たちよみ]browsing ","音読[おんどく]read aloud ","音読み[おんよみ]Chinese-derived kanji reading ","秒読み[びょうよみ]countdown ","読み書き[よみかき]reading and writing ","愛読[あいどく]love reading ","訓読み[くんよみ]Kun'yomi,  kun reading, japanese reading ","読み違い[よみちがい]Misreading,  misread ","購読する[こうどくする]To Subscribe ","読み返す[よみかえす] (v5s, vt) to reread/to read again (P) ","解読[かいどく] (n, vs) deciphering/decoding (P) ","読み込む[よみこむ] (v5m, vt) (1) to read thoroughly/to read repeatedly (2) to express (e.g. emotion in poetry) (3) to read (extra meaning) into (something) (4) (comp) to fetch (e.g. CPU inst.)/to read (data into a system)/to load ","読み取る[よみとる] (v5r, vt) (1) to read (someone's) mind/to read between the lines (2) to read (a calibration, a tape, etc.)/to read (out) ","読了[どくりょう] (n, vs) finish reading ","一読[いちどく] (n, vs) perusal/one reading ","読解[どっかい] (n, vs) reading comprehension ","読み解く[よみとく] (v5k) (1) to read and understand/to subject to close analysis/to read deeply/to read carefully (esp. a difficult text) (2) to decipher/to decode ","読み物[よみもの] (n) reading matter/reading material (P) ","読み手[よみて] (n) (1) reader (person) (2) person who reads the cards (in karuta games) (3) composer (of a poem) ","読切[よみきり] (io) (n) (1) finishing reading (n, adj-no) (2) non-serialised story (e.g. in a magazine)/complete story (n) (3) breaks and pauses (in a sentence) ","読みで[よみで] (n) huge amount of material (worth reading)/richness of content (of a book) ","読本[とくほん<br>どくほん<br>よみほん] (n) (1) reading-book/reader/guidebook/manual (2) textbook (esp. a pre-war elementary school Japanese language textbook) (P) "],"聞":["聞き取り[ききとり]listening comprehension  N1","聞こえる[きこえる]to be heard  N4","新聞社[しんぶんしゃ]newspaper company  N4","聞く[きく]to hear, to listen to,to ask  N5","新聞[しんぶん]newspaper  N5","聞かす[きかす]let (someone) hear ","聞き手[ききて]listener ","見聞[けんぶん<br>けんもん]experience ","醜聞[しゅうぶん]scandal ","聞こえ[きこえ] (n) (1) being able to hear something (clearly)/clearness of a sound/reception (e.g. of a radio station) (2) reputation/renown/fame/hearsay (3) impression (that something gives off)/respectability (4) (ling) sonority ","朝日新聞[あさひしんぶん] (n) Asahi Shimbun (newspaper) ","聞き出す[ききだす] (v5s, vt) (1) to get information out of a person (2) to begin listening ","産経新聞[さんけいしんぶん] (n) Sankei newspaper ","聞き取る[ききとる] (v5r, vt) (1) to catch (a person's words)/to make out/to follow/to understand (2) to find out by asking (P) ","聞ける[きける] (v1, vt) (arch) to tell ","言い聞かせる[いいきかせる] (v1, vt) to tell someone to do something/to warn/to persuade/to instruct ","聞き入れる[ききいれる] (v1, vt) to grant (a wish)/to accede/to comply with/to heed "],"語":["漢語[かんご]Chinese word; Sino-Japanese word  N1","語彙[ごい]vocabulary; glossary  N1","語句[ごく]words; phrases  N1","語源[ごげん]word root; word derivation;etymology  N1","標語[ひょうご]motto; slogan;catchword  N1","文語[ぶんご]written language; literary language  N1","略語[りゃくご]abbreviation; acronym  N1","敬語[けいご]honorific, term of respect  N2","熟語[じゅくご]idiom, idiomatic phrase,kanji compound  N2","主語[しゅご](gram) subject  N2","述語[じゅつご]predicate  N2","物語る[ものがたる]to tell, to indicate  N2","用語[ようご]term, terminology  N2","語る[かたる]to talk,  to tell, to recite  N3","言語[げんご<br>げんきょ<br>ごんご]language  N3","語[ご<br>かたり]language,  word  N3","語学[ごがく]language study  N3","国語[こくご]national language  N3","単語[たんご]word;  vocabulary  N3","物語[ものがたり]tale,  story, legend  N3","英語[えいご]English language  N5","外来語[がいらいご]Foreign Word,  borrowed word, loanword ","フランス語[ふらんすご,  フランスご<br>フランスご]French Language, french ","日本語[にほんご<br>にっぽんご]Japanese Language,  japanese ","スペイン語[すぺいんご,  スペインご<br>スペインご]Spanish Language, spanish ","口語[こうご]colloquial language ","和語[わご]native Japanese word ","外国語[がいこくご]foreign language ","母国語[ぼこくご]one's native language ","落語[らくご](Japanese comic story) ","共通語[きょうつうご]common language ","流行語[りゅうこうご]Popular Phrase,  catchphrase ","季語[きご]season word ","術語[じゅつご]technical term ","訳語[やくご]Translated Term ","同音異義語[どうおんいぎご]Homonym ","尊敬語[そんけいご]Honorific Japanese,  honorific language, formal japanese, formal language ","源氏物語[げんじものがたり]Tale Of Genji,  the tale of genji ","英語圏[えいごけん]English Speaking World ","謙譲語[けんじょうご]Humble Japanese,  humble language ","俗語[ぞくご]Colloquialism,  colloquial language ","日本語字幕[にほんごじまく] (n) Japanese subtitles ","中国語[ちゅうごくご] (n) Chinese (language) (P) ","韓国語[かんこくご] (n) Korean (language) ","造語[ぞうご] (n, vs) coined word/coinage/neologism (P) ","ドイツ語[ドイツご] (n, adj-no) German (language) (P) ","ヘブライ語[ヘブライご] (n) Hebrew (language) ","語りかける[かたりかける] (v1) to make a speech/to address ","語尾[ごび] (n) (inflected) end of a word/end of a sentence ","語り合う[かたりあう] (v5u, vt) to talk together ","ペルシア語[ペルシアご] (n) Persian (language)/Farsi ","英単語[えいたんご] (n) English word (P) ","母語[ぼご] (n) (1) mother tongue/native language (2) (ling) protolanguage/parent language ","語呂[ごろ] (n) sound (of a sentence)/euphony ","ラテン語[ラテンご] (n, adj-no) Latin (language) (P) ","弾き語り[ひきがたり] (n) singing to one's own accompaniment ","新語[しんご] (n) new word/neologism/word of recent origin/recent word/modern term (P) ","語幹[ごかん] (n, adj-no) (ling) stem/root of a word ","語法[ごほう] (n) (ling) diction/grammar/syntax/usage/wording ","語り手[かたりて] (n) speaker/narrator/reciter (P) ","対義語[たいぎご] (n) antonym ","ヒンディー語[ヒンディーご] (n) Hindi (language) "],"書":["書き取り[かきとり]dictation  N1","書き取る[かきとる]to write down; to take dictation;to take notes  N1","箇条書き[かじょうがき]itemized form; itemization  N1","願書[がんしょ]written application or petition  N1","原書[げんしょ]original document  N1","書評[しょひょう]book review  N1","聖書[せいしょ]Bible; scriptures  N1","著書[ちょしょ]literary work; book  N1","秘書[ひしょ](private) secretary  N1","文書[ぶんしょ<br>ぶんじょ<br>もんじょ]document; writing;letter;note;records;archives  N1","書留[かきとめ]writing down, putting on record,recording,making a note of,registration (of mail)  N2","書取[かきとり]dictation  N2","下書き[したがき]rough copy, draft  N2","書籍[しょせき<br>しょじゃく]book, publication  N2","書店[しょてん]bookshop  N2","書道[しょどう]calligraphy  N2","清書[せいしょ]clean copy  N2","投書[とうしょ]letter to the editor, letter from a reader,contribution  N2","教科書[きょうかしょ]textbook  N3","書斎[しょさい]study  N3","書物[しょもつ]books  N3","書類[しょるい]document  N3","読書[どくしょ<br>とくしょ]reading  N3","図書[としょ<br>ずしょ]books  N3","書く[かく]to write  N5","辞書[じしょ]dictionary  N5","図書館[としょかん<br>ずしょかん]library  N5","葉書[はがき]postcard  N5","前書き[まえがき]foreword ","参考書[さんこうしょ]reference book ","図書室[としょしつ]library ","後書き[あとがき]afterword ","書き初め[かきぞめ]New Year's calligraphy ","書き方[かきかた]how to write ","書き直す[かきなおす]rewrite ","書き言葉[かきことば]written language ","書記[しょき]clerk ","横書き[よこがき]horizontal writing ","洋書[ようしょ]foreign book ","白書[はくしょ]white paper ","絵葉書[えはがき]postcard ","証書[しょうしょ]bond ","読み書き[よみかき]reading and writing ","証明書[しょうめいしょ]Certificate,  credentials ","落書き[らくがき]Graffiti,  scribble, sketch ","書き入れる[かきいれる]To Write In,  to fill in ","履歴書[りれきしょ]Personal History,  resume, resumé, curriculum vitae, cv ","説明書[せつめいしょ]Written Explanation,  instructions ","受領書[じゅりょうしょ]Receipt,  docket ","領収書[りょうしゅうしょ]Receipt ","肩書き[かたがき]degree ","書き込む[かきこむ]To Fill Out,  to write in ","縦書[たてがき]Vertical Writing,  vertical style writing ","縦書き[たてがき]vertical writing ","封書[ふうしょ]Sealed Letter ","書架[しょか]Bookshelf,  bookcase ","楷書[かいしょ]printed style of Chinese characters ","書[しょ<br>ふみ] (n, n-suf) (1) book/document (n) (2) calligraphy (esp. Chinese)/penmanship (3) handwriting (4) letter/note ","書き込み[かきこみ] (n, vs) (1) writing (2) entry (e.g. to a form) (3) posting (e.g. to a blog) (P) ","報告書[ほうこくしょ] (n) (written) report (P) ","契約書[けいやくしょ] (n) (written) contract/agreement (P) ","本書[ほんしょ] (n) text/script/this book (P) ","書房[しょぼう] (n) library/bookstore/bookshop (P) ","葉書き[はがき] (n) (1) (abbr) (uk) postcard (2) (uk) memo/note/card ","新書[しんしょ] (n) (1) new book (2) 17x11 cm paperback book (P) ","書き下ろす[かきおろす] (v5s, vt) to write a play, book, filmscript, etc. ","書簡[しょかん] (n) letter/note/epistle/correspondence (P) ","書院[しょいん] (n) drawing room/study/publishing house/writing alcove (P) ","書体[しょたい] (n) (1) typeface (2) style of handwriting/calligraphic style (P) ","請求書[せいきゅうしょ] (n) bill/job invoice (P) ","議定書[ぎていしょ] (n) protocol (P) ","公文書[こうぶんしょ] (n) official document/archives (P) ","書面[しょめん] (n) (1) document/letter (2) writing/contents (e.g. of a letter) (P) ","申請書[しんせいしょ] (n) written application ","手書き[てかき<br>てがき] (n) skilled penman ","遺書[いしょ] (n) (1) note left by dead person/suicide note/testamentary letter/will/testament (2) posthumous work (P) ","蔵書[ぞうしょ] (n) collection of books (personal) library (P) ","書状[しょじょう] (n) letter/note ","書き換える[かきかえる] (v1, vt) to rewrite/to overwrite/to renew/to transfer (P) ","書き手[かきて] (n) writer/calligrapher ","覚え書き[おぼえがき] (n) (1) memo/memorandum/note (2) (diplomatic) memorandum ","書き上げる[かきあげる] (v1, vt) (1) to finish writing/to complete (2) to write down (e.g. a list)/to write out (P) ","古文書[こぶんしょ<br>こもんじょ] (n) (1) ancient document/archives/ancient manuscript/paleograph (2) document addressed to someone in particular (jargon used in paleography) ","古書[こしょ] (n) (1) old book/rare book/classic (2) secondhand book/used book (P) ","史書[ししょ] (n) history book ","書式[しょしき] (n) prescribed form (of writing)/format ","叢書[そうしょ] (n) series (of publications)/library (of literature) ","書家[しょか] (n) calligrapher/individual with good penmanship (P) ","書写[しょしゃ] (n, vs) (1) transcription/copying (n) (2) handwriting (as a school subject)/penmanship ","調書[ちょうしょ] (n) protocol/written evidence/record (investigation,  interrogation, etc.)/preliminary memo/charge sheet (P) ","書名[しょめい] (n) book title (P) ","司書[ししょ] (n) librarian (P) ","全書[ぜんしょ] (n) complete book/complete set/treatise ","正書法[せいしょほう] (n) orthography "],"工":["加工[かこう]manufacturing; processing;treatment  N1","工学[こうがく]engineering  N1","工作[こうさく]work; construction;handicraft;maneuvering  N1","細工[さいく]work; craftsmanship;tactics;trick  N1","着工[ちゃっこう]start of (construction) work  N1","工夫[くふう<br>こうふ]labourer, worker  N2","工員[こういん]factory worker  N2","工芸[こうげい]industrial arts  N2","工事[こうじ]construction work  N2","大工[だいく]carpenter  N2","工場[こうじょう<br>こうじょう,  こうば<br>こうば]factory  N3","人工[じんこう]artificial,  manmade, human work, human skill, artificiality  N3","工業[こうぎょう]the manufacturing industry  N4","工学者[こうがくしゃ]Engineer ","工学部[こうがくぶ]department of engineering ","重工業[じゅうこうぎょう]heavy industry ","工程[こうてい]process of manufacture ","工[こう<br>たくみ] (n-suf) (factory) worker ","施工[しこう<br>せこう] (n, vs) construction/constructing/carrying out/work/formation/workmanship/execution ","工科[こうか] (n) engineering course (P) ","起工[きこう] (n, vs) setting to work (P) ","商工[しょうこう] (n) commerce and industry (P) ","工房[こうぼう] (n) workshop/studio/atelier (P) ","工廠[こうしょう] (n) arsenal/arms and ammunition factory ","工兵[こうへい] (n) combat engineer/military engineer/combat engineering/military engineering (P) ","竣工[しゅんこう] (n, vs) completion of construction ","工法[こうほう] (n) method of construction (P) ","工作員[こうさくいん] (n) (1) spy/agent provocateur/covert operative (2) maker/builder/constructor (P) ","理工[りこう] (n) science and technology (P) ","工具[こうぐ] (n) tool/implement ","鉄工[てっこう] (n) ironworking/ironworker (P) ","工務[こうむ] (n) engineering/engineering works (P) ","電工[でんこう] (n) (1) (abbr) electrician (2) (abbr) electrical engineering (n-suf) (3) electric works (following company name) ","木工[もっこう] (n) woodworking/woodworker/carpenter (P) ","工費[こうひ] (n) construction cost (P) ","工期[こうき] (n) building time/construction period "],"口":["悪口[わるくち<br>あっこう<br>わるくち,  わるぐち<br>わるぐち]abuse; insult;slander;evil speaking  N1","甘口[あまくち]sweet flavour; mildness;flattery;stupidity  N1","入口[いりぐち<br>いりくち<br>はいりくち<br>はいりぐち]entrance; gate;approach;mouth  N1","口ずさむ[くちずさむ]to hum something; to sing to oneself  N1","口述[こうじゅつ]verbal statement  N1","口頭[こうとう]oral  N1","出入り口[でいりぐち]exit and entrance  N1","閉口[へいこう]shut mouth  N1","無口[むくち<br>むこう]reticence  N1","裏口[うらぐち]backdoor, rear entrance  N2","火口[かこう<br>ひぐち<br>ほくち]a burner, origin of a fire  N2","口紅[くちべに]lipstick  N2","口実[こうじつ]excuse  N2","蛇口[じゃぐち]faucet, tap  N2","出入口[でいりぐち]exit and entrance  N2","早口[はやぐち<br>はやくち<br>はやくち,  はやぐち]fast-talking  N2","窓口[まどぐち]ticket window  N2","利口[りこう]clever,  shrewd, bright, sharp, wise, intelligent  N3","人口[じんこう]population  N4","口[くち<br>く<br>こう]mouth, opening  N5","出口[でぐち]exit  N5","入り口[いりぐち<br>いりくち<br>はいりくち<br>はいりぐち]Entrance ","一口[ひとくち]mouthful ","口ごもる[くちごもる]mumble ","川口[かわぐち]River Mouth,  estuary ","口々に[くちぐちに]variously ","口出し[くちだし]interference ","戸口[とぐち]Doorway ","口止め[くちどめ]hush up ","口先[くちさき]lip service ","東口[ひがしぐち]East Exit,  east entrance, eastern exit, eastern entrance ","南口[みなみぐち]South Exit,  south entrance, southern exit, southern entrance, south gate ","口数[くちかず]number of accounts ","口答え[くちごたえ]back talk ","口語[こうご]colloquial language ","非常口[ひじょうぐち]emergency exit ","口笛[くちぶえ]whistle ","改札口[かいさつぐち]ticket gate ","口論[こうろん]argument ","河口[かこう<br>かわぐち]river mouth ","口笛を吹く[くちぶえをふく]To Whistle ","辛口[からくち]spiciness ","口癖[くちぐせ]Favorite Phrase,  catchphrase ","口喧嘩[くちげんか]quarrel ","口径[こうけい] (n) aperture/bore/calibre/caliber (P) ","口座[こうざ] (n) account (e.g. bank) (P) ","口説く[くどく] (v5k, vt) (1) to persuade/to coax/to solicit (2) to seduce/to make advances/to make a play/to make a pass/to put the moves on/to come on to/to hit on/to court/to woo/to romance ","北口[きたぐち] (n) north entrance (P) ","傷口[きずぐち] (n) (opening of) a wound (mouth of a) wound/cut (P) ","口コミ[くちコミ] (n) (1) word of mouth (2) comment on an Internet forum or web page (P) ","開口[かいこう] (n, vs) (1) opening/aperture (e.g. camera) (2) opening one's mouth/beginning to speak (adj-f) (3) open/broad (P) ","切り口[きりくち] (n) (1) cut end/section/opening/slit (2) point of view (different) perspective/new approach (P) ","口ぱく[くちぱく] (n) lip-syncing/lip-synching ","口パク[くちパク] (n) lip-syncing/lip-synching ","西口[にしぐち] (n) west entrance (P) ","ひと口[ひとくち] (n) (1) mouthful/morsel/bite (2) gulp/sip/draft/draught (3) one word/in short (4) one share/one contribution ","口外[こうがい] (n, vs) revealing (information, a secret, etc.)/disclosure/telling/letting out ","口調[くちょう] (n) tone (e.g. of voice,  etc.) (verbal) expression (P) ","口腔[こうくう<br>こうこう] (n) oral cavity/mouth ","手口[てぐち] (n) modus operandi/criminal technique/trick (P) ","経口[けいこう] (adj-no) taken by mouth/oral ","大口[おおくち<br>おおぐち] (n, adj-no) (1) big mouth (2) boastful speech/tall talk (3) large amount/large sum ","水口[みずぐち<br>みなくち] (n) spout (P) ","登山口[とざんぐち] (n) starting point of a mountain ascent/trailhead (leading up a mountain) ","小口[こぐち] (n) (1) cut end/edge (of a page,  etc.) (2) small amount/small sum (3) beginning/clue (4) tiger's den/jaws of death/dangerous place (P) "],"力":["圧力[あつりょく]stress; pressure  N1","威力[いりょく]power; might;authority;influence  N1","権力[けんりょく]power; authority;influence  N1","勢力[せいりょく]influence; power;might;strength;potency;force;energy  N1","戦力[せんりょく]war potential  N1","体力[たいりょく]physical strength  N1","弾力[だんりょく]elasticity; flexibility  N1","動力[どうりょく]power; motive power;dynamic force  N1","浮力[ふりょく]buoyancy; floating power  N1","武力[ぶりょく]armed might; military power;the sword;force  N1","暴力[ぼうりょく]violence  N1","有力[ゆうりょく]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;influence;prominence; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;potent  N1","労力[ろうりょく]labour; effort;toil;trouble  N1","引力[いんりょく]gravity  N2","学力[がくりょく]scholarship, knowledge,literary ability  N2","活力[かつりょく]vitality, energy  N2","効力[こうりょく]effect, efficacy,validity,potency  N2","実力[じつりょく]merit, efficiency,arms,force  N2","重力[じゅうりょく]gravity  N2","速力[そくりょく]speed  N2","力強い[ちからづよい]reassuring, emboldened  N2","電力[でんりょく]electric power  N2","協力[きょうりょく]cooperation,  collaboration  N3","強力[きょうりょく<br>ごうりき]herculean strength,  mountain carrier-guide  N3","努力[どりょく]great effort,  exertion, endeavour, effort  N3","能力[のうりょく<br>のうりき]ability,  faculty  N3","魅力[みりょく]charm,  fascination, glamour  N3","力[ちから<br>りき<br>りょく]strength, power  N4","入力[にゅうりょく]input ","力む[りきむ]strain ","出力[しゅつりょく]output ","水力[すいりょく]water power ","火力[かりょく]fire power ","気力[きりょく]energy ","全力[ぜんりょく]Full Effort,  every effort, best effort, full power ","国力[こくりょく]national power ","風力[ふうりょく]wind power ","助力[じょりょく]Assistance,  support ","馬力[ばりき]Horsepower ","力持ち[ちからもち]powerful person ","全速力[ぜんそくりょく]full speed ","力士[りきし<br>りきじ]Sumo Wrestler ","念力[ねんりき]psycho-kinesis ","無力[むりょく]Powerless,  powerlessness, helplessness ","原子力[げんしりょく]atomic energy ","力試し[ちからだめし]test of one's ability ","暴力団[ぼうりょくだん]Crime Syndicate,  yakuza, gangster organization, gangster organisation ","腕力[わんりょく]muscular strength ","視力[しりょく]eyesight ","迫力[はくりょく]force ","創造力[そうぞうりょく]Creative Power,  creativity ","力一杯[ちからいっぱい]with full force ","聴力[ちょうりょく]Hearing Ability ","握力[あくりょく]Handgrip,  grip of the hand ","尽力[じんりょく]Efforts,  assistance ","魅力的[みりょくてき] (adj-na) charming/fascinating/attractive (P) ","主力[しゅりょく] (n, adj-no) main force/chief object/mainline (P) ","力学[りきがく] (n) mechanics/dynamics (P) ","ご協力[ごきょうりょく] (n, vs) cooperation/collaboration ","想像力[そうぞうりょく] (n) (power of) imagination (P) ","推力[すいりょく] (n) thrust/driving force/propulsion ","精力[せいりょく] (n) energy/vigor/vigour/vitality (P) ","超能力[ちょうのうりょく] (n) (1) extra-sensory perception/ESP/psi/psychic ability (2) psychokinesis/PK ","自分の力[じぶんのちから] (exp, n) one's own strength or effort (by) oneself ","集中力[しゅうちゅうりょく] (n) (powers of) concentration/ability to concentrate (P) ","影響力[えいきょうりょく] (n) influence/clout/leverage (P) ","自力[じりき<br>じりょく] (n, adj-no) (1) one's own strength/one's own efforts (n) (2) (Buddh) self-salvation (P) ","協力者[きょうりょくしゃ] (n) cooperative worker ","暴力的[ぼうりょくてき] (adj-na) violent ","兵力[へいりょく] (n) military force/force of arms/strength of an army (P) ","説得力[せっとくりょく] (n) persuasiveness/powers of persuasion/cogency (P) ","人力[じんりき<br>じんりょく] (n) human power/human strength/human effort/human agency ","力ずく[ちからずく] (n, adj-no) (brute) force/using all one's might ","極力[きょくりょく] (adv) to the utmost/to the best of one's ability (P) ","権力者[けんりょくしゃ] (n) powerful person/influential person ","魔力[まりょく] (n) magical powers/supernatural powers/spell/charm (P) ","記憶力[きおくりょく] (n) memory/ability to remember ","霊力[れいりょく] (n) spiritual power ","原動力[げんどうりょく] (n) motive power/driving force (P) ","注力[ちゅうりょく] (n, vs) pouring one's energy into/focusing one's efforts on/concentrating on/committing oneself to ","脱力[だつりょく] (n, vs) loss of strength/exhaustion/weakness ","応力[おうりょく] (n) stress (e.g. on a mechanical part)/tension ","入出力[にゅうしゅつりょく] (n) (comp) input and output/input-output/IO ","力不足[ちからぶそく] (n, adj-no,adj-na) lack of ability/inadequacy (being) out of one's depth ","力量[りきりょう] (n) (1) ability/capacity/capability/talent (2) physical strength (P) ","筋力[きんりょく] (n) physical strength/muscle strength (P) ","揚力[ようりょく] (n) dynamic lift/lifting power ","打力[だりょく] (n) batting power (P) ","与力[よりき] (n, vs) feudal era police rank ","磁力[じりょく] (n) magnetism/magnetic force "],"正":["正解[せいかい]correct; right;correct interpretation (answer&nbsp;&nbsp;solution)  N1","正規[せいき]regular; legal;formal;established;legitimate  N1","正義[せいぎ]justice; right;righteousness;correct meaning  N1","正常[せいじょう]normalcy; normality;normal  N1","正当[せいとう]just; justifiable;right;due;proper;equitable;reasonable;legitimate;lawful  N1","是正[ぜせい]correction; revision  N1","訂正[ていせい]correction; revision  N1","正しく[ただしく<br>まさしく]surely; no doubt;evidently  N1","正に[まさに]correctly; surely  N1","改正[かいせい]revision, amendment,alteration  N2","公正[こうせい]justice, fairness,impartiality  N2","正味[しょうみ]net (weight)  N2","正面[しょうめん<br>まとも]the front, honesty  N2","正方形[せいほうけい]square  N2","正門[せいもん]main gate, main entrance  N2","修正[しゅうせい]amendment,  correction, revision, modification  N3","正午[しょうご]noon,  mid-day  N3","正直[しょうじき]honesty,  integrity, frankness  N3","正[ただし<br>せい<br>しょう<br>じょう<br>まさ](logical) true,  regular  N3","正確[せいかく]accurate,  punctuality, exactness, authenticity, veracity  N3","正式[せいしき]due form,  official, formality  N3","不正[ふせい]injustice,  unfairness  N3","正しい[ただしい]correct  N4","正す[ただす]To Correct ","大正[たいしょう]Taisho era ","正月[しょうがつ]New Year ","正体[しょうたい]true characters ","正座[せいざ]Seiza,  traditional japanese sitting ","補正[ほせい]correction ","正装[せいそう]formal dress ","矯正[きょうせい]correction,  remedy ","正気[しょうき<br>せいき] (n, adj-no) sanity/consciousness/soberness ","正室[せいしつ] (n) (1) legal wife (of a noble) (as opposed to a concubine) (2) room for receiving guests (3) (obsc) heir/successor ","不正解[ふせいかい] (n, vs) incorrect/wrong/incorrect interpretation (answer, solution) ","適正[てきせい] (adj-na, n) reasonable/suitable (P) ","正統[しょうとう<br>せいとう] (adj-na, n,adj-no) legitimate/orthodox/traditional ","正社員[せいしゃいん] (n) regular employee/permanent employee/full-time employee ","永正[えいしょう] (n) Eisho era (1504.2.30-1521.8.23) ","正徳[しょうとく] (n) Shotoku era (1711.4.25-1716.6.22) ","お正月[おしょうがつ] (n) (1) (pol) New Year (esp. first three days) (2) (pol) the first month of the year/January ","正義の味方[せいぎのみかた] (exp, n) champion of justice/knight in shining armor/crime avenger/hero/super hero ","正則[せいそく] (adj-na, n,adj-no) (1) correct/proper/formal/regular/systematic/normal (adj-na,adj-no) (2) (math) invertible (matrix)/holomorphic (P) ","正宗[まさむね] (n) (1) famous sword/sword blade by Masamune (2) (col) sake/Japanese rice wine/brand of sake from Nada region during Tenpo era (1830-1844) ","正当防衛[せいとうぼうえい] (n) (yoji) legitimate self-defence/legitimate self-defense (P) ","正平[しょうへい] (n) Shohei era (of the Southern Court) (1346.12.8-1370.7.24) ","純正[じゅんせい] (adj-na, adj-no) genuine/pure/perfect ","正々堂々[せいせいどうどう] (adj-no, adj-t,adv-to) (yoji) fair and square/open and aboveboard ","正反対[せいはんたい] (adj-na, adj-no,n) exactly opposite (of) (P) ","正論[せいろん] (n) sound argument/fair argument/just reasoning (P) ","正史[せいし] (n) official history/authorized history ","校正[こうせい] (n, vs) (1) proofreading/correction of press (2) calibration (P) ","正木[まさき] (n) Japanese spindletree (Euonymus japonicus) ","厳正[げんせい] (adj-na, n) strict/rigid/exact/fair/impartial ","正治[しょうじ] (n) Shoji era (1199.4.27-1201.2.13) ","正三位[しょうさんみ] (n) senior grade of the third court rank ","正和[しょうわ] (n) Showa era (1312.3.20-1317.2.3) ","正道[しょうどう<br>せいどう] (n, adj-no) path of righteousness/path of duty/right track/correct path ","僧正[そうじょう] (n) high Buddhist priest ","正典[せいてん] (n) canon (i.e. the Biblical canon) ","正行[しょうぎょう] (n) (Buddh) correct practices (esp. in Jodo,  the path to rebirth in paradise) ","正書法[せいしょほう] (n) orthography "],"犬":["犬[いぬ]dog  N5","子犬[こいぬ]Puppy ","負け犬[まけいぬ]Loser ","雄犬[おすいぬ]Male Dog ","猟犬[りょうけん<br>かりいぬ]hunting dog,  hound ","柴犬[しばいぬ,  しばけん]shiba inu, shiba dog, shiba ","犬種[けんしゅ] (n) breed of dog ","愛犬[あいけん] (n) pet dog/beloved dog (P) "],"目":["一目[ひとめ<br>いちもく]a glance; a look;a glimpse  N1","お目出度う[おめでたう](ateji) (int) (uk) Congratulations!; an auspicious occasion!  N1","効き目[ききめ]effect; virtue;efficacy;impression  N1","生真面目[きまじめ]too serious; person who is too serious;honesty;sincerity  N1","切れ目[きれめ]break; pause;gap;end;rift;interruption;cut;section;notch;incision;end (of a task)  N1","人目[ひとめ<br>じんもく]glimpse; public gaze  N1","着目[ちゃくもく]attention  N1","丁目[ちょうめ]district of a town; city block (of irregular size)  N1","継ぎ目[つぎめ]a joint; joining point  N1","出鱈目[でたらめ]irresponsible utterance; nonsense;nonsensical;random;haphazard;unsystematic  N1","番目[つがいめ<br>ばんめ]cardinal number suffix  N1","目蓋[まぶた]eyelid  N1","目方[めかた]weight  N1","目覚しい[めざましい]brilliant; splendid;striking;remarkable  N1","目覚める[めざめる]to wake up  N1","目付き[めつき]look; expression of the eyes;eyes  N1","目眩[めまい]dizziness; giddiness  N1","目盛[めもり]scale; gradations  N1","面目[めんぼく<br>めいぼく<br>めんもく]face; honour;reputation;prestige;dignity;credit  N1","目録[もくろく]catalogue; catalog;list  N1","目論見[もくろみ]a plan; a scheme;a project;a program;intention;goal  N1","項目[こうもく]item  N2","目上[めうえ]superior(s), senior  N2","目指す[めざす]to aim at, to have an eye on  N2","目覚し[めざまし](abbr) alarm-clock  N2","目下[めした<br>もっか]at present, now  N2","目印[めじるし]mark, sign,landmark  N2","目立つ[めだつ]to be conspicuous, to stand out  N2","目安[めやす]criterion, aim  N2","目次[もくじ]table of contents  N2","役目[やくめ]duty, business  N2","お目に掛かる[おめにかかる]  N3","科目[かもく](school) subject,  curriculum, course  N3","駄目[だめ]useless,  no good, hopeless  N3","注目[ちゅうもく]notice,  attention, observation  N3","真面目[まじめ<br>しんめんぼく<br>しんめんもく]diligent,  serious, honest  N3","目的[もくてき]purpose,  goal, aim, objective, intention  N3","目標[もくひょう<br>めじるし]mark,  objective, target  N3","目[め<br>もく]eye  N5","目玉[めだま]Eyeball ","お目にかかる[おめにかかる]meet ","引け目[ひけめ]drawback ","名目[めいもく<br>みょうもく]name ","見た目[みため]outward appearance ","目当て[めあて]aim ","目前[もくぜん<br>めさき]at hand ","目茶目茶[めちゃめちゃ]ruin ","目茶苦茶[めちゃくちゃ]in a mess ","目医者[めいしゃ]Eye Doctor,  optometrist, oculist ","一番目[いちばんめ]First Thing,  the first ","三番目[さんばんめ]Third Thing,  the third ","目的地[もくてきち]destination ","折り目[おりめ]Fold,  crease ","目玉商品[めだましょうひん]featured product ","目薬[めぐすり]eye drops ","目覚まし[めざまし]waking up ","目覚ましい[めざましい]remarkable ","目覚まし時計[めざましどけい]alarm clock ","種目[しゅもく]item ","割れ目[われめ]cleft ","目処[めど]goal ","目撃[もくげき]observation ","目盛り[めもり]division ","盲目[もうもく]blindness,  blind ","縫目[ぬいめ]seam,  stitch, suture ","憂き目[うきめ]bitterness,  misery, hardship, distress ","升目[ますめ]square,  box, measure ","度目[どめ] (suf) the Nth time ","目撃者[もくげきしゃ] (n) eye-witness/witness ","曲目[きょくもく] (n) (1) name of a piece of music (musical) number (2) (musical) program/programme/selection (of music)/list of songs (P) ","多目的[たもくてき] (adj-na) multipurpose (P) ","目の前[めのまえ] (exp, n) (1) before one's eyes/in front of one/under one's nose (2) immediate/imminent/around the corner (P) ","2番目[にばんめ] (n) second (in a series) ","痛い目[いたいめ] (exp, n) painful experience ","勝ち目[かちめ] (n) chance (of success)/odds ","見る目[みるめ] (n) (1) public opinion/public eye (in) the eyes of others (2) discerning eye/an eye (for sth) (3) perspective/way of looking at things/point of view ","亜目[あもく] (n) suborder ","目論む[もくろむ] (v5m, vt) to plan/to form a plan/to scheme/to envision/to intend to do ","目す[もくす] (v5s, vt) (1) to regard (as)/to recognize (as)/to see as/to consider (2) to pay attention to/to watch ","目黒[めぐろ] (n) (uk) Bonin white-eye (Apalopteron familiare) ","品目[しなめ<br>ひんもく] (n) item/commodity/list of articles ","演目[えんもく] (n) (abbr) program (musical,  concert, theatrical, etc.)/programme (P) ","大目に[おおめに] (adv) rather large ","目隠し[めかくし] (n, vs) (1) something used to cover the eyes/blindfold/blinder/blinker/eye bandage (2) concealing one's home such that the interior cannot be seen from outside ","目つき[めつき] (n) look (in someone's eyes)/expression (of the eyes)/eyes (P) ","目先[めさき] (n) (1) before one's eyes/under one's nose (adj-no, n) (2) immediate (e.g. interests)/present/at hand/short-run (n) (3) foresight/near future (4) appearance (P) ","目障り[めざわり] (adj-na, n) eyesore/unpleasant sight/obstructing a view ","目覚め[めざめ] (n) waking ","羽目[はめ] (n) (1) panel/wainscoting/wainscotting (2) plight/fix/bind/awkward situation/difficult situation/mess (P) ","目の当たり[まのあたり] (exp, adv) just before one's eyes/in one's presence/personally ","目白[めじろ] (n) (1) (uk) white-eye family of birds (Zosteropidae) (2) (uk) Japanese white-eye (Zosterops japonicus) (P) ","目線[めせん] (n) (1) one's gaze (2) point of view/standpoint ","節目[ふしめ] (n) (1) turning point/critical juncture (2) knot (in a tree,  etc.) (P) ","横目[よこめ] (n) sidelong glance (P) ","一目瞭然[いちもくりょうぜん] (adj-na, n,adj-no) (yoji) apparent/obvious/very clear ","両目[りょうめ] (n) both eyes ","結び目[むすびめ] (n) knot ","控え目[ひかえめ] (adj-na, n,adj-no) moderate/reserved/conservative/humble/mild-mannered/self-effacing/unassuming/well-behaved/low-key/temperate/in small quantities ","御披露目[おひろめ] (ateji) (n, vs) (pol) unveiling/debut/introduction ","御目見[おめみえ] (n, vs) (1) (the privilege to have) an audience (with one's lord, a dignitary, etc.)/interview (with one's superior) (2) one's debut (first) appearance/debut (of a new product, work of art, actor, etc.) (3) trial service (of a servant) "],"手":["上手[じょうず<br>うわて<br>かみて<br>じょうしゅ<br>じょうて]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;upper part;upper stream;left side (of a stage); 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;skillful (only in comparisons);dexterity (on  N1","お手上げ[おてあげ]all over; given in;given up hope;bring to knees  N1","御手洗い[ごてあらい]toilet; restroom;lavatory;bathroom (US)  N1","小切手[こぎって]cheque; check  N1","手芸[しゅげい]handicrafts  N1","手法[しゅほう]technique  N1","着手[ちゃくしゅ]embarkation; launch  N1","手当て[てあて]allowance; compensation;treatment;medical care  N1","手遅れ[ておくれ]too late; belated treatment  N1","手数[てすう<br>てかず]number of moves; trouble  N1","手掛かり[てがかり]contact; trail;scent;on hand;hand hold;clue;key  N1","手掛ける[てがける]to handle; to manage;to work with;to rear;to look after;to have experience with  N1","手軽[てがる]easy; simple;informal;offhand;cheap  N1","手際[てぎわ]performance; skill;tact  N1","手順[てじゅん]process; procedure;protocol  N1","手錠[てじょう]handcuffs; manacles  N1","手近[てぢか]near; handy;familiar  N1","手配[てはい]arrangement; search (by police)  N1","手筈[てはず]arrangement; plan;programme  N1","手引き[てびき]guidance; guide;introduction  N1","手本[てほん]model; pattern  N1","手回し[てまわし]preparations; arrangements  N1","手元[てもと]on hand; at hand;at home  N1","手分け[てわけ]division of labour  N1","取っ手[とって]handle; grip;knob  N1","土手[どて]embankment; bank  N1","入手[にゅうしゅ]obtaining; coming to hand  N1","御手洗[おてあらい]font of purifying water placed at entrance of shrine  N2","お手伝いさん[おてつだいさん<br>お てつだい さん]maid  N2","手洗い[てあらい]restroom, lavatory,hand-washing  N2","手入れ[ていれ]repairs, maintenance  N2","手首[てくび]wrist  N2","手頃[てごろ]moderate, handy  N2","手帳[てちょう]notebook  N2","手続き[てつづき]procedure, (legal) process,formalities  N2","手拭い[てぬぐい](hand) towel  N2","手前[てまえ<br>てめえ]before, this side,we,you  N2","派手[はで]showy, loud,gay,flashy,gaudy  N2","相手[あいて]partner  N3","握手[あくしゅ]handshake  N3","歌手[かしゅ]singer  N3","手術[しゅじゅつ<br>しゅずつ]surgical operation  N3","手段[しゅだん]means,  way, measure  N3","助手[じょしゅ<br>すけて]helper,  helpmeet, assistant, tutor  N3","選手[せんしゅ](1) player (in game),  (2) team  N3","手品[てじな]sleight of hand,  conjuring trick, magic, juggling  N3","手伝い[てつだい]help,  helper, assistant  N3","手間[てま]time,  labour  N3","苦手[にがて]poor (at),  weak (in), dislike (of)  N3","拍手[はくしゅ<br>かしわで]clapping hands,  applause  N3","運転手[うんてんしゅ]driver  N4","手伝う[てつだう]to assist  N4","手袋[てぶくろ]glove  N4","お手洗い[おてあらい]bathroom  N5","切手[きって<br>きれて]postage stamp  N5","手[て]hand  N5","手紙[てがみ]letter  N5","下手[へた<br>したて<br>したで<br>しもて]unskillful  N5","左手[ひだりて<br>ゆんで]Left Hand ","右手[みぎて]Right Hand ","人手[ひとで]staff ","大手[おおて<br>おおで]major company ","手のひら[てのひら]palm ","手足[てあし]hands and feet ","売り手[うりて]Seller,  vendor ","手形[てがた]hand print ","空手[からて]karate ","両手[りょうて]Both Hands ","手作り[てづくり]Handmade ","買い手[かいて]buyer ","勝手[かって]selfish ","手落ち[ておち]error ","聞き手[ききて]listener ","お手伝い[おてつだい]help ","手荷物[てにもつ]Hand Baggage,  hand luggage, cabin baggage, carry on ","借り手[かりて]Borrower ","手際良く[てぎわよく]cleverly ","手応え[てごたえ]resistance ","手振り[てぶり]gesture ","手探り[てさぐり]groping ","片手[かたて]One Handed ","手の甲[てのこう]Back Of One's Hand ","手柄[てがら]great deed ","手堅い[てがたい]Solid,  steady, firm ","騎手[きしゅ]Horse Rider ","手古摺る[てこずる]not know what to do with ","手摺り[てすり]handrail ","手続[てつづき] (n, vs) procedure/process/proceedings/formalities (P) ","勝手に[かってに] (adv) arbitrarily/of its own accord/voluntarily/wilfully/willfully/as one pleases ","手下[てか<br>てした] (n) subordinate/underling/henchman/minion ","上手い[うまい] (adj-i) (1) (uk) skillful/skilful/clever/expert/wise/successful (2) (uk) delicious/appetizing/appetising/tasty (3) (uk) fortunate/splendid/promising (P) ","投手[とうしゅ] (n) (baseb) pitcher (P) ","手数料[てすうりょう] (n) handling charge/commission (P) ","捕手[とりて<br>ほしゅ] (n) (1) (arch) policeman/official in charge of imprisoning offenders (2) (MA) art of defeating (and capturing) an opponent with one's bare hands ","選手権[せんしゅけん] (n) championship/title (of champion) (P) ","外野手[がいやしゅ] (n) (baseb) outfielder (P) ","若手[わかて] (n, adj-no) young person (P) ","手がかり[てがかり] (n) (1) clue/lead/key/trail/scent/track (2) handhold/hold (P) ","山手[やまて<br>やまのて] (n, adj-no) (1) place near the mountains (n) (2) hilly section of a city (e.g. Tokyo, Kobe, Yokohama) (P) ","手の平[てのひら] (n) palm (of one's hand) ","手加減[てかげん] (n) (1) making adjustments based on experience/doing something by feel/skill/knack (n, vs) (2) going easy on someone/making allowances/using discretion/taking various circumstances into account ","手ごわい[てごわい] (adj-i) difficult/tough/formidable/redoubtable/stubborn (P) ","内野手[ないやしゅ] (n) infielder/baseman (P) ","手がける[てがける] (v1, vt) (1) to handle/to manage/to deal with/to work with/to have experience with (2) to rear/to look after (P) ","身勝手[みがって] (adj-na, n) selfish/self-centred/egotistical ","手当[てあて] (n, vs) (1) salary/pay/compensation/allowance (e.g. housing allowance)/benefit/bonus (2) medical care/treatment (3) advance preparation (P) ","指名手配[しめいてはい] (n, vs) (yoji) (the police) wanting (someone) for questioning/having (someone) on the wanted list (P) ","手上げ[てあげ] (n) all over/given in/given up hope/bring to knees ","上手く[うまく] (adv) (1) (uk) skilfully/skillfully/well/aptly/cleverly (2) (uk) successfully/smoothly (3) (uk) deliciously ","手出し[てだし] (n, vs) (1) meddling/interfering (n) (2) (mahj) choosing to keep the drawn tile and discarding a different one ","使い勝手[つかいかって<br>つかいがって] (exp, n) ease of use/user-friendliness/usability/utility ","番手[ばんて] (n) (1) (yarn) count (suf) (2) n-th place (e.g. in a race)/n-th in position (e.g. a starting lineup) (P) ","手助け[てだすけ] (n, vs) a help/assistance (P) ","素手[すで] (n, adj-no) bare hand/empty hand ","お手本[おてほん] (n) example/role model ","遊撃手[ゆうげきしゅ] (n) (baseb) shortstop/short (P) ","手放す[てばなす] (v5s, vt) (1) to let go of/to release/to drop (2) to part with (e.g. a possession)/to relinquish/to spare/to sell (3) to send away (e.g. one's child)/to let go/to part with (4) to temporarily stop working ","手先[てさき] (n) (1) fingers/fingertips (2) underling/stooge/tool/pawn/minion ","手短[てみじか] (adj-na) short/brief ","好き勝手[すきかって] (adj-na) doing whatever one pleases ","自分勝手[じぶんかって<br>じぶんがって] (n, adj-na) (yoji) selfishness/egotism/egoism (being) self-centered/without consulting (doing) as one pleases/one's own free will ","手動[しゅどう] (n, adj-no) manual (operation) (P) ","仕手[して] (n) (1) doer/performer (2) (uk) protagonist (in noh or kyogen)/hero/leading part/main character (3) speculator (in trading) (P) ","対戦相手[たいせんあいて] (n, adj-no) (yoji) opponent/adversary/the competition/the other side/one's enemy ","足手まとい[あしてまとい<br>あしでまとい] (adj-na, n) impediment/burden/encumbrance/hindrance/drag ","手抜き[てぬき] (n, vs) (1) omitting crucial steps/cutting corners/skimping (2) intentional negligence (3) tenuki/taking the initiative by ignoring the opponent's last move and playing somewhere else (in go) (P) ","追っ手[おって] (n) pursuer/pursuing party/posse (P) ","手持ち[てもち] (adj-no, n) (1) in hand/on hand/on one/in stock/in store (adj-f) (2) handheld (P) ","手間取る[てまどる] (v5r, vi) to meet unexpected difficulties/to take time/to be delayed ","横手[よこて<br>よこで] (n, adj-no) (1) side/beside (2) feature of a sword blade (P) ","話し相手[はなしあいて] (n) person with whom to speak/someone to talk to/companion/advisor/adviser ","手ぶら[てぶら] (n) empty-handed ","手ブラ[てブラ] (n) handbra/pose using only one's hands to cover one's breasts ","手書き[てかき<br>てがき] (n) skilled penman ","助手席[じょしゅせき] (n) passenger seat/assistant driver's seat ","手渡す[てわたす] (v5s, vt) to hand over/to surrender (P) ","野手[やしゅ] (n) (baseb) fielder (P) ","手口[てぐち] (n) modus operandi/criminal technique/trick (P) ","先手[さきて<br>せんて] (n) front lines/vanguard ","書き手[かきて] (n) writer/calligrapher ","名手[めいしゅ] (n) (1) master/expert (2) expert board game player (chess,  go, shogi, etc.) (P) ","手腕[しゅわん] (n) ability/capability/skill (P) ","手榴弾[しゅりゅうだん<br>てりゅうだん] (n) hand grenade/grenade ","手話[しゅわ] (n) sign language (P) ","決め手[きめて] (n) (1) decider/person who decides (2) deciding factor/clincher/trump card/winning move (P) ","相手方[あいてかた<br>あいてがた] (n) other (opposite) party (P) ","手直し[てなおし] (n, vs) adjustment/tweaking/improvement/modification/tinkering/minor alteration/correction (P) ","取手[とって<br>とりて] (io) (n) handle/grip/knob ","手記[しゅき] (n, vs) note/memorandum (P) ","担い手[にないて] (n) (1) bearer/carrier (2) person bearing responsibility/person in charge/supporter (P) ","読み手[よみて] (n) (1) reader (person) (2) person who reads the cards (in karuta games) (3) composer (of a poem) ","手中[しゅちゅう] (n) in one's hands/in one's control (P) ","後手[ごて] (n) (1) losing initiative/being forestalled (2) second move (in go or shogi)/moving second/person with the second move (3) rear guard (P) ","触手[しょくしゅ] (n) feeler/tentacle ","旗手[きしゅ] (n) standard-bearer/flag-bearer (P) ","手解き[てほどき] (n, vs) teaching the basics/initiation/introduction ","語り手[かたりて] (n) speaker/narrator/reciter (P) ","手狭[てぜま] (adj-na) narrow/small/cramped ","組み手[くみて] (n) (1) wooden joints (2) paired karate kata (3) (sumo) beltwork "],"田":["水田[すいでん](water-filled) paddy field  N1","田園[でんえん<br>でんおん]country; rural districts  N1","田ぼ[たぼ]paddy field, farm  N2","田植え[たうえ]rice planting  N2","田[た]rice field  N3","田舎[いなか<br>でんしゃ<br>でんじゃ]countryside  N4","田んぼ[たんぼ]rice field ","油田[ゆでん]Oil Field ","稲田[いなだ]Rice Field,  rice paddy, paddy field ","田畑[たはた<br>たはたけ<br>でんばた<br>でんぱた]Field,  field of rice, field of crops ","沼田[ぬまた,  ぬた<br>ぬまた<br>ぬまだ]Marshy Rice Field, marshy rice paddy ","田所[たどころ] (n) (1) (arch) farmland (2) (arch) private farm estates from before the Taika reform ","春田[はるた] (n) empty rice field (between the harvest and spring) ","本田[ほんでん] (n) rice paddy ","早稲田[わさだ<br>わせだ] (n) field of early-blooming (or ripening) rice ","上田[じょうでん] (n) high rice field/very fertile rice field (P) ","小田[おだ] (n) (arch) rice field (usu. small) ","神田[かみた<br>しんでん] (n) (arch) field affiliated with a shrine (the tax-exempt proceeds of its harvest going to pay for shrine operations) ","新田[あらた<br>しんでん] (n) (1) new rice field/newly developed rice field (2) wasteland or marshland newly reclaimed as a rice field (Edo period) ","真田[さなだ] (n) plait/braid ","島田[しまだ] (n) (abbr) pompadour-like hair style,  popular for unmarried women in the Edo period/shimada coiffure ","下田[げでん] (n) worn-out rice land ","桑田[そうでん] (n) mulberry plantation (P) ","半田[はんだ] (n) solder/pewter ","川田[かわた] (n) (uk) (derog) lowly people (Edo period)/eta ","塩田[えんでん] (n) saltpan/field for drying salt (P) ","棚田[たなだ] (n) terraced rice-fields ","田地[でんじ<br>でんち] (n) farmland/rice field or paddy ","河田[かわた] (n) (uk) (derog) lowly people (Edo period)/eta ","田野[でんや] (n) cultivated fields/countryside "],"立":["確立[かくりつ]establishment  N1","気立て[きだて]disposition; nature  N1","公立[こうりつ]public (institution)  N1","孤立[こりつ]isolation; helplessness  N1","逆立ち[さかだち]handstand; headstand  N1","仕立てる[したてる]to tailor; to make;to prepare;to train;to send (a messenger)  N1","樹立[じゅりつ]establish; create  N1","自立[じりつ]independence; self-reliance  N1","設立[せつりつ]establishment; foundation;institution  N1","創立[そうりつ]establishment; founding;organization  N1","対立[たいりつ]confrontation; opposition;antagonism  N1","立方[りっぽう]dancing (geisha)  N1","立ち寄る[たちよる]to stop by; to drop in for a short visit  N1","中立[ちゅうりつ<br>なかだち]neutrality  N1","取り立てる[とりたてる]to collect; to extort;to appoint;to promote  N1","成り立つ[なりたつ]to conclude; to consist of;to be practical (logical&nbsp;&nbsp;feasible&nbsp;&nbsp;viable);to hold true  N1","腹立ち[はらだち]anger  N1","役立つ[やくだつ]to be useful; to be helpful;to serve the purpose  N1","立体[りったい]solid body  N1","立法[りっぽう]legislation; lawmaking  N1","両立[りょうりつ]compatibility; coexistence;standing together  N1","組み立てる[くみたてる]to assemble, to set up,to construct  N2","国立[こくりつ]national  N2","献立[こんだて]menu, program,schedule  N2","私立[しりつ<br>わたくしりつ]private (establishment)  N2","成立[せいりつ]coming into existence, arrangements,establishment,completion  N2","Ͼ立[りつ]confrontation, opposition,antagonism  N2","立ち止まる[たちどまる<br>たちとまる]to stop, to halt,to stand still  N2","目立つ[めだつ]to be conspicuous, to stand out  N2","夕立[ゆうだち](sudden) evening shower (rain)  N2","立ち上がる[たちあがる]to stand up  N3","立場[たちば<br>たてば]standpoint,  position, situation  N3","独立[どくりつ]independence (e.g. Ind. Day),  self-support  N3","立派[りっぱ]splendid,  fine, handsome, elegant, imposing, prominent, legal, legitimate  N3","立てる[たてる]to stand something up  N4","役に立つ[やくにたつ]to be helpful  N4","立つ[たつ]to stand  N5","市立[しりつ<br>いちりつ]Municipal,  city ","分立[ぶんりつ]separation ","生い立ち[おいたち]one's childhood ","立ち去る[たちさる]leave ","立ち直る[たちなおる]get over ","立て直す[たてなおす]rally ","立て札[たてふだ]bulletin board ","立ち話[たちばなし]stand talking ","県立[けんりつ]prefectural ","立ち読み[たちよみ]browsing ","起立[きりつ]rising ","顔立ち[かおだち]features ","旅立つ[たびだつ]set off ","都立[とりつ]Tokyo metropolitan ","私立大学[しりつだいがく]Private College,  private university ","府立[ふりつ]prefectural ","立ち入り禁止[たちいりきんし]no trespassing ","立て続けに[たてつづけに]in succession ","立入禁止[たちいりきんし]Do Not Enter,  no entry, entry prohibited, no trespassing, trespassing prohibited ","際立つ[きわだつ]be conspicuous ","立て替える[たてかえる]pay for others ","立候補[りっこうほ]candidacy ","腹立つ[はらだつ]To Get Mad,  to get angry ","立ち退く[たちのく]leave ","傘立て[かさたて]Umbrella Stand,  umbrella holder ","積み立て[つみたて]laying by ","巣立ち[すだち]Leave The Nest,  become independent ","立て込む[たてこむ]be full of ","埋め立て[うめたて]reclamation ","立脚[りっきゃく]viewpoint ","擁立[ようりつ]backing,  support ","立ち上げる[たちあげる] (v1, vt) to start (something)/to start up/to boot (a computer)/to launch (a business) (P) ","建立[けんりつ<br>こんりゅう] (n, vs) (act of) building (temple, monument, etc.)/erection ","役立たず[やくたたず] (adj-no) useless/deadhead ","王立[おうりつ] (n, adj-no) royal (P) ","町立[ちょうりつ] (n, adj-no) established by the town ","立地[りっち] (n, vs) (1) choosing a site (e.g. for industry)/deciding on a location (n) (2) standpoint/position (P) ","立て[たて<br>だて] (pref) (1) central/main/head/chief (suf) (2) (uk) just (done)/freshly (baked)/indicates activity only just occurred (ctr) (3) counter for consecutive losses ","先立つ[さきだつ] (v5t, vi) (1) to lead/to take the lead (in doing something) (2) to precede/to go before/to take precedence (3) to die before (esp. one's spouse, parents, etc.) (4) to be a prerequisite ","区立[くりつ] (n, adj-no) established by the ward (P) ","立案[りつあん] (n, vs) (1) planning/devising (a plan) (2) drafting/drawing up (P) ","立憲[りっけん] (n) constitutionalism (P) ","申し立てる[もうしたてる] (v1, vt) to declare/to plead ","立ち向かう[たちむかう] (v5u, vi) to fight against/to oppose/to face ","連立[れんりつ] (n, vs) (1) coalition/alliance/union (2) standing side-by-side (P) ","立教[りっきょう] (n) established church ","申立[もうしたて] (n) statement/account (of something)/declaration/allegation ","役立てる[やくだてる] (v1, vt) to put to use/to make use of/to turn to account ","立ち入る[たちいる] (v5r, vi) (1) to enter/to trespass (2) to interfere/to meddle/to pry into ","立ち上げ[たちあげ] (n) starting up (e.g. business,  computer) ","思い立つ[おもいたつ] (v5t, vt) to set one's mind on doing/to get the idea of doing/to make up one's mind ","見立てる[みたてる] (v1, vt) (1) to select/to choose (2) to diagnose (an illness)/to judge (3) to liken to something else/to regard as something else (e.g. to use another person as a mirror) (4) to see someone off (5) to look after/to be (someone's) guardian (6) to underrate/to look down on/to underestimate (someone) ","組み立て[くみたて] (n, adj-no) construction/framework/erection/assembly/organization/organisation (P) ","立証[りっしょう] (n, vs) establishing proof/demonstration/substantiation (P) ","立ち会う[たちあう] (v5u, vi) to be present/to be witness to ","申し立て[もうしたて] (n) statement/account (of something)/declaration/allegation (P) ","打ち立てる[うちたてる] (v1, vt) to establish/to formulate ","飛び立つ[とびたつ] (v5t, vi) to jump up/to start up/to leap to one's feet/to fly away/to take off ","積立[つみたて] (n) saving/savings/accumulation/putting aside/reserving (P) ","直立[ちょくりつ] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) standing upright/standing straight/standing erect (2) rising perpendicularly/rising straight up/towering high ","苛立つ[いらだつ] (v5t, vi) to be irritated/to get annoyed/to lose one's patience ","立て続け[たてつづけ] (n) succession/continuation/series/sequence (P) ","組立[くみたて] (io) (n, adj-no) construction/framework/erection/assembly/organization/organisation ","村立[そんりつ] (n, adj-no) established or operated by a village ","共立[きょうりつ] (n, vs) joint/common (P) ","立て籠る[たてこもる] (v5r, vi) to barricade oneself in/to hold (a fort, etc.)/to shut oneself up/to be besieged/to dig in ","立て役者[たてやくしゃ] (n) (1) leading actor/star (2) leading figure/central figure/key figure/leading spirit ","立国[りっこく] (n, vs) founding of a nation (P) ","乱立[らんりつ] (n, vs) (1) standing together in a disorderly fashion/standing close around/crowding together (2) flooding in (applicants, election candidates, etc.) (P) ","国公立[こっこうりつ] (adj-no) national and public ","並立[へいりつ] (n, vs) standing abreast (P) ","官立[かんりつ] (n) national/governmental ","出で立ち[いでたち] (n) (uk) dress/outfit ","前立腺[ぜんりつせん] (n) prostate gland ","立方体[りっぽうたい] (n) cube "],"夕":["夕暮れ[ゆうぐれ]evening; (evening) twilight  N1","夕焼け[ゆうやけ]sunset  N1","夕刊[ゆうかん]evening paper  N2","夕立[ゆうだち](sudden) evening shower (rain)  N2","夕日[ゆうひ<br>せきじつ](in) the evening sun, setting sun  N2","夕べ[ゆうべ]evening  N3","夕方[ゆうがた]evening  N5","夕飯[ゆうはん<br>ゆうめし]dinner  N5","七夕[たなばた<br>しちせき]The Star Festival ","夕食[ゆうしょく]supper ","夕[しゃく<br>ゆう] (oK) (n) (1) shaku/traditional unit of volume,  approx. 18 ml (2) shaku/traditional unit of area, approx. 0.033 meters square ","朝夕[あさゆう<br>ちょうせき] (n-adv, n-t) morning and evening/from morning until night/constantly (P) ","夕刻[ゆうこく] (n-t) evening/evening hour (P) "],"文":["原文[げんぶん]the text; original  N1","文[ぶん<br>あや<br>ふみ<br>もん]letter; writings  N1","文化財[ぶんかざい]cultural assets; cultural property  N1","文語[ぶんご]written language; literary language  N1","文書[ぶんしょ<br>ぶんじょ<br>もんじょ]document; writing;letter;note;records;archives  N1","本文[ほんぶん<br>ほんもん]text (of document); body (of letter)  N1","和文[わぶん]Japanese text; sentence in Japanese  N1","英文[えいぶん]sentence in English  N2","人文科学[じんぶんかがく]social sciences, humanities  N2","文芸[ぶんげい]literature, art and literature,belles-lettres  N2","文献[ぶんけん]literature, books (reference)  N2","文体[ぶんたい]literary style  N2","文房具[ぶんぼうぐ]stationery  N2","文脈[ぶんみゃく]context  N2","注文[ちゅうもん<br>ちゅうぶん]order,  request  N3","文明[ぶんめい]civilization,  culture  N3","文字[もじ<br>もんじ]letter (of alphabet),  character  N3","文句[もんく]complaint  N3","論文[ろんぶん]thesis,  essay, treatise, paper  N3","文化[ぶんか]culture  N4","文学[ぶんがく]literature  N4","文法[ぶんぽう]grammar  N4","作文[さくぶん<br>さくもん]composition, writing  N5","文章[ぶんしょう<br>もんじょう<br>もんぞう]sentence, text  N5","大文字[おおもじ<br>だいもんじ]Capital Letters,  uppercase letters, capital letter, uppercase letter, uppercase, capital ","一文字[いちもんじ,  いちもじ]Straight Line ","小文字[こもじ]lowercase letter ","文科[ぶんか]literary department ","文字通り[もじどおり]literally ","文通[ぶんつう]correspondence ","文学者[ぶんがくしゃ]literary person ","横文字[よこもじ]European language ","漢文[かんぶん]Chinese classics ","注文する[ちゅうもんする]To Order,  to request ","例文[れいぶん]Example Sentence,  model sentence, sample sentence ","文化的[ぶんかてき]cultural ","文句する[もんくする]To Complain ","不文律[ふぶんりつ]Unwritten Law,  unwritten rule, common law ","文庫[ぶんこ]collection of literary works ","文系[ぶんけい]liberal arts ","序文[じょぶん]Preface ","縄文[じょうもん]Jomon People,  joumon people, joumon, jomon, ancient japanese ","碑文[ひぶん]inscription,  epitaph ","文部[もんぶ] (n) (abbr) Ministry of Education,  Science and Culture (1871-2001) (P) ","文字数[もじかず<br>もじすう] (n) number of characters/number of letters/word count ","文部省[もんぶしょう] (n) Ministry of Education,  Science and Culture (1871-2001) (P) ","頭文字[かしらもじ] (n) (1) first letter of a word/capital letter (at the start of a word or sentence) (2) initials (of one's name) (P) ","ご注文[ごちゅうもん] (n, vs) order/request ","天文[てんぶん<br>てんもん] (n, adj-no) Tenbun era (1532.7.29-1555.10.23) ","文学部[ぶんがくぶ] (n) department (faculty) of literature ","人文[じんぶん<br>じんもん] (n) humanity/civilization/civilisation/culture (P) ","条文[じょうぶん] (n) text/provisions (act,  treaty) (P) ","呪文[じゅもん] (n) spell/charm/incantation/magic word ","文化祭[ぶんかさい] (n) school festival/cultural festival/arts festival ","文治[ぶんじ<br>ぶんち] (n) (1) civil administration (2) Bunji era (1185.8.14-1190.4.11) ","長文[ちょうぶん] (n) (1) long sentence (n, adj-no) (2) long piece of writing (e.g. passage, letter, article, telegram) ","全文[ぜんぶん] (n) whole passage/full text/whole sentence/full paragraph (P) ","一文[いちぶん<br>いちもん] (n) (a) sentence ","文言[ぶんげん<br>もんごん] (n) (1) wording (esp. of written text) (2) classical Chinese literary style/traditional written Chinese ","文化庁[ぶんかちょう] (n) (Japanese) Agency for Cultural Affairs (P) ","公文書[こうぶんしょ] (n) official document/archives (P) ","文理[ぶんり] (n) literature and science/context (line of) reasoning ","構文[こうぶん] (n, adj-no) (ling) syntax/sentence structure ","文人[ふみびと<br>ぶんじん] (n) (arch) person of letters/poet ","国文学[こくぶんがく] (n) Japanese literature (P) ","文面[ぶんめん] (n) content of a letter (P) ","古文書[こぶんしょ<br>こもんじょ] (n) (1) ancient document/archives/ancient manuscript/paleograph (2) document addressed to someone in particular (jargon used in paleography) ","国文[こくぶん] (n) national literature ","天文学[てんもんがく] (n) astronomy (P) ","文様[もんよう] (n) pattern/design (P) ","文庫本[ぶんこぼん] (n) small-format paperback book/pocket paperback ","文教[ぶんきょう] (n) education/culture (P) ","文筆[ぶんぴつ] (n) literary art/literary activity/writing (P) ","文民[ぶんみん] (n, adj-no) civilian (P) ","散文[さんぶん] (n, adj-no) (ling) prose (P) ","文永[ぶんえい] (n) Bun'ei era (1264.2.28-1275.4.25) ","文楽[ぶんらく] (n) Japanese puppet theatre (theater)/bunraku (P) ","文壇[ぶんだん] (n) literary world/literary circles (P) ","明文[めいぶん] (n, adj-no) explicit statement (e.g. law)/express provision ","文中[ぶんちゅう] (n) (1) in the sentence/in the text (2) Bunchu era (of the Southern Court) (1372.4.?-1375.5.27) (P) ","文物[ぶんぶつ] (n) (the products of) culture or civilization (civilisation) ","回文[かいぶん] (n) (1) circular (document)/circulating letter (2) palindrome ","法文[ほうぶん] (n) text of the law (P) ","仏文[ふつぶん] (n) French/French writing/French literature (P) "],"牛":["牛[うし<br>ぎゅう]cattle,  cow  N3","牛肉[ぎゅうにく]beef  N5","牛乳[ぎゅうにゅう]milk  N5","子牛[こうし]Calf,  baby cow ","牛丼[ぎゅうどん]Beef Bowl,  beef rice bowl ","蝸牛[かぎゅう<br>かたつむり<br>でんでんむし] (n) (1) (uk) snail (n, adj-no) (2) (abbr) cochlea "],"切":["一切[いっさい]all; everything;without exception;the whole;entirely;absolutely  N1","打ち切る[うちきる]to stop; to abort;to discontinue;to close  N1","噛み切る[かみきる]to bite off; to gnaw through  N1","切っ掛け[きっかけ]chance; start;cue;excuse;motive;impetus;occasion  N1","切り[きり]limits; end;bounds;period;place to leave off;closing sentence;all there is;only;since  N1","切り替える[きりかえる]to change; to exchange;to convert;to renew;to throw a switch;to replace;to switch over  N1","切れ目[きれめ]break; pause;gap;end;rift;interruption;cut;section;notch;incision;end (of a task)  N1","区切り[くぎり]an end; a stop;punctuation  N1","小切手[こぎって]cheque; check  N1","仕切る[しきる]to partition; to divide;to mark off;to settle accounts;to toe the mark  N1","締め切り[しめきり]closing; cut-off;end;deadline;Closed;No Entrance  N1","切開[せっかい]clearing (land); opening up;cutting through  N1","切実[せつじつ]compelling; serious;severe;acute;earnest;pressing;urgent  N1","切ない[せつない]painful; trying;oppressive;suffocating  N1","痛切[つうせつ]keen; acute  N1","出切る[でぎる]to be out of; to have no more at hand  N1","跡切れる[とぎれる]to pause; to be interrupted  N1","持ち切り[もちきり]hot topic; talk of the town  N1","売り切れ[うりきれ]sold-out  N2","売り切れる[うりきれる]to be sold out  N2","思いっ切り[おもいっきり]  N2","区切る[くぎる]to punctuate, to cut off,to mark off,to stop,to put an end to  N2","締切[しめきり]closing, cut-off,end,deadline,Closed,No Entrance  N2","締め切る[しめきる]to shut up  N2","張り切る[はりきる]to be in high spirits, to be full of vigor  N2","踏切[ふみきり]railway crossing, level crossing,starting line,scratch,crossover  N2","裏切る[うらぎる]to betray,  to turn traitor to, to double-cross  N3","切れ[きれ<br>ぎれ]cloth,  piece, cut, chop  N3","切れる[きれる](1) to cut well,  to be sharp, (2) to break (off)  N3","適切[てきせつ]pertinent,  appropriate, adequate, relevance  N3","横切る[よこぎる]to cross (e.g. arms),  to traverse  N3","親切[しんせつ]kindness  N4","切手[きって<br>きれて]postage stamp  N5","切符[きっぷ]ticket  N5","切る[きる]to cut  N5","大切[たいせつ<br>おおぎり<br>たいせち]important  N5","やり切れない[やりきれない]be unbearable ","思い切って[おもいきって]daringly ","思い切り[おもいきり]to one's heart's content ","思い切る[おもいきる]resolve ","不親切[ふしんせつ]unkind ","指切り[ゆびきり]pledging by hooking each other's pinkies ","息切れ[いきぎれ]breathlessness ","品切れ[しなぎれ]sold out ","引っ切り無しに[ひっきりなしに]incessantly ","切り取る[きりとる]To Cut Off,  to cut out ","飛び切り[とびきり]by far ","切断[せつだん]cut ","値切る[ねぎる]ask for a discount ","割り切る[わりきる]divide ","腹切り[はらきり]Harakiri,  ritual suicide ","貸し切り[かしきり]Reserved,  reservation ","切腹[せっぷく]Seppuku,  ritual suicide ","切迫[せっぱく]Urgency,  pressure, draw near, be imminent ","途切れる[とぎれる]break ","切り捨てる[きりすてる]cut down ","裏切り[うらぎり]Backstab,  betrayal ","爪切り[つめきり]Nail Clipper ","裏切り者[うらぎりもの]Traitor ","踏み切る[ふみきる]launch out ","大切に[たいせつに] (adv) carefully/with caution/with great care ","切[せつ] (adj-na, n) eager/earnest/ardent/kind/keen/acute ","皮切り[かわきり] (n) beginning/start (P) ","大切な人[たいせつなひと] (exp, n) special someone/special person/precious one/significant other ","時間切れ[じかんぎれ] (n) (1) being out of time/passing the deadline (2) time-out (P) ","切り離す[きりはなす] (v5s, vt) to detach/to decapitate/to cut loose/to let loose/to dismember (P) ","不適切[ふてきせつ] (adj-na, n) unsuitable/inappropriate/improper (P) ","切り裂く[きりさく] (v5k, vt) to cut off/to cut up/to tear to pieces ","切り口[きりくち] (n) (1) cut end/section/opening/slit (2) point of view (different) perspective/new approach (P) ","切り替え[きりかえ] (n) exchange/conversion/replacement/switching (to)/switchover (P) ","切絵[きりえ] (n) cutout/cutout picture/papercut art ","切り抜ける[きりぬける] (v1, vt) to cut one's way through/to tide over/to struggle through/to get over ","切り落とす[きりおとす] (v5s, vt) to cut off/to lop off/to prune ","切り刻む[きりきざむ] (v5m, vt) to hew/to chop up/to mangle/to mince ","乗り切る[のりきる] (v5r, vt) (1) to weather (a storm, rough seas)/to ride across/to sail across (2) to get through (adversity)/to weather/to get over/to tide over/to overcome/to survive (v5r,vi) (3) to load completely (e.g. books on a shelf, people or luggage in a car) (P) ","切り札[きりふだ] (n) (1) trump card (2) ace up one's sleeve/secret weapon (P) ","押し切る[おしきる] (v5r, vt) (1) to overcome (opposition)/to push past/to force one's way (2) to press and cut (P) ","切除[せつじょ] (n, vs) cut off/cut out/ablation/resection/surgical removal ","切り替わる[きりかわる] (v5r) to change completely/to switch (to)/to shift (to another mode) ","切に[せつに] (adv) eagerly/earnestly/ardently ","切り上げる[きりあげる] (v1, vt) (1) to close (at a certain point)/to cut short/to stop early/to finish (at a convenient spot) (2) to round up (number) (3) to revalue (currency) ","切り開く[きりひらく] (v5k, vt) to clear (land)/to open up/to cut through ","断ち切る[たちきる] (v5r, vt) (1) to cut apart (cloth, paper, etc.) (2) to sever (ties)/to break off (relationship)/to overcome (habit, addiction) (3) to cut off (enemy's retreat)/to block (road, etc.)/to disconnect ","切り出す[きりだす] (v5s, vt) (1) to quarry/to cut (timber)/to cut and carry off (2) to begin to talk/to break the ice/to broach (3) to start a fire (with flint, by rubbing sticks together, etc.) (4) to select and extract (from a media file)/to splice out ","取り仕切る[とりしきる] (v5r, vt) to operate a business/to run a business/to manage all by oneself ","振り切る[ふりきる] (v5r, vt) (1) to shake off/to shake free from (2) to swing completely (bat, club, etc.)/to take a full swing (3) to break off from (pursuer)/to pull away (4) to reject (request)/to ignore (P) ","読切[よみきり] (io) (n) (1) finishing reading (n, adj-no) (2) non-serialised story (e.g. in a magazine)/complete story (n) (3) breaks and pauses (in a sentence) ","切替[きりかえ] (io) (n) exchange/conversion/replacement/switching (to)/switchover ","封切る[ふうきる<br>ふうぎる] (v5r) to release (e.g. a film) "],"方":["彼方此方[あちらこちら]here and there  N1","彼方[かなた<br>あち<br>あちら<br>あっち<br>あなた]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;there;yonder;that  N1","遠方[おちかた<br>えんぽう]long way; distant place  N1","大方[おおかた]perhaps; almost all;majority  N1","地方[ちほう<br>じかた]area; locality;district;region;the coast  N1","其方[そちら]over there; the other  N1","外方[がいほう]look (or turn) the other way  N1","立方[りっぽう]dancing (geisha)  N1","他方[たほう]another side; different direction;(on) the other hand  N1","何方[どちら]which; who  N1","平方[へいほう]square (e.g. metre); square  N1","方策[ほうさく]plan; policy  N1","方式[ほうしき]form; method;system  N1","見方[みかた]viewpoint  N1","目方[めかた]weight  N1","明け方[あけがた]dawn  N2","正方形[せいほうけい]square  N2","長方形[ちょうほうけい]rectangle, oblong  N2","方角[ほうがく]direction, way,compass point  N2","方言[ほうげん]dialect  N2","方針[ほうしん]objective, plan,policy  N2","方程式[ほうていしき]equation  N2","方面[ほうめん]direction, district,field (e.g., of study)  N2","一方[いっぽう<br>ひとかた](1) on the other hand,  (2) meanwhile, (3) only, simple, in turn  N3","方々[かたがた<br>ほうぼう]persons,  this and that, here and there, everywhere  N3","方[ほう<br>かた,  ほう<br>かた<br>え<br>がた<br>さま<br>へ<br>べ]side  N3","方向[ほうこう]direction,  course, way  N3","方法[ほうほう]method,  manner, way, means, technique  N3","味方[みかた]friend,  ally, supporter  N3","仕方[しかた]method  N4","両方[りょうほう]both sides  N4","泳ぎ方[およぎかた]way of swimming  N4","夕方[ゆうがた]evening  N5","やり方[やりかた]way of doing ","四方[しほう<br>よほう<br>よも]all directions ","生き方[いきかた]way of life ","考え方[かんがえかた]Way Of Thinking,  thought process ","行方[ゆくえ<br>いきかた<br>いきがた<br>ゆきかた<br>ゆきがた]one's whereabouts ","言い方[いいかた]way of speaking ","仕方がない[しかたがない]Can't Be Helped,  it can't be helped, no use, it's no use, it is no use ","東方[とうほう<br>ひがしかた<br>ひがしがた]Eastward,  eastern direction ","前方[ぜんぽう<br>まえかた]front ","後方[こうほう]back ","作り方[つくりかた]How To Make,  way to make, way of making ","読み方[よみかた]Reading,  pronunciation, way of reading ","使い方[つかいかた]How To Use,  way of using ","方位[ほうい]bearing ","話し方[はなしかた]Way Of Speaking,  speaking style, way of talking, talking style ","書き方[かきかた]how to write ","薬方[やくほう]Prescription ","漢方薬[かんぽうやく]Chinese medicine ","片方[かたほう]one side ","方向音痴[ほうこうおんち]no sense of direction,  bad sense of direction ","あり方[ありかた] (n) (1) the way something ought to be (2) the (current) state of things/how things are ","行方不明[ゆくえふめい] (adj-no, n) (yoji) missing/lost/unaccounted for/whereabouts unknown (P) ","あなた方[あなたがた] (pn) (hon) you (plural) (P) ","西方[さいほう<br>せいほう<br>にしがた] (n) (1) western direction (2) (Buddh) (abbr) Western Pure Land (Amitabha's Buddhist paradise) ","在り方[ありかた] (n) (1) the way something ought to be (2) the (current) state of things/how things are ","双方[そうほう] (n, adj-no) both parties/both sides (P) ","その方[そのかた<br>そのほう] (pn) (hon) that person ","地方自治体[ちほうじちたい] (n) local authority/local government/locality/local self-governing body/municipality (P) ","あの方[あのかた] (pn) (hon) that gentleman/that lady/he/she (P) ","当方[とうほう] (n) I/we/our part (P) ","貴方[あなた<br>あんた<br>きほう] (pn) (1) (uk) (pol) you (referring to someone of equal or lower status) (2) dear (what a wife calls a husband) (P) ","母方[ははかた] (n) (1) mother's side of family (adj-no) (2) maternal (grandfather,  uncle, etc.) (P) ","北方[ほっぽう] (n, adj-no) (1) the north/northward/northern direction (n) (2) northern part (e.g. of a country)/northern district (P) ","仕方なく[しかたなく] (adv) helplessly/reluctantly/as a last resort ","土方[つちかた<br>どかた] (n) (sens) construction worker/laborer (labourer)/navvy ","上方[かみがた<br>じょうほう] (n, adj-no) Kyoto and vicinity (esp. during Edo period)/Kyoto-Osaka region/Kansai region (P) ","一方的[いっぽうてき] (adj-na) one-sided/unilateral/arbitrary (P) ","南方[なんぽう] (n, adj-no) (1) the south/southward/southern direction (n) (2) countries in the south (esp. Southeast Asia and the pre-WWII South Pacific Mandate) (P) ","親方[おやかた<br>おやがた] (n) (1) (hon) master/boss/chief/foreman/supervisor (2) (sumo) (hon) stable master (3) (hon) craftsman/artisan (4) (arch) foster parent (P) ","先方[さきかた<br>さきがた<br>せんぽう] (n) other party/other side ","お方[おかた] (n) this lady or gentleman ","正義の味方[せいぎのみかた] (exp, n) champion of justice/knight in shining armor/crime avenger/hero/super hero ","処方[しょほう] (n, vs) prescription/formulation/formula/recipe (P) ","進め方[すすめかた] (n) format/procedure/way of proceeding ","途方[とほう] (n) way/destination/reason (P) ","地方裁判所[ちほうさいばんしょ] (n) district court/local court ","選び方[えらびかた] (n) choice ","三方[さんかた<br>さんぼう<br>さんぽう] (n) (obsc) day laborer (in construction,  etc.)/day labourer ","方伯[ほうはく] (n) landgrave ","朝方[あさがた] (n-t, n) early morning/early hours/early in the morning (P) ","父方[ちちかた] (n) (1) father's side of family (adj-no) (2) paternal (grandfather,  uncle, etc.) (P) ","相方[あいかた] (n) (1) partner (esp. in manzai)/companion (2) partner for the night (e.g. at a brothel) ","下方[かほう] (n) lower region/lower part (P) ","平方メートル[へいほうメートル] (n) square metre/square meter (P) ","漢方[かんぽう] (n) traditional Chinese medicine (P) ","この方[このかた<br>このほう] (n-adv) (1) since (pn, adj-no) (2) this person ","処方箋[しょほうせん] (n) (med) prescription (P) ","相手方[あいてかた<br>あいてがた] (n) other (opposite) party (P) ","双方向[そうほうこう] (n, adj-no) two-way/bidirectional/interactive ","方形[ほうけい] (n, adj-no) square ","多方面[たほうめん] (adj-na, n) many-sided/multifarious/versatility ","仕方無い[しかたない] (adj-i) it can't be helped/it's inevitable/it's no use/can't stand it/impatient/annoyed ","立方体[りっぽうたい] (n) cube "],"少":["少女[しょうじょ<br>おとめ]daughter; young lady;virgin;maiden;little girl  N1","減少[げんしょう]decrease; reduction;decline  N1","少数[しょうすう]minority; few  N1","少なくとも[すくなくとも]at least  N1","青少年[せいしょうねん]youth, young person  N2","少々[しょうしょう]a little bit;  a few seconds  N3","少年[しょうねん]boys,  juveniles  N3","少しも[すこしも]anything of,  not one bit  N3","多少[たしょう]more or less,  somewhat, a little, some  N3","少ない[すくない]a few  N5","少し[すこし]few  N5","少なからず[すくなからず]not a little ","少量[しょうりょう]small quantity ","少尉[しょうい]second lieutenant,  ensign ","もう少し[もうすこし] (exp) a bit more/a bit longer ","少将[しょうしょう] (n, adj-no) major general/rear admiral/air commodore (P) ","少佐[しょうさ] (n) major/lieutenant commander/wing commander (P) ","少子化[しょうしか] (n, vs) declining birth rates/decrease in the number of children ","年少[ねんしょう] (adj-no, n,adj-na) young/juvenile ","少[しょう] (pref) small/little/few (P) ","幼少[ようしょう] (n, adj-na,adj-no) infancy/childhood/tender age (P) ","少しずつ[すこしずつ] (adv) little by little (P) ","数少ない[かずすくない] (adj-i) few in number (P) ","ほんの少し[ほんのすこし] (exp, n,adv) just a little (P) ","少い[すくない] (io) (adj-i) few/a little/scarce/insufficient/seldom ","希少[きしょう] (adj-na, n) scarce/rare (P) ","美少女[びしょうじょ] (n) beautiful girl ","少子[しょうし] (n) (1) small number of children (per family)/low birth rate (2) youngest child (in the family) ","少額[しょうがく] (n, adj-no) small sum (e.g. of money)/small denomination (P) ","少人数[しょうにんず<br>しょうにんずう] (n, adj-no) small number of people ","最少[さいしょう] (adj-no, n) (1) fewest/least/smallest (number)/lowest/minimum (2) youngest (P) "],"心":["一心[いっしん]one mind; wholeheartedness;the whole heart  N1","肝心[きもごころ<br>かんじん]essential; fundamental;crucial;vital;main  N1","心地[ここち<br>しんじ]feeling; sensation;mood  N1","心得[こころえ]knowledge; information  N1","心掛け[こころがけ]readiness; intention;aim  N1","心掛ける[こころがける]to bear in mind; to aim to do  N1","心強い[こころづよい]heartening; reassuring  N1","心細い[こころぼそい]helpless; forlorn;hopeless;unpromising;lonely;discouraging;disheartening  N1","下心[したごころ]secret intention; motive  N1","心中[しんじゅう<br>しんちゅう<br>しんぢゅう]double suicide; lovers suicide  N1","心情[しんじょう]mentality  N1","自尊心[じそんしん]self-respect; conceit  N1","真心[まごころ]sincerity; devotion  N1","野心[やしん]ambition; aspiration;designs;treachery  N1","良心[りょうしん]conscience  N1","苦心[くしん]pain, trouble  N2","心当たり[こころあたり]having some knowledge of, happening to know  N2","心得る[こころえる]to be informed, to have thorough knowledge  N2","心身[しんしん<br>しんじん]mind and body  N2","都心[としん]heart (of city)  N2","感心[かんしん]admiration,  Well done!  N3","関心[かんしん]concern,  interest  N3","決心[けっしん]determination,  resolution  N3","心臓[しんぞう]heart  N3","心配[しんぱい]worry,  concern, anxiety, care  N3","心理[しんり]mentality  N3","中心[ちゅうしん<br>なかご]center,  core, heart, pivot, emphasis, balance  N3","熱心[ねっしん]zeal,  enthusiasm  N3","用心[ようじん]care,  precaution, guarding, caution  N3","安心[あんしん<br>あんじん]relief  N4","心[こころ<br>しん]core, heart  N4","一心に[いっしんに]wholeheartedly ","内心[ないしん]on the inside ","本心[ほんしん]one's mind ","気心[きごころ]disposition ","里心[さとごころ]Homesick,  homesickness ","会心[かいしん]congenial ","心理学[しんりがく]Psychology ","重心[じゅうしん]center of gravity ","初心[しょしん<br>うぶ]one's original intention ","心配事[しんぱいごと]Cares,  worries, troubles ","心配する[しんぱいする]To Worry,  to be concerned, to be anxious ","用心深い[ようじんぶかい]careful ","心願[しんがん]Heartfelt Desire,  heartfelt wish, prayer, heart's desire ","信心[しんじん]Faith,  belief ","心底[しんそこ<br>しんてい]Bottom Of One's Heart,  bottom of my heart ","愛国心[あいこくしん]Patriotism ","虚栄心[きょえいしん]Vanity ","無心[むしん]be absorbed in ","無関心[むかんしん]indifferent ","心境[しんきょう]mental attitude ","好奇心[こうきしん]curiosity ","傷心[しょうしん]Heartbreak ","核心[かくしん]core ","炉心[ろしん]Nuclear Reactor Core ","心の中[こころのうち] (exp, n) one's mind ","心地よい[ここちよい] (adj-i) comfortable/pleasant ","初心者[しょしんしゃ] (n) beginner (P) ","心がける[こころがける] (v1, vt) to keep in mind/to bear in mind/to try/to aim to do/to endeavor/to endeavour (P) ","心臓発作[しんぞうほっさ] (n) (1) heart attack (vs) (2) to have a heart attack ","心の準備[こころのじゅんび] (exp, n) mental preparedness/being braced for/being steeled for ","心から[こころから<br>しんから] (adv) from the bottom of one's heart/heartily/sincerely (P) ","居心地[いごこち] (n) comfort (P) ","忠誠心[ちゅうせいしん] (n) loyalty/faithfulness ","心の底[こころのそこ] (exp, n) bottom of one's heart ","心拍[しんぱく] (n, adj-no) heartbeat ","心構え[こころがまえ] (n, vs) preparedness/readiness/mental attitude/frame of mind (P) ","心理学者[しんりがくしゃ] (n) psychologist ","恐怖心[きょうふしん] (n) fear/terror ","心筋[しんきん] (n, adj-no) heart muscle/myocardium (P) ","一安心[ひとあんしん] (n, vs) feeling of relief (for the time being)/peace of mind (for now) (P) ","用心棒[ようじんぼう] (n) (1) bodyguard/bouncer/guard (2) bar (e.g. on a door)/bolt (3) stick or pole used for self-defence (P) ","中心地[ちゅうしんち] (n) center/centre/metropolis ","関心事[かんしんじ] (n) matter of concern and interest (P) ","遠心[えんしん] (adj-na, n,vs,adj-no) centrifuge ","腹心[ふくしん] (n, adj-no) one's confidant/trusted friend/trusted retainer (P) ","離心率[りしんりつ] (n) eccentricity "],"台":["台無し[だいなし]mess; spoiled;(come to) nothing  N1","台本[だいほん]libretto; scenario  N1","土台[どだい]foundation; base;basis  N1","寝台[しんだい<br>ねだい]bed, couch  N2","灯台[とうだい]lighthouse  N2","台[だい<br>うてな<br>たい]stand,  rack, table, support  N3","舞台[ぶたい]stage (theatre)  N3","台風[たいふう]typhoon  N4","台所[だいどころ<br>だいどこ]kitchen  N5","〜台[だい]Big Machine,  big device, machine, device ","五台[ごだい]Five Machines ","一台[いちだい]One Machine ","十台[じゅうだい]Ten Machines ","二台[にだい]Two Machines ","台湾[たいわん]Taiwan ","仙台[せんだい]Sendai ","滑り台[すべりだい]Playground Slide,  slide ","台車[だいしゃ] (n) (1) platform truck/hand truck/trolley/dolly/cart (2) (railway) truck/bogie/flatcar/wagon/waggon (P) ","台なし[だいなし] (adj-na, n) mess/spoiled/spoilt (come to) nothing/ruin ","台詞[せりふ<br>だいし] (n) (uk) speech/words/one's lines/remarks ","台地[だいち] (n) plateau/tableland/eminence (P) ","台頭[たいとう] (n, vs) rise (e.g. of a movement)/emergence/rearing one's head/gaining prominence/coming to the fore/gaining power/gathering strength (P) ","台帳[だいちょう] (n) account book/ledger/register (P) ","屋台[やたい] (n) (1) cart (esp. a food cart)/stall/stand (2) festival float/portable shrine dedicated to a god and shaped like a house/dancing platform (3) stage prop fashioned after a large building (4) (abbr) framework (of a house,  etc.) (5) (arch) house (esp. a small and miserable house) (P) ","砲台[ほうだい] (n) (gun) battery/fort ","台数[だいすう] (n) number of large objects such as cars,  computers, etc. ","台北[タイペイ<br>たいほく] (n) Taipei ","高台[たかだい] (n, adj-no) elevation/high ground (P) ","天台宗[てんだいしゅう] (n) Tendai sect (of Buddhism) ","台場[だいば] (n) (abbr) fort/battery ","台座[だいざ] (n) pedestal ","荷台[にだい] (n) (truck) load-carrying tray (bicycle) luggage carrier/roof rack (P) ","たたき台[たたきだい] (n) (1) chopping block (2) springboard for discussion/draft proposal/tentative plan ","鎮台[ちんだい] (n) garrison (in Meiji era) ","大台[おおだい] (n) (1) (major) mark/level/barrier (2) 100-yen unit (stock market) (P) "],"古":["古[ふる<br>いにしえ]antiquity; ancient times  N1","考古学[こうこがく]archaeology  N1","古代[こだい]ancient times  N1","稽古[けいこ]practice, training,study  N2","古典[こてん]old book, classics,classic  N2","中古[ちゅうこ<br>ちゅうぶる](1) used,  second-hand, old  N3","古い[ふるい]old (not used for people)  N5","古本[ふるほん<br>こほん<br>ふるぼん]secondhand book ","古来[こらい]Ancient ","名古屋[なごや]Nagoya ","古典的[こてんてき]Classical ","古墳[こふん]Ancient Tomb,  ancient mound ","蒙古[もうこ]mongolia ","手古摺る[てこずる]not know what to do with ","古河[ふるかわ] (n) old river ","古城[こじょう] (n) old castle/old fortress (P) ","古巣[ふるす] (n) old haunts/former homes (P) ","古里[ふるさと] (n) (1) (uk) home town/birthplace/native place/one's old home (2) (arch) ruins/historic remains (P) ","最古[さいこ] (n, adj-no) the oldest (P) ","古川[ふるかわ] (n) old river ","古本屋[ふるほんや] (n) second hand bookstore (bookshop) (P) ","古今[こきん<br>ここん] (ok) (n, adj-no) ancient and modern times/all ages/past and present ","古文書[こぶんしょ<br>こもんじょ] (n) (1) ancient document/archives/ancient manuscript/paleograph (2) document addressed to someone in particular (jargon used in paleography) ","古参[こさん] (n, adj-no) seniority/long service (P) ","古書[こしょ] (n) (1) old book/rare book/classic (2) secondhand book/used book (P) ","古く[ふるく] (adv, n) anciently/formerly ","王政復古[おうせいふっこ] (n) (yoji) restoration of imperial rule (in English history) the Restoration ","太古[たいこ] (n-adv, n) ancient times (P) ","復古[ふっこ] (n, vs,adj-no) revival/restoration ","古都[こと] (n) ancient city/former capital (P) ","古屋[こおく<br>ふるや] (ok) (n) old house/deserted house "],"兄":["従兄弟[いとこ<br>じゅうけいてい]cousin (male)  N3","兄[あに<br>けい<br>このかみ<br>にい](humble) older brother  N5","お兄さん[おにいさん](honorable) older brother  N5","兄弟[きょうだい<br>けいてい](humble) siblings  N5","兄さん[にいさん<br>あにさん]older brother ","父兄[ふけい]parents ","兄貴[あにき]Older Brother,  big brother, elder brother, one's senior ","お兄ちゃん[おにいちゃん] (n) (1) (fam) (one's) older brother (2) (fam) lad/sonny ","兄上[あにうえ] (n) (hon) older brother ","兄ちゃん[あんちゃん<br>にいちゃん] (n) (1) (fam) (one's) older brother (2) young man/sonny/lad (P) ","兄様[にいさま] (n) (hon) older brother ","兄妹[きょうだい<br>けいまい] (ik) (n) older brother and younger sister ","義兄[あに<br>ぎけい] (ik) (n) (1) brother-in-law (spouse's older brother or older sister's husband) (2) older stepbrother ","長兄[ちょうけい] (n) eldest brother ","実兄[じっけい] (n) (biological) older brother/older brother from the same parents (P) ","次兄[じけい] (n) second elder brother "],"元":["還元[かんげん]resolution; reduction;return to origins  N1","元年[がんねん]first year (of a specific reign)  N1","元来[がんらい]originally; primarily;essentially;logically;naturally  N1","元首[げんしゅ]ruler; sovereign  N1","元素[げんそ]chemical element  N1","地元[じもと]local  N1","手元[てもと]on hand; at hand;at home  N1","元々[もともと]originally, by nature,from the start  N2","元[もと<br>げん<br>ユアン](1) origin,  original, (2) former  N3","元気[げんき]health,  vitality  N5","お中元[おちゅうげん]mid-year gift ","元日[がんじつ<br>がんにち]New Year's Day ","元号[げんごう]era name ","耳元[みみもと]close to one's ears ","次元[じげん]dimension ","身元[みもと]one's birth ","根元[ねもと<br>こんげん]base ","紀元後[きげんご]After Death,  ad, anno domini, ce, common era ","紀元[きげん]era ","紀元前[きげんぜん]Before Christ,  bc, bce, before common era ","元凶[がんきょう]Ringleader,  main culprit ","襟元[えりもと]collar,  front of the neck, nape of the neck ","元帥[げんすい]general of the army,  marshal, admiral ","元旦[がんたん]new year's day,  new year's morning ","元禄[げんろく] (n) Genroku era (1688.9.30-1704.3.13) (P) ","足元[あしもと] (n, adj-no) (1) at one's feet/underfoot/one's step (as in 'watch your step') (n) (2) gait/pace/step (adj-no) (3) most recent/current (pn) (4) you/thou (P) ","復元[ふくげん] (n, vs) restoration (to original state)/reconstruction (P) ","元老[げんろう] (n) (1) elder statesman/doyen/old-timer/authority (2) Genro (member of a pre-WWII body that informally advised the emperor) (P) ","元かの[もとかの] (n) (col) former girlfriend/ex-girlfriend ","元カノ[もとカノ] (n) (col) former girlfriend/ex-girlfriend ","元カレ[もとカレ] (n) (col) former boyfriend/ex-boyfriend ","元どおり[もとどおり] (adj-na, n-t) as before/as ever ","元治[げんじ] (n) Genji era (1864.2.20-1865.4.7) ","元服[げんぶく<br>げんぷく] (n, vs) (1) male coming of age ceremony (2) for a woman to shave her eyebrows, dye her teeth and wear her hair in the marumage style after marrying (Edo period) ","元祖[がんそ] (n, adj-no) originator/founder/pioneer/inventor (P) ","一元化[いちげんか] (n, vs) unification/centralization/centralisation (P) ","改元[かいげん] (n, vs) change of era ","版元[はんもと] (n) publisher ","家元[いえもと] (n) head of a school (of music,  dance)/head family of a school (P) ","一元[いちげん] (n, adj-no) unitary (P) ","多元[たげん] (n, adj-no) pluralism/diversity ","国元[くにもと] (n) hometown/native place "],"公":["公[こう<br>おおやけ<br>きみ]official; public;formal;open;governmental  N1","公演[こうえん]public performance  N1","公開[こうかい]presenting to the public  N1","公然[こうぜん]open (e.g. secret); public;official  N1","公団[こうだん]public corporation  N1","公認[こうにん]official recognition; authorization;licence;accreditation  N1","公募[こうぼ]public appeal; public contribution  N1","公用[こうよう]government business; public use;public expense  N1","公立[こうりつ]public (institution)  N1","主人公[しゅじんこう]protagonist; main character;hero(ine) (of a story);head of household  N1","公害[こうがい]public nuisance, pollution  N2","公共[こうきょう]public, community,public service,society,communal  N2","公式[こうしき]formula, formality,official  N2","公衆[こうしゅう]the public  N2","公正[こうせい]justice, fairness,impartiality  N2","公表[こうひょう]official announcement, proclamation  N2","公務[こうむ]official business, public business  N2","公平[こうへい<br>きんぴら]fairness,  impartial, justice  N3","公務員[こうむいん]government worker  N4","公園[こうえん]park  N5","不公平[ふこうへい]unfair ","公社[こうしゃ]Public Corporation,  public company ","公言[こうげん]public declaration ","公明[こうめい]fairness ","公使[こうし]minister ","公定[こうてい]official ","公民館[こうみんかん]public hall ","公約[こうやく]public pledge ","公告[こうこく]Public Notice,  public announcement ","公布[こうふ]promulgation ","公設[こうせつ]Public,  public institution ","公示[こうじ<br>こうし]Public Announcement ","公営[こうえい]Public,  government run, run by the government ","公益[こうえき]Public Benefit ","公邸[こうてい]official residence ","奉公[ほうこう]service,  apprenticeship, public duty ","公的[こうてき] (adj-na) public/official (P) ","公民[おおみたから<br>こうみん] (n, adj-no) (arch) imperial subjects/the people ","公職[こうしょく] (n) public office (P) ","公家[くげ<br>こうか<br>こうけ] (n) (1) court noble/nobility (2) Imperial Court ","公明党[こうめいとう] (n) New Komeito (Japanese political party)/New Clean Government Party/Justice Party (P) ","公爵[こうしゃく] (n, adj-no) prince/duke (P) ","公安[こうあん] (n) public safety/public welfare (P) ","公転[こうてん] (n, vs) revolution (of heavens) ","非公開[ひこうかい] (adj-no, n) private/exclusive/secret (P) ","公庫[こうこ] (n, adj-no) finance corporation (P) ","公述[こうじゅつ] (n, vs) speaking at a public hearing ","公司[こうし<br>コンス] (n) company/firm (in China) (P) ","公判[こうはん] (n, adj-no) public hearing/trial (P) ","非公式[ひこうしき] (adj-no, adj-na,n) informal/unofficial (P) ","公称[こうしょう] (n, vs) (1) public name/announcing publicly (adj-f) (2) nominal (P) ","公文書[こうぶんしょ] (n) official document/archives (P) ","公債[こうさい] (n, adj-no) public debt/public bond or securities (P) ","公子[こうし] (n) young nobleman (P) ","公聴[こうちょう] (n, vs) public consultation/public information ","公論[こうろん] (n) public opinion/unbiased criticism/unbiassed criticism (P) ","聖公会[せいこうかい] (n) Anglican or Episcopal Church ","公道[こうどう] (n) (1) public road (2) justice ","公会堂[こうかいどう] (n) town hall/public hall (P) ","官公庁[かんこうちょう] (n) government and municipal offices/public agencies (P) ","公刊[こうかん] (n, vs) publication ","国公立[こっこうりつ] (adj-no) national and public ","公訴[こうそ] (n, vs) accusation/prosecution (P) ","公選[こうせん] (n, vs,adj-no) public election (P) ","公私[こうし] (n, adj-no) public and private/official and personal/government and people (P) "],"止":["受け止める[うけとめる]to catch; to stop the blow;to react to;to take  N1","静止[せいし]stillness; repose;standing still  N1","阻止[そし]obstruction; check;hindrance;prevention;interdiction  N1","止まる[とまる<br>とどまる<br>やまる]to be limited to  N1","止める[とめる<br>やめる<br>とどめる]to stop; to cease;to put an end to  N1","廃止[はいし]abolition; repeal  N1","止むを得ない[やむをえない]cannot be helped; unavoidable  N1","呼び止める[よびとめる]to challenge; to call somebody to halt  N1","立ち止まる[たちどまる<br>たちとまる]to stop, to halt,to stand still  N2","停止[ていし<br>ちょうじ]suspension, interruption,stoppage,ban  N2","引き止める[ひきとめる]to detain, to check,to restrain  N2","防止[ぼうし]prevention, check  N2","禁止[きんし]prohibition,  ban  N3","中止[ちゅうし]suspension,  stoppage, discontinuance, interruption  N3","止す[よす]to cease,  to abolish, to resign, to give up  N3","止む[やむ]to stop  N4","口止め[くちどめ]hush up ","止めどなく[とめどなく]endlessly ","休止[きゅうし]Pause,  rest, break ","行き止まり[いきどまり]dead end ","食い止める[くいとめる]check ","通行止め[つうこうどめ]road closed ","歯止め[はどめ]brake ","立ち入り禁止[たちいりきんし]no trespassing ","立入禁止[たちいりきんし]Do Not Enter,  no entry, entry prohibited, no trespassing, trespassing prohibited ","制止[せいし]check ","痛み止め[いたみどめ]Painkiller ","終止符[しゅうしふ]period ","撮影禁止[さつえいきんし]No Photos,  no photos allowed ","抑止[よくし]Deter,  stave off ","廃止する[はいしする]To Abolish ","止め[とどめ<br>とめ<br>どめ] (n) finishing blow/clincher ","足止め[あしどめ] (n, vs) (1) preventing (someone) from leaving/confinement/keeping indoors/inducement to stay (2) being stranded/grounding (P) ","取り止める[とりやめる] (v1, vt) to cancel/to call off ","突き止める[つきとめる] (v1, vt) (1) to determine (esp. a culprit or underlying cause)/to pin down/to ascertain/to locate/to identify (2) (arch) to stab to death ","通行止[つうこうどめ] (exp, n) (1) closure (of a road)/suspension of traffic (exp) (2) Road closed (on a sign)/Closed to traffic/No through road ","差し止める[さしとめる] (v1, vt) to stop/to prohibit/to forbid someone to do something ","塞き止める[せきとめる] (v1, vt) (1) to dam up/to hold back/to keep back/to bring to a halt/to intercept (2) to stem (an activity)/to check (e.g. progress) "],"用":["運用[うんよう]making use of; application;investment;practical use  N1","慣用[かんよう]common; customary  N1","兼用[けんよう]multi-use; combined use;combination;serving two purposes  N1","公用[こうよう]government business; public use;public expense  N1","雇用[こよう]employment (long term); hire  N1","採用[さいよう]use; adopt  N1","作用[さよう]action; operation;effect;function  N1","私用[しよう]personal use; private business  N1","使用人[しようにん]employee; servant  N1","専用[せんよう]exclusive use; personal use  N1","代用[だいよう]substitution  N1","無用[むよう]useless; futility;needlessness;unnecessariness  N1","用件[ようけん]business  N1","用紙[ようし]blank form  N1","用品[ようひん]articles; supplies;parts  N1","用法[ようほう]directions; rules of use  N1","濫用[らんよう]abuse; misuse;misappropriation;using to excess  N1","応用[おうよう]application, put to practical use  N2","実用[じつよう]practical use, utility  N2","通用[つうよう]popular use, circulation  N2","日用品[にちようひん]daily necessities  N2","用語[ようご]term, terminology  N2","用途[ようと]use, usefulness  N2","引用[いんよう]quotation,  citation  N3","活用[かつよう]conjugation,  practical use  N3","器用[きよう]skillful,  handy  N3","使用[しよう]use,  application, employment, utilization  N3","信用[しんよう]confidence,  dependence, credit, faith  N3","適用[てきよう]applying  N3","費用[ひよう]cost,  expense  N3","用いる[もちいる]to use,  to make use of  N3","用心[ようじん]care,  precaution, guarding, caution  N3","用[よう]use  N4","用意[ようい]preparation  N4","用事[ようじ]things to do  N4","利用[りよう]utilization  N4","用足し[ようたし]business ","画用紙[がようし]drawing paper ","反作用[はんさよう]reaction ","乗用車[じょうようしゃ]automobile ","服用[ふくよう]dose ","用具[ようぐ]outfit ","共用[きょうよう]communal ","悪用[あくよう]abuse ","用心深い[ようじんぶかい]careful ","不器用[ぶきよう]clumsy ","実用的[じつようてき]practical ","用例[ようれい]example ","急用[きゅうよう]urgent business ","薬用[やくよう]Medicinal ","常用[じょうよう]common use ","常用漢字[じょうようかんじ]Chinese characters for daily use ","愛用[あいよう]use regularly ","借用[しゃくよう]Borrowing,  loan ","乱用[らんよう]abuse ","副作用[ふくさよう]reaction ","慣用句[かんようく]idiom ","筆記用具[ひっきようぐ]pens and pencils ","誤用[ごよう]Misuse ","雇用者[こようしゃ]Employer ","原稿用紙[げんこうようし]manuscript paper ","ご用[ごよう] (n) (1) your order/your business/official business (2) arrest/apprehension/capture ","用水[ようすい] (n) irrigation water/water for fire/city water/cistern water (P) ","起用[きよう] (n, vs) appointment (to a position, job, etc.)/being used for a role/promotion (P) ","軍用[ぐんよう] (n, adj-no) for military use (P) ","供用[きょうよう] (n, vs) offer for use ","併用[へいよう] (n, vs) using together (jointly)/used at the same time (P) ","多用[たよう] (adj-na, n,vs) (1) busyness/a lot of things to do (2) frequent use/heavy use (of)/many uses (P) ","汎用[はんよう] (n, vs,adj-no) generic/general purpose/all-purpose (P) ","着用[ちゃくよう] (n, vs) wearing (e.g. uniform, seat belt)/having on (P) ","有用[ゆうよう] (adj-na, n) useful/helpful (P) ","用地[ようち] (n) site (P) ","流用[りゅうよう] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) diversion/appropriation (e.g. of funds)/misappropriation (n,vs) (2) re-use (e.g. old computer parts)/recycling (P) ","転用[てんよう] (n, vs,adj-no) diversion/putting something to another use (P) ","商用[しょうよう] (n, adj-no) on business/for business/business purpose (P) ","登用[とうよう] (n, vs) appointment/assignment/promotion (P) ","御用[ごよう] (n) (1) your order/your business/official business (2) arrest/apprehension/capture ","重用[じゅうよう<br>ちょうよう] (n, vs) appointing to a responsible post ","雑用[ざつよう<br>ぞうよう] (n, adj-no) chores/odd jobs/miscellaneous affairs ","食用[しょくよう] (adj-no, n) for use as food/edible (P) ","両用[りょうよう] (n, vs) dual use ","効用[こうよう] (n) use/utility/effect/benefit (P) ","徴用[ちょうよう] (n, vs) drafting/requisition/impressment/commandeering/expropriation ","用心棒[ようじんぼう] (n) (1) bodyguard/bouncer/guard (2) bar (e.g. on a door)/bolt (3) stick or pole used for self-defence (P) ","任用[にんよう] (n, vs) appointment/employment ","日用[にちよう<br>ひよう] (n) daily use "],"広":["広まる[ひろまる]to spread; to be propagated  N1","広げる[ひろげる]to spread, to extend,to expand,to enlarge  N2","広さ[ひろさ]extent  N2","広場[ひろば]plaza  N2","広々[ひろびろ]extensive, spacious  N2","広める[ひろめる]to broaden, to propagate  N2","広告[こうこく]advertisement  N3","広がる[ひろがる]to spread (out),  to extend, to stretch, to reach to, to get around  N3","背広[せびろ]business suit  N5","広い[ひろい]spacious, wide  N5","広大[こうだい]extensive ","広島[ひろしま]Hiroshima ","幅広い[はばひろい]wide ","広域[こういき] (n) (1) wide area (2) wide view (of a digitally displayed map)/zoomed-out view (P) ","広報[こうほう] (n, vs) public relations/PR/publicity/information/publicizing (P) ","広義[こうぎ] (n, adj-no) wide sense (e.g. of a word)/broad sense ","繰り広げる[くりひろげる] (v1, vt) to unfold/to unroll/to open (P) ","広州[コアンチョウ<br>こうしゅう<br>コワンチョウ] (n) Guangzhou (China)/Kwangchow/Canton ","広範囲[こうはんい] (adj-na, n) extensive/vast range/wide scope (P) ","広範[こうはん] (adj-na, adj-no) wide/extensive/comprehensive/far-reaching/widespread (P) ","広東[カントン] (n, adj-no) (1) Guangdong (China)/Kwangtung (2) Guangzhou/Kwangchow/Canton (China) (P) ","広がり[ひろがり] (n) spread/span/expanse/extent (P) ","広葉樹[こうようじゅ] (n) broadleaf tree (P) ","末広[すえひろ] (n) (1) spreading out like an open fan (2) becoming prosperous (3) folding fan/ceremonial folding fan (P) "],"冬":["冬眠[とうみん]hibernation; winter sleep  N1","冬[ふゆ]winter  N5","冬休み[ふゆやすみ]winter vacation ","冬期[とうき]winter ","冬季[とうき]winter season ","春夏秋冬[しゅんかしゅうとう]four seasons ","冬至[とうじ]Winter Solstice ","越冬[えっとう] (n, vs) passing the winter/hibernation (P) "],"写":["写し[うつし]copy; duplicate;facsimile;transcript  N1","映写[えいしゃ]projection  N1","描写[びょうしゃ]depiction; description;portrayal  N1","写る[うつる]to be photographed, to be projected  N2","写生[しゃせい]sketching, drawing from nature  N2","複写[ふくしゃ]copy, duplicate  N2","写す[うつす]to copy or photograph  N4","写真[しゃしん]photograph  N5","写本[しゃほん] (n) manuscript (book)/written copy of a book/codex/transcription/copying ","転写[てんしゃ] (n, vs) (1) transcription (of a text, DNA, RNA, etc.)/copying/transfer (printing) (2) (ling) transcription/transliteration ","写像[しゃぞう] (n) (math) mapping/map/image/representation ","写真家[しゃしんか] (n) photographer (P) ","実写[じっしゃ] (n, vs) (1) on-the-spot filming or photography (n) (2) live filming (as opposed to animation)/actual picture (as opposed to a drawing)/photographic image (as opposed to a drawing, computer-generated image, etc.) (3) real picture or story (as opposed to fiction, imaginary scene, etc.)/describing actual scenes (in writing, drawings, paintings, etc.)/documentary (film) ","試写[ししゃ] (n, vs) preview/private showing (P) ","書写[しょしゃ] (n, vs) (1) transcription/copying (n) (2) handwriting (as a school subject)/penmanship ","写実[しゃじつ] (n, vs) realism/depicting realistically/representing accurately ","模写[もしゃ] (n, vs) copy (of the real thing)/copying/reproduction/tracing "],"仕":["給仕[きゅうじ]office boy (girl); page;waiter  N1","仕上がり[しあがり]finish; end;completion  N1","仕上げ[しあげ]end; finishing touches;being finished  N1","仕上げる[しあげる]to finish up; to complete  N1","仕入れる[しいれる]to lay in stock; to replenish stock;to procure  N1","仕掛け[しかけ]device; trick;mechanism;gadget;(small) scale;half finished;commencement;set up;challenge  N1","仕掛ける[しかける]to commence; to lay (mines);to set (traps);to wage (war);to challenge  N1","仕切る[しきる]to partition; to divide;to mark off;to settle accounts;to toe the mark  N1","仕組み[しくみ]devising; plan;plot;contrivance;construction;arrangement  N1","仕立てる[したてる]to tailor; to make;to prepare;to train;to send (a messenger)  N1","仕付ける[しつける]to be used to a job; to begin to do;to baste;to tack;to plant  N1","仕舞[しまい]end; termination;informal (Noh play)  N1","仕舞う[しまう]to finish; to close;to do something completely;to put away;to put an end to  N1","仕様[しよう]way; method;resource;remedy;(technical) specification  N1","仕える[つかえる]to serve; to work for  N1","奉仕[ほうし]attendance; service  N1","仕上がる[しあがる]to be finished  N2","仕方[しかた]method  N4","仕事[しごと]job  N5","仕入れ[しいれ]purchasing ","仕方がない[しかたがない]Can't Be Helped,  it can't be helped, no use, it's no use, it is no use ","仕送り[しおくり]sending of money ","仕返し[しかえし]Get Even,  retaliation, get back at, revenge, get revenge ","仕事中[しごとちゅう] (n) at work/in the midst of work/working (P) ","仕組む[しくむ] (v5m, vt) to devise/to arrange/to plan/to plot ","お仕置き[おしおき] (n, vs) punishment/spanking/smacking/chastisement/scolding ","仕打ち[しうち] (n) (poor) treatment (bad) behavior/behaviour/action/act ","仕方なく[しかたなく] (adv) helplessly/reluctantly/as a last resort ","出仕[しゅっし] (n, vs) attendance/serving ","仕事場[しごとば] (n) place where one works/construction site/working area (P) ","仕手[して] (n) (1) doer/performer (2) (uk) protagonist (in noh or kyogen)/hero/leading part/main character (3) speculator (in trading) (P) ","仕業[しわざ] (n) deed (esp. negative)/act/action/one's doing (P) ","仕込む[しこむ] (v5m, vt) (1) to train/to teach/to educate (2) to acquire (information)/to learn/to cram (3) to stock/to stock up on (4) to prepare (esp. ingredients for brewing) (5) to insert/to build into/to fit ","仕る[つかまつる] (v5r, vi) (pol) to serve/to do ","仕留める[しとめる] (v1, vt) to bring down (an animal, opponent, etc.)/to kill/to shoot dead/to shoot down ","仕草[しぐさ] (n) (1) gesture/movement/action/behavior/behaviour/bearing/mannerism (2) acting/performance (P) ","取り仕切る[とりしきる] (v5r, vt) to operate a business/to run a business/to manage all by oneself ","仕官[しかん] (n, vs) (1) government service/entering government service (2) (of a ronin) finding a new lord or master to serve ","仕方無い[しかたない] (adj-i) it can't be helped/it's inevitable/it's no use/can't stand it/impatient/annoyed ","仕分ける[しわける] (v1, vt) to assort/to classify/to journalize (in accounting)/to journalise ","仕置[しおき] (n, vs) (1) execution (2) punishment (3) spanking "],"早":["お早う[おはよう]Good morning  N1","早急[そうきゅう<br>さっきゅう]urgent  N1","素早い[すばやい]fast; quick;prompt;agile  N1","早める[はやめる]to hasten; to quicken;to expedite;to precipitate;to accelerate  N1","最早[もはや]already; now  N1","早速[さっそく]at once, immediately,without delay,promptly  N2","早口[はやぐち<br>はやくち<br>はやくち,  はやぐち]fast-talking  N2","早い[はやい]early  N5","早々[そうそう<br>はやはや<br>はやばや]As Soon As,  just after, immediately after ","早々と[はやばやと]early ","早く[はやく]early ","早まる[はやまる]make a hasty decision ","早引き[はやびき]early leaving ","早朝[そうちょう]early morning ","早起き[はやおき]getting up early ","早期[そうき]early stage ","早春[そうしゅん]early spring ","早寝[はやね]going to bed early ","早退[そうたい]Leave Early ","早熟[そうじゅく]forward ","早瀬[はやせ]Swift Currents ","時期尚早[じきしょうそう]premature ","早乙女[さおとめ]rice planting girl,  saotome ","早め[はやめ] (adj-no) (1) early (2) fast ","早稲田[わさだ<br>わせだ] (n) field of early-blooming (or ripening) rice ","早めに[はやめに] (adv) earlier than usual/ahead of time/in good season ","早[はや<br>はよ] (n) already/now/by this time (P) ","早世[そうせい] (n, vs) dying young/early death ","早くも[はやくも] (adv) already/as early as ","早くから[はやくから] (exp) early on/earlier on/from early ","一刻も早く[いっこくもはやく] (exp, adv) immediately/as soon as possible/as quickly as possible ","いち早く[いちはやく] (adv) (1) promptly/quickly/without delay (2) before others/first ","早苗[さなえ] (n) rice seedling ","朝早く[あさはやく] (adv) early in the morning "],"花":["花壇[かだん]flower bed  N1","花粉[かふん]pollen  N1","花びら[はなびら](flower) petal  N1","火花[ひばな]spark  N1","生け花[いけばな](1) flower arrangement  N2","花火[はなび]fireworks  N2","花嫁[はなよめ]bride  N2","花見[はなみ]cherry-blossom viewing  N4","花瓶[かびん]a vase  N5","花[はな]flower  N5","草花[くさばな]plants and flowers ","花束[はなたば]flower bouquet ","花弁[はなびら<br>かべん]petal ","花粉症[かふんしょう]Hay Fever ","花柳界[かりゅうかい]Red Light District,  pleasure quarters, world of the geisha ","蓮花[れんげ]lotus flower,  lotus ","雌花[めばな]female flower ","花婿[はなむこ]bridegroom,  groom ","梨花[りか] (n) pear blossoms ","花道[かどう<br>はなみち] (n) flower arrangement ","開花[かいか] (n, vs) (1) flowers budding/blooming/flowering (2) showing results/becoming popular/blooming (P) ","花園[かえん<br>はなぞの] (n) flower garden ","菊花[きくか<br>きっか] (n) chrysanthemum ","六花[りっか] (n) snow ","花月[かげつ] (n) (1) (arch) flowers and the moon (2) (arch) refined leisure/elegant pastime ","花崗岩[かこうがん] (n) granite ","花屋[はなや] (n) florist/flower shop (P) ","綿花[めんか] (n) raw cotton/cotton wool ","花王[かおう] (n) tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa) ","花形[かけい<br>はながた] (n, adj-no) floral pattern/flourish/ornament ","花々しい[はなばなしい] (adj-i) brilliant/splendid/glorious/magnificent/spectacular ","花輪[はなわ] (n) wreath/garland (P) "],"足":["駆け足[かけあし]running fast; double time  N1","足し算[たしざん]addition  N1","裸足[はだし]barefoot  N1","発足[ほっそく<br>はっそく]starting; inauguration  N1","補足[ほそく]supplement; complement  N1","物足りない[ものたりない]unsatisfied; unsatisfactory  N1","足跡[あしあと<br>そくせき]footprints  N2","遠足[えんそく]trip, hike,picnic  N2","足袋[たび]tabi, Japanese socks (with split toe)  N2","足る[たる]to be sufficient, to be enough  N2","不足[ふそく]insufficiency,  shortage, deficiency, lack, dearth  N3","満足[まんぞく]satisfaction  N3","足す[たす]to add a number  N4","足りる[たりる]to be enough  N4","足[あし<br>そく]foot, leg  N5","一足[ひとあし]a step ","土足[どそく]wearing shoes ","手足[てあし]hands and feet ","用足し[ようたし]business ","足下[あしもと<br>そっか]step ","足音[あしおと]footstep ","足首[あしくび]Ankle ","足りない[たりない]Not Enough,  to not be sufficient, to not be enough, insufficient, not sufficient, to be insufficient ","付け足す[つけたす]add on ","寝不足[ねぶそく]Lack Of Sleep ","足踏み[あしぶみ]step ","逃げ足[にげあし]flight ","足元[あしもと] (n, adj-no) (1) at one's feet/underfoot/one's step (as in 'watch your step') (n) (2) gait/pace/step (adj-no) (3) most recent/current (pn) (4) you/thou (P) ","足止め[あしどめ] (n, vs) (1) preventing (someone) from leaving/confinement/keeping indoors/inducement to stay (2) being stranded/grounding (P) ","足手まとい[あしてまとい<br>あしでまとい] (adj-na, n) impediment/burden/encumbrance/hindrance/drag ","足らず[たらず] (n-suf) just under/a little less than/just short of ","大満足[だいまんぞく] (adj-na, vs) completely satisfied/as pleased as can be ","左足[ひだりあし] (n) (1) left foot (2) left leg (P) ","右足[みぎあし] (n) (1) right foot (2) right leg (P) ","俊足[しゅんそく] (n, adj-no) (1) fast runner (2) swift horse/fleet steed (3) talented person/brilliant person (P) ","力不足[ちからぶそく] (n, adj-no,adj-na) lack of ability/inadequacy (being) out of one's depth ","足場[あしば] (n) (1) scaffold/scaffolding (2) foothold/footing (3) foothold (e.g. in business)/foundation/base (4) convenience for transportation/convenience of access (by road or rail) (P) ","充足[じゅうそく] (n, vs) sufficiency (P) ","両足[もろあし<br>りょうあし<br>りょうそく] (n) both feet ","足掛かり[あしがかり] (n) foothold (P) "],"世":["お世辞[おせじ<br>おせいじ]flattery; compliment  N1","出世[しゅっせ]promotion; successful career;eminence  N1","世辞[せじ]flattery; compliment  N1","世帯[せたい<br>しょたい]household  N1","世代[せだい]generation; the world;the age  N1","世論[せろん<br>よろん]public opinion  N1","世[よ<br>せい]world; society;age;generation  N1","中世[ちゅうせい]Middle Ages, mediaeval times  N2","世紀[せいき]century,  era  N3","世間[せけん]world,  society  N3","世話[せわ]looking after,  help, aid, assistance  N3","世の中[よのなか]society,  the world, the times  N3","世界[せかい]the world  N4","二世[にせい]Second Generation ","三世[さんせい]Third Generation ","あの世[あのよ]the other world ","この世[このよ]present life ","近世[きんせい]modern ages ","世相[せそう]phases of life ","浮世絵[うきよえ]Woodblock Print,  ukiyoe ","世にも[よにも] (adv) extremely/very ","世界中[せかいじゅう] (n, adj-no) around the world/throughout the world (P) ","お世話[おせわ] (n) help/aid/assistance ","世界一[せかいいち] (n-adv, n-t) best in the world (P) ","世子[せいし] (n) heir/successor ","次世代[じせだい] (n) next generation/future generation ","早世[そうせい] (n, vs) dying young/early death ","浮き世[うきよ] (n) (1) fleeting life/this transient world/floating world (2) sad world/world of grief and worry (3) the world of the living/this life/this world/the present world (4) (the world of the) red light districts ","世界的[せかいてき] (adj-na) (1) worldwide/global/international/universal (2) world-famous/world-class (P) ","世襲[せしゅう] (n, vs,adj-no) heredity/heritage (P) ","後世[こうせい<br>ごせ] (n-adv, n) posterity/future life/life to come (P) ","新世界[しんせかい] (n) (1) New World (esp. the Americas,  but also Australasia) (2) new world (P) ","全世界[ぜんせかい] (n) the whole world (P) ","救世主[きゅうせいしゅ] (n) saviour/savior/messiah (P) ","別世界[べっせかい] (n) another world ","世俗[せいぞく<br>せぞく] (n, adj-no) (1) common customs/worldliness/vulgar/popular/the world/the common people (2) secularity ","世界最大[せかいさいだい] (adj-no, n) world's largest ","創世[そうせい] (n) creation of the world ","救世[きゅうせい<br>くせ<br>ぐぜ] (n) salvation ","永世[えいせい] (n) eternity/perpetuity/immortality/permanence ","現世[うつしよ<br>げんせ<br>げんぜ<br>げんせい] (ok) (n, adj-no) (Buddh) present world/present age/transient world/life ","世帯主[せたいぬし] (n) head of the family/head of the household "],"字":["赤字[あかじ]deficit; go in the red  N1","字[じ<br>あざ<br>あざな]section of village  N1","当て字[あてじ]phonetic-equivalent character; substitute character  N1","英字[えいじ]English letter (character)  N1","黒字[くろじ]balance (figure) in the black  N1","字体[じたい]type; font;lettering  N1","十字路[じゅうじろ]crossroads  N1","ローマ字[ろーまじ<br>ローマじ]romanization; Roman letters  N1","活字[かつじ]printing type  N2","習字[しゅうじ]penmanship  N2","名字[みょうじ]surname, family name  N2","数字[すうじ]numeral,  figure  N3","文字[もじ<br>もんじ]letter (of alphabet),  character  N3","漢字[かんじ]Chinese character  N5","字引[じびき]dictionary  N5","太字[ふとじ]Bold Letter,  bold, bold character, bold text, boldface ","大文字[おおもじ<br>だいもんじ]Capital Letters,  uppercase letters, capital letter, uppercase letter, uppercase, capital ","一文字[いちもんじ,  いちもじ]Straight Line ","小文字[こもじ]lowercase letter ","字画[じかく]stroke-count ","文字通り[もじどおり]literally ","横文字[よこもじ]European language ","字典[じてん]Character Dictionary,  kanji dictionary ","常用漢字[じょうようかんじ]Chinese characters for daily use ","脱字[だつじ]Omitted Character,  omitted word ","字幕[じまく]Subtitles ","誤字[ごじ]Typo ","十字架[じゅうじか]cross ","苗字[みょうじ]surname,  family name ","日本語字幕[にほんごじまく] (n) Japanese subtitles ","大字[おおあざ<br>だいじ] (n) larger section (of village) ","文字数[もじかず<br>もじすう] (n) number of characters/number of letters/word count ","頭文字[かしらもじ] (n) (1) first letter of a word/capital letter (at the start of a word or sentence) (2) initials (of one's name) (P) ","十字[じゅうじ] (adj-no, n) cross/crossed/cruciform (P) ","赤十字[せきじゅうじ] (n) Red Cross ","字形[じけい] (n) character style/character form (P) ","点字[てんじ] (n) Braille (P) ","印字[いんじ] (n, vs) (1) printing/typing (n) (2) printed character/typed character (3) character(s) carved onto a seal ","字母[じぼ] (n) (1) letter (of an alphabet)/syllabic character (2) matrix/printing type ","天平宝字[てんぴょうほうじ] (n) Tenpyo-hoji era (757.8.18-765.1.7) ","題字[だいじ] (n) title lettering (P) ","識字[しきじ] (n) literacy "],"主":["家主[やぬし<br>いえあるじ<br>いえぬし]landlord  N1","君主[くんしゅ]ruler; monarch  N1","主演[しゅえん]starring; playing the leading part  N1","主観[しゅかん]subjectivity; subject;ego  N1","主権[しゅけん]sovereignty; supremacy;dominion  N1","主催[しゅさい]organization; sponsorship  N1","主食[しゅしょく]staple food  N1","主人公[しゅじんこう]protagonist; main character;hero(ine) (of a story);head of household  N1","主体[しゅたい]subject; main constituent  N1","主題[しゅだい]subject; theme;motif  N1","主導[しゅどう]main leadership  N1","主任[しゅにん]person in charge; responsible official  N1","自主[じしゅ]independence; autonomy  N1","地主[じぬし]landlord  N1","民主[みんしゅ]democratic; the head of the nation  N1","主語[しゅご](gram) subject  N2","主役[しゅやく]leading part, leading actor (actress)  N2","主に[おもに]mainly,  primarily  N3","主義[しゅき<br>しゅぎ]doctrine,  rule, principle  N3","主張[しゅちょう]claim,  request, insistence, assertion  N3","主婦[しゅふ]housewife,  mistress  N3","主要[しゅよう]chief,  main, principal, major  N3","御主人[ごしゅじん](honorable) your husband  N4","主人[しゅじん<br>あるじ]Head Of Household,  husband, head of a household, head of the household, landlord, master ","ご主人[ごしゅじん](someone else's) husband ","主[ぬし<br>あるじ<br>おも<br>しゅ<br>しゅう<br>しゅじん<br>す<br>にし<br>のし]master ","主として[しゅとして]chiefly ","君主国[くんしゅこく]Monarchy ","持ち主[もちぬし]owner ","主位[しゅい]Leading Person,  first place, leading position, first position, head position ","神主[かんぬし<br>かむぬし]Shinto priest ","自主的[じしゅてき]voluntary ","主因[しゅいん]Main Cause,  primary cause ","保守主義[ほしゅしゅぎ]Conservative,  conservatism ","共産主義[きょうさんしゅぎ]Communism ","資本主義[しほんしゅぎ]capitalism ","軍国主義[ぐんこく しゅぎ]militarism ","坊主[ぼうず]Buddhist Priest ","主観的[しゅかんてき]subjective ","株主[かぶぬし]stockholder ","主催する[しゅさいする]To Sponsor,  to promote ","飼い主[かいぬし]Pet Owner ","利己主義[りこしゅぎ]egoism ","主将[しゅしょう]Commander,  commander in chief, team captain ","主唱[しゅしょう]Advocate ","排他主義[はいたしゅぎ]exclusivism ","封建主義[ほうけんしゅぎ<br>ほうけん しゅぎ]Feudalism ","帝国主義[ていこくしゅぎ]Imperialism ","亭主[ていしゅ]husband ","主宰[しゅさい]supervision,  chairmanship ","藩主[はんしゅ]feudal lord,  daimyo ","当主[とうしゅ] (n) (present) head of a family ","領主[りょうしゅ] (n) feudal lord ","主流[しゅりゅう] (n, adj-no) (1) mainstream/commonplace (n) (2) main course (of a river)/main stream (P) ","城主[じょうしゅ] (n) lord of a castle (P) ","自由民主党[じゆうみんしゅとう] (n) (1) Liberal Democratic Party/LDP (2) Free Democratic Party (Germany)/FDP ","民主党[みんしゅとう] (n) Democratic Party (esp. DPJ or US Democratic Party) (P) ","主力[しゅりょく] (n, adj-no) main force/chief object/mainline (P) ","主砲[しゅほう] (n) main battery/main armament (P) ","主翼[しゅよく] (n) main wings (of an aeroplane,  airplane) ","ご主人様[ごしゅじんさま] (exp, n) (1) master (2) Your lordship/My lord (3) husband ","お主[おぬし] (pn) (arch) you (when referring to one's equals or inferiors) ","主席[しゅせき] (n, adj-no) (1) head/chief (n) (2) chairman/governor/president (3) top seat/first desk (in orchestra) (P) ","コンゴ民主共和国[コンゴみんしゅきょうわこく] (n) Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire) ","雇い主[やといぬし] (n) employer (P) ","馬主[うまぬし<br>ばしゅ<br>ばぬし] (n) (1) owner of a horse (esp. racehorse) (2) registered owner (of a racehorse) (P) ","店主[てんしゅ] (n) shopkeeper (P) ","主治医[しゅじい] (n) attending physician/physician in charge (one's) family doctor (P) ","救世主[きゅうせいしゅ] (n) saviour/savior/messiah (P) ","主軸[しゅじく] (n) (1) main spindle/main shaft (2) linchpin/pivot (3) (math) principal axis/main axis (P) ","宿主[しゅくしゅ<br>やどぬし] (n) (parasitic) host ","主たる[しゅたる] (adj-pn) main/principal/major (P) ","民主主義[みんしゅしゅぎ] (n, adj-no) democracy (P) ","事業主[じぎょうぬし<br>じゅぎょうしゅ] (n) business owner/entrepreneur ","朝鮮民主主義人民共和国[ちょうせんみんしゅしゅぎじんみんきょうわこく] (n) Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)/DPRK (P) ","主査[しゅさ] (n, vs) chief examiner or investigator (P) ","主君[しゅくん] (n) lord/master ","主導権[しゅどうけん] (n) hegemony/leadership/initiative (P) ","主戦[しゅせん] (n) advocacy of war (P) ","マルクス主義[マルクスしゅぎ] (n) Marxism (P) ","主題歌[しゅだいか] (n) theme song ","主眼[しゅがん] (n) (1) main purpose/chief aim/focus (2) main point/gist/essence (P) ","主幹[しゅかん] (n) (1) chief editor/managing editor (2) manager/person in charge (P) ","主計[しゅけい] (n) paymaster/accountant (P) ","主審[しゅしん] (n) (sports) chief umpire/referee (soccer,  boxing, etc.) (P) ","主旨[しゅし] (n) meaning/point (e.g. of a statement)/gist/effect ","盟主[めいしゅ] (n) leader (of an alliance)/leading power (P) ","国主[こくしゅ] (n) king/sovereign/daimyo ","主管[しゅかん] (n, vs) supervision/management/supervisor/manager (P) ","主事[しゅじ] (n) manager/director/superintendent/overseer ","大主教[だいしゅきょう] (n) archbishop (Orthodox,  Anglican, etc.) ","名主[なぬし<br>みょうしゅ] (n) (ktb:) village headman ","主著[しゅちょ] (n) one's main (chief) (literary) work ","世帯主[せたいぬし] (n) head of the family/head of the household ","法主[ほうしゅ<br>ほっしゅ<br>ほっす] (n) high priest ","宗主国[そうしゅこく] (n) suzerain state ","天主[てんしゅ] (n) Lord of Heaven/God ","主筆[しゅひつ] (n) editor-in-chief (P) "],"不":["不意[ふい]sudden; abrupt;unexpected;unforeseen  N1","不可欠[ふかけつ]indispensable; essential  N1","不吉[ふきつ]ominous; sinister;bad luck;ill omen;inauspiciousness  N1","不況[ふきょう]recession; depression;slump  N1","不景気[ふけいき]business recession; hard times;depression;gloom;sullenness;cheerlessness  N1","不在[ふざい]absence  N1","不山戯る[ふやまおどける]to romp; to gambol;to frolic;to joke;to make fun of;to flirt  N1","不審[ふしん]incomplete understanding; doubt;question;distrust;suspicion;strangeness;infidelity  N1","不振[ふしん]dullness; depression;slump;stagnation  N1","不順[ふじゅん]irregularity; unseasonableness  N1","不調[ふちょう]bad condition; not to work out (ie a deal);disagreement;break-off;disorder;slump;out of form  N1","不図[ふず]suddenly; casually;accidentally;incidentally;unexpectedly;unintentionally  N1","不当[ふとう]injustice; impropriety;unreasonableness;undeservedness;unfair;invalid  N1","不動産[ふどうさん]real estate  N1","不評[ふひょう]bad reputation; disgrace;unpopularity  N1","不便[ふべん<br>ふびん]pity; compassion  N1","不服[ふふく]dissatisfaction; discontent;disapproval;objection;complaint;protest;disagreement  N1","不明[ふめい]unknown; obscure;indistinct;uncertain;ambiguous;ignorant;lack of wisdom;anonymous;unidentified  N1","不良[ふりょう]badness; delinquent;inferiority;failure  N1","不味い[まずい]unappetising; unpleasant (taste&nbsp;&nbsp;appearance&nbsp;&nbsp;situation);ugly;unskilful;awkward;bungling;unwise;untime  N1","不運[ふうん]unlucky, misfortune,bad luck,fate  N2","不規則[ふきそく]irregularity, unsteadiness,disorderly  N2","不潔[ふけつ]unclean, dirty,filthy,impure  N2","不通[ふつう]suspension, interruption,stoppage,tie-up,cessation  N2","不[ふ<br>ぶ]un,  non, negative prefix  N3","不安[ふあん]anxiety,  uneasiness, insecurity, suspense  N3","不可[ふか]wrong,  bad, improper, unjustifiable, inadvisable  N3","不幸[ふこう]unhappiness,  sorrow, misfortune, disaster, accident, death  N3","不思議[ふしぎ]mystery,  curiosity  N3","不自由[ふじゆう]discomfort,  disability, inconvenience, destitution  N3","不正[ふせい]injustice,  unfairness  N3","不足[ふそく]insufficiency,  shortage, deficiency, lack, dearth  N3","不平[ふへい]complaint,  discontent, dissatisfaction  N3","不満[ふまん]dissatisfaction,  displeasure, discontent, complaints, unhappiness  N3","不利[ふり]disadvantage,  handicap, unfavorable, drawback  N3","不公平[ふこうへい]unfair ","不十分[ふじゅうぶん]insufficient ","不毛[ふもう]fruitless ","不作[ふさく]bad harvest ","不人気[ふにんき]Unpopular,  not popular ","不合理[ふごうり]irrational ","不始末[ふしまつ]mismanagement ","不安定[ふあんてい]unstable ","不必要[ふひつよう]unnecessary ","不要[ふよう]unnecessary ","不親切[ふしんせつ]unkind ","不意に[ふいに]suddenly ","不本意[ふほんい]reluctant ","不気味[ぶきみ]uncanny ","不注意[ふちゅうい]careless ","不時着[ふじちゃく]emergency landing ","不都合[ふつごう]inconvenience ","不器用[ぶきよう]clumsy ","不自然[ふしぜん]unnatural ","消化不良[しょうかふりょう]Indigestion ","不合格[ふごうかく]failing an exam ","不完全[ふかんぜん]imperfect ","不能[ふのう]impossible ","不信[ふしん]Distrust,  unfaithfulness ","不法[ふほう]Illegal,  unlawful ","不変[ふへん]eternal ","不治[ふじ,  ふち<br>ふじ<br>ふち]Incurability, incurable ","不幸せ[ふしあわせ]unhappy ","不等[ふとう]Inequality,  disparity ","不可能[ふかのう]impossible ","不平等[ふびょうどう]unequal ","不得意[ふとくい]not good at ","不可分[ふかぶん]Indivisible ","不動産屋[ふどうさんや]real estate agent ","不機嫌[ふきげん]in a bad mood ","不確か[ふたしか]uncertain ","不可解[ふかかい]incomprehensible ","不断[ふだん]constant ","不条理[ふじょうり]absurdity ","寝不足[ねぶそく]Lack Of Sleep ","不相応[ふそうおう]unbecoming ","不文律[ふぶんりつ]Unwritten Law,  unwritten rule, common law ","不備[ふび]defect ","不燃ゴミ[ふねんごみ,  ふねんゴミ]Nonburnable Garbage, unburnable garbage, nonburnable trash, unburnable trash ","不燃物[ふねん ぶつ]incombustibles ","不慣れ[ふなれ]inexperienced ","不眠症[ふみんしょう]Insomnia ","不眠[ふみん]sleeplessness ","不利益[ふりえき]disadvantage ","不健康[ふけんこう]Unhealthy,  not healthy ","不詳[ふしょう]Unknown ","不快[ふかい]Unpleasant,  uncomfortable ","不適[ふてき]Unsuitable,  inappropriate ","不純[ふじゅん]Impure ","不可避[ふかひ]inevitable ","不慮[ふりょ]accidental ","不孝[ふこう]Disobedience To Parents,  lack of filial piety ","不透明[ふとうめい]opaque ","親不孝[おやふこう]lack of filial piety ","不孝者[ふこうもの]Disobedient Child,  unfilial child ","不穏[ふおん]Unrest,  turbulence ","理不尽[りふじん]Unreasonable,  irrational ","不明瞭[ふめいりょう]Dimness,  obscurity, unclear, unintelligible ","不貞[ふてい]unfaithful,  infidelity ","不祥事[ふしょうじ]scandal ","不倫[ふりん]adultery ","不浄[ふじょう]uncleanliness,  dirtiness, impurity, filthiness, defilement ","不愉快[ふゆかい]upset ","不朽[ふきゅう]immortal,  everlasting, eternal ","不均衡[ふきんこう]imbalance,  disparity, inequality ","行方不明[ゆくえふめい] (adj-no, n) (yoji) missing/lost/unaccounted for/whereabouts unknown (P) ","不正解[ふせいかい] (n, vs) incorrect/wrong/incorrect interpretation (answer, solution) ","不定期[ふていき] (adj-na, n,adj-no) irregular/indeterminate/tramp (steamer) ","不二[ふじ<br>ふに] (n) (1) being two sides of the same coin/being the same (while appearing different) (exp) (2) Very sincerely yours (adj-no, n) (3) (arch) peerless/unparalleled/unparallelled ","意味不明[いみふめい] (adj-na, adj-no) of uncertain meaning/ambiguous/cryptic/nonsensical/incomprehensible/perplexing (P) ","不具合[ふぐあい] (n, adj-na) (1) flaw/defect/problem/bug/malfunction/failure/discrepancy (adj-na) (2) inconvenient ","不死身[ふじみ] (adj-na, n) invulnerability/immortality/insensibility to pain (P) ","不適切[ふてきせつ] (adj-na, n) unsuitable/inappropriate/improper (P) ","不全[ふぜん] (adj-na, n,adj-no) partial/incomplete/imperfect (P) ","不動[ふどう] (adj-no, n) (1) immovable/motionless/firm/unwavering/unshakable/steadfast (n) (2) (Buddh) (abbr) Acala (Wisdom King)/Fudo/fierce Buddhist deity (P) ","不法侵入[ふほうしんにゅう] (n) (yoji) trespassing/intrusion ","不意打ち[ふいうち] (n) surprise attack ","不特定[ふとくてい] (adj-no, adj-na,n) unspecified/random/indefinite ","不問[ふもん] (n, n-suf) not asking (about)/letting go unquestioned/disregarding/ignoring/overlooking (P) ","不定[ふじょう<br>ふてい] (adj-na, n,adj-no) uncertainty/insecurity/inconstancy/indefinite/undecided (P) ","不起訴[ふきそ] (n) nonprosecution/nonindictment (P) ","力不足[ちからぶそく] (n, adj-no,adj-na) lack of ability/inadequacy (being) out of one's depth ","不和[ふわ] (adj-na, n,adj-no) friction/discord/trouble/dissension/disagreement (P) ","不仲[ふなか] (n, adj-no,adj-na) discord (on) bad terms (with) (P) ","不発[ふはつ] (n) misfire (P) ","不遇[ふぐう] (n, adj-na) misfortune/ill fate/bad luck/obscurity ","不向き[ふむき] (adj-na, n) unfit/unsuitable/unmarketable ","不可侵[ふかしん] (n, adj-no) inviolability/nonaggression/sacredness (P) "],"去":["消去[しょうきょ]elimination; erasing;dying out;melting away  N1","過去[かこ]the past,  bygone days, the previous  N3","去る[さる]to leave,  to go away  N3","去年[きょねん<br>こぞ]last year  N5","立ち去る[たちさる]leave ","死去[しきょ]death ","過去形[かこけい]Past Tense ","撤去[てっきょ]Withdrawal,  repeal ","逝去[せいきょ]death ","置き去り[おきざり] (n) leaving behind/desertion/abandonment (P) ","除去[じょきょ] (n, vs) removal/getting rid of (P) ","連れ去る[つれさる] (v5r) to take away/to kidnap (P) ","過ぎ去る[すぎさる] (v5r, vi) to pass/to pass by ","退去[たいきょ] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) departure/leaving/going away/evacuation (2) recession (P) ","消え去る[きえさる] (v5r) to disappear/to vanish "],"赤":["赤字[あかじ]deficit; go in the red  N1","赤ちゃん[あかちゃん]baby; infant  N1","赤らむ[あからむ]to become red; to redden;to blush  N1","赤道[せきどう]equator  N2","真っ赤[まっか]deep red,  flushed (of face)  N3","赤ん坊[あかんぼう<br>あかんぼ]baby  N4","赤[あか]red  N5","赤い[あかい]red  N5","赤飯[せきはん]cooked rice and red beans ","赤面[せきめん]blush ","赤痢[せきり]dysentery ","赤木[あかぎ] (n) (1) (uk) bishop wood (Bischofia javanica) (2) barked tree (3) red tree ","赤毛[あかげ] (n) redhead ","赤外線[せきがいせん] (n) infrared rays/infrared radiation (P) ","赤色[あかいろ<br>せきしょく] (n) (1) red/red color (colour) (adj-no, adj-na) (2) red-colored/red (P) ","赤十字[せきじゅうじ] (n) Red Cross ","赤血球[せっけっきゅう] (n) red blood cell/erythrocyte ","赤松[あかまつ] (n) Japanese red pine (Pinus densiflora)/Japanese umbrella pine/tanyosho pine (P) ","赤の他人[あかのたにん] (exp, n) complete stranger/total stranger ","赤旗[あかはた] (n) (1) red flag (2) Red Flag (Communist Party newspaper) (P) ","赤身[あかみ] (n, adj-no) (1) red flesh (of a fish)/red-fleshed fish (e.g. tuna)/lean meat (2) heartwood "],"代":["代わる[かわる]to take the place of; to relieve;to be substituted for;to be exchanged;to change places with;to take  N1","代わる代わる[かわるがわる]alternately  N1","古代[こだい]ancient times  N1","代[だい<br>しろ<br>よ]price; materials;substitution  N1","世代[せだい]generation; the world;the age  N1","先代[せんだい]family predecessor; previous age;previous generation  N1","代弁[だいべん]pay by proxy; act for another;speak for another  N1","代用[だいよう]substitution  N1","お代わり[おかわり]second helping, another cup  N2","代える[かえる]to exchange, to interchange,to substitute,to replace  N2","代る[かわる](v5r, vi) to take the place of,to relieve,to be substituted for  N2","代名詞[だいめいし]pronoun  N2","近代[きんだい]present day  N3","現代[げんだい]nowadays,  modern times, present-day  N3","代金[だいきん]price,  payment, cost, charge  N3","代表[だいひょう]representative,  representation, delegation, type, example, model  N3","代理[だいり]representation,  agency, proxy, deputy, agent  N3","年代[ねんだい]age,  era, period, date  N3","代わり[かわり<br>がわり]substitute, alternate  N4","時代[じだい]era  N4","一代[いちだい]One Lifetime ","代代[だいだい]generation after generation ","代行[だいこう]agent ","年代順[ねんだいじゅん]Chronological Order ","代議士[だいぎし]member of the Diet ","幼年時代[ようねんじだい]Childhood ","代償[だいしょう]compensation ","新陳代謝[しんちんたいしゃ]metabolism ","代わりに[かわりに] (exp) (1) instead of/in place of/as a substitute for (2) in exchange for/in return for/to make up for ","交代[こうたい] (n, vs) alternation/change/relief/relay/shift/substitution (sports, etc.)/taking turns (P) ","代替[だいがえ<br>だいがわり<br>だいたい] (n, vs) (1) substitution/alternation (adj-f,adj-no) (2) alternative/substitute ","次世代[じせだい] (n) next generation/future generation ","千代[ちよ] (n) (1) thousand years (2) very long period/forever (P) ","代数[だいすう] (n, adj-no) (1) (abbr) algebra (n) (2) number of generations (e.g. in imperial succession) ","その代わり[そのかわり] (conj) instead/but (on the other hand) ","初代[しょだい] (n, adj-no) first generation/founder (P) ","代官[だいかん] (n) Edo-period prefectural governor (magistrate,  bailiff) (P) ","代々[だいだい<br>よよ] (n-adv, n-t) for generations/hereditary/generation after generation (P) ","歴代[れきだい] (n, adj-no) successive generations/successive emperors (P) ","代打[だいだ] (n) pinch-hitting (P) ","代役[だいやく] (n) substitute (e.g. actor)/substitution/stand-in/double (P) ","代理人[だいりにん] (n) proxy/agent/substitute/deputy/alternate/representative/attorney (P) ","代謝[たいしゃ] (n) (1) metabolism (n, vs) (2) renewal/regeneration/replacing the old with the new (P) ","高校時代[こうこうじだい] (n) one's high school days ","取って代わる[とってかわる] (vi, v5r) to supplant/to supersede/to replace/to take the place of ","代議員[だいぎいん] (n) representative/delegate ","子供時代[こどもじだい] (n) childhood ","身代金[みのしろきん] (n) ransom ","君が代[きみがよ] (n) (1) Imperial reign (2) Kimigayo (Japanese national anthem) (P) ","身代わり[みがわり] (n) substitute (for)/sacrifice (of,  to)/scapegoat (for) (P) ","代物[しろもの<br>だいぶつ] (n) (1) article/goods/product (2) fine thing/fellow/affair/stuff (3) prostitute ","学生時代[がくせいじだい] (n) student days (P) ","八千代[やちよ] (n) (1) very long period/forever (2) eight thousand years (P) ","唐代[とうだい] (n) Tang dynasty (China,  618-907)/Tang era ","時代遅れ[じだいおくれ] (adj-no, adj-na,n) old-fashioned/behind the times/out-of-date/antiquated ","当代[とうだい] (n-adv, n-t,adj-no) the present age/these days (present) head of the family ","末代[まつだい] (n) forever/in perpetuity ","代走[だいそう] (n) substitute runner ","次代[じだい] (n) the next era (P) ","十代[じゅうだい] (n) (1) the teens (10-19)/teenage (2) the tenth generation (P) ","代入[だいにゅう] (n, vs) substitution/assignment ","宋代[そうだい] (n) Song dynasty (China,  960-1279)/Sung dynasty ","身の代金[みのしろきん] (n) ransom ","中生代[ちゅうせいだい] (n) Mesozoic era "],"町":["下町[したまち]Shitamachi, lower parts of town  N2","町[まち<br>ちょう]town, city  N5","町なか[まちなか]in the town ","町外れ[まちはずれ]outskirts of town ","町並み[まちなみ]the look of a street ","市町村[しちょうそん] (n) cities,  towns and villages/municipalities (P) ","町名[ちょうめい] (n) name of a town or street ","町村[ちょうそん] (n) towns and villages (P) ","町立[ちょうりつ] (n, adj-no) established by the town ","城下町[じょうかまち] (n) castle town/city in Japan that developed around the castle of a feudal lord (P) ","町長[ちょうちょう] (n) town headman/town mayor (P) ","町内[ちょうない] (n) neighborhood/neighbourhood/street/block/town (P) ","市町[しちょう] (n) cities and towns ","港町[みなとまち] (n) port city ","町民[ちょうみん] (n) townspeople (P) ","町人[ちょうにん<br>まちにん] (n) townspeople/townsfolk/commoner/civilian/merchant/tradesman/tradeswoman/tradespeople/artisan/members of the lowest Edo-period social class (comprising commoners not involved in farming) (P) ","町営[ちょうえい] (n, adj-no) town management/municipal management ","町議[ちょうぎ] (n) (abbr) town councillor/town council member ","宿場町[しゅくばまち] (n) inn town/post town/post-station town "],"青":["青春[せいしゅん]youth; springtime of life;adolescent  N1","青白い[あおじろい]pale, pallid  N2","青少年[せいしょうねん]youth, young person  N2","真っ青[まっさお]deep blue, ghastly pale  N2","青年[せいねん]youth,  young man  N3","青[あお]blue  N5","青い[あおい]blue  N5","青ざめる[あおざめる]become pale ","青空[あおぞら]blue sky ","青葉[あおば]Greenery ","青銅[せいどう]Bronze ","青山[あおやま<br>せいざん] (n) lush mountain/green mountain ","青木[あおき] (n) (1) Japanese laurel/spotted laurel/Aucuba japonica (2) live tree (P) ","青色[あおいろ<br>せいしょく] (n, adj-no) blue ","青梅[あおうめ] (n) unripe plum (P) ","青柳[あおやぎ<br>あおやなぎ] (n) (1) green willow (i.e. one that has budded) (2) meat of the trough shell (Mactra chinensis) (P) "],"体":["身体[しんたい<br>からだ<br>しんだい<br>しんてい]the body  N1","体付き[からだつき]body build; figure  N1","固体[こたい]solid (body)  N1","主体[しゅたい]subject; main constituent  N1","字体[じたい]type; font;lettering  N1","人体[じんたい<br>じんてい<br>にんてい]human body  N1","体格[たいかく]physique; constitution  N1","体験[たいけん]personal experience  N1","体力[たいりょく]physical strength  N1","体[からだ<br>たい<br>てい]appearance; air;condition;state;form  N1","体裁[ていさい<br>たいさい]decency; style;form;appearance;show;get-up;format  N1","天体[てんたい]heavenly body  N1","肉体[にくたい]the body; the flesh  N1","物体[ぶったい<br>もったい]body; object  N1","本体[ほんたい<br>ほんだい]substance; real form;object of worship  N1","物体ない[ぶったいない]too good; more than one deserves;wasteful;sacrilegious;unworthy of  N1","立体[りったい]solid body  N1","液体[えきたい]liquid, fluid  N2","気体[きたい]vapour, gas  N2","個体[こたい]an individual  N2","死体[したい]corpse  N2","重体[じゅうたい]seriously ill, serious condition,critical state  N2","体系[たいけい]system, organization  N2","体制[たいせい]order, system,structure,set-up,organization  N2","体積[たいせき]capacity, volume  N2","体操[たいそう]gymnastics, physical exercises,calisthenics  N2","文体[ぶんたい]literary style  N2","一体[いったい](1) one object,  one body, (2) what on earth?, really?, (3) generally  N3","具体[ぐたい]concrete,  tangible, material  N3","全体[ぜんたい]whole,  entirety, whatever (is the matter)  N3","体育[たいいく<br>たいく]physical education,  gymnastics, athletics  N3","体温[たいおん]temperature (body)  N3","団体[だんたい]organization,  association  N3","大体[だいたい]generally  N4","体内[たいない]Internal,  within the body, inside the body ","正体[しょうたい]true characters ","体長[たいちょう]body length ","体重[たいじゅう]Body Weight ","体調[たいちょう]health condition ","具体的[ぐたいてき]concrete ","体温計[たいおんけい](clinical) thermometer ","体得[たいとく]acquisition ","機体[きたい]fuselage ","総体的[そうたいてき]As A Whole ","解体[かいたい]dismantling ","半導体[はんどうたい]semiconductor ","体型[たいけい]figure ","体質[たいしつ]physical constitution ","体系的[たいけいてき]Systematic ","遺体[いたい]Corpse,  remains ","抗体[こうたい]Antibody ","胴体[どうたい]body ","斜体[しゃたい]Italics,  italic font style ","媒体[ばいたい]media,  medium ","自治体[じちたい] (n) municipality/local government/self-governing body/autonomous body (P) ","自体[じたい] (n-suf, n) (1) itself (n) (2) one's own body/oneself (adv) (3) originally/naturally/by nature/from the start (P) ","生命体[せいめいたい] (n) life-form ","体形[たいけい] (n) figure/body shape/build/physique/form (P) ","容体[ようたい<br>ようだい] (n) condition/state (of health)/appearance ","地方自治体[ちほうじちたい] (n) local authority/local government/locality/local self-governing body/municipality (P) ","実体[じったい] (n, adj-no) substance/entity/object (P) ","国体[こくたい] (n) (1) national polity (2) (abbr) National Athletic Meet (P) ","船体[せんたい] (n) hull (P) ","車体[しゃたい] (n) body (of car)/frame (P) ","母体[ぼたい] (n) (1) mother's body (esp. when pregnant or after giving birth) (2) parent body/parent organization/base/basis/nucleus (P) ","筐体[きょうたい] (n) case (of a machine,  computer, etc.)/casing/housing/enclosure/cabinet/chassis/frame (P) ","弱体[じゃくたい] (adj-na, n) weak (organization, organisation) (P) ","合体[がったい] (n, vs) (1) union/coalescence/amalgamation/combination/alliance/annexation/incorporation (2) copulation/penetration ","単体[たんたい] (n) (1) simple substance (e.g. chemical) (2) something standing alone/separate item/solo item ","生体[せいたい] (n, adj-no) organism/living body (P) ","体中[からだじゅう] (n) all over the body/from head to foot/all over ","流体[りゅうたい] (n) fluid ","体育館[たいいくかん<br>たいくかん] (n) gymnasium (P) ","書体[しょたい] (n) (1) typeface (2) style of handwriting/calligraphic style (P) ","全体に[ぜんたいに] (adv) generally ","一体化[いったいか] (n, vs) unification/integration ","初体験[しょたいけん<br>はつたいけん] (n) (1) first experience (of any activity) (2) first sexual experience ","体感[たいかん] (n, vs,adj-no) bodily sensation/sense/experience (P) ","整体[せいたい] (n, adj-no) seitai/manipulative therapy based on Chinese and Japanese traditions, and encompassing osteopathy, massage and chiropractic ","錯体[さくたい] (n) (chem) complex ","体勢[たいせい] (n) posture/stance (P) ","総体[そうたい] (n, adj-no) (1) all/the whole (adv) (2) on the whole/all in all/generally/all things considered (P) ","球体[きゅうたい] (n) sphere/globe/orb ","体当たり[たいあたり] (n, vs) (1) ramming attack/hurling oneself (at) (2) throwing oneself into (e.g. a role)/going all out ","三位一体[さんみいったい] (n) (1) the Trinity (in Christianity) (2) three parts/three components/three factors/three aspects ","成体[せいたい] (n, adj-no) adult organism/imago ","体現[たいげん] (n, vs) personification/impersonation/embodiment ","政体[せいたい] (n) form of government/system of government/polity ","幼体[ようたい] (n) immature form (of an organism)/young animal ","立方体[りっぽうたい] (n) cube "],"色":["色々[いろいろ]various  N1","黄色[おうしょく<br>きいろ<br>こうしょく]yellow  N1","音色[ねいろ<br>おんしょく]tone color; tone quality;timbre;synthesizer patch  N1","脚色[きゃくしょく]dramatization (e.g. film)  N1","色彩[しきさい]colour; hue;tints  N1","着色[ちゃくしょく]colouring; coloring  N1","茶色い[ちゃいろい]  N2","特色[とくしょく]characteristic, feature  N2","灰色[はいいろ]grey, gray,ashen  N2","景色[けしき<br>けいしょく]scene, landscape  N4","色[いろ<br>しき<br>しょく]colour  N5","黄色い[きいろい]yellow  N5","茶色[ちゃいろ]brown  N5","水色[みずいろ<br>すいしょく]Sky Blue,  light blue, light blue color, light blue colour, sky blue color, sky blue colour ","ばら色[ばらいろ]rose color ","金色[きんいろ<br>きんしょく<br>こんじき]golden color ","顔色[かおいろ<br>がんしょく]complexion ","緑色[みどりいろ<br>りょくしょく]Green,  color green, green color, colour green, green colour ","銀色[ぎんいろ]Silver,  silver color, silver colour, colour silver, color silver ","無色[むしょく]colorless ","桜色[さくらいろ]Pink,  pink color, pink colour, color pink, colour pink ","染色[せんしょく]dyeing ","桃色[ももいろ]Peach Color,  peach colour ","肌色[はだいろ]Flesh Colored,  skin colored ","紫色[むらさきいろ<br>ししょく]Violet,  purple ","色盲[しきもう]color blindness ","橙色[だいだいいろ<br>とうしょく]orange ","褐色[かちいろ<br>かちんいろ<br>かついろ<br>かっしょく] (n) dark indigo (almost black) ","色んな[いろんな] (adj-pn) (uk) (col) various (P) ","黒色[こくしょく] (n, adj-no) black (colour, color) (P) ","青色[あおいろ<br>せいしょく] (n, adj-no) blue ","赤色[あかいろ<br>せきしょく] (n) (1) red/red color (colour) (adj-no, adj-na) (2) red-colored/red (P) ","一色[いっしき<br>いっしょく<br>ひといろ] (adj-na, n) (1) one color/one colour/one article/monochrome (2) same tendency/everyone being caught up in the same thing ","白色[はくしょく] (n) white (P) ","色素[しきそ] (n, adj-no) pigment/coloring/colouring/colorant/colourant (P) ","異色[いしょく] (adj-no, adj-na,n) (1) unique/distinctive/novel/singular/unusual/special (n) (2) different color (colour) (P) ","毛色[けいろ] (n) (1) hair color/hair colour/fur color/fur colour (2) disposition/type/kind/nature ","オレンジ色[オレンジいろ] (n) orange (colour,  color) (P) ","物色[ぶっしょく] (n, vs) (1) looking for a particular person or thing/searching high and low/hunting for/rummaging/scouring (a place) looking for (something) (2) picking out/singling out ","色合い[いろあい<br>いろあわい] (n) (1) colouring/coloring/shade (of colour)/hue/tone/tinge/tint (2) flavour/nuance/feel/sense/look (P) ","難色[なんしょく] (n) disapproval (P) ","色気[いろけ] (n) (1) colouring/coloring/shade of colour (color) (2) sex appeal (esp. of women)/sexiness/sexual allure/seductiveness (3) interest in the opposite sex/sexual feelings/sexual urge (4) charm/elegance/romance/graciousness (5) feminine presence (6) desire/interest/ambition/inclination (P) ","配色[はいしょく] (n, vs) color scheme/colour scheme ","色調[しきちょう] (n) color tone/colour tone (P) ","五色[ごしき<br>ごしょく] (n) (1) five colors (usu. red,  blue, yellow, white and black)/five colours (adj-no) (2) many kinds/varied (n) (3) melon/gourd "],"社":["社交[しゃこう]social life; social intercourse  N1","社宅[しゃたく]company owned house  N1","出社[しゅっしゃ]arrival (in a country&nbsp; &nbsp;at work&nbsp;&nbsp;etc.)  N1","社[しゃ<br>やしろ]Shinto shrine  N1","社会科学[しゃかいかがく]social science  N2","社説[しゃせつ]editorial, leading article  N2","商社[しょうしゃ]trading company, firm  N2","入社[にゅうしゃ]entry to a company  N2","社会[しゃかい]society, public  N4","社長[しゃちょう]company president  N4","神社[じんじゃ]Shinto shrine  N4","新聞社[しんぶんしゃ]newspaper company  N4","会社[かいしゃ]company  N5","本社[ほんしゃ<br>ほんじゃ]Headquarters,  hq, head office, company headquarters ","公社[こうしゃ]Public Corporation,  public company ","社内[しゃない]Within The Company,  in house, inside the company, inside a company, in the company, within a company ","社会人[しゃかいじん]working member of society ","支社[ししゃ]branch office ","会社員[かいしゃいん]Company Employee ","社員[しゃいん]Employee,  staff, company employee, company staff ","社交的[しゃこうてき]friendly ","社費[しゃひ]Company Expenses ","株式会社[かぶしきがいしゃ]Corporation ","出版社[しゅっぱんしゃ]publishing company ","社会党[しゃかいとう]Socialist Party ","貿易会社[ぼうえきがいしゃ]Trading Firm ","社会福祉[しゃかいふくし]Social Welfare ","靖国神社[やすくにじんじゃ]yasukuni shrine ","同社[どうしゃ] (n) the same firm (P) ","自社[じしゃ] (n) (1) one's company/company one works for (adj-f) (2) in-house/belonging to the company (P) ","子会社[こがいしゃ] (n) subsidiary (company) (P) ","弊社[へいしゃ] (pn) (hum) our firm/our company (P) ","各社[かくしゃ] (n) all companies/each company ","当社[とうしゃ] (n) (1) (this) shrine (2) (this) company (this) firm (P) ","他社[たしゃ] (n) another company/other company (P) ","我が社[わがしゃ] (exp, pn) our company/my company ","大社[おおやしろ<br>たいしゃ] (n) (Shinto) (abbr) Izumo Grand Shrine ","社名[しゃめい] (n) name of company (P) ","副社長[ふくしゃちょう] (n) (abbr) executive vice-president (P) ","正社員[せいしゃいん] (n) regular employee/permanent employee/full-time employee ","社殿[しゃでん] (n) (main building of a) Shinto shrine ","退社[たいしゃ] (n, vs) (1) resignation/leaving office (2) leaving work (e.g. at the end of the day) (P) ","寺社[じしゃ] (n) temples and shrines ","社団[しゃだん] (n) corporation/association ","親会社[おやがいしゃ] (n) parent company (P) ","分社[ぶんしゃ] (n, vs) (1) branch shrine (2) corporate spin-off/split-off business ","社会的[しゃかいてき] (adj-na) social/societal/societary (P) ","社外[しゃがい] (n, adj-no) outside the company (P) ","社屋[しゃおく] (n) company office building (P) ","結社[けっしゃ] (n) association/society (P) ","社民党[しゃみんとう] (n) (abbr) Social Democratic Party (P) ","総社[そうじゃ] (n) shrine enshrining several gods ","式内社[しきないしゃ] (n) shrine listed in the Engi-Shiki ","民社党[みんしゃとう] (n) Democratic Socialist Party (P) ","合資会社[ごうしがいしゃ] (n) limited partnership "],"図":["意図[いと]intention; aim;design  N1","指図[さしず]instruction; mandate  N1","図々しい[ずうずうしい]impudent; shameless  N1","図る[はかる]to plot; to attempt;to plan;to take in;to deceive;to devise;to design;to refer A to B  N1","不図[ふず]suddenly; casually;accidentally;incidentally;unexpectedly;unintentionally  N1","図鑑[ずかん]picture book  N2","図形[ずけい]figure  N2","図表[ずひょう]chart, diagram,graph  N2","合図[あいず]sign,  signal  N3","図[ず]figure (e.g. Fig 1),  drawing, picture, illustration  N3","図書[としょ<br>ずしょ]books  N3","地図[ちず]map  N5","図書館[としょかん<br>ずしょかん]library  N5","図書室[としょしつ]library ","図説[ずせつ]Illustration,  explanatory diagram ","図示[ずし]diagram ","製図[せいず]drafting ","略図[りゃくず]Rough Sketch ","系図[けいず] (n) family tree/pedigree/genealogy (P) ","構図[こうず] (n) composition (P) ","設計図[せっけいず] (n) plan/blueprint ","図面[ずめん] (n) drawing/diagram/plans/blueprint (P) ","図柄[ずがら] (n) design/pattern (P) ","企図[きと] (n, vs) plan/project/scheme (P) ","意図的[いとてき] (adj-na) intentional/on purpose (P) ","図式[ずしき] (n, adj-no) diagram/graph/schema (P) ","図案[ずあん] (n, adj-no) design/sketch ","絵図[えず] (n) illustration/drawing ","図解[ずかい] (n, vs,adj-no) schematic/schema/illustration/explanatory diagram (P) "],"作":["凶作[きょうさく]bad harvest; poor crop  N1","原作[げんさく]original work  N1","工作[こうさく]work; construction;handicraft;maneuvering  N1","耕作[こうさく]cultivation; farming  N1","作[さく]a work; a harvest  N1","作戦[さくせん]military or naval operations; tactics;strategy  N1","作物[さくもつ<br>さくぶつ]literary work  N1","作用[さよう]action; operation;effect;function  N1","駄作[ださく]poor work; rubbish  N1","作り[つくり<br>づくり]make-up; sliced raw fish  N1","豊作[ほうさく]abundant harvest; bumper crop  N1","発作[ほっさ]fit; spasm  N1","傑作[けっさく]masterpiece, best work,boner,blunder  N2","作者[さくしゃ]author, authoress  N2","作成[さくせい]frame, draw up,make,producing  N2","作製[さくせい]manufacture  N2","製作[せいさく]manufacture, production  N2","制作[せいさく]work (film,  book)  N2","創作[そうさく]production, literary creation,work  N2","作る/造る[つくる]to make, to create  N2","動作[どうさ]action, movements,motions,bearing,behaviour,manners  N2","名作[めいさく]masterpiece  N2","作業[さぎょう]work,  operation, manufacturing, fatigue duty  N3","作品[さくひん]work,  opus, performance, production  N3","作家[さっか]writer  N3","作曲[さっきょく]composition,  setting (of music)  N3","作法[さほう<br>さくほう]manners,  etiquette, propriety  N3","操作[そうさ]operation,  management, processing  N3","作文[さくぶん<br>さくもん]composition, writing  N5","作る[つくる]to make  N5","大作[たいさく]An Epic,  epic, epic saga, masterpiece, masterwork, magnum opus ","不作[ふさく]bad harvest ","作り上げる[つくりあげる]make up ","形作る[かたちづくる]form ","手作り[てづくり]Handmade ","作り方[つくりかた]How To Make,  way to make, way of making ","作り話[つくりばなし]fiction ","反作用[はんさよう]reaction ","作動[さどう]operation ","作り笑い[つくりわらい]forced laugh ","副作用[ふくさよう]reaction ","無造作[むぞうさ]casual ","盗作[とうさく]Plagiarism ","著作[ちょさく]Writing,  authorship ","著作権[ちょさくけん]Copyright ","稲作[いなさく]Rice Cultivation,  rice crop ","佳作[かさく]fine work,  good piece of work ","作画[さくが] (n, vs) drawing pictures/painting pictures/taking photographs ","前作[ぜんさく<br>まえさく] (n) (1) previous work/preceding work (2) first crop grown in a double-cropped field/preceding crop ","新作[しんさく] (n, vs) new work/new production (P) ","作風[さくふう] (n) literary style (P) ","作業員[さぎょういん] (n) laborer/labourer/blue-collar worker ","作り出す[つくりだす] (v5s, vt) (1) to manufacture/to produce/to raise (crops) (2) to invent/to dream up/to create (P) ","自作[じさく] (n, vs,adj-no) one's own work/making by oneself (P) ","試作[しさく] (n, vs) trial manufacture/experiment/test piece/prototype (P) ","作詞[さくし] (n, vs) (writing) song lyrics (P) ","心臓発作[しんぞうほっさ] (n) (1) heart attack (vs) (2) to have a heart attack ","合作[がっさく] (n, vs,adj-no) collaboration/joint work (P) ","劇作家[げきさっか] (n) playwright/dramatist ","矢作[やはぎ] (n) (1) fletcher/arrow maker (2) fletching/arrow-making ","工作員[こうさくいん] (n) (1) spy/agent provocateur/covert operative (2) maker/builder/constructor (P) ","三部作[さんぶさく] (n) trilogy (P) ","作り直す[つくりなおす] (v5s, vt) to remake/to rebuild ","連作[れんさく] (n, vs) (1) planting a field with the same crop each year/repeated cultivation (2) collaborative literary work/story made up by several writers working on it in turn (3) series (of novels)/cycle (of poems, songs)/sequence (P) ","小作[こさく] (n) tenant farming ","遺作[いさく] (n) posthumous works (P) ","農作物[のうさくぶつ<br>のうさくもつ] (n) crops/agricultural produce (P) ","詩作[しさく] (n, vs) composition of a poem ","旧作[きゅうさく] (n) old work/existing work "],"多":["幾多[いくた]many; numerous  N1","過多[かた]excess; superabundance  N1","加留多[かるた](pt:) (n) playing cards (pt: carta)  N1","多数決[たすうけつ]majority rule  N1","多忙[たぼう]busy; pressure of work  N1","多様[たよう]diversity; variety  N1","多少[たしょう]more or less,  somewhat, a little, some  N3","多分[たぶん]probably  N3","滅多に[めったに]rarely (with neg. verb),  seldom  N3","多い[おおい]many  N5","多く[おおく]much ","多大[ただい]great ","多角[たかく]diversified ","多数[たすう]large number ","大多数[だいたすう]greater part ","歌留多[かるた]Japanese playing cards ","一夫多妻[いっぷたさい]Polygamy ","多額[たがく]Large Amount,  large sum ","多量[たりょう]large quantity ","滅多[めった]reckless ","多湿[たしつ]high humidity ","多[た] (n, pref) multi- (P) ","多寡[たか] (n) degree (of something)/greatness or smallness (of something)/quantity/number/amount/size (P) ","数多い[かずおおい] (adj-i) many/a multiplicity of ","多目的[たもくてき] (adj-na) multipurpose (P) ","多発[たはつ] (n, vs,adj-no) repeated occurrence (P) ","数多く[かずおおく] (exp, adv,adj-no) in great numbers (P) ","多用[たよう] (adj-na, n,vs) (1) busyness/a lot of things to do (2) frequent use/heavy use (of)/many uses (P) ","多々[たた<br>ふさふさ] (adv) very much/very many/more and more ","最多[さいた] (adj-no, n) most (numerous) (P) ","多彩[たさい] (adj-na, n,adj-no) variegated/varicoloured/varicolored/multi-coloured/multi-colored/diverse (P) ","多岐[たき] (adj-na, n) digression/many divergences (P) ","多項式[たこうしき] (n) (math) polynomial ","多重[たじゅう] (n, adj-no,adj-na) multiple/multiplex (P) ","多年[たねん] (n-adv, n-t) many years ","多種多様[たしゅたよう] (adj-na, n,adj-no) (yoji) a great variety of/diversity ","多め[おおめ] (n, adj-na) somewhat larger quantity/larger portion (P) ","多種[たしゅ] (adj-na, n,adj-no) many kinds/various ","多元[たげん] (n, adj-no) pluralism/diversity ","多面[ためん] (n, adj-no) many-sided/multifaceted (P) ","多方面[たほうめん] (adj-na, n) many-sided/multifarious/versatility "],"肉":["肉親[にくしん]blood relationship; blood relative  N1","肉体[にくたい]the body; the flesh  N1","皮肉[ひにく]cynicism, sarcasm  N2","筋肉[きんにく<br>すじにく]muscle,  sinew  N3","牛肉[ぎゅうにく]beef  N5","とり肉[とりにく]chicken meat  N5","肉[にく<br>しし]meat  N5","豚肉[ぶたにく<br>とんにく]pork  N5","肉食[にくしょく<br>にくじき]carnivore ","肉屋[にくや]Butcher Shop,  meat shop, meat store ","焼き肉[やきにく]Roast Meat,  grilled meat, cooked meat, yakiniku ","肉欲[にくよく]Carnal Desires ","桜肉[さくらにく]Horse Meat ","肉眼[にくがん<br>にくげん]naked eye ","鯨肉[げいにく]whale meat ","鶏肉[とりにく,  けいにく<br>けいにく<br>とりにく]chicken meat ","挽肉[ひきにく]ground meat ","焼肉[やきにく] (n) (1) (food) yakiniku/Japanese dish of grilled meat similar to Korean barbecue (2) (food) roasted meat/grill (P) ","食肉[しょくにく] (n) meat (for consumption) (P) ","肉筆[にくひつ] (n, adj-no) (1) one's own handwriting/autograph (2) as written with a brush (P) "],"会":["会[かい<br>え]understanding  N1","会見[かいけん]interview; audience  N1","会談[かいだん]conversation; conference;discussion;interview  N1","協会[きょうかい]association; society;organization  N1","再会[さいかい]another meeting; meeting again;reunion  N1","座談会[ざだんかい]symposium; round-table discussion  N1","総会[そうかい]general meeting  N1","面会[めんかい]interview  N1","宴会[えんかい]party, banquet  N2","開会[かいかい]opening of a meeting  N2","会館[かいかん]meeting hall, assembly hall  N2","学会[がっかい]scientific society, academic meeting  N2","司会[しかい]chairmanship  N2","社会科学[しゃかいかがく]social science  N2","集会[しゅうかい]meeting, assembly  N2","閉会[へいかい]closure  N2","会員[かいいん]member,  the membership  N3","会計[かいけい]account,  finance, accountant  N3","会合[かいごう]meeting,  assembly  N3","議会[ぎかい]Diet,  congress, parliament  N3","国会[こっかい]National Diet,  parliament, congress  N3","大会[たいかい]convention,  tournament, mass meeting, rally  N3","出会い[であい]meeting,  rendezvous, encounter  N3","出会う[であう]to meet by chance,  to come across, to happen to encounter  N3","都会[とかい]city  N3","会議[かいぎ]meeting  N4","会議室[かいぎしつ]meeting room  N4","会場[かいじょう]assembly hall or meeting place  N4","会話[かいわ]conversation  N4","機会[きかい]opportunity  N4","教会[きょうかい]church  N4","社会[しゃかい]society, public  N4","展覧会[てんらんかい]exhibition  N4","会う[あう]to meet  N5","会社[かいしゃ]company  N5","会心[かいしん]congenial ","社会人[しゃかいじん]working member of society ","会長[かいちょう]president ","会食[かいしょく]dinner together ","送別会[そうべつかい]farewell party ","会社員[かいしゃいん]Company Employee ","運動会[うんどうかい]sports festival ","飲み会[のみかい]Drinking Party ","英会話[えいかいわ]English Conversation ","忘年会[ぼうねんかい]Year End Party,  end of year party ","委員会[いいんかい]committee ","会費[かいひ]membership fee ","展示会[てんじかい]Trade Show,  exhibition ","株式会社[かぶしきがいしゃ]Corporation ","博覧会[はくらんかい]Exposition,  exhibition, fair ","照会[しょうかい]application for information ","密会[みっかい]Secret Meeting,  clandestine meeting ","社会党[しゃかいとう]Socialist Party ","同窓会[どうそうかい]alumni association ","舞踏会[ぶとうかい]Ball,  dance ","貿易会社[ぼうえきがいしゃ]Trading Firm ","巡り会う[めぐりあう]come across ","社会福祉[しゃかいふくし]Social Welfare ","碁会所[ごかいじょ]Go Parlor,  go playing parlor ","会釈[えしゃく]nod,  greeting, bow ","子会社[こがいしゃ] (n) subsidiary (company) (P) ","司会者[しかいしゃ] (n) chairman/moderator/toastmaster/master of ceremonies/chairperson/host (of a TV show,  etc.) (P) ","生徒会[せいとかい] (n) student council ","入会[いりあい<br>にゅうかい] (n) common (e.g. fishery or hunting ground)/commonage ","部会[ぶかい] (n) section meeting (P) ","商会[しょうかい] (n) firm/company (P) ","記者会見[きしゃかいけん] (n, vs) press conference (P) ","生徒会長[せいとかいちょう] (n) head of the student council/president of the student council ","副会長[ふくかいちょう] (n) vice president (of a club or organization,  organisation) ","創価学会[そうかがっかい] (n) Soka Gakkai (lay organization,  based on Nichiren Buddhism) (organisation) (P) ","親会社[おやがいしゃ] (n) parent company (P) ","評議会[ひょうぎかい] (n) council (consultatory,  advisory)/board of trustees ","会戦[かいせん] (n, vs) engagement/battle ","市議会[しぎかい] (n) city council (P) ","全国大会[ぜんこくたいかい] (n) national convention/national competition/national athletic meet ","退会[たいかい] (n, vs) withdrawal from a group/resignation/secession/unsubscribing (mailing list, etc.) ","競技会[きょうぎかい] (n) athletic meet ","会計士[かいけいし] (n) accountant (P) ","誕生会[たんじょうかい] (n) birthday party ","社会的[しゃかいてき] (adj-na) social/societal/societary (P) ","会派[かいは] (n) faction/denomination/communion ","発表会[はっぴょうかい] (n) (1) recital (i.e. of music,  by a pupil) (2) presentation (e.g. product launch) ","理事会[りじかい] (n) board of directors/board of trustees ","散会[さんかい] (n, vs) adjournment (P) ","会期[かいき] (n, adj-no) session (of a legislature) (P) ","例会[れいかい] (n) regular meeting (P) ","立ち会う[たちあう] (v5u, vi) to be present/to be witness to ","聖公会[せいこうかい] (n) Anglican or Episcopal Church ","会所[かいしょ] (n) meeting place/club ","会計検査院[かいけいけんさいん] (n) Board of Audit (P) ","法会[ほうえ] (n) Buddhist service (e.g. memorial service) ","県議会[けんぎかい] (n) prefectural assembly ","公会堂[こうかいどう] (n) town hall/public hall (P) ","年会[ねんかい] (n) conference/annual convention (P) ","会報[かいほう] (n) bulletin/report (P) ","全会[ぜんかい] (n) whole assembly (P) ","合資会社[ごうしがいしゃ] (n) limited partnership ","会頭[かいとう] (n) society president (P) ","市会[しかい] (n) city council (P) "],"近":["近眼[きんがん]nearsightedness; shortsightedness;myopia  N1","近々[ちかぢか<br>ちかじか,  ちかぢか<br>きんきん]nearness; before long  N1","近郊[きんこう]suburbs; outskirts  N1","近視[きんし]shortsightedness  N1","近付く[ちかづく<br>ちかずく]to approach; to get near;to get acquainted with;to get closer  N1","手近[てぢか]near; handy;familiar  N1","身近[みぢか]near oneself; close to one;familiar  N1","接近[せっきん]getting closer, drawing nearer,approaching  N2","近付ける[ちかづける]to bring near, to put close,to let come near,to associate with  N2","近寄る[ちかよる]to approach, to draw near  N2","付近[ふきん]neighbourhood, vicinity,environs  N2","近代[きんだい]present day  N3","近頃[ちかごろ]lately,  recently, nowadays  N3","近所[きんじょ]neighbourhood  N4","最近[さいきん]latest, nowadays  N4","近い[ちかい]near  N5","近く[ちかく]near  N5","近年[きんねん]Recent Years ","近日[きんじつ]Soon,  in a few days, coming days ","近世[きんせい]modern ages ","近づく[ちかづく]To Get Close,  to approach, to draw near, to near, to bring near ","近道[ちかみち]shortcut ","間近[まぢか<br>まじか]up close ","近寄せる[ちかよせる]bring close to ","近隣[きんりん]Neighborhood ","近距離[きんきょり]short distance ","近衛[このえ] (n) Imperial Guards (P) ","近畿[きんき] (n) Kinki (region around Osaka,  Kyoto, Nara) (P) ","近接[きんせつ] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) proximity/nearness/being nearby/being adjacent (n,vs) (2) approaching/drawing near/coming close ","近づける[ちかづける] (v1, vt) (1) to bring near/to bring close/to let go near (2) to associate with/to bring (people) together/to let come near (of a person) (P) ","側近[そっきん] (n) close associate/close aide/brains-truster (P) ","近海[きんかい] (n, adj-no) coastal waters/adjacent seas (P) ","近縁[きんえん] (n) close relation (association) ","近似[きんじ] (n, vs,adj-no) approximation/having a close resemblance ","近辺[きんぺん] (n) neighbourhood/neighborhood/vicinity (P) ","近傍[きんぼう] (n) (1) neighborhood/neighbourhood/vicinity/surrounding area (2) (math) neighborhood/neighbourhood ","近況[きんきょう] (n) recent state/present state/present condition/current status/current circumstances (P) ","近いうちに[ちかいうちに] (exp, adv) before long ","近親[きんしん] (n, adj-no) near relative (P) ","近づき[ちかづき] (n) acquaintance (P) ","至近[しきん] (n) very near ","親近[しんきん] (n, vs) a relative/familiarity ","程近い[ほどちかい] (adj-i) near/nearby/not far off ","直近[ちょっきん] (adj-no, n-adv,n-t) latest/most recent/nearest (in time) ","近未来[きんみらい] (n, adj-no) near future ","近東[きんとう] (n) Near East "],"走":["ご馳走[ごちそう]feast; treating (someone)  N1","ご馳走さま[ごちそうさま]feast  N1","走行[そうこう]running a wheeled vehicle (e.g. car); traveling  N1","逃走[とうそう]flight; desertion;escape  N1","御馳走[ごちそう]feast, treating (someone)  N2","走る[はしる]to run  N5","走り回る[はしりまわる]To Run Around ","暴走[ぼうそう]Run Wild,  run out of control ","暴走族[ぼうそうぞく]Biker Gang,  motorcycle gang, japanese bikers, bosozoku ","脱走する[だっそうする]To Escape,  to flee ","脱走[だっそう]desertion ","師走[しわす]December ","滑走路[かっそう ろ]runway ","疾走[しっそう]sprint,  dash ","奔走[ほんそう<br>ほんそ]running about,  efforts, be busy ","帆走[はんそう]sailing ","競走[きょうそう] (n, vs,adj-no) race (P) ","出走[しゅっそう] (n, vs) entry in a race (P) ","滑走[かっそう] (n, vs) (1) gliding/sliding/skating (on ice)/glide/slide (2) taxiing (aircraft)/making a takeoff run (P) ","自走[じそう] (n, vs,adj-no) self-propulsion ","走者[そうしゃ] (n) (1) runner (2) (baseb) base runner (P) ","完走[かんそう] (n, vs) finishing (a race)/running the whole distance/reaching the goal/staying the course (P) ","走り[はしり] (n) (1) running (2) gliding (3) first (harvest) of the season (4) beginning/start (5) (col) kitchen sink (P) ","敗走[はいそう] (n, vs) flight/rout/debacle ","追走[ついそう] (n, vs) chasing/chase ","走塁[そうるい] (n, vs) (baseb) base running (P) ","走り出す[はしりだす] (v5s) to begin to run/to start running/to break into a run (P) ","独走[どくそう] (n, vs) (1) running alone/running solo (2) having a large lead (over the others)/being far ahead (of everyone else) (3) having one's own way/ignoring others' opinions and acting as one wishes/arbitrary action (P) ","代走[だいそう] (n) substitute runner ","走破[そうは] (n, vs) running the whole distance ","走査[そうさ] (n, vs) scanning (e.g. TV)/traversal ","並走[へいそう] (n, vs) running parallel (to)/running side-by-side/keeping pace (with) ","好走[こうそう] (n, vs) good running "],"同":["一同[いちどう]all present; all concerned;all of us  N1","同い年[おないどし]of the same age  N1","混同[こんどう]confusion; mixing;merger  N1","同[どう]the same; the said;ibid.  N1","同意[どうい]agreement; consent;same meaning;same opinion;approval  N1","同感[どうかん]agreement; same opinion;same feeling;sympathy;concurrence  N1","同級[どうきゅう]the same grade; same class  N1","同居[どうきょ]living together  N1","同士[どうし<br>どし]fellow; companion;comrade  N1","同志[どうし]same mind; comrade;kindred soul  N1","同情[どうじょう]sympathy; compassion;sympathize;pity;feel for  N1","同調[どうちょう]sympathy; agree with;alignment;tuning  N1","同等[どうとう]equality; equal;same rights;same rank  N1","同封[どうふう]enclosure (e.g. in a letter)  N1","同盟[どうめい]alliance; union;league  N1","合同[ごうどう]combination, incorporation,union,amalgamation  N2","同格[どうかく]the same rank, equality,apposition  N2","共同[きょうどう]cooperation,  association, collaboration, joint  N3","同一[どういつ]identity,  sameness, similarity  N3","同時[どうじ]simultaneous(ly),  concurrent, same time, synchronous  N3","同様[どうよう]identical,  equal to, same (kind), like  N3","同僚[どうりょう]coworker,  colleague, associate  N3","同じ[おなじ<br>おんなじ]same  N5","同日[どうじつ]Same Day,  the same day ","同上[どうじょう]as above ","同音[どうおん]homophonous ","同化[どうか]assimilation ","同級生[どうきゅうせい]classmate ","同期[どうき]same period ","同性[どうせい]of the same sex ","同期中[どうきちゅう]Syncing,  synchronizing ","同列[どうれつ]same rank ","同類[どうるい]same class ","同窓会[どうそうかい]alumni association ","同音異義語[どうおんいぎご]Homonym ","同姓[どうせい]same surname ","同伴する[どうはんする]To Accompany ","同伴[どうはん]accompanying ","同胞[どうほう,  どうぼう<br>どうほう<br>どうぼう<br>はらから]brethren, brothers, fellow countrymen, compatriot ","呉越同舟[ごえつどうしゅう]bitter enemies in the same boat,  classic rivals, traditional rivals ","同棲[どうせい]living together ","同時に[どうじに] (adv, conj) coincident with/while/simultaneously (P) ","同社[どうしゃ] (n) the same firm (P) ","同じく[おなじく] (adv, conj,vs) similarly/same (idea)/same (name) (P) ","同人[どうじん<br>どうにん] (n) (1) same person (2) said person/the person in question (3) coterie/clique/fraternity/kindred spirits/comrade/colleague (4) dojin/doujin/Japanese fans or hobbyists who produce their owns magazines,  manga, software, etc. (P) ","協同[きょうどう] (n, vs,adj-no) doing together (as equals)/sharing/common (land, etc.)/joint (statement, etc.)/cooperation/co-operation/collaboration/association (P) ","同行[どうぎょう<br>どうこう] (n, vs) fellow pilgrim/fellow practicer of austerities ","同年[どうねん] (n-adv, n-t) that year/same year/same age (P) ","大同[だいどう] (exp) (1) largely the same (n) (2) Daido era (806.5.18-810.9.19) (P) ","同位[どうい] (n) the same rank/the same digit ","同氏[どうし] (n) the said person/he/she/same person (P) ","共同通信[きょうどうつうしん] (n) joint communications ","賛同[さんどう] (n, vs) approval/endorsement (P) ","と同時に[とどうじに] (exp) at the same time as/while/as well as (multiple roles) ","同性愛[どうせいあい] (n, adj-no) homosexual love (P) ","同然[どうぜん] (adj-na, n,adj-no) similar to/same/right/proper/just/natural (P) ","同様に[どうように] (adv) identically/in the (exact) same way/similarly ","同窓[どうそう] (n) the same school (P) ","同居人[どうきょにん] (n) (1) person living with a family/lodger (2) housemate/flatmate/roommate ","同性愛者[どうせいあいしゃ] (n) homosexual (person) ","同点[どうてん] (n, adj-no) same score/deadlock/tie/draw (P) ","同月[どうげつ] (n-adv, n-t) the same month (P) ","同族[どうぞく] (n, adj-no) same family (race, tribe) ","同定[どうてい] (n, vs) identification ","同種[どうしゅ] (n, adj-no) same kind (race)/homogeneousness (P) ","恋人同士[こいびとどうし] (n) pair of lovers/girlfriend and boyfriend ","同業[どうぎょう] (n) same trade/same business/same profession (P) ","同国[どうこく] (n) the same country/the same province/the said country (P) ","同市[どうし] (n) same city (P) ","同和[どうわ] (n) (1) (abbr) social integration (esp. of burakumin)/assimilation (2) (col) burakumin ","同席[どうせき] (n, vs,adj-no) presence/sitting with/being with (P) ","同乗[どうじょう] (n, vs) riding together/riding with (P) ","同好[どうこう] (n) similar tastes (P) ","帯同[たいどう] (n, vs) taking (someone) along ","準同型[じゅんどうけい] (n) (math) homomorphism ","相同[そうどう] (n, adj-no) homology "],"言":["言い訳[いいわけ]excuse; explanation  N1","一言[ひとこと<br>いちげん<br>いちごん]single word  N1","片言[かたこと]a smattering; talk like a baby;speak haltingly  N1","予言[よげん<br>かねごと]prediction; promise;prognostication  N1","言論[げんろん]discussion  N1","言伝[いいつたえ]declaration; hearsay  N1","証言[しょうげん]evidence; testimony  N1","助言[じょげん<br>じょごん]advice; suggestion  N1","宣言[せんげん]declaration; proclamation;announcement  N1","断言[だんげん]declaration; affirmation  N1","伝言[でんごん<br>つてこと]verbal message; rumor;word  N1","発言[はつげん]utterance; speech;proposal  N1","無言[むごん]silence  N1","言い出す[いいだす]to start talking, to speak,to tell,to propose,to suggest,to break the ice  N2","言い付ける[いいつける]to tell, to tell on (someone),to order  N2","言付ける[ことづける]to send word, to send a message  N2","言葉遣い[ことばづかい]speech, expression,wording  N2","独り言[ひとりごと]a soliloquy, a monologue,speaking to oneself  N2","方言[ほうげん]dialect  N2","言う[いう<br>ゆう]to say  N3","言わば[いわば]so to speak  N3","言語[げんご<br>げんきょ<br>ごんご]language  N3","言葉[ことば<br>けとば]word, language  N5","公言[こうげん]public declaration ","言いなり[いいなり]doing as one is told ","言い回し[いいまわし]expression ","言い方[いいかた]way of speaking ","言づける[ことづける]leave a message ","言い表す[いいあらわす]express in words ","言い返す[いいかえす]talk back ","話し言葉[はなしことば]spoken language ","言動[げんどう]speech and behavior ","毒言[どくげん]Abusive Language ","書き言葉[かきことば]written language ","寝言[ねごと]talking in one's sleep ","言い掛かり[いいがかり]false accusation ","宣言する[せんげんする]To Proclaim ","言い換える[いいかえる]paraphrase ","遺言[ゆいごん]<br>いげん<br>いごん<br>ゆいごん]testament ","言える[いえる] (v1) to be possible to say/to be able to say ","と言った[といった] (conj) (uk) such ... as/or some such ","って言う[っていう] (conj) (col) (uk) meaning/called/said ","ひと言[ひとこと] (n, vs) single word/a few words/brief comment ","言[げん<br>こと] (n) word/remark/statement (P) ","言及[げんきゅう] (n, vs) reference/allusion (P) ","言うまでもない[いうまでもない<br>ゆうまでもない] (exp, adj-i) goes without saying/needless to say/obvious (P) ","と言っても[といっても] (conj) (uk) although I say/although one might say/although called (P) ","提言[ていげん] (n, vs) proposal/motion/recommendation (P) ","言い分[いいぶん] (n) (1) one's say/one's point (2) complaint/grievance/objection/excuse (P) ","進言[しんげん] (n, vs) proposal/counsel/advice (to a superior) ","預言者[よげんしゃ] (n) prophet/predictor/prognosticator ","大納言[だいなごん] (n) (1) chief councillor of state/chief councilor of state (2) large-grained variety of adzuki bean ","言説[げんせつ] (n, vs) remark/statement/discourse ","言いだす[いいだす] (v5s, vt) (1) to begin to say/to start talking/to broach (a matter)/to bring up/to come out with (2) to be the first to say/to suggest (doing)/to propose ","預言[よげん] (n, vs) prophecy ","実を言うと[じつをいうと<br>じつをゆうと] (exp, adv) as a matter of fact/to tell the truth ","たわ言[たわこと<br>たわごと] (ok) (n) nonsense/silly talk/drivel/rubbish ","真言宗[しんごんしゅう] (n) Shingon sect (of Buddhism) ","言い聞かせる[いいきかせる] (v1, vt) to tell someone to do something/to warn/to persuade/to instruct ","中納言[すけのものもうすつかさ<br>ちゅうなごん<br>なかのものもうすつかさ] (n) medium-ranked councillor in the Department of State ","言いよう[いいよう] (exp, n) manner of speaking/mode of expression/way of saying something ","褒め言葉[ほめことば] (n) words of praise/eulogy/compliment ","文言[ぶんげん<br>もんごん] (n) (1) wording (esp. of written text) (2) classical Chinese literary style/traditional written Chinese ","名言[めいげん] (n) wise saying/famous saying ","明言[めいげん] (n, vs) declaration/statement (P) ","言いがかり[いいがかり] (n) (1) false accusation/pretext/picking a quarrel (2) committing oneself ","言い難い[いいがたい<br>いいにくい] (adj-i) (1) hard to say/inexpressible/hesitant to say (2) embarrassing/delicate ","格言[かくげん] (n, adj-no) saying/maxim/aphorism/proverb ","暴言[ぼうげん] (n) reckless remark/rash remark/abusive language/thoughtless words ","言い渡す[いいわたす] (v5s, vt) to announce/to tell/to sentence/to order (P) ","戯言[ぎげん<br>ざれこと<br>ざれごと<br>たわこと<br>たわごと<br>たわぶれごと<br>たわむれごと] (n) joke/jest ","狂言[きょうげん] (n) (1) kyogen/farce presented between noh plays or during the interlude of a noh play (2) kabuki play/kabuki performance (3) make-believe/ruse/trick (P) ","過言[かげん<br>かごん] (n) (1) exaggeration/overstatement/saying too much (2) misstatement/slip of the tongue/gaffe ","言い伝える[いいつたえる] (v1, vt) to send word ","言明[げんめい] (n, vs) declaration/statement/assertion (P) ","讒言[ざんげん] (n, vs) false charge/slander/defamation "],"自":["自惚れ[うぬぼれ]pretension; conceit;hubris  N1","自ずから[おのずから]naturally; as a matter of course  N1","自覚[じかく]self-conscious  N1","自我[じが]self; the ego  N1","自己[じこ]self; oneself  N1","自在[じざい]freely; at will  N1","自主[じしゅ]independence; autonomy  N1","自首[じしゅ]surrender; give oneself up  N1","自信[じしん]self-confidence  N1","自尊心[じそんしん]self-respect; conceit  N1","自転[じてん]rotation; spin  N1","自動詞[じどうし]intransitive verb (no direct obj)  N1","自立[じりつ]independence; self-reliance  N1","独自[どくじ]original; peculiar;characteristic  N1","各自[かくじ]individual, each  N2","自衛[じえい]self-defense  N2","自習[じしゅう]self-study  N2","自然科学[しぜんかがく]natural science  N2","自治[じち]self-government, autonomy  N2","自殺[じさつ]suicide  N3","自身[じしん]by oneself,  personally  N3","自然[しぜん<br>じねん]nature,  spontaneous  N3","自動[じどう]automatic,  self-motion  N3","自慢[じまん]pride,  boast  N3","不自由[ふじゆう]discomfort,  disability, inconvenience, destitution  N3","自由[じゆう]freedom  N4","自転車[じてんしゃ<br>じでんしゃ]bicycle  N5","自動車[じどうしゃ]automobile  N5","自分[じぶん]oneself  N5","自ら[みずから<br>おのずから](for) oneself ","自白[じはく]admission ","自国[じこく]one's own country ","自明[じめい]obvious ","自活[じかつ]self-support ","自決[じけつ]Self Determination,  suicide ","不自然[ふしぜん]unnatural ","自問[じもん]self doubt ","自然に[しぜんに]naturally ","自主的[じしゅてき]voluntary ","自発的[じはつてき]spontaneous ","自動的[じどうてき]Automatic ","私自身[わたしじしん<br>わたくしじしん]Personally,  as for me, myself ","自愛[じあい]Self Love,  selfishness ","自制[じせい]Self Control,  self restraint ","自営[じえい]independent ","自営業[じえいぎょう]self-employment ","自宅[じたく]One's Home,  one's own home ","自家製[じかせい]Homemade,  home brewed, made at home ","自動販売機[じどうはんばいき]Vending Machine ","自販機[じはんき]Vending Machine ","自民党[じみんとう]Liberal Democratic Party,  ldp ","自衛隊[じえいたい]Self Defense Forces ","自薦[じせん]Recommendation ","飛び込み自殺[とびこみじさつ]Suicide By Train ","超自然的[ちょうしぜんてき]Supernatural ","自己紹介[じこしょうかい]Self Introduction ","自爆[じばく]Suicide Bomb ","自棄[やけ]desperation ","自滅[じめつ]self destruction ","自炊[じすい]cooking (for oneself) ","自浄[じじょう]self purification,  self cleansing ","自叙伝[じじょでん]autobiography ","自粛[じしゅく]self control,  self discipline, self restraint ","自惚れる[うぬぼれる]be conceited ","自治体[じちたい] (n) municipality/local government/self-governing body/autonomous body (P) ","自体[じたい] (n-suf, n) (1) itself (n) (2) one's own body/oneself (adv) (3) originally/naturally/by nature/from the start (P) ","自由に[じゆうに] (adv) freely ","自[ころ<br>じ] (ok) (pref) self- ","自社[じしゃ] (n) (1) one's company/company one works for (adj-f) (2) in-house/belonging to the company (P) ","自分自身[じぶんじしん] (pn) oneself/myself (P) ","自由民主党[じゆうみんしゅとう] (n) (1) Liberal Democratic Party/LDP (2) Free Democratic Party (Germany)/FDP ","自作[じさく] (n, vs,adj-no) one's own work/making by oneself (P) ","自由党[じゆうとう] (n) Liberal Party ","自業自得[じごうじとく] (exp, adj-na,n,adj-no) (yoji) paying for one's mistakes/getting one's just deserts/suffering the consequences (of one's own actions)/reap what you sow ","地方自治体[ちほうじちたい] (n) local authority/local government/locality/local self-governing body/municipality (P) ","自家[じか] (adj-f) own/personal/autologous (P) ","出自[しゅつじ] (n) (1) birthplace (2) descent/blood-lines/origins (3) one's outward self ","自走[じそう] (n, vs,adj-no) self-propulsion ","自分の力[じぶんのちから] (exp, n) one's own strength or effort (by) oneself ","自称[じしょう] (adj-f) (1) self-proclaimed/self-professed/self-styled/would-be (n, vs) (2) professing oneself to be/calling oneself/describing oneself as (n) (3) (ling) first person (P) ","自力[じりき<br>じりょく] (n, adj-no) (1) one's own strength/one's own efforts (n) (2) (Buddh) self-salvation (P) ","自発[じはつ] (n) spontaneity (P) ","自害[じがい] (n, vs) suicide ","自律[じりつ] (n, adj-no) (1) autonomy (philosophy) (2) self-control (P) ","自生[じせい] (n, vs,adj-no) growing wild (naturally)/native ","自分のために[じぶんのために] (exp, adv) for oneself/for one's own sake/on one's own account ","自分勝手[じぶんかって<br>じぶんがって] (n, adj-na) (yoji) selfishness/egotism/egoism (being) self-centered/without consulting (doing) as one pleases/one's own free will ","自信満々[じしんまんまん] (adj-na, adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) (yoji) full of confidence/brimming with (self-)confidence/having great faith in oneself ","自伝[じでん] (n) autobiography (P) ","自由の身[じゆうのみ] (exp, n) freedom/free man/free woman ","自民[じみん] (n) (abbr) Liberal Democratic Party/LDP (P) ","自負[じふ] (n, vs) pride/self-confidence/thinking highly of oneself/being proud of one's abilities or achievements (P) ","自撮り[じどり] (n, vs) (col) taking a picture or video of oneself (esp. with a smartphone camera)/selfie/video selfie/self-taken picture ","彼自身[かれじしん] (pn) himself/he himself ","自治省[じちしょう] (n) (former) Ministry of Home Affairs (P) ","自給[じきゅう] (n, vs,adj-no) self-support (P) ","自前[じまえ] (n, adj-no) (1) taking care of one's responsibilities by oneself/one's own efforts/one's own expense (2) going into business for oneself (selling one's own products)/entrepreneur of such a business (P) ","自著[じちょ] (n) one's own literary work ","大自然[だいしぜん] (n) nature/Mother Nature (P) ","自重[じじゅう<br>じちょう] (n) (1) weight of an (unloaded) vehicle/dead load/tare (2) one's own weight ","自筆[じひつ] (n, adj-no) one's own handwriting/autograph/holograph (P) ","自虐[じぎゃく] (n) self-torture/masochism/inflicting damage to oneself ","自由形[じゆうがた] (n) freestyle (e.g. swimming event) (P) ","自閉症[じへいしょう] (n, adj-no) autism (P) ","自費[じひ] (n) one's own expense/out-of-pocket expense (P) ","自刃[じじん] (n, vs) suicide by the sword ","自他[じた] (n) (1) oneself and others (2) transitive and intransitive (P) ","自認[じにん] (n, vs,adj-no) admission (self-)acknowledgment (self-)acknowledgement ","自責[じせき] (n, vs) self-condemnation/self-reproach/self-accusation (P) "],"売":["売り出し[うりだし](bargain) sale  N1","売り出す[うりだす]to put on sale; to market;to become popular  N1","売れ行き[うれゆき]sales  N1","小売[こうり]retail  N1","前売り[まえうり]advance sale; booking  N1","売上[うりあげ]amount sold, proceeds  N2","売り切れ[うりきれ]sold-out  N2","売り切れる[うりきれる]to be sold out  N2","売行き[うれゆき]sales  N2","特売[とくばい]special sale  N2","売店[ばいてん]shop, stand  N2","売買[ばいばい<br>ばいかい]trade, buying and selling  N2","発売[はつばい]sale  N2","売れる[うれる]to be sold  N3","商売[しょうばい]trade,  business, commerce, transaction, occupation  N3","販売[はんばい]sale,  selling, marketing  N3","売り場[うりば]place where things are sold  N4","売る[うる]to sell  N5","売り上げ[うりあげ]Amount Sold,  sales ","売り手[うりて]Seller,  vendor ","小売り[こうり]retail ","安売り[やすうり]sale ","小売店[こうりてん]retail store ","売り物[うりもの]feature ","発売中[はつばいちゅう]Now On Sale,  now for sale, currently on sale ","売春[ばいしゅん]prostitution ","自動販売機[じどうはんばいき]Vending Machine ","限定販売[げんていはんばい]Limited Edition ","前売り券[まえうりけん]Advance Ticket,  ticket sold in advance ","押し売り[おしうり]high-pressure sales ","売り込む[うりこむ]become well known ","密売[みつばい]smuggling ","卸売[おろしうり]wholesale ","卸売り[おろしうり]wholesale ","売人[ばいにん] (n) trader/smuggler/pusher/drug dealer/drug runner ","売却[ばいきゃく] (n, vs) selling off/disposal by sale/sale (P) ","券売機[けんばいき] (n) ticket machine/ticket-vending machine ","売春婦[ばいしゅんふ<br>ばいしゅんぷ] (n) prostitute (P) ","売り[うり] (n, n-suf) (1) sale/selling (n) (2) selling point/gimmick (n-suf) (3) seller/vendor (P) ","売上高[うりあげだか] (n) sales/amount sold/proceeds (P) ","卸し売り[おろしうり] (n) wholesale/wholesaling ","競売[きょうばい<br>けいばい] (n, vs) auction (P) ","専売[せんばい] (n, vs,adj-no) monopoly/monopolization/exclusive sales rights (P) ","完売[かんばい] (n, vs) selling out/being sold out (P) ","売上げ[うりあげ] (n) amount sold/sales/proceeds/takings/turnover (P) ","売場[うりば] (n) (1) selling area/counter/section/department/sales floor (2) favorable time to sell/good time to sell ","転売[てんばい] (n, vs) resale (P) ","即売[そくばい] (n, vs) sale on the spot (P) "],"空":["空間[くうかん<br>あきま]vacancy; room for rent or lease  N1","空ろ[うつろ]blank; cavity;hollow;empty (space)  N1","大空[おおぞら]heaven; firmament;the sky  N1","空腹[くうふく]hunger  N1","上空[じょうくう]sky; the skies;high-altitude sky;upper air  N1","空しい[むなしい]vacant; futile;vain;void;empty;ineffective;lifeless  N1","架空[かくう]aerial, overhead,fiction,fanciful  N2","空っぽ[からっぽ]empty, vacant,hollow  N2","空想[くうそう]daydream, fantasy,fancy,vision  N2","空中[くうちゅう]sky, air  N2","真空[しんくう]vacuum, hollow,empty  N2","空き[あき]room,  time to spare, emptiness  N3","空[そら<br>から<br>うつお<br>うつせ<br>うつほ<br>うろ<br>くう]sky  N3","航空[こうくう]aviation,  flying  N3","空く[あく<br>すく](1) to open,  to become empty, (2) to be less crowded  N3","空気[くうき]air, atmosphere  N4","空港[くうこう]airport  N4","空車[くうしゃ]Open Taxi,  free taxi, open cab, free cab, available taxi, vacant taxi, available cab, vacant cab ","空ける[あける<br>うつける]vacate ","空手[からて]karate ","空白[くうはく]blank ","青空[あおぞら]blue sky ","夜空[よぞら]night sky ","空き地[あきち]unoccupied land ","空軍[くうぐん]air force ","空席[くうせき]Open Seat,  empty seat, free seat ","空虚[くうきょ]emptiness ","領空[りょうくう]airspace ","航空便[こうくうびん]airmail ","航空券[こうくうけん]airline ticket ","航空機[こうくうき]aircraft ","航空母艦[こうくうぼかん]Aircraft Carrier ","空襲[くうしゅう]Air Raid,  air attack ","空き缶[あきかん]Empty Can ","空洞[くうどう]Cave,  hollow, cavity ","空き瓶[あきびん,  からびん]empty bottle ","空欄[くうらん]blank space ","空疎[くうそ]vain,  groundless, futile ","対空[たいくう] (adj-f, adj-no,n) anti-aircraft/antiaircraft ","防空[ぼうくう] (n) air defense/air defence (P) ","空挺[くうてい] (n, adj-no) airborne ","空母[くうぼ] (n) (abbr) aircraft carrier (P) ","時空[じくう] (n, adj-no) space-time ","亜空間[あくうかん] (n) hyperspace/subspace ","空冷[くうれい] (n, adj-no) air cooling ","空輸[くうゆ] (n, vs,adj-no) air transport/air lift/airlift (P) ","空爆[くうばく] (n, vs,adj-no) aerial bombing (P) ","空調[くうちょう] (n) (abbr) air conditioning (P) ","天空[てんくう] (n) sky/air/ether/firmament/the heavens ","中空[ちゅうくう<br>なかぞら] (adj-no, n) (1) hollow (n,adj-no) (2) mid-air/air/sky ","滑空[かっくう] (n, vs) gliding (through the air) ","星空[ほしぞら] (n) starry sky (P) ","低空[ていくう] (n, adj-no) low altitude/low sky ","空前[くうぜん] (adj-no) unprecedented/record-breaking (P) ","空域[くういき] (n) airspace (P) "],"音":["音色[ねいろ<br>おんしょく]tone color; tone quality;timbre;synthesizer patch  N1","音[おと<br>ね<br>おん]sound; note  N1","本音[ほんね]real intention; motive  N1","五十音[ごじゅうおん]the Japanese syllabary  N2","雑音[ざつおん]noise (jarring,  grating)  N2","録音[ろくおん](audio) recording  N2","騒音[そうおん]noise  N3","物音[ものおと]sounds  N3","発音[はつおん]pronunciation  N4","音楽[おんがく]music  N5","同音[どうおん]homophonous ","足音[あしおと]footstep ","音声[おんせい<br>おんじょう]sound ","弱音[よわね]complaints ","高音[こうおん<br>たかね]high-pitched sound ","音読[おんどく]read aloud ","音読み[おんよみ]Chinese-derived kanji reading ","低音[ていおん]bass ","五十音順[ごじゅうおんじゅん]Aiueo Order,  in aiueo order ","音訓[おんくん]On'yomi And Kun'yomi,  chinese and japanese readings ","防音[ぼうおん]soundproof ","音響[おんきょう]sound ","同音異義語[どうおんいぎご]Homonym ","超音速[ちょうおんそく]Supersonic Speed ","超音波[ちょうおんぱ]Ultrasonic Wave ","音痴[おんち]tone deafness,  tone deaf, off key ","方向音痴[ほうこうおんち]no sense of direction,  bad sense of direction ","録音テープ[ろくおんてーぷ]recording tape ","着信音[ちゃくしんおん] (n) ringtone ","爆発音[ばくはつおん] (n) sound of an explosion ","母音[ぼいん<br>ぼおん] (n) (ling) vowel (P) ","鐘の音[かねのね] (n) chimes/toll of a bell ","福音[ふくいん] (n, adj-no) (1) good news (2) gospel (teachings or revelations of Jesus Christ) (P) ","電子音[でんしおん] (n) electronic sound ","音源[おんげん] (n) sound source/sound generator/tone generator ","呼び出し音[よびだしおん] (n) (1) ringtone/ring tone (2) ringback tone/ringing tone ","風の音[かぜのおと] (exp, n) sound of the wind/voice of the wind ","警告音[けいこくおん] (n) warning sound ","子音[しいん<br>しおん] (n) (ling) consonant ","警報音[けいほうおん] (n) warning sound ","音節[おんせつ] (n) (ling) syllable ","音速[おんそく] (n) speed of sound ","観音[かんのん] (n) Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva)/Avalokitesvara/Kannon/Kwannon/Guanyin/Buddhist deity of compassion (P) ","音楽家[おんがくか<br>おんがっか] (n) musician (P) ","音質[おんしつ] (n) tone quality/sound quality (P) ","受信音[じゅしんおん] (n) ringtone (of mobile phones,  portable phones, cellphones, etc.) ","音量[おんりょう] (n) volume (sound) (P) ","音波[おんぱ] (n, adj-no) sound wave ","音域[おんいき] (n) singing range/register ","和音[わおん] (n) (1) (music) chord (2) 'on' reading of a kanji ","音程[おんてい] (n) (1) (music) interval/step (2) pitch/key (P) ","音階[おんかい] (n) (music) scale (P) ","音符[おんぷ] (n) (1) musical note/note symbol (2) phonetic symbol (incl. the kanji and kana-doubling symbols,  vowel-lengthening symbol, etc.) (3) part of a kanji for which the role is primarily to represent the pronunciation (as opposed to the meaning) (P) ","音頭[おんど] (n) (1) lead (in a cheer,  toast, song, etc.) (someone's) lead (2) folk song and dance performed by a group (3) leader of a group of wind instruments (in gagaku) (P) ","半音[はんおん] (n, adj-no) (music) semitone/half-tone "],"考":["考古学[こうこがく]archaeology  N1","思考[しこう]thought  N1","選考[せんこう]selection; screening  N1","考え[かんがえ]thinking,  thought, ideas, intention  N3","考慮[こうりょ]consideration,  taking into account  N3","参考[さんこう]reference,  consultation  N3","考える[かんがえる]to consider  N4","考え方[かんがえかた]Way Of Thinking,  thought process ","参考書[さんこうしょ]reference book ","備考[びこう]remarks ","考察[こうさつ] (n, vs) consideration/inquiry/enquiry/investigation/study (P) ","考案[こうあん] (n, vs) plan/device/idea/invention (P) ","考え直す[かんがえなおす] (v5s, vt) to reconsider/to rethink/to reassess (P) ","考[こう] (n) (1) thought (n-suf) (2) report on one's investigation into ... (3) deceased father ","考え事[かんがえごと] (n) something to think about/one's thoughts/concern/worry ","再考[さいこう] (n, vs) reconsideration (P) ","考証[こうしょう] (n, vs) (historical) investigation (P) ","考え出す[かんがえだす] (v5s, vt) to think out/to devise/to invent/to begin to think/to come up with a plan ","論考[ろんこう] (n, vs) study (of something)/discussion/discourse "],"弟":["弟[おとうと<br>おと<br>おとと<br>てい]younger brother  N1","従兄弟[いとこ<br>じゅうけいてい]cousin (male)  N3","兄弟[きょうだい<br>けいてい](humble) siblings  N5","弟子[でし<br>ていし]disciple ","弟子入り[でしいり]acolyte ","実弟[じってい] (n) (biological) younger brother/younger brother from the same parents (P) ","弟さん[おとうとさん] (n) (hon) younger brother ","子弟[してい] (n) (1) children/sons/children and younger brothers (2) young people (P) ","門弟[もんてい] (n) disciple/pupil/follower ","義弟[おとうと<br>ぎてい] (ik) (n) (1) brother-in-law (spouse's younger brother or younger sister's husband) (2) (obsc) younger stepbrother ","姉弟[きょうだい<br>してい] (ik) (n) older sister and younger brother ","師弟[してい] (n) teacher and student (P) ","高弟[こうてい] (n) best pupil/leading disciple "],"明":["明かす[あかす]to pass; spend;to reveal;to divulge  N1","明白[めいはく<br>あからさま]obvious; overt;plainly;frankly  N1","明るい[あかるい]bright; cheerful  N1","明くる[あくる]next; following  N1","明後日[みょうごにち<br>あさって]day after tomorrow  N1","賢明[けんめい]wisdom; intelligence;prudence  N1","明々後日[しあさって]two days after tomorrow  N1","照明[しょうめい]illumination  N1","声明[せいめい<br>しょうみょう]declaration; statement;proclamation  N1","不明[ふめい]unknown; obscure;indistinct;uncertain;ambiguous;ignorant;lack of wisdom;anonymous;unidentified  N1","明瞭[めいりょう]clarity  N1","明朗[あきろう<br>めいろう]bright; clear;cheerful  N1","明き[あき]room, time to spare,emptiness  N2","明け方[あけがた]dawn  N2","透明[とうめい]transparency, cleanness  N2","明かり[あかり]lamplight,  light (in general), brightness  N3","明らか[あきらか]obvious,  evident, clear  N3","明ける[あける]to dawn,  to become daylight  N3","証明[しょうめい]proof,  verification  N3","発明[はつめい]invention  N3","文明[ぶんめい]civilization,  culture  N3","明確[めいかく]clear up,  clarify, define  N3","夜明け[よあけ]dawn,  daybreak  N3","明日[あした<br>あす<br>みょうにち<br>あした,  あす]tomorrow  N4","説明[せつめい]explanation  N4","明い[あけい]bright  N5","公明[こうめい]fairness ","打ち明ける[うちあける<br>ぶちあける]confess ","明くる日[あくるひ]the following day ","明年[みょうねん]next year ","自明[じめい]obvious ","明記[めいき]clarification ","未明[みめい]early dawn ","究明[きゅうめい]Investigation ","明朝[みょうちょう<br>みんちょう]tomorrow morning ","明暗[めいあん]contrast ","明晩[みょうばん]tomorrow night ","明治[めいじ]Meiji Era,  meiji emperor, meiji ","弁明[べんめい]explanation ","明細[めいさい]details ","梅雨明け[つゆあけ]end of the rainy season ","証明書[しょうめいしょ]Certificate,  credentials ","説明書[せつめいしょ]Written Explanation,  instructions ","判明[はんめい]clarification ","明治維新[めいじいしん]Meiji Restoration ","不透明[ふとうめい]opaque ","克明[こくめい]Detailed ","不明瞭[ふめいりょう]Dimness,  obscurity, unclear, unintelligible ","釈明[しゃくめい]explanation,  vindication ","聡明[そうめい]wisdom,  sagacity ","明[さや<br>みょう<br>みん<br>めい] (adv) (1) (arch) clearly/brightly (2) cleanly/purely ","行方不明[ゆくえふめい] (adj-no, n) (yoji) missing/lost/unaccounted for/whereabouts unknown (P) ","説明し[ときあかし] (n, vs) explanation/exposition ","表明[ひょうめい] (n, vs) declaration/indication/representation/manifestation/demonstration/expression/announcement/assertion (P) ","明く[あく] (v5k, vi) (1) to open (e.g. doors) (2) to open (e.g. business, etc.) (3) to be empty (4) to be vacant/to be available/to be free (5) to be open (e.g. neckline, etc.) (6) to have been opened (of one's eyes, mouth, etc.) (7) to come to an end (v5k,vt) (8) to open (one's eyes, mouth, etc.) (v5k,vi) (9) to have a hole/to form a gap/to have an interval (between events) ","解明[かいめい] (n, vs) clarification/elucidation/explication (P) ","意味不明[いみふめい] (adj-na, adj-no) of uncertain meaning/ambiguous/cryptic/nonsensical/incomprehensible/perplexing (P) ","明和[めいわ] (n) Meiwa era (1764.6.2-1772.11.16) ","明示[めいじ] (n, adj-no,vs) elucidation/explicit statement/specification (P) ","公明党[こうめいとう] (n) New Komeito (Japanese political party)/New Clean Government Party/Justice Party (P) ","明け[あけ] (n-t, adj-no,n-suf) (1) dawn/daybreak (n-suf,n-pref) (2) end/soon after something has ended (3) beginning (of a new year, month, etc.) ","有り明け[ありあけ] (n) dawn (sometimes esp. in ref. to the 16th day of the lunar month onward) ","黎明[れいめい] (n) (1) daybreak/dawn/gray of the morning (grey) (2) dawn (of a new age) ","明智[めいち] (n) sagacity/wisdom/intelligence ","明快[めいかい] (adj-na, n) clear/clear-cut/lucid/unequivocal/explicit (P) ","明神[あきつかみ<br>みょうじん] (io) (n) (arch) (hon) emperor/living god ","光明[こうみょう<br>こうめい] (n) (1) bright light (2) hope/bright future (3) (Buddh) light emanating from a buddha or bodhisattva,  symbolizing their wisdom and compassion (P) ","明言[めいげん] (n, vs) declaration/statement (P) ","鮮明[せんめい] (adj-na, n) vivid/clear/distinct (P) ","神明[しんみょう<br>しんめい] (n) (Buddh) spirits of heaven and earth ","明け渡す[あけわたす] (v5s, vt) to vacate/to surrender (e.g. a castle)/to give up (e.g. a position)/to hand over (e.g. power) ","明応[めいおう] (n) Meio era (1492.7.19-1501.2.29) ","明星[みょうじょう] (n) (1) morning star/Venus (2) preeminent person (within their own field)/star (of the stage,  silver screen, etc.) (P) ","英明[えいめい] (adj-na, n) intelligent/wise/bright/brilliant/clear-sighted (P) ","年明け[としあけ<br>ねんあけ] (n) beginning of the year/early in the New Year (P) ","言明[げんめい] (n, vs) declaration/statement/assertion (P) ","失明[しつめい] (n, vs) loss of eyesight/loss of vision/going blind/blindness (P) ","明文[めいぶん] (n, adj-no) explicit statement (e.g. law)/express provision ","明け暮れる[あけくれる] (v1, vi) to do nothing but/to spend all one's time doing "],"京":["帰京[ききょう]returning to Tokyo  N1","上京[じょうきょう]proceeding to the capital (Tokyo)  N3","東京[とうきょう<br>とうけい]Tokyo,  toukyou ","京都[きょうと]Kyoto,  kyouto ","東京都[とうきょうと]Tokyo Metropolitan Area,  tokyo metro, tokyo metropolis ","東京弁[とうきょうべん]Tokyo Dialect ","京[きょう<br>けい<br>みやこ] (n) (1) imperial capital (esp. Kyoto) (2) final word of an iroha-uta (num) (3) 10^16/10, 000,000,000,000,000/ten quadrillion (P) ","京阪[けいはん] (n) Kyoto-Osaka (P) ","中京[ちゅうきょう] (n) Nagoya (P) ","北京[ペイチン<br>ペキン] (n) Beijing (China)/Peking ","南京[ナンキン] (n) (1) Nanjing/Nanking (2) (ksb:) pumpkin/squash (n-pref) (3) Chinese/Southeast Asian/foreign (4) rare/precious/cute ","京畿[けいき] (n) (1) territories in the vicinity of Kyoto (2) territories in the vicinity of the imperial palace ","京阪神[けいはんしん] (n) Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe ","在京[ざいきょう] (n, vs,adj-no) being in the capital (i.e. Tokyo, or formerly Kyoto) (P) ","西京[さいきょう] (n, adj-no) western capital/Kyoto "],"死":["死[し]death; decease  N1","死刑[しけい]death penalty; capital punishment  N1","生死[せいし<br>しょうし<br>しょうじ]life and death  N1","死体[したい]corpse  N2","死亡[しぼう]death,  mortality  N3","必死[ひっし]inevitable death,  desperation, frantic, inevitable result  N3","死ぬ[しぬ]to die  N5","死人[しにん<br>しびと]corpse ","死去[しきょ]death ","必死に[ひっしに]desperately ","死者[ししゃ]dead person ","病死[びょうし]death from sickness ","戦死[せんし]death in war ","変死[へんし]Unnatural Death,  accidental death ","急死[きゅうし]Sudden Death ","脳死[のうし]Brain Death,  brain dead ","凍死[とうし]Freeze To Death ","即死[そくし]Instant Death ","餓死[がし<br>がしん]Death From Starvation,  starving to death ","死刑囚[しけいしゅう]condemned criminal,  death row convict ","死神[しにがみ] (n) god of death/Death ","死にかける[しにかける] (v1) to be dying/to be about to die/to be close to death ","死後[しご] (n-adv, n-t) after death (P) ","死にそう[しにそう] (adj-na) (1) at the point of death/almost dead/about to die (2) at some limit (pain,  hunger, etc.) ","死因[しいん] (n) cause of death (P) ","不死身[ふじみ] (adj-na, n) invulnerability/immortality/insensibility to pain (P) ","死傷[ししょう] (n, vs) casualties/injuries and deaths ","致死[ちし] (n, adj-no) lethal/fatal (P) ","討ち死に[うちじに] (n, vs) (sens) die in battle/die in action ","死別[しべつ] (n, vs) bereavement ","死球[しきゅう] (n) (baseb) pitch that hits the batter (P) ","死闘[しとう] (n, vs) life or death struggle/mortal combat/struggle to the death ","瀕死[ひんし] (n, adj-no) dying (on the) verge of death ","壊死[えし] (n, vs,adj-no) necrosis ","決死[けっし] (n) preparedness for death/do-or-die spirit ","溺死[できし] (n, vs) death by drowning ","死滅[しめつ] (n, vs) extinction/annihilation/destruction "],"画":["画[え<br>が<br>かく]stroke  N1","画期[かっき]epoch-making  N1","企画[きかく]planning; project  N1","区画[くかく]division; section;compartment;boundary;area;block  N1","版画[はんが]art print  N1","絵画[かいが]picture  N3","画家[がか]painter,  artist  N3","計画[けいかく]plan,  project, schedule, scheme, program  N3","漫画[まんが]comic  N4","映画[えいが]movie  N5","映画館[えいがかん]cinema  N5","字画[じかく]stroke-count ","画する[かくする]mark off ","画用紙[がようし]drawing paper ","画数[かくすう]stroke-count ","洋画[ようが]foreign film ","画像[がぞう]Image,  portrait, picture ","画期的[かっきてき]epoch-making ","画面[がめん]Screen,  monitor ","録画[ろくが]videotaping ","画廊[がろう]Picture Gallery ","描画[びょうが]Drawing,  painting ","水彩画[すいさいが]Watercolor Painting ","動画[どうが] (n, adj-no,vs) (1) video/movie/moving picture (2) animation/animated cartoon (n) (3) in-betweens (animation) (P) ","作画[さくが] (n, vs) drawing pictures/painting pictures/taking photographs ","参画[さんかく] (n, vs) taking part in planning (P) ","原画[げんが] (n) (1) original picture (2) key frame/key animation (P) ","画策[かくさく] (n, vs) plan/scheme/program formulation/programme formulation/maneuver/manoeuvre ","画質[がしつ] (n) image quality (film,  video, etc.) ","壁画[へきが] (n) fresco/mural/wall painting (P) ","画素[がそ] (n) picture element/image pixel/PEL ","経済企画庁[けいざいきかくちょう] (n) Economic Planning Agency (defunct as of 2001) (P) ","画一[かくいつ] (n, adj-na) uniformity/standardization/standardisation (P) ","画風[がふう] (n) style of painting ","劇画[げきが] (n) comic strip with dramatic story (P) ","画報[がほう] (n) illustrated news magazine/pictorial ","画集[がしゅう] (n) book of pictures (paintings,  drawings, etc.)/collection of pictures "],"地":["天地[てんち<br>あめつち]heaven and earth; the universe;nature;top and bottom;realm;sphere;world  N1","意地[いじ]disposition; spirit;willpower;obstinacy;backbone;appetite  N1","位地[いち]place; situation;position;location  N1","見地[けんち]point of view  N1","現地[げんち]actual place; local  N1","心地[ここち<br>しんじ]feeling; sensation;mood  N1","下地[したじ]groundwork; foundation;inclination;aptitude;elementary knowledge of;grounding in;prearrangement;spade  N1","植民地[しょくみんち]colony  N1","地方[ちほう<br>じかた]area; locality;district;region;the coast  N1","地形[ちけい<br>じぎょう]terrain; geographical features;topography  N1","地獄[じごく]hell  N1","地主[じぬし]landlord  N1","地元[じもと]local  N1","農地[のうち]agricultural land  N1","墓地[ぼち<br>はかち]cemetery; graveyard  N1","余地[よち]place; room;margin;scope  N1","領地[りょうち]territory; dominion  N1","意地悪[いじわる]malicious, ill-tempered,unkind  N2","各地[かくち]every place, various places  N2","基地[きち]base  N2","耕地[こうち]arable land  N2","産地[さんち]producing area  N2","敷地[しきち]site  N2","地盤[じばん<br>ちばん](the) ground  N2","地味[じみ<br>ちみ]plain, simple  N2","団地[だんち]multi-unit apartments  N2","地下水[ちかすい]underground water  N2","地質[ちしつ<br>じしつ]geological features  N2","地帯[ちたい]area, zone  N2","地点[ちてん]site, point on a map  N2","地名[ちめい]place name  N2","番地[ばんち]house number, address  N2","盆地[ぼんち]basin (e.g. between mountains)  N2","無地[むじ]plain, unfigured  N2","遊園地[ゆうえんち]amusement park  N2","生地[きじ<br>せいち]birthplace  N3","地[ち<br>じ<br>つし<br>つち]earth  N3","地位[ちい](social) position,  status  N3","地域[ちいき]area,  region  N3","地下[ちか]basement,  underground  N3","地球[ちきゅう]the earth  N3","地区[ちく]district,  section, sector  N3","地平線[ちへいせん]horizon  N3","土地[とち<br>どおじ<br>どじ<br>どち]plot of land,  lot, soil  N3","地震[じしん<br>じぶるい<br>ない<br>なえ]earthquake  N4","地理[ちり]geography  N4","地下鉄[ちかてつ]underground train  N5","地図[ちず]map  N5","地上[ちじょう]above ground ","大地[だいち]earth ","空き地[あきち]unoccupied land ","高地[こうち]high ground ","地下道[ちかどう]underground passage ","路地[ろじ]Alley,  path, dirt road ","意気地[いくじ]honor ","目的地[もくてきち]destination ","地面[じめん]Ground,  earth's surface ","地価[ちか]Land Value ","住宅地[じゅうたくち]residential district ","宅地[たくち]residential land ","地下街[ちかがい]Underground Shopping Mall,  underground shopping center, shopping centre ","地蔵[じぞう]Jizo,  jizou ","震源地[しんげんち]Epicenter,  epicentre ","聖地[せいち]Holy Land,  holy ground ","試験地獄[しけんじごく]Entrance Exam Hell,  hell of entrance exams ","沼地[ぬまち<br>しょうち]Marshland,  wetland, swampland ","湿地[しっち<br>しめじ]Wetlands ","窮地[きゅうち]dilemma,  predicament ","地殻[ちかく]earth's crust ","山地[さんち<br>やまち] (n, adj-no) mountainous district (P) ","陸地[りくち] (n, adj-no) land ","台地[だいち] (n) plateau/tableland/eminence (P) ","心地よい[ここちよい] (adj-i) comfortable/pleasant ","立地[りっち] (n, vs) (1) choosing a site (e.g. for industry)/deciding on a location (n) (2) standpoint/position (P) ","地下室[ちかしつ] (n) cellar/basement (P) ","陣地[じんち] (n) (mil) encampment/position (P) ","平地[ひらち<br>へいち] (n) level ground/plain/flatland (P) ","地方自治体[ちほうじちたい] (n) local authority/local government/locality/local self-governing body/municipality (P) ","地裁[ちさい] (n) (abbr) district court (P) ","地球人[ちきゅうじん] (n) earthling/earthman ","当地[とうち] (n, adj-no) this place/here (P) ","市街地[しがいち] (n) town area/urban area/metropolitan area/built-up area (P) ","用地[ようち] (n) site (P) ","跡地[あとち] (n) former site (of something)/site (e.g. of a demolished building) ","低地[ていち] (n, adj-no) depression/lowlands/low ground/bottom land/plain (P) ","地表[ちひょう] (n, adj-no) surface of the earth/ground surface (P) ","居心地[いごこち] (n) comfort (P) ","地中海[ちちゅうかい] (n) (1) Mediterranean Sea (n, adj-no) (2) mediterranean (P) ","地響き[じひびき] (n) subterranean rumbling/earth tremor ","地球上[ちきゅうじょう] (adj-no) on the earth (P) ","地頭[じあたま<br>じとう] (n) (1) wigless head/head of natural hair (2) intelligence/comprehension/smarts ","内地[ないち] (n) (1) within the borders of a country/domestic soil (2) inland area (3) Japan proper,  as opposed to its overseas colonies/interior of country/homeland (4) (in Hokkaido and Okinawa) the 'mainland' parts of Japan (Kyushu, Shikoku, Honshu) ","地層[ちそう] (n) stratum/geological formation/layer/bed (coal,  gravel, etc.) (P) ","所在地[しょざいち] (n) location/address (P) ","地中[ちちゅう] (n, adj-no) underground/subterranean (P) ","緑地[りょくち] (n) green tract of land/green space (P) ","地方裁判所[ちほうさいばんしょ] (n) district court/local court ","地雷[じらい] (n) (1) land mine (2) (col) topic that sets someone off/sensitive topic/taboo topic/trigger (3) (col) something that seems fine at first but turns out to be very bad (e.g. product,  business)/booby trap/pitfall (P) ","築地[ついじ<br>つきじ] (n) mud wall with a roof/roofed mud wall (P) ","危地[きち] (n) dangerous position/peril ","着地[ちゃくち] (n, vs) landing (P) ","地上波[ちじょうは] (n) (1) ground wave/terrestrial broadcast signal (i.e. not satellite) (adj-no) (2) terrestrial/over-the-air ","地検[ちけん] (n) (abbr) District Public Prosecutor's Office (P) ","検地[けんち] (n, vs) land survey/cadastral survey ","地道[じみち] (adj-na, n) steady/honest/sober/straightforward (P) ","白地[あからさま<br>しらじ<br>しろじ<br>はくち] (ateji) (adj-na, adj-no) (uk) plain/frank/candid/open/direct/straightforward/unabashed/blatant/flagrant ","中心地[ちゅうしんち] (n) center/centre/metropolis ","地平[ちへい] (n) ground level ","接地[せっち] (n, vs) (1) ground (elec) (2) contact patch (between car tyre and road) (3) landing (an aeroplane, airplane) ","地所[じしょ<br>ちしょ] (n) estate/plot of land ","本拠地[ほんきょち] (n) stronghold/inner citadel/base/headquarters ","培地[ばいち] (n) (biol) culture medium/growth medium ","境地[きょうち] (n) (1) state (of mind)/mental state/emotional condition (2) field (of activity) (3) one's lot/circumstance/situation in life (4) place/region/area/land (P) ","局地[きょくち] (n) municipal/limited area/locality (P) ","実地[じっち] (n) (1) practice (as opposed to theory)/actual practice (2) actual site (at) the scene (on) the spot (P) ","地底[ちてい] (n) depths of the earth ","飛地[とびち] (n) (1) detached territory/enclave/exclave (2) scattered landholdings ","戦地[せんち] (n) front (in battle) (P) ","宮地[みやじ<br>みやち] (n) grounds of a Shinto shrine ","地勢[ちせい] (n) topography ","草地[くさち<br>そうち] (n) grassland/meadow ","田地[でんじ<br>でんち] (n) farmland/rice field or paddy ","地滑り[じすべり] (n) landslide ","扇状地[せんじょうち] (n) alluvial fan or delta ","新地[さらち<br>しんち] (n) empty lot/vacant plot of land ","地デジ[ちデジ] (n) (abbr) terrestrial digital broadcasting ","地場[じば] (n, adj-no) (1) locality/local area (n) (2) local stock exchange/local dealer ","敵地[てきち] (n) enemy territory/hostile place ","荒れ地[あれち] (n) (1) wasteland/wilderness/abandoned land/devastated land (2) The Wasteland (poem by T.S. Eliot) ","整地[せいち] (n, vs) (1) levelling of ground (for construction) (2) preparation of soil (for planting) ","任地[にんち] (n) one's post/appointment ","借地[しゃくち] (n, vs) leased land (P) "],"有":["有難う[ありがとう]Thank you  N1","有様[ありさま<br>ありよう]state; condition;circumstances;the way things are or should be;truth  N1","有りのまま[ありのまま]the truth; fact;as it is;frankly  N1","国有[こくゆう]national ownership  N1","固有[こゆう]characteristic; tradition;peculiar;inherent;eigen-  N1","私有[しゆう]private ownership  N1","特有[とくゆう]characteristic (of); peculiar (to)  N1","有益[ゆうえき]beneficial; profitable  N1","有機[ゆうき]organic  N1","有する[ゆうする]to own; to be endowed with  N1","有望[ゆうぼう]good prospects; full of hope;promising  N1","有力[ゆうりょく]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;influence;prominence; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;potent  N1","有難い[ありがたい]grateful, thankful,welcome,appreciated,evoking gratitude  N2","有無[うむ<br>ゆうむ]yes or no, existence,flag indicator (comp),presence or absence marker  N2","有料[ゆうりょう]admission-paid, toll  N2","有る[ある]to be,  to have  N3","有効[ゆうこう]validity,  availability, effectiveness  N3","有能[ゆうのう]able,  capable, efficient, skill  N3","有利[ゆうり]advantageous,  better, profitable, lucrative  N3","有名[ゆうめい]famous  N5","所有[しょゆう]ownership ","有り合わせ[ありあわせ]available ","共有[きょうゆう]Shared,  co ownership, joint ownership, share ","共有する[きょうゆうする]To Share,  to own jointly, to co own ","有り様[ありさま<br>ありよう]condition ","有毒[ゆうどく]Poisonous,  toxic ","有罪[ゆうざい]Guilty ","有害[ゆうがい]harmful ","有機物[ゆうきぶつ]organic matter ","固有名詞[こゆうめいし]Proper Noun ","有意義[ゆういぎ]significant ","有権者[ゆうけんしゃ]elector ","有職[ゆうしょく]Employed ","有限[ゆうげん]limited ","有意[ゆうい]Significance ","有頂天[うちょうてん]ecstasy ","保有[ほゆう] (n, vs,adj-no) possession/retention/maintenance (P) ","領有[りょうゆう] (n, vs) possession (esp. of a territory) (P) ","有名人[ゆうめいじん] (n) celebrity/famous person/public figure/big name (P) ","有人[ゆうじん] (adj-no, n) manned/occupied/piloted (P) ","所有者[しょゆうしゃ] (n) owner (P) ","有り難い[ありがたい] (adj-i) (uk) grateful/thankful/welcome/appreciated/evoking gratitude (P) ","有用[ゆうよう] (adj-na, n) useful/helpful (P) ","有り明け[ありあけ] (n) dawn (sometimes esp. in ref. to the 16th day of the lunar month onward) ","有数[ゆうすう] (adj-na, n,adj-no,n-suf) prominent/leading/foremost/distinguished (P) ","有志[ゆうし] (n, adj-no) interested person/volunteer/supporter (P) ","含有[がんゆう] (n, vs) containing (an ingredient, mineral, etc.) (P) ","占有[せんゆう] (n, vs) possession/occupation/occupancy (P) ","有形[ゆうけい] (n, adj-no) material/tangible/concrete ","有識者[ゆうしきしゃ] (n) expert/knowledgeable person/authority (on a subject) (P) ","有事[ゆうじ] (n) emergency (P) ","有線[ゆうせん] (adj-no) (1) wired/cabled (n) (2) communication by wire (P) ","有給[ゆうきゅう] (n, adj-no) (1) salaried/with pay (n) (2) (abbr) vacation (paid) holiday (P) ","有り得る[ありうる<br>ありえる] (adj-f, exp) possible/likely/probable ","有価[ゆうか] (n, adj-no) valuable (object)/negotiable (instrument) ","有償[ゆうしょう] (n, adj-no) (involving) payment (involving) compensation/paying a fee (P) ","有識[ゆうしき<br>ゆうそく] (n) well-informed/learned ","有[う<br>ゆう] (n) (Buddh) bhava (becoming,  existence) "],"知":["かも知れない[かもしれない]may; might;perhaps;may be;possibly  N1","旧知[きゅうち]old friend; old friendship  N1","知り合い[しりあい]acquaintance  N1","知性[ちせい]intelligence  N1","知的[ちてき]intellectual  N1","未知[みち]not yet known  N1","無知[むち]ignorance  N1","知合い[しりあい]acquaintance  N2","知人[ちじん]friend, acquaintance  N2","通知[つうち]notice, notification  N2","承知[しょうち]consent,  acceptance, assent, admitting  N3","知らせ[しらせ]notice  N3","知恵[ちえ]wisdom,  wit, sagacity, sense, intelligence, advice  N3","知事[ちじ]prefectural governor  N3","知識[ちしき]knowledge,  information  N3","知能[ちのう]intelligence,  brains  N3","知らせる[しらせる]to notify  N4","知る[しる]to know  N5","知ってる[しってる]To Know ","人見知り[ひとみしり]shyness towards strangers ","知らず知らず[しらずしらず]unknowingly ","知れる[しれる]become known ","見ず知らず[みずしらず]strange ","お知らせ[おしらせ]Flyer,  leaflet, notice, notification, flier, pamphlet, handbill ","知り合う[しりあう]get acquainted with ","予知[よち]foreknowledge ","物知り[ものしり]knowledgeable person ","ご存知[ごぞんじ]know ","愛知県[あいちけん]Aichi Prefecture ","察知[さっち]Inference,  infer, sense ","知覚[ちかく]perception ","恩知らず[おんしらず]ingrate ","恥知らず[はじしらず]brazen ","知[ち] (n) (1) wisdom (2) (Buddh) jnana (higher knowledge) ","認知[にんち] (n, vs,adj-no) acknowledgement/acknowledgment/recognition/cognition (P) ","告知[こくち] (n, vs) notice/announcement (P) ","知名度[ちめいど] (n) degree of familiarity/popularity ","知らず[しらず] (n-suf) (1) not having/unaffected by (conj) (2) aside/I don't know about ... (3) (arch) I know not whether/I know not if ","思い知る[おもいしる] (v5r, vt) to realize/to realise ","思い知らせる[おもいしらせる] (v1, vt) to make someone realize (e.g. their mistake)/to bring (something) home to someone/to teach someone a lesson ","県知事[けんちじ] (n) prefectural governor (P) ","探知[たんち] (n, vs) detection (P) ","知らす[しらす] (v5s) (1) to inform/to notify (2) (hon) to know (3) (hon) to reign ","知識人[ちしきじん] (n) intellectual (P) ","周知[しゅうち] (n, vs,adj-no) common knowledge/being well-known/making (something) well-known (P) ","知見[ちけん] (n, vs) expertise/experience/knowledge ","感知[かんち] (n, vs) perception/sensing/noticing ","検知[けんち] (n, vs) detection ","思い知らす[おもいしらす] (v5s, vt) to make someone realize (e.g. their mistake)/to bring (something) home to someone/to teach someone a lesson ","見知らぬ[みしらぬ] (adj-pn) strange/unfamiliar/unknown (P) ","都知事[とちじ] (n) metropolitan governor/governor of Tokyo ","既知[きち] (adj-no, adj-na,n) already known/well-known ","報知[ほうち] (n, vs) information/news/intelligence (P) ","知己[ちき] (n) acquaintance/appreciative friend (P) "],"夜":["日夜[にちや]day and night; always  N1","夜行[やこう<br>やぎょう]walking around at night; night train;night travel  N1","夜具[やぐ]bedding  N1","夜中[よなか<br>やちゅう<br>よじゅう]all night; the whole night  N1","夜更かし[よふかし]staying up late; keeping late hours;sitting up late at night;nighthawk  N1","夜更け[よふけ]late at night  N1","深夜[しんや]late at night  N2","夜間[やかん]at night, nighttime  N2","徹夜[てつや]all night,  all night vigil, sleepless night  N3","夜[よる<br>よ<br>や]night  N3","夜明け[よあけ]dawn,  daybreak  N3","今夜[こんや]tonight  N4","昨夜[さくや<br>ゆうべ<br>ゆんべ]last night  N5","前夜[ぜんや]eve ","夜学[やがく]night school ","夜空[よぞら]night sky ","月夜[つきよ]moonlit night ","通夜[つや]deathwatch ","昼夜[ちゅうや]day and night ","真夜中[まよなか]midnight ","夜景[やけい]night view ","小夜[さよ] (n) evening ","夜勤[やきん] (n) night shift (P) ","一夜[いちや<br>ひとや<br>ひとよ] (n-adv, n-t) one night/all night/overnight/one evening (P) ","夜叉[やしゃ] (n) yaksha (Buddhist guardian deities sometimes depicted as demonic warriors) (san: yaksa) ","夜遅く[よるおそく] (adv) late at night/at a late hour ","白夜[はくや<br>びゃくや] (n) night under the midnight sun/white night (at extreme latitudes)/night during which the sun doesn't set ","夜襲[やしゅう] (n, vs) night attack/nocturnal assault "],"姉":["姉妹[しまい<br>きょうだい]sisters  N1","従姉妹[いとこ]cousin (female)  N2","姉[あね<br>し<br>ねえ](humble) older sister  N5","お姉さん[おねえさん](honorable) older sister  N5","姉さん[ねえさん<br>あねさん]older sister ","お姉ちゃん[おねえちゃん] (n) (1) (fam) older sister (2) (fam) lass/young lady ","姉ちゃん[ねえちゃん] (n) elder sister/girl ","義姉[あね<br>ぎし] (ik) (n) (1) sister-in-law (spouse's older sister or older brother's wife) (2) older stepsister/older adopted sister/non-blood-related older sister ","姉貴[あねき] (n) (1) (fam) (hon) elder sister (2) (hon) older female friend ","姉弟[きょうだい<br>してい] (ik) (n) older sister and younger brother "],"安":["安静[あんせい]rest  N1","治安[ちあん<br>じあん]public order  N1","安っぽい[やすっぽい]cheap-looking; tawdry;insignificant  N1","安易[あんい]easy-going  N2","目安[めやす]criterion, aim  N2","安定[あんてい]stability,  equilibrium  N3","不安[ふあん]anxiety,  uneasiness, insecurity, suspense  N3","安心[あんしん<br>あんじん]relief  N4","安全[あんぜん<br>あんせん]safety  N4","安い[やすい]cheap  N5","平安[へいあん]Peace,  tranquility ","円安[えんやす]depreciation of the yen ","安売り[やすうり]sale ","不安定[ふあんてい]unstable ","保安[ほあん<br>ほうあん]preservation of public peace ","安値[やすね]Low Price,  cheap price ","安否[あんぴ]safety ","安泰[あんたい]Peace,  security ","慰安[いあん]Solace,  relaxation ","安[やす] (pref, suf) (1) cheap (pref) (2) rash/thoughtless/careless/indiscreet/frivolous ","保安官[ほあんかん] (n) peace officer/sheriff ","安政[あんせい] (n) Ansei era (1854.11.27-1860.3.18) ","安価[あんか] (adj-na, n) (1) low-priced/cheap/inexpensive (2) shallow (e.g. sympathy)/superficial/cheap (e.g. government) (P) ","安芸[あき] (n) former name of Hiroshima prefecture (P) ","安永[あんえい] (n) An'ei era (1772.11.16-1781.4.2) ","安らか[やすらか] (adj-na, n) peaceful/tranquil/calm/restful (P) ","安打[あんだ] (n, vs) (baseb) safe hit (P) ","安土[あずち] (n) mound on which targets are placed (in archery)/firing mound ","公安[こうあん] (n) public safety/public welfare (P) ","安置[あんち] (n, vs) enshrinement/installation (of an image) ","安保[あんぽ] (n) (1) (abbr) security (e.g. national security) (2) (abbr) US-Japan Security Treaty (3) (abbr) campaign against the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty (1959-60,  1970) (P) ","安らぎ[やすらぎ] (n, adj-no) peace (of mind)/tranquility/tranquillity/serenity (P) ","安物[やすもの] (n) cheap article/poor quality article (P) ","格安[かくやす] (adj-na, n,adj-no) cheap/reasonable (P) ","慶安[けいあん] (n) (1) agency for employing servants and arranging marriages (Edo period)/mediator/go-between (2) flattery/flatterer (3) Keian era (1648.2.15-1652.9.18) ","安全保障[あんぜんほしょう] (n, adj-no) security guarantee (e.g. military security, network security, etc.) (P) ","安堵[あんど] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) relief/reassurance (n,vs) (2) recognition of right to land ownership (by the shogunate, a feudal lord, etc.) (3) (arch) living safely surrounded by walls ","割安[わりやす] (adj-na, n,adj-no) economical/comparatively cheap (P) ","安楽[あんらく] (adj-na, n) ease/comfort/carefree/cosy/cozy ","一安心[ひとあんしん] (n, vs) feeling of relief (for the time being)/peace of mind (for now) (P) ","安保理[あんぽり] (n) (abbr) UN Security Council ","弘安[こうあん] (n) Koan era (1278.2.29-1288.4.28) ","大安[たいあん<br>だいあん] (n) lucky day/auspicious day ","安息[あんそく] (n-adv) rest/repose "],"室":["室[むろ<br>しつ]room  N1","控室[ひかえしつ]waiting room  N1","浴室[よくしつ]bathroom; bath  N1","温室[おんしつ]greenhouse  N2","待合室[まちあいしつ]waiting room  N2","会議室[かいぎしつ]meeting room  N4","研究室[けんきゅうしつ]study room, laboratory  N4","教室[きょうしつ]classroom  N5","入室[にゅうしつ]entering a room ","室内[しつない]indoors ","客室[きゃくしつ]Guest Room ","和室[わしつ]Japanese Style Room ","病室[びょうしつ]hospital room ","洋室[ようしつ]Western Style Room ","図書室[としょしつ]library ","個室[こしつ]Private Room,  one's own room ","事務室[じむしつ]office ","寝室[しんしつ]bedroom ","皇室[こうしつ]Imperial Palace,  imperial household ","控え室[ひかえしつ]waiting room ","更衣室[こういしつ<br>こうい しつ]Changing Room,  locker room, dressing room ","陳列室[ちんれつしつ]showroom ","正室[せいしつ] (n) (1) legal wife (of a noble) (as opposed to a concubine) (2) room for receiving guests (3) (obsc) heir/successor ","地下室[ちかしつ] (n) cellar/basement (P) ","氷室[こおりむろ<br>ひむろ<br>ひょうしつ] (n) ice house/ice room/cold room ","王室[おうしつ] (n) royal family (P) ","室長[しつちょう] (n) section chief/laboratory manager/office head/room monitor (P) ","室内楽[しつないがく] (n) chamber music (P) ","側室[そくしつ] (n) concubine (of a noble) ","小室[こむろ] (n, adj-no) areole ","部室[ぶしつ] (n) clubroom ","石室[いしむろ<br>せきしつ] (n) stone hut/rock chamber ","分室[ぶんしつ] (n) detached office/annex (P) ","一室[いっしつ] (n) one room (P) "],"海":["海路[かいろ<br>うなじ<br>うみじ]sea route  N1","海運[かいうん]maritime; marine transportation  N1","海峡[かいきょう]channel  N1","海抜[かいばつ]height above sea level  N1","海流[かいりゅう]ocean current  N1","航海[こうかい]sail; voyage  N1","領海[りょうかい]territorial waters  N1","海水浴[かいすいよく]sea bathing, seawater bath  N2","海洋[かいよう]ocean  N2","海外[かいがい]foreign,  abroad, overseas  N3","海岸[かいがん]coast  N4","海[うみ<br>み<br>わた<br>わだ]sea  N5","海上[かいじょう]on the sea ","海水[かいすい]seawater ","海魚[かいぎょ,  うみざかな]Ocean Fish, saltwater fish ","海辺[うみべ<br>かいへん]beach ","北海道[ほっかいどう]Hokkaido,  hokkaidou ","海老[えび]shrimp ","海軍[かいぐん]Navy ","海面[かいめん]surface of the sea ","海底[かいてい<br>うなぞこ]sea bottom ","海産物[かいさんぶつ]marine products ","沿海[えんかい]Coastal Waters,  coast ","海亀[うみがめ]Sea Turtle ","臨海[りんかい]Seaside,  coastal ","海溝[かいこう]Ocean Trench ","海賊[かいぞく]pirate ","海藻[かいそう]seaweed ","海戦[かいせん] (n) naval battle (P) ","南海[なんかい] (n) southern sea (P) ","東海道[とうかいどう] (n) Tokaido (Edo-period Edo-Kyoto highway) ","東海[とうかい] (n) (1) region south of Tokyo on Pacific Ocean side of Japan/eastern sea (2) East Sea (controversial name for the Sea of Japan proposed by Korea) (P) ","上海[シャンハイ] (n) Shanghai (China) (P) ","海兵[かいへい] (n) sailor/marine ","内海[うちうみ<br>うちかい<br>うちのみ<br>うつみ<br>ないかい] (n) inlet/bay/inland sea (P) ","海兵隊[かいへいたい] (n) Marine Corps/Royal Marines (P) ","近海[きんかい] (n, adj-no) coastal waters/adjacent seas (P) ","カリブ海[カリブかい] (n) Caribbean Sea (P) ","海賊王[かいぞくおう] (n) pirate king ","日本海[にほんかい] (n) Sea of Japan (P) ","海域[かいいき] (n) area of ocean (P) ","地中海[ちちゅうかい] (n) (1) Mediterranean Sea (n, adj-no) (2) mediterranean (P) ","海原[うなばら] (n) ocean/sea/the deep ","深海[しんかい] (n, adj-no) deep sea/depths of the sea/ocean depths (P) ","北海[ほっかい] (n) (1) northern sea (2) North Sea (P) ","海苔[のり] (gikun) (n) (uk) nori/laver/edible seaweed,  usu. Porphyra yezoensis or P. tenera, usu. dried and pressed into sheets (P) ","海中[かいちゅう] (n, adj-no) in the sea (P) ","海豚[いるか] (gikun) (n) (uk) dolphin (or other small toothed whales,  such as porpoises, belugas, etc.) ","海南[かいなん] (n) island in the southern sea (esp. Shikoku) ","海里[かいり] (n) nautical mile ","海浜[かいひん] (n) seashore/seaside/beach (P) ","陸海軍[りくかいぐん] (n) army and navy ","海道[かいどう] (n) sea route (P) ","海事[かいじ] (n, adj-no) maritime affairs ","西海岸[にしかいがん] (n) west coast ","掃海艇[そうかいてい] (n) minesweeper ","東シナ海[ひがしシナかい] (n) East China Sea ","海難[かいなん] (n) accident at sea/sea disaster/shipwreck (P) ","海王星[かいおうせい] (n) Neptune (planet) (P) ","海人[あま<br>うみんちゅ] (n) (1) male diver (who collects shells,  seaweed, etc.) (2) fisherman ","大海[おおうみ<br>たいかい] (n) (1) ocean/large sea (2) fabric pattern "],"店":["店[みせ<br>たな<br>てん]store; shop;establishment  N1","商店[しょうてん]shop, business firm  N2","書店[しょてん]bookshop  N2","売店[ばいてん]shop, stand  N2","店屋[みせや]store, shop  N2","洋品店[ようひんてん]shop which handles Western-style apparel and accessories  N2","支店[してん]branch office  N3","店員[てんいん<br>ていいん]shop assistant  N4","喫茶店[きっさてん<br>きっちゃてん]coffee lounge  N5","小売店[こうりてん]retail store ","本店[ほんてん<br>ほんだな]head office ","店開き[みせびらき]opening of a business ","開店[かいてん]opening of a store ","飲食店[いんしょくてん]restaurant ","商店街[しょうてんがい]Shopping District ","百貨店[ひゃっかてん]department store ","閉店[へいてん]Store Closed,  closed store ","露店[ろてん]Street Stall,  stand, booth ","店舗[てんぽ]shop,  store, shop counter, store counter ","お店[おたな] (n) (1) merchant's home (esp. used by apprentices,  etc.) (2) (your) rental home ","出店[しゅってん<br>でみせ] (n, vs) (1) setting up a stall or booth (bazaar, festival) (n,adj-f,vs) (2) opening a branch office/opening a store ","店長[てんちょう] (n) shop manager (P) ","店頭[てんとう] (n) (1) shopfront/storefront/shopwindow (near the) shop entrance (adj-no) (2) (finc) over-the-counter (P) ","店内[てんない] (n, adj-no) store interior (P) ","当店[とうてん] (n) this store (P) ","来店[らいてん] (n, vs) coming to a store (restaurant, bar, shop, etc.) (P) ","店主[てんしゅ] (n) shopkeeper (P) ","店名[てんめい] (n) store name "],"茶":["喫茶[きっさ]tea drinking; tea house  N1","焦げ茶[こげちゃ]black tea  N1","茶の間[ちゃのま]living room (Japanese style)  N1","茶の湯[ちゃのゆ]tea ceremony  N1","無茶[むちゃ<br>むっちゃ]absurd; unreasonable;excessive;rash;absurdity;nonsense  N1","無茶苦茶[むちゃくちゃ]confused; jumbled;mixed up;unreasonable  N1","滅茶苦茶[めちゃくちゃ]absurd; unreasonable;excessive;messed up;spoiled;wreaked  N1","茶色い[ちゃいろい]  N2","茶碗[ちゃわん]rice bowl, tea cup,teacup  N2","茶[ちゃ]tea  N3","お茶[おちゃ]green tea  N5","喫茶店[きっさてん<br>きっちゃてん]coffee lounge  N5","紅茶[こうちゃ]black tea  N5","茶色[ちゃいろ]brown  N5","目茶目茶[めちゃめちゃ]ruin ","茶道[さどう<br>ちゃどう]tea ceremony ","茶屋[ちゃや]Tea Shop,  tea store, tea house ","目茶苦茶[めちゃくちゃ]in a mess ","抹茶[まっちゃ]matcha,  powdered green tea ","烏龍茶[うーろんちゃ,  ウーロンちゃ]oolong tea, oolong ","茶番[ちゃばん] (n, adj-no) (1) farce/charade (n) (2) person who serves tea (3) short and humorous improvised sketch (originating from Edo-era kabuki) ","緑茶[りょくちゃ] (n) green tea/Japanese tea (P) "],"思":["思い付き[おもいつき]plan; idea;suggestion  N1","片思い[かたおもい]unrequited love  N1","思考[しこう]thought  N1","思い掛けない[おもいがけない]unexpected, casual  N2","思い込む[おもいこむ]to be under impression that, to be convinced that  N2","思いっ切り[おもいっきり]  N2","思い付く[おもいつく]to think of, to hit upon  N2","意思[いし]intention,  purpose  N3","思い出[おもいで]memory  N3","思わず[おもわず]unintentional,  spontaneous  N3","思想[しそう]thought,  idea  N3","不思議[ふしぎ]mystery,  curiosity  N3","思い出す[おもいだす]to remember  N4","思う[おもう]to think, to feel  N4","思い[おもい]thoughts ","思いがけない[おもいがけない]unexpected ","思いとどまる[おもいとどまる]abandon ","思いやり[おもいやり]thoughtfulness ","思い上がる[おもいあがる]get conceited ","思い切って[おもいきって]daringly ","思い切り[おもいきり]to one's heart's content ","思い切る[おもいきる]resolve ","思い当たる[おもいあたる]occur to ","思い直す[おもいなおす]reconsider ","思わく[おもわく]intention ","思う存分[おもうぞんぶん]to one's heart's content ","思い詰める[おもいつめる]To Think Hard ","思い遣り[おもいやり]Consideration,  sympathy ","思慕[しぼ]yearning,  deep affection ","思いつく[おもいつく] (v5k, vt,vi) (1) to think of/to hit upon/to come into one's mind/to be struck with an idea (2) to remember/to recall ","思える[おもえる] (v1) to seem/to appear likely ","思いっきり[おもいっきり] (adv) (1) with all one's strength/with all one's heart/to the utmost (n) (2) resolution/decisiveness (P) ","思いどおり[おもいどおり] (adj-na, n) as one expects/as one wants/to one's satisfaction/as one sees fit ","思い知る[おもいしる] (v5r, vt) to realize/to realise ","思い知らせる[おもいしらせる] (v1, vt) to make someone realize (e.g. their mistake)/to bring (something) home to someone/to teach someone a lesson ","思うに[おもうに] (adv) presumably/conceivably/in my opinion/in my view/I think (that)/upon thought/upon reflection ","思い浮かべる[おもいうかべる] (v1) to be reminded of/to call to mind ","思い込み[おもいこみ] (n) wrong impression/subjective impression/assumption/prejudice ","思い入れ[おもいいれ] (n, vs) (1) emotional attachment (2) attitude (expressing emotion)/meditative pose (e.g. an actor)/posing for effect ","思惑[おもわく<br>しわく] (ateji) (n) (1) expectation/anticipation/prediction/forecast/calculations (2) purpose/intention/motive/ulterior motive (3) others' opinions of one (4) (finc) speculation (P) ","思い起こす[おもいおこす] (v5s, vt) to recall/to remember (P) ","思いつき[おもいつき] (n) plan/idea/suggestion (P) ","思い立つ[おもいたつ] (v5t, vt) to set one's mind on doing/to get the idea of doing/to make up one's mind ","思いこむ[おもいこむ] (v5m, vi) to be under impression that/to be convinced that/to imagine that/to set one's heart on/to be bent on ","思いやる[おもいやる] (v5r) to be considerate/to sympathize with/to sympathise with (P) ","思い描く[おもいえがく] (v5k, vt) to imagine/to picture/to figure/to see (P) ","思い知らす[おもいしらす] (v5s, vt) to make someone realize (e.g. their mistake)/to bring (something) home to someone/to teach someone a lesson ","思い通り[おもいどおり] (adj-na, n) as one expects/as one wants/to one's satisfaction/as one sees fit ","思春期[ししゅんき] (n) puberty (P) ","思い返す[おもいかえす] (v5s, vt) to re-think/to think back upon/to change one's mind ","思案[しあん] (n, vs) careful thought/consideration/deliberation/reflection/rumination/pondering (P) ","思索[しさく] (n, vs) speculation/thinking/meditation (P) "],"歩":["歩み[あゆみ]walking  N1","歩む[あゆむ]to walk; to go on foot  N1","譲歩[じょうほ]concession; conciliation;compromise  N1","徒歩[とほ<br>かち]walking; going on foot  N1","歩[ほ<br>あゆみ<br>かち<br>ふ<br>ぶ]pawn (in chess or shogi)  N1","散歩[さんぽ]walk,  stroll  N3","進歩[しんぽ]progress,  development  N3","歩道[ほどう]footpath,  walkway, sidewalk  N3","歩く[あるく]to walk  N5","一歩[いっぽ]One Step ","歩合[ぶあい]commission ","歩行者[ほこうしゃ]pedestrian ","歩行者天国[ほこうしゃてんごく]vehicle-free promenade ","歩調[ほちょう]pace ","初歩[しょほ]beginning ","横断歩道[おうだんほどう]pedestrian crossing ","歩み寄る[あゆみよる]compromise ","散歩する[さんぽする]To Go For A Walk,  to go for a stroll, to take a walk, to take a stroll ","歩行[かち<br>ほこう] (n) (1) foot soldier (Edo period)/samurai on foot (2) (arch) going on foot/walking ","歩兵[ふひょう<br>ほへい] (n) (shogi) pawn ","持ち歩く[もちあるく] (v5k, vt) to carry around/to carry on one's person ","歩き回る[あるきまわる] (v5r) to walk about/to walk to and fro/to pace around (P) ","第一歩[だいいっぽ] (n) first step (P) ","歩き[ありき<br>あるき] (n, adj-no) walk/walking ","遊歩道[ゆうほどう] (n) promenade/esplanade ","渡り歩く[わたりあるく] (v5k, vi) to wander from place to place/to change jobs ","進歩党[しんぽとう] (n) progressive party ","競歩[きょうほ] (n) racewalking/race walking/walking race (P) "],"妹":["姉妹[しまい<br>きょうだい]sisters  N1","従姉妹[いとこ]cousin (female)  N2","妹[いもうと<br>いも](humble) younger sister  N5","妹さん[いもうとさん] (n) (hon) younger sister ","兄妹[きょうだい<br>けいまい] (ik) (n) older brother and younger sister "],"鳥":["鳥居[とりい]torii (Shinto shrine archway)  N1","渡り鳥[わたりどり]migratory bird; bird of passage  N1","小鳥[ことり]small bird  N4","鳥[とり]bird  N5","白鳥[はくちょう<br>しらとり<br>しろとり]Swan ","焼き鳥[やきとり]Roast Chicken,  cooked chicken, yakitori ","鳥肌[とりはだ]Goosebumps ","鳥類[ちょうるい] (n, adj-no) birds (P) ","飛鳥[ひちょう] (n) flying bird ","千鳥[ちどり] (n) (uk) plover (P) ","七面鳥[しちめんちょう] (n) turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) ","野鳥[やちょう] (n) wild bird (P) ","鳥獣[ちょうじゅう] (n) birds and wild animals/wildlife (P) "],"黒":["黒字[くろじ]balance (figure) in the black  N1","真っ黒[まっくろ]pitch black  N2","黒板[こくばん]blackboard  N3","黒[くろ]black  N5","黒い[くろい]black  N5","黒人[こくじん<br>くろうと<br>くろと]Black Person,  black people ","黒子[ほくろ<br>くろこ<br>くろご<br>こくし<br>ははくそ<br>ははくろ<br>ほくそ]birthmark ","白黒[しろくろ]Black And White,  white and black ","黒煙[こくえん]Black Smoke ","黒幕[くろまく]Wirepuller,  mastermind, black curtain, dick cheney ","黒潮[くろしお]Japan Current,  kuroshio current ","漆黒[しっこく]jet black,  pitch black ","黒色[こくしょく] (n, adj-no) black (colour, color) (P) ","暗黒[あんこく] (adj-na, n,adj-no) darkness (P) ","目黒[めぐろ] (n) (uk) Bonin white-eye (Apalopteron familiare) ","黒髪[くろかみ<br>こくはつ] (n, adj-no) black hair ","黒木[くろき] (n) unbarked lumber (P) ","大黒[だいこく] (n) (1) (abbr) god of wealth (2) (arch) monk's wife ","黒星[くろぼし] (n) (1) black spot/black dot/bull's-eye (2) (sumo) failure mark (P) ","黒石[くろいし] (n) (1) black stone (2) black (go pieces) "],"以":["以て[もって]with; by;by means of;because;in view of  N1","以後[いご]after this, from now on,hereafter,thereafter  N2","以降[いこう]on and after, hereafter,thereafter  N2","以前[いぜん]ago,  since, before, previous  N3","以来[いらい]since,  henceforth  N3","以下[いか<br>いげ]less than  N4","以外[いがい]with the exception of  N4","以上[いじょう]more than, this is all  N4","以内[おもんみない<br>いない]within  N4","以南[いなん] (n, n-suf) south of/and south ","以北[いほく] (n, n-suf) north of/and northward ","それ以来[それいらい] (exp, n-adv) since then/from that time/ever since ","以って[もって] (io) (exp) (1) (uk) with/by/by means of (2) (uk) because of/on account of/for/due to (3) (uk) on (a day,  date)/at (a time)/as of (e.g. today) (4) (uk) adds emphasis to preceding word (exp,conj) (5) (uk) in addition (to being)/moreover/as well as/and (6) (uk) therefore/and so/hence ","以前に[いぜんに] (adv) ago/since/before/previously/heretofore/earlier ","以西[いせい] (n, n-suf) ... and westward/west of ","予想以上[よそういじょう] (adv, adj-no) more than expected (P) ","以東[いとう] (n, n-suf) ... and eastward/east of ","を以て[をもって] (adv) (uk) by (means of)/with "],"魚":["金魚[きんぎょ]goldfish  N2","魚[さかな<br>うお]fish  N3","海魚[かいぎょ,  うみざかな]Ocean Fish, saltwater fish ","魚屋[さかなや]Fish Shop,  fish market, fish dealer, fish store, fishmonger ","鮮魚[せんぎょ]Fresh Fish ","魚雷[ぎょらい]Torpedo ","魚類[ぎょるい] (n) fish/fishes (P) ","雑魚[いざこ<br>ざこ<br>ざこう<br>ざっこ<br>ざっこう<br>じゃこ] (n) (1) small fish/small fry (2) (a) nobody/small fry/unimportant person ","秋刀魚[さんま] (gikun) (n) (uk) Pacific saury (Cololabis saira)/mackerel pike ","人魚[にんぎょ] (n) mermaid/merman ","魚介[ぎょかい] (n) marine products/seafood/fish and shellfish (P) "],"家":["家出[いえで]running away from home; leaving home  N1","家主[やぬし<br>いえあるじ<br>いえぬし]landlord  N1","家計[かけい]household economy; family finances  N1","家畜[かちく]domestic animals; livestock;cattle  N1","家来[けらい]retainer; retinue;servant  N1","実業家[じつぎょうか]industrialist; businessman  N1","家屋[かおく]house, building  N2","貸家[かしや]house for rent  N2","一家[いっか<br>いっけ]a house,  a home, a family, a household  N3","大家[おおや<br>たいか<br>たいけ]rich family,  distinguished family  N3","画家[がか]painter,  artist  N3","家具[かぐ]furniture  N3","家事[かじ]housework,  domestic chores  N3","国家[こっか]state,  country, nation  N3","作家[さっか]writer  N3","農家[のうか]farmer,  farm family  N3","家賃[やちん]rent  N3","家内[かない<br>やうち]housewife  N4","家[いえ<br>いえ,  うち<br>うち<br>か<br>け<br>ち<br>や<br>んち]house  N5","家族[かぞく]family  N5","家庭[かてい]household  N5","実家[じっか]one's parents' home ","芸術家[げいじゅつか]Artist ","専門家[せんもんか]specialist ","政治家[せいじか]politician ","建築家[けんちくか]Architect ","借家[しゃくや,  しゃっか<br>かりいえ<br>かりや<br>しゃくや<br>しゃっか]Renting A House, house for rent, rented house ","資本家[しほんか]capitalist ","自家製[じかせい]Homemade,  home brewed, made at home ","我が家[わがや<br>わがいえ]one's home ","家系[かけい]family line ","隣家[りんか]Neighboring House ","家柄[いえがら]lineage ","家督[かとく] (n) family headship/inheritance ","家老[かろう] (n) chief retainer/daimyo's minister ","家電[いえでん<br>かでん] (n) (sl) home telephone/home phone number ","家臣[かしん] (n, adj-no) vassal/retainer ","出家[しゅっけ<br>すけ] (n, vs) (1) (Buddh) entering the priesthood (n) (2) (Buddh) priest/monk/bonze ","歴史家[れきしか] (n) historian ","宗家[そうか<br>そうけ] (n) head of family/originator ","武家[ぶけ] (n) samurai/warrior/military family ","公家[くげ<br>こうか<br>こうけ] (n) (1) court noble/nobility (2) Imperial Court ","分家[ぶんけ] (n, vs) branch family/cadet family/establishing a branch family ","投資家[とうしか] (n) investor ","自家[じか] (adj-f) own/personal/autologous (P) ","平家[ひらや<br>へいけ] (n) bungalow/one-story house ","活動家[かつどうか] (n) activist (P) ","本家[いや<br>ほけ<br>ほんいえ<br>ほんけ] (ok) (n) head house (family)/birthplace/originator ","写真家[しゃしんか] (n) photographer (P) ","民家[みんか] (n) private house (P) ","劇作家[げきさっか] (n) playwright/dramatist ","お家[おうち] (n) (1) (hon) (uk) your home/your family/their home/their family (2) (pol) (uk) (my) home (P) ","音楽家[おんがくか<br>おんがっか] (n) musician (P) ","史家[しか] (n) historian (P) ","王家[おうけ] (n) royal family ","将軍家[しょうぐんけ] (n) family positioned to accede to the shogunate ","御家人[ごけにん] (n) lower-ranking vassal in the Kamakura and Edo periods ","家政[かせい] (n, adj-no) household economy/housekeeping/homemaking (P) ","脚本家[きゃくほんか] (n) scriptwriter/playwright/scenario writer ","わが家[わがいえ<br>わがや] (exp, n) one's house/one's home/one's family ","家業[かぎょう] (n) (1) family business/family trade (2) one's occupation/one's trade (P) ","家政婦[かせいふ] (n) housekeeper/maid (P) ","生家[しょうか<br>せいか] (n) (1) house where one was born (2) parents' house ","家長[かちょう] (n, adj-no) patriarch/family head ","家中[いえじゅう<br>うちじゅう<br>かちゅう] (n) (1) whole family/all (members of) the family (2) all over the house ","隠れ家[かくれが<br>かくれや] (n) (1) hiding place/hideout/refuge (2) retreat/hideaway ","人家[じんか] (n) house/dwelling/human habitation ","家元[いえもと] (n) head of a school (of music,  dance)/head family of a school (P) ","家紋[かもん] (n) family crest ","書家[しょか] (n) calligrapher/individual with good penmanship (P) ","名家[めいか] (n) (1) distinguished family/noted family/noble family (2) family status in the Imperial Court (3) master (of a craft)/expert ","家名[かめい] (n) (1) family name/house name (2) family honour/family honor ","御家[おうち] (n) (1) (hon) (uk) your home/your family/their home/their family (2) (pol) (uk) (my) home ","家人[かじん<br>けにん] (n) occupant of a house/family member (P) ","家鴨[あひる] (n) (uk) domestic duck ","商家[しょうか] (n) (1) merchant/store/shop (2) merchant house/merchant family "],"紙":["張り紙[はりがみ]paper patch; paper backing;poster  N1","用紙[ようし]blank form  N1","紙屑[かみくず]wastepaper  N2","紙幣[しへい]paper money, notes,bills  N2","塵紙[ちりがみ]tissue paper, toilet paper  N2","表紙[ひょうし]front cover, binding  N2","紙[かみ<br>し]paper  N5","手紙[てがみ]letter  N5","ちり紙[ちりがみ]tissue paper ","画用紙[がようし]drawing paper ","白紙[はくし<br>しらかみ]blank sheet of paper ","紙くず[かみくず]wastepaper ","銀紙[ぎんがみ]aluminum foil ","折紙[おりがみ]origami ","折り紙[おりがみ]Origami,  art of paper folding ","紙面[しめん]newspapers ","鼻紙[はながみ]tissue paper ","印紙[いんし]stamp ","壁紙[かべがみ]Wallpaper ","包み紙[つつみがみ]wrapping paper ","原稿用紙[げんこうようし]manuscript paper ","製紙[せいし] (n) papermaking/paper-making/paper making/paper manufacture (P) ","本紙[ほんし] (n) this newspaper (P) ","別紙[べっし] (n) enclosure/annex/separate sheet/accompanying sheet ","紙上[しじょう] (n) on paper/in the newspapers/in a letter (P) ","和紙[わし] (n) washi/Japanese paper (P) "],"通":["通[つう]connoisseur; counter for letters  N1","通常[つうじょう]common; general;usually  N1","通りかかる[とおりかかる]to happen to pass by  N1","似通う[にかよう]to resemble closely  N1","見通し[みとおし]perspective; unobstructed view;outlook;forecast;prospect;insight  N1","遣り通す[やりとおす]to carry through; to achieve;to complete  N1","融通[ゆうずう<br>ゆうづう<br>ゆずう]lending (money); accommodation;adaptability;versatility;finance  N1","流通[りゅうつう]circulation of money or goods; flow of water or air;distribution  N1","大通り[おおどおり]main street  N2","開通[かいつう]opening, open  N2","交通機関[こうつうきかん]transportation facilities  N2","透き通る[すきとおる]to be(come) transparent  N2","直通[なおみち<br>ちょくつう]direct communication  N2","通貨[つうか]currency  N2","通勤[つうきん]commuting to work  N2","通ずる[つうずる]lead  N2","通知[つうち]notice, notification  N2","通帳[つうちょう]passbook  N2","通訳[つうやく]interpretation  N2","通用[つうよう]popular use, circulation  N2","通路[つうろ]passage, pathway  N2","通り掛かる[とおりがかる<br>とおりかかる]to happen to pass by  N2","一通り[ひととおり]ordinary, usual,in general,briefly  N2","人通り[ひとどおり]pedestrian traffic  N2","不通[ふつう]suspension, interruption,stoppage,tie-up,cessation  N2","共通[きょうつう]commonness,  community  N3","通過[つうか]passage through,  passing  N3","通学[つうがく]commuting to school  N3","通行[つうこう]passage,  passing  N3","通じる[つうじる]to run to,  to lead to, to communicate, to understand  N3","通信[つうしん]correspondence,  communication, news, signal  N3","通す[とおす]to let pass,  to overlook, to continue  N3","通り[とおり<br>どおり]in accordance with ~,  following ~, ~ Street, ~ Avenue  N3","通り過ぎる[とおりすぎる]to pass,  to pass through  N3","通う[かよう]to commute  N4","交通[こうつう]traffic, transportation  N4","通る[とおる]to go through  N4","普通[ふつう]usually,  or a train that stops at every station  N4","文字通り[もじどおり]literally ","文通[ぶんつう]correspondence ","通夜[つや]deathwatch ","通行止め[つうこうどめ]road closed ","通話[つうわ]telephone call ","表通り[おもてどおり]main street ","共通点[きょうつうてん]Common Point,  common feature ","共通語[きょうつうご]common language ","通達[つうたつ<br>つうだつ]communication ","交通費[こうつうひ]traveling expense ","通販[つうはん]Mail Order ","交通事故[こうつうじこ]traffic accident ","精通[せいつう]informed ","裏通り[うらどおり]Alley,  back street ","通信網[つうしんもう]Communications Network ","交通網[こうつうもう]Traffic Network ","通俗的[つうぞく てき]common ","貫通[かんつう]pierce,  penetrate, perforate ","疎通[そつう]mutual understanding,  removal of blockage, drainage ","貫き通す[つらぬきとおす]to follow,  to stick with, to stick to, to go through ","を通して[をとおして] (exp) through/throughout/through (the good offices of)/by way of ","通称[つうしょう] (n) popular name/common name/nickname/alias (P) ","通報[つうほう] (n, vs) (1) report/notification/tip/bulletin (2) (math) (comp) message (in information and communication theory) (P) ","通算[つうさん] (n, vs) total (P) ","通産省[つうさんしょう] (n) (former) Ministry of International Trade and Industry (now Ministry of Economy,  Trade and Industry)/MITI (P) ","お見通し[おみとおし] (n) seeing through (a trick,  someone's mind, etc.) ","通商[つうしょう] (n, vs) commerce/trade (P) ","通告[つうこく] (n, vs) announcement/notice (P) ","共同通信[きょうどうつうしん] (n) joint communications ","見通す[みとおす] (v5s, vt) (1) to see without obstruction/to see through (2) to forecast/to predict/to anticipate ","通例[つうれい] (n, adj-no) (1) custom/general rule/convention (adv) (2) usually/generally/as a rule (P) ","通行人[つうこうにん] (n) passerby/pedestrian/foot passenger ","通院[つういん] (n, vs) going to the hospital for regular treatment (P) ","通説[つうせつ] (n) prevailing view/common opinion/commonly accepted theory ","通りすがり[とおりすがり] (n, adj-no) passing by ","通行止[つうこうどめ] (exp, n) (1) closure (of a road)/suspension of traffic (exp) (2) Road closed (on a sign)/Closed to traffic/No through road ","思い通り[おもいどおり] (adj-na, n) as one expects/as one wants/to one's satisfaction/as one sees fit ","通風[つうふう] (n, vs,adj-no) ventilation/draft/airing ","通年[つうねん] (n, adj-no) all year/year round (P) ","通り抜ける[とおりぬける] (v1, vi) to go through/to pass through/to get through/to cut across ","通運[つううん] (n) transportation ","内通[ないつう] (n, vs) secret understanding/collusion "],"理":["義理[ぎり]duty; sense of duty;honor;decency;courtesy;debt of gratitude;social obligation  N1","真理[まり<br>しんり]truth  N1","推理[すいり]reasoning; inference;mystery or detective genre (movie&nbsp;&nbsp;novel&nbsp;&nbsp;etc.)  N1","生理[せいり]physiology; menses  N1","調理[ちょうり]cooking  N1","理屈[りくつ]theory; reason  N1","理性[りせい]reason; sense  N1","理論[りろん]theory  N1","論理[ろんり]logic  N1","原理[げんり]principle, theory,fundamental truth  N2","合理[ごうり]rational  N2","総理大臣[そうりだいじん]Prime Minister  N2","理科[りか]science  N2","管理[かんり]control,  management (e.g. of a business)  N3","修理[しゅうり<br>しゅり<br>すり]repairing,  mending  N3","処理[しょり]processing,  dealing with, treatment, disposition, disposal  N3","心理[しんり]mentality  N3","整理[せいり]sorting,  arrangement, adjustment, regulation  N3","代理[だいり]representation,  agency, proxy, deputy, agent  N3","物理[ぶつり]physics  N3","理解[りかい]understanding,  comprehension  N3","理想[りそう]ideal  N3","地理[ちり]geography  N4","無理[むり]impossible  N4","理由[りゆう<br>わけ]reason  N4","料理[りょうり]cuisine  N5","心理学[しんりがく]Psychology ","不合理[ふごうり]irrational ","合理化[ごうりか]rationalization ","道理[どうり]justice ","理事[りじ]director ","理学部[りがくぶ]science department ","合理的[ごうりてき]rational ","理念[りねん]concept ","整理する[せいりする]To Arrange,  to organize, to sort ","料理人[りょうりにん]A Cook,  cook, chef ","無理やり[むりやり]forcibly ","お節料理[おせちりょうり]festive food for the New Year ","経理[けいり]accounting ","論理的[ろんりてき]logical ","総理[そうり]Prime Minister ","不条理[ふじょうり]absurdity ","総理府[そうりふ]Prime Minister's Office ","理解する[りかいする]To Understand,  to comprehend ","管理人[かんりにん]Manager ","理系[りけい]science ","理不尽[りふじん]Unreasonable,  irrational ","倫理[りんり]ethics,  morals ","倫理学[りんりがく]ethics,  moral philosophy ","倫理的[りんりてき]ethical ","摂理[せつり]divine providence,  providence ","理[ことわり<br>り] (n) reason/logic/sense/natural way of things ","理事長[りじちょう] (n) board chairman ","税理士[ぜいりし] (n) tax counsellor/tax counselor/licensed tax accountant (P) ","情報処理[じょうほうしょり] (n) (comp) data processing (P) ","代理人[だいりにん] (n) proxy/agent/substitute/deputy/alternate/representative/attorney (P) ","定理[ていり] (n) theorem/proposition ","理学[りがく] (n) (1) physical science/natural science (2) physics (3) lixue (Song-era Chinese philosophy) (4) (arch) philosophy (P) ","理想的[りそうてき] (adj-na) ideal (P) ","審理[しんり] (n, vs) trial (P) ","天理[てんり] (n) natural laws/rule of heaven (P) ","心理学者[しんりがくしゃ] (n) psychologist ","文理[ぶんり] (n) literature and science/context (line of) reasoning ","理事会[りじかい] (n) board of directors/board of trustees ","病理[びょうり] (n) pathology (P) ","無理強い[むりじい] (n, vs) compulsion/insistence/pressure/extortion ","理工[りこう] (n) science and technology (P) ","受理[じゅり] (n, vs) acceptance (P) ","無理矢理[むりやり] (ateji) (adv, n) forcibly/against one's will (P) ","大理石[だいりせき] (n) marble (P) ","数理[すうり] (n) (1) mathematical principle/mathematics (2) arithmetic/figures/accounts ","生理学[せいりがく] (n) physiology (P) ","監理[かんり] (n, vs) superintendence/supervision/administration (P) ","安保理[あんぽり] (n) (abbr) UN Security Council ","弁理[べんり] (n, vs) management ","理数[りすう] (n) science and mathematics ","学理[がくり] (n) scholarly principle/scientific principle ","オウム真理教[オウムしんりきょう] (n) Aum Shinrikyo/Japanese religious group responsible for the 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway "],"強":["強行[きょうこう]forcing; enforcement  N1","強硬[きょうこう]firm; vigorous;unbending;unyielding;strong;stubborn  N1","強制[きょうせい]obligation; coercion;compulsion;enforcement  N1","強烈[きょうれつ]strong; intense;severe  N1","心強い[こころづよい]heartening; reassuring  N1","強気[つよき<br>ごうき<br>ごうぎ]great; grand  N1","強いて[しいて]by force  N1","強いる[しいる]to force; to compel;to coerce  N1","増強[ぞうきょう]augment; reinforce;increase  N1","強まる[つよまる]to get strong; to gain strength  N1","強める[つよめる]to strengthen; to emphasize  N1","強請る[ねだる]to tease; to coax;to solicit;to demand  N1","補強[ほきょう]compensation; reinforcement  N1","強化[きょうか]strengthen, intensify,reinforce,solidify  N2","強引[ごういん]overbearing, coercive,pushy,forcible,high-handed  N2","力強い[ちからづよい]reassuring, emboldened  N2","強調[きょうちょう]emphasis,  stress, stressed point  N3","強力[きょうりょく<br>ごうりき]herculean strength,  mountain carrier-guide  N3","強盗[ごうとう]robbery,  burglary  N3","勉強[べんきょう]study,  diligence, discount, reduction  N3","強い[つよい<br>こわい]powerful  N5","強さ[つよさ]strength ","強風[きょうふう]strong wind ","強要[きょうよう]coercion ","最強[さいきょう]strongest ","強情[ごうじょう]headstrong ","勉強する[べんきょうする]To Study ","強張る[つよ はる]become stiff ","強度[きょうど] (n) (1) strength/intensity (adj-no) (2) strong (e.g. glasses)/powerful (e.g. lens)/intense (e.g. fear)/extreme (P) ","強[きょう] (n-suf) (1) a little over/a little more than (2) powerhouse/one of the biggest/one of the most powerful ","強豪[きょうごう] (adj-na, n) veteran/champion (P) ","強敵[きょうてき] (n) formidable enemy/strong enemy/tough enemy (P) ","強大[きょうだい] (adj-na, n) mighty/powerful (P) ","強固[きょうこ] (adj-na) firm/strong/solid/stable (P) ","列強[れっきょう] (n) major powers of the world/great powers ","根強い[ねづよい] (adj-i) firmly rooted/deep-seated (P) ","強み[つよみ] (n) forte/strong point (P) ","強姦[ごうかん] (n, vs) rape/sexual assault ","無理強い[むりじい] (n, vs) compulsion/insistence/pressure/extortion ","銀行強盗[ぎんこうごうとう] (n) (1) bank robbery (2) bank robber ","強がる[つよがる] (v5r, vi) to pretend to be tough/to put on a brave front/to whistle in the dark/to bluff ","強襲[きょうしゅう] (n, vs) assault/violent attack ","強打[きょうだ] (n, vs) smiting/blow (P) ","強奪[ごうだつ] (n, vs) pillage/seizure/hijacking/plunder/extortion (P) ","強迫[きょうはく] (n, vs,adj-no) compelling/using duress ","強肩[きょうけん] (n, adj-no) strong throwing arm ","強靭[きょうじん] (adj-na, n) tough/strong/stiff/tenacious ","頑強[がんきょう] (adj-na) (1) stubborn/dogged/persistent/tenacious (2) tough/sturdy/hardy/strong (P) ","粘り強い[ねばりづよい] (adj-i) (1) tenacious/persevering/persistent/stubborn/steadfast (2) sticky (P) "],"夏":["夏[なつ<br>か<br>げ]summer  N5","夏休み[なつやすみ]summer holiday  N5","夏ばて[なつばて]suffering from the summer heat ","初夏[しょか<br>はつなつ]early summer ","夏期[かき]summer ","夏季[かき<br>なつき]summer season ","春夏秋冬[しゅんかしゅうとう]four seasons ","真夏[まなつ]midsummer ","夏至[げし]Summer Solstice ","一夏[いちげ<br>ひとなつ] (n) (Buddh) one summer (during which a monk attends a summer retreat) ","夏場[なつば] (n) summertime (P) "],"教":["教え[おしえ]teachings; precept;lesson;doctrine  N1","教員[きょういん]teaching staff  N1","教科[きょうか]subject; curriculum  N1","教訓[きょうくん]lesson; precept;moral instruction  N1","教材[きょうざい]teaching materials  N1","教習[きょうしゅう]training; instruction  N1","教職[きょうしょく]teaching certificate; the teaching profession  N1","宣教[せんきょう]religious mission  N1","教わる[おそわる]to be taught  N2","教養[きょうよう]culture, education,refinement,cultivation  N2","助教授[じょきょうじゅ]assistant professor  N2","教科書[きょうかしょ]textbook  N3","教師[きょうし]teacher (classroom)  N3","教授[きょうじゅ]teaching,  instruction, professor  N3","宗教[しゅうきょう]religion  N3","教育[きょういく]education  N4","教会[きょうかい]church  N4","教える[おしえる]to teach, to tell  N5","教室[きょうしつ]classroom  N5","イスラム教[いすらむきょう<br>イスラムきょう]Islam ","キリスト教[きりすときょう<br>キリストきょう]Christianity ","仏教[ぶっきょう]Buddhism ","説教[せっきょう]preaching ","教諭[きょうゆ]teacher ","教区[きょうく] (n, adj-no) parish ","教徒[きょうと] (n) believer/adherent (P) ","教皇[きょうこう] (n) Pope ","教官[きょうかん] (n) teacher/instructor/professor (P) ","義務教育[ぎむきょういく] (n) compulsory education (P) ","教鞭[きょうべん] (n) teacher's cane/teacher's pointer ","司教[しきょう] (n) (1) bishop (Catholic)/prelate (adj-no) (2) episcopal/potifical ","准教授[じゅんきょうじゅ] (n) associate professor ","教職員[きょうしょくいん] (n) teaching staff/faculty (P) ","教団[きょうだん] (n) religious organization/religious organisation (P) ","立教[りっきょう] (n) established church ","布教[ふきょう] (n, vs,adj-no) propagation (e.g. a religion)/proselytizing/missionary work (P) ","教義[きょうぎ] (n) creed/doctrine/dogma ","調教[ちょうきょう] (n, vs) training (animals)/breaking (animals) (P) ","宣教師[せんきょうし] (n) missionary (P) ","国教[こっきょう] (n, adj-no) state religion ","教頭[きょうとう] (n) deputy head teacher/vice principal (P) ","教委[きょうい] (n) (abbr) Board of Education ","殉教[じゅんきょう] (n, vs) martyrdom ","キリスト教徒[キリストきょうと] (n) Christian ","密教[みっきょう] (n, adj-no) (Buddh) Mikkyo/esoteric Buddhism/secret Buddhist teachings ","教え子[おしえご] (n) one's student (esp. a former one)/one's pupil/one's disciple (P) ","儒教[じゅきょう] (n, adj-no) Confucianism (P) ","文教[ぶんきょう] (n) education/culture (P) ","ヒンドゥー教[ヒンドゥーきょう] (n) Hinduism ","道教[どうきょう<br>みちおしえ] (n) Taoism/Daoism ","オウム真理教[オウムしんりきょう] (n) Aum Shinrikyo/Japanese religious group responsible for the 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway ","大主教[だいしゅきょう] (n) archbishop (Orthodox,  Anglican, etc.) ","教祖[きょうそ] (n) founder of a religious sect (P) ","教学[きょうがく] (n, vs) education and learning ","異教徒[いきょうと] (n) pagan/heretic/heathen ","政教[せいきょう] (n) religion and politics/church and state (P) "],"週":["隔週[かくしゅう]every other week  N1","先先週[せんせんしゅう]week before last  N1","再来週[さらいしゅう]week after next  N2","先々週[せんせんしゅう]  N2","週[しゅう]week  N3","週間[しゅうかん]week,  weekly  N3","さ来週[さらいしゅう]the week after next  N4","今週[こんしゅう]this week  N5","先週[せんしゅう]last week  N5","毎週[まいしゅう]every week  N5","来週[らいしゅう]next week  N5","週末[しゅうまつ]Weekend ","週休[しゅうきゅう]weekly holiday ","週刊[しゅうかん]published weekly ","週刊誌[しゅうかんし]weekly magazine ","翌週[よくしゅう] (n-t) the following week/the next week (P) ","今週末[こんしゅうまつ] (n) this weekend (P) "],"風":["風車[かざぐるま<br>ふうしゃ]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;windmill; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;pinwheel  N1","気風[きふう]character; traits;ethos  N1","風習[ふうしゅう]custom  N1","風俗[ふうぞく]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;manners;customs; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;sex service;sex industry  N1","風土[ふうど]natural features; topography;climate;spiritual features  N1","暴風[ぼうふう<br>あらし]storm; windstorm;gale  N1","洋風[ようふう]western style  N1","和風[わふう]Japanese style  N1","扇風機[せんぷうき]electric fan  N2","風船[ふうせん]balloon  N2","風呂敷[ふろしき]wrapping cloth, cloth wrapper  N2","風景[ふうけい]scenery  N3","風呂[ふろ]bath  N3","台風[たいふう]typhoon  N4","お風呂[おふろ]bath  N5","風[かぜ<br>ふう<br>ふり]wind  N5","風邪[かぜ<br>ふうじゃ]a cold  N5","そよ風[そよかぜ]gentle breeze ","一風[いっぷう]eccentric ","北風[きたかぜ]north wind ","強風[きょうふう]strong wind ","風上[かざかみ]upwind ","風下[かざしも]downwind ","風力[ふうりょく]wind power ","風向き[かざむき]wind direction ","風速[ふうそく]wind velocity ","風流[ふうりゅう]refined elegance ","神風[かみかぜ<br>かむかぜ<br>しんぷう]Kamikaze,  divine winds ","秋風[あきかぜ]autumn breeze ","無風[むふう]calm ","暴風雨[ぼうふうう]rainstorm ","風刺[ふうし]sarcasm ","風鈴[ふうりん]wind chimes ","風潮[ふうちょう]Tide,  current ","涼風[りょうふう]Cool Breeze,  refreshing breeze ","風邪薬[かぜぐすり]cold medicine ","風呂場[ふろば]bathroom ","風呂屋[ふろや]bathhouse ","疾風[しっぷう,  はやて<br>しっぷう<br>はやて]gale, strong wind, fresh breeze ","旋風[せんぷう<br>つじかぜ<br>つむじかぜ]whirlwind,  commotion, sensation ","作風[さくふう] (n) literary style (P) ","風の音[かぜのおと] (exp, n) sound of the wind/voice of the wind ","風味[ふうみ] (n) taste/flavor/flavour (P) ","風水[ふうすい] (n) (1) feng shui/fengshui (2) wind and water ","こんな風に[こんなふうに] (adv) (uk) in this way/like this ","風情[ふうじょう<br>ふぜい] (n) appearance/air ","春風[しゅんぷう<br>はるかぜ] (n) spring breeze ","画風[がふう] (n) style of painting ","通風[つうふう] (n, vs,adj-no) ventilation/draft/airing ","風貌[ふうぼう] (n) looks/appearance ","爆風[ばくふう] (n) bomb blast/blast (from an explosion)/shock wave ","屏風[びょうぶ] (n) folding screen (P) ","風靡[ふうび] (n, vs) overwhelming/conquering/dominating/sweeping (the world)/swaying ","風雲[かざぐも<br>かぜくも<br>ふううん] (n) (1) clouds appearing before the wind starts to blow (2) winds and clouds ","風化[ふうか] (n, vs) (1) weathering (2) fading (of memories) (3) efflorescence "],"答":["答え[こたえ<br>いらえ]answer; response  N1","返答[へんとう]reply  N1","解答[かいとう]answer, solution  N2","回答[かいとう]reply, answer  N2","問答[もんどう]questions and answers, dialogue  N2","答案[とうあん]examination paper,  examination script  N3","答[こたえ]response  N4","答える[こたえる]to answer  N5","口答え[くちごたえ]back talk ","答申[とうしん]reply ","答弁[とうべん]defense of oneself ","応答[おうとう]answer ","押し問答[おしもんどう]argument "],"買":["購買[こうばい]purchase; buy  N1","売買[ばいばい<br>ばいかい]trade, buying and selling  N2","買い物[かいもの<br>かいもん]shopping  N5","買う[かう]to buy  N5","買いかぶる[かいかぶる]overrate ","買い手[かいて]buyer ","仲買[なかがい]brokerage ","買収[ばいしゅう]acquisition ","買い占める[かいしめる]buy up ","買い[かい] (n) (1) buying/shopping (2) buyer (3) purchase (P) ","買い取る[かいとる] (v5r, vt) to buy/to purchase ","買取[かいとり] (n, vs) (1) purchase/buying/buying out (n,vs,vt) (2) buying used articles as a company/trade-in/buy back (n,vs) (3) purchase on a no-return policy (n) (4) lump-sum payment/flat fee (P) ","買い出し[かいだし] (n) (1) going out to shop/going shopping (2) buying in quantity/buying wholesale/bulk purchasing (P) ","買物[かいもの<br>かいもん] (n) shopping/purchased goods (P) ","買い換える[かいかえる] (v1, vt) to buy a replacement/to replace by buying something new ","買い上げ[かいあげ] (n) buying/purchasing/procurement (P) ","買い求める[かいもとめる] (v1, vt) to buy "],"楽":["楽譜[がくふ]score (music)  N1","気楽[きらく]at ease; comfortable  N1","極楽[ごくらく]paradise  N1","楽しむ[たのしむ]to enjoy oneself  N1","楽観[らっかん]optimism  N1","楽器[がっき]musical instrument  N2","娯楽[ごらく]pleasure, amusement  N2","楽[がく<br>らく]comfort,  ease  N3","楽しみ[たのしみ]joy  N4","楽む[がくむ]to enjoy oneself  N4","音楽[おんがく]music  N5","楽しい[たのしい]enjoyable  N5","行楽[こうらく]excursion ","楽勝[らくしょう]Easy Victory,  easy win ","楽天的[らくてんてき]optimistic ","楽観的[らっかんてき]optimistic ","独楽[こま]top ","快楽[かいらく<br>けらく]enjoyment ","歓楽街[かんらくがい]Pleasure Quarter ","奏楽[そうがく]Instrumental Music ","雅楽[ががく]Japanese Court Music,  gagaku ","弦楽[げんがく]string music ","管弦楽[かんげんがく]orchestral music ","弦楽器[げんがっき]stringed instrument ","管弦楽団[かんげんがくだん]orchestra ","楽団[がくだん] (n) orchestra/band (P) ","お楽しみ[おたのしみ] (n) (pol) enjoyment/pleasure/diversion/amusement/hobby ","楽曲[がっきょく] (n) musical composition/tune (P) ","楽しめる[たのしめる] (v1) to be able to enjoy ","楽天[らくてん] (n) optimism ","神楽[かぐら] (n) ancient Shinto music and dancing (P) ","倶楽部[クラブ] (ateji) (n) (uk) club/fraternity/sorority/clubhouse (P) ","楽章[がくしょう] (n) (musical) movement (P) ","楽園[らくえん] (n) pleasure garden/paradise (P) ","声楽[せいがく] (n, adj-no) vocal music (P) ","室内楽[しつないがく] (n) chamber music (P) ","音楽家[おんがくか<br>おんがっか] (n) musician (P) ","吹奏楽[すいそうがく] (n) wind music/wind instrument music ","洋楽[ようがく] (n) Western music/European music (P) ","楽屋[がくや] (n) (1) dressing room/green room/backstage (2) behind the scenes/the inside/inside affairs (P) ","千秋楽[せんしゅうらく] (n) (1) concluding festivities/concluding program/concluding programme (2) (sumo) final day of a tournament (P) ","打楽器[だがっき] (n) percussion instrument (P) ","能楽[のうがく] (n) noh play (P) ","安楽[あんらく] (adj-na, n) ease/comfort/carefree/cosy/cozy ","邦楽[ほうがく] (n) Japanese music (esp. traditional Japanese music) (P) ","器楽[きがく] (n) instrumental music (P) ","交響楽[こうきょうがく] (n) symphony (orchestra) (P) ","楽隊[がくたい] (n) band/orchestra (P) ","文楽[ぶんらく] (n) Japanese puppet theatre (theater)/bunraku (P) ","楽部[がくぶ] (n) Music Department (part of the Board of Ceremonies of the Imperial Household Agency) ","管楽器[かんがっき] (n) wind instrument ","歓楽[かんらく] (n) pleasure/merriment ","楽々[らくらく] (adv, adv-to) comfortably/easily "],"住":["移住[いじゅう]migration; immigration  N1","居住[きょじゅう]residence  N1","住[じゅう]dwelling; living  N1","衣食住[いしょくじゅう]necessities of life (food,  clothing, etc.)  N2","住居[じゅうきょ<br>すまい]dwelling, house,residence,address  N2","住まい[すまい]dwelling, house,residence,address  N2","住宅[じゅうたく]resident,  housing  N3","住民[じゅうみん]citizens,  inhabitants, residents, population  N3","住所[じゅうしょ]an address, a residence  N4","住む[すむ]to live in  N5","住人[じゅうにん]Resident,  inhabitant, dweller ","住宅地[じゅうたくち]residential district ","現住所[げんじゅうしょ]present address ","移住者[いじゅうしゃ]Emigrant,  immigrant, migrant ","先住[せんじゅう] (n, adj-no) (1) original inhabitant/aboriginal (n) (2) previous priest (P) ","在住[ざいじゅう] (n, vs,n-suf) residing/living/dwelling (P) ","先住民[せんじゅうみん] (n, adj-no) indigenous people/native people/aborigines ","住職[じゅうしょく] (n, vs) chief priest (of a Buddhist temple) (P) ","定住[じょうじゅう<br>ていじゅう] (n, vs) settlement/permanent residency ","原住民[げんじゅうみん] (n) native people/aboriginal/indigenous people (P) ","永住[えいじゅう] (n, vs) permanent residence (P) ","住まう[すまう] (v5u, vi) to live/to reside/to inhabit (P) ","住持[じゅうじ] (n, vs) chief priest of temple "],"場":["現場[げんば<br>げんじょう]actual spot; scene;scene of the crime  N1","式場[しきじょう]ceremonial hall; place of ceremony (e.g. marriage)  N1","相場[そうば]market price; speculation;estimation  N1","道場[どうじょう]dojo; hall used for martial arts training;mandala  N1","農場[のうじょう]farm (agriculture)  N1","本場[ほんば]home; habitat;center;best place;genuine  N1","満場[まんじょう]unanimous; whole audience  N1","役場[やくば]town hall  N1","来場[らいじょう<br>らいば]attendance  N1","酒場[さかば]bar, bar-room  N2","登場[とうじょう]entry (on stage)  N2","広場[ひろば]plaza  N2","牧場[まきば<br>ぼくじょう](1) farm (livestock), (2) pasture land,meadow,grazing land  N2","市場[しじょう<br>いちば](the) market (as a concept)  N3","劇場[げきじょう]theatre,  playhouse  N3","工場[こうじょう<br>こうじょう,  こうば<br>こうば]factory  N3","立場[たちば<br>たてば]standpoint,  position, situation  N3","入場[にゅうじょう]entrance,  admission, entering  N3","場[ば<br>じょう]place,  field (physics)  N3","場面[ばめん]scene,  setting (e.g. of novel)  N3","売り場[うりば]place where things are sold  N4","会場[かいじょう]assembly hall or meeting place  N4","駐車場[ちゅうしゃじょう]parking lot  N4","場合[ばあい]situation  N4","場所[ばしょ]location  N4","飛行場[ひこうじょう]airport  N4","出場[しゅつじょう<br>でば]participation ","戦場[せんじょう<br>いくさば]Battlefield ","乗り場[のりば]Bus Stop,  taxi stand, train platform, place for boarding vehicles ","運動場[うんどうじょう]playground ","穴場[あなば]Hole In The Wall,  little known good place ","職場[しょくば]Place Of Work,  workplace, place of employment ","置き場[おきば]Place To Put Something,  place to put down, location to put something, location to put down ","場違い[ばちがい]out of place ","株式市場[かぶしきしじょう]Stock Market ","入場券[にゅうじょうけん]entrance ticket ","墓場[はかば]Graveyard,  cemetery ","磁場[じば<br>じじょう]Magnetic Field ","電磁場[でんじば]Electromagnetic Field ","斎場[さいじょう]Funeral Hall ","踊り場[おどりば]Dance Hall,  dance floor ","風呂場[ふろば]bathroom ","停車場[ていしゃじょう<br>ていしゃば] (n) (1) (arch) railway station (2) generic term for rail yards,  junctions, railway stations, etc. ","その場[そのば] (n) (1) there/that situation/that occasion (2) the spot (i.e. 'on the spot')/immediately/then and there ","馬場[ばば] (n) horse-riding ground (P) ","上場[じょうじょう] (n, vs) (1) listing (on the stock exchange, etc.)/taking a company public (2) presentation (e.g. of a play, opera)/performance (P) ","欠場[けつじょう] (n, vs) absence/not taking part (P) ","球場[きゅうじょう] (n) baseball stadium (P) ","浴場[よくじょう] (n) bath/bathhouse/bathroom (P) ","退場[たいじょう] (n, vs) (1) exit (from a stage)/exeunt (2) leaving/exit (P) ","木場[きば] (n) lumberyard (P) ","居場所[いばしょ] (n) (1) whereabouts/place/location (2) place where one belongs/where one fits in/place where one can be oneself (P) ","持ち場[もちば] (n) job/station/position/post/route ","仕事場[しごとば] (n) place where one works/construction site/working area (P) ","開場[かいじょう] (n, vs) (1) opening (the doors to an event, etc.) (2) inauguration (P) ","逃げ場[にげば] (n) refuge/escape ","出場者[しゅつじょうしゃ] (n) participants/participating athletes ","休場[きゅうじょう] (n, vs) (1) theater closure/theatre closure/stage absence (2) (sumo) wrestler's absence from the tournament (P) ","霊場[れいじょう] (n) sacred ground ","操車場[そうしゃじょう] (n) switchyard ","台場[だいば] (n) (abbr) fort/battery ","場内[じょうない] (n) in-house (on) the grounds (in) the premises/hall/theatre/theater (P) ","夏場[なつば] (n) summertime (P) ","売場[うりば] (n) (1) selling area/counter/section/department/sales floor (2) favorable time to sell/good time to sell ","足場[あしば] (n) (1) scaffold/scaffolding (2) foothold/footing (3) foothold (e.g. in business)/foundation/base (4) convenience for transportation/convenience of access (by road or rail) (P) ","宿場[しゅくば] (n) relay station (esp. on Edo-period highway)/post station/stage ","停留場[ていりゅうじょう] (n) stop (bus,  streetcar, etc.) ","宿場町[しゅくばまち] (n) inn town/post town/post-station town ","駐輪場[ちゅうりんじょう] (n) parking area for bicycles ","漁場[ぎょじょう<br>ぎょば<br>りょうば] (n) fishing grounds/permitted fishing zone (P) ","地場[じば] (n, adj-no) (1) locality/local area (n) (2) local stock exchange/local dealer ","見せ場[みせば] (n) (1) highlight (scene)/high point/climax/showtime (2) show-off scene (of an actor in a play) (P) ","議場[ぎじょう] (n) assembly hall/the House (P) "],"医":["医師[いし<br>くすし]doctor,  physician  N3","医療[いりょう]medical care,  medical treatment  N3","医学[いがく]medical science  N4","歯医者[はいしゃ]dentist  N4","医者[いしゃ]medical doctor  N5","医大[いだい]Medical University,  medical school, med school ","お医者さん[おいしゃさん]doctor ","目医者[めいしゃ]Eye Doctor,  optometrist, oculist ","医薬品[いやくひん]pharmaceuticals ","針医[はりい]Acupuncturist ","獣医[じゅうい]Veterinarian,  vet ","医[い<br>くすし] (n, n-suf) medicine/the healing art/healing/curing/doctor (P) ","外科医[げかい] (n) surgeon (P) ","医科[いか] (n) medical science/medical department (P) ","医学部[いがくぶ] (n) medical faculty ","精神科医[せいしんかい] (n) psychiatrist ","医薬[いやく] (n, adj-no) (1) medicine (2) (abbr) Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau (P) ","主治医[しゅじい] (n) attending physician/physician in charge (one's) family doctor (P) ","医院[いいん] (n) doctor's office (surgery)/clinic/dispensary (P) ","軍医[ぐんい] (n) military physician or surgeon (P) ","専門医[せんもんい] (n) medical specialist (P) ","医務[いむ] (n) medical affairs "],"朝":["朝寝坊[あさねぼう]oversleeping; late riser  N1","朝[あさ<br>あした<br>ちょう]morning  N5","朝御飯[あさごはん]breakfast  N5","今朝[けさ<br>こんちょう]this morning  N5","毎朝[まいあさ<br>まいちょう]every morning  N5","朝ごはん[あさごはん]Breakfast ","朝日[あさひ]Morning Sun,  rising sun ","早朝[そうちょう]early morning ","明朝[みょうちょう<br>みんちょう]tomorrow morning ","朝礼[ちょうれい]morning assembly ","朝食[ちょうしょく<br>あさけ<br>あさげ]breakfast (formal) ","朝顔[あさがお]morning glory ","朝ご飯[あさごはん]breakfast ","朝飯[あさめし]breakfast ","翌朝[よくちょう,  よくあさ<br>よくあさ<br>よくちょう]The Next Morning, next morning ","朝刊[ちょうかん]Morning Edition ","朝鮮[ちょうせん] (n) Korea (P) ","朝廷[ちょうてい] (n) Imperial Court ","朝日新聞[あさひしんぶん] (n) Asahi Shimbun (newspaper) ","北朝鮮[きたちょうせん] (n) North Korea (P) ","王朝[おうちょう] (n) dynasty (P) ","清朝[しんちょう] (n) Qing dynasty (China,  1644-1912)/Ch'ing dynasty/Manchu dynasty ","朝鮮半島[ちょうせんはんとう] (n) Korean peninsula (P) ","朝鮮民主主義人民共和国[ちょうせんみんしゅしゅぎじんみんきょうわこく] (n) Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)/DPRK (P) ","朝夕[あさゆう<br>ちょうせき] (n-adv, n-t) morning and evening/from morning until night/constantly (P) ","朝早く[あさはやく] (adv) early in the morning ","朝方[あさがた] (n-t, n) early morning/early hours/early in the morning (P) ","朝臣[あそみ<br>あそん<br>あっそん<br>ちょうしん] (n) (arch) Asomi (second highest of the eight hereditary titles) ","朝霞[あさがすみ<br>ちょうか] (n) (arch) morning glow/morning mist (haze) "],"究":["究極[きゅうきょく]ultimate; final;eventual  N1","研究[けんきゅう]research  N4","研究室[けんきゅうしつ]study room, laboratory  N4","究明[きゅうめい]Investigation ","研究所[けんきゅうしょ,  けんきゅうじょ<br>けんきゅうしょ<br>けんきゅうじょ]Research Institute, research laboratory, research establishment, research lab, research facility ","追究[ついきゅう]thorough investigation ","探究[たんきゅう]Research ","研究員[けんきゅういん] (n) researcher/lab worker (P) "],"道":["街道[かいどう]highway  N1","軌道[きどう]orbit; railroad track  N1","使い道[つかいみち]use  N1","道場[どうじょう]dojo; hall used for martial arts training;mandala  N1","報道[ほうどう]information; report  N1","片道[かたみち]one-way (trip)  N2","書道[しょどう]calligraphy  N2","赤道[せきどう]equator  N2","回り道[まわりみち]detour  N2","道順[みちじゅん]itinerary, route  N2","鉄道[てつどう]railroad  N3","道徳[どうとく]morals  N3","道路[どうろ]road,  highway  N3","歩道[ほどう]footpath,  walkway, sidewalk  N3","柔道[じゅうどう]judo  N4","水道[すいどう]water supply  N4","道具[どうぐ]tool, means  N4","道[みち<br>ち<br>ぢ<br>どう]street  N5","北海道[ほっかいどう]Hokkaido,  hokkaidou ","〜道[どう]Method Of,  way, style, way of ","中道[ちゅうどう<br>なかみち]golden mean ","人道[じんどう<br>にんどう]humanity ","国道[こくどう]national highway ","地下道[ちかどう]underground passage ","茶道[さどう<br>ちゃどう]tea ceremony ","車道[しゃどう]road ","近道[ちかみち]shortcut ","道理[どうり]justice ","道草[みちくさ]dawdle ","横道[よこみち]side street ","高速道路[こうそくどうろ]freeway ","神道[しんとう<br>しんどう]Shinto,  shintou ","人道的[じんどうてき]humane ","弓道[きゅうどう]Archery,  kyudo, kyuudou ","横断歩道[おうだんほどう]pedestrian crossing ","武道[ぶどう]Martial Arts ","道端[みちばた]roadside ","道に迷う[みちにまよう]To Get Lost,  to be lost ","寄り道[よりみち]stopping by ","筋道[すじみち]method ","剣道[けんどう]Kendo,  japanese fencing, way of the sword ","逃げ道[にげみち]escape route ","戻り道[もどりみち]Way Back,  the way back ","坑道[こうどう]tunnel,  mine, shaft ","県道[けんどう] (n) prefectural road (P) ","都道府県[とどうふけん] (n) administrative divisions of Japan: Tokyo-to,  Hokkai-do, Osaka-fu, Kyoto-fu and remaining prefectures (P) ","東海道[とうかいどう] (n) Tokaido (Edo-period Edo-Kyoto highway) ","士道[しどう] (n) chivalry/samurai code ","花道[かどう<br>はなみち] (n) flower arrangement ","市道[しどう] (n) municipal roads (P) ","伝道[でんどう] (n, vs) proselytizing/evangelism/missionary work (P) ","天道[あまじ<br>てんとう<br>てんどう] (n) (1) (Buddh) deva realm (svarga) (2) path in the heavens ","修道[しゅうどう] (n) learning/studying the fine arts (P) ","修道院[しゅうどういん] (n) monastery/convent/cloister/abbey (P) ","道のり[みちのり] (n) (1) distance/journey/itinerary (2) path (e.g. to one's goal)/way/process/route/road (P) ","極道[ごくどう] (adj-na, n) (1) wicked/evil/profligate/immoral (n) (2) wastrel/scoundrel/villain (3) organized crime/yakuza/underworld ","帰り道[かえりみち] (n) the way back/the way home/return trip (P) ","林道[りんどう] (n) (1) path through forest/woodland path (2) logging road (P) ","旧道[きゅうどう] (n) old road ","道徳的[どうとくてき] (adj-na) ethical/moral ","道連れ[みちづれ] (n) (1) fellow traveler/fellow traveller/travelling companion (2) taking someone along unwillingly/forcing to take part ","道中[どうちゅう<br>みちなか] (n) (1) journey/trip/travels (n, n-adv) (2) during the journey/on the way/while travelling ","参道[さんどう] (n) road approaching a shrine (P) ","山道[さんどう<br>せんどう<br>やまみち] (n) mountain road/mountain trail ","弾道[だんどう] (n) (1) trajectory/line of fire (adj-no, adj-f) (2) ballistic (P) ","坂道[さかみち] (n) hill road (P) ","遊歩道[ゆうほどう] (n) promenade/esplanade ","王道[おうどう] (n) (1) righteous government/just rule/kingship/rule of right/noble path (2) easy method/simple approach/short-cut/royal road ","沿道[えんどう] (n, adj-no) roadside/wayside/route (P) ","その道[そのみち] (exp, n) (1) this road (path, street, way, etc.) (2) line (of business)/profession/trade ","小道具[こどうぐ] (n) (1) small tool/gadget (2) (stage) properties/prop (3) (abbr) prop master (P) ","海道[かいどう] (n) sea route (P) ","公道[こうどう] (n) (1) public road (2) justice ","地道[じみち] (adj-na, n) steady/honest/sober/straightforward (P) ","大道[たいどう<br>だいどう] (n) main street/avenue ","入道[にゅうどう] (n) (1) (Buddh) entering the priesthood/priest/monk (2) man with a shaven head (3) bald-headed monster ","道教[どうきょう<br>みちおしえ] (n) Taoism/Daoism ","合気道[あいきどう] (n) (MA) aikido ","道筋[みちすじ] (n) path/route/itinerary (P) ","食道[しょくどう] (n, adj-no) esophagus/gullet/esophageal (P) ","農道[のうどう] (n) farm road ","隧道[すいどう<br>ずいどう<br>ついどう] (n) tunnel ","正道[しょうどう<br>せいどう] (n, adj-no) path of righteousness/path of duty/right track/correct path ","道化[どうけ] (n, vs) (1) antics/buffoonery/clowning (n) (2) (abbr) clown/jester ","本道[ほんどう] (n) (1) highway/main road/the right road (2) internal medicine (in Chinese medical practice) "],"研":["研ぐ[とぐ]to sharpen; to grind;to scour;to hone;to polish;to wash (rice)  N1","研修[けんしゅう]training  N2","研究[けんきゅう]research  N4","研究室[けんきゅうしつ]study room, laboratory  N4","研究所[けんきゅうしょ,  けんきゅうじょ<br>けんきゅうしょ<br>けんきゅうじょ]Research Institute, research laboratory, research establishment, research lab, research facility ","研修生[けんしゅうせい]Trainee ","総研[そうけん] (n) (abbr) institute for general research/multidiscipline laboratory ","研究員[けんきゅういん] (n) researcher/lab worker (P) ","研鑽[けんさん] (n, vs) diligent study/devoting oneself to one's studies ","研磨[けんま] (n, vs) (1) grinding/polishing (2) refining (skill, knowledge, etc.)/striving to master something (P) "],"者":["業者[ぎょうしゃ]trader; merchant  N1","信者[しんじゃ]believer; adherent;devotee;Christian  N1","達者[たっしゃ]skillful; in good health  N1","読者[どくしゃ]reader  N1","配偶者[はいぐうしゃ<br>はいぐう しゃ]spouse; wife;husband  N1","悪者[わるもの]bad fellow; rascal;ruffian;scoundrel  N1","作者[さくしゃ]author, authoress  N2","筆者[ひっしゃ]writer, author  N2","役者[やくしゃ]actor, actress  N2","学者[がくしゃ]scholar  N3","患者[かんじゃ]a patient  N3","記者[きしゃ]reporter  N3","後者[こうしゃ]the latter  N3","前者[ぜんしゃ]the former  N3","著者[ちょしゃ]author,  writer  N3","者[もの<br>しゃ<br>もん]person  N3","歯医者[はいしゃ]dentist  N4","医者[いしゃ]medical doctor  N5","両者[りょうしゃ]Both People ","工学者[こうがくしゃ]Engineer ","お医者さん[おいしゃさん]doctor ","他者[たしゃ]another person ","文学者[ぶんがくしゃ]literary person ","歩行者[ほこうしゃ]pedestrian ","歩行者天国[ほこうしゃてんごく]vehicle-free promenade ","死者[ししゃ]dead person ","王者[おうじゃ<br>おうしゃ]king ","科学者[かがくしゃ]scientist ","勝者[しょうしゃ]Winner,  victor ","当事者[とうじしゃ]the person concerned ","目医者[めいしゃ]Eye Doctor,  optometrist, oculist ","労働者[ろうどうしゃ]Laborer,  blue collar worker, manual laborer, labourer, manual labourer ","芸者[げいしゃ]Geisha ","旅行者[りょこうしゃ]Traveler,  tourist ","殺人者[さつじんしゃ]Murderer ","敗者[はいしゃ]Loser,  the defeated ","若者[わかもの]Young Person ","容疑者[ようぎ しゃ<br>ようぎしゃ]suspect ","共犯者[きょうはんしゃ]Accomplice ","経験者[けいけんしゃ]Experienced Person ","加害者[かがいしゃ]assailant ","参加者[さんかしゃ]Participant ","有権者[ゆうけんしゃ]elector ","被害者[ひがいしゃ]Victim,  victims ","消費者[しょうひしゃ]consumer ","保護者[ほごしゃ]guardian ","候補者[こうほしゃ]Candidate ","革命者[かくめいしゃ]Revolutionary,  a revolutionary ","移住者[いじゅうしゃ]Emigrant,  immigrant, migrant ","編者[へんしゃ]Editor ","傷者[しょうしゃ]Injured Person,  wounded person ","訳者[やくしゃ]Translator ","編集者[へんしゅうしゃ]Editor ","裏切り者[うらぎりもの]Traitor ","指揮者[しきしゃ]Commander ","聴者[ちょうしゃ]Listener ","高齢者[こうれいしゃ]Elderly Person,  old person ","逃亡者[とうぼうしゃ]Refugee ","雇用者[こようしゃ]Employer ","不孝者[ふこうもの]Disobedient Child,  unfilial child ","挑戦者[ちょうせんしゃ]A Challenger,  challenger ","忍者[にんじゃ]Ninja ","哲学者[てつがくしゃ]Philosopher ","覇者[はしゃ]supreme ruler,  champion ","犠牲者[ぎせいしゃ]victim ","怠け者[なまけもの]lazy person ","浮浪者[ふろうしゃ<br>ふろう しゃ]vagrant,  bum ","犯罪者[はんざいしゃ] (n) criminal/culprit (P) ","責任者[せきにんしゃ] (n) person in charge (including a supervisory role for other staff)/person responsible for .../responsible party/supervisor/manager (P) ","婚約者[こんやくしゃ] (n) fiance/fiancee (P) ","目撃者[もくげきしゃ] (n) eye-witness/witness ","関係者[かんけいしゃ] (n) person concerned/people involved (in an event)/those concerned/staff (P) ","何者か[なにものか] (n) someone ","指導者[しどうしゃ] (n) leader/guide/mentor/coach (P) ","視聴者[しちょうしゃ] (n) viewer (television) audience (P) ","司会者[しかいしゃ] (n) chairman/moderator/toastmaster/master of ceremonies/chairperson/host (of a TV show,  etc.) (P) ","受刑者[じゅけいしゃ] (n) prisoner/convict ","初心者[しょしんしゃ] (n) beginner (P) ","侵入者[しんにゅうしゃ] (n) intruder/invader/trespasser/raider ","奏者[そうしゃ] (n) instrumentalist/player (P) ","生存者[せいぞんしゃ] (n) survivor ","使者[ししゃ] (n, adj-no) messenger/envoy/emissary (P) ","第三者[だいさんしゃ] (n) third party/third person/outsider/disinterested person (P) ","優勝者[ゆうしょうしゃ] (n) prize winner/pennant winner/victor ","経営者[けいえいしゃ] (n) manager/proprietor (P) ","勇者[ゆうしゃ<br>ゆうじゃ] (n) hero/the brave/man of valour (valor) (P) ","何者[なにもの] (n) who/what kind of person (P) ","冒険者[ぼうけんしゃ] (n) adventurer ","臆病者[おくびょうもの] (n) coward (P) ","愚か者[おろかもの] (n) fool ","所有者[しょゆうしゃ] (n) owner (P) ","話者[わしゃ] (n) speaker/narrator ","担当者[たんとうしゃ] (n) person in charge (of an area of work)/person responsible/contact (person) (P) ","負傷者[ふしょうしゃ] (n) injured person/wounded person/casualty ","後継者[こうけいしゃ] (n) successor ","記者会見[きしゃかいけん] (n, vs) press conference (P) ","よそ者[よそもの] (n) stranger/outsider ","打者[だしゃ] (n) (baseb) batter (P) ","技術者[ぎじゅつしゃ] (n) engineer/technical expert/technician/craftsperson (P) ","偽者[にせもの] (n) impostor/imposter/pretender/liar ","武者[むしゃ] (n) warrior (P) ","協力者[きょうりょくしゃ] (n) cooperative worker ","論者[ろんしゃ] (n) advocate (P) ","預言者[よげんしゃ] (n) prophet/predictor/prognosticator ","拙者[せっしゃ] (pn) (hum) (arch) (male) I/me ","既婚者[きこんしゃ] (n) married person ","反逆者[はんぎゃくしゃ] (n) rebel/traitor ","脱落者[だつらくしゃ] (n) dropout/quitter/deserter ","部外者[ぶがいしゃ] (n) outsider/someone outside of a group ","走者[そうしゃ] (n) (1) runner (2) (baseb) base runner (P) ","者ども[ものども] (pn) (1) (derog) you (n) (2) people ","創設者[そうせつしゃ] (n) founder ","支配者[しはいしゃ] (n) governor/leader/ruler ","邪魔者[じゃまもの] (n) (1) obstacle/hindrance/impediment/obstruction (2) nuisance/bore/burden ","同性愛者[どうせいあいしゃ] (n) homosexual (person) ","長者[ちょうざ<br>ちょうしゃ<br>ちょうじゃ] (n) (1) one's superior/one's elder/one's senior (2) (arch) virtuous and gentle person ","暗殺者[あんさつしゃ] (n) assassin ","賢者の石[けんじゃのいし] (exp, n) philosopher's stone ","有識者[ゆうしきしゃ] (n) expert/knowledgeable person/authority (on a subject) (P) ","心理学者[しんりがくしゃ] (n) psychologist ","出演者[しゅつえんしゃ] (n) performer/entertainer/actor ","権力者[けんりょくしゃ] (n) powerful person/influential person ","第一人者[だいいちにんしゃ] (n) leading person/foremost figure (P) ","人気者[にんきもの] (n) popular person/favorite/favourite (P) ","捕食者[ほしょくしゃ] (n) predator ","支持者[しじしゃ] (n) supporter (e.g. of the arts)/adherent/proponent ","首謀者[しゅぼうしゃ] (n) ringleader/mastermind/leader (of a plot) ","出場者[しゅつじょうしゃ] (n) participants/participating athletes ","三者[さんしゃ] (n) three persons/three parties (P) ","弱者[じゃくしゃ] (n) weak person/the weak/vulnerable person/disadvantaged person (P) ","被疑者[ひぎしゃ] (n) suspect (person) (P) ","被験者[ひけんしゃ] (n) (1) subject (of a medical experiment,  etc.)/test subject/trial subject/testee (2) examinee (of a full-body scan, etc.) ","立て役者[たてやくしゃ] (n) (1) leading actor/star (2) leading figure/central figure/key figure/leading spirit ","従者[じゅうしゃ] (n) follower/attendant/valet/servant ","賢者[けんしゃ<br>けんじゃ] (n) wise man/wise woman/sage ","行者[あんじゃ<br>ぎょうじゃ] (n) temple helper ","演者[えんじゃ] (n) (1) presenter/speaker (2) performer/actor/participant (in a TV show or TV panel) "],"事":["大事[おおごと<br>だいじ]important; valuable;serious matter  N1","お大事に[おだいじに]Take care of yourself  N1","議事堂[ぎじどう]Diet building  N1","旧事[きゅうじ]past events; bygones  N1","軍事[ぐんじ]military affairs  N1","検事[けんじ]public prosecutor  N1","事柄[ことがら]matter; thing;affair;circumstance  N1","事によると[ことによると]depending on the circumstances  N1","些事[さじ]something small or petty; trifle  N1","事業[じぎょう<br>ことわざ]project; enterprise;business;industry;operations  N1","事項[じこう]matter; item;facts  N1","事前[じぜん]prior; beforehand;in advance  N1","従事[じゅうじ]engaging; pursuing;following  N1","百科事典[ひゃっかじてん]encyclopedia  N1","行事[ぎょうじ]event, function  N2","工事[こうじ]construction work  N2","炊事[すいじ]cooking, culinary arts  N2","判事[はんじ]judge, judiciary  N2","領事[りょうじ]consul  N2","家事[かじ]housework,  domestic chores  N3","記事[きじ]article,  news story, report, account  N3","刑事[けいじ]criminal case,  (police) detective  N3","事[こと<br>ごと<br>こん<br>じ]things;  matters  N3","事件[じけん]event,  affair, incident  N3","事実[じじつ]fact,  truth, reality  N3","事情[じじょう]circumstances,  consideration, conditions, situation, reasons  N3","事態[じたい]situation,  present state of affairs  N3","事務[じむ]business,  office work  N3","食事[しょくじ]meal  N3","知事[ちじ]prefectural governor  N3","出来事[できごと<br>できこと]incident,  affair, happening, event  N3","無事[ぶじ]safety,  peace, quietness  N3","見事[みごと]splendid,  magnificent, beautiful, admirable  N3","物事[ものごと]things,  everything  N3","火事[かじ]fire  N4","事故[じこ<br>ことゆえ]accident  N4","事務所[じむしょ]office  N4","返事[へんじ]reply  N4","用事[ようじ]things to do  N4","仕事[しごと]job  N5","万事[ばんじ]all things ","人事[じんじ<br>ひとごと]human affairs ","何事[なにごと]what ","当事者[とうじしゃ]the person concerned ","理事[りじ]director ","心配事[しんぱいごと]Cares,  worries, troubles ","悪事[あくじ]evil deed ","事変[じへん]Incident ","変事[へんじ]Strange Incident,  unusual incident ","事典[じてん<br>ことてん]Encyclopedia ","願い事[ねがいごと]One's Wish,  prayer, wish ","事務員[じむいん]clerical staff ","事務室[じむしつ]office ","領事館[りょうじかん]consulate ","幹事[かんじ]manager ","怪事件[かいじけん]Strange Mystery,  mystery case ","交通事故[こうつうじこ]traffic accident ","故事[こじ]historical fact ","不祥事[ふしょうじ]scandal ","惨事[さんじ]disaster,  horrible accident ","叙事詩[じょじし]epic poem,  descriptive poetry ","慶事[けいじ]auspicious event,  happy event ","事例[じれい] (n, adj-no) example/precedent/case (P) ","師事[しじ] (n, vs) studying under/looking up to/apprenticing oneself to (P) ","殺人事件[さつじんじけん] (n) murder case (P) ","無事に[ぶじに] (adv) safely/peacefully/quietly/without problems ","緊急事態[きんきゅうじたい] (n) state of emergency/emergency/crisis ","理事長[りじちょう] (n) board chairman ","民事[みんじ] (n, adj-no) civil affairs/civil case (P) ","仕事中[しごとちゅう] (n) at work/in the midst of work/working (P) ","隠し事[かくしこと<br>かくしごと] (n, vs) secret/secrecy ","議事[ぎじ] (n) proceedings (e.g. parliament,  congress)/business (of the day) (P) ","商事[しょうじ] (n) commercial affairs (P) ","当事[とうじ] (n) matter under concern (P) ","参事[さんじ] (n) secretary/councillor/councilor (P) ","事象[じしょう] (n) event/phenomenon/matter (P) ","何事も[なにごとも] (exp) (1) anything/whatever (2) nothing (with neg. verb) ","時事[じじ] (n) events of the day/current affairs (P) ","人事院[じんじいん] (n) National Personnel Authority (P) ","執事[しつじ] (n, adj-no) (1) steward/butler (2) court official (3) deacon (Anglican, Lutheran, etc.) ","考え事[かんがえごと] (n) something to think about/one's thoughts/concern/worry ","県知事[けんちじ] (n) prefectural governor (P) ","仕事場[しごとば] (n) place where one works/construction site/working area (P) ","事業主[じぎょうぬし<br>じゅぎょうしゅ] (n) business owner/entrepreneur ","最悪の事態[さいあくのじたい] (exp, n,adj-no) worst/worst-case (scenario) ","有事[ゆうじ] (n) emergency (P) ","神事[かみごと<br>かみわざ<br>かむこと<br>かむわざ<br>かんわざ<br>しんじ<br>じんじ] (n) Shinto ritual ","大惨事[だいさんじ] (n) great disaster/horrible tragedy/catastrophe/catastrophic event/catastrophic incident/dire calamity/terrible disaster/apocalypse ","他人事[たにんごと<br>ひとごと] (n) other people's affairs/somebody else's problem ","参事官[さんじかん] (n) councillor/councilor (P) ","非常事態[ひじょうじたい] (n) state of emergency ","理事会[りじかい] (n) board of directors/board of trustees ","法律事務所[ほうりつじむしょ] (n) law office/law firm (P) ","事情聴取[じじょうちょうしゅ] (n, vs) (yoji) inquiry/enquiry/investigation (police) interview/questioning (e.g. witness, suspect)/hearing ","事由[じゆう] (n) reason/cause (P) ","事案[じあん] (n) concern/circumstance which is becoming a problem/case (court) ","事後[じご] (n-adv, n-t) after-/post-/ex-/after the fact/ex post (P) ","都知事[とちじ] (n) metropolitan governor/governor of Tokyo ","海事[かいじ] (n, adj-no) maritime affairs ","事物[じぶつ] (n) things/affairs ","関心事[かんしんじ] (n) matter of concern and interest (P) ","主事[しゅじ] (n) manager/director/superintendent/overseer "],"始":["始発[しはつ]first train  N1","始末[しまつ]management; dealing;settlement;cleaning up afterwards  N1","終始[しゅうし]beginning and end; from beginning to end;doing a thing from beginning to end  N1","始め[はじめ]beginning; start;origin  N1","始めまして[はじめまして]How do you do?; I am glad to meet you  N1","原始[げんし]origin, primeval  N2","始終[しじゅう]continuously, from beginning to end  N2","始めに[はじめに]to begin with, first of all  N2","開始[かいし]start,  commencement, beginning  N3","始まり[はじまり]origin,  beginning  N3","始める[はじめる]to begin  N4","始まる[はじまる]to begin  N5","初め/始め[はじめ/はじめ]beginning  N5","不始末[ふしまつ]mismanagement ","年始[ねんし]beginning of the year ","後始末[あとしまつ]cleaning up ","始めて[はじめて] (adv, adj-no) (1) for the first time (adv) (2) only after ... is it .../only when ... do you ... ","始動[しどう] (n, vs) starting (machine, engine, car, etc.)/activation (P) ","創始[そうし] (n, vs) creation/founding/initiating (P) ","始祖[しそ] (n) founder/originator/pioneer ","年末年始[ねんまつねんし] (n) (yoji) New Year's holiday/period encompassing the close of the old year and the start of the New Year ","更始[こうし] (n, vs) renewal/reform "],"服":["軍服[ぐんぷく]military or naval uniform  N1","制服[せいふく]uniform  N1","征服[せいふく]conquest; subjugation;overcoming  N1","不服[ふふく]dissatisfaction; discontent;disapproval;objection;complaint;protest;disagreement  N1","和服[わふく]Japanese clothes  N2","衣服[いふく]clothes  N3","克服[こくふく]subjugation,  conquest  N3","服装[ふくそう]garments  N3","服[ふく<br>ぶく]clothes  N5","洋服[ようふく]western-style clothes  N5","服用[ふくよう]dose ","礼服[れいふく]formal dress ","服従[ふくじゅう]obedience ","服飾[ふくしょく]Attire ","喪服[もふく]Mourning Dress,  mourning clothes ","克服する[こくふくする]To Conquer ","呉服[ごふく]draperies,  kimono fabric, cloth ","服役[ふくえき] (n, vs) penal servitude/military service (P) ","元服[げんぶく<br>げんぷく] (n, vs) (1) male coming of age ceremony (2) for a woman to shave her eyebrows, dye her teeth and wear her hair in the marumage style after marrying (Edo period) ","服す[ふくす] (v5s) (1) to obey/to submit/to defer/to yield/to abide (2) to serve (e.g. in the army,  or a sentence in jail (gaol)) (3) to observe (e.g. mourning) (4) to drink (tea, medicine, etc.) ","屈服[くっぷく] (n, vs) yielding/submission/surrender/giving way/succumbing "],"度":["お目出度う[おめでたう](ateji) (int) (uk) Congratulations!; an auspicious occasion!  N1","感度[かんど]sensitivity; severity (quake)  N1","屹度[きっと]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;(uk) surely;undoubtedly;certainly;without fail; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;sternly;severely  N1","進度[しんど]progress  N1","度々[たびたび]often; repeatedly;frequently  N1","恰度[ちょうど]just; right;exactly  N1","度忘れ[どわすれ]lapse of memory; forget for a moment  N1","密度[みつど]density  N1","緯度[いど]latitude (nav.)  N2","角度[かくど]angle  N2","加速度[かそくど]acceleration  N2","経度[けいど]longitude  N2","限度[げんど]limit, bounds  N2","高度[こうど]altitude, height,advanced  N2","湿度[しつど]level of humidity  N2","年度[ねんど]year, fiscal year,school year,term  N2","濃度[のうど]concentration, brightness  N2","毎度[まいど]each time, common service-sector greeting  N2","一度に[いちどに]all at once  N3","温度[おんど]temperature  N3","支度[したく]preparation  N3","制度[せいど]system,  institution, organization  N3","速度[そくど]speed,  velocity, rate  N3","態度[たいど]attitude,  manner  N3","度[たび<br>ど]counter for occurrences  N3","程度[ていど]degree,  amount, grade, standard, of the order of (following a number)  N3","適度[てきど]moderate  N3","一度[いちど<br>ひとたび]once  N4","今度[こんど]now, next time  N4","もう一度[もういちど]again  N5","〜度[ど]Degrees ","丁度[ちょうど]Exactly,  just ","この度[このたび]this occasion ","二度と[にどと]never again ","何度[なんど]how many times ","丁度いい[ちょうどいい]Just Right,  exactly right ","震度[しんど]Earthquake Intensity,  earthquake magnitude, magnitude, earthquake scale ","再度[さいど]Twice,  a second time, again ","精度[せいど]Precision,  accuracy ","幾度[いくど<br>いくたび]many times ","頻度[ひんど]Frequency ","輝度[きど]Luminance,  brightness, clearness ","何度も[なんども] (adv) many times over/often ","一度も[いちども] (adv) never/not even once ","度目[どめ] (suf) the Nth time ","強度[きょうど] (n) (1) strength/intensity (adj-no) (2) strong (e.g. glasses)/powerful (e.g. lens)/intense (e.g. fear)/extreme (P) ","何度か[なんどか] (adv) several times/once or twice ","ある程度[あるていど] (exp, adj-no,adv) to some extent/to a certain extent ","今年度[こんねんど] (n-adv, n-t) this year/this fiscal year/this school year (P) ","度胸[どきょう] (n) courage/bravery/pluck/nerve/grit/guts (P) ","初年度[しょねんど] (n) first year/initial (year) ","来年度[らいねんど] (n) next year/next fiscal year ","知名度[ちめいど] (n) degree of familiarity/popularity ","前年度[ぜんねんど] (n-adv, n) preceding fiscal year (P) ","何度でも[なんどでも] (adv) any number of times (P) ","本年度[ほんねんど] (n) current year (fiscal,  academic, etc.) ","度重なる[たびかさなる] (v5r, vi) to repeat/to be frequent ","過度[かど] (adj-na, n,adj-no) excessive/immoderate (P) ","解像度[かいぞうど] (n) resolution (e.g. display,  dpi)/granularity (e.g. timer) ","昨年度[さくねんど] (n-adv) previous year (fiscal,  academic, etc.) (P) ","度合い[どあい] (n) degree/extent (P) ","深度[しんど] (n) depth (P) ","都度[つど] (n) each (every) time/whenever (P) ","いい度胸[いいどきょう] (exp, n,vs) some nerve (as in 'you must have some nerve to ...') ","極度[きょくど] (adj-na, n) maximum/extreme/utmost/curvature (P) ","尺度[しゃくど] (n) (1) gauge/standard/measure/criterion/index (2) length/size (3) (measuring) rule/scale (P) ","光度[こうど] (n) intensity of light ","重度[じゅうど] (adj-no, n) severe (injury, handicap, etc.)/serious (P) ","節度[せつど] (n) moderation/standard (P) ","純度[じゅんど] (n) purity (of a substance) (P) ","度数[どすう] (n) (1) frequency/number of times/incidence (2) degree (e.g. temperature)/strength (e.g. alcohol,  lens, etc.) (P) ","軽度[けいど] (adj-no, adj-na,n) slight (degree)/light ","硬度[こうど] (n) hardness/solidity (P) ","粘度[ねんど] (n) viscosity "],"発":["開発[かいはつ<br>かいほつ]development; exploitation  N1","活発[かっぱつ]vigor; active  N1","再発[さいはつ]return; relapse;reoccurrence  N1","始発[しはつ]first train  N1","発掘[はっくつ]excavation; exhumation  N1","発生[はっせい]outbreak; spring forth;occurrence;incidence;origin  N1","発足[ほっそく<br>はっそく]starting; inauguration  N1","発[はつ<br>ハツ]departure; beginning;counter for gunshots  N1","発育[はついく](physical) growth; development  N1","発芽[はつが]burgeoning  N1","発言[はつげん]utterance; speech;proposal  N1","発病[はつびょう]attack (disease)  N1","反発[はんぱつ]repelling; rebound;recover;oppose  N1","発条[はつじょう<br>ばね]spring (e.g. coil&nbsp; &nbsp;leaf)  N1","発作[ほっさ]fit; spasm  N1","蒸発[じょうはつ]evaporation, unexplained disappearance  N2","発つ[たつ]to depart (on a plane,  train, etc.)  N2","発揮[はっき]exhibition, demonstration,utilization,display  N2","発射[はっしゃ]firing, shooting,discharge,catapult  N2","発想[はっそう]expression (music), conceptualization  N2","発電[はつでん]generation (e.g. power)  N2","発売[はつばい]sale  N2","出発[しゅっぱつ]departure  N3","爆発[ばくはつ]explosion,  detonation, eruption  N3","発見[はっけん]discovery,  detection, finding  N3","発行[はっこう]issue (publications)  N3","発車[はっしゃ]departure of a vehicle  N3","発達[はったつ]development,  growth  N3","発展[はってん]development,  growth  N3","発表[はっぴょう]presentation  N3","発明[はつめい]invention  N3","発音[はつおん]pronunciation  N4","発する[はっする]emit ","発声[はっせい]vocalization ","発火[はっか]combustion ","発送[はっそう]forwarding ","発電所[はつでんしょ]power plant ","発起人[ほっきにん]originator ","発売中[はつばいちゅう]Now On Sale,  now for sale, currently on sale ","発着[はっちゃく]departure and arrival ","発熱[はつねつ]heat generation ","自発的[じはつてき]spontaneous ","発信[はっしん]sending of a letter ","発覚[はっかく]disclosure ","発展する[はってんする]To Develop ","発端[ほったん]beginning ","発散[はっさん]emission ","発揮する[はっきする]To Exhibit,  to demonstrate ","発射する[はっしゃする]To Launch,  to fire ","摘発する[てきはつする]To Unmask,  to expose ","摘発[てきはつ]exposure ","頻発[ひんぱつ]Frequency,  frequent occurance ","挑発[ちょうはつ]Provocation ","発泡[はっぽう]Foaming ","奮発[ふんぱつ]effort ","発祥[はっしょう]origin ","啓発[けいはつ]enlightenment,  development, illumination, education, inspiration ","発酵[はっこう]fermentation ","爆発音[ばくはつおん] (n) sound of an explosion ","発注[はっちゅう] (n, vs,adj-no) ordering (materials)/placing an order/order (P) ","先発[せんぱつ] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) starting in advance/starting first/going first/going ahead (2) (sports) starting (in team sports) (P) ","原発[げんぱつ] (n) (1) (abbr) nuclear power plant/nuclear power generation (adj-no, n,vs) (2) primary (e.g. primary immunodeficiency syndrome) (P) ","多発[たはつ] (n, vs,adj-no) repeated occurrence (P) ","告発[こくはつ] (n, vs) indictment/prosecution/complaint (P) ","発動[はつどう] (n, vs) (1) putting into operation (2) (law) invocation (P) ","単発[たんぱつ] (n, adj-no) (1) firing one shot at a time/single-shot gun (2) having only one engine/single-engined aeroplane/single-engined airplane (3) one-shot (e.g. story)/non-serial/one-off/single occasion ","心臓発作[しんぞうほっさ] (n) (1) heart attack (vs) (2) to have a heart attack ","発現[はつげん] (n, vs) (1) revelation/manifestation/appearance (2) expression (e.g. in molecular biology;  protein expression or gene expression) ","勃発[ぼっぱつ] (n, vs) outbreak (e.g. of war)/outburst/sudden occurrence ","発症[はっしょう] (n, vs) outbreak of an illness/onset of an illness/appearance of symptoms (P) ","発案[はつあん] (n, vs) idea/suggestion/initiation of a proposal (P) ","発砲[はっぽう] (n, vs) firing/discharge of gun (P) ","発令[はつれい] (n, vs) official announcement/proclamation (P) ","自発[じはつ] (n) spontaneity (P) ","連発[れんぱつ] (n, vs) running continuously/firing in rapid succession (P) ","発進[はっしん] (n, vs) departure/takeoff ","発効[はっこう] (n, vs) coming into effect (P) ","増発[ぞうはつ] (n, vs) increase the number of trains in operation/increase bond issues (P) ","発布[はっぷ] (n, vs) proclamation/promulgation ","発光[はっこう] (n, vs) emission (of light)/radiation (of light)/luminescence (P) ","発表会[はっぴょうかい] (n) (1) recital (i.e. of music,  by a pupil) (2) presentation (e.g. product launch) ","発刊[はっかん] (n, vs) publish/start (new) publication (P) ","発電機[はつでんき] (n) dynamo/power generator (P) ","後発[こうはつ] (n, vs,adj-no) starting late (P) ","発券[はっけん] (n, vs) issuing (a banknote, ticket, etc.) ","誘発[ゆうはつ] (n, vs) inducing/causing/triggering/giving rise to (P) ","触発[しょくはつ] (n, vs) (1) detonation by contact/contact detonation (2) touching off (something)/triggering/sparking/provocation/inspiration (P) ","一発[いっぱつ] (n) (1) shot/charge/explosion (2) blow/punch (3) (baseb) home run (n, n-adv) (4) try/attempt (n) (5) (mahj) win on the first go-around after calling riichi (P) ","発給[はっきゅう] (n, vs) issuance (e.g. of a passport)/issuing (P) ","発癌[はつがん] (n) cancer causing/carcinogenesis ","揮発[きはつ] (n, vs) volatilization/volatilisation (P) ","不発[ふはつ] (n) misfire (P) ","発振[はっしん] (n, vs) oscillation ","散発[さんぱつ] (n, vs) sporadic/scattering (P) ","突発[とっぱつ] (n, vs) outbreak/occurrence "],"重":["重[じゅう<br>え<br>おも]-fold; -ply  N1","重なる[かさなる<br>おもなる]main; principal;important  N1","重役[じゅうやく<br>おもやく]heavy responsibilities; director  N1","重んじる[おもんじる]to respect; to honor;to esteem;to prize  N1","重んずる[おもんずる]to honor; to respect;to esteem;to prize  N1","重複[じゅうふく<br>ちょうふく]duplication; repetition;overlapping;redundancy;restoration  N1","重宝[ちょうほう<br>じゅうほう]priceless treasure; convenience;usefulness  N1","比重[ひじゅう]specific gravity  N1","重たい[おもたい]heavy, massive,serious  N2","重ねる[かさねる]to pile up, to put something on another,to heap up,to add,to repeat  N2","厳重[げんじゅう<br>げんじょう<br>げんちょう]strict, rigour,severe,firm  N2","重体[じゅうたい]seriously ill, serious condition,critical state  N2","重点[じゅうてん]important point, lay stress on,colon,emphasis  N2","重量[じゅうりょう](1) weight, (2) heavyweight boxer  N2","重力[じゅうりょく]gravity  N2","貴重[きちょう]precious,  valuable  N3","重視[じゅうし]importance,  stress, serious consideration  N3","重大[じゅうだい]serious,  important, grave, weighty  N3","重要[じゅうよう]important,  momentous, essential, principal, major  N3","慎重[しんちょう]discretion,  prudence  N3","尊重[そんちょう]respect,  esteem, regard  N3","重い[おもい]heavy  N5","体重[たいじゅう]Body Weight ","二重[にじゅう<br>ふたえ]Double,  dual ","一重[ひとえ]one layer ","重さ[おもさ]weight ","重み[おもみ]weight ","重心[じゅうしん]center of gravity ","重工業[じゅうこうぎょう]heavy industry ","重症[じゅうしょう]serious illness ","重傷[じゅうしょう<br>おもで]heavy injury ","貴重品[きちょうひん]valuables ","重鎮[じゅうちん]leader,  authority ","三重[さんじゅう<br>みえ] (n, adj-no) triple/treble/threefold/three-ply/triplicate (P) ","重奏[じゅうそう] (n, vs) instrumental ensemble ","重臣[じゅうしん] (n) chief vassal/senior statesman ","重荷[おもに<br>じゅうか] (n) load/heavy burden/encumbrance/heavy freight/heavy responsibility (P) ","荷重[かじゅう<br>におも] (n) load/loading/weight (of a load) ","八重[やえ] (n) multilayered/doubled (P) ","度重なる[たびかさなる] (v5r, vi) to repeat/to be frequent ","重罪[じゅうざい] (n, adj-no) felony/serious crime ","重用[じゅうよう<br>ちょうよう] (n, vs) appointing to a responsible post ","多重[たじゅう] (n, adj-no,adj-na) multiple/multiplex (P) ","積み重ね[つみかさね] (n) pile/accumulation (P) ","重圧[じゅうあつ] (n) strong pressure/heavy pressure (P) ","積み重ねる[つみかさねる] (v1, vt) to pile up/to accumulate (P) ","最も重要[もっともじゅうよう] (exp, adj-na) most important/central/matters most/overriding/top ","重機[じゅうき] (n) (1) heavy machinery/heavy equipment (2) (abbr) heavy machine gun ","重慶[じゅうけい] (n) Chongqing (China) ","重点的[じゅうてんてき] (adj-na) prioritized/focused/concentrated/predominant (P) ","重油[じゅうゆ] (n) heavy oil/fuel oil (P) ","重度[じゅうど] (adj-no, n) severe (injury, handicap, etc.)/serious (P) ","自重[じじゅう<br>じちょう] (n) (1) weight of an (unloaded) vehicle/dead load/tare (2) one's own weight ","重き[おもき] (n) importance/emphasis/stress (P) ","重厚[じゅうこう<br>ちょうこう] (adj-na) profound/deep/grave/solid/dignified/stately/solemn/massive/composed (P) ","重篤[じゅうとく] (adj-na, n) critical (condition)/serious ","九重[ここのえ] (n) ninefold/imperial palace/the Court (P) "],"持":["支持[しじ]support; maintenance  N1","所持[しょじ]possession; owning  N1","持続[じぞく]continuation  N1","持ち[もち]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;hold;charge;keep possession;in charge; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;wear;durability;life;draw; 3.&nbsp;&nbsp;usage (suff)  N1","持ち切り[もちきり]hot topic; talk of the town  N1","持て成す[もてなす]to entertain; to make welcome  N1","持てる[もてる]to be well liked; to be popular  N1","受け持つ[うけもつ]to take (be in) charge of  N2","持参[じさん]bringing, taking,carrying  N2","維持[いじ]maintenance,  preservation  N3","金持ち[かねもち]rich man  N3","持ち上げる[もちあげる]to raise,  to lift up, to flatter  N3","お・金持ち[お・かねもち]rich man  N4","気持ち[きもち]feeling, mood  N4","持つ[もつ]to hold  N5","力持ち[ちからもち]powerful person ","受け持ち[うけもち]in charge of ","持ち主[もちぬし]owner ","持ち物[もちもの]one's belongings ","持ち直す[もちなおす]improve ","持ってくる[もってくる]bring ","持って行く[もっていく]take ","長持ち[ながもち]endurance ","気持ちいい[きもちいい]Good Feeling,  feeling good, feels good ","持て成し[もてなし]hospitality ","気持ち悪い[きもちわるい]To Feel Terrible,  terrible, to feel bad, bad feeling, feeling bad, feeling terrible ","保持[ほじ]Retention,  maintenance, preservation ","保持する[ほじする]To Maintain,  to preserve ","持ち込む[もちこむ]bring in ","維持する[いじする]To Maintain ","持ち堪える[もちこたえる]hold out ","持ってこい[もってこい] (exp, adj-na,adj-no) (1) (uk) just right/ideal/perfectly suitable (exp) (2) fetch!/bring me ... ","気持[きもち] (n) (1) feeling/sensation/mood (2) preparedness/readiness/attitude (3) (hum) thanks/solicitude/sympathy (adv) (4) just a little/somewhat/slightly ","気持ちよい[きもちよい] (exp, adj-i) good feeling/feeling good ","持ち株[もちかぶ] (n) stock holdings/one's shares (P) ","持ち帰る[もちかえる] (v5r, vt) to bring back/to carry home/to take out (e.g. food) (P) ","持ち出す[もちだす] (v5s, vt) (1) to take out/to carry out/to bring out from where it belongs (2) to mention something/to broach a topic/to bring up (a subject)/to raise (an issue)/to mention (P) ","お金持ち[おかねもち] (n) rich person ","持ち歩く[もちあるく] (v5k, vt) to carry around/to carry on one's person ","持ち場[もちば] (n) job/station/position/post/route ","持ち掛ける[もちかける] (v1, vt) to offer (a suggestion, etc.)/to propose (an idea, etc.)/to approach with (a proposal, etc.) ","大金持ち[おおかねもち<br>おおがねもち] (n) very rich person/the super rich ","持ち合わせる[もちあわせる] (v1, vt) to happen to have on hand or in stock ","持ってけ[もってけ] (exp) (sl) (vulg) Take it!/Take that! ","持ち上がる[もちあがる] (v5r, vi) (1) to be lifted/to be raised/to rise/to go up (2) to happen suddenly/to occur/to come up/to turn up (3) to be homeroom teacher for the same class multiple years in a row/to move up with one's class ","併せ持つ[あわせもつ] (v5t, vt) to have two things (at the same time) (e.g. good and bad points)/to also have something (in addition to something else) ","手持ち[てもち] (adj-no, n) (1) in hand/on hand/on one/in stock/in store (adj-f) (2) handheld (P) ","持ち味[もちあじ] (n) (1) inherent flavor/inherent flavour/natural taste (2) distinctive characteristic (of a person,  work, etc.)/peculiar quality/special ability (P) ","支持者[しじしゃ] (n) supporter (e.g. of the arts)/adherent/proponent ","持ちこたえる[もちこたえる] (v1, vt) to hold out (e.g. against an attack)/to hang on/to withstand/to endure/to last ","堅持[けんじ] (n, vs) holding on to/sticking to (P) ","気持ち良い[きもちよい] (exp, adj-i) good feeling/feeling good ","持ち前[もちまえ] (n, adj-no) one's nature/characteristic/inherent/natural (P) ","持病[じびょう] (n) chronic disease (P) ","住持[じゅうじ] (n, vs) chief priest of temple ","持久[じきゅう] (n, vs) endurance/persistence (P) ","持する[じする] (vs-s) to hold/to maintain ","持ち越す[もちこす] (v5s, vt) to carry over/to carry forward/to keep (for later)/to defer (P) "],"新":["革新[かくしん]reform; innovation  N1","新[しん<br>あら<br>さら<br>にい]new  N1","新興[しんこう]rising; developing;emergent  N1","新婚[しんこん]newly-wed  N1","新人[しんじん]new face; newcomer  N1","新築[しんちく]new building; new construction  N1","新入生[しんにゅうせい]freshman; first-year student  N1","新幹線[しんかんせん]bullet train (very high speed), shinkansen  N2","新た[あらた]new,  fresh, novel  N3","新鮮[しんせん]fresh  N3","新聞社[しんぶんしゃ]newspaper company  N4","新しい[あたらしい]new  N5","新聞[しんぶん]newspaper  N5","新年[しんねん]New Year ","新米[しんまい]new rice ","新学期[しんがっき]new term ","新宿[しんじゅく]Shinjuku ","新品[しんぴん]Brand New,  new item, new product ","新規[しんき]newly ","新婚旅行[しんこんりょこう]Honeymoon ","更新[こうしん]Renewal,  update ","維新[いしん]Restoration,  meiji restoration ","明治維新[めいじいしん]Meiji Restoration ","新刊[しんかん]new publication ","新鋭[しんえい]Freshly Picked,  newly produced ","最新鋭[さいしんえい]State Of The Art,  cutting edge ","斬新[ざんしん]Novel Idea,  original, novel, original idea ","新芽[しんめ]Sprout,  bud, shoot ","新陳代謝[しんちんたいしゃ]metabolism ","謹賀新年[きんがしんねん]happy new year,  happy new year! ","新潟[にいがた] (n) Niigata (city) (P) ","最新[さいしん] (n, adj-no) latest/newest/late-breaking (news) (P) ","新設[しんせつ] (n, vs,adj-no) establishing/founding/setting up/organizing/establishment (P) ","朝日新聞[あさひしんぶん] (n) Asahi Shimbun (newspaper) ","新作[しんさく] (n, vs) new work/new production (P) ","新入り[しんいり] (n, adj-no) newcomer/initiate/rookie ","新しく[あたらしく] (adv) newly/new/anew ","新党[しんとう] (n) new (political) party (P) ","新型[しんがた] (n, adj-no) new type/new style/new model/new strain (e.g. infectious disease) (P) ","新着[しんちゃく] (n, adj-no,vs) new arrivals/new acquisitions ","新田[あらた<br>しんでん] (n) (1) new rice field/newly developed rice field (2) wasteland or marshland newly reclaimed as a rice field (Edo period) ","一新[いっしん] (n, vs) complete change/reform/restoration/remodeling/remodelling/renewal (P) ","新造[しんぞ<br>しんぞう] (n, vs) (1) new/newly made (n) (2) unmarried woman of about 20 (3) newly-married woman (4) new prostitute that has not started working/attendant of an older prostitute ","新書[しんしょ] (n) (1) new book (2) 17x11 cm paperback book (P) ","産経新聞[さんけいしんぶん] (n) Sankei newspaper ","新生[しんせい] (n, vs,adj-no) rebirth/new birth/nascent (P) ","新世界[しんせかい] (n) (1) New World (esp. the Americas,  but also Australasia) (2) new world (P) ","新宮[しんぐう] (n) newly constructed shrine ","新星[しんせい] (n) (1) (astron) nova (2) new face/new star (P) ","新曲[しんきょく] (n) new piece/new song (P) ","新報[しんぽう] (n) news ","刷新[さっしん] (n, vs) reform/renovation (P) ","新車[しんしゃ] (n) new car (P) ","新制[しんせい] (n, adj-no) new system (P) ","新開[しんかい] (n) opening (of uncultivated land) ","新妻[にいづま] (n) new wife ","新郎[しんろう] (n) bridegroom (P) ","新卒[しんそつ] (n, adj-no) new graduate/recent graduate (P) ","新橋[しんばし] (n) Shinbashi (section of Tokyo) (P) ","新婦[しんぷ] (n) bride (P) ","新春[しんしゅん] (n) New Year (Spring) (P) ","新約[しんやく] (n) (1) new contract/new agreement (2) (abbr) New Testament ","新入[しんにゅう] (n, adj-no) newly arrived/newly joined/newly entered/newcomer (P) ","新株[しんかぶ] (n) newly issued stock or share/stock issue/share issue (P) ","新進党[しんしんとう] (n) New Frontier Party (defunct Japanese political party)/NFP ","新選組[しんせんぐみ] (n) Shinsengumi/shogunate police and military force located in Kyoto and dedicated to suppressing anti-shogunate activities (Edo period) ","新旧[しんきゅう] (adj-no, n) new and old/incoming and outgoing (P) ","新薬[しんやく] (n) new medicine (P) ","新種[しんしゅ] (n, adj-no) new species/new variety ","新装[しんそう] (n, vs) redecoration/remodelling/remodeling/refurbishment (P) ","新居[しんきょ] (n) new home (P) ","新館[しんかん] (n) new building/annexe/annex ","新編[しんぺん] (n) new edition ","新語[しんご] (n) new word/neologism/word of recent origin/recent word/modern term (P) ","新進[しんしん] (n, adj-no) rising/up-and-coming (P) ","新地[さらち<br>しんち] (n) empty lot/vacant plot of land ","新派[しんぱ] (n) (1) new school (of thought,  etc.) (2) new drama (P) "],"屋":["問屋[とんや<br>といや]wholesale store  N1","屋敷[やしき]mansion  N1","屋外[おくがい<br>やど]outdoors  N2","家屋[かおく]house, building  N2","床屋[とこや]barber  N2","店屋[みせや]store, shop  N2","小屋[こや<br>しょうおく]hut,  cabin, shed, (animal) pen  N3","屋根[やね]roof  N3","屋上[おくじょう]rooftop  N4","部屋[へや]room  N5","八百屋[やおや]greengrocer  N5","本屋[ほんや<br>ほんおく]Bookstore,  book shop ","肉屋[にくや]Butcher Shop,  meat shop, meat store ","魚屋[さかなや]Fish Shop,  fish market, fish dealer, fish store, fishmonger ","名古屋[なごや]Nagoya ","〜屋[や]Store,  shop ","茶屋[ちゃや]Tea Shop,  tea store, tea house ","そば屋[そばや]buckwheat noodle shop ","たばこ屋[たばこや]cigarette store ","分からず屋[わからずや]obstinate person ","屋内[おくない]indoors ","酒屋[さかや]liquor store ","宿屋[やどや]hotel ","不動産屋[ふどうさんや]real estate agent ","質屋[しちや]pawnshop ","居酒屋[いざかや]bar ","郵便屋さん[ゆうびんやさん]mail carrier ","靴屋[くつや]Shoe Store,  shoe shop ","菓子屋[かしや]Candy Store,  candy shop, sweet store, sweet shop ","洗濯屋[せんたくや]dry cleaners,  laundromat ","風呂屋[ふろや]bathhouse ","屋[や] (suf) (1) (something) shop (2) somebody who sells (something) or works as (something) (3) somebody with a (certain) personality trait (n) (4) house (5) roof ","お部屋[おへや] (n) (1) (pol) room (2) (pol) apartment/flat ","屋台[やたい] (n) (1) cart (esp. a food cart)/stall/stand (2) festival float/portable shrine dedicated to a god and shaped like a house/dancing platform (3) stage prop fashioned after a large building (4) (abbr) framework (of a house,  etc.) (5) (arch) house (esp. a small and miserable house) (P) ","納屋[なや] (n) shed/barn/outhouse (P) ","岩屋[いわや] (n) cavern/grotto (P) ","古本屋[ふるほんや] (n) second hand bookstore (bookshop) (P) ","殺し屋[ころしや] (n) professional killer/hit man ","社屋[しゃおく] (n) company office building (P) ","運び屋[はこびや] (n) courier/smuggler/carrier (e.g. of illegal drugs)/trafficker ","屋号[やごう] (n) (1) name of store/trade name (esp. of a sole proprietorship) (2) stage name (e.g. of actor) ","楽屋[がくや] (n) (1) dressing room/green room/backstage (2) behind the scenes/the inside/inside affairs (P) ","長屋[ながや] (n) tenement house/row house (P) ","飲み屋[のみや] (n) bar/saloon/pub/tavern/drinking establishment ","花屋[はなや] (n) florist/flower shop (P) ","庄屋[しょうや] (n) (ksb:) village headman ","山小屋[やまごや] (n) hut (esp. on a mountain)/shack/refuge/shanty (P) ","建屋[たてや] (n) structure for housing heavy machinery ","古屋[こおく<br>ふるや] (ok) (n) old house/deserted house ","平屋[ひらや] (n) bungalow/one-story house "],"送":["運送[うんそう]shipping; marine transportation  N1","回送[かいそう]forwarding  N1","送金[そうきん]remittance; sending money  N1","送り仮名[おくりがな]part of word written in kana  N2","送別[そうべつ]farewell, send-off  N2","送料[そうりょう]postage, carriage  N2","見送る[みおくる](1) to see off, to farewell,(2) to escort,(3) to let pass  N2","郵送[ゆうそう]mailing  N2","輸送[ゆそう]transport, transportation  N2","放送[ほうそう]broadcast,  broadcasting  N3","見送り[みおくり]seeing one off,  farewell, escort  N3","送る[おくる]to send  N4","仕送り[しおくり]sending of money ","発送[はっそう]forwarding ","送付[そうふ]remittance ","転送[てんそう]Transfer,  transmission, forwarding ","放送する[ほうそうする]To Broadcast ","送別会[そうべつかい]farewell party ","送信[そうしん]transmission ","搬送[はんそう]Transportation ","移送[いそう] (n, vs) transfer/transport/removal (P) ","送り出す[おくりだす] (v5s, vt) to send out/to forward/to show (a person) out ","送り込む[おくりこむ] (v5m, vt) to send in (P) ","伝送[でんそう] (n, vs) transmission/communication/circulation/dissemination/diffusion/propagation/delivery (P) ","送電[そうでん] (n, vs) transmission of electricity/electricity supply/power supply (P) ","生放送[なまほうそう] (n, vs) live broadcast ","送り[おくり] (n) (1) seeing off/sending off (2) funeral (3) escapement (P) ","先送り[さきおくり] (n, vs) postpone (P) ","配送[はいそう] (n, vs) delivery (P) ","送受信[そうじゅしん] (n) transceiver (send and receive) ","護送[ごそう] (n, vs) escort (e.g. under guard)/convoy (P) ","送還[そうかん] (n, vs) sending home/repatriation/deportation (P) ","送出[そうしゅつ] (n, vs) sending ","送迎[そうげい] (n, vs) seeing off and meeting on return (P) ","送球[そうきゅう] (n, vs) (1) (sports) throwing a ball (n) (2) handball (P) ","送致[そうち] (n, vs) sending/forwarding "],"物":["獲物[えもの]game; spoils;trophy  N1","織物[おりもの]textile; fabric  N1","贋物[にせもの]imitation; counterfeit;forgery;sham  N1","禁物[きんもつ]taboo; forbidden thing  N1","作物[さくもつ<br>さくぶつ]literary work  N1","産物[さんぶつ]product; result;fruit  N1","私物[しぶつ]private property; personal effects  N1","出来物[できもの]able man; tumour;growth;boil;ulcer;abcess;rash;pimple  N1","物資[ぶっし]goods; materials  N1","物体[ぶったい<br>もったい]body; object  N1","物議[ぶつぎ]public discussion (criticism)  N1","干し物[ほしもの]dried washing (clothes)  N1","見せ物[みせもの]show; exhibition  N1","物体ない[ぶったいない]too good; more than one deserves;wasteful;sacrilegious;unworthy of  N1","物置き[ものおき]storeroom  N1","物好き[ものずき]curiosity  N1","物足りない[ものたりない]unsatisfied; unsatisfactory  N1","編物[あみもの]knitting, web  N2","入れ物[いれもの]container, case,receptacle  N2","落し物[おとしもの]lost property  N2","貨物[かもつ<br>かぶつ]cargo, freight  N2","鉱物[こうぶつ]mineral  N2","実物[じつぶつ<br>みもの]real thing, original  N2","瀬戸物[せともの]earthenware, crockery,china  N2","農産物[のうさんぶつ]agricultural produce  N2","物騒[ぶっそう]dangerous, disturbed,insecure  N2","名物[めいぶつ]famous product, special product,speciality  N2","物置[ものおき]storage room  N2","物語る[ものがたる]to tell, to indicate  N2","物差し[ものさし]ruler, measure  N2","物凄い[ものすごい]earth-shattering, staggering,to a very great extent  N2","生き物[いきもの]living thing,  animal  N3","穀物[こくもつ]grain,  cereal, corn  N3","植物[しょくぶつ]plant,  vegetation  N3","食物[しょくもつ<br>くいもの]food,  foodstuff  N3","書物[しょもつ]books  N3","人物[じんぶつ]character,  personality, person, man, personage, talented man  N3","生物[せいぶつ<br>なまもの]raw food  N3","博物館[はくぶつかん]museum  N3","物価[ぶっか]prices of commodities,  prices (in general)  N3","物質[ぶっしつ]material,  substance  N3","物理[ぶつり]physics  N3","本物[ほんもの]genuine article  N3","物音[ものおと]sounds  N3","物語[ものがたり]tale,  story, legend  N3","物事[ものごと]things,  everything  N3","贈り物[おくりもの]gift  N4","着物[きもの<br>きるもの]kimono  N4","見物[けんぶつ<br>みもの]sightseeing  N4","品物[しなもの]goods  N4","動物園[どうぶつえん]zoo  N4","乗り物[のりもの]vehicle  N4","忘れ物[わすれもの]lost article  N4","買い物[かいもの<br>かいもん]shopping  N5","果物[くだもの<br>かぶつ]fruit  N5","建物[たてもの]building  N5","食べ物[たべもの]food  N5","動物[どうぶつ]animal  N5","荷物[にもつ]luggage  N5","飲み物[のみもの]a drink  N5","物[もの<br>ぶつ<br>もん]thing  N5","なま物[なまもの]uncooked food ","化け物[ばけもの<br>ばけもん]ghost ","売り物[うりもの]feature ","持ち物[もちもの]one's belongings ","物知り[ものしり]knowledgeable person ","見物人[けんぶつにん]spectator ","落とし物[おとしもの]lost property ","好物[こうぶつ]favorite food ","植物園[しょくぶつえん]botanical garden ","薬物[やくぶつ]Medicines,  drugs ","無生物[むせいぶつ]inanimate object ","物干し[ものほし]clotheshorse ","物覚え[ものおぼえ]memory ","手荷物[てにもつ]Hand Baggage,  hand luggage, cabin baggage, carry on ","洗い物[あらいもの]dishes to be washed ","履物[はきもの]footwear ","有機物[ゆうきぶつ]organic matter ","海産物[かいさんぶつ]marine products ","無機物[むきぶつ]inorganic substance ","履き物[はきもの]Footwear,  shoes ","置物[おきもの]ornament ","不燃物[ふねん ぶつ]incombustibles ","可燃物[かねん ぶつ]combustibles ","微生物[びせいぶつ]Microorganism,  microbe ","壊れ物[こわれもの]Fragile Thing,  breakables, fragile item ","編み物[あみもの]knitting ","貨物船[かもつせん]Freighter,  freight ship ","物真似[ものまね]Impersonation ","酢の物[すのもの]Vinegared Food,  pickled food ","源氏物語[げんじものがたり]Tale Of Genji,  the tale of genji ","遺失物[いしつぶつ]lost property ","汁物[しるもの]Soups,  soup ","偽物[にせもの<br>ぎぶつ<br>にせもん]imitation ","刃物[はもの]Edged Tool,  cutlery, kitchen cutlery ","物陰[ものかげ]shade ","煮物[にもの]Boiled Foods,  stewed foods ","唯物論[ゆいぶつろん]Materialism ","漬物[つけもの]pickle ","博物[はくぶつ] (n) (1) (abbr) natural history (2) wide learning/broad area of learning (P) ","物件[ぶっけん] (n) article/thing/object/property (real estate) (P) ","大物[おおもの] (n, adj-no) (1) important person/big-shot/bigwig (2) big game (animal, fish)/big thing/valuable thing (P) ","食い物[くいもの] (n) (1) food/foodstuff (2) prey/victim ","怪物[かいぶつ] (n) monster (P) ","遺物[いぶつ] (n) relic/remains/memento (P) ","大好物[だいこうぶつ] (n) (one's) favourite food (one's) favorite food ","小物[こもの] (n) accessories/small articles (P) ","物流[ぶつりゅう] (n, adj-no) (physical) distribution/distribution of goods/logistics (P) ","障害物[しょうがいぶつ] (n) obstacle/hurdle ","物産[ぶっさん] (n) product (P) ","洗濯物[せんたくもの] (n) laundry/the washing (P) ","魔物[まもの] (n) demon/devil/evil spirit/monster/goblin/apparition ","宝物[たからもの<br>ほうもつ] (n) treasure/treasured item/prized possession (P) ","安物[やすもの] (n) cheap article/poor quality article (P) ","物品[ぶっぴん] (n) goods/articles (P) ","代物[しろもの<br>だいぶつ] (n) (1) article/goods/product (2) fine thing/fellow/affair/stuff (3) prostitute ","先物[さきもの] (n) futures (P) ","付き物[つきもの] (n) (1) essential part/indispensable part/unavoidable part/accompaniment/appendage/accessory (2) front and back matter (of a book,  magazine, etc.) ","生物学[せいぶつがく] (n) biology (P) ","動植物[どうしょくぶつ] (n) plants and animals/flora and fauna (P) ","買物[かいもの<br>かいもん] (n) shopping/purchased goods (P) ","別物[べつもの] (n) another thing/exception/special case ","物色[ぶっしょく] (n, vs) (1) looking for a particular person or thing/searching high and low/hunting for/rummaging/scouring (a place) looking for (something) (2) picking out/singling out ","抗生物質[こうせいぶっしつ] (n, adj-no) antibiotic/antibiotics (P) ","現物[げんぶつ] (n) (1) actual article or goods (2) spots (stocks,  foreign exchange, commodities, etc.) (3) (in) kind (income, benefit, rent, taxes, investment, etc.) (P) ","化物[ばけもの<br>ばけもん] (n) goblin/apparition/monster/ghost/phantom/spectre/specter ","読み物[よみもの] (n) reading matter/reading material (P) ","事物[じぶつ] (n) things/affairs ","農作物[のうさくぶつ<br>のうさくもつ] (n) crops/agricultural produce (P) ","毒物[どくぶつ] (n) poisonous substance/toxic substance/poison ","水和物[すいわぶつ] (n) hydrate ","鋳物[いもの] (n) cast metal/casting (P) ","土産物[みやげもの] (n) souvenir ","文物[ぶんぶつ] (n) (the products of) culture or civilization (civilisation) ","物性[ぶっせい] (n) physical properties/properties of matter/physicality "],"使":["お使い[おつかい]errand  N1","使命[しめい]mission; errand;message  N1","使用人[しようにん]employee; servant  N1","使い道[つかいみち]use  N1","使用[しよう]use,  application, employment, utilization  N3","大使[たいし]ambassador  N3","大使館[たいしかん]embassy  N5","使う[つかう]to use  N5","天使[てんし]Angel ","使い[つかい]errand ","公使[こうし]minister ","行使[こうし]employment ","使い方[つかいかた]How To Use,  way of using ","使節[しせつ]ambassador ","使い捨て[つかいすて<br>つかいずて]disposable ","魔法使い[まほうつかい]Wizard,  magician, sorcerer ","酷使[こくし]exploitation,  overuse, abuse ","使える[つかえる] (v1) to be usable/to be serviceable/to be useful ","駆使[くし] (n) (1) free use (vs) (2) to use freely/to make free use of/to have good command (e.g. of a language) (3) to drive someone on (P) ","使者[ししゃ] (n, adj-no) messenger/envoy/emissary (P) ","使[し] (n) (1) messenger (2) (abbr) police and judicial chief (Heian and Kamakura periods) (3) (Buddh) klesha (polluting thoughts such as greed,  hatred and delusion, which result in suffering) ","使い勝手[つかいかって<br>つかいがって] (exp, n) ease of use/user-friendliness/usability/utility ","使徒[しと] (n, adj-no) apostle/disciple (P) ","使い分ける[つかいわける] (v1, vt) to use properly/to use (different things) for different purposes ","使いこなす[つかいこなす] (v5s, vt) to handle (men)/to master (a tool)/to manage/to acquire a command of (a language) ","労使[ろうし] (n) labour and management/labor and management (P) ","こき使う[こきつかう] (v5u, vt) to work (someone) hard/to push (someone) around ","使役[しえき] (n, vs) (1) employing/using/setting to work/enslavement (n) (2) (ling) causative (verb, etc.) ","特使[とくし] (n) special envoy (P) ","開拓使[かいたくし] (n) early-Meiji administrative unit for Hokkaido (1869-1882) "],"待":["待遇[たいぐう]treatment; reception  N1","待望[たいぼう]expectant waiting  N1","待ち合わせ[まちあわせ]appointment  N1","待ち遠しい[まちどおしい]looking forward to  N1","待ち望む[まちのぞむ]to look anxiously for; to wait eagerly for  N1","待合室[まちあいしつ]waiting room  N2","待ち合わせる[まちあわせる]to rendezvous, to meet at a prearranged place and time  N2","期待[きたい]expectation,  anticipation, hope  N3","招待[しょうたい<br>しょうだい]invitation  N3","待つ[まつ]to wait  N5","待たせる[またせる]To Make Someone Wait,  to keep someone waiting, to make wait, to keep waiting ","待ち受ける[まちうける]await ","待ちぼうけ[まちぼうけ]Stood Up,  waiting in vain ","期待する[きたいする]To Expect,  to anticipate ","待機[たいき]stand by ","待ち構える[まちかまえる]wait eagerly for ","接待[せったい]reception entertainment ","招待する[しょうたいする]To Invite,  to summon ","待ち兼ねる[まちかねる]wait impatiently ","虐待[ぎゃくたい]abuse,  maltreatment, mistreatment, cruelty ","待ち伏せ[まちぶせ]ambush ","待った[まった] (n) (1) (sumo) false start of a bout (2) backsies (called when taking back a move in a game) ","待ち[まち] (n, n-suf) (1) waiting/waiting time (2) (mahj) wait tile/tile which would complete one's hand (P) ","招待状[しょうたいじょう] (n) written invitation ","待避[たいひ] (n, vs) (take) shelter/shunt ","待たす[またす] (v5s, vt) to keep (a person) waiting (P) ","優待[ゆうたい] (n, vs,adj-no) preferential treatment/hospitality/warm reception/welcome ","お待ちかね[おまちかね] (adj-no) (1) (pol) long-awaited/long-waited-for (n) (2) (pol) someone who has waited a long time/something that one has waited impatiently for ","招待客[しょうたいきゃく] (n) invitee ","待ち時間[まちじかん] (n) waiting time/latency/standby time (e.g. cellular phones)/queueing time ","待合[まちあい] (n, vs) (1) rendezvous/meeting/assignation (n) (2) area where guests gather before the start of a tea ceremony (3) (abbr) waiting room (4) (arch) (abbr) meeting place for assignations, drinking, etc. (P) "],"界":["境界[きょうかい]boundary  N2","限界[げんかい]limit,  bound  N3","世界[せかい]the world  N4","学界[がっかい]academic circles ","業界[ぎょうかい]industry ","芸能界[げいのうかい]Showbusiness,  showbiz, show business ","政界[せいかい]political world ","財界[ざいかい]business world ","租界[そかい]Concession,  settlement ","花柳界[かりゅうかい]Red Light District,  pleasure quarters, world of the geisha ","界[かい<br>さかい] (n) (1) (biol) kingdom (2) (geol) erathem (rock layer corresponding to the era in which it was deposited) (3) partition of land (suf) (4) the world of (some category) ","世界中[せかいじゅう] (n, adj-no) around the world/throughout the world (P) ","世界一[せかいいち] (n-adv, n-t) best in the world (P) ","結界[けっかい] (n) (1) (Buddh) (fixing) boundaries for religious practices (2) (Buddh) prohibition (of items,  people, spirits, etc. that would hinder Buddhist practice) (3) (Buddh) fence between inner and outer sanctums in a temple (4) (arch) short two or three-fold lattice around the front desk of a store (5) (col) barrier/dimensional barrier/containment zone/containment barrier/mystical barrier ","世界的[せかいてき] (adj-na) (1) worldwide/global/international/universal (2) world-famous/world-class (P) ","人間界[にんげんかい] (n) human realm/world of humans/terrestrial world ","新世界[しんせかい] (n) (1) New World (esp. the Americas,  but also Australasia) (2) new world (P) ","視界[しかい] (n) field of vision/visibility/view/visual field (one's) ken (P) ","全世界[ぜんせかい] (n) the whole world (P) ","別世界[べっせかい] (n) another world ","魔界[まかい] (n) world of spirits/hell ","霊界[れいかい] (n, adj-no) the spiritual world ","他界[たかい] (n) (1) death/the next world (vs) (2) to pass away/to die ","世界最大[せかいさいだい] (adj-no, n) world's largest ","球界[きゅうかい] (n) the baseball world (P) ","臨界[りんかい] (n) (1) boundary (2) (physics) (nuclear) criticality (adj-f) (3) critical (mass,  pressure, temperature, state, point, etc.) (P) ","外界[がいかい] (n, adj-no) outside world/physical world (P) ","界隈[かいわい] (n, n-suf) neighborhood/neighbourhood/vicinity (P) ","各界[かくかい<br>かっかい] (n) each field/various circles "],"転":["逆転[ぎゃくてん](sudden) change; reversal;turn-around;coming from behind (baseball)  N1","自転[じてん]rotation; spin  N1","転回[てんかい]revolution; rotation  N1","転換[てんかん]convert; divert  N1","転居[てんきょ]moving; changing residence  N1","転勤[てんきん]transfer; transmission  N1","転校[てんこう]change schools  N1","転じる[てんじる]to turn; to shift;to alter;to distract  N1","転転[てんてん]rolling about; moving from place to place;being passed around repeatedly  N1","転任[てんにん]change of post  N1","転落[てんらく]fall; degradation;slump  N1","移転[いてん]moving, transfer,demise  N2","回転[かいてん]rotation, revolution,turning  N2","転がす[ころがす]to roll  N2","転がる[ころがる]to roll, to tumble  N2","転々[てんてん] (adv, adv-to,n,vs) (1) moving from place to place/being passed around repeatedly (2) rolling about (P)  N2","運転[うんてん]operation,  motion, driving  N3","転ぶ[ころぶ<br>まろぶ]to fall down  N3","運転手[うんてんしゅ]driver  N4","自転車[じてんしゃ<br>じでんしゃ]bicycle  N5","運転する[うんてんする]To Drive ","転送[てんそう]Transfer,  transmission, forwarding ","好転[こうてん]a turn for the better ","運転士[うんてん し]driver ","回転ずし[かいてんずし]Rotating Sushi,  conveyor belt sushi, revolving sushi, sushi train, sushi go round ","回転する[かいてんする]To Rotate,  to revolve ","寝転ぶ[ねころぶ]lie down ","転嫁[てんか]blame ","転覆[てんぷく]Capsizing,  overturn ","転ずる[てんずる] (vz, vi) to turn/to shift/to alter/to distract ","転向[てんこう] (n, vs) conversion/shift/about-face/switch (P) ","転載[てんさい] (n, vs) reprinting/reproduction ","転校生[てんこうせい] (n) transfer student/student changing schools ","転[くるり<br>てん] (adv, adv-to) (1) (uk) (on-mim) turning around (once) (2) suddenly/abruptly (3) completely (wrapped in something)/quickly (unwrapping something) (4) beautiful, round (eyes) (n) (5) (abbr) flail (for threshing grain) ","転写[てんしゃ] (n, vs) (1) transcription (of a text, DNA, RNA, etc.)/copying/transfer (printing) (2) (ling) transcription/transliteration ","転身[てんしん] (n, vs) (job) turnover (P) ","公転[こうてん] (n, vs) revolution (of heavens) ","転職[てんしょく] (n, vs) change of occupation/career change (P) ","転用[てんよう] (n, vs,adj-no) diversion/putting something to another use (P) ","気分転換[きぶんてんかん] (n) (yoji) change of pace/change of mood (mental) break (e.g. going for a walk)/refreshment (P) ","転戦[てんせん] (n, vs) fighting in numerous battles (P) ","反転[はんてん] (n, vs) (1) rolling over/turning over (2) turning around (the other way)/reversal (of direction, course, etc.)/inversion/flipping (3) producing a positive from a negative (photography)/producing a negative from a positive (4) (math) circle inversion/plane inversion (P) ","転倒[てんとう<br>てんどう] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) falling down/tumbling/overturning/turning over (2) reversing/inverting/inversion (3) getting upset (P) ","一転[いってん] (n, vs) (1) one turn/spinning around (n,vs,n-adv) (2) complete change/reversal (an) about-face/sudden transformation ","転移[てんい] (n, vs) (1) moving (location, with the times, etc.)/change/transition (2) (med) metastasis/spread (3) (physics) transition (e.g phase transition) (4) transfer (of learning) (5) transference (in psychoanalysis) (P) ","転出[てんしゅつ] (n, vs) moving out/transfer (P) ","飲酒運転[いんしゅうんてん] (n) drunken driving/driving while intoxicated/drinking and driving (P) ","転入[てんにゅう] (n, vs) move in (to a new house) ","転生[てんしょう<br>てんせい] (n, vs,adj-no) (Buddh) transmigration of souls/reincarnation ","転機[てんき] (n) turning point (P) ","試運転[しうんてん] (n, vs) trial run/test run (P) ","転売[てんばい] (n, vs) resale (P) ","転記[てんき] (n, vs) posting (of notes, notices, etc.)/transcription ","転籍[てんせき] (n, vs) (1) transfer of permanent domicile (as recorded in the family register) (2) transfer of school register ","転進[てんしん] (n, vs) changing course or direction/shifting position "],"業":["業者[ぎょうしゃ]trader; merchant  N1","業績[ぎょうせき]achievement; performance;results;work;contribution  N1","業務[ぎょうむ]business; affairs;duties;work  N1","兼業[けんぎょう]side line; second business  N1","鉱業[こうぎょう]mining industry  N1","興業[こうぎょう]industrial enterprise  N1","業[ごう<br>ぎょう<br>わざ]Buddhist karma; actions committed in a former life  N1","就業[しゅうぎょう]employment; starting work  N1","事業[じぎょう<br>ことわざ]project; enterprise;business;industry;operations  N1","実業家[じつぎょうか]industrialist; businessman  N1","従業員[じゅうぎょういん]employee; worker  N1","分業[ぶんぎょう]division of labor; specialization;assembly-line production  N1","林業[りんぎょう]forestry  N1","休業[きゅうぎょう]closed (e.g. store), business suspended,shutdown,holiday  N2","漁業[ぎょぎょう]fishing (industry)  N2","商業[しょうぎょう]commerce, trade,business  N2","営業[えいぎょう]business,  trade, management  N3","企業[きぎょう]enterprise,  undertaking  N3","作業[さぎょう]work,  operation, manufacturing, fatigue duty  N3","失業[しつぎょう]unemployment  N3","職業[しょくぎょう]occupation,  business  N3","農業[のうぎょう]agriculture  N3","工業[こうぎょう]the manufacturing industry  N4","産業[さんぎょう]industry  N4","卒業[そつぎょう]graduation  N4","授業[じゅぎょう]lesson, class work  N5","開業[かいぎょう]Opening A Business,  opening of business, starting a business ","業界[ぎょうかい]industry ","重工業[じゅうこうぎょう]heavy industry ","神業[かみわざ]providence ","残業[ざんぎょう]Overtime ","卒業式[そつぎょうしき]Graduation Ceremony,  graduation ","卒業する[そつぎょうする]To Graduate ","副業[ふくぎょう]Side Business ","自営業[じえいぎょう]self-employment ","営業中[えいぎょうちゅう]Open For Business ","営業する[えいぎょうする]To Run A Business,  to manage a business ","従業[じゅうぎょう]Employment ","修業[しゅうぎょう<br>しゅぎょう]learning ","創業[そうぎょう] (n, vs) establishment (of a business)/founding (P) ","作業員[さぎょういん] (n) laborer/labourer/blue-collar worker ","自業自得[じごうじとく] (exp, adj-na,n,adj-no) (yoji) paying for one's mistakes/getting one's just deserts/suffering the consequences (of one's own actions)/reap what you sow ","起業[きぎょう] (n, vs) starting a business/promotion of enterprise ","実業[じつぎょう] (n) industry/business (P) ","卒業生[そつぎょうせい] (n) graduate/alumnus (P) ","廃業[はいぎょう] (n, vs) discontinuation (of business)/closing down/giving up (one's practice)/retiring (P) ","業種[ぎょうしゅ] (n) type of industry (P) ","専業[せんぎょう] (n) special occupation/principal occupation/specialty/monopoly (P) ","大企業[だいきぎょう] (n) large company/enterprise (P) ","操業[そうぎょう] (n, vs) operation (of a machine, factory, fishing boat, etc.)/work (P) ","事業主[じぎょうぬし<br>じゅぎょうしゅ] (n) business owner/entrepreneur ","授業中[じゅぎょうちゅう] (n) while in class (P) ","仕業[しわざ] (n) deed (esp. negative)/act/action/one's doing (P) ","学業[がくぎょう] (n) studies/schoolwork/classwork (P) ","家業[かぎょう] (n) (1) family business/family trade (2) one's occupation/one's trade (P) ","本業[ほんぎょう] (n) principal occupation/core business (P) ","同業[どうぎょう] (n) same trade/same business/same profession (P) ","巡業[じゅんぎょう] (n, vs) provincial tour (P) ","偉業[いぎょう] (n) great achievement/great feat/great work/great undertaking (P) ","業態[ぎょうたい] (n) (1) business conditions (2) business category/line of business ","協業[きょうぎょう] (n, vs) cooperative industry ","乳業[にゅうぎょう] (n) dairy industry ","生業[すぎあい<br>すぎわい<br>せいぎょう<br>なりわい] (ok) (n) (1) occupation/calling (2) livelihood ","勧業[かんぎょう] (n) (encouragement of) industry (P) "],"運":["運営[うんえい]management; administration;operation  N1","運送[うんそう]shipping; marine transportation  N1","運賃[うんちん]freight rates; shipping expenses;fare  N1","運搬[うんぱん]transport; carriage  N1","運命[うんめい]fate  N1","運輸[うんゆ]transportation  N1","運用[うんよう]making use of; application;investment;practical use  N1","海運[かいうん]maritime; marine transportation  N1","運河[うんが]canal, waterway  N2","不運[ふうん]unlucky, misfortune,bad luck,fate  N2","運[うん]fortune,  luck  N3","運転[うんてん]operation,  motion, driving  N3","運動[うんどう]motion,  exercise  N3","幸運[こううん]good luck,  fortune  N3","運転手[うんてんしゅ]driver  N4","運ぶ[はこぶ]to transport  N4","運がいい[うんがいい]Lucky ","運転する[うんてんする]To Drive ","運休[うんきゅう]suspension of service ","運行[うんこう]movement ","運良く[うんよく]fortunately ","運動会[うんどうかい]sports festival ","運動場[うんどうじょう]playground ","運転士[うんてん し]driver ","運航[うんこう] (n, vs) operating (e.g. ships, aircraft) (P) ","運輸省[うんゆしょう] (n) Ministry of Transport (P) ","運び[はこび] (n, n-suf) progress/pace/carriage/step/stage (P) ","飲酒運転[いんしゅうんてん] (n) drunken driving/driving while intoxicated/drinking and driving (P) ","運び屋[はこびや] (n) courier/smuggler/carrier (e.g. of illegal drugs)/trafficker ","機運[きうん] (n) (1) opportunity/chance/good time (to do) (2) trend/tendency/momentum (P) ","運勢[うんせい] (n) fortune/luck ","試運転[しうんてん] (n, vs) trial run/test run (P) ","水運[すいうん] (n) water transportation ","通運[つううん] (n) transportation "],"漢":["漢語[かんご]Chinese word; Sino-Japanese word  N1","漢和[かんわ]Chinese Character-Japanese (e.g. dictionary)  N2","漢字[かんじ]Chinese character  N5","漢文[かんぶん]Chinese classics ","常用漢字[じょうようかんじ]Chinese characters for daily use ","漢方薬[かんぽうやく]Chinese medicine ","珍紛漢紛[ちんぷんかんぷん]gibberish ","痴漢[ちかん]molester,  pervert ","漢[おとこ<br>から<br>かん] (n) (m-sl) man among men/man's man ","漢方[かんぽう] (n) traditional Chinese medicine (P) ","漢詩[からうた<br>かんし] (n) Chinese poetry ","漢学[かんがく] (n) Sinology/study of China or of the Chinese classics ","漢人[あやひと<br>からびと<br>かんじん] (n) ancient Chinese immigrant "],"集":["集まる[あつまる]to gather; to collect;to assemble  N1","群集[ぐんしゅう](social) group; crowd;throng;mob;multitude  N1","採集[さいしゅう]collecting; gathering  N1","集計[しゅうけい]totalization; aggregate  N1","収集[しゅうしゅう]gathering up; collection;accumulation  N1","特集[とくしゅう]feature (e.g. newspaper); special edition;report  N1","密集[みっしゅう]crowd; close formation;dense  N1","集会[しゅうかい]meeting, assembly  N2","集金[しゅうきん]money collection  N2","集合[しゅうごう]gathering, assembly,meeting,set (math)  N2","全集[ぜんしゅう]complete works  N2","編集[へんしゅう]editing, compilation,editorial (e.g. committee)  N2","募集[ぼしゅう]recruiting, taking applications  N2","集まり[あつまり]gathering,  meeting, assembly, collection  N3","集団[しゅうだん]group,  mass  N3","集中[しゅうちゅう]concentration,  focusing the mind  N3","集る[あつまる<br>たかる]to gather  N4","集める[あつめる]to collect something  N4","集落[しゅうらく]colony ","集中する[しゅうちゅうする]To Concentrate ","寄せ集め[よせあつめ]mixture ","寄り集まる[よりあつまる]gather ","編集者[へんしゅうしゃ]Editor ","編集する[へんしゅうする]To Edit ","募集中[ぼしゅうちゅう]Now Hiring,  now recruiting ","集[しゅう] (n-suf) collection/compilation (P) ","編集長[へんしゅうちょう] (n) editor-in-chief ","集約[しゅうやく] (n, adj-f) (1) intensiveness (n,vs) (2) collecting/summarizing/putting together/aggregating/integrating (P) ","集積[しゅうせき] (n, vs) accumulation (P) ","集中力[しゅうちゅうりょく] (n) (powers of) concentration/ability to concentrate (P) ","集う[つどう] (v5u) to meet/to assemble/to congregate (P) ","集客[しゅうきゃく] (n, vs) attracting customers ","招集[しょうしゅう] (n, vs) call/summons/convening/convocation (P) ","召集[しょうしゅう] (n, vs) convening/calling together (e.g. parliament)/call-up (for military service) (P) ","集結[しゅうけつ] (n, vs) massing (of troops)/gathering ","集め[あつめ] (n, suf) collecting/assembling ","結集[けっしゅう] (n, vs) concentration (of efforts, forces, etc.)/gathering together/regimentation/marshalling/mobilization (P) ","詩集[ししゅう] (n) poetry anthology/collection of poems/collected poems (P) ","総集編[そうしゅうへん] (n) highlights/summary/compilation ","歌集[かしゅう] (n) anthology/book of poetry (P) ","集権[しゅうけん] (n) centralization (e.g. power)/centralisation ","集配[しゅうはい] (n, vs) collection and delivery ","集い[つどい] (n) meeting/get-together (e.g. among friends) (P) ","集大成[しゅうたいせい] (n, vs) (1) (large) compilation (n) (2) culmination (of hard work) (P) ","集成[しゅうせい] (n, vs) aggregation ","蒐集[しゅうしゅう] (n, vs) (1) collecting/accumulating/gathering (2) collection (of art, stamps, insects, etc.) (3) garbage collection/waste collection ","画集[がしゅう] (n) book of pictures (paintings,  drawings, etc.)/collection of pictures "],"飲":["飲み込む[のみこむ]to gulp down; to swallow deeply;to understand;to take in;to catch on to;to learn;to digest  N1","湯飲み[ゆのみ]teacup  N2","飲み物[のみもの]a drink  N5","飲む[のむ]to drink  N5","飲み水[のみみず]drinking water ","飲食店[いんしょくてん]restaurant ","酒飲み[さけのみ]Alcoholic,  boozer, drunkard ","飲み会[のみかい]Drinking Party ","飲料水[いんりょうすい]drinking water ","飲み放題[のみほうだい]All You Can Drink ","飲める[のめる] (v1) (1) to be able to drink (2) to be worth drinking ","飲食[いんしょく<br>おんじき] (n, vs) food and drink/eating and drinking (P) ","飲料[いんりょう<br>のみりょう] (n) beverage/drink (P) ","飲酒[いんしゅ] (n, vs) drinking alcohol (sake) (P) ","飲酒運転[いんしゅうんてん] (n) drunken driving/driving while intoxicated/drinking and driving (P) ","飲み屋[のみや] (n) bar/saloon/pub/tavern/drinking establishment "],"終":["終わる[おわる]to finish; to close  N1","終始[しゅうし]beginning and end; from beginning to end;doing a thing from beginning to end  N1","終日[しゅうじつ<br>ひねもす<br>ひめもす<br>ひもすがら]all day  N1","始終[しじゅう]continuously, from beginning to end  N2","終点[しゅうてん]terminus, last stop (e.g train)  N2","終了[しゅうりょう]end, close,termination  N2","終える[おえる]to finish  N3","終[つい<br>おわり]the end  N3","最終[さいしゅう]last,  final, closing  N3","終わり[おわり]the end  N4","終る[おわる]to finish  N5","終電[しゅうでん]last train ","終戦[しゅうせん]end of the war ","終着駅[しゅうちゃくえき]terminal station ","終止符[しゅうしふ]period ","終身刑[しゅうしんけい]Life Sentence ","臨終[りんじゅう]deathbed ","最終的[さいしゅうてき] (adj-na) final/eventual/ultimate (P) ","終盤[しゅうばん] (n) endgame/final stage (P) ","終結[しゅうけつ] (n, vs,adj-no) end/close (P) ","終着[しゅうちゃく] (n) arriving at the final stop (of a bus,  train, etc.)/reaching the end of the line ","終焉[しゅうえん] (n) demise (P) ","最終日[さいしゅうび] (n) last day/final day ","終身[しゅうしん] (n, adj-no) the whole life (P) ","終値[おわりね] (n) closing price (e.g. stock exchange) (P) ","終末[しゅうまつ] (n) end/close/conclusion/termination (P) ","終り[おわり] (n) the end ","終生[しゅうせい] (n-adv, n-t) all one's life/throughout one's life/as long as one lives ","終端[しゅうたん] (n) terminus/terminal/end edge ","終息[しゅうそく] (n, vi,vs) having ended/being resolved (P) "],"院":["参議院[さんぎいん]House of Councillors  N1","衆議院[しゅうぎいん]Lower House; House of Representatives  N1","寺院[じいん]temple  N2","退院[たいいん]leaving hospital  N2","大学院[だいがくいん]graduate school  N2","入院[にゅういん]hospitalization  N3","病院[びょういん]hospital  N5","学院[がくいん]Academy,  institute ","僧院[そういん]Temple,  monastery ","美容院[びよういん]hair salon ","退院する[たいいんする]To Be Discharged,  to leave the hospital ","棋院[きいん]Shogi Hall,  go hall ","孤児院[こじいん]orphanage ","院[いん] (n) (1) house of parliament (congress,  diet, etc.) (2) graduate school/postgraduate school (suf) (3) institution (often medical)/institutional building/government office (4) (Buddh) sub-temple/minor temple building/temple/cloister (n) (5) (hon) imperial palace (6) (hon) (arch) title bestowed on empresses, princesses, etc. (suf) (7) former (esp. of emperors, daimyos, etc.)/late ","上院[じょういん] (n) upper house/upper legislative chamber/senate (P) ","院長[いんちょう] (n) director (P) ","貴族院[きぞくいん] (n) House of Lords ","下院[かいん] (n) lower house/lower legislative chamber (P) ","修道院[しゅうどういん] (n) monastery/convent/cloister/abbey (P) ","人事院[じんじいん] (n) National Personnel Authority (P) ","議院[ぎいん] (n) (1) parliament/congress/diet (2) house (of parliament,  etc.)/chamber (P) ","衆院[しゅういん] (n) (abbr) House of Representatives (lower house of the National Diet of Japan) (P) ","医院[いいん] (n) doctor's office (surgery)/clinic/dispensary (P) ","書院[しょいん] (n) drawing room/study/publishing house/writing alcove (P) ","上院議員[じょういんぎいん] (n, adj-no) senator/member of the upper house ","参院[さんいん] (n) (abbr) House of Councillors (upper house of the National Diet of Japan) (P) ","大学院生[だいがくいんせい] (n) graduate student ","通院[つういん] (n, vs) going to the hospital for regular treatment (P) ","両院[りょういん] (n) both Houses of Parliament (P) ","会計検査院[かいけいけんさいん] (n) Board of Audit (P) ","院生[いんせい] (n) (1) (abbr) graduate student (2) insei/apprentice go professional ","院政[いんせい] (n) government by cloistered emperors ","国務院[こくむいん] (n) State Council (of the People's Republic of China) ","別院[べついん] (n) branch temple (P) "],"習":["演習[えんしゅう]practice; exercises;manoeuvers  N1","慣習[かんしゅう]usual (historical) custom  N1","教習[きょうしゅう]training; instruction  N1","講習[こうしゅう]short course; training  N1","風習[ふうしゅう]custom  N1","自習[じしゅう]self-study  N2","実習[じっしゅう]practice, training  N2","習字[しゅうじ]penmanship  N2","学習[がくしゅう]study,  learning  N3","練習[れんしゅう]practice  N3","習慣[しゅうかん]custom, manners  N4","復習[ふくしゅう]revision  N4","予習[よしゅう]preparation for a lesson  N4","習う[ならう]to learn  N5","見習い[みならい]apprentice ","見習う[みならう]learn ","練習する[れんしゅうする]To Practice ","習得[しゅうとく]acquisition ","修習[しゅうしゅう] (n) apprenticeship ","習性[しゅうせい] (n) (1) habit (2) behavior/behaviour/trait/nature (P) ","見習[みならい] (io) (n) (1) apprenticeship/probation/learning by observation (n, adj-no) (2) apprentice/trainee/probationer ","補習[ほしゅう] (n, vs) supplementary lessons "],"開":["開催[かいさい]holding a meeting; open an exhibition  N1","開拓[かいたく]reclamation (of wasteland); cultivation;pioneer  N1","開発[かいはつ<br>かいほつ]development; exploitation  N1","公開[こうかい]presenting to the public  N1","切開[せっかい]clearing (land); opening up;cutting through  N1","打開[だかい]break in the deadlock  N1","未開[みかい]savage land; backward region;uncivilized  N1","開会[かいかい]opening of a meeting  N2","開通[かいつう]opening, open  N2","開放[かいほう]open, throw open,liberalization  N2","展開[てんかい]develop, expansion (opposite of compression)  N2","開始[かいし]start,  commencement, beginning  N3","開く[ひらく<br>あく]to open an event  N4","開ける[あける<br>ひらける<br>はだける]to open  N5","開業[かいぎょう]Opening A Business,  opening of business, starting a business ","店開き[みせびらき]opening of a business ","開き[あき]opening ","開店[かいてん]opening of a store ","開放する[かいほうする]To Fling Open,  to throw open, to liberate ","開設[かいせつ]establishment ","再開[さいかい]Reopening ","開閉[かいへい]Opening And Closing,  opening and shutting ","開幕[かいまく]rising of the curtain ","開封[かいふう]Unsealed Letter ","疎開[そかい]evacuation ","開校[かいこう] (n, vs) opening a school (P) ","開局[かいきょく] (n, vs) opening (of a broadcasting station, post office, bureau, etc.)/establishment (P) ","開港[かいこう] (n, vs) (1) opening a port (seaport, airport, etc.)/starting operations at a port (2) opening a port to foreign vessels or trade (P) ","開示[かいじ] (n, vs) release (e.g. information)/disclosure (legal)/show/indication/display (P) ","開花[かいか] (n, vs) (1) flowers budding/blooming/flowering (2) showing results/becoming popular/blooming (P) ","非公開[ひこうかい] (adj-no, n) private/exclusive/secret (P) ","開戦[かいせん] (n, vs) outbreak of war/starting a war (P) ","全開[ぜんかい] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) opening fully (2) full throttle/full power ","満開[まんかい] (n, vs,adj-no) full bloom (esp. of cherry blossom)/full blossom (P) ","開館[かいかん] (n, vs) (1) opening (for that day's business;  of a library, museum, cinema, etc.) (2) opening (of a new library, museum, cinema, etc.) (P) ","開園[かいえん] (n, vs) opening, either for the day or a 'grand opening' (e.g. theme park, botanical garden etc.) ","開口[かいこう] (n, vs) (1) opening/aperture (e.g. camera) (2) opening one's mouth/beginning to speak (adj-f) (3) open/broad (P) ","開山[かいさん] (n, vs) founding a temple (on a hill-top) ","新開[しんかい] (n) opening (of uncultivated land) ","開演[かいえん] (n, vs) curtain raising/starting (e.g. play, concert) (P) ","開場[かいじょう] (n, vs) (1) opening (the doors to an event, etc.) (2) inauguration (P) ","開削[かいさく] (n, vs) excavation/cutting/digging ","開墾[かいこん] (n, vs) cultivating new land/clearing/reclamation (P) ","開き直る[ひらきなおる] (v5r, vi) to become defiant/to turn upon/to become serious (P) ","開基[かいき] (n, vs) (1) foundation of a temple/laying a foundation (stone) (2) (math) open base ","開祖[かいそ] (n) (sect) founder/apostle/originator/inventor ","開講[かいこう] (n, vs) (1) holding a course (of lectures)/offering a course (2) beginning a series of one's lectures/starting a new course ","開国[かいこく] (n, vs) (1) founding a country (2) opening of a country (e.g. Japan) to the world (P) ","開票[かいひょう] (n, vs) counting ballots/tally (of votes) (P) ","切り開く[きりひらく] (v5k, vt) to clear (land)/to open up/to cut through ","開学[かいがく] (n, vs) establishment of a university ","開化[かいか] (n, vs) civilization/civilisation/enlightenment ","開拓使[かいたくし] (n) early-Meiji administrative unit for Hokkaido (1869-1882) "],"親":["親しむ[したしむ]to be intimate with; to befriend  N1","親善[しんぜん]friendship  N1","肉親[にくしん]blood relationship; blood relative  N1","親指[おやゆび]thumb  N2","親類[しんるい]relation, kin  N2","親しい[したしい<br>ちかしい]intimate,  close (e.g. friend)  N3","親戚[しんせき]relative  N3","親友[しんゆう]close friend,  buddy  N3","父親[ちちおや]father  N3","母親[ははおや]mother  N3","親[おや<br>しん]parents  N4","親切[しんせつ]kindness  N4","両親[りょうしん<br>ふたおや]both parents  N5","不親切[ふしんせつ]unkind ","親しみ[したしみ]intimacy ","親子[おやこ<br>しんし]parent and child ","親日[しんにち]pro-Japan ","親族[しんぞく<br>うから]relative ","親愛[しんあい]affection ","親展[しんてん]Confidential ","親密[しんみつ]close ","親子丼[おやこどんぶり,  おやこどん]Parent And Child Bowl, parent and child rice bowl ","親不孝[おやふこう]lack of filial piety ","親孝行[おやこうこう]filial piety ","懇親[こんしん]Friendship ","親睦[しんぼく]friendship,  amity ","親王[しんのう] (n) prince of royal blood/Imperial prince ","ご両親[ごりょうしん] (n) your (honorable,  honourable) parents ","親分[おやぶん] (n) (sens) boss/kingpin/chief/head (e.g. of a crime syndicate) (P) ","親交[しんこう] (n) intimacy/friendship/friendly relations (P) ","親衛隊[しんえいたい] (n) (1) bodyguards/elite guards/imperial guards (2) Schutzstaffel/SS (3) groupies/ardent fans ","親父[おやじ<br>しんぷ] (gikun) (n) one's father/old man/one's boss (P) ","親方[おやかた<br>おやがた] (n) (1) (hon) master/boss/chief/foreman/supervisor (2) (sumo) (hon) stable master (3) (hon) craftsman/artisan (4) (arch) foster parent (P) ","親会社[おやがいしゃ] (n) parent company (P) ","近親[きんしん] (n, adj-no) near relative (P) ","里親[さとおや] (n, adj-no) foster parent/foster parents (P) ","親和[しんわ] (n, vs) friendship/fellowship ","親近[しんきん] (n, vs) a relative/familiarity ","親権[しんけん] (n) parental authority ","名付け親[なづけおや] (n) (1) godparent (2) first person to give something its name "],"病":["臆病[おくびょう]cowardice; timidity  N1","発病[はつびょう]attack (disease)  N1","病[やまい<br>いたずき<br>いたつき<br>いたづき<br>びょう]illness; disease  N1","病む[やむ]to fall ill; to be ill  N1","看病[かんびょう]nursing (a patient)  N2","病院[びょういん]hospital  N5","病気[びょうき<br>やまいけ]illness  N5","〜病[びょう]Disease,  sickness, illness ","病人[びょうにん]Sick Person,  patient ","病室[びょうしつ]hospital room ","病弱[びょうじゃく]weak ","病死[びょうし]death from sickness ","性病[せいびょう]Sexually Transmitted Disease,  std ","急病[きゅうびょう]sudden illness ","病状[びょうじょう]condition of a disease ","精神病[せいしんびょう]Mental Illness,  mental disorder ","伝染病[でんせんびょう]Contagious Disease ","肺病[はいびょう]Lung Disease ","病床[びょうしょう]Sickbed ","病棟[びょうとう]Hospital Ward ","疫病[えきびょう<br>やくびょう]Infectious Disease,  plague, epidemic ","皮膚病[ひふびょう]skin disease ","疾病[しっぺい]illness,  disease ","臆病者[おくびょうもの] (n) coward (P) ","うつ病[うつびょう] (n) (med) depression (P) ","ウツ病[ウツびょう] (n) (med) depression ","病原[びょうげん] (n, adj-no) origin of an illness/cause of a disease/pathogenesis/etiology ","糖尿病[とうにょうびょう] (n) diabetes/diabetes mellitus (P) ","白血病[はっけつびょう] (n) leukemia (P) ","病没[びょうぼつ] (n, vs) dying of illness/dying of natural causes ","病理[びょうり] (n) pathology (P) ","鬱病[うつびょう] (n) (med) depression (P) ","ハンセン病[ハンセンびょう] (n) Hansen's disease/leprosy (P) ","病変[びょうへん] (n) lesion/pathological change ","闘病[とうびょう] (n, vs) fighting against an illness (P) ","病態[びょうたい] (n) patient's condition/pathology ","持病[じびょう] (n) chronic disease (P) "],"歌":["短歌[たんか<br>みじかうた]tanka; 31-syllable Japanese poem  N1","歌謡[かよう]song, ballad  N2","歌手[かしゅ]singer  N3","歌[うた]song  N5","歌う[うたう]to sing  N5","和歌[わか]Japanese poem ","歌声[うたごえ<br>かせい]singing voice ","流行歌[りゅうこうか]popular song ","詩歌[しか,  しいか]Poetry ","歌留多[かるた]Japanese playing cards ","鼻歌[はなうた]Humming ","歌詞[かし<br>うたことば]Song Lyrics,  lyrics ","歌劇[かげき]Opera ","歌舞伎[かぶき]Kabuki ","歌唱[かしょう]Singing,  song ","唱歌[しょうか]Singing,  songs ","歌謡曲[かよう きょく<br>かようきょく]popular song ","歌合[うたあわせ] (n) poetry contest (P) ","歌人[うたびと<br>かじん] (n) (1) skillful tanka poet (2) official in charge of court poetry and music (ritsuryo period) (3) poet ","歌曲[かきょく] (n) melody/tune/song (P) ","演歌[えんか] (n) enka/traditional-style Japanese popular ballad (P) ","国歌[こっか] (n) national anthem (P) ","聖歌[せいか] (n, adj-no) hymn/chant/sacred song ","校歌[こうか] (n) school song (P) ","歌集[かしゅう] (n) anthology/book of poetry (P) ","主題歌[しゅだいか] (n) theme song ","賛歌[さんか] (n) song of praise/eulogy/paean/hymn (P) ","歌姫[うたひめ] (n) songstress/diva (P) ","替え歌[かえうた] (n) parody (of a song) ","連歌[れんが] (n) early Japanese poetry form/poetic dialogue "],"起":["起こす[おこす]to raise; to cause;to wake someone  N1","起源[きげん]origin; beginning;rise  N1","起点[きてん]starting point  N1","起伏[きふく]undulation  N1","引き起こす[ひきおこす]to cause  N1","起床[きしょう]rising, getting out of bed  N2","起こる[おこる]to occur,  to happen  N3","起す[おこす]to wake  N4","起きる[おきる]to get up  N5","早起き[はやおき]getting up early ","発起人[ほっきにん]originator ","起き上がる[おきあがる]get up ","起立[きりつ]rising ","提起[ていき]raising ","起訴[きそ]prosecution ","再起[さいき]comeback ","隆起[りゅうき]Protuberance,  bulge ","縁起[えんぎ<br>いんえん]Omen ","奮起[ふんき]Stirring,  rousing oneself ","喚起[かんき]awaken,  rouse, evoke, excite ","起訴猶予[きそゆうよ]suspension of indictment ","起動[きどう] (n, vs,adj-no) startup/booting up/activation/starting (e.g. engine, computer)/launch ","蜂起[ほうき] (n, vs) uprising/revolt ","起工[きこう] (n, vs) setting to work (P) ","起用[きよう] (n, vs) appointment (to a position, job, etc.)/being used for a role/promotion (P) ","起こし[おこし] (n-suf) (1) development/revitalization (n) (2) standing (something) up (3) waking up (4) tilling a rice field (5) drawing a card from the draw pile (in hanafuda) ","起業[きぎょう] (n, vs) starting a business/promotion of enterprise ","突起[とっき] (n, vs) protuberance/projection/prominence/bump/boss/process/apophysis (P) ","起因[きいん] (n, vs) cause/origin (P) ","思い起こす[おもいおこす] (v5s, vt) to recall/to remember (P) ","巻き起こす[まきおこす] (v5s) to create (a sensation)/to give rise to (controversy) ","起[おこり] (io) (n) source/origin/cause/beginning/genesis ","勃起[ぼっき] (n, vs) erection (usu. penis)/standing erect/stiffening (P) ","起草[きそう] (n, vs) drafting (e.g. a bill)/drawing up (P) ","起つ[たつ] (v5t, vi) to rise up/to initiate (political) action ","起る[おこる] (v5r, vi) to occur/to happen ","不起訴[ふきそ] (n) nonprosecution/nonindictment (P) ","励起[れいき] (n, vs) (electrical) excitation ","想起[そうき] (n) (1) remembering/recollection/recall/retrieval (vs) (2) to remember/to recall/to recollect/to call to mind/to envision ","決起[けっき] (n, vs) rising to action/standing up against/jumping to one's feet (P) ","巻き起こる[まきおこる] (v5r, vi) to arise/to break out/to well up/to burst ","起爆[きばく] (n, vs) ignition/detonation/triggering/explosion (P) ","生起[せいき] (n, vs) occurrence/taking place/happening "],"味":["味わい[あじわい]flavour; meaning;significance  N1","美味しい[おいしい]delicious; tasty  N1","加味[かみ]seasoning; flavoring  N1","吟味[ぎんみ]testing; scrutiny;careful investigation  N1","三味線[しゃみせん<br>さみせん]three-stringed Japanese guitar; shamisen  N1","不味い[まずい]unappetising; unpleasant (taste&nbsp;&nbsp;appearance&nbsp;&nbsp;situation);ugly;unskilful;awkward;bungling;unwise;untime  N1","味覚[みかく]taste; palate;sense of taste  N1","無意味[むいみ]nonsense; no meaning  N1","味わう[あじわう]to taste, to savor,to relish  N2","地味[じみ<br>ちみ]plain, simple  N2","正味[しょうみ]net (weight)  N2","調味料[ちょうみりょう]condiment, seasoning  N2","中味[なかみ]contents, interior,substance,filling,(sword) blade  N2","気味[きみ<br>きあじ<br>きび<br>ぎみ]-like,  -looking, -looked  N3","味方[みかた]friend,  ally, supporter  N3","味[あじ<br>み]flavour  N4","興味[きょうみ]an interest  N4","趣味[しゅみ]hobby  N4","味噌[みそ]bean paste  N4","意味[いみ]meaning  N5","不気味[ぶきみ]uncanny ","苦味[にがみ]bitter taste ","塩味[しおあじ]Salty Taste,  tastes salty, salty, salty flavor ","嫌味[いやみ]Hurtful Words,  hurtful speech, sarcasm, disagreeableness ","興味がない[きょうみがない]No Interest,  not interested ","味噌汁[みそしる]miso soup ","甘味[あまみ<br>かんみ]sweetness ","珍味[ちんみ]Delicacy ","悪趣味[あくしゅみ]Bad Habit,  bad taste ","味見[あじみ] (n, vs) tasting/sampling ","興味深い[きょうみぶかい] (adj-i) very interesting/of great interest (P) ","意味不明[いみふめい] (adj-na, adj-no) of uncertain meaning/ambiguous/cryptic/nonsensical/incomprehensible/perplexing (P) ","意味合い[いみあい] (n) implication/nuance/shade of meaning/connotation (P) ","美味い[うまい] (adj-i) (1) (uk) skillful/skilful/clever/expert/wise/successful (2) (uk) delicious/appetizing/appetising/tasty (3) (uk) fortunate/splendid/promising (P) ","風味[ふうみ] (n) taste/flavor/flavour (P) ","美味[びみ] (n, adj-na) good flavor/good flavour/delicacy ","正義の味方[せいぎのみかた] (exp, n) champion of justice/knight in shining armor/crime avenger/hero/super hero ","気味悪い[きびわるい<br>きみわるい] (adj-i) unpleasant/uncomfortable/creepy/spooky ","味付け[あじつけ] (n, vs) (food) seasoning/flavour/flavor (P) ","調味[ちょうみ] (n, vs) seasoning/flavoring/flavouring ","持ち味[もちあじ] (n) (1) inherent flavor/inherent flavour/natural taste (2) distinctive characteristic (of a person,  work, etc.)/peculiar quality/special ability (P) ","賞味[しょうみ] (n, vs) relish/gusto/appreciation ","気味が悪い[きみがわるい] (exp, adj-i) creepy (feeling)/uneasy (feeling)/bad (feeling)/giving one the creeps/hideous/scaring/weird ","一味[いちみ<br>ひとあじ] (n) (1) clan/partisans/conspirators/gang/ring/crew (n, vs) (2) participation (e.g. in a plot) (n) (3) one flavour/one charm (4) one ingredient (in traditional Chinese medicine) (5) (Buddh) universality (of the teachings of Buddha) ","醍醐味[だいごみ] (n) (1) the real pleasure (of something)/the real thrill/the true charm (2) flavour of ghee/delicious taste (3) (Buddh) Buddha's gracious teachings ","酸味[さんみ<br>すみ] (n, adj-no) sourness/acidity (P) "],"意":["意気込む[いきごむ]to be enthusiastic about  N1","意向[いこう]intention; idea;inclination  N1","意地[いじ]disposition; spirit;willpower;obstinacy;backbone;appetite  N1","意図[いと]intention; aim;design  N1","意欲[いよく]will; desire;ambition  N1","決意[けつい]decision; determination  N1","好意[こうい]good will; favor;courtesy  N1","合意[ごうい]agreement; consent;mutual understanding  N1","他意[たい]ill will; malice;another intention;secret purpose;ulterior motive;fickleness;double-mindedness  N1","同意[どうい]agreement; consent;same meaning;same opinion;approval  N1","熱意[ねつい]zeal; enthusiasm  N1","不意[ふい]sudden; abrupt;unexpected;unforeseen  N1","無意味[むいみ]nonsense; no meaning  N1","意義[いぎ]meaning, significance  N2","意地悪[いじわる]malicious, ill-tempered,unkind  N2","生意気[なまいき]impertinent, saucy,cheeky,conceit,audacious,brazen  N2","意外[いがい]unexpected,  surprising  N3","意思[いし]intention,  purpose  N3","意志[いし]will,  volition  N3","意識[いしき]consciousness,  senses  N3","敬意[けいい]respect,  honour  N3","得意[とくい]pride,  triumph, prosperity  N3","意見[いけん]opinion  N4","注意[ちゅうい]caution  N4","用意[ようい]preparation  N4","意味[いみ]meaning  N5","不意に[ふいに]suddenly ","不本意[ふほんい]reluctant ","不注意[ふちゅうい]careless ","意[い]feelings ","意気地[いくじ]honor ","要注意[ようちゅうい]attention required ","悪意[あくい]malicious intent ","注意深い[ちゅういぶかい]careful ","真意[しんい]real intention ","無意識[むいしき]unconsciously ","不得意[ふとくい]not good at ","善意[ぜんい]favorable sense ","厚意[こうい]favor ","任意[にんい]Optional,  voluntary ","有意義[ゆういぎ]significant ","含意[がんい]Implication,  hint at, suggestion ","故意[こい]Intention,  premeditation, purpose, intent ","有意[ゆうい]Significance ","誠意[せいい]Sincerity,  good faith ","潜在意識[せんざいいしき]Subconscious ","懇意[こんい]Kindness,  intimacy ","翻意[ほんい]Change One's Mind,  change your mind ","意匠[いしょう]design ","弔意[ちょうい]condolence,  sympathy, mourning ","意味不明[いみふめい] (adj-na, adj-no) of uncertain meaning/ambiguous/cryptic/nonsensical/incomprehensible/perplexing (P) ","意味合い[いみあい] (n) implication/nuance/shade of meaning/connotation (P) ","留意[りゅうい] (n, vs) heeding/paying attention/bearing in mind ","意図的[いとてき] (adj-na) intentional/on purpose (P) ","恣意[しい] (n) arbitrariness ","不意打ち[ふいうち] (n) surprise attack ","得意分野[とくいぶんや] (n) (yoji) one's field of expertise/one's strong area ","意気込み[いきごみ] (n) ardor/enthusiasm (P) ","一意[いちい] (n) (1) one meaning/one thought (adv) (2) wholeheartedly/single-mindedly/devotedly ","極意[ごくい] (n) deepest level (of an art,  skill, etc.)/secret teachings/mysteries/innermost secrets/the secret (of success, etc.) ","敵意[てきい] (n) hostility/animosity/enmity (P) ","意気投合[いきとうごう] (n, vs) (yoji) hit it off with (a person)/find a kindred spirit in (a person)/sympathy/mutual understanding ","失意[しつい] (n, adj-no) disappointment/despair/adversity (P) ","戦意[せんい] (n) fighting spirit ","意訳[いやく] (n, vs) free translation/liberal translation "],"注":["注す[さす]to pour (drink), to serve (drinks)  N2","注ぐ[そそぐ<br>そそぐ,  つぐ<br>つぐ]to pour (into), to irrigate, to pay, to fill, to feed (e.g. a fire)  N3","注[ちゅう]annotation,  explanatory note  N3","注目[ちゅうもく]notice,  attention, observation  N3","注文[ちゅうもん<br>ちゅうぶん]order,  request  N3","注意[ちゅうい]caution  N4","注射[ちゅうしゃ]injection  N4","不注意[ふちゅうい]careless ","要注意[ようちゅうい]attention required ","注意深い[ちゅういぶかい]careful ","注文する[ちゅうもんする]To Order,  to request ","注釈[ちゅうしゃく]notes,  comment, remark, annotation ","発注[はっちゅう] (n, vs,adj-no) ordering (materials)/placing an order/order (P) ","ご注文[ごちゅうもん] (n, vs) order/request ","受注[じゅちゅう] (n, vs) accepting an order/receiving an order/orders received (P) ","注入[ちゅうにゅう] (n, vs) pouring/injection (P) ","注力[ちゅうりょく] (n, vs) pouring one's energy into/focusing one's efforts on/concentrating on/committing oneself to ","訳注[やくちゅう] (n) translation with notes/translator's notes "],"別":["一別[いちべつ]parting  N1","個別[こべつ]particular case  N1","格別[かくべつ<br>かくべち]exceptional  N2","性別[せいべつ]distinction by sex, sex,gender  N2","送別[そうべつ]farewell, send-off  N2","別荘[べっそう]holiday house, villa  N2","別々[べつべつ]separately, individually  N2","区別[くべつ]distinction,  differentiation, classification  N3","差別[さべつ<br>しゃべち<br>しゃべつ]discrimination,  distinction, differentiation  N3","別に[べつに](not) particularly,  nothing  N3","別れ[わかれ]parting,  separation, farewell  N3","特別[とくべつ]special  N4","別[べつ<br>べち<br>わけ]different  N4","別れる[わかれる]to separate  N4","別人[べつじん<br>べつにん]Changed Man,  different person, different man, changed person, new man ","別の[べつの]Separate,  different, another, separate thing, different thing, another thing ","分別[ぶんべつ<br>ふんべつ]classification ","別名[べつめい<br>べつみょう]alias ","大別[たいべつ]division into major classes ","送別会[そうべつかい]farewell party ","別問題[べつもんだい]another question ","識別[しきべつ]distinction ","別冊[べっさつ]Separate Volume ","別個[べっこ]another ","別居[べっきょ]separation ","差別する[さべつする]To Discriminate ","お別れ[おわかれ] (n) (pol) parting/farewell ","種別[しゅべつ] (n, vs) classification/assortment (P) ","人種差別[じんしゅさべつ] (n) racial discrimination/racism ","別途[べっと] (adj-no, adj-na,n) (1) separate/special/another (n-adv) (2) separately (P) ","別当[べっとう] (n) (1) groom/footman/stableman/equerry (2) steward/intendant (3) (arch) head of an institution,  esp. religious/head of one institution serving also as the head of another ","別世界[べっせかい] (n) another world ","月別[つきべつ] (n) by months ","判別[はんべつ] (n, vs) distinction/discrimination/distinguishing/discernment ","死別[しべつ] (n, vs) bereavement ","別々に[べつべつに] (adv) separately/apart/severally/individually ","国別[くにべつ] (n, adj-no) by country ","別表[べっぴょう] (n) annexed (statistical) table (P) ","別物[べつもの] (n) another thing/exception/special case ","無差別[むさべつ] (n) (1) indiscrimination/without discrimination (adj-na) (2) indiscriminate (P) ","選別[せんべつ] (n, vs) selection/classification/sorting/screening/triage (P) ","別紙[べっし] (n) enclosure/annex/separate sheet/accompanying sheet ","税別[ぜいべつ] (n) tax not included (in price)/tax separate ","別館[べっかん] (n) (hotel) annexe/annex (P) ","類別[るいべつ] (n, vs) classification ","別種[べっしゅ] (n, adj-no) another kind/distinct species/variety ","決別[けつべつ] (n, vs) separation/farewell/parting (P) ","別院[べついん] (n) branch temple (P) ","鑑別[かんべつ] (n, vs,adj-no) discrimination/judgement/judgment/separation/sorting (P) "],"特":["特技[とくぎ]special skill  N1","特産[とくさん]specialty; special product  N1","特集[とくしゅう]feature (e.g. newspaper); special edition;report  N1","特派[とくは]send specially; special envoy  N1","特有[とくゆう]characteristic (of); peculiar (to)  N1","特許[とっきょ]special permission; patent  N1","特権[とっけん]privilege; special right  N1","特殊[とくしゅ]special, unique  N2","特色[とくしょく]characteristic, feature  N2","特長[とくちょう]forte, merit  N2","特定[とくてい]specific, special,particular  N2","特売[とくばい]special sale  N2","特徴[とくちょう]feature,  characteristic  N3","独特[どくとく]peculiarity,  uniqueness, characteristic  N3","特に[とくに]particularly, especially  N4","特別[とくべつ]special  N4","特急[とっきゅう]limited express train (faster than an express train)  N4","特訓[とっくん]crash course ","特質[とくしつ]Characteristic,  trait ","特異[とくい]peculiar ","超特急[ちょう とっきゅう]super express ","特典[とくてん] (n) privilege/special favor/special favour/benefit/prerogative/perk/amenity (P) ","特化[とっか] (n, vs) specialization/specialisation ","特性[とくせい] (n) special characteristic/special quality/trait/idiosyncrasy/peculiarity (P) ","特番[とくばん] (n) (abbr) special radio or television programme/television special ","特例[とくれい] (n) special case/exception (P) ","特設[とくせつ] (n, vs,adj-no) setting up specially/special installation (P) ","特殊部隊[とくしゅぶたい] (n) (mil) special forces ","特攻[とっこう] (n) (abbr) suicide attack/kamikaze attack ","特撮[とくさつ] (n) (abbr) special effects/SFX ","特命[とくめい] (n) mission ","特記[とっき] (n, vs) special mention ","特筆[とくひつ] (n, vs) special mention (P) ","特務[とくむ] (n) special duty ","特徴付ける[とくちょうづける] (v1) to make characteristic/to characterize ","特区[とっく] (n) (1) (abbr) special ward (2) (abbr) special economic zone (China) (3) (abbr) special administrative region of China (e.g. Hong Kong) ","特価[とっか] (n, adj-no) special price/bargain price ","特製[とくせい] (n, vs,adj-no) special make/deluxe (P) ","不特定[ふとくてい] (adj-no, adj-na,n) unspecified/random/indefinite ","特許庁[とっきょちょう] (n) Patent Office/Patent Agency (P) ","特約[とくやく] (n, vs) special contract/special agreement/rider (insurance) (P) ","特段[とくだん] (n-adv, n-t) special (P) ","特派員[とくはいん] (n) (1) (special) correspondent (e.g. for a newspaper) (2) representative/delegate (P) ","特捜[とくそう] (n) special investigation (P) ","特進[とくしん] (n, vs) special promotion (in rank or grade) ","特大[とくだい] (adj-no, adj-na,n) extra-large/king-size (P) ","特選[とくせん] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) special selection/special approval (n) (2) special prize/highest honours (P) ","特使[とくし] (n) special envoy (P) "],"洋":["洋風[ようふう]western style  N1","海洋[かいよう]ocean  N2","東洋[とうよう]Orient  N2","洋品店[ようひんてん]shop which handles Western-style apparel and accessories  N2","西洋[せいよう]western countries  N4","洋服[ようふく]western-style clothes  N5","太平洋[たいへいよう]Pacific Ocean ","洋食[ようしょく]Western Food,  western style food ","洋室[ようしつ]Western Style Room ","洋画[ようが]foreign film ","洋酒[ようしゅ]foreign wine ","洋間[ようま]Western-style room ","西洋人[せいようじん]Westerner ","洋式[ようしき]Western style ","洋書[ようしょ]foreign book ","洋裁[ようさい]western-style dressmaking ","巡洋艦[じゅんようかん] (n) cruiser ","大西洋[たいせいよう] (n) Atlantic Ocean (P) ","洋[なだ<br>よう] (n) open sea ","大洋[たいよう] (n, adj-no) ocean (P) ","インド洋[インドよう] (n) Indian Ocean ","洋楽[ようがく] (n) Western music/European music (P) ","太平洋戦争[たいへいようせんそう] (n) Pacific War (1941-1945) (P) ","南洋[なんよう] (n) South Seas ","洋上[ようじょう] (n, adj-no) on the sea/on the ocean (P) ","外洋[がいよう] (n) open sea/ocean (P) ","北洋[ほくよう] (n) northern waters ","遠洋[えんよう] (n, adj-no) ocean/deep sea ","洋館[ようかん] (n) Western-style house "],"悪":["悪[あく<br>わる]evil; wickedness  N1","悪日[あくび]unlucky day  N1","悪化[あっか]deterioration; growing worse;aggravation;degeneration;corruption  N1","悪口[わるくち<br>あっこう<br>わるくち,  わるぐち<br>わるぐち]abuse; insult;slander;evil speaking  N1","悪戯[あくぎ<br>いたずら<br>いたづら<br>わるざれ<br>わるじゃれ]tease; prank;trick;practical joke;mischief  N1","改悪[かいあく]deterioration; changing for the worse  N1","決まり悪い[きまりわるい]feeling awkward; being ashamed  N1","悪い[わるい<br>にくい]hateful; abominable;poor-looking  N1","善し悪し[よしあし]good or bad; merits or demerits;quality;suitability  N1","悪者[わるもの]bad fellow; rascal;ruffian;scoundrel  N1","意地悪[いじわる]malicious, ill-tempered,unkind  N2","悪魔[あくま]devil,  demon, evil spirit  N3","悪人[あくにん]Bad Person,  villain, evildoer, bad guy, wicked person, evil person ","悪女[あくじょ]Evil Woman,  wicked woman, bad woman ","最悪[さいあく]The Worst,  worst ","きまり悪い[きまりわるい]awkward ","悪しからず[あしからず]I beg you to understand my position ","悪事[あくじ]evil deed ","悪寒[おかん]chill ","悪意[あくい]malicious intent ","悪気[わるぎ<br>あっき<br>わるげ]malice ","悪用[あくよう]abuse ","悪例[あくれい]Bad Example,  bad precedent ","気持ち悪い[きもちわるい]To Feel Terrible,  terrible, to feel bad, bad feeling, feeling bad, feeling terrible ","険悪[けんあく]dangerous ","悪因悪果[あくいんあっか]Evil Breeds Evil,  evil begets evil ","善悪[ぜんあく]Good And Evil ","悪夢[あくむ]Nightmare,  bad dream ","嫌悪[けんお]dislike ","悪質[あくしつ]malignant ","悪影響[あくえいきょう]Bad Influence,  evil influence ","凶悪[きょうあく]Atrocious,  fiendish ","悪趣味[あくしゅみ]Bad Habit,  bad taste ","悪霊[あくりょう<br>あくれい]Evil Spirit ","憎悪[ぞうお]abhorrence ","悪賢い[わるがしこい]cunning ","劣悪[れつあく]Inferiority,  coarseness ","粗悪[そあく]coarse,  crude, inferior ","悪循環[あくじゅんかん]vicious circle ","醜悪[しゅうあく]ugliness,  meanness, offensiveness ","罪悪感[ざいあくかん] (n) feelings of guilt ","最悪の事態[さいあくのじたい] (exp, n,adj-no) worst/worst-case (scenario) ","気味悪い[きびわるい<br>きみわるい] (adj-i) unpleasant/uncomfortable/creepy/spooky ","悪党[あくとう] (n, adj-no) scoundrel/rascal/villain ","気味が悪い[きみがわるい] (exp, adj-i) creepy (feeling)/uneasy (feeling)/bad (feeling)/giving one the creeps/hideous/scaring/weird ","邪悪[じゃあく] (adj-na, n) wicked/evil ","悪役[あくやく] (n, adj-no) villain/baddie/the villain's part (P) ","罪悪[ざいあく] (n) crime/sin/vice ","悪性[あくしょう<br>あくせい] (n, adj-na) evil nature/licentiousness/lewdness ","悪徳[あくとく] (adj-na, n,adj-no) vice/immorality/corruption (P) ","悪名高い[あくみょうたかい<br>あくみょうだかい] (adj-i) infamous/notorious "],"勉":["勤勉[きんべん]industry; diligence  N1","勉強[べんきょう]study,  diligence, discount, reduction  N3","勉学[べんがく]study ","勉強する[べんきょうする]To Study "],"野":["視野[しや]field of vision; outlook  N1","野外[やがい]fields; outskirts;open air;suburbs  N1","野心[やしん]ambition; aspiration;designs;treachery  N1","野生[やせい]wild  N1","野党[やとう]opposition party  N1","平野[へいや]plain, open field  N2","野[の<br>ぬ<br>や]field  N3","分野[ぶんや]field,  sphere, realm, division, branch  N3","野菜[やさい]vegetable  N5","野球[やきゅう]Baseball ","プロ野球[ぷろやきゅう]professional baseball ","野性[やせい]wild nature ","野原[のはら]open field ","野獣[やじゅう]Wild Beast,  wild animal ","野郎[やろう]Bastard,  guy, fellow ","野暮[やぼ]Unrefined,  rustic, stupid ","牧野[ぼくや,  まきの<br>ぼくや]Pasture Land, ranch ","粗野[そや]rustic,  rough, rude, vulgar ","野蛮[やばん]savage,  uncivilized, uncivilised ","ばか野郎[ばかやろう] (n, int) (uk) (col) (derog) (yoji) idiot ","バカ野郎[バカやろう] (n, int) (uk) (col) (derog) (yoji) idiot ","小野[おの] (n) (arch) plain/field ","下野[げや<br>しもつけ] (n, vs) (1) retirement from public office (2) going into opposition/losing power (P) ","外野手[がいやしゅ] (n) (baseb) outfielder (P) ","内野手[ないやしゅ] (n) infielder/baseman (P) ","大野[おおの] (n) large field (P) ","野戦[やせん] (n) (1) (mil) field battle/field operations/open battle (2) battlefield/battlefront ","野山[のやま] (n) hills and fields/hill and dale (P) ","内野[ないや] (n) (baseb) infield/diamond (P) ","野放し[のばなし] (n, adj-no) (1) pasturing/letting (an animal) run loose (2) letting (someone) do as they please/leaving (something) to take its own course/letting (an issue) go unchecked/leaving uncontrolled/leaving at large (e.g. a criminal) (P) ","野望[やぼう] (n) ambition/aspiration (P) ","鷹野[たかの] (n) (arch) falconry ","得意分野[とくいぶんや] (n) (yoji) one's field of expertise/one's strong area ","野球部[やきゅうぶ] (n) baseball club (at a university,  corporation, etc.)/baseball team (P) ","野手[やしゅ] (n) (baseb) fielder (P) ","野中[のなか] (n) in the middle of a field (P) ","外野[がいや] (n) (1) (baseb) outfield (2) (baseb) (abbr) outfielder (3) (baseb) (abbr) outfield bleachers (4) third party/outsider/onlooker/bystander (P) ","山野[さんや] (n) hills and fields/countryside (P) ","荒野[あらの<br>あれの<br>こうや] (n) wasteland/wilderness/deserted land/prairie/vast plain/wilds/desert/wild land ","野砲[やほう] (n) field gun/field artillery ","野鳥[やちょう] (n) wild bird (P) ","原野[げんや] (n) waste land/wilderness/moor/field/plain (P) ","野営[やえい] (n, vs) camping/campground/making camp ","野良[のら] (ateji) (n) (1) field/farm (adj-no) (2) rural/agricultural (n-pref) (3) stray (e.g. dog,  cat) (4) unauthorised (esp. smartphone application) ","林野[りんや] (n) forests and fields (P) ","裾野[すその] (n) (1) foot of a mountain/plain at the foot of a mountain (2) range/spread/extent/encompassing circle ","野次[やじ] (n) hooting/jeering/heckling ","田野[でんや] (n) cultivated fields/countryside "],"員":["員[いん]member  N1","教員[きょういん]teaching staff  N1","行員[こういん]bank clerk  N1","職員[しょくいん]staff member; personnel  N1","従業員[じゅうぎょういん]employee; worker  N1","動員[どういん]mobilization  N1","工員[こういん]factory worker  N2","定員[ていいん]fixed number of regular personnel, capacity (of boat, etc.)  N2","満員[まんいん]full house, no vacancy,sold out  N2","委員[いいん]committee member  N3","会員[かいいん]member,  the membership  N3","議員[ぎいん]member of the Diet,   congress or parliament  N3","全員[ぜんいん<br>ぜいいん]all members (unanimity),  all hands, the whole crew  N3","公務員[こうむいん]government worker  N4","店員[てんいん<br>ていいん]shop assistant  N4","会社員[かいしゃいん]Company Employee ","社員[しゃいん]Employee,  staff, company employee, company staff ","一員[いちいん]member ","乗組員[のりくみいん]crew ","駅員[えきいん]Train Station Employee,  train station staff, train station attendant, station attendant, station employee ","兵員[へいいん]Military Personnel,  military strength ","事務員[じむいん]clerical staff ","委員会[いいんかい]committee ","党員[とういん]Party Member ","審査員[しんさいん] (n) examiner/judge ","警備員[けいびいん] (n) guard/security (officer)/guardsman ","隊員[たいいん] (n) troops/group members/team members (P) ","役員[やくいん] (n) officer/official/executive/staff (P) ","部員[ぶいん] (n, adj-no) staff/member (club, society, etc.) (P) ","乗員[じょういん] (n) crew (P) ","委員長[いいんちょう] (n) committee chairman (P) ","作業員[さぎょういん] (n) laborer/labourer/blue-collar worker ","人員[じんいん] (n) number of persons/personnel (P) ","陪審員[ばいしんいん] (n) juror/juryman ","正社員[せいしゃいん] (n) regular employee/permanent employee/full-time employee ","教職員[きょうしょくいん] (n) teaching staff/faculty (P) ","組員[くみいん] (n) member (esp. of a criminal organization)/gang member/gangster/yakuza/crime syndicate member ","代議員[だいぎいん] (n) representative/delegate ","研究員[けんきゅういん] (n) researcher/lab worker (P) ","要員[よういん] (n) (necessary) personnel/required person (P) ","船員[せんいん] (n, adj-no) sailor (P) ","工作員[こうさくいん] (n) (1) spy/agent provocateur/covert operative (2) maker/builder/constructor (P) ","上院議員[じょういんぎいん] (n, adj-no) senator/member of the upper house ","幅員[ふくいん] (n) breadth,  extent ","復員[ふくいん] (n, vs) demobilization/demobilisation/repatriation (P) ","総員[そういん] (n) the entire strength/all hands/all the members ","団員[だんいん] (n) group member (P) ","局員[きょくいん] (n) clerk (bureau,  post-office) staff (P) ","捜査員[そうさいん] (n) investigator (usu. of criminal cases) ","係員[かかりいん] (n) person in charge/official/attendant (P) ","特派員[とくはいん] (n) (1) (special) correspondent (e.g. for a newspaper) (2) representative/delegate (P) ","増員[ぞういん] (n, vs) increase the number of personnel (P) "],"動":["異動[いどう]a change  N1","動き[うごき]movement; activity;trend;development;change  N1","出動[しゅつどう]sailing; marching;going out  N1","振動[しんどう]oscillation; vibration  N1","自動詞[じどうし]intransitive verb (no direct obj)  N1","助動詞[じょどうし]auxiliary verb  N1","騒動[そうどう]strife; riot;rebellion  N1","他動詞[たどうし]transitive verb (direct obj)  N1","動員[どういん]mobilization  N1","動機[どうき]motive; incentive  N1","動向[どうこう]trend; tendency;movement;attitude  N1","動的[どうてき]dynamic; kinetic  N1","動揺[どうよう]disturbance; unrest;shaking;trembling;pitching;rolling;oscillation;agitation;excitement;commotion  N1","動力[どうりょく]power; motive power;dynamic force  N1","不動産[ふどうさん]real estate  N1","変動[へんどう]change; fluctuation  N1","暴動[ぼうどう]insurrection; rebellion;revolt;riot;uprising  N1","形容動詞[けいようどうし]adjectival noun, quasi-adjective  N2","動作[どうさ]action, movements,motions,bearing,behaviour,manners  N2","移動[いどう]removal,  migration, movement  N3","動かす[うごかす]to move,  to shift  N3","運動[うんどう]motion,  exercise  N3","活動[かつどう]action,  activity  N3","感動[かんどう]being deeply moved,  excitement, impression, deep emotion  N3","行動[こうどう]action,  conduct, behaviour, mobilization  N3","自動[じどう]automatic,  self-motion  N3","動詞[どうし]verb  N3","動く[うごく]to move  N4","動物園[どうぶつえん]zoo  N4","自動車[じどうしゃ]automobile  N5","動物[どうぶつ]animal  N5","作動[さどう]operation ","動じる[どうじる]be moved with emotion ","動もすれば[ややもすれば]be inclined to ","反動[はんどう]backlash ","言動[げんどう]speech and behavior ","運動会[うんどうかい]sports festival ","運動場[うんどうじょう]playground ","感動する[かんどうする]To Be Emotionally Moved,  to be moved emotionally, to be moving ","受動的[じゅどうてき]passive ","能動的[のうどうてき]active ","自動的[じどうてき]Automatic ","動静[どうせい]movements ","動乱[どうらん]disturbance ","不動産屋[ふどうさんや]real estate agent ","律動[りつどう]Rhythm ","自動販売機[じどうはんばいき]Vending Machine ","律動的[りつどうてき]Rhythmical,  rhythmic ","激動[げきどう]turmoil ","機動隊[きどうたい]riot police ","動脈[どうみゃく]artery ","躍動[やくどう]Lively Motion,  throb ","衝動[しょうどう]impulse ","鼓動[こどう]beat,  palpitate, pulse, throb ","動画[どうが] (n, adj-no,vs) (1) video/movie/moving picture (2) animation/animated cartoon (n) (3) in-betweens (animation) (P) ","起動[きどう] (n, vs,adj-no) startup/booting up/activation/starting (e.g. engine, computer)/launch ","気動車[きどうしゃ] (n) railcar powered by a diesel or gasoline engine/rail motor ","動[どう] (n) motion/change/confusion (P) ","連動[れんどう] (n, vs) (1) operating together/working together/gearing/linkage (adj-f) (2) linked/coupled/interlocking (P) ","発動[はつどう] (n, vs) (1) putting into operation (2) (law) invocation (P) ","電動[でんどう] (n, adj-no) electric (P) ","機動[きどう] (n) (1) maneuver (usu. of military force)/manoeuvre (adj-f) (2) mobile/nimble/agile/quick to respond (P) ","駆動[くどう] (n, vs) driving force (P) ","流動[りゅうどう] (n, vs) flow (P) ","活動家[かつどうか] (n) activist (P) ","動き出す[うごきだす] (v5s) to come alive/to get going/to start to move (P) ","可動[かどう] (n, adj-no) mobile/moveable ","波動[はどう] (n, adj-no) (1) wave motion/undulation/surge (2) (physics) wave ","稼動[かどう] (n, vs) operation (of machine)/operating/running/working ","制動[せいどう] (n, vs) braking (mechanism) ","原動[げんどう] (n) motive ","始動[しどう] (n, vs) starting (machine, engine, car, etc.)/activation (P) ","不動[ふどう] (adj-no, n) (1) immovable/motionless/firm/unwavering/unshakable/steadfast (n) (2) (Buddh) (abbr) Acala (Wisdom King)/Fudo/fierce Buddhist deity (P) ","動態[どうたい] (n) movement/dynamic state (P) ","手動[しゅどう] (n, adj-no) manual (operation) (P) ","浮動[ふどう] (n, vs,adj-no) floating ","原動力[げんどうりょく] (n) motive power/driving force (P) ","動植物[どうしょくぶつ] (n) plants and animals/flora and fauna (P) ","初動[しょどう] (n) (1) initial response (e.g. to a crisis)/action in the earliest stages (2) initial shock (of an earthquake)/preliminary tremor ","動き回る[うごきまわる] (v5r) to move around ","挙動[きょどう] (n, vs) conduct/behavior/behaviour ","受動[じゅどう] (n, adj-no) passivity (P) ","動輪[どうりん] (n) driving wheel ","能動[のうどう] (n) activity (P) ","扇動[せんどう] (n, vs) incitement/sedition/agitation/abetting (P) "],"族":["貴族[きぞく]noble; aristocrat  N1","民族[みんぞく]people; race;nation;racial customs;folk customs  N1","家族[かぞく]family  N5","血族[けつぞく]Blood Relative ","親族[しんぞく<br>うから]relative ","水族館[すいぞくかん<br>すいぞっかん]aquarium ","暴走族[ぼうそうぞく]Biker Gang,  motorcycle gang, japanese bikers, bosozoku ","皇族[こうぞく]Imperial Family,  member of the imperial family ","族[ぞく<br>やから] (n, n-suf) (1) tribe/clan/band (2) (taxonomical) tribe (3) group (of the periodic table) (P) ","一族[いちぞく] (n) (1) family/relatives/dependents (2) household (P) ","部族[ぶぞく] (n, adj-no) tribe/clan/house (P) ","遺族[いぞく] (n) bereaved family/surviving family/family of the deceased (P) ","貴族院[きぞくいん] (n) House of Lords ","氏族[しぞく] (n, adj-no) clan/family (P) ","王族[おうぞく] (n, adj-no) royalty (P) ","種族[しゅぞく] (n) (1) race/tribe/ethnic group (2) species/genus/family (3) (astron) stellar population (i.e. population I,  II and III) (P) ","豪族[ごうぞく] (n) powerful family (clan) (P) ","水族[すいぞく] (n) aquatic fauna/aquatic animals ","華族[かぞく] (n) peerage (in Japan,  1868-1946)/nobility/aristocracy ","同族[どうぞく] (n, adj-no) same family (race, tribe) ","魔族[まぞく] (n) demonic or magic being/inhabitant of hell (or the spirit world) ","士族[しぞく] (n) family or person with samurai ancestors ","族長[ぞくちょう] (n, adj-no) patriarch/head of a family "],"旅":["旅客[りょかく<br>りょきゃく]passenger (transport)  N1","旅券[りょけん]passport  N1","旅[たび<br>りょ]travel,  trip, journey  N3","旅館[りょかん]Japanese hotel  N4","旅行[りょこう]travel  N5","旅立つ[たびだつ]set off ","旅行する[りょこうする]To Travel,  to take a trip ","旅行者[りょこうしゃ]Traveler,  tourist ","旅客機[りょかくき<br>りょかっき]passenger plane ","旅費[りょひ]travel expense ","修学旅行[しゅうがくりょこう]school excursion ","新婚旅行[しんこんりょこう]Honeymoon ","旅団[りょだん] (n) brigade (P) ","長旅[ちょうりょ<br>ながたび] (ok) (n) long trip ","旅人[たびにん<br>たびびと<br>りょじん] (n) nomad/person who goes from place to place,  gambling, etc./pilgrim "],"着":["落ち着き[おちつき]calm; composure  N1","着飾る[きかざる]to dress up  N1","執着[しゅうちゃく<br>しゅうじゃく]attachment; adhesion;tenacity  N1","先着[せんちゃく]first arrival  N1","辿り着く[たどりつく]to grope along to; to struggle on to;to arrive somewhere after a struggle  N1","着[ちゃく<br>ぎ]counter for suits of clothing; arriving at ..  N1","着手[ちゃくしゅ]embarkation; launch  N1","着色[ちゃくしょく]colouring; coloring  N1","着席[ちゃくせき]sit down; seat  N1","着目[ちゃくもく]attention  N1","着陸[ちゃくりく]landing; alighting;touch down  N1","着工[ちゃっこう]start of (construction) work  N1","落着く[おちつく]to calm down, to settle down  N2","着替え[きがえ]changing clothes, change of clothes  N2","着せる[きせる]to put on clothes  N2","着々[ちゃくちゃく]steadily  N2","着ける[つける](1) to attach, to join,to add,to append  N2","寝間着[ねまき]sleep-wear, nightclothes,pyjamas,nightgown,nightdress  N2","肌着[はだぎ]underwear  N2","到着[とうちゃく]arrival  N3","着物[きもの<br>きるもの]kimono  N4","下着[したぎ]underwear  N4","上着[うわぎ]jacket  N5","着る[きる]to put on from the shoulders down  N5","着く[つく<br>はく]to arrive at  N5","水着[みずぎ]Swim Suit,  swimsuit, bathing suit, swimwear, swimming suit ","不時着[ふじちゃく]emergency landing ","付着[ふちゃく]adhesion ","定着[ていちゃく]fastening ","必着[ひっちゃく]to be delivered ","横着[おうちゃく]idle ","発着[はっちゃく]departure and arrival ","着実[ちゃくじつ]solid ","落ち着く[おちつく]calm down ","終着駅[しゅうちゃくえき]terminal station ","愛着[あいちゃく<br>あいじゃく]attachment ","厚着[あつぎ]heavy clothing ","着替える[きがえる<br>きかえる]change clothes ","普段着[ふだんぎ]everyday wear ","薄着[うすぎ]light clothing ","粘着[ねんちゃく]affixing ","漂着[ひょうちゃく]Drifting Ashore ","癒着[ゆちゃく]adhesion,  collusion ","落ち着ける[おちつける] (v1, vt) to quiet/to calm down/to compose oneself/to settle down ","着信音[ちゃくしんおん] (n) ringtone ","決着[けっちゃく] (n, vs) conclusion/decision/end/settlement (P) ","たどり着く[たどりつく] (v5k, vi) to arrive at (after a struggle)/to finally reach/to find one's way to/to finally hit on (e.g. an idea) (P) ","装着[そうちゃく] (n, vs) equipping/installing/fitting/mounting/putting on (P) ","新着[しんちゃく] (n, adj-no,vs) new arrivals/new acquisitions ","着用[ちゃくよう] (n, vs) wearing (e.g. uniform, seat belt)/having on (P) ","着任[ちゃくにん] (n, vs) taking up a new post ","密着[みっちゃく] (n, vs) (1) close adhesion/sticking firmly to/being glued to (2) relating closely to/having relevance to (3) contact printing (P) ","終着[しゅうちゃく] (n) arriving at the final stop (of a bus,  train, etc.)/reaching the end of the line ","着信[ちゃくしん] (n, vs) (1) arrival (e.g. post, signal) (adj-f) (2) receiving/incoming ","行き着く[いきつく<br>ゆきつく] (v5k, vi) to arrive at/to end up ","試着[しちゃく] (n, vs) trying on clothes (P) ","接着[せっちゃく] (n, vs) adhesion/glueing/gluing/bonding/binding/adhering/fastening (P) ","離着陸[りちゃくりく] (n, vs) takeoff and landing (P) ","着想[ちゃくそう] (n, vs) conception/idea ","土着[どちゃく] (n, vs) (1) indigenousness/being native (to a region)/settling (of people) (adj-no) (2) native/indigenous/aboriginal ","着地[ちゃくち] (n, vs) landing (P) ","降着[こうちゃく] (n, vs) (1) landing/touchdown/splashdown (2) demotion (horse racing) (3) (astron) accretion ","漕ぎ着ける[こぎつける] (v1, vt) (1) to row (a boat) up to (a pier) (2) to attain/to reach (a certain stage)/to manage to do ","膠着[こうちゃく] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) agglutination/adhesion (2) deadlock/stalemate/standstill ","吸着[きゅうちゃく] (n, vs) (1) (chem) adsorption (2) adhesion (by suction)/attachment/sticking to "],"料":["衣料[いりょう]clothing  N1","香辛料[こうしんりょう]spices  N1","燃料[ねんりょう]fuel  N1","肥料[ひりょう]manure; fertilizer  N1","料[りょう<br>はやし]material; charge;rate;fee  N1","原料[げんりょう]raw materials  N2","資料[しりょう]materials, data  N2","送料[そうりょう]postage, carriage  N2","調味料[ちょうみりょう]condiment, seasoning  N2","有料[ゆうりょう]admission-paid, toll  N2","給料[きゅうりょう]salary,  wages  N3","材料[ざいりょう]ingredients,  material  N3","食料[しょくりょう]food  N3","無料[むりょう]free,  no charge  N3","料金[りょうきん]fee,  charge, fare  N3","食料品[しょくりょうひん]groceries  N4","料理[りょうり]cuisine  N5","入館料[にゅうかんりょう]Admission Fee,  entrance fee, entry fee ","飲料水[いんりょうすい]drinking water ","料理人[りょうりにん]A Cook,  cook, chef ","お節料理[おせちりょうり]festive food for the New Year ","塗料[とりょう]Paints,  painting material ","稿料[こうりょう]advance for manuscript,  copy money ","手数料[てすうりょう] (n) handling charge/commission (P) ","飲料[いんりょう<br>のみりょう] (n) beverage/drink (P) ","史料[しりょう] (n) historical materials/historical records/historical sources/archives (P) ","資料館[しりょうかん] (n) museum/reference library/archive/record office ","飼料[しりょう] (n) fodder/feed (P) ","顔料[がんりょう] (n) (1) pigment (2) paint/colour/color ","原材料[げんざいりょう] (n) raw materials/ingredients (P) ","試料[しりょう] (n) sample/specimen/test piece (P) ","染料[せんりょう] (n) dyes ","香料[こうりょう] (n) (1) flavoring/flavouring/spices (2) fragrance/perfume/incense (3) condolence gift (P) ","料亭[りょうてい] (n) ryotei/traditional Japanese restaurant (esp. a luxurious one) (P) "],"問":["問い合わせる[といあわせる]to enquire; to seek information  N1","問屋[とんや<br>といや]wholesale store  N1","問う[とう]to ask; to question;to charge (i.e. with a crime);to accuse;without regard to (neg)  N1","問[とい<br>もん]problem; question  N1","問い合わせ[といあわせ]enquiry, ENQ  N2","問答[もんどう]questions and answers, dialogue  N2","学問[がくもん]scholarship,  study, learning  N3","疑問[ぎもん]question,  problem, doubt, guess  N3","問い[とい]question,  query  N3","訪問[ほうもん]call,  visit  N3","質問[しつもん]question  N5","問題[もんだい]problem  N5","別問題[べつもんだい]another question ","自問[じもん]self doubt ","難問[なんもん]difficult problem ","検問する[けんもんする]To Inspect,  to examine, to check ","押し問答[おしもんどう]argument ","尋問[じんもん]Questioning ","顧問[こもん]Advisor ","慰問[いもん]Condolences,  sympathy call ","諮問[しもん]Question,  enquiry ","拷問[ごうもん]torture,  the rack, third degree ","問合せ[といあわせ] (n) enquiry/inquiry/query/interrogation/ENQ ","時間の問題[じかんのもんだい] (exp, n) a matter of time/matter of hours/question of time ","問いかける[といかける] (v1, vt) (1) to ask a question (2) to begin to ask a question ","大問題[だいもんだい] (n) big problem ","問題児[もんだいじ] (n) problem child ","設問[せつもん] (n, vs) (1) posing a question (2) question (P) ","不問[ふもん] (n, n-suf) not asking (about)/letting go unquestioned/disregarding/ignoring/overlooking (P) ","審問[しんもん] (n, vs) interrogation/hearing/trial (P) "],"館":["館[かん<br>たち<br>たて<br>むろつみ<br>やかた]house; hall;building;hotel;inn;guesthouse  N1","本館[ほんかん]main building  N1","会館[かいかん]meeting hall, assembly hall  N2","博物館[はくぶつかん]museum  N3","美術館[びじゅつかん]art gallery  N4","旅館[りょかん]Japanese hotel  N4","映画館[えいがかん]cinema  N5","大使館[たいしかん]embassy  N5","図書館[としょかん<br>ずしょかん]library  N5","入館料[にゅうかんりょう]Admission Fee,  entrance fee, entry fee ","公民館[こうみんかん]public hall ","水族館[すいぞくかん<br>すいぞっかん]aquarium ","領事館[りょうじかん]consulate ","迎賓館[げいひんかん]reception hall,  guest house ","開館[かいかん] (n, vs) (1) opening (for that day's business;  of a library, museum, cinema, etc.) (2) opening (of a new library, museum, cinema, etc.) (P) ","体育館[たいいくかん<br>たいくかん] (n) gymnasium (P) ","館長[かんちょう] (n) superintendent/director/curator/chief librarian (P) ","閉館[へいかん] (n, vs) (1) closing (for the day;  of a library, museum, cinema, etc.) (2) closing down (of a library, museum, cinema, etc.) ","資料館[しりょうかん] (n) museum/reference library/archive/record office ","館内[かんない] (n) in the building (P) ","新館[しんかん] (n) new building/annexe/annex ","別館[べっかん] (n) (hotel) annexe/annex (P) ","居館[きょかん] (n) residence/mansion/estate/dwelling ","分館[ぶんかん] (n) annex ","洋館[ようかん] (n) Western-style house "],"映":["映写[えいしゃ]projection  N1","映像[えいぞう]reflection; image  N1","映える[はえる]to shine; to look attractive;to look pretty  N1","映す[うつす]to project, to reflect,to cast (shadow)  N2","映る[うつる]to be reflected, to harmonize with,to come out (photo)  N2","反映[はんえい]reflection, influence  N2","映画[えいが]movie  N5","映画館[えいがかん]cinema  N5","上映[じょうえい]screening ","放映[ほうえい] (n, vs) televising/broadcasting/airing (P) ","映し出す[うつしだす] (v5s, vt) (1) to project/to show (2) to portray/to depict/to describe/to reflect (P) "],"銀":["銀[ぎん<br>かね<br>しろかね<br>しろがね](1) silver,  silver coin, silver paint  N3","銀行[ぎんこう]bank  N5","水銀[すいぎん]Mercury,  quicksilver ","銀色[ぎんいろ]Silver,  silver color, silver colour, colour silver, color silver ","銀紙[ぎんがみ]aluminum foil ","銀座[ぎんざ]Ginza ","銀河[ぎんが]galaxy ","銀杏[いちょう,  ぎんなん<br>いちょう<br>ぎんなん]ginkgo, ginkgo nut, ginkgo tree ","日本銀行[にっぽんぎんこう<br>にほんぎんこう] (n) Bank of Japan/BOJ/BoJ (P) ","日銀[にちぎん] (n) (abbr) Bank of Japan/BOJ/BoJ ","銀貨[ぎんか] (n) silver coin (P) ","銀行強盗[ぎんこうごうとう] (n) (1) bank robbery (2) bank robber ","金銀[きんぎん] (n) (1) gold and silver (2) money ","白銀[しろかね<br>しろがね<br>はくぎん] (ok) (n, adj-no) (1) silver (Ag) (n) (2) silver coin/money (3) silver medal (n,adj-no) (4) silver colour/silver color "],"駅":["駅[えき]station  N5","駅前[えきまえ]Front Of Station,  in front of station, front of the station, in front of the station, station front ","駅長[えきちょう]Station Master,  stationmaster, train station master, train stationmaster ","駅員[えきいん]Train Station Employee,  train station staff, train station attendant, station attendant, station employee ","終着駅[しゅうちゃくえき]terminal station ","駅弁[えきべん]station lunch ","各駅停車[かくえきていしゃ]Local Train ","駅舎[えきしゃ] (n) station building ","各駅[かくえき] (n) every station ","駅名[えきめい] (n) station name ","駅伝[えきでん] (n) (1) (abbr) long-distance relay race (2) stagecoach/post horse (P) "],"題":["課題[かだい]subject; theme;task  N1","議題[ぎだい]topic of discussion; agenda  N1","主題[しゅだい]subject; theme;motif  N1","出題[しゅつだい]proposing a question  N1","題名[だいめい]title  N2","題[だい]title,  subject, theme, topic  N3","話題[わだい]topic,  subject  N3","宿題[しゅくだい]homework  N5","問題[もんだい]problem  N5","〜放題[ほうだい]As Much As You Want,  all you can ","別問題[べつもんだい]another question ","例題[れいだい]example problem ","飲み放題[のみほうだい]All You Can Drink ","食べ放題[たべほうだい]All You Can Eat ","副題[ふくだい]Subtitle,  subheading ","題する[だいする] (vs-s) to be titled (e.g. a book)/to be named (P) ","題材[だいざい] (n) subject/theme (P) ","放題[ほうだい] (suf) (doing) as one pleases/to one's heart's content/letting (something) go unchecked/leaving uncontrolled/leaving (something) to take its own course (P) ","原題[げんだい] (n) original title ","時間の問題[じかんのもんだい] (exp, n) a matter of time/matter of hours/question of time ","本題[ほんだい] (n) main question/real issue at hand (P) ","表題[ひょうだい] (n) title/index/heading/headline/caption (P) ","邦題[ほうだい] (n) Japanese (translation) title given to foreign work ","大問題[だいもんだい] (n) big problem ","命題[めいだい] (n, adj-no) (1) proposition/thesis/notion/theory (2) problem/issue/challenge (P) ","問題児[もんだいじ] (n) problem child ","無題[むだい] (adj-no) untitled/titleless/without a title/no subject (email) ","主題歌[しゅだいか] (n) theme song ","探題[たんだい] (n) (1) local commissioner (Kamakura or Muromachi eras) (2) draw to find the theme for poetry session/composing poetry by lot ","題字[だいじ] (n) title lettering (P) "],"私":["私[わたし<br>わたし,  わたくし<br>わたくし<br>あたい<br>あたくし<br>あたし<br>あっし<br>あて<br>し<br>わい<br>わし<br>わたい<br>わっし<br>わっち<br>わて<br>わらわ]I (fem)  N1","私物[しぶつ]private property; personal effects  N1","私有[しゆう]private ownership  N1","私用[しよう]personal use; private business  N1","私鉄[してつ]private railway  N2","私立[しりつ<br>わたくしりつ]private (establishment)  N2","私生活[しせいかつ]Personal Life,  one's personal life, private life, one's private life ","私たち[わたしたち<br>わたくしたち]we ","私自身[わたしじしん<br>わたくしじしん]Personally,  as for me, myself ","私立大学[しりつだいがく]Private College,  private university ","私大[しだい]Private College,  private university, private uni ","私財[しざい]Private Funds,  own funds, private property, personal funds ","私営[しえい]Private,  privately run, run privately ","私費[しひ]private expense ","私邸[してい]private residence ","私的[してき<br>わたしてき] (adj-na) personal/private/proprietary (P) ","私見[しけん] (n) personal opinion (P) ","私学[しがく] (n) private (non-governmental) school (college,  university) (P) ","私設[しせつ] (n, vs,adj-no) private (P) ","私塾[しじゅく] (n) (1) small private school (esp. for cramming) (2) private school (in the Edo period,  orig. run by Confucianists) (P) ","公私[こうし] (n, adj-no) public and private/official and personal/government and people (P) "],"秋":["秋[あき<br>とき]autumn  N5","春夏秋冬[しゅんかしゅうとう]four seasons ","秋分[しゅうぶん]autumnal equinox ","秋風[あきかぜ]autumn breeze ","春秋[しゅんじゅう<br>はるあき] (n) (1) spring and autumn/spring and fall (2) years/age (3) The Spring and Autumn Annals/The Chronicles of Lu/Chunqiu/Ch'un Ch'iu (P) ","秋季[しゅうき] (n) fall season/autumn season (P) ","秋刀魚[さんま] (gikun) (n) (uk) Pacific saury (Cololabis saira)/mackerel pike ","千秋[せんしゅう] (n) thousand years/many years ","千秋楽[せんしゅうらく] (n) (1) concluding festivities/concluding program/concluding programme (2) (sumo) final day of a tournament (P) ","秋月[しゅうげつ] (n) autumn moon/harvest moon "],"建":["再建[さいけん<br>さいこん]rebuilding; reconstruction;rehabilitation  N1","建前[たてまえ]face; official stance;public position or attitude (as opposed to private thoughts)  N1","封建[ほうけん]feudalistic  N1","建つ[たつ]to erect, to be erected,to be built  N2","建設[けんせつ]construction,  establishment  N3","建築[けんちく]construction,  architecture  N3","建てる[たてる]to build  N4","二階建て[にかいだて]two storied  N4","建物[たてもの]building  N5","建て前[たてまえ]one's public stance ","建築家[けんちくか]Architect ","封建主義[ほうけんしゅぎ<br>ほうけん しゅぎ]Feudalism ","封建的[ほうけん てき]feudal ","建立[けんりつ<br>こんりゅう] (n, vs) (act of) building (temple, monument, etc.)/erection ","建[たける<br>たて] (n) (arch) leader of a fearless tribe ","建造[けんぞう] (n, vs) building/construction (P) ","創建[そうけん] (n, vs) establishment/foundation ","建て[たて<br>だて] (n, n-suf,n-pref) contract/commitment ","建国[けんこく] (n, vs) founding of a nation (P) ","建設省[けんせつしょう] (n) Ministry of Construction (P) ","建材[けんざい] (n) building material (P) ","建て直す[たてなおす] (v5s, vt) to rebuild/to reconstruct ","建屋[たてや] (n) structure for housing heavy machinery "],"英":["英字[えいじ]English letter (character)  N1","英雄[えいゆう]hero; great man  N1","英文[えいぶん]sentence in English  N2","英和[えいわ]English-Japanese (e.g. dictionary)  N2","和英[わえい]Japanese-English  N2","英語[えいご]English language  N5","英国[えいこく]Britain,  uk, united kingdom, england ","英会話[えいかいわ]English Conversation ","英気[えいき]energy ","英訳[えいやく]English Translation ","英語圏[えいごけん]English Speaking World ","英[えい<br>はなぶさ] (n, n-pref,n-suf) (abbr) Britain/British ","英名[えいめい] (n) (1) fame/glory/reputation (2) English name of plants and animals ","英人[えいじん] (n) Briton/Englishman ","英単語[えいたんご] (n) English word (P) ","英明[えいめい] (adj-na, n) intelligent/wise/bright/brilliant/clear-sighted (P) ","育英[いくえい] (n) education (P) "],"飯":["昼飯[ひるめし<br>ちゅうはん<br>ひるはん]lunch; midday meal  N1","飯[めし<br>いい<br>まま<br>まんま](sl) meals,  food  N3","朝御飯[あさごはん]breakfast  N5","御飯[ごはん<br>おまんま<br>おんいい]cooked rice, meal  N5","晩御飯[ばんごはん]evening meal  N5","昼御飯[ひるごはん]midday meal  N5","夕飯[ゆうはん<br>ゆうめし]dinner  N5","ご飯[ごはん]Meal,  cooked rice ","朝ご飯[あさごはん]breakfast ","朝飯[あさめし]breakfast ","赤飯[せきはん]cooked rice and red beans ","晩ご飯[ばんごはん]Dinner,  supper ","昼ご飯[ひるごはん]Lunch ","天津飯[てんしんはん] (n) (food) crab omelet on rice "],"計":["家計[かけい]household economy; family finances  N1","計器[けいき]meter; gauge  N1","集計[しゅうけい]totalization; aggregate  N1","生計[せいけい]livelihood; living  N1","統計[とうけい]scattering, a scatter,dispersion  N2","余計[よけい]too much, unnecessary,abundance,surplus,excess,superfluity  N2","会計[かいけい]account,  finance, accountant  N3","計[けい<br>はか]plan  N3","計画[けいかく]plan,  project, schedule, scheme, program  N3","計算[けいさん]calculation,  reckoning  N3","合計[ごうけい]sum total,  total amount  N3","設計[せっけい]plan,  design  N3","計る[はかる]to measure,  to weigh, to survey  N3","時計[とけい<br>ときはかり]watch, clock  N5","体温計[たいおんけい](clinical) thermometer ","目覚まし時計[めざましどけい]alarm clock ","腕時計[うでどけい]Wristwatch,  watch ","寒暖計[かんだんけい]thermometer ","累計[るいけい]cumulative total,  accumulated total ","計測[けいそく] (n, vs) measuring/measurement (P) ","計量[けいりょう] (n, vs) (1) measuring/weighing (n) (2) (math) metric/distance function (P) ","計上[けいじょう] (n, vs) (1) including a sum of money in one's calculations (2) appropriation (a sum of money) (P) ","設計図[せっけいず] (n) plan/blueprint ","推計[すいけい] (n, vs) estimate/estimation (P) ","会計士[かいけいし] (n) accountant (P) ","総計[そうけい] (n, vs,adj-no) total/sum (P) ","時計回り[とけいまわり] (n) clockwise rotation/CW ","会計検査院[かいけいけんさいん] (n) Board of Audit (P) ","主計[しゅけい] (n) paymaster/accountant (P) ","計らう[はからう] (v5u, vt) to manage/to arrange/to talk over/to dispose of "],"昼":["昼間[ひるま<br>ちゅうかん]daytime; during the day  N1","昼飯[ひるめし<br>ちゅうはん<br>ひるはん]lunch; midday meal  N1","昼寝[ひるね]nap (at home), siesta  N2","お昼[おひる]lunch,  noon  N3","昼食[ちゅうしょく<br>ちゅうじき<br>ひるげ]lunch,  midday meal  N3","昼休み[ひるやすみ]noon break  N4","昼[ひる]noon,  daytime  N5","昼御飯[ひるごはん]midday meal  N5","昼下がり[ひるさがり]early afternoon ","昼前[ひるまえ]in the morning ","昼夜[ちゅうや]day and night ","昼ご飯[ひるごはん]Lunch ","昼過ぎ[ひるすぎ]early afternoon "],"帰":["帰京[ききょう]returning to Tokyo  N1","お帰り[おかえり]return, welcome  N2","帰す[きす<br>かえす]to send back  N2","日帰り[ひがえり]day trip  N2","帰宅[きたく]returning home  N3","帰り[かえり]return  N4","帰る[かえる]to go back  N5","回帰[かいき]recurrence ","帰化[きか]naturalization ","帰国[きこく]return to one's country ","帰省[きせい]homecoming ","復帰[ふっき]restoration ","帰郷する[ききょうする]To Return To One's Hometown ","帰還[きかん] (n, vs) (1) repatriation/return (2) (electrical) feedback (P) ","帰投[きとう] (n, vs) return to base (of soldiers, military aircraft or ships) ","持ち帰る[もちかえる] (v5r, vt) to bring back/to carry home/to take out (e.g. food) (P) ","帰属[きぞく] (n, vs) (1) belonging/ascription/attribution/imputation/possession/jurisdiction (2) reversion/return/restoration (P) ","帰郷[ききょう] (n, vs) homecoming/return to one's home ","帰り道[かえりみち] (n) the way back/the way home/return trip (P) ","帰順[きじゅん] (n, vs) submission/return to allegiance ","再帰[さいき] (n) (1) recurrence/recursion (adj-no) (2) (ling) reflective ","帰路[きろ] (n-adv, n-t) one's way back (P) ","帰依[きえ] (n, vs) becoming a devout believer (religious) conversion (P) ","帰納[きのう] (n, vs) induction/inductive reasoning ","帰途[きと] (n, adj-no) on the way back/returning (P) ","帰結[きけつ] (n, vs) consequence/result/conclusion "],"春":["青春[せいしゅん]youth; springtime of life;adolescent  N1","春[はる]spring  N5","春休み[はるやすみ]Spring Break,  spring vacation, spring holiday ","売春[ばいしゅん]prostitution ","早春[そうしゅん]early spring ","春分[しゅんぶん]vernal equinox ","春夏秋冬[しゅんかしゅうとう]four seasons ","春巻き[はるまき]Spring Rolls ","春田[はるた] (n) empty rice field (between the harvest and spring) ","初春[しょしゅん<br>はつはる] (n) (1) beginning of spring (2) first month of the lunar calendar/New Year ","春秋[しゅんじゅう<br>はるあき] (n) (1) spring and autumn/spring and fall (2) years/age (3) The Spring and Autumn Annals/The Chronicles of Lu/Chunqiu/Ch'un Ch'iu (P) ","売春婦[ばいしゅんふ<br>ばいしゅんぷ] (n) prostitute (P) ","春季[しゅんき] (n) spring season (P) ","春日[しゅんじつ<br>はるひ<br>はるび] (n) spring day/spring sunlight ","新春[しんしゅん] (n) New Year (Spring) (P) ","春風[しゅんぷう<br>はるかぜ] (n) spring breeze ","思春期[ししゅんき] (n) puberty (P) "],"急":["応急[おうきゅう]emergency  N1","緊急[きんきゅう]urgent; pressing;emergency  N1","早急[そうきゅう<br>さっきゅう]urgent  N1","準急[じゅんきゅう]local express (train&nbsp; &nbsp;slower than an express)  N1","急かす[せかす]to hurry; to urge on  N1","至急[しきゅう]urgent, pressing  N2","急激[きゅうげき]sudden,  precipitous, radical  N3","急速[きゅうそく]rapid (e.g. progress)  N3","急に[きゅうに]Suddenly  N3","急ぐ[いそぐ]to hurry  N4","急[きゅう]urgent,  steep  N4","急行[きゅうこう]speedy,  express  N4","特急[とっきゅう]limited express train (faster than an express train)  N4","急死[きゅうし]Sudden Death ","大急ぎ[おおいそぎ]in a great hurry ","急変[きゅうへん]sudden change ","急性[きゅうせい]acute ","急所[きゅうしょ]vital part ","急用[きゅうよう]urgent business ","急病[きゅうびょう]sudden illness ","性急[せいきゅう]hasty ","急増[きゅうぞう]Sudden Increase,  increase suddenly ","救急車[きゅうきゅうしゃ]Ambulance ","超特急[ちょう とっきゅう]super express ","急患[きゅうかん]Emergency Patient ","急騰[きゅうとう]sudden rise,  jump, sharp rise ","急遽[きゅうきょ]in a hurry ","緊急事態[きんきゅうじたい] (n) state of emergency/emergency/crisis ","救急[きゅうきゅう] (n, adj-no) first-aid/emergency (aid) (P) ","急ぎ[いそぎ] (n, adj-no) haste/hurry/expedition/speed/dispatch (P) ","急進[きゅうしん] (n, vs) rapid progress/radical (P) ","急逝[きゅうせい] (n, vs) sudden death (P) ","急く[せく] (v5k, vi) to hurry/to rush ","急落[きゅうらく] (n, vs) sudden fall/sharp fall/sudden drop/sharp drop (P) ","急襲[きゅうしゅう] (n, vs) raid/assault/descent ","急上昇[きゅうじょうしょう] (n, vs) sudden rise/steep climb/zoom ","緩急[かんきゅう] (n) (1) pace/tempo/slow and fast (2) in case of emergency (P) ","急便[きゅうびん] (n) express dispatch/urgent correspondence "],"品":["下品[げひん]inferior article  N1","気品[きひん]aroma  N1","骨董品[こっとうひん]curio  N1","出品[しゅっぴん]exhibit; display  N1","品質[ひんしつ]quality  N1","品種[ひんしゅ]brand; kind;description  N1","用品[ようひん]articles; supplies;parts  N1","賞品[しょうひん]prize, trophy  N2","日用品[にちようひん]daily necessities  N2","必需品[ひつじゅひん]necessities, necessary article,requisite,essential  N2","部品[ぶひん]parts, accessories  N2","薬品[やくひん]medicine(s), chemical(s)  N2","洋品店[ようひんてん]shop which handles Western-style apparel and accessories  N2","作品[さくひん]work,  opus, performance, production  N3","品[しな<br>ひん,  しな<br>ひん<br>ほん]thing, article, goods, dignity, article (goods), counter for meal courses  N3","商品[しょうひん]commodity,  article of commerce, goods, stock, merchandise  N3","食品[しょくひん]commodity,  foodstuff  N3","製品[せいひん]manufactured goods,  finished goods  N3","手品[てじな]sleight of hand,  conjuring trick, magic, juggling  N3","品物[しなもの]goods  N4","食料品[しょくりょうひん]groceries  N4","新品[しんぴん]Brand New,  new item, new product ","残品[ざんぴん]Unsold Merchandise,  remaining stock, unsold stock, remaining merchandise, unsold product, remaining product ","上品[じょうひん<br>じょうぼん]elegant ","品切れ[しなぎれ]sold out ","品名[ひんめい]name of article ","目玉商品[めだましょうひん]featured product ","医薬品[いやくひん]pharmaceuticals ","品詞[ひんし]Part Of Speech ","盗品[とうひん]Stolen Goods,  stolen items ","貴重品[きちょうひん]valuables ","逸品[いっぴん]gem,  treasure, article of rare beauty, fine article ","証拠品[しょうこひん] (n) piece of evidence/evidence ","品目[しなめ<br>ひんもく] (n) item/commodity/list of articles ","一品[いっぴん<br>ひとしな] (n) (1) item/article (2) dish/course (3) finest item (P) ","返品[へんぴん] (n, vs) returned goods/returning purchased goods (P) ","化粧品[けしょうひん] (n) cosmetics/toilet articles ","物品[ぶっぴん] (n) goods/articles (P) ","納品[のうひん] (n, vs) delivery of goods ","絶品[ぜっぴん] (n, adj-no) superb piece of work/masterpiece/exquisite item/perfection/unique article ","品格[ひんかく] (n) dignity/quality/grace/panache/level (P) ","景品[けいひん] (n) (1) gift/premium/freebie/giveaway/something additional/an extra (2) prize (lottery drawing,  pachinko, etc.) (3) party favor (favour) (P) ","遺品[いひん] (n) articles of the deceased/article left by the deceased/things that belonged to the deceased (P) ","品位[ひんい] (n) (1) dignity/grace/nobility (2) grade/quality/fineness/carat/karat (P) ","産品[さんぴん] (n) products (P) ","乳製品[にゅうせいひん] (n) dairy products (P) "],"真":["生真面目[きまじめ]too serious; person who is too serious;honesty;sincerity  N1","真実[しんじつ<br>しんじち]truth; reality  N1","真珠[しんじゅ]pearl  N1","真相[しんそう]truth; real situation  N1","真理[まり<br>しんり]truth  N1","真上[まうえ]just above; right overhead  N1","真心[まごころ]sincerity; devotion  N1","真に[しんに<br>まことに]truly; actually;really  N1","真下[ました]right under; directly below  N1","真っ二つ[まっぷたつ]in two equal parts  N1","真ん中[まんなか]middle; centre;mid-way  N1","真ん前[まんまえ]right in front; under the nose  N1","真ん丸い[まんまるい]perfectly circular  N1","真空[しんくう]vacuum, hollow,empty  N2","真っ暗[まっくら]total darkness, shortsightedness,pitch dark  N2","真っ黒[まっくろ]pitch black  N2","真っ青[まっさお]deep blue, ghastly pale  N2","真っ先[まっさき]the head, the foremost,beginning  N2","真っ白[まっしろ]pure white  N2","真似る[まねる]to mimic, to imitate  N2","真剣[しんけん]seriousness,  earnestness  N3","真面目[まじめ<br>しんめんぼく<br>しんめんもく]diligent,  serious, honest  N3","真っ赤[まっか]deep red,  flushed (of face)  N3","真っ直ぐ[まっすぐ]straight (ahead),  direct, upright  N3","真似[まね]mimicry,  imitation, behavior, pretense  N3","真中[まんなか]middle  N4","写真[しゃしん]photograph  N5","真[しん<br>ま<br>まな]reality ","真っ最中[まっさいちゅう]midst ","真ん丸[まんまる]perfect circle ","真四角[ましかく]square ","真夏[まなつ]midsummer ","真夜中[まよなか]midnight ","真意[しんい]real intention ","真価[しんか]true value ","物真似[ものまね]Impersonation ","真偽[しんぎ]authenticity ","猿真似[さるまね]Monkey See Monkey Do ","真鯉[まごい]black carp,  black koi ","真髄[しんずい]essence,  pith, true meaning ","真犯人[しんはんにん] (n) the real criminal/true culprit ","真田[さなだ] (n) plait/braid ","真摯[しんし] (adj-na, n) sincere/earnest/serious (P) ","写真家[しゃしんか] (n) photographer (P) ","真っすぐ[まっすぐ] (adj-na, adv,n) (1) (uk) straight (ahead)/direct/upright/erect (adj-na,n) (2) (uk) straightforward/honest/frank ","真白[ましろ<br>まっしろ] (ok) (adj-na, adj-no,n) (1) pure white (2) blank (e.g. mind, paper) ","真宗[しんしゅう] (n) Shin Buddhism ","真言宗[しんごんしゅう] (n) Shingon sect (of Buddhism) ","真帆[まほ] (n) spread-out sail/full sail (sailing) downwind ","真木[まき] (n) (uk) yew plum pine (Podocarpus macrophyllus) ","オウム真理教[オウムしんりきょう] (n) Aum Shinrikyo/Japanese religious group responsible for the 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway ","真人[しんじん<br>まうと<br>まひと<br>もうと] (n) true man ","真壁[しんかべ] (n) wall with exposed timber pillars ","真弓[まゆみ] (n) (uk) Japanese spindle tree (Euonymus sieboldianus) ","真鍮[しんちゅう] (n) brass "],"曜":["水曜[すいよう]Wednesday  N2","火曜[かよう](abbr) Tuesday  N3","金曜[きんよう](abbr) Friday  N3","月曜[げつよう]Monday  N3","土曜[どよう]Saturday  N3","日曜[にちよう]Sunday  N3","木曜[もくよう]Thursday  N3","曜日[ようび]day of the week  N3","火曜日[かようび]Tuesday  N5","金曜日[きんようび]Friday  N5","月曜日[げつようび]Monday  N5","水曜日[すいようび]Wednesday  N5","土曜日[どようび]Saturday  N5","日曜日[にちようび]Sunday  N5","木曜日[もくようび]Thursday  N5"],"堂":["議事堂[ぎじどう]Diet building  N1","堂々[どうどう]magnificent; grand;impressive  N1","講堂[こうどう]auditorium  N4","食堂[しょくどう<br>じきどう]dining hall  N5","堂々と[どうどうと]grandly ","殿堂[でんどう]Palace ","堂[どう] (n, n-suf) (1) temple/shrine/chapel (2) hall (suf) (3) company (n,n-suf,n-pref) (4) (arch) front room (P) ","聖堂[せいどう] (n) (Confucian) temple/church/sanctuary (P) ","本堂[ほんどう] (n) main temple building/nave (P) ","正々堂々[せいせいどうどう] (adj-no, adj-t,adv-to) (yoji) fair and square/open and aboveboard ","公会堂[こうかいどう] (n) town hall/public hall (P) ","金堂[こんどう] (n) main temple structure (sanctuary,  hall) "],"借":["借り[かり]borrowing; debt;loan  N1","拝借[はいしゃく]borrowing  N1","借金[しゃっきん]debt,  loan, liabilities  N3","借りる[かりる]to borrow  N5","借用[しゃくよう]Borrowing,  loan ","借家[しゃくや,  しゃっか<br>かりいえ<br>かりや<br>しゃくや<br>しゃっか]Renting A House, house for rent, rented house ","前借り[まえがり]advance ","間借り[まがり]renting a room ","借財[しゃくざい]Debt ","借り手[かりて]Borrower ","貸借[たいしゃく]debt and credit ","借款[しゃっかん]loan,  international loan ","借入金[かりいれきん] (n) loan/loan payable/debt (P) ","借入[しゃくにゅう] (n, vs) borrowing ","賃借[ちんしゃく] (n, vs,adj-no) hiring/renting/leasing (P) ","借り受ける[かりうける] (v1, vt) to borrow/to have a loan/to hire/to rent/to buy on credit ","借地[しゃくち] (n, vs) leased land (P) "],"験":["体験[たいけん]personal experience  N1","受験[じゅけん]taking an examination  N2","経験[けいけん]experience  N3","実験[じっけん]experiment  N3","試験[しけん]examination  N4","入学試験[にゅうがくしけん]Entrance Exams,  entrance examinations, admission test, admission exam, admission examination, entrance test ","経験者[けいけんしゃ]Experienced Person ","筆記試験[ひっきしけん]written examination ","核実験[かくじっけん]Nuclear Test,  nuclear bomb test, nuclear testing ","試験地獄[しけんじごく]Entrance Exam Hell,  hell of entrance exams ","模擬試験[もぎ しけん]mock examination ","受験生[じゅけんせい] (n) student preparing for or taking examinations (usu. entrance exams)/test-taker ","初体験[しょたいけん<br>はつたいけん] (n) (1) first experience (of any activity) (2) first sexual experience ","被験者[ひけんしゃ] (n) (1) subject (of a medical experiment,  etc.)/test subject/trial subject/testee (2) examinee (of a full-body scan, etc.) ","未経験[みけいけん] (adj-na, n,adj-no) inexperience ","験[けん<br>げん<br>しるし<br>ためし] (n) (1) effect/efficacy (2) omen "],"試":["試み[こころみ]trial; experiment  N1","試みる[こころみる]to try; to test  N1","試し[ためし]trial,  test  N3","試す[ためす]to attempt,  to test  N3","試合[しあい]match, game  N4","試験[しけん]examination  N4","試食[ししょく]Sample,  taste, food sample ","入試[にゅうし]entrance examination ","力試し[ちからだめし]test of one's ability ","入学試験[にゅうがくしけん]Entrance Exams,  entrance examinations, admission test, admission exam, admission examination, entrance test ","筆記試験[ひっきしけん]written examination ","試験地獄[しけんじごく]Entrance Exam Hell,  hell of entrance exams ","試行錯誤[しこうさくご]trial and error ","模擬試験[もぎ しけん]mock examination ","試作[しさく] (n, vs) trial manufacture/experiment/test piece/prototype (P) ","試練[しれん] (n) test/trial/probation/ordeal/tribulation (P) ","試行[しこう] (n, vs) making an attempt/trial run (P) ","試しに[ためしに] (adv) as a test/as an experiment/by way of experiment/by way of trial/tentatively ","試着[しちゃく] (n, vs) trying on clothes (P) ","試聴[しちょう] (n, vs) trial listening (e.g. to a record before buying)/audition ","試算[しさん] (n, vs) trial calculation/preliminary calculation (P) ","試薬[しやく] (n) reagent (P) ","試写[ししゃ] (n, vs) preview/private showing (P) ","試料[しりょう] (n) sample/specimen/test piece (P) ","試運転[しうんてん] (n, vs) trial run/test run (P) ","試乗[しじょう] (n, vs) test drive/test ride/trial ride ","模試[もし] (n) (abbr) mock examination/trial examination "],"質":["気質[きしつ<br>かたぎ]spirit; character;trait;temperament;disposition  N1","質素[しっそ]simplicity; modesty;frugality  N1","質疑[しつぎ]question  N1","実質[じっしつ]substance; essence  N1","蛋白質[たんぱくしつ]protein  N1","人質[ひとじち]hostage; prisoner  N1","品質[ひんしつ]quality  N1","本質[ほんしつ]essence; true nature;reality  N1","良質[りょうしつ]good quality; superior quality  N1","性質[せいしつ]nature, property,disposition  N2","素質[そしつ]character, qualities,genius  N2","地質[ちしつ<br>じしつ]geological features  N2","質[しつ<br>しち<br>たち]quality,  nature (of person)  N3","物質[ぶっしつ]material,  substance  N3","質問[しつもん]question  N5","特質[とくしつ]Characteristic,  trait ","たんぱく質[たんぱくしつ]protein ","体質[たいしつ]physical constitution ","悪質[あくしつ]malignant ","質屋[しちや]pawnshop ","質量[しつりょう]mass ","音質[おんしつ] (n) tone quality/sound quality (P) ","水質[すいしつ] (n) water quality (P) ","画質[がしつ] (n) image quality (film,  video, etc.) ","タンパク質[タンパクしつ] (n) protein (P) ","資質[ししつ] (n) nature/disposition/temperament/qualities/attributes/talents (P) ","神経質[しんけいしつ] (adj-na, n) (1) nervous/highly strung/sensitive (2) fussy/worried about petty things (P) ","材質[ざいしつ] (n) (1) material (2) material properties/quality of material (P) ","皮質[ひしつ] (n) cortex ","脂質[ししつ] (n) lipid/fats/adipose ","質的[しつてき] (adj-na) qualitative (P) ","抗生物質[こうせいぶっしつ] (n, adj-no) antibiotic/antibiotics (P) ","質感[しっかん<br>しつかん] (n) feel of a material ","上質[じょうしつ] (adj-na, n,adj-no) fine quality ","異質[いしつ] (adj-na, adj-no) different (quality, nature)/heterogeneous (P) ","変質[へんしつ] (n, vs,adj-no) alteration (of character or essence)/change in quality/transformation/deterioration/degeneration/transmutation (P) "],"貸":["貸し出し[かしだし]lending, loaning  N2","貸間[かしま]room to let  N2","貸家[かしや]house for rent  N2","貸し[かし]loan,  lending  N3","貸す[かす]to lend  N5","貸し切り[かしきり]Reserved,  reservation ","貸し出す[かしだす]lend ","貸借[たいしゃく]debt and credit ","賃貸[ちんたい]Rental ","貸[かし] (io) (n) (1) loan/lending (2) favor/favour/debt/obligation (3) (abbr) creditor/method of lending/credit side ","貸与[たいよ] (n, vs) loan/lending (P) ","貸付[かしつけ] (n, vs) loan (P) ","貸出[かしだし] (n, vs) lending/loaning ","貸し金[かしきん] (n) loan/advance "],"才":["天才[てんさい]genius; prodigy;natural gift  N1","才能[さいのう]talent,  ability  N3","才[さい]Years Old,  age ","秀才[しゅうさい]genius ","俊才[しゅんさい]Genius,  person of exceptional talent, exceptionally talented person ","漫才[まんざい]Comic Dialogue,  two man comedy act ","才人[さいじん] (n) talented person/clever person "],"王":["王女[おうじょ<br>おうにょ]princess  N2","国王[こくおう]king  N2","王[おう<br>おおきみ<br>おおぎみ]king,  ruler, sovereign, monarch  N3","王様[おうさま]king  N3","王子[おうじ]prince  N3","女王[じょおう]queen  N3","王国[おうこく]kingdom ","王者[おうじゃ<br>おうしゃ]king ","王妃[おうひ]Queen ","王冠[おうかん]crown,  diadem, bottle cap ","親王[しんのう] (n) prince of royal blood/Imperial prince ","王立[おうりつ] (n, adj-no) royal (P) ","王座[おうざ] (n) throne (P) ","魔王[まおう] (n) devil king ","王朝[おうちょう] (n) dynasty (P) ","王位[おうい] (n) the throne/the crown (P) ","天王[てんのう] (n) (1) (Buddh) heavenly king (2) Gozu Tenno (deity said to be the Indian god Gavagriva) ","王族[おうぞく] (n, adj-no) royalty (P) ","海賊王[かいぞくおう] (n) pirate king ","王室[おうしつ] (n) royal family (P) ","王宮[おうきゅう] (n) royal palace (P) ","八王子[はちおうじ] (n) Hachioji (city) ","王さま[おうさま] (n) (hon) king ","王権[おうけん] (n) royal authority/regal power/authority of the king ","大王[おおきみ<br>おおぎみ<br>だいおう] (n) emperor/king/prince ","王家[おうけ] (n) royal family ","竜王[りゅうおう] (n) (1) Dragon King (2) (shogi) promoted rook (P) ","帝王[ていおう] (n) sovereign/emperor/monarch ","王都[おうと] (n) royal capital/imperial capital ","王道[おうどう] (n) (1) righteous government/just rule/kingship/rule of right/noble path (2) easy method/simple approach/short-cut/royal road ","王政[おうせい] (n) monarchy/imperial rule ","冥王星[めいおうせい] (n) Pluto (dwarf planet) ","花王[かおう] (n) tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa) ","仁王[におう] (n) two Deva kings/guardian gods of Buddhism who stand at the entrance of a Buddhist temple (P) ","海王星[かいおうせい] (n) Neptune (planet) (P) ","王政復古[おうせいふっこ] (n) (yoji) restoration of imperial rule (in English history) the Restoration ","天王星[てんおうせい<br>てんのうせい] (n) Uranus (planet) ","王将[おうしょう] (n) (shogi) king (of the senior player) (P) ","法王[ほうおう] (n) Pope (P) "],"石":["化石[かせき]fossil; petrifaction;fossilization  N1","岩石[がんせき]rock  N1","流石[さすが]clever, adept,good,expectations,as one would expect  N2","磁石[じしゃく<br>じせき]magnet  N2","石鹸[せっけん]soap  N2","石炭[せきたん<br>いしずみ]coal  N3","石油[せきゆ]oil,  petroleum, kerosene  N3","宝石[ほうせき]gem,  jewel  N3","石[いし<br>こく]stone  N4","石頭[いしあたま]obstinate ","鉱石[こうせき]Ore,  mineral ","石垣[いしがき]Stone Wall ","石碑[せきひ]stone monument ","胆石[たんせき]gallstones ","石器[せっき] (n) stone implement (e.g. stone age arrowheads)/stone tool (P) ","石灰[いしばい<br>せっかい] (n, adj-no) lime/quicklime/caustic lime ","大石[おおいし<br>たいせき] (n) (1) large stone/boulder (2) large group of stones (in the game of go) ","隕石[いんせき] (n) meteorite ","白石[しろいし] (n) (1) white stone (2) white (go pieces) ","石山[いしやま] (n) stony mountain ","石橋[いしばし<br>せっきょう] (n) stone bridge (P) ","賢者の石[けんじゃのいし] (exp, n) philosopher's stone ","石綿[いしわた<br>せきめん] (n, adj-no) asbestos ","石室[いしむろ<br>せきしつ] (n) stone hut/rock chamber ","大理石[だいりせき] (n) marble (P) ","石神[いしがみ<br>しゃくじん] (n) stone which is worshipped/image of a god in stone ","石材[せきざい] (n) (building) stone (P) ","石棺[せきかん<br>せっかん] (n) sarcophagus/stone coffin ","黒石[くろいし] (n) (1) black stone (2) black (go pieces) ","墓石[はかいし<br>ぼせき] (n) tombstone/gravestone ","採石[さいせき] (n, vs) quarrying ","石膏[せっこう] (n, adj-no) plaster/gypsum/calcium sulphate (sulfate) "],"市":["市[し<br>いち]market; fair  N1","市街[しがい]urban areas; the streets;town;city  N1","市場[しじょう<br>いちば](the) market (as a concept)  N3","都市[とし]town,  city, municipal, urban  N3","市民[しみん]citizen  N4","市立[しりつ<br>いちりつ]Municipal,  city ","シアトル市[しあとるし,  シアトルし]Seattle, city of seattle ","市内[しない]in the city ","市外[しがい]outside the city ","市長[しちょう]mayor ","市役所[しやくしょ]municipal office ","都市ガス[としがす]town gas ","市営[しえい]Run By The City,  city run ","市販[しはん]marketing ","株式市場[かぶしきしじょう]Stock Market ","市町村[しちょうそん] (n) cities,  towns and villages/municipalities (P) ","市域[しいき] (n) municipal area ","市議[しぎ] (n) (abbr) city councillor/city councilor/city assemblyman (P) ","大都市[だいとし] (n) metropolis/large city (P) ","市電[しでん] (n) municipal railway/city streetcar/tram ","市道[しどう] (n) municipal roads (P) ","市警[しけい] (n) (obs) city police ","市中[いちなか<br>しちゅう] (ok) (n) in the city ","市制[しせい] (n) municipal organization/municipal organisation/municipality ","市街地[しがいち] (n) town area/urban area/metropolitan area/built-up area (P) ","市区[しく] (n) municipal district/streets ","市政[しせい] (n, adj-no) municipal government (P) ","市議会[しぎかい] (n) city council (P) ","市町[しちょう] (n) cities and towns ","同市[どうし] (n) same city (P) ","市庁[しちょう] (n) municipal office ","見本市[みほんいち] (n) trade fair (P) ","市部[しぶ] (n) urban areas (P) ","市会[しかい] (n) city council (P) "],"太":["太鼓[たいこ]drum, tambourine  N2","太陽[たいよう]sun,  solar  N3","太る[ふとる]to become fat  N4","太い[ふとい]fat  N5","太字[ふとじ]Bold Letter,  bold, bold character, bold text, boldface ","太平洋[たいへいよう]Pacific Ocean ","太陽系[たいようけい]Solar System ","皇太子[こうたいし]Crown Prince ","皇太子妃[こうたいしひ]Crown Princess ","太[ふと] (n-pref, n) (1) fat/fatty (n-pref) (2) grand/magnificent/excellent ","太平[たいへい] (adj-na, n) peace/tranquility/tranquillity ","樺太[からふと] (n) Karafuto (Japanese name for Sakhalin) ","太子[たいし] (n) (1) crown prince (2) (abbr) Shotoku Taishi (P) ","太政官[おおいまつりごとのつかさ<br>だいじょうかん<br>だじょうかん] (n) Department of State (under the ritsuryo system) ","太刀[たち] (n) long sword (P) ","太陽光[たいようこう] (n) sunlight ","与太郎[よたろう] (n) (1) (arch) slow witted fellow/counter-hero/liar (2) (arch) lie/nonsense (3) Yotaro (rakugo character) ","皇太后[こうたいこう<br>こうたいごう] (n) Queen Mother/Empress Dowager ","太后[たいこう] (n) empress dowager/queen mother ","太平洋戦争[たいへいようせんそう] (n) Pacific War (1941-1945) (P) ","丸太[まるた] (n) log (P) ","太閤[たいこう] (n) (hon) taiko/title for a regent,  later for the grand chancellor, also for the father of an Imperial adviser (advisor) who passed the role to his son ","太古[たいこ] (n-adv, n) ancient times (P) ","太陽暦[たいようれき] (n) solar calendar "],"内":["内訳[うちわけ]the items; breakdown;classification  N1","その内[そのうち]eventually; sooner or later;of the previously mentioned  N1","内閣[ないかく]cabinet; (government) ministry  N1","内臓[ないぞう]internal organs; intestines;viscera  N1","内部[ないぶ]interior; inside;internal  N1","内乱[ないらん]civil war; insurrection;rebellion;domestic conflict  N1","内陸[ないりく]inland  N1","内科[ないか]internist clinic, internal medicine  N2","内線[ないせん]phone extension, indoor wiring,inner line  N2","案内[あんない<br>あない]information,  guidance, leading  N3","内[ない<br>うち]inside  N3","内容[ないよう]subject,  contents, matter, substance, detail, import  N3","以内[おもんみない<br>いない]within  N4","家内[かない<br>やうち]housewife  N4","内心[ないしん]on the inside ","市内[しない]in the city ","車内[しゃない]Inside The Car,  in the car, in a car, inside a car, within the car, within a car ","年内[ねんない]Within A Year,  within the year ","内気[うちき]bashful ","体内[たいない]Internal,  within the body, inside the body ","社内[しゃない]Within The Company,  in house, inside the company, inside a company, in the company, within a company ","内向[ないこう]introversion ","国内[こくない<br>くぬち<br>こくだい]domestic ","室内[しつない]indoors ","身内[みうち]relations ","屋内[おくない]indoors ","都内[とない]in the metropolitan area of Tokyo ","内向的[ないこうてき]introverted ","内面[ないめん<br>うちづら]inside ","内側[うちがわ<br>ないそく]Inside ","内因[ないいん]Internal Cause,  actual reason ","内職[ないしょく]moonlight ","境内[けいだい]grounds ","内偵[ないてい]Scouting,  reconnaissance, secret investigation ","獄内[ごくない]In Prison ","内緒[ないしょ]Secret,  confidential ","内緒話[ないしょばなし]Confidential Talk,  whispering ","内堀[うちぼり]Inner Moat ","邸内[ていない]grounds,  premises ","其の内[そのうち] (exp, adv) (1) (uk) before very long/soon/someday/one of these days/sooner or later (2) (uk) of the previously mentioned/of that number/among them/among others ","内務[ないむ] (n) internal or domestic affairs (P) ","河内[ハノイ] (n) (uk) Hanoi (Vietnam) ","県内[けんない] (adj-no) within the prefecture (P) ","内外[うちそと<br>ないがい] (n, adj-no) (1) inside and outside/interior and exterior (n-suf) (2) around/about/approximately ","内蔵[ないぞう] (adj-no, vs) internal (e.g. disk)/built-in/equipped (with) (P) ","内海[うちうみ<br>うちかい<br>うちのみ<br>うつみ<br>ないかい] (n) inlet/bay/inland sea (P) ","内装[ないそう] (n, vs) interior design/interior/upholstery (P) ","構内[こうない] (n) premises/grounds/campus/compound/precincts (P) ","内野手[ないやしゅ] (n) infielder/baseman (P) ","内戦[ないせん] (n) civil war (P) ","店内[てんない] (n, adj-no) store interior (P) ","幕内[まくうち] (n) (sumo) highest-ranking division (P) ","内巻[うちまき] (n) curling inwards (esp. the tips of one's hair) ","町内[ちょうない] (n) neighborhood/neighbourhood/street/block/town (P) ","宮内[くない] (n) (1) inside the Imperial Palace (2) Department of the Imperial Household ","内包[ないほう] (n, vs,vt) (1) connotation/comprehension/intension (2) inclusion/containment within (P) ","山内[さんない] (n, adj-no) in the mountains/within the grounds of a temple ","内密に[ないみつに] (adv) confidentially/privately/off the record ","機内[きない] (adj-no, n) inside a plane/in-flight (P) ","内野[ないや] (n) (baseb) infield/diamond (P) ","室内楽[しつないがく] (n) chamber music (P) ","内地[ないち] (n) (1) within the borders of a country/domestic soil (2) inland area (3) Japan proper,  as opposed to its overseas colonies/interior of country/homeland (4) (in Hokkaido and Okinawa) the 'mainland' parts of Japan (Kyushu, Shikoku, Honshu) ","内紛[ないふん] (n) domestic discord/internal discord/internal strife/internal struggle/infighting ","内定[ないてい] (n, vs) unofficial offer (esp. job offer)/tentative decision (P) ","国内外[こくないがい] (exp, adj-no) domestic and foreign/inside and outside the country ","船内[せんない] (n, adj-no) on-board ship/inboard ","学内[がくない] (n, adj-no) within the school (P) ","党内[とうない] (n, adj-no) party-internal (P) ","内政[ないせい] (n, adj-no) domestic affairs/internal administration (P) ","畿内[きない] (n) territories in the vicinity of the capital and under direct imperial rule (in Japanese history) the five kuni in the immediate vicinity of Kyoto ","校内[こうない] (n, adj-no) within a school (P) ","寺内[じない] (n) inside a temple ","内裏[だいり] (n) (1) imperial palace (2) (abbr) festival dolls representing the emperor and the empress ","管内[かんない] (n, adj-no) within the jurisdiction of (P) ","場内[じょうない] (n) in-house (on) the grounds (in) the premises/hall/theatre/theater (P) ","館内[かんない] (n) in the building (P) ","内需[ないじゅ] (n) domestic demand (P) ","内的[ないてき] (adj-na) inner/intrinsic/mental/inherited ","式内社[しきないしゃ] (n) shrine listed in the Engi-Shiki ","内国[ないこく] (n) home country ","内通[ないつう] (n, vs) secret understanding/collusion ","胎内[たいない] (n) (1) interior of the womb (of a pregnant woman)/interior of the uterus (2) interior of a Buddhistic statue "],"引":["籤引[くじびき]lottery; drawn lot  N1","差し引く[さしひく]to deduct  N1","手引き[てびき]guidance; guide;introduction  N1","取り引き[とりひき]transactions; dealings;business  N1","値引き[ねびき]price reduction; discount  N1","引き上げる[ひきあげる]to withdraw; to leave;to pull out;to retire  N1","引き受ける[ひきうける]to undertake; to take up;to take over;to be responsible for;to guarantee;to contract (disease)  N1","引き起こす[ひきおこす]to cause  N1","引き下げる[ひきさげる]to pull down; to lower;to reduce;to withdraw  N1","引きずる[ひきずる]to seduce; to drag along;to pull;to prolong;to support  N1","引き取る[ひきとる]to take charge of; to take over;to retire to a private place  N1","引き分け[ひきわけ]a draw (in competition); tie game  N1","引っ掻く[ひっかく]to scratch  N1","引っ掛ける[ひっかける]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;to hang (something) on (something);to throw on (clothes); 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;to hook;to catch;to trap;to ensnar  N1","割引き[わりびき]discount; reduction;rebate;tenths discounted  N1","引力[いんりょく]gravity  N2","強引[ごういん]overbearing, coercive,pushy,forcible,high-handed  N2","索引[さくいん]index, indices  N2","差し引き[さしひき]deduction, subtraction,balance,ebb and flow,rise and fall  N2","長引く[ながびく]to be prolonged, to drag on  N2","引受る[ひきうける]to undertake, to take up,to take over  N2","引返す[ひきかえす]to repeat, to send back,to bring back  N2","引算[ひきざん]subtraction  N2","引出す[ひきだす]to pull out, to take out,to draw out,to withdraw  N2","引き止める[ひきとめる]to detain, to check,to restrain  N2","引分け[ひきわけ]a draw (in competition), tie game  N2","引っ掛かる[ひっかかる]to be caught in, to be stuck in,to be cheated  N2","引っ繰り返す[ひっくりかえす]to turn over, to overturn,to knock over,to upset,to turn inside out  N2","引っ繰り返る[ひっくりかえる]to be overturned, to be upset,to topple over,to be reversed  N2","引越し[ひっこし]moving (dwelling etc.), changing residence  N2","引っ込む[ひっこむ]to draw back, to sink,to cave in  N2","割引[わりびき]discount, reduction,rebate  N2","引退[いんたい]retire  N3","引用[いんよう]quotation,  citation  N3","引っ張る[ひっぱる](1) to pull,  to draw, to stretch, to drag, (2) to pull the ball (baseball)  N3","引き出し[ひきだし]drawer, drawing out  N4","引き出す[ひきだす]to withdraw  N4","引っ越す[ひっこす]to move house  N4","字引[じびき]dictionary  N5","引く[ひく]to pull  N5","万引き[まんびき]shoplifting ","引きつる[ひきつる]have a cramp ","引け目[ひけめ]drawback ","早引き[はやびき]early leaving ","引き金[ひきがね]trigger ","引き付ける[ひきつける]attract ","引っ付く[ひっつく]cling ","引き返す[ひきかえす]go back ","引き算[ひきざん]subtraction ","取引[とりひき]transaction ","引っ切り無しに[ひっきりなしに]incessantly ","引き続き[ひきつづき]continuously ","割り引き[わりびき]discount ","割り引く[わりびく]give a discount ","引き抜く[ひきぬく]pull out ","引き締まる[ひきしまる]be braced up ","引き締め[ひきしめ]tightening ","引き締める[ひきしめる]brace oneself ","引き延ばす[ひきのばす]extend ","引っ越し[ひっこし]moving (house) ","引き離す[ひきはなす]draw apart ","引き伸ばす[ひきのばす]stretch out ","引き換え[ひきかえ]exchange ","引き継ぎ[ひきつぎ]taking over ","引き継ぐ[ひきつぐ]succeed to ","引き戻す[ひきもどす]bring back ","綱引き[つなひき]Tug Of War ","引き裂く[ひきさく]separate ","引き続く[ひきつづく] (v5k, vi) to continue (for a long time)/to occur in succession/to come next (e.g. on TV) ","引き渡す[ひきわたす] (v5s, vt) to deliver/to extradite/to stretch across/to hand over (P) ","引っかかる[ひっかかる] (v5r, vi) (1) to be caught in/to be stuck in (2) to stop by/to drop in for a short visit/to be delayed/to take time (3) to get mixed up in (trouble)/to get entangled in (a problem)/to be involved with (4) to fall for (a trick)/to be deceived/to be cheated (5) to be on one's mind/to worry one/to be bothered by/to feel uneasy (6) to be obstructed/to be hindered (7) to splash (P) ","引き分ける[ひきわける] (v1, vt) (1) to pull apart/to separate (2) to draw/to tie (a game) ","引け[ひけ] (n) (1) close (e.g. of business)/leaving (e.g. school)/retiring (2) being outdone/compare unfavourably (with) (3) (abbr) closing price (stockmarket) (4) sink mark (casting,  moulding)/shrink mark ","引き上げ[ひきあげ] (n) (1) pulling up/drawing up/salvage/re-flotation (2) raising/increase/upward revision (3) repatriation/evacuation (P) ","引き[ひき<br>びき] (n, suf) (1) pull/patronage/influence (2) tug (3) discount ","引き取り[ひきとり] (n, vs) leaving/accepting (P) ","引き換える[ひきかえる] (v1, vt) to exchange (things)/to convert ","牽引[けんいん] (n, vs) (1) traction/towing/hauling/pulling/drawing (2) driving (e.g. economic growth) ","引き渡し[ひきわたし] (n) delivery/handing over/turning over/extradition (P) ","引き下げ[ひきさげ] (n) reduction/cut (P) ","引き込む[ひきこむ] (v5m, vt) (1) to pull into/to draw in/to bring in (2) to win over ","引き下がる[ひきさがる] (v5r, vi) (1) to withdraw/to leave/to retire (2) to back down/to give up ","引き揚げる[ひきあげる] (v1, vt) (1) to pull up/to drag up/to lift up (2) to increase/to raise (e.g. taxes) (3) to withdraw/to leave/to pull out/to retire (4) to promote (someone to a higher position) (v1,vi) (5) to return home (v1,vt) (6) (arch) to expedite the schedule ","引き寄せる[ひきよせる] (v1, vt) to draw or pull something towards oneself (e.g. chair) ","引きつける[ひきつける] (v1, vt) (1) to fascinate/to attract/to charm (v1,vi) (2) to have a convulsion ","引っ張り[ひっぱり] (n) pulling/stretching/tension ","吸引[きゅういん] (n, vs,vt) (1) absorption/suction/aspiration (2) attraction/draw (P) ","引き連れる[ひきつれる] (v1, vt) to take someone along/to be accompanied (by) ","商取引[しょうとりひき] (n) business transaction ","引ける[ひける] (v1, vi) (1) to close/to be over/to break up (e.g. school) (2) to lose one's nerve/to feel daunted ","駆け引き[かけひき] (n) (1) bargaining/haggling (2) tactics/strategy (P) ","引き摺る[ひきずる] (v5r, vt) (1) to drag along/to pull (2) to force someone along (3) to prolong/to drag out (4) to influence strongly/to seduce ","引数[ひきすう] (n) (comp) argument (e.g. function,  program, programme) ","引越[ひっこし] (io) (n, vs) moving (dwelling, office, etc.)/changing residence ","引き合い[ひきあい] (n) (1) reference/comparison/example (2) inquiry/enquiry (3) witness/being involved in a court case/deal (P) ","引火[いんか] (n, vs) ignition/catching fire ","引き籠る[ひきこもる] (v5r, vi) to stay indoors/to be confined indoors "],"礼":["無礼[ぶれい]impolite; rude  N1","礼[れい]expression of gratitude  N3","礼儀[れいぎ]manners,  courtesy, etiquette  N3","お礼[おれい]expression of gratitude  N4","礼金[れいきん]fee ","失礼[しつれい<br>しちらい<br>しつらい]Rude,  rudeness, impoliteness ","朝礼[ちょうれい]morning assembly ","礼服[れいふく]formal dress ","礼状[れいじょう]letter of thanks ","巡礼[じゅんれい]Pilgrimage ","儀礼[ぎれい]courtesy ","失礼します[しつれいします] (exp) excuse me ","失礼しました[しつれいしました] (exp) excuse me/I'm sorry ","礼拝[らいはい<br>れいはい] (n, vs) worship (esp. Buddhist and Shinto) ","洗礼[せんれい] (n, adj-no) baptism (P) ","祭礼[さいれい] (n) (religious) festival (P) ","御礼[おれい<br>おんれい] (n) (1) (pol) thanks/gratitude (2) (pol) manners/etiquette (3) (pol) bow (4) (pol) reward/gift (5) (pol) ceremony/ritual "],"他":["他人[たにん<br>あだびと<br>ひと]another person; unrelated person;outsider;stranger  N1","他意[たい]ill will; malice;another intention;secret purpose;ulterior motive;fickleness;double-mindedness  N1","他動詞[たどうし]transitive verb (direct obj)  N1","他方[たほう]another side; different direction;(on) the other hand  N1","他[ほか<br>た]other (esp. places and things)  N3","他所[たしょ,  よそ]Another Place, somewhere else, other place, elsewhere ","他者[たしゃ]another person ","他殺[たさつ]homicide ","他面[ためん]other side ","排他[はいた]Exclusion ","排他主義[はいたしゅぎ]exclusivism ","その他[そのた<br>そのほか] (n-adv, conj) etc./otherwise/besides/in addition/the rest/the others/and so forth ","他社[たしゃ] (n) another company/other company (P) ","他国[たこく] (n, vs) (1) foreign country/other country (2) another province (3) strange land/alien land (P) ","他人事[たにんごと<br>ひとごと] (n) other people's affairs/somebody else's problem ","他界[たかい] (n) (1) death/the next world (vs) (2) to pass away/to die ","赤の他人[あかのたにん] (exp, n) complete stranger/total stranger ","自他[じた] (n) (1) oneself and others (2) transitive and intransitive (P) "],"耳":["耳鼻科[じびか]otolaryngology  N1","初耳[はつみみ]something heard for the first time  N1","耳[みみ]ear  N5","耳打ち[みみうち]Whisper In Ear,  whisper in one's ear, whisper in someone's ear ","耳元[みみもと]close to one's ears ","耳障り[みみざわり]stridency ","耳寄り[みみより]ear-grabbing "],"平":["平均[へいきん<br>へいぎん]equilibrium; balance;average;mean  N1","平たい[ひらたい]flat; even;level;simple;plain  N1","平行[へいこう](going) side by side; concurrent;abreast;at the same time;occurring together;parallel;parallelism  N1","平常[へいじょう]normal; usual  N1","平方[へいほう]square (e.g. metre); square  N1","水平[すいへい]water level, horizon  N2","水平線[すいへいせん]horizon  N2","平仮名[ひらがな]hiragana, 47 syllables,the cursive syllabary  N2","平気[へいき]coolness, calmness,composure,unconcern  N2","平日[へいじつ<br>ひらび]weekday, ordinary days  N2","平凡[へいぼん]common, commonplace,ordinary,mediocre  N2","平野[へいや]plain, open field  N2","公平[こうへい<br>きんぴら]fairness,  impartial, justice  N3","平ら[たいら<br>だいら]flatness,  level, smooth, calm, plain  N3","地平線[ちへいせん]horizon  N3","平等[びょうどう]equality (a),  impartiality, evenness  N3","不平[ふへい]complaint,  discontent, dissatisfaction  N3","平和[へいわ<br>ピンフ<br>ピンホー]peace,  harmony  N3","不公平[ふこうへい]unfair ","平年[へいねん]normal year ","平安[へいあん]Peace,  tranquility ","和平[わへい]peace ","太平洋[たいへいよう]Pacific Ocean ","平成[へいせい]Heisei era ","平面[へいめん]flat surface ","平静[へいせい]Calm,  serene, tranquil ","不平等[ふびょうどう]unequal ","平穏[へいおん]Calm,  tranquil ","平壌[へいじょう,  ぴょんやん<br>ピョンヤン<br>へいじょう]pyongyang ","平衡[へいこう]balance,  equilibrium ","平[だいら<br>ひら<br>へい] (n-suf) plain/plateau/tableland ","太平[たいへい] (adj-na, n) peace/tranquility/tranquillity ","平地[ひらち<br>へいち] (n) level ground/plain/flatland (P) ","平原[へいげん] (n) plain/moor/prairie ","手の平[てのひら] (n) palm (of one's hand) ","平坦[へいたん] (adj-na, n) (1) even/flat/level/smooth (2) calm/peaceful/uneventful/easy/uncomplicated/trouble-free ","平定[へいてい] (n, vs) suppression/repression/subjugation ","平氏[へいし] (n) the Tairas ","平家[ひらや<br>へいけ] (n) bungalow/one-story house ","平気で[へいきで] (adv) without compunction/coolly/without batting an eyelid/unscrupulously/nonchalantly/remorselessly/without hesitation ","正平[しょうへい] (n) Shohei era (of the Southern Court) (1346.12.8-1370.7.24) ","平時[へいじ] (n, adj-no) (1) peacetime/time of peace (2) ordinary times/normal times (P) ","太平洋戦争[たいへいようせんそう] (n) Pacific War (1941-1945) (P) ","平方メートル[へいほうメートル] (n) square metre/square meter (P) ","地平[ちへい] (n) ground level ","扁平[へんぺい] (n, adj-na) flatness ","平民[へいみん] (n) commoner/plebeian ","平に[ひらに] (adv) earnestly/humbly ","天平宝字[てんぴょうほうじ] (n) Tenpyo-hoji era (757.8.18-765.1.7) ","平滑[へいかつ] (adj-na, n,adj-no) smooth/even/level/flat ","昌平[しょうへい] (n) peace/tranquility/tranquillity ","平屋[ひらや] (n) bungalow/one-story house "],"打":["打ち合わせ[うちあわせ]business meeting; previous arrangement;appointment  N1","打ち合わせる[うちあわせる]to knock together; to arrange  N1","打ち切る[うちきる]to stop; to abort;to discontinue;to close  N1","打ち消し[うちけし]negation; denial;negative  N1","打ち込む[うちこむ<br>ぶちこむ]to drive in (e.g. nail&nbsp; &nbsp;stake);to devote oneself to;to shoot into;to smash;to throw into;to cast int  N1","打開[だかい]break in the deadlock  N1","打撃[だげき]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;blow;shock;strike;damage; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;batting (baseball)  N1","値打ち[ねうち]value; worth;price;dignity  N1","打付ける[うちつける]to knock; to run into;to nail on;to strike hard;to hit and attack  N1","打合せ[うちあわせ]business meeting, previous arrangement,appointment  N2","打ち消す[うちけす]to deny, to negate,to contradict  N2","打つ[うつ<br>ぶつ]to hit,  to strike  N3","一打[いちだ]Strike,  stroke, blow ","耳打ち[みみうち]Whisper In Ear,  whisper in one's ear, whisper in someone's ear ","打ち上げる[うちあげる<br>ぶちあげる]blast off ","打ち明ける[うちあける<br>ぶちあける]confess ","打算的[ださんてき]calculating ","博打[ばくち]Gambling ","塁打[るいだ]Base Hit,  single ","本塁打[ほんるいだ]Homerun ","犠打[ぎだ]Sacrifice Fly ","打撲[だぼく]blow ","殴打[おうだ]Hit,  strike, blow ","打っ[ぶっ] (pref) (uk) strongly/violently/quickly/suddenly ","打率[だりつ] (n) batting average (P) ","打点[だてん] (n) runs batted in/RBI (P) ","打[だ<br>ダース] (n) (sports) hitting a ball/batting/stroke ","打席[だせき] (n) (baseb) batter's box/one's turn at bat (P) ","打ち出す[うちだす] (v5s, vt) (1) to emboss (2) to print out/to print (3) to work out (e.g. policy)/to hammer out/to come out with/to set forth (4) to strike (a drum indicating the end of a performance) (5) to begin striking/to start beating (P) ","仕打ち[しうち] (n) (poor) treatment (bad) behavior/behaviour/action/act ","安打[あんだ] (n, vs) (baseb) safe hit (P) ","代打[だいだ] (n) pinch-hitting (P) ","打者[だしゃ] (n) (baseb) batter (P) ","打倒[だとう] (n, vs) knockdown (e.g. in boxing)/overthrow/defeat (P) ","打数[だすう] (n) (baseb) times at bat (P) ","打診[だしん] (n, vs) (1) (med) percussion/tapping/examining by percussion (2) sounding out (someone's intentions)/making an approach (about) (P) ","銘打つ[めいうつ] (v5t, vi) to engrave an inscription/to call (designate) itself/to mark/to label ","打球[だきゅう] (n) batting/batted ball (P) ","打線[だせん] (n) (baseb) batting lineup (line-up) (P) ","打ち上げ[うちあげ] (n) (1) launching/launch (2) end (of a theatrical run,  etc.) (3) closing party (e.g. a theater show)/cast party/party to celebrate successful completion of a project (P) ","打ち破る[うちやぶる] (v5r, vt) to break/to smash/to defeat/to destroy/to eliminate ","舌打ち[したうち] (n, vs) smacking lips/clicking tongue/tut-tut (P) ","不意打ち[ふいうち] (n) surprise attack ","打ち立てる[うちたてる] (v1, vt) to establish/to formulate ","連打[れんだ] (n, vs) (1) repeated blows/striking repeatedly/barrage (2) consecutive hits (e.g. boxing, baseball) (P) ","打楽器[だがっき] (n) percussion instrument (P) ","強打[きょうだ] (n, vs) smiting/blow (P) ","二塁打[にるいだ] (n) (baseb) two-base hit/double (P) ","打破[だは] (n, vs) breaking down/defeating/abolishing (P) ","一騎打ち[いっきうち] (n, vs) personal combat/one-to-one fight (P) ","打力[だりょく] (n) batting power (P) ","三塁打[さんるいだ] (n) (baseb) three-base hit/triple (P) ","打法[だほう] (n) batting form "],"号":["号[ごう]number; issue  N1","年号[ねんごう]name of an era; year number  N1","記号[きごう]symbol, code  N2","符号[ふごう]sign, mark,symbol  N2","信号[しんごう]traffic light  N3","番号[ばんごう]number  N5","元号[げんごう]era name ","等号[とうごう]Equal Sign ","郵便番号[ゆうびんばんごう]Post Number,  postal code, postcode ","電話番号[でんわばんごう] (n) telephone number (P) ","暗号[あんごう] (n, adj-no) code/password/cipher (P) ","背番号[せばんごう] (n) number on player's back (P) ","号する[ごうする] (vs-s) (1) to name/to take a second name or alias (2) to announce/to boast/to declare ","称号[しょうごう] (n) title/name/degree (P) ","略号[りゃくごう] (n) code/mark/symbol ","暗証番号[あんしょうばんごう] (n) personal identification number/PIN/password number ","屋号[やごう] (n) (1) name of store/trade name (esp. of a sole proprietorship) (2) stage name (e.g. of actor) ","号泣[ごうきゅう] (n, vs) crying aloud/lamentation/wailing (P) ","諡号[おくりごう<br>しごう] (n) posthumous Buddhist name "],"申":["申告[しんこく]report; statement;filing a return;notification  N1","申し入れる[もうしいれる]to propose; to suggest  N1","申し込み[もうしこみ]application; entry;request;subscription;offer;proposal;overture;challenge  N1","申出[もうしで]proposal; request;claim;report;notice  N1","申し出る[もうしでる]to report to; to tell;to suggest;to submit;to request;to make an offer;to come forward with informati  N1","申し分[もうしぶん]objection; shortcomings  N1","申請[しんせい]application, request,petition  N2","申し訳ない[もうしわけない]inexcusable  N2","申し込む[もうしこむ]to apply for,  to make an application  N3","申し訳[もうしわけ]apology,  excuse  N3","申し上げる[もうしあげる](humble) to say, to tell  N4","申す[もうす](humble) to be called, to say  N4","申し申し[もうしもうし,  もしもし]Telephone Hello, hello, hello on telephone ","答申[とうしん]reply ","申[さる] (n) ninth sign of the Chinese zodiac (The Monkey,  3pm-5pm, west-southwest, July) (P) ","申し立てる[もうしたてる] (v1, vt) to declare/to plead ","申込む[もうしこむ] (v5m, vt) to apply for/to make an application/to propose (marriage)/to offer (mediation)/to make an overture (of peace)/to challenge/to lodge (objections)/to request (an interview)/to subscribe for/to book/to reserve ","申し出[もうしで] (n) proposal/request/claim/report/notice/offer (P) ","申立[もうしたて] (n) statement/account (of something)/declaration/allegation ","申込[もうしこみ] (n) application/entry/request/subscription/offer/proposal/overture/challenge (P) ","申請書[しんせいしょ] (n) written application ","申し立て[もうしたて] (n) statement/account (of something)/declaration/allegation (P) ","申しわけ[もうしわけ] (n, vs) apology/excuse ","申し述べる[もうしのべる] (v1, vt) to say/to tell (somebody)/to state ","申し入れ[もうしいれ] (n) proposal/offer/report/proposition/notice/request (P) ","壬申[じんしん<br>みずのえさる] (n) ninth of the sexagenary cycle ","上申[じょうしん] (n, vs) report to a superior (P) "],"米":["欧米[おうべい]Europe and America, the West  N2","南米[なんべい]South America  N2","米[べい<br>こめ<br>メートル<br>めめ<br>よね]uncooked rice  N4","日米[にちべい]Japan and the U.S. ","米国[べいこく]America,  united states, united states of america, usa ","全米[ぜんべい]All America ","新米[しんまい]new rice ","米兵[べいへい]Us Soldier,  american soldier ","米価[べいか]price of rice ","玄米[げんまい<br>くろごめ]unpolished rice,  unmilled rice, brown rice ","米穀[べいこく]rice ","米軍[べいぐん] (n) US armed forces ","北米[ほくべい] (n, adj-no) North America ","米国人[べいこくじん] (n) an American ","米ドル[べいドル] (n) (abbr) US dollar ","中南米[ちゅうなんべい] (n) Central and South America (P) ","中米[ちゅうべい] (n) Central America ","反米[はんべい] (adj-no, n) anti-American (P) ","米倉[こめぐら] (n) rice granary (P) "],"草":["草臥れる[くたびれる]to get tired; to wear out  N1","煙草[たばこ<br>えんそう<br>けぶりぐさ<br>けむりぐさ](pt:) (n) (uk) tobacco (pt: tabaco); cigarettes  N1","草履[ぞうり]zoori (Japanese footwear), sandals  N2","草[くさ<br>そう]grass  N4","ほうれん草[ほうれんそう]spinach ","草木[くさき]plants and trees ","草花[くさばな]plants and flowers ","草食[そうしょく]herbivore ","道草[みちくさ]dawdle ","草原[そうげん<br>くさはら<br>くさわら]grassland ","雑草[ざっそう]weed ","芝草[しばくさ]Lawn,  turf ","牧草[ぼくそう]Pasture,  grass ","草刈り[くさかり]Mowing,  mower ","草稿[そうこう]notes,  draft, manuscript ","薬草[やくそう] (n) medicinal herb ","草子[そうし] (n) (1) written work (esp. a bound text,  as opposed to a scroll) (2) a text written entirely in kana (3) graphic novel (esp. one created between the 12th and 19th centuries) (4) notebook (for practicing kana, drawing pictures, etc.) (5) rough draft ","天草[てんぐさ] (n) (uk) any red algae in the family Gelidiaceae (esp. Gelidium crinale) ","起草[きそう] (n, vs) drafting (e.g. a bill)/drawing up (P) ","草案[そうあん] (n) draft (for a speech,  bill, etc.) (P) ","草分け[くさわけ] (n) (1) pathfinder/trailblazer/early settler (2) pioneer/founder/originator/groundbreaker (P) ","仕草[しぐさ] (n) (1) gesture/movement/action/behavior/behaviour/bearing/mannerism (2) acting/performance (P) ","草地[くさち<br>そうち] (n) grassland/meadow ","若草[わかくさ] (n) green grass/young (fresh) grass "],"交":["交わす[かわす]to exchange (messages); to dodge;to parry;to avoid;to turn aside  N1","交易[こうえき]trade; commerce  N1","交互[こうご]mutual; reciprocal;alternate  N1","交渉[こうしょう]negotiations; discussions;connection  N1","交付[こうふ]delivering; furnishing (with copies)  N1","国交[こっこう]diplomatic relations  N1","社交[しゃこう]social life; social intercourse  N1","交える[まじえる]to mix; to converse with;to cross (swords)  N1","交わる[まじわる]to cross; to intersect;to associate with;to mingle with;to interest;to join  N1","交差[こうさ]cross  N2","交替[こうたい]alternation, change,relief,relay,shift  N2","交通機関[こうつうきかん]transportation facilities  N2","交流[こうりゅう]alternating current, intercourse,(cultural) exchange,intermingling  N2","交ざる[まざる]to be mixed, to be blended with,to associate with,to mingle with,to join  N2","交じる[まじる]to be mixed, to be blended with,to associate with  N2","交ぜる[まぜる]to be mixed, to be blended with  N2","外交[がいこう]diplomacy  N3","交換[こうかん]exchange,  interchange, reciprocity  N3","交際[こうさい]company,  friendship, association, society, acquaintance  N3","交通[こうつう]traffic, transportation  N4","交差点[こうさてん]intersection  N5","交番[こうばん]police box  N5","社交的[しゃこうてき]friendly ","外交官[がいこうかん]Diplomat ","乱交[らんこう]Orgy,  promiscuity ","交通費[こうつうひ]traveling expense ","交響曲[こうきょうきょく]symphony ","交通事故[こうつうじこ]traffic accident ","絶交[ぜっこう]breaking off friendship ","交通網[こうつうもう]Traffic Network ","交錯[こうさく]mixture,  blending, complication ","交響[こうきょう] (n, vs) reverberation ","交代[こうたい] (n, vs) alternation/change/relief/relay/shift/substitution (sports, etc.)/taking turns (P) ","交戦[こうせん] (n, vs) war/battle/hostilities (P) ","親交[しんこう] (n) intimacy/friendship/friendly relations (P) ","交点[こうてん] (n) point of intersection ","交配[こうはい] (n, vs) mating/crossbreeding/cross-fertilization/cross-fertilisation ","飛び交う[とびかう] (v5u, vi) to fly about/to flutter about/to flit about/to fly past each other (P) ","交信[こうしん] (n, vs) telecommunications/correspondence (P) ","交友[こうゆう] (n) (1) friend/companion/acquaintance (2) friendship/companionship (P) ","直交[ちょっこう] (n, vs,adj-no) orthogonal ","性交[せいこう] (n, vs,adj-no) sexual intercourse (P) ","交響楽[こうきょうがく] (n) symphony (orchestra) (P) ","交尾[こうび] (n, vs,adj-no) copulation (in animals) ","交雑[こうざつ] (n, adj-no) hybridization/crossing/mixing ","織り交ぜる[おりまぜる] (v1, vt) to weave together/to interweave/to intermingle "],"当":["当たり[あたり]hit; success;reaching the mark;per ...;vicinity;neighborhood  N1","当たり前[あたりまえ]usual; common;ordinary;natural;reasonable;obvious  N1","当て[あて]object; aim;end;hopes;expectations  N1","当て字[あてじ]phonetic-equivalent character; substitute character  N1","当てはまる[あてはまる]to apply (a rule)  N1","当てはめる[あてはめる]to apply; to adapt  N1","該当[がいとう]corresponding; answering to;coming under  N1","正当[せいとう]just; justifiable;right;due;proper;equitable;reasonable;legitimate;lawful  N1","手当て[てあて]allowance; compensation;treatment;medical care  N1","当選[とうせん]being elected; winning the prize  N1","当人[とうにん]the one concerned; the said person  N1","日当[にっとう<br>ひあたり]daily allowance  N1","不当[ふとう]injustice; impropriety;unreasonableness;undeservedness;unfair;invalid  N1","割り当て[わりあて]allotment; assignment;allocation;quota;rationing  N1","心当たり[こころあたり]having some knowledge of, happening to know  N2","妥当[だとう]valid, proper,right,appropriate  N2","突き当たり[つきあたり]end (e.g. of street)  N2","突き当たる[つきあたる]to run into, to collide with  N2","当日[とうじつ]appointed day, very day  N2","当番[とうばん]being on duty  N2","日当たり[ひあたり]exposure to the sun, sunny place  N2","当たる[あたる]to be hit,  to be successful, to be equivalent to  N3","当てる[あてる]to hit,  to apply a patch  N3","見当[けんとう]be found,  aim, estimate, guess, approx  N3","相当[そうとう]suitable,  fair, tolerable, proper  N3","担当[たんとう](in) charge  N3","当時[とうじ]at that time,  in those days  N3","弁当[べんとう]box lunch  N3","本当[ほんとう<br>ほんと]truth,  reality  N3","適当[てきとう]suitability  N4","お弁当[おべんとう]boxed lunch  N5","八つ当たり[やつあたり]unjustified outburst of anger ","当分[とうぶん]for some time ","本当に[ほんとうに<br>ほんとに]really ","目当て[めあて]aim ","思い当たる[おもいあたる]occur to ","当局[とうきょく]authorities ","当事者[とうじしゃ]the person concerned ","配当[はいとう]apportionment ","当初[とうしょ]initial ","当然[とうぜん]Natural,  obvious ","割り当てる[わりあてる]assign ","差し当たり[さしあたり]for the time being ","当惑[とうわく]confusion ","穏当[おんとう]Proper,  reasonable ","当[とう<br>はた] (pref) this (business organisation or place) ","当主[とうしゅ] (n) (present) head of a family ","当該[とうがい] (adj-no) appropriate (e.g. authorities)/concerned/relevant/said/aforementioned/competent/applicable/respective ","に当たって[にあたって] (exp) (uk) at the time of (ind. opportunity or situation where something should be done) ","当社[とうしゃ] (n) (1) (this) shrine (2) (this) company (this) firm (P) ","当事[とうじ] (n) matter under concern (P) ","当地[とうち] (n, adj-no) this place/here (P) ","当方[とうほう] (n) I/we/our part (P) ","担当者[たんとうしゃ] (n) person in charge (of an area of work)/person responsible/contact (person) (P) ","手当[てあて] (n, vs) (1) salary/pay/compensation/allowance (e.g. housing allowance)/benefit/bonus (2) medical care/treatment (3) advance preparation (P) ","当面[とうめん] (adj-no, n-t) (1) current/urgent/pressing/impending (vs) (2) to confront (an issue)/to face (up to something) (adv) (3) for the meantime/at present (P) ","当る[あたる] (v5r, vi) (1) to be hit/to strike (2) to touch/to be in contact/to be affixed (3) to be equivalent to/to be applicable/to apply to (4) to be right on the money (of a prediction, criticism, etc.) (5) to be selected (in a lottery, etc.)/to win (6) to be successful/to go well/to be a hit (7) to face/to confront (8) to lie (in the direction of) (9) to undertake/to be assigned (10) to be stricken (by food poisoning, heat, etc.)/to be afflicted (11) to be called on (e.g. by a teacher) (12) to treat (esp. harshly)/to lash out at (13) to be unnecessary (14) (baseb) to be hitting well/to be on a hitting streak (15) to feel a bite (in fishing) (16) (of fruit, etc.) to be bruised/to spoil (v5r,vt) (17) to feel (something) out/to probe into/to check (i.e. by comparison) (18) to shave (19) to be a relative of a person/to be a ... in relation to .../to stand in a relationship ","当店[とうてん] (n) this store (P) ","充当[じゅうとう] (n, vs) allocation/appropriation (P) ","別当[べっとう] (n) (1) groom/footman/stableman/equerry (2) steward/intendant (3) (arch) head of an institution,  esp. religious/head of one institution serving also as the head of another ","総当たり[そうあたり] (n, adj-no) round-robin/using all combinations/brute force (e.g. in code-breaking) (P) ","抵当[ていとう] (n, adj-no) mortgage/security/hypothec/pledge (P) ","正当防衛[せいとうぼうえい] (n) (yoji) legitimate self-defence/legitimate self-defense (P) ","当て嵌まる[あてはまる] (v5r, vi) to apply (a rule)/to be applicable/to come under (a category)/to fulfill/to hold true ","見当たる[みあたる] (v5r) to be found (P) ","大当たり[おおあたり] (n, vs,adj-no) big hit/big prize/bumper crop/striking it rich/right on the mark/bonanza/bull's eye/bullseye (P) ","当の[とうの] (adj-pn) the ... in question (P) ","人当たり[ひとあたり] (n) one's manners/one's attitude ","目の当たり[まのあたり] (exp, adv) just before one's eyes/in one's presence/personally ","体当たり[たいあたり] (n, vs) (1) ramming attack/hurling oneself (at) (2) throwing oneself into (e.g. a role)/going all out ","当座[とうざ] (n, adj-no) (1) for the time being/for the present/temporarily/for a time (2) immediate/present/current (3) for some time (after) (4) current account ","当代[とうだい] (n-adv, n-t,adj-no) the present age/these days (present) head of the family ","当て嵌める[あてはめる] (v1, vt) to apply/to adapt ","過当[かとう] (adj-na, n) excessive/exorbitant (P) ","割当[かっとう<br>わりあて] (n) (1) allotment/assignment/allocation/quota/rationing (2) (comp) allocation ","当年[とうねん] (n-adv, n-t) the present year/at that time "],"形":["形成[けいせい]formation  N1","形勢[けいせい]condition; situation;prospects  N1","形態[けいたい]form; shape;figure  N1","原形[げんけい]original form; base form  N1","地形[ちけい<br>じぎょう]terrain; geographical features;topography  N1","形式[けいしき]form, formality,format,math expression  N2","形容詞[けいようし]true adjective  N2","形容動詞[けいようどうし]adjectival noun, quasi-adjective  N2","図形[ずけい]figure  N2","正方形[せいほうけい]square  N2","長方形[ちょうほうけい]rectangle, oblong  N2","形[かたち<br>かた<br>がた<br>けい<br>なり]shape  N4","人形[にんぎょう]doll,  figure  N4","ハート形[ハートがた,  はーとがた]Heart Shaped ","三角形[さんかっけい<br>さんかくけい]triangle ","形作る[かたちづくる]form ","形見[かたみ]keepsake ","手形[てがた]hand print ","定形[ていけい]fixed form ","固形[こけい]solid ","変形[へんけい]transformation ","形式的[けいしきてき]formal ","無形[むけい]immaterial ","過去形[かこけい]Past Tense ","複数形[ふくすうけい]Plural ","否定形[ひていけい]Negative Tense,  negative sentence, negative ","楕円形[だえんけい]oval ","大形[おおがた<br>おおぎょう] (adj-no, n) large/large-sized/large-scale/big ","小形[こがた] (adj-no, n) small/small-sized/small-scale/miniature ","形状[けいじょう] (n) shape/form (P) ","山形[やまがた<br>やまなり] (n, adj-no) mountain-shape/chevron/cone (P) ","中形[ちゅうがた] (n, adj-no) medium size ","体形[たいけい] (n) figure/body shape/build/physique/form (P) ","線形[せんけい] (adj-no, adj-na,n) (math) (physics) (comp) linear ","髪形[かみがた] (n) hair style/coiffure/hairdo (P) ","造形[ぞうけい] (n, vs) molding/moulding/shaping/modelling (i.e. plastic arts)/modeling (P) ","円形[えんけい<br>まるがた] (n) round shape/circle/circular form (P) ","有形[ゆうけい] (n, adj-no) material/tangible/concrete ","整形[せいけい] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) orthopedics/plastic surgery/cosmetic surgery (2) smoothing (bursty traffic, etc.)/shaping/fairing ","成形[せいけい] (n, vs) (1) cast/mold/mould/casting/molding/moulding/compacting (e.g. in metallurgy) (2) forming/shaping/fashioning ","字形[じけい] (n) character style/character form (P) ","形容[けいよう] (n, vs) (1) describing/comparing/expressing figuratively/modifying/qualifying (e.g. an adjective qualifying a noun) (n) (2) form/figure/condition/state (3) personal appearance/one's face and figure/looks (P) ","形跡[けいせき] (n) traces/evidence (P) ","波形[なみがた<br>はけい] (n, adj-no) wavy form/ripply shape ","球形[きゅうけい] (n, adj-no) globular or spherical shape ","自由形[じゆうがた] (n) freestyle (e.g. swimming event) (P) ","女形[おやま<br>おんながた] (n) onnagata/male actor in female kabuki roles ","花形[かけい<br>はながた] (n, adj-no) floral pattern/flourish/ornament ","卵形[たまごがた<br>らんけい] (n, adj-no) oval shape/egg shape (P) ","菱形[ひしがた<br>りょうけい] (n, adj-no) rhombus/rhomb/lozenge/diamond shape ","方形[ほうけい] (n, adj-no) square ","形而上[けいじじょう] (n) metaphysical ","異形[いぎょう<br>いけい] (adj-no, adj-na,n) fantastic/grotesque/strange-looking/suspicious-looking ","矩形[くけい<br>さしがた] (n, adj-no) rectangle ","外形[がいけい] (n) externals/external form ","奇形[きぎょう<br>きけい] (ok) (n, adj-no) (1) deformity/malformation (2) strange shape/unusual shape "],"光":["稲光[いなびかり](flash of) lightning  N1","光沢[こうたく]brilliance; polish;lustre;glossy finish (of photographs)  N1","光熱費[こうねつひ]cost of fuel and light  N1","蛍光灯[けいこうとう]fluorescent lamp, person who is slow to react  N2","光線[こうせん]beam, light ray  N2","観光[かんこう]sightseeing  N3","光景[こうけい]scene,  spectacle  N3","日光[にっこう]sunlight  N3","光[ひかり]light  N4","光る[ひかる]to shine, to glitter  N4","光年[こうねん]Light Year ","月光[げっこう]Moonlight,  moonbeam ","日光浴[にっこうよく]Sunbathe ","栄光[えいこう]Glory ","光栄[こうえい]Honor,  privilege ","観光客[かんこうきゃく]Tourist,  sightseer ","光輝[こうき]Brightness,  splendor ","光学[こうがく] (n, adj-no) optics (P) ","蛍光[けいこう] (n, adj-no) fluorescence ","光子[こうし] (n) (physics) photon ","発光[はっこう] (n, vs) emission (of light)/radiation (of light)/luminescence (P) ","光明[こうみょう<br>こうめい] (n) (1) bright light (2) hope/bright future (3) (Buddh) light emanating from a buddha or bodhisattva,  symbolizing their wisdom and compassion (P) ","太陽光[たいようこう] (n) sunlight ","光源[こうげん] (n) light source ","脚光[きゃっこう] (n) footlight/limelight (P) ","光度[こうど] (n) intensity of light ","光速[こうそく] (n) speed of light ","光合成[こうごうせい] (n) photosynthesis ","変光星[へんこうせい] (n) (astron) variable star ","電光[でんこう] (n) (1) lightning (2) electric illumination/light from an electric source (P) ","偏光[へんこう] (n) polarized light/polarised light/polarization/polarisation ","光一[ぴかいち] (n) (1) scoring hand in hanafuda with one 20 point card and six 1 point cards (2) something (or someone) that stands out above the rest ","閃光[せんこう] (n) (1) flash (of light)/glint (2) (geol) schiller "],"回":["後回し[あとまわし]putting off; postponing  N1","上回る[うわまわる]to exceed  N1","回収[かいしゅう]collection; recovery  N1","回送[かいそう]forwarding  N1","回覧[かいらん]circulation  N1","回路[かいろ]circuit (electric)  N1","掻き回す[かきまわす]to stir up; to churn;to ransack;to disturb  N1","手回し[てまわし]preparations; arrangements  N1","転回[てんかい]revolution; rotation  N1","遠回り[とおまわり]detour; roundabout way  N1","ねじ回し[ねじまわし]screwdriver  N1","根回し[ねまわし]making necessary arrangements  N1","回数[かいすう]number of times, frequency  N2","回数券[かいすうけん]book of tickets  N2","回転[かいてん]rotation, revolution,turning  N2","回答[かいとう]reply, answer  N2","回り道[まわりみち]detour  N2","回[かい]counter for occurrences  N3","回復[かいふく]recovery (from illness),  improvement, rehabilitation, restoration  N3","今回[こんかい]now,  this time, lately  N3","回す[まわす]to turn,  to revolve  N3","回り[まわり]circumference,  surroundings, circulation  N3","回る[まわる<br>みる<br>めぐる<br>もとおる]to go around  N4","毎回[まいかい]Every Time,  each time ","何回[なんかい]How Many Times ","一回[いっかい]One Time,  once ","かき回す[かきまわす]stir up ","言い回し[いいまわし]expression ","次回[じかい]Next Time ","前回[ぜんかい]last time ","先回り[さきまわり]Anticipation,  anticipate ","走り回る[はしりまわる]To Run Around ","身の回り[みのまわり]everyday affair ","乗り回す[のりまわす]drive about ","初回[しょかい]The First Time,  first time ","回想[かいそう]Retrospection,  reminiscence ","回転ずし[かいてんずし]Rotating Sushi,  conveyor belt sushi, revolving sushi, sushi train, sushi go round ","回転する[かいてんする]To Rotate,  to revolve ","回帰[かいき]recurrence ","回復する[かいふくする]To Recover ","回顧録[かいころく]Memoirs,  reminiscences ","巡回[じゅんかい]Patrol,  going around ","回顧[かいこ]reminiscence ","撤回[てっかい]Withdrawal,  repeal ","駆け回る[かけまわる]To Run Around ","旋回[せんかい]revolution,  rotation, turning, circling ","回忌[かいき]death anniversary,  anniversary of death ","回避[かいひ] (n, vs) evasion/avoidance (P) ","周回[しゅうかい] (n, vs) (1) going around/orbiting/circling (n) (2) circumference/girth/surroundings ","振り回す[ふりまわす] (v5s, vt) (1) to wield/to brandish/to flourish/to wave (about)/to swing (2) to display (one's knowledge)/to show off (3) to abuse (one's power) (4) to manipulate someone (P) ","回戦[かいせん] (ctr) (1) counter for numbering the rounds in a tournament (n-suf) (2) fight with ... rounds (e.g. boxing) (P) ","回線[かいせん] (n) circuit/line (P) ","迂回[うかい] (n) (1) detour (vs) (2) to detour/to circumvent (n) (3) (mil) turning movement ","下回る[したまわる] (v5r, vt) to fall below (esp. figures: profits, unemployment rate, etc.)/to be less than/to be lower than/to fall just short of/to be just under ","何回も[なんかいも] (adv, adj-no) time and time again/many times/a number of times ","出回る[でまわる] (v5r, vi) (1) to appear on the market/to be in season (e.g fruit) (2) to circulate widely/to make the rounds/to go around/to float around ","奪回[だっかい] (n, vs) recovery/rescue/recapture (P) ","次回予告[じかいよこく] (n) preview of next installment (TV shows,  podcasts, etc.) ","利回り[りまわり] (n) interest (investment) yield/profits (P) ","歩き回る[あるきまわる] (v5r) to walk about/to walk to and fro/to pace around (P) ","回廊[かいろう] (n) corridor/gallery/hallway/cloister (i.e. covered walk typically circling a building or garden,  esp. in a palace or place of worship) (P) ","回し[まわし] (n, n-suf) (1) (sumo) mawashi/belt/loincloth (n) (2) mantle/cape (3) gang rape (P) ","回生[かいせい] (n, vs) (1) resurrection/resuscitation/regeneration (n-suf) (2) (ksb:) university student in ... year (P) ","挽回[ばんかい] (n, vs) recovery/restoration ","回航[かいこう] (n, vs) navigation/cruise ","時計回り[とけいまわり] (n) clockwise rotation/CW ","見回す[みまわす] (v5s, vt) to look around/to survey ","動き回る[うごきまわる] (v5r) to move around ","回折[かいせつ] (n, vs) diffraction ","一回り[ひとまわり] (n-adv) (1) one turn/one round (2) (a) size (vs) (3) to go around/to make a circuit/to take a turn (n-adv) (4) twelve years/one cycle of the Chinese zodiac (P) ","回遊[かいゆう] (n, vs) (1) excursion/round trip (2) seasonal migration (of fish, etc.) ","回文[かいぶん] (n) (1) circular (document)/circulating letter (2) palindrome "],"声":["歓声[かんせい]cheer; shout of joy  N1","声明[せいめい<br>しょうみょう]declaration; statement;proclamation  N1","声[こえ]voice  N5","大声[おおごえ<br>たいせい]Large Voice,  loud voice, big voice ","名声[めいせい]fame ","音声[おんせい<br>おんじょう]sound ","話し声[はなしごえ]talking voice ","発声[はっせい]vocalization ","歌声[うたごえ<br>かせい]singing voice ","鳴き声[なきごえ]Animal Cry,  animal sound, animal noise, chirp, tweet, roar, bark, meow ","泣き声[なきごえ]tearful voice ","笑い声[わらいごえ]laughter ","叫び声[さけびごえ]Shout,  yell, scream ","銃声[じゅうせい] (n) (sound of a) gunshot (gun) report (P) ","うめき声[うめきごえ] (n) groan/moan/moaning ","うなり声[うなりごえ] (n) (1) groan/moan (2) roar/growl (3) buzz/hum (e.g. motor)/whistling (e.g. wind,  wires in the wind) ","声優[せいゆう] (n) voice actor or actress (radio,  animation, etc.) ","声楽[せいがく] (n, adj-no) vocal music (P) ","小声[こごえ] (n, adj-no) low voice/whisper (P) ","あえぎ声[あえぎごえ] (n) heavy breathing ","声援[せいえん] (n, vs) (shout of) encouragement/cheering/rooting/support (P) ","声かけ[こえかけ] (n) saying something (to someone)/greeting/approaching (someone) ","和声[かせい<br>わせい] (n, adj-no) (music) harmony/concord/consonance ","掛け声[かけごえ] (n, vs) shout (of encouragement, etc.)/yell (used to time or encourage activity, e.g. 'Heave ho!') (P) ","無声[むせい] (n, adj-no) voiceless/unvoiced/silent/noiseless ","混声[こんせい] (n) mixed voices "],"科":["亜科[あか]suborder; subfamily  N1","科[か<br>しな<br>とが]department; section  N1","眼科[がんか]ophthalmology  N1","教科[きょうか]subject; curriculum  N1","産婦人科[さんふじんか]maternity and gynecology department  N1","歯科[しか]dentistry  N1","小児科[しょうにか]pediatrics  N1","耳鼻科[じびか]otolaryngology  N1","百科事典[ひゃっかじてん]encyclopedia  N1","百科辞典[ひゃっかじてん]encyclopedia  N1","学科[がっか]study subject, course of study  N2","外科[げか]surgical department  N2","自然科学[しぜんかがく]natural science  N2","社会科学[しゃかいかがく]social science  N2","人文科学[じんぶんかがく]social sciences, humanities  N2","内科[ないか]internist clinic, internal medicine  N2","理科[りか]science  N2","科目[かもく](school) subject,  curriculum, course  N3","教科書[きょうかしょ]textbook  N3","科学[かがく]science  N4","文科[ぶんか]literary department ","科学者[かがくしゃ]scientist ","皮膚科[ひふか]dermatology ","工科[こうか] (n) engineering course (P) ","外科医[げかい] (n) surgeon (P) ","医科[いか] (n) medical science/medical department (P) ","精神科[せいしんか] (n) psychiatry (P) ","精神科医[せいしんかい] (n) psychiatrist ","科学的[かがくてき] (adj-na) scientific (P) ","法科[ほうか] (n) law department/law school ","前科[ぜんか] (n) previous conviction/criminal record/previous offense/previous offence ","分科[ぶんか] (n) department/section/branch/course/school (e.g. of learning) ","予科[よか] (n) preparatory course/preparatory department ","百科[ひゃっか] (n) (1) many objects (for study) (2) (abbr) encyclopedia/encyclopaedia ","商科[しょうか] (n) commerce (field of study)/department of commerce (at a university) ","科す[かす] (v5s) to inflict/to impose (a fine,  etc.) ","専科[せんか] (n) (1) specialized course/specialised course (2) something that is specialized for a certain field or application (e.g. a sauce specially made for zaru soba) ","薬科[やっか] (n) pharmacy (subject) "],"化":["悪化[あっか]deterioration; growing worse;aggravation;degeneration;corruption  N1","化合[かごう]chemical combination  N1","化する[かする]to change into; to convert into;to transform;to be reduced;to influence;to improve (someone)  N1","化石[かせき]fossil; petrifaction;fossilization  N1","化繊[かせん]synthetic fibres  N1","誤魔化す[ごまかす]to deceive; to falsify;to misrepresent  N1","酸化[さんか]oxidation  N1","進化[しんか]evolution; progress  N1","退化[たいか]degeneration; retrogression  N1","化ける[ばける<br>ふける]to appear in disguise; to take the form of;to change for the worse  N1","文化財[ぶんかざい]cultural assets; cultural property  N1","強化[きょうか]strengthen, intensify,reinforce,solidify  N2","消化[しょうか]digestion  N2","化学[かがく<br>ばけがく]chemistry  N3","化粧[けしょう<br>けそう<br>けわい]make-up (cosmetic)  N3","変化[へんか<br>へんげ]goblin,  ghost, apparition, bugbear  N3","文化[ぶんか]culture  N4","お化け[おばけ]ghost ","同化[どうか]assimilation ","合理化[ごうりか]rationalization ","化け物[ばけもの<br>ばけもん]ghost ","美化[びか]beautification ","化かす[ばかす]To Bewitch,  to enchant ","老化[ろうか]aging ","感化[かんか]influence ","消化不良[しょうかふりょう]Indigestion ","消化する[しょうかする]To Digest ","文化的[ぶんかてき]cultural ","帰化[きか]naturalization ","国際化[こくさいか]internationalization ","硬化[こうか]hardness ","劣化[れっか]Deterioration,  degredation ","軟化[なんか]softening ","浄化[じょうか]purification,  cleanup ","化[か] (suf) action of making something/-ification ","少子化[しょうしか] (n, vs) declining birth rates/decrease in the number of children ","特化[とっか] (n, vs) specialization/specialisation ","塩化[えんか] (n, adj-no) chloride (P) ","化す[かす<br>けす] (v5s, vi) to change into/to convert to/to transform/to be reduced/to influence/to improve (someone) ","電化[でんか] (n, vs) electrification (P) ","激化[げきか<br>げっか] (n, vs) intensification/aggravation (P) ","孵化[ふか] (n, vs) incubation/hatching ","文化祭[ぶんかさい] (n) school festival/cultural festival/arts festival ","分化[ぶんか] (n, vs) specialization/specialisation/differentiation (P) ","化粧品[けしょうひん] (n) cosmetics/toilet articles ","一体化[いったいか] (n, vs) unification/integration ","文化庁[ぶんかちょう] (n) (Japanese) Agency for Cultural Affairs (P) ","一本化[いっぽんか] (n, vs) unification/centralization/integration/drawing things together/working out a common policy/consolidation ","炭化[たんか] (n, vs) carbonization/carbonisation ","硫化[りゅうか] (n, vs) sulfuration/sulphuration ","二酸化炭素[にさんかたんそ] (n) carbon dioxide (P) ","生化学[せいかがく] (n) biochemistry (P) ","一元化[いちげんか] (n, vs) unification/centralization/centralisation (P) ","化物[ばけもの<br>ばけもん] (n) goblin/apparition/monster/ghost/phantom/spectre/specter ","化け[ばけ] (n, adj-no) (1) transforming oneself/taking on another form/disguising oneself (2) artificial fly (for fishing) ","定式化[ていしきか] (n, vs) formularization/formularisation ","化成[かせい] (n, vs) change/transformation (P) ","緑化[りょくか<br>りょっか] (n, vs) greening (i.e. planting to increase greenery)/tree planting/afforestation ","化身[けしん] (n, vs,adj-no) (Buddh) incarnation/impersonation/personification/avatar ","液化[えきか] (n, vs) liquefaction (P) ","量子化[りょうしか] (n, vs) quantization/quantisation/quantizing ","風化[ふうか] (n, vs) (1) weathering (2) fading (of memories) (3) efflorescence ","羽化[うか] (n, vs) emergence (of insects)/growing wings and flying/eclosion ","気化[きか] (n, vs) vaporization/vaporisation ","道化[どうけ] (n, vs) (1) antics/buffoonery/clowning (n) (2) (abbr) clown/jester ","開化[かいか] (n, vs) civilization/civilisation/enlightenment "],"全":["健全[けんぜん]health; soundness;wholesome  N1","全快[ぜんかい]complete recovery of health  N1","全盛[ぜんせい]height of prosperity  N1","全滅[ぜんめつ]annihilation  N1","全集[ぜんしゅう]complete works  N2","全身[ぜんしん]the whole body, full-length (portrait)  N2","全般[ぜんぱん](the) whole, universal,wholly,general  N2","完全[かんぜん]perfection,  completeness  N3","全て[すべて]all,  the whole, entirely, in general, wholly  N3","全[ぜん]all,  whole, entire, complete, overall, pan  N3","全員[ぜんいん<br>ぜいいん]all members (unanimity),  all hands, the whole crew  N3","全国[ぜんこく]country-wide,  nation-wide, whole country, national  N3","全然[ぜんぜん](1) wholly,  entirely, completely, (2) not at all (with neg. verb)  N3","全体[ぜんたい]whole,  entirety, whatever (is the matter)  N3","全く[まったく]really,  truly, entirely, completely  N3","安全[あんぜん<br>あんせん]safety  N4","全部[ぜんぶ]all  N5","全日本[ぜんにほん]All Japan,  all of japan ","全力[ぜんりょく]Full Effort,  every effort, best effort, full power ","全米[ぜんべい]All America ","全速力[ぜんそくりょく]full speed ","不完全[ふかんぜん]imperfect ","全治[ぜんち<br>ぜんじ]Complete Recovery,  healed, fully recovered, fully recover, healed completely, heal completely, completely cured, fully cured, fully healed ","全面的[ぜんめんてき]full-scale ","全景[ぜんけい]Complete View,  full view ","全壊[ぜんかい]Complete Destruction,  total destruction ","全損[ぜんそん]Total Loss ","全般的[ぜんぱんてき]General,  overall, across the board ","全裸[ぜんら]Completely Nude,  totally nude, completely naked, totally naked ","全面[ぜんめん] (n, adj-no) whole surface/entire (P) ","全線[ぜんせん] (n) the whole line/all lines/the whole ship (P) ","全角[ぜんかく] (n, adj-no) em/em quad (printing)/full-width character ","保全[ほぜん] (n, vs) preservation/integrity/conservation/maintenance (P) ","全曲[ぜんきょく] (n) all compositions/the entire composition (P) ","全域[ぜんいき] (n, adj-no) the whole area (P) ","全長[ぜんちょう] (n, adj-no) over-all length/span (P) ","全権[ぜんけん] (n) plenipotentiary powers/full authority (P) ","全日[ぜんじつ] (n-adv, n-t) all days (P) ","全額[ぜんがく] (n) total/full amount/sum (P) ","全開[ぜんかい] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) opening fully (2) full throttle/full power ","全世界[ぜんせかい] (n) the whole world (P) ","全土[ぜんど] (n) whole nation/whole land/whole country (P) ","全勝[ぜんしょう] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) complete victory (n) (2) (sumo) winning a tournament with no losses (P) ","不全[ふぜん] (adj-na, n,adj-no) partial/incomplete/imperfect (P) ","全財産[ぜんざいさん] (n) everything one owns ","全国大会[ぜんこくたいかい] (n) national convention/national competition/national athletic meet ","全体に[ぜんたいに] (adv) generally ","全文[ぜんぶん] (n) whole passage/full text/whole sentence/full paragraph (P) ","全廃[ぜんぱい] (n, vs) total abolition/full phase-out/total repeal (P) ","万全[ばんぜん] (n, adj-no,adj-na) perfection/flawlessness (P) ","安全保障[あんぜんほしょう] (n, adj-no) security guarantee (e.g. military security, network security, etc.) (P) ","全編[ぜんぺん] (n) whole book (volume)/complete episode ","全幅[ぜんぷく] (adj-no) (1) full/wholehearted/utmost/all/every (n) (2) overall width ","全軍[ぜんぐん] (n) (1) whole army/whole team (2) all armies/all teams ","全焼[ぜんしょう] (n, vs) burned down/entirely destroyed (P) ","全高[ぜんこう] (n) overall height/distance from the ground to the highest point of an object ","全校[ぜんこう] (n) the whole school (P) ","全会[ぜんかい] (n) whole assembly (P) ","全うする[まっとうする] (exp, vs-i) to accomplish/to fulfill/to carry out (P) ","全書[ぜんしょ] (n) complete book/complete set/treatise "],"両":["両極[りょうきょく]both extremities; north and south poles;positive and negative poles  N1","両立[りょうりつ]compatibility; coexistence;standing together  N1","両側[りょうがわ<br>りょうそく]both sides  N2","両替[りょうがえ]change,  money exchange  N3","両方[りょうほう]both sides  N4","両親[りょうしん<br>ふたおや]both parents  N5","両日[りょうじつ]Both Days ","両手[りょうて]Both Hands ","車両[しゃりょう]Railroad Car,  vehicle ","両者[りょうしゃ]Both People ","両面[りょうめん<br>リャンメン]both faces ","両端[りょうはし<br>りょうたん<br>りょうはじ]both ends ","両[もろ<br>りゃん<br>りょう] (pref) (uk) both ","ご両親[ごりょうしん] (n) your (honorable,  honourable) parents ","両国[りょうこく<br>りょうごく] (n) both countries (P) ","両軍[りょうぐん] (n) both armies/both teams (P) ","両用[りょうよう] (n, vs) dual use ","両院[りょういん] (n) both Houses of Parliament (P) ","両岸[りょうがん<br>りょうぎし] (n) both banks (of a river) (P) ","両論[りょうろん] (n) both arguments (theories) (P) ","両脇[りょうわき] (n) both sides ","両目[りょうめ] (n) both eyes ","両足[もろあし<br>りょうあし<br>りょうそく] (n) both feet ","両性[りょうせい] (n, adj-no) both sexes ","両腕[もろうで<br>りょううで] (n) both arms ","両党[りょうとう] (n) both political parties (P) ","両生類[りょうせいるい] (n) amphibia/amphibian ","両翼[りょうよく] (n) both wings/both flanks (P) "],"亡":["逃亡[とうぼう]escape  N1","滅亡[めつぼう]downfall; ruin;collapse;destruction  N1","亡くす[なくす]to lose someone,  wife, child, etc  N2","死亡[しぼう]death,  mortality  N3","亡くなる[なくなる]to die  N4","亡命[ぼうめい]exile ","逃亡者[とうぼうしゃ]Refugee ","亡霊[ぼうれい]Ghost,  the dead ","亡骸[なきがら]corpse ","未亡人[みぼうじん] (n) widow (P) ","亡き[なき] (adj-pn) the late/the deceased ","亡い[ない] (adj-i) dead "],"直":["直ぐ[すぐ]immediately; soon;easily;right (near);honest;upright  N1","率直[そっちょく]frankness; candour;openheartedness  N1","直面[ちょくめん<br>ひためん]confrontation  N1","直感[ちょっかん]intuition  N1","出直し[でなおし]adjustment; touch up  N1","垂直[すいちょく]vertical, perpendicular  N2","素直[すなお]obedient, meek,docile,unaffected  N2","卒直[そっちょく]frankness, candour,openheartedness  N2","直後[ちょくご]immediately following  N2","直線[ちょくせん]straight line  N2","直前[ちょくぜん]just before  N2","直通[なおみち<br>ちょくつう]direct communication  N2","直流[ちょくりゅう]direct current  N2","直角[ちょっかく]right angle  N2","直径[ちょっけい]diameter  N2","仲直り[なかなおり]reconciliation, make peace with  N2","見直す[みなおす]to look again, to get a better opinion of  N2","直に[じかに<br>じきに]immediately,  readily, directly  N3","直[ちょく<br>あたい<br>あたいえ<br>あたえ<br>じか<br>じき<br>ただ<br>なお<br>ね<br>ひた]earnestly,  immediately, exactly  N3","正直[しょうじき]honesty,  integrity, frankness  N3","直ちに[ただちに]at once,  immediately, directly, in person  N3","直接[ちょくせつ]direct,  immediate, personal, firsthand  N3","真っ直ぐ[まっすぐ]straight (ahead),  direct, upright  N3","直す[なおす]to fix, to repair  N4","直る[なおる]to be fixed, to be repaired  N4","直行[ちょっこう]Nonstop,  direct ","やり直し[やりなおし]doing over ","やり直す[やりなおす]do over again ","思い直す[おもいなおす]reconsider ","立ち直る[たちなおる]get over ","立て直す[たてなおす]rally ","持ち直す[もちなおす]improve ","直進[ちょくしん]straight on ","直列[ちょくれつ]series ","書き直す[かきなおす]rewrite ","直観[ちょっかん]intuition ","直視[ちょくし]direct look ","直接的[ちょくせつてき]Directly ","直撃[ちょくげき]direct hit ","直航[ちょっこう]Nonstop Flight,  direct voyage ","硬直[こうちょく]Rigidity,  stiffening, stiffness ","直轄[ちょっかつ]direct control ","見直し[みなおし] (n, vs) review/reconsideration/revision (P) ","直営[ちょくえい] (n, vs,adj-no) direct management (P) ","考え直す[かんがえなおす] (v5s, vt) to reconsider/to rethink/to reassess (P) ","出直す[でなおす] (v5s, vi) (1) to make a fresh start/to turn over a new leaf (2) to call again/to visit again/to come again ","直結[ちょっけつ] (n, vs,adj-no) direct connection/direct link ","直下[ちょっか] (n, adj-no,vs) (1) directly under (n,vs) (2) falling perpendicularly (P) ","直ぐに[すぐに] (adv) (uk) immediately/right away/at once/instantly (P) ","直訳[ちょくやく] (n, vs) literal translation/direct translation ","直系[ちょっけい] (n, adj-no) direct descent/direct line (P) ","直属[ちょくぞく] (n, vs,adj-no) direct control/direct supervision (P) ","作り直す[つくりなおす] (v5s, vt) to remake/to rebuild ","直交[ちょっこう] (n, vs,adj-no) orthogonal ","直人[ただうど<br>ただひと<br>ただびと<br>なおびと] (ok) (n) ordinary person/untitled individual ","開き直る[ひらきなおる] (v5r, vi) to become defiant/to turn upon/to become serious (P) ","直立[ちょくりつ] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) standing upright/standing straight/standing erect (2) rising perpendicularly/rising straight up/towering high ","直し[なおし] (n) (1) correction/rectification (2) mending/repair (P) ","手直し[てなおし] (n, vs) adjustment/tweaking/improvement/modification/tinkering/minor alteration/correction (P) ","直近[ちょっきん] (adj-no, n-adv,n-t) latest/most recent/nearest (in time) ","一直線[いっちょくせん] (n) straight line (P) ","建て直す[たてなおす] (v5s, vt) to rebuild/to reconstruct "],"活":["活ける[いける]to arrange (flowers)  N1","活発[かっぱつ]vigor; active  N1","復活[ふっかつ]revival (e.g. musical); restoration  N1","活字[かつじ]printing type  N2","活躍[かつやく]activity  N2","活力[かつりょく]vitality, energy  N2","活気[かっき]energy,  liveliness  N3","活動[かつどう]action,  activity  N3","活用[かつよう]conjugation,  practical use  N3","生活[せいかつ]to live  N4","自活[じかつ]self-support ","私生活[しせいかつ]Personal Life,  one's personal life, private life, one's private life ","活性[かっせい] (n) activity (P) ","活かす[いかす] (v5s, vt) (1) to make (the best) use of/to put to good use/to leverage (skills, attributes, experience, etc.)/to capitalise on (experience, etc.) (2) to let live/to keep alive (3) to revive/to resuscitate/to bring back to life (4) to restore (a deleted passage;  in proofreading) ","活[かつ] (n) (1) living/life (2) judo art of resuscitation (suf) (3) (abbr) action/activity ","結婚生活[けっこんせいかつ] (n, adj-no) wedded life/married life ","部活[ぶかつ] (n) club activities (P) ","食生活[しょくせいかつ] (n) eating habits (P) ","活動家[かつどうか] (n) activist (P) ","大活躍[だいかつやく] (n, vs) being very active/being very useful/greatly flourishing/playing a very active part "],"曲":["婉曲[えんきょく]euphemistic; circumlocution;roundabout;indirect;insinuating  N1","曲[きょく<br>くせ<br>くま<br>まが]tune; piece of music  N1","戯曲[ぎきょく]play; drama  N1","曲がる[まがる]to turn; to bend  N1","曲線[きょくせん]curve  N2","曲げる[まげる]to bend, to crook,to lean  N2","作曲[さっきょく]composition,  setting (of music)  N3","曲る[まがる]to turn, to bend  N5","名曲[めいきょく]Famous Music,  famous song, famous tune ","曲がり角[まがりかど]corner (to turn) ","交響曲[こうきょうきょく]symphony ","歌謡曲[かよう きょく<br>かようきょく]popular song ","楽曲[がっきょく] (n) musical composition/tune (P) ","曲目[きょくもく] (n) (1) name of a piece of music (musical) number (2) (musical) program/programme/selection (of music)/list of songs (P) ","全曲[ぜんきょく] (n) all compositions/the entire composition (P) ","協奏曲[きょうそうきょく] (n) (music) concerto (P) ","歌曲[かきょく] (n) melody/tune/song (P) ","編曲[へんきょく] (n) (1) arrangement (vs) (2) to arrange/to orchestrate ","組曲[くみきょく] (n) (music) suite (P) ","新曲[しんきょく] (n) new piece/new song (P) ","選曲[せんきょく] (n, vs) selection of music/song selection ","序曲[じょきょく] (n) overture/prelude (P) ","曲名[きょくめい] (n) musical composition title/song title ","歪曲[わいきょく] (n, vs) distortion/falsification/perversion ","曲面[きょくめん] (n) curved surface ","曲折[きょくせつ] (n, vs) windings/meanderings/complications/twists and turns (P) ","湾曲[わんきょく] (n, vs) curve/bend/crook (P) ","変奏曲[へんそうきょく] (n) (music) variation ","浪曲[ろうきょく] (n) recitation of stories accompanied by samisen (called naniwabushi) ","舞曲[ぶきょく<br>まいぐせ] (n) musical dance/music and dancing ","屈曲[くっきょく] (n, vs,adj-no) crookedness/bending/indentation/curvature/flexion "],"首":["首飾り[くびかざり]necklace  N1","首輪[くびわ]necklace; choker  N1","元首[げんしゅ]ruler; sovereign  N1","首脳[しゅのう]head; brains  N1","自首[じしゅ]surrender; give oneself up  N1","手首[てくび]wrist  N2","部首[ぶしゅ]radical (of a kanji character)  N2","首相[しゅしょう]Prime Minister  N3","首都[しゅと]capital city  N3","首[くび<br>おうと<br>おひと<br>おびと<br>かしら<br>こうべ<br>このかみ<br>しゅ<br>しるし<br>つかさ]neck  N4","足首[あしくび]Ankle ","首になる[くびになる]To Get Fired,  to be fired ","乳首[ちくび<br>ちちくび]Nipple ","首班[しゅはん]Head,  leader ","縛り首[しばりくび]hanging,  death by hanging ","アラブ首長国連邦[アラブしゅちょうこくれんぽう] (n) United Arab Emirates/UAE ","党首[とうしゅ] (n) party leader (P) ","首席[しゅせき] (n, adj-no) (1) head/chief (n) (2) top student/head of the class (3) top seat/first desk (in orchestra) (P) ","首位[しゅい] (n, adj-no) first place/head position/leading position (P) ","首長[しゅちょう] (n) (1) head (of organization,  organisation)/chief (2) sheikh/emir (P) ","機首[きしゅ] (n) nose (of plane) (P) ","首領[しゅりょう] (n) head/chief/boss/leader (P) ","首謀者[しゅぼうしゃ] (n) ringleader/mastermind/leader (of a plot) ","首謀[しゅぼう] (n) (1) plotting/planning (crime,  intrigue) (2) ringleader/mastermind/leader (of a plot) (P) ","船首[せんしゅ] (n) bow (of boat)/prow/stem ","斬首[ざんしゅ] (n, vs) (1) decapitation (n) (2) decapitated head ","絞首刑[こうしゅけい] (n) death by hanging/execution by hanging (P) "],"点":["観点[かんてん]point of view  N1","起点[きてん]starting point  N1","原点[げんてん]origin (coordinates); starting point  N1","減点[げんてん]subtract; give a demerit  N1","視点[してん]opinion; point of view;visual point  N1","点火[てんか<br>とぼし]ignition; lighting;set fire to  N1","点検[てんけん]inspection; examination;checking  N1","点線[てんせん]dotted line; perforated line  N1","得点[とくてん]score; points made;marks obtained;runs  N1","盲点[もうてん]blind spot  N1","利点[りてん]advantage; point in favor  N1","句読点[くとうてん]punctuation marks  N2","採点[さいてん]marking, grading,looking over  N2","弱点[じゃくてん]weak point, weakness  N2","終点[しゅうてん]terminus, last stop (e.g train)  N2","重点[じゅうてん]important point, lay stress on,colon,emphasis  N2","焦点[しょうてん]focus, point  N2","地点[ちてん]site, point on a map  N2","頂点[ちょうてん]top, summit  N2","点く[つく]to catch fire, (electricity) comes on  N2","点ける[つける]to turn on, to switch on,to light up  N2","点数[てんすう]marks, points,score,runs  N2","点々[てんてん]here and there, little by little  N2","満点[まんてん]perfect score  N2","零点[れいてん]zero, no marks  N2","欠点[けってん]faults,  defect, weakness  N3","要点[ようてん]gist,  main point  N3","点[てん<br>ちょぼ<br>ぽち<br>ぽつ]point, dot  N4","交差点[こうさてん]intersection  N5","小数点[しょうすうてん]decimal point ","共通点[きょうつうてん]Common Point,  common feature ","難点[なんてん]difficult point ","罰点[ばってん]black mark ","汚点[おてん]Stain,  smudge ","拠点[きょてん]Position,  location ","点滅[てんめつ]flashing ","沸点[ふってん]boiling point ","時点[じてん] (n) point in time/occasion (P) ","打点[だてん] (n) runs batted in/RBI (P) ","交点[こうてん] (n) point of intersection ","失点[しってん] (n) (1) lost point (in a game)/point given away/conceded goal (2) (baseb) run charged to the pitcher (3) blunder/mistake/error (P) ","点在[てんざい] (n, vs) being dotted with/being scattered (P) ","現時点[げんじてん] (n) present point (i.e. in history)/at the present time (P) ","点滴[てんてき] (n, vs) (1) raindrops/falling drop of water (2) (med) intravenous drip/IV/drip-feed (P) ","点す[さす<br>とぼす<br>ともす] (v5s, vt) (1) to pour/to add (liquid)/to serve (drinks) (2) to put on (lipstick, etc.)/to apply/to colour/to dye (3) to light (a fire)/to burn ","同点[どうてん] (n, adj-no) same score/deadlock/tie/draw (P) ","点差[てんさ] (n) point spread/point difference (P) ","点灯[てんとう] (n, vs) lighting (a lamp)/turning on a light ","接点[せってん] (n) (1) (math) tangent point/point of contact (2) contact (electrical,  etc.) (3) point of agreement/common ground/interaction (P) ","論点[ろんてん] (n) point in question (at issue) (P) ","争点[そうてん] (n) point at issue (P) ","重点的[じゅうてんてき] (adj-na) prioritized/focused/concentrated/predominant (P) ","点字[てんじ] (n) Braille (P) ","融点[ゆうてん] (n) fusion point/melting point ","斑点[はんてん] (n, adj-no) speck/fleck ","次点[じてん] (n) runner-up (P) ","基点[きてん] (n, adj-no) datum point/cardinal point/reference point/origin "],"向":["意向[いこう]intention; idea;inclination  N1","向上[こうじょう]elevation; rise;improvement;advancement;progress  N1","志向[しこう]intention; aim  N1","動向[どうこう]trend; tendency;movement;attitude  N1","一向[いっこう]earnestly  N1","日向[ひなた]sunny place; in the sun  N1","向き[むき]direction; situation;exposure;aspect;suitability  N1","向け[むけ]for ~; oriented towards ~  N1","向う[むこう<br>むかう](v5u) to face, to go towards  N2","傾向[けいこう]tendency,  trend, inclination  N3","方向[ほうこう]direction,  course, way  N3","向かい[むかい]facing,  opposite, across the street, other side  N3","向く[むく]to face  N3","向ける[むける]to turn towards,  to point  N3","向かう[むかう]to face  N4","向こう[むこう]over there  N5","一向に[いっこうに]absolutely (not) ","内向[ないこう]introversion ","前向き[まえむき]facing forward ","後ろ向き[うしろむき]facing backward ","風向き[かざむき]wind direction ","歯向かう[はむかう]oppose ","内向的[ないこうてき]introverted ","向こう側[むこうがわ]other side ","振り向く[ふりむく]turn around ","対向する[たいこうする]To Counter ","仰向け[あおむけ]facing upward ","方向音痴[ほうこうおんち]no sense of direction,  bad sense of direction ","転向[てんこう] (n, vs) conversion/shift/about-face/switch (P) ","指向[しこう] (n, vs) (1) being orientated (towards)/pointing (towards)/directing (towards) (adj-no) (2) directional (e.g. microphone) (n-suf) (3) -oriented ","立ち向かう[たちむかう] (v5u, vi) to fight against/to oppose/to face ","向き合う[むきあう] (v5u, vi) to be opposite/to face each other ","対向[たいこう] (n, vs) counter-/corresponding/face/opposite (P) ","出向く[でむく] (v5k, vi) to go to/to proceed to/to leave for (P) ","向日葵[ひまわり] (n) (uk) sunflower (Helianthus annuus) ","出向[しゅっこう] (n, vs) (1) temporary transfer (of an employee)/secondment/relocation/loan (2) proceeding to/leaving for (P) ","表向き[おもてむき] (n) outward appearance/ostensible/public/official (P) ","趣向[しゅこう] (n) plan/idea/design/plot (P) ","双方向[そうほうこう] (n, adj-no) two-way/bidirectional/interactive ","上向く[うえむく<br>うわむく] (v5k, vi) (1) to point upward/to look upward (2) to improve ","不向き[ふむき] (adj-na, n) unfit/unsuitable/unmarketable ","偏向[へんこう] (n, vs) propensity/tendency/inclination/deflection (P) ","差し向ける[さしむける] (v1, vt) to send or direct a person to ","向かい合う[むかいあう] (v5u, vi) to be opposite/to face each other ","向日[こうじつ] (n) anthelion (optical phenomenon) "],"次":["次[つぎ<br>じ]order; sequence;times;next;below  N1","次いで[ついで]next; secondly;subsequently  N1","取り次ぐ[とりつぐ]to act as an agent for; to announce (someone);to convey (a message)  N1","次ぐ[つぐ]to rank next to, to come after  N2","目次[もくじ]table of contents  N2","次第[しだい](1) order,  precedence, (2) circumstances, (3) immediate(ly)  N3","次々[つぎつぎ]in succession,  one by one  N3","年次[ねんじ]Annual,  yearly ","次回[じかい]Next Time ","次々に[つぎつぎに]one after another ","次元[じげん]dimension ","次女[じじょ]second daughter ","次男[じなん]second son ","次第に[しだいに]gradually ","次に[つぎに] (conj) next/then/after that ","相次ぐ[あいつぐ] (v5g) to follow in succession/to happen one after another (P) ","次世代[じせだい] (n) next generation/future generation ","順次[じゅんじ] (adv) in order/sequential/seriatim (P) ","次官[じかん<br>すけ] (n) vice-minister/undersecretary (P) ","次期[じき] (n, adj-no) (1) next term/next period (2) next version/next release (P) ","次長[じちょう] (n) vice-chief/vice-director/assistant director/deputy manager (P) ","次回予告[じかいよこく] (n) preview of next installment (TV shows,  podcasts, etc.) ","政務次官[せいむじかん] (n) deputy minister/assistant minister (P) ","逐次[ちくじ] (adv, adj-no) successively/one after another/sequentially (P) ","高次[こうじ] (n, pref) higher-order-/meta- ","次代[じだい] (n) the next era (P) ","次点[じてん] (n) runner-up (P) ","次兄[じけい] (n) second elder brother ","取次[とりつぎ] (n) (1) agency/commission/distributor/intermediation (2) reception (of guests) (3) conveyance (of messages) (P) ","野次[やじ] (n) hooting/jeering/heckling "],"欠":["欠く[かく]to lack; to break;to crack;to chip  N1","欠乏[けつぼう]want; shortage;famine  N1","不可欠[ふかけつ]indispensable; essential  N1","欠ける[かける]to be lacking  N3","欠陥[けっかん]defect,  fault, deficiency  N3","欠席[けっせき]absence,  non-attendance  N3","欠点[けってん]faults,  defect, weakness  N3","出欠[しゅっけつ]attendance ","欠けら[かけら]chip ","補欠[ほけつ]substitute ","欠如[けつじょ]lack ","欠場[けつじょう] (n, vs) absence/not taking part (P) ","欠番[けつばん] (n) missing number ","欠[あくび<br>けつ] (n) (1) (uk) yawn/yawning (2) kanji 'yawning' radical (radical 76) ","欠損[けっそん] (n, vs) (1) deficit/shortage/loss (2) being partially broken/being partially missing/being partially removed (P) ","欠かす[かかす] (v5s, vt) to miss (doing)/to fail (to do) (P) ","欠落[けつらく] (n, vs) missing/lacking "],"組":["組み合わせ[くみあわせ]combination  N1","組み合わせる[くみあわせる]to join together; to combine;to join up  N1","組み込む[くみこむ]to insert; to include;to cut in (printing)  N1","仕組み[しくみ]devising; plan;plot;contrivance;construction;arrangement  N1","取り組む[とりくむ]to tackle; to wrestle with;to engage in a bout;to come to grips with  N1","組合せ[くみあわせ]combination  N2","組み立てる[くみたてる]to assemble, to set up,to construct  N2","組[くみ]class,  group, team, set  N3","組合[くみあい]association,  union  N3","組む[くむ]to put together  N3","組織[そしき<br>そしょく](1) organization,  (2) structure, construction, (3) tissue, (4) system  N3","番組[ばんぐみ]television or radio program  N4","乗組員[のりくみいん]crew ","組閣[そかく]cabinet ","枠組み[わくぐみ]Frame,  framework ","取り組み[とりくみ] (n) (1) bout (in sports,  etc.)/match (2) effort/initiative/dealing with/grappling with/wrestling with (P) ","改組[かいそ] (n, vs) reorganization/reorganisation/reshuffle (P) ","仕組む[しくむ] (v5m, vt) to devise/to arrange/to plan/to plot ","組成[そせい] (n, vs,adj-no) composition/constitution (P) ","組長[くみちょう] (n) boss (esp. yakuza)/foreman (P) ","組み合わす[くみあわす] (v5s) to combine/to join together/to join up/to dovetail together ","組員[くみいん] (n) member (esp. of a criminal organization)/gang member/gangster/yakuza/crime syndicate member ","組曲[くみきょく] (n) (music) suite (P) ","取組む[とりくむ] (v5m, vi) (1) to grapple with/to wrestle with/to engage in a bout/to be matched against (2) to tackle (e.g. a problem)/to come to grips with/to work hard on ","組み立て[くみたて] (n, adj-no) construction/framework/erection/assembly/organization/organisation (P) ","組み[くみ] (n, n-suf) (1) set (of items) (2) group (of people)/class (of students)/company (esp. construction)/family (i.e. mafia)/team (n) (3) typesetting/composition (P) ","取組[とりくみ] (n) (1) bout (in sports,  etc.)/match (2) effort/initiative/dealing with/grappling with/wrestling with ","労組[ろうくみ<br>ろうそ] (n) (abbr) labor union/labour union/trade union ","新選組[しんせんぐみ] (n) Shinsengumi/shogunate police and military force located in Kyoto and dedicated to suppressing anti-shogunate activities (Edo period) ","組み入れる[くみいれる] (v1, vt) to incorporate/to work into/to insert ","組立[くみたて] (io) (n, adj-no) construction/framework/erection/assembly/organization/organisation ","縁組み[えんぐみ] (n, vs) (1) betrothal/wedding/marriage into a family/matrimonial alliance (2) (law) adoption ","乗り組む[のりくむ] (v5m, vi) to get on aboard/to join a ship ","組み手[くみて] (n) (1) wooden joints (2) paired karate kata (3) (sumo) beltwork "],"失":["失格[しっかく]disqualification; elimination;incapacity (legal)  N1","失調[しっちょう]lack of harmony  N1","損失[そんしつ]loss  N1","紛失[ふんしつ]losing something  N1","過失[かしつ]error, blunder,accident  N2","失恋[しつれん]disappointed love, broken heart,unrequited love,be lovelorn  N2","失う[うしなう]to lose,  to part with  N3","失業[しつぎょう]unemployment  N3","失望[しつぼう]disappointment,  despair  N3","失敗[しっぱい]failure, mistake  N4","失礼[しつれい<br>しちらい<br>しつらい]Rude,  rudeness, impoliteness ","見失う[みうしなう]lose sight of ","大失敗[だいしっぱい]Total Failure,  huge mistake, big mistake, debacle, massive failure, epic fail ","失態[しったい]Blunder,  disgrace ","失敬[しっけい]rudeness ","遺失[いしつ]Loss ","遺失物[いしつぶつ]lost property ","喪失[そうしつ]Loss,  forfeit ","失礼します[しつれいします] (exp) excuse me ","焼失[しょうしつ] (n, vs) being destroyed by fire ","失礼しました[しつれいしました] (exp) excuse me/I'm sorry ","失脚[しっきゃく] (n, vs) losing one's position/losing one's standing/falling (from power)/being overthrown/downfall (P) ","失せろ[うせろ] (int) beat it!/get lost!/get out of my sight! ","失点[しってん] (n) (1) lost point (in a game)/point given away/conceded goal (2) (baseb) run charged to the pitcher (3) blunder/mistake/error (P) ","失踪[しっそう] (n, vs) disappearance/running away/going missing/absconding (P) ","失[しつ] (n) (1) loss (of something)/disadvantage (2) mistake/error/failure (3) flaw/defect (4) (baseb) (abbr) error ","消失[しょうしつ<br>そうしつ] (n, vs) dying out/disappearance/vanishing/elimination/loss/absence ","記憶喪失[きおくそうしつ] (n, adj-no) loss of memory/amnesia ","失速[しっそく] (n, vs) (1) stall (in flying) (2) downturn/slowdown/slump/weakening/decline (P) ","失策[しっさく] (n, vs) (1) blunder/slip/error (n) (2) (baseb) error (P) ","失効[しっこう] (n, vs) lapse/abatement/invalidation/expiration/expiry/becoming void ","失神[しっしん] (n, vs,adj-no) faint/trance/swoon/stupefaction (P) ","失明[しつめい] (n, vs) loss of eyesight/loss of vision/going blind/blindness (P) ","失意[しつい] (n, adj-no) disappointment/despair/adversity (P) ","流失[りゅうしつ] (n, vs) being washed away ","失墜[しっつい] (n, vs) abasement/fall/forfeiture/sinking (in people's estimation) (P) "],"民":["移民[いみん]emigration; immigration;emigrant;immigrant  N1","植民地[しょくみんち]colony  N1","庶民[しょみん]masses; common people  N1","人民[じんみん<br>おおみたから]people; public  N1","民主[みんしゅ]democratic; the head of the nation  N1","民宿[みんしゅく]private home providing lodging for travelers  N1","民族[みんぞく]people; race;nation;racial customs;folk customs  N1","民俗[みんぞく]people; race;nation;racial customs;folk customs  N1","民間[みんかん]private, civilian,civil,popular,folk,unofficial  N2","民謡[みんよう]folk song, popular song  N2","国民[こくみん]national,  people, citizen  N3","住民[じゅうみん]citizens,  inhabitants, residents, population  N3","農民[のうみん]farmers,  peasants  N3","市民[しみん]citizen  N4","民話[みんわ]folk story ","公民館[こうみんかん]public hall ","民法[みんぽう]civil law ","難民[なんみん]refugee ","民衆[みんしゅう]populace ","自民党[じみんとう]Liberal Democratic Party,  ldp ","庶民的[しょみんてき]popular,  folk, working class ","民[たみ<br>みん] (n) people/citizens/subjects/folk (P) ","中華人民共和国[ちゅうかじんみんきょうわこく] (n) People's Republic of China (P) ","植民[しょくみん] (n, vs,adj-no) colonization/colonisation ","民営[みんえい] (n) private management (P) ","中華民国[ちゅうかみんこく] (n) Republic of China (Taiwan) ","大韓民国[だいかんみんこく<br>テハンミングク] (n) Republic of Korea ","自由民主党[じゆうみんしゅとう] (n) (1) Liberal Democratic Party/LDP (2) Free Democratic Party (Germany)/FDP ","民主党[みんしゅとう] (n) Democratic Party (esp. DPJ or US Democratic Party) (P) ","民事[みんじ] (n, adj-no) civil affairs/civil case (P) ","県民[けんみん] (n) citizen of a prefecture/prefectural citizen (P) ","民兵[みんぺい] (n) militia/militiaman (P) ","公民[おおみたから<br>こうみん] (n, adj-no) (arch) imperial subjects/the people ","コンゴ民主共和国[コンゴみんしゅきょうわこく] (n) Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire) ","先住民[せんじゅうみん] (n, adj-no) indigenous people/native people/aborigines ","民放[みんぽう] (n) (abbr) commercial broadcast (P) ","民政[みんせい] (n) (1) civil administration/civil government (2) politics focused on the promotion of public welfare (P) ","民家[みんか] (n) private house (P) ","民間人[みんかんじん] (n) private citizen/civilian ","民主主義[みんしゅしゅぎ] (n, adj-no) democracy (P) ","朝鮮民主主義人民共和国[ちょうせんみんしゅしゅぎじんみんきょうわこく] (n) Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)/DPRK (P) ","自民[じみん] (n) (abbr) Liberal Democratic Party/LDP (P) ","民生[みんせい] (n) public welfare/the people's livelihood (P) ","原住民[げんじゅうみん] (n) native people/aboriginal/indigenous people (P) ","島民[とうみん] (n) islander ","国民党[こくみんとう] (n) (1) (abbr) Constitutional Nationalist Party (1910-1922) (2) Guomindang (Chinese Nationalist Party)/Kuomintang ","町民[ちょうみん] (n) townspeople (P) ","社民党[しゃみんとう] (n) (abbr) Social Democratic Party (P) ","平民[へいみん] (n) commoner/plebeian ","文民[ぶんみん] (n, adj-no) civilian (P) ","村民[そんみん] (n) villager (P) ","民社党[みんしゃとう] (n) Democratic Socialist Party (P) ","官民[かんみん] (n, adj-no) government and people/government and private sector/public and private sector (P) "],"記":["記載[きさい]mention; entry  N1","記述[きじゅつ]describing; descriptor  N1","記名[きめい]signature; register  N1","記す[しるす<br>きす]to note; to write down  N1","記号[きごう]symbol, code  N2","伝記[でんき]biography, life story  N2","筆記[ひっき](taking) notes, copying  N2","暗記[あんき]memorization,  learning by heart  N3","記憶[きおく]memory,  recollection, remembrance  N3","記事[きじ]article,  news story, report, account  N3","記者[きしゃ]reporter  N3","記入[きにゅう]entry,  filling in of forms  N3","記念[きねん]commemoration,  memory  N3","記録[きろく]record,  minutes, document  N3","日記[にっき]journal  N4","明記[めいき]clarification ","表記[ひょうき]writing ","登記[とうき]registration ","記念日[きねんび]memorial day ","暗記する[あんきする]To Memorize,  to memorise ","書記[しょき]clerk ","筆記用具[ひっきようぐ]pens and pencils ","筆記試験[ひっきしけん]written examination ","記帳[きちょう]Registry,  entry ","記念碑[きねんひ]monument ","記[き] (n, n-suf) (1) account/history/chronicle/annals/record (n) (2) (abbr) Records of Ancient Matters ","上記[じょうき] (n, adj-no) above-mentioned/above-named/above (P) ","下記[かき] (n, adj-no) the following (P) ","追記[ついき] (n, vs) (1) PS/postscript (2) appending/addition (esp. of data, information) ","雑記[ざっき] (n) miscellaneous notes ","記者会見[きしゃかいけん] (n, vs) press conference (P) ","特記[とっき] (n, vs) special mention ","後記[こうき] (n, vs,adj-no) postscript/under-mentioned/described below ","戦記[せんき] (n) record of war/war chronicle/commentaries of war/military history ","記憶喪失[きおくそうしつ] (n, adj-no) loss of memory/amnesia ","速記[そっき] (n, vs,adj-no) shorthand/stenography (P) ","併記[へいき] (n, vs,adj-no) writing side by side (P) ","前記[ぜんき] (n, adj-no) aforesaid/above-mentioned/said/above (P) ","記憶力[きおくりょく] (n) memory/ability to remember ","列記[れっき] (n, vs) list/enumeration ","手記[しゅき] (n, vs) note/memorandum (P) ","簿記[ぼき] (n, vs) journalization (accounts)/journalisation/bookkeeping (P) ","付記[ふき] (n, vs) addition/appendix/note/supplement ","転記[てんき] (n, vs) posting (of notes, notices, etc.)/transcription ","記章[きしょう] (n) medal/badge/insignia (P) "],"由":["経由[けいゆ<br>けいゆう]go by the way,  via  N3","不自由[ふじゆう]discomfort,  disability, inconvenience, destitution  N3","自由[じゆう]freedom  N4","理由[りゆう<br>わけ]reason  N4","由[よし]means ","由来[ゆらい]history ","由緒[ゆいしょ]history ","自由に[じゆうに] (adv) freely ","自由民主党[じゆうみんしゅとう] (n) (1) Liberal Democratic Party/LDP (2) Free Democratic Party (Germany)/FDP ","自由党[じゆうとう] (n) Liberal Party ","自由の身[じゆうのみ] (exp, n) freedom/free man/free woman ","事由[じゆう] (n) reason/cause (P) ","自由形[じゆうがた] (n) freestyle (e.g. swimming event) (P) "],"雪":["雪崩[なだれ]avalanche  N1","吹雪[ふぶき]snow storm  N2","雪[ゆき]snow  N5","大雪[おおゆき<br>たいせつ]heavy snow ","初雪[はつゆき]first snow of the season ","雪解け[ゆきどけ]thawing of snow ","積雪[せきせつ]snow ","白雪[しらゆき<br>はくせつ] (n) white snow ","雪兎[ゆきうさぎ] (n) (1) (uk) mountain hare (Lepus timidus)/blue hare/tundra hare/variable hare/white hare/alpine hare (2) hare made of snow ","白雪姫[しらゆきひめ] (n) Snow White ","降雪[こうせつ] (n, vs) snowfall/snow (P) ","深雪[しんせつ<br>みゆき] (n) deep snow ","豪雪[ごうせつ] (n) tremendous snowfall ","除雪[じょせつ] (n, vs) snow removal ","雪辱[せつじょく] (n, vs) vindication of honour/vindication of honor/making up for loss/revenge (P) ","雪山[せっさん<br>せつざん<br>せっせん<br>ゆきやま] (n) (1) snowy mountain/permanently snow-covered mountain (2) Himalayas "],"必":["必修[ひっしゅう]required (subject)  N1","必然[ひつぜん]inevitable; necessary  N1","必需品[ひつじゅひん]necessities, necessary article,requisite,essential  N2","必ずしも[かならずしも](not) always,  (not) necessarily, (not) all, (not) entirely  N3","必死[ひっし]inevitable death,  desperation, frantic, inevitable result  N3","必ず[かならず]certainly, necessarily  N4","必要[ひつよう]necessary  N4","必死に[ひっしに]desperately ","必勝[ひっしょう]Sure Victory,  certain victory, sure win, sure victory, certain win ","不必要[ふひつよう]unnecessary ","必読[ひつどく]essential reading ","必着[ひっちゃく]to be delivered ","必然的[ひつぜんてき]inevitable ","必至[ひっし]Inevitable,  necessary, foregone ","必須[ひっす<br>ひっしゅ<br>ひっすう]indispensable,  required, essential ","必須条件[ひっすじょうけん]essential condition,  requisite, must ","必見[ひっけん] (adj-no, n) must-see/not to be missed/a must ","必殺[ひっさつ] (n, adj-no) bringing certain death/deadly/knockout (blow) ","必殺技[ひっさつわざ] (n) (1) killer technique/surefire assassination method (2) (MA) special or lethal move,  usu. one unique to a certain fighter or fighting style ","必ずや[かならずや] (adv) certainly/surely/definitely ","必需[ひつじゅ] (adj-no, n) necessary (P) "],"付":["受け付ける[うけつける]to be accepted; to receive (an application)  N1","思い付き[おもいつき]plan; idea;suggestion  N1","顔付き[かおつき](outward) looks; features;face;countenance;expression  N1","片付け[かたづけ]tidying up; finishing  N1","日付[ひづけ]date; dating  N1","体付き[からだつき]body build; figure  N1","傷付く[きずつく]to be hurt; to be wounded;to get injured  N1","くっ付く[くっつく]to adhere to; to keep close to  N1","くっ付ける[くっつける]to attach  N1","交付[こうふ]delivering; furnishing (with copies)  N1","仕付ける[しつける]to be used to a job; to begin to do;to baste;to tack;to plant  N1","据え付ける[すえつける]to install; to equip;to mount  N1","備え付ける[そなえつける]to provide; to furnish;to equip;to install  N1","近付く[ちかづく<br>ちかずく]to approach; to get near;to get acquainted with;to get closer  N1","付き[つき<br>づき]attached to; impression;sociality;appearance;furnished with;under;to  N1","付き合う[つきあう]to associate with; to keep company with;to get on with  N1","付け加える[つけくわえる]to add one thing to another  N1","名付ける[なづける]to name (someone)  N1","付属[ふぞく]attached; belonging;affiliated;annexed;associated;subordinate;incidental;dependent;auxiliary  N1","付録[ふろく]appendix; supplement  N1","打付ける[うちつける]to knock; to run into;to nail on;to strike hard;to hit and attack  N1","結び付き[むすびつき]connection; relation  N1","結び付く[むすびつく]to be connected or related; to join together  N1","結び付ける[むすびつける]to combine; to join;to tie on;to attach with a knot  N1","目付き[めつき]look; expression of the eyes;eyes  N1","やっ付ける[やっつける]to beat  N1","言い付ける[いいつける]to tell, to tell on (someone),to order  N2","思い付く[おもいつく]to think of, to hit upon  N2","片付く[かたづく]to put in order, to dispose of,to solve  N2","気を付ける[きをつける]to be careful, to pay attention,to take care  N2","言付ける[ことづける]to send word, to send a message  N2","近付ける[ちかづける]to bring near, to put close,to let come near,to associate with  N2","付合う[つきあう]to associate with, to keep company with,to get on with  N2","付近[ふきん]neighbourhood, vicinity,environs  N2","見付かる[みつかる]to be found, to be discovered  N2","見付ける[みつける<br>みっける]to be familiar, to discover,to detect  N2","追い付く[おいつく]to overtake,  to catch up (with)  N3","気付く[きづく]to notice,  to recognize, to become aware of  N3","寄付[きふ]contribution,  donation  N3","付き合い[つきあい]association,  socializing, fellowship  N3","付ける[つける]to attach,  to join, to add, to append  N3","受付[うけつけ]receipt  N4","片付ける[かたづける]to tidy up  N4","付く[つく<br>づく]to be attached  N4","付け[つけ<br>づけ]account ","付け足す[つけたす]add on ","引き付ける[ひきつける]attract ","引っ付く[ひっつく]cling ","日付け[ひづけ]date ","決め付ける[きめつける]decide ","気を付けて[きをつけて]Be Careful,  take care ","送付[そうふ]remittance ","投げ付ける[なげつける]To Throw Against,  to throw at ","付着[ふちゃく]adhesion ","付加[ふか]addition ","寝付き[ねつき]falling asleep ","寝付く[ねつく]fall asleep ","燃え付く[もえつく]To Catch Fire,  to catch on fire ","添付[てんぷ]Attachment ","押し付ける[おしつける]compel ","付け込む[つけこむ]take advantage of ","傷付ける[きずつける]hurt (someone) ","後片付け[あとかたづけ]cleaning up ","噛み付く[かみつく]bite ","付[つき<br>づき<br>づけ] (n, n-suf) (1) furnished with/including (2) attached to (3) impression/appearance (n) (4) (uk) luck (5) sociality (n,n-suf) (6) under/assistant (e.g. to a manager) (7) soup base ","気が付く[きがつく] (exp, v5k) (1) to notice/to become aware/to perceive/to realize/to realise (2) to be scrupulous/to be attentive (3) to recover consciousness/to come to oneself (P) ","取り付ける[とりつける] (v1, vt) (1) to furnish/to install (2) to get someone's agreement (3) to patronize/to buy usually from the same store ","付与[ふよ] (n, vs) grant/allowance/endowment/bestowal/assignment/conferment (P) ","給付[きゅうふ] (n, vs) (1) payment/provision/benefit/present/delivery (2) performance (P) ","付す[ふす] (v5s, vt) (1) to affix/to append/to attach (2) to entrust/to refer/to handle (as such) (3) to follow (the leader) (4) to submit (a document, etc.) ","駆け付ける[かけつける] (v1, vi) to run to/to come running/to rush (someplace)/to hasten ","位置付ける[いちずける<br>いちづける] (ik) (v1, vt) to place (in relation to the whole)/to rank/to position/to locate ","番付[ばんづけ] (n) (1) ranked list (entertainers,  sumo wrestlers, millionaires, etc.) (2) program (e.g. theatre) (P) ","義務付ける[ぎむづける] (v1, vt) to obligate/to make compulsory/to require/to mandate ","付随[ふずい] (n, vs) being incident to/being accompanied by/being collateral with/being attached to ","裏付ける[うらづける] (v1, vt) to support (a theory, claim, etc.)/to back up/to substantiate/to prove ","振付[ふりつけ] (n, vs) choreography/dance composition/dance coaching ","張り付ける[はりつける] (v1, vt) (1) to paste/to stick/to affix (2) to station/to post ","特徴付ける[とくちょうづける] (v1) to make characteristic/to characterize ","味付け[あじつけ] (n, vs) (food) seasoning/flavour/flavor (P) ","付き物[つきもの] (n) (1) essential part/indispensable part/unavoidable part/accompaniment/appendage/accessory (2) front and back matter (of a book,  magazine, etc.) ","振り付け[ふりつけ] (n, vs) choreography/dance composition/dance coaching (P) ","結論付ける[けつろんづける] (v1) to reason/to sum up/to conclude ","格付け[かくずけ<br>かくづけ] (ik) (n, vs) rating/classification/allocation/grading ","配付[はいふ] (n, vs) distributing/dealing out/apportionment ","関連付ける[かんれんづける] (v1, vt) to connect/to correlate/to associate/to relate/to link ","納付[のうふ] (n, vs) payment/supply (P) ","貸付[かしつけ] (n, vs) loan (P) ","取り付け[とりつけ] (n) (1) installation/mounting/furnishing/fitting (2) run (on a bank)/bank run ","位置付け[いちつけ<br>いちづけ] (n) placement/fixed position/mapping out/location ","振り付ける[ふりつける] (v1) to choreograph ","見せ付ける[みせつける] (v1, vt) to make a display of/to show off/to flaunt ","付き添う[つきそう] (v5u, vi) to attend on/to wait upon/to accompany/to escort and wait on/to chaperone ","付け替える[つけかえる] (v1, vt) to renew/to replace/to change for/to attach anew ","根付く[ねづく] (v5k, vi) to take root/to strike ","付け根[つけね] (n) root/joint/base/crotch (P) ","付記[ふき] (n, vs) addition/appendix/note/supplement ","取り付く[とりつく] (v5k, vi) (1) to cling to/to hold on to/to hold fast to (2) to grapple (3) to set about doing/to begin/to commence/to undertake (4) to take hold of/to possess/to haunt (5) to obtain a clue/to get a lead ","付帯[ふたい] (n, vs,adj-no) incidental/ancillary/accessory/secondary/collateral (P) ","突き付ける[つきつける] (v1, vt) to thrust before/to thrust at ","印象付ける[いんしょうづける] (v1, vt) to impress (someone) (P) ","叩き付ける[たたきつける] (v1, vt) (1) to throw violently against/to slam against/to strike/to slap something onto/to dash (e.g. to the floor) (2) to thrust at someone (e.g. a letter) ","貼付[ちょうふ<br>てんぷ] (n, vs) pasting/sticking/attaching/affixing/appending (P) ","名付け親[なづけおや] (n) (1) godparent (2) first person to give something its name ","付則[ふそく] (n) additional rules/by-laws/supplementary provisions/additional clauses "],"船":["汽船[きせん]steamship  N1","漁船[ぎょせん]fishing boat  N1","船舶[せんぱく]ship  N1","造船[ぞうせん]shipbuilding  N2","風船[ふうせん]balloon  N2","船便[ふなびん]surface mail (ship)  N2","船[ふね]ship;  boat  N3","船長[せんちょう<br>ふなおさ]captain ","宇宙船[うちゅうせん]Space Ship,  space shuttle, starship, star ship, ufo, spacecraft, space craft, flying saucer ","貨物船[かもつせん]Freighter,  freight ship ","破船[はせん]Shipwreck ","船酔い[ふなよい]Sea Sickness ","艦船[かんせん]Warship,  ocean vessel ","帆船[はんせん,  ほぶね<br>はんせん<br>ほぶね]sailboat, sailing boat, sailing ship ","船団[せんだん] (n) fleet (fishing,  naval, etc.)/convoy/group of ships ","船橋[せんきょう<br>ふなばし] (n) (1) pontoon bridge/temporary bridge made using ships (2) bridge (of a ship) ","乗船[じょうせん] (n, vs) (1) embarking (a ship)/embarkation/boarding (n) (2) ship (carrying someone) ","商船[しょうせん] (n) merchant ship ","船体[せんたい] (n) hull (P) ","客船[きゃくせん] (n) passenger boat (P) ","船員[せんいん] (n, adj-no) sailor (P) ","船内[せんない] (n, adj-no) on-board ship/inboard ","船首[せんしゅ] (n) bow (of boat)/prow/stem ","郵船[ゆうせん] (n) mail boat ","船尾[せんび] (n, adj-no) stern of a ship ","貨客船[かかくせん<br>かきゃくせん] (n) combined cargo and passenger ship ","船上[せんじょう] (adv, adj-no) on board "],"末":["末[すえ<br>まつ<br>うら<br>うれ]top end; tip  N1","期末[きまつ]end of term  N1","始末[しまつ]management; dealing;settlement;cleaning up afterwards  N1","粉末[ふんまつ]fine powder  N1","末期[まっき<br>まつご]closing years (period&nbsp; &nbsp;days);last stage  N1","月末[げつまつ<br>つきずえ]end of the month  N2","末っ子[すえっこ]youngest child  N2","粗末[そまつ]crude,  rough, plain, humble  N3","週末[しゅうまつ]Weekend ","年末[ねんまつ]Year End,  end of the year, end of year ","末日[まつじつ]last day ","不始末[ふしまつ]mismanagement ","後始末[あとしまつ]cleaning up ","末期的[まっきてき]decadent ","結末[けつまつ]conclusion ","末端[まったん]end ","歳末[さいまつ]year end ","端末[たんまつ] (n) (1) (comp) (abbr) terminal/computer terminal (2) (abbr) information access device (smartphone,  tablet, book-reader, etc.) (3) end (e.g. of a roll of film) (P) ","幕末[ばくまつ] (n) closing days of the Tokugawa shogunate/end of Edo era (P) ","年末年始[ねんまつねんし] (n) (yoji) New Year's holiday/period encompassing the close of the old year and the start of the New Year ","今週末[こんしゅうまつ] (n) this weekend (P) ","末尾[まつび] (n) end (e.g. of report,  document, paragraph, etc.) (P) ","終末[しゅうまつ] (n) end/close/conclusion/termination (P) ","お粗末[おそまつ] (adj-na, n) (hum) poor/lame/ill-prepared ","巻末[かんまつ] (n) end of a book (P) ","末代[まつだい] (n) forever/in perpetuity ","末広[すえひろ] (n) (1) spreading out like an open fan (2) becoming prosperous (3) folding fan/ceremonial folding fan (P) ","末梢[まっしょう] (n, adj-no) tree top/tip/periphery/minor details/nonessentials ","末寺[まつじ] (n) branch temple ","末吉[すえきち] (n) good luck to come (omikuji fortune-telling result)/future good luck "],"未":["未だ[まだ<br>いまだ]as yet; hitherto;not yet (neg)  N1","未[ひつじ<br>み]eighth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Ram&nbsp; &nbsp;1pm-3pm&nbsp;&nbsp;south-southwest&nbsp;&nbsp;June)  N1","未開[みかい]savage land; backward region;uncivilized  N1","未婚[みこん]unmarried  N1","未熟[みじゅく]inexperience; unripeness;raw;unskilled;immature;inexperienced  N1","未知[みち]not yet known  N1","未定[みてい]not yet fixed; undecided;pending  N1","未練[みれん]lingering affection; attachment;regret(s);reluctance  N1","未満[みまん]less than, insufficient  N2","未来[みらい]future (life,   tense)  N3","未明[みめい]early dawn ","未決[みけつ]Pending,  unsettled, undecided, not yet decided ","未成年[みせいねん]minor ","未然[みぜん]in advance ","未納[みのう]in arrears ","未遂[みすい]Attempt ","未だに[いまだに] (adv) still/even now/until this very day ","未完[みかん] (n, adj-no) incomplete/unfinished ","未亡人[みぼうじん] (n) widow (P) ","未完成[みかんせい] (adj-na, n,adj-no) incompletion/incomplete/unfinished (P) ","未経験[みけいけん] (adj-na, n,adj-no) inexperience ","未解決[みかいけつ] (adj-na, n) unsettled/pending/unresolved (P) ","近未来[きんみらい] (n, adj-no) near future "],"対":["相対[そうたい<br>あいたい]confrontation; facing;between ourselves;no third party;tete-a-tete  N1","対応[たいおう]interaction; correspondence;coping with;dealing with  N1","対決[たいけつ]confrontation; showdown  N1","対抗[たいこう]opposition; antagonism  N1","対して[たいして]for; in regard to;per  N1","対処[たいしょ]deal with; cope  N1","対談[たいだん]talk; dialogue;conversation  N1","対等[たいとう]equivalent  N1","対比[たいひ]contrast; comparison  N1","対辺[たいへん](geometrical) opposite side  N1","対面[たいめん<br>たいめ<br>トイメン]interview; meeting  N1","対立[たいりつ]confrontation; opposition;antagonism  N1","対話[たいわ]interactive; interaction;conversation;dialogue  N1","応対[おうたい]receiving, dealing with  N2","対策[たいさく]counter-plan, counter-measure  N2","対照[たいしょう]contrast, antithesis,comparison  N2","絶対[ぜったい]absolute,  unconditional, absoluteness  N3","対[たい<br>つい]pair,  couple, set  N3","対象[たいしょう]target,  object (of worship,  study,  etc), subject (of taxation,  etc)  N3","対する[たいする]to face,  to confront, to oppose  N3","反対[はんたい]opposition  N4","対外[たいがい]Foreign,  overseas, external ","対日[たいにち]toward Japan ","相対的[そうたいてき]relative ","敵対[てきたい]antagonism ","絶対に[ぜったいに]absolutely ","対向する[たいこうする]To Counter ","対称[たいしょう]Symmetry ","に対して[にたいして] (exp) towards/against/regarding/in contrast with (P) ","に対する[にたいする] (exp) regarding/in/to/towards/with regards to (P) ","に対し[にたいし] (exp) towards/against/regarding/in contrast with ","対戦[たいせん] (n, vs) waging war/competition (P) ","対空[たいくう] (adj-f, adj-no,n) anti-aircraft/antiaircraft ","反対側[はんたいがわ] (n) opposite side/opposition (P) ","対馬[たいま] (n) (1) (shogi) playing on equal terms/having no handicap for either player (2) (shogi) being evenly matched ","対す[たいす<br>ついす] (v5s, vi) (1) to face (each other)/to be facing (2) to be directed toward (the future, etc.)/to be in response to/to be related to (3) to receive (a client, etc.) (4) to compare with/to contrast with/to be in opposition with/to be opposed to (5) to confront/to oppose/to compete with ","初対面[しょたいめん] (n) first meeting/first interview with (P) ","対局[たいきょく] (n, vs) (playing) a game of go, shogi or chess, etc. (P) ","1対1[いちたいいち<br>いったいいち] (n, adj-no) one-to-one/one-on-one (P) ","対向[たいこう] (n, vs) counter-/corresponding/face/opposite (P) ","対岸[たいがん] (n) opposite shore (P) ","対峙[たいじ] (n, vs) (1) confrontation/standing facing each other (e.g. mountains, buildings) (2) squaring off against (adversaries, armies, forces)/standing off against/holding one's own with (P) ","対戦相手[たいせんあいて] (n, adj-no) (yoji) opponent/adversary/the competition/the other side/one's enemy ","正反対[せいはんたい] (adj-na, adj-no,n) exactly opposite (of) (P) ","対人[たいじん] (adj-no) personal/inter-personal ","対価[たいか] (n) compensation/equivalent value/consideration (P) ","対流[たいりゅう] (n, adj-no) convection ","対位法[たいいほう] (n) (1) (music) counterpoint (adj-no) (2) (music) contrapuntal ","対義語[たいぎご] (n) antonym "],"絵":["油絵[あぶらえ]oil painting  N1","絵の具[えのぐ]colors, paints  N2","絵画[かいが]picture  N3","絵[え]picture  N5","絵本[えほん]picture book ","絵葉書[えはがき]postcard ","浮世絵[うきよえ]Woodblock Print,  ukiyoe ","似顔絵[にがおえ]likeness ","墨絵[すみえ]Ink Painting ","挿絵[さしえ] (n) illustration (e.g. book)/picture (P) ","絵師[えし] (n) painter/artist/painter supported by patron ","切絵[きりえ] (n) cutout/cutout picture/papercut art ","絵柄[えがら] (n) pattern/design ","絵図[えず] (n) illustration/drawing ","絵巻[えまき] (n) picture scroll (P) "],"反":["反り[そり]warp; curvature;curve;arch  N1","反[たん<br>はん]roll of cloth (c. 10 yds.); .245 acres;300 tsubo  N1","反感[はんかん]antipathy; revolt;animosity  N1","反響[はんきょう]echo; reverberation;repercussion;reaction;influence  N1","反撃[はんげき]counterattack; counteroffensive;counterblow  N1","反射[はんしゃ]reflection; reverberation  N1","反する[はんする]to be inconsistent with; to oppose;to contradict;to transgress;to rebel  N1","反応[はんのう<br>はんのう,  はんおう<br>はんおう]reaction; response  N1","反発[はんぱつ]repelling; rebound;recover;oppose  N1","反乱[はんらん]insurrection; mutiny;rebellion;revolt;uprising  N1","反る[そる<br>かえる]to warp, to be warped,to curve  N2","反映[はんえい]reflection, influence  N2","反省[はんせい]reflection, reconsideration,introspection,meditation,contemplation  N2","違反[いはん<br>いへん]violation (of law),  transgression, infringement, breach  N3","反抗[はんこう]opposition,  resistance  N3","反対[はんたい]opposition  N4","反作用[はんさよう]reaction ","反日[はんにち]anti-Japanese ","反戦[はんせん]antiwar ","反動[はんどう]backlash ","反面[はんめん]the other side ","反論[はんろん]objection ","反則[はんそく]Foul ","反攻[はんこう]Counterattack,  counter offensive ","反逆[はんぎゃく]rebellion ","反射的[はんしゃ てき]reflective ","反抗する[はんこうする]To Rebel ","反対側[はんたいがわ] (n) opposite side/opposition (P) ","反乱軍[はんらんぐん] (n) rebel army ","反す[かえす] (v5s, vt) (1) to return (something)/to restore/to put back (2) to turn over/to turn upside down/to overturn (3) to pay back/to retaliate/to reciprocate (suf,v5s) (4) to repeat .../to do ... back (P) ","反逆者[はんぎゃくしゃ] (n) rebel/traitor ","反復[はんぷく] (n, vs) repetition/iteration/recursion/recurrence/recapitulation (P) ","反転[はんてん] (n, vs) (1) rolling over/turning over (2) turning around (the other way)/reversal (of direction, course, etc.)/inversion/flipping (3) producing a positive from a negative (photography)/producing a negative from a positive (4) (math) circle inversion/plane inversion (P) ","離反[りはん] (n, vs) estrangement/alienation/disaffection (P) ","反共[はんきょう] (n) anticommunist (P) ","相反[そうはん] (n, vs) inversion/opposition/conflicting/repulsion/contradiction ","正反対[せいはんたい] (adj-na, adj-no,n) exactly opposite (of) (P) ","反米[はんべい] (adj-no, n) anti-American (P) ","反旗[はんき] (n) standard of revolt/banner of revolution (P) "],"助":["助[たすけ<br>じょ<br>すけ]help; rescue;assistant  N1","助言[じょげん<br>じょごん]advice; suggestion  N1","助詞[じょし]particle; postposition  N1","助動詞[じょどうし]auxiliary verb  N1","助け[たすけ]assistance  N1","補助[ほじょ]assistance; support;aid;auxiliary  N1","助教授[じょきょうじゅ]assistant professor  N2","助かる[たすかる]to be saved, to be rescued,to survive,to be helpful  N2","援助[えんじょ]assistance,  aid, support  N3","救助[きゅうじょ]relief,  aid, rescue  N3","助手[じょしゅ<br>すけて]helper,  helpmeet, assistant, tutor  N3","助ける[たすける]to help;  to rescue&nbsp;(〜を)  N3","助力[じょりょく]Assistance,  support ","援助する[えんじょする]To Assist,  to aid ","扶助[ふじょ]aid,  help, support ","助成[じょせい] (n, vs) assisting/assistance/fostering/aiding (P) ","人助け[ひとだすけ] (n, vs) act of mercy/helping another person ","手助け[てだすけ] (n, vs) a help/assistance (P) ","助演[じょえん] (n, vs,adj-no) co-star (P) ","介助[かいじょ] (n, vs) help/assistance/aid (P) ","助け出す[たすけだす] (v5s) to help out of (trouble)/to extricate ","助監督[じょかんとく] (n) assistant director (in taking professional movies) ","助け合う[たすけあう] (v5u, vi) to help each other/to cooperate (P) ","助っ人[すけっと] (n) (1) helper/supporter/second/backer (2) foreign player (hired to strengthen a team) (P) ","助手席[じょしゅせき] (n) passenger seat/assistant driver's seat ","助長[じょちょう] (n, vs) (1) promotion/encouragement/fostering/furtherance (n) (2) unwanted help (usu. unintentionally harmful)/unnecessary help ","助役[じょやく] (n) assistant official (P) ","助命[じょめい] (n) (1) sparing a life/clemency (2) reconsideration of an employee's dismissal "],"所":["所謂[いわゆる]the so-called; so to speak  N1","箇所[かしょ]passage; place;point;part  N1","所在[しょざい]whereabouts  N1","所々[ところどころ<br>しょしょ]here and there; some parts (of something)  N1","所持[しょじ]possession; owning  N1","所属[しょぞく]attached to; belong to  N1","所定[しょてい]fixed; prescribed  N1","所得[しょとく]income; earnings  N1","所が[ところが]however; while;even if  N1","所で[ところで]by the way; even if;no matter what  N1","余所見[よそみ]looking away; looking aside  N1","個所[かしょ]passage, place,point,part  N2","短所[たんしょ](1) defect, demerit,weak point,(2) disadvantage  N2","長所[ちょうしょ](1) strong point, merit,(2) advantage  N2","便所[べんじょ<br>びんしょ]toilet, lavatory,rest room,latrine,comfort station  N2","名所[めいしょ<br>などころ]famous place  N2","役所[やくしょ<br>やくどころ]government office, public office  N2","余所[よそ]another place, somewhere else,strange parts  N2","所為[しょい]cause,  reason, fault  N3","停留所[ていりゅうじょ]bus or tram stop  N3","近所[きんじょ]neighbourhood  N4","事務所[じむしょ]office  N4","住所[じゅうしょ]an address, a residence  N4","場所[ばしょ]location  N4","台所[だいどころ<br>だいどこ]kitchen  N5","所[ところ<br>しょ<br>とこ]place  N5","入所[にゅうしょ]Admission,  entrance ","他所[たしょ,  よそ]Another Place, somewhere else, other place, elsewhere ","出所[しゅっしょ<br>でどこ<br>でどころ]Source,  origin, place of origin ","市役所[しやくしょ]municipal office ","所有[しょゆう]ownership ","見所[みどころ<br>けんしょ<br>けんじょ]good point ","発電所[はつでんしょ]power plant ","要所[ようしょ]important point ","研究所[けんきゅうしょ,  けんきゅうじょ<br>けんきゅうしょ<br>けんきゅうじょ]Research Institute, research laboratory, research establishment, research lab, research facility ","区役所[くやくしょ]ward office ","急所[きゅうしょ]vital part ","洗面所[せんめんじょ]washroom ","派出所[はしゅつじょ]police box ","現住所[げんじゅうしょ]present address ","裁判所[さいばんしょ]courthouse ","所載[しょさい]Printed,  published ","診療所[しんりょう しょ<br>しんりょうしょ<br>しんりょうじょ]clinic ","給油所[きゅうゆしょ]Gas Station,  filling station ","刑務所[けいむしょ]Jail,  prison ","至る所[いたるところ]everywhere ","碁会所[ごかいじょ]Go Parlor,  go playing parlor ","休憩所[きゅうけいじょ]Rest Area,  rest stop ","随所[ずいしょ]everywhere,  at every turn ","所轄[しょかつ]jurisdiction ","田所[たどころ] (n) (1) (arch) farmland (2) (arch) private farm estates from before the Taika reform ","所長[しょちょう] (n) chief/head (of an office,  of a laboratory) (P) ","所管[しょかん] (n, vs) jurisdiction (P) ","御所[ごしょ] (n) old imperial palace (P) ","所要[しょよう] (adj-no, n) required/needed/necessary (P) ","所有者[しょゆうしゃ] (n) owner (P) ","居所[いどこ<br>いどころ<br>きょしょ] (n) whereabouts/address ","所縁[しょえん<br>ゆかり] (n) (uk) connection (to a person,  place, etc.)/relation/affinity ","所詮[しょせん<br>そせん] (adv) after all (P) ","支所[ししょ] (n) branch (office) (P) ","拘置所[こうちしょ] (n) prison/detention house/detention center/jail (P) ","局所[きょくしょ] (n) (1) part/section (2) part of the body/affected part (of the body) (adj-no) (3) local (e.g. anesthesia)/topical (n) (4) private parts/genitals ","収容所[しゅうようじょ] (n) internment camp/detention facility/POW camp/refugee camp (P) ","か所[かしょ] (n, ctr) passage/place/point/part ","カ所[かしょ] (n, ctr) passage/place/point/part ","ヵ所[かしょ] (n, ctr) passage/place/point/part ","各所[かくしょ] (n, adj-no) each place/various places ","ケ所[かしょ] (n, ctr) passage/place/point/part ","ヶ所[かしょ] (n, ctr) passage/place/point/part ","最高裁判所[さいこうさいばんしょ] (n) Supreme Court ","所蔵[しょぞう] (n, vs,adj-no) (in one's) possession (P) ","居場所[いばしょ] (n) (1) whereabouts/place/location (2) place where one belongs/where one fits in/place where one can be oneself (P) ","所在地[しょざいち] (n) location/address (P) ","地方裁判所[ちほうさいばんしょ] (n) district court/local court ","保健所[ほけんしょ<br>ほけんじょ] (n) health care center/health care centre (P) ","所見[しょけん] (n) view/opinion/finding/findings (P) ","法律事務所[ほうりつじむしょ] (n) law office/law firm (P) ","会所[かいしょ] (n) meeting place/club ","所存[しょぞん] (n) opinion/intention/thought ","地所[じしょ<br>ちしょ] (n) estate/plot of land ","変電所[へんでんしょ] (n) transformer substation ","札所[ふだしょ] (n) temple which issues amulets ","高所[こうしょ] (n) (1) high place/high altitude/heights/elevation (2) broad view (P) ","難所[なんしょ] (n) perilous pass (on a route or journey)/rough spot ","大御所[おおごしょ] (n) leading figure/influential figure/mogul "],"数":["奇数[きすう]odd number  N1","少数[しょうすう]minority; few  N1","数詞[すうし]numeral  N1","多数決[たすうけつ]majority rule  N1","手数[てすう<br>てかず]number of moves; trouble  N1","回数[かいすう]number of times, frequency  N2","回数券[かいすうけん]book of tickets  N2","過半数[かはんすう]majority  N2","偶数[ぐうすう]even number  N2","算数[さんすう]arithmetic  N2","小数[しょうすう]fraction (part of), decimal  N2","整数[せいすう]integer  N2","単数[たんすう]singular (number)  N2","点数[てんすう]marks, points,score,runs  N2","複数[ふくすう]plural, multiple  N2","分数[ぶんすう]fraction (in math)  N2","枚数[まいすう]the number of flat things  N2","無数[むすう]countless number, infinite number  N2","数[かず<br>しばしば<br>すう]number,  figure  N3","数える[かぞえる]to count  N3","数字[すうじ]numeral,  figure  N3","数学[すうがく]mathematics, arithmetic  N4","人数[にんずう<br>にんず<br>ひとかず]The Number Of People,  number of people, the amount of people, amount of people ","半数[はんすう]half the number ","口数[くちかず]number of accounts ","多数[たすう]large number ","大多数[だいたすう]greater part ","小数点[しょうすうてん]decimal point ","日数[にっすう<br>ひかず]number of days ","画数[かくすう]stroke-count ","総数[そうすう]total (number) ","数値[すうち]numerical value ","数量[すうりょう]quantity ","複数形[ふくすうけい]Plural ","数珠[じゅず]Rosary,  prayer beads ","関数[かんすう] (n) (1) (math) function (2) (comp) function (programming) ","手数料[てすうりょう] (n) handling charge/commission (P) ","数多い[かずおおい] (adj-i) many/a multiplicity of ","文字数[もじかず<br>もじすう] (n) number of characters/number of letters/word count ","数々[かずかず<br>しばしば] (n-adv, adj-no) many/numerous/various/large number of (P) ","指数[しすう] (n) index/index number/exponent (e.g. in floating-point representation)/characteristic (P) ","代数[だいすう] (n, adj-no) (1) (abbr) algebra (n) (2) number of generations (e.g. in imperial succession) ","変数[へんすう] (n) (math) (comp) variable ","数多く[かずおおく] (exp, adv,adj-no) in great numbers (P) ","周波数[しゅうはすう] (n) frequency (esp. of waveforms) (P) ","定数[じょうすう<br>ていすう] (n) (1) fixed number/quorum (for an assembly) (2) (math) constant/invariable (3) (comp) literal (4) fate ","数年前[すうねんまえ] (adv, adj-no) a few years ago/some years back (P) ","数か月[すうかげつ] (n) several months ","数カ月[すうかげつ] (n) several months ","数ヵ月[すうかげつ] (n) several months ","打数[だすう] (n) (baseb) times at bat (P) ","部数[ぶすう] (n) no. of copies/circulation (P) ","実数[じっすう] (n, adj-no) real number (P) ","件数[けんすう] (n) number of events (e.g. accidents,  crimes, meetings, housing starts, hits on a web page) (P) ","数少ない[かずすくない] (adj-i) few in number (P) ","係数[けいすう] (n) (math) coefficient/factor/proportional constant ","本数[ほんすう] (n) number of long thin objects (movies,  TV programs, baseball games, etc.) (programmes) (P) ","数日後[すうじつご] (n-adv, n-t) several days later ","有数[ゆうすう] (adj-na, n,adj-no,n-suf) prominent/leading/foremost/distinguished (P) ","数時間[すうじかん] (n) a few hours (P) ","素数[そすう] (n) (math) prime number ","台数[だいすう] (n) number of large objects such as cars,  computers, etc. ","年数[ねんすう] (n) number of years (P) ","引数[ひきすう] (n) (comp) argument (e.g. function,  program, programme) ","個数[こすう] (n) number of articles/quantity ","少人数[しょうにんず<br>しょうにんずう] (n, adj-no) small number of people ","数理[すうり] (n) (1) mathematical principle/mathematics (2) arithmetic/figures/accounts ","複素数[ふくそすう] (n) (math) complex number ","理数[りすう] (n) science and mathematics ","数式[すうしき] (n) numerical formula ","度数[どすう] (n) (1) frequency/number of times/incidence (2) degree (e.g. temperature)/strength (e.g. alcohol,  lens, etc.) (P) ","戸数[こすう] (n) number of households (houses) (P) ","基数[きすう] (n) (1) cardinal number (2) (math) base/radix "],"合":["合間[あいま]interval  N1","合わす[あわす]to join together; to face;to unite;to be opposite;to combine;to connect;to add up;to mix;to match;to  N1","合わせ[あわせ]joint together; opposite;facing  N1","打ち合わせ[うちあわせ]business meeting; previous arrangement;appointment  N1","打ち合わせる[うちあわせる]to knock together; to arrange  N1","化合[かごう]chemical combination  N1","合唱[がっしょう]chorus; singing in a chorus  N1","合致[がっち]agreement; concurrence;conforming to  N1","合併[がっぺい]combination; union;amalgamation;consolidation;merger;coalition;fusion;annexation;affiliation;incorpor  N1","組み合わせ[くみあわせ]combination  N1","組み合わせる[くみあわせる]to join together; to combine;to join up  N1","結合[けつごう]combination; union  N1","合意[ごうい]agreement; consent;mutual understanding  N1","合議[ごうぎ]consultation; conference  N1","合成[ごうせい]synthesis; composition;synthetic;composite;mixed;combined;compound  N1","照合[しょうごう]collation; comparison  N1","知り合い[しりあい]acquaintance  N1","総合[そうごう]synthesis; coordination;putting together;integration;composite  N1","付き合う[つきあう]to associate with; to keep company with;to get on with  N1","出合う[であう]to meet by chance; to come across;to happen to encounter;to hold a rendezvous;to have a date  N1","問い合わせる[といあわせる]to enquire; to seek information  N1","統合[とうごう]integration; unification;synthesis  N1","話し合い[はなしあい]discussion; conference  N1","複合[ふくごう]composite; complex  N1","待ち合わせ[まちあわせ]appointment  N1","見合い[みあい]formal marriage interview  N1","見合わせる[みあわせる]to exchange glances; to postpone;to suspend operations;to refrain from performing an action  N1","割合に[わりあいに]comparatively  N1","打合せ[うちあわせ]business meeting, previous arrangement,appointment  N2","組合せ[くみあわせ]combination  N2","合同[ごうどう]combination, incorporation,union,amalgamation  N2","合理[ごうり]rational  N2","合流[ごうりゅう]confluence, union,linking up,merge  N2","混合[こんごう]mixing, mixture  N2","集合[しゅうごう]gathering, assembly,meeting,set (math)  N2","知合い[しりあい]acquaintance  N2","付合う[つきあう]to associate with, to keep company with,to get on with  N2","釣り合う[つりあう]to balance, to be in harmony,to suit  N2","出合い[であい]an encounter  N2","問い合わせ[といあわせ]enquiry, ENQ  N2","話合い[はなしあい]discussion, conference  N2","待合室[まちあいしつ]waiting room  N2","待ち合わせる[まちあわせる]to rendezvous, to meet at a prearranged place and time  N2","連合[れんごう]union, alliance  N2","合図[あいず]sign,  signal  N3","合わせる[あわせる]to join together,  to be opposite, to face, to unite  N3","会合[かいごう]meeting,  assembly  N3","組合[くみあい]association,  union  N3","合格[ごうかく]success,  passing (e.g. exam), eligibility  N3","合計[ごうけい]sum total,  total amount  N3","付き合い[つきあい]association,  socializing, fellowship  N3","似合う[にあう]to suit,  to match, to become, to be like  N3","話し合う[はなしあう]to discuss,  to talk together  N3","合う[あう<br>おう]to match  N4","具合[ぐあい<br>ぐわい]condition, health  N4","試合[しあい]match, game  N4","都合[つごう]circumstances, convenience  N4","場合[ばあい]situation  N4","間に合う[まにあう]to be in time for  N4","割合[わりあい]rate, ratio,percentage  N4","不合理[ふごうり]irrational ","合理化[ごうりか]rationalization ","有り合わせ[ありあわせ]available ","歩合[ぶあい]commission ","知り合う[しりあう]get acquainted with ","間に合わせ[まにあわせ]makeshift ","間に合わせる[まにあわせる]make do ","落ち合う[おちあう]join ","不都合[ふつごう]inconvenience ","好都合[こうつごう]favorable ","合宿[がっしゅく]lodge together ","合格する[ごうかくする]To Pass A Test,  to pass an exam ","不合格[ふごうかく]failing an exam ","合理的[ごうりてき]rational ","合法[ごうほう]legality ","触れ合い[ふれあい]contact ","触れ合う[ふれあう]come in contact ","融合[ゆうごう]Fusion ","似合い[にあい]becoming ","沖合[おきあい]Open Sea ","併合[へいごう]Merger ","合唱団[がっしょうだん]Chorus,  choir ","隣り合う[となりあう]adjoin ","隣り合わせ[となりあわせ]adjoining ","埋め合わせる[うめあわせる]To Compensate For ","釣り合い[つりあい]balance ","殴り合い[なぐりあい]Fistfight,  fist fight ","合繊[ごうせん]synthetic fiber,  synthetic fibre ","割り合い[わりあい] (io) (adv, n) (1) rate/ratio/percentage/proportion (2) comparatively (3) contrary to expectations ","合[あい<br>ごう] (n) (1) (abbr) between-season wear/spring and autumn clothing/spring and fall clothing (suf) (2) together (3) condition/situation/state (4) -ish ","お似合い[おにあい] (adj-no, n) well-matched (esp. of a couple)/becoming/suitable ","愛し合う[あいしあう] (v5u) (1) to love one another/to be affectionate towards each other (2) to have sex/to make love ","アメリカ合衆国[アメリカがっしゅうこく] (n) United States of America (P) ","競合[きょうごう] (n, vs,adj-no) contention/competition/rivalry/quarrel (P) ","歌合[うたあわせ] (n) poetry contest (P) ","合金[ごうきん] (n) alloy (P) ","合衆国[がっしゅうこく] (n) (1) federal state (2) (abbr) United States of America ","適合[てきごう] (n, adj-no,vs) conformity/compatibility/adaptability/congruity/congruence (P) ","合戦[かっせん] (n, vs) battle/fight/fighting/engagement/contest (P) ","不具合[ふぐあい] (n, adj-na) (1) flaw/defect/problem/bug/malfunction/failure/discrepancy (adj-na) (2) inconvenient ","合わせて[あわせて] (exp, adv) (1) in all/in total/collectively (exp,conj) (2) in addition/besides/at the same time ","意味合い[いみあい] (n) implication/nuance/shade of meaning/connotation (P) ","気合[きあい] (n) (1) (fighting) spirit/motivation/effort (2) shout (for getting in the right mood to deal with something,  etc.)/cheer/yell (3) (MA) kiai/short shout when performing an attacking move (P) ","百合[ゆり<br>ゆる] (n) (1) lily (Lilium spp.) (2) (sl) comics and novels about female homosexuality (P) ","問合せ[といあわせ] (n) enquiry/inquiry/query/interrogation/ENQ ","合作[がっさく] (n, vs,adj-no) collaboration/joint work (P) ","縫合[ほうごう] (n, vs) seam/suture/stitch ","接合[せつごう] (n, vs) (1) union/joining (2) (biol) conjugation ","組み合わす[くみあわす] (v5s) to combine/to join together/to join up/to dovetail together ","談合[だんごう] (n, vs) (1) consultation/discussion/conference (2) collusion/bid-rigging (P) ","合弁[ごうべん] (n, adj-no) (1) joint management/pool (adj-no) (2) (bot) gamopetalous/sympetalous (P) ","気合い[きあい] (n) (1) (fighting) spirit/motivation/effort (2) shout (for getting in the right mood to deal with something,  etc.)/cheer/yell (3) (MA) kiai/short shout when performing an attacking move ","合体[がったい] (n, vs) (1) union/coalescence/amalgamation/combination/alliance/annexation/incorporation (2) copulation/penetration ","見合う[みあう] (v5u) (1) to exchange glances (2) to correspond/to counterbalance ","整合[せいごう] (n, vs,adj-no) adjustment/coordination/integration/conformity (P) ","向き合う[むきあう] (v5u, vi) to be opposite/to face each other ","合コン[ごうコン] (n, vs) (abbr) joint party (e.g. by students from several colleges)/combined party/mixer/two or more groups, esp. female and male students, combining for a party ","合える[あえる] (iK) (v1, vt) to dress (vegetables, salad, etc.) ","お見合い[おみあい] (n, vs) formal marriage interview ","持ち合わせる[もちあわせる] (v1, vt) to happen to have on hand or in stock ","度合い[どあい] (n) degree/extent (P) ","助け合う[たすけあう] (v5u, vi) to help each other/to cooperate (P) ","合祀[ごうし] (n, vs) enshrining together ","語り合う[かたりあう] (v5u, vt) to talk together ","埋め合わせ[うめあわせ] (n) compensation ","やり合う[やりあう] (v5u, vt) (uk) to compete with/to argue with/to quarrel ","取り合う[とりあう] (v5u, vi) (1) to take each other's hands/to clasp (hands) (2) to compete/to scramble for (3) to pay attention (to someone)/to respond ","合奏[がっそう] (n, vs) ensemble (e.g. orchestra, chamber group, etc.)/concert (P) ","配合[はいごう] (n, vs,adj-no) combination/arrangement/distribution/mixture/match/harmony ","非合法[ひごうほう] (adj-na, n,adj-no) illegal/unlawful (P) ","待合[まちあい] (n, vs) (1) rendezvous/meeting/assignation (n) (2) area where guests gather before the start of a tea ceremony (3) (abbr) waiting room (4) (arch) (abbr) meeting place for assignations, drinking, etc. (P) ","色合い[いろあい<br>いろあわい] (n) (1) colouring/coloring/shade (of colour)/hue/tone/tinge/tint (2) flavour/nuance/feel/sense/look (P) ","合気道[あいきどう] (n) (MA) aikido ","絡み合う[からみあう] (v5u, vi) to be(come) intertwined/to be entangled (P) ","光合成[こうごうせい] (n) photosynthesis ","統廃合[とうはいごう] (n, vs) reorganization (e.g. of a company)/reorganisation/consolidation/scrap-and-build ","引き合い[ひきあい] (n) (1) reference/comparison/example (2) inquiry/enquiry (3) witness/being involved in a court case/deal (P) ","寄合[よりあい] (n) (1) meeting/gathering (2) village assembly (3) (sumo) two wrestlers approaching each other ","折り合う[おりあう] (v5u, vi) (1) to reach an agreement/to come to an understanding/to compromise (with)/to meet halfway (2) to get along well with ","意気投合[いきとうごう] (n, vs) (yoji) hit it off with (a person)/find a kindred spirit in (a person)/sympathy/mutual understanding ","小競り合い[こぜりあい] (n, vs) (1) skirmish/brush (with the enemy)/small fight with a military enemy (2) squabble/quarrel/brief argument/exchange of words ","居合[いあい] (n) iai/art of drawing one's sword,  cutting down one's opponent and sheathing the sword afterwards ","合資会社[ごうしがいしゃ] (n) limited partnership ","向かい合う[むかいあう] (v5u, vi) to be opposite/to face each other "],"支":["差し支える[さしつかえる]to interfere; to hinder;to become impeded  N1","支持[しじ]support; maintenance  N1","収支[しゅうし]income and expenditure  N1","差し支え[さしつかえ]hindrance, impediment  N2","支える[ささえる<br>つかえる<br>つっかえる]to be blocked,  to choke, to be obstructed  N3","支給[しきゅう]payment,  allowance  N3","支出[ししゅつ]expenditure,  expenses  N3","支度[したく]preparation  N3","支店[してん]branch office  N3","支配[しはい]rule,  control, direction  N3","支払[しはらい]payment  N3","支払う[しはらう]to pay  N3","支局[しきょく]Branch Office ","支社[ししゃ]branch office ","支援[しえん]Support ","支援する[しえんする]To Support,  to back, to aid ","支払い[しはらい]payment ","支流[しりゅう] (n) tributary/branch (P) ","支線[しせん] (n, adj-no) branch line ","支部[しぶ] (n, adj-no) branch/subdivision (P) ","支所[ししょ] (n) branch (office) (P) ","支障[ししょう] (n) obstacle/hindrance/impediment/difficulty (P) ","支那[しな] (n) (sens) (uk) China ","支え[ささえ<br>つかえ] (n) support/stay/prop ","支配者[しはいしゃ] (n) governor/leader/ruler ","支配人[しはいにん] (n) manager/executive (P) ","支持者[しじしゃ] (n) supporter (e.g. of the arts)/adherent/proponent ","支庁[しちょう] (n) (governmental) branch office ","支柱[しちゅう] (n) prop/stay/support/brace/fulcrum (P) ","支隊[したい] (n) detached force/detachment ","気管支[きかんし] (n) bronchial tube (P) ","干支[えと<br>かんし] (n) (1) sexagenary cycle (60-year cycle of 12 animal zodiac and 5 elements in Chinese astrology) (2) 12-year Chinese zodiac "],"君":["君主[くんしゅ]ruler; monarch  N1","諸君[しょくん]Gentlemen!; Ladies!  N1","君[きみ<br>ぎみ<br>きんじ<br>くん](informal) You (used by men towards women)  N4","〜君[くん]Boy Name Ender,  male name ender, boy name suffix, male name suffix ","君主国[くんしゅこく]Monarchy ","君ら[きみら] (pn) (male) (fam) you guys/buddies/pals/you lot ","君たち[きみたち] (pn) (fam) (male) you (plural)/all of you/you all (P) ","君臨[くんりん] (n) (1) reigning/controlling (vs) (2) to reign/to dictate/to control (P) ","君が代[きみがよ] (n) (1) Imperial reign (2) Kimigayo (Japanese national anthem) (P) ","主君[しゅくん] (n) lord/master "],"局":["局限[きょくげん]limit; localize  N1","薬局[やっきょく]pharmacy, drugstore  N2","局[つぼね<br>きょく]court lady,  lady in waiting  N3","結局[けっきょく]after all,  eventually  N3","郵便局[ゆうびんきょく]post office  N5","支局[しきょく]Branch Office ","当局[とうきょく]authorities ","政局[せいきょく]political situation ","破局[はきょく]catastrophe ","局長[きょくちょう] (n) bureau director/office chief (P) ","開局[かいきょく] (n, vs) opening (of a broadcasting station, post office, bureau, etc.)/establishment (P) ","局所[きょくしょ] (n) (1) part/section (2) part of the body/affected part (of the body) (adj-no) (3) local (e.g. anesthesia)/topical (n) (4) private parts/genitals ","テレビ局[テレビきょく] (n) television station (P) ","局面[きょくめん] (n, adj-no) (1) position in a game of go or shogi/state of the game (2) aspect of an affair/situation (P) ","対局[たいきょく] (n, vs) (playing) a game of go, shogi or chess, etc. (P) ","局番[きょくばん] (n) telephone exchange number (P) ","局員[きょくいん] (n) clerk (bureau,  post-office) staff (P) ","総局[そうきょく] (n) head office/general office ","戦局[せんきょく] (n) state of the war/war situation ","部局[ぶきょく] (n) department/bureau/section/part (P) ","局地[きょくち] (n) municipal/limited area/locality (P) "],"決":["決まり悪い[きまりわるい]feeling awkward; being ashamed  N1","決まる[きまる]to be decided; to be settled;to look good in (clothes)  N1","議決[ぎけつ]resolution; decision;vote  N1","決行[けっこう]doing (with resolve); carrying out (i.e. a plan)  N1","決算[けっさん]balance sheet; settlement of accounts  N1","決勝[けっしょう]decision of a contest; finals (in sports)  N1","決意[けつい]decision; determination  N1","決議[けつぎ]resolution; vote;decision  N1","決断[けつだん]decision; determination  N1","採決[さいけつ]vote; roll call  N1","対決[たいけつ]confrontation; showdown  N1","多数決[たすうけつ]majority rule  N1","判決[はんけつ]judicial decision; judgement;sentence;decree  N1","否決[ひけつ]rejection; negation;voting down  N1","可決[かけつ]approval, adoption (e.g. motion, bill),passage  N2","解決[かいけつ]settlement,  solution, resolution  N3","決まり[きまり]settlement,  conclusion, regulation, rule  N3","決心[けっしん]determination,  resolution  N3","決定[けってい]decision,  determination  N3","決る[きまる]to be decided  N4","決める[きめる]to decide  N4","決して[けっして<br>けして]never  N4","決[けつ]Decision ","未決[みけつ]Pending,  unsettled, undecided, not yet decided ","自決[じけつ]Self Determination,  suicide ","先決[せんけつ]previous decision ","決め付ける[きめつける]decide ","決定する[けっていする]To Decide,  to determine ","取り決め[とりきめ]decision ","取決め[とりきめ]Arrangement,  agreement ","裁決[さいけつ]decision ","既決[きけつ]Decided,  settled ","決裂[けつれつ]Breakdown,  rupture ","決する[けっする] (vs-s) to decide/to determine (P) ","解決策[かいけつさく] (n) solution/solution strategy (P) ","決着[けっちゃく] (n, vs) conclusion/decision/end/settlement (P) ","決勝戦[けっしょうせん] (n) championship game/finals (of a tournament)/deciding round (P) ","決定的[けっていてき] (adj-na) definite/final/decisive/conclusive (P) ","決済[けっさい] (n, vs) settlement/payment of account (P) ","決戦[けっせん] (n, vs) decisive battle/deciding match/play-off (P) ","準決勝[じゅんけっしょう] (n) (sports) semifinal (P) ","決闘[けっとう] (n, vs) duel/shoot-out ","評決[ひょうけつ] (n, vs) decision/verdict (P) ","決めつける[きめつける] (v1, vt) (1) to fix upon (one-sidedly)/to (ignore somebody's position and) arbitrarily decide something is the case (2) to scold/to take (a person) to task ","取り決める[とりきめる] (v1, vt) to agree/to decide upon/to enter into (a contract) (P) ","決め手[きめて] (n) (1) decider/person who decides (2) deciding factor/clincher/trump card/winning move (P) ","未解決[みかいけつ] (adj-na, n) unsettled/pending/unresolved (P) ","決選[けっせん] (n) final election/run-off ","決起[けっき] (n, vs) rising to action/standing up against/jumping to one's feet (P) ","決壊[けっかい] (n, vs) burst (e.g. dam, embankment, levee)/breach/collapse/washout/rupture ","決別[けつべつ] (n, vs) separation/farewell/parting (P) ","決死[けっし] (n) preparedness for death/do-or-die spirit "],"役":["役[やく<br>えき<br>えだち]war; campaign;battle  N1","重役[じゅうやく<br>おもやく]heavy responsibilities; director  N1","役職[やくしょく]post; managerial position;official position  N1","役立つ[やくだつ]to be useful; to be helpful;to serve the purpose  N1","役場[やくば]town hall  N1","主役[しゅやく]leading part, leading actor (actress)  N2","役者[やくしゃ]actor, actress  N2","役所[やくしょ<br>やくどころ]government office, public office  N2","役人[やくにん]government official  N2","役目[やくめ]duty, business  N2","役割[やくわり]part,  assigning (allotment of) parts, role, duties  N3","役に立つ[やくにたつ]to be helpful  N4","大役[たいやく]Important Task,  great duty ","市役所[しやくしょ]municipal office ","区役所[くやくしょ]ward office ","兵役[へいえき]military service ","現役[げんえき]active service ","取締役[とりしまりやく]director ","懲役[ちょうえき]imprisonment ","脇役[わきやく]Supporting Actor,  supporting role, minor role ","退役[たいえき] (n, vs,adj-no) retiring from military service (P) ","役立たず[やくたたず] (adj-no) useless/deadhead ","役員[やくいん] (n) officer/official/executive/staff (P) ","子役[こやく] (n) dramatic role for child/child actor (P) ","代役[だいやく] (n) substitute (e.g. actor)/substitution/stand-in/double (P) ","服役[ふくえき] (n, vs) penal servitude/military service (P) ","役立てる[やくだてる] (v1, vt) to put to use/to make use of/to turn to account ","役柄[やくがら] (n) role (P) ","悪役[あくやく] (n, adj-no) villain/baddie/the villain's part (P) ","使役[しえき] (n, vs) (1) employing/using/setting to work/enslavement (n) (2) (ling) causative (verb, etc.) ","三役[さんやく] (n) (1) three highest ranks (wrestling,  unions, etc.) (2) three parts/three divisions (P) ","立て役者[たてやくしゃ] (n) (1) leading actor/star (2) leading figure/central figure/key figure/leading spirit ","助役[じょやく] (n) assistant official (P) ","一役[いちやく<br>ひとやく] (n) an office/an important office ","配役[はいやく] (n) cast (of a play) (P) ","役務[えきむ] (n) labor/labour/service "],"投":["投資[とうし]investment  N1","投入[とうにゅう]throw; investment;making (an electrical circuit)  N1","投げ出す[なげだす]to throw down; to abandon;to sacrifice;to throw out  N1","投書[とうしょ]letter to the editor, letter from a reader,contribution  N2","投票[とうひょう]voting,  poll  N3","投げる[なげる]to throw or cast away  N4","投じる[とうじる]send in ","身投げ[みなげ]suicide by drowning or jumping ","投げ付ける[なげつける]To Throw Against,  to throw at ","投票する[とうひょうする]To Vote ","投影[とうえい]cast shadow ","投げ捨てる[なげすてる]To Throw Away ","投射[とうしゃ]incidence ","投棄[とうき]Abandonment ","投稿[とうこう]submission,  post, contribution, submit ","投手[とうしゅ] (n) (baseb) pitcher (P) ","好投[こうとう] (n, vs) good (nice) pitching (P) ","投与[とうよ] (n, vs) (med) administration (of medicine) (P) ","投[とう] (n) (1) (baseb) pitching ability (suf, ctr) (2) counter for pitches ","投ずる[とうずる] (vz) (1) to throw/to cast (e.g. vote,  light, shadow) (vz,vt) (2) to devote oneself (e.g. to a cause) (3) to invest/to put in (4) to administer (medicine)/to give (vz,vi) (5) to surrender (6) to take advantage of/to make full use of (7) to fit well with/to match with/to be in tune with (8) to stay (at a lodging) ","帰投[きとう] (n, vs) return to base (of soldiers, military aircraft or ships) ","投資家[とうしか] (n) investor ","投下[とうか] (n, vs) (1) throwing down/dropping/airdrop (2) investment (P) ","投獄[とうごく] (n, vs) imprisonment/incarceration ","投げかける[なげかける] (v1, vt) to throw at/to turn/to raise ","投球[とうきゅう] (n, vs) pitching/throwing a ball/bowling (in cricket)/pitched ball (P) ","投降[とうこう] (n, vs) surrender (P) ","完投[かんとう] (n, vs) going the whole distance/pitching a whole game (P) ","投機[とうき] (n) speculation/venture/stockjobbing/gambling (on stocks) (P) ","投信[とうしん] (n) (abbr) investment trust (P) ","投融資[とうゆうし] (n) investment and lending (P) ","続投[ぞくとう] (n, vs) continuing to pitch ","意気投合[いきとうごう] (n, vs) (yoji) hit it off with (a person)/find a kindred spirit in (a person)/sympathy/mutual understanding ","投擲[とうてき] (n, vs) (1) throw/throwing (n) (2) (abbr) throwing event "],"番":["下番[しものばん]going off duty  N1","番目[つがいめ<br>ばんめ]cardinal number suffix  N1","当番[とうばん]being on duty  N2","番地[ばんち]house number, address  N2","留守番[るすばん]care-taking, caretaker,house-watching  N2","一番[いちばん<br>ひとつがい]best  N3","順番[じゅんばん]turn (in line),  order of things  N3","番[ばん<br>つがい]one's turn  N3","番組[ばんぐみ]television or radio program  N4","交番[こうばん]police box  N5","番号[ばんごう]number  N5","二番[にばん]Number Two,  second ","本番[ほんばん]real performance ","一番目[いちばんめ]First Thing,  the first ","三番目[さんばんめ]Third Thing,  the third ","留守番電話[るすばんでんわ]Answering Machine ","郵便番号[ゆうびんばんごう]Post Number,  postal code, postcode ","番線[ばんせん] (n) track number ","番人[ばんにん] (n) guard/watchman ","電話番号[でんわばんごう] (n) telephone number (P) ","背番号[せばんごう] (n) number on player's back (P) ","特番[とくばん] (n) (abbr) special radio or television programme/television special ","2番目[にばんめ] (n) second (in a series) ","出番[でばん] (n) (1) one's turn/one's shift (2) one's turn on stage/screen time/screentime (P) ","番付[ばんづけ] (n) (1) ranked list (entertainers,  sumo wrestlers, millionaires, etc.) (2) program (e.g. theatre) (P) ","定番[じょうばん<br>ていばん] (n, vs) (1) standing guard/watchman (n) (2) watchman at the shogun's palaces (Edo period) ","番手[ばんて] (n) (1) (yarn) count (suf) (2) n-th place (e.g. in a race)/n-th in position (e.g. a starting lineup) (P) ","順番に[じゅんばんに] (adv) in turns/in series/in number order/by rotation ","番外[ばんがい] (n) (1) exception/supernumerary/extra (theatrical) (adj-no) (2) extra (e.g. performance,  item, object, etc.)/additional (3) outsize ","欠番[けつばん] (n) missing number ","暗証番号[あんしょうばんごう] (n) personal identification number/PIN/password number ","茶番[ちゃばん] (n, adj-no) (1) farce/charade (n) (2) person who serves tea (3) short and humorous improvised sketch (originating from Edo-era kabuki) ","局番[きょくばん] (n) telephone exchange number (P) ","番頭[ばんとう] (n) (head) clerk "],"馬":["馬鹿馬鹿しい[ばかばかしい]stupid  N1","馬鹿らしい[ばからしい]absurd  N1","競馬[けいば<br>くらべうま]horse racing  N2","馬[うま<br>いま<br>おま](1) horse,  (2) promoted bishop (shogi)  N3","馬鹿[ばか]fool,  idiot, trivial matter, folly  N3","馬力[ばりき]Horsepower ","群馬県[ぐんまけん]Gunma Prefecture ","騎馬[きば]Horse Riding ","牡馬[おうま<br>おすうま<br>おま<br>おんま<br>ぼば] (n) male horse ","牝馬[ひんば<br>めうま<br>めま] (n) mare/filly ","馬場[ばば] (n) horse-riding ground (P) ","対馬[たいま] (n) (1) (shogi) playing on equal terms/having no handicap for either player (2) (shogi) being evenly matched ","馬車[ばしゃ] (n) (horse-drawn) coach/carriage/wagon/cart (P) ","出馬[しゅつば] (n, vs) (1) running (for election)/coming forward as a candidate (2) going on horseback (3) going in person (4) (arch) letting out a horse/taking out a horse (P) ","馬主[うまぬし<br>ばしゅ<br>ばぬし] (n) (1) owner of a horse (esp. racehorse) (2) registered owner (of a racehorse) (P) ","乗馬[じょうば] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) horse riding (n) (2) riding horse/saddle horse (P) ","天馬[てんば<br>てんま] (n) flying horse/Pegasus ","馬券[ばけん] (n) (horse racing) betting ticket (P) ","司馬[しば] (n) Minister of War (Zhou-dynasty China) ","白馬[あおうま<br>しろうま<br>はくば] (n) (1) dark-colored horse with a lustrous coat (coloured) (2) white horse ","馬術[ばじゅつ] (n, adj-no) horse-riding/horsemanship/equestrian art (P) ","落馬[らくば] (n, vs) falling from a horse ","鞍馬[あんば] (n) (1) pommel horse/side horse (2) saddled horse ","河馬[かば<br>かわうま] (n) (uk) hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) ","驢馬[ろば] (n, adj-no) (uk) donkey/ass ","名馬[めいば] (n) fine horse/famous horse "],"表":["時刻表[じこくひょう]table; diagram;chart;timetable;schedule  N1","公表[こうひょう]official announcement, proclamation  N2","図表[ずひょう]chart, diagram,graph  N2","表紙[ひょうし]front cover, binding  N2","表す[あらわす<br>ひょうす]to express,  to show, to reveal  N3","代表[だいひょう]representative,  representation, delegation, type, example, model  N3","発表[はっぴょう]presentation  N3","表[ひょう<br>おもて]table (e.g. Tab 1),  chart, list  N3","表現[ひょうげん]expression,  presentation, representation (math)  N3","表情[ひょうじょう]facial expression  N3","表面[ひょうめん]surface,  outside, face, appearance  N3","年表[ねんぴょう]chronological table ","表記[ひょうき]writing ","表通り[おもてどおり]main street ","言い表す[いいあらわす]express in words ","表裏[ひょうり]duplicity ","裏表[うらおもて]inside-out ","表彰[ひょうしょう]Public Acknowledgement,  public recognition ","表彰状[ひょうしょうじょう]certificate of commendation ","表示[ひょうじ] (n, vs) (1) indication/expression/showing/manifestation/demonstration (2) (comp) display/displaying (3) (physics) representation (4) (law) attribution (P) ","表明[ひょうめい] (n, vs) declaration/indication/representation/manifestation/demonstration/expression/announcement/assertion (P) ","地表[ちひょう] (n, adj-no) surface of the earth/ground surface (P) ","表題[ひょうだい] (n) title/index/heading/headline/caption (P) ","表れる[あらわれる] (v1, vi) (1) to appear/to come in sight/to become visible/to come out/to embody/to materialize/to materialise (2) to be expressed (e.g. emotions)/to become apparent (e.g. trends, effects) (P) ","発表会[はっぴょうかい] (n) (1) recital (i.e. of music,  by a pupil) (2) presentation (e.g. product launch) ","表わす[あらわす] (v5s, vt) (1) to represent/to signify/to stand for (2) to reveal/to show/to display (3) to express (4) to make widely known (P) ","別表[べっぴょう] (n) annexed (statistical) table (P) ","表象[ひょうしょう] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) symbol/emblem (n,adj-no) (2) mental image/representation/idea ","表向き[おもてむき] (n) outward appearance/ostensible/public/official (P) ","表層[ひょうそう] (n) surface/outer layer ","辞表[じひょう] (n) letter of resignation (P) ","表皮[ひょうひ] (n, adj-no) epithelium/skin/rind "],"要":["要因[よういん]primary factor; main cause  N1","要する[ようする]to demand; to require;to take  N1","要請[ようせい]claim; demand;request;application  N1","要望[ようぼう]demand for; request  N1","要旨[ようし]gist, essentials,summary,fundamentals  N2","要領[ようりょう]point, gist,essentials,outline  N2","重要[じゅうよう]important,  momentous, essential, principal, major  N3","主要[しゅよう]chief,  main, principal, major  N3","需要[じゅよう]demand,  request  N3","要求[ようきゅう]request,  demand, requisition  N3","要するに[ようするに]in a word,  after all, the point is .., in short ..  N3","要素[ようそ]element  N3","要点[ようてん]gist,  main point  N3","必要[ひつよう]necessary  N4","要る[いる]to need  N5","不必要[ふひつよう]unnecessary ","不要[ふよう]unnecessary ","強要[きょうよう]coercion ","要[かなめ<br>よう]main point ","要所[ようしょ]important point ","要注意[ようちゅうい]attention required ","要約[ようやく]summary ","要求する[ようきゅうする]To Demand ","要項[ようこう]Important Points,  main points ","概要[がいよう]Outline,  summary ","要件[ようけん] (n) (1) important matter (2) requirement/requisite/necessary condition/sine qua non (P) ","所要[しょよう] (adj-no, n) required/needed/necessary (P) ","要は[ようは] (adv) in short/the point is (P) ","要塞[ようさい] (n) fort/stronghold/fortification ","要す[ようす] (v5s, vs-c,vt) to need/to require/to take/to demand ","要衝[ようしょう] (n) important point/strategic position/key point (P) ","要員[よういん] (n) (necessary) personnel/required person (P) ","要職[ようしょく] (n) important office (P) ","最も重要[もっともじゅうよう] (exp, adj-na) most important/central/matters most/overriding/top ","要人[ようじん] (n) important person (P) ","要綱[ようこう] (n) main principle/gist/general plan/guidelines/outline (P) ","法要[ほうよう] (n) Buddhist memorial service (P) "],"定":["案の定[あんのじょう]sure enough; as usual  N1","一定[いってい<br>いちじょう]fixed; settled;definite;uniform;regularized;defined;standardized;certain;prescribed  N1","改定[かいてい<br>かいじょう]reform  N1","確定[かくてい]definition (math); decision;settlement  N1","規定[きてい]regulation; provisions  N1","協定[きょうてい]arrangement; pact;agreement  N1","限定[げんてい]limit; restriction  N1","国定[こくてい]state-sponsored; national  N1","固定[こてい]fixation  N1","定まる[さだまる]to become settled; to be fixed  N1","定める[さだめる]to decide; to establish;to determine  N1","所定[しょてい]fixed; prescribed  N1","制定[せいてい]enactment; establishment;creation  N1","設定[せってい]establishment; creation  N1","定義[ていぎ]definition  N1","定食[ていしょく]set meal; special (of the day)  N1","定年[ていねん]retirement age  N1","判定[はんてい]judgement; decision;award;verdict  N1","未定[みてい]not yet fixed; undecided;pending  N1","仮定[かてい]assumption, supposition,hypothesis  N2","肯定[こうてい]positive, affirmation  N2","指定[してい]designation, specification,assignment,pointing at  N2","定規[じょうぎ](measuring) ruler  N2","推定[すいてい]presumption, assumption,estimation  N2","測定[そくてい]measurement  N2","断定[だんてい]conclusion, decision  N2","定員[ていいん]fixed number of regular personnel, capacity (of boat, etc.)  N2","定価[ていか]established price  N2","定期券[ていきけん]commuter pass, season ticket  N2","定休日[ていきゅうび]regular holiday  N2","特定[とくてい]specific, special,particular  N2","安定[あんてい]stability,  equilibrium  N3","勘定[かんじょう]calculation,  counting, consideration  N3","決定[けってい]decision,  determination  N3","定期[ていき]fixed term  N3","否定[ひてい]negation,  denial, repudiation  N3","予定[よてい]arrangement  N4","不安定[ふあんてい]unstable ","公定[こうてい]official ","定形[ていけい]fixed form ","算定する[さんていする]To Calculate ","指定する[していする]To Appoint,  to assign, to designate, to specify ","決定する[けっていする]To Decide,  to determine ","定着[ていちゃく]fastening ","想定[そうてい]hypothesis ","選定[せんてい]choice ","設定する[せっていする]To Establish ","検定[けんてい]examination ","定額[ていがく]Fixed Amount,  fixed sum, flat rate, ration ","定量[ていりょう]Fixed Quantity,  measurement, fixed amount, set quantity, set amount ","定型[ていけい]definite form ","限定販売[げんていはんばい]Limited Edition ","鑑定[かんてい]Expert Opinion ","否定形[ひていけい]Negative Tense,  negative sentence, negative ","否定する[ひていする]To Deny ","暫定[ざんてい]Tentative,  temporary ","定款[ていかん]articles of incorporation,  company statute, articles of the company laws ","紳士協定[しんしきょうてい]gentlemen's agreement ","定[さだ] (adv) (arch) (uk) certainly/truly ","策定[さくてい] (n, vs) formulation (of a plan, policy, etc.)/decision/settling on (P) ","認定[にんてい] (n, vs) authorization/authorisation/acknowledgment/acknowledgement/certification/recognition (P) ","不定期[ふていき] (adj-na, n,adj-no) irregular/indeterminate/tramp (steamer) ","決定的[けっていてき] (adj-na) definite/final/decisive/conclusive (P) ","定数[じょうすう<br>ていすう] (n) (1) fixed number/quorum (for an assembly) (2) (math) constant/invariable (3) (comp) literal (4) fate ","平定[へいてい] (n, vs) suppression/repression/subjugation ","定番[じょうばん<br>ていばん] (n, vs) (1) standing guard/watchman (n) (2) watchman at the shogun's palaces (Edo period) ","予定どおり[よていどおり] (n) as planned ","法定[ほうてい] (n, adj-no) legal/designated by law (P) ","定時[ていじ] (n, adj-no) regular time/stated period (P) ","定理[ていり] (n) theorem/proposition ","想定外[そうていがい] (adj-no, n) beyond expectations/beyond what one expected/not foreseen/exceeding assumptions ","定か[さだか] (adj-na, n) definite/sure (P) ","定住[じょうじゅう<br>ていじゅう] (n, vs) settlement/permanent residency ","内定[ないてい] (n, vs) unofficial offer (esp. job offer)/tentative decision (P) ","議定[ぎじょう<br>ぎてい] (n, vs) agreement ","定格[ていかく] (n) (engr) rated value ","議定書[ぎていしょ] (n) protocol (P) ","裁定[さいてい<br>せいてい] (n, vs,adj-no) decision/ruling/award/arbitration (P) ","同定[どうてい] (n, vs) identification ","定例[じょうれい<br>ていれい] (adj-no) (1) regular/ordinary (e.g. session of parliament) (n) (2) established usage/precedent/regular practice ","定休[ていきゅう] (n) (abbr) regular holiday/fixed day off/regular closing day (P) ","算定[さんてい] (n, vs,adj-no) calculation/estimation/computation (P) ","不特定[ふとくてい] (adj-no, adj-na,n) unspecified/random/indefinite ","査定[さてい] (n, vs) assessment (of value, damages, etc.)/revision (of a budget) (P) ","不定[ふじょう<br>ふてい] (adj-na, n,adj-no) uncertainty/insecurity/inconstancy/indefinite/undecided (P) ","定め[さだめ] (n) (1) law/rule/regulation/provision/decision/appointment/arrangement/agreement (2) destiny/fate/karma ","既定[きてい] (adj-no, n) established/fixed/prearranged/predetermined (P) ","評定[ひょうじょう<br>ひょうてい] (n, vs) council/conference/consultation ","定式化[ていしきか] (n, vs) formularization/formularisation ","定説[ていせつ] (n) established theory/accepted opinion/accepted explanation (P) "],"客":["客観[きゃっかん<br>かくかん<br>かっかん]objective  N1","乗客[じょうきゃく<br>じょうかく]passenger  N1","旅客[りょかく<br>りょきゃく]passenger (transport)  N1","客席[きゃくせき]guest seating  N2","客間[きゃくま]parlor, guest room  N2","観客[かんきゃく]audience,  spectator(s)  N3","客[きゃく<br>かく<br>まれびと<br>まろうと<br>まろうど]guest, customer  N4","客室[きゃくしつ]Guest Room ","客さん[きゃくさん]Guest,  visitor, customer ","客車[きゃくしゃ<br>かくしゃ]passenger car ","来客[らいきゃく<br>らいかく]guest ","旅客機[りょかくき<br>りょかっき]passenger plane ","客観的[きゃっかんてき]objective ","観光客[かんこうきゃく]Tourist,  sightseer ","賓客[ひんきゃく,  ひんかく]guest of honor, privileged guest ","お客様[おきゃくさま] (n) (1) (hon) guest/visitor (2) (hon) customer/client/shopper/spectator/audience/tourist/sightseer/passenger (P) ","お客さん[おきゃくさん] (n) (1) (hon) guest/visitor (2) (hon) customer/client/shopper/spectator/audience/tourist/sightseer/passenger ","顧客[こかく<br>こきゃく] (n, adj-no) customer/client/patron ","集客[しゅうきゃく] (n, vs) attracting customers ","客船[きゃくせん] (n) passenger boat (P) ","宿泊客[しゅくはくきゃく] (n) guest spending the night (i.e. at a hotel) ","客人[きゃくじん<br>まれびと<br>まろうと<br>まろうど] (n) caller/visitor/company/guest ","刺客[しかく<br>しきゃく] (n, adj-no) (1) assassin (vs) (2) to assassinate ","客演[きゃくえん] (n, vs) guest appearance ","招待客[しょうたいきゃく] (n) invitee ","接客[せっきゃく] (n, vs) serving customers/looking after visitors/reception ","貨客船[かかくせん<br>かきゃくせん] (n) combined cargo and passenger ship "],"美":["美味しい[おいしい]delicious; tasty  N1","華美[かび]pomp; splendor;gaudiness  N1","賛美[さんび]praise; adoration;glorification  N1","美[び<br>よし<br>み]beauty  N1","美術[びじゅつ]art; fine arts  N1","褒美[ほうび]reward; prize  N1","優美[まさみ<br>ゆうび]grace; refinement;elegance  N1","美容[びよう]beauty of figure or form  N2","美人[びじん]beautiful person (woman)  N3","美しい[うつくしい]beautiful  N4","美術館[びじゅつかん]art gallery  N4","美化[びか]beautification ","美女[びじょ<br>びんじょ]beautiful woman ","美容院[びよういん]hair salon ","美しさ[うつくしさ] (n) beauty ","ご褒美[ごほうび] (n) reward/prize (P) ","美味い[うまい] (adj-i) (1) (uk) skillful/skilful/clever/expert/wise/successful (2) (uk) delicious/appetizing/appetising/tasty (3) (uk) fortunate/splendid/promising (P) ","美味[びみ] (n, adj-na) good flavor/good flavour/delicacy ","美学[びがく] (n, adj-no) esthetics/aesthetics (P) ","美少女[びしょうじょ] (n) beautiful girl ","美貌[びぼう] (n, adj-no) beautiful face/good looks/beauty (P) ","美男[びだん<br>びなん] (n) handsome man ","讃美[さんび] (n, vs,adj-no) praise/glorification/extolment "],"負":["負う[おう]to bear; to owe  N1","御負け[おまけ]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;a discount;a prize; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;something additional;bonus;an extra; 3.&nbsp;&nbsp;an exaggeration  N1","背負う[せおう<br>しょう]to be burdened with; to carry on back or shoulder  N1","負債[ふさい]debt; liabilities  N1","負傷[ふしょう]injury; wound  N1","負担[ふたん]burden; charge;responsibility  N1","負かす[まかす]to defeat  N1","勝負[しょうぶ]victory or defeat, match,contest,game,bout  N2","負け[まけ]defeat,  loss, losing (a game)  N3","負ける[まける]to lose  N4","負け犬[まけいぬ]Loser ","負える[おえる] (v1) (1) to be able to bear (2) to be able to manage ","負荷[ふか] (n, vs) burden/load (e.g. cpu time, electricity, etc.) (P) ","負[おい<br>ふ] (n) wooden box carried on one's back to store items for a pilgrimage ","負傷者[ふしょうしゃ] (n) injured person/wounded person/casualty ","負け越す[まけこす] (v5s) to have more losses than wins ","自負[じふ] (n, vs) pride/self-confidence/thinking highly of oneself/being proud of one's abilities or achievements (P) ","請負[うけおい] (n) contract (for work)/contracting/undertaking (P) ","請け負う[うけおう] (v5u, vt) (1) to contract/to undertake (2) to take over/to take responsibility for (P) "],"予":["予め[あらかじめ]beforehand; in advance;previously  N1","予言[よげん<br>かねごと]prediction; promise;prognostication  N1","予感[よかん]presentiment; premonition  N1","予想[よそう]expectation; anticipation;prediction;forecast  N1","予備[よび]preparation, preliminaries,reserve,spare  N2","予期[よき]expectation,  assume will happen, forecast  N3","予算[よさん]estimate,  budget  N3","予測[よそく]prediction,  estimation  N3","予報[よほう]forecast,  prediction  N3","予防[よぼう]prevention,  precaution, protection against  N3","天気予報[てんきよほう]weather forecast  N4","予習[よしゅう]preparation for a lesson  N4","予定[よてい]arrangement  N4","予約[よやく]reservation  N4","予て[かねて]already ","予知[よち]foreknowledge ","予選[よせん]preliminary match ","予告[よこく]Advance Notice,  forward notice, prior notice ","予断[よだん]foregone conclusion ","予備校[よびこう]preparatory school ","猶予[ゆうよ]extension,  delay, postpone ","起訴猶予[きそゆうよ]suspension of indictment ","執行猶予[しっこうゆうよ]suspended sentence ","予定どおり[よていどおり] (n) as planned ","次回予告[じかいよこく] (n) preview of next installment (TV shows,  podcasts, etc.) ","予想以上[よそういじょう] (adv, adj-no) more than expected (P) ","予科[よか] (n) preparatory course/preparatory department ","予想外[よそうがい] (adj-no, adj-na,n) unexpected/unforeseen/strange (P) ","予告編[よこくへん] (n) trailer (film,  TV)/preview ","予見[よけん] (n, vs) foresight/foreknowledge/divination ","予後[よご] (n, adj-no) prognosis/aftereffects/recuperation/convalescence "],"相":["相[そう<br>あい<br>こもごも<br>さが<br>しょう]together; mutually;fellow  N1","相変わらず[あいかわらず]as ever; as usual;the same  N1","相対[そうたい<br>あいたい]confrontation; facing;between ourselves;no third party;tete-a-tete  N1","外相[がいしょう]Foreign Minister  N1","真相[しんそう]truth; real situation  N1","相応[そうおう]suitability; fitness  N1","相場[そうば]market price; speculation;estimation  N1","蔵相[ぞうしょう]Minister of Finance  N1","相応しい[ふさわしい]appropriate  N1","様相[ようそう]aspect  N1","相撲[すもう<br>すまい]sumo wrestling  N2","相違[そうい]difference, discrepancy,variation  N2","相互[そうご]mutual, reciprocal  N2","相手[あいて]partner  N3","首相[しゅしょう]Prime Minister  N3","相続[そうぞく]succession,  inheritance  N3","相談[そうだん]consultation,  discussion  N3","相当[そうとう]suitable,  fair, tolerable, proper  N3","世相[せそう]phases of life ","人相[にんそう]looks ","相づち[あいづち]supportive reaction ","相殺[そうさい<br>そうさつ]cancellation ","相対的[そうたいてき]relative ","相関[そうかん]correlation ","不相応[ふそうおう]unbecoming ","寝相[ねぞう]one's sleeping posture ","宰相[さいしょう]prime minister ","相次ぐ[あいつぐ] (v5g) to follow in succession/to happen one after another (P) ","位相[いそう] (n) (1) (physics) phase (e.g. wave,  electricity, moon) (2) (math) topology (3) (ling) register ","大相撲[おおずもう] (n) professional sumo wrestling (P) ","相俟つ[あいまつ] (v5t, vi) (1) to be coupled with/to be combined with (v4t,vt) (2) (arch) to await ","相性[あいしょう] (n) affinity/compatibility (P) ","相棒[あいぼう] (n) partner/pal/accomplice (P) ","対戦相手[たいせんあいて] (n, adj-no) (yoji) opponent/adversary/the competition/the other side/one's enemy ","丞相[じょうしょう] (n) prime minister (in ancient China) ","話し相手[はなしあいて] (n) person with whom to speak/someone to talk to/companion/advisor/adviser ","相反[そうはん] (n, vs) inversion/opposition/conflicting/repulsion/contradiction ","相方[あいかた] (n) (1) partner (esp. in manzai)/companion (2) partner for the night (e.g. at a brothel) ","相手方[あいてかた<br>あいてがた] (n) other (opposite) party (P) ","相姦[そうかん] (n) adultery ","相同[そうどう] (n, adj-no) homology "],"談":["縁談[えんだん]marriage proposal; engagement  N1","会談[かいだん]conversation; conference;discussion;interview  N1","座談会[ざだんかい]symposium; round-table discussion  N1","雑談[ざつだん]chatting; idle talk  N1","対談[たいだん]talk; dialogue;conversation  N1","冗談[じょうだん]jest,  joke  N3","相談[そうだん]consultation,  discussion  N3","談話[だんわ]conversation ","商談[しょうだん]business talk ","面談[めんだん]interview ","余談[よだん]digression ","怪談[かいだん]Ghost Story ","懇談[こんだん]Informal Talk ","講談[こうだん] (n) style of traditional Japanese storytelling featuring highly dramatic delivery (P) ","談[だん] (n, n-suf) talk/story/conversation ","談合[だんごう] (n, vs) (1) consultation/discussion/conference (2) collusion/bid-rigging (P) ","座談[ざだん] (n, vs) conversation/discussion "],"受":["受かる[うかる]to pass (examination)  N1","受け入れ[うけいれ]receiving; acceptance  N1","受け入れる[うけいれる]to accept; to receive  N1","受け継ぐ[うけつぐ]to inherit; to succeed;to take over  N1","受け付ける[うけつける]to be accepted; to receive (an application)  N1","受け止める[うけとめる]to catch; to stop the blow;to react to;to take  N1","受け取り[うけとり]receipt  N1","受身[うけみ]passive; passive voice  N1","享受[きょうじゅ]reception; acceptance;enjoyment;being given  N1","引き受ける[ひきうける]to undertake; to take up;to take over;to be responsible for;to guarantee;to contract (disease)  N1","受取[うけとり]receipt  N2","受け持つ[うけもつ]to take (be in) charge of  N2","受験[じゅけん]taking an examination  N2","受話器[じゅわき](telephone) receiver  N2","引受る[ひきうける]to undertake, to take up,to take over  N2","受け取る[うけとる]to receive,  to get, to accept, to take  N3","受付[うけつけ]receipt  N4","受ける[うける]to take a lesson or test  N4","受け持ち[うけもち]in charge of ","受け身[うけみ]being passive ","待ち受ける[まちうける]await ","受動的[じゅどうてき]passive ","感受性[かんじゅせい]sensibility ","受信[じゅしん]reception ","受領書[じゅりょうしょ]Receipt,  docket ","受諾[じゅだく]Acceptance ","受託[じゅたく]Be Entrusted With ","傍受[ぼうじゅ]monitoring,  interception, tapping ","受胎[じゅたい]conception,  fertilization, fertilisation ","受賞[じゅしょう] (n, vs) winning (a prize) (P) ","受[じゅ] (n) (Buddh) vedana (sensation) ","受章[じゅしょう] (n, vs) reception of a decoration/reception of an order (P) ","受刑者[じゅけいしゃ] (n) prisoner/convict ","受講[じゅこう] (n, vs) taking (attending) lectures (P) ","受容[じゅよう] (n, vs) reception (P) ","受験生[じゅけんせい] (n) student preparing for or taking examinations (usu. entrance exams)/test-taker ","受注[じゅちゅう] (n, vs) accepting an order/receiving an order/orders received (P) ","見受ける[みうける] (v1, vt) to catch sight of/to see/to suppose/to assume from appearances (P) ","譲り受ける[ゆずりうける] (v1, vt) to inherit/to receive/to take over by transfer ","受けとめる[うけとめる] (v1, vt) (1) to catch/to stop the blow (2) to react to/to take (advice, etc.)/to accept/to come to grips with ","受領[じゅりょう<br>ずりょう<br>ずろう] (n, vs) receipt (of a letter, money, etc.)/acceptance/receiving (P) ","受診[じゅしん] (n, vs) having a medical examination/seeing a doctor (P) ","受信音[じゅしんおん] (n) ringtone (of mobile phones,  portable phones, cellphones, etc.) ","受益[じゅえき] (n) benefitting by/benefiting by (P) ","受給[じゅきゅう] (n, vs) receiving payments (pension, ration) (P) ","受理[じゅり] (n, vs) acceptance (P) ","受精[じゅせい] (n, vs) fertilization/fertilisation/impregnation/pollination/insemination (P) ","受け[うけ] (n, n-suf) (1) popularity/favour/favor/reception (n) (2) defense/defence/reputation (3) agreement (4) receiver of technique (e.g. in martial arts) (5) (uk) (col) submissive partner of a homosexual relationship (P) ","送受信[そうじゅしん] (n) transceiver (send and receive) ","受動[じゅどう] (n, adj-no) passivity (P) ","受刑[じゅけい] (n, vs) punishment (P) ","受難[じゅなん] (n, vs) (1) sufferings/ordeals/agony (2) Passion (of Christ)/crucifixion (P) ","受け皿[うけざら] (n) (1) saucer (2) person (group,  institution, etc.) to take over a position or matter/receptacle (e.g. of funds)/receiver (P) ","借り受ける[かりうける] (v1, vt) to borrow/to have a loan/to hire/to rent/to buy on credit "],"部":["一部[いちぶ]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;one copy&nbsp;&nbsp;e.g. of a document; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;a part;partly;some  N1","一部分[いちぶぶん]a part  N1","幹部[かんぶ]management; (executive) staff;leaders  N1","警部[けいぶ]police inspector  N1","大部[おおぶ]most (e.g. most part); greater;fairly;a good deal;much  N1","内部[ないぶ]interior; inside;internal  N1","部[ぶ<br>べ]department; part;category;counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine  N1","部下[ぶか]subordinate person  N1","部門[ぶもん]class; group;category;department;field;branch  N1","外部[がいぶ]the outside, external  N2","学部[がくぶ]department of a university, undergraduate  N2","部首[ぶしゅ]radical (of a kanji character)  N2","部品[ぶひん]parts, accessories  N2","本部[ほんぶ]headquarters  N2","大部分[だいぶぶん]most part,  greater part, majority  N3","部分[ぶぶん]portion,  section, part  N3","部長[ぶちょう]head of a section  N4","全部[ぜんぶ]all  N5","部屋[へや]room  N5","北部[ほくぶ]north ","南部[なんぶ]South ","工学部[こうがくぶ]department of engineering ","東部[とうぶ]eastern part ","理学部[りがくぶ]science department ","西部[せいぶ]the West ","法学部[ほうがくぶ]faculty of law ","部隊[ぶたい] (n) force/unit/corps/echelon/element (P) ","文部[もんぶ] (n) (abbr) Ministry of Education,  Science and Culture (1871-2001) (P) ","中部[ちゅうぶ] (n) (1) center/centre/middle/heart (2) (abbr) Chubu region (incl. Aichi,  Nagano, Shizuoka, Niigata, Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui, Yamanashi and Gifu prefectures) (P) ","部員[ぶいん] (n, adj-no) staff/member (club, society, etc.) (P) ","警部補[けいぶほ] (n) assistant inspector ","上部[じょうぶ] (n, adj-no) top part/surface (P) ","文部省[もんぶしょう] (n) Ministry of Education,  Science and Culture (1871-2001) (P) ","支部[しぶ] (n, adj-no) branch/subdivision (P) ","本部長[ほんぶちょう] (n) general manager/director-general ","司令部[しれいぶ] (n) headquarters (P) ","倶楽部[クラブ] (ateji) (n) (uk) club/fraternity/sorority/clubhouse (P) ","下部[かぶ<br>しもべ] (n) (1) lower part/substructure (2) subordinate (office)/good and faithful servant (P) ","医学部[いがくぶ] (n) medical faculty ","前部[ぜんぶ] (n, adj-no) front part/fore/front (P) ","部族[ぶぞく] (n, adj-no) tribe/clan/house (P) ","部会[ぶかい] (n) section meeting (P) ","文学部[ぶんがくぶ] (n) department (faculty) of literature ","巡査部長[じゅんさぶちょう] (n) police sergeant ","頭部[とうぶ] (n) (1) head/cranium (adj-no) (2) cephalic (P) ","腹部[ふくぶ] (n, adj-no) abdomen (P) ","部活[ぶかつ] (n) club activities (P) ","お部屋[おへや] (n) (1) (pol) room (2) (pol) apartment/flat ","部位[ぶい] (n) part (esp. of the body)/region/site/cut (of meat) (P) ","特殊部隊[とくしゅぶたい] (n) (mil) special forces ","後部[こうぶ] (n, adj-no) rear/stern (P) ","部落[ぶらく] (n) (1) (sens) hamlet/subunit of village (2) (sens) burakumin area (P) ","部署[ぶしょ] (n, vs) one's post/one's station/department/bureau/section (P) ","部数[ぶすう] (n) no. of copies/circulation (P) ","細部[さいぶ] (n) details/particulars (P) ","部外者[ぶがいしゃ] (n) outsider/someone outside of a group ","胸部[きょうぶ] (n, adj-no) chest/breast (P) ","入部[にゅうぶ] (n, vs) joining a club ","上層部[じょうそうぶ] (n) top brass/upper echelon/higher-ups/top management/upper reaches/top of the pile ","三部作[さんぶさく] (n) trilogy (P) ","軍部[ぐんぶ] (n) military authorities/army circles (P) ","部室[ぶしつ] (n) clubroom ","野球部[やきゅうぶ] (n) baseball club (at a university,  corporation, etc.)/baseball team (P) ","軍令部[ぐんれいぶ] (n) Naval General Staff ","部類[ぶるい] (n) class/heading/group/category ","商学部[しょうがくぶ] (n) business school (in a university)/faculty of commerce ","部局[ぶきょく] (n) department/bureau/section/part (P) ","経済学部[けいざいがくぶ] (n) economics department/economics school ","部材[ぶざい] (n) component/part/member/fitting ","廃部[はいぶ] (n, vs) club disbandment ","底部[ていぶ] (n) base/bottom ","楽部[がくぶ] (n) Music Department (part of the Board of Ceremonies of the Imperial Household Agency) ","深部[しんぶ] (n) depths/deep part ","頸部[けいぶ] (n, adj-no) neck (region) ","休部[きゅうぶ] (n, vs) (1) club that has suspended its activities (2) not attending one's club ","市部[しぶ] (n) urban areas (P) "],"和":["温和[おんわ]gentle; mild;moderate  N1","緩和[かんわ]relief; mitigation  N1","共和[きょうわ]republicanism; cooperation  N1","中和[ちゅうわ]neutralize; counteract  N1","調和[ちょうわ]harmony  N1","和やか[なごやか]mild; calm;gentle;quiet;harmonious  N1","飽和[ほうわ]saturation  N1","和らげる[やわらげる]to soften; to moderate;to relieve  N1","和[わ<br>なぎ<br>のど<br>やわ]sum; harmony;peace  N1","和風[わふう]Japanese style  N1","和文[わぶん]Japanese text; sentence in Japanese  N1","英和[えいわ]English-Japanese (e.g. dictionary)  N2","漢和[かんわ]Chinese Character-Japanese (e.g. dictionary)  N2","和英[わえい]Japanese-English  N2","和服[わふく]Japanese clothes  N2","平和[へいわ<br>ピンフ<br>ピンホー]peace,  harmony  N3","和食[わしょく]Japanese Style Food,  japanese food ","和室[わしつ]Japanese Style Room ","和む[なごむ]be softened ","和らぐ[やわらぐ]soften ","和平[わへい]peace ","日和[ひより<br>びより]fine weather ","和歌[わか]Japanese poem ","和語[わご]native Japanese word ","共和国[きょうわこく]republic ","和式[わしき]Japanese style ","和解[わかい<br>わげ]reconciliation ","和訳[わやく]Japanese Translation ","講和[こうわ]peace ","昭和[しょうわ]Showa Era,  shouwa era, showa, shouwa, showa emperor, shouwa emperor ","柔和[にゅうわ]Gentleness ","和尚[おしょう<br>かしょう<br>わじょう]buddhist high priest,  high priest, buddhist priest ","中華人民共和国[ちゅうかじんみんきょうわこく] (n) People's Republic of China (P) ","大和[やまと] (n) (1) Yamato/ancient province corresponding to modern-day Nara Prefecture (2) (ancient) Japan (adj-f) (3) Japanese (P) ","和名[わみょう<br>わめい] (n) Japanese name (often of plants and animals,  and written in kana) ","明和[めいわ] (n) Meiwa era (1764.6.2-1772.11.16) ","共和党[きょうわとう] (n) Republican Party (P) ","コンゴ民主共和国[コンゴみんしゅきょうわこく] (n) Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire) ","違和感[いわかん] (n) (1) uncomfortable feeling/feeling out of place/sense of discomfort (2) malaise/physical unease (P) ","和睦[わぼく] (n, vs) reconciliation/peace/rapprochement ","ドミニカ共和国[ドミニカきょうわこく] (n) Dominican Republic ","朝鮮民主主義人民共和国[ちょうせんみんしゅしゅぎじんみんきょうわこく] (n) Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)/DPRK (P) ","協和[きょうわ] (n, vs) concord/harmony/concert (P) ","和子[わこ] (n, pn) (arch) son of a person of high social standing ","和音[わおん] (n) (1) (music) chord (2) 'on' reading of a kanji ","清和[せいわ] (n) (1) season when the sky is clear and the air warm (spring) (2) first ten days of the fourth lunar month ","親和[しんわ] (n, vs) friendship/fellowship ","同和[どうわ] (n) (1) (abbr) social integration (esp. of burakumin)/assimilation (2) (col) burakumin ","和議[わぎ] (n) peace conference/peace negotiations (P) ","承和[しょうわ<br>じょうわ] (n) Jowa era (834.1.3-848.6.13)/Showa era ","和製[わせい] (n) Japanese-made ","和約[わやく] (n) peace settlement ","和声[かせい<br>わせい] (n, adj-no) (music) harmony/concord/consonance ","不和[ふわ] (adj-na, n,adj-no) friction/discord/trouble/dissension/disagreement (P) ","和菓子[わがし] (n) wagashi/traditional Japanese confectionery (P) ","正和[しょうわ] (n) Showa era (1312.3.20-1317.2.3) ","融和[ゆうわ] (n, vs,adj-no) harmony/reconciliation (P) ","和紙[わし] (n) washi/Japanese paper (P) ","水和物[すいわぶつ] (n) hydrate ","和気[かき<br>わき] (n) harmonious atmosphere ","総和[そうわ] (n) (1) sum total (2) (math) summation ","和人[わじん<br>わひと] (n) (arch) Japanese person "],"返":["裏返し[うらがえし]inside out; upside down  N1","折り返す[おりかえす]to turn up; to fold back  N1","返る[かえる]to return; to come back;to go back  N1","宙返り[ちゅうがえり]somersault; looping-the-loop  N1","照り返す[てりかえす]to reflect; to throw back light  N1","返還[へんかん]return; restoration  N1","返済[へんさい]repayment  N1","返答[へんとう]reply  N1","裏返す[うらがえす]to turn inside out, to turn (something) over  N2","引返す[ひきかえす]to repeat, to send back,to bring back  N2","引っ繰り返す[ひっくりかえす]to turn over, to overturn,to knock over,to upset,to turn inside out  N2","引っ繰り返る[ひっくりかえる]to be overturned, to be upset,to topple over,to be reversed  N2","繰り返す[くりかえす]to repeat,  to do something over again  N3","返事[へんじ]reply  N4","返す[かえす]to return something  N5","引き返す[ひきかえす]go back ","生き返る[いきかえる]be restored to life ","言い返す[いいかえす]talk back ","返上[へんじょう]return ","仕返し[しかえし]Get Even,  retaliation, get back at, revenge, get revenge ","見返る[みかえる]To Look Back At,  to look back on ","折り返し[おりかえし]lapel ","返信[へんしん]Reply ","取り返す[とりかえす]take back ","寝返り[ねがえり]turning over in bed ","寝返る[ねがえる]betray ","振り返る[ふりかえる]turn one's head ","恩返し[おんがえし]repayment of kindness ","蒸し返す[むしかえす]To Reheat ","返却[へんきゃく]return ","返り咲き[かえりざき]Comeback,  second bloom ","呆れ返る[あきれかえる]to be utterly amazed,  to be stunned, to be amazed ","繰り返し[くりかえし] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) repetition/repeat/reiteration/iteration/refrain/cycle (n-adv) (2) repeatedly (P) ","読み返す[よみかえす] (v5s, vt) to reread/to read again (P) ","お返し[おかえし] (n, vs) (1) return gift/return favour (favor) (2) revenge (3) change (in a cash transaction) (P) ","見返り[みかえり] (n) (1) reward/compensation/repayment/something done or given in return (2) collateral/security (3) turning to look behind (P) ","返り咲く[かえりざく] (v5k, vi) to come back/to bloom a second time ","返品[へんぴん] (n, vs) returned goods/returning purchased goods (P) ","追い返す[おいかえす] (v5s, vt) to drive away/to turn away/to send away/to repel/to repulse ","ひっくり返す[ひっくりかえす<br>ひっくりがえす] (v5s, vt) (1) to turn over/to turn upside down/to turn up/to turn inside out/to turn out (2) to knock over/to tip over (3) to overturn (e.g. a decision)/to upset/to reverse ","返し[かえし] (n) (1) reversal/return (2) return gift/return favour (favor) (3) barb (on a fishing hook) (4) mixture of soy sauce,  sugar and mirin ","取り返し[とりかえし] (n) recovery/undoing/recall ","やり返す[やりかえす] (v5s, vt) (1) to answer/to fire back/to retort/to reply in kind (2) to redo/to do over/to try again ","返金[へんきん] (n, vs,adj-no) repayment (P) ","思い返す[おもいかえす] (v5s, vt) to re-think/to think back upon/to change one's mind ","巻き返す[まきかえす] (v5s) to rally/to regain one's strength "],"乗":["乗客[じょうきゃく<br>じょうかく]passenger  N1","乗っ取る[のっとる]to capture; to occupy;to usurp  N1","乗り換え[のりかえ]transfer (trains&nbsp; &nbsp;buses&nbsp;&nbsp;etc.)  N1","乗り込む[のりこむ]to board; to embark on;to get into (a car);to ship (passengers);to man (a ship);to help (someone) int  N1","乗車[じょうしゃ]taking a train, entraining  N2","乗換[のりかえ](n) transfer (trains,  buses, etc.)  N2","乗せる[のせる]to place on (something),  to take on board, to give a ride  N3","乗り換える[のりかえる]to change between buses or trains  N4","乗り物[のりもの]vehicle  N4","乗る[のる]to get on, to ride  N5","乗じる[じょうじる]take advantage of ","乗ずる[じょうずる]taking advantage of ","乗り出す[のりだす<br>のりいだす]lean forward ","乗り回す[のりまわす]drive about ","乗り気[のりき]keenness to do ","乗用車[じょうようしゃ]automobile ","乗り場[のりば]Bus Stop,  taxi stand, train platform, place for boarding vehicles ","便乗[びんじょう]advantageous opportunity ","乗組員[のりくみいん]crew ","乗車券[じょうしゃけん]train ticket ","乗り越える[のりこえる]overcome ","乗り越し[のりこし]riding past one's stop ","乗り越す[のりこす]miss one's station ","乗り降り[のりおり]getting on and off ","乗り遅れる[のりおくれる]miss ","搭乗[とうじょう]boarding,  embarkation ","乗り入れる[のりいれる] (v1, vt) (1) to drive into/to ride into (2) to extend (a railway line, bus route, etc.) into/to link (a railway line) with/to join up with (a separate line) ","騎乗[きじょう] (n, vs) riding (on horseback)/mounting (a horse) ","名乗る[なのる] (v5r, vi,vt) (1) to give one's name (as)/to introduce oneself (as) (2) to claim to be/to call oneself/to wear the title of (3) to reveal oneself (as)/to admit to being (v5r,vt) (4) to adopt as one's name/to take (a name) (v5r,vi) (5) (arch) to call out the goods one is selling (P) ","乗降[じょうこう] (n, vs) getting on and off/embarking and disembarking (P) ","乗員[じょういん] (n) crew (P) ","乗船[じょうせん] (n, vs) (1) embarking (a ship)/embarkation/boarding (n) (2) ship (carrying someone) ","乗り[のり] (n) (1) riding/ride (2) spread (of paints) (n-suf) (3) -seater (e.g. two-seater) (n) (4) (uk) (getting into the) mood (entering into the) spirit/energy/enthusiasm/rhythm/feeling (P) ","乗務[じょうむ] (n, vs) doing transport-related work ","乗馬[じょうば] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) horse riding (n) (2) riding horse/saddle horse (P) ","乗り切る[のりきる] (v5r, vt) (1) to weather (a storm, rough seas)/to ride across/to sail across (2) to get through (adversity)/to weather/to get over/to tide over/to overcome/to survive (v5r,vi) (3) to load completely (e.g. books on a shelf, people or luggage in a car) (P) ","乗[じょう] (suf) (1) (nth) power (ctr) (2) counter for vehicles (n) (3) multiplication (4) (Buddh) Buddha's teachings ","大乗[だいじょう] (n) (Buddh) Mahayana (Buddhism)/the Great Vehicle ","同乗[どうじょう] (n, vs) riding together/riding with (P) ","試乗[しじょう] (n, vs) test drive/test ride/trial ride ","乗法[じょうほう] (n, adj-no) (math) multiplication ","上乗せ[うわのせ] (n, vs) adding/addition/extra (P) ","乗り組む[のりくむ] (v5m, vi) to get on aboard/to join a ship "],"苦":["苦しめる[くるしめる]to torment; to harass;to inflict pain  N1","ご苦労様[ごくろうさま]Thank you very much for your....  N1","見苦しい[みぐるしい]unsightly; ugly  N1","無茶苦茶[むちゃくちゃ]confused; jumbled;mixed up;unreasonable  N1","滅茶苦茶[めちゃくちゃ]absurd; unreasonable;excessive;messed up;spoiled;wreaked  N1","苦情[くじょう]complaint, troubles,objection  N2","苦心[くしん]pain, trouble  N2","苦痛[くつう]pain,  agony  N3","苦しい[くるしい]painful,  difficult  N3","苦しむ[くるしむ]to suffer,  to groan, to be worried  N3","苦労[くろう]troubles,  hardships  N3","苦手[にがて]poor (at),  weak (in), dislike (of)  N3","苦い[にがい]bitter  N4","目茶苦茶[めちゃくちゃ]in a mess ","苦しみ[くるしみ]suffering ","苦味[にがみ]bitter taste ","固苦しい[かた くるしい]formal ","苦笑い[にがわらい]bitter smile ","苦悩[くのう]distress ","苦笑[くしょう] (n, vs) bitter smile/wry smile/strained laugh/sarcastic laugh (P) ","ご苦労さま[ごくろうさま] (exp, adj-na) thank you for your hard work/I appreciate your efforts (P) ","ご苦労[ごくろう] (n) (1) (pol) trouble (I have put you through) (your) hard work (exp) (2) thank you for your hard work/I appreciate your efforts ","ご苦労さん[ごくろうさん] (exp) I appreciate your efforts ","苦戦[くせん] (n, vs) hard fight/close game/struggle/tight contest (P) ","苦[く] (n) (1) pain/anguish/suffering/distress/anxiety/worry/trouble/difficulty/hardship (2) (Buddh) duhkha (suffering) ","苦難[くなん] (n) suffering/distress/hardship/trial (P) ","苦境[くきょう] (n) difficult situation/adverse circumstances/predicament/trouble/dilemma/distress (P) "],"泳":["泳ぎ[およぎ]swimming  N3","水泳[すいえい]swimming  N4","泳ぎ方[およぎかた]way of swimming  N4","泳ぐ[およぐ]to swim  N5","競泳[きょうえい] (n, vs) competitive swimming/swimming race (P) ","遊泳[ゆうえい] (n, vs) (1) swimming/bathing (2) getting on in the world "],"具":["雨具[あまぐ]rain gear  N1","玩具[がんぐ<br>おもちゃ]toy  N1","敬具[けいぐ]Sincerely yours  N1","夜具[やぐ]bedding  N1","絵の具[えのぐ]colors, paints  N2","器具[きぐ]utensil  N2","具える[そなえる]to be furnished with  N2","文房具[ぶんぼうぐ]stationery  N2","家具[かぐ]furniture  N3","具体[ぐたい]concrete,  tangible, material  N3","具合[ぐあい<br>ぐわい]condition, health  N4","道具[どうぐ]tool, means  N4","具わる[そなわる]furnish ","用具[ようぐ]outfit ","具体的[ぐたいてき]concrete ","筆記用具[ひっきようぐ]pens and pencils ","具[ぐ<br>つま] (n) (1) tool/means (2) ingredients (added to soup,  rice, etc.) (ctr) (3) counter for sets of armor, utensils, furniture, etc. (P) ","不具合[ふぐあい] (n, adj-na) (1) flaw/defect/problem/bug/malfunction/failure/discrepancy (adj-na) (2) inconvenient ","工具[こうぐ] (n) tool/implement ","小道具[こどうぐ] (n) (1) small tool/gadget (2) (stage) properties/prop (3) (abbr) prop master (P) ","防具[ぼうぐ] (n) guard/protector/defensive armament/personal armor (armour) ","遊具[ゆうぐ] (n) play equipment/playground equipment ","金具[かなぐ] (n) metal fittings/metal fixtures (P) ","具現[ぐげん] (n) (1) incarnation/embodiment/avatar/personification (vs) (2) to give concrete form to/to embody/to realize "],"実":["真実[しんじつ<br>しんじち]truth; reality  N1","実質[じっしつ]substance; essence  N1","実践[じっせん]practice; put into practice  N1","実態[じったい]truth; fact  N1","実費[じっぴ]actual expense; cost price  N1","実[み<br>じつ<br>さね<br>じち<br>そうじみ<br>ただみ<br>まこと<br>むざね]truth; reality;sincerity;fidelity;kindness;faith;substance;essence  N1","実業家[じつぎょうか]industrialist; businessman  N1","実情[じつじょう]real condition; actual circumstances;actual state of affairs  N1","充実[じゅうじつ]fullness; completion;perfection;substantiality;enrichment  N1","誠実[せいじつ]sincere; honest;faithful  N1","切実[せつじつ]compelling; serious;severe;acute;earnest;pressing;urgent  N1","忠実[ただみ<br>ちゅうじつ<br>まめ]fidelity; faithfulness  N1","果実[かじつ]fruit, nut,berry.  N2","口実[こうじつ]excuse  N2","実感[じっかん]feelings (actual,  true)  N2","実習[じっしゅう]practice, training  N2","実績[じっせき]achievements, actual results  N2","実物[じつぶつ<br>みもの]real thing, original  N2","実用[じつよう]practical use, utility  N2","実力[じつりょく]merit, efficiency,arms,force  N2","実例[じつれい]example, illustration  N2","実る[みのる]to bear fruit, to ripen  N2","確実[かくじつ]certainty,  reliability, soundness  N3","現実[げんじつ]reality  N3","事実[じじつ]fact,  truth, reality  N3","実験[じっけん]experiment  N3","実現[じつげん]implementation,  materialization, realization  N3","実行[じっこう]practice,  performance, execution (e.g. program), realization  N3","実際[じっさい]practical,  actual condition, status quo  N3","実施[じっし]enforcement,  enact, put into practice, carry out, operation  N3","実に[じつに<br>げに<br>まことに]indeed,  truly, surely  N3","実は[じつは]as a matter of fact,  ...  N3","実名[じつめい]one's real name ","実家[じっか]one's parents' home ","実話[じつわ]true story ","着実[ちゃくじつ]solid ","実用的[じつようてき]practical ","無実[むじつ]innocent ","実在[じつざい]Reality,  real existence ","実況[じっきょう]actual conditions ","核実験[かくじっけん]Nuclear Test,  nuclear bomb test, nuclear testing ","堅実[けんじつ]sound ","瓜実顔[うりざねがお]oval face,  classic features ","熊之実[くまのみ]clownfish,  anemone fish ","実装[じっそう] (n, vs) implementation (e.g. of a feature)/installation (of equipment)/mounting/packaging ","実務[じつむ] (n) practical business/practical work experience/practicum/practice (P) ","実証[じっしょう] (n, vs,adj-no) demonstration/verification/substantiation/actual proof (P) ","実体[じったい] (n, adj-no) substance/entity/object (P) ","実業[じつぎょう] (n) industry/business (P) ","実権[じっけん] (n) real power (P) ","現実的[げんじつてき] (adj-na) realistic/pragmatic (P) ","実数[じっすう] (n, adj-no) real number (P) ","実際に[じっさいに] (adv) (1) virtually/practically/in practice/actually (2) currently/presently ","実子[じっし] (n) biological child/one's own child (P) ","実効[じっこう] (n) practical effect/efficacy/efficiency (P) ","実戦[じっせん] (n) combat/actual fighting (P) ","史実[しじつ] (n) historical fact (P) ","実弟[じってい] (n) (biological) younger brother/younger brother from the same parents (P) ","実写[じっしゃ] (n, vs) (1) on-the-spot filming or photography (n) (2) live filming (as opposed to animation)/actual picture (as opposed to a drawing)/photographic image (as opposed to a drawing, computer-generated image, etc.) (3) real picture or story (as opposed to fiction, imaginary scene, etc.)/describing actual scenes (in writing, drawings, paintings, etc.)/documentary (film) ","実を言うと[じつをいうと<br>じつをゆうと] (exp, adv) as a matter of fact/to tell the truth ","実父[じっぷ] (n) one's real father/natural father ","実兄[じっけい] (n) (biological) older brother/older brother from the same parents (P) ","実の[じつの] (adj-pn) (1) true/real (2) blood-related/biological (father,  etc.) ","名実共に[めいじつともに] (exp, adv) both in name and reality/both in name and substance ","実演[じつえん] (n, vs) (1) demonstration/presentation (2) stage show/performance (P) ","結実[けつじつ] (n, vs) (1) fruition/fructification/bearing fruit (2) being successful/achieving success/bearing fruit (idea, plan, ambition)/realization/realisation ","実技[じつぎ] (n) practical skill (P) ","写実[しゃじつ] (n, vs) realism/depicting realistically/representing accurately ","実地[じっち] (n) (1) practice (as opposed to theory)/actual practice (2) actual site (at) the scene (on) the spot (P) ","実刑[じっけい] (n) prison sentence (without a stay of execution) (P) ","実母[じつぼ] (n) real (own) mother "],"勝":["決勝[けっしょう]decision of a contest; finals (in sports)  N1","勝利[しょうり]victory; triumph;conquest;success;win  N1","勝る[まさる]to excel; to surpass;to outrival  N1","勝敗[しょうはい]victory or defeat, issue (of battle)  N2","勝負[しょうぶ]victory or defeat, match,contest,game,bout  N2","勝ち[かち<br>がち]win,  victory  N3","優勝[ゆうしょう]overall victory,  championship  N3","勝つ[かつ]to win  N4","楽勝[らくしょう]Easy Victory,  easy win ","必勝[ひっしょう]Sure Victory,  certain victory, sure win, sure victory, certain win ","勝者[しょうしゃ]Winner,  victor ","勝手[かって]selfish ","辛勝[しんしょう]Narrow Victory ","殊勝[しゅしょう]admirable ","勝[しょう] (n) (1) win/victory (2) beautiful scenery/scenic spot (suf, ctr) (3) counter for wins ","勝手に[かってに] (adv) arbitrarily/of its own accord/voluntarily/wilfully/willfully/as one pleases ","決勝戦[けっしょうせん] (n) championship game/finals (of a tournament)/deciding round (P) ","優勝者[ゆうしょうしゃ] (n) prize winner/pennant winner/victor ","勝ち目[かちめ] (n) chance (of success)/odds ","身勝手[みがって] (adj-na, n) selfish/self-centred/egotistical ","連勝[れんしょう] (n, vs) consecutive victories/series of victories (P) ","準決勝[じゅんけっしょう] (n) (sports) semifinal (P) ","勝率[しょうりつ] (n) winning percentage (P) ","勝ち越す[かちこす] (v5s, vi) (1) to have more wins than losses/to lead someone (by no. of matches) (2) to take the lead over an opponent (in points) (P) ","使い勝手[つかいかって<br>つかいがって] (exp, n) ease of use/user-friendliness/usability/utility ","全勝[ぜんしょう] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) complete victory (n) (2) (sumo) winning a tournament with no losses (P) ","景勝[けいしょう] (n, adj-no) picturesque scenery/place of scenic beauty (P) ","好き勝手[すきかって] (adj-na) doing whatever one pleases ","勝ち取る[かちとる] (v5r, vt) to exert oneself and win/to gain (victory) ","自分勝手[じぶんかって<br>じぶんがって] (n, adj-na) (yoji) selfishness/egotism/egoism (being) self-centered/without consulting (doing) as one pleases/one's own free will ","圧勝[あっしょう] (n, vs) complete victory (P) ","大勝[たいしょう] (n, vs,adj-no) great victory/crushing victory (P) ","戦勝[せんしょう] (n, vs,adj-no) victory/triumph (P) ","勝山[かつやま] (n) woman's hairstyle (Edo period) (made popular by a Yoshiwara prostitute called Katsuyama) ","単勝[たんしょう] (n) winning at the races ","名勝[めいしょう] (n) place of scenic beauty/the sights ","勝ち星[かちぼし] (n) (mark indicating) a win (P) ","勝訴[しょうそ] (n, vs) winning a lawsuit (P) ","快勝[かいしょう] (n, vs) sweeping victory/easy victory (P) "],"進":["行進[こうしん]march; parade  N1","昇進[しょうしん]promotion  N1","進化[しんか]evolution; progress  N1","進行[しんこう]advance  N1","進出[しんしゅつ]advance; step forward  N1","進呈[しんてい]presentation  N1","進展[しんてん]progress; development  N1","進度[しんど]progress  N1","進路[しんろ]course; route  N1","推進[すいしん]propulsion; driving force  N1","進み[すすみ]progress  N1","促進[そくしん]promotion; acceleration;encouragement;facilitation;spurring on  N1","増進[ぞうしん]promoting; increase;advance  N1","進学[しんがく]going on to university  N3","進歩[しんぽ]progress,  development  N3","進める[すすめる]to advance,  to promote, to hasten  N3","前進[ぜんしん]advance,  drive, progress  N3","進む[すすむ<br>すさむ]to make progress  N4","先進国[せんしんこく]developed country ","直進[ちょくしん]straight on ","進入[しんにゅう]penetration entry ","進撃[しんげき]Advance,  charge ","躍進[やくしん]Rush,  dash, onslaught ","累進[るいしん]successive promotion,  gradual promotion, graduated ","先進[せんしん] (n, adj-no) seniority/advance/leadership (P) ","進水[しんすい] (n, vs) (ship's) launching ","進軍[しんぐん] (n, vs) march/advance ","進んで[すすんで] (adv) voluntarily/willingly/of one's own free will ","寄進[きしん] (n, vs) contribution (to a temple, shrine, etc.)/donation ","進級[しんきゅう] (n, vs) promotion (school, military, etc.) (P) ","急進[きゅうしん] (n, vs) rapid progress/radical (P) ","進言[しんげん] (n, vs) proposal/counsel/advice (to a superior) ","進駐[しんちゅう] (n, vs) occupation/stationing (P) ","発進[はっしん] (n, vs) departure/takeoff ","進め方[すすめかた] (n) format/procedure/way of proceeding ","後進[こうしん] (n) (1) one's junior/next generation (n, vs) (2) reversing/going astern/going backwards (P) ","推し進める[おしすすめる] (v1, vt) to press forward/to forge ahead/to push on ","進捗[しんちょく] (n, vs) progress/being under way (P) ","精進[しょうじ<br>しょうじん<br>そうじ<br>そうじん] (ok) (n, vs) (1) concentration/diligence/devotion (2) asceticism/zeal in one's quest for enlightenment (3) adherence to a vegetarian diet ","突き進む[つきすすむ] (v5m, vi) to push on/to plunge forward/to push one's way to ","新進党[しんしんとう] (n) New Frontier Party (defunct Japanese political party)/NFP ","進攻[しんこう] (n, vs) attack/drive/advance/invasion (P) ","進歩党[しんぽとう] (n) progressive party ","勧進[かんじん] (n, vs) temple solicitation (P) ","新進[しんしん] (n, adj-no) rising/up-and-coming (P) ","特進[とくしん] (n, vs) special promotion (in rank or grade) ","転進[てんしん] (n, vs) changing course or direction/shifting position ","突進[とっしん] (n, vs) rush/charge (P) ","亢進[こうしん] (n, vs) rising/exacerbated/exasperated/accelerated/aggravated "],"酒":["酒場[さかば]bar, bar-room  N2","酒[さけ<br>き<br>くし<br>ささ<br>しゅ]alcohol,  sake  N3","お酒[おさけ]alcohol,  rice wine  N5","日本酒[にほんしゅ,  にっぽんしゅ<br>にほんしゅ]Japanese Style Alcohol, japanese alcohol, sake ","酒屋[さかや]liquor store ","洋酒[ようしゅ]foreign wine ","酒飲み[さけのみ]Alcoholic,  boozer, drunkard ","酒好き[さけずき]Alcoholic,  boozer, drunkard ","梅酒[うめしゅ]Ume Wine,  plum wine, plum liquor, umeshu ","禁酒[きんしゅ]abstention from alcohol ","居酒屋[いざかや]bar ","酒造[しゅぞう]Brewing,  distilling ","飲酒[いんしゅ] (n, vs) drinking alcohol (sake) (P) ","飲酒運転[いんしゅうんてん] (n) drunken driving/driving while intoxicated/drinking and driving (P) ","酒類[しゅるい] (n) alcoholic drinks/liquor (P) "],"鳴":["共鳴[きょうめい]resonance; sympathy  N1","怒鳴る[どなる]to shout; to yell  N1","悲鳴[ひめい]shriek; scream  N1","鳴らす[ならす]to ring, to sound,to chime,to beat,to snort (nose)  N2","鳴る[なる]to sound  N4","鳴く[なく]animal noise. to chirp,  roar or croak etc.  N5","鳴き声[なきごえ]Animal Cry,  animal sound, animal noise, chirp, tweet, roar, bark, meow ","鳴子[なるこ] (n) clapper ","雷鳴[らいめい] (n) thunder/thunderclap/crash of thunder (P) ","鳴門[なると] (n) (1) strait with a roaring tidal ebb and flow/whirlpool/maelstrom (2) (abbr) kamaboko with a spiral whirlpool-like pattern (3) (food) cooking technique where ingredients are cut in a spiral pattern (4) Naruto/city in NE Tokushima pref (5) (abbr) Naruto Strait (6) (abbr) Naruto wakame (P) "],"配":["気配[けはい<br>きはい]indication; market trend;worry  N1","手配[てはい]arrangement; search (by police)  N1","配給[はいきゅう]distribution (eg. films&nbsp; &nbsp;rice)  N1","配偶者[はいぐうしゃ<br>はいぐう しゃ]spouse; wife;husband  N1","配置[はいち]arrangement (of resources); disposition  N1","配布[はいふ]distribution  N1","配分[はいぶん]distribution; allotment  N1","配慮[はいりょ]consideration; concern;forethought  N1","配列[はいれつ]arrangement; array (programming)  N1","分配[ぶんぱい]division; sharing  N1","配る[くばる]to distribute, to deliver  N2","支配[しはい]rule,  control, direction  N3","心配[しんぱい]worry,  concern, anxiety, care  N3","配達[はいたつ<br>はいだつ]delivery,  distribution  N3","年配[ねんぱい]advanced age ","気配り[きくばり]attention to detail ","配当[はいとう]apportionment ","心配事[しんぱいごと]Cares,  worries, troubles ","心配する[しんぱいする]To Worry,  to be concerned, to be anxious ","配達する[はいたつする]To Deliver ","配属[はいぞく]assignment ","勾配[こうばい]gradient ","配信[はいしん] (n, vs) distribution (of information, etc.)/broadcast/delivery/transmission (P) ","配下[はいか] (n) followers/subordinates/being under someone's command ","配す[はいす] (v5s, vt) (1) to distribute/to arrange/to allot (to a position of authority, etc.) (2) to arrange/to lay out (as in decorating) (3) to marry off (4) to exile/to banish ","配備[はいび] (n, vs) deploy/deployment (P) ","指名手配[しめいてはい] (n, vs) (yoji) (the police) wanting (someone) for questioning/having (someone) on the wanted list (P) ","交配[こうはい] (n, vs) mating/crossbreeding/cross-fertilization/cross-fertilisation ","配偶[はいぐう] (n, vs,adj-no) combination ","支配者[しはいしゃ] (n) governor/leader/ruler ","配線[はいせん] (n, vs) wiring (P) ","支配人[しはいにん] (n) manager/executive (P) ","配送[はいそう] (n, vs) delivery (P) ","宅配[たくはい] (n, vs,adj-no) home delivery (P) ","配付[はいふ] (n, vs) distributing/dealing out/apportionment ","配合[はいごう] (n, vs,adj-no) combination/arrangement/distribution/mixture/match/harmony ","集配[しゅうはい] (n, vs) collection and delivery ","配管[はいかん] (n, vs) plumbing/piping (P) ","配色[はいしょく] (n, vs) color scheme/colour scheme ","配流[はいる] (n, vs) exile/banishment ","配役[はいやく] (n) cast (of a play) (P) ","配電[はいでん] (n, vs) distribution of electricity (P) ","采配[さいはい] (n) (1) baton (of command) (2) order/command/direction "],"顔":["顔付き[かおつき](outward) looks; features;face;countenance;expression  N1","笑顔[えがお]smiling face  N3","顔[かお<br>がん<br>かんばせ]Face ","朝顔[あさがお]morning glory ","横顔[よこがお]side profile ","顔つき[かおつき]facial expression ","顔なじみ[かおなじみ]familiar face ","顔立ち[かおだち]features ","顔色[かおいろ<br>がんしょく]complexion ","顔面[がんめん]Face Of A Person,  person's face, face ","泣き顔[なきがお]crying face ","素顔[すがお]face without makeup ","寝顔[ねがお]one's sleeping face ","顔触れ[かおぶれ]personnel ","似顔絵[にがおえ]likeness ","瓜実顔[うりざねがお]oval face,  classic features ","顔料[がんりょう] (n) (1) pigment (2) paint/colour/color "],"落":["お洒落[おしゃれ]smartly dressed; someone smartly dressed;fashion-conscious  N1","落ち込む[おちこむ]to fall into; to feel down (sad)  N1","落ち着き[おちつき]calm; composure  N1","落ち葉[おちば]fallen leaves; leaf litter;defoliation;shedding leaves  N1","落ちる[おちる]to fail (e.g. exam); to fall down;to drop  N1","落とす[おとす]to drop; to lose;to let fall  N1","洒落[しゃれ]frank; open-hearted  N1","洒落る[しゃれる]to joke; to play on words;to dress stylishly  N1","墜落[ついらく]falling; crashing  N1","転落[てんらく]fall; degradation;slump  N1","没落[ぼつらく]ruin; fall;collapse  N1","見落とす[みおとす]to overlook; to fail to notice  N1","落下[らっか]fall; drop;come down  N1","落着く[おちつく]to calm down, to settle down  N2","落し物[おとしもの]lost property  N2","落第[らくだい]failure, dropping out of a class  N2","落る[おちる]to fall or drop  N4","落す[おとす]to drop  N4","手落ち[ておち]error ","落ちこぼれ[おちこぼれ]dropout ","落ち合う[おちあう]join ","落とし物[おとしもの]lost property ","落札[らくさつ<br>おちふだ]successful bid ","落語[らくご](Japanese comic story) ","集落[しゅうらく]colony ","落ち着く[おちつく]calm down ","落書き[らくがき]Graffiti,  scribble, sketch ","暴落[ぼうらく]plunge ","脱落[だつらく]be omitted ","一段落[いちだんらく<br>ひとだんらく]end of chapter ","段落[だんらく]paragraph ","陥落[かんらく]fall,  sinking, surrender ","堕落[だらく]corruption,  depravity, degradation ","落胆[らくたん]discouragement,  despondency, dejection, disappointment ","落ち着ける[おちつける] (v1, vt) to quiet/to calm down/to compose oneself/to settle down ","奈落[ならく] (n) (1) (Buddh) Naraka (san: naraka)/hell/hades (2) very bottom/the end/worst possible circumstances (3) theatre basement/theater basement ","落[おち] (io) (n) (1) slip/omission (2) outcome/final result/the end (3) (uk) punch line (of a joke) ","下落[げらく] (n, vs) depreciation/decline/fall/slump (P) ","落成[らくせい] (n, vs) completion (of a building) ","部落[ぶらく] (n) (1) (sens) hamlet/subunit of village (2) (sens) burakumin area (P) ","落選[らくせん] (n, vs) election loss/rejection (P) ","脱落者[だつらくしゃ] (n) dropout/quitter/deserter ","落城[らくじょう] (n, vs) surrender (fall) of a castle ","切り落とす[きりおとす] (v5s, vt) to cut off/to lop off/to prune ","村落[そんらく] (n) village/hamlet/settlement ","突き落とす[つきおとす] (v5s, vt) to thrust down/to push off ","駆け落ち[かけおち] (n, vs) elopement/running away with a lover ","落ち[おち] (n) (1) slip/omission (2) outcome/final result/the end (3) (uk) punch line (of a joke) (P) ","落とし穴[おとしあな] (n) pitfall/trap/pit (P) ","急落[きゅうらく] (n, vs) sudden fall/sharp fall/sudden drop/sharp drop (P) ","落馬[らくば] (n, vs) falling from a horse ","崩落[ほうらく] (n, vs) collapse/break/cave-in/crash (market) decline (P) ","欠落[けつらく] (n, vs) missing/lacking ","落差[らくさ] (n) (1) difference in elevation (between two points in a body of water)/head/drop (e.g. of a waterfall)/fall distance (2) difference/gap (P) ","群落[ぐんらく] (n) many communities (villages)/cluster of plants ","落ち延びる[おちのびる] (v1, vi) to run away/to escape safely ","落下傘[らっかさん] (n) parachute ","落雷[らくらい] (n) (1) lightning strike/thunderbolt/bolt of lightning (vs) (2) to strike (lightning)/to be struck by lightning (P) ","攻め落とす[せめおとす] (v5s, vt) to take by storm (e.g. a castle)/to assault/to capture/to reduce "],"速":["迅速[じんそく]quick; fast;rapid;swift;prompt  N1","加速[かそく]acceleration  N2","加速度[かそくど]acceleration  N2","早速[さっそく]at once, immediately,without delay,promptly  N2","時速[じそく]speed (per hour)  N2","速達[そくたつ]express, special delivery  N2","速力[そくりょく]speed  N2","急速[きゅうそく]rapid (e.g. progress)  N3","高速[こうそく]high speed,  high gear  N3","速度[そくど]speed,  velocity, rate  N3","速い[はやい]quick  N5","全速力[ぜんそくりょく]full speed ","速さ[はやさ]speed ","速やか[すみやか]quick ","風速[ふうそく]wind velocity ","高速道路[こうそくどうろ]freeway ","速達便[そくたつびん]special delivery ","減速[げんそく]deceleration ","快速[かいそく]High Speed,  express ","超音速[ちょうおんそく]Supersonic Speed ","速[そく] (suf, ctr) gear/speed (e.g. 4-speed transmission) ","変速[へんそく] (n, vs) shifting gears/changing gears ","速報[そくほう] (n, vs) news flash/prompt report/bulletin/quick announcement (P) ","最速[さいそく] (adj-no) fastest ","低速[ていそく] (n, adj-no) low speed/slow speed ","音速[おんそく] (n) speed of sound ","速射砲[そくしゃほう] (n) (1) rapid-fire gun or cannon (2) (col) talking rapidly/barrage of words or questions ","失速[しっそく] (n, vs) (1) stall (in flying) (2) downturn/slowdown/slump/weakening/decline (P) ","速攻[そっこう] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) swift attack/quick attack/fast break (adv) (2) (col) right away/without delay/immediately (P) ","速球[そっきゅう] (n) (baseb) fastball (P) ","速記[そっき] (n, vs,adj-no) shorthand/stenography (P) ","光速[こうそく] (n) speed of light ","浪速[なにわ] (n) Naniwa (former name for Osaka region) ","球速[きゅうそく] (n) speed of a pitched ball (pitcher's) pace ","初速[しょそく] (n) (physics) initial velocity "],"頭":["街頭[がいとう]in the street  N1","口頭[こうとう]oral  N1","冒頭[ぼうとう]beginning; start;outset  N1","頭脳[ずのう]head, brains,intellect  N2","先頭[せんとう]head, lead,vanguard,first  N2","頭痛[ずつう]headache  N3","頭[あたま<br>かしら<br>がしら<br>かぶ<br>かぶし<br>かぶり<br>こうべ<br>ず<br>つぶり<br>つむ<br>つむり<br>とう<br>どたま]head  N5","年頭[ねんとう]beginning of the year ","石頭[いしあたま]obstinate ","念頭[ねんとう]mind ","没頭[ぼっとう]immersing oneself,  immersing yourself, immerse oneself, immerse yourself ","初頭[しょとう] (n-adv, n-t) beginning (of a century, etc.) (P) ","頭文字[かしらもじ] (n) (1) first letter of a word/capital letter (at the start of a word or sentence) (2) initials (of one's name) (P) ","筆頭[ひっとう<br>ふでがしら] (n, adj-no) (1) brush tip (2) first on a list (3) head/chief (P) ","弾頭[だんとう] (n) warhead (P) ","頭部[とうぶ] (n) (1) head/cranium (adj-no) (2) cephalic (P) ","店頭[てんとう] (n) (1) shopfront/storefront/shopwindow (near the) shop entrance (adj-no) (2) (finc) over-the-counter (P) ","台頭[たいとう] (n, vs) rise (e.g. of a movement)/emergence/rearing one's head/gaining prominence/coming to the fore/gaining power/gathering strength (P) ","埠頭[ふとう] (n) pier/wharf/quay/dock ","頭角[とうかく] (n) distinguishing oneself/standing out/top of the head (P) ","頭取[とうどり] (n) (1) (bank) president (2) greenroom manager (in a theater) (P) ","地頭[じあたま<br>じとう] (n) (1) wigless head/head of natural hair (2) intelligence/comprehension/smarts ","頭から[あたまから] (adv) (1) from the beginning/without hesitation/flatly (e.g. refusing) (2) entirely/completely ","頭蓋[ずがい<br>とうがい] (n) (anat) cranium/skull ","教頭[きょうとう] (n) deputy head teacher/vice principal (P) ","頭蓋骨[ずがいこつ<br>とうがいこつ] (n) skull/cranium ","出頭[しゅっとう] (n, vs) (1) appearance/presence/attendance (2) surrender (e.g. to the police)/turning oneself in (P) ","番頭[ばんとう] (n) (head) clerk ","饅頭[まんじゅう<br>マントー<br>マントウ] (n) manju/steamed yeast bun with filling ","音頭[おんど] (n) (1) lead (in a cheer,  toast, song, etc.) (someone's) lead (2) folk song and dance performed by a group (3) leader of a group of wind instruments (in gagaku) (P) ","頭上[ずじょう] (n, adj-no) overhead/above one's head/high in the sky (P) ","接頭辞[せっとうじ] (n) (ling) prefix ","頭骨[かしらぼね<br>ずこつ<br>とうこつ] (n) skull ","巻頭[かんとう] (n) (1) beginning (of a book,  magazine, etc.)/opening page (2) beginning (of a matter)/start ","会頭[かいとう] (n) society president (P) ","咽頭[いんとう] (n) (anat) pharynx ","若頭[わかがしら] (n) leader of a crime syndicate's henchmen/young leading subordinate in yakuza group ","頭巾[ずきん<br>ときん] (n) hood/kerchief "],"調":["協調[きょうちょう]co-operation; conciliation;harmony;firm (market) tone  N1","好調[こうちょう]favourable; promising;satisfactory;in good shape  N1","下調べ[したしらべ]preliminary investigation; preparation  N1","失調[しっちょう]lack of harmony  N1","調べ[しらべ]preparation; investigation;inspection  N1","単調[たんちょう]monotony; monotone;dullness  N1","調印[ちょういん<br>ちょういん]]signature; sign;sealing  N1","調停[ちょうてい]arbitration; conciliation;mediation  N1","調理[ちょうり]cooking  N1","調和[ちょうわ]harmony  N1","取り調べる[とりしらべる]to investigate; to examine  N1","同調[どうちょう]sympathy; agree with;alignment;tuning  N1","不調[ふちょう]bad condition; not to work out (ie a deal);disagreement;break-off;disorder;slump;out of form  N1","調整[ちょうせい]regulation, adjustment,tuning  N2","調節[ちょうせつ]regulation, adjustment,control  N2","調味料[ちょうみりょう]condiment, seasoning  N2","強調[きょうちょう]emphasis,  stress, stressed point  N3","順調[じゅんちょう]favourable,  doing well, O.K., all right  N3","調査[ちょうさ]investigation,  examination, inquiry, survey  N3","調子[ちょうし]tune,  tone, key  N3","調べる[しらべる]to investigate  N4","体調[たいちょう]health condition ","歩調[ほちょう]pace ","取り調べ[とりしらべ]inquiry ","調達[ちょうたつ] (n, vs) supply/provision/raising/procurement (P) ","短調[たんちょう] (n) (music) minor key (P) ","調[ちょう] (n) (1) pitch/tone/key (2) time/tempo (n, suf) (3) mood/tendency/style (n) (4) (arch) tax paid in kind (ritsuryo period)/first a tax on rice fields and households, then on individuals ","基調[きちょう] (n) (1) basic tone/underlying tone/basic theme/basis/keynote (2) trend (3) (music) keynote (P) ","調教[ちょうきょう] (n, vs) training (animals)/breaking (animals) (P) ","調査中[ちょうさちゅう] (exp, adj-no) under investigation ","長調[ちょうちょう] (n, adj-no) (music) major key (P) ","絶好調[ぜっこうちょう] (n, adj-na) in perfect form/going swimmingly (P) ","調味[ちょうみ] (n, vs) seasoning/flavoring/flavouring ","口調[くちょう] (n) tone (e.g. of voice,  etc.) (verbal) expression (P) ","変調[へんちょう] (n, vs) (1) change of tone/variation (music)/irregularity/anomaly/abnormality (2) modulation (in radio) ","論調[ろんちょう] (n) tone (of argument)/tenor/drift (P) ","空調[くうちょう] (n) (abbr) air conditioning (P) ","復調[ふくちょう] (n, vs) (1) demodulation (2) recovery/getting back to form (P) ","調律[ちょうりつ] (n, vs) tuning (musical) ","調書[ちょうしょ] (n) protocol/written evidence/record (investigation,  interrogation, etc.)/preliminary memo/charge sheet (P) ","低調[ていちょう] (adj-na, n) inactive/slow/sluggish/slack/low tone/undertone/dullness (market) weakness (P) ","色調[しきちょう] (n) color tone/colour tone (P) "],"葉":["落ち葉[おちば]fallen leaves; leaf litter;defoliation;shedding leaves  N1","紅葉[こうよう<br>もみじ](1) (Japanese) maple  N2","言葉遣い[ことばづかい]speech, expression,wording  N2","葉[は<br>よう]leaf  N4","言葉[ことば<br>けとば]word, language  N5","葉書[はがき]postcard  N5","青葉[あおば]Greenery ","木の葉[このは]tree leaves ","葉っぱ[はっぱ]leaf ","話し言葉[はなしことば]spoken language ","松葉[まつば]Pine Needle ","書き言葉[かきことば]written language ","絵葉書[えはがき]postcard ","根掘り葉掘り[ね ほり は ほり]in great detail ","枯れ葉[かれは]dead leaf ","千葉[ちば] (n) Chiba (city) (P) ","葉書き[はがき] (n) (1) (abbr) (uk) postcard (2) (uk) memo/note/card ","双葉[ふたば] (n, adj-no) bud/sprout (P) ","葉月[はづき] (n) (obs) eighth month of the lunar calendar ","若葉[わかば] (n) new leaves/fresh verdure (P) ","褒め言葉[ほめことば] (n) words of praise/eulogy/compliment ","複葉[ふくよう] (n) compound leaf/biplane ","単葉[たんよう] (n, adj-na,adj-no) simple leaf/monoplane ","広葉樹[こうようじゅ] (n) broadleaf tree (P) ","針葉樹[しんようじゅ] (n) conifer/needle-leaved tree ","葉柄[ようへい] (n) leaf stalk/petiole ","二葉[によう<br>ふたば] (n) two flat things ","中葉[ちゅうよう] (n-adv, n-t) (1) about the middle (of an era) (n) (2) (anat) middle lobe (right lung)/median lobe (prostate) "],"最":["最善[さいぜん]the very best  N1","最早[もはや]already; now  N1","最高[さいこう]highest,  supreme, the most  N3","最終[さいしゅう]last,  final, closing  N3","最中[さいちゅう<br>さなか<br>もなか]in the middle of  N3","最低[さいてい]the lowest;  the worst  N3","最も[もっとも<br>もとも]most,  extremely  N3","最近[さいきん]latest, nowadays  N4","最後[さいご]last, end  N4","最初[さいしょ]beginning, first  N4","最上[さいじょう<br>もがみ]best ","最大[さいだい]biggest ","最小[さいしょう]the smallest ","最強[さいきょう]strongest ","最深[さいしん]Deepest,  the deepest ","最悪[さいあく]The Worst,  worst ","最期[さいご]one's last moments ","真っ最中[まっさいちゅう]midst ","最大限[さいだいげん]greatest ","最小限[さいしょうげん]minimum ","最先端[さいせんたん]cutting edge ","最適[さいてき]optimum ","最新鋭[さいしんえい]State Of The Art,  cutting edge ","最優遇[さいゆうぐう]most favorable treatment,  warmest reception ","最新[さいしん] (n, adj-no) latest/newest/late-breaking (news) (P) ","最[さい] (pref, adj-na) (1) the most/the extreme (adj-t,adv-to) (2) prime/conspicuous ","最終的[さいしゅうてき] (adj-na) final/eventual/ultimate (P) ","最低限[さいていげん] (n, adj-no) (1) minimum (n-adv) (2) at the very least (P) ","最寄り[もより] (n, adj-no) nearest/neighbouring/neighboring/nearby (P) ","最高峰[さいこうほう] (n) (1) highest peak/highest mountain (2) greatest authority/most prominent person/pinnacle (e.g. of art)/peak (P) ","最優先[さいゆうせん] (n, vs) maximum preference/maximum priority/priority handling ","最多[さいた] (adj-no, n) most (numerous) (P) ","最高裁[さいこうさい] (n) (abbr) Supreme Court (P) ","最古[さいこ] (n, adj-no) the oldest (P) ","最速[さいそく] (adj-no) fastest ","最高裁判所[さいこうさいばんしょ] (n) Supreme Court ","最愛[さいあい] (adj-no, n) beloved/dearest (P) ","最長[さいちょう] (adj-no, n) (1) longest (2) oldest (P) ","最寄[もより] (io) (n, adj-no) nearest/neighbouring/neighboring/nearby ","最終日[さいしゅうび] (n) last day/final day ","最前線[さいぜんせん] (n) front line/forefront (P) ","最優秀[さいゆうしゅう] (adj-no) best/most (valuable player)/top (quality)/grade A/ace/finest ","最悪の事態[さいあくのじたい] (exp, n,adj-no) worst/worst-case (scenario) ","最良[さいりょう] (adj-no, adj-na,n) the best/ideal (P) ","最短[さいたん] (n, adj-no) shortest (P) ","最も重要[もっともじゅうよう] (exp, adj-na) most important/central/matters most/overriding/top ","世界最大[せかいさいだい] (adj-no, n) world's largest ","最下位[さいかい] (n) (1) last place/lowest position/lowest rank (adj-no) (2) (comp) least significant (bit)/lowest order ","最少[さいしょう] (adj-no, n) (1) fewest/least/smallest (number)/lowest/minimum (2) youngest (P) ","最後尾[さいこうび] (n) end of a line (queue) (P) "],"路":["海路[かいろ<br>うなじ<br>うみじ]sea route  N1","回路[かいろ]circuit (electric)  N1","経路[けいろ]course; route;channel  N1","進路[しんろ]course; route  N1","十字路[じゅうじろ]crossroads  N1","針路[しんろ]course, direction,compass bearing  N2","線路[せんろ]line, track,roadbed  N2","通路[つうろ]passage, pathway  N2","道路[どうろ]road,  highway  N3","路地[ろじ]Alley,  path, dirt road ","路上[ろじょう]on the road ","高速道路[こうそくどうろ]freeway ","順路[じゅんろ]fixed route ","迷路[めいろ]Maze ","航路[こうろ]course ","滑走路[かっそう ろ]runway ","路線[ろせん] (n) (1) route (bus,  train, air, etc.)/line (2) line (taken by a group, organization, etc.)/policy/course (P) ","路[じ<br>ち<br>ぢ<br>みち] (suf) (1) route/road (2) distance travelled in a day (3) one's ... (age,  e.g. 40s, 60s) ","路面[ろめん] (n) road surface (P) ","水路[すいろ] (n) (1) waterway/canal/channel/watercourse/aqueduct (2) swimming pool lane (P) ","街路[がいろ] (n) road/street/avenue (P) ","帰路[きろ] (n-adv, n-t) one's way back (P) ","復路[ふくろ] (n-adv, n-t) return path (of a signal, communication)/return trip ","山路[さんろ<br>やまじ] (n) mountain path "],"横":["横綱[よこづな<br>よこづな,  よこずな]sumo grand champion  N1","横断[おうだん]crossing  N3","横切る[よこぎる]to cross (e.g. arms),  to traverse  N3","横[よこ]beside, side,width  N5","横たわる[よこたわる]lie down ","横文字[よこもじ]European language ","横道[よこみち]side street ","横顔[よこがお]side profile ","横着[おうちゃく]idle ","横取り[よこどり]interception ","横書き[よこがき]horizontal writing ","横断歩道[おうだんほどう]pedestrian crossing ","横浜[よこはま]Yokohama ","縦横[たてよこ<br>じゅうおう]Length And Width,  vertical and horizontal ","横手[よこて<br>よこで] (n, adj-no) (1) side/beside (2) feature of a sword blade (P) ","横行[おうぎょう<br>おうこう] (ok) (n, vs,adj-no) (1) walking sideways/staggering/striding (2) being rampant/being widespread/being prevalent ","横目[よこめ] (n) sidelong glance (P) ","横領[おうりょう] (n, vs) embezzlement/misappropriation/usurpation (P) ","横穴[おうけつ<br>よこあな] (n) cave/tunnel ","横丁[よこちょう] (n) bystreet/side street/back street/alley/lane "],"成":["行き成り[ゆきなり]suddenly  N1","育成[いくせい]rearing; training;nurture;cultivation;promotion  N1","可成[かなり]considerably; fairly;quite  N1","形成[けいせい]formation  N1","結成[けっせい]formation  N1","合成[ごうせい]synthesis; composition;synthetic;composite;mixed;combined;compound  N1","賛成[さんせい]approval; agreement;support;favour  N1","成果[せいか]results; fruits  N1","成熟[せいじゅく]maturity; ripeness  N1","成年[せいねん]majority; adult age  N1","達成[たっせい]achievement  N1","成り立つ[なりたつ]to conclude; to consist of;to be practical (logical&nbsp;&nbsp;feasible&nbsp;&nbsp;viable);to hold true  N1","成る丈[なるたけ]as much as possible; if possible  N1","成るべく[なるべく]as much as possible  N1","持て成す[もてなす]to entertain; to make welcome  N1","養成[ようせい]training; development  N1","作成[さくせい]frame, draw up,make,producing  N2","成分[せいぶん]ingredient, component,composition  N2","成立[せいりつ]coming into existence, arrangements,establishment,completion  N2","完成[かんせい](1) complete,  completion, (2) perfection, accomplishment  N3","構成[こうせい]organization,  composition  N3","成功[せいこう]success,  hit  N3","成人[せいじん]adult  N3","成績[せいせき]results,  record  N3","成長[せいちょう]growth,  grow to adulthood  N3","成る[なる]to become  N3","平成[へいせい]Heisei era ","成り行き[なりゆき]course of events ","成算[せいさん]prospects of success ","持て成し[もてなし]hospitality ","未成年[みせいねん]minor ","促成[そくせい]promotion of growth ","既成[きせい]established ","編成[へんせい]organization ","賛成する[さんせいする]To Agree,  to support ","成し遂げる[なしとげる]carry out ","醸成[じょうせい]brew,  ferment, breed ","生成[きなり<br>せいせい] (n) (1) unbleached cloth/unbleached colour (color) (adj-na, adj-no) (2) unbleached/undyed ","大成功[だいせいこう] (n) huge success (P) ","助成[じょせい] (n, vs) assisting/assistance/fostering/aiding (P) ","成す[なす] (v5s, vt) (1) (uk) to build up/to establish (2) (uk) to form/to become (a state) (3) (uk) to accomplish/to achieve/to succeed in (4) (uk) to change into (5) (uk) to do/to perform (aux-v) (6) (arch) to intend to/to attempt/to try (P) ","組成[そせい] (n, vs,adj-no) composition/constitution (P) ","落成[らくせい] (n, vs) completion (of a building) ","混成[こんせい] (n, vs,adj-no) mixed (e.g. team, chorus) (P) ","成虫[せいちゅう] (n, adj-no) imago/adult (insect) ","造成[ぞうせい] (n, vs) creation/clearing/reclamation (P) ","大成[たいせい] (n, vs) completion/accomplishment/attainment of greatness or success (P) ","未完成[みかんせい] (adj-na, n,adj-no) incompletion/incomplete/unfinished (P) ","成形[せいけい] (n, vs) (1) cast/mold/mould/casting/molding/moulding/compacting (e.g. in metallurgy) (2) forming/shaping/fashioning ","熟成[じゅくせい] (n, vs) maturing/ripening/aging/ageing/curing/fermenting ","集大成[しゅうたいせい] (n, vs) (1) (large) compilation (n) (2) culmination (of hard work) (P) ","光合成[こうごうせい] (n) photosynthesis ","成体[せいたい] (n, adj-no) adult organism/imago ","成就[じょうじゅ] (n, vs,n-suf) fulfillment/fulfilment/realization/realisation/completion (P) ","化成[かせい] (n, vs) change/transformation (P) ","成型[せいけい] (n, vs) (1) cast/mold/mould/casting/molding/moulding/compacting (e.g. in metallurgy) (2) forming/shaping/fashioning ","集成[しゅうせい] (n, vs) aggregation ","焼成[しょうせい] (n, vs) firing (pottery) "],"争":["争い[あらそい]dispute; strife;quarrel;dissension;conflict;rivalry;contest  N1","抗争[こうそう]dispute; resistance  N1","紛争[ふんそう]dispute; trouble;strife  N1","争う[あらそう<br>あらがう]to dispute, to argue,to be at variance,to compete  N2","論争[ろんそう]controversy,  dispute  N3","競争[きょうそう]competition  N4","戦争[せんそう]war  N4","争議[そうぎ]dispute ","闘争[とうそう]conflict ","戊辰戦争[ぼしんせんそう] (n) Boshin War (Japanese civil war between Imperial and shogunate forces,  1868-1869) ","争奪[そうだつ] (n, vs) struggle (for)/scramble/contest (P) ","争点[そうてん] (n) point at issue (P) ","太平洋戦争[たいへいようせんそう] (n) Pacific War (1941-1945) (P) ","係争[けいそう] (n, adj-no) contention/dispute/conflict/controversy (P) ","政争[せいそう] (n) political strife (P) "],"便":["大便[だいべん]feces; excrement;shit  N1","不便[ふべん<br>ふびん]pity; compassion  N1","便宜[べんぎ<br>びんぎ]convenience; accommodation;advantage;expedience  N1","小便[しょうべん<br>しょんべん](col) urine, piss  N2","便箋[びんせん]writing paper, stationery  N2","船便[ふなびん]surface mail (ship)  N2","便所[べんじょ<br>びんしょ]toilet, lavatory,rest room,latrine,comfort station  N2","便り[たより<br>だより]news,  tidings, information, correspondence, letter  N3","便[びん<br>べん<br>よすか<br>よすが]flight  N3","郵便[ゆうびん]mail,  postal service  N3","便利[べんり]useful,  convenient  N5","郵便局[ゆうびんきょく]post office  N5","便乗[びんじょう]advantageous opportunity ","速達便[そくたつびん]special delivery ","郵便屋さん[ゆうびんやさん]mail carrier ","郵便箱[ゆうびんばこ]Mailbox,  postbox ","郵便番号[ゆうびんばんごう]Post Number,  postal code, postcode ","航空便[こうくうびん]airmail ","便秘[べんぴ]Constipation ","利便[りべん] (adj-na, n) convenience (P) ","軽便[けいべん] (adj-na, n) convenience/simplicity ","簡便[かんべん] (adj-na, n) handy/simple and easy ","便器[べんき] (n) bedpan/chamber pot/urinal/toilet bowl ","急便[きゅうびん] (n) express dispatch/urgent correspondence "],"老":["老いる[おいる]to age; to grow old  N1","老ける[ふける]to age  N1","老衰[ろうすい]senility; senile decay  N1","老い[おい]old age,  old person, the old, the aged  N3","老人[ろうじん]the aged,  old person  N3","海老[えび]shrimp ","老化[ろうか]aging ","老後[ろうご]one's old age ","老眼[ろうがん]Farsightedness ","敬老[けいろう]respect for the aged ","老齢[ろうれい]Old Age ","老舗[しにせ,  ろうほ<br>しにせ<br>ろうほ]old shop, old store ","老朽[ろうきゅう]decrepit,  overage, obsolete, too old ","家老[かろう] (n) chief retainer/daimyo's minister ","老[ろう] (n-pref) old age/age/old people/the old/the aged/senior/elder ","老師[ろうし] (n) old priest/sage (Zen) teacher ","元老[げんろう] (n) (1) elder statesman/doyen/old-timer/authority (2) Genro (member of a pre-WWII body that informally advised the emperor) (P) ","長老[ちょうろう] (n, adj-no) (1) elder/senior (n) (2) (Buddh) senior monk (3) dean/presbyter/patriarch (P) ","老中[ろうじゅう<br>ろうぢゅう] (n) member of shogun's council of elders ","養老[ようろう] (n) (1) making provision for the elderly (2) Yoro era (717.11.17-724.2.4) (P) ","大老[たいろう] (n) (Edo-period) chief minister "],"命":["運命[うんめい]fate  N1","革命[かくめい]revolution  N1","使命[しめい]mission; errand;message  N1","宿命[しゅくめい]fate; destiny;predestination  N1","任命[にんめい]appointment; nomination;ordination;commission;designation  N1","命中[めいちゅう]a hit  N1","寿命[じゅみょう]life span  N2","人命[じんめい](human) life  N2","命ずる[めいずる]to command, to appoint  N2","命[いのち<br>みこと<br>めい]command,  decree, life, destiny  N3","生命[せいめい]life,  existence  N3","命じる[めいじる]to order,  to command, to appoint  N3","命令[めいれい]order,  command, decree, directive, (software) instruction  N3","一生懸命[いっしょうけんめい]with utmost effort  N4","亡命[ぼうめい]exile ","命日[めいにち]anniversary of death ","革命者[かくめいしゃ]Revolutionary,  a revolutionary ","懸命[けんめい]Eager,  eagerness ","致命的[ちめいてき]Fatal ","命名[めいめい] (n, vs,adj-no) naming/christening (P) ","生命体[せいめいたい] (n) life-form ","命懸け[いのちがけ] (n, adj-no) putting one's life on the line/staking one's life (on)/risking one's life/life and death situation (P) ","命の恩人[いのちのおんじん] (exp, n) lifesaver/person who saved one's life ","特命[とくめい] (n) mission ","致命[ちめい] (n) fatal ","命題[めいだい] (n, adj-no) (1) proposition/thesis/notion/theory (2) problem/issue/challenge (P) ","命取り[いのちとり] (adj-no, n) fatal/deadly/mortal ","存命[ぞんめい] (n, vs) being alive ","救命[きゅうめい] (n, adj-no) lifesaving (P) ","短命[たんめい] (adj-na, n,adj-no) short life/short lived (P) ","本命[ほんめい] (n, adj-no) (1) favorite (to win)/favourite/likely winner (2) (col) one's heart's desire/first choice (P) ","延命[えんみょう<br>えんめい] (ok) (n, vs,adj-no) keeping alive longer/prolonging life/life extension/life-support ","勅命[ちょくめい] (n) imperial command ","助命[じょめい] (n) (1) sparing a life/clemency (2) reconsideration of an employee's dismissal ","一命[いちめい] (n) (a) life (a) command "],"指":["指図[さしず]instruction; mandate  N1","指揮[しき]command; direction  N1","指示[しじ<br>しし]indication; instruction;directions  N1","指摘[してき]pointing out; identification  N1","指令[しれい]orders; instructions;directive  N1","中指[なかゆび]middle finger  N1","指差す[ゆびさす]to point at  N1","親指[おやゆび]thumb  N2","薬指[くすりゆび]ring finger  N2","小指[こゆび]little finger  N2","指定[してい]designation, specification,assignment,pointing at  N2","人差指[ひとさしゆび]index finger  N2","目指す[めざす]to aim at, to have an eye on  N2","指す[さす]to point,  to put up umbrella, to play  N3","指導[しどう]leadership,  guidance, coaching  N3","指[ゆび<br>おゆび<br>および<br>さし]finger  N4","指輪[ゆびわ]finger ring  N4","指定する[していする]To Appoint,  to assign, to designate, to specify ","指切り[ゆびきり]pledging by hooking each other's pinkies ","指圧[しあつ]Shiatsu,  finger pressure ","人差し指[ひとさしゆび]index finger ","指揮者[しきしゃ]Commander ","指摘する[してきする]To Point Out,  to identify ","指紋[しもん]fingerprint ","指名[しめい] (n, vs) (1) naming/nominating/designating (2) calling on/asking for/requesting (P) ","指揮官[しきかん] (n) commander/commanding officer/CO ","指数[しすう] (n) index/index number/exponent (e.g. in floating-point representation)/characteristic (P) ","指導者[しどうしゃ] (n) leader/guide/mentor/coach (P) ","指標[しひょう] (n) index/indices/indicator (P) ","指向[しこう] (n, vs) (1) being orientated (towards)/pointing (towards)/directing (towards) (adj-no) (2) directional (e.g. microphone) (n-suf) (3) -oriented ","屈指[くっし] (n, adj-no) leading/foremost/preeminent/outstanding/one of the best (P) ","指名手配[しめいてはい] (n, vs) (yoji) (the police) wanting (someone) for questioning/having (someone) on the wanted list (P) ","指針[ししん] (n) (1) needle (compass,  gauge, etc.)/hand (clock)/indicator/pointer/index (2) guiding principle/guideline/guide (P) ","指先[ゆびさき] (n, adj-no) (1) fingertip/finger (2) toe tip/toe (P) ","指南[しなん] (n, vs) instruction (in martial arts, performance, etc.)/teaching/coaching ","指し示す[さししめす] (v5s, vt) to indicate/to show/to point to (P) "],"初":["初版[しょはん]first edition  N1","初[はつ<br>うい<br>うぶ<br>ぞめ]first; new  N1","初耳[はつみみ]something heard for the first time  N1","初級[しょきゅう]elementary level  N2","初旬[しょじゅん]first 10 days of the month  N2","初めに[はじめに]Beginning,  in the beginning, first of all, to begin with  N2","最初[さいしょ]beginning, first  N4","初め/始め[はじめ/はじめ]beginning  N5","初めて[はじめて]for the first time  N5","初回[しょかい]The First Time,  first time ","初め[はじめ<br>ぞめ]first ","初夏[しょか<br>はつなつ]early summer ","初心[しょしん<br>うぶ]one's original intention ","初日[しょにち<br>しょじつ<br>はつひ]first day ","初歩[しょほ]beginning ","初雪[はつゆき]first snow of the season ","当初[とうしょ]initial ","月初め[つきはじめ]the beginning of the month ","初期[しょき]initial period ","書き初め[かきぞめ]New Year's calligraphy ","初恋[はつこい]first love ","初夢[はつゆめ]first dream of the New Year ","初任給[しょにんきゅう]initial salary ","初詣[はつもうで]first shrine visit of the new year ","年初[ねんしょ] (n) beginning of the year (P) ","初頭[しょとう] (n-adv, n-t) beginning (of a century, etc.) (P) ","初春[しょしゅん<br>はつはる] (n) (1) beginning of spring (2) first month of the lunar calendar/New Year ","初心者[しょしんしゃ] (n) beginner (P) ","初代[しょだい] (n, adj-no) first generation/founder (P) ","初年度[しょねんど] (n) first year/initial (year) ","初演[しょえん] (n, vs) first performance (P) ","初対面[しょたいめん] (n) first meeting/first interview with (P) ","初等[しょとう] (n) elementary/primary ","初戦[しょせん] (n) first match (in a series) (P) ","初体験[しょたいけん<br>はつたいけん] (n) (1) first experience (of any activity) (2) first sexual experience ","初年[しょねん] (n-adv, n-t) first year/early years (of a reign or era) (P) ","初動[しょどう] (n) (1) initial response (e.g. to a crisis)/action in the earliest stages (2) initial shock (of an earthquake)/preliminary tremor ","初速[しょそく] (n) (physics) initial velocity ","初段[しょだん] (n) first rank in the senior class (in martial arts,  go, etc.)/lowest rank/one dan ","初陣[ういじん] (n) one's first campaign/one's first battle (P) "],"追":["追い込む[おいこむ]to herd; to corner;to drive  N1","追い出す[おいだす]to expel; to drive out  N1","追及[ついきゅう]gaining on; carrying out;solving (crime)  N1","追跡[ついせき]pursuit  N1","追放[ついほう]exile; banishment  N1","追い掛ける[おいかける]to chase or run after someone, to run down,to pursue  N2","追い越す[おいこす]to pass (e.g. car), to outdistance,to outstrip  N2","追加[ついか]addition, supplement,appendix  N2","追い付く[おいつく]to overtake,  to catch up (with)  N3","追う[おう]to chase,  to run after  N3","追究[ついきゅう]thorough investigation ","追いかける[おいかける]To Follow,  to stalk, to chase, to run after, to pursue ","追求[ついきゅう]pursuit ","追い抜く[おいぬく]pass ","追突[ついとつ]collision ","追伸[ついしん]P.S. ","追随[ついずい]follow,  take after ","追悼[ついとう]mourning,  memorial ","追って[おって] (adv) (1) later on/shortly/presently/afterwards/in due course/by and by (2) P.S. ","追記[ついき] (n, vs) (1) PS/postscript (2) appending/addition (esp. of data, information) ","追いつく[おいつく] (v5k, vi) (1) to catch up (with)/to draw level/to pull even/to reach (2) to be compensated/to make up for one's losses (P) ","追撃[ついげき] (n, vs) pursuit/chase (P) ","追い詰める[おいつめる] (v1, vt) to corner/to drive to the wall/to run down/to track down/to chase after ","追い払う[おいはらう<br>おいぱらう] (v5u, vt) to drive away/to clear/to scatter/to disperse ","追い返す[おいかえす] (v5s, vt) to drive away/to turn away/to send away/to repel/to repulse ","追っ手[おって] (n) pursuer/pursuing party/posse (P) ","追贈[ついぞう] (n, vs) conferring court rank posthumously ","追いやる[おいやる] (v5r, vt) (1) to drive away/to order off/to chase away (2) to force into an unpleasant situation (bankruptcy, prostitution, suicide, etc.) ","追走[ついそう] (n, vs) chasing/chase ","追い遣る[おいやる] (v5r, vt) (1) to drive away/to order off/to chase away (2) to force into an unpleasant situation (bankruptcy, prostitution, suicide, etc.) ","訴追[そつい] (n, vs) (1) prosecution/indictment (2) impeachment (P) ","追い上げる[おいあげる] (v1, vt) to gain on/to put pressure on/to close in on (P) ","追尾[ついび] (n, vs) following/pursuing/tracking/shadowing/tailing/chasing ","追従[ついじゅう<br>ついしょう] (n, vs) following (e.g. someone's opinion)/being servile to/adherence/compliance/emulation/mimicking/servility "],"神":["神聖[しんせい]holiness; sacredness;dignity  N1","神殿[しんでん]temple; sacred place  N1","神秘[しんぴ]mystery  N1","神様[かみさま]god  N2","神話[しんわ]myth, legend  N2","神[かみ<br>かむ<br>かん<br>しん<br>じん<br>み]god  N3","神経[しんけい]nerve,  sensitivity  N3","精神[せいしん]mind,  soul, heart, spirit, intention  N3","神社[じんじゃ]Shinto shrine  N4","神道[しんとう<br>しんどう]Shinto,  shintou ","神主[かんぬし<br>かむぬし]Shinto priest ","神業[かみわざ]providence ","神父[しんぷ]Father ","神風[かみかぜ<br>かむかぜ<br>しんぷう]Kamikaze,  divine winds ","阪神[はんしん]Hanshin ","無神経[むしんけい]insensitive ","精神病[せいしんびょう]Mental Illness,  mental disorder ","精神的[せいしんてき]Spiritual ","お神興[お かみ きょう]portable shrine ","神奈川県[かながわけん]Kanagawa Prefecture ","神髄[しんずい]essence,  spirit, true meaning ","靖国神社[やすくにじんじゃ]yasukuni shrine ","神戸[こうべ] (n) Kobe (city) (P) ","死神[しにがみ] (n) god of death/Death ","天神[てんじん] (n) (1) heavenly god/heavenly gods (2) spirit of Sugawara no Michizane (3) Tenmangu shrine (dedicated to Michizane's spirit) (4) (col) pit of a dried plum/dried plum (5) (abbr) tenjin hairstyle (6) prostitute of the second-highest class (Edo period) (P) ","神楽[かぐら] (n) ancient Shinto music and dancing (P) ","女神[おみながみ<br>おんながみ<br>じょしん<br>めがみ] (n) (arch) paper doll to which children pray for good weather ","神学[しんがく] (n, adj-no) theology (P) ","神田[かみた<br>しんでん] (n) (arch) field affiliated with a shrine (the tax-exempt proceeds of its harvest going to pay for shrine operations) ","精神科[せいしんか] (n) psychiatry (P) ","祭神[さいしん<br>さいじん] (n) enshrined deity ","神宮[じんぐう] (n, n-suf) high-status Shinto shrine with connection to imperial family/imperial Shinto shrine (P) ","精神科医[せいしんかい] (n) psychiatrist ","神々[かみがみ] (n) gods ","神さま[かみさま] (n) (1) (hon) God/god (2) ace/king/superior person/god (amongst men) ","明神[あきつかみ<br>みょうじん] (io) (n) (arch) (hon) emperor/living god ","神事[かみごと<br>かみわざ<br>かむこと<br>かむわざ<br>かんわざ<br>しんじ<br>じんじ] (n) Shinto ritual ","名神[みょうじん<br>めいしん] (n) shrine ranking system (ritsuryo system) ","神経質[しんけいしつ] (adj-na, n) (1) nervous/highly strung/sensitive (2) fussy/worried about petty things (P) ","神明[しんみょう<br>しんめい] (n) (Buddh) spirits of heaven and earth ","神輿[しんよ<br>じんよ<br>みこし] (n) portable shrine (carried in festivals) ","神官[かみづかさ<br>かむづかさ<br>かんづかさ<br>しんかん] (n) Shinto priest ","京阪神[けいはんしん] (n) Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe ","神仏[かみほとけ<br>しんぶつ] (n) gods and Buddha ","魔神[ましん<br>まじん] (n) devil/evil spirit/genie ","石神[いしがみ<br>しゃくじん] (n) stone which is worshipped/image of a god in stone ","失神[しっしん] (n, vs,adj-no) faint/trance/swoon/stupefaction (P) ","神格[しんかく] (n) divinity ","神職[しんしょく] (n) Shinto priest/Shinto priesthood ","神祇[じんぎ] (n) gods of heaven and earth ","神宮寺[じんぐうじ] (n) Buddhist temple within a Shinto shrine/temple attached to a shrine ","神託[しんたく] (n, adj-no) oracle ","無神論[むしんろん] (n) atheism ","神霊[しんれい] (n, adj-no) divine spirit "],"良":["良い[よい<br>よい,  いい<br>えい]good  N1","改良[かいりょう]improvement; reform  N1","善良[ぜんりょう]goodness; excellence;virtue  N1","不良[ふりょう]badness; delinquent;inferiority;failure  N1","良好[りょうこう]favorable; satisfactory  N1","良識[りょうしき]good sense  N1","良質[りょうしつ]good quality; superior quality  N1","良心[りょうしん]conscience  N1","仲良し[なかよし]intimate friend, bosom buddy,chum  N2","仲良く[なかよく]Friendly,  good terms ","良[りょう]good ","運良く[うんよく]fortunately ","消化不良[しょうかふりょう]Indigestion ","手際良く[てぎわよく]cleverly ","奈良[なら]Nara ","奈良県[ならけん]Nara Prefecture ","仲良い[なかよい] (exp, adj-i) (col) (abbr) close/intimate/on good terms ","最良[さいりょう] (adj-no, adj-na,n) the best/ideal (P) ","良く[よく] (adv) (1) (uk) nicely/properly/well/skillfully/skilfully (2) (uk) frequently/often (P) ","優良[ゆうりょう] (adj-na, n,adj-no) superior/excellent/fine (P) ","気持ち良い[きもちよい] (exp, adj-i) good feeling/feeling good ","野良[のら] (ateji) (n) (1) field/farm (adj-no) (2) rural/agricultural (n-pref) (3) stray (e.g. dog,  cat) (4) unauthorised (esp. smartphone application) "],"労":["労る[いたわる<br>ろう る]to pity; to sympathize with;to console;to care for;to be kind to  N1","過労[かろう]overwork; strain  N1","勤労[きんろう]labor; exertion;diligent service  N1","ご苦労様[ごくろうさま]Thank you very much for your....  N1","疲労[ひろう]fatigue; weariness  N1","労力[ろうりょく]labour; effort;toil;trouble  N1","苦労[くろう]troubles,  hardships  N3","労働[ろうどう]manual labor,  toil, work  N3","労働者[ろうどうしゃ]Laborer,  blue collar worker, manual laborer, labourer, manual labourer ","労[ろう] (n) labor/labour/toil/trouble/pains/work/effort/striving (P) ","労働省[ろうどうしょう] (n) Ministry of Labour (now Ministry of Health,  Labour and Welfare) (P) ","ご苦労さま[ごくろうさま] (exp, adj-na) thank you for your hard work/I appreciate your efforts (P) ","功労[こうろう] (n) meritorious deed/services (P) ","ご苦労[ごくろう] (n) (1) (pol) trouble (I have put you through) (your) hard work (exp) (2) thank you for your hard work/I appreciate your efforts ","ご苦労さん[ごくろうさん] (exp) I appreciate your efforts ","労災[ろうさい] (n) (1) (abbr) work-related injury/work-related illness/work-related death/on-the-job accident (2) (abbr) workers' compensation insurance (P) ","労使[ろうし] (n) labour and management/labor and management (P) ","労組[ろうくみ<br>ろうそ] (n) (abbr) labor union/labour union/trade union ","就労[しゅうろう] (n, vs) working/being employed/being hired (P) ","労務[ろうむ] (n) labor/labour/work/service (P) ","労連[ろうれん] (n) labour union/labor union (P) "],"好":["好意[こうい]good will; favor;courtesy  N1","好況[こうきょう]prosperous conditions; healthy economy  N1","好調[こうちょう]favourable; promising;satisfactory;in good shape  N1","好評[こうひょう]popularity; favorable reputation  N1","好ましい[このましい]nice; likeable;desirable  N1","嗜好[しこう]taste; liking;preference  N1","物好き[ものずき]curiosity  N1","好い[いい]good  N1","良好[りょうこう]favorable; satisfactory  N1","好き嫌い[すききらい]likes and dislikes, taste  N2","好き好き[すきずき]matter of taste  N2","友好[ゆうこう]friendship  N2","格好[かっこう<br>かっこ]shape,  form, posture, suitability  N3","好み[このみ<br>ごのみ<br>よしみ]liking,  taste, choice  N3","好む[このむ]to like,  to prefer  N3","好き[すき<br>ずき]likeable  N5","大好き[だいすき]to be very likeable  N5","好物[こうぶつ]favorite food ","好転[こうてん]a turn for the better ","好都合[こうつごう]favorable ","酒好き[さけずき]Alcoholic,  boozer, drunkard ","好感[こうかん]good feeling ","好奇心[こうきしん]curiosity ","絶好[ぜっこう]best ","好[こう<br>よしび<br>よしみ] (pref) good ","好投[こうとう] (n, vs) good (nice) pitching (P) ","好きなだけ[すきなだけ] (exp, adv) all you want/as much as one wants ","好奇[こうき] (n) inquisitiveness ","好く[すく<br>よく] (v5k, vt) to like/to love/to be fond of ","愛好[あいこう] (n, vs) love/adoration (P) ","大好物[だいこうぶつ] (n) (one's) favourite food (one's) favorite food ","恰好[かっこ<br>かっこう] (n) (1) shape/form/figure/posture/pose (2) appearance (3) state/situation (adj-na, adj-no,n) (4) suitable/fit/reasonable (n-suf) (5) about ","好きなように[すきなように] (exp, adv) as you want/as you will ","好き勝手[すきかって] (adj-na) doing whatever one pleases ","絶好調[ぜっこうちょう] (n, adj-na) in perfect form/going swimmingly (P) ","お好み[おこのみ] (n, adj-no) choice/preference ","お好み焼き[おこのみやき] (n) okonomiyaki/savoury pancake containing meat or seafood and vegetables ","好機[こうき] (n) good opportunity/chance (P) ","同好[どうこう] (n) similar tastes (P) ","好走[こうそう] (n, vs) good running ","修好[しゅうこう] (n, vs) amity/friendship "],"昔":["昔[むかし]olden days,  former  N4","一昔[ひとむかし]age ","昔話[むかしばなし]legend ","大昔[おおむかし] (n-adv, n-t) great antiquity/old-fashioned/long ago (P) ","昔ながら[むかしながら] (adv, adj-no) the same as it was long ago/unchanged/traditional "],"育":["育成[いくせい]rearing; training;nurture;cultivation;promotion  N1","飼育[しいく]breeding; raising;rearing  N1","生育[せいいく]growth; development;breeding  N1","育ち[そだち]breeding; growth  N1","発育[はついく](physical) growth; development  N1","保育[ほいく]nursing; nurturing;rearing;lactation;suckling  N1","育児[いくじ]childcare, nursing,upbringing  N2","育つ[そだつ]to raise (child),  to be brought up, to grow (up)  N3","体育[たいいく<br>たいく]physical education,  gymnastics, athletics  N3","教育[きょういく]education  N4","育てる[そだてる]to rear, to bring up  N4","育む[はぐくむ]cultivate ","保育園[ほいくえん]day-care center ","哺育[ほいく]nursing,  suckling ","子育て[こそだて] (n, vs) child rearing/child raising/raising children/parenting (P) ","義務教育[ぎむきょういく] (n) compulsory education (P) ","体育館[たいいくかん<br>たいくかん] (n) gymnasium (P) ","養育[よういく] (n, vs) bringing up/rearing/upbringing (P) ","生まれ育つ[うまれそだつ] (v5t) to be born and raised (in one particular place) (P) ","育毛[いくもう] (n, vs) hair restoration/new hair growth ","育英[いくえい] (n) education (P) "],"利":["勝利[しょうり]victory; triumph;conquest;success;win  N1","砂利[じゃり<br>ざり]gravel; ballast;pebbles  N1","左利き[ひだりきき]left-handedness; sake drinker;left-hander  N1","利根[とね<br>りこん]intelligence  N1","利子[りし]interest (bank)  N1","利潤[りじゅん]profit; returns  N1","利息[りそく]interest (bank)  N1","利点[りてん]advantage; point in favor  N1","利害[りがい]advantages and disadvantages, interest  N2","権利[けんり]right,  privilege  N3","不利[ふり]disadvantage,  handicap, unfavorable, drawback  N3","有利[ゆうり]advantageous,  better, profitable, lucrative  N3","利益[りえき<br>りやく]profits,  gains, (political,  economic) interest  N3","利口[りこう]clever,  shrewd, bright, sharp, wise, intelligent  N3","利用[りよう]utilization  N4","便利[べんり]useful,  convenient  N5","利く[きく]To Be Effective,  to show effect ","金利[きんり]interest ","右利き[みぎきき]Right Handed ","利率[りりつ]interest rate ","営利[えいり]gain ","不利益[ふりえき]disadvantage ","利己主義[りこしゅぎ]egoism ","鋭利[えいり]Sharpness ","利[り] (n) advantage/benefit/profit/interest (P) ","利便[りべん] (adj-na, n) convenience (P) ","利回り[りまわり] (n) interest (investment) yield/profits (P) ","利権[りけん] (n) interest/rights/concession (P) ","水利[すいり] (n) (1) utilization of water/water supply/irrigation (2) water transportation/navigability (e.g. of a river) (P) ","利上げ[りあげ] (n, vs) increase in interest rates (P) ","利己[りこ] (n) self-interest (P) ","利水[りすい] (n, adj-no) irrigation ","利得[りとく] (n, vs) gain/profit/benefit/amplification ","利する[りする] (vs-s) (1) to profit/to benefit from (2) to take advantage of/to make good use of "],"位":["位地[いち]place; situation;position;location  N1","下位[しもい<br>かい]low rank; subordinate;lower order (e.g. byte)  N1","上位[じょうい]superior (rank not class); higher order (e.g. byte);host computer (of connected device)  N1","優位[ゆうい]predominance; ascendancy;superiority  N1","位置[いち]place,  situation, position, location  N3","位[くらい<br>い]grade,  rank, about  N3","単位[たんい]unit,  denomination, credit (in school)  N3","地位[ちい](social) position,  status  N3","一位[いちい]First Place,  first ranked ","主位[しゅい]Leading Person,  first place, leading position, first position, head position ","学位[がくい]academic degree ","方位[ほうい]bearing ","第一位[だいいちい]First Place,  first rank ","順位[じゅんい]Ranking,  standing ","即位[そくい] (n, vs) accession to the throne/enthronement (P) ","在位[ざいい] (n, vs) reign (i.e of a ruler) ","官位[かんい] (n) office and rank/an official rank ","位相[いそう] (n) (1) (physics) phase (e.g. wave,  electricity, moon) (2) (math) topology (3) (ling) register ","王位[おうい] (n) the throne/the crown (P) ","位置づける[いちづける] (v1, vt) to place (in relation to the whole)/to rank/to position/to locate ","位置付ける[いちずける<br>いちづける] (ik) (v1, vt) to place (in relation to the whole)/to rank/to position/to locate ","部位[ぶい] (n) part (esp. of the body)/region/site/cut (of meat) (P) ","同位[どうい] (n) the same rank/the same digit ","爵位[しゃくい] (n) peerage/court rank ","首位[しゅい] (n, adj-no) first place/head position/leading position (P) ","位置づけ[いちづけ] (n) placement/fixed position/mapping out/location ","退位[たいい] (n, vs) abdication ","従三位[じゅさんみ] (n) second grade of the third rank of honor (honour) ","電位[でんい] (n) potential (electric) ","水位[すいい] (n) water level (P) ","各位[かくい] (n) everyone/each and every one (of you)/ladies and gentlemen (P) ","皇位[こうい] (n) imperial throne (P) ","最下位[さいかい] (n) (1) last place/lowest position/lowest rank (adj-no) (2) (comp) least significant (bit)/lowest order ","復位[ふくい] (n, vs) restoration/reinstatement ","位置付け[いちつけ<br>いちづけ] (n) placement/fixed position/mapping out/location ","三位一体[さんみいったい] (n) (1) the Trinity (in Christianity) (2) three parts/three components/three factors/three aspects ","譲位[じょうい] (n, vs) abdication ","叙位[じょい] (n) investiture ","本位[ほんい] (n) standard/basis/principle (P) ","正三位[しょうさんみ] (n) senior grade of the third court rank ","段位[だんい] (n) dan rank (in martial arts,  go, etc.)/advanced rank/grade of black belt ","品位[ひんい] (n) (1) dignity/grace/nobility (2) grade/quality/fineness/carat/karat (P) ","対位法[たいいほう] (n) (1) (music) counterpoint (adj-no) (2) (music) contrapuntal "],"放":["追放[ついほう]exile; banishment  N1","放棄[ほうき]abandonment; renunciation;abdication (responsibility&nbsp;&nbsp;right)  N1","放射[ほうしゃ]radiation; emission  N1","放射能[ほうしゃのう]radioactivity  N1","放出[ほうしゅつ]release; emit  N1","放置[ほうち]leave as is; leave to chance;leave alone;neglect  N1","放り込む[ほうりこむ]to throw into  N1","放り出す[ほうりだす<br>ひりだす]to throw out; to fire;to expel;to give up;to abandon;to neglect  N1","解放[かいほう]release, liberation,emancipation  N2","開放[かいほう]open, throw open,liberalization  N2","放れる[はなれる]to leave, to get free,to cut oneself off  N2","放る[ほうる<br>はなる<br>ひる<br>ほる<br>まる]to let go  N2","放す[はなす]to separate,  to set free  N3","放送[ほうそう]broadcast,  broadcasting  N3","放送する[ほうそうする]To Broadcast ","開放する[かいほうする]To Fling Open,  to throw open, to liberate ","放つ[はなつ]emit ","放火[ほうか]arson ","見放す[みはなす]abandon ","〜放題[ほうだい]As Much As You Want,  all you can ","飲み放題[のみほうだい]All You Can Drink ","食べ放題[たべほうだい]All You Can Eat ","放任[ほうにん]leave to one's own devices ","釈放[しゃくほう]liberation ","奔放[ほんぽう]wild,  uninhibited, extravagant, rampant ","放浪[ほうろう]wandering,  roaming ","放映[ほうえい] (n, vs) televising/broadcasting/airing (P) ","放題[ほうだい] (suf) (doing) as one pleases/to one's heart's content/letting (something) go unchecked/leaving uncontrolled/leaving (something) to take its own course (P) ","放射線[ほうしゃせん] (n) radiation (P) ","解き放つ[ときはなつ] (v5t, vt) to release ","民放[みんぽう] (n) (abbr) commercial broadcast (P) ","手放す[てばなす] (v5s, vt) (1) to let go of/to release/to drop (2) to part with (e.g. a possession)/to relinquish/to spare/to sell (3) to send away (e.g. one's child)/to let go/to part with (4) to temporarily stop working ","野放し[のばなし] (n, adj-no) (1) pasturing/letting (an animal) run loose (2) letting (someone) do as they please/leaving (something) to take its own course/letting (an issue) go unchecked/leaving uncontrolled/leaving at large (e.g. a criminal) (P) ","仮釈放[かりしゃくほう] (n, vs) releasing on parole/conditional release ","放流[ほうりゅう] (n, vs) (1) discharge (e.g. of water from a dam) (2) release (of young fish into a river, pond, etc.)/stocking (a river, etc. with fish) (3) (arch) banishment/exile (P) ","生放送[なまほうそう] (n, vs) live broadcast ","放課後[ほうかご] (n-adv, n-t) after school (P) ","放電[ほうでん] (n, vs) electrical discharge ","放牧[ほうぼく] (n, vs) pasturage/grazing (P) ","放水[ほうすい] (n, vs) hosing down/drainage/discharge of water/spraying with water (P) "],"共":["共[とも<br>ぐち<br>ごと<br>ども<br>みた<br>むた]both; neither (neg);all;and;as well as;including;with;together with;plural ending  N1","共感[きょうかん]sympathy; response  N1","共学[きょうがく]coeducation  N1","共産[きょうさん]communism  N1","共存[きょうぞん<br>きょうそん]coexistence  N1","共鳴[きょうめい]resonance; sympathy  N1","共和[きょうわ]republicanism; cooperation  N1","其れ共[それども]or; or else  N1","共稼ぎ[ともかせぎ]working together; (husband and wife) earning a living together  N1","共働き[ともばたらき]dual income  N1","公共[こうきょう]public, community,public service,society,communal  N2","共通[きょうつう]commonness,  community  N3","共同[きょうどう]cooperation,  association, collaboration, joint  N3","共に[ともに]sharing with,  participate in  N3","共通点[きょうつうてん]Common Point,  common feature ","共有[きょうゆう]Shared,  co ownership, joint ownership, share ","お共[おとも]accompaniment ","共々[ともども]in common ","共和国[きょうわこく]republic ","共用[きょうよう]communal ","共通語[きょうつうご]common language ","共有する[きょうゆうする]To Share,  to own jointly, to co own ","共犯者[きょうはんしゃ]Accomplice ","共産主義[きょうさんしゅぎ]Communism ","共産党[きょうさんとう]Communist Party ","と共に[とともに] (exp) (uk) together with/as X,  then Y (e.g. as we age we gain wisdom, as wine matures it becomes more valuable, etc.) ","中華人民共和国[ちゅうかじんみんきょうわこく] (n) People's Republic of China (P) ","共演[きょうえん] (n, vs) appearing together/co-acting/co-starring (P) ","共和党[きょうわとう] (n) Republican Party (P) ","コンゴ民主共和国[コンゴみんしゅきょうわこく] (n) Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire) ","共同通信[きょうどうつうしん] (n) joint communications ","共生[きょうせい] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) coexistence/living together (2) (biol) symbiosis (3) (geol) paragenesis (P) ","日本共産党[にほんきょうさんとう] (n) Japanese Communist Party ","中共[ちゅうきょう] (n) (1) (abbr) Chinese Communist Party/Chinese Communists (2) Communist China ","共済[きょうさい] (n) mutual aid (P) ","ドミニカ共和国[ドミニカきょうわこく] (n) Dominican Republic ","朝鮮民主主義人民共和国[ちょうせんみんしゅしゅぎじんみんきょうわこく] (n) Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)/DPRK (P) ","共著[きょうちょ] (n) collaboration/co-authorship (P) ","共闘[きょうとう] (n, vs) joint struggle/common (united) front (P) ","共謀[きょうぼう] (n, vs) conspiracy/collusion/complicity (P) ","反共[はんきょう] (n) anticommunist (P) ","名実共に[めいじつともに] (exp, adv) both in name and reality/both in name and substance ","共犯[きょうはん] (n) complicity (P) ","共催[きょうさい] (n, vs) joint sponsorship (of an event)/cosponsorship/joint hosting (P) ","中国共産党[ちゅうごくきょうさんとう] (n) Chinese Communist Party ","共立[きょうりつ] (n, vs) joint/common (P) ","諸共[もろとも] (n-adv) (uk) (all) together ","共栄[きょうえい] (n) mutual prosperity (P) "],"努":["努めて[つとめて<br>つとめ て]make an effort!; work hard!  N1","努める[つとめる](1) to serve, to fill a post,to serve under,to work (for)  N2","努力[どりょく]great effort,  exertion, endeavour, effort  N3"],"伝":["言伝[いいつたえ]declaration; hearsay  N1","伝言[でんごん<br>つてこと]verbal message; rumor;word  N1","伝説[でんせつ]tradition; legend;folklore  N1","伝達[でんたつ]transmission (e.g. news); communication;delivery  N1","伝来[でんらい]ancestral; hereditary;imported;transmitted;handed down  N1","お手伝いさん[おてつだいさん<br>お てつだい さん]maid  N2","宣伝[せんでん]propaganda, publicity  N2","伝わる[つたわる]to be handed down, to be introduced,to be transmitted  N2","伝記[でんき]biography, life story  N2","伝染[でんせん]contagion  N2","手伝い[てつだい]help,  helper, assistant  N3","伝統[でんとう]tradition,  convention  N3","伝える[つたえる]to report  N4","手伝う[てつだう]to assist  N4","お手伝い[おてつだい]help ","伝う[つたう]follow ","伝統的[でんとうてき]Traditional ","伝染病[でんせんびょう]Contagious Disease ","遺伝[いでん]Heredity ","遺伝子[いでんし]Genes ","自叙伝[じじょでん]autobiography ","伝[つて<br>でん] (n) (1) (uk) means of making contact/intermediary/go-between (2) (uk) connections/influence/pull/good offices ","伝承[でんしょう] (n, vs,adj-no) handing down (information)/legend/tradition/folklore/transmission (P) ","外伝[がいでん] (n) (1) supplementary biography (2) anecdote/side story/spin-off ","伝道[でんどう] (n, vs) proselytizing/evangelism/missionary work (P) ","伝送[でんそう] (n, vs) transmission/communication/circulation/dissemination/diffusion/propagation/delivery (P) ","伝播[でんぱ<br>でんぱん] (n, vs) transmission/propagation/spread/circulation/diffusion/dissemination ","自伝[じでん] (n) autobiography (P) ","駅伝[えきでん] (n) (1) (abbr) long-distance relay race (2) stagecoach/post horse (P) ","伝導[でんどう] (n, vs) conduction/transmission ","伝授[でんじゅ] (n, vs) (giving) instruction/initiation ","超伝導[ちょうでんどう] (n) superconductivity/super-conductivity (P) ","列伝[れつでん] (n) series of biographies ","言い伝える[いいつたえる] (v1, vt) to send word "],"戦":["戦[いくさ<br>せん]war; battle;campaign;fight  N1","休戦[きゅうせん]truce; armistice  N1","作戦[さくせん]military or naval operations; tactics;strategy  N1","戦災[せんさい]war damage  N1","戦術[せんじゅつ]tactics  N1","戦闘[せんとう]battle; fight;combat  N1","戦力[せんりょく]war potential  N1","挑戦[ちょうせん]challenge; defiance  N1","敗戦[はいせん]defeat; losing a war  N1","大戦[たいせん]great war,  great battle  N3","戦い[たたかい]battle,  fight, struggle, conflict  N3","戦う[たたかう]to fight,  to battle, to combat  N3","戦争[せんそう]war  N4","戦場[せんじょう<br>いくさば]Battlefield ","戦車[せんしゃ]Tank ","反戦[はんせん]antiwar ","戦前[せんぜん]prewar period ","戦後[せんご]postwar period ","戦死[せんし]death in war ","終戦[しゅうせん]end of the war ","乱戦[らんせん]Melee,  free for all ","防戦[ぼうせん]defensive battle ","冷戦[れいせん]Cold War ","抗戦[こうせん]Resistance ","挑戦者[ちょうせんしゃ]A Challenger,  challenger ","戦没[せんぼつ]killed in action,  death in battle, kia ","戦禍[せんか]war damages,  ravages of war ","戦略[せんりゃく] (n, adj-no) strategy/tactics (P) ","海戦[かいせん] (n) naval battle (P) ","対戦[たいせん] (n, vs) waging war/competition (P) ","戦士[せんし] (n) soldier/combatant/warrior (P) ","緒戦[しょせん<br>ちょせん] (n) beginning of hostilities/beginning of competition (P) ","交戦[こうせん] (n, vs) war/battle/hostilities (P) ","戦時[せんじ] (n) wartime (P) ","決勝戦[けっしょうせん] (n) championship game/finals (of a tournament)/deciding round (P) ","戦国[せんごく] (n) belligerent country/country in civil war/warring states (P) ","参戦[さんせん] (n, vs) (1) participation in a war/going to war (2) taking part in a competition or contest (P) ","戦果[せんか] (n) military gains/war results/fruit of battle ","合戦[かっせん] (n, vs) battle/fight/fighting/engagement/contest (P) ","戦線[せんせん] (n) (war) front (P) ","回戦[かいせん] (ctr) (1) counter for numbering the rounds in a tournament (n-suf) (2) fight with ... rounds (e.g. boxing) (P) ","観戦[かんせん] (n, vs) watching a (sports) game/spectating/observing (military operations) (P) ","内戦[ないせん] (n) civil war (P) ","戦列[せんれつ] (n) line of battle (P) ","野戦[やせん] (n) (1) (mil) field battle/field operations/open battle (2) battlefield/battlefront ","戦艦[せんかん] (n) battleship (P) ","決戦[けっせん] (n, vs) decisive battle/deciding match/play-off (P) ","戦法[せんぽう] (n, adj-no) tactics/strategy (P) ","苦戦[くせん] (n, vs) hard fight/close game/struggle/tight contest (P) ","戦中[せんちゅう] (n) during the war (P) ","激戦[げきせん] (n, vs,adj-no) fierce battle/hard-fought battle/hot contest/severe fight (P) ","開戦[かいせん] (n, vs) outbreak of war/starting a war (P) ","停戦[ていせん] (n, vs) armistice/ceasefire (P) ","戦闘機[せんとうき] (n) fighter (aircraft) (P) ","実戦[じっせん] (n) combat/actual fighting (P) ","再戦[さいせん] (n, vs) rematch ","宣戦[せんせん] (n, vs) declaration of war (P) ","転戦[てんせん] (n, vs) fighting in numerous battles (P) ","戦績[せんせき] (n) war or military record/score/military achievements/results (P) ","戦犯[せんぱん] (n) (abbr) war criminal (P) ","戊辰戦争[ぼしんせんそう] (n) Boshin War (Japanese civil war between Imperial and shogunate forces,  1868-1869) ","会戦[かいせん] (n, vs) engagement/battle ","戦記[せんき] (n) record of war/war chronicle/commentaries of war/military history ","初戦[しょせん] (n) first match (in a series) (P) ","戦況[せんきょう] (n) war situation/progress of a battle (P) ","棋戦[きせん] (n) go or shogi tournament ","対戦相手[たいせんあいて] (n, adj-no) (yoji) opponent/adversary/the competition/the other side/one's enemy ","戦勝[せんしょう] (n, vs,adj-no) victory/triumph (P) ","銃撃戦[じゅうげきせん] (n) firefight/gun battle/shoot-out ","主戦[しゅせん] (n) advocacy of war (P) ","宣戦布告[せんせんふこく] (n, vs) declaration of war/proclamation of war ","奮戦[ふんせん] (n, vs) hard fighting ","戦乱[せんらん] (n, adj-no) wars/disturbances ","戦局[せんきょく] (n) state of the war/war situation ","太平洋戦争[たいへいようせんそう] (n) Pacific War (1941-1945) (P) ","連戦[れんせん] (n, vs) series of battles/successive battles (P) ","前哨戦[ぜんしょうせん] (n) (1) (preliminary) skirmish (2) prelude/preliminary encounter/warm-up match (e.g. before a final) (P) ","独ソ戦[どくソせん] (n) Russo-German War (1941-1945) ","接戦[せっせん] (n, vs,adj-no) close combat/close contest (P) ","戦火[せんか] (n) (1) wartime fire (2) war/wartime destruction/horrors of war (P) ","善戦[ぜんせん] (n, vs) fighting a good fight/putting up a good fight/fighting bravely (P) ","戦史[せんし] (n) military history/military annals ","応戦[おうせん] (n, vs) fighting back/returning fire/counter-attack/responding to an attack/accepting a challenge ","聖戦[せいせん] (n) holy war/crusade (P) ","陸戦隊[りくせんたい] (n) landing force ","戦地[せんち] (n) front (in battle) (P) ","戦意[せんい] (n) fighting spirit "],"働":["共働き[ともばたらき]dual income  N1","働[はたらき]work; labor  N1","働き[はたらき]work,  labor  N3","労働[ろうどう]manual labor,  toil, work  N3","働く[はたらく]to work  N5","労働者[ろうどうしゃ]Laborer,  blue collar worker, manual laborer, labourer, manual labourer ","労働省[ろうどうしょう] (n) Ministry of Labour (now Ministry of Health,  Labour and Welfare) (P) ","稼働[かどう] (n, vs) operation (of machine)/operating/running/working (P) ","働き掛ける[はたらきかける] (v1, vt) (1) to work on someone/to influence/to exert influence on/to seek action from/to appeal to (v1,vi) (2) to begin to work (P) ","働きかける[はたらきかける] (v1, vt) (1) to work on someone/to influence/to exert influence on/to seek action from/to appeal to (v1,vi) (2) to begin to work (P) ","働かせる[はたらかせる] (v1) (1) to put someone to work/to make someone work (2) to use/to apply/to exert/to exercise (restraint,  one's imagination, one's brain, etc.) (P) ","働きかけ[はたらきかけ] (n) pressure/encouragement/urging/promoting ","協働[きょうどう] (n, vs) cooperation "],"息":["子息[しそく]son  N1","消息[しょうそく<br>しょうそこ]news; letter;circumstances  N1","窒息[ちっそく]suffocation  N1","一息[ひといき]puffy; a breath;a pause;an effort  N1","利息[りそく]interest (bank)  N1","休息[きゅうそく]rest, relief,relaxation  N2","溜息[ためいき]a sigh  N2","息[そく<br>いき<br>おき<br>むすこ]breath,  tone  N3","息子[むすこ](humble) son  N4","ため息[ためいき]sigh ","息切れ[いきぎれ]breathlessness ","寝息[ねいき]breathing of a sleeping person ","嘆息[たんそく]Sigh,  lament ","息子さん[むすこさん] (n) (hon) son ","息遣い[いきづかい] (n) breathing/respiration ","生息[せいそく] (n, vs) inhabiting/living (P) ","息抜き[いきぬき] (n, vs) taking a breather/relaxation/vent hole ","喘息[ぜんそく] (n, adj-no) asthma (P) ","終息[しゅうそく] (n, vi,vs) having ended/being resolved (P) ","安息[あんそく] (n-adv) rest/repose "],"登":["登校[とうこう]attendance (at school)  N1","登録[とうろく]registration; register;entry;record  N1","登場[とうじょう]entry (on stage)  N2","登山[とざん]mountain-climbing  N3","登る[のぼる]to climb  N5","山登り[やまのぼり]mountain climbing ","登記[とうき]registration ","登録する[とうろくする]To Register ","登板[とうばん] (n, vs) (baseb) taking the mound/pitching a game (P) ","登用[とうよう] (n, vs) appointment/assignment/promotion (P) ","登坂[とうはん<br>とはん] (n, vs) climbing a slope (hill)/ascending a hill ","登頂[とうちょう] (n, vs) climbing to the summit/summiting (P) ","登山口[とざんぐち] (n) starting point of a mountain ascent/trailhead (leading up a mountain) "],"寒":["寒気[かんき<br>さむけ]cold; frost;chill  N1","寒帯[かんたい]frigid zone  N2","寒い[さむい<br>さぶい]cold  N5","寒さ[さむさ]coldness ","寒波[かんぱ]cold wave ","悪寒[おかん]chill ","寒冷[かんれい]cold ","寒暖計[かんだんけい]thermometer ","寒[かん<br>さぶ<br>さむ] (n) midwinter/cold season/coldest days of the year "],"深":["情け深い[なさけぶかい]tender-hearted; compassionate  N1","深める[ふかめる]to deepen; to heighten;to intensify  N1","欲深い[よくふかい<br>よくぶかい]greedy  N1","深夜[しんや]late at night  N2","深まる[ふかまる]to deepen, to heighten,to intensify  N2","深刻[しんこく]serious  N3","深い[ふかい]deep  N4","最深[さいしん]Deepest,  the deepest ","水深[すいしん]Water Depth,  depth of water ","注意深い[ちゅういぶかい]careful ","深さ[ふかさ]depth ","深み[ふかみ]depth ","用心深い[ようじんぶかい]careful ","欲深[よくぶか]greedy ","感慨深い[かんがいぶかい]deeply moving,  deeply emotive ","深呼吸[しんこきゅう] (n, vs) deep breath ","興味深い[きょうみぶかい] (adj-i) very interesting/of great interest (P) ","深海[しんかい] (n, adj-no) deep sea/depths of the sea/ocean depths (P) ","深[ふけ<br>み] (n, n-suf) growing late/latening ","奥深い[おくふかい<br>おくぶかい] (adj-i) (1) profound/deep (2) deep (of a cave,  etc.)/innermost/interior ","深度[しんど] (n) depth (P) ","深雪[しんせつ<br>みゆき] (n) deep snow ","深層[しんそう] (n, adj-no) depths/deep level (P) ","深部[しんぶ] (n) depths/deep part "],"消":["打ち消し[うちけし]negation; denial;negative  N1","消去[しょうきょ]elimination; erasing;dying out;melting away  N1","消耗[しょうもう<br>しょうこう]exhaustion; consumption  N1","消息[しょうそく<br>しょうそこ]news; letter;circumstances  N1","打ち消す[うちけす]to deny, to negate,to contradict  N2","消化[しょうか]digestion  N2","消極的[しょうきょくてき]passive  N2","消毒[しょうどく]disinfection, sterilization  N2","消防署[しょうぼうしょ]fire station  N2","取り消す[とりけす]to cancel  N2","消費[しょうひ]consumption,  expenditure  N3","消防[しょうぼう]fire fighting,  fire department  N3","消しゴム[けしごむ<br>けしごむ,  けしゴム]eraser  N4","消える[きえる]to disappear  N5","消す[けす]to erase, to turn off power  N5","消火[しょうか]fire extinction ","消火器[しょうかき]fire extinguisher ","消化不良[しょうかふりょう]Indigestion ","消化する[しょうかする]To Digest ","取り消し[とりけし]cancellation ","消防車[しょうぼうしゃ]fire engine ","解消[かいしょう]cancellation ","消費者[しょうひしゃ]consumer ","消印[けしいん]postmark ","消滅[しょうめつ]disappearance ","消灯[しょうとう]lights out ","抹消[まっしょう]erase,  delete ","消防士[しょうぼうし] (n) firefighter/fireman ","消極[しょうきょく] (n) (1) negative/conservative (2) depolarization (P) ","消失[しょうしつ<br>そうしつ] (n, vs) dying out/disappearance/vanishing/elimination/loss/absence ","消え去る[きえさる] (v5r) to disappear/to vanish ","取消[とりけし] (n) cancellation/withdrawal/abolition/revocation/cancel/CAN "],"庭":["校庭[こうてい]campus  N2","家庭[かてい]household  N5","庭[にわ]garden  N5","中庭[なかにわ]courtyard ","庭園[ていえん]garden ","裏庭[うらにわ] (n) rear garden/back yard "],"港":["空港[くうこう]airport  N4","港[みなと<br>こう]harbour  N4","香港[ほんこん]Hong Kong ","出港[しゅっこう] (n, vs) departure from a port/leaving port/setting sail (P) ","港湾[こうわん] (n) harbour/harbor (P) ","開港[かいこう] (n, vs) (1) opening a port (seaport, airport, etc.)/starting operations at a port (2) opening a port to foreign vessels or trade (P) ","漁港[ぎょこう] (n) fishing harbour/fishing harbor (P) ","寄港[きこう] (n, vs) stopping at a port (P) ","入港[にゅうこう] (n, vs) entry into port/arriving in harbor (P) ","港町[みなとまち] (n) port city ","母港[ぼこう] (n) home port ","軍港[ぐんこう] (n) naval port/naval station (P) ","築港[ちっこう] (n, vs) harbor construction/harbour construction "],"商":["商人[あきんど<br>しょうにん<br>あきうど<br>あきびと<br>あきゅうど]trader; shopkeeper;merchant  N1","商[しょう]quotient  N1","商業[しょうぎょう]commerce, trade,business  N2","商社[しょうしゃ]trading company, firm  N2","商店[しょうてん]shop, business firm  N2","商売[しょうばい]trade,  business, commerce, transaction, occupation  N3","商品[しょうひん]commodity,  article of commerce, goods, stock, merchandise  N3","商談[しょうだん]business talk ","目玉商品[めだましょうひん]featured product ","商店街[しょうてんがい]Shopping District ","商標[しょうひょう] (n) trademark (P) ","商工[しょうこう] (n) commerce and industry (P) ","商船[しょうせん] (n) merchant ship ","商事[しょうじ] (n) commercial affairs (P) ","通商[つうしょう] (n, vs) commerce/trade (P) ","商会[しょうかい] (n) firm/company (P) ","商法[しょうほう] (n) (1) business practice/business method/commerce (2) commercial law (P) ","商用[しょうよう] (n, adj-no) on business/for business/business purpose (P) ","商務[しょうむ] (n) commercial affairs (P) ","商科[しょうか] (n) commerce (field of study)/department of commerce (at a university) ","商取引[しょうとりひき] (n) business transaction ","商学部[しょうがくぶ] (n) business school (in a university)/faculty of commerce ","商学[しょうがく] (n) commercial science (P) ","商圏[しょうけん] (n) business region/marketing area/commercial sphere/trading area/region in which a business operates ","協商[きょうしょう] (n, vs) negotiation/agreement ","豪商[ごうしょう] (n) wealthy merchant ","商家[しょうか] (n) (1) merchant/store/shop (2) merchant house/merchant family "],"都":["都心[としん]heart (of city)  N2","首都[しゅと]capital city  N3","都会[とかい]city  N3","都市[とし]town,  city, municipal, urban  N3","都[と<br>みやこ]capital  N3","都合[つごう]circumstances, convenience  N4","京都[きょうと]Kyoto,  kyouto ","東京都[とうきょうと]Tokyo Metropolitan Area,  tokyo metro, tokyo metropolis ","不都合[ふつごう]inconvenience ","好都合[こうつごう]favorable ","都内[とない]in the metropolitan area of Tokyo ","都市ガス[としがす]town gas ","都立[とりつ]Tokyo metropolitan ","都営[とえい]administered by the metropolitan government ","都庁[とちょう]Metropolitan Government,  metro government ","遷都[せんと]move the capital,  transfer the capital, relocation of the capital ","都道府県[とどうふけん] (n) administrative divisions of Japan: Tokyo-to,  Hokkai-do, Osaka-fu, Kyoto-fu and remaining prefectures (P) ","州都[しゅうと] (n) state capital/provincial capital/county town (P) ","大都市[だいとし] (n) metropolis/large city (P) ","都督[ととく] (n) governor-general ","都度[つど] (n) each (every) time/whenever (P) ","都城[とじょう] (n) castle town ","王都[おうと] (n) royal capital/imperial capital ","帝都[ていと] (n) imperial capital ","都知事[とちじ] (n) metropolitan governor/governor of Tokyo ","古都[こと] (n) ancient city/former capital (P) "],"期":["画期[かっき]epoch-making  N1","期[き]period; time  N1","期日[きじつ<br>きにち<br>ごじつ]fixed date; settlement date  N1","期末[きまつ]end of term  N1","周期[しゅうき]cycle; period  N1","末期[まっき<br>まつご]closing years (period&nbsp; &nbsp;days);last stage  N1","期限[きげん]term, period  N2","短期[たんき]short term  N2","定期券[ていきけん]commuter pass, season ticket  N2","延期[えんき]postponement,  adjournment  N3","学期[がっき]term (school)  N3","期間[きかん]period,  term  N3","期待[きたい]expectation,  anticipation, hope  N3","時期[じき]time,  season, period  N3","長期[ちょうき]long time period  N3","定期[ていき]fixed term  N3","予期[よき]expectation,  assume will happen, forecast  N3","冬期[とうき]winter ","初期[しょき]initial period ","前期[ぜんき]previous term ","同期[どうき]same period ","夏期[かき]summer ","後期[こうき]latter term ","新学期[しんがっき]new term ","早期[そうき]early stage ","最期[さいご]one's last moments ","短期大学[たんきだいがく]junior college ","雨期[うき]rainy season ","期待する[きたいする]To Expect,  to anticipate ","末期的[まっきてき]decadent ","画期的[かっきてき]epoch-making ","同期中[どうきちゅう]Syncing,  synchronizing ","任期[にんき]one's term of office ","無期限[むきげん]indefinite ","過渡期[かとき]transitional period ","延期する[えんきする]To Postpone ","刑期[けいき]Prison Term ","適齢期[てきれいき]marriageable age ","時期尚早[じきしょうそう]premature ","盛期[せいき] (n) prosperous period ","中期[ちゅうき] (n-t, adj-no) (1) middle period (2) medium-term (P) ","不定期[ふていき] (adj-na, n,adj-no) irregular/indeterminate/tramp (steamer) ","短期間[たんきかん] (n) short term/short time (P) ","四半期[しはんき] (n) quarter (of a year) (P) ","次期[じき] (n, adj-no) (1) next term/next period (2) next version/next release (P) ","一時期[いちじき] (n-adv) a period (of time) (P) ","一期[いちご<br>いっき] (n) one's life time/lifetime (P) ","長期間[ちょうきかん] (n, adj-no) long period (of time) ","納期[のうき] (n) appointed day of delivery/time for payment ","期す[きす<br>ごす] (v5s, vs-c,vi) (1) to fix (a time, date, etc.)/to set (2) to expect/to hope for/to look forward to/to foresee/to anticipate (3) to resolve (to do)/to decide upon/to prepare for/to promise/to pledge ","今期[こんき] (n-adv, n-t) the present term (P) ","中長期[ちゅうちょうき] (n, adj-no) mid-to-long term/medium and long term ","会期[かいき] (n, adj-no) session (of a legislature) (P) ","無期[むき] (n) indefinite (P) ","半期[はんき] (n-adv, n-t) half-term/half-time/half period (P) ","思春期[ししゅんき] (n) puberty (P) ","満期[まんき] (n, adj-no) expiration (of a term)/maturity (e.g. investment)/serving one's (full) time (P) ","工期[こうき] (n) building time/construction period "],"悲":["悲観[ひかん]pessimism; disappointment  N1","悲惨[ひさん]misery  N1","悲鳴[ひめい]shriek; scream  N1","悲しむ[かなしむ]to be sad,  to mourn for, to regret  N3","悲劇[ひげき]tragedy  N3","悲しい[かなしい]sad  N4","悲しみ[かなしみ]grief ","悲観的[ひかん てき]pessimistic ","慈悲[じひ]compassion,  benevolence, charity, mercy ","悲願[ひがん] (n) one's dearest wish/Buddha's vow to save humanity (P) "],"球":["眼球[がんきゅう]eyeball  N1","球根[きゅうこん](plant) bulb  N1","電球[でんきゅう]light bulb  N2","球[たま<br>きゅう<br>まり]globe,  sphere, ball  N3","地球[ちきゅう]the earth  N3","野球[やきゅう]Baseball ","プロ野球[ぷろやきゅう]professional baseball ","球威[きゅうい]A Pitcher's Stuff,  pitcher's stuff ","卓球[たっきゅう]Table Tennis,  ping pong ","球団[きゅうだん] (n) baseball team (P) ","球場[きゅうじょう] (n) baseball stadium (P) ","地球人[ちきゅうじん] (n) earthling/earthman ","半球[はんきゅう] (n) hemisphere ","琉球[りゅうきゅう] (n) Ryukyu/chain of southwestern Japanese islands comprising Okinawa Prefecture (P) ","四球[しきゅう] (n) (baseb) four balls/base on balls/a walk (P) ","地球上[ちきゅうじょう] (adj-no) on the earth (P) ","打球[だきゅう] (n) batting/batted ball (P) ","気球[ききゅう] (n) balloon/blimp (P) ","投球[とうきゅう] (n, vs) pitching/throwing a ball/bowling (in cricket)/pitched ball (P) ","速球[そっきゅう] (n) (baseb) fastball (P) ","赤血球[せっけっきゅう] (n) red blood cell/erythrocyte ","野球部[やきゅうぶ] (n) baseball club (at a university,  corporation, etc.)/baseball team (P) ","球技[きゅうぎ] (n) ball game (e.g. baseball,  tennis, soccer) (P) ","球界[きゅうかい] (n) the baseball world (P) ","白血球[はっけっきゅう] (n) leukocyte/leucocyte/white blood cell (P) ","球体[きゅうたい] (n) sphere/globe/orb ","蹴球[しゅうきゅう] (n) football (incl. soccer,  rugby, American football, etc.;  esp. used for soccer) ","球形[きゅうけい] (n, adj-no) globular or spherical shape ","球速[きゅうそく] (n) speed of a pitched ball (pitcher's) pace ","死球[しきゅう] (n) (baseb) pitch that hits the batter (P) ","送球[そうきゅう] (n, vs) (1) (sports) throwing a ball (n) (2) handball (P) ","捕球[ほきゅう] (n, vs) (baseb) catch ","天球[てんきゅう] (n) celestial sphere/the heavens ","球審[きゅうしん] (n) (baseb) umpire-in-chief/plate umpire "],"流":["海流[かいりゅう]ocean current  N1","気流[きりゅう]atmospheric current  N1","流し[ながし]sink  N1","流行[りゅうこう<br>はやり]fashionable; fad;in vogue;prevailing  N1","流[ながれ<br>りゅう<br>る]styleof; method of;manner of  N1","流通[りゅうつう]circulation of money or goods; flow of water or air;distribution  N1","一流[いちりゅう]first class, top grade,foremost,top-notch  N2","交流[こうりゅう]alternating current, intercourse,(cultural) exchange,intermingling  N2","合流[ごうりゅう]confluence, union,linking up,merge  N2","流石[さすが]clever, adept,good,expectations,as one would expect  N2","直流[ちょくりゅう]direct current  N2","電流[でんりゅう]electric current  N2","流行る[はやる]to flourish, to thrive,to be popular,to come into fashion  N2","流域[りゅういき](river) basin  N2","流す[ながす]to drain,  to float, to shed (blood,  tears), to cruise (e.g. taxi)  N3","流れ[ながれ]stream,  current  N3","流れる[ながれる]to stream,  to flow, to run (ink), to be washed away  N3","本流[ほんりゅう]Mainstream ","三流[さんりゅう]third-rate ","上流[じょうりゅう]upstream ","下流[かりゅう]downstream ","中流[ちゅうりゅう<br>ちゅうる]mid-stream ","二流[にりゅう]second-rate ","流行歌[りゅうこうか]popular song ","風流[ふうりゅう]refined elegance ","流行語[りゅうこうご]Popular Phrase,  catchphrase ","潮流[ちょうりゅう]Tide,  tidal current ","漂流[ひょうりゅう]Drifting,  drift ","濁流[だくりゅう]muddy stream ","流浪[るろう]vagrancy,  wandering, nomadism ","渓流[けいりゅう]mountain stream ","流暢[りゅうちょう]flowing ","支流[しりゅう] (n) tributary/branch (P) ","主流[しゅりゅう] (n, adj-no) (1) mainstream/commonplace (n) (2) main course (of a river)/main stream (P) ","流派[りゅうは] (n) school (e.g. of ikebana) (P) ","流出[りゅうしゅつ] (n, vs) (1) discharge/outward flow/efflux/effluence/haemorrhage/hemorrhage/bleeding (e.g. ink into paper) (2) leak of (private) information or pictures (P) ","源流[げんりゅう] (n) (1) source (e.g. of a river)/headwaters (2) origin of something continuous (language,  culture, etc.) (P) ","流入[りゅうにゅう] (n, vs) afflux/influx (P) ","女流[じょりゅう] (n) woman (writer,  artist, aviator, etc.) (P) ","流動[りゅうどう] (n, vs) flow (P) ","流用[りゅうよう] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) diversion/appropriation (e.g. of funds)/misappropriation (n,vs) (2) re-use (e.g. old computer parts)/recycling (P) ","物流[ぶつりゅう] (n, adj-no) (physical) distribution/distribution of goods/logistics (P) ","流星[りゅうせい] (n) meteor/falling star ","流体[りゅうたい] (n) fluid ","放流[ほうりゅう] (n, vs) (1) discharge (e.g. of water from a dam) (2) release (of young fish into a river, pond, etc.)/stocking (a river, etc. with fish) (3) (arch) banishment/exile (P) ","流れ出る[ながれでる] (v1) to flow out/to stream out/to pour out/to gush forth/to leak/to ooze out/to drift away ","流量[りゅうりょう] (n) flow rate (esp. water or electricity)/quantity of flow/capacity (of output or throughput per unit time) ","流布[るふ] (n, vs,adj-no) circulation/dissemination ","流れ込む[ながれこむ] (v5m, vi) to flow into/to pour into/to stream into (P) ","流刑[りゅうけい<br>るけい] (n, vs) exile/banishment/deportation ","整流[せいりゅう] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) rectification (2) commutation ","嫡流[ちゃくりゅう] (n) lineage of eldest son ","水流[すいりゅう] (n) water current ","流血[りゅうけつ] (n, adj-no) bloodshed (P) ","対流[たいりゅう] (n, adj-no) convection ","配流[はいる] (n, vs) exile/banishment ","分流[ぶんりゅう] (n, vs) distributary/tributary/branched flow (river, current, etc.) ","流線型[りゅうせんけい] (n, adj-no) streamline shape/aerodynamic shape ","庶流[しょりゅう] (n) illegitimate family lineage ","流失[りゅうしつ] (n, vs) being washed away ","流罪[るざい] (n, vs) banishment/exile ","流水[りゅうすい] (n) running water/stream ","清流[せいりゅう] (n) clear stream (P) ","流儀[りゅうぎ] (n) (1) style/fashion (2) school (e.g. of poetry) "],"陽":["陽射[ひざし]sunlight, rays of the sun  N2","太陽[たいよう]sun,  solar  N3","陽気[ようき]season,  weather, cheerfulness  N3","太陽系[たいようけい]Solar System ","陽[ひ<br>よう] (n-adv, n-t) sun/sunshine/sunlight ","山陽[さんよう] (n) south side of a mountain/Sanyo district (P) ","陽子[ようし] (n) (physics) proton (P) ","陽性[ようせい] (n, adj-no) positivity (P) ","太陽光[たいようこう] (n) sunlight ","陽炎[かげろう<br>ようえん] (n) heat haze/shimmer of hot air ","陰陽[いんよう<br>おんみょう<br>おんよう] (n) cosmic dual forces/yin and yang/sun and moon,  etc. (P) ","太陽暦[たいようれき] (n) solar calendar "],"歯":["歯科[しか]dentistry  N1","歯磨[はみがき]dentifrice; toothpaste  N1","歯車[はぐるま]gear, cog-wheel  N2","歯磨き[はみがき]dentifrice, toothpaste  N2","虫歯[むしば]cavity,  tooth decay, decayed tooth, caries  N3","歯医者[はいしゃ]dentist  N4","歯[は<br>よわい]tooth  N5","入れ歯[いれば]dentures ","歯ブラシ[はぶらし<br>はブラシ]toothbrush ","歯向かう[はむかう]oppose ","歯止め[はどめ]brake ","歯痒い[はがゆい]be irritating ","羊歯[しだ] (n) (uk) fern (esp. species Gleichenia japonica)/fernery ","歯学[しがく] (n) dentistry ","鋸歯[きょし<br>のこぎりば<br>のこば] (n) teeth of a saw/serration ","臼歯[うすば<br>きゅうし] (n) molar "],"皆":["皆[みんな<br>みな]all,  everyone, everybody  N3","皆さん[みなさん<br>みなさん,  みんなさん]everyone  N5","皆様[みなさま,  みんなさま<br>みなさま]Everyone, all, everybody ","皆殺し[みなごろし] (n) massacre/annihilation/wholesale slaughter ","皆さま[みなさま] (n) (hon) everyone ","皆無[かいむ] (adj-na, n,adj-no) nonexistent/nil/none/nothing (at all)/bugger-all (P) "],"選":["選挙[せんきょ]election  N1","選考[せんこう]selection; screening  N1","抽選[ちゅうせん]lottery; raffle;drawing (of lots)  N1","当選[とうせん]being elected; winning the prize  N1","選手[せんしゅ](1) player (in game),  (2) team  N3","選択[せんたく]selection,  choice  N3","選ぶ[えらぶ]to choose  N4","予選[よせん]preliminary match ","入選[にゅうせん]being selected for a contest ","選り分ける[よりわける]classify ","選る[よる<br>える<br>すぐる]select ","選出[せんしゅつ]election ","選定[せんてい]choice ","選挙する[せんきょする]To Elect ","選択する[せんたくする]To Select,  to choose ","選[せん] (n, n-suf) selection/choice/choosing/picking/election (P) ","選択肢[せんたくし] (n) choices/alternatives/options (P) ","選手権[せんしゅけん] (n) championship/title (of champion) (P) ","再選[さいせん] (n, vs) re-election (P) ","選抜[せんばつ] (n, vs) selection/choice/picking out (P) ","選任[せんにん] (n, vs) nomination (of a person to a position)/selection/election/assignment/appointment (P) ","選び[えらび] (n-suf) choosing/selecting/deciding (on) ","落選[らくせん] (n, vs) election loss/rejection (P) ","厳選[げんせん] (n, vs) careful selection/careful screening/hand-picking ","百選[ひゃくせん] (n-suf, n) top hundred/hundred best ","選曲[せんきょく] (n, vs) selection of music/song selection ","選び方[えらびかた] (n) choice ","新選組[しんせんぐみ] (n) Shinsengumi/shogunate police and military force located in Kyoto and dedicated to suppressing anti-shogunate activities (Edo period) ","選別[せんべつ] (n, vs) selection/classification/sorting/screening/triage (P) ","改選[かいせん] (n, vs) re-election (P) ","選挙人[せんきょにん] (n) qualified voter (P) ","本選[ほんせん] (n) final selection ","決選[けっせん] (n) final election/run-off ","選奨[せんしょう] (n, vs) recommendation (P) ","公選[こうせん] (n, vs,adj-no) public election (P) ","特選[とくせん] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) special selection/special approval (n) (2) special prize/highest honours (P) "],"想":["愛想[あいそ<br>あいそう]civility; courtesy;compliments;sociability;graces  N1","可哀想[かわいそう]poor; pitiable;pathetic  N1","構想[こうそう]plan; plot;idea;conception  N1","予想[よそう]expectation; anticipation;prediction;forecast  N1","感想[かんそう]impressions, thoughts  N2","空想[くうそう]daydream, fantasy,fancy,vision  N2","発想[はっそう]expression (music), conceptualization  N2","思想[しそう]thought,  idea  N3","想像[そうぞう]imagination,  guess  N3","理想[りそう]ideal  N3","連想[れんそう]association (of ideas),  suggestion  N3","回想[かいそう]Retrospection,  reminiscence ","想像する[そうぞうする]To Imagine ","想定[そうてい]hypothesis ","幻想[げんそう]Fantasy,  illusion ","夢想[むそう]daydream ","妄想[もうそう<br>ぼうそう]delusion,  fantasy ","仮想[かそう] (n, vs,adj-no) imagination/supposition/virtual/potential (enemy) (P) ","想い[おもい] (n) (1) thought (2) imagination/mind/heart (3) desire/wish/hope/expectation (4) love/affection (5) feelings/emotion/sentiment/experience ","想像力[そうぞうりょく] (n) (power of) imagination (P) ","想う[おもう] (v5u, vt) (1) to think/to consider/to believe/to reckon (2) to think (of doing)/to plan (to do) (3) to judge/to assess/to regard (4) to imagine/to suppose/to dream (5) to expect/to look forward to (6) to feel/to be (in a state of mind)/to desire/to want (7) to recall/to remember ","想定外[そうていがい] (adj-no, n) beyond expectations/beyond what one expected/not foreseen/exceeding assumptions ","理想的[りそうてき] (adj-na) ideal (P) ","予想以上[よそういじょう] (adv, adj-no) more than expected (P) ","瞑想[めいそう] (n, vs) meditation/contemplation (P) ","予想外[よそうがい] (adj-no, adj-na,n) unexpected/unforeseen/strange (P) ","着想[ちゃくそう] (n, vs) conception/idea ","想い出[おもいで] (n) memories/recollections/reminiscence ","想[そう] (n) (1) conception/idea/thought (2) (Buddh) samjna (perception) (P) ","想起[そうき] (n) (1) remembering/recollection/recall/retrieval (vs) (2) to remember/to recall/to recollect/to call to mind/to envision "],"暗":["暗殺[あんさつ]assassination  N1","暗算[あんざん]mental arithmetic  N1","暗示[あんじ]hint; suggestion  N1","薄暗い[うすぐらい]dim, gloomy  N2","真っ暗[まっくら]total darkness, shortsightedness,pitch dark  N2","暗記[あんき]memorization,  learning by heart  N3","暗い[くらい]gloomy  N5","明暗[めいあん]contrast ","暗記する[あんきする]To Memorize,  to memorise ","暗黙[あんもく]tacit ","暗闇[くらやみ]Darkness,  the dark ","暗礁[あんしょう]reef,  sunken reef ","暗号[あんごう] (n, adj-no) code/password/cipher (P) ","暗黒[あんこく] (adj-na, n,adj-no) darkness (P) ","暗殺者[あんさつしゃ] (n) assassin ","暗証番号[あんしょうばんごう] (n) personal identification number/PIN/password number ","暗躍[あんやく] (n, vs) secret manoeuvres (maneuvers)/operating behind the scenes "],"疑":["疑惑[ぎわく]doubt; misgivings;distrust;suspicion  N1","質疑[しつぎ]question  N1","疑う[うたがう]to doubt,  to distrust, to be suspicious of, to suspect  N3","疑問[ぎもん]question,  problem, doubt, guess  N3","疑い[うたがい]doubt ","疑わしい[うたがわしい]doubtful ","容疑[ようぎ]Suspicion,  suspect ","容疑者[ようぎ しゃ<br>ようぎしゃ]suspect ","嫌疑[けんぎ]Suspicion ","懐疑[かいぎ]doubt ","疑似[ぎじ] (adj-f) pseudo/quasi/false/mock/sham/suspected (case) (P) ","被疑者[ひぎしゃ] (n) suspect (person) (P) ","疑念[ぎねん] (n) doubt/suspicion/misgivings/scruples (P) "],"感":["感慨[かんがい]strong feelings; deep emotion  N1","感触[かんしょく]sense of touch; feeling;sensation  N1","感染[かんせん]infection; contagion  N1","感度[かんど]sensitivity; severity (quake)  N1","感無量[かんむりょう]deep feeling; inexpressible feeling;filled with emotion  N1","共感[きょうかん]sympathy; response  N1","直感[ちょっかん]intuition  N1","痛感[つうかん]feeling keenly; fully realizing  N1","同感[どうかん]agreement; same opinion;same feeling;sympathy;concurrence  N1","鈍感[どんかん]thickheadedness; stolidity  N1","反感[はんかん]antipathy; revolt;animosity  N1","敏感[びんかん]sensibility; susceptibility;sensitive (to);well attuned to  N1","予感[よかん]presentiment; premonition  N1","感激[かんげき]deep emotion, impression,inspiration  N2","感ずる[かんずる]to feel, to sense  N2","感想[かんそう]impressions, thoughts  N2","実感[じっかん]feelings (actual,  true)  N2","感覚[かんかく]sense,  sensation  N3","感じ[かんじ]feeling,  sense, impression  N3","感謝[かんしゃ]thanks,  gratitude  N3","感情[かんじょう]emotion(s),  feeling(s), sentiment  N3","感じる[かんじる]to feel,  to sense, to experience  N3","感心[かんしん]admiration,  Well done!  N3","感動[かんどう]being deeply moved,  excitement, impression, deep emotion  N3","五感[ごかん]The Five Senses,  five senses ","感動する[かんどうする]To Be Emotionally Moved,  to be moved emotionally, to be moving ","好感[こうかん]good feeling ","感化[かんか]influence ","感受性[かんじゅせい]sensibility ","責任感[せきにんかん]Sense Of Responsibility ","快感[かいかん]Pleasure ","優越感[ゆうえつ かん]superiority complex ","感嘆符[かんたんふ]Exclamation Mark,  exclamation point ","感嘆[かんたん]admiration ","感涙[かんるい]Tears Of Gratitude ","霊感[れいかん]Inspiration ","劣等感[れっとうかん]Inferiority Complex ","感銘[かんめい]Deep Impression ","感慨無量[かんがいむりょう]deep emotion,  deeply moved, filled with emotion ","感慨深い[かんがいぶかい]deeply moving,  deeply emotive ","感[かん] (n, n-suf) (1) feeling/sensation/emotion/admiration/impression (n) (2) (abbr) interjection ","いい感じ[いいかんじ] (exp, n) pleasant feeling/good vibes ","雑感[ざっかん] (n) miscellaneous impressions ","罪悪感[ざいあくかん] (n) feelings of guilt ","感謝祭[かんしゃさい] (n) Thanksgiving (US,  Canada) ","感情的[かんじょうてき] (adj-na) emotional/sentimental (P) ","食感[しょっかん] (n) food texture/mouthfeel ","感染症[かんせんしょう] (n) infectious disease/infection (P) ","違和感[いわかん] (n) (1) uncomfortable feeling/feeling out of place/sense of discomfort (2) malaise/physical unease (P) ","緊張感[きんちょうかん] (n) feeling of tension/air of tension/tension/nervousness ","体感[たいかん] (n, vs,adj-no) bodily sensation/sense/experience (P) ","感性[かんせい] (n) sensitivity/sensitiveness/sense (of ...) (P) ","感じ取る[かんじとる] (v5r, vt) to perceive/to sense/to take in/to grasp/to feel (P) ","感知[かんち] (n, vs) perception/sensing/noticing ","質感[しっかん<br>しつかん] (n) feel of a material "],"情":["心情[しんじょう]mentality  N1","実情[じつじょう]real condition; actual circumstances;actual state of affairs  N1","情[じょう]feelings; emotion;passion  N1","情緒[じょうちょ<br>じょうしょ]emotion; feeling  N1","情勢[じょうせい]state of things; condition;situation  N1","情熱[じょうねつ]passion; enthusiasm;zeal  N1","同情[どうじょう]sympathy; compassion;sympathize;pity;feel for  N1","情け[なさけ]sympathy; compassion  N1","情け深い[なさけぶかい]tender-hearted; compassionate  N1","人情[にんじょう]humanity; empathy;kindness;sympathy;human nature;common sense;customs and manners  N1","苦情[くじょう]complaint, troubles,objection  N2","純情[じゅんじょう]pure heart, naivete,self-sacrificing devotion  N2","愛情[あいじょう]love,  affection  N3","感情[かんじょう]emotion(s),  feeling(s), sentiment  N3","事情[じじょう]circumstances,  consideration, conditions, situation, reasons  N3","情報[じょうほう]information,  (military) intelligence  N3","表情[ひょうじょう]facial expression  N3","友情[ゆうじょう]friendship,  fellowship  N3","強情[ごうじょう]headstrong ","情けない[なさけない]pathetic ","無情[むじょう]coldhearted ","薄情[はくじょう]Cold Hearted ","陳情[ちんじょう]petition,  appeal ","叙情[じょじょう]lyricism,  description of feelings, expression of feelings ","感情的[かんじょうてき] (adj-na) emotional/sentimental (P) ","情報処理[じょうほうしょり] (n) (comp) data processing (P) ","情報源[じょうほうげん] (n) (1) source of information/intelligence source (2) (comp) message source ","風情[ふうじょう<br>ふぜい] (n) appearance/air ","事情聴取[じじょうちょうしゅ] (n, vs) (yoji) inquiry/enquiry/investigation (police) interview/questioning (e.g. witness, suspect)/hearing ","抒情[じょじょう] (n, adj-no) lyricism/description of one's feelings ","情景[じょうけい] (n) spectacle/sight/scene (P) ","政情[せいじょう] (n) political situation/political affairs (P) "],"様":["有様[ありさま<br>ありよう]state; condition;circumstances;the way things are or should be;truth  N1","一様[いちよう]uniformity; evenness;similarity;equality;impartiality  N1","お蔭様で[おかげさまで]Thanks to god; thanks to you  N1","ご苦労様[ごくろうさま]Thank you very much for your....  N1","様[さま<br>ざま<br>ためし<br>ちゃま<br>よう]Mr. or Mrs.; manner;kind;appearance  N1","左様なら[さようなら]good-bye  N1","仕様[しよう]way; method;resource;remedy;(technical) specification  N1","多様[たよう]diversity; variety  N1","殿様[とのさま]feudal lord  N1","様式[ようしき]style; form;pattern  N1","様相[ようそう]aspect  N1","神様[かみさま]god  N2","逆様[さかさま]inversion, upside down  N2","王様[おうさま]king  N3","様々[さまざま<br>さまさま]varied,  various  N3","同様[どうよう]identical,  equal to, same (kind), like  N3","模様[もよう]pattern,  figure, design  N3","様子[ようす]aspect,  state, appearance  N3","皆様[みなさま,  みんなさま<br>みなさま]Everyone, all, everybody ","〜様[さま]Formal Name Ender,  formal name title, sama, very formal name ender ","有り様[ありさま<br>ありよう]condition ","貴様[きさま]You ","奥様[おくさま]married woman ","姫様[ひめさま]Princess ","お疲れ様[おつかれさま]Thank You,  that's enough for today, good work ","お客様[おきゃくさま] (n) (1) (hon) guest/visitor (2) (hon) customer/client/shopper/spectator/audience/tourist/sightseer/passenger (P) ","お嬢様[おじょうさま] (n) (1) (pol) (another's) daughter (2) young lady (of pampered upbringing)/woman who has never known hardship/naive woman ","お父様[おとうさま] (n) (hon) father ","お母様[おかあさま] (n) (hon) mother ","お姫様[おひいさま<br>おひめさま] (ok) (n) (1) (hon) princess (2) spoiled girl/hothouse flower (3) glue ","旦那様[だんなさま] (n) (1) (hon) husband (2) (hon) master (of a house,  shop, etc.) ","俺様[おれさま] (pn) (hon) I/me ","何様[なにさま] (n) (1) person of importance/a somebody (adv) (2) absolutely/certainly/to be sure ","兄様[にいさま] (n) (hon) older brother ","ご主人様[ごしゅじんさま] (exp, n) (1) master (2) Your lordship/My lord (3) husband ","どちら様[どちらさま] (n) (hon) who ","お子様[おこさま] (n) (pol) (hon) (someone else's) child (P) ","同様に[どうように] (adv) identically/in the (exact) same way/similarly ","多種多様[たしゅたよう] (adj-na, n,adj-no) (yoji) a great variety of/diversity ","人様[ひとさま] (n) other people/others ","異様[いよう] (adj-na, n) bizarre/strange/eccentric/odd/queer (P) ","文様[もんよう] (n) pattern/design (P) ","外様[とざま] (n) (1) (abbr) outside daimyo/non-Tokugawa daimyo (2) outsider/one not included in the favored (favoured) group "],"熱":["光熱費[こうねつひ]cost of fuel and light  N1","情熱[じょうねつ]passion; enthusiasm;zeal  N1","熱湯[ねっとう]boiling water  N1","熱意[ねつい]zeal; enthusiasm  N1","熱量[ねつりょう]temperature  N1","加熱[かねつ]heating  N2","熱する[ねっする]to heat  N2","熱心[ねっしん]zeal,  enthusiasm  N3","熱帯[ねったい]tropics  N3","熱中[ねっちゅう]nuts!,  enthusiasm, zeal, mania  N3","熱[ねつ]fever  N4","熱い[あつい]hot to the touch  N5","熱気[ねっき<br>ねつけ]fevered air ","発熱[はつねつ]heat generation ","白熱[はくねつ]white heat ","高熱[こうねつ]high fever ","解熱[げねつ]alleviation of fever ","熱烈[ねつれつ]Impassioned,  passionate enthusiasm ","耐熱[たいねつ]Heat Resisting,  heat resistant ","熱狂[ねっきょう] (n, vs) wild enthusiasm/being crazy about (P) ","断熱[だんねつ] (n, vs,adj-no) insulation (P) ","亜熱帯[あねったい] (n) subtropics (P) ","熱血[ねっけつ] (n) (1) hot blood/warm blood (2) zeal/fervor/fervour/ardor/ardour/enthusiasm ","過熱[かねつ] (n, vs) superheating/overheating (P) "],"殺":["暗殺[あんさつ]assassination  N1","殺人[さつじん]murder  N1","殺す[ころす]to kill  N3","自殺[じさつ]suicide  N3","人殺し[ひとごろし]murder ","他殺[たさつ]homicide ","殺気[さっき]stormy atmosphere ","相殺[そうさい<br>そうさつ]cancellation ","殺人者[さつじんしゃ]Murderer ","絞殺[こうさつ]Death By Strangling,  strangled to death, strangling ","飛び込み自殺[とびこみじさつ]Suicide By Train ","併殺[へいさつ]Double Play ","銃殺[じゅうさつ]Death By Shooting ","殺到[さっとう]rush ","殺菌[さっきん]Sterilization,  sterilisation ","黙殺[もくさつ]Ignoring ","斬殺[ざんさつ]Killing With A Sword,  putting to the sword ","虐殺[ぎゃくさつ]atrocity,  massive killing, slaughter, massacre ","抹殺[まっさつ]murder,  killing, denial, erasure, obliteration, ignoring ","殺害[さつがい<br>せちがい<br>せつがい] (n, vs) killing/murder (P) ","殺人事件[さつじんじけん] (n) murder case (P) ","殺人犯[さつじんはん] (n) murderer ","殺生[せっしょう] (n, vs) (1) killing/destruction of life (adj-na) (2) barbarous/callous/brutal/cruel/heartless ","ぶっ殺す[ぶっころす] (v5s, vt) to beat to death/to kill ","皆殺し[みなごろし] (n) massacre/annihilation/wholesale slaughter ","殺し[ころし] (n) murder/killing/murderer (P) ","殺人鬼[さつじんき] (n) devilish homicide/cutthroat ","殺る[やる] (v5r, vt) (col) to do someone in/to bump someone off ","見殺し[みごろし] (n) letting (someone) die without helping ","射殺[しゃさつ] (n, vs) shooting to death (P) ","撃ち殺す[うちころす] (v5s, vt) to shoot to death ","必殺[ひっさつ] (n, adj-no) bringing certain death/deadly/knockout (blow) ","暗殺者[あんさつしゃ] (n) assassin ","殺し屋[ころしや] (n) professional killer/hit man ","必殺技[ひっさつわざ] (n) (1) killer technique/surefire assassination method (2) (MA) special or lethal move,  usu. one unique to a certain fighter or fighting style ","殺傷[さっしょう] (n, vs) killing and wounding/bloodshed (P) ","毒殺[どくさつ] (n, vs) poisoning/kill by poison (P) ","殺戮[さつりく] (n, vs) slaughter/massacre ","刺殺[しさつ] (n, vs) (1) stabbing to death (2) (baseb) putting out ","殺陣[さつじん<br>たて] (n) sword battle (staged for television,  etc.)/sword fight ","誅殺[ちゅうさつ] (n, vs) execution of a criminal ","殺虫[さっちゅう] (n, vs) killing insects or pests "],"宿":["宿命[しゅくめい]fate; destiny;predestination  N1","民宿[みんしゅく]private home providing lodging for travelers  N1","宿泊[しゅくはく]lodging  N3","宿[しゅく<br>やど]inn,  lodging  N3","下宿[げしゅく]lodging  N4","宿題[しゅくだい]homework  N5","新宿[しんじゅく]Shinjuku ","合宿[がっしゅく]lodge together ","宿屋[やどや]hotel ","雨宿り[あまやどり]shelter from the rain ","宿主[しゅくしゅ<br>やどぬし] (n) (parasitic) host ","宿泊客[しゅくはくきゃく] (n) guest spending the night (i.e. at a hotel) ","宿舎[しゅくしゃ] (n) lodging house (P) ","宿る[やどる] (v5r, vi) (1) to dwell/to live/to remain (2) to stay at/to take shelter at/to stop at/to lodge at (3) to be pregnant (4) to be part of a constellation (5) to be a parasite (bugs, plants, etc.) (P) ","宿場[しゅくば] (n) relay station (esp. on Edo-period highway)/post station/stage ","宿敵[しゅくてき] (n) old enemy/longtime enemy/arch-enemy/traditional rival/longstanding foe (P) ","宿場町[しゅくばまち] (n) inn town/post town/post-station town ","寄宿[きしゅく] (n, vs) lodging ","宿禰[すくね] (n) (1) (arch) (hon) Lord (title of respect for nobility,  etc.) (2) Sukune (third highest of the eight hereditary titles) "],"福":["福[ふく]good fortune  N1","福祉[ふくし<br>ふくち]welfare; well-being  N1","幸福[こうふく]happiness,  blessedness  N3","福島[ふくしま]Fukushima ","裕福[ゆうふく]Wealth ","祝福[しゅくふく]blessing ","福寿[ふくじゅ]Happiness And Longevity ","社会福祉[しゃかいふくし]Social Welfare ","福袋[ふくぶくろ]Mystery Bag,  mystery sack ","福岡[ふくおか] (n) Fukuoka (city) (P) ","福音[ふくいん] (n, adj-no) (1) good news (2) gospel (teachings or revelations of Jesus Christ) (P) ","冥福[みょうふく<br>めいふく] (n) happiness in the next world ","至福[しふく] (n, adj-no) beatitude/supreme bliss (P) "],"然":["依然[いぜん]still; as yet  N1","公然[こうぜん]open (e.g. secret); public;official  N1","然も[しかも]with gusto; with satisfaction  N1","然し[しかし]however; but  N1","然しながら[しかしながら]nevertheless; however  N1","整然[せいぜん]orderly; regular;well-organized;trim;accurate  N1","然うして[そうして]and; like that  N1","然して[しかして]and  N1","断然[だんぜん]firmly; absolutely;definitely  N1","漠然[ばくぜん]obscure; vague;equivocal  N1","必然[ひつぜん]inevitable; necessary  N1","呆然[ぼうぜん]dumbfounded; overcome with surprise;in blank amazement  N1","自然科学[しぜんかがく]natural science  N2","偶然[ぐうぜん](by) chance,  unexpectedly, suddenly  N3","自然[しぜん<br>じねん]nature,  spontaneous  N3","全然[ぜんぜん](1) wholly,  entirely, completely, (2) not at all (with neg. verb)  N3","天然[てんねん]nature,  spontaneity  N3","突然[とつぜん]abruptly,  suddenly, unexpectedly, all at once  N3","当然[とうぜん]Natural,  obvious ","不自然[ふしぜん]unnatural ","未然[みぜん]in advance ","自然に[しぜんに]naturally ","必然的[ひつぜんてき]inevitable ","歴然と[れきぜんと]clear ","漠然と[ばくぜんと]vaguely ","超自然的[ちょうしぜんてき]Supernatural ","呆然と[ぼうぜんと]blankly ","敢然[かんぜん]boldly,  bravely, fearlessly ","依然として[いぜんとして] (exp, adv) still/as yet/as of old (P) ","然[さ<br>しか<br>ぜん] (adv) (arch) so/like that/in that way ","徒然[つれづれ<br>とぜん] (gikun) (adj-na, adv,n) tedium ","同然[どうぜん] (adj-na, n,adj-no) similar to/same/right/proper/just/natural (P) ","天然ガス[てんねんガス] (n) natural gas (P) ","大自然[だいしぜん] (n) nature/Mother Nature (P) ","愕然[がくぜん] (adj-t, adv-to) astonished/shocked/amazed/astounded/aghast ","唖然[あぜん] (adj-t, adv-to) dumbfounded/in mute amazement ","一目瞭然[いちもくりょうぜん] (adj-na, n,adj-no) (yoji) apparent/obvious/very clear ","天然痘[てんねんとう] (n) smallpox/variola (P) "],"願":["お願いします[おねがいします]please  N1","願書[がんしょ]written application or petition  N1","願い[ねがい]desire,  wish, request  N3","願う[ねがう]to desire,  to wish, to request  N3","心願[しんがん]Heartfelt Desire,  heartfelt wish, prayer, heart's desire ","お願い[おねがい]favor ","出願[しゅつがん]application ","願わくは[ねがわくは]I pray ","願望[がんぼう<br>がんもう]Desire,  wish, aspiration ","念願[ねんがん]Heart's Desire,  earnest wish ","願い事[ねがいごと]One's Wish,  prayer, wish ","祈願[きがん]Prayer,  a prayer ","請願[せいがん]Petition ","宜しくお願いします[よろしくおねがいします]Best Regards ","願[がん] (n) prayer/wish/vow (P) ","志願[しがん] (n, vs,adj-no) aspiration/volunteering/desire/application (P) ","嘆願[たんがん] (n, vs,adj-no) entreaty/appeal/petition (P) ","悲願[ひがん] (n) one's dearest wish/Buddha's vow to save humanity (P) ","懇願[こんがん] (n, vs) entreaty/supplication/petition (P) "],"能":["技能[ぎのう]technical skill; ability;capacity  N1","万能[ばんのう<br>まんのう]all-purpose; almighty;omnipotent  N1","放射能[ほうしゃのう]radioactivity  N1","本能[ほんのう]instinct  N1","無能[むのう]inefficiency; incompetence  N1","芸能[げいのう]public entertainment, accomplishments,attainments  N2","性能[せいのう]ability, efficiency  N2","能率[のうりつ]efficiency  N2","可能[かのう]possible,  practicable, feasible  N3","機能[きのう]function,  faculty  N3","才能[さいのう]talent,  ability  N3","知能[ちのう]intelligence,  brains  N3","能[のう]being skilled in,  nicely, properly  N3","能力[のうりょく<br>のうりき]ability,  faculty  N3","有能[ゆうのう]able,  capable, efficient, skill  N3","芸能界[げいのうかい]Showbusiness,  showbiz, show business ","不能[ふのう]impossible ","能動的[のうどうてき]active ","芸能人[げいのうじん]celebrity ","不可能[ふかのう]impossible ","可能性[かのうせい]Possibility ","超能力[ちょうのうりょく] (n) (1) extra-sensory perception/ESP/psi/psychic ability (2) psychokinesis/PK ","高性能[こうせいのう] (n, adj-no,adj-na) high efficiency/high performance (P) ","堪能[かんのう<br>たんのう] (adj-na, n) (1) proficient/skillful (n,adj-na) (2) (Buddh) patience/perseverance/fortitude ","能楽[のうがく] (n) noh play (P) ","官能[かんのう] (n) (1) the senses (2) sensuality/carnality ","能動[のうどう] (n) activity (P) ","効能[こうのう] (n) effect/efficacy/virtue/benefit (P) "],"術":["戦術[せんじゅつ]tactics  N1","美術[びじゅつ]art; fine arts  N1","学術[がくじゅつ]science, learning,scholarship  N2","芸術[げいじゅつ](fine) art,  the arts  N3","手術[しゅじゅつ<br>しゅずつ]surgical operation  N3","技術[ぎじゅつ]art, technology,skill  N4","美術館[びじゅつかん]art gallery  N4","術語[じゅつご]technical term ","芸術家[げいじゅつか]Artist ","錬金術[れんきんじゅつ]Alchemy ","魔術[まじゅつ]Black Magic,  sorcery ","術[じゅつ<br>すべ] (n, n-suf) (1) art/technique (2) means/way (3) trick/trap/plot/stratagem (4) magic (P) ","魔術師[まじゅつし] (n) magician/conjurer ","錬金術師[れんきんじゅつし] (n) alchemist (P) ","技術者[ぎじゅつしゃ] (n) engineer/technical expert/technician/craftsperson (P) ","武術[ぶじゅつ] (n) (1) (MA) martial arts/military arts (2) wushu/modern sport derived from traditional Chinese martial arts ","催眠術[さいみんじゅつ] (n) hypnotism ","砲術[ほうじゅつ] (n) gunnery/artillery ","柔術[じゅうじゅつ] (n) jujitsu (classical Japanese martial art,  usually referring to fighting without a weapon)/jiujitsu/jujutsu ","馬術[ばじゅつ] (n, adj-no) horse-riding/horsemanship/equestrian art (P) ","占星術[せんせいじゅつ] (n) astrology ","呪術[じゅじゅつ] (n) magic/sorcery/incantation "],"束":["結束[けっそく]union; unity  N1","拘束[こうそく]restriction; restraint  N1","束縛[そくばく]restraint; shackles;restriction;confinement;binding  N1","束の間[つかのま]moment; brief time;brief;transient  N1","束[たば<br>そく<br>つか]handbreadth,  bundle  N3","約束[やくそく]promise  N4","束ねる[たばねる<br>つかねる]tie up in a bundle ","花束[はなたば]flower bouquet ","収束[しゅうそく] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) conclusion/resolution/firming up (plans, etc.)/coming together/returning to normal (2) gathering and bundling (3) (math) convergence (4) focusing (e.g. light)/convergence ","お約束[おやくそく] (n, vs) (1) (hon) (hum) promise/agreement/arrangement/one's word/contract/pact/appointment/engagement/date (n,adj-no) (2) something expected or predictable (e.g. running gag)/typical or cliched development (in a story)/something considered obligatory or guaranteed (in a certain situation) ","約束どおり[やくそくどおり] (n, adv) as one promised ","装束[しょうぞく<br>そうずく<br>そうぞく] (n, vs) (1) costume/dress/attire (2) (arch) interior decoration/landscaping/furnishing/ornament "],"例":["慣例[かんれい]custom; precedent;of convention  N1","前例[ぜんれい]precedent  N1","例え[たとえ]example; even if;if;though;although  N1","例[れい<br>ためし]instance; example;case;precedent;experience;custom;usage;parallel;illustration  N1","比例[ひれい]proportion  N1","実例[じつれい]example, illustration  N2","例える[たとえる]to compare, to liken,to speak figuratively,to illustrate,to use a simile  N2","例外[れいがい]exception  N2","例えば[たとえば]for example  N4","悪例[あくれい]Bad Example,  bad precedent ","例文[れいぶん]Example Sentence,  model sentence, sample sentence ","一例[いちれい]Instance,  example ","例年[れいねん]typical year ","例題[れいだい]example problem ","先例[せんれい]precedent ","用例[ようれい]example ","判例[はんれい]precedent ","条例[じょうれい]regulations ","恒例[こうれい]established practice,  custom ","事例[じれい] (n, adj-no) example/precedent/case (P) ","特例[とくれい] (n) special case/exception (P) ","異例[いれい] (adj-no, adj-na,n) exceptional/unusual/extraordinary/unprecedented/singular (P) ","通例[つうれい] (n, adj-no) (1) custom/general rule/convention (adv) (2) usually/generally/as a rule (P) ","定例[じょうれい<br>ていれい] (adj-no) (1) regular/ordinary (e.g. session of parliament) (n) (2) established usage/precedent/regular practice ","例会[れいかい] (n) regular meeting (P) ","症例[しょうれい] (n) (med) case (P) ","例の[れいの] (adj-pn) (1) the usual/as it always is (2) said/that (previously-mentioned person or object)/aforementioned/you-know-(who,  what, etc.) (adv) (3) (arch) in the usual way ","例祭[れいさい] (n) regular festival/annual festival ","例示[れいじ] (n, vs) exemplification/illustrating by example "],"折":["折り返す[おりかえす]to turn up; to fold back  N1","屈折[くっせつ]bending; indentation;refraction  N1","折衷[せっちゅう]compromise; cross;blending;eclecticism  N1","時折[ときおり<br>ときより]sometimes  N1","折角[せっかく]with trouble, at great pains,long-awaited  N2","骨折[こっせつ]bone fracture  N3","折る[おる]to break or to fold  N4","折れる[おれる]to break or be folded  N4","折[おり]at the time ","折り返し[おりかえし]lapel ","折紙[おりがみ]origami ","折り目[おりめ]Fold,  crease ","折り紙[おりがみ]Origami,  art of paper folding ","折り畳み[おりたたみ]collapsible ","折り畳む[おりたたむ] (v5m, vt) to fold up/to fold into layers ","挫折[ざせつ] (n, vs) setback/failure (e.g. plans, business)/frustration/discouragement (P) ","折り[おり] (n) (1) opportunity/chance/occasion/time (2) folding/fold/pleat/crease (3) small food box (wooden or cardboard) (ctr) (4) counter for folds (5) counter for items (esp. food) packed in an oribako ","夭折[ようせつ] (n, vs) premature death ","折衝[せっしょう] (n, vs) negotiation (P) ","曲折[きょくせつ] (n, vs) windings/meanderings/complications/twists and turns (P) ","右折[うせつ] (n, vs) turning to the right/right turn (P) ","折り合う[おりあう] (v5u, vi) (1) to reach an agreement/to come to an understanding/to compromise (with)/to meet halfway (2) to get along well with ","回折[かいせつ] (n, vs) diffraction ","折から[おりから] (exp, n-t) (1) just then/at that time/right then/at that moment (2) appropriate moment (P) ","左折[させつ] (n, vs) turning to the left/left turn (P) "],"性":["異性[いせい]the opposite sex  N1","個性[こせい]individuality; personality;idiosyncrasy  N1","知性[ちせい]intelligence  N1","適性[てきせい]aptitude  N1","理性[りせい]reason; sense  N1","酸性[さんせい]acidity  N2","性質[せいしつ]nature, property,disposition  N2","性能[せいのう]ability, efficiency  N2","性別[せいべつ]distinction by sex, sex,gender  N2","中性[ちゅうせい]neuter gender, neutral (chem.),indifference,sterility  N2","性[せい<br>さが<br>しょう<br>なりくせ]sex,  gender  N3","性格[せいかく]personality  N3","女性[じょせい<br>にょしょう]woman  N4","男性[だんせい]male  N4","人性[じんせい]Human Nature,  instinct ","性病[せいびょう]Sexually Transmitted Disease,  std ","人間性[にんげんせい]human nature ","同性[どうせい]of the same sex ","女性的[じょせいてき]feminine ","性的[せいてき]sexual ","感受性[かんじゅせい]sensibility ","根性[こんじょう]nature ","気性[きしょう]disposition ","男性的[だんせいてき]masculine ","野性[やせい]wild nature ","急性[きゅうせい]acute ","性急[せいきゅう]hasty ","性愛[せいあい]Sexual Love ","無性に[むしょうに]extremely ","可能性[かのうせい]Possibility ","甲斐性[かいしょう]Resourcefulness,  competence ","耐久性[たいきゅうせい]Durability ","水溶性[すいようせい]Water Soluble ","惰性[だせい]inertia,  habit, momentum ","慢性[まんせい]chronic ","活性[かっせい] (n) activity (P) ","特性[とくせい] (n) special characteristic/special quality/trait/idiosyncrasy/peculiarity (P) ","属性[ぞくせい] (n) attribute/property/context/element ","相性[あいしょう] (n) affinity/compatibility (P) ","中性子[ちゅうせいし] (n) (physics) neutron (P) ","同性愛[どうせいあい] (n, adj-no) homosexual love (P) ","柔軟性[じゅうなんせい] (n) flexibility/pliability/softness/elasticity ","同性愛者[どうせいあいしゃ] (n) homosexual (person) ","個性的[こせいてき] (adj-na) individual/distinctive/unique/characteristic/personal/idiosyncratic (P) ","高性能[こうせいのう] (n, adj-no,adj-na) high efficiency/high performance (P) ","陽性[ようせい] (n, adj-no) positivity (P) ","毒性[どくせい] (n) (1) toxicity/virulence (adj-no) (2) toxic/virulent/poisonous (P) ","感性[かんせい] (n) sensitivity/sensitiveness/sense (of ...) (P) ","危険性[きけんせい] (n) riskiness/danger (P) ","耐性[たいせい] (n, adj-no) resistance (e.g. to antibiotics)/tolerance (e.g. drug tolerance) (P) ","磁性[じせい] (n) magnetism ","性欲[せいよく] (n, adj-no) sexual desire (P) ","悪性[あくしょう<br>あくせい] (n, adj-na) evil nature/licentiousness/lewdness ","性交[せいこう] (n, vs,adj-no) sexual intercourse (P) ","弾性[だんせい] (n) elasticity ","本性[ほんしょう<br>ほんせい] (n) true character/real nature (P) ","慣性[かんせい] (n) (physics) inertia ","素性[すじょう<br>そせい] (n) (1) birth/lineage/parentage/origin (2) identity/background/history/past (3) provenance/origin ","陰性[いんせい] (adj-na, n,adj-no) negative (P) ","信憑性[しんぴょうせい] (n) authenticity/credibility ","性器[せいき] (n, adj-no) genitals ","両性[りょうせい] (n, adj-no) both sexes ","習性[しゅうせい] (n) (1) habit (2) behavior/behaviour/trait/nature (P) ","物性[ぶっせい] (n) physical properties/properties of matter/physicality "],"望":["志望[しぼう]wish; desire;ambition  N1","絶望[ぜつぼう]despair; hopelessness  N1","待望[たいぼう]expectant waiting  N1","展望[てんぼう]view; outlook;prospect  N1","望ましい[のぞましい]desirable; hoped for  N1","待ち望む[まちのぞむ]to look anxiously for; to wait eagerly for  N1","有望[ゆうぼう]good prospects; full of hope;promising  N1","要望[ようぼう]demand for; request  N1","欲望[よくぼう]desire; appetite  N1","望遠鏡[ぼうえんきょう]telescope  N2","希望[きぼう]hope,  wish, aspiration  N3","失望[しつぼう]disappointment,  despair  N3","望み[のぞみ]wish,  desire, (a) hope  N3","望む[のぞむ]to desire,  to wish for, to see, to command (a view of)  N3","願望[がんぼう<br>がんもう]Desire,  wish, aspiration ","希望する[きぼうする]To Request,  to wish ","眺望[ちょうぼう]Prospect,  view ","望遠[ぼうえん] (n) seeing at a distance ","望月[ぼうげつ<br>もちづき] (n) full moon/15th day of the lunar calendar ","望[ぼう<br>もち] (n) (1) full moon (2) 15th day of the lunar month ","絶望的[ぜつぼうてき] (adj-na) desperate/hopeless ","野望[やぼう] (n) ambition/aspiration (P) ","一望[いちぼう] (n, vs) one sweep (of the eye)/sweeping view/unbroken view "],"参":["参議院[さんぎいん]House of Councillors  N1","参照[さんしょう]reference; consultation;consultation  N1","参上[さんじょう]calling on; visiting  N1","お参り[おまいり]worship, shrine visit  N2","持参[じさん]bringing, taking,carrying  N2","参加[さんか]participation  N3","参考[さんこう]reference,  consultation  N3","参る[まいる](humble) to go, to come  N4","参考書[さんこうしょ]reference book ","参加者[さんかしゃ]Participant ","参加する[さんかする]To Participate ","参政権[さんせい けん]suffrage ","墓参り[はかまいり]visit to a grave ","降参[こうさん]Surrender ","降参する[こうさんする]To Surrender ","参入[さんにゅう] (n, vs) (1) entering (the marketplace)/introducing (something) to the market/access (2) visiting a high-class or noble individual (P) ","参[さん<br>しん<br>み] (num) (1) three (pref) (2) tri- ","参拝[さんぱい] (n, vs) visit to a shrine or temple/paying homage at a shrine or temple (P) ","参謀[さんぼう] (n) (1) staff officer/military staff (2) adviser/counselor/counsellor (P) ","参戦[さんせん] (n, vs) (1) participation in a war/going to war (2) taking part in a competition or contest (P) ","参画[さんかく] (n, vs) taking part in planning (P) ","参事[さんじ] (n) secretary/councillor/councilor (P) ","参詣[さんけい] (n, vs) visit to a temple or shrine/worship/pilgrimage ","参院[さんいん] (n) (abbr) House of Councillors (upper house of the National Diet of Japan) (P) ","参事官[さんじかん] (n) councillor/councilor (P) ","参道[さんどう] (n) road approaching a shrine (P) ","参与[さんよ] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) participation/taking part (n) (2) consultant/councillor/adviser (P) ","参政[さんせい] (n) participation in government ","参列[さんれつ] (n, vs) attendance/participation/presence (P) ","古参[こさん] (n, adj-no) seniority/long service (P) ","人参[にんじん] (n) (1) (uk) carrot (Daucus carota) (2) (uk) Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng) (P) "],"完":["完璧[かんぺき]perfection; completeness;flawless  N1","完成[かんせい](1) complete,  completion, (2) perfection, accomplishment  N3","完全[かんぜん]perfection,  completeness  N3","完了[かんりょう<br>ワンラ]completion,  conclusion  N3","不完全[ふかんぜん]imperfect ","完ぺき[かんぺき] (adj-na) perfect/complete/flawless ","完結[かんけつ] (n, vs) conclusion/completion (P) ","補完[ほかん] (n, vs) complementation/supplementation/completion (P) ","完[かん] (exp) (1) The End/Finis (n-suf, n) (2) completion/conclusion/end (3) providing fully ","未完[みかん] (n, adj-no) incomplete/unfinished ","完走[かんそう] (n, vs) finishing (a race)/running the whole distance/reaching the goal/staying the course (P) ","完封[かんぷう] (n, vs) complete blockade (seal)/baseball shutout (P) ","完投[かんとう] (n, vs) going the whole distance/pitching a whole game (P) ","未完成[みかんせい] (adj-na, n,adj-no) incompletion/incomplete/unfinished (P) ","完備[かんび] (n, adj-na,vs) (1) (being) fully equipped (being) fully furnished (2) (math) completeness ","完売[かんばい] (n, vs) selling out/being sold out (P) ","完敗[かんぱい] (n) (1) complete defeat/utter defeat/annihilation (vs) (2) to be completely defeated/to be beaten hollow (P) ","完済[かんさい] (n, vs) full payment/liquidation ","完治[かんじ<br>かんち] (n, vs) complete recovery "],"約":["規約[きやく]agreement; rules;code  N1","倹約[けんやく]thrift; economy;frugality  N1","条約[じょうやく]treaty; pact  N1","制約[せいやく]limitation; restriction;condition;constraints  N1","契約[けいやく]contract,  compact, agreement  N3","婚約[こんやく]engagement,  betrothal  N3","節約[せつやく]economising,  saving  N3","約[やく]approximately,  about, some  N3","約束[やくそく]promise  N4","予約[よやく]reservation  N4","約する[やくする]To Promise ","公約[こうやく]public pledge ","要約[ようやく]summary ","解約[かいやく]dissolution of a contract ","盟約[めいやく]Pledge,  pact ","誓約[せいやく]Written Vow,  pledge, covenant ","約款[やっかん]agreement,  stipulation, article, clause ","婚約者[こんやくしゃ] (n) fiance/fiancee (P) ","契約書[けいやくしょ] (n) (written) contract/agreement (P) ","集約[しゅうやく] (n, adj-f) (1) intensiveness (n,vs) (2) collecting/summarizing/putting together/aggregating/integrating (P) ","お約束[おやくそく] (n, vs) (1) (hon) (hum) promise/agreement/arrangement/one's word/contract/pact/appointment/engagement/date (n,adj-no) (2) something expected or predictable (e.g. running gag)/typical or cliched development (in a story)/something considered obligatory or guaranteed (in a certain situation) ","約束どおり[やくそくどおり] (n, adv) as one promised ","旧約[きゅうやく] (n) (1) old promise/old agreement/old covenant (2) (abbr) Old Testament (P) ","新約[しんやく] (n) (1) new contract/new agreement (2) (abbr) New Testament ","和約[わやく] (n) peace settlement ","特約[とくやく] (n, vs) special contract/special agreement/rider (insurance) (P) ","協約[きょうやく] (n, vs) pact/convention/agreement ","締約[ていやく] (n, vs) conclusion of a treaty (P) ","密約[みつやく] (n, vs) secret agreement (P) "],"残":["残金[ざんきん]remaining money  N1","残酷[ざんこく]cruelty; harshness  N1","残高[ざんだか](bank) balance; remainder  N1","名残[なごり]remains; traces;memory  N1","残らず[のこらず]all, entirely,completely,without exception  N2","残す[のこす]to leave (behind,   over), to bequeath, to save, to reserve  N3","残り[のこり]remnant,  residue, remaining, left-over  N3","残念[ざんねん]disappointment  N4","残る[のこる]to remain  N4","残業[ざんぎょう]Overtime ","残暑[ざんしょ]lingering summer heat ","残品[ざんぴん]Unsold Merchandise,  remaining stock, unsold stock, remaining merchandise, unsold product, remaining product ","無残[むざん]atrocious ","残余[ざんよ]Remainder,  residual ","残額[ざんがく]Remaining Amount ","残虐[ざんぎゃく]cruelty,  brutality ","名残惜しい[なごりおしい]be sad to leave ","生き残る[いきのこる] (v5r, vi) to survive (P) ","残存[ざんそん<br>ざんぞん] (n, vs) survival/remaining/being extant/being left (P) ","名残り[なごり] (io) (n) (1) remains/traces/vestiges/relics (2) (the sorrow of) parting (3) end ","残留[ざんりゅう] (n, vs,adj-no) staying behind/remaining/residual (P) ","残[ざん] (n, pref) remaining/left-over/excess ","残忍[ざんにん] (adj-na, n) brutal/cruel/merciless/ruthless/cold-blooded (P) ","残党[ざんとう] (n) remnants/survivors/refugees/pocket (of resistance) ","残骸[ざんがい] (n) ruins/wreckage ","生き残り[いきのこり] (n) (1) survival (2) survivor/relic (P) ","取り残す[とりのこす] (v5s, vt) to leave behind (P) "],"求":["請求[せいきゅう]claim,  demand, application, request  N3","求める[もとめる]to seek,  to request, to demand, to want, to wish for, to search for, to pursue (pleasure), to hunt (a job),  N3","要求[ようきゅう]request,  demand, requisition  N3","求人[きゅうじん]Help Wanted,  seeking workers ","追求[ついきゅう]pursuit ","要求する[ようきゅうする]To Demand ","求職[きゅうしょく]Job Hunting ","求婚[きゅうこん]Marriage Proposal ","欲求[よっきゅう]Wants,  desires, personal needs ","請求書[せいきゅうしょ] (n) bill/job invoice (P) ","探求[たんきゅう] (n, vs) search/quest/pursuit (P) ","求む[もとむ] (v2m-s, vt) (1) to want/to wish for (2) (arch) to request/to demand (3) (arch) to seek/to search for/to pursue (pleasure)/to hunt (a job) (4) (pol) (arch) to purchase/to buy ","買い求める[かいもとめる] (v1, vt) to buy ","求刑[きゅうけい] (n, vs) recommended sentence/prosecution's demand for punishment (P) "],"格":["格[かく<br>きゃく]status; character;case  N1","格差[かくさ]qualitative difference; disparity  N1","規格[きかく]standard; norm  N1","資格[しかく]qualifications; requirements;capabilities  N1","失格[しっかく]disqualification; elimination;incapacity (legal)  N1","人格[じんかく]personality; character;individuality  N1","体格[たいかく]physique; constitution  N1","本格[ほんかく]propriety; fundamental rules  N1","格別[かくべつ<br>かくべち]exceptional  N2","同格[どうかく]the same rank, equality,apposition  N2","価格[かかく]price,  value, cost  N3","格好[かっこう<br>かっこ]shape,  form, posture, suitability  N3","合格[ごうかく]success,  passing (e.g. exam), eligibility  N3","性格[せいかく]personality  N3","骨格[こっかく]Skeleton ","合格する[ごうかくする]To Pass A Test,  to pass an exam ","不合格[ふごうかく]failing an exam ","本格的[ほんかくてき]authentic ","格子[こうし]lattice ","厳格[げんかく]stern ","格闘[かくとう]fight ","降格[こうかく] (n, vs) demotion (P) ","昇格[しょうかく] (n, vs,adj-no) raising of status/promotion/advance (P) ","格納[かくのう] (n, vs) (1) storage/housing for equipment and machines (2) (comp) putting into computer memory ","格闘技[かくとうぎ] (n) martial arts which involve fighting without weapons/combat sport/one-on-one fighting sport ","格段[かくだん] (adj-no, adj-na) (1) dramatic (improvement)/remarkable (difference)/marked/noticeable (2) (far) better/exceptional (P) ","定格[ていかく] (n) (engr) rated value ","格安[かくやす] (adj-na, n,adj-no) cheap/reasonable (P) ","格言[かくげん] (n, adj-no) saying/maxim/aphorism/proverb ","格付け[かくずけ<br>かくづけ] (ik) (n, vs) rating/classification/allocation/grading ","格上げ[かくあげ] (n, vs) status elevation/upgrading/promotion (P) ","格下げ[かくさげ] (n, vs) demotion/downgrading ","品格[ひんかく] (n) dignity/quality/grace/panache/level (P) ","適格[てきかく<br>てっかく] (n, adj-no) eligible/qualified/competent (P) ","格式[かくしき<br>きゃくしき] (n) (1) formality/social rules (2) social status/social standing (3) (arch) amendments and enforcement regulations (of the ritsuryo) ","破格[はかく] (adj-no, adj-na,n) (1) extraordinary/special/exceptional/abnormal/unprecedented (2) non-standard grammatical construction/ungrammatical usage/solecism (P) ","神格[しんかく] (n) divinity "],"念":["概念[がいねん]general idea; concept;notion  N1","念[ねん]sense; idea;thought;feeling;desire;concern;attention;care  N1","無念[むねん]chagrin; regret  N1","観念[かんねん](1) idea, notion,conception,(2) sense (e.g. of duty)  N2","記念[きねん]commemoration,  memory  N3","残念[ざんねん]disappointment  N4","念願[ねんがん]Heart's Desire,  earnest wish ","入念[にゅうねん]carefully ","念入り[ねんいり]careful ","念力[ねんりき]psycho-kinesis ","念頭[ねんとう]mind ","理念[りねん]concept ","記念日[きねんび]memorial day ","信念[しんねん]belief ","専念[せんねん]concentration ","祈念[きねん]Prayer,  a prayer ","断念[だんねん]abandonment ","執念[しゅうねん]tenacity of purpose ","懸念[けねん]anxiety ","丹念[たんねん]diligent,  careful, elaborate, meticulous ","記念碑[きねんひ]monument ","念のため[ねんのため] (exp, adv) (just) making sure/just to be sure/just in case/for caution's sake ","念仏[ねんぶつ] (n, vs) (Buddh) nenbutsu (Buddhist prayer)/nianfo/prayer to Amitabha (P) ","疑念[ぎねん] (n) doubt/suspicion/misgivings/scruples (P) "],"信":["確信[かくしん]conviction; confidence  N1","信者[しんじゃ]believer; adherent;devotee;Christian  N1","信任[しんにん]trust; confidence;credence  N1","自信[じしん]self-confidence  N1","信ずる[しんずる]to believe, to believe in,to place trust in  N2","迷信[めいしん]superstition  N2","信仰[しんこう](religious) faith,  belief, creed  N3","信号[しんごう]traffic light  N3","信じる[しんじる]to believe,  to place trust in  N3","信用[しんよう]confidence,  dependence, credit, faith  N3","信頼[しんらい]reliance,  trust, confidence  N3","通信[つうしん]correspondence,  communication, news, signal  N3","不信[ふしん]Distrust,  unfaithfulness ","信心[しんじん]Faith,  belief ","返信[へんしん]Reply ","信念[しんねん]belief ","受信[じゅしん]reception ","発信[はっしん]sending of a letter ","送信[そうしん]transmission ","信徒[しんと]Believer,  follower ","信託[しんたく]Trust,  entrusting ","通信網[つうしんもう]Communications Network ","信奉[しんぽう]belief,  faith ","着信音[ちゃくしんおん] (n) ringtone ","信[しん] (n) (1) honesty/sincerity/fidelity (2) trust/reliance/confidence (3) (religious) faith/devotion (ctr) (4) counter for received messages (P) ","配信[はいしん] (n, vs) distribution (of information, etc.)/broadcast/delivery/transmission (P) ","電信[でんしん] (n, adj-no) telegraph (P) ","共同通信[きょうどうつうしん] (n) joint communications ","信越[しんえつ] (n) region on Japan Sea side of Japan west of Tokyo/Nagano and Niigata ","受信音[じゅしんおん] (n) ringtone (of mobile phones,  portable phones, cellphones, etc.) ","自信満々[じしんまんまん] (adj-na, adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) (yoji) full of confidence/brimming with (self-)confidence/having great faith in oneself ","着信[ちゃくしん] (n, vs) (1) arrival (e.g. post, signal) (adj-f) (2) receiving/incoming ","信条[しんじょう] (n, adj-no) creed/belief/conviction/article of faith (P) ","交信[こうしん] (n, vs) telecommunications/correspondence (P) ","逓信[ていしん] (n) communications (e.g. post,  tele.) (P) ","送受信[そうじゅしん] (n) transceiver (send and receive) ","信憑[しんぴょう] (n, vs) trust/credit/credence ","投信[とうしん] (n) (abbr) investment trust (P) ","信憑性[しんぴょうせい] (n) authenticity/credibility ","信義[しんぎ] (n) faith/fidelity/loyalty (P) ","威信[いしん] (n) prestige/dignity (P) "],"猫":["猫[ねこ<br>ねこま]cat  N5","子猫[こねこ]Kitten,  kitty ","猫舌[ねこじた]Aversion To Hot Foods ","招き猫[まねきねこ]Shop Window Cat,  maneki neko ","猫背[ねこぜ]bent back "],"変":["相変わらず[あいかわらず]as ever; as usual;the same  N1","一変[いっぺん]complete change; about-face  N1","変革[へんかく]change; reform;revolution;upheaval;(the) Reformation  N1","変遷[へんせん]change; transition;vicissitudes  N1","変動[へんどう]change; fluctuation  N1","大変[たいへん]awful,  dreadful, terrible, very  N3","変化[へんか<br>へんげ]goblin,  ghost, apparition, bugbear  N3","変更[へんこう]change,  modification, alteration  N3","変える[かえる]to change  N4","変わる[かわる]to change  N4","変[へん]strange  N4","変人[へんじん]An Eccentric,  eccentric, oddball ","事変[じへん]Incident ","変事[へんじ]Strange Incident,  unusual incident ","変死[へんし]Unnatural Death,  accidental death ","不変[ふへん]eternal ","変形[へんけい]transformation ","変身[へんしん]transformation ","急変[きゅうへん]sudden change ","変容[へんよう]transfiguration ","変態[へんたい]Pervert,  abnormal ","変装[へんそう]Disguise ","変換[へんかん]Conversion,  change ","変貌[へんぼう]transformation ","変わり[かわり] (n) (1) change/alteration (2) difference/distinction (3) something wrong/abnormality/unusual event/accident/incident (P) ","変数[へんすう] (n) (math) (comp) variable ","変る[かわる] (v5r, vi) (1) to change/to be transformed/to be altered/to vary (2) to move to (3) to be different/to be uncommon/to be unusual ","可変[かへん] (adj-na, n,adj-no) variable/changeable/convertible/controllable ","変速[へんそく] (n, vs) shifting gears/changing gears ","変異[へんい] (n, vs,adj-no) variation/rogue (something) ","改変[かいへん] (n, vs) change/alteration/modification ","生まれ変わる[うまれかわる] (v5r) to be born again/to make a fresh start in life ","政変[せいへん] (n) political disturbance/political change/change of government/political upheaval/overthrowing of a government/coup d'etat/coup/revolution (P) ","変則[へんそく] (n, adj-na,adj-no) irregularity/anomaly (P) ","変調[へんちょう] (n, vs) (1) change of tone/variation (music)/irregularity/anomaly/abnormality (2) modulation (in radio) ","変種[へんしゅ] (n) (1) variant/variation/variety/mutation/freak/novelty/exception (2) (biol) (taxonomical) variety ","異変[いへん] (n) unusual event/strange occurrence/strange phenomenon/something abnormal/change (for the worse)/accident/disaster (P) ","変電所[へんでんしょ] (n) transformer substation ","病変[びょうへん] (n) lesion/pathological change ","変光星[へんこうせい] (n) (astron) variable star ","変質[へんしつ] (n, vs,adj-no) alteration (of character or essence)/change in quality/transformation/deterioration/degeneration/transmutation (P) ","変奏曲[へんそうきょく] (n) (music) variation ","確変[かくへん] (n) (abbr) stochastic variable/random variable ","変圧器[へんあつき] (n) (power) transformer ","変奏[へんそう] (n, vs) (music) (playing a) variation ","移り変わる[うつりかわる] (v5r) to change "],"晴":["晴天[せいてん<br>せいでん]fine weather  N1","見晴らし[みはらし]view  N1","快晴[かいせい]good weather  N2","素晴らしい[すばらしい<br>すんばらしい]wonderful,  splendid, magnificent  N3","晴れ[はれ]clear weather  N5","晴れる[はれる]to be sunny  N5","見晴らす[みはらす]look out ","晴[はれ] (n, adj-no) (1) clear weather/fine weather (adj-no,n) (2) formal/ceremonial/public (3) cleared of suspicion ","気晴らし[きばらし] (n, vs) recreation/diversion/relaxation (P) ","晴らす[はらす] (v5s, vt) (1) to dispel/to clear away/to refresh (oneself) (2) to accomplish a goal (3) (arch) to make it sunny/to make clouds disappear (P) "],"夫":["丈夫[じょうぶ<br>じょうふ<br>ますらお]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;hero;gentleman;warrior;manly person; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;good health;robustness;strong;solid;durable  N1","工夫[くふう<br>こうふ]labourer, worker  N2","夫妻[ふさい]man and wife, married couple  N2","夫婦[ふうふ<br>みょうと<br>めおと]married couple;  husband and wife  N3","夫人[ふじん<br>はしかし<br>ぶにん]wife,  Mrs, madam  N3","夫[おっと<br>お<br>そ<br>つま]husband  N4","大丈夫[だいじょうぶ<br>だいじょうふ<br>だいじょぶ]all right  N5","一夫多妻[いっぷたさい]Polygamy ","武夫[ぶふ] (n) warrior/samurai ","農夫[のうふ] (n) (male) farmer/peasant/farmhand "],"法":["司法[しほう]administration of justice  N1","手法[しゅほう]technique  N1","製法[せいほう]manufacturing method; recipe;formula  N1","法案[ほうあん]bill (law)  N1","法学[ほうがく]law; jurisprudence  N1","法廷[ほうてい]courtroom  N1","用法[ようほう]directions; rules of use  N1","立法[りっぽう]legislation; lawmaking  N1","寸法[すんぽう]measurement, size,dimension  N2","法則[ほうそく]law, rule  N2","憲法[けんぽう]constitution  N3","作法[さほう<br>さくほう]manners,  etiquette, propriety  N3","法[ほう]Act (law: the X Act)  N3","方法[ほうほう]method,  manner, way, means, technique  N3","文法[ぶんぽう]grammar  N4","法律[ほうりつ]law  N4","不法[ふほう]Illegal,  unlawful ","合法[ごうほう]legality ","民法[みんぽう]civil law ","法人[ほうじん]corporation ","法令[ほうれい]laws and ordinances ","法学部[ほうがくぶ]faculty of law ","法的[ほうてき]legal ","無法[むほう]lawless ","減法[げんぽう]Subtraction ","法務[ほうむ]judicial affairs ","法規[ほうき]laws and regulations ","違法[いほう]illegality ","航法[こうほう]Navigation ","魔法[まほう]Magic,  witchcraft ","魔法使い[まほうつかい]Wizard,  magician, sorcerer ","法曹[ほうそう]lawyer,  legal profession ","療法[りょうほう] (n, adj-no) therapy/treatment/remedy/cure (P) ","技法[ぎほう] (n) technique (P) ","法制[ほうせい] (n) legislation/laws (P) ","治療法[ちりょうほう] (n) treatment/cure/remedy (P) ","法務省[ほうむしょう] (n) Ministry of Justice (P) ","刑法[けいほう] (n) criminal law/penal code (P) ","商法[しょうほう] (n) (1) business practice/business method/commerce (2) commercial law (P) ","戦法[せんぽう] (n, adj-no) tactics/strategy (P) ","法定[ほうてい] (n, adj-no) legal/designated by law (P) ","法華[ほけ<br>ほっけ] (n) (1) (abbr) Nichiren sect/Tendai sect (2) (abbr) Lotus Sutra ","法科[ほうか] (n) law department/law school ","工法[こうほう] (n) method of construction (P) ","不法侵入[ふほうしんにゅう] (n) (yoji) trespassing/intrusion ","法皇[ほうおう] (n) (1) ex-emperor who becomes a monk (2) (Catholic) Pope/religious leader ","税法[ぜいほう] (n) taxation law (P) ","法師[ほうし] (n) Buddhist priest/bonze (P) ","奏法[そうほう] (n) playing (instrument)/playing method/touch ","法律事務所[ほうりつじむしょ] (n) law office/law firm (P) ","非合法[ひごうほう] (adj-na, n,adj-no) illegal/unlawful (P) ","法務大臣[ほうむだいじん] (n) Minister of Justice ","法会[ほうえ] (n) Buddhist service (e.g. memorial service) ","拳法[けんぽう] (n) Chinese art of self-defence (defense) ","乗法[じょうほう] (n, adj-no) (math) multiplication ","加法[かほう] (n) (math) addition ","語法[ごほう] (n) (ling) diction/grammar/syntax/usage/wording ","対位法[たいいほう] (n) (1) (music) counterpoint (adj-no) (2) (music) contrapuntal ","法要[ほうよう] (n) Buddhist memorial service (P) ","法主[ほうしゅ<br>ほっしゅ<br>ほっす] (n) high priest ","法文[ほうぶん] (n) text of the law (P) ","打法[だほう] (n) batting form ","正書法[せいしょほう] (n) orthography ","法王[ほうおう] (n) Pope (P) "],"晩":["今晩は[こんばんは]good evening  N1","今晩[こんばん]this evening  N5","晩[ばん]evening  N5","晩御飯[ばんごはん]evening meal  N5","毎晩[まいばん]every night  N5","明晩[みょうばん]tomorrow night ","昨晩[さくばん]last night ","晩年[ばんねん]one's later years ","晩ご飯[ばんごはん]Dinner,  supper ","晩酌[ばんしゃく]evening drink,  drink with dinner ","一晩中[ひとばんじゅう] (n, n-adv) all night long/all through the night (P) ","一晩[ひとばん] (n-adv, n-t) (1) one night/one evening (2) all night/overnight (P) ","晩餐[ばんさん] (n) dinner "],"昨":["一昨昨日[さきおとつい]two days before yesterday  N1","一昨日[いっさくじつ<br>おととい<br>おとつい]day before yesterday  N2","一昨年[いっさくねん<br>おととし]year before last  N2","昨[さく]last (year),  yesterday  N3","昨日[きのう<br>さくじつ]yesterday  N5","昨夜[さくや<br>ゆうべ<br>ゆんべ]last night  N5","昨今[さっこん<br>さくこん]These Days,  nowadays ","昨年[さくねん]last year ","昨晩[さくばん]last night ","昨年度[さくねんど] (n-adv) previous year (fiscal,  academic, etc.) (P) "],"式":["株式[かぶしき]stock (company)  N1","式場[しきじょう]ceremonial hall; place of ceremony (e.g. marriage)  N1","方式[ほうしき]form; method;system  N1","様式[ようしき]style; form;pattern  N1","儀式[ぎしき]ceremony, rite,ritual,service  N2","形式[けいしき]form, formality,format,math expression  N2","公式[こうしき]formula, formality,official  N2","葬式[そうしき]funeral  N2","方程式[ほうていしき]equation  N2","式[しき]equation,  formula, ceremony  N3","正式[せいしき]due form,  official, formality  N3","和式[わしき]Japanese style ","形式的[けいしきてき]formal ","洋式[ようしき]Western style ","卒業式[そつぎょうしき]Graduation Ceremony,  graduation ","株式会社[かぶしきがいしゃ]Corporation ","株式市場[かぶしきしじょう]Stock Market ","結婚式[けっこんしき]Marriage Ceremony,  wedding ","旧式[きゅうしき]old style ","型式[かたしき<br>けいしき] (n) model (e.g. of a vehicle)/type (P) ","式典[しきてん] (n) ceremony/rites (P) ","硬式[こうしき] (n, adj-no) hard (esp. of hardball, tennis, etc.) (P) ","多項式[たこうしき] (n) (math) polynomial ","非公式[ひこうしき] (adj-no, adj-na,n) informal/unofficial (P) ","軟式[なんしき] (n, adj-no) soft (esp. of softball, tennis, etc.) (P) ","一式[いっしき] (n) complete set/all/everything (P) ","挙式[きょしき] (n, vs) holding a ceremony/wedding ceremony (P) ","図式[ずしき] (n, adj-no) diagram/graph/schema (P) ","書式[しょしき] (n) prescribed form (of writing)/format ","定式化[ていしきか] (n, vs) formularization/formularisation ","格式[かくしき<br>きゃくしき] (n) (1) formality/social rules (2) social status/social standing (3) (arch) amendments and enforcement regulations (of the ritsuryo) ","数式[すうしき] (n) numerical formula ","式内社[しきないしゃ] (n) shrine listed in the Engi-Shiki "],"列":["整列[せいれつ]stand in a row; form a line  N1","陳列[ちんれつ]exhibition; display;show  N1","配列[はいれつ]arrangement; array (programming)  N1","並列[へいれつ]arrangement; parallel;abreast  N1","行列[ぎょうれつ](1) line, procession,(2) matrix (math)  N2","列島[れっとう]chain of islands  N2","列[れつ]queue,  line, row  N3","列車[れっしゃ]train (ordinary)  N3","同列[どうれつ]same rank ","直列[ちょくれつ]series ","系列[けいれつ]affiliation ","陳列室[ちんれつしつ]showroom ","羅列[られつ]enumeration ","列する[れっする] (vs-s) (1) to line up with/to be a member of/to rank with (2) to attend/to take part in ","戦列[せんれつ] (n) line of battle (P) ","列強[れっきょう] (n) major powers of the world/great powers ","列挙[れっきょ] (n, vs) enumeration/list (P) ","序列[じょれつ] (n) rank/ranking order/hierarchy (P) ","時系列[じけいれつ] (n, adj-no) chronological order/time series ","列記[れっき] (n, vs) list/enumeration ","参列[さんれつ] (n, vs) attendance/participation/presence (P) ","列伝[れつでん] (n) series of biographies "],"単":["単一[たんいつ<br>たんいち]single; simple;sole;individual;unitory  N1","単調[たんちょう]monotony; monotone;dullness  N1","単独[たんどく]sole; independence;single;solo (flight)  N1","単[たん<br>ひとえ]one layer; single  N1","単数[たんすう]singular (number)  N2","単位[たんい]unit,  denomination, credit (in school)  N3","単語[たんご]word;  vocabulary  N3","単純[たんじゅん]simplicity  N3","単なる[たんなる]mere,  simple, sheer  N3","単に[たんに]simply,  merely, only, solely  N3","簡単[かんたん]simple  N4","単行本[たんこうぼん]separate volume ","単発[たんぱつ] (n, adj-no) (1) firing one shot at a time/single-shot gun (2) having only one engine/single-engined aeroplane/single-engined airplane (3) one-shot (e.g. story)/non-serial/one-off/single occasion ","単体[たんたい] (n) (1) simple substance (e.g. chemical) (2) something standing alone/separate item/solo item ","単線[たんせん] (n, adj-no) single line/solid wire/single track ","単身[たんしん] (n-adv, n-t) alone/unaided/away from home (P) ","単于[ぜんう] (n) Chanyu/supreme leader of the Xiongnu people ","単勝[たんしょう] (n) winning at the races ","英単語[えいたんご] (n) English word (P) ","単価[たんか] (n, adj-no) unit price/unit cost (P) ","単葉[たんよう] (n, adj-na,adj-no) simple leaf/monoplane ","単離[たんり] (n, vs) isolation (e.g. of a particular chemical substance within a mixture) "],"箱":["箱[はこ]box  N5","ゴミ箱[ごみばこ,  ゴミばこ<br>ゴミばこ]Garbage Can, garbage bin, trash can, trash bin, waste can, waste bin, rubbish bin ","本箱[ほんばこ]bookcase ","郵便箱[ゆうびんばこ]Mailbox,  postbox ","貯金箱[ちょきんばこ]Savings Box,  piggy bank, bank, money box ","ごみ箱[ごみばこ] (n) garbage can/rubbish bin/trash can/dustbin "],"係":["係り[かかり]official; duty;person in charge  N1","係わる[かかわる]to concern oneself in, to have to do with,to affect,to influence,to stick to (opinions)  N2","係[かかり<br>がかり]official,  duty, person in charge  N3","関係[かんけい]relationship  N4","無関係[むかんけい]irrelevant ","係る[かかる<br>かかわる] (v5r, vi) (1) to be the work of/to be the result of/to be done by (2) to concern/to affect/to involve/to relate to ","関係者[かんけいしゃ] (n) person concerned/people involved (in an event)/those concerned/staff (P) ","係数[けいすう] (n) (math) coefficient/factor/proportional constant ","係長[かかりちょう] (n) subsection head/assistant manager/chief clerk (P) ","人間関係[にんげんかんけい] (n) human relations/personal relationships (P) ","係員[かかりいん] (n) person in charge/official/attendant (P) ","係留[けいりゅう] (n, vs) mooring/anchorage ","係争[けいそう] (n, adj-no) contention/dispute/conflict/controversy (P) "],"治":["治まる[おさまる]to be at peace; to clamp down;to lessen (storm&nbsp;&nbsp;terror&nbsp;&nbsp;anger)  N1","退治[たいじ]extermination  N1","治安[ちあん<br>じあん]public order  N1","治療[ちりょう<br>じりょう]medical treatment  N1","統治[とうち<br>とうじ]rule; reign;government;governing  N1","治める[おさめる](1) to govern, to manage,(2) to subdue  N2","自治[じち]self-government, autonomy  N2","治す[なおす]to cure, to heal,to fix,to correct,to repair  N2","政治[せいじ]politics, government  N4","治る[なおる]to be cured, to heal  N4","全治[ぜんち<br>ぜんじ]Complete Recovery,  healed, fully recovered, fully recover, healed completely, heal completely, completely cured, fully cured, fully healed ","不治[ふじ,  ふち<br>ふじ<br>ふち]Incurability, incurable ","明治[めいじ]Meiji Era,  meiji emperor, meiji ","政治家[せいじか]politician ","明治維新[めいじいしん]Meiji Restoration ","治癒[ちゆ]healing,  cure, recovery ","自治体[じちたい] (n) municipality/local government/self-governing body/autonomous body (P) ","地方自治体[ちほうじちたい] (n) local authority/local government/locality/local self-governing body/municipality (P) ","治療法[ちりょうほう] (n) treatment/cure/remedy (P) ","治水[ちすい] (n, vs) river management/river improvement/flood control (P) ","主治医[しゅじい] (n) attending physician/physician in charge (one's) family doctor (P) ","文治[ぶんじ<br>ぶんち] (n) (1) civil administration (2) Bunji era (1185.8.14-1190.4.11) ","治療薬[ちりょうやく] (n) remedy/cure/therapeutic medication ","元治[げんじ] (n) Genji era (1864.2.20-1865.4.7) ","治承[じしょう<br>ちしょう] (n) Jisho era (1177.8.4-1181.7.14)/Chisho era ","貞治[じょうじ<br>ていじ] (n) Joji era (of the Northern Court) (1362.9.23-1368.2.18)/Teiji era ","自治省[じちしょう] (n) (former) Ministry of Home Affairs (P) ","弘治[こうじ] (n) Koji era (1555.10.23-1558.2.28) ","正治[しょうじ] (n) Shoji era (1199.4.27-1201.2.13) ","完治[かんじ<br>かんち] (n, vs) complete recovery ","湯治[とうじ] (n, vs) hot-spring cure/taking the baths (P) "],"危":["危ぶむ[あやぶむ]to fear; to have misgivings;to be doubtful;to mistrust  N1","危害[きがい]injury; harm;danger  N1","危機[きき]crisis  N1","危うい[あやうい]dangerous, critical,grave  N2","危険[きけん]danger  N4","危ない[あぶない]dangerous  N5","危うく[あやうく]almost ","危篤[きとく]critical condition,  critical illness, on the verge of death ","危惧[きぐ]fear ","危[き] (n) (1) danger (2) (astron) Chinese 'rooftop' constellation (one of the 28 mansions) ","危地[きち] (n) dangerous position/peril ","危険性[きけんせい] (n) riskiness/danger (P) "],"留":["加留多[かるた](pt:) (n) playing cards (pt: carta)  N1","蒸留[じょうりゅう]distillation  N1","留める[とめる<br>とどめる]to stop; to cease;to put an end to  N1","書留[かきとめ]writing down, putting on record,recording,making a note of,registration (of mail)  N2","留まる[とまる<br>とどまる](1) to be fixed, (2) to abide,to stay (in the one place)  N2","留守番[るすばん]care-taking, caretaker,house-watching  N2","停留所[ていりゅうじょ]bus or tram stop  N3","留学[りゅうがく]studying abroad  N3","留守[るす]absence  N4","留学生[りゅうがくせい]overseas student  N5","保留[ほりゅう]reservation ","歌留多[かるた]Japanese playing cards ","留年[りゅうねん]repetition of a year ","留守番電話[るすばんでんわ]Answering Machine ","在留[ざいりゅう]Residence ","在留する[ざいりゅうする]To Reside,  to stay, to remain ","駐留軍[ちゅうりゅうぐん]Stationed Troops,  occupying troops ","留守電[るすでん] (n) (abbr) answering machine/answerphone ","留置[りゅうち] (n, vs) detention (usu. during investigation)/imprisonment/poundage/custody (P) ","残留[ざんりゅう] (n, vs,adj-no) staying behind/remaining/residual (P) ","駐留[ちゅうりゅう] (n, vs) stationing (e.g. of troops)/garrison (P) ","居留[きょりゅう] (n, vs) residence/reside ","留意[りゅうい] (n, vs) heeding/paying attention/bearing in mind ","抑留[よくりゅう] (n, vs) internment/detainment/detention (P) ","仕留める[しとめる] (v1, vt) to bring down (an animal, opponent, etc.)/to kill/to shoot dead/to shoot down ","留保[りゅうほ] (n, vs) reserving/withholding (P) ","停留場[ていりゅうじょう] (n) stop (bus,  streetcar, etc.) ","拘留[こうりゅう] (n, vs) custody/detention/confinement (P) ","係留[けいりゅう] (n, vs) mooring/anchorage ","留任[りゅうにん] (n, vs) remaining in office/staying in office/remaining at one's post (P) ","取り留める[とりとめる] (v1, vt) (1) to narrowly escape (e.g. death)/to hang onto (life) (2) (arch) to ascertain/to make definite "],"遠":["遠方[おちかた<br>えんぽう]long way; distant place  N1","遠ざかる[とおざかる]to go far off  N1","遠回り[とおまわり]detour; roundabout way  N1","待ち遠しい[まちどおしい]looking forward to  N1","遠足[えんそく]trip, hike,picnic  N2","望遠鏡[ぼうえんきょう]telescope  N2","永遠[えいえん]eternity,  perpetuity, immortality, permanence  N3","遠慮[えんりょ]diffidence,  restraint, reserve  N3","遠く[とおく]distant  N4","遠い[とおい]far  N5","遠視[えんし]Farsightedness,  longsightedness ","敬遠[けいえん]keeping at a distance ","遠慮する[えんりょする]To Decline,  to restrain ","遠距離[えんきょり]long distance ","遠征[えんせい]Expedition,  campaign ","疎遠[そえん]estrangement,  neglect ","望遠[ぼうえん] (n) seeing at a distance ","遠慮なく[えんりょなく] (adv) without reservation/freely/frankly ","遠隔[えんかく] (n, adj-no) distant/remote/isolated (P) ","遠山[えんざん<br>とおやま] (n) distant mountain (P) ","遠ざける[とおざける] (v1, vt) to keep away/to keep at a distance ","遠心[えんしん] (adj-na, n,vs,adj-no) centrifuge ","程遠い[ほどとおい] (adj-i) far away/far off ","高遠[こうえん] (adj-na, n) noble/lofty ","遠洋[えんよう] (n, adj-no) ocean/deep sea "],"園":["園[えん<br>その]garden (esp. man-made)  N1","田園[でんえん<br>でんおん]country; rural districts  N1","園芸[えんげい]horticulture, gardening  N2","遊園地[ゆうえんち]amusement park  N2","幼稚園[ようちえん]kindergarten  N2","動物園[どうぶつえん]zoo  N4","公園[こうえん]park  N5","保育園[ほいくえん]day-care center ","学園[がくえん]educational institution ","庭園[ていえん]garden ","植物園[しょくぶつえん]botanical garden ","造園[ぞうえん]Landscape Gardening ","霊園[れいえん]Cemetery ","庄園[しょうえん]Manor ","荘園[しょうえん<br>そうえん] (n) manor/demesne ","楽園[らくえん] (n) pleasure garden/paradise (P) ","花園[かえん<br>はなぞの] (n) flower garden ","開園[かいえん] (n, vs) opening, either for the day or a 'grand opening' (e.g. theme park, botanical garden etc.) ","農園[のうえん] (n) plantation (P) ","遊園[ゆうえん] (n) playground (for children)/park ","園長[えんちょう] (n) head of a garden/kindergarten principal/nursery school principal/park director/zoo director/head of a plantation (P) ","入園[にゅうえん] (n, vs) (1) enrollment in kindergarten/enrolment in kindergarten (2) entering a park, garden, zoo, etc. (P) ","園児[えんじ] (n) kindergarten pupil/kindergartener (P) "],"幸":["幸運[こううん]good luck,  fortune  N3","幸福[こうふく]happiness,  blessedness  N3","幸い[さいわい]happiness,  blessedness  N3","幸せ[しあわせ<br>しやわせ]happiness,  good fortune, luck, blessing  N3","不幸[ふこう]unhappiness,  sorrow, misfortune, disaster, accident, death  N3","不幸せ[ふしあわせ]unhappy ","幸[こう<br>さき<br>さち] (n) good luck/fortune/happiness "],"笑":["あざ笑う[あざわらう]to sneer at; to ridicule  N1","可笑しい[おかしい]strange; funny;amusing;ridiculous  N1","微笑[ほほえみ<br>びしょう]smile  N1","笑顔[えがお]smiling face  N3","微笑む[ほほえむ]to smile  N3","笑い[わらい]laugh,  laughter, smile  N3","笑う[わらう]to laugh, to smile  N4","ほほ笑む[ほほえむ]smile ","作り笑い[つくりわらい]forced laugh ","笑い声[わらいごえ]laughter ","苦笑い[にがわらい]bitter smile ","お笑い[おわらい]Comedian,  comical thing, comical, funny ","爆笑[ばくしょう]Explosive Laughter ","苦笑[くしょう] (n, vs) bitter smile/wry smile/strained laugh/sarcastic laugh (P) ","笑[わら<br>わらい] (n) (abbr) (sl) LOL/haha ","笑える[わらえる] (v1) to make one smile/to be laughable ","笑わせる[わらわせる] (v1, vt) to make laugh/to set to laughing ","大笑い[おおわらい] (adj-na, n,vs) great laughter/burst of laughter (P) ","笑み[えみ] (n) smile (P) "],"政":["行政[ぎょうせい]administration  N1","財政[ざいせい]economy; financial affairs  N1","政権[せいけん]administration; political power  N1","政策[せいさく]political measures; policy  N1","政党[せいとう](member of) political party  N2","政府[せいふ]government  N3","政治[せいじ]politics, government  N4","政局[せいきょく]political situation ","政治家[せいじか]politician ","政界[せいかい]political world ","参政権[さんせい けん]suffrage ","憲政[けんせい]Constitutional Government ","帝政[ていせい]Imperial Government,  imperialism ","政[せい<br>まつりごと] (n) rule/government ","郵政[ゆうせい] (n) postal system (P) ","安政[あんせい] (n) Ansei era (1854.11.27-1860.3.18) ","寛政[かんせい] (n) Kansei era (1789.1.25-1801.2.5) ","政務[せいむ] (n) government affairs (P) ","摂政[せっしょう<br>せっせい] (n) regency/regent ","軍政[ぐんせい] (n) (1) military administration/military government (2) government affairs relating to the military (P) ","政令[せいれい] (n) government ordinance/cabinet order (P) ","国政[こくせい] (n, adj-no) national politics/political situation/statecraft/body politic (P) ","民政[みんせい] (n) (1) civil administration/civil government (2) politics focused on the promotion of public welfare (P) ","執政[しっせい] (n, adj-no) administration/government/administrator/governor ","太政官[おおいまつりごとのつかさ<br>だいじょうかん<br>だじょうかん] (n) Department of State (under the ritsuryo system) ","市政[しせい] (n, adj-no) municipal government (P) ","郵政省[ゆうせいしょう] (n) (former) Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (now Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications) (P) ","政変[せいへん] (n) political disturbance/political change/change of government/political upheaval/overthrowing of a government/coup d'etat/coup/revolution (P) ","家政[かせい] (n, adj-no) household economy/housekeeping/homemaking (P) ","政務次官[せいむじかん] (n) deputy minister/assistant minister (P) ","家政婦[かせいふ] (n) housekeeper/maid (P) ","内政[ないせい] (n, adj-no) domestic affairs/internal administration (P) ","参政[さんせい] (n) participation in government ","王政[おうせい] (n) monarchy/imperial rule ","院政[いんせい] (n) government by cloistered emperors ","農政[のうせい] (n) agricultural administration (P) ","大政[たいせい] (n) sovereign power/the reins of government ","王政復古[おうせいふっこ] (n) (yoji) restoration of imperial rule (in English history) the Restoration ","政体[せいたい] (n) form of government/system of government/polity ","政経[せいけい] (n) politics and economics (P) ","政敵[せいてき] (n) political opponent (P) ","施政[しせい] (n) government/administration/statesmanship (P) ","県政[けんせい] (n) prefectural government/prefectural administration ","政情[せいじょう] (n) political situation/political affairs (P) ","政庁[せいちょう] (n) government office (P) ","政教[せいきょう] (n) religion and politics/church and state (P) ","政争[せいそう] (n) political strife (P) "],"守":["守衛[しゅえい]security guard; doorkeeper  N1","守備[しゅび]defense  N1","保守[ほしゅ]conservative; maintaining  N1","留守番[るすばん]care-taking, caretaker,house-watching  N2","守る[まもる]to protect,  to obey, to guard, to abide (by the rules)  N3","留守[るす]absence  N4","保守的[ほしゅてき]Conservative ","お守り[おまもり<br>おもり]good-luck charm ","見守る[みまもる]watch ","留守番電話[るすばんでんわ]Answering Machine ","保守主義[ほしゅしゅぎ]Conservative,  conservatism ","厳守[げんしゅ]strict observance ","看守[かんしゅ] (n, vs) jailer/gaoler (P) ","守[かみ<br>まもり<br>もり] (n) director (of the provincial governors under the ritsuryo system) ","子守[こもり] (n, vs) (1) nursemaid/nanny/babysitter (2) child-minding/babysitting (P) ","留守電[るすでん] (n) (abbr) answering machine/answerphone ","鎮守[ちんじゅ] (n) local Shinto deity/tutelary god (P) ","守護[しゅご<br>すご] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) protection/safeguard (n) (2) shugo (Kamakura or Muromachi period military governor) ","天守[てんしゅ] (n) castle tower ","守り[まもり<br>もり] (n) (1) protection/defense/defence (2) providence (3) (abbr) amulet/charm/talisman (P) ","遵守[じゅんしゅ] (n, vs) observance (of laws, rules, etc.)/adherence/obeying/following/abiding by/compliance (P) ","攻守[こうしゅ] (n) offense and defense/offence and defence/batting and fielding (P) "],"辞":["お世辞[おせじ<br>おせいじ]flattery; compliment  N1","辞職[じしょく]resignation  N1","辞退[じたい]refusal  N1","世辞[せじ]flattery; compliment  N1","百科辞典[ひゃっかじてん]encyclopedia  N1","御辞儀[おじぎ]bow  N2","辞める[やめる]to retire  N3","辞典[じてん<br>ことばてん]dictionary  N4","辞書[じしょ]dictionary  N5","辞任[じにん]resignation ","修辞学[しゅうじがく]Rhetoric ","辞儀する[じぎする]To Bow ","措辞[そじ]Wording ","お辞儀[おじぎ]bow ","弔辞[ちょうじ]memorial address,  funeral address ","辞す[じす] (v5s) (1) to excuse oneself/to take one's leave (2) to quit/to resign/to retire/to leave post (3) to decline/to turn down (4) to not hesitate (P) ","辞[ことば<br>じ] (n) (1) language/dialect (2) word/words/phrase/term/expression/remark (3) speech (manner of) speaking (4) learning to speak/language acquisition ","固辞[こじ] (n, vs) firm refusal ","接頭辞[せっとうじ] (n) (ling) prefix ","辞表[じひょう] (n) letter of resignation (P) ","接尾辞[せつびじ] (n) (ling) suffix "],"喜":["喜劇[きげき]comedy; funny show  N1","喜び[よろこび](a) joy,  (a) delight, rapture, pleasure, gratification, rejoicing, congratulations, felicitations  N3","喜ぶ[よろこぶ]to be delighted  N4","喜ばす[よろこばす]please ","大喜び[おおよろこび]great joy ","喜寿[きじゅ]Seventy Seventh Birthday ","喜んで[よろこんで] (adv) with pleasure ... (P) ","延喜[えんぎ] (n) Engi era (901.7.15-923.4.11) ","喜ばしい[よろこばしい] (adj-i) delightful/joyous/joyful/happy/desirable/welcome (P) ","歓喜[かんき] (n, vs) delight/great joy (P) "],"関":["関税[かんぜい]customs; duty;tariff  N1","関与[かんよ]participation; taking part in;participating in;being concerned in  N1","関西[かんさい<br>かんせい<br>かんぜい]Kansai  N2","関東[かんとう]eastern half of Japan,  including Tokyo  N2","機関車[きかんしゃ]locomotive, engine  N2","交通機関[こうつうきかん]transportation facilities  N2","税関[ぜいかん]customs house  N2","関心[かんしん]concern,  interest  N3","関する[かんする]to concern,  to be related  N3","関連[かんれん]relation,  connection, relevance  N3","機関[きかん<br>からくり]organ,  mechanism, facility, engine  N3","関係[かんけい]relationship  N4","玄関[げんかん]entry hall  N5","相関[そうかん]correlation ","関わる[かかわる]be involved ","関門[かんもん]barrier ","無関係[むかんけい]irrelevant ","無関心[むかんしん]indifferent ","関西弁[かんさいべん]Kansai Dialect ","関節[かんせつ]joint ","難関[なんかん]barrier ","に関して[にかんして] (exp) related to/in relation to/as far as ... is concerned (P) ","関数[かんすう] (n) (1) (math) function (2) (comp) function (programming) ","関[せき<br>ぜき] (n, n-suf) (1) barrier/gate (n) (2) seki (in go)/mutual life (P) ","関係者[かんけいしゃ] (n) person concerned/people involved (in an event)/those concerned/staff (P) ","大関[おおぜき] (n) (sumo) ozeki (second highest rank in sumo) (P) ","関ケ原[せきがはら] (n) (1) Sekigahara (battle site,  1600) (2) decisive battle/critical battle ","関ヶ原[せきがはら] (n) (1) Sekigahara (battle site,  1600) (2) decisive battle/critical battle ","に関し[にかんし] (exp) related to/in relation to ","関わり[かかわり] (n) relation/connection ","関白[かんぱく] (n) chief advisor to the Emperor (adviser) ","人間関係[にんげんかんけい] (n) human relations/personal relationships (P) ","関脇[せきわけ] (n) (sumo) wrestler of the third highest rank (P) ","関連付ける[かんれんづける] (v1, vt) to connect/to correlate/to associate/to relate/to link ","関心事[かんしんじ] (n) matter of concern and interest (P) ","関取[せきとり] (n) (sumo) ranking wrestler in the makuuchi (senior-grade) or juryo (junior-grade) divisions (P) "],"険":["保険[ほけん]insurance; guarantee  N1","険しい[けわしい]inaccessible place, sharp eyes  N2","冒険[ぼうけん]risk,  venture, adventure  N3","危険[きけん]danger  N4","険悪[けんあく]dangerous ","冒険者[ぼうけんしゃ] (n) adventurer ","保険金[ほけんきん] (n) insurance payout/insurance money (P) ","危険性[きけんせい] (n) riskiness/danger (P) "],"存":["依存[いぞん<br>いぞん,  いそん<br>いそん]dependence; dependent;reliance  N1","共存[きょうぞん<br>きょうそん]coexistence  N1","存続[そんぞく]duration; continuance  N1","生存[せいぞん]existence, being,survival  N2","存じる[ぞんじる](hum) to know  N2","存ずる[ぞんずる]  N2","存在[そんざい]existence,  being  N3","保存[ほぞん]preservation,  conservation, storage, maintenance  N3","ご存じ[ごぞんじ]knowing, acquaintance  N4","ご存知[ごぞんじ]know ","思う存分[おもうぞんぶん]to one's heart's content ","存在する[そんざいする]To Exist ","既存[きそん,  きぞん<br>きそん<br>きぞん]Existing ","残存[ざんそん<br>ざんぞん] (n, vs) survival/remaining/being extant/being left (P) ","生存者[せいぞんしゃ] (n) survivor ","依存症[いそんしょう<br>いぞんしょう] (n) dependence (on alcohol,  drugs, etc.) ","現存[げんそん<br>げんぞん] (n, vs,adj-no) existing/living/extant ","御存じ[ごぞんじ] (n) (1) (hon) knowing (2) (an) acquaintance ","存分に[ぞんぶんに] (adv) freely/to one's heart's content ","存命[ぞんめい] (n, vs) being alive ","存分[ぞんぶん] (adj-na, adv,n) to one's heart's content/as much as one wants (P) ","所存[しょぞん] (n) opinion/intention/thought ","存する[そんする] (vs-s) to exist ","温存[おんぞん] (n, vs) preservation/retainment/keeping (P) "],"面":["一面[いちめん]one side; one phase;front page;the other hand;the whole surface  N1","面[めん<br>つら<br>おも<br>おもて<br>づら<br>も<br>もて]face  N1","面白い[おもしろい]interesting; amusing  N1","几帳面[きちょうめん]methodical; punctual;steady  N1","生真面目[きまじめ]too serious; person who is too serious;honesty;sincerity  N1","斜面[しゃめん]slope; slanting surface;bevel  N1","側面[そくめん]side; flank;sidelight;lateral  N1","対面[たいめん<br>たいめ<br>トイメン]interview; meeting  N1","断面[だんめん]cross section  N1","直面[ちょくめん<br>ひためん]confrontation  N1","面皰[にきび]pimple; acne  N1","覆面[ふくめん]mask; veil;disguise  N1","面会[めんかい]interview  N1","面する[めんする]to face on; to look out on to  N1","面目[めんぼく<br>めいぼく<br>めんもく]face; honour;reputation;prestige;dignity;credit  N1","正面[しょうめん<br>まとも]the front, honesty  N2","方面[ほうめん]direction, district,field (e.g., of study)  N2","面積[めんせき]area  N2","面接[めんせつ]interview  N2","面倒臭い[めんどうくさい]bother to do, tiresome  N2","場面[ばめん]scene,  setting (e.g. of novel)  N3","表面[ひょうめん]surface,  outside, face, appearance  N3","真面目[まじめ<br>しんめんぼく<br>しんめんもく]diligent,  serious, honest  N3","面倒[めんどう]trouble,  difficulty, care, attention  N3","顔面[がんめん]Face Of A Person,  person's face, face ","外面[がいめん]Exterior ","前面[ぜんめん]Front,  front side ","地面[じめん]Ground,  earth's surface ","仮面[かめん]Mask ","画面[がめん]Screen,  monitor ","両面[りょうめん<br>リャンメン]both faces ","他面[ためん]other side ","全面的[ぜんめんてき]full-scale ","内面[ないめん<br>うちづら]inside ","半面[はんめん]one side ","反面[はんめん]the other side ","平面[へいめん]flat surface ","水面[すいめん<br>みなも]surface of the water ","海面[かいめん]surface of the sea ","紙面[しめん]newspapers ","赤面[せきめん]blush ","面子[めんつ<br>めんこ<br>メンツ]face ","面談[めんだん]interview ","洗面[せんめん]washing one's face ","洗面器[せんめんき]washbowl ","洗面所[せんめんじょ]washroom ","満面[まんめん]whole face ","面影[おもかげ]face ","面接する[めんせつする]To Interview With,  to interview ","譜面[ふめん]music,  musical score, sheet music ","全面[ぜんめん] (n, adj-no) whole surface/entire (P) ","路面[ろめん] (n) road surface (P) ","背面[はいめん] (n, adj-no) rear/back/reverse ","当面[とうめん] (adj-no, n-t) (1) current/urgent/pressing/impending (vs) (2) to confront (an issue)/to face (up to something) (adv) (3) for the meantime/at present (P) ","初対面[しょたいめん] (n) first meeting/first interview with (P) ","面白[おもしろ] (adj-f) amusing/interesting (P) ","局面[きょくめん] (n, adj-no) (1) position in a game of go or shogi/state of the game (2) aspect of an affair/situation (P) ","月面[げつめん] (n) moon's surface (P) ","面倒くさい[めんどうくさい<br>めんどくさい] (adj-i) (uk) bothersome/tiresome/bother to do ","裏面[りめん] (n) back/reverse/other side/inside/tails (of coins)/background (P) ","図面[ずめん] (n) drawing/diagram/plans/blueprint (P) ","七面鳥[しちめんちょう] (n) turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) ","面倒見[めんどうみ] (n) taking care of someone ","書面[しょめん] (n) (1) document/letter (2) writing/contents (e.g. of a letter) (P) ","白面[しらふ<br>はくめん] (n, adj-no) (1) (uk) sobriety/soberness (2) sober face ","文面[ぶんめん] (n) content of a letter (P) ","面々[めんめん] (n) every person/each one/everybody (P) ","壁面[へきめん] (n) surface of a wall (P) ","額面[がくめん] (n) face value/par (P) ","面識[めんしき] (n) acquaintance (P) ","曲面[きょくめん] (n) curved surface ","誌面[しめん] (n) page of a magazine (P) ","多面[ためん] (n, adj-no) many-sided/multifaceted (P) ","片面[かためん] (n, adj-no) one side ","多方面[たほうめん] (adj-na, n) many-sided/multifarious/versatility ","床面積[ゆかめんせき] (n) floor space ","底面[ていめん] (n) bottom/underside/base "],"取":["受け取り[うけとり]receipt  N1","書き取り[かきとり]dictation  N1","書き取る[かきとる]to write down; to take dictation;to take notes  N1","聞き取り[ききとり]listening comprehension  N1","下取り[したどり]trade in; part exchange  N1","取材[しゅざい]choice of subject; collecting data  N1","塵取り[ちりとり]dustpan  N1","取っ手[とって]handle; grip;knob  N1","取りあえず[とりあえず]at once; first of all;for the time being  N1","取り扱い[とりあつかい]treatment; service;handling;management  N1","取り扱う[とりあつかう]to treat; to handle;to deal in  N1","取り替え[とりかえ]swap; exchange  N1","取り組む[とりくむ]to tackle; to wrestle with;to engage in a bout;to come to grips with  N1","取り締まり[とりしまり]control; management;supervision  N1","取り締まる[とりしまる]to manage; to control;to supervise  N1","取り調べる[とりしらべる]to investigate; to examine  N1","取り立てる[とりたてる]to collect; to extort;to appoint;to promote  N1","取り次ぐ[とりつぐ]to act as an agent for; to announce (someone);to convey (a message)  N1","取り除く[とりのぞく]to remove; to take away;to set apart  N1","取り引き[とりひき]transactions; dealings;business  N1","取り巻く[とりまく]to surround; to circle;to enclose  N1","取り混ぜる[とりまぜる]to mix; to put together  N1","取り戻す[とりもどす]to take back; to regain  N1","取り寄せる[とりよせる]to order; to send away for  N1","取り分[とりぶん]especially; above all  N1","乗っ取る[のっとる]to capture; to occupy;to usurp  N1","引き取る[ひきとる]to take charge of; to take over;to retire to a private place  N1","日取り[ひどり]fixed date; appointed day  N1","受取[うけとり]receipt  N2","書取[かきとり]dictation  N2","取り入れる[とりいれる]to harvest, to take in,to adopt  N2","取り消す[とりけす]to cancel  N2","取り出す[とりだす]to take out, to produce,to pick out  N2","受け取る[うけとる]to receive,  to get, to accept, to take  N3","取り上げる[とりあげる]to take up,  to pick up, to disqualify, to confiscate, to deprive  N3","取れる[とれる]to come off,  to be taken off, to be removed  N3","取り替える[とりかえる]to exchange  N4","取る[とる]to take something  N5","ちり取り[ちりとり]dustpan ","やり取り[やりとり]banter ","取り分け[とりわけ]above all ","取り外す[とりはずす]dismantle ","取り決め[とりきめ]decision ","取り消し[とりけし]cancellation ","取り調べ[とりしらべ]inquiry ","取り返す[とりかえす]take back ","取引[とりひき]transaction ","横取り[よこどり]interception ","気取る[きどる<br>けどる]make an affected pose ","取決め[とりきめ]Arrangement,  agreement ","切り取る[きりとる]To Cut Off,  to cut out ","取得[しゅとく<br>とりえ]acquisition ","取り掛かる[とりかかる]commence ","取締役[とりしまりやく]director ","段取り[だんどり]plan ","取り込む[とりこむ]take in ","採取[さいしゅ]collecting ","取り逃がす[とりにがす]To Fail To Catch ","取り柄[とりえ]merit ","刈り取る[かりとる]To Mow,  to reap, to harvest ","搾取[さくしゅ]exploitation ","摂取[せっしゅ]intake,  absorption ","取り敢えず[とりあえず]for the time being,  first of all, at once, immediately ","汲み取る[くみとる]drain ","取り組み[とりくみ] (n) (1) bout (in sports,  etc.)/match (2) effort/initiative/dealing with/grappling with/wrestling with (P) ","奪取[だっしゅ] (n, vs) usurpation/taking back/dispossession (P) ","取り[とり<br>どり] (n, n-suf) (1) taking/taker/collecting/collector/remover/removal (n) (2) last performer of the day (usu. the star performer)/last performance of the day (3) active partner (e.g. in judo demonstration) (pref) (4) emphatic or formal prefix ","取り付ける[とりつける] (v1, vt) (1) to furnish/to install (2) to get someone's agreement (3) to patronize/to buy usually from the same store ","遣り取り[やりとり] (n, vs) (uk) giving and taking/exchange (of letters)/arguing back and forth (conversational) exchange ","取扱[とりあつかい] (n) treatment/service/handling/management (P) ","気取り[きどり] (n) affectation/pretension ","取り壊す[とりこわす] (v5s, vt) to demolish/to tear down/to pull down ","取扱い[とりあつかい] (n) treatment/service/handling/management (P) ","聴取[ちょうしゅ] (n, vs) (1) listening/hearing/audition (2) radio reception (P) ","引き取り[ひきとり] (n, vs) leaving/accepting (P) ","聞き取る[ききとる] (v5r, vt) (1) to catch (a person's words)/to make out/to follow/to understand (2) to find out by asking (P) ","取締[とりしまり] (n) control/management/supervision ","取り乱す[とりみだす] (v5s, vi) (1) to be upset/to lose one's composure/to lose self-control/to go to pieces/to be shaken up/to break down/to be flustered/to blow one's cool (v5s,vt) (2) to put in disorder/to mess up/to disturb/to scatter about ","頭取[とうどり] (n) (1) (bank) president (2) greenroom manager (in a theater) (P) ","取り止める[とりやめる] (v1, vt) to cancel/to call off ","取って代わる[とってかわる] (vi, v5r) to supplant/to supersede/to replace/to take the place of ","読み取る[よみとる] (v5r, vt) (1) to read (someone's) mind/to read between the lines (2) to read (a calibration, a tape, etc.)/to read (out) ","買い取る[かいとる] (v5r, vt) to buy/to purchase ","勝ち取る[かちとる] (v5r, vt) to exert oneself and win/to gain (victory) ","取り込み[とりこみ] (n) (1) taking in/bringing in (2) capturing (e.g. customers)/attracting/winning over/pleasing (3) confusion/bustle/misfortune/disorder (n, vs) (4) (comp) importing (e.g. data)/capturing (e.g. image) (P) ","取組む[とりくむ] (v5m, vi) (1) to grapple with/to wrestle with/to engage in a bout/to be matched against (2) to tackle (e.g. a problem)/to come to grips with/to work hard on ","取りつかれる[とりつかれる] (v1) to become obsessed with/to be possessed (by spirits,  etc.)/to be obsessive compulsive (OCD) ","買取[かいとり] (n, vs) (1) purchase/buying/buying out (n,vs,vt) (2) buying used articles as a company/trade-in/buy back (n,vs) (3) purchase on a no-return policy (n) (4) lump-sum payment/flat fee (P) ","取水[しゅすい] (n, vs) drawing water from river or lake/water intake (P) ","取り囲む[とりかこむ] (v5m, vt) to surround/to crowd around (P) ","命取り[いのちとり] (adj-no, n) fatal/deadly/mortal ","取り決める[とりきめる] (v1, vt) to agree/to decide upon/to enter into (a contract) (P) ","取りかかる[とりかかる] (v5r, vi) to begin/to set about/to start ","手間取る[てまどる] (v5r, vi) to meet unexpected difficulties/to take time/to be delayed ","感じ取る[かんじとる] (v5r, vt) to perceive/to sense/to take in/to grasp/to feel (P) ","取り返し[とりかえし] (n) recovery/undoing/recall ","取り合う[とりあう] (v5u, vi) (1) to take each other's hands/to clasp (hands) (2) to compete/to scramble for (3) to pay attention (to someone)/to respond ","名取[なとり] (n) (1) accredited master (of a performing art) (2) being famous/being popular (3) famous person ","間取り[まどり] (n) layout (of a house or apartment)/arrangement of rooms (P) ","事情聴取[じじょうちょうしゅ] (n, vs) (yoji) inquiry/enquiry/investigation (police) interview/questioning (e.g. witness, suspect)/hearing ","取組[とりくみ] (n) (1) bout (in sports,  etc.)/match (2) effort/initiative/dealing with/grappling with/wrestling with ","取り下げる[とりさげる] (v1, vt) to withdraw/to abandon (e.g. a lawsuit) ","取り残す[とりのこす] (v5s, vt) to leave behind (P) ","商取引[しょうとりひき] (n) business transaction ","取り付け[とりつけ] (n) (1) installation/mounting/furnishing/fitting (2) run (on a bank)/bank run ","取りまとめる[とりまとめる] (v1, vt) (1) to collect/to gather/to compile/to assemble (2) to arrange/to settle (P) ","先取り[さきどり] (n, vs) (1) receiving in advance/taking before others (2) (comp) prefetch (3) (ling) anticipatory completion/finishing another person's sentence in anticipation of what likely to be said next (P) ","取手[とって<br>とりて] (io) (n) handle/grip/knob ","取り纏める[とりまとめる] (v1, vt) (1) to collect/to gather/to compile/to assemble (2) to arrange/to settle ","取り仕切る[とりしきる] (v5r, vt) to operate a business/to run a business/to manage all by oneself ","取り分ける[とりわける] (v1, vt) to distribute/to apportion/to divide ","取消[とりけし] (n) cancellation/withdrawal/abolition/revocation/cancel/CAN ","縁取る[ふちどる] (v5r, vt) to (add a) border or fringe ","取締り[とりしまり] (n) control/management/supervision (P) ","取り付く[とりつく] (v5k, vi) (1) to cling to/to hold on to/to hold fast to (2) to grapple (3) to set about doing/to begin/to commence/to undertake (4) to take hold of/to possess/to haunt (5) to obtain a clue/to get a lead ","関取[せきとり] (n) (sumo) ranking wrestler in the makuuchi (senior-grade) or juryo (junior-grade) divisions (P) ","取次[とりつぎ] (n) (1) agency/commission/distributor/intermediation (2) reception (of guests) (3) conveyance (of messages) (P) ","奪い取る[うばいとる] (v5r, vt) to plunder/to grab/to snatch ","陣取る[じんどる] (v5r, vi) to encamp/to take up positions ","取り留める[とりとめる] (v1, vt) (1) to narrowly escape (e.g. death)/to hang onto (life) (2) (arch) to ascertain/to make definite "],"愛":["愛想[あいそ<br>あいそう]civility; courtesy;compliments;sociability;graces  N1","愛憎[あいぞう]likes and dislikes  N1","可愛い[かわいい<br>かわゆい]pretty; cute;lovely;charming;dear;darling;pet  N1","可愛がる[かわいがる]to love; to be affectionate  N1","可愛らしい[かわいらしい]lovely; sweet  N1","愛でたい[めでたい]auspicious  N1","恋愛[れんあい]love; love-making;passion;emotion;affections  N1","愛[あい<br>まな]love  N3","愛情[あいじょう]love,  affection  N3","愛する[あいする]to love  N3","愛知県[あいちけん]Aichi Prefecture ","愛国心[あいこくしん]Patriotism ","自愛[じあい]Self Love,  selfishness ","性愛[せいあい]Sexual Love ","愛しい[いとしい<br>うつくしい<br>かなしい]beloved ","愛用[あいよう]use regularly ","愛着[あいちゃく<br>あいじゃく]attachment ","愛読[あいどく]love reading ","親愛[しんあい]affection ","博愛[はくあい]philanthropy ","愛媛県[えひめけん]ehime prefecture ","慈愛[じあい]affection,  kindness, love ","愛す[あいす] (v5s, vs-c,vt) to love (P) ","愛し合う[あいしあう] (v5u) (1) to love one another/to be affectionate towards each other (2) to have sex/to make love ","愛称[あいしょう] (n, adj-no) pet name/nickname/name used to indicate affection, intimacy, informality, etc. (P) ","愛好[あいこう] (n, vs) love/adoration (P) ","愛国[あいこく] (n, adj-no) love of (one's) country/patriotism (P) ","愛人[あいじん] (n) lover/mistress (P) ","最愛[さいあい] (adj-no, n) beloved/dearest (P) ","同性愛[どうせいあい] (n, adj-no) homosexual love (P) ","同性愛者[どうせいあいしゃ] (n) homosexual (person) ","愛子[いとしご<br>まなご] (n) beloved child/dear child ","愛犬[あいけん] (n) pet dog/beloved dog (P) ","愛らしい[あいらしい] (adj-i) pretty/charming/lovely/adorable ","愛車[あいしゃ] (n) (one's) beloved car (or motorcycle,  bicycle, etc.) (one's) wheels ","寵愛[ちょうあい] (n, vs) favor/favour/affection ","割愛[かつあい] (n, vs) (1) omitting/leaving out/sparing (2) giving something up reluctantly ","友愛[ゆうあい] (n) fraternity/friendship (P) ","敬愛[けいあい] (n, vs) respect and affection "],"因":["要因[よういん]primary factor; main cause  N1","因る[よる]to come from  N2","原因[げんいん<br>げいいん]cause, source  N4","悪因悪果[あくいんあっか]Evil Breeds Evil,  evil begets evil ","内因[ないいん]Internal Cause,  actual reason ","主因[しゅいん]Main Cause,  primary cause ","因む[ちなむ] (v5m, vi) (uk) to be associated (with)/to be connected (with) ","因[いん<br>よし<br>よすか<br>よすが] (n) (1) cause/factor (2) (Buddh) hetu (direct cause,  esp. as opposed to indirect conditions) (3) the basis of one's argument (in hetuvidya) (P) ","死因[しいん] (n) cause of death (P) ","起因[きいん] (n, vs) cause/origin (P) ","因子[いんし] (n) (1) factor (2) (math) factor/divisor (P) ","因果[いんが] (n) (1) cause and effect/causality (2) (Buddh) karma/fate (adj-na) (3) unfortunate/unlucky/ill-fated (P) ","本因坊[ほんいんぼう] (n) Hon'inbo/Honinbo/grand master of the game of go (P) ","因みに[ちなみに] (conj) (uk) by the way/in this connection/incidentally/in passing (P) ","一因[いちいん] (n) cause (P) ","因縁[いんえん<br>いんねん] (n) (1) fate/destiny (2) connection/tie/bond/origin (3) pretext/justification (4) (Buddh) hetu and prataya (direct causes and indirect conditions,  which underlie the actions of all things) "],"識":["認識[にんしき]recognition; cognizance  N1","良識[りょうしき]good sense  N1","標識[ひょうしき]sign, mark  N2","意識[いしき]consciousness,  senses  N3","常識[じょうしき]common sense  N3","知識[ちしき]knowledge,  information  N3","無意識[むいしき]unconsciously ","識別[しきべつ]distinction ","非常識[ひじょうしき]lack of common sense ","潜在意識[せんざいいしき]Subconscious ","鑑識[かんしき] (n, vs) (1) judgement/judgment/discernment/discrimination/having an eye for (2) appraisal (e.g. of an antique)/evaluation/assessment (n) (3) forensics (criminal) identification/crime lab ","知識人[ちしきじん] (n) intellectual (P) ","有識者[ゆうしきしゃ] (n) expert/knowledgeable person/authority (on a subject) (P) ","見識[けんしき] (n) (1) views/opinion/discernment (2) pride/self-respect (P) ","面識[めんしき] (n) acquaintance (P) ","学識[がくしき] (n) scholarship/scientific attainments (P) ","有識[ゆうしき<br>ゆうそく] (n) well-informed/learned ","識字[しきじ] (n) literacy "],"敗":["一敗[いっぱい]one defeat  N1","敗戦[はいせん]defeat; losing a war  N1","腐敗[ふはい]decay; depravity  N1","勝敗[しょうはい]victory or defeat, issue (of battle)  N2","失敗[しっぱい]failure, mistake  N4","敗者[はいしゃ]Loser,  the defeated ","敗れる[やぶれる]To Be Defeated,  to be unsuccessful ","敗北[はいぼく]defeat ","大失敗[だいしっぱい]Total Failure,  huge mistake, big mistake, debacle, massive failure, epic fail ","惨敗[ざんぱい<br>さんぱい]crushing failure,  utterly beaten, overwhelming defeat ","惜敗[せきはい]loss of a close game,  regrettable defeat ","敗[はい] (n) (1) loss/defeat (suf, ctr) (2) counter for losses ","大敗[たいはい] (n, vs) crushing defeat (P) ","敗退[はいたい] (n, vs) being defeated/being eliminated (from competition) (P) ","敗走[はいそう] (n, vs) flight/rout/debacle ","連敗[れんぱい] (n, vs) consecutive defeats/series of defeats (P) ","敗訴[はいそ] (n, vs) loss of a court-case (P) ","完敗[かんぱい] (n) (1) complete defeat/utter defeat/annihilation (vs) (2) to be completely defeated/to be beaten hollow (P) "],"果":["成果[せいか]results; fruits  N1","果ない[はてない]fleeting; transient;short-lived;momentary;vain;fickle;miserable;empty;ephemeral  N1","果たして[はたして]as was expected; really  N1","果たす[はたす]to accomplish; to fulfill;to carry out;to achieve  N1","果て[はて]the end; the extremity;the limit(s);the result  N1","果てる[はてる]to end; to be finished;to be exhausted;to die;to perish  N1","果実[かじつ]fruit, nut,berry.  N2","果して[はてして]as was expected, really  N2","結果[けっか]result,  consequence  N3","効果[こうか]effect,  effectiveness, efficacy, result  N3","果物[くだもの<br>かぶつ]fruit  N5","悪因悪果[あくいんあっか]Evil Breeds Evil,  evil begets evil ","果てしない[はてしない]boundless ","効果的[こうかてき]Effective ","逆効果[ぎゃくこうか]Opposite Effect ","果糖[かとう]Fructose ","果汁[かじゅう]Fruit Juice ","果樹[かじゅ]Fruit Tree ","果敢[かかん]resolute,  determined, bold ","戦果[せんか] (n) military gains/war results/fruit of battle ","果[か<br>はか<br>はたて] (n) (1) (Buddh) phala (attained state,  result) (2) (Buddh) enlightenment (as the fruits of one's Buddhist practice) (3) fruit (ctr) (4) counter for pieces of fruit ","苹果[ひょうか<br>へいか<br>りんご] (n) (uk) apple (fruit) ","因果[いんが] (n) (1) cause and effect/causality (2) (Buddh) karma/fate (adj-na) (3) unfortunate/unlucky/ill-fated (P) "],"官":["官僚[かんりょう]bureaucrat; bureaucracy  N1","器官[きかん]organ (of body); instrument  N1","長官[ちょうかん<br>かみ<br>かん<br>こう]chief; (government) secretary  N1","官庁[かんちょう]government office, authorities  N2","警官[けいかん]policeman  N5","外交官[がいこうかん]Diplomat ","官金[かんきん]Government Funds,  government money ","警察官[けいさつかん]Police Officer,  policeman ","官営[かんえい]Run By The Government,  government run ","官僚的[かんりょうてき]Bureaucratic ","官邸[かんてい]official residence ","捜査官[そうさかん] (n) police investigator/investigator (P) ","官[かん<br>つかさ] (n) government service/the bureaucracy ","司令官[しれいかん] (n) commandant/commanding officer/general (P) ","保安官[ほあんかん] (n) peace officer/sheriff ","士官[しかん] (n) (mil) officer (P) ","指揮官[しきかん] (n) commander/commanding officer/CO ","官位[かんい] (n) office and rank/an official rank ","官房[かんぼう] (n) government secretariat (P) ","裁判官[さいばんかん] (n) judge (P) ","任官[にんかん] (n, vs) appointment (to an office)/investiture/commission ","退官[たいかん] (n, vs) retirement from office (P) ","代官[だいかん] (n) Edo-period prefectural governor (magistrate,  bailiff) (P) ","教官[きょうかん] (n) teacher/instructor/professor (P) ","次官[じかん<br>すけ] (n) vice-minister/undersecretary (P) ","官職[かんしょく] (n) government service/official position/civil service ","検察官[けんさつかん] (n) public prosecutor (P) ","太政官[おおいまつりごとのつかさ<br>だいじょうかん<br>だじょうかん] (n) Department of State (under the ritsuryo system) ","管制官[かんせいかん] (n) controller (usually air-traffic) (P) ","官吏[かんり] (n) government official/clerk (P) ","刑務官[けいむかん] (n) prison officer/corrections offer/penal officer/prison guard/jailor/warder ","政務次官[せいむじかん] (n) deputy minister/assistant minister (P) ","参事官[さんじかん] (n) councillor/councilor (P) ","高官[こうかん] (n, adj-no) high official (P) ","上官[じょうかん] (n) superior officer ","神官[かみづかさ<br>かむづかさ<br>かんづかさ<br>しんかん] (n) Shinto priest ","将官[しょうかん] (n) general/admiral ","官能[かんのう] (n) (1) the senses (2) sensuality/carnality ","官軍[かんぐん] (n) government forces/loyalist army ","宦官[かんがん] (n) eunuch ","官公庁[かんこうちょう] (n) government and municipal offices/public agencies (P) ","仕官[しかん] (n, vs) (1) government service/entering government service (2) (of a ronin) finding a new lord or master to serve ","官民[かんみん] (n, adj-no) government and people/government and private sector/public and private sector (P) ","女官[じょかん<br>にょうかん<br>にょかん] (n) court lady/lady-in-waiting ","官報[かんぽう] (n) official daily gazette/official telegram (P) ","官立[かんりつ] (n) national/governmental "],"察":["察する[さっする]to guess; to sense;to presume;to judge;to sympathize with  N1","視察[しさつ]inspection; observation  N1","観察[かんさつ]observation,  survey  N3","診察[しんさつ]medical examination  N3","警察[けいさつ]police  N4","察知[さっち]Inference,  infer, sense ","警察署[けいさつしょ]Police Station ","警察官[けいさつかん]Police Officer,  policeman ","検察[けんさつ]criminal investigation ","警察庁[けいさつちょう]National Police Agency ","偵察[ていさつ]scouting ","洞察[どうさつ]insight ","考察[こうさつ] (n, vs) consideration/inquiry/enquiry/investigation/study (P) ","検察官[けんさつかん] (n) public prosecutor (P) ","察し[さっし] (n) consideration/guess/conjecture/judgment/judgement ","保護観察[ほごかんさつ] (n) probation ","監察[かんさつ] (n, vs) inspection/inspector (P) ","検察側[けんさつがわ] (n, adj-no) (law) the prosecution/prosecution side ","察[さつ] (n) (col) (uk) cops/police ","推察[すいさつ] (n, vs) guess/conjecture/surmise ","査察[ささつ] (n, vs) inspection (for compliance)/investigation (tax, etc.) (P) ","検察庁[けんさつちょう] (n) (abbr) Public Prosecutor's Office (P) "],"非":["是非とも[ぜひとも]by all means (with sense of not taking no for an answer)  N1","非[ひ]faulty-; non-  N1","非行[ひこう]delinquency; misconduct  N1","非難[ひなん]blame; attack;criticism  N1","是非[ぜひ]by all means  N3","非常[ひじょう]emergency,  extraordinary, unusual  N3","非常に[ひじょうに]extremely  N4","非常口[ひじょうぐち]emergency exit ","非常識[ひじょうしき]lack of common sense ","非難する[ひなんする]To Criticize ","非凡[ひぼん]prodigy,  rare, unique, extraordinary ","非公開[ひこうかい] (adj-no, n) private/exclusive/secret (P) ","非常勤[ひじょうきん] (n) part-time work (P) ","非公式[ひこうしき] (adj-no, adj-na,n) informal/unofficial (P) ","非常事態[ひじょうじたい] (n) state of emergency ","非合法[ひごうほう] (adj-na, n,adj-no) illegal/unlawful (P) "],"薬":["薬指[くすりゆび]ring finger  N2","農薬[のうやく]agricultural chemicals  N2","薬缶[やかん]kettle  N2","薬品[やくひん]medicine(s), chemical(s)  N2","薬局[やっきょく]pharmacy, drugstore  N2","薬[くすり<br>やく]medicine  N5","薬用[やくよう]Medicinal ","薬物[やくぶつ]Medicines,  drugs ","薬方[やくほう]Prescription ","薬学[やくがく]Study Of Pharmacy,  pharmacology, pharmaceutics ","医薬品[いやくひん]pharmaceuticals ","毒薬[どくやく]poisonous drug ","漢方薬[かんぽうやく]Chinese medicine ","火薬[かやく]gunpowder ","目薬[めぐすり]eye drops ","製薬[せいやく]pharmaceutical manufacture ","妙薬[みょうやく]Wonder Drug ","眠り薬[ねむりぐすり]Sleeping Pills,  sleeping drugs, sleeping medicine ","睡眠薬[すいみんやく]Sleeping Pills,  sleeping drugs, sleeping medicine ","薬剤[やくざい]Medicine,  drugs ","薬剤師[やくざいし]Pharmacist ","麻薬[まやく]drug ","風邪薬[かぜぐすり]cold medicine ","弾薬[だんやく] (n) ammunition/ammo (P) ","薬師[くすし<br>くすりし<br>やくし] (n) (arch) doctor ","医薬[いやく] (n, adj-no) (1) medicine (2) (abbr) Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau (P) ","薬草[やくそう] (n) medicinal herb ","治療薬[ちりょうやく] (n) remedy/cure/therapeutic medication ","爆薬[ばくやく] (n) explosive/blasting powder (P) ","試薬[しやく] (n) reagent (P) ","新薬[しんやく] (n) new medicine (P) ","薬莢[やっきょう] (n) (ammunition) cartridge/shell case ","炸薬[さくやく] (n) explosives ","薬科[やっか] (n) pharmacy (subject) "],"覚":["覚え[おぼえ]memory; sense;experience  N1","錯覚[さっかく]optical illusion; hallucination  N1","視覚[しかく]sense of sight; vision  N1","自覚[じかく]self-conscious  N1","聴覚[ちょうかく]the sense of hearing  N1","味覚[みかく]taste; palate;sense of taste  N1","目覚しい[めざましい]brilliant; splendid;striking;remarkable  N1","目覚める[めざめる]to wake up  N1","目覚し[めざまし](abbr) alarm-clock  N2","覚悟[かくご]resolution,  resignation, readiness, preparedness  N3","感覚[かんかく]sense,  sensation  N3","覚ます[さます]to awaken  N3","覚める[さめる]to wake,  to wake up  N3","覚える[おぼえる]to remember  N5","幻覚[げんかく]Hallucination ","物覚え[ものおぼえ]memory ","発覚[はっかく]disclosure ","目覚まし[めざまし]waking up ","目覚ましい[めざましい]remarkable ","目覚まし時計[めざましどけい]alarm clock ","知覚[ちかく]perception ","見覚え[みおぼえ]recognition ","覚醒剤[かくせいざい]stimulant ","覚[さとり] (n) (uk) Satori/folklore monster that can read minds ","覚醒[かくせい] (n, vs) (1) waking up/awakening/arousal/revival (2) disillusion/disillusionment/awakening (figurative) (P) ","目覚め[めざめ] (n) waking ","覚え書き[おぼえがき] (n) (1) memo/memorandum/note (2) (diplomatic) memorandum "],"常":["正常[せいじょう]normalcy; normality;normal  N1","通常[つうじょう]common; general;usually  N1","平常[へいじょう]normal; usual  N1","異常[いじょう]strangeness,  abnormality, disorder  N3","常識[じょうしき]common sense  N3","常に[つねに]always,  constantly  N3","日常[にちじょう]ordinary,  regular, everyday, usual  N3","非常[ひじょう]emergency,  extraordinary, unusual  N3","非常に[ひじょうに]extremely  N4","常用[じょうよう]common use ","常用漢字[じょうようかんじ]Chinese characters for daily use ","非常口[ひじょうぐち]emergency exit ","非常識[ひじょうしき]lack of common sense ","常勤[じょうきん]Full Time Employment,  full time ","恒常[こうじょう]constant,  routine ","常[ただ<br>つね<br>とこ<br>とわ] (adj-no, n) (1) (uk) ordinary/common/usual (2) (uk) free of charge (3) unaffected/as is/safe (adv) (4) only/merely/just/simply (conj) (5) but/however/nevertheless ","常時[じょうじ] (n-adv) (1) usually/ordinarily/always (adj-no) (2) continuous/24-hour (operation,  care, etc.)/constant/always on (P) ","常任[じょうにん] (n, vs,adj-no) standing/regular/permanent (P) ","常設[じょうせつ] (n, vs,adj-no) standing (committee)/permanent (exhibit) (P) ","常連[じょうれん] (n, adj-no) (1) regular customer/regular patron/frequenter (2) constant companion (P) ","経常[けいじょう<br>けいつね] (adj-no, n) ordinary (P) ","常務[じょうむ] (n) (1) (abbr) managing director/executive director (2) routine business/regular business (P) ","非常勤[ひじょうきん] (n) part-time work (P) ","尋常[じんじょう] (adj-na, n,adj-no) common/usual (P) ","非常事態[ひじょうじたい] (n) state of emergency ","常駐[じょうちゅう] (n, vs) (1) permanent stationing/staying permanently (adj-no) (2) (comp) resident (program, file, etc.) (P) ","常備[じょうび] (n, vs,adj-no) standing/reserve/always having ready ","常々[つねづね] (adv, n) always/usually ","常緑[じょうりょく] (n, adj-no) evergreen ","常温[じょうおん] (n) (1) normal temperature/room temperature (2) constant temperature/fixed temperature "],"原":["原[はら<br>げん<br>ばら]original; primitive;primary;fundamental;raw  N1","原形[げんけい]original form; base form  N1","原作[げんさく]original work  N1","原子[げんし]atom  N1","原書[げんしょ]original document  N1","原則[げんそく]principle; general rule  N1","原点[げんてん]origin (coordinates); starting point  N1","原典[げんてん]original (text)  N1","原爆[げんばく]atomic bomb  N1","原文[げんぶん]the text; original  N1","原油[げんゆ]crude oil  N1","高原[こうげん]tableland; plateau  N1","原っぱ[はらっぱ]open field; empty lot;plain  N1","原稿[げんこう]manuscript, copy  N2","原産[げんさん]place of origin, habitat  N2","原始[げんし]origin, primeval  N2","原理[げんり]principle, theory,fundamental truth  N2","原料[げんりょう]raw materials  N2","原因[げんいん<br>げいいん]cause, source  N4","原子力[げんしりょく]atomic energy ","川原[かわら]dry riverbed ","草原[そうげん<br>くさはら<br>くさわら]grassland ","野原[のはら]open field ","原告[げんこく]plaintiff ","原型[げんけい]Prototype,  model ","原子爆弾[げんしばくだん]Atomic Bomb ","原潜[げんせん]Nuclear Submarine ","原子炉[げんしろ]Atomic Reactor,  nuclear reactor ","桑原[くわばら]Mulberry Field ","原稿用紙[げんこうようし]manuscript paper ","原則として[げんそくとして] (exp, adv) as a general rule/in principle/basically/essentially/fundamentally ","原発[げんぱつ] (n) (1) (abbr) nuclear power plant/nuclear power generation (adj-no, n,vs) (2) primary (e.g. primary immunodeficiency syndrome) (P) ","原題[げんだい] (n) original title ","平原[へいげん] (n) plain/moor/prairie ","関ケ原[せきがはら] (n) (1) Sekigahara (battle site,  1600) (2) decisive battle/critical battle ","関ヶ原[せきがはら] (n) (1) Sekigahara (battle site,  1600) (2) decisive battle/critical battle ","海原[うなばら] (n) ocean/sea/the deep ","原画[げんが] (n) (1) original picture (2) key frame/key animation (P) ","原案[げんあん] (n) original plan/original bill/original motion/draft (P) ","中原[ちゅうげん] (n) middle of a field/middle of a country/field of contest (P) ","原動[げんどう] (n) motive ","河原[かわら] (n) dry riverbed/river beach (P) ","病原[びょうげん] (n, adj-no) origin of an illness/cause of a disease/pathogenesis/etiology ","篠原[しのはら] (n) field of bamboo grass ","松原[まつばら] (n) pine grove (P) ","原子核[げんしかく] (n) (physics) nucleus/atomic nucleus (P) ","萩原[はぎはら<br>はぎわら] (n) reedy field (P) ","原動力[げんどうりょく] (n) motive power/driving force (P) ","抗原[こうげん] (n) antigen (P) ","原生[げんせい] (adj-no, n) primeval/primordial/primitive/pristine (P) ","原住民[げんじゅうみん] (n) native people/aboriginal/indigenous people (P) ","原価[げんか] (n) cost price (P) ","湿原[しつげん] (n) marshy grassland/wetlands (P) ","原材料[げんざいりょう] (n) raw materials/ingredients (P) ","原本[げんぽん] (n) the original/original copy/script (P) ","原野[げんや] (n) waste land/wilderness/moor/field/plain (P) "],"席":["着席[ちゃくせき]sit down; seat  N1","客席[きゃくせき]guest seating  N2","欠席[けっせき]absence,  non-attendance  N3","座席[ざせき]seat  N3","出席[しゅっせき]attendance,  presence  N3","席[せき<br>むしろ]seat  N4","空席[くうせき]Open Seat,  empty seat, free seat ","席上[せきじょう]at the meeting ","席順[せきじゅん]Seating Order ","即席[そくせき]impromptu ","打席[だせき] (n) (baseb) batter's box/one's turn at bat (P) ","議席[ぎせき] (n) parliamentary seat (P) ","主席[しゅせき] (n, adj-no) (1) head/chief (n) (2) chairman/governor/president (3) top seat/first desk (in orchestra) (P) ","首席[しゅせき] (n, adj-no) (1) head/chief (n) (2) top student/head of the class (3) top seat/first desk (in orchestra) (P) ","寄席[よせ<br>よせせき] (n) entertainment hall (for rakugo,  manzai, magic, music, etc.)/vaudeville theater (theatre)/music hall (P) ","退席[たいせき] (n, vs) leaving one's seat ","満席[まんせき] (n, adj-no) full house/all seats occupied/fully occupied (P) ","助手席[じょしゅせき] (n) passenger seat/assistant driver's seat ","同席[どうせき] (n, vs,adj-no) presence/sitting with/being with (P) ","席巻[せっけん] (n, vs) sweeping conquest/sweeping over/conquering/invading (P) "],"側":["縁側[えんがわ]veranda; porch;balcony;open corridor  N1","側[がわ<br>かたわら<br>かわ<br>そく<br>そば<br>はた]side; row;surroundings;part;(watch) case  N1","側面[そくめん]side; flank;sidelight;lateral  N1","両側[りょうがわ<br>りょうそく]both sides  N2","東側[ひがしがわ<br>とうそく]East Side ","内側[うちがわ<br>ないそく]Inside ","左側[ひだりがわ<br>さそく]Left Side ","外側[そとがわ<br>がいそく]Outside ","右側[みぎがわ<br>うそく]Right Side ","西側[にしがわ]West Side ","向こう側[むこうがわ]other side ","片側[かたがわ]one side ","反対側[はんたいがわ] (n) opposite side/opposition (P) ","側近[そっきん] (n) close associate/close aide/brains-truster (P) ","裏側[うらがわ] (n, adj-no) the reverse/other side/lining (P) ","側線[そくせん] (n) (1) sidetrack/siding (2) lateral line (of a fish) ","北側[きたがわ<br>ほくそく] (n) north side/north bank (P) ","側室[そくしつ] (n) concubine (of a noble) ","検察側[けんさつがわ] (n, adj-no) (law) the prosecution/prosecution side ","南側[なんそく<br>みなみがわ] (n) south side "],"説":["概説[がいせつ]general statement; outline  N1","学説[がくせつ]theory  N1","説得[せっとく]persuasion  N1","伝説[でんせつ]tradition; legend;folklore  N1","説く[とく]to explain; to advocate;to preach;to persuade  N1","解説[かいせつ]explanation, commentary  N2","社説[しゃせつ]editorial, leading article  N2","演説[えんぜつ]speech,  address  N3","説[せつ]theory  N3","小説[しょうせつ]novel  N4","説明[せつめい]explanation  N4","仮説[かせつ]Hypothesis ","図説[ずせつ]Illustration,  explanatory diagram ","説教[せっきょう]preaching ","説明書[せつめいしょ]Written Explanation,  instructions ","説得する[せっとくする]To Persuade ","逆説[ぎゃくせつ]Paradox ","説明し[ときあかし] (n, vs) explanation/exposition ","諸説[しょせつ] (n) (1) various opinions/various theories (2) various rumors (rumours) ","口説く[くどく] (v5k, vt) (1) to persuade/to coax/to solicit (2) to seduce/to make advances/to make a play/to make a pass/to put the moves on/to come on to/to hit on/to court/to woo/to romance ","一説[いっせつ] (n) one theory (opinion)/another theory (opinion) ","言説[げんせつ] (n, vs) remark/statement/discourse ","説得力[せっとくりょく] (n) persuasiveness/powers of persuasion/cogency (P) ","通説[つうせつ] (n) prevailing view/common opinion/commonly accepted theory ","説話[せつわ] (n, vs) tale/narrative ","異説[いせつ] (n) different view/alternative theory/dissenting view ","論説[ろんせつ] (n) editorial/dissertation (P) ","定説[ていせつ] (n) established theory/accepted opinion/accepted explanation (P) "],"警":["警戒[けいかい]warning; admonition;vigilance  N1","警部[けいぶ]police inspector  N1","警備[けいび]defense, guard,policing,security  N2","警告[けいこく]warning,  advice  N3","警察[けいさつ]police  N4","警官[けいかん]policeman  N5","警報[けいほう]alarm ","警察署[けいさつしょ]Police Station ","警察官[けいさつかん]Police Officer,  policeman ","警視庁[けいしちょう]Metropolitan Police Department,  metro police department ","警察庁[けいさつちょう]National Police Agency ","警鐘[けいしょう]Alarm Bell,  fire bell ","警備員[けいびいん] (n) guard/security (officer)/guardsman ","警部補[けいぶほ] (n) assistant inspector ","市警[しけい] (n) (obs) city police ","警視[けいし] (n) police superintendent/metropolitan police (P) ","警告音[けいこくおん] (n) warning sound ","警報音[けいほうおん] (n) warning sound ","警護[けいご] (n, vs) bodyguard/escort (P) ","県警[けんけい] (n) (abbr) prefectural police (P) ","警務[けいむ] (n) (1) police affairs (2) (abbr) military police "],"告":["勧告[かんこく]advice; counsel;remonstrance;recommendation  N1","告白[こくはく]confession; acknowledgement  N1","申告[しんこく]report; statement;filing a return;notification  N1","忠告[ちゅうこく]advice; warning  N1","告げる[つげる]to inform  N1","布告[ふこく]edict; ordinance;proclamation  N1","警告[けいこく]warning,  advice  N3","広告[こうこく]advertisement  N3","報告[ほうこく]report,  information  N3","予告[よこく]Advance Notice,  forward notice, prior notice ","公告[こうこく]Public Notice,  public announcement ","原告[げんこく]plaintiff ","被告[ひこく]defendant ","告訴[こくそ]Accusation,  charge ","催告[さいこく]Notification ","密告[みっこく]Secret Information ","宣告[せんこく]sentence ","戒告[かいこく]Admonition ","報告書[ほうこくしょ] (n) (written) report (P) ","告知[こくち] (n, vs) notice/announcement (P) ","告発[こくはつ] (n, vs) indictment/prosecution/complaint (P) ","被告人[ひこくにん] (n) accused/defendant/prisoner at the bar (P) ","警告音[けいこくおん] (n) warning sound ","告示[こくじ] (n, vs) notice/bulletin (P) ","通告[つうこく] (n, vs) announcement/notice (P) ","次回予告[じかいよこく] (n) preview of next installment (TV shows,  podcasts, etc.) ","宣戦布告[せんせんふこく] (n, vs) declaration of war/proclamation of war ","告ぐ[つぐ] (v2g-s, vt) (1) (arch) to tell/to inform/to announce (2) (arch) to indicate/to signal/to mark ","お告げ[おつげ] (n) oracle/revelation/divine message ","上告[じょうこく] (n, vs) (law) final appeal to the highest court (P) ","予告編[よこくへん] (n) trailer (film,  TV)/preview "],"達":["達者[たっしゃ]skillful; in good health  N1","達成[たっせい]achievement  N1","伝達[でんたつ]transmission (e.g. news); communication;delivery  N1","到達[とうたつ]reaching; attaining;arrival  N1","速達[そくたつ]express, special delivery  N2","上達[じょうたつ]improvement,  advance, progress  N3","達する[たっする]to reach,  to get to  N3","配達[はいたつ<br>はいだつ]delivery,  distribution  N3","発達[はったつ]development,  growth  N3","友達[ともだち]friend  N5","達人[たつじん]Master,  expert ","配達する[はいたつする]To Deliver ","通達[つうたつ<br>つうだつ]communication ","速達便[そくたつびん]special delivery ","人達[ひとたち]People ","達筆[たっぴつ]good handwriting ","調達[ちょうたつ] (n, vs) supply/provision/raising/procurement (P) ","達す[たっす] (v5s, vs-c) to reach/to get to ","達[たち<br>だち] (suf) (uk) pluralizing suffix (esp. for people and animals;  formerly honorific) (P) ","子供達[こどもたち] (n) children (P) ","伊達[だて] (n, adj-na) (1) (uk) elegance/dandyism/sophistication/having style (2) (uk) affectation/showing off/putting on an air/appearances/doing something just for show (P) ","僕達[ぼくたち] (pn) (male) we ","女友達[おんなともだち] (n) female friend/woman friend ","友達がい[ともだちがい] (n) true friendship ","達磨[だるま] (n) (1) (uk) daruma/tumbling doll/round,  red-painted good-luck doll in the shape of Bodhidharma, with a blank eye to be completed when a person's wish is granted (2) (uk) Bodhidharma (3) prostitute (P) "],"等":["此れ等[これら]these  N1","対等[たいとう]equivalent  N1","等[など<br>とう<br>ら]et cetera; etc.;and the like  N1","等級[とうきゅう]grade; class  N1","同等[どうとう]equality; equal;same rights;same rank  N1","高等[こうとう]high class, high grade  N2","等分[とうぶん]division into equal parts  N2","彼等[かれら<br>あれら]they (usually male)  N3","上等[じょうとう]superiority,  first class, very good  N3","等しい[ひとしい]equal  N3","平等[びょうどう]equality (a),  impartiality, evenness  N3","高等学校[こうとうがっこう]high school  N4","等号[とうごう]Equal Sign ","一等[いっとう]First Class,  first rank, the best ","不等[ふとう]Inequality,  disparity ","下等[かとう]inferior ","不平等[ふびょうどう]unequal ","等価[とうか]equivalence ","優等生[ゆうとうせい]honor student ","均等[きんとう]Equality,  uniformity, evenness ","劣等感[れっとうかん]Inferiority Complex ","等閑[なおざり]neglect ","何等か[なんらか] (adj-no, adv) some/any/in any way/of some kind/of some sort ","等々[とうとう] (suf) etc./et cetera/and so on (P) ","優等[ゆうとう] (adj-na, n) (academic) excellence/superiority/honors (e.g. graduating with)/cum laude ","初等[しょとう] (n) elementary/primary ","中等[ちゅうとう] (n, adj-no) second grade/medium quality/average/middle class/secondary grade (P) ","勲一等[くんいっとう] (n) order of the 1st class ","劣等[れっとう] (adj-na, n,adj-no) inferiority/low grade "],"忘":["度忘れ[どわすれ]lapse of memory; forget for a moment  N1","忘れ物[わすれもの]lost article  N4","忘れる[わすれる]to forget  N5","忘年会[ぼうねんかい]Year End Party,  end of year party ","健忘症[けんぼうしょう]Amnesia,  loss of memory ","忘却[ぼうきゃく]forgetfulness "],"種":["各種[かくしゅ]every kind; all sorts  N1","種々[しゅじゅ<br>くさぐさ]variety  N1","種[たね<br>しゅ<br>くさ]kind; variety;species  N1","品種[ひんしゅ]brand; kind;description  N1","一種[いっしゅ<br>ひとくさ]a species,  a kind, a variety  N3","種類[しゅるい]a kind;  a sort  N3","人種[じんしゅ]race (of people)  N3","種目[しゅもく]item ","機種[きしゅ] (n) type of equipment/model (P) ","犬種[けんしゅ] (n) breed of dog ","種別[しゅべつ] (n, vs) classification/assortment (P) ","亜種[あしゅ] (n, n-suf) subspecies ","人種差別[じんしゅさべつ] (n) racial discrimination/racism ","業種[ぎょうしゅ] (n) type of industry (P) ","種族[しゅぞく] (n) (1) race/tribe/ethnic group (2) species/genus/family (3) (astron) stellar population (i.e. population I,  II and III) (P) ","車種[しゃしゅ] (n) (1) car model (2) type of (wheeled) vehicle/vehicle classification (P) ","職種[しょくしゅ] (n) type of occupation/occupational category (P) ","種子[しゅし] (n, adj-no) seed/pit (P) ","多種多様[たしゅたよう] (adj-na, n,adj-no) (yoji) a great variety of/diversity ","同種[どうしゅ] (n, adj-no) same kind (race)/homogeneousness (P) ","接種[せっしゅ] (n, vs,adj-no) inoculation/vaccination (P) ","変種[へんしゅ] (n) (1) variant/variation/variety/mutation/freak/novelty/exception (2) (biol) (taxonomical) variety ","新種[しんしゅ] (n, adj-no) new species/new variety ","多種[たしゅ] (adj-na, n,adj-no) many kinds/various ","雑種[ざっしゅ] (n) hybrid/crossbreed/mongrel ","種子島[たねがしま] (n) (arch) matchlock/arquebus/harquebus ","千種[ちくさ<br>ちぐさ] (n) (1) great variety of flowering plants (2) (abbr) light greenish-blue (adj-na, adj-no,n) (3) various ","別種[べっしゅ] (n, adj-no) another kind/distinct species/variety ","異種[いしゅ] (adj-na, n,adj-no) different kind (species, variety)/heterologous/heterogenous ","三種[さんしゅ] (n, adj-no) three kinds/three varieties (P) "],"報":["報酬[ほうしゅう]remuneration; recompense;reward;toll  N1","報じる[ほうじる]to inform; to report  N1","報ずる[ほうずる]to inform; to report  N1","報道[ほうどう]information; report  N1","情報[じょうほう]information,  (military) intelligence  N3","報告[ほうこく]report,  information  N3","予報[よほう]forecast,  prediction  N3","天気予報[てんきよほう]weather forecast  N4","電報[でんぽう]telegram  N4","報いる[むくいる]recompense ","報われる[むくわれる]be rewarded ","時報[じほう]time signal ","警報[けいほう]alarm ","朗報[ろうほう]Good News ","無報酬[むほうしゅう]free of charge,  gratuitous, without pay ","報告書[ほうこくしょ] (n) (written) report (P) ","報[ほう] (n, n-suf) information/news/report (P) ","通報[つうほう] (n, vs) (1) report/notification/tip/bulletin (2) (math) (comp) message (in information and communication theory) (P) ","広報[こうほう] (n, vs) public relations/PR/publicity/information/publicizing (P) ","報い[むくい] (n) (1) reward/recompense/return (2) punishment/retribution ","報復[ほうふく] (n, vs) (1) retaliation/revenge/reprisal/retribution (2) retorsion/retortion (P) ","速報[そくほう] (n, vs) news flash/prompt report/bulletin/quick announcement (P) ","警報音[けいほうおん] (n) warning sound ","情報処理[じょうほうしょり] (n) (comp) data processing (P) ","情報源[じょうほうげん] (n) (1) source of information/intelligence source (2) (comp) message source ","日報[にっぽう] (n) daily report (P) ","報う[むくう] (v5u) (1) to reward/to recompense/to repay (2) to retaliate/to get revenge ","新報[しんぽう] (n) news ","諜報[ちょうほう] (n) secret information/intelligence ","報知[ほうち] (n, vs) information/news/intelligence (P) ","続報[ぞくほう] (n, vs) follow-up report/further news ","会報[かいほう] (n) bulletin/report (P) ","画報[がほう] (n) illustrated news magazine/pictorial ","官報[かんぽう] (n) official daily gazette/official telegram (P) ","訃報[ふほう] (n) news of a person's death/obituary "],"許":["許容[きょよう]permission; pardon  N1","特許[とっきょ]special permission; patent  N1","許可[きょか]permission,  approval  N3","免許[めんきょ]license  N3","許す[ゆるす]to permit,  to allow, to approve  N3","許諾[きょだく]Consent ","免許証[めんきょしょう]license ","許し[ばかし<br>ばっかし<br>ゆるし] (prt) (1) (uk) (col) approximately/about (2) only/nothing but (3) just (finished,  etc.) ","許[ばかし<br>ばかり<br>ばっか<br>ばっかし<br>ばっかり<br>もと] (prt) (1) (uk) (col) approximately/about (2) only/nothing but (3) just (finished,  etc.) ","特許庁[とっきょちょう] (n) Patent Office/Patent Agency (P) ","勅許[ちょっきょ] (n) imperial sanction/royal charter/chartered (e.g. chartered accountant) "],"静":["安静[あんせい]rest  N1","静止[せいし]stillness; repose;standing still  N1","静的[せいてき]static  N1","静まる[しずまる]to quieten down, to calm down,to subside  N2","冷静[れいせい]calm,  composure, coolness, serenity  N3","静か[しずか]quiet  N5","平静[へいせい]Calm,  serene, tranquil ","動静[どうせい]movements ","静々[しずしず]Quietly,  calmly ","静粛[せいしゅく]silent ","静寂[せいじゃく<br>しじま]silence,  still, quiet ","閑静[かんせい]quiet ","静かに[しずかに] (adv) (1) calmly/quietly/gently/peacefully (exp) (2) be quiet! ","静岡[しずおか] (n) Shizuoka (city) (P) ","静[しず<br>せい] (pref) quiet/calm/still ","鎮静剤[ちんせいざい] (n) sedative/tranquilizer/tranquiliser ","静脈[じょうみゃく] (n, adj-no) vein (P) ","沈静[ちんせい] (adj-na, n) stillness/tranquility/tranquillity/dullness (P) "],"座":["ご座います[ございます]to be (polite); to exist  N1","座談会[ざだんかい]symposium; round-table discussion  N1","座標[ざひょう]coordinate(s)  N1","星座[せいざ]constellation  N1","即座に[そくざに]immediately; right away  N1","座敷[ざしき]tatami room  N2","座布団[ざぶとん]cushion (Japanese)  N2","座席[ざせき]seat  N3","座る[すわる]to sit  N5","銀座[ぎんざ]Ginza ","正座[せいざ]Seiza,  traditional japanese sitting ","座禅[ざぜん]Zen Meditation ","即座[そくざ]Immediate,  instantaneous ","胡座[あぐら]sitting cross legged,  sit cross legged ","座[ざ] (n) (1) seat/place (2) position/status (3) gathering/party/company/atmosphere (of a gathering) (4) stand/pedestal/platform (5) (historical) trade guild (suf) (6) attaches to the names of constellations (7) attaches to the names of theatres,  cinemas and theatrical troupes (suf,ctr) (8) counter for theatres, deities, Buddhist images, tall mountains, and satokagura songs (P) ","口座[こうざ] (n) account (e.g. bank) (P) ","王座[おうざ] (n) throne (P) ","講座[こうざ] (n) (1) academic teaching unit/lectureship/professorial chair (2) course (e.g. of lectures) (P) ","座長[ざちょう] (n) (1) chairman (2) leader of a troupe/proprietor of a theatrical company (P) ","鎮座[ちんざ] (n, vs) enshrinement ","お座り[おすわり] (n, vs) (1) (chn) sit down/sit up (2) Sit! (to a dog) ","御座る[ござる] (v4r, vi) (pol) (arch) (abbr) (uk) to be ","一座[いちざ] (n, vs) (1) party/those present/troupe (2) first seat (P) ","土下座[どげざ] (n, vs) kneeling down on the ground/prostrate oneself ","座礁[ざしょう] (n, vs) running aground/being stranded/grounding/beaching ","前座[ぜんざ] (n) (1) opening performance/opening act/curtain raiser (2) minor performer/minor storyteller/subordinate part ","台座[だいざ] (n) pedestal ","連座[れんざ] (n, vs) (1) implication (in a crime)/involvement (2) (arch) sitting in a row (in the same seat) (P) ","当座[とうざ] (n, adj-no) (1) for the time being/for the present/temporarily/for a time (2) immediate/present/current (3) for some time (after) (4) current account ","高座[こうざ] (n) platform/stage/upper seat/pulpit ","座談[ざだん] (n, vs) conversation/discussion ","遷座[せんざ] (n, vs) relocation of a shrine/transfer of an object of worship "],"煙":["煙たい[けむたい]smoky; feeling awkward  N1","煙る[けむる]to smoke (e.g. fire)  N1","煙草[たばこ<br>えんそう<br>けぶりぐさ<br>けむりぐさ](pt:) (n) (uk) tobacco (pt: tabaco); cigarettes  N1","煙突[えんとつ]chimney  N2","煙い[けむい]smoky  N2","禁煙[きんえん]No Smoking!  N3","煙[けむり<br>けぶ<br>けぶり<br>けむ]smoke,  fumes  N3","黒煙[こくえん]Black Smoke ","喫煙[きつえん]Smoking ","噴煙[ふんえん]volcanic smoke "],"類":["衣類[いるい]clothes; clothing;garments  N1","類[るい<br>たぐい]a kind  N1","類似[るいじ]analogous  N1","類推[るいすい]analogy  N1","親類[しんるい]relation, kin  N2","分類[ぶんるい]classification  N2","種類[しゅるい]a kind;  a sort  N3","書類[しょるい]document  N3","人類[じんるい]mankind,  humanity  N3","同類[どうるい]same class ","人類学[じんるいがく]Anthropology ","類型[るいけい]type ","獣類[じゅうるい]Beasts,  animals ","穀類[こくるい]grains ","鳥類[ちょうるい] (n, adj-no) birds (P) ","魚類[ぎょるい] (n) fish/fishes (P) ","類する[たぐいする<br>るいする] (io) (vs-s, vi) to be equal to/to be as good as/to be a match for/to rival ","部類[ぶるい] (n) class/heading/group/category ","爬虫類[はちゅうるい] (n) reptiles (P) ","菌類[きんるい] (n) fungus/fungi ","酒類[しゅるい] (n) alcoholic drinks/liquor (P) ","藻類[そうるい] (n, adj-no) seaweed/algae (P) ","類別[るいべつ] (n, vs) classification ","甲殻類[こうかくるい] (n) crustacean ","両生類[りょうせいるい] (n) amphibia/amphibian "],"洗":["御手洗い[ごてあらい]toilet; restroom;lavatory;bathroom (US)  N1","水洗[すいせん]flushing  N1","御手洗[おてあらい]font of purifying water placed at entrance of shrine  N2","洗剤[せんざい]detergent, washing material  N2","手洗い[てあらい]restroom, lavatory,hand-washing  N2","洗う[あらう]to wash  N5","お手洗い[おてあらい]bathroom  N5","洗濯[せんたく]washing  N5","洗脳[せんのう]Brainwashing ","洗車[せんしゃ]Car Wash ","皿洗い[さらあらい]Dishwashing,  dishwasher, washing the dishes, washing dishes ","洗練[せんれん]Refinement,  polish ","洗い物[あらいもの]dishes to be washed ","洗面[せんめん]washing one's face ","洗面器[せんめんき]washbowl ","洗面所[せんめんじょ]washroom ","洗濯する[せんたくする]to wash,  to do laundry ","洗濯粉[せんたくこ]detergent ","洗濯機[せんたくき,  せんたっき<br>せんたくき]washing machine, laundry machine ","洗濯屋[せんたくや]dry cleaners,  laundromat ","洗浄[せんじょう]washing,  cleaning, laundering ","洗浄剤[せんじょうざい]detergent ","洗礼[せんれい] (n, adj-no) baptism (P) ","洗濯物[せんたくもの] (n) laundry/the washing (P) "],"財":["財[ざい<br>たから]fortune; riches  N1","財源[ざいげん]source of funds; resources;finances  N1","財政[ざいせい]economy; financial affairs  N1","文化財[ぶんかざい]cultural assets; cultural property  N1","財産[ざいさん]property,  fortune, assets  N3","財布[さいふ]wallet  N5","借財[しゃくざい]Debt ","財閥[ざいばつ]Plutocrats,  financial clique, zaibatsu ","私財[しざい]Private Funds,  own funds, private property, personal funds ","財界[ざいかい]business world ","財団[ざいだん] (n, adj-no) foundation (P) ","財務[ざいむ] (n, adj-no) financial affairs (P) ","財務省[ざいむしょう] (n) Ministry of Finance ","全財産[ぜんざいさん] (n) everything one owns ","財宝[ざいほう] (n) treasure "],"得":["獲得[かくとく]acquisition; possession  N1","心得[こころえ]knowledge; information  N1","所得[しょとく]income; earnings  N1","説得[せっとく]persuasion  N1","得点[とくてん]score; points made;marks obtained;runs  N1","止むを得ない[やむをえない]cannot be helped; unavoidable  N1","心得る[こころえる]to be informed, to have thorough knowledge  N2","損得[そんとく]loss and gain, advantage and disadvantage  N2","得る[える<br>うる]to get,  to gain, to win  N3","得意[とくい]pride,  triumph, prosperity  N3","納得[なっとく]consent,  assent, understanding  N3","得[とく<br>う]Benefit,  profit, advantage, gain ","不得意[ふとくい]not good at ","体得[たいとく]acquisition ","取得[しゅとく<br>とりえ]acquisition ","得する[とくする]profitable ","拾得[しゅうとく]find ","習得[しゅうとく]acquisition ","説得する[せっとくする]To Persuade ","得票[とくひょう] (n, vs) number of votes polled/poll votes (P) ","自業自得[じごうじとく] (exp, adj-na,n,adj-no) (yoji) paying for one's mistakes/getting one's just deserts/suffering the consequences (of one's own actions)/reap what you sow ","やむを得ない[やむをえない] (exp) cannot be helped/unavoidable (P) ","説得力[せっとくりょく] (n) persuasiveness/powers of persuasion/cogency (P) ","得意分野[とくいぶんや] (n) (yoji) one's field of expertise/one's strong area ","有り得る[ありうる<br>ありえる] (adj-f, exp) possible/likely/probable ","既得[きとく] (adj-no, n) vested/already acquired ","修得[しゅうとく] (n, vs) learning/acquisition (of a skill, knowledge, etc.) ","利得[りとく] (n, vs) gain/profit/benefit/amplification "],"加":["いい加減[いいかげん]moderate; right;random;not thorough;vague;irresponsible;halfhearted  N1","加工[かこう]manufacturing; processing;treatment  N1","加入[かにゅう]becoming a member; joining;entry;admission;subscription;affiliation;adherence;signing  N1","加味[かみ]seasoning; flavoring  N1","加留多[かるた](pt:) (n) playing cards (pt: carta)  N1","付け加える[つけくわえる]to add one thing to another  N1","加速[かそく]acceleration  N2","加速度[かそくど]acceleration  N2","加熱[かねつ]heating  N2","追加[ついか]addition, supplement,appendix  N2","加減[かげん]addition and subtraction,  allowance for  N3","加える[くわえる]to append,  to sum up, to add (up)  N3","加わる[くわわる]to join in,  to accede to, to increase, to gain in (influence)  N3","参加[さんか]participation  N3","増加[ぞうか]increase,  addition  N3","付加[ふか]addition ","加害者[かがいしゃ]assailant ","いい加減にしろ[いいかげんにしろ]Cut It Out,  cut the bs ","参加者[さんかしゃ]Participant ","参加する[さんかする]To Participate ","添加[てんか]addition ","加盟[かめい]affiliation ","加湿器[かしつき]Humidifier ","手加減[てかげん] (n) (1) making adjustments based on experience/doing something by feel/skill/knack (n, vs) (2) going easy on someone/making allowances/using discretion/taking various circumstances into account ","加えて[くわえて] (conj) additionally/in addition/moreover/at the same time ","加算[かさん] (adj-na, n,vs) addition/adding/supplement (P) ","加[か] (n) (1) addition/increase (2) (abbr) Canada (P) ","冥加[みょうが] (adj-na, n) (Buddh) divine protection or blessing ","加害[かがい] (n, vs) assault/violence/damaging (someone) ","加護[かご] (n, vs) divine protection ","加担[かたん] (n, vs) support/participation/assistance/complicity/conspiracy (P) ","加水[かすい] (n, vs) adding water/dilution with water ","加筆[かひつ] (n, vs) correction/improvement/revision ","加圧[かあつ] (n, vs) increasing pressure (P) ","加勢[かせい] (n, vs) assistance/backing/reinforcements ","加法[かほう] (n) (math) addition "],"忙":["多忙[たぼう]busy; pressure of work  N1","忙しい[いそがしい<br>せわしい]busy, irritated  N5","煩忙[はんぼう]busy ","大忙し[おおいそがし] (adj-no) very busy (person or thing) "],"続":["持続[じぞく]continuation  N1","接続詞[せつぞくし]conjunction  N1","存続[そんぞく]duration; continuance  N1","継続[けいぞく]continuation  N2","接続[せつぞく](1) connection, union,join,link,(2) changing trains  N2","続々[ぞくぞく]successively, one after another  N2","手続き[てつづき]procedure, (legal) process,formalities  N2","相続[そうぞく]succession,  inheritance  N3","続き[つづき]sequel,  continuation  N3","連続[れんぞく]serial,  consecutive, continuity, continuing  N3","続く[つづく]to be continued  N4","続ける[つづける]to continue  N4","引き続き[ひきつづき]continuously ","立て続けに[たてつづけに]in succession ","続出[ぞくしゅつ]one after another ","長続き[ながつづき]lasting for a long time ","手続[てつづき] (n, vs) procedure/process/proceedings/formalities (P) ","続いて[つづいて] (conj) (1) subsequently/next (exp) (2) after .../following .../in the wake of ... ","続けて[つづけて] (adv) successively/continuously/in a row ","引き続く[ひきつづく] (v5k, vi) to continue (for a long time)/to occur in succession/to come next (e.g. on TV) ","続編[ぞくへん] (n) continuation/sequel (P) ","後続[こうぞく] (n, adj-no,vs) succeeding/following/trailing (P) ","続行[ぞっこう] (n, vs) continuation/continuance/going on/resuming (P) ","続[しょく<br>ぞく] (n, n-pref) continuation/sequel ","断続[だんぞく] (n, vs) intermittent (P) ","航続距離[こうぞくきょり] (n) cruising range/flying range ","立て続け[たてつづけ] (n) succession/continuation/series/sequence (P) ","続報[ぞくほう] (n, vs) follow-up report/further news ","永続[えいぞく] (n, vs,adj-no) permanence/continuation (P) ","続投[ぞくとう] (n, vs) continuing to pitch "],"困":["貧困[ひんこん]poverty; lack  N1","困難[こんなん]difficulty,  distress  N3","困る[こまる]to be worried  N5","困惑[こんわく]embarrassment ","困窮[こんきゅう]poverty,  distress ","困ったこと[こまったこと] (exp, n) trouble/problem/mess/difficulty/nuisance "],"易":["簡易[かんい]simplicity; easiness;quasi-  N1","交易[こうえき]trade; commerce  N1","容易い[たやすい]easy; simple;light  N1","辟易[へきえき]wince; shrink back;succumbing to;being frightened;disconcerted  N1","易い[やすい]easy  N1","安易[あんい]easy-going  N2","容易[ようい]easy,  simple, plain  N3","貿易[ぼうえき]trade  N4","易しい[やさしい]easy,  simple  N5","難易[なんい]difficulty ","貿易会社[ぼうえきがいしゃ]Trading Firm ","改易[かいえき] (n, vs) change of rank ","易[い<br>えき] (n) easiness "],"容":["寛容[かんよう]forbearance; tolerance;generosity  N1","許容[きょよう]permission; pardon  N1","収容[しゅうよう]accommodation; reception;seating;housing;custody;admission;entering (in a dictionary)  N1","容易い[たやすい]easy; simple;light  N1","形容詞[けいようし]true adjective  N2","形容動詞[けいようどうし]adjectival noun, quasi-adjective  N2","美容[びよう]beauty of figure or form  N2","容器[ようき]container, vessel  N2","容積[ようせき]capacity, volume  N2","内容[ないよう]subject,  contents, matter, substance, detail, import  N3","容易[ようい]easy,  simple, plain  N3","容疑[ようぎ]Suspicion,  suspect ","変容[へんよう]transfiguration ","容疑者[ようぎ しゃ<br>ようぎしゃ]suspect ","美容院[びよういん]hair salon ","容態[ようだい]one's condition ","容赦[ようしゃ]pardon,  forgiveness, mercy, leniency ","容赦なく[ようしゃなく]relentlessly,  mercilessly ","容量[ようりょう] (n) (1) capacity/volume (2) (abbr) capacitance (P) ","容体[ようたい<br>ようだい] (n) condition/state (of health)/appearance ","受容[じゅよう] (n, vs) reception (P) ","容認[ようにん] (n, vs) approval (P) ","収容所[しゅうようじょ] (n) internment camp/detention facility/POW camp/refugee camp (P) ","容姿[ようし] (n) (physical) appearance (of a person)/one's face and figure (P) ","形容[けいよう] (n, vs) (1) describing/comparing/expressing figuratively/modifying/qualifying (e.g. an adjective qualifying a noun) (n) (2) form/figure/condition/state (3) personal appearance/one's face and figure/looks (P) ","容れる[いれる] (v1, vt) (1) to put in/to let in/to take in/to bring in/to insert/to set (a jewel, etc.)/to ink in (e.g. a tattoo) (2) to admit/to accept/to employ/to hire (3) to accept/to comply/to grant/to adopt (a policy, etc.)/to take (advice, etc.)/to listen to/to pay attention to (4) to include (5) to pay (one's rent, etc.) (6) to cast (a vote) (7) to make (tea, coffee, etc.) (8) to turn on (a switch, etc.) (9) to send (a fax)/to call ","容貌[ようぼう] (n, adj-no) looks/personal appearance/features "],"徒":["徒歩[とほ<br>かち]walking; going on foot  N1","生徒[せいと]pupil  N5","信徒[しんと]Believer,  follower ","仏徒[ぶっと]Buddhist ","女子生徒[じょしせいと] (n) schoolgirl/female student ","男子生徒[だんしせいと] (n) schoolboy/male student ","生徒会[せいとかい] (n) student council ","教徒[きょうと] (n) believer/adherent (P) ","徒然[つれづれ<br>とぜん] (gikun) (adj-na, adv,n) tedium ","徒名[あだな] (n) rumor of a romance (rumour) ","生徒会長[せいとかいちょう] (n) head of the student council/president of the student council ","使徒[しと] (n, adj-no) apostle/disciple (P) ","キリスト教徒[キリストきょうと] (n) Christian ","学徒[がくと] (n) student/follower/students and pupils (P) ","暴徒[ぼうと] (n) insurgent/rioter/mob (P) ","異教徒[いきょうと] (n) pagan/heretic/heathen "],"連":["一連[いちれん]a series; a chain;a ream (of paper)  N1","国連[こくれん]U.N.; United Nations  N1","連なる[つらなる]to extend; to stretch out;to stand in a row  N1","連ねる[つらねる]to link; to join;to put together  N1","連休[れんきゅう]consecutive holidays  N1","連日[れんじつ]every day; prolonged  N1","連中[れんちゅう<br>れんじゅう<br>れんぢゅう]colleagues; company;a lot  N1","連帯[れんたい]solidarity  N1","連邦[れんぽう]commonwealth; federation of states  N1","連盟[れんめい]league; union;alliance  N1","連合[れんごう]union, alliance  N2","関連[かんれん]relation,  connection, relevance  N3","連れ[つれ]companion,  company  N3","連想[れんそう]association (of ideas),  suggestion  N3","連続[れんぞく]serial,  consecutive, continuity, continuing  N3","連れる[つれる]to lead  N4","連絡[れんらく]contact  N4","連絡する[れんらくする]To Contact,  to get in touch, to get in contact ","連れて来る[つれてくる]bring (a person) ","連れて行く[つれていく]take along ","連峰[れんぽう]Mountain Range ","連覇[れんぱ]successive championships,  consecutive championships ","連鎖[れんさ]chain,  chaining, connection ","連隊[れんたい] (n, adj-no) regiment (P) ","連れて[つれて] (conj, exp) as/in proportion to ","ソ連[ソれん] (n) (abbr) Soviet Union/Union of Soviet Socialist Republics/USSR (P) ","アラブ首長国連邦[アラブしゅちょうこくれんぽう] (n) United Arab Emirates/UAE ","連載[れんさい] (n, vs,adj-no) serialization/serialisation/serial story (P) ","連[むらじ<br>れん] (n) (arch) Muraji (hereditary title;  orig. one of the two highest such titles,  later demoted to seventh highest of eight) ","連結[れんけつ] (n, vs,adj-na,adj-no) concatenation/coupling/connection/linking/consolidation (e.g. of company accounts) (P) ","連携[れんけい] (n, vs) cooperation/coordination/link (P) ","連れ戻す[つれもどす] (v5s) to bring back ","連れ出す[つれだす] (v5s, vt) to take out ","連動[れんどう] (n, vs) (1) operating together/working together/gearing/linkage (adj-f) (2) linked/coupled/interlocking (P) ","連絡先[れんらくさき] (n) contact address (P) ","連れ去る[つれさる] (v5r) to take away/to kidnap (P) ","連勝[れんしょう] (n, vs) consecutive victories/series of victories (P) ","常連[じょうれん] (n, adj-no) (1) regular customer/regular patron/frequenter (2) constant companion (P) ","連行[れんこう] (n, vs) taking (a suspect to the police)/dragging (someone) away (P) ","連立[れんりつ] (n, vs) (1) coalition/alliance/union (2) standing side-by-side (P) ","連発[れんぱつ] (n, vs) running continuously/firing in rapid succession (P) ","連敗[れんぱい] (n, vs) consecutive defeats/series of defeats (P) ","道連れ[みちづれ] (n) (1) fellow traveler/fellow traveller/travelling companion (2) taking someone along unwillingly/forcing to take part ","連名[れんめい] (n) joint signature (P) ","連作[れんさく] (n, vs) (1) planting a field with the same crop each year/repeated cultivation (2) collaborative literary work/story made up by several writers working on it in turn (3) series (of novels)/cycle (of poems, songs)/sequence (P) ","関連付ける[かんれんづける] (v1, vt) to connect/to correlate/to associate/to relate/to link ","引き連れる[ひきつれる] (v1, vt) to take someone along/to be accompanied (by) ","連打[れんだ] (n, vs) (1) repeated blows/striking repeatedly/barrage (2) consecutive hits (e.g. boxing, baseball) (P) ","連戦[れんせん] (n, vs) series of battles/successive battles (P) ","連座[れんざ] (n, vs) (1) implication (in a crime)/involvement (2) (arch) sitting in a row (in the same seat) (P) ","連射[れんしゃ] (n, vs) rapid-fire ","県連[けんれん] (n) prefectural party chapter ","ソ連邦[ソれんぽう] (n) (abbr) Soviet Union/Union of Soviet Socialist Republics/USSR ","労連[ろうれん] (n) labour union/labor union (P) ","連歌[れんが] (n) early Japanese poetry form/poetic dialogue ","連山[れんざん] (n) (1) mountain range (2) Lian Shan (Xia period method of Chinese divination) "],"若":["若干[じゃっかん<br>そくばく<br>そこば<br>そこばく]some; few;number of  N1","若し[もし]if; in case;supposing  N1","若しかしたら[もしかしたら]perhaps; maybe;by some chance  N1","若しかして[もしかして]perhaps; possibly  N1","若しかすると[もしかすると]perhaps; maybe;by some chance  N1","若しくは[もしくは]or; otherwise  N1","若しも[もしも]if  N1","若々しい[わかわかしい]youthful, young  N2","若い[わかい]young  N5","若布[わかめ]Wakame,  wakame seaweed ","若者[わかもの]Young Person ","若い頃[わかいころ]One's Youth,  early life ","若手[わかて] (n, adj-no) young person (P) ","若[もころ<br>わか] (ok) (n-adv) like/similar to/same as ","若松[わかまつ] (n) young pine/New Year's symbolic pine decoration (P) ","若年[じゃくねん] (n, adj-no) youth (P) ","若造[わかぞう] (n) (derog) youngster/neophyte/greenhorn ","若葉[わかば] (n) new leaves/fresh verdure (P) ","若宮[わかみや] (n) (1) young imperial prince (2) child of the imperial family (3) shrine dedicated to a child of the god of the main shrine (4) newly built shrine (to which a divided tutelary deity has just been transferred) ","般若[はんにゃ] (n) (1) (Buddh) prajna (san:)/wisdom required to attain enlightenment (2) noh mask of a grinning,  horned demoness (represents a woman's rage and jealousy) (3) family crest designed after the Hannya noh mask (4) (abbr) dreadful face (esp. of a woman driven mad by jealousy)/terrifying facial expression ","若頭[わかがしら] (n) leader of a crime syndicate's henchmen/young leading subordinate in yakuza group ","若年寄[わかどしより] (n) (1) young person acting like an old person (2) officials who helped the council of elders during the Edo period ","若草[わかくさ] (n) green grass/young (fresh) grass "],"確":["確信[かくしん]conviction; confidence  N1","確定[かくてい]definition (math); decision;settlement  N1","確保[かくほ]guarantee; ensure;maintain;insure;secure  N1","確立[かくりつ]establishment  N1","確り[しっかり]firmly; tightly;reliable;level-headed;steady  N1","確率[かくりつ]probability  N2","的確[てきかく<br>てっかく]precise, accurate  N2","適確[てきかく]precise, accurate  N2","確実[かくじつ]certainty,  reliability, soundness  N3","確認[かくにん]affirmation,  confirmation  N3","正確[せいかく]accurate,  punctuality, exactness, authenticity, veracity  N3","確かめる[たしかめる]to ascertain  N3","明確[めいかく]clear up,  clarify, define  N3","確か[たしか]definite  N4","確かに[たしかに]Certain,  probable, surely, certainly ","不確か[ふたしか]uncertain ","確認する[かくにんする]To Confirm,  to verify ","確かめ[たしかめ] (n) confirmation/certification/ascertainment ","確執[かくしつ] (n, vs) discord/antagonism (P) ","確[かく<br>たしか] (adj-t, adv-to) certain/definite ","確証[かくしょう] (n) conclusive evidence/positive proof/definite proof/confirmation ","確変[かくへん] (n) (abbr) stochastic variable/random variable "],"犯":["犯す[おかす]to commit; to perpetrate;to violate;to rape  N1","防犯[ぼうはん]prevention of crime  N2","犯罪[はんざい]crime  N3","犯人[はんにん]criminal  N3","共犯者[きょうはんしゃ]Accomplice ","犯行[はんこう]crime ","犯罪者[はんざいしゃ] (n) criminal/culprit (P) ","犯[はん] (suf) perpetrators of (some) crime (some type of) crime ","殺人犯[さつじんはん] (n) murderer ","真犯人[しんはんにん] (n) the real criminal/true culprit ","防犯カメラ[ぼうはんカメラ] (n) security camera (P) ","誘拐犯[ゆうかいはん] (n) kidnapper/kidnaper/abductor ","戦犯[せんぱん] (n) (abbr) war criminal (P) ","共犯[きょうはん] (n) complicity (P) ","侵犯[しんぱん] (n, vs) violation (of foreign territory, rights, etc.)/invasion/infringement (P) "],"害":["害する[がいする]to injure; to damage;to harm;to kill;to hinder  N1","危害[きがい]injury; harm;danger  N1","災害[さいがい]calamity; disaster;misfortune  N1","迫害[はくがい]persecution  N1","妨害[ぼうがい]disturbance; obstruction;hindrance;jamming;interference  N1","公害[こうがい]public nuisance, pollution  N2","利害[りがい]advantages and disadvantages, interest  N2","害[がい]injury,  harm, evil influence, damage  N3","障害[しょうがい]obstacle,  impediment (fault), damage  N3","損害[そんがい]damage,  injury, loss  N3","被害[ひがい]damage  N3","水害[すいがい]Flood Damage,  water damage ","無害[むがい]Harmless ","加害者[かがいしゃ]assailant ","害虫[がいちゅう]harmful insect ","有害[ゆうがい]harmful ","被害者[ひがいしゃ]Victim,  victims ","傷害[しょうがい]bodily harm ","損害する[そんがいする]To Damage ","侵害[しんがい]Infringement,  violation ","阻害[そがい]Obstruction,  inhibition ","弊害[へいがい]evil effect,  harmful influence ","殺害[さつがい<br>せちがい<br>せつがい] (n, vs) killing/murder (P) ","障害物[しょうがいぶつ] (n) obstacle/hurdle ","自害[じがい] (n, vs) suicide ","加害[かがい] (n, vs) assault/violence/damaging (someone) ","害す[がいす] (v5s, vs-c,vt) (1) to injure/to damage/to harm/to hurt (2) to kill (3) to hinder/to obstruct "],"議":["異議[いぎ]objection; dissent;protest  N1","協議[きょうぎ]conference; consultation;discussion;negotiation  N1","議案[ぎあん]legislative bill  N1","議決[ぎけつ]resolution; decision;vote  N1","議事堂[ぎじどう]Diet building  N1","議題[ぎだい]topic of discussion; agenda  N1","決議[けつぎ]resolution; vote;decision  N1","抗議[こうぎ]protest; objection  N1","合議[ごうぎ]consultation; conference  N1","参議院[さんぎいん]House of Councillors  N1","衆議院[しゅうぎいん]Lower House; House of Representatives  N1","審議[しんぎ]deliberation  N1","討議[とうぎ]debate; discussion  N1","物議[ぶつぎ]public discussion (criticism)  N1","論議[ろんぎ]discussion  N1","議員[ぎいん]member of the Diet,   congress or parliament  N3","議会[ぎかい]Diet,  congress, parliament  N3","議長[ぎちょう]chairman  N3","議論[ぎろん]argument,  discussion, dispute  N3","不思議[ふしぎ]mystery,  curiosity  N3","会議[かいぎ]meeting  N4","会議室[かいぎしつ]meeting room  N4","争議[そうぎ]dispute ","代議士[だいぎし]member of the Diet ","閣議[かくぎ]Cabinet Meeting ","評議[ひょうぎ] (n, vs) conference/discussion (P) ","市議[しぎ] (n) (abbr) city councillor/city councilor/city assemblyman (P) ","議席[ぎせき] (n) parliamentary seat (P) ","議事[ぎじ] (n) proceedings (e.g. parliament,  congress)/business (of the day) (P) ","議[ぎ] (n) (1) discussion/deliberation (2) thought/opinion ","議院[ぎいん] (n) (1) parliament/congress/diet (2) house (of parliament,  etc.)/chamber (P) ","代議員[だいぎいん] (n) representative/delegate ","評議会[ひょうぎかい] (n) council (consultatory,  advisory)/board of trustees ","市議会[しぎかい] (n) city council (P) ","上院議員[じょういんぎいん] (n, adj-no) senator/member of the upper house ","県議[けんぎ] (n) prefectural assembly (P) ","議定[ぎじょう<br>ぎてい] (n, vs) agreement ","議定書[ぎていしょ] (n) protocol (P) ","和議[わぎ] (n) peace conference/peace negotiations (P) ","県議会[けんぎかい] (n) prefectural assembly ","町議[ちょうぎ] (n) (abbr) town councillor/town council member ","議場[ぎじょう] (n) assembly hall/the House (P) "],"難":["有難う[ありがとう]Thank you  N1","難い[かたい<br>がたい<br>にくい]difficult; hard  N1","遭難[そうなん]disaster; shipwreck;accident  N1","難[なん]difficulty; hardships;defect  N1","非難[ひなん]blame; attack;criticism  N1","避難[ひなん]taking refuge; finding shelter  N1","無難[ぶなん]safety; security  N1","有難い[ありがたい]grateful, thankful,welcome,appreciated,evoking gratitude  N2","災難[さいなん]calamity, misfortune  N2","盗難[とうなん]theft, robbery  N2","困難[こんなん]difficulty,  distress  N3","難しい[むずかしい<br>むつかしい]difficult  N5","気難しい[きむずかしい<br>きむづかしい]hard to please ","難なく[なんなく]easily ","難問[なんもん]difficult problem ","難易[なんい]difficulty ","難民[なんみん]refugee ","難点[なんてん]difficult point ","難関[なんかん]barrier ","難解[なんかい]difficult ","非難する[ひなんする]To Criticize ","難航[なんこう]rough going ","避難する[ひなんする]To Evacuate ","難波[なにわ] (n) Naniwa (former name for Osaka region) ","有り難い[ありがたい] (adj-i) (uk) grateful/thankful/welcome/appreciated/evoking gratitude (P) ","救難[きゅうなん] (n) rescue/salvage ","言い難い[いいがたい<br>いいにくい] (adj-i) (1) hard to say/inexpressible/hesitant to say (2) embarrassing/delicate ","苦難[くなん] (n) suffering/distress/hardship/trial (P) ","難色[なんしょく] (n) disapproval (P) ","海難[かいなん] (n) accident at sea/sea disaster/shipwreck (P) ","受難[じゅなん] (n, vs) (1) sufferings/ordeals/agony (2) Passion (of Christ)/crucifixion (P) ","難所[なんしょ] (n) perilous pass (on a route or journey)/rough spot ","難破[なんぱ] (n, vs) shipwreck "],"夢":["夢中[むちゅう]daze,  (in a) trance, ecstasy, delirium, engrossment  N3","夢[ゆめ]dream  N4","悪夢[あくむ]Nightmare,  bad dream ","初夢[はつゆめ]first dream of the New Year ","夢想[むそう]daydream ","無我夢中[むがむちゅう]Total Absorption,  ecstasy ","夢みる[ゆめみる] (v1, vt) to dream (of) ","夢見る[ゆめみる] (v1, vt) to dream (of) "],"在":["健在[けんざい]in good health; well  N1","在庫[ざいこ]stockpile; stock  N1","所在[しょざい]whereabouts  N1","自在[じざい]freely; at will  N1","不在[ふざい]absence  N1","在る[ある]to live, to be  N2","在学[ざいがく](enrolled) in school  N2","現在[げんざい]present,  up to now, nowadays, modern times, current  N3","存在[そんざい]existence,  being  N3","滞在[たいざい]stay,  sojourn  N3","在外[ざいがい]Overseas,  abroad ","実在[じつざい]Reality,  real existence ","在留[ざいりゅう]Residence ","在日[ざいにち]in Japan ","存在する[そんざいする]To Exist ","在留する[ざいりゅうする]To Reside,  to stay, to remain ","駐在[ちゅうざい]Residence,  stay ","潜在意識[せんざいいしき]Subconscious ","潜在[せんざい]dormant ","在籍[ざいせき]registration ","顕在[けんざい]actual,  obvious, explicit, overt, apparent, evident ","在位[ざいい] (n, vs) reign (i.e of a ruler) ","在[ざい] (n) (1) country/countryside (2) outskirts/suburbs (pref) (3) situated in/resident in ","在任[ざいにん] (n, vs) being in office (P) ","在り方[ありかた] (n) (1) the way something ought to be (2) the (current) state of things/how things are ","在住[ざいじゅう] (n, vs,n-suf) residing/living/dwelling (P) ","在宅[ざいたく] (n, vs,adj-no) being in/being at home (P) ","点在[てんざい] (n, vs) being dotted with/being scattered (P) ","在職[ざいしょく] (n, vs,adj-no) being in office (P) ","在来[ざいらい] (n, adj-no) pre-existing/already there/conventional (P) ","所在地[しょざいち] (n) location/address (P) ","混在[こんざい] (n, vs) existing alongside (each other)/mixture/intermingling ","在りか[ありか] (n) (uk) location (of something)/whereabouts/hiding place ","在京[ざいきょう] (n, vs,adj-no) being in the capital (i.e. Tokyo, or formerly Kyoto) (P) ","散在[さんざい] (vs) to be scattered/to straggle/to be found here and there ","在校[ざいこう] (n, vs) being in school/being a student of "],"飛":["蹴飛ばす[けとばす]to kick away; to kick off;to kick (someone);to refuse;to reject  N1","飛び込む[とびこむ]to jump in, to leap in,to plunge into,to dive  N2","飛ばす[とばす]to skip over,  to omit  N3","飛び出す[とびだす]to jump out,  to rush out, to fly out  N3","飛行[ひこう<br>ひぎょう]aviation  N3","飛行場[ひこうじょう]airport  N4","飛ぶ[とぶ]to fly, to hop  N5","飛行機[ひこうき]aeroplane  N5","飛び上がる[とびあがる]fly up ","飛び下りる[とびおりる]jump off ","飛び切り[とびきり]by far ","飛び込み自殺[とびこみじさつ]Suicide By Train ","飛躍[ひやく]Leaping ","犠飛[ぎひ]Sacrifice Fly ","吹き飛ばす[ふきとばす]To Blow Away ","吹っ飛ぶ[ふっとぶ] (v5b, vi) to blow off/to be blown off ","飛[ひ] (n) (shogi) (abbr) rook ","ぶっ飛ばす[ぶっとばす] (v5s, vt) (1) to knock (someone) to their feet/to knock down (2) to send flying/to strike/to fling/to fire (3) to drive away (one's sorrows, worries, etc.)/to dispel (4) to drive at terrific speed/to barrel along ","飛鳥[ひちょう] (n) flying bird ","宇宙飛行士[うちゅうひこうし] (n) astronaut (P) ","飛来[ひらい] (n, vs) (1) coming flying in (migratory birds, airborne sand, pollen, etc.) (2) coming by airplane ","飛車[ひしゃ] (n) (shogi) rook/hisha (P) ","吹き飛ぶ[ふきとぶ] (v5b, vi) (1) to be blown off/to blow off/to blow away (2) to vanish/to disappear (P) ","飛び交う[とびかう] (v5u, vi) to fly about/to flutter about/to flit about/to fly past each other (P) ","飛ばし[とばし] (n) selling or divesting in unwanted stocks/hiding bad loans (P) ","飛翔[ひしょう] (n, vs) flight/flying/soaring ","飛び降りる[とびおりる] (v1, vi) to jump down/to jump off/to jump from/to jump out of (P) ","飛び立つ[とびたつ] (v5t, vi) to jump up/to start up/to leap to one's feet/to fly away/to take off ","飛びつく[とびつく] (v5k, vi) to jump at/to be attracted by ","飛地[とびち] (n) (1) detached territory/enclave/exclave (2) scattered landholdings ","飛蝗[とびばった<br>ばった<br>ひこう] (n) locust swarming/locust swarm (swarming) locusts "],"産":["産む[うむ]to give birth; to deliver;to produce  N1","お産[おさん](giving) birth  N1","共産[きょうさん]communism  N1","国産[こくさん]domestic products  N1","産休[さんきゅう]maternity leave  N1","産後[さんご]postpartum; after childbirth  N1","産出[さんしゅつ]yield; produce  N1","産婦人科[さんふじんか]maternity and gynecology department  N1","産物[さんぶつ]product; result;fruit  N1","資産[しさん]property; fortune;means;assets  N1","出産[しゅっさん](child)birth; delivery;production (of goods)  N1","畜産[ちくさん]animal husbandry  N1","倒産[とうさん](corporate) bankruptcy; insolvency  N1","特産[とくさん]specialty; special product  N1","土産[みやげ<br>とさん<br>どさん]product of the land  N1","不動産[ふどうさん]real estate  N1","名産[めいさん]noted product  N1","原産[げんさん]place of origin, habitat  N2","産地[さんち]producing area  N2","水産[すいさん]marine products, fisheries  N2","農産物[のうさんぶつ]agricultural produce  N2","財産[ざいさん]property,  fortune, assets  N3","生産[せいさん<br>せいざん]production,  manufacture  N3","破産[はさん](personal) bankruptcy  N3","お土産[おみやげ<br>おみあげ]souvenir  N4","産業[さんぎょう]industry  N4","不動産屋[ふどうさんや]real estate agent ","海産物[かいさんぶつ]marine products ","共産主義[きょうさんしゅぎ]Communism ","共産党[きょうさんとう]Communist Party ","遺産[いさん]Inheritance ","産[うぶ<br>さん] (adj-na, n,adj-no) (1) (uk) innocent/naive/unsophisticated/inexperienced/green/wet behind the ears (n-pref) (2) birth- ","通産省[つうさんしょう] (n) (former) Ministry of International Trade and Industry (now Ministry of Economy,  Trade and Industry)/MITI (P) ","量産[りょうさん] (n, vs) mass production (P) ","日産[にっさん] (n) (1) daily output (2) (abbr) Nissan (Japanese car company) (P) ","産卵[さんらん] (n, vs) egg-laying/spawning (P) ","産経新聞[さんけいしんぶん] (n) Sankei newspaper ","物産[ぶっさん] (n) product (P) ","産婆[さんば] (n) (obs) midwife ","全財産[ぜんざいさん] (n) everything one owns ","日本共産党[にほんきょうさんとう] (n) Japanese Communist Party ","産まれる[うまれる] (v1, vi) to be born ","産学[さんがく] (n, adj-f) industry-academic/industry-university ","農林水産省[のうりんすいさんしょう] (n) Ministry of Agriculture,  Forestry and Fisheries/MAFF ","中国共産党[ちゅうごくきょうさんとう] (n) Chinese Communist Party ","産する[さんする] (vs-s, vi,vt) (1) to bear (a child)/to be born (2) to produce/to yield/to be produced/to be yielded ","増産[ぞうさん] (n, vs) production increase (P) ","産品[さんぴん] (n) products (P) ","土産物[みやげもの] (n) souvenir "],"罪":["罪[つみ<br>ざい]crime,  fault, indiscretion  N3","犯罪[はんざい]crime  N3","有罪[ゆうざい]Guilty ","無罪[むざい]innocence ","謝罪[しゃざい]apology ","犯罪者[はんざいしゃ] (n) criminal/culprit (P) ","罪悪感[ざいあくかん] (n) feelings of guilt ","重罪[じゅうざい] (n, adj-no) felony/serious crime ","罪悪[ざいあく] (n) crime/sin/vice ","罪人[ざいにん<br>つみびと] (n) criminal/lawbreaker/wrongdoer/offender (P) ","冤罪[えんざい] (n) false charge/false accusation/misrepresentation ","流罪[るざい] (n, vs) banishment/exile "],"機":["危機[きき]crisis  N1","機構[きこう]mechanism; organization  N1","契機[けいき]opportunity; chance  N1","動機[どうき]motive; incentive  N1","機[き<br>はた]loom  N1","有機[ゆうき]organic  N1","機関車[きかんしゃ]locomotive, engine  N2","交通機関[こうつうきかん]transportation facilities  N2","扇風機[せんぷうき]electric fan  N2","機械[きかい]machine,  mechanism  N3","機関[きかん<br>からくり]organ,  mechanism, facility, engine  N3","機嫌[きげん]humour,  temper, mood  N3","機能[きのう]function,  faculty  N3","ジェット機[じぇっとき<br>ジェットき]jet aeroplane  N3","機会[きかい]opportunity  N4","飛行機[ひこうき]aeroplane  N5","電子機器[でんしきき]Electronic Equipment,  electronics ","不機嫌[ふきげん]in a bad mood ","待機[たいき]stand by ","旅客機[りょかくき<br>りょかっき]passenger plane ","時機[じき]opportunity ","有機物[ゆうきぶつ]organic matter ","機体[きたい]fuselage ","機長[きちょう](plane) captain ","無機物[むきぶつ]inorganic substance ","自動販売機[じどうはんばいき]Vending Machine ","自販機[じはんき]Vending Machine ","機動隊[きどうたい]riot police ","航空機[こうくうき]aircraft ","掃除機[そうじき]vacuum cleaner ","機敏[きびん]Clever,  shrewd, smart, quick ","洗濯機[せんたくき,  せんたっき<br>せんたくき]washing machine, laundry machine ","遮断機[しゃだんき]crossing gate,  railway crossing gate, circuit breaker ","器機[きき] (n) device/equipment/machinery/apparatus ","機種[きしゅ] (n) type of equipment/model (P) ","機器[きき] (n) device/equipment/machinery/apparatus (P) ","券売機[けんばいき] (n) ticket machine/ticket-vending machine ","機動[きどう] (n) (1) maneuver (usu. of military force)/manoeuvre (adj-f) (2) mobile/nimble/agile/quick to respond (P) ","機銃[きじゅう] (n) machine gun ","機雷[きらい] (n) (sea) mine (P) ","機材[きざい] (n) machine parts/machinery/equipment (P) ","ご機嫌[ごきげん] (n) (1) (hon) (pol) humour/humor/temper/mood/spirits (2) (hon) (pol) safety/health/well-being/one's situation (adj-na) (3) in a good mood/in high spirits/happy/cheery/merry/chipper ","機密[きみつ] (n) secrecy/highly classified information (P) ","枢機卿[すうききょう<br>すうきけい] (n) cardinal (Catholic church) ","戦闘機[せんとうき] (n) fighter (aircraft) (P) ","機内[きない] (adj-no, n) inside a plane/in-flight (P) ","電機[でんき] (n) electrical machinery/appliances (P) ","機甲[きこう] (n, adj-no) armour (e.g. tank)/armor ","艦載機[かんさいき] (n) ship-borne plane ","機首[きしゅ] (n) nose (of plane) (P) ","発電機[はつでんき] (n) dynamo/power generator (P) ","電話機[でんわき] (n) telephone instrument (P) ","重機[じゅうき] (n) (1) heavy machinery/heavy equipment (2) (abbr) heavy machine gun ","敵機[てきき<br>てっき] (n) enemy plane ","無機[むき] (n, adj-no) inorganic ","機運[きうん] (n) (1) opportunity/chance/good time (to do) (2) trend/tendency/momentum (P) ","軍機[ぐんき] (n) military secret/classified military material (P) ","投機[とうき] (n) speculation/venture/stockjobbing/gambling (on stocks) (P) ","転機[てんき] (n) turning point (P) ","好機[こうき] (n) good opportunity/chance (P) ","織機[おりき<br>しょっき] (n) loom/weaving machine ","機軸[きじく] (n) axis/axle/plan/contrivance "],"倒":["倒産[とうさん](corporate) bankruptcy; insolvency  N1","面倒臭い[めんどうくさい]bother to do, tiresome  N2","倒す[たおす<br>こかす]to throw down,  to beat, to bring down, to blow down  N3","面倒[めんどう]trouble,  difficulty, care, attention  N3","倒れる[たおれる]to break down  N4","圧倒[あっとう]overpower ","圧倒する[あっとうする]To Overwhelm ","倒置[とうち]inversion ","倒壊[とうかい]Collapse,  destruction, crumbling ","倒錯[とうさく]perversion ","圧倒的[あっとうてき] (adj-na) overwhelming (P) ","打倒[だとう] (n, vs) knockdown (e.g. in boxing)/overthrow/defeat (P) ","倒[さか<br>さかさま<br>さかしま] (n-pref, n) inverse/reverse ","面倒くさい[めんどうくさい<br>めんどくさい] (adj-i) (uk) bothersome/tiresome/bother to do ","転倒[てんとう<br>てんどう] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) falling down/tumbling/overturning/turning over (2) reversing/inverting/inversion (3) getting upset (P) ","傾倒[けいとう] (n, vs) (1) devoting oneself to/concentrating on/commitment/admiration/adoration (2) (arch) tipping over and collapsing (P) ","面倒見[めんどうみ] (n) taking care of someone ","前倒し[まえだおし] (n, vs) moving forward (e.g. plans)/acceleration (e.g. of payment schedule)/front-loading (P) "],"経":["経緯[けいい<br>けいい,  いきさつ<br>いきさつ<br>たてぬき<br>たてよこ]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;details;whole story;sequence of events;particulars;how it started;how things got this way; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;c  N1","経過[けいか]passage; expiration;progress  N1","経費[けいひ]expenses; cost;outlay  N1","経歴[けいれき]personal history; career  N1","経路[けいろ]course; route;channel  N1","経る[へる]to pass; to elapse;to experience  N1","経度[けいど]longitude  N2","経営[けいえい]management,  administration  N3","経験[けいけん]experience  N3","経由[けいゆ<br>けいゆう]go by the way,  via  N3","神経[しんけい]nerve,  sensitivity  N3","経つ[たつ]to pass,  to lapse  N3","経済[けいざい]finance, economy  N4","経験者[けいけんしゃ]Experienced Person ","無神経[むしんけい]insensitive ","経理[けいり]accounting ","経済的[けいざいてき]economical ","経済学[けいざいがく]Economics,  study of economics ","日経[にっけい] (n) (abbr) Nikkei (newspaper,  share index) (P) ","経[きょう<br>けい<br>たて<br>たていと<br>ふ] (n) sutra/Buddhist scriptures (P) ","経営者[けいえいしゃ] (n) manager/proprietor (P) ","産経新聞[さんけいしんぶん] (n) Sankei newspaper ","経常[けいじょう<br>けいつね] (adj-no, n) ordinary (P) ","東経[とうけい] (n) east longitude (P) ","経典[きょうてん<br>けいてん] (n) sacred books/sutras/scriptures/Bible ","神経質[しんけいしつ] (adj-na, n) (1) nervous/highly strung/sensitive (2) fussy/worried about petty things (P) ","経済学部[けいざいがくぶ] (n) economics department/economics school ","経済企画庁[けいざいきかくちょう] (n) Economic Planning Agency (defunct as of 2001) (P) ","経口[けいこう] (adj-no) taken by mouth/oral ","未経験[みけいけん] (adj-na, n,adj-no) inexperience ","西経[せいけい] (n) west longitude ","政経[せいけい] (n) politics and economics (P) "],"余":["余り[あまり<br>あんまり]not very (this form only used as adverb); not much;remainder;rest;remnant;surplus;balance;excess;rema  N1","余暇[よか]leisure; leisure time;spare time  N1","余興[よきょう]side show; entertainment  N1","余所見[よそみ]looking away; looking aside  N1","余地[よち]place; room;margin;scope  N1","余程[よほど]very; greatly;much;to a large extent;quite  N1","余る[あまる]to remain, to be left over,to be in excess,to be too many  N2","余計[よけい]too much, unnecessary,abundance,surplus,excess,superfluity  N2","余所[よそ]another place, somewhere else,strange parts  N2","余分[よぶん]extra,  excess, surplus  N3","余裕[よゆう]surplus,  composure, margin, room, time, allowance, scope, rope  N3","余震[よしん]Aftershock ","残余[ざんよ]Remainder,  residual ","余す[あます]leave over ","余談[よだん]digression ","余剰[よじょう]redundant,  surplus, residue, balance ","剰余金[じょうよきん]surplus ","余儀無い[よぎない] (adj-i) unavoidable/inevitable/beyond one's control ","余[よ] (n, suf) (1) over/more than (pn) (2) (arch) I/me ","余りに[あまりに] (adv) (uk) too much/excessively/too (P) ","余儀ない[よぎない] (adj-i) unavoidable/inevitable/beyond one's control (P) ","余韻[よいん] (n) (1) reverberation/swelling (of a hymn)/trailing note (2) lingering memory/aftertaste (3) suggestiveness (of a book,  poem, etc.) (P) ","余生[よせい] (n) one's remaining years/the rest of one's life ","紆余[うよ] (n) meandering/winding ","剰余[じょうよ] (n) surplus/balance/remainder ","余波[なごり<br>なごろ<br>よは] (n) waves that remain after the wind has subsided ","余人[よじん<br>よにん] (n) others/other people (P) "],"論":["異論[いろん]different opinion; objection  N1","言論[げんろん]discussion  N1","世論[せろん<br>よろん]public opinion  N1","討論[とうろん]debate; discussion  N1","弁論[べんろん]discussion; debate;argument  N1","無論[むろん]of course; naturally  N1","目論見[もくろみ]a plan; a scheme;a project;a program;intention;goal  N1","理論[りろん]theory  N1","論議[ろんぎ]discussion  N1","論理[ろんり]logic  N1","概論[がいろん]intro, outline,general remarks  N2","評論[ひょうろん]criticism, critique  N2","論ずる[ろんずる]to argue, to discuss,to debate  N2","議論[ぎろん]argument,  discussion, dispute  N3","結論[けつろん]conclusion  N3","勿論[もちろん]of course,  certainly, naturally  N3","論じる[ろんじる]to argue,  to discuss, to debate  N3","論争[ろんそう]controversy,  dispute  N3","論文[ろんぶん]thesis,  essay, treatise, paper  N3","反論[はんろん]objection ","口論[こうろん]argument ","論[ろん]argument ","論理的[ろんりてき]logical ","総論[そうろん]introduction ","論旨[ろんし]Point Of An Argument ","唯物論[ゆいぶつろん]Materialism ","目論む[もくろむ] (v5m, vt) to plan/to form a plan/to scheme/to envision/to intend to do ","論者[ろんしゃ] (n) advocate (P) ","結論付ける[けつろんづける] (v1) to reason/to sum up/to conclude ","論調[ろんちょう] (n) tone (of argument)/tenor/drift (P) ","論点[ろんてん] (n) point in question (at issue) (P) ","正論[せいろん] (n) sound argument/fair argument/just reasoning (P) ","公論[こうろん] (n) public opinion/unbiased criticism/unbiassed criticism (P) ","推論[すいろん] (n, vs,adj-no) inference/deduction/induction/reasoning (P) ","卒論[そつろん] (n) (abbr) graduation thesis/bachelor's degree thesis ","論説[ろんせつ] (n) editorial/dissertation (P) ","両論[りょうろん] (n) both arguments (theories) (P) ","論評[ろんぴょう] (n, vs) comment/criticism (P) ","論証[ろんしょう] (n, vs) proof/certain truth/demonstration/argumentation ","無神論[むしんろん] (n) atheism ","論考[ろんこう] (n, vs) study (of something)/discussion/discourse "],"妻":["夫妻[ふさい]man and wife, married couple  N2","妻[つま<br>さい<br>め](humble) wife  N4","一夫多妻[いっぷたさい]Polygamy ","妻子[さいし<br>つまこ<br>めこ]Wife And Kids,  wife and children ","稲妻[いなづま<br>いなずま]lightning ","吾妻[あずま<br>あづま] (n) (1) (arch) eastern Japan (esp. Kamakura or Edo,  from perspective of Kyoto or Nara)/eastern provinces (2) (arch) east (3) (abbr) wagon/yamatogoto/six-stringed native Japanese zither (4) my spouse ","新妻[にいづま] (n) new wife ","人妻[ひとづま] (n) (1) married woman (2) another's wife (P) ","後妻[ごさい] (n) second wife (P) "],"際":["際[さい<br>きわ<br>ぎわ]edge; brink;verge;side  N1","手際[てぎわ]performance; skill;tact  N1","交際[こうさい]company,  friendship, association, society, acquaintance  N3","実際[じっさい]practical,  actual condition, status quo  N3","国際[こくさい]international  N4","国際化[こくさいか]internationalization ","国際的[こくさいてき]international ","手際良く[てぎわよく]cleverly ","間際[まぎわ]just before ","際立つ[きわだつ]be conspicuous ","際限[さいげん]end ","窓際[まどぎわ]by the window ","土俵際[どひょうぎわ]Edge Of A Sumo Ring,  sumo ring edge, edge, sumo ring ","際する[さいする] (vs-s) to arrive/to come to pass ","此の際[このさい] (n-adv) on this occasion/now ","に際して[にさいして] (exp) on the occasion of/at the time of (P) ","実際に[じっさいに] (adv) (1) virtually/practically/in practice/actually (2) currently/presently ","学際[がくさい] (n, adj-no) interdisciplinary (P) "],"責":["責務[せきむ]duty; obligation  N1","責任[せきにん]duty,  responsibility  N3","責める[せめる]to condemn,  to blame, to criticize  N3","無責任[むせきにん]irresponsible ","責任感[せきにんかん]Sense Of Responsibility ","責任者[せきにんしゃ] (n) person in charge (including a supervisory role for other staff)/person responsible for .../responsible party/supervisor/manager (P) ","免責[めんせき] (n, vs,adj-no) exemption from responsibility/disclaimer (P) ","責[せき] (n) responsibility/duty/obligation ","自責[じせき] (n, vs) self-condemnation/self-reproach/self-accusation (P) ","叱責[しっせき] (n, vs,adj-no) reprimand/rebuke "],"済":["救済[きゅうさい<br>くさい<br>ぐさい]relief; aid;rescue;salvation;help  N1","済ます[すます]to finish; to get it over with;to settle;to conclude;to pay back  N1","済まない[すまない]sorry (phrase)  N1","済みません[すみません]sorry; excuse me  N1","返済[へんさい]repayment  N1","済ませる[すませる]to be finished  N3","経済[けいざい]finance, economy  N4","済む[すむ]to finish  N4","弁済[べんさい]payment ","経済的[けいざいてき]economical ","経済学[けいざいがく]Economics,  study of economics ","済み[すみ<br>ずみ] (n-suf, n) arranged/taken care of/settled/completed/finished ","決済[けっさい] (n, vs) settlement/payment of account (P) ","済[すみ<br>ずみ] (io) (n-suf, n) arranged/taken care of/settled/completed/finished ","百済[くだら] (n) Baekje/Paekche/ancient Korean kingdom (18 BCE - 660 CE) ","共済[きょうさい] (n) mutual aid (P) ","経済学部[けいざいがくぶ] (n) economics department/economics school ","経済企画庁[けいざいきかくちょう] (n) Economic Planning Agency (defunct as of 2001) (P) ","臨済宗[りんざいしゅう] (n) Rinzai school of Zen Buddhism ","完済[かんさい] (n, vs) full payment/liquidation "],"制":["規制[きせい]regulation  N1","強制[きょうせい]obligation; coercion;compulsion;enforcement  N1","制[せい]system; organization;imperial command;laws;regulation;control;government;suppression;restraint;holdin  N1","制裁[せいさい]restraint; sanctions;punishment  N1","制する[せいする]to control; to command;to get the better of  N1","制定[せいてい]enactment; establishment;creation  N1","制服[せいふく]uniform  N1","制約[せいやく]limitation; restriction;condition;constraints  N1","統制[とうせい]regulation; control  N1","抑制[よくせい]suppression  N1","制作[せいさく]work (film,  book)  N2","専制[せんせい]despotism, autocracy  N2","体制[たいせい]order, system,structure,set-up,organization  N2","制限[せいげん]restriction,  restraint, limitation  N3","制度[せいど]system,  institution, organization  N3","自制[じせい]Self Control,  self restraint ","制止[せいし]check ","無制限[むせいげん]unlimited ","制御[せいぎょ]control ","管制塔[かんせいとう]Control Tower ","制覇[せいは]conquest,  domination, mastery ","旧制[きゅうせい] (n) old system/old order (P) ","法制[ほうせい] (n) legislation/laws (P) ","制圧[せいあつ] (n, vs) gaining total control (of people or counties)/suppression/oppression/control/mastery/ascendancy/supremacy (P) ","市制[しせい] (n) municipal organization/municipal organisation/municipality ","税制[ぜいせい] (n) tax system (P) ","先制[せんせい] (n, vs,adj-no) head start/initiative/preemption (P) ","制す[せいす] (v5s, vt) to control/to command/to get the better of ","制動[せいどう] (n, vs) braking (mechanism) ","管制[かんせい] (n, vs) control (P) ","管制官[かんせいかん] (n) controller (usually air-traffic) (P) ","新制[しんせい] (n, adj-no) new system (P) ","制限時間[せいげんじかん] (n) time limit ","牽制[けんせい] (n, vs) (1) check/keeping in check/restraint/curbing/reining in/discouraging (from doing) (2) containment (of enemy forces)/diversionary action/feint operation (3) (baseb) pickoff throw/holding a runner on base ","制憲[せいけん] (n, vs) establishment of a constitution ","禁制[きんせい] (n, vs,adj-no) prohibition/ban/embargo (P) "],"断":["決断[けつだん]decision; determination  N1","断言[だんげん]declaration; affirmation  N1","断然[だんぜん]firmly; absolutely;definitely  N1","断面[だんめん]cross section  N1","中断[ちゅうだん]interruption; suspension;break  N1","無断[むだん]without permission; without notice  N1","診断[しんだん]diagnosis  N2","断水[だんすい]water outage  N2","断定[だんてい]conclusion, decision  N2","油断[ゆだん]negligence, unpreparedness  N2","横断[おうだん]crossing  N3","断る[ことわる]to refuse,  to decline, to dismiss  N3","判断[はんだん]judgement,  decision  N3","不断[ふだん]constant ","予断[よだん]foregone conclusion ","切断[せつだん]cut ","断じて[だんじて]absolutely ","断つ[たつ]cut off ","断念[だんねん]abandonment ","横断歩道[おうだんほどう]pedestrian crossing ","判断する[はんだんする]To Judge ","独断[どくだん]dogmatism ","断絶[だんぜつ]severance ","診断する[しんだんする]To Diagnose ","断片[だんぺん]fragment ","遮断[しゃだん]isolation,  cut off, blockade, quarantine ","遮断機[しゃだんき]crossing gate,  railway crossing gate, circuit breaker ","お断り[おことわり] (n) (pol) declining/nonacceptance/declination/refusal/rejection/turndown ","分断[ぶんだん] (n, vs) dividing into parts ","断[だん] (n) decision/judgment/resolution (P) ","縦断[じゅうだん] (n, vs) (1) running through (north-south)/cutting across/travelling across (2) cutting vertically/sectioning longitudinally (P) ","断熱[だんねつ] (n, vs,adj-no) insulation (P) ","断層[だんそう] (n) (1) fault/dislocation (2) gap/discrepancy (P) ","断食[だんじき] (n, vs) fasting/fast (P) ","断固[だんこ] (adj-t, adv-to) firm/determined/resolute/conclusive (P) ","断続[だんぞく] (n, vs) intermittent (P) ","断崖[だんがい] (n) palisade/cliff ","断ち切る[たちきる] (v5r, vt) (1) to cut apart (cloth, paper, etc.) (2) to sever (ties)/to break off (relationship)/to overcome (habit, addiction) (3) to cut off (enemy's retreat)/to block (road, etc.)/to disconnect ","断裂[だんれつ] (n, vs) snapping apart ","断行[だんこう] (n, vs) decisive action/carry out (P) "],"任":["主任[しゅにん]person in charge; responsible official  N1","信任[しんにん]trust; confidence;credence  N1","転任[てんにん]change of post  N1","任務[にんむ]duty; function;office;mission;task  N1","任命[にんめい]appointment; nomination;ordination;commission;designation  N1","赴任[ふにん](proceeding to) new appointment  N1","任す[まかす]to entrust; to leave to a person  N1","就任[しゅうにん]inauguration, assumption of office  N2","責任[せきにん]duty,  responsibility  N3","任せる[まかせる]to entrust to another,  to leave to  N3","任意[にんい]Optional,  voluntary ","任期[にんき]one's term of office ","委任[いにん]entrustment ","放任[ほうにん]leave to one's own devices ","無責任[むせきにん]irresponsible ","辞任[じにん]resignation ","責任感[せきにんかん]Sense Of Responsibility ","担任[たんにん]teacher in charge ","初任給[しょにんきゅう]initial salary ","歴任[れきにん] (n, vs) successive jobs/consecutive jobs (P) ","任じる[にんじる] (v1, vi) (1) to appoint/to nominate (2) to assume (responsibility) (3) to pose as ","責任者[せきにんしゃ] (n) person in charge (including a supervisory role for other staff)/person responsible for .../responsible party/supervisor/manager (P) ","任ずる[にんずる] (vz) (1) to appoint/to nominate (2) to assume (responsibility) (3) to pose as ","任[にん] (n) obligation/duty/charge/responsibility (P) ","退任[たいにん] (n, vs) retirement/resignation/stepping down (P) ","兼任[けんにん] (n, vs) serving concurrently as/holding the additional post of (P) ","お任せ[おまかせ] (n, vs) leaving a decision to someone else (often of a meal to be selected by the chef) ","在任[ざいにん] (n, vs) being in office (P) ","任官[にんかん] (n, vs) appointment (to an office)/investiture/commission ","着任[ちゃくにん] (n, vs) taking up a new post ","常任[じょうにん] (n, vs,adj-no) standing/regular/permanent (P) ","選任[せんにん] (n, vs) nomination (of a person to a position)/selection/election/assignment/appointment (P) ","適任[てきにん] (adj-na, adj-no) competent/suitable/qualified ","後任[こうにん] (n, adj-no) successor (P) ","解任[かいにん] (n, vs) dismissal (from a post)/discharge/removal (P) ","専任[せんにん] (n, vs,adj-no) full-time service (P) ","前任[ぜんにん] (n, adj-no) former (incumbent)/predecessor ","再任[さいにん] (n, vs) reappointment (P) ","昇任[しょうにん] (n, vs) promotion/advancement ","任用[にんよう] (n, vs) appointment/employment ","留任[りゅうにん] (n, vs) remaining in office/staying in office/remaining at one's post (P) ","任地[にんち] (n) one's post/appointment "],"増":["増強[ぞうきょう]augment; reinforce;increase  N1","増進[ぞうしん]promoting; increase;advance  N1","増し[まし]extra; additional;less objectionable;better;preferable  N1","激増[げきぞう]sudden increase  N2","増減[ぞうげん]increase and decrease, fluctuation  N2","増大[ぞうだい]enlargement  N2","増やす[ふやす]to increase, to add to,to augment  N2","増加[ぞうか]increase,  addition  N3","増す[ます]to increase,  to grow  N3","増える[ふえる]to increase  N4","急増[きゅうぞう]Sudden Increase,  increase suddenly ","増税[ぞうぜい]Tax Increase,  raise taxes, increased taxes ","倍増[ばいぞう]doubling ","日増しに[ひましに]day by day ","水増し[みずまし]dilution ","増[ぞう] (n) increase ","増刊[ぞうかん] (n, vs) special edition ","増殖[ぞうしょく] (n, vs,adj-no) increase/multiplication/propagation/proliferation (P) ","増設[ぞうせつ] (n, vs,adj-no) extension/expansion/adding (equipment, facilities, etc.) (P) ","増発[ぞうはつ] (n, vs) increase the number of trains in operation/increase bond issues (P) ","増幅[ぞうふく] (n, vs) (1) amplification (elec.) (2) magnification/amplification/making larger ","増援[ぞうえん] (n, vs) reinforcement (e.g. of troops) ","増築[ぞうちく] (n, vs) addition to a building ","増結[ぞうけつ] (n, vs) adding train cars ","増収[ぞうしゅう] (n, vs) increase in yield (P) ","増資[ぞうし] (n, vs) increase of capital (P) ","増額[ぞうがく] (n, vs) increase (in an amount of money) (P) ","増員[ぞういん] (n, vs) increase the number of personnel (P) ","増産[ぞうさん] (n, vs) production increase (P) ","増補[ぞうほ] (n, vs) extending (e.g. a book)/augmenting/enlarging/supplementing ","増水[ぞうすい] (n, vs) rising water (of river, lake, etc.)/swelling water/increased water/high water (P) "],"判":["審判[しんぱん<br>しんばん]refereeing; trial;judgement;umpire;referee  N1","判[はん<br>ばん]seal; stamp;monogram signature;judgment  N1","判決[はんけつ]judicial decision; judgement;sentence;decree  N1","判定[はんてい]judgement; decision;award;verdict  N1","判子[はんこ]seal (used for signature)  N2","判事[はんじ]judge, judiciary  N2","裁判[さいばん]trial,  judgement  N3","判断[はんだん]judgement,  decision  N3","批判[ひはん]criticism,  judgement, comment  N3","評判[ひょうばん]fame,  reputation, popularity, arrant  N3","判例[はんれい]precedent ","判明[はんめい]clarification ","批判する[ひはんする]To Criticize ","判断する[はんだんする]To Judge ","裁判所[さいばんしょ]courthouse ","裁判官[さいばんかん] (n) judge (P) ","裁判長[さいばんちょう] (n) presiding judge ","判る[わかる] (v5r, vi) (1) (uk) to understand/to comprehend/to grasp/to see/to get/to follow (2) (uk) to become clear/to be known/to be discovered/to be realized/to be realised/to be found out (P) ","最高裁判所[さいこうさいばんしょ] (n) Supreme Court ","公判[こうはん] (n, adj-no) public hearing/trial (P) ","判別[はんべつ] (n, vs) distinction/discrimination/distinguishing/discernment ","地方裁判所[ちほうさいばんしょ] (n) district court/local court ","小判[こばん] (n) (1) koban/small oval gold coin used in the Edo period (n, adj-no) (2) oval/elliptical/oblong (n) (3) small size (of paper) ","大判[おおばん] (n, adj-no) (1) large size (paper, book, etc.) (n) (2) oban/large oval gold coin used in the Edo period "],"件":["件[けん<br>くだり<br>くだん]example; precedent;the usual;the said;the above-mentioned;(man) in question  N1","用件[ようけん]business  N1","事件[じけん]event,  affair, incident  N3","条件[じょうけん]conditions,  terms  N3","無条件[むじょうけん]unconditional ","怪事件[かいじけん]Strange Mystery,  mystery case ","必須条件[ひっすじょうけん]essential condition,  requisite, must ","殺人事件[さつじんじけん] (n) murder case (P) ","要件[ようけん] (n) (1) important matter (2) requirement/requisite/necessary condition/sine qua non (P) ","物件[ぶっけん] (n) article/thing/object/property (real estate) (P) ","案件[あんけん] (n) (1) matter (to discuss)/item (on the agenda)/issue/topic (2) (court) case (P) ","件数[けんすう] (n) number of events (e.g. accidents,  crimes, meetings, housing starts, hits on a web page) (P) ","本件[ほんけん] (n) this matter/this case (P) ","件名[けんめい] (n) (1) subject/title (2) subject (of an email)/subject line "],"認":["公認[こうにん]official recognition; authorization;licence;accreditation  N1","認める[みとめる<br>したためる]to write up  N1","認識[にんしき]recognition; cognizance  N1","確認[かくにん]affirmation,  confirmation  N3","承認[しょうにん]recognition,  acknowledgement, approval, consent, agreement  N3","認め[みとめ]approval ","認可[にんか]approval ","確認する[かくにんする]To Confirm,  to verify ","認め印[みとめいん]informal seal ","否認[ひにん]denial ","認知[にんち] (n, vs,adj-no) acknowledgement/acknowledgment/recognition/cognition (P) ","認証[にんしょう] (n, vs) (1) certification/attestation/authentication/confirmation (2) Imperial attestation (P) ","認定[にんてい] (n, vs) authorization/authorisation/acknowledgment/acknowledgement/certification/recognition (P) ","容認[ようにん] (n, vs) approval (P) ","誤認[ごにん] (n, vs) misrecognition/mistaking (x for y) (P) ","視認[しにん] (n, vs) visual confirmation/sighting ","黙認[もくにん] (n, vs,adj-no) connivance/tacit consent/toleration/acquiescence (P) ","自認[じにん] (n, vs,adj-no) admission (self-)acknowledgment (self-)acknowledgement "],"資":["資格[しかく]qualifications; requirements;capabilities  N1","資金[しきん]funds; capital  N1","資産[しさん]property; fortune;means;assets  N1","投資[とうし]investment  N1","物資[ぶっし]goods; materials  N1","融資[ゆうし]financing; loan  N1","資料[しりょう]materials, data  N2","資源[しげん]resources  N3","資本[しほん]funds,  capital  N3","資本主義[しほんしゅぎ]capitalism ","資本家[しほんか]capitalist ","出資[しゅっし] (n, vs) investment/contribution/financing (P) ","投資家[とうしか] (n) investor ","資材[しざい] (n) (raw) material (P) ","外資[がいし] (n) foreign capital (e.g. in a company)/foreign investment (P) ","資質[ししつ] (n) nature/disposition/temperament/qualities/attributes/talents (P) ","資料館[しりょうかん] (n) museum/reference library/archive/record office ","資する[しする] (vs-s, vi) (1) to contribute/to play a part in/to have a hand in/to be conducive to/to be instrumental in (2) to finance (P) ","増資[ぞうし] (n, vs) increase of capital (P) ","投融資[とうゆうし] (n) investment and lending (P) ","合資会社[ごうしがいしゃ] (n) limited partnership "],"権":["棄権[きけん]abstain from voting; renunciation of a right  N1","権[けん]authority; the right (to do something)  N1","権威[けんい]authority; power;influence  N1","権限[けんげん]power; authority;jurisdiction  N1","権力[けんりょく]power; authority;influence  N1","主権[しゅけん]sovereignty; supremacy;dominion  N1","政権[せいけん]administration; political power  N1","特権[とっけん]privilege; special right  N1","権利[けんり]right,  privilege  N3","人権[じんけん]Human Rights ","女権[じょけん]Women's Rights,  woman's rights ","参政権[さんせい けん]suffrage ","有権者[ゆうけんしゃ]elector ","版権[はんけん]Copyright ","越権[えっけん]Overstepping Your Authority,  overstep one's authority, overstepping one's authority ","著作権[ちょさくけん]Copyright ","債権[さいけん]Debt,  liabilities ","覇権[はけん]hegemony,  supremacy ","選手権[せんしゅけん] (n) championship/title (of champion) (P) ","実権[じっけん] (n) real power (P) ","全権[ぜんけん] (n) plenipotentiary powers/full authority (P) ","王権[おうけん] (n) royal authority/regal power/authority of the king ","権現[ごんげん] (n) manifestation of a Buddha (or bodhisattva,  etc.) in the form of a Shinto kami ","権力者[けんりょくしゃ] (n) powerful person/influential person ","主導権[しゅどうけん] (n) hegemony/leadership/initiative (P) ","分権[ぶんけん] (n) decentralization of authority/decentralisation of authority (P) ","利権[りけん] (n) interest/rights/concession (P) ","集権[しゅうけん] (n) centralization (e.g. power)/centralisation ","権益[けんえき] (n) (one's) interests (P) ","執権[しっけん] (n) regent to the shogunate ","権勢[けんせい] (n) power/influence ","復権[ふくけん<br>ふっけん] (n, vs) rehabilitation/reinstatement/restoration of rights ","親権[しんけん] (n) parental authority ","職権[しょっけん] (n) authority/commission (P) "],"務":["勤務[きんむ]service; duty;work  N1","業務[ぎょうむ]business; affairs;duties;work  N1","職務[しょくむ]professional duties  N1","庶務[しょむ]general affairs  N1","責務[せきむ]duty; obligation  N1","税務署[ぜいむしょ]tax office  N1","任務[にんむ]duty; function;office;mission;task  N1","公務[こうむ]official business, public business  N2","務める[つとめる](1) to serve, to fill a post,to serve under,to work (for)  N2","義務[ぎむ]duty,  obligation, responsibility  N3","事務[じむ]business,  office work  N3","務め[つとめ](1) service,  duty, (2) Buddhist religious services  N3","公務員[こうむいん]government worker  N4","事務所[じむしょ]office  N4","務省[むしょう]Ministry Of ","事務員[じむいん]clerical staff ","事務室[じむしつ]office ","外務省[がいむしょう]Ministry of Foreign Affairs ","専務[せんむ]managing director ","法務[ほうむ]judicial affairs ","外務大臣[がいむだいじん]Minister Of Foreign Affairs ","刑務所[けいむしょ]Jail,  prison ","国務大臣[こくむだいじん] (n) Minister of State ","総務[そうむ] (n) general affairs/general business/manager/director/adjutant general (P) ","内務[ないむ] (n) internal or domestic affairs (P) ","外務[がいむ] (n) foreign affairs (P) ","債務[さいむ] (n) debt/liabilities/obligation to a person or party (usu. legal or contractual) (P) ","政務[せいむ] (n) government affairs (P) ","実務[じつむ] (n) practical business/practical work experience/practicum/practice (P) ","財務[ざいむ] (n, adj-no) financial affairs (P) ","兼務[けんむ] (n, vs) (1) serving concurrently as/holding the additional post of (n) (2) additional post (P) ","法務省[ほうむしょう] (n) Ministry of Justice (P) ","国務[こくむ] (n) affairs of state (P) ","義務教育[ぎむきょういく] (n) compulsory education (P) ","義務づける[ぎむづける] (v1, vt) to obligate/to make compulsory/to require/to mandate ","義務付ける[ぎむづける] (v1, vt) to obligate/to make compulsory/to require/to mandate ","乗務[じょうむ] (n, vs) doing transport-related work ","財務省[ざいむしょう] (n) Ministry of Finance ","軍務[ぐんむ] (n) military and naval affairs/military service ","常務[じょうむ] (n) (1) (abbr) managing director/executive director (2) routine business/regular business (P) ","刑務官[けいむかん] (n) prison officer/corrections offer/penal officer/prison guard/jailor/warder ","特務[とくむ] (n) special duty ","税務[ぜいむ] (n) taxation business (P) ","政務次官[せいむじかん] (n) deputy minister/assistant minister (P) ","務まる[つとまる] (v5r, vi) to be fit for/to be equal to/to function properly ","商務[しょうむ] (n) commercial affairs (P) ","法律事務所[ほうりつじむしょ] (n) law office/law firm (P) ","労務[ろうむ] (n) labor/labour/work/service (P) ","法務大臣[ほうむだいじん] (n) Minister of Justice ","工務[こうむ] (n) engineering/engineering works (P) ","医務[いむ] (n) medical affairs ","国務院[こくむいん] (n) State Council (of the People's Republic of China) ","役務[えきむ] (n) labor/labour/service ","執務[しつむ] (n, vs) performance of one's official duties (P) ","警務[けいむ] (n) (1) police affairs (2) (abbr) military police "],"解":["解除[かいじょ]cancellation; rescinding;release;calling off  N1","解剖[かいぼう]dissection; autopsy  N1","正解[せいかい]correct; right;correct interpretation (answer&nbsp;&nbsp;solution)  N1","弁解[べんかい]explanation; justification;defence;excuse  N1","解く[とく<br>ほどく]to unfasten  N1","了解[りょうかい]comprehension; consent;understanding;roger (on the radio)  N1","解散[かいさん]breakup, dissolution  N2","解説[かいせつ]explanation, commentary  N2","解答[かいとう]answer, solution  N2","解放[かいほう]release, liberation,emancipation  N2","分解[ぶんかい]analysis, disassembly  N2","解決[かいけつ]settlement,  solution, resolution  N3","解釈[かいしゃく]explanation,  interpretation  N3","見解[けんかい]opinion,  point of view  N3","誤解[ごかい]misunderstanding  N3","解ける[とける<br>ほどける]to come untied,  to come apart  N3","理解[りかい]understanding,  comprehension  N3","不可解[ふかかい]incomprehensible ","和解[わかい<br>わげ]reconciliation ","解体[かいたい]dismantling ","解消[かいしょう]cancellation ","解熱[げねつ]alleviation of fever ","解約[かいやく]dissolution of a contract ","難解[なんかい]difficult ","雪解け[ゆきどけ]thawing of snow ","理解する[りかいする]To Understand,  to comprehend ","解雇する[かいこする]To Fire Someone,  to fire ","解雇[かいこ]discharge ","解析[かいせき]Analysis ","解剖学[かいぼうがく]anatomy ","不正解[ふせいかい] (n, vs) incorrect/wrong/incorrect interpretation (answer, solution) ","解決策[かいけつさく] (n) solution/solution strategy (P) ","解明[かいめい] (n, vs) clarification/elucidation/explication (P) ","解[かい] (n) solution (of equation) ","解読[かいどく] (n, vs) deciphering/decoding (P) ","解き放つ[ときはなつ] (v5t, vt) to release ","解任[かいにん] (n, vs) dismissal (from a post)/discharge/removal (P) ","溶解[ようかい] (n, vs) (1) dissolution/dissolving/solution (e.g. chemical) (2) melting/liquefying/fusion (P) ","解禁[かいきん] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) lifting a ban/raising an embargo/opening a season (hunting, fishing, etc.) (2) (col) publishing contents/revealing information (P) ","解像度[かいぞうど] (n) resolution (e.g. display,  dpi)/granularity (e.g. timer) ","解る[わかる] (v5r, vi) (1) (uk) to understand/to comprehend/to grasp/to see/to get/to follow (2) (uk) to become clear/to be known/to be discovered/to be realized/to be realised/to be found out (P) ","解毒剤[げどくざい] (n) antidote ","読解[どっかい] (n, vs) reading comprehension ","解す[かいす<br>げす<br>ほぐす<br>ほごす<br>ほつす<br>ほづす] (v5s, vt) (1) to understand/to appreciate (2) to interpret ","読み解く[よみとく] (v5k) (1) to read and understand/to subject to close analysis/to read deeply/to read carefully (esp. a difficult text) (2) to decipher/to decode ","解離[かいり] (n, vs) dissociation ","未解決[みかいけつ] (adj-na, n) unsettled/pending/unresolved (P) ","図解[ずかい] (n, vs,adj-no) schematic/schema/illustration/explanatory diagram (P) ","融解[ゆうかい] (n, vs) fusion/melting/liquefaction ","手解き[てほどき] (n, vs) teaching the basics/initiation/introduction ","解党[かいとう] (n, vs) dissolution (of a political party) "],"状":["状[さま<br>じょう]shape  N1","白状[はくじょう]confession  N1","現状[げんじょう]present condition,  existing state, status quo  N3","状況[じょうきょう]state of affairs,  situation, circumstances  N3","症状[しょうじょう]symptoms,  condition  N3","状態[じょうたい]condition,  situation, circumstances, state  N3","賀状[がじょう]Greeting Card,  new year's card ","年賀状[ねんがじょう]New Year's card ","病状[びょうじょう]condition of a disease ","礼状[れいじょう]letter of thanks ","賞状[しょうじょう]certificate of merit ","粉状[ふんじょう]Powdered ","異状[いじょう]Abnormality,  something wrong ","紹介状[しょうかいじょう]Letter Of Introduction ","免状[めんじょう]Diploma,  license ","表彰状[ひょうしょうじょう]certificate of commendation ","惨状[さんじょう]disastrous scene,  terrible spectacle ","窮状[きゅうじょう]distress,  wretched condition ","形状[けいじょう] (n) shape/form (P) ","令状[れいじょう] (n) warrant/summons/written order (P) ","招待状[しょうたいじょう] (n) written invitation ","環状[かんじょう] (n, adj-no) annulation/ring shape/loop shape (P) ","書状[しょじょう] (n) letter/note ","甲状腺[こうじょうせん] (n) thyroid gland (P) ","扇状地[せんじょうち] (n) alluvial fan or delta ","棒状[ぼうじょう] (n, adj-no) cylinder or rod-shaped ","帯状[おびじょう<br>たいじょう] (n, adj-no) belt-shaped "],"費":["経費[けいひ]expenses; cost;outlay  N1","光熱費[こうねつひ]cost of fuel and light  N1","出費[しゅっぴ]expenses; disbursements  N1","実費[じっぴ]actual expense; cost price  N1","費やす[ついやす]to spend; to devote;to waste  N1","費[ひ<br>あたい<br>あたえ]cost; expense  N1","浪費[ろうひ]waste; extravagance  N1","消費[しょうひ]consumption,  expenditure  N3","費用[ひよう]cost,  expense  N3","社費[しゃひ]Company Expenses ","交通費[こうつうひ]traveling expense ","会費[かいひ]membership fee ","国費[こくひ]national expenditure ","学費[がくひ]tuition ","旅費[りょひ]travel expense ","消費者[しょうひしゃ]consumer ","私費[しひ]private expense ","食費[しょくひ]food expenses ","燃費[ねんぴ]mileage ","雑費[ざっぴ]Miscellaneous Expenses ","自費[じひ] (n) one's own expense/out-of-pocket expense (P) ","工費[こうひ] (n) construction cost (P) "],"示":["暗示[あんじ]hint; suggestion  N1","指示[しじ<br>しし]indication; instruction;directions  N1","提示[ていじ]presentation; exhibit;suggest;citation  N1","展示[てんじ]exhibition; display  N1","掲示[けいじ]notice,  bulletin  N3","示す[しめす]to denote,  to show, to point out, to indicate  N3","公示[こうじ<br>こうし]Public Announcement ","図示[ずし]diagram ","展示会[てんじかい]Trade Show,  exhibition ","掲示板[けいじばん]notice board ","示唆[しさ]suggestion,  hint, implication ","啓示[けいじ]revelation ","表示[ひょうじ] (n, vs) (1) indication/expression/showing/manifestation/demonstration (2) (comp) display/displaying (3) (physics) representation (4) (law) attribution (P) ","明示[めいじ] (n, adj-no,vs) elucidation/explicit statement/specification (P) ","開示[かいじ] (n, vs) release (e.g. information)/disclosure (legal)/show/indication/display (P) ","告示[こくじ] (n, vs) notice/bulletin (P) ","黙示録[もくしろく] (n) Revelation (book of the Bible)/the Apocalypse ","示威[しい<br>じい] (n, vs) demonstration/show of force ","指し示す[さししめす] (v5s, vt) to indicate/to show/to point to (P) ","例示[れいじ] (n, vs) exemplification/illustrating by example "],"寝":["朝寝坊[あさねぼう]oversleeping; late riser  N1","寝かせる[ねかせる]to put to bed; to lay down;to ferment  N1","寝台[しんだい<br>ねだい]bed, couch  N2","寝間着[ねまき]sleep-wear, nightclothes,pyjamas,nightgown,nightdress  N2","寝巻[ねまき]sleep-wear, nightclothes,pyjamas,nightgown,nightdress  N2","昼寝[ひるね]nap (at home), siesta  N2","寝坊[ねぼう]sleeping in late  N4","寝る[ねる]to go to bed, to sleep  N5","寝不足[ねぶそく]Lack Of Sleep ","寝かす[ねかす]put (someone) to bed ","寝ぼける[ねぼける]be half asleep ","寝付き[ねつき]falling asleep ","寝付く[ねつく]fall asleep ","寝室[しんしつ]bedroom ","寝息[ねいき]breathing of a sleeping person ","寝相[ねぞう]one's sleeping posture ","寝言[ねごと]talking in one's sleep ","寝転ぶ[ねころぶ]lie down ","寝返り[ねがえり]turning over in bed ","寝返る[ねがえる]betray ","寝過ごす[ねすごす]oversleep ","寝顔[ねがお]one's sleeping face ","早寝[はやね]going to bed early ","寝坊する[ねぼうする]To Oversleep ","寝巻き[ねまき]pajamas ","寝冷え[ねびえ]cold caught while sleeping ","寝床[ねどこ]bed ","就寝[しゅうしん] (n, vs) going to bed/retiring (for the night) (P) "],"置":["処置[しょち]treatment  N1","設置[せっち]establishment; institution  N1","措置[そち]measure; step  N1","配置[はいち]arrangement (of resources); disposition  N1","放置[ほうち]leave as is; leave to chance;leave alone;neglect  N1","前置き[まえおき]preface; introduction  N1","物置き[ものおき]storeroom  N1","物置[ものおき]storage room  N2","位置[いち]place,  situation, position, location  N3","装置[そうち]equipment,  installation, apparatus  N3","置く[おく]to put  N5","倒置[とうち]inversion ","置物[おきもの]ornament ","置き場[おきば]Place To Put Something,  place to put down, location to put something, location to put down ","拘置[こうち]Detention,  confinement ","据え置き[すえおき]deferment ","置いて[おいて] (iK) (conj) (uk) at/in/on ","置換[ちかん] (n, vs) (1) substitution/replacement (2) (math) permutation (3) (chem) substitution/displacement ","置き去り[おきざり] (n) leaving behind/desertion/abandonment (P) ","お仕置き[おしおき] (n, vs) punishment/spanking/smacking/chastisement/scolding ","置き換える[おきかえる] (v1, vt) to replace/to move/to change the position of (P) ","留置[りゅうち] (n, vs) detention (usu. during investigation)/imprisonment/poundage/custody (P) ","位置づける[いちづける] (v1, vt) to place (in relation to the whole)/to rank/to position/to locate ","位置付ける[いちずける<br>いちづける] (ik) (v1, vt) to place (in relation to the whole)/to rank/to position/to locate ","拘置所[こうちしょ] (n) prison/detention house/detention center/jail (P) ","安置[あんち] (n, vs) enshrinement/installation (of an image) ","位置づけ[いちづけ] (n) placement/fixed position/mapping out/location ","廃藩置県[はいはんちけん] (n) (yoji) abolition of feudal domains and establishment of prefectures (1871) ","位置付け[いちつけ<br>いちづけ] (n) placement/fixed position/mapping out/location ","置き換わる[おきかわる] (v5r) to be rearranged or transposed ","仕置[しおき] (n, vs) (1) execution (2) punishment (3) spanking ","据え置く[すえおく] (v5k, vt) to leave as it is/to defer "],"吸":["吸収[きゅうしゅう]absorption,  suction, attraction  N3","呼吸[こきゅう]breath,  respiration  N3","吸う[すう]to smoke, to suck  N5","吸血鬼[きゅうけつき]Vampire ","吸収する[きゅうしゅうする]To Absorb ","吸い込む[すいこむ]inhale ","吸い殻[すいがら]cigarette butt ","深呼吸[しんこきゅう] (n, vs) deep breath ","吸血[きゅうけつ] (n, adj-no) bloodsucking/sucking blood ","吸気[きゅうき] (n) (1) inhalation (of air)/inhaled air (2) intake (e.g. of air) ","吸引[きゅういん] (n, vs,vt) (1) absorption/suction/aspiration (2) attraction/draw (P) ","吸入[きゅうにゅう] (n, vs,adj-no) inhalation (P) ","吸着[きゅうちゃく] (n, vs) (1) (chem) adsorption (2) adhesion (by suction)/attachment/sticking to "],"過":["過ち[あやまち]fault; error;indiscretion  N1","過疎[かそ]depopulation  N1","過多[かた]excess; superabundance  N1","過密[かみつ]crowded  N1","過労[かろう]overwork; strain  N1","経過[けいか]passage; expiration;progress  N1","過ぎ[すぎ]past; after  N1","過失[かしつ]error, blunder,accident  N2","過剰[かじょう]excess, over-  N2","過程[かてい]process  N2","過半数[かはんすう]majority  N2","超過[ちょうか]excess, being more than  N2","過去[かこ]the past,  bygone days, the previous  N3","過ごす[すごす]to pass,  to spend, to go through, to tide over  N3","通過[つうか]passage through,  passing  N3","通り過ぎる[とおりすぎる]to pass,  to pass through  N3","過ぎる[すぎる<br>よぎる]to exceed  N4","やり過ごす[やりすごす]let go past ","寝過ごす[ねすごす]oversleep ","昼過ぎ[ひるすぎ]early afternoon ","行き過ぎ[いきすぎ]going too far ","見過ごす[みすごす]let go by ","過去形[かこけい]Past Tense ","過渡期[かとき]transitional period ","過敏[かびん]Oversensitivity,  nervousness ","過酷[かこく]severity,  rigor, cruelty, harsh ","過激[かげき] (adj-na, n) extreme/radical (P) ","過[か] (pref) (1) surplus- (attaches to start of Sino-Japanese words)/excess-/over- (2) per- (chemical with more of a certain element than found in other compounds of the same constituents) ","過度[かど] (adj-na, n,adj-no) excessive/immoderate (P) ","過ぎ去る[すぎさる] (v5r, vi) to pass/to pass by ","過大[かだい] (adj-na) excessive/too much/unreasonable (P) ","透過[とうか] (adj-na, n,vs) penetration/permeation/transmission ","お過ごし[おすごし] (exp) (hon) getting along ","過言[かげん<br>かごん] (n) (1) exaggeration/overstatement/saying too much (2) misstatement/slip of the tongue/gaffe ","過渡[かと] (n) (1) crossing/ferry (2) transient (3) changing old to new (P) ","過熱[かねつ] (n, vs) superheating/overheating (P) ","過当[かとう] (adj-na, n) excessive/exorbitant (P) ","濾過[ろか] (n, vs) filtration/filtering/percolation "],"値":["値[ね<br>あたい<br>ち]value; price;cost;worth;merit  N1","値する[あたいする]to be worth; to deserve;to merit  N1","値打ち[ねうち]value; worth;price;dignity  N1","値引き[ねびき]price reduction; discount  N1","価値[かち]value,  worth, merit  N3","値段[ねだん]price,  cost  N3","高値[たかね]High Price,  expensive price ","安値[やすね]Low Price,  cheap price ","値上がり[ねあがり]price rise ","値上げ[ねあげ]price hike ","値下がり[ねさがり]fall in price ","値下げ[ねさげ]price reduction ","値切る[ねぎる]ask for a discount ","数値[すうち]numerical value ","価値観[かちかん]Moral Values,  sense of values, values ","貨幣価値[かへいかち]Currency Value ","偏差値[へんさち]deviation ","卸値[おろしね]wholesale price ","終値[おわりね] (n) closing price (e.g. stock exchange) (P) "],"観":["観[かん]look; appearance;spectacle  N1","観衆[かんしゅう]spectators; onlookers;members of the audience  N1","観点[かんてん]point of view  N1","観覧[かんらん]viewing  N1","外観[がいかん]appearance; exterior;facade  N1","客観[きゃっかん<br>かくかん<br>かっかん]objective  N1","主観[しゅかん]subjectivity; subject;ego  N1","悲観[ひかん]pessimism; disappointment  N1","楽観[らっかん]optimism  N1","観測[かんそく]observation  N2","観念[かんねん](1) idea, notion,conception,(2) sense (e.g. of duty)  N2","観客[かんきゃく]audience,  spectator(s)  N3","観光[かんこう]sightseeing  N3","観察[かんさつ]observation,  survey  N3","見る&nbsp; &nbsp;観る[みる&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;みる]to see,  to watch  N5","観る[みる]To View,  to spectate ","主観的[しゅかんてき]subjective ","先入観[せんにゅうかん]bias ","客観的[きゃっかんてき]objective ","悲観的[ひかん てき]pessimistic ","楽観的[らっかんてき]optimistic ","直観[ちょっかん]intuition ","観賞[かんしょう]ornamental ","価値観[かちかん]Moral Values,  sense of values, values ","観光客[かんこうきゃく]Tourist,  sightseer ","景観[けいかん]Spectacular View,  great view ","傍観[ぼうかん]look on,  sit by and watch, spectate ","観戦[かんせん] (n, vs) watching a (sports) game/spectating/observing (military operations) (P) ","貞観[じょうがん] (n) Jogan era (859.4.15-877.4.16) ","観音[かんのん] (n) Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva)/Avalokitesvara/Kannon/Kwannon/Guanyin/Buddhist deity of compassion (P) ","保護観察[ほごかんさつ] (n) probation ","観劇[かんげき] (n, vs) theatre-going/theater-going (P) ","史観[しかん] (n, suf) historical view/view of history (from a given point of view) ","概観[がいかん] (n, vs) general view/outline ","観応[かんおう<br>かんのう] (n) Kanno era (of the Northern Court) (1350.2.27-1352.9.27)/Kan'o era "],"呼":["嗚呼[ああ]Ah!; Oh!;Alas!  N1","呼び止める[よびとめる]to challenge; to call somebody to halt  N1","呼び掛ける[よびかける]to call out to, to accost,to address (crowd),to appeal  N2","呼び出す[よびだす]to summon, to call (e.g. phone)  N2","呼吸[こきゅう]breath,  respiration  N3","呼ぶ[よぶ]to call out, to invite  N5","呼びかける[よびかける]call ","呼び名[よびな]given name ","呼ばれる[よばれる]To Be Called ","呼び捨て[よびすて]address informally ","呼び鈴[よびりん]Doorbell ","お呼び[および] (n, vs) (hon) call/invitation ","深呼吸[しんこきゅう] (n, vs) deep breath ","呼称[こしょう] (n, vs) (1) naming/giving a name/designation/denomination (adj-f) (2) nominal (P) ","呼び出し音[よびだしおん] (n) (1) ringtone/ring tone (2) ringback tone/ringing tone ","呼ばわり[よばわり] (n-suf, vs) denouncing/calling (e.g. somebody a thief)/branding (as) ","呼応[こおう] (n, vs) (1) hailing each other (2) acting in concert/responding (to)/sympathizing (with) (3) (ling) agreement/concord (P) ","呼び出し[よびだし] (n, vs) (1) call/summons/paging/curtain call (n) (2) (sumo) usher who calls the names of wrestlers, sweeps the ring, etc. (3) (abbr) telephone number at which a person without a telephone can be reached (4) (arch) box-shaped area containing clean water for rinsing oneself (in an Edo-period bathhouse) (5) (arch) high-ranking prostitute in the Yoshiwara district (Edo period) (6) (arch) unlicensed prostitute in the Fukagawa red-light district (Edo period) (P) ","呼び戻す[よびもどす] (v5s, vt) to call back/to call home (P) ","呼び寄せる[よびよせる] (v1, vt) to call/to summon/to send for/to call together "],"割":["割[わり]divide; cut;halve;separate;split;rip;break;crack;smash;dilute  N1","割合に[わりあいに]comparatively  N1","割り当て[わりあて]allotment; assignment;allocation;quota;rationing  N1","割り込む[わりこむ]to cut in; to thrust oneself into;to wedge oneself in;to muscle in on;to interrupt;to disturb  N1","割り算[わりざん]division (math)  N1","割引き[わりびき]discount; reduction;rebate;tenths discounted  N1","時間割[じかんわり]timetable, schedule  N2","割算[わりざん]division (math)  N2","割と[わりと]relatively,  comparitively  N2","割引[わりびき]discount, reduction,rebate  N2","役割[やくわり]part,  assigning (allotment of) parts, role, duties  N3","割る[わる]to divide,  to cut, to break, to halve  N3","割合[わりあい]rate, ratio,percentage  N4","割れる[われる]to break  N4","一割[いちわり]Ten Percent ","分割[ぶんかつ<br>ぶわり]division ","割く[さく]set aside ","割に[わりに]comparatively ","割り[わり]rate ","割り出す[わりだす]calculate ","割り切る[わりきる]divide ","割り引き[わりびき]discount ","割り引く[わりびく]give a discount ","割り当てる[わりあてる]assign ","割れ目[われめ]cleft ","学割[がくわり]student discount ","時間割り[じかんわり]time schedule ","割り箸[わりばし]disposable chopsticks ","割り勘[わりかん]Splitting The Cost,  splitting the bill ","割り合い[わりあい] (io) (adv, n) (1) rate/ratio/percentage/proportion (2) comparatively (3) contrary to expectations ","割譲[かつじょう] (n, vs) cession (of territory) (P) ","割れ[われ] (n, n-suf) (1) broken piece (n-suf) (2) below (a certain level, point, quantity, etc.)/dropping below (n) (3) (comp) (sl) illegal downloading and distribution of commercial software/warez ","割安[わりやす] (adj-na, n,adj-no) economical/comparatively cheap (P) ","割り振る[わりふる] (v5r, vt) to assign/to allot/to divide among/to distribute/to prorate/to assess/to apportion/to allocate ","割高[わりだか] (adj-na, n) comparatively high/fairly expensive (P) ","割愛[かつあい] (n, vs) (1) omitting/leaving out/sparing (2) giving something up reluctantly ","割当[かっとう<br>わりあて] (n) (1) allotment/assignment/allocation/quota/rationing (2) (comp) allocation "],"職":["教職[きょうしょく]teaching certificate; the teaching profession  N1","職員[しょくいん]staff member; personnel  N1","職務[しょくむ]professional duties  N1","辞職[じしょく]resignation  N1","退職[たいしょく]retirement (from office)  N1","役職[やくしょく]post; managerial position;official position  N1","職人[しょくにん]worker, mechanic,artisan,craftsman  N2","就職[しゅうしょく]finding employment,  inauguration  N3","職[しょく<br>しき<br>そく]employment  N3","職業[しょくぎょう]occupation,  business  N3","有職[ゆうしょく]Employed ","求職[きゅうしょく]Job Hunting ","職場[しょくば]Place Of Work,  workplace, place of employment ","無職[むしょく]Unemployment ","内職[ないしょく]moonlight ","職歴[しょくれき]one's professional experience ","汚職[おしょく]bribery ","殉職[じゅんしょく]die at one's post,  die on duty, die at your post ","公職[こうしょく] (n) public office (P) ","官職[かんしょく] (n) government service/official position/civil service ","転職[てんしょく] (n, vs) change of occupation/career change (P) ","現職[げんしょく] (n, adj-no) present post/current office (an) incumbent (P) ","教職員[きょうしょくいん] (n) teaching staff/faculty (P) ","在職[ざいしょく] (n, vs,adj-no) being in office (P) ","住職[じゅうしょく] (n, vs) chief priest (of a Buddhist temple) (P) ","職種[しょくしゅ] (n) type of occupation/occupational category (P) ","聖職[せいしょく] (n, adj-no) sacred profession/holy orders/vocation/ministry ","要職[ようしょく] (n) important office (P) ","離職[りしょく] (n, vs) employment separation/leaving one's job/losing one's job (P) ","免職[めんしょく] (n, vs) dismissal/sacking/discharge (P) ","神職[しんしょく] (n) Shinto priest/Shinto priesthood ","職権[しょっけん] (n) authority/commission (P) ","本職[ほんしょく] (n) (1) principal occupation/main job (2) professional/an expert/specialist (pn) (3) I (of a government official,  etc.)/me (P) ","休職[きゅうしょく] (n, vs) temporary retirement/suspension from office (P) ","復職[ふくしょく] (n, vs) reinstatement/reappointment "],"宅":["社宅[しゃたく]company owned house  N1","邸宅[ていたく]mansion; residence  N1","帰宅[きたく]returning home  N3","住宅[じゅうたく]resident,  housing  N3","宅[たく]house,  home, husband  N3","お宅[おたく](polite) your house  N4","自宅[じたく]One's Home,  one's own home ","住宅地[じゅうたくち]residential district ","宅地[たくち]residential land ","在宅[ざいたく] (n, vs,adj-no) being in/being at home (P) ","御宅[おたく] (n) (1) (hon) your house/your home/your family (2) (hon) your husband (3) (hon) your organization (pn) (4) (hon) you ","宅配[たくはい] (n, vs,adj-no) home delivery (P) "],"収":["収まる[おさまる]to be obtained; to end;to settle into;to fit into;to be settled;to be paid;to be delivered  N1","回収[かいしゅう]collection; recovery  N1","収益[しゅうえき]earnings; proceeds;returns  N1","収支[しゅうし]income and expenditure  N1","収集[しゅうしゅう]gathering up; collection;accumulation  N1","収容[しゅうよう]accommodation; reception;seating;housing;custody;admission;entering (in a dictionary)  N1","徴収[ちょうしゅう]collection; levy  N1","没収[ぼっしゅう]forfeited  N1","領収[りょうしゅう]receipt, voucher  N2","収める[おさめる]to obtain,  to reap, to pay, to supply, to accept  N3","吸収[きゅうしゅう]absorption,  suction, attraction  N3","収穫[しゅうかく]harvest,  crop, ingathering  N3","収入[しゅうにゅう]income,  receipts, revenue  N3","領収書[りょうしゅうしょ]Receipt ","収拾[しゅうしゅう]control ","年収[ねんしゅう]annual income ","買収[ばいしゅう]acquisition ","吸収する[きゅうしゅうする]To Absorb ","収納[しゅうのう]Storage ","贈収賄[ぞうしゅうわい]Bribery ","収録[しゅうろく] (n, vs) (1) compilation/editing (2) recording (P) ","接収[せっしゅう] (n, vs) requisition/requisitioning/seizure/confiscation/impounding/retaining (e.g. deposit) ","収束[しゅうそく] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) conclusion/resolution/firming up (plans, etc.)/coming together/returning to normal (2) gathering and bundling (3) (math) convergence (4) focusing (e.g. light)/convergence ","収蔵[しゅうぞう] (n, vs) garnering/collection ","収容所[しゅうようじょ] (n) internment camp/detention facility/POW camp/refugee camp (P) ","収監[しゅうかん] (n, vs) imprisonment ","撤収[てっしゅう] (n, vs) (1) removal (e.g. of a building)/dismantling (e.g. a tent)/striking (e.g. a stage set) (2) withdrawal (of troops)/evacuation/retreating (P) ","押収[おうしゅう] (n, vs,adj-no) seizure/confiscation (P) ","収縮[しゅうしゅく] (n, vs) deflation/contraction/shrinking/constriction (P) ","税収[ぜいしゅう] (n) tax yields/revenue (P) ","増収[ぞうしゅう] (n, vs) increase in yield (P) ","月収[げっしゅう] (n) monthly income (P) ","収斂[しゅうれん] (n, vs) (1) astringency/constriction/contraction (2) collecting (e.g. opinions)/putting together/summarizing (3) extraction (of taxes) (4) convergence (of light) (5) (math) convergence (6) (biol) convergence "],"演":["演習[えんしゅう]practice; exercises;manoeuvers  N1","演出[えんしゅつ]production (e.g. play); direction  N1","演じる[えんじる]to perform (a play); to play (a part);to act (a part);to commit (a blunder)  N1","演ずる[えんずる]to perform; to play  N1","公演[こうえん]public performance  N1","主演[しゅえん]starring; playing the leading part  N1","出演[しゅつえん]performance; stage appearance  N1","上演[じょうえん]performance (e.g. music)  N1","演劇[えんげき]play (theatrical)  N2","演技[えんぎ]acting,  performance  N3","演説[えんぜつ]speech,  address  N3","演奏[えんそう]musical performance  N3","講演[こうえん]lecture,  address  N3","演芸[えんげい]Performance,  entertainment ","共演[きょうえん] (n, vs) appearing together/co-acting/co-starring (P) ","初演[しょえん] (n, vs) first performance (P) ","演歌[えんか] (n) enka/traditional-style Japanese popular ballad (P) ","演算[えんざん] (n, vs) (math) operation/calculation (P) ","助演[じょえん] (n, vs,adj-no) co-star (P) ","演目[えんもく] (n) (abbr) program (musical,  concert, theatrical, etc.)/programme (P) ","開演[かいえん] (n, vs) curtain raising/starting (e.g. play, concert) (P) ","出演者[しゅつえんしゃ] (n) performer/entertainer/actor ","客演[きゃくえん] (n, vs) guest appearance ","実演[じつえん] (n, vs) (1) demonstration/presentation (2) stage show/performance (P) ","演義[えんぎ] (n) (1) popularization/simplification/explaining in simple language (2) adaptation of history for popular reading (esp. Chinese)/historical novel writing ","再演[さいえん] (n, vs) (1) another showing (of a play) (2) (biol) recapitulation (P) ","競演[きょうえん] (n, vs) recital contest (P) ","演者[えんじゃ] (n) (1) presenter/speaker (2) performer/actor/participant (in a TV show or TV panel) "],"現":["現われ[あらわれ]embodiment; materialization  N1","現われる[あらわれる]to appear; to come in sight;to become visible;to come out;to embody;to materialize;to express oneself  N1","現行[げんこう]present; current;in operation  N1","現場[げんば<br>げんじょう]actual spot; scene;scene of the crime  N1","現像[げんぞう]developing (film)  N1","現地[げんち]actual place; local  N1","再現[さいげん]reappearance; reproduction;return;revival  N1","現に[げんに]actually, really  N2","現す[あらわす]to show,  to indicate, to display  N3","現れ[あらわれ]embodiment,  materialization  N3","現れる[あらわれる](1) to appear,  to come in sight, to become visible, (2) to express oneself  N3","現金[げんきん]cash,  ready money, mercenary, self-interested  N3","現在[げんざい]present,  up to now, nowadays, modern times, current  N3","現実[げんじつ]reality  N3","現象[げんしょう]phenomenon  N3","現状[げんじょう]present condition,  existing state, status quo  N3","現代[げんだい]nowadays,  modern times, present-day  N3","実現[じつげん]implementation,  materialization, realization  N3","表現[ひょうげん]expression,  presentation, representation (math)  N3","出現[しゅつげん]appearance ","現住所[げんじゅうしょ]present address ","現役[げんえき]active service ","現[うつつ<br>げん] (n) reality/consciousness ","現存[げんそん<br>げんぞん] (n, vs,adj-no) existing/living/extant ","発現[はつげん] (n, vs) (1) revelation/manifestation/appearance (2) expression (e.g. in molecular biology;  protein expression or gene expression) ","現時点[げんじてん] (n) present point (i.e. in history)/at the present time (P) ","現実的[げんじつてき] (adj-na) realistic/pragmatic (P) ","現職[げんしょく] (n, adj-no) present post/current office (an) incumbent (P) ","権現[ごんげん] (n) manifestation of a Buddha (or bodhisattva,  etc.) in the form of a Shinto kami ","現生[げんしょう<br>げんせい<br>げんなま] (n) (Buddh) present world ","現物[げんぶつ] (n) (1) actual article or goods (2) spots (stocks,  foreign exchange, commodities, etc.) (3) (in) kind (income, benefit, rent, taxes, investment, etc.) (P) ","現況[げんきょう] (n) present condition (P) ","体現[たいげん] (n, vs) personification/impersonation/embodiment ","現世[うつしよ<br>げんせ<br>げんぜ<br>げんせい] (ok) (n, adj-no) (Buddh) present world/present age/transient world/life ","具現[ぐげん] (n) (1) incarnation/embodiment/avatar/personification (vs) (2) to give concrete form to/to embody/to realize "],"備":["軍備[ぐんび]armaments; military preparations  N1","守備[しゅび]defense  N1","装備[そうび]equipment  N1","備え付ける[そなえつける]to provide; to furnish;to equip;to install  N1","備わる[そなわる]to be furnished with; to be endowed with;to possess;to be among;to be one of;to be possessed of  N1","警備[けいび]defense, guard,policing,security  N2","整備[せいび]adjustment, completion,consolidation  N2","予備[よび]preparation, preliminaries,reserve,spare  N2","準備[じゅんび]preparation  N3","設備[せつび]equipment,  device, facilities, installation  N3","備える[そなえる]to furnish,  to provide for, to equip, to install  N3","不備[ふび]defect ","予備校[よびこう]preparatory school ","備考[びこう]remarks ","準備する[じゅんびする]To Prepare ","備蓄[びちく]Emergency Stores ","警備員[けいびいん] (n) guard/security (officer)/guardsman ","心の準備[こころのじゅんび] (exp, n) mental preparedness/being braced for/being steeled for ","配備[はいび] (n, vs) deploy/deployment (P) ","準備中[じゅんびちゅう] (n) in preparation (shop) not yet open for business ","無防備[むぼうび] (adj-na, n,adj-no) defenseless/defenceless ","準備万端[じゅんびばんたん] (exp) fully prepared/all ready ","完備[かんび] (n, adj-na,vs) (1) (being) fully equipped (being) fully furnished (2) (math) completeness ","常備[じょうび] (n, vs,adj-no) standing/reserve/always having ready ","兼ね備える[かねそなえる] (v1, vt) to have both/to possess both/to combine with (P) ","防備[ぼうび] (n, vs) defense/defence/defensive preparations "],"規":["規格[きかく]standard; norm  N1","規制[きせい]regulation  N1","規定[きてい]regulation; provisions  N1","規範[きはん]model; standard;pattern;norm;criterion;example  N1","規模[きぼ]scale; scope;plan;structure  N1","規約[きやく]agreement; rules;code  N1","正規[せいき]regular; legal;formal;established;legitimate  N1","規準[きじゅん]standard, basis,criteria,norm  N2","規律[きりつ]order, rules,law  N2","定規[じょうぎ](measuring) ruler  N2","不規則[ふきそく]irregularity, unsteadiness,disorderly  N2","規則[きそく]regulations  N4","新規[しんき]newly ","法規[ほうき]laws and regulations ","大規模[だいきぼ]Large Scale ","小規模[しょうきぼ]Small Scale ","規程[きてい] (n) official regulations/inner rules (P) "],"優":["優[ゆう<br>やさ]gentle; affectionate  N1","優位[ゆうい]predominance; ascendancy;superiority  N1","優越[ゆうえつ]supremacy; predominance;being superior to  N1","優勢[ゆうせい]superiority; superior power;predominance;preponderance  N1","優先[ゆうせん]preference; priority  N1","優美[まさみ<br>ゆうび]grace; refinement;elegance  N1","女優[じょゆう]actress  N3","優れる[すぐれる]to surpass,  to outstrip, to excel  N3","俳優[はいゆう]actor,  actress, player, performer  N3","優秀[ゆうしゅう]superiority,  excellence  N3","優勝[ゆうしょう]overall victory,  championship  N3","優しい[やさしい]kind  N4","男優[だんゆう]Actor ","優等生[ゆうとうせい]honor student ","優越感[ゆうえつ かん]superiority complex ","優雅[ゆうが]Elegance,  grace ","優遇[ゆうぐう]preferential treatment,  favorable treatment ","最優遇[さいゆうぐう]most favorable treatment,  warmest reception ","優勝者[ゆうしょうしゃ] (n) prize winner/pennant winner/victor ","最優先[さいゆうせん] (n, vs) maximum preference/maximum priority/priority handling ","声優[せいゆう] (n) voice actor or actress (radio,  animation, etc.) ","優等[ゆうとう] (adj-na, n) (academic) excellence/superiority/honors (e.g. graduating with)/cum laude ","最優秀[さいゆうしゅう] (adj-no) best/most (valuable player)/top (quality)/grade A/ace/finest ","優待[ゆうたい] (n, vs,adj-no) preferential treatment/hospitality/warm reception/welcome ","優良[ゆうりょう] (adj-na, n,adj-no) superior/excellent/fine (P) "],"師":["牧師[ぼくし]pastor; minister;clergyman  N1","講師[こうし]lecturer  N2","漁師[りょうし]fisherman  N2","医師[いし<br>くすし]doctor,  physician  N3","技師[ぎし]engineer,  technician  N3","教師[きょうし]teacher (classroom)  N3","看護師[かんごし]Nurse ","師走[しわす]December ","薬剤師[やくざいし]Pharmacist ","詐欺師[さぎし]Swindler ","猟師[りょうし]hunter,  huntsman ","師匠[ししょう]master,  teacher ","師団[しだん] (n, adj-no) (army) division (P) ","師[し] (n) (1) teacher/master/one's mentor (n, suf) (2) religious leader (suf) (3) specialist (n) (4) (arch) five-battalion brigade comprising 2500 men (Zhou-dynasty Chinese army) ","師事[しじ] (n, vs) studying under/looking up to/apprenticing oneself to (P) ","師範[しはん] (adj-na, n) instructor (fencing) teacher/model (P) ","魔術師[まじゅつし] (n) magician/conjurer ","老師[ろうし] (n) old priest/sage (Zen) teacher ","錬金術師[れんきんじゅつし] (n) alchemist (P) ","薬師[くすし<br>くすりし<br>やくし] (n) (arch) doctor ","絵師[えし] (n) painter/artist/painter supported by patron ","大師[たいし<br>だいし] (n) (1) Senior Grand Tutor (senior-most of the top three civil positions of the Zhou Dynasty) (2) Grand Minister/Chancellor of the Realm ","宣教師[せんきょうし] (n) missionary (P) ","占い師[うらないし] (n) diviner/fortuneteller/soothsayer/palmist ","法師[ほうし] (n) Buddhist priest/bonze (P) ","恩師[おんし] (n) (hon) teacher/one's former teacher (P) ","禅師[ぜんし<br>ぜんじ] (ik) (n) (hon) monk/priest,  particularly a high-ranking Zen monk honored by the imperial court ","師弟[してい] (n) teacher and student (P) "],"違":["行き違い[いきちがい]misunderstanding; estrangement;disagreement;crossing without meeting;going astray  N1","食い違う[くいちがう]to cross each other; to run counter to;to differ;to clash;to go awry  N1","擦れ違い[すれちがい]chance encounter  N1","すれ違う[すれちがう]to pass by one another; to disagree;to miss each other  N1","違える[ちがえる<br>たがえる]to change  N1","間違う[まちがう]to make a mistake; to be incorrect;to be mistaken  N1","勘違い[かんちがい]misunderstanding, wrong guess  N2","相違[そうい]difference, discrepancy,variation  N2","違反[いはん<br>いへん]violation (of law),  transgression, infringement, breach  N3","違い[ちがい]difference  N3","違いない[ちがいない](phrase) sure,  no mistaking it, for certain  N3","間違い[まちがい]mistake  N3","間違える[まちがえる]to make a mistake  N4","違う[ちがう<br>たがう]to differ  N5","人違い[ひとちがい]mistaken identity ","場違い[ばちがい]out of place ","気違い[きちがい]insanity ","見違える[みちがえる]change beyond recognition ","違法[いほう]illegality ","食い違い[くいちがい]cross-purposes ","大違い[おおちがい]Big Difference ","読み違い[よみちがい]Misreading,  misread ","大間違い[おおまちがい]Big Mistake ","互い違い[たがいちがい]alternate ","間違いなく[まちがいなく] (adv) clearly/unmistakably/certainly/without a doubt ","違和感[いわかん] (n) (1) uncomfortable feeling/feeling out of place/sense of discomfort (2) malaise/physical unease (P) ","違憲[いけん] (n) unconstitutionality (P) ","擦れ違う[すれちがう] (v5u, vi) (1) to pass by one another (2) to miss meeting each other/to miss each other (3) to disagree ","行き違う[いきちがう<br>ゆきちがう] (v5u, vi) (1) to cross (each other)/to pass (each other) (2) to misunderstand/to go amiss ","違い無い[ちがいない] (exp, adj-i) sure/no mistaking it/for certain/without doubt "],"差":["格差[かくさ]qualitative difference; disparity  N1","誤差[ごさ]error  N1","差異[さい]difference; disparity  N1","差額[さがく]balance; difference;margin  N1","差し掛かる[さしかかる]to come near to; to approach  N1","差し出す[さしだす]to present; to submit;to tender;to hold out  N1","差し支える[さしつかえる]to interfere; to hinder;to become impeded  N1","差し引く[さしひく]to deduct  N1","時差[じさ]time difference  N1","指差す[ゆびさす]to point at  N1","交差[こうさ]cross  N2","差し支え[さしつかえ]hindrance, impediment  N2","差し引き[さしひき]deduction, subtraction,balance,ebb and flow,rise and fall  N2","人差指[ひとさしゆび]index finger  N2","物差し[ものさし]ruler, measure  N2","差[さ<br>さし]difference,  variation  N3","差別[さべつ<br>しゃべち<br>しゃべつ]discrimination,  distinction, differentiation  N3","差し上げる[さしあげる](polite) to give  N4","交差点[こうさてん]intersection  N5","差す[さす]to stretch out hands, to raise an umbrella  N5","人差し指[ひとさしゆび]index finger ","差し当たり[さしあたり]for the time being ","日差し[ひざし]rays of the sun ","差別する[さべつする]To Discriminate ","眼差し[まなざし]expression ","差し伸べる[さしのべる]hold out ","偏差値[へんさち]deviation ","差し替える[さしかえる] (v1, vt) to change/to replace ","人種差別[じんしゅさべつ] (n) racial discrimination/racism ","差し入れ[さしいれ] (n, vs) (1) insertion/letter drop (2) things sent to a prisoner (3) supply of provisions, refreshments, etc. to someone carrying out a task ","大差[たいさ] (n, adj-no) great difference (P) ","点差[てんさ] (n) point spread/point difference (P) ","偏差[へんさ] (n) deflection/deviation/variation/declination/drift ","差し込む[さしこむ] (v5m, vt) (1) to insert/to put in/to thrust in/to plug in (v5m,vi) (2) to have a griping pain (3) to flow in/to shine in (P) ","無差別[むさべつ] (n) (1) indiscrimination/without discrimination (adj-na) (2) indiscriminate (P) ","落差[らくさ] (n) (1) difference in elevation (between two points in a body of water)/head/drop (e.g. of a waterfall)/fall distance (2) difference/gap (P) ","差し止める[さしとめる] (v1, vt) to stop/to prohibit/to forbid someone to do something ","段差[だんさ] (n) (1) difference in grades (e.g. in go,  shoji, etc.) (2) difference in level (e.g. road, footpath)/ramp/steps/bump (in road) ","差し向ける[さしむける] (v1, vt) to send or direct a person to "],"供":["お供[おそなえ<br>おとも]attendant; companion  N1","供[とも]offer; present;submit;serve (a meal);supply  N1","提供[ていきょう]offer; tender;program sponsoring;furnishing  N1","供給[きょうきゅう]supply,  provision  N3","子供[こども]child  N5","供える[そなえる]To Make An Offering,  to offer ","子供たち[こどもたち] (n) children (P) ","供用[きょうよう] (n, vs) offer for use ","供する[きょうする] (vs-s, vt) (1) to offer/to present/to submit/to supply (2) to serve (food and drink) (3) to offer (to the gods)/to set up (before an alter) ","子供達[こどもたち] (n) children (P) ","供与[きょうよ] (n, vs) giving/provision/furnishing (P) ","子供時代[こどもじだい] (n) childhood ","供述[きょうじゅつ] (n, vs) affidavit/deposition/testimony (P) ","供養[くよう] (n, vs) memorial service for the dead/holding a service (P) ","供出[きょうしゅつ] (n, vs) delivery (P) ","御供[おとも] (n, vs) attendant/companion ","供託[きょうたく] (n, vs) deposit "],"慣":["慣行[かんこう]customary practice; habit;traditional event  N1","慣習[かんしゅう]usual (historical) custom  N1","慣用[かんよう]common; customary  N1","慣例[かんれい]custom; precedent;of convention  N1","慣らす[ならす]to accustom  N1","慣れ[なれ]practice; experience  N1","見慣れる[みなれる]to become used to seeing, to be familiar with  N2","習慣[しゅうかん]custom, manners  N4","慣れる[なれる]to grow accustomed to  N4","不慣れ[ふなれ]inexperienced ","慣用句[かんようく]idiom ","慣性[かんせい] (n) (physics) inertia "],"居":["隠居[いんきょ]retirement; retired person  N1","居住[きょじゅう]residence  N1","皇居[こうきょ<br>こうぎょ]Imperial Palace  N1","転居[てんきょ]moving; changing residence  N1","鳥居[とりい]torii (Shinto shrine archway)  N1","同居[どうきょ]living together  N1","住居[じゅうきょ<br>すまい]dwelling, house,residence,address  N2","居眠り[いねむり]dozing,  nodding off  N3","居間[いま]living room (western style)  N3","居る[いる<br>おる]to be (animate),  to be, to exist  N3","芝居[しばい]play,  drama  N3","別居[べっきょ]separation ","居酒屋[いざかや]bar ","隠居する[いんきょする]To Retire ","敷居[しきい]threshold ","入居[にゅうきょ] (n, vs) moving into (house) (P) ","居城[きょじょう] (n) castle of a daimyo/castle of feudal lord ","居所[いどこ<br>いどころ<br>きょしょ] (n) whereabouts/address ","居心地[いごこち] (n) comfort (P) ","居留[きょりゅう] (n, vs) residence/reside ","居場所[いばしょ] (n) (1) whereabouts/place/location (2) place where one belongs/where one fits in/place where one can be oneself (P) ","同居人[どうきょにん] (n) (1) person living with a family/lodger (2) housemate/flatmate/roommate ","長居[ながい] (n, vs) long visit/overstaying (P) ","居士[こじ] (n) (1) (Buddh) grhapati (layman;  sometimes used as a posthumous suffix) (2) private-sector scholar ","新居[しんきょ] (n) new home (P) ","居館[きょかん] (n) residence/mansion/estate/dwelling ","居合[いあい] (n) iai/art of drawing one's sword,  cutting down one's opponent and sheathing the sword afterwards ","中居[なかい] (n) waitress (in a ryokan or traditional restaurant)/hostess ","蟄居[ちっきょ] (n, vs) keeping house/being confined to one's house "],"捕":["捕らえる[とらえる]to seize; to grasp;to capture;to arrest  N1","捕獲[ほかく]capture; seizure  N1","捕鯨[ほげい]whaling; whale fishing  N1","捕吏[ほり]constable  N1","捕虜[ほりょ]prisoner (of war)  N1","捕える[とらえる]to seize, to grasp,to capture,to arrest  N2","捕る[とる]to take, to catch (fish),to capture  N2","逮捕[たいほ]arrest,  apprehension, capture  N3","捕まる[つかまる]to be caught,  to be arrested  N3","捕まえる[つかまえる]to seize  N4","捕らわれる[とらわれる]be caught ","逮捕する[たいほする]To Arrest,  to capture ","捕手[とりて<br>ほしゅ] (n) (1) (arch) policeman/official in charge of imprisoning offenders (2) (MA) art of defeating (and capturing) an opponent with one's bare hands ","捕食[ほしょく] (n, vs) predation/eating prey/preying upon ","捕食者[ほしょくしゃ] (n) predator ","捕縛[ほばく] (n, vs) arrest/apprehension/capture ","拿捕[だほ] (n, vs) (1) capture/seizure (2) (law) military capture of a foreign vessel/making a prize of ","捕捉[ほそく] (n, vs) (1) capture/seizure/prehension/trapping (2) apprehension/understanding/grasp ","捕球[ほきゅう] (n, vs) (baseb) catch "],"候":["気候[きこう]climate  N3","候補[こうほ]candidacy  N3","天候[てんこう]weather  N3","候補者[こうほしゃ]Candidate ","時候[じこう]Season,  time of year ","立候補[りっこうほ]candidacy ","兆候[ちょうこう]Sign,  indication ","症候[しょうこう] (n, adj-no) symptoms (P) ","症候群[しょうこうぐん] (n) (med) syndrome (P) ","候[こう<br>さう<br>す<br>そう<br>そうらう<br>そうろう<br>そろ] (n) season/weather "],"抜":["海抜[かいばつ]height above sea level  N1","抜かす[ぬかす]to omit; to leave out  N1","抜け出す[ぬけだす]to slip out; to sneak away;to excel  N1","抜く[ぬく]to extract,  to omit, to surpass, to draw out, to unplug  N3","抜ける[ぬける]to come out,  to fall out, to be omitted  N3","引き抜く[ひきぬく]pull out ","追い抜く[おいぬく]pass ","間抜け[まぬけ]bonehead ","突き抜ける[つきぬける]go through ","腰抜け[こしぬけ]Coward ","見抜く[みぬく]To See Through ","抜き出す[ぬきだす]To Select,  to extract ","抜粋[ばっすい]excerpt ","抜群[ばつぐん<br>はっぐん]outstanding ","栓抜き[せんぬき]bottle opener,  corkscrew ","抜き[ぬき] (adv, suf) (1) without/not including/dispensed with (2) (beating) in succession (P) ","抜擢[ばったく<br>ばってき] (n, vs) selection (esp. from many people for an important job position)/exceptional promotion ","選抜[せんばつ] (n, vs) selection/choice/picking out (P) ","切り抜ける[きりぬける] (v1, vt) to cut one's way through/to tide over/to struggle through/to get over ","息抜き[いきぬき] (n, vs) taking a breather/relaxation/vent hole ","抜刀[ばっとう] (n, vs) drawing a sword/drawn sword ","手抜き[てぬき] (n, vs) (1) omitting crucial steps/cutting corners/skimping (2) intentional negligence (3) tenuki/taking the initiative by ignoring the opponent's last move and playing somewhere else (in go) (P) ","生き抜く[いきぬく] (v5k, vi) to live through/to survive ","抜本[ぬきほん<br>ばっぽん] (n) excerpt/selection ","通り抜ける[とおりぬける] (v1, vi) to go through/to pass through/to get through/to cut across ","奇抜[きばつ] (adj-na, n) novel/original/striking/strange/eccentric/fantastic (P) "],"満":["円満[えんまん]perfection; harmony;peace;smoothness;completeness;satisfaction;integrity  N1","満月[まんげつ]full moon  N1","満場[まんじょう]unanimous; whole audience  N1","満たす[みたす]to satisfy; to ingratiate;to fill;to fulfill  N1","満員[まんいん]full house, no vacancy,sold out  N2","満点[まんてん]perfect score  N2","未満[みまん]less than, insufficient  N2","不満[ふまん]dissatisfaction,  displeasure, discontent, complaints, unhappiness  N3","満足[まんぞく]satisfaction  N3","満ちる[みちる]to be full,  to rise (tide), to mature, to expire  N3","肥満[ひまん]Obesity ","豊満[ほうまん]Plump,  full figured ","満面[まんめん]whole face ","満更[まんざら]altogether ","満潮[まんちょう]High Tide,  full tide ","満悦[まんえつ]delight,  rapture ","満[まん] (n) (1) being full (2) (counting) completed years (e.g. when calculating age) (pref) (3) full (years,  months, etc.) (n) (4) (abbr) Manchuria ","満つ[みつ] (v5t, vi) (1) to be full (2) to wax (e.g. moon) (3) to rise (e.g. tide) (4) to mature/to expire ","満州[まんしゅう] (n) Manchuria ","満了[まんりょう] (n, vs) expiration/termination (P) ","満たない[みたない] (exp) less than/fraction of/below ","満開[まんかい] (n, vs,adj-no) full bloom (esp. of cherry blossom)/full blossom (P) ","満洲[まんしゅう] (n) Manchuria ","満喫[まんきつ] (n, vs) (1) having enough of (food, drink, etc.)/having one's fill (2) fully enjoying (P) ","満載[まんさい] (n, vs) fully loaded/full load/loaded condition (P) ","自信満々[じしんまんまん] (adj-na, adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) (yoji) full of confidence/brimming with (self-)confidence/having great faith in oneself ","大満足[だいまんぞく] (adj-na, vs) completely satisfied/as pleased as can be ","満塁[まんるい] (n, adj-no) (baseb) bases loaded (P) ","満席[まんせき] (n, adj-no) full house/all seats occupied/fully occupied (P) ","満期[まんき] (n, adj-no) expiration (of a term)/maturity (e.g. investment)/serving one's (full) time (P) ","満腹[まんぷく] (n, vs,adj-no,adj-na) (1) full stomach/filling one's stomach/eating one's fill (adj-no) (2) complete/total/full/heartfelt/sincere (P) ","天満宮[てんまんぐう] (n) Tenmangu shrine (shrine dedicated to Sugawara no Michizane's spirit) (P) "],"与":["関与[かんよ]participation; taking part in;participating in;being concerned in  N1","寄与[きよ]contribution; service  N1","与党[よとう]government party; (ruling) party in power;government  N1","給与[きゅうよ]allowance, grant,supply  N2","与える[あたえる]to give,  to present, to award  N3","賞与金[しょうよきん]Bonus ","贈与[ぞうよ]donation ","付与[ふよ] (n, vs) grant/allowance/endowment/bestowal/assignment/conferment (P) ","授与[じゅよ] (n, vs) awarding/conferment/granting/presentation (P) ","投与[とうよ] (n, vs) (med) administration (of medicine) (P) ","供与[きょうよ] (n, vs) giving/provision/furnishing (P) ","与する[くみする] (vs-s, vi) to take part in/to be a party to/to side with/to support/to agree with ","与太郎[よたろう] (n) (1) (arch) slow witted fellow/counter-hero/liar (2) (arch) lie/nonsense (3) Yotaro (rakugo character) ","参与[さんよ] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) participation/taking part (n) (2) consultant/councillor/adviser (P) ","貸与[たいよ] (n, vs) loan/lending (P) ","与る[あずかる] (v5r, vi) (1) (uk) to participate in/to take part in/to play a part in (2) (uk) to receive/to be given/to enjoy ","賞与[しょうよ] (n) (1) bonus (2) reward/prize (P) ","分与[ぶんよ] (n, vs) distribution/allocation/dispensation/impartation ","与力[よりき] (n, vs) feudal era police rank ","与圧[よあつ] (n, vs) pressurization/pressurisation "],"掛":["掛け[かけ<br>がけ]credit  N1","切っ掛け[きっかけ]chance; start;cue;excuse;motive;impetus;occasion  N1","心掛け[こころがけ]readiness; intention;aim  N1","心掛ける[こころがける]to bear in mind; to aim to do  N1","差し掛かる[さしかかる]to come near to; to approach  N1","仕掛け[しかけ]device; trick;mechanism;gadget;(small) scale;half finished;commencement;set up;challenge  N1","仕掛ける[しかける]to commence; to lay (mines);to set (traps);to wage (war);to challenge  N1","手掛かり[てがかり]contact; trail;scent;on hand;hand hold;clue;key  N1","手掛ける[てがける]to handle; to manage;to work with;to rear;to look after;to have experience with  N1","引っ掛ける[ひっかける]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;to hang (something) on (something);to throw on (clothes); 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;to hook;to catch;to trap;to ensnar  N1","見掛ける[みかける]to (happen to) see; to notice;to catch sight of  N1","寄り掛かる[よりかかる]to lean against; to recline on;to lean on;to rely on  N1","追い掛ける[おいかける]to chase or run after someone, to run down,to pursue  N2","お出掛け[おでがけ]  N2","思い掛けない[おもいがけない]unexpected, casual  N2","掛け算[かけざん]multiplication  N2","腰掛け[こしかけ]seat, bench  N2","腰掛ける[こしかける]to sit (down)  N2","出掛ける[でかける]to depart, to set out,to start,to be going out  N2","通り掛かる[とおりがかる<br>とおりかかる]to happen to pass by  N2","話し掛ける[はなしかける]to accost a person, to talk (to someone)  N2","引っ掛かる[ひっかかる]to be caught in, to be stuck in,to be cheated  N2","見掛け[みかけ]outward appearance  N2","呼び掛ける[よびかける]to call out to, to accost,to address (crowd),to appeal  N2","お目に掛かる[おめにかかる]  N3","掛かる[かかる]to take (e.g. time,   money,  etc), to hang  N3","掛ける[かける]to hang something  N4","取り掛かる[とりかかる]commence ","気掛かり[きがかり]anxiety ","見せ掛け[みせかけ]outward appearance ","言い掛かり[いいがかり]false accusation ","突っ掛ける[つっ かける]to slip on ","掛軸[かけじく]Hanging Scroll ","掛[がかり<br>かけ<br>がけ] (suf) charge/duty/person in charge/official/clerk ","働き掛ける[はたらきかける] (v1, vt) (1) to work on someone/to influence/to exert influence on/to seek action from/to appeal to (v1,vi) (2) to begin to work (P) ","持ち掛ける[もちかける] (v1, vt) to offer (a suggestion, etc.)/to propose (an idea, etc.)/to approach with (a proposal, etc.) ","掛け声[かけごえ] (n, vs) shout (of encouragement, etc.)/yell (used to time or encourage activity, e.g. 'Heave ho!') (P) ","掛け離れる[かけはなれる] (v1, vi) to be very far apart from/to be remote/to be quite different from ","大掛かり[おおがかり] (adj-na, n) large-scale (P) ","見せ掛ける[みせかける] (v1, vt) to pretend/to feign ","足掛かり[あしがかり] (n) foothold (P) ","押し掛ける[おしかける] (v1, vi) (1) to go uninvited/to call on without an invitation/to barge in on/to gatecrash (2) to throng to/to crowd into/to converge upon/to pile in "],"限":["局限[きょくげん]limit; localize  N1","権限[けんげん]power; authority;jurisdiction  N1","限定[げんてい]limit; restriction  N1","期限[きげん]term, period  N2","限度[げんど]limit, bounds  N2","無限[むげん]infinite  N2","限る[かぎる]to restrict,  to limit, to confine  N3","限界[げんかい]limit,  bound  N3","制限[せいげん]restriction,  restraint, limitation  N3","時限[じげん]Time Limit ","最大限[さいだいげん]greatest ","最小限[さいしょうげん]minimum ","有限[ゆうげん]limited ","無制限[むせいげん]unlimited ","無期限[むきげん]indefinite ","見限る[みかぎる]desert ","限り[かぎり<br>きり]limit ","際限[さいげん]end ","限定販売[げんていはんばい]Limited Edition ","極限[きょくげん]limit ","最低限[さいていげん] (n, adj-no) (1) minimum (n-adv) (2) at the very least (P) ","上限[じょうげん] (n, adj-no) (1) upper limit (n) (2) (math) supremum (P) ","限[きり] (io) (n) (1) end/finish/stop (2) bounds/limits (3) delivery date (of a futures contract) (4) finale (of a noh song)/end of an act (in joruri or kabuki)/final performance of the day (in vaudeville) (suf, ctr) (5) counter for slices (esp. thick slices)/counter for cuts (e.g. fish, meat) (prt) (6) (uk) only/just (7) (uk) since/after (8) (uk) remaining (in a particular state) ","できる限り[できるかぎり] (exp, adv) as ... as one can/as ... as possible/as much as possible ","制限時間[せいげんじかん] (n) time limit ","年限[ねんげん] (n) length of time/term ","下限[かげん] (n) (1) lower limit (2) (math) infimum (P) ","限り無い[かぎりない] (adj-i) eternal/unlimited/endless ","無限大[むげんだい] (adj-na, n) infinity "],"景":["背景[はいけい]background; scenery;setting;circumstance  N1","不景気[ふけいき]business recession; hard times;depression;gloom;sullenness;cheerlessness  N1","景気[けいき]condition,  state, business (condition)  N3","光景[こうけい]scene,  spectacle  N3","風景[ふうけい]scenery  N3","景色[けしき<br>けいしょく]scene, landscape  N4","全景[ぜんけい]Complete View,  full view ","景況[けいきょう]Condition,  the situation ","前景[ぜんけい]Foreground ","景観[けいかん]Spectacular View,  great view ","夜景[やけい]night view ","絶景[ぜっけい]Superb View,  splendid view, stunning view, spectacular view, great view ","景[かげ<br>けい] (n) (1) shadow/silhouette/figure/shape (2) reflection/image (3) ominous sign (4) light (stars,  moon) (5) trace/shadow (of one's former self) ","景勝[けいしょう] (n, adj-no) picturesque scenery/place of scenic beauty (P) ","情景[じょうけい] (n) spectacle/sight/scene (P) ","景品[けいひん] (n) (1) gift/premium/freebie/giveaway/something additional/an extra (2) prize (lottery drawing,  pachinko, etc.) (3) party favor (favour) (P) ","八景[はっけい] (n) eight picturesque sights "],"構":["構え[かまえ]posture; pose;style  N1","構える[かまえる]to set up  N1","機構[きこう]mechanism; organization  N1","構想[こうそう]plan; plot;idea;conception  N1","構造[こうぞう]structure, construction  N2","構う[かまう]to mind,  to care about, to be concerned about  N3","構成[こうせい]organization,  composition  N3","結構[けっこう]splendid, enough  N5","待ち構える[まちかまえる]wait eagerly for ","虚構[きょこう]fabrication ","お構いなく[おかまいなく]Don't Worry About It,  don't worry ","結構です[けっこうです]No Thank You,  no thanks ","構築[こうちく] (n, vs) construction/building/putting up/erecting/creation/formulation/architecture (systems, agreement, etc.) (P) ","遺構[いこう] (n) (archaeological) remains/remnants (of ancient structures)/ancient foundation (P) ","構内[こうない] (n) premises/grounds/campus/compound/precincts (P) ","構図[こうず] (n) composition (P) ","心構え[こころがまえ] (n, vs) preparedness/readiness/mental attitude/frame of mind (P) ","構文[こうぶん] (n, adj-no) (ling) syntax/sentence structure "],"渡":["橋渡し[はしわたし]bridge building; mediation  N1","見渡す[みわたす]to look out over; to survey (scene);to take an extensive view of  N1","渡り鳥[わたりどり]migratory bird; bird of passage  N1","渡す[わたす]to hand over  N5","渡る[わたる]to go across  N5","行き渡る[いきわたる]pervade ","過渡期[かとき]transitional period ","綱渡り[つなわたり]tightrope walking ","譲渡[じょうと] (n, vs) transfer/assignment/conveyance (P) ","引き渡す[ひきわたす] (v5s, vt) to deliver/to extradite/to stretch across/to hand over (P) ","引き渡し[ひきわたし] (n) delivery/handing over/turning over/extradition (P) ","渡航[とこう] (n, vs) voyage/passage/travelling (P) ","渡来[とらい] (n, vs) (1) visit (from abroad) (2) introduction (from abroad)/importation (P) ","明け渡す[あけわたす] (v5s, vt) to vacate/to surrender (e.g. a castle)/to give up (e.g. a position)/to hand over (e.g. power) ","手渡す[てわたす] (v5s, vt) to hand over/to surrender (P) ","言い渡す[いいわたす] (v5s, vt) to announce/to tell/to sentence/to order (P) ","渡し[わたし] (n) (1) ferry (crossing)/ferry(boat) (suf) (2) delivery (P) ","渡り歩く[わたりあるく] (v5k, vi) to wander from place to place/to change jobs ","過渡[かと] (n) (1) crossing/ferry (2) transient (3) changing old to new (P) "],"突":["突っ張る[つっぱる]to support; to become stiff;to become taut;to thrust (ones opponent);to stick to (ones opinion);to in  N1","突く[つく<br>つつく]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;to thrust;to strike;to attack; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;to poke;to nudge;to pick at  N1","突破[とっぱ]breaking through; breakthrough;penetration  N1","突如[とつじょ]suddenly; all of a sudden  N1","煙突[えんとつ]chimney  N2","突き当たり[つきあたり]end (e.g. of street)  N2","突き当たる[つきあたる]to run into, to collide with  N2","突っ込む[つっこむ]to plunge into, to go into deeply  N2","衝突[しょうとつ]collision,  conflict  N3","突然[とつぜん]abruptly,  suddenly, unexpectedly, all at once  N3","突き刺す[つきさす]pierce ","突き抜ける[つきぬける]go through ","突っ掛ける[つっ かける]to slip on ","追突[ついとつ]collision ","唐突[とうとつ]Sudden,  unexpected ","突貫[とっかん]charge,  rush, lightning attack ","楯突く[たてつく]defy ","突入[とつにゅう] (n, vs) (1) rushing into/breaking into/storming (2) plunging into (war, etc.)/embarking on (a new venture) (P) ","激突[げきとつ] (n, vs) crash into/clash (P) ","突撃[とつげき] (n, vs) charge/rush/dash/assault/attack ","突起[とっき] (n, vs) protuberance/projection/prominence/bump/boss/process/apophysis (P) ","突出[とっしゅつ] (n, vs,adj-no) projection/protrusion (P) ","突き止める[つきとめる] (v1, vt) (1) to determine (esp. a culprit or underlying cause)/to pin down/to ascertain/to locate/to identify (2) (arch) to stab to death ","突き[つき<br>つつき] (n) (1) thrust/stab/lunge/pass (in fencing) (2) (MA) tsuki/thrust to the throat (in kendo) (3) (sumo) tsuki/thrust to the chest (P) ","突き落とす[つきおとす] (v5s, vt) to thrust down/to push off ","突きつける[つきつける] (v1, vt) to thrust before/to thrust at ","突き出る[つきでる] (v1, vi) to project/to stick out/to stand out ","突き出す[つきだす] (v5s, vt) (1) to push out/to project/to stick out (2) to hand over (e.g. to the police) ","突厥[とっけつ] (n) Gokturks/Sky Turks/Tujue (powerful Turkic confederation from medieval Inner Asia) ","突き進む[つきすすむ] (v5m, vi) to push on/to plunge forward/to push one's way to ","突き付ける[つきつける] (v1, vt) to thrust before/to thrust at ","突進[とっしん] (n, vs) rush/charge (P) ","突発[とっぱつ] (n, vs) outbreak/occurrence "],"怒":["怒り[いかり]anger; hatred  N1","怒る[いかる<br>おこる]to get angry; to be angry  N1","怒鳴る[どなる]to shout; to yell  N1","怒気[どき]Anger,  fit of anger ","激怒[げきど] (n, vs) rage/indignation/exasperation (P) "],"迷":["迷信[めいしん]superstition  N2","迷子[まいご]lost (stray) child  N3","迷惑[めいわく]trouble,  bother, annoyance  N3","迷路[めいろ]Maze ","迷う[まよう]To Go Astray,  to get lost, to be perplexed, to waver, to hesitate ","混迷[こんめい]confusion ","迷惑メール[めいわくめーる,  めいわくメール]Spam, junk mail, unsolicited mail ","道に迷う[みちにまよう]To Get Lost,  to be lost ","迷わす[まよわす]To Lead Astray,  to perplex ","迷彩[めいさい]Camouflage,  disguise ","低迷[ていめい] (n, vs) hanging low (over)/hovering around (price level)/low hanging (e.g. clouds)/sluggish (e.g. economy)/slump/recession (P) ","ご迷惑[ごめいわく] (n, adj-na) trouble/bother/annoyance ","迷い[まよい] (n) (1) hesitation/bewilderment/perplexity/doubt/indecision (2) illusion/delusion (3) (Buddh) inability to reach enlightenment (P) ","迷宮[めいきゅう] (n) (1) labyrinth/maze (2) mystery (P) "],"招":["招き[まねき]invitation  N1","招待[しょうたい<br>しょうだい]invitation  N3","招く[まねく]to invite  N3","招待する[しょうたいする]To Invite,  to summon ","招き猫[まねきねこ]Shop Window Cat,  maneki neko ","招聘[しょうへい] (n, vs) (courteous) invitation/call ","招待状[しょうたいじょう] (n) written invitation ","招集[しょうしゅう] (n, vs) call/summons/convening/convocation (P) ","招待客[しょうたいきゃく] (n) invitee ","招致[しょうち] (n, vs) invitation/summons/bidding (e.g. to host the Olympics)/calling (P) "],"腹":["空腹[くうふく]hunger  N1","山腹[さんぷく]hillside; mountainside  N1","中腹[ちゅうふく]irritated; offended  N1","腹立ち[はらだち]anger  N1","お腹[おなか]stomach  N3","腹[はら]abdomen,  belly, stomach  N3","腹切り[はらきり]Harakiri,  ritual suicide ","切腹[せっぷく]Seppuku,  ritual suicide ","腹立つ[はらだつ]To Get Mad,  to get angry ","腹いっぱい[はらいっぱい]full stomach ","腹が減った[はらがへった]Hungry,  to be hungry ","腹減った[はらへった]Hungry,  to be hungry ","腹ぺこ[はらぺこ] (adj-no, adj-na) hungry/starving ","腹ペコ[はらペコ] (adj-no, adj-na) hungry/starving ","腹部[ふくぶ] (n, adj-no) abdomen (P) ","腹痛[はらいた<br>ふくつう] (n) stomach ache/abdominal pain ","腹筋[はらすじ<br>ふくきん<br>ふっきん] (n, vs) (1) sit-up (2) abdominal muscles/abs ","満腹[まんぷく] (n, vs,adj-no,adj-na) (1) full stomach/filling one's stomach/eating one's fill (adj-no) (2) complete/total/full/heartfelt/sincere (P) ","裏腹[うらはら] (adj-na, n) opposite/reverse/contrary (P) ","腹心[ふくしん] (n, adj-no) one's confidant/trusted friend/trusted retainer (P) "],"痛":["痛む[いたむ]to hurt; to feel a pain;to be injured  N1","痛める[いためる<br>やめる]to hurt; to injure;to cause pain;to worry;to bother;to afflict;to be grieved over  N1","痛感[つうかん]feeling keenly; fully realizing  N1","痛切[つうせつ]keen; acute  N1","痛み[いたみ]pain,  ache, sore, grief, distress  N3","苦痛[くつう]pain,  agony  N3","頭痛[ずつう]headache  N3","痛い[いたい]painful  N5","胃痛[いつう]Stomachache ","痛ましい[いたましい]heartbreaking ","痛み止め[いたみどめ]Painkiller ","痛烈[つうれつ]scathing ","鎮痛剤[ちんつうざい]painkiller,  pain reliever, sedative, tranquilizer, tranquiliser ","痛[いた<br>つう] (int) ouch/ow/that hurt ","痛い目[いたいめ] (exp, n) painful experience ","痛めつける[いためつける] (v1, vt) to rebuke/to taunt/to give a good shaking/to knock about/to torment/to punish ","腹痛[はらいた<br>ふくつう] (n) stomach ache/abdominal pain ","陣痛[じんつう] (n) labour pains/labor pains/birth pains/contractions (P) ","腰痛[ようつう] (n, adj-no) lower back (or hip) pain/lumbago (P) "],"退":["後退[こうたい]retreat; backspace (BS)  N1","退く[しりぞく<br>のく<br>しぞく<br>どく<br>ひく]to retreat; to recede;to withdraw  N1","退ける[しりぞける<br>のける<br>どける]to repel; to drive away  N1","辞退[じたい]refusal  N1","退化[たいか]degeneration; retrogression  N1","退学[たいがく]dropping out of school  N1","退職[たいしょく]retirement (from office)  N1","退治[たいじ]extermination  N1","脱退[だったい]secession  N1","退院[たいいん]leaving hospital  N2","引退[いんたい]retire  N3","退屈[たいくつ]tedium,  boredom  N3","早退[そうたい]Leave Early ","退院する[たいいんする]To Be Discharged,  to leave the hospital ","中退[ちゅうたい]dropping out ","立ち退く[たちのく]leave ","退廃[たいはい]decadence ","退廃的[たいはいてき]decadent ","退避[たいひ]evacuation ","衰退[すいたい]Decline,  decay ","退団[たいだん] (n, vs) leaving (a group, team, etc.) (P) ","撤退[てったい] (n, vs) evacuation/withdrawal/revocation/repeal/retreat (P) ","退役[たいえき] (n, vs,adj-no) retiring from military service (P) ","退任[たいにん] (n, vs) retirement/resignation/stepping down (P) ","撃退[げきたい] (n, vs) repulse/repelling (e.g. the enemy)/driving back ","退官[たいかん] (n, vs) retirement from office (P) ","敗退[はいたい] (n, vs) being defeated/being eliminated (from competition) (P) ","退場[たいじょう] (n, vs) (1) exit (from a stage)/exeunt (2) leaving/exit (P) ","退社[たいしゃ] (n, vs) (1) resignation/leaving office (2) leaving work (e.g. at the end of the day) (P) ","退却[たいきゃく] (n, vs) retreat/withdrawal/retirement (P) ","退位[たいい] (n, vs) abdication ","退散[たいさん] (n, vs) dispersing/breaking up/running away ","退会[たいかい] (n, vs) withdrawal from a group/resignation/secession/unsubscribing (mailing list, etc.) ","退去[たいきょ] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) departure/leaving/going away/evacuation (2) recession (P) ","退席[たいせき] (n, vs) leaving one's seat ","退陣[たいじん] (n, vs) (1) resignation/stepping down/retirement (2) retreat/decamping/withdrawal (P) ","勇退[ゆうたい] (n, vs) bowing out/retiring voluntarily (P) "],"途":["前途[ぜんと]future prospects; outlook;the journey ahead  N1","途中[とちゅう]on the way; en route  N1","途上[とじょう]en route; half way  N1","途絶える[とだえる]to stop; to cease;to come to an end  N1","中途[ちゅうと]in the middle, half-way  N2","用途[ようと]use, usefulness  N2","途端[とたん]just (now,   at the moment,  etc.)  N3","中途半端[ちゅうとはんぱ]Half Finished,  half assed ","途切れる[とぎれる]break ","別途[べっと] (adj-no, adj-na,n) (1) separate/special/another (n-adv) (2) separately (P) ","途方[とほう] (n) way/destination/reason (P) ","途[と<br>みち] (n) way (P) ","一途[いちず<br>いっと] (adj-na, n) wholehearted/earnest (P) ","帰途[きと] (n, adj-no) on the way back/returning (P) "],"給":["給食[きゅうしょく]school lunch; providing a meal  N1","給仕[きゅうじ]office boy (girl); page;waiter  N1","給う[たまう<br>たもう]to receive; to grant  N1","配給[はいきゅう]distribution (eg. films&nbsp; &nbsp;rice)  N1","補給[ほきゅう]supply; supplying;replenishment  N1","給与[きゅうよ]allowance, grant,supply  N2","月給[げっきゅう]monthly salary  N2","給料[きゅうりょう]salary,  wages  N3","供給[きょうきゅう]supply,  provision  N3","支給[しきゅう]payment,  allowance  N3","減給[げんきゅう]Pay Cut ","昇給[しょうきゅう]Pay Raise,  salary raise, raise ","初任給[しょにんきゅう]initial salary ","日給[にっきゅう]daily wage ","時給[じきゅう]hourly wage ","給油[きゅうゆ]Fueling ","給油所[きゅうゆしょ]Gas Station,  filling station ","給[きゅう] (n) (obsc) wage/recompense ","給付[きゅうふ] (n, vs) (1) payment/provision/benefit/present/delivery (2) performance (P) ","需給[じゅきゅう] (n, adj-no) supply and demand (P) ","受給[じゅきゅう] (n, vs) receiving payments (pension, ration) (P) ","給水[きゅうすい] (n, vs) water supply (P) ","自給[じきゅう] (n, vs,adj-no) self-support (P) ","有給[ゆうきゅう] (n, adj-no) (1) salaried/with pay (n) (2) (abbr) vacation (paid) holiday (P) ","発給[はっきゅう] (n, vs) issuance (e.g. of a passport)/issuing (P) ","給電[きゅうでん] (n, vs) supplying electricity "],"靴":["靴[くつ]shoes  N5","靴下[くつした]socks  N5","長靴[ながぐつ]Boots ","靴屋[くつや]Shoe Store,  shoe shop "],"眠":["冬眠[とうみん]hibernation; winter sleep  N1","眠たい[ねむたい]sleepy  N1","居眠り[いねむり]dozing,  nodding off  N3","睡眠[すいみん]sleep  N3","眠い[ねむい]sleepy  N4","眠る[ねむる<br>ねぶる]to sleep  N4","不眠症[ふみんしょう]Insomnia ","不眠[ふみん]sleeplessness ","眠り[ねむり<br>ねぶり]sleep ","眠気[ねむけ]sleepiness ","眠り薬[ねむりぐすり]Sleeping Pills,  sleeping drugs, sleeping medicine ","睡眠薬[すいみんやく]Sleeping Pills,  sleeping drugs, sleeping medicine ","眠らせる[ねむらせる] (v1, vt) (1) to put to sleep (2) (col) to kill (3) to leave unused ","催眠術[さいみんじゅつ] (n) hypnotism ","催眠[さいみん] (n, adj-no) hypnotism (P) ","休眠[きゅうみん] (n, vs,adj-f) idle/dormant "],"段":["段々[だんだん]gradually; by degrees  N1","一段と[いちだんと]greater, more,further,still more  N2","段階[だんかい<br>きざはし<br>きだはし]gradation, grade,stage  N2","手段[しゅだん]means,  way, measure  N3","段[だん<br>たん]step,  stair, flight of steps, grade, rank, level  N3","値段[ねだん]price,  cost  N3","普段[ふだん]usually,  habitually, ordinarily, always  N3","階段[かいだん]stairs  N5","第一段[だいいちだん]The First Step,  first step ","一段落[いちだんらく<br>ひとだんらく]end of chapter ","段取り[だんどり]plan ","段落[だんらく]paragraph ","普段着[ふだんぎ]everyday wear ","上段[じょうだん] (n) (1) upper tier/upper section/upper deck/upper row/upper step/upper grade/upper berth/top shelf (2) place of honor/place of honour (3) dais/raised part of floor (4) overhead position (of a sword in kendo,  etc.) ","格段[かくだん] (adj-no, adj-na) (1) dramatic (improvement)/remarkable (difference)/marked/noticeable (2) (far) better/exceptional (P) ","下段[かだん<br>げだん] (n) (1) lower tier/lower step/lower column/lower berth/bottom shelf (2) low position (of a sword in kendo,  etc.) ","昇段[しょうだん] (n, vs) promotion ","段丘[だんきゅう] (n) terrace/bench (in geography) ","一段[いちだん<br>いったん] (adv-to, adv) (1) more/much more/still more/all the more (n) (2) step/rung/level/rank (3) paragraph/passage (4) (abbr) ichidan (verb, verb conjugation) (P) ","特段[とくだん] (n-adv, n-t) special (P) ","段位[だんい] (n) dan rank (in martial arts,  go, etc.)/advanced rank/grade of black belt ","段差[だんさ] (n) (1) difference in grades (e.g. in go,  shoji, etc.) (2) difference in level (e.g. road, footpath)/ramp/steps/bump (in road) ","初段[しょだん] (n) first rank in the senior class (in martial arts,  go, etc.)/lowest rank/one dan ","中段[ちゅうだん] (n) half-way up a slope or stairway/landing/center of three (horizontal) columns (of print) (centre) "],"訪":["訪れる[おとずれる<br>おとづれる]to visit  N1","訪問[ほうもん]call,  visit  N3","訪ねる[たずねる]to visit  N4","来訪[らいほう] (n, vs) visit/call (P) "],"冷":["冷やかす[ひやかす]to banter; to make fun of;to jeer at;to cool;to refrigerate  N1","冷酷[れいこく]cruelty; coldheartedness;relentless;ruthless  N1","冷蔵[れいぞう]cold storage; refrigeration  N1","冷淡[れいたん]coolness; indifference  N1","冷ます[さます]to cool, to dampen,to let cool  N2","冷める[さめる]to become cool, to wear off,to abate,to subside  N2","冷やす[ひやす]to cool, to refrigerate  N2","冷凍[れいとう]freezing, cold storage,refrigeration  N2","冷静[れいせい]calm,  composure, coolness, serenity  N3","冷える[ひえる]to grow cold  N4","冷房[れいぼう]air conditioning  N4","冷たい[つめたい<br>つべたい]cold to the touch  N5","冷蔵庫[れいぞうこ]refrigerator  N5","冷凍庫[れいとうこ]Freezer ","冷ややか[ひややか]cold ","冷や汗[ひやあせ]cold sweat ","冷戦[れいせん]Cold War ","冷水[れいすい]cold water ","寒冷[かんれい]cold ","寝冷え[ねびえ]cold caught while sleeping ","冷え込む[ひえこむ]get cold ","冷遇[れいぐう]cold reception,  inhospitality ","冷却[れいきゃく] (n, vs) cooling/refrigeration (P) ","冷[ひや<br>れい] (n) (1) (abbr) cold water (2) (abbr) cold sake (pref, adj-no) (3) cold/cool/chilled/unheated ","空冷[くうれい] (n, adj-no) air cooling ","水冷[すいれい] (n, adj-no) water cooling ","冷泉[れいせん] (n) cold mineral spring "],"処":["彼処[あそこ]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;(uk) there;over there;that place; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;(X) (col) genitals  N1","処置[しょち]treatment  N1","処罰[しょばつ]punishment  N1","処分[しょぶん]disposal; dealing;punishment  N1","其処[そこ]that place; there  N1","其処で[そこで]so (conj); accordingly;now;then;thereupon  N1","其処ら[そこら]everywhere; somewhere;approximately;that area;around there  N1","対処[たいしょ]deal with; cope  N1","何処[どこ<br>いずく<br>いずこ<br>いづこ<br>いどこ]where; what place  N1","何処か[どこか]somewhere; anywhere;in some respects  N1","処理[しょり]processing,  dealing with, treatment, disposition, disposal  N3","処女[しょじょ]first ","目処[めど]goal ","処刑[しょけい]execution ","処遇[しょぐう]treatment,  dealing with ","処[ところ<br>どころ] (n, suf) (1) place/spot/scene/site (2) (uk) address (3) (uk) district/area/locality (4) (uk) one's house (5) (uk) point/aspect/side/facet (6) (uk) passage (in text)/part (7) (uk) space/room (8) (uk) thing/matter (n) (9) (uk) whereupon/as a result (10) (uk) about to/on the verge of (11) (uk) was just doing/was in the process of doing/have just done/just finished doing ","情報処理[じょうほうしょり] (n) (comp) data processing (P) ","処方[しょほう] (n, vs) prescription/formulation/formula/recipe (P) ","処す[しょす] (v5s) (1) to manage/to deal with/to cope with (2) to sentence/to condemn/to punish ","処する[しょする] (vs-s) (1) to manage/to deal with/to cope with (2) to sentence/to condemn/to punish ","此処[ここ] (pn) (1) (uk) here (place physically close to the speaker,  place pointed by the speaker while explaining)/this place (2) (uk) these last (followed by a duration noun and a past sentence: time period before the present time of the speaker) (3) (uk) these next ... (followed by a duration noun and a non past sentence: time period after the present time of the speaker)/the next ... (P) ","仮処分[かりしょぶん] (n) (law) provisional disposition/temporary injunction (P) ","処方箋[しょほうせん] (n) (med) prescription (P) "],"程":["左程[さほど](not) very; (not) much  N1","其れ程[それほど]to that degree; extent  N1","中程[なかほど]middle; midway  N1","余程[よほど]very; greatly;much;to a large extent;quite  N1","過程[かてい]process  N2","課程[かてい]course, curriculum  N2","先程[さきほど]some time ago  N2","日程[にってい]agenda  N2","方程式[ほうていしき]equation  N2","程度[ていど]degree,  amount, grade, standard, of the order of (following a number)  N3","程[ほど]degree,  extent, bounds, limit  N3","工程[こうてい]process of manufacture ","程なく[ほどなく]soon ","行程[こうてい]distance ","ある程度[あるていど] (exp, adj-no,adv) to some extent/to a certain extent ","程無く[ほどなく] (adv) (uk) soon/before long/shortly thereafter ","射程[しゃてい] (n) range (of a rifle,  missile, etc.) (P) ","規程[きてい] (n) official regulations/inner rules (P) ","音程[おんてい] (n) (1) (music) interval/step (2) pitch/key (P) ","程近い[ほどちかい] (adj-i) near/nearby/not far off ","此れ程[これほど] (adv, n) (uk) so/so much/this much ","程遠い[ほどとおい] (adj-i) far away/far off "],"絶":["拒絶[きょぜつ]refusal; rejection  N1","謝絶[しゃぜつ]refusal  N1","絶版[ぜっぱん]out of print  N1","絶望[ぜつぼう]despair; hopelessness  N1","絶える[たえる]to die out; to peter out;to become extinct  N1","絶つ[たつ]to sever; to cut off;to suppress;to abstain (from)  N1","途絶える[とだえる]to stop; to cease;to come to an end  N1","絶えず[たえず]constantly  N2","絶対[ぜったい]absolute,  unconditional, absoluteness  N3","絶滅[ぜつめつ]destruction,  extinction  N3","絶景[ぜっけい]Superb View,  splendid view, stunning view, spectacular view, great view ","中絶[ちゅうぜつ]abortion ","断絶[だんぜつ]severance ","気絶[きぜつ]fainting ","絶え間なく[たえま なく]continually ","絶交[ぜっこう]breaking off friendship ","絶好[ぜっこう]best ","絶対に[ぜったいに]absolutely ","絶やす[たやす]To Kill Off,  to let die out ","廃絶[はいぜつ]Extinction ","絶叫[ぜっきょう]Exclamation,  scream, shout ","絶賛[ぜっさん] (n, vs) high praise/great admiration/rave reviews ","絶妙[ぜつみょう] (adj-na, n,adj-no) exquisite/superb/perfect/miraculous (P) ","絶望的[ぜつぼうてき] (adj-na) desperate/hopeless ","絶好調[ぜっこうちょう] (n, adj-na) in perfect form/going swimmingly (P) ","絶縁[ぜつえん] (n, vs) (1) breaking off relations/disconnection (2) insulation (esp. electrical)/isolation (P) ","絶大[ぜつだい] (adj-na, n) tremendous/immense (P) ","絶品[ぜっぴん] (n, adj-no) superb piece of work/masterpiece/exquisite item/perfection/unique article ","絶頂[ぜっちょう] (n, adj-no) (1) top (of a mountain)/summit (2) peak/height/zenith/climax (P) ","壮絶[そうぜつ] (adj-na, n) grand/heroic/sublime/fierce ","根絶[こんぜつ] (n, vs) eradication/extermination/rooting out/stamping out/getting rid of (P) "],"精":["精巧[せいこう]elaborate; delicate;exquisite  N1","精密[せいみつ]precise; exact;detailed;minute;close  N1","精神[せいしん]mind,  soul, heart, spirit, intention  N3","精々[せいぜい]at the most,  at best, to the utmost, as much (far) as possible  N3","精度[せいど]Precision,  accuracy ","精算[せいさん]settlement of accounts ","精通[せいつう]informed ","精一杯[せいいっぱい]with all one's might ","精神病[せいしんびょう]Mental Illness,  mental disorder ","精神的[せいしんてき]Spiritual ","妖精[ようせい] (n, adj-no) fairy/sprite/elf (P) ","精神科[せいしんか] (n) psychiatry (P) ","精[せい] (n) (1) spirit/sprite/nymph (2) energy/vigor (vigour)/strength (3) fine details (4) semen (P) ","精いっぱい[せいいっぱい] (n) (1) the best one can do/one's best effort (n-adv) (2) with all one's might/to the best of one's ability ","精力[せいりょく] (n) energy/vigor/vigour/vitality (P) ","精神科医[せいしんかい] (n) psychiatrist ","精霊[しょうりょう<br>せいれい] (n) (Buddh) spirit of the deceased ","精進[しょうじ<br>しょうじん<br>そうじ<br>そうじん] (ok) (n, vs) (1) concentration/diligence/devotion (2) asceticism/zeal in one's quest for enlightenment (3) adherence to a vegetarian diet ","精鋭[せいえい] (n, adj-na,adj-no) elite/best/pick/cream of the crop (P) ","受精[じゅせい] (n, vs) fertilization/fertilisation/impregnation/pollination/insemination (P) ","精製[せいせい] (n, vs,adj-no) refining/purification (P) ","精子[せいし] (n, adj-no) sperm (P) ","精錬[せいれん] (n, vs) (1) refining/refinement/smelting (2) training ","精彩[せいさい] (n) (1) brilliance/luster/lustre/colorfulness/colourfulness (2) vividness/life (P) ","精華[せいか] (n) essence/quintessence/flower/glory "],"婦":["産婦人科[さんふじんか]maternity and gynecology department  N1","主婦[しゅふ]housewife,  mistress  N3","夫婦[ふうふ<br>みょうと<br>めおと]married couple;  husband and wife  N3","婦人[ふじん]woman,  female  N3","看護婦[かんごふ]female nurse  N4","婦女[ふじょ]the fair sex ","妊婦[にんぷ]Pregnant Woman ","寡婦[かふ<br>やもめ]widow ","婦[ふ<br>よめ] (n) (1) married woman (2) woman/lady ","売春婦[ばいしゅんふ<br>ばいしゅんぷ] (n) prostitute (P) ","娼婦[しょうふ] (n) prostitute/harlot (P) ","家政婦[かせいふ] (n) housekeeper/maid (P) ","新婦[しんぷ] (n) bride (P) "],"積":["蓄積[ちくせき]accumulation; accumulate;store  N1","積もり[つもり]intention; plan  N1","見積り[みつもり]estimation; quotation  N1","体積[たいせき]capacity, volume  N2","積む[つむ]to pile up, to stack  N2","面積[めんせき]area  N2","容積[ようせき]capacity, volume  N2","積極的[せっきょくてき]positive,  active, proactive  N3","積もる[つもる]to pile up  N3","山積[さんせき]pile ","積み立て[つみたて]laying by ","積雪[せきせつ]snow ","見積もり[みつもり]assessment ","累積[るいせき]accumulation ","堆積[たいせき]accumulation ","積極[せっきょく] (n) positive/progressive (P) ","積分[せきぶん] (n, vs) (1) (math) integration (n) (2) (math) integral ","集積[しゅうせき] (n, vs) accumulation (P) ","積[せき] (n) (1) (math) product (2) volume/area (P) ","積載[せきさい] (n, vs) lading/loading/carrying (P) ","積み上げる[つみあげる] (v1, vt) (1) to pile up/to make a heap/to lay (e.g. bricks) (2) to acquire (e.g. experience)/to build (a reputation) ","見積もる[みつもる] (v5r) to estimate ","積み重ね[つみかさね] (n) pile/accumulation (P) ","積み重ねる[つみかさねる] (v1, vt) to pile up/to accumulate (P) ","見積[みつもり] (io) (n) estimate/estimation/valuation/quotation ","山積み[やまづみ] (n, vs) huge mound/heap/pile ","積立[つみたて] (n) saving/savings/accumulation/putting aside/reserving (P) ","積み荷[つみに] (n) load/freight/cargo ","床面積[ゆかめんせき] (n) floor space ","沖積[ちゅうせき] (n, adj-no) alluvial "],"寄":["押し寄せる[おしよせる]to push aside; to advance on  N1","寄贈[きぞう<br>きそう]donation; presentation  N1","寄与[きよ]contribution; service  N1","立ち寄る[たちよる]to stop by; to drop in for a short visit  N1","年寄り[としより]old people; the aged  N1","取り寄せる[とりよせる]to order; to send away for  N1","寄こす[やどりきこす]to send; to forward  N1","寄り掛かる[よりかかる]to lean against; to recline on;to lean on;to rely on  N1","片寄る[かたよる]to be one-sided, to incline,to be partial  N2","近寄る[ちかよる]to approach, to draw near  N2","寄せる[よせる]to collect, to gather,to add,to put aside  N2","寄付[きふ]contribution,  donation  N3","年寄[としより]old people,  the aged  N3","寄る[よる]to visit  N4","寄せ集め[よせあつめ]mixture ","寄りかかる[よりかかる]lean against something ","寄り道[よりみち]stopping by ","寄り集まる[よりあつまる]gather ","寄生[きせい]parasite ","歩み寄る[あゆみよる]compromise ","耳寄り[みみより]ear-grabbing ","身寄り[みより]relation ","近寄せる[ちかよせる]bring close to ","最寄り[もより] (n, adj-no) nearest/neighbouring/neighboring/nearby (P) ","寄進[きしん] (n, vs) contribution (to a temple, shrine, etc.)/donation ","寄港[きこう] (n, vs) stopping at a port (P) ","最寄[もより] (io) (n, adj-no) nearest/neighbouring/neighboring/nearby ","寄稿[きこう] (n, vs) contribution (e.g. to newspaper) ","寄り[より] (n) (1) (sumo) pushing back one's opponent while locked in close quarters (suf) (2) having a tendency towards/being close to ","寄席[よせ<br>よせせき] (n) entertainment hall (for rakugo,  manzai, magic, music, etc.)/vaudeville theater (theatre)/music hall (P) ","引き寄せる[ひきよせる] (v1, vt) to draw or pull something towards oneself (e.g. chair) ","寄り添う[よりそう] (v5u, vi) to get close/to cuddle close together/to nestle close to/to snuggle up to ","呼び寄せる[よびよせる] (v1, vt) to call/to summon/to send for/to call together ","寄合[よりあい] (n) (1) meeting/gathering (2) village assembly (3) (sumo) two wrestlers approaching each other ","名寄せ[なよせ] (n, vs) (1) aggregation of names, addresses, etc. (2) collation of accounts held by the same person (by financial institutions) ","寄宿[きしゅく] (n, vs) lodging ","若年寄[わかどしより] (n) (1) young person acting like an old person (2) officials who helped the council of elders during the Edo period "],"杯":["杯[はい<br>さかずき<br>さかづき<br>つき<br>はた]wine cups  N1","乾杯[かんぱい]toast (drink)  N2","一杯[いっぱい]One Cup,  one cup of liquid, a drink, one drink ","三杯[さんばい]Three Cups,  three cups of liquid ","二杯[にはい]Two Cups,  two cups of liquid ","力一杯[ちからいっぱい]with full force ","精一杯[せいいっぱい]with all one's might ","W杯[ダブリューはい] (n) World Cup ","聖杯[せいはい] (n) (1) chalice (for Holy Communion) (2) Holy Chalice/Holy Grail "],"娘":["娘[むすめ<br>じょう](humble) daughter  N4","一人娘[ひとりむすめ]Only Daughter ","娘婿[むすめむこ]son in law ","娘さん[むすめさん] (n) (hon) daughter ","小娘[こむすめ] (n) young girl (approx. 14-15 years old)/lass/adolescent female ","孫娘[まごむすめ] (n) granddaughter (P) "],"恐":["恐らく[おそらく]perhaps  N1","恐れ[おそれ]fear; horror  N1","恐れ入る[おそれいる]to be filled with awe; to feel small;to be amazed;to be surprised;to be disconcerted;to be sorry;to b  N1","恐縮[きょうしゅく]shame, very kind of you,sorry to trouble  N2","恐れる[おそれる]to fear,  to be afraid of  N3","恐ろしい[おそろしい]terrible,  dreadful  N3","恐怖[きょうふ<br>くふ]be afraid,  dread, dismay, terror  N3","恐怖症[きょうふしょう]Phobia ","恐る恐る[おそるおそる]cautiously ","恐竜[きょうりゅう]Dinosaur ","恐喝[きょうかつ]blackmail,  extortion ","恐慌[きょうこう]panic ","恐い[こわい] (adj-i) scary/frightening/eerie/dreadful ","恐る[おそる] (v2r-k, v4r,v2r-s,vi) (arch) to fear/to be afraid ","恐怖心[きょうふしん] (n) fear/terror ","恐らくは[おそらくは] (exp, adv) (1) (uk) I fear that it's likely that (2) (uk) with all due respect ","恐るべき[おそるべき] (adj-f) (1) dreadful/terrible/horrible/deplorable (2) fearsome/formidable/awesome/redoubtable (P) "],"怖":["恐怖[きょうふ<br>くふ]be afraid,  dread, dismay, terror  N3","怖い[こわい]frightening  N4","恐怖症[きょうふしょう]Phobia ","怖がる[こわがる]be afraid of ","恐怖心[きょうふしん] (n) fear/terror ","畏怖[いふ] (n, vs) awe/fear/fright "],"更":["今更[いまさら]now; at this late hour  N1","尚更[なおさら]all the more; still less  N1","夜更かし[よふかし]staying up late; keeping late hours;sitting up late at night;nighthawk  N1","夜更け[よふけ]late at night  N1","更ける[ふける]to get late, to advance,to wear on  N2","更に[さらに]furthermore,  again, after all, more and more, moreover  N3","変更[へんこう]change,  modification, alteration  N3","更生[こうせい]Rebirth,  resuscitation ","更新[こうしん]Renewal,  update ","満更[まんざら]altogether ","更衣室[こういしつ<br>こうい しつ]Changing Room,  locker room, dressing room ","更迭[こうてつ]change,  switch, reshuffle, reorganization, reorganisation ","更[こう<br>こもごも<br>さら<br>ふけ] (n) one-fifth of the night (approx. 2 hours) ","更始[こうし] (n, vs) renewal/reform ","更改[こうかい] (n, vs) renewal/extension/revision (P) "],"背":["背負う[せおう<br>しょう]to be burdened with; to carry on back or shoulder  N1","背く[そむく]to run counter to; to go against;to disobey;to infringe  N1","背景[はいけい]background; scenery;setting;circumstance  N1","背後[はいご]back; rear  N1","背[せ<br>せい]height,  stature  N3","背中[せなか]back of the body  N4","背広[せびろ]business suit  N5","猫背[ねこぜ]bent back ","背骨[せぼね]backbone ","背丈[せたけ]Stature,  height ","背番号[せばんごう] (n) number on player's back (P) ","背面[はいめん] (n, adj-no) rear/back/reverse ","背鰭[せびれ] (n) dorsal fin ","背筋[せすじ<br>はいきん] (n) (1) spine/line of the backbone (2) seam down the back (of clothing) (P) "],"浮":["浮かぶ[うかぶ]to float; to rise to surface;to come to mind  N1","浮気[うわき]flighty; fickle;wanton;unfaithful  N1","浮力[ふりょく]buoyancy; floating power  N1","浮ぶ[うかぶ]to float, to rise to surface,to come to mind  N2","浮かべる[うかべる]to float, to express,to look (sad, glad)  N2","浮く[うく]to float, to become merry,to become loose  N2","浮世絵[うきよえ]Woodblock Print,  ukiyoe ","浮かれる[うかれる]be gay ","浮浪者[ふろうしゃ<br>ふろう しゃ]vagrant,  bum ","浮き世[うきよ] (n) (1) fleeting life/this transient world/floating world (2) sad world/world of grief and worry (3) the world of the living/this life/this world/the present world (4) (the world of the) red light districts ","浮上[ふじょう] (n, vs) (1) surfacing/rising to the surface (2) emerging/leaping into prominence (3) rising (of rank) (P) ","思い浮かべる[おもいうかべる] (v1) to be reminded of/to call to mind ","浮かび上がる[うかびあがる] (v5r, vi) (1) to rise to the surface (2) to come to the front/to emerge (e.g. from obscurity) (3) to stand out (e.g. against a dark background) (P) ","浮動[ふどう] (n, vs,adj-no) floating ","浮遊[ふゆう] (n, vs) (1) floating/drifting/suspension (2) (arch) wandering (about) (P) ","浮き彫り[うきぼり] (n, adj-no) (1) relief/embossed carving (n) (2) bringing to the fore/throwing something into relief (P) "],"越":["優越[ゆうえつ]supremacy; predominance;being superior to  N1","追い越す[おいこす]to pass (e.g. car), to outdistance,to outstrip  N2","引越し[ひっこし]moving (dwelling etc.), changing residence  N2","越える[こえる]to exceed,  to cross over, to cross  N3","越す[こす]to go over (e.g. with audience)  N3","引っ越す[ひっこす]to move house  N4","越権[えっけん]Overstepping Your Authority,  overstep one's authority, overstepping one's authority ","乗り越える[のりこえる]overcome ","乗り越し[のりこし]riding past one's stop ","乗り越す[のりこす]miss one's station ","優越感[ゆうえつ かん]superiority complex ","引っ越し[ひっこし]moving (house) ","超越[ちょうえつ]transcending ","呉越同舟[ごえつどうしゅう]bitter enemies in the same boat,  classic rivals, traditional rivals ","越後[えちご] (n) Echigo/old name for Niigata Prefecture (P) ","上越[じょうえつ] (n) area on Japan Sea side of Japan,  including Niigata (P) ","お越し[おこし] (n) (hon) coming/going ","勝ち越す[かちこす] (v5s, vi) (1) to have more wins than losses/to lead someone (by no. of matches) (2) to take the lead over an opponent (in points) (P) ","信越[しんえつ] (n) region on Japan Sea side of Japan west of Tokyo/Nagano and Niigata ","越し[ごし] (n-suf) (1) across/over/beyond/through/crossing (2) throughout (a period of time)/for (P) ","負け越す[まけこす] (v5s) to have more losses than wins ","越冬[えっとう] (n, vs) passing the winter/hibernation (P) ","卓越[たくえつ] (n, vs) preeminence/excellence/superiority/transcendence (P) ","越[えつ] (n) Yue/kingdom in ancient China (6th c. - 334 BCE) ","中越[ちゅうごし] (n) over center field (centre) (P) ","引越[ひっこし] (io) (n, vs) moving (dwelling, office, etc.)/changing residence ","見越す[みこす] (v5s, vt) to anticipate/to foresee ","越境[えっきょう] (n, vs,adj-no) border transgression (P) ","年越し[としこし] (n, vs) New Year's Eve/end of the year ","持ち越す[もちこす] (v5s, vt) to carry over/to carry forward/to keep (for later)/to defer (P) "],"婚":["既婚[きこん]marriage; married  N1","新婚[しんこん]newly-wed  N1","未婚[みこん]unmarried  N1","婚約[こんやく]engagement,  betrothal  N3","離婚[りこん]divorce  N3","結婚[けっこん]marriage  N5","新婚旅行[しんこんりょこう]Honeymoon ","求婚[きゅうこん]Marriage Proposal ","結婚式[けっこんしき]Marriage Ceremony,  wedding ","結婚する[けっこんする]To Marry,  to get married ","冠婚葬祭[かんこんそうさい]ceremonial occasions ","婚姻[こんいん]marriage,  matrimony ","婚約者[こんやくしゃ] (n) fiance/fiancee (P) ","結婚生活[けっこんせいかつ] (n, adj-no) wedded life/married life ","再婚[さいこん] (n, vs) second marriage/remarriage (P) ","婚[くながい<br>よばい] (n) (arch) sexual intercourse ","既婚者[きこんしゃ] (n) married person "],"遊":["遊牧[ゆうぼく]nomadism  N1","遊園地[ゆうえんち]amusement park  N2","遊び[あそび]play  N4","遊ぶ[あそぶ<br>あすぶ<br>すさぶ]to play, to make a visit  N5","遊戯[ゆうぎ]game,  play, sport ","遊撃手[ゆうげきしゅ] (n) (baseb) shortstop/short (P) ","遊歩道[ゆうほどう] (n) promenade/esplanade ","浮遊[ふゆう] (n, vs) (1) floating/drifting/suspension (2) (arch) wandering (about) (P) ","遊園[ゆうえん] (n) playground (for children)/park ","遊泳[ゆうえい] (n, vs) (1) swimming/bathing (2) getting on in the world ","遊撃[ゆうげき] (n, vs) (1) raid/military attack by a mobile unit/hit-and-run attack/search-and-kill mission/search-and-destroy mission/military action without a predetermined target/attacking the enemy or assisting allies as the opportunity arises (n) (2) (baseb) (abbr) shortstop/short (P) ","遊離[ゆうり] (n, vs) (1) separation/isolation (2) (chem) extrication/release/isolation ","遊覧[ゆうらん] (n, vs) sightseeing (P) ","遊女[ゆうじょ] (n) prostitute/harlot ","回遊[かいゆう] (n, vs) (1) excursion/round trip (2) seasonal migration (of fish, etc.) ","周遊[しゅうゆう] (n, vs) (circular) tour/round trip/excursion (P) ","遊技[ゆうぎ] (n) games/pastimes ","遊具[ゆうぐ] (n) play equipment/playground equipment ","遊学[ゆうがく] (n, vs) studying abroad/travelling to study/traveling to study "],"貧":["貧困[ひんこん]poverty; lack  N1","貧弱[ひんじゃく]poor; meagre;insubstantial  N1","貧乏[びんぼう]poverty; destitute;poor  N1","貧しい[まずしい]poor,  needy  N3","貧乏人[びんぼうにん]poor person ","貧血[ひんけつ]anemia ","貧富[ひんぷ]rich and poor "],"押":["押さえる[おさえる]to stop; to restrain;to seize;to repress;to suppress;to press down  N1","押し込む[おしこむ]to push into; to crowd into  N1","押し寄せる[おしよせる]to push aside; to advance on  N1","押える[おさえる]to stop, to restrain,to seize,to repress,to suppress,to press down  N2","押し入れ[おしいれ]closet  N4","押す[おす]to push,  to stamp something  N5","押し付ける[おしつける]compel ","押し問答[おしもんどう]argument ","押し売り[おしうり]high-pressure sales ","押入れ[おしいれ]Closet,  wall cubbard, wall cupboard ","押しボタン[おしぼたん,  おしボタン]Push Button ","押して[おして] (adv) (1) forcibly/by compulsion/importunately (2) despite/in spite of/in defiance of ","押し[おし] (n) push/pressure/authority/audacity (P) ","押しつける[おしつける] (v1, vt) (1) to press/to push/to force (2) to foist on (task, responsibility)/to impose (one's will) ","後押し[あとおし] (n, vs) (1) pushing/backing/boosting/supporting (2) pushing from behind (a cart, etc.)/pusher (P) ","押しかける[おしかける] (v1, vi) (1) to go uninvited/to call on without an invitation/to barge in on/to gatecrash (2) to throng to/to crowd into/to converge upon/to pile in ","押し出す[おしだす] (v5s, vt) (1) to crowd out/to push out/to squeeze out (2) to start together/to set out en masse (3) to highlight/to draw attention to ","押収[おうしゅう] (n, vs,adj-no) seizure/confiscation (P) ","押し切る[おしきる] (v5r, vt) (1) to overcome (opposition)/to push past/to force one's way (2) to press and cut (P) ","押し上げる[おしあげる] (v1, vt) to boost/to force up/to push up ","押し掛ける[おしかける] (v1, vi) (1) to go uninvited/to call on without an invitation/to barge in on/to gatecrash (2) to throng to/to crowd into/to converge upon/to pile in "],"盗":["盗み[ぬすみ]stealing  N1","盗難[とうなん]theft, robbery  N2","強盗[ごうとう]robbery,  burglary  N3","盗む[ぬすむ]to steal  N4","盗撮[とうさつ]Hidden Camera ","盗作[とうさく]Plagiarism ","盗品[とうひん]Stolen Goods,  stolen items ","盗聴[とうちょう]Wiretapping,  bugging ","盗賊[とうぞく]thief,  robber ","窃盗[せっとう]theft,  stealing ","盗塁[とうるい] (n, vs) (baseb) base stealing/steal/stolen base (P) ","盗る[とる] (v5r, vt) to steal ","銀行強盗[ぎんこうごうとう] (n) (1) bank robbery (2) bank robber ","盗聴器[とうちょうき] (n) listening device/bug/wiretap ","怪盗[かいとう] (n) mysterious thief/phantom thief "],"適":["適応[てきおう]adaptation; accommodation;conformity  N1","適宜[てきぎ]suitability  N1","適性[てきせい]aptitude  N1","適確[てきかく]precise, accurate  N2","快適[かいてき]pleasant,  agreeable, comfortable  N3","適する[てきする]to fit,  to suit  N3","適切[てきせつ]pertinent,  appropriate, adequate, relevance  N3","適度[てきど]moderate  N3","適用[てきよう]applying  N3","適当[てきとう]suitability  N4","不適[ふてき]Unsuitable,  inappropriate ","最適[さいてき]optimum ","適量[てきりょう]proper quantity ","適齢期[てきれいき]marriageable age ","適正[てきせい] (adj-na, n) reasonable/suitable (P) ","適合[てきごう] (n, adj-no,vs) conformity/compatibility/adaptability/congruity/congruence (P) ","適す[てきす] (v5s, vs-c,vi) to fit/to suit ","適任[てきにん] (adj-na, adj-no) competent/suitable/qualified ","不適切[ふてきせつ] (adj-na, n) unsuitable/inappropriate/improper (P) ","適[たま<br>たまたま] (adj-no, adj-na,n) (uk) occasional/infrequent/rare ","適格[てきかく<br>てっかく] (n, adj-no) eligible/qualified/competent (P) ","適時[てきじ] (n, adj-na,adj-no) timely/opportune (P) "],"除":["解除[かいじょ]cancellation; rescinding;release;calling off  N1","控除[こうじょ]subsidy; deduction  N1","除外[じょがい]exception; exclusion  N1","取り除く[とりのぞく]to remove; to take away;to set apart  N1","排除[はいじょ]exclusion; removal;rejection  N1","免除[めんじょ]exemption; exoneration;discharge  N1","削除[さくじょ]elimination, cancellation,deletion,erasure  N2","掃除[そうじ]cleaning,  sweeping  N3","除く[のぞく]to remove,  to exclude, to except  N3","掃除機[そうじき]vacuum cleaner ","除いて[のぞいて]Except ","掃除する[そうじする]To Clean ","削除する[さくじょする]To Delete,  to eliminate ","除籍[じょせき] (n, vs) (1) removing a name (2) expelling (e.g. from school)/decommissioning (P) ","除去[じょきょ] (n, vs) removal/getting rid of (P) ","除名[じょめい] (n, vs) expulsion/excommunication (P) ","除隊[じょたい] (n, vs) military discharge ","駆除[くじょ] (n, vs) extermination (esp. pests)/expulsion/destruction (P) ","切除[せつじょ] (n, vs) cut off/cut out/ablation/resection/surgical removal ","除雪[じょせつ] (n, vs) snow removal ","除ける[のける<br>よける] (v1, vt) (1) to put something out of the way/to move (something, someone) aside (2) to remove/to exclude/to take away (3) to set aside/to keep apart (4) to remove (someone) from the group/to shun (v1,aux-v) (5) (uk) to do well despite difficulties/to accomplish despite adversity (6) (uk) to do resolutely/to do boldly "],"幾":["幾多[いくた]many; numerous  N1","幾分[いくぶん]somewhat  N2","幾つ[いくつ]how many?,  how old?  N3","幾ら[いくら]how much?,  how many?  N3","幾何学[きかがく]Geometry ","幾何[きか<br>いくばく]geometry ","幾度[いくど<br>いくたび]many times ","幾日[いくにち]many days ","幾らか[いくらか] (adv, n-t,adj-no) (1) (uk) some (a) little (2) somewhat/to some extent/in part ","幾[いく<br>ほとほと] (n, pref) (1) some/several (2) many (3) how many?/how much? (P) "],"探":["探検[たんけん]exploration; expedition  N1","探る[さぐる]to search, to look for,to sound out  N2","探す[さがす]to look for  N4","探偵[たんてい]Private Detective,  private investigator, detective, sleuth, investigator ","探究[たんきゅう]Research ","手探り[てさぐり]groping ","探査[たんさ] (n, vs) probe/inquiry/enquiry/investigation (P) ","探索[たんさく] (n, vs) search/lookup/hunt (item of) research/exploration/investigation (P) ","探知[たんち] (n, vs) detection (P) ","探求[たんきゅう] (n, vs) search/quest/pursuit (P) ","探し出す[さがしだす] (v5s, vt) to track down/to locate/to find out/to smoke out/to ferret out/to chase up/to discover ","探題[たんだい] (n) (1) local commissioner (Kamakura or Muromachi eras) (2) draw to find the theme for poetry session/composing poetry by lot "],"似":["似通う[にかよう]to resemble closely  N1","類似[るいじ]analogous  N1","真似る[まねる]to mimic, to imitate  N2","似合う[にあう]to suit,  to match, to become, to be like  N3","真似[まね]mimicry,  imitation, behavior, pretense  N3","似る[にる]to be similar  N4","似せる[にせる]imitate ","似ている[にている]look like ","似合い[にあい]becoming ","似顔絵[にがおえ]likeness ","物真似[ものまね]Impersonation ","猿真似[さるまね]Monkey See Monkey Do ","酷似[こくじ]resemblance,  resemble ","お似合い[おにあい] (adj-no, n) well-matched (esp. of a couple)/becoming/suitable ","近似[きんじ] (n, vs,adj-no) approximation/having a close resemblance ","疑似[ぎじ] (adj-f) pseudo/quasi/false/mock/sham/suspected (case) (P) "],"富":["富[とみ]wealth; fortune  N1","富む[とむ]to be rich; to become rich  N1","富豪[ふごう]wealthy person; millionaire  N1","豊富[ほうふ]abundance,  wealth, plenty, bounty  N3","富士山[ふじさん<br>ふじやま]Mt Fuji,  mount fuji ","富裕[ふゆう]Wealthy,  affluent ","貧富[ひんぷ]rich and poor "],"散":["拡散[かくさん]scattering; diffusion  N1","散蒔く[ばらまく<br>ち まく]to disseminate; to scatter;to give money freely  N1","分散[ぶんさん]dispersion; decentralization;variance (statistics)  N1","解散[かいさん]breakup, dissolution  N2","散らかす[ちらかす]to scatter around, to leave untidy  N2","散らかる[ちらかる]to be in disorder, to lie scattered around  N2","散らす[ちらす]to scatter, to disperse,to distribute  N2","散る[ちる]to fall, to scatter (e.g. blossoms)  N2","散歩[さんぽ]walk,  stroll  N3","散々[さんざん]severely ","散らし[ちらし]handbill ","散らばる[ちらばる]be scattered ","発散[はっさん]emission ","散歩する[さんぽする]To Go For A Walk,  to go for a stroll, to take a walk, to take a stroll ","散髪[さんぱつ]haircut ","閑散[かんさん]deserted,  inactive, leisure, quiet ","退散[たいさん] (n, vs) dispersing/breaking up/running away ","離散[りさん] (n, vs) (1) dispersal/scattering (adj-no) (2) discrete (P) ","散会[さんかい] (n, vs) adjournment (P) ","散布[さんぷ] (n, vs) dissemination/scattering/sprinkling/spraying (P) ","散策[さんさく] (n, vs) walking/strolling/roaming/wandering/exploring (P) ","散見[さんけん] (n, vs) being seen here and there ","散乱[さんらん] (n, adj-f,vs) dispersion/scattering/spreading out/diffusion ","散在[さんざい] (vs) to be scattered/to straggle/to be found here and there ","散逸[さんいつ] (n, vs) (1) being scattered and ultimately lost (2) (physics) dissipation ","散文[さんぶん] (n, adj-no) (ling) prose (P) ","散発[さんぱつ] (n, vs) sporadic/scattering (P) "],"賛":["賛成[さんせい]approval; agreement;support;favour  N1","賛美[さんび]praise; adoration;glorification  N1","賛否[さんぴ]approval or disapproval ","賛成する[さんせいする]To Agree,  to support ","称賛[しょうさん] (n, vs,adj-no) praise/admiration/commendation/approbation (P) ","絶賛[ぜっさん] (n, vs) high praise/great admiration/rave reviews ","賛同[さんどう] (n, vs) approval/endorsement (P) ","賞賛[しょうさん] (n, vs,adj-no) praise/admiration/commendation/approbation (P) ","協賛[きょうさん] (n, vs) support/mutual aid/cooperation/approval/authorization/authorisation (P) ","賛歌[さんか] (n) song of praise/eulogy/paean/hymn (P) ","翼賛[よくさん] (n, vs) supporting (e.g. a government)/backing up/assistance/countenance "],"祖":["お祖父さん[おじいさん]grandfather; male senior-citizen  N1","お祖母さん[おばあさん]grandmother; female senior-citizen  N1","先祖[せんぞ]ancestor  N2","祖先[そせん]ancestor  N2","祖父[そふ<br>おおじ<br>おじ<br>じい<br>じじ<br>そぶ]grandfather  N4","祖母[そぼ<br>うば<br>おおば<br>おば<br>ばば]grandmother  N4","祖父母[そふぼ]Grandparents ","祖国[そこく] (n) motherland/fatherland/native country (P) ","祖[おや<br>そ] (n) (1) founder/inventor (n) (2) ancestor/forefather ","始祖[しそ] (n) founder/originator/pioneer ","元祖[がんそ] (n, adj-no) originator/founder/pioneer/inventor (P) ","開祖[かいそ] (n) (sect) founder/apostle/originator/inventor ","教祖[きょうそ] (n) founder of a religious sect (P) "],"込":["意気込む[いきごむ]to be enthusiastic about  N1","打ち込む[うちこむ<br>ぶちこむ]to drive in (e.g. nail&nbsp; &nbsp;stake);to devote oneself to;to shoot into;to smash;to throw into;to cast int  N1","埋め込む[うめこむ]to bury  N1","追い込む[おいこむ]to herd; to corner;to drive  N1","押し込む[おしこむ]to push into; to crowd into  N1","落ち込む[おちこむ]to fall into; to feel down (sad)  N1","組み込む[くみこむ]to insert; to include;to cut in (printing)  N1","込める[こめる]to include; to put into  N1","飲み込む[のみこむ]to gulp down; to swallow deeply;to understand;to take in;to catch on to;to learn;to digest  N1","乗り込む[のりこむ]to board; to embark on;to get into (a car);to ship (passengers);to man (a ship);to help (someone) int  N1","放り込む[ほうりこむ]to throw into  N1","見込み[みこみ]hope; prospects;expectation  N1","申し込み[もうしこみ]application; entry;request;subscription;offer;proposal;overture;challenge  N1","割り込む[わりこむ]to cut in; to thrust oneself into;to wedge oneself in;to muscle in on;to interrupt;to disturb  N1","思い込む[おもいこむ]to be under impression that, to be convinced that  N2","突っ込む[つっこむ]to plunge into, to go into deeply  N2","溶け込む[とけこむ]to melt into  N2","飛び込む[とびこむ]to jump in, to leap in,to plunge into,to dive  N2","払い込む[はらいこむ]to deposit, to pay in  N2","引っ込む[ひっこむ]to draw back, to sink,to cave in  N2","人込み[ひとごみ]crowd of people  N3","申し込む[もうしこむ]to apply for,  to make an application  N3","込む[こむ]to be crowded  N4","丸め込む[まるめこむ]cajole ","付け込む[つけこむ]take advantage of ","冷え込む[ひえこむ]get cold ","取り込む[とりこむ]take in ","吸い込む[すいこむ]inhale ","売り込む[うりこむ]become well known ","巻き込む[まきこむ]involve ","持ち込む[もちこむ]bring in ","立て込む[たてこむ]be full of ","話し込む[はなしこむ]have a long talk ","食い込む[くいこむ]eat into ","飛び込み自殺[とびこみじさつ]Suicide By Train ","込んでいる[こんでいる]To Be Crowded ","書き込む[かきこむ]To Fill Out,  to write in ","詰め込む[つめこむ]To Stuff,  to cram ","踏み込む[ふみこむ]To Step Into,  to rush into ","吹き込む[ふきこむ]blow into ","駆け込む[かけこむ]To Rush Into ","煮込む[にこむ]boil well ","殴り込み[なぐりこみ]Raid ","書き込み[かきこみ] (n, vs) (1) writing (2) entry (e.g. to a form) (3) posting (e.g. to a blog) (P) ","税込[ぜいこみ] (n) tax included (e.g. price)/before tax (e.g. salary) ","盛り込む[もりこむ] (v5m, vt) (1) to incorporate/to include (2) to fill (a vessel) with (P) ","見込む[みこむ] (v5m, vt) (1) to anticipate/to estimate/to expect (2) to count on (P) ","入り込む[いりこむ<br>はいりこむ] (v5m, vi) (1) to go into/to come into/to penetrate/to get in/to step in (a house) (2) to become complicated ","閉じ込める[とじこめる] (v1, vt) to lock up/to shut up/to imprison (P) ","込み[こみ] (n, suf) (1) including/inclusive of (n) (2) (uk) (abbr) komi/extra points given to the white player as compensation for playing second (in go) ","忍び込む[しのびこむ] (v5m, vi) to creep in/to steal in ","ぶち込む[ぶちこむ] (v5m, vt) (1) to throw/to toss/to cast (2) to hit/to strike/to smash/to hammer in/to drive in (3) to fire into (e.g. a crowd)/to launch (e.g. missiles)/to lob (e.g. grenades) (4) to wear (sword, etc.)/to carry ","申込む[もうしこむ] (v5m, vt) to apply for/to make an application/to propose (marriage)/to offer (mediation)/to make an overture (of peace)/to challenge/to lodge (objections)/to request (an interview)/to subscribe for/to book/to reserve ","送り込む[おくりこむ] (v5m, vt) to send in (P) ","読み込む[よみこむ] (v5m, vt) (1) to read thoroughly/to read repeatedly (2) to express (e.g. emotion in poetry) (3) to read (extra meaning) into (something) (4) (comp) to fetch (e.g. CPU inst.)/to read (data into a system)/to load ","振込[ふりこみ] (n) (1) payment made via bank deposit transfer (2) (mahj) discarding a tile that becomes another player's winning tile ","取り込み[とりこみ] (n) (1) taking in/bringing in (2) capturing (e.g. customers)/attracting/winning over/pleasing (3) confusion/bustle/misfortune/disorder (n, vs) (4) (comp) importing (e.g. data)/capturing (e.g. image) (P) ","思い込み[おもいこみ] (n) wrong impression/subjective impression/assumption/prejudice ","税込み[ぜいこみ] (n) tax included (e.g. price)/before tax (e.g. salary) (P) ","引き込む[ひきこむ] (v5m, vt) (1) to pull into/to draw in/to bring in (2) to win over ","のみ込む[のみこむ] (v5m, vt) (1) to gulp down/to swallow deeply (2) to understand/to take in/to catch on to/to learn/to digest (3) to engulf/to swallow up (4) to be filled with (people)/to be crowded (5) to hold back from saying something/to swallow (one's words) ","申込[もうしこみ] (n) application/entry/request/subscription/offer/proposal/overture/challenge (P) ","仕込む[しこむ] (v5m, vt) (1) to train/to teach/to educate (2) to acquire (information)/to learn/to cram (3) to stock/to stock up on (4) to prepare (esp. ingredients for brewing) (5) to insert/to build into/to fit ","差し込む[さしこむ] (v5m, vt) (1) to insert/to put in/to thrust in/to plug in (v5m,vi) (2) to have a griping pain (3) to flow in/to shine in (P) ","織り込む[おりこむ] (v5m, vt) to weave into/to interweave/to be incorporated in/to be factored in ","振り込む[ふりこむ] (v5m, vt) (1) to make a payment via bank deposit transfer (2) (mahj) to discard another player's winning tile (P) ","意気込み[いきごみ] (n) ardor/enthusiasm (P) ","絞り込む[しぼりこむ] (v5m, vt) (1) to squeeze/to wring out (2) to narrow down/to refine (P) ","振込む[ふりこむ] (v5m, vt) (1) to make a payment via bank deposit transfer (2) (mahj) to discard another player's winning tile ","つぎ込む[つぎこむ] (v5m, vt) to invest in/to sink money into/to put into/to lay out (funds)/to inject/to impregnate/to infuse/to instill/to implant/to imbue/to focus (attention, efforts) ","流れ込む[ながれこむ] (v5m, vi) to flow into/to pour into/to stream into (P) "],"雑":["雑貨[ざっか]miscellaneous goods; general goods;sundries  N1","雑[ざつ<br>ぞう]rough; crude  N1","雑談[ざつだん]chatting; idle talk  N1","雑木[ぞうき]various kinds of small trees; assorted trees  N1","雑音[ざつおん]noise (jarring,  grating)  N2","雑巾[ぞうきん]house-cloth, dust cloth  N2","混雑[こんざつ]confusion,  congestion  N3","複雑[ふくざつ]complexity, complication  N4","雑誌[ざっし]magazine  N5","雑費[ざっぴ]Miscellaneous Expenses ","乱雑[らんざつ]confusion ","雑草[ざっそう]weed ","雑踏[ざっとう]hustle and bustle ","雑煮[ぞうに]New Year's Dish,  mochi soup ","煩雑[はんざつ]complex,  intricate, complicated ","雑感[ざっかん] (n) miscellaneous impressions ","雑記[ざっき] (n) miscellaneous notes ","雑用[ざつよう<br>ぞうよう] (n, adj-no) chores/odd jobs/miscellaneous affairs ","雑魚[いざこ<br>ざこ<br>ざこう<br>ざっこ<br>ざっこう<br>じゃこ] (n) (1) small fish/small fry (2) (a) nobody/small fry/unimportant person ","雑学[ざつがく] (n) miscellaneous knowledge ","大雑把[おおざっぱ] (adj-na, n) rough (as in not precise)/broad/sketchy (P) ","雑種[ざっしゅ] (n) hybrid/crossbreed/mongrel ","交雑[こうざつ] (n, adj-no) hybridization/crossing/mixing ","繁雑[はんざつ] (adj-na, n) complex/intricate/complicated/confused/troublesome/vexatious/cumbersome "],"欲":["意欲[いよく]will; desire;ambition  N1","欲深い[よくふかい<br>よくぶかい]greedy  N1","欲望[よくぼう]desire; appetite  N1","欲張り[よくばり]avarice, covetousness,greed  N2","食欲[しょくよく]appetite (for food)  N3","欲しい[ほしい]want  N5","肉欲[にくよく]Carnal Desires ","欲求[よっきゅう]Wants,  desires, personal needs ","欲[よく]desire ","欲しがる[ほしがる]to want ","欲する[ほっする]desire ","欲深[よくぶか]greedy ","無欲[むよく]unselfish ","禁欲的[きんよくてき]abstemious ","貪欲[どんよく]avarice ","性欲[せいよく] (n, adj-no) sexual desire (P) "],"迎":["出迎え[でむかえ]meeting, reception  N2","出迎える[でむかえる]to meet, to greet  N2","歓迎[かんげい]welcome,  reception  N3","迎え[むかえ]meeting,  person sent to pick up an arrival  N3","迎える[むかえる]to go out to meet  N4","迎賓館[げいひんかん]reception hall,  guest house ","迎撃[げいげき] (n, vs) intercept/interception/counter-attack (P) ","大歓迎[だいかんげい] (n) warm welcome ","お迎え[おむかえ] (n, adj-no,vs) (1) (pol) receiving/welcoming/going to meet (n) (2) final call/call of fate/approach of death ","迎え入れる[むかえいれる] (v1, vt) to show in/to usher in ","迎え撃つ[むかえうつ] (v5t, vt) to meet (the enemy) and attack/to engage (the approaching enemy)/to confront/to intercept (P) ","送迎[そうげい] (n, vs) seeing off and meeting on return (P) "],"閉":["閉口[へいこう]shut mouth  N1","閉鎖[へいさ]closing; closure;shutdown;lockout;unsociable  N1","閉会[へいかい]closure  N2","閉じる[とじる]to close (e.g. book,   eyes), to shut  N3","閉まる[しまる]to close, to be closed  N5","閉める[しめる]to close something  N5","開閉[かいへい]Opening And Closing,  opening and shutting ","閉店[へいてん]Store Closed,  closed store ","閉じこもる[とじこもる]shut oneself up ","幽閉[ゆうへい]Confinement,  imprisonment ","閉じ込める[とじこめる] (v1, vt) to lock up/to shut up/to imprison (P) ","閉館[へいかん] (n, vs) (1) closing (for the day;  of a library, museum, cinema, etc.) (2) closing down (of a library, museum, cinema, etc.) ","閉塞[へいそく] (n, vs) blockage/blockade/blocking up/stoppage/obstruction/occlusion (P) ","閉ざす[とざす] (v5s, vt) (1) to shut/to close/to lock/to fasten (2) to block (e.g. the way)/to shut off/to shut in (3) to plunge (in grief) (P) ","閉校[へいこう] (n, vs) closing a school ","密閉[みっぺい] (n, vs) shutting tightly/sealing something airtight ","自閉症[じへいしょう] (n, adj-no) autism (P) ","閉山[へいざん] (n, vs) (1) ending the climbing season/closure of a mountain to climbers (2) closing a mine/discontinuation of mining ","閉幕[へいまく] (n, vs) falling of the curtain/coming to an end (P) "],"暮":["夕暮れ[ゆうぐれ]evening; (evening) twilight  N1","暮らし[くらし]living,  livelihood, subsistence, circumstances  N3","暮らす[くらす]to live,  to get along  N3","暮れ[くれ]year end,  sunset, nightfall, end  N3","暮れる[くれる]to get dark, to come to an end  N4","野暮[やぼ]Unrefined,  rustic, stupid ","日暮れ[ひぐれ]dusk ","一人暮らし[ひとりぐらし]Living Alone ","歳暮[せいぼ]End Of The Year,  year end gift, end of year gift ","お歳暮[おせいぼ]year-end gift ","日暮[ひぐれ] (n) twilight/sunset/dusk/evening ","明け暮れる[あけくれる] (v1, vi) to do nothing but/to spend all one's time doing "],"否":["否[いな<br>いいえ<br>いいや<br>いえ<br>いや<br>ひ]no; nay;yes;well  N1","拒否[きょひ]denial; veto;rejection;refusal  N1","否決[ひけつ]rejection; negation;voting down  N1","否定[ひてい]negation,  denial, repudiation  N3","否認[ひにん]denial ","安否[あんぴ]safety ","賛否[さんぴ]approval or disapproval ","否定形[ひていけい]Negative Tense,  negative sentence, negative ","否定する[ひていする]To Deny ","諾否[だくひ]Consent Or Refusal,  yes or no ","可否[かひ] (n, adj-no) (1) propriety/right and wrong/advisability/possibility (2) pro and con/ayes and noes (P) "],"窓":["窓口[まどぐち]ticket window  N2","窓[まど]window  N5","同窓会[どうそうかい]alumni association ","窓際[まどぎわ]by the window ","同窓[どうそう] (n) the same school (P) "],"刻":["時刻表[じこくひょう]table; diagram;chart;timetable;schedule  N1","刻む[きざむ]to mince, to carve,to engrave  N2","彫刻[ちょうこく]carving, engraving,sculpture  N2","時刻[じこく]instant,  time, moment  N3","深刻[しんこく]serious  N3","遅刻[ちこく]lateness,  late coming  N3","刻一刻と[こく いち こく と]moment by moment ","一刻も早く[いっこくもはやく] (exp, adv) immediately/as soon as possible/as quickly as possible ","刻[きざ<br>こく<br>とき] (n) scratch ","一刻[いっこく] (adj-na, n-adv,n-t) (1) minute/moment/an instant (2) stubborn/hot-headed (P) ","切り刻む[きりきざむ] (v5m, vt) to hew/to chop up/to mangle/to mince ","復刻[ふっこく] (n, vs) republishing/republication/reissuing/reproduction (P) ","刻印[こくいん] (n) (1) carved seal/engraved stamp (vs) (2) to engrave (a seal)/to carve (3) to make an impression (with a seal) ","夕刻[ゆうこく] (n-t) evening/evening hour (P) "],"降":["降水[こうすい]rainfall; precipitation  N1","降伏[こうふく]capitulation; surrender;submission  N1","以降[いこう]on and after, hereafter,thereafter  N2","下降[かこう]downward, descent,fall,drop,subsidence  N2","降ろす[おろす]to take down,  to launch, to drop  N3","降り出す[ふりだす]to start to rain  N4","降りる[おりる]to get off,  to descend  N5","降る[ふる<br>くだる]to fall,  e.g. rain or snow  N5","降車[こうしゃ]Getting Off A Train,  get off a train, getting off the train, get off the train ","降参[こうさん]Surrender ","乗り降り[のりおり]getting on and off ","雨降り[あめふり]rainfall ","降参する[こうさんする]To Surrender ","降格[こうかく] (n, vs) demotion (P) ","乗降[じょうこう] (n, vs) getting on and off/embarking and disembarking (P) ","降板[こうばん] (n, vs) (1) (baseb) leaving the mound/being knocked out (2) resigning from a role or position (P) ","降下[こうか] (n, vs) (1) descent/fall/drop (atmospheric) depression (2) passing down (of an order, decree, etc.) (P) ","投降[とうこう] (n, vs) surrender (P) ","降雨[こうう] (n) rainfall/rain (P) ","降雪[こうせつ] (n, vs) snowfall/snow (P) ","飛び降りる[とびおりる] (v1, vi) to jump down/to jump off/to jump from/to jump out of (P) ","昇降[しょうこう] (n, vs) ascending and descending/going up and down ","降着[こうちゃく] (n, vs) (1) landing/touchdown/splashdown (2) demotion (horse racing) (3) (astron) accretion ","降臨[こうりん<br>ごうりん] (n, vs) (1) descent (to earth, esp. of a god)/advent/epiphany (2) (hon) arrival (of an important person)/appearance "],"誤":["誤る[あやまる]to make a mistake  N1","誤差[ごさ]error  N1","誤魔化す[ごまかす]to deceive; to falsify;to misrepresent  N1","錯誤[さくご]mistake  N1","誤り[あやまり]error  N3","誤解[ごかい]misunderstanding  N3","誤算[ごさん]Miscalculation ","誤用[ごよう]Misuse ","誤字[ごじ]Typo ","試行錯誤[しこうさくご]trial and error ","誤[ご] (n, n-pref) mistake/error ","誤認[ごにん] (n, vs) misrecognition/mistaking (x for y) (P) "],"勤":["勤勉[きんべん]industry; diligence  N1","勤務[きんむ]service; duty;work  N1","勤労[きんろう]labor; exertion;diligent service  N1","勤まる[つとまる]to be fit for; to be equal to;to function properly  N1","勤め先[つとめさき]place of work  N1","転勤[てんきん]transfer; transmission  N1","出勤[しゅっきん]going to work, at work  N2","通勤[つうきん]commuting to work  N2","勤め[つとめ](1) service,  duty, business, responsibility, task, (2) Buddhist religious services  N3","勤める[つとめる]to work for someone  N5","常勤[じょうきん]Full Time Employment,  full time ","夜勤[やきん] (n) night shift (P) ","非常勤[ひじょうきん] (n) part-time work (P) "],"遅":["遅らす[おくらす]to retard; to delay  N1","遅れ[おくれ]delay; lag  N1","遅くとも[おそくとも]at the latest  N1","手遅れ[ておくれ]too late; belated treatment  N1","遅刻[ちこく]lateness,  late coming  N3","遅れる[おくれる]to be late  N4","遅い[おそい]late, slow  N5","遅滞[ちたい]Delay ","遅延[ちえん]Delay ","乗り遅れる[のりおくれる]miss ","遅咲き[おそざき]Late Flower,  late blooming ","夜遅く[よるおそく] (adv) late at night/at a late hour ","時代遅れ[じだいおくれ] (adj-no, adj-na,n) old-fashioned/behind the times/out-of-date/antiquated ","出遅れる[でおくれる] (v1, vi) to get a late start (P) ","遅らせる[おくらせる] (v1, vt) to delay/to postpone/to put off/to slow down/to hold up/to retard/to put back (a clock) "],"彼":["彼処[あそこ]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;(uk) there;over there;that place; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;(X) (col) genitals  N1","彼方此方[あちらこちら]here and there  N1","彼方[かなた<br>あち<br>あちら<br>あっち<br>あなた]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;there;yonder;that  N1","彼の[かれの]that over there  N1","彼此[ひし]one thing or another; this and that;this or that  N1","彼等[かれら<br>あれら]they (usually male)  N3","彼女[かのじょ]she, girlfriend  N4","彼[かれ<br>あ<br>あれ]he, boyfriend  N4","彼ら[かれら<br>あれら]they  N4","彼氏[かれし]Boyfriend ","彼岸[ひがん]equinox ","彼自身[かれじしん] (pn) himself/he himself ","彼女ら[かのじょら] (pn) they (females)/them ","何彼と[なにかと] (adv) one way or another "],"恥":["恥[はじ]shame; embarrassment  N1","恥じらう[はじらう]to feel shy; to be bashful;to blush  N1","恥じる[はじる]to feel ashamed  N1","恥ずかしい[はずかしい]embarrassed  N4","恥さらし[はじさらし]disgrace ","恥知らず[はじしらず]brazen ","無恥[むち]impudence ","恥ずかしがる[はずかしがる]To Be Shy,  to be bashful ","恥辱[ちじょく]Disgrace,  shame "],"払":["払い込む[はらいこむ]to deposit, to pay in  N2","払い戻す[はらいもどす]to repay, to pay back  N2","酔っ払い[よっぱらい]drunkard  N2","支払[しはらい]payment  N3","支払う[しはらう]to pay  N3","払う[はらう]to pay  N4","前払い[まえばらい]advance payment ","払い[はらい]payment ","支払い[しはらい]payment ","酔っ払う[よっぱらう]get drunk ","追い払う[おいはらう<br>おいぱらう] (v5u, vt) to drive away/to clear/to scatter/to disperse ","払い下げる[はらいさげる] (v1, vt) to make a sale of government property ","払拭[ふっしき<br>ふっしょく] (n, vs) wiping out/sweeping away/eradicating/dispelling ","焼き払う[やきはらう] (v5u, vt) to burn down (to the ground)/to clear away by burning/to reduce to ashes/to burn off "],"互":["交互[こうご]mutual; reciprocal;alternate  N1","相互[そうご]mutual, reciprocal  N2","お互い[おたがい]mutual,  reciprocal, each other  N3","互い[たがい]mutual,  reciprocal  N3","互いに[たがいに]mutually ","互い違い[たがいちがい]alternate ","互換[ごかん] (n, vs) (1) interchange (n) (2) (math) transposition (adj-f) (3) compatible (e.g. PC) (P) ","お互いに[おたがいに] (adv) (pol) mutually/with each other/reciprocally/together/both (P) ","御互い[おたがい] (n, adj-no,adv) (pol) each other/one another ","互角[ごかく] (adj-no, adj-na,n) equal (in ability)/even/evenly matched/well-matched/on par (with) (P) ","御互いに[おたがいに] (adv) (pol) mutually/with each other/reciprocally/together/both "],"破":["突破[とっぱ]breaking through; breakthrough;penetration  N1","破壊[はかい]destruction  N1","破棄[はき]revocation; annulment;breaking (e.g. treaty)  N1","破損[はそん]damage  N1","破裂[はれつ]explosion; rupture;break off  N1","爆破[ばくは]blast; explosion;blow up  N1","破片[はへん]fragment, splinter,broken piece  N2","破く[やぶく]  N2","破れる[やぶれる<br>われる]to get torn, to wear out  N2","破産[はさん](personal) bankruptcy  N3","破る[やぶる]to tear,  to violate, to defeat, to smash, to destroy  N3","破船[はせん]Shipwreck ","破局[はきょく]catastrophe ","破滅[はめつ]destruction ","破綻[はたん]bankruptcy ","撃破[げきは] (n, vs) crushing ","大破[たいは] (n, vs) serious damage/drubbing (P) ","打ち破る[うちやぶる] (v5r, vt) to break/to smash/to defeat/to destroy/to eliminate ","破門[はもん] (n, vs,adj-no) excommunication/anathema ","走破[そうは] (n, vs) running the whole distance ","打破[だは] (n, vs) breaking down/defeating/abolishing (P) ","破格[はかく] (adj-no, adj-na,n) (1) extraordinary/special/exceptional/abnormal/unprecedented (2) non-standard grammatical construction/ungrammatical usage/solecism (P) ","難破[なんぱ] (n, vs) shipwreck "],"舞":["仕舞[しまい]end; termination;informal (Noh play)  N1","仕舞う[しまう]to finish; to close;to do something completely;to put away;to put an end to  N1","舞う[まう]to dance; to flutter about;to revolve  N1","見舞[みまい]enquiry; expression of sympathy;expression of concern  N1","振舞う[ふるまう]to behave, to conduct oneself,to entertain (vt)  N2","見舞う[みまう]to ask after (health), to visit  N2","舞台[ぶたい]stage (theatre)  N3","見舞い[みまい]enquiry,  expression of sympathy, expression of concern  N3","お見舞い[おみまい]calling on someone who is ill, enquiry  N4","舞踏[ぶとう]Dancing ","歌舞伎[かぶき]Kabuki ","振る舞う[ふるまう]behave oneself ","暑中見舞い[しょちゅうみまい]summer greeting ","舞踏会[ぶとうかい]Ball,  dance ","鼓舞[こぶ]inspiration,  encouragement ","舞[まい] (n) dancing/dance (P) ","舞踊[ぶよう] (n) dancing/dance (P) ","振る舞い[ふるまい] (n) behavior/behaviour/conduct (P) ","舞子[まいこ] (n) (1) maiko/apprentice geisha (2) dancing girl ","舞曲[ぶきょく<br>まいぐせ] (n) musical dance/music and dancing "],"頼":["頼み[たのみ<br>だのみ]request; favor;reliance;dependence  N1","頼もしい[たのもしい]reliable, trustworthy,hopeful,promising  N2","依頼[いらい](1) request,  commission, dispatch, (2) dependence, trust  N3","信頼[しんらい]reliance,  trust, confidence  N3","頼る[たよる]to rely on,  to have recourse to, to depend on  N3","頼む[たのむ]to ask  N5","頼りない[たよりない]helpless ","依頼人[いらいにん]Client ","頼り[たより] (n) reliance/dependence (P) "],"戻":["取り戻す[とりもどす]to take back; to regain  N1","払い戻す[はらいもどす]to repay, to pay back  N2","戻す[もどす]to restore,  to put back, to return  N3","戻る[もどる<br>もとる]to turn back  N4","引き戻す[ひきもどす]bring back ","後戻り[あともどり]turning back ","戻り道[もどりみち]Way Back,  the way back ","連れ戻す[つれもどす] (v5s) to bring back ","戻り[もどり] (n) (1) return/reaction/recovery (2) (comp) return (from a procedure) (P) ","呼び戻す[よびもどす] (v5s, vt) to call back/to call home (P) ","逆戻り[ぎゃくもどり] (n, vs) retrogression/reversal/relapse/doubling back/backtracking (P) "],"抱":["介抱[かいほう]nursing; looking after  N1","辛抱[しんぼう]patience; endurance  N1","抱く[いだく<br>だく<br>うだく](sl) to embrace,  to hug, to harbour, to entertain  N3","抱える[かかえる]to hold or carry under or in the arms  N3","抱っこ[だっこ]hug ","抱擁[ほうよう]embrace,  hug ","抱きしめる[だきしめる] (v1, vt) to hug someone close/to hold someone tight/to embrace closely ","抱卵[ほうらん] (n, vs) incubation ","抱き締める[だきしめる] (v1, vt) to hug someone close/to hold someone tight/to embrace closely "],"逃":["逃走[とうそう]flight; desertion;escape  N1","逃亡[とうぼう]escape  N1","逃げ出す[にげだす]to run away; to escape from  N1","逃す[のがす<br>にがす,  のがす]to let loose; to set free;to let escape  N1","逃れる[のがれる]to escape  N1","見逃す[みのがす]to miss; to overlook;to leave at large  N1","逃がす[のがす<br>にがす]to let loose, to set free,to let escape  N2","逃げる[にげる]to escape  N4","逃げ足[にげあし]flight ","逃げ道[にげみち]escape route ","逃避[とうひ]escape ","逃亡者[とうぼうしゃ]Refugee ","取り逃がす[とりにがす]To Fail To Catch ","逃げ[にげ] (n) escape/getaway/evasion (P) ","逃げ場[にげば] (n) refuge/escape "],"緒":["情緒[じょうちょ<br>じょうしょ]emotion; feeling  N1","一緒[いっしょ]together  N5","内緒[ないしょ]Secret,  confidential ","一緒に[いっしょに]together ","由緒[ゆいしょ]history ","内緒話[ないしょばなし]Confidential Talk,  whispering ","緒戦[しょせん<br>ちょせん] (n) beginning of hostilities/beginning of competition (P) ","ご一緒[ごいっしょ] (n, vs) (hon) going together ","緒[いとぐち<br>お<br>しょ<br>ちょ] (n) (1) thread end (2) beginning (3) clue ","端緒[たんしょ<br>たんちょ] (n) start/beginning/first step/clue (P) "],"御":["御手洗い[ごてあらい]toilet; restroom;lavatory;bathroom (US)  N1","御負け[おまけ]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;a discount;a prize; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;something additional;bonus;an extra; 3.&nbsp;&nbsp;an exaggeration  N1","御[ぎょ<br>お<br>おおむ<br>おおん<br>おん<br>ご<br>み]go-; honourable  N1","御免ください[ごめんください]May I come in?  N1","御免なさい[ごめんなさい]I beg your pardon; excuse me  N1","御覧なさい[ごらんなさい](please) look; (please) try to do  N1","御辞儀[おじぎ]bow  N2","御手洗[おてあらい]font of purifying water placed at entrance of shrine  N2","御中[おんちゅう]and Company, Messrs.  N2","御馳走[ごちそう]feast, treating (someone)  N2","御無沙汰[ごぶさた]not writing or contacting for a while  N2","御免[ごめん]your pardon, declining (something),dismissal,permission  N2","御覧[ごらん](hon) look, inspection,try  N2","御主人[ごしゅじん](honorable) your husband  N4","朝御飯[あさごはん]breakfast  N5","御飯[ごはん<br>おまんま<br>おんいい]cooked rice, meal  N5","晩御飯[ばんごはん]evening meal  N5","昼御飯[ひるごはん]midday meal  N5","御覧になる[ごらんになる]To Look,  to please look ","制御[せいぎょ]control ","防御[ぼうぎょ]defense ","御輿[みこし]portable shrine ","御前[おまい<br>おまえ<br>おめー<br>おめえ<br>おんさき<br>おんまえ<br>ごぜ<br>ごぜん<br>みさき<br>みまえ] (pn) (fam) (male) you ","御所[ごしょ] (n) old imperial palace (P) ","崩御[ほうぎょ] (n, vs) (hon) death (of an emperor)/demise ","御存じ[ごぞんじ] (n) (1) (hon) knowing (2) (an) acquaintance ","御互い[おたがい] (n, adj-no,adv) (pol) each other/one another ","御用[ごよう] (n) (1) your order/your business/official business (2) arrest/apprehension/capture ","御殿[ごてん] (n) palace/court (P) ","御座る[ござる] (v4r, vi) (pol) (arch) (abbr) (uk) to be ","御宅[おたく] (n) (1) (hon) your house/your home/your family (2) (hon) your husband (3) (hon) your organization (pn) (4) (hon) you ","御家人[ごけにん] (n) lower-ranking vassal in the Kamakura and Edo periods ","御礼[おれい<br>おんれい] (n) (1) (pol) thanks/gratitude (2) (pol) manners/etiquette (3) (pol) bow (4) (pol) reward/gift (5) (pol) ceremony/ritual ","御互いに[おたがいに] (adv) (pol) mutually/with each other/reciprocally/together/both ","御嶽[うたき<br>みたけ] (n) (Okinawa) sacred site/sacred grove ","御家[おうち] (n) (1) (hon) (uk) your home/your family/their home/their family (2) (pol) (uk) (my) home ","御坊[おんぼう<br>ごぼう] (n) (1) cemetery guard (2) crematorium worker ","御供[おとも] (n, vs) attendant/companion ","大御所[おおごしょ] (n) leading figure/influential figure/mogul ","御披露目[おひろめ] (ateji) (n, vs) (pol) unveiling/debut/introduction ","御祭り[おまつり] (n) (pol) festival/feast/carnival ","御目見[おめみえ] (n, vs) (1) (the privilege to have) an audience (with one's lord, a dignitary, etc.)/interview (with one's superior) (2) one's debut (first) appearance/debut (of a new product, work of art, actor, etc.) (3) trial service (of a servant) "],"吹":["吹奏[すいそう]playing wind instruments  N1","吹雪[ふぶき]snow storm  N2","吹く[ふく]to blow  N5","吹き出す[ふきだす]blast out ","吹き込む[ふきこむ]blow into ","吹き飛ばす[ふきとばす]To Blow Away ","口笛を吹く[くちぶえをふく]To Whistle ","吹き溜まり[ふきだまり]drift ","吹っ飛ぶ[ふっとぶ] (v5b, vi) to blow off/to be blown off ","吹き飛ぶ[ふきとぶ] (v5b, vi) (1) to be blown off/to blow off/to blow away (2) to vanish/to disappear (P) ","吹奏楽[すいそうがく] (n) wind music/wind instrument music ","吹替[ふきかえ] (n, vs) dubbing/stand-in/dummy ","伊吹[いぶき] (n) (uk) Chinese juniper (Juniperus chinensis) ","笛吹[ふえふき] (n) flute player "],"到":["到達[とうたつ]reaching; attaining;arrival  N1","到底[とうてい](cannot) possibly  N1","到着[とうちゃく]arrival  N3","到来[とうらい]advent ","殺到[さっとう]rush "],"髪":["白髪[しらが<br>しらかみ<br>しろかみ<br>はくはつ]white or grey hair, trendy hair bleaching  N2","髪の毛[かみのけ]hair (head)  N3","髪[かみ]hair  N4","金髪[きんぱつ]Blonde ","髪型[かみがた]Hairstyle,  hair style, hairdo ","散髪[さんぱつ]haircut ","間一髪[かんいっぱつ]by a hair's breadth ","髪形[かみがた] (n) hair style/coiffure/hairdo (P) ","黒髪[くろかみ<br>こくはつ] (n, adj-no) black hair "],"疲":["疲労[ひろう]fatigue; weariness  N1","疲れ[つかれ]tiredness,  fatigue  N3","疲れる[つかれる]to get tired  N5","お疲れ様[おつかれさま]Thank You,  that's enough for today, good work ","疲弊[ひへい]exhaustion,  impoverishment ","お疲れさま[おつかれさま] (exp) (1) thank you/many thanks/much appreciated (2) that's enough for today (P) "],"歳":["歳[とし<br>さい<br>とせ]#NAME?  N1","万歳[ばんざい<br>ばんぜい<br>まんざい]hurrah,  cheers  N2","二十歳[はたち]20 years old, 20th year  N5","歳入[さいにゅう]Annual Revenue ","歳暮[せいぼ]End Of The Year,  year end gift, end of year gift ","歳月[さいげつ<br>としつき]Time,  years ","〜歳[さい]Years Old ","お歳暮[おせいぼ]year-end gift ","歳末[さいまつ]year end ","千歳[せんざい<br>ちとせ] (n, adj-no) millennium/one thousand years/long time ","歳出[さいしゅつ] (n) annual expenditure (P) "],"偶":["偶に[たまに]occasionally; once in a while  N1","配偶者[はいぐうしゃ<br>はいぐう しゃ]spouse; wife;husband  N1","偶数[ぐうすう]even number  N2","偶然[ぐうぜん](by) chance,  unexpectedly, suddenly  N3","偶[ぐう<br>たま<br>たまたま]even number,  couple, man and wife, friend  N3","偶々[たまたま]casually,  unexpectedly, accidentally, by chance  N3","偶像[ぐうぞう]idol ","配偶[はいぐう] (n, vs,adj-no) combination "],"偉":["偉い[えらい]great, celebrated,eminent,terrible,awful,famous,remarkable,excellent  N2","偉大[いだい]greatness  N3","偉人[いじん]great person,  great man, hero ","偉そう[えらそう] (adj-na) self-important/important-looking/proud ","偉業[いぎょう] (n) great achievement/great feat/great work/great undertaking (P) "],"頂":["頂[いただき](top of) head; summit;spire  N1","頂点[ちょうてん]top, summit  N2","頂く[いただく]to receive,  to take food or drink (hum)  N3","頂上[ちょうじょう]top,  summit, peak  N3","山頂[さんちょう]summit ","有頂天[うちょうてん]ecstasy ","頂き[いただき]unexpected gain ","頂戴[ちょうだい]humbly receiving,  humble eating, humble having ","頂ける[いただける] (v1, vi) (1) (hum) (uk) to be able to receive/to be able to take/to be able to accept (2) (hum) (uk) to be able to eat/to be able to drink (3) (uk) to be acceptable/to be satisfactory (P) ","絶頂[ぜっちょう] (n, adj-no) (1) top (of a mountain)/summit (2) peak/height/zenith/climax (P) ","登頂[とうちょう] (n, vs) climbing to the summit/summiting (P) "],"玉":["玉[たま<br>ぎょく]king (shogi)  N1","目玉[めだま]Eyeball ","ビー玉[びーだま,  ビーだま]Marble ","玉ねぎ[たまねぎ]Onion,  round onion ","お年玉[おとしだま]New Year's gift money ","金玉[きんたま]Testicles ","目玉商品[めだましょうひん]featured product ","埼玉県[さいたまけん]Saitama Prefecture ","埼玉[さいたま] (n) (uk) Saitama (city) (P) ","玉葱[たまねぎ] (n) (uk) onion (Allium cepa) "],"丸":["日の丸[ひのまる]the Japanese flag  N1","丸ごと[まるごと]in its entirety; whole;wholly  N1","丸っきり[まるっきり<br>まる っきり]completely; perfectly;just as if  N1","丸で[まるで]quite; entirely;completely;at all;as if;as though;so to speak  N1","丸々[まるまる]completely  N1","丸める[まるめる]to make round; to round off;to roll up;to curl up;to seduce;to cajole;to explain away  N1","真ん丸い[まんまるい]perfectly circular  N1","丸[まる<br>がん]circle,  full (month), perfection, purity, suffix for ship names  N3","丸い[まるい<br>まろい]round,  circular, spherical  N3","丸い/円い[まるい/まるい]round, circular  N5","丸み[まるみ]roundness ","真ん丸[まんまる]perfect circle ","丸め込む[まるめこむ]cajole ","弾丸[だんがん]Bullet ","本丸[ほんまる] (n) (1) inner citadel (2) core/center/centre/focus/crux ","烏丸[うがん] (n) Wuhuan (proto-Mongolic nomadic people) ","丸太[まるた] (n) log (P) "],"了":["修了[しゅうりょう]completion (of a course)  N1","了[りょう]finish; completion;understanding  N1","了解[りょうかい]comprehension; consent;understanding;roger (on the radio)  N1","了承[りょうしょう]acknowledgement; understanding (e.g. please be understanding of the mess during our renovation)  N1","終了[しゅうりょう]end, close,termination  N2","完了[かんりょう<br>ワンラ]completion,  conclusion  N3","満了[まんりょう] (n, vs) expiration/termination (P) ","魅了[みりょう] (n) (1) fascination (vs) (2) to charm/to fascinate/to mesmerize (P) ","読了[どくりょう] (n, vs) finish reading "],"戸":["戸[と<br>こ]counter for houses  N1","戸籍[こせき]census; family register  N1","戸締り[とじまり]closing up; fastening the doors  N1","雨戸[あまど]sliding storm door  N2","井戸[いど]water well  N2","瀬戸物[せともの]earthenware, crockery,china  N2","戸棚[とだな]cupboard, locker,closet,wardrobe  N2","戸口[とぐち]Doorway ","ガラス戸[がらすど]glass door ","戸惑う[とまどう]be puzzled ","戸締まり[とじまり]closing of the doors ","江戸[えど]Edo,  tokyo ","瀬戸[せと]Seto,  strait, channel ","網戸[あみど]Screen Door ","神戸[こうべ] (n) Kobe (city) (P) ","木戸[きど] (n) (1) wicket gate/wooden door (2) entrance to an entertainment venue (i.e. sumo arena,  etc.) (P) ","戸数[こすう] (n) number of households (houses) (P) ","門戸[もんこ] (n) door (P) "],"毛":["毛糸[けいと]knitting wool  N2","毛皮[けがわ<br>もうひ]fur, skin,pelt  N2","羊毛[ようもう]wool  N2","髪の毛[かみのけ]hair (head)  N3","毛布[もうふ]blanket  N3","毛[け<br>もう]hair or fur  N4","不毛[ふもう]fruitless ","毛虫[けむし]Caterpillar ","純毛[じゅんもう]All Wool ","眉毛[まゆげ]eyebrows ","赤毛[あかげ] (n) redhead ","羽毛[うもう] (n, adj-no) feathers/plumage/down (P) ","毛色[けいろ] (n) (1) hair color/hair colour/fur color/fur colour (2) disposition/type/kind/nature ","山毛欅[ぶな] (n) (uk) Japanese beech (Fagus crenata)/Siebold's beech ","育毛[いくもう] (n, vs) hair restoration/new hair growth "],"久":["久しい[ひさしい]long; long-continued;old (story)  N1","久し振り[ひさしぶり]after a long time  N1","永久[えいきゅう<br>とこしえ<br>とわ]eternity,  perpetuity, immortality  N3","久しぶり[ひさしぶり]after a long time  N4","耐久性[たいきゅうせい]Durability ","恒久[こうきゅう]permanent,  perpetual ","悠久[ゆうきゅう]eternity,  perpetuity, permanence ","久しぶりに[ひさしぶりに] (adv) after a long time/for the first time in a while ","久々[ひさびさ] (adj-na, adj-no,adv,n) (in a) long time/long time (ago)/while (ago)/long ago/long while (ago) (in a) long while (P) ","耐久[たいきゅう] (n) endurance/persistence (P) ","承久[しょうきゅう<br>じょうきゅう] (n) Jokyu era (1219.4.12-1222.4.13)/Shokyu era ","持久[じきゅう] (n, vs) endurance/persistence (P) "],"竹":["竹[たけ]bamboo, middle (of a three-tier ranking system)  N2","竹の子[たけのこ]Bamboo Shoots,  bamboo sprouts ","竹刀[しない] (n) (MA) bamboo sword (for kendo)/bamboo fencing stick (P) "],"央":["中央[ちゅうおう]centre,  central, center, middle  N3","央[おう] (suf) middle/centre/center ","中央アジア[ちゅうおうアジア] (n) central Asia "],"氷":["氷[こおり<br>ひ]ice,  hail  N3","かき氷[かきごおり]Shaved Ice ","氷山[ひょうざん]iceberg ","氷河[ひょうが]Glacier ","氷室[こおりむろ<br>ひむろ<br>ひょうしつ] (n) ice house/ice room/cold room ","氷上[ひょうじょう] (adj-no) on ice "],"虫":["昆虫[こんちゅう]insect; bug  N1","虫歯[むしば]cavity,  tooth decay, decayed tooth, caries  N3","虫[むし]insect  N4","毛虫[けむし]Caterpillar ","弱虫[よわむし]weakling ","泣き虫[なきむし]Crybaby ","害虫[がいちゅう]harmful insect ","幼虫[ようちゅう] (n, adj-no) larva/grub/maggot (P) ","成虫[せいちゅう] (n, adj-no) imago/adult (insect) ","てんとう虫[てんとうむし] (n) ladybug (Harmonia axyridis)/ladybird ","爬虫類[はちゅうるい] (n) reptiles (P) ","殺虫[さっちゅう] (n, vs) killing insects or pests ","爬虫綱[はちゅうこう] (n) Reptilia "],"皿":["灰皿[はいざら]ashtray  N1","皿[さら]plate;  dish  N3","お皿[おさら]plate,  dish  N5","小皿[こざら]Small Plate,  small dish, little plate, little dish ","皿洗い[さらあらい]Dishwashing,  dishwasher, washing the dishes, washing dishes ","受け皿[うけざら] (n) (1) saucer (2) person (group,  institution, etc.) to take over a position or matter/receptacle (e.g. of funds)/receiver (P) "],"貝":["貝殻[かいから<br>かいがら]shell  N1","貝[かい<br>ばい]shell, shellfish  N2","貝塚[かいずか<br>かいづか] (ik) (n) shell heap/shell mound/kitchen midden "],"皮":["毛皮[けがわ<br>もうひ]fur, skin,pelt  N2","皮肉[ひにく]cynicism, sarcasm  N2","皮膚[ひふ]skin  N2","皮[かわ]skin,  hide, leather, fur, pelt, bark, shell  N3","皮革[ひかく]Leather,  hides, pelts ","樹皮[じゅひ]Tree Bark,  bark ","皮膚科[ひふか]dermatology ","皮膚病[ひふびょう]skin disease ","皮切り[かわきり] (n) beginning/start (P) ","皮質[ひしつ] (n) cortex ","上皮[うわかわ<br>じょうひ] (n, adj-no) (1) outer layer (e.g. of skin)/cuticle/epidermis/bark/rind/crust/film (on the surface of a liquid)/scum (2) (anat) epithelium ","表皮[ひょうひ] (n, adj-no) epithelium/skin/rind ","脱皮[だっぴ] (n, vs) (1) ecdysis/shedding (of skin)/sloughing/molting/moulting/casting off (2) freeing oneself/breaking with (convention, etc.) (P) "],"糸":["毛糸[けいと]knitting wool  N2","糸[いと<br>し]thread  N4","絹糸[けんし,  きぬいと]silk thread ","菌糸[きんし] (n) fungal filament/hypha/hyphae "],"村":["漁村[ぎょそん]fishing village  N1","農村[のうそん]agricultural community, farm village,rural  N2","村[むら]village  N5","村人[むらびと]Villager ","市町村[しちょうそん] (n) cities,  towns and villages/municipalities (P) ","町村[ちょうそん] (n) towns and villages (P) ","村長[そんちょう<br>むらおさ] (n) village headman/village mayor (P) ","山村[さんそん] (n) mountain village (P) ","村落[そんらく] (n) village/hamlet/settlement ","村立[そんりつ] (n, adj-no) established or operated by a village ","村民[そんみん] (n) villager (P) "],"角":["角[すみ<br>かく,  かど<br>かど<br>つの<br>かく]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;angle; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;bishop (shogi)  N1","兎角[とかく]anyhow; anyway;somehow or other;generally speaking;in any case;this and that;many;be apt to  N1","兎に角[とにかく]anyhow; at any rate;anyway;somehow or other;generally speaking;in any case  N1","兎も角[ともかく]anyhow; anyway;somehow or other;generally speaking;in any case  N1","角度[かくど]angle  N2","三角[みょうか<br>さんかく]triangle, triangular  N2","四角[しかく]square  N2","四角い[しかくい]square  N2","折角[せっかく]with trouble, at great pains,long-awaited  N2","直角[ちょっかく]right angle  N2","方角[ほうがく]direction, way,compass point  N2","街角[まちかど]street corner  N2","四つ角[よつかど]four corners, crossroads  N2","三角形[さんかっけい<br>さんかくけい]triangle ","多角[たかく]diversified ","曲がり角[まがりかど]corner (to turn) ","真四角[ましかく]square ","触角[しょっかく]Antenna ","角膜[かくまく]cornea ","全角[ぜんかく] (n, adj-no) em/em quad (printing)/full-width character ","一角[いっかく<br>いっかど<br>ひとかど] (n) (1) corner/section/point/part (2) one horn (3) (uk) narwhal (Monodon monoceros) (P) ","仰角[ぎょうかく] (n) angle of elevation ","頭角[とうかく] (n) distinguishing oneself/standing out/top of the head (P) ","互角[ごかく] (adj-no, adj-na,n) equal (in ability)/even/evenly matched/well-matched/on par (with) (P) ","高角砲[こうかくほう] (n) high-angle or anti-aircraft gun ","半角[はんかく] (n) half-width characters (e.g. romaji)/single-byte characters/en quad ","俯角[ふかく] (n) depression/angle of dip "],"羽":["羽根[はね]shuttlecock  N2","羽[はね<br>う<br>ば<br>ぱ<br>わ]counter for birds,  counter for rabbits  N3","羽織[はおり]japanese half length coat ","羽撃く[はばたく]flap the wings ","羽ばたく[はばたく] (v5k, vi) (1) to flap (wings) (2) to spread one's wings/to go out into the world ","羽毛[うもう] (n, adj-no) feathers/plumage/down (P) ","羽目[はめ] (n) (1) panel/wainscoting/wainscotting (2) plight/fix/bind/awkward situation/difficult situation/mess (P) ","羽衣[うい<br>はごろも] (n) (1) angel's raiment/robe of feathers (2) wings of birds or insects/plumage of birds ","羽化[うか] (n, vs) emergence (of insects)/growing wings and flying/eclosion "],"林":["林業[りんぎょう]forestry  N1","山林[さんりん]mountain forest, mountains and forest  N2","森林[しんりん]forest, woods  N2","林[はやし]woods, forester  N4","農林[のうりん]agriculture and forestry ","林檎[りゅうごう<br>りんき<br>りんきん<br>りんご] (ok) (n) (1) (uk) apple (fruit) (2) (uk) apple tree (Malus pumila) ","林道[りんどう] (n) (1) path through forest/woodland path (2) logging road (P) ","農林水産省[のうりんすいさんしょう] (n) Ministry of Agriculture,  Forestry and Fisheries/MAFF ","林野[りんや] (n) forests and fields (P) ","植林[しょくりん] (n, vs) afforestation (P) "],"池":["乾電池[かんでんち]dry cell, battery  N2","電池[でんち]battery  N2","池[いけ]pond  N5","溜め池[ためいけ] (n) reservoir/pond ","蓄電池[ちくでんち] (n) storage battery (P) "],"谷":["谷[たに]valley  N3","渋谷[しぶや]Shibuya ","峡谷[きょうこく]ravine,  gorge, canyon ","渓谷[けいこく]valley,  ravine, canyon ","谷川[たにがわ] (n) mountain stream (P) ","谷間[たにあい<br>たにま] (n) (1) valley/ravine/chasm/dell (2) cleavage (breasts) (3) slum "],"麦":["蕎麦[そば<br>そばむぎ<br>そまむぎ]soba (buckwheat noodles)  N2","小麦[こむぎ]wheat  N3","麦[むぎ]Wheat,  barley, oats ","大麦[おおむぎ]barley ","麦粉[むぎこ]Wheat Flour ","小麦粉[こむぎこ]flour ","麦畑[むぎばたけ]Wheat Field,  barley field ","麦わら[むぎわら] (n) wheat straw/barley straw ","焼き蕎麦[やきそば] (n) (food) yakisoba/fried noodles,  usu. with vegetables and meat "],"血":["血管[けっかん]blood vessel  N1","混血[こんけつ]mixed race; mixed parentage  N1","出血[しゅっけつ]bleeding; haemorrhage  N1","血圧[けつあつ]blood pressure  N2","血液[けつえき]blood  N2","輸血[ゆけつ]blood transfusion  N2","血[ち]blood  N4","血族[けつぞく]Blood Relative ","鼻血[はなぢ,  はなじ<br>はなじ<br>はなぢ]Nosebleed, bloody nose ","高血圧[こうけつあつ]High Blood Pressure,  hypertension ","吸血鬼[きゅうけつき]Vampire ","貧血[ひんけつ]anemia ","血脈[けつみゃく]Blood Vessel,  blood relationship ","血液型[けつえきがた]Blood Type,  blood group ","献血[けんけつ]Blood Donation ","血縁[けつえん<br>けちえん]blood relation ","血痕[けっこん] (n) bloodstain (P) ","鮮血[せんけつ] (n) fresh blood ","白血病[はっけつびょう] (n) leukemia (P) ","吸血[きゅうけつ] (n, adj-no) bloodsucking/sucking blood ","血液検査[けつえきけんさ] (n) blood test/hemanalysis (P) ","赤血球[せっけっきゅう] (n) red blood cell/erythrocyte ","血まみれ[ちまみれ] (adj-na, adj-no) bloodstained/bloody ","血統[けっとう] (n) lineage/pedigree/family line/birth ","熱血[ねっけつ] (n) (1) hot blood/warm blood (2) zeal/fervor/fervour/ardor/ardour/enthusiasm ","白血球[はっけっきゅう] (n) leukocyte/leucocyte/white blood cell (P) ","血糖[けっとう] (n) blood sugar (P) ","流血[りゅうけつ] (n, adj-no) bloodshed (P) ","血清[けっせい] (n) (med) serum/blood serum ","純血[じゅんけつ] (n, adj-no) pure-bred (usu. animal)/pure-blooded/thoroughbred ","血筋[ちすじ] (n) lineage/stock/strain/blood relationship ","血栓[けっせん] (n, adj-no) thrombus/blood clot "],"星":["火星[かせい]Mars (planet)  N1","星座[せいざ]constellation  N1","惑星[わくせい]planet  N1","衛星[えいせい]satellite  N3","星[ほし<br>せい]star  N4","星占い[ほしうらない]Astrology,  horoscope ","恒星[こうせい]star ","星人[せいじん] (suf) person from (the planet of) ","流星[りゅうせい] (n) meteor/falling star ","新星[しんせい] (n) (1) (astron) nova (2) new face/new star (P) ","彗星[すいせい] (n) (astron) comet (P) ","星雲[せいうん] (n) (1) (astron) nebula (2) (astron) (obs) galaxy ","木星[もくせい] (n) Jupiter (planet) (P) ","小惑星[しょうわくせい] (n) (astron) asteroid (P) ","金星[きんせい<br>きんぼし] (n, adj-no) Venus (planet) (P) ","異星人[いせいじん] (n) alien (from another planet) ","土星[どせい] (n) Saturn (planet) (P) ","勝ち星[かちぼし] (n) (mark indicating) a win (P) ","冥王星[めいおうせい] (n) Pluto (dwarf planet) ","明星[みょうじょう] (n) (1) morning star/Venus (2) preeminent person (within their own field)/star (of the stage,  silver screen, etc.) (P) ","占星術[せんせいじゅつ] (n) astrology ","黒星[くろぼし] (n) (1) black spot/black dot/bull's-eye (2) (sumo) failure mark (P) ","変光星[へんこうせい] (n) (astron) variable star ","巨星[きょせい] (n) (1) (astron) giant star (2) great man/big-shot/superstar (P) ","水星[すいせい] (n, adj-no) Mercury (planet) (P) ","星空[ほしぞら] (n) starry sky (P) ","海王星[かいおうせい] (n) Neptune (planet) (P) ","天王星[てんおうせい<br>てんのうせい] (n) Uranus (planet) ","矮星[わいせい] (n) (astron) dwarf star "],"州":["州[しゅう<br>す]sandbank  N3","本州[ほんしゅう]Honshuu,  honshu ","九州[きゅうしゅう]Kyuushuu,  kyushu ","欧州[おうしゅう] (n) Europe (P) ","州都[しゅうと] (n) state capital/provincial capital/county town (P) ","満州[まんしゅう] (n) Manchuria ","北九州[きたきゅうしゅう] (n) Kitakyushu (city) (P) ","広州[コアンチョウ<br>こうしゅう<br>コワンチョウ] (n) Guangzhou (China)/Kwangchow/Canton ","豪州[ごうしゅう] (n, adj-no) Australia "],"辺":["対辺[たいへん](geometrical) opposite side  N1","浜辺[はまべ]beach; foreshore  N1","辺り[あたり<br>ほとり](in the) neighbourhood; vicinity;nearby  N1","周辺[しゅうへん]circumference, outskirts,environs,(computer) peripheral  N2","辺[へん<br>え<br>へ<br>べ]area  N5","この辺[このへん]Around Here,  this area ","天辺[てっぺん]summit ","海辺[うみべ<br>かいへん]beach ","岸辺[きしべ]bank ","この辺り[このあたり] (pn) (uk) this area/around here ","その辺[そのへん] (n, adj-no) (1) around there/near there (2) or thereabouts/or so (3) such a matter/such a thing ","辺境[へんきょう] (n, adj-no) remote region/frontier (district)/border(land) (P) ","近辺[きんぺん] (n) neighbourhood/neighborhood/vicinity (P) ","川辺[かわべ] (n, adj-no) riverside/edge of a river ","水辺[すいへん<br>みずべ] (n) waterside/waterfront "],"札":["名札[なふだ]name plate; name tag  N1","改札[かいさつ]examination of tickets  N2","札[ふだ<br>ふだ,  かつ<br>さつ<br>さね<br>ふみた<br>ふんだ](1) token, label, (2) ticket, (3) charm  N3","千円札[せんえんさつ]Thousand Yen Bill,  thousand yen note, one thousand yen note, one thousand yen bill ","入札[にゅうさつ]bid ","立て札[たてふだ]bulletin board ","落札[らくさつ<br>おちふだ]successful bid ","荷札[にふだ]tag ","改札口[かいさつぐち]ticket gate ","札幌[さっぽろ] (n) Sapporo (city) (P) ","切り札[きりふだ] (n) (1) trump card (2) ace up one's sleeve/secret weapon (P) ","札所[ふだしょ] (n) temple which issues amulets "],"弱":["弱[じゃく]weakness; the weak;little less then  N1","薄弱[はくじゃく]feebleness; weakness;weak  N1","貧弱[ひんじゃく]poor; meagre;insubstantial  N1","弱まる[よわまる]to abate; to weaken;to be emaciated;to be dejected;to be perplexed  N1","弱める[よわめる]to weaken  N1","弱る[よわる]to weaken; to be troubled;to be downcast;to be emaciated;to be dejected;to be perplexed;to impair  N1","弱点[じゃくてん]weak point, weakness  N2","弱い[よわい]weak  N5","か弱い[かよわい]frail ","弱み[よわみ]weakness ","弱気[よわき]wimpy ","弱虫[よわむし]weakling ","弱音[よわね]complaints ","弱々しい[よわよわしい]Weak Looking,  frail, weak seeming, seemingly weak ","病弱[びょうじゃく]weak ","虚弱[きょじゃく]Weak,  feeble, weakness, feebleness ","脆弱[ぜいじゃく] (adj-na, n) weak/frail/fragile (P) ","弱年[じゃくねん] (n, adj-no) youth ","弱体[じゃくたい] (adj-na, n) weak (organization, organisation) (P) ","弱者[じゃくしゃ] (n) weak person/the weak/vulnerable person/disadvantaged person (P) ","衰弱[すいじゃく] (n, vs,adj-no) weakness/debility/breakdown/prostration (P) ","弱小[じゃくしょう] (adj-na, n) puniness/youth "],"黄":["黄金[おうごん<br>きがね<br>くがね<br>こがね]gold  N1","黄色[おうしょく<br>きいろ<br>こうしょく]yellow  N1","黄色い[きいろい]yellow  N5","硫黄[いおう<br>ゆおう]sulfur,  sulphur ","黄昏[たそがれ<br>こうこん]dusk ","黄[き] (n, adj-na) yellow (P) ","黄泉[こうせん<br>よみ] (n) (1) underground spring (2) Hades/hell/underworld ","黄緑[おうりょく<br>きみどり] (n) pea green/yellow-green "],"雲":["雲[くも]cloud  N4","雲雀[ひばり]skylark ","雲母[うんぼ<br>うんも<br>きらら] (n, adj-no) mica/isinglass ","星雲[せいうん] (n) (1) (astron) nebula (2) (astron) (obs) galaxy ","雲丹[うに] (n) (1) (uk) sea urchin (2) (food) seasoned sea urchin eggs ","八雲[やくも] (n) (1) (arch) thick clouds (2) (arch) classical Japanese poetry ","風雲[かざぐも<br>かぜくも<br>ふううん] (n) (1) clouds appearing before the wind starts to blow (2) winds and clouds ","東雲[しののめ] (n) (arch) daybreak/dawn "],"森":["森林[しんりん]forest, woods  N2","森[もり]forest  N4","大森[おおもり] (n) large forest "],"県":["県庁[けんちょう]prefectural office  N2","県[けん<br>あがた]prefecture  N3","〜県[けん]Prefecture ","県立[けんりつ]prefectural ","愛知県[あいちけん]Aichi Prefecture ","岡山県[おかやまけん]Okayama Prefecture ","県営[けんえい]Run By The Prefecture,  prefecture run ","長崎県[ながさきけん]Nagasaki Prefecture ","徳島県[とくしまけん]Tokushima Prefecture ","熊本県[くまもとけん]Kumamoto Prefecture ","鹿児島県[かごしまけん]Kagoshima Prefecture ","神奈川県[かながわけん]Kanagawa Prefecture ","香川県[かがわけん]Kagawa Prefecture ","奈良県[ならけん]Nara Prefecture ","群馬県[ぐんまけん]Gunma Prefecture ","埼玉県[さいたまけん]Saitama Prefecture ","沖縄県[おきなわけん]Okinawa Prefecture ","岐阜県[ぎふけん]Gifu Prefecture ","愛媛県[えひめけん]ehime prefecture ","茨城県[いばらきけん]ibaraki prefecture ","栃木県[とちぎけん]tochigi prefecture ","県道[けんどう] (n) prefectural road (P) ","都道府県[とどうふけん] (n) administrative divisions of Japan: Tokyo-to,  Hokkai-do, Osaka-fu, Kyoto-fu and remaining prefectures (P) ","県内[けんない] (adj-no) within the prefecture (P) ","県民[けんみん] (n) citizen of a prefecture/prefectural citizen (P) ","県境[けんきょう<br>けんざかい] (n) prefectural border/prefectural boundary ","県警[けんけい] (n) (abbr) prefectural police (P) ","県知事[けんちじ] (n) prefectural governor (P) ","県議[けんぎ] (n) prefectural assembly (P) ","県下[けんか] (adj-no, n) in the prefecture/prefectural (P) ","廃藩置県[はいはんちけん] (n) (yoji) abolition of feudal domains and establishment of prefectures (1871) ","府県[ふけん] (n) prefectures (of Japan,  excl. Tokyo and Hokkaido) (P) ","県議会[けんぎかい] (n) prefectural assembly ","県連[けんれん] (n) prefectural party chapter ","県政[けんせい] (n) prefectural government/prefectural administration "],"算":["暗算[あんざん]mental arithmetic  N1","換算[かんさん<br>かんざん]conversion; change;exchange  N1","決算[けっさん]balance sheet; settlement of accounts  N1","採算[さいさん]profit  N1","清算[せいさん]liquidation; settlement  N1","足し算[たしざん]addition  N1","割り算[わりざん]division (math)  N1","掛け算[かけざん]multiplication  N2","算数[さんすう]arithmetic  N2","算盤[そろばん]abacus  N2","引算[ひきざん]subtraction  N2","割算[わりざん]division (math)  N2","計算[けいさん]calculation,  reckoning  N3","予算[よさん]estimate,  budget  N3","算定する[さんていする]To Calculate ","引き算[ひきざん]subtraction ","成算[せいさん]prospects of success ","打算的[ださんてき]calculating ","精算[せいさん]settlement of accounts ","誤算[ごさん]Miscalculation ","概算[がいさん]Approximation,  rough estimate ","珠算[しゅざん]Calculation With Abacus ","算[さん] (n) (1) divining sticks (n, vs) (2) counting/calculation ","通算[つうさん] (n, vs) total (P) ","加算[かさん] (adj-na, n,vs) addition/adding/supplement (P) ","算出[さんしゅつ] (n, vs) calculation/computation (P) ","演算[えんざん] (n, vs) (math) operation/calculation (P) ","試算[しさん] (n, vs) trial calculation/preliminary calculation (P) ","算定[さんてい] (n, vs,adj-no) calculation/estimation/computation (P) "],"農":["農耕[のうこう]farming; agriculture  N1","農場[のうじょう]farm (agriculture)  N1","農地[のうち]agricultural land  N1","酪農[らくのう]dairy (farm)  N1","農産物[のうさんぶつ]agricultural produce  N2","農村[のうそん]agricultural community, farm village,rural  N2","農薬[のうやく]agricultural chemicals  N2","農家[のうか]farmer,  farm family  N3","農業[のうぎょう]agriculture  N3","農民[のうみん]farmers,  peasants  N3","農[のう]Farming,  agriculture ","農林[のうりん]agriculture and forestry ","農協[のうきょう]agricultural cooperative ","農学[のうがく] (n) (science of) agriculture ","農園[のうえん] (n) plantation (P) ","農林水産省[のうりんすいさんしょう] (n) Ministry of Agriculture,  Forestry and Fisheries/MAFF ","農作物[のうさくぶつ<br>のうさくもつ] (n) crops/agricultural produce (P) ","農政[のうせい] (n) agricultural administration (P) ","農夫[のうふ] (n) (male) farmer/peasant/farmhand ","農道[のうどう] (n) farm road "],"鉄":["鉄棒[てつぼう]iron rod; crowbar;horizontal bar (gymnastics)  N1","製鉄[せいてつ]iron manufacture  N1","鉄鋼[てっこう]iron and steel  N1","鉄片[てっぺん]iron scraps  N1","私鉄[してつ]private railway  N2","鉄橋[てっきょう]railway bridge, iron bridge  N2","鉄砲[てっぽう]gun  N2","鉄[てつ<br>かね<br>くろがね]iron  N3","鉄道[てつどう]railroad  N3","地下鉄[ちかてつ]underground train  N5","電鉄[でんてつ]Electric Railway ","鉄人[てつじん]Strong Man,  badass, iron man, macho man, tough guy ","国鉄[こくてつ]Japan National Railways ","鉄骨[てっこつ]steel frame ","鉄筋[てっきん]reinforced with iron ","鉄鉱[てっこう]Iron Ore ","鋼鉄[こうてつ] (n) steel (P) ","鉄製[てっせい<br>てつせい] (n, adj-no) made from iron (P) ","鉄工[てっこう] (n) ironworking/ironworker (P) ","鉄線[てっせん] (n) (1) iron (steel) wire (2) Chinese clematis/Clematis florida/leather flower ","鉄板[てっぱん] (n) (1) iron plate (2) (sl) sure thing (P) ","鉄腕[てつわん] (n) strong arm ","鉄塔[てっとう] (n) (1) steel tower (2) electricity pylon/transmission tower ","鋳鉄[ちゅうてつ] (n) cast iron ","鉄器[てっき] (n) ironware "],"軽":["気軽[きがる]cheerful; buoyant;lighthearted  N1","軽快[けいかい]rhythmical (e.g. melody); casual (e.g. dress);light;nimble  N1","軽減[けいげん]abatement  N1","軽率[けいそつ]rash; thoughtless;careless;hasty  N1","軽蔑[けいべつ]scorn; disdain  N1","手軽[てがる]easy; simple;informal;offhand;cheap  N1","軽い[かるい<br>かろい]light  N5","身軽[みがる]agile ","軽はずみ[かるはずみ]hastiness ","軽視[けいし]neglect ","軽傷[けいしょう]slight injury ","軽薄[けいはく]frivolous ","軽[けい] (pref) light (e.g. vehicle,  aircraft, etc.) (P) ","軽量[けいりょう] (n, adj-no) light weight (P) ","軽便[けいべん] (adj-na, n) convenience/simplicity ","軽度[けいど] (adj-no, adj-na,n) slight (degree)/light ","軽装[けいそう] (n, vs) lightweight equipment or dress ","軽微[けいび] (adj-na, n) slight/little/insignificant "],"線":["沿線[えんせん]along railway line  N1","幹線[かんせん]main line; trunk line  N1","三味線[しゃみせん<br>さみせん]three-stringed Japanese guitar; shamisen  N1","点線[てんせん]dotted line; perforated line  N1","電線[でんせん]electric line  N1","無線[むせん]wireless; radio  N1","下線[かせん]underline, underscore  N2","曲線[きょくせん]curve  N2","光線[こうせん]beam, light ray  N2","新幹線[しんかんせん]bullet train (very high speed), shinkansen  N2","水平線[すいへいせん]horizon  N2","線路[せんろ]line, track,roadbed  N2","脱線[だっせん]derailment, digression  N2","直線[ちょくせん]straight line  N2","内線[ないせん]phone extension, indoor wiring,inner line  N2","地平線[ちへいせん]horizon  N3","線[せん]line  N4","本線[ほんせん]main line ","白線[はくせん]white (warning) line ","紫外線[しがいせん]Ultra Violet Rays ","緯線[いせん]parallel,  latitude lines ","伏線[ふくせん]foreshadowing ","路線[ろせん] (n) (1) route (bus,  train, air, etc.)/line (2) line (taken by a group, organization, etc.)/policy/course (P) ","番線[ばんせん] (n) track number ","全線[ぜんせん] (n) the whole line/all lines/the whole ship (P) ","支線[しせん] (n, adj-no) branch line ","車線[しゃせん] (n) traffic lane/road lane (P) ","線形[せんけい] (adj-no, adj-na,n) (math) (physics) (comp) linear ","戦線[せんせん] (n) (war) front (P) ","前線[ぜんせん] (n) (1) (weather) front (n, adj-no) (2) (mil) front line/forward area/action zone (P) ","入線[にゅうせん] (n, vs) (1) entering a track (of a train)/arrival of a train (at a platform) (2) passing the post (horseracing)/crossing the finish line ","回線[かいせん] (n) circuit/line (P) ","跨線橋[こせんきょう] (n) overpass ","放射線[ほうしゃせん] (n) radiation (P) ","複線[ふくせん] (n) double track/two-track line ","視線[しせん] (n) one's line of sight/one's gaze/one's eyes (looking)/glance/gaze/look (P) ","線上[せんじょう] (adj-f) on the line/borderline ","架線[かせん] (n, vs) aerial wiring ","側線[そくせん] (n) (1) sidetrack/siding (2) lateral line (of a fish) ","打線[だせん] (n) (baseb) batting lineup (line-up) (P) ","赤外線[せきがいせん] (n) infrared rays/infrared radiation (P) ","一線[いっせん] (n) line (P) ","配線[はいせん] (n, vs) wiring (P) ","単線[たんせん] (n, adj-no) single line/solid wire/single track ","上り線[のぼりせん] (n) up line/in-bound line ","最前線[さいぜんせん] (n) front line/forefront (P) ","第一線[だいいっせん] (n) the front (of a battlefield)/forefront (P) ","下り線[くだりせん] (n) down line/outbound line ","線維[せんい] (n, adj-no) fibre/fiber/textile ","有線[ゆうせん] (adj-no) (1) wired/cabled (n) (2) communication by wire (P) ","線量[せんりょう] (n) dose (of radioactivity) (P) ","目線[めせん] (n) (1) one's gaze (2) point of view/standpoint ","稜線[りょうせん] (n) ridgeline/lines of a mountain ridge ","鉄線[てっせん] (n) (1) iron (steel) wire (2) Chinese clematis/Clematis florida/leather flower ","保線[ほせん] (n) track maintenance ","一直線[いっちょくせん] (n) straight line (P) ","流線型[りゅうせんけい] (n, adj-no) streamline shape/aerodynamic shape "],"岸":["沿岸[えんがん]coast; shore  N1","岸[きし]bank,  coast, shore  N3","海岸[かいがん]coast  N4","岸辺[きしべ]bank ","彼岸[ひがん]equinox ","左岸[さがん] (n) left bank (of a river) ","右岸[うがん] (n) right bank (of a river) ","湾岸[わんがん] (n) gulf coast/bay coast (P) ","西岸[せいがん] (n) west coast/west bank ","対岸[たいがん] (n) opposite shore (P) ","両岸[りょうがん<br>りょうぎし] (n) both banks (of a river) (P) ","西海岸[にしかいがん] (n) west coast ","湖岸[こがん] (n, adj-no) lakeshore/lakeside ","川岸[かわぎし] (n) riverbank/riverside (P) ","岸壁[がんぺき] (n) (1) quay/wharf/jetty (2) steep cliff/cliff wall (P) "],"競":["競馬[けいば<br>くらべうま]horse racing  N2","競技[きょうぎ]game,  match, contest  N3","競争[きょうそう]competition  N4","競う[きそう]To Compete ","競艇[きょうてい]boat race ","競走[きょうそう] (n, vs,adj-no) race (P) ","競輪[けいりん] (n) keirin/cycle racing event,  usu. 2km with a paced start and sprint finish (P) ","競合[きょうごう] (n, vs,adj-no) contention/competition/rivalry/quarrel (P) ","競る[せる] (v5r, vt) (1) to compete (2) to bid (3) to sell at auction (P) ","競技会[きょうぎかい] (n) athletic meet ","競泳[きょうえい] (n, vs) competitive swimming/swimming race (P) ","競売[きょうばい<br>けいばい] (n, vs) auction (P) ","競演[きょうえん] (n, vs) recital contest (P) ","競歩[きょうほ] (n) racewalking/race walking/walking race (P) ","小競り合い[こぜりあい] (n, vs) (1) skirmish/brush (with the enemy)/small fight with a military enemy (2) squabble/quarrel/brief argument/exchange of words "],"低":["低下[ていか]fall, decline,lowering,deterioration  N2","最低[さいてい]the lowest;  the worst  N3","低い[ひくい]short, low  N5","低[てい]low ","低音[ていおん]bass ","高低[こうてい<br>たかひく]high and low ","低温[ていおん]low temperature ","低気圧[ていきあつ]low pressure ","最低限[さいていげん] (n, adj-no) (1) minimum (n-adv) (2) at the very least (P) ","低迷[ていめい] (n, vs) hanging low (over)/hovering around (price level)/low hanging (e.g. clouds)/sluggish (e.g. economy)/slump/recession (P) ","低地[ていち] (n, adj-no) depression/lowlands/low ground/bottom land/plain (P) ","低減[ていげん] (n, vs) decrease/reduction/fall/depreciation/mitigation (P) ","低速[ていそく] (n, adj-no) low speed/slow speed ","低木[ていぼく] (n) shrub/shrubbery ","低圧[ていあつ] (n, adj-no) low pressure/low voltage ","低調[ていちょう] (adj-na, n) inactive/slow/sluggish/slack/low tone/undertone/dullness (market) weakness (P) ","低空[ていくう] (n, adj-no) low altitude/low sky ","低層[ていそう] (n, adj-no) (1) low-rise (architecture) (2) low-level/low-class "],"令":["指令[しれい]orders; instructions;directive  N1","仮令[たとえ]example; even if;if;though;although  N1","命令[めいれい]order,  command, decree, directive, (software) instruction  N3","法令[ほうれい]laws and ordinances ","司令官[しれいかん] (n) commandant/commanding officer/general (P) ","司令[しれい] (n, vs) command/control/commander (P) ","令[りょう<br>れい] (n) (arch) administrative and civil code ","令状[れいじょう] (n) warrant/summons/written order (P) ","司令部[しれいぶ] (n) headquarters (P) ","勅令[ちょくれい] (n) (imperial) edict ","律令[りつりょう<br>りつれい] (n) criminal,  administrative and civil codes (forming the basis of ancient East Asian law;  orig. Chinese)/legal codes of the Nara and Heian eras based on Chinese models ","政令[せいれい] (n) government ordinance/cabinet order (P) ","発令[はつれい] (n, vs) official announcement/proclamation (P) ","省令[しょうれい] (n) ministerial ordinance (P) ","軍令部[ぐんれいぶ] (n) Naval General Staff ","司令塔[しれいとう] (n) (1) control tower/conning tower (2) leader/commander/person calling the shots (3) (sports) playmaker/game maker ","令嬢[れいじょう] (n) (hon) (your) daughter/young woman (P) "],"拾":["拾う[ひろう]to pick up, to gather  N4","拾得[しゅうとく]find ","収拾[しゅうしゅう]control ","拾遺[しゅうい] (n) gleaning/gleanings "],"仲":["仲人[なこうど]go-between; matchmaker  N1","仲直り[なかなおり]reconciliation, make peace with  N2","仲良し[なかよし]intimate friend, bosom buddy,chum  N2","仲[なか<br>すあい]relation,  relationship  N3","仲間[なかま<br>ちゅうげん]company,  fellow, colleague, associate  N3","仲良く[なかよく]Friendly,  good terms ","仲買[なかがい]brokerage ","仲裁[ちゅうさい]arbitration ","仲介[ちゅうかい]agent ","仲よく[なかよく] (adv) (1) on good terms with/on cordial terms with/getting along well with/happily/peacefully (vs) (2) to make friends with/to be good friends with/to get along with ","仲良い[なかよい] (exp, adj-i) (col) (abbr) close/intimate/on good terms ","不仲[ふなか] (n, adj-no,adj-na) discord (on) bad terms (with) (P) "],"秒":["秒[びょう]second (60th min)  N3","秒読み[びょうよみ]countdown ","秒針[びょうしん]Seconds Hand ","毎秒[まいびょう] (n-adv, n-t) every second "],"波":["短波[たんぱ]short wave  N1","津波[つなみ]tsunami; tidal wave  N1","電波[でんぱ]electro-magnetic wave  N2","波[なみ<br>ぽ]wave  N3","波長[はちょう]wavelength ","寒波[かんぱ]cold wave ","波乱[はらん]disturbance ","超音波[ちょうおんぱ]Ultrasonic Wave ","荒波[あらなみ]Stormy Seas,  raging waves ","波紋[はもん]ripple,  repercussions ","周波[しゅうは] (n) cycle/wave/frequency ","難波[なにわ] (n) Naniwa (former name for Osaka region) ","周波数[しゅうはすう] (n) frequency (esp. of waveforms) (P) ","波動[はどう] (n, adj-no) (1) wave motion/undulation/surge (2) (physics) wave ","波布[はぶ] (n) (uk) habu (Trimeresurus flavoviridis)/yellow-spotted pit viper ","電磁波[でんじは] (n) (physics) electromagnetic wave ","地上波[ちじょうは] (n) (1) ground wave/terrestrial broadcast signal (i.e. not satellite) (adj-no) (2) terrestrial/over-the-air ","波及[はきゅう] (n, vs) spread/extension/influence/aftereffect/ripple (P) ","音波[おんぱ] (n, adj-no) sound wave ","波形[なみがた<br>はけい] (n, adj-no) wavy form/ripply shape ","余波[なごり<br>なごろ<br>よは] (n) waves that remain after the wind has subsided ","防波堤[ぼうはてい] (n) breakwater/mole (P) "],"章":["章[しょう](1) chapter,  section, (2) medal  N3","文章[ぶんしょう<br>もんじょう<br>もんぞう]sentence, text  N5","第二章[だいにしょう]Chapter Two,  second chapter ","勲章[くんしょう]decoration,  order, medal ","紋章[もんしょう]crest,  coat of arms ","受章[じゅしょう] (n, vs) reception of a decoration/reception of an order (P) ","楽章[がくしょう] (n) (musical) movement (P) ","憲章[けんしょう] (n) charter (P) ","褒章[ほうしょう] (n) medal of honour/medal of merit ","瑞宝章[ずいほうしょう] (n) Orders of the Sacred Treasure ","校章[こうしょう] (n) school badge/school emblem/school insignia ","印章[いんしょう] (n, adj-no) stamp/seal ","記章[きしょう] (n) medal/badge/insignia (P) "],"倍":["倍率[ばいりつ]diameter; magnification  N1","倍[ばい]double  N4","二倍[にばい]Double,  two times, twice ","〜倍[ばい]Times ","倍増[ばいぞう]doubling "],"祭":["祭日[さいじつ]national holiday, festival day  N2","祭る[まつる]to deify, to enshrine  N2","祭[まつり]festival,  feast  N3","お祭り[おまつり]festival  N4","ひな祭り[ひなまつり]the Doll Festival ","祭り[まつり]festival ","冠婚葬祭[かんこんそうさい]ceremonial occasions ","感謝祭[かんしゃさい] (n) Thanksgiving (US,  Canada) ","祭神[さいしん<br>さいじん] (n) enshrined deity ","司祭[しさい] (n, adj-no) priest/minister/pastor ","文化祭[ぶんかさい] (n) school festival/cultural festival/arts festival ","祭祀[さいし] (n) ritual/religious service/festival ","祭礼[さいれい] (n) (religious) festival (P) ","祭典[さいてん] (n) festival (P) ","祭壇[さいだん] (n) altar (P) ","例祭[れいさい] (n) regular festival/annual festival ","祝祭[しゅくさい] (n, adj-no) festivals/feasts ","御祭り[おまつり] (n) (pol) festival/feast/carnival "],"階":["階[かい<br>きざはし<br>きだはし<br>しな<br>はし]-floor (counter); stories  N1","階級[かいきゅう]class; rank;grade  N1","階層[かいそう]class; level;stratum;hierarchy  N1","段階[だんかい<br>きざはし<br>きだはし]gradation, grade,stage  N2","二階建て[にかいだて]two storied  N4","階段[かいだん]stairs  N5","一階[いっかい]First Floor,  floor one, first story, first storey ","〜階[かい]Floor,  story, storey ","四十二階[よんじゅうにかい]Forty Second Floor,  floor forty two, 42nd floor, floor 42, forty second story, forty second storey ","二階[にかい]Second Floor,  floor two, second story, second storey ","音階[おんかい] (n) (music) scale (P) "],"湯":["茶の湯[ちゃのゆ]tea ceremony  N1","熱湯[ねっとう]boiling water  N1","湯気[ゆげ]steam, vapour  N2","湯飲み[ゆのみ]teacup  N2","湯[ゆ<br>タン]hot water  N4","銭湯[せんとう]Public Bath ","湯豆腐[ゆどうふ]Boiled Tofu ","お湯[おゆ] (n) (1) (pol) hot water (2) (pol) hot bath ","湯本[ゆもと] (n) source of a hot spring ","湯治[とうじ] (n, vs) hot-spring cure/taking the baths (P) "],"島":["半島[はんとう]peninsula  N2","列島[れっとう]chain of islands  N2","島[しま<br>とう]island  N4","広島[ひろしま]Hiroshima ","福島[ふくしま]Fukushima ","徳島県[とくしまけん]Tokushima Prefecture ","鹿児島県[かごしまけん]Kagoshima Prefecture ","軍艦島[ぐんかんじま]Battleship Island,  gunkanjima ","孤島[ことう]solitary island ","諸島[しょとう] (n) archipelago/group of islands (P) ","中島[なかじま] (n) island in a pond or river (P) ","マーシャル諸島[マーシャルしょとう] (n) the Marshall Islands ","小島[おじま<br>こじま<br>しょうとう] (n) small island/islet ","島根[しまね] (n) island country (P) ","ソロモン諸島[ソロモンしょとう] (n) Solomon Islands ","朝鮮半島[ちょうせんはんとう] (n) Korean peninsula (P) ","島田[しまだ] (n) (abbr) pompadour-like hair style,  popular for unmarried women in the Edo period/shimada coiffure ","本島[ほんとう] (n) (1) main island (2) this island (P) ","島々[しまじま] (n) islands (P) ","群島[ぐんとう] (n) island group/archipelago (P) ","島嶼[とうしょ] (n) islands ","島民[とうみん] (n) islander ","離島[りとう] (n) (1) isolated island/outlying island (n, vs) (2) leaving an island (P) ","種子島[たねがしま] (n) (arch) matchlock/arquebus/harquebus ","島国[しまぐに<br>とうごく] (n) island country (P) ","敷島[しきしま] (n) (1) Yamato (province) (2) Japan (3) (abbr) the art of classical Japanese poetry "],"童":["児童[じどう]children, juvenile  N2","童話[どうわ]fairy tale  N2","河童[かっぱ<br>かあっぱ<br>かあらんべ<br>かわわっぱ]Kappa ","童謡[どうよう]nursery rhyme,  children's song ","童[わっぱ<br>わらし<br>わらべ<br>わらわ<br>わらんべ] (n) (arch) child ","童貞[どうてい] (n) (1) virginity (of a male)/virgin (2) (Catholic) nun/sister ","学童[がくどう] (n) school child/pupil (P) ","天童[てんどう] (n) cherub/gods disguised as children/children parading as cherubs "],"植":["植わる[うわる]to be planted  N1","植民地[しょくみんち]colony  N1","植木[うえき]garden shrubs, trees,potted plant  N2","田植え[たうえ]rice planting  N2","植物[しょくぶつ]plant,  vegetation  N3","植える[うえる]to plant, to grow  N4","植物園[しょくぶつえん]botanical garden ","移植[いしょく]transplant ","植樹[しょくじゅ]Tree Planting ","植民[しょくみん] (n, vs,adj-no) colonization/colonisation ","入植[にゅうしょく] (n, vs) settlement/immigration (P) ","動植物[どうしょくぶつ] (n) plants and animals/flora and fauna (P) ","植生[しょくせい] (n) vegetation ","植林[しょくりん] (n, vs) afforestation (P) "],"根":["球根[きゅうこん](plant) bulb  N1","根気[こんき]patience; perseverance;energy  N1","根拠[こんきょ]basis; foundation  N1","根底[こんてい]root; basis;foundation  N1","根本[ねもと<br>こんぽん<br>ねほん]origin; source;foundation;root;base;principle  N1","根回し[ねまわし]making necessary arrangements  N1","利根[とね<br>りこん]intelligence  N1","垣根[かきね]hedge  N2","羽根[はね]shuttlecock  N2","根[ね<br>こん]root  N3","屋根[やね]roof  N3","大根[だいこん<br>おおね<br>だいこ]Daikon,  japanese radish ","根っ子[ね っこ]root ","根元[ねもと<br>こんげん]base ","根性[こんじょう]nature ","根掘り葉掘り[ね ほり は ほり]in great detail ","蓮根[れんこん,  はすね]lotus root ","禍根[かこん]root of evil,  source of evil ","島根[しまね] (n) island country (P) ","尾根[おね] (n) (mountain) ridge (P) ","根源[こんげん] (n, adj-no) root/source/origin/foundation/base/principle (P) ","根強い[ねづよい] (adj-i) firmly rooted/deep-seated (P) ","根幹[こんかん] (n) (1) foundation/root/basis/core/fundamentals (2) root and trunk (P) ","根付く[ねづく] (v5k, vi) to take root/to strike ","付け根[つけね] (n) root/joint/base/crotch (P) ","高根[たかね] (n) high peak ","根絶[こんぜつ] (n, vs) eradication/extermination/rooting out/stamping out/getting rid of (P) "],"短":["短歌[たんか<br>みじかうた]tanka; 31-syllable Japanese poem  N1","短気[たんき]quick temper  N1","短縮[たんしゅく]shortening; abbreviation;reduction  N1","短大[たんだい]junior college  N1","短波[たんぱ]short wave  N1","短期[たんき]short term  N2","短所[たんしょ](1) defect, demerit,weak point,(2) disadvantage  N2","短編[たんぺん]short (e.g. story,  film)  N2","長短[ちょうたん]length, long and short,+-  N2","短い[みじかい]short  N5","短刀[たんとう]Short Sword,  dagger, tanto ","短期大学[たんきだいがく]junior college ","短銃[たんじゅう]Pistol,  revolver ","短距離[たんきょり]Short Distance ","短期間[たんきかん] (n) short term/short time (P) ","短調[たんちょう] (n) (music) minor key (P) ","短時間[たんじかん] (n-adv, n-t) short time (P) ","短[たん<br>みじか] (n) (1) fault/defect/weak point (2) (music) minor ","手短[てみじか] (adj-na) short/brief ","最短[さいたん] (n, adj-no) shortest (P) ","短命[たんめい] (adj-na, n,adj-no) short life/short lived (P) ","短絡[たんらく] (n, vs) (1) electric short-circuit (2) drawing a hasty inference between two events/jumping to a quick conclusion/dealing with matters quickly and carelessly (P) "],"泉":["温泉[おんせん]spa, hot spring,onsen  N2","泉[いずみ]spring,  fountain  N3","黄泉[こうせん<br>よみ] (n) (1) underground spring (2) Hades/hell/underworld ","源泉[げんせん] (n) (1) source (of a spring,  etc.) (2) source (of payment, energy, knowledge, etc.)/origin/wellspring (P) ","冷泉[れいせん] (n) cold mineral spring "],"温":["温和[おんわ]gentle; mild;moderate  N1","生温い[なまぬるい]lukewarm; halfhearted  N1","保温[ほおん]retaining warmth; keeping heat in;heat insulation  N1","温室[おんしつ]greenhouse  N2","温泉[おんせん]spa, hot spring,onsen  N2","温帯[おんたい]temperate zone  N2","温暖[おんだん]warmth  N3","温度[おんど]temperature  N3","気温[きおん]temperature (weather - not used for things)  N3","体温[たいおん]temperature (body)  N3","温い[あたたかい]luke warm  N5","温かい[あたたかい<br>あったかい]Warm ","低温[ていおん]low temperature ","温もり[ぬくもり]warmth ","高温[こうおん]high temperature ","温める[あたためる<br>あっためる<br>ぬくめる<br>ぬるめる]To Warm Up,  to warm, to heat up, to heat ","体温計[たいおんけい](clinical) thermometer ","温床[おんしょう]Hotbed ","温[ぬく] (n) (arch) (derog) idiot/dummy/slow person ","水温[すいおん] (n) water temperature (P) ","常温[じょうおん] (n) (1) normal temperature/room temperature (2) constant temperature/fixed temperature ","温水[おんすい] (n, adj-no) warm water ","温厚[おんこう] (adj-na, n) gentle/mild-mannered (P) ","温存[おんぞん] (n, vs) preservation/retainment/keeping (P) "],"橋":["桟橋[さんばし<br>さんきょう]wharf; bridge;jetty;pier  N1","橋渡し[はしわたし]bridge building; mediation  N1","鉄橋[てっきょう]railway bridge, iron bridge  N2","橋[はし<br>きょう]bridge  N5","陸橋[りっきょう<br>りくきょう]overland bridge ","橋梁[きょうりょう] (n) bridge ","船橋[せんきょう<br>ふなばし] (n) (1) pontoon bridge/temporary bridge made using ships (2) bridge (of a ship) ","架橋[かきょう] (n, vs) (1) bridge building/bridge (2) cross-linking (P) ","跨線橋[こせんきょう] (n) overpass ","板橋[いたばし] (n) (arch) wooden bridge (with planks) ","橋上[きょうじょう] (n) (on the) bridge ","石橋[いしばし<br>せっきょう] (n) stone bridge (P) ","新橋[しんばし] (n) Shinbashi (section of Tokyo) (P) ","橋脚[きょうきゃく] (n) bridge pier/pontoon bridge (P) ","土橋[つちばし<br>どばし] (n) earthen bridge ","吊り橋[つりはし<br>つりばし] (n) suspension bridge/rope bridge "],"緑":["緑[みどり]green  N5","緑色[みどりいろ<br>りょくしょく]Green,  color green, green color, colour green, green colour ","緑地[りょくち] (n) green tract of land/green space (P) ","常緑[じょうりょく] (n, adj-no) evergreen ","緑茶[りょくちゃ] (n) green tea/Japanese tea (P) ","黄緑[おうりょく<br>きみどり] (n) pea green/yellow-green ","緑化[りょくか<br>りょっか] (n, vs) greening (i.e. planting to increase greenery)/tree planting/afforestation "],"億":["億[おく]one hundred million  N4","一億[いちおく]One Hundred Million ","一億円[いちおくえん]One Hundred Million Yen "],"練":["練る[ねる]to knead; to work over;to polish up  N1","未練[みれん]lingering affection; attachment;regret(s);reluctance  N1","訓練[くんれん]practice,  training  N3","練習[れんしゅう]practice  N3","練習する[れんしゅうする]To Practice ","洗練[せんれん]Refinement,  polish ","試練[しれん] (n) test/trial/probation/ordeal/tribulation (P) ","熟練[じゅくれん] (n, vs,adj-no) skill/dexterity/proficiency (P) "],"賞":["懸賞[けんしょう]offering prizes; winning;reward  N1","入賞[にゅうしょう]winning a prize or place (in a contest)  N1","鑑賞[かんしょう]appreciation  N2","賞金[しょうきん]prize, monetary award  N2","賞品[しょうひん]prize, trophy  N2","賞[しょう]prize,  award  N3","観賞[かんしょう]ornamental ","賞状[しょうじょう]certificate of merit ","賞罰[しょうばつ]reward and punishment ","賞与金[しょうよきん]Bonus ","恩賞[おんしょう]Reward,  a reward ","褒賞[ほうしょう]Medal,  prize, reward ","ノーベル賞[のーべるしょう]Nobel Prize ","受賞[じゅしょう] (n, vs) winning (a prize) (P) ","大賞[たいしょう] (n) big prize/first prize (P) ","賞典[しょうてん] (n) prize/reward ","賞賛[しょうさん] (n, vs,adj-no) praise/admiration/commendation/approbation (P) ","授賞[じゅしょう] (n, vs) awarding a prize (P) ","賞味[しょうみ] (n, vs) relish/gusto/appreciation ","賞与[しょうよ] (n) (1) bonus (2) reward/prize (P) "],"課":["課外[かがい]extracurricular  N1","課題[かだい]subject; theme;task  N1","課税[かぜい]taxation  N2","課程[かてい]course, curriculum  N2","日課[にっか]daily lesson, daily work,daily routine  N2","課[か]counter for chapters (of a book)  N3","課長[かちょう]section manager  N4","課す[かす] (v5s, vt) to levy/to charge/to assess/to impose/to assign ","課する[かする] (vs-s, vt) to levy/to charge/to assess/to impose/to assign (P) ","放課後[ほうかご] (n-adv, n-t) after school (P) ","課金[かきん] (n, vs) (1) charges/billing (2) (sl) paying for items in online games "],"像":["映像[えいぞう]reflection; image  N1","現像[げんぞう]developing (film)  N1","像[ぞう]statue; image;figure;picture;portrait  N1","仏像[ぶつぞう]Buddhist image (statue)  N1","想像[そうぞう]imagination,  guess  N3","画像[がぞう]Image,  portrait, picture ","想像する[そうぞうする]To Imagine ","銅像[どうぞう]Copper Statue,  bronze statue ","偶像[ぐうぞう]idol ","肖像[しょうぞう]portrait ","想像力[そうぞうりょく] (n) (power of) imagination (P) ","写像[しゃぞう] (n) (math) mapping/map/image/representation ","解像度[かいぞうど] (n) resolution (e.g. display,  dpi)/granularity (e.g. timer) ","群像[ぐんぞう] (n) (1) lively group (usu. young people)/dynamic bunch (2) group (art) (P) ","彫像[ちょうぞう] (n) sculpture/carved statue/graven image (P) "],"輪":["首輪[くびわ]necklace; choker  N1","年輪[ねんりん]annual tree ring  N1","輪[わ<br>りん]counter for wheels and flowers  N1","車輪[しゃりん](car) wheel  N2","指輪[ゆびわ]finger ring  N4","輪ゴム[わごむ<br>わごむ,  わゴム]rubber band ","輪郭[りんかく]outline,  border, silhouette, summary, features, appearance ","競輪[けいりん] (n) keirin/cycle racing event,  usu. 2km with a paced start and sprint finish (P) ","五輪[ごりん] (n) Olympic rings/Olympics (P) ","二輪[にりん] (n) two wheels/two flowers ","三輪[さんりん] (n) three wheels (P) ","前輪[ぜんりん<br>まえわ] (n) front wheel ","後輪[あとわ<br>こうりん<br>しずわ<br>しりわ] (n) (1) rear wheel (2) cantle ","埴輪[はにわ] (n) haniwa/hollow unglazed terracotta figure from the Kofun period ","動輪[どうりん] (n) driving wheel ","駐輪場[ちゅうりんじょう] (n) parking area for bicycles ","花輪[はなわ] (n) wreath/garland (P) "],"芸":["学芸[がくげい]arts and sciences; liberal arts  N1","手芸[しゅげい]handicrafts  N1","園芸[えんげい]horticulture, gardening  N2","芸能[げいのう]public entertainment, accomplishments,attainments  N2","工芸[こうげい]industrial arts  N2","文芸[ぶんげい]literature, art and literature,belles-lettres  N2","芸術[げいじゅつ](fine) art,  the arts  N3","芸人[げいにん]Comedian,  actor, performer ","芸者[げいしゃ]Geisha ","芸能界[げいのうかい]Showbusiness,  showbiz, show business ","芸[げい]art ","芸能人[げいのうじん]celebrity ","芸術家[げいじゅつか]Artist ","演芸[えんげい]Performance,  entertainment ","陶芸[とうげい]Ceramic Art,  ceramics ","芸名[げいめい] (n) stage name (P) ","安芸[あき] (n) former name of Hiroshima prefecture (P) ","武芸[ぶげい] (n) martial arts ","芸妓[げいぎ<br>げいこ] (n) geisha "],"骨":["骨董品[こっとうひん]curio  N1","骨[ほね<br>こつ]knack; skill  N1","露骨[ろこつ]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;frank;blunt;plain;outspoken; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;conspicuous;open; 3.&nbsp;&nbsp;broad;suggestive  N1","骨折[こっせつ]bone fracture  N3","骨格[こっかく]Skeleton ","鉄骨[てっこつ]steel frame ","背骨[せぼね]backbone ","拳骨[げんこつ]Clenched Fist,  knuckles ","骨髄[こつずい]bone marrow,  marrow ","骸骨[がいこつ]skeleton ","頭蓋骨[ずがいこつ<br>とうがいこつ] (n) skull/cranium ","遺骨[いこつ] (n) (1) ashes (of a cremated person) (2) remains (of war dead) (P) ","頭骨[かしらぼね<br>ずこつ<br>とうこつ] (n) skull ","軟骨[なんこつ] (n) (1) cartilage (2) nankotsu (dish of) gristle (usu. of chicken,  deep-fried) (P) ","骨董[こっとう] (n) antique/curio (P) ","人骨[じんこつ] (n) human bones (P) ","肋骨[あばらぼね<br>ろっこつ] (n) rib "],"周":["周[しゅう]circuit; lap;circumference;vicinity;Chou (dynasty)  N1","周期[しゅうき]cycle; period  N1","円周[えんしゅう]circumference  N2","周辺[しゅうへん]circumference, outskirts,environs,(computer) peripheral  N2","周囲[しゅうい]surroundings,  circumference, environs  N3","周り[まわり]surroundings  N4","周年[しゅうねん]Anniversary ","一周[いっしゅう]One Time Around,  once around ","一周忌[いっしゅうき]first anniversary of death,  first death anniversary ","周波[しゅうは] (n) cycle/wave/frequency ","周回[しゅうかい] (n, vs) (1) going around/orbiting/circling (n) (2) circumference/girth/surroundings ","周波数[しゅうはすう] (n) frequency (esp. of waveforms) (P) ","周知[しゅうち] (n, vs,adj-no) common knowledge/being well-known/making (something) well-known (P) ","外周[がいしゅう] (n) outer circumference ","周遊[しゅうゆう] (n, vs) (circular) tour/round trip/excursion (P) "],"協":["協会[きょうかい]association; society;organization  N1","協議[きょうぎ]conference; consultation;discussion;negotiation  N1","協調[きょうちょう]co-operation; conciliation;harmony;firm (market) tone  N1","協定[きょうてい]arrangement; pact;agreement  N1","妥協[だきょう]compromise; giving in  N1","協力[きょうりょく]cooperation,  collaboration  N3","農協[のうきょう]agricultural cooperative ","妥協する[だきょうする]To Compromise ","紳士協定[しんしきょうてい]gentlemen's agreement ","協同[きょうどう] (n, vs,adj-no) doing together (as equals)/sharing/common (land, etc.)/joint (statement, etc.)/cooperation/co-operation/collaboration/association (P) ","ご協力[ごきょうりょく] (n, vs) cooperation/collaboration ","協奏曲[きょうそうきょく] (n) (music) concerto (P) ","協力者[きょうりょくしゃ] (n) cooperative worker ","協和[きょうわ] (n, vs) concord/harmony/concert (P) ","協賛[きょうさん] (n, vs) support/mutual aid/cooperation/approval/authorization/authorisation (P) ","協業[きょうぎょう] (n, vs) cooperative industry ","協約[きょうやく] (n, vs) pact/convention/agreement ","協商[きょうしょう] (n, vs) negotiation/agreement ","協働[きょうどう] (n, vs) cooperation ","生協[せいきょう] (n) cooperative association/co-op store (P) "],"卒":["何卒[なにとぞ]please; kindly;by all means  N1","卒直[そっちょく]frankness, candour,openheartedness  N2","卒業[そつぎょう]graduation  N4","卒業式[そつぎょうしき]Graduation Ceremony,  graduation ","卒業する[そつぎょうする]To Graduate ","卒[そつ] (n) (1) low-ranking soldier (2) (abbr) graduation/outgrowing/moving on (from) (3) (abbr) low-ranking samurai (1870-1872) (4) (abbr) death (of a noble,  etc.) ","卒業生[そつぎょうせい] (n) graduate/alumnus (P) ","学卒[がくそつ] (n) college graduate (P) ","新卒[しんそつ] (n, adj-no) new graduate/recent graduate (P) ","卒論[そつろん] (n) (abbr) graduation thesis/bachelor's degree thesis ","高卒[こうそつ] (n, adj-no) (abbr) high school graduate (P) ","脳卒中[のうそっちゅう] (n) stroke/cerebral haemorrhage/cerebral hemorrhage (P) "],"固":["固める[かためる]to harden; to freeze;to fortify  N1","頑固[がんこ]stubbornness; obstinacy  N1","固体[こたい]solid (body)  N1","固定[こてい]fixation  N1","固有[こゆう]characteristic; tradition;peculiar;inherent;eigen-  N1","固い[かたい]stubborn, firm (not viscous or easily moved)  N2","固まる[かたまる]to harden, to solidify,to become firm,to become certain  N2","堅/硬/固い[けん/かたし/かたい]hard  N4","固形[こけい]solid ","固苦しい[かた くるしい]formal ","固有名詞[こゆうめいし]Proper Noun ","固執[こしつ<br>こしゅう]adherence ","凝固[ぎょうこ]solidify,  coagulate, freeze ","強固[きょうこ] (adj-na) firm/strong/solid/stable (P) ","断固[だんこ] (adj-t, adv-to) firm/determined/resolute/conclusive (P) ","固辞[こじ] (n, vs) firm refusal ","禁固[きんこ] (n, vs) imprisonment (without forced labour)/incarceration/confinement (P) ","堅固[けんご] (adj-na, n) solid/strong/firm (P) "],"材":["教材[きょうざい]teaching materials  N1","取材[しゅざい]choice of subject; collecting data  N1","人材[じんざい]man of talent  N1","素材[そざい]raw materials; subject matter  N1","材木[ざいもく]lumber, timber  N2","木材[もくざい]lumber, timber,wood  N2","材料[ざいりょう]ingredients,  material  N3","鋼材[こうざい]Steel Material ","題材[だいざい] (n) subject/theme (P) ","材[ざい] (n, n-suf) (1) wood/lumber/timber (n) (2) (raw) material/stuff/ingredients (3) talent/ability/capable person ","食材[しょくざい] (n) (1) ingredient (2) foodstuff ","機材[きざい] (n) machine parts/machinery/equipment (P) ","資材[しざい] (n) (raw) material (P) ","材質[ざいしつ] (n) (1) material (2) material properties/quality of material (P) ","原材料[げんざいりょう] (n) raw materials/ingredients (P) ","部材[ぶざい] (n) component/part/member/fitting ","石材[せきざい] (n) (building) stone (P) ","製材[せいざい] (n, vs) sawing ","建材[けんざい] (n) building material (P) "],"季":["季刊[きかん]quarterly (e.g. magazine)  N1","四季[しき]four seasons  N2","季節[きせつ]season  N4","冬季[とうき]winter season ","夏季[かき<br>なつき]summer season ","季語[きご]season word ","乾季[かんき]Dry Season ","季[き] (n) (1) season (2) seasonal word or phrase (in haiku) (3) year ","春季[しゅんき] (n) spring season (P) ","秋季[しゅうき] (n) fall season/autumn season (P) ","今季[こんき] (n-adv, n-t) this season (P) ","雨季[うき] (n) rainy season (P) "],"技":["技能[ぎのう]technical skill; ability;capacity  N1","特技[とくぎ]special skill  N1","技[わざ<br>ぎ]art; technique  N1","演技[えんぎ]acting,  performance  N3","技師[ぎし]engineer,  technician  N3","競技[きょうぎ]game,  match, contest  N3","技術[ぎじゅつ]art, technology,skill  N4","技法[ぎほう] (n) technique (P) ","格闘技[かくとうぎ] (n) martial arts which involve fighting without weapons/combat sport/one-on-one fighting sport ","技術者[ぎじゅつしゃ] (n) engineer/technical expert/technician/craftsperson (P) ","競技会[きょうぎかい] (n) athletic meet ","必殺技[ひっさつわざ] (n) (1) killer technique/surefire assassination method (2) (MA) special or lethal move,  usu. one unique to a certain fighter or fighting style ","球技[きゅうぎ] (n) ball game (e.g. baseball,  tennis, soccer) (P) ","技巧[ぎこう] (n) technique/finesse (P) ","技量[ぎりょう] (n) ability/competency/talent/skill/capacity ","実技[じつぎ] (n) practical skill (P) ","遊技[ゆうぎ] (n) games/pastimes "],"囲":["囲む[かこむ<br>かごむ]to surround,  to encircle  N3","周囲[しゅうい]surroundings,  circumference, environs  N3","範囲[はんい]extent,  scope, sphere, range  N3","雰囲気[ふんいき<br>ふいんき]atmosphere (e.g. musical),  mood, ambience  N3","囲い[かこい]enclosure ","囲う[かこう]enclose ","包囲[ほうい]Siege,  encirclement ","囲碁[いご]Go,  go board game ","広範囲[こうはんい] (adj-na, n) extensive/vast range/wide scope (P) ","取り囲む[とりかこむ] (v5m, vt) to surround/to crowd around (P) ","四囲[しい] (n, vs) surroundings/circumference "],"希":["希望[きぼう]hope,  wish, aspiration  N3","希望する[きぼうする]To Request,  to wish ","希[き<br>ぎ<br>まれ] (pref) (1) dilute (2) rare ","希少[きしょう] (adj-na, n) scarce/rare (P) ","希薄[きはく] (adj-na, n) (1) thin (e.g. air)/diluted/sparse/lean/weak/rarified/rarefied (2) lacking (e.g. empathy)/deficient/insufficient (e.g. zeal) (P) "],"軍":["軍[ぐん<br>いくさ]war; battle;campaign;fight  N1","軍艦[ぐんかん]warship; battleship  N1","軍事[ぐんじ]military affairs  N1","軍備[ぐんび]armaments; military preparations  N1","軍服[ぐんぷく]military or naval uniform  N1","軍隊[ぐんたい]army,  troops  N3","海軍[かいぐん]Navy ","軍人[ぐんじん]Soldier ","空軍[くうぐん]air force ","軍国主義[ぐんこく しゅぎ]militarism ","陸軍[りくぐん]Land Army,  army ","軍拡[ぐんかく]expansion of armaments ","軍縮[ぐんしゅく]reduction of armaments ","将軍[しょうぐん]Shogun,  general, commander, shougun ","駐留軍[ちゅうりゅうぐん]Stationed Troops,  occupying troops ","軍艦島[ぐんかんじま]Battleship Island,  gunkanjima ","米軍[べいぐん] (n) US armed forces ","国軍[こくぐん] (n) national armed forces (P) ","軍用[ぐんよう] (n, adj-no) for military use (P) ","軍勢[ぐんぜい] (n) military forces/hosts/troops ","軍団[ぐんだん] (n, adj-no) army corps (P) ","進軍[しんぐん] (n, vs) march/advance ","援軍[えんぐん] (n) reinforcement (P) ","軍政[ぐんせい] (n) (1) military administration/military government (2) government affairs relating to the military (P) ","従軍[じゅうぐん] (n, vs) military service/serving in a war/taking part in a campaign (P) ","反乱軍[はんらんぐん] (n) rebel army ","軍需[ぐんじゅ] (n) munitions/military stores (P) ","両軍[りょうぐん] (n) both armies/both teams (P) ","軍曹[ぐんそう] (n) sergeant ","軍務[ぐんむ] (n) military and naval affairs/military service ","大軍[たいぐん] (n) large army ","軍部[ぐんぶ] (n) military authorities/army circles (P) ","将軍家[しょうぐんけ] (n) family positioned to accede to the shogunate ","行軍[こうぐん] (n, vs) march/marching ","軍医[ぐんい] (n) military physician or surgeon (P) ","軍将[ぐんしょう] (n) army commander ","軍令部[ぐんれいぶ] (n) Naval General Staff ","陸海軍[りくかいぐん] (n) army and navy ","軍機[ぐんき] (n) military secret/classified military material (P) ","全軍[ぜんぐん] (n) (1) whole army/whole team (2) all armies/all teams ","官軍[かんぐん] (n) government forces/loyalist army ","軍閥[ぐんばつ] (n) military clique or party ","軍国[ぐんこく] (n) nation at war/militant nation ","軍港[ぐんこう] (n) naval port/naval station (P) ","友軍[ゆうぐん] (n, adj-no) friendly army/friendly troops/allied army ","軍旗[ぐんき] (n) battle flag/standard (regimental) colours/colors/ensign "],"岩":["岩石[がんせき]rock  N1","溶岩[ようがん]lava  N2","岩[いわ]rock,  crag  N3","岩礁[がんしょう]reef,  sunken rocks, shore reef, rock reef ","岩倉[やぐら] (n) (uk) caves dug as tombs in and around Kamakura during the Kamakura and Muromachi periods ","岩屋[いわや] (n) cavern/grotto (P) ","花崗岩[かこうがん] (n) granite ","砂岩[さがん<br>しゃがん] (n) sandstone ","岩盤[がんばん] (n) bedrock (P) ","岩山[いわやま] (n) rocky mountain (P) ","玄武岩[げんぶがん] (n) basalt/whin(stone) "],"仏":["仏[ほとけ<br>ふつ<br>ぶつ]French  N1","仏像[ぶつぞう]Buddhist image (statue)  N1","仏教[ぶっきょう]Buddhism ","大仏[だいぶつ]Giant Buddha Statue,  daibutsu, giant statue of buddha, large buddha statue, large statue of buddha ","仏典[ぶってん]Buddhist Scriptures,  buddhist writing ","仏僧[ぶっそう]Buddhist Priest ","仏徒[ぶっと]Buddhist ","仏壇[ぶつだん]Buddhist Altar ","念仏[ねんぶつ] (n, vs) (Buddh) nenbutsu (Buddhist prayer)/nianfo/prayer to Amitabha (P) ","神仏[かみほとけ<br>しんぶつ] (n) gods and Buddha ","仏文[ふつぶん] (n) French/French writing/French literature (P) "],"築":["築く[きずく]to build; to pile up;to amass  N1","新築[しんちく]new building; new construction  N1","建築[けんちく]construction,  architecture  N3","建築家[けんちくか]Architect ","改築[かいちく]rebuilding ","構築[こうちく] (n, vs) construction/building/putting up/erecting/creation/formulation/architecture (systems, agreement, etc.) (P) ","築城[ちくじょう<br>ついき] (n, vs) fortification/castle construction ","築造[ちくぞう] (n, vs) construction/building ","移築[いちく] (n, vs) dismantling an historic building and reconstructing it elsewhere ","増築[ぞうちく] (n, vs) addition to a building ","築地[ついじ<br>つきじ] (n) mud wall with a roof/roofed mud wall (P) ","築[ちく] (pref) (1) ... years since construction/... years old (of a building) (suf) (2) built in ... ","築き上げる[きずきあげる] (v1, vt) to build up/to establish (one's reputation) (P) ","築港[ちっこう] (n, vs) harbor construction/harbour construction ","築堤[ちくてい] (n, vs) embankment/bank "],"勇":["勇敢[ゆうかん]bravery; heroism;gallantry  N1","勇ましい[いさましい]brave, valiant,gallant,courageous  N2","勇気[ゆうき]courage,  bravery, valour, nerve, boldness  N3","勇者[ゆうしゃ<br>ゆうじゃ] (n) hero/the brave/man of valour (valor) (P) ","勇[ゆう] (n) bravery/courage/heroism ","武勇[ぶゆう] (n) bravery/military prowess/valour/valor (P) ","勇退[ゆうたい] (n, vs) bowing out/retiring voluntarily (P) ","勇士[ゆうし] (n) brave warrior/hero/brave man (P) "],"区":["区[く]ward; district;section  N1","区画[くかく]division; section;compartment;boundary;area;block  N1","区間[くかん]section (of track&nbsp; &nbsp;etc)  N1","区切り[くぎり]an end; a stop;punctuation  N1","区々[まちまち]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;several;various;divergent;conflicting;different;diverse; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;trivial  N1","区域[くいき]limits, boundary,domain,zone,sphere,territory  N2","区切る[くぎる]to punctuate, to cut off,to mark off,to stop,to put an end to  N2","区分[くぶん]division, section,classification  N2","区別[くべつ]distinction,  differentiation, classification  N3","地区[ちく]district,  section, sector  N3","区役所[くやくしょ]ward office ","管区[かんく] (n) jurisdiction (P) ","学区[がっく] (n) school district/school area (P) ","教区[きょうく] (n, adj-no) parish ","校区[こうく] (n) (ksb:) school district/school area ","区立[くりつ] (n, adj-no) established by the ward (P) ","市区[しく] (n) municipal district/streets ","特区[とっく] (n) (1) (abbr) special ward (2) (abbr) special economic zone (China) (3) (abbr) special administrative region of China (e.g. Hong Kong) ","区長[くちょう] (n) head of a ward/mayor of a ward/chief administrator of a ward (P) "],"毒":["中毒[ちゅうどく]poisoning  N1","消毒[しょうどく]disinfection, sterilization  N2","気の毒[きのどく]pitiful,  a pity  N3","毒[どく]poison,  toxicant  N3","毒言[どくげん]Abusive Language ","食中毒[しょくちゅうどく]Food Poisoning ","毒ガス[どくがす,  どくガス]Poison Gas ","有毒[ゆうどく]Poisonous,  toxic ","毒薬[どくやく]poisonous drug ","鉛毒[えんどく]Lead Poisoning ","お気の毒[おきのどく] (exp, adj-na) (pol) I am sorry (to hear, to say, etc.)/a pity ","毒性[どくせい] (n) (1) toxicity/virulence (adj-no) (2) toxic/virulent/poisonous (P) ","解毒剤[げどくざい] (n) antidote ","毒殺[どくさつ] (n, vs) poisoning/kill by poison (P) ","毒物[どくぶつ] (n) poisonous substance/toxic substance/poison ","毒素[どくそ] (n, adj-no) toxin "],"浅":["浅ましい[あさましい]wretched; miserable;shameful;mean;despicable;abject  N1","浅い[あさい]shallow, superficial  N4","浅はか[あさはか]frivolous ","浅瀬[あさせ] (n, adj-no) shoal/shallows/sand bar/ford (P) "],"坂":["坂[さか]slope, hill  N4","大坂[おおさか<br>おおざか] (n) (1) Osaka (city) (2) (arch) large hill ","登坂[とうはん<br>とはん] (n, vs) climbing a slope (hill)/ascending a hill ","坂道[さかみち] (n) hill road (P) ","坂東[ばんどう] (n) Bando/former name of the Kanto region "],"寺":["寺院[じいん]temple  N2","寺[てら<br>じ]temple  N4","禅寺[ぜんでら,  ぜんじ<br>ぜんでら]Zen Temple ","お寺[おてら] (n) (1) (hon) (pol) temple (2) (abbr) monk ","寺社[じしゃ] (n) temples and shrines ","国分寺[こくぶんじ] (n) state-supported provincial temple (Nara period) (P) ","山寺[やまでら] (n) mountain temple (P) ","寺内[じない] (n) inside a temple ","廃寺[はいじ] (n, vs) (1) ruined temple/abandoned temple/temple ruins (2) closing a temple ","末寺[まつじ] (n) branch temple ","神宮寺[じんぐうじ] (n) Buddhist temple within a Shinto shrine/temple attached to a shrine "],"浴":["入浴[にゅうよく]bathe; bathing  N1","浴室[よくしつ]bathroom; bath  N1","海水浴[かいすいよく]sea bathing, seawater bath  N2","浴衣[ゆかた<br>よくい]bathrobe, informal summer kimono,yukata  N2","浴びる[あびる]to bathe,  to bask in the sun, to shower  N3","日光浴[にっこうよく]Sunbathe ","浴びせる[あびせる]pour on ","浴槽[よくそう]bathtub ","浴場[よくじょう] (n) bath/bathhouse/bathroom (P) "],"門":["門[もん<br>かど<br>と]gate  N1","部門[ぶもん]class; group;category;department;field;branch  N1","正門[せいもん]main gate, main entrance  N2","入門[にゅうもん]Admission,  entrance ","専門[せんもん]Specialty,  speciality, area of study, major ","名門[めいもん]distinguished family or school ","専門家[せんもんか]specialist ","関門[かんもん]barrier ","裏門[うらもん]back gate ","門下[もんか] (n) one's pupil/one's student/one's follower (P) ","一門[いちもん] (n) (1) family/clan/kin (2) sect/school/adherents/followers/disciples (3) (sumo) group of related sumo stables (P) ","門人[もんじん] (n) pupil/student/follower ","鳴門[なると] (n) (1) strait with a roaring tidal ebb and flow/whirlpool/maelstrom (2) (abbr) kamaboko with a spiral whirlpool-like pattern (3) (food) cooking technique where ingredients are cut in a spiral pattern (4) Naruto/city in NE Tokushima pref (5) (abbr) Naruto Strait (6) (abbr) Naruto wakame (P) ","大門[おおもん<br>だいもん] (n) large front gate ","亜門[あもん] (n) (biol) subphylum/subdivision ","破門[はもん] (n, vs,adj-no) excommunication/anathema ","門前[メンゼン<br>もんぜん] (n) (mahj) (abbr) one's hand being completely concealed (chi:)/not having called any tiles ","専門医[せんもんい] (n) medical specialist (P) ","門弟[もんてい] (n) disciple/pupil/follower ","水門[すいもん] (n) sluice gate/water gate/flood gate ","肛門[こうもん] (n, adj-no) anus ","閘門[こうもん] (n) lock gate ","山門[さんもん] (n) (1) (Buddh) main temple gate (2) (Buddh) temple ","門戸[もんこ] (n) door (P) ","門外[もんがい] (n) outside a gate/beyond one's area of expertise "],"府":["政府[せいふ]government  N3","府[ふ]prefecture ","府立[ふりつ]prefectural ","総理府[そうりふ]Prime Minister's Office ","府庁[ふちょう]prefectural office ","都道府県[とどうふけん] (n) administrative divisions of Japan: Tokyo-to,  Hokkai-do, Osaka-fu, Kyoto-fu and remaining prefectures (P) ","幕府[ばくふ] (n) bakufu/shogunate (P) ","府中[ふちゅう] (n) (1) provincial capital (under the ritsuryo system)/provincial office (2) public place of imperial rule ","国府[こう<br>こくふ<br>こくぶ<br>こふ] (n) provincial office (under the ritsuryo system)/provincial capital ","府県[ふけん] (n) prefectures (of Japan,  excl. Tokyo and Hokkaido) (P) ","大宰府[だざいふ] (n) dazaifu (under the ritsuryo system,  governmental office with jurisdiction over Kyushu, Iki and Tsushima) "],"荷":["荷[に<br>か]load; baggage;cargo  N1","荷造り[にづくり]packing; baling;crating  N1","荷物[にもつ]luggage  N5","入荷[にゅうか]arrival of goods ","出荷[しゅっか]shipping ","荷札[にふだ]tag ","手荷物[てにもつ]Hand Baggage,  hand luggage, cabin baggage, carry on ","負荷[ふか] (n, vs) burden/load (e.g. cpu time, electricity, etc.) (P) ","稲荷[いなり] (n) (1) Inari (god of harvests,  Uka-no-Mitama) (2) Inari shrine/Fushimi Inari shrine (in Kyoto) (3) fox (said to be messengers of Inari) (4) fried tofu (said to be a favourite food of foxes) (5) (abbr) (uk) inarizushi (P) ","重荷[おもに<br>じゅうか] (n) load/heavy burden/encumbrance/heavy freight/heavy responsibility (P) ","荷重[かじゅう<br>におも] (n) load/loading/weight (of a load) ","荷台[にだい] (n) (truck) load-carrying tray (bicycle) luggage carrier/roof rack (P) ","積み荷[つみに] (n) load/freight/cargo "],"専":["専修[せんしゅう]specialization  N1","専用[せんよう]exclusive use; personal use  N1","専ら[もっぱら<br>もはら]wholly; solely;entirely  N1","専制[せんせい]despotism, autocracy  N2","専攻[せんこう]major  N3","専門[せんもん]Specialty,  speciality, area of study, major ","専念[せんねん]concentration ","専門家[せんもんか]specialist ","専務[せんむ]managing director ","専業[せんぎょう] (n) special occupation/principal occupation/specialty/monopoly (P) ","専属[せんぞく] (n, vs) exclusive/attached to/specialist (P) ","専任[せんにん] (n, vs,adj-no) full-time service (P) ","専売[せんばい] (n, vs,adj-no) monopoly/monopolization/exclusive sales rights (P) ","専門医[せんもんい] (n) medical specialist (P) ","高専[こうせん] (n) (1) (abbr) technical college (2) higher schools and colleges ","専科[せんか] (n) (1) specialized course/specialised course (2) something that is specialized for a certain field or application (e.g. a sauce specially made for zaru soba) "],"底":["根底[こんてい]root; basis;foundation  N1","到底[とうてい](cannot) possibly  N1","底[そこ<br>てい]bottom,  sole  N3","徹底[てってい]thoroughness,  completeness  N3","心底[しんそこ<br>しんてい]Bottom Of One's Heart,  bottom of my heart ","川底[かわぞこ]Riverbed,  river bottom ","海底[かいてい<br>うなぞこ]sea bottom ","徹底的[てっていてき]thorough ","基底[きてい] (n, adj-no) (1) base/ground (n) (2) (math) basis ","どん底[どんぞこ] (n) very bottom ","心の底[こころのそこ] (exp, n) bottom of one's heart ","底部[ていぶ] (n) base/bottom ","地底[ちてい] (n) depths of the earth ","底面[ていめん] (n) bottom/underside/base "],"干":["梅干[うめぼし]dried plum  N1","干渉[かんしょう]interference; intervention  N1","若干[じゃっかん<br>そくばく<br>そこば<br>そこばく]some; few;number of  N1","干し物[ほしもの]dried washing (clothes)  N1","干す[ほす]to air, to dry,to desiccate,to drain (off),to drink up  N2","干天[かんてん]Dry Weather,  drought ","梅干し[うめぼし]pickled plum ","物干し[ものほし]clotheshorse ","干潟[ひがた]Tidal Flat,  tideland ","欄干[らんかん]guardrail,  handrail, bannister ","干菓子[ひがし] (n) dried candies/dried confectionary/cookies ","干拓[かんたく] (n, vs) land reclamation (from sea) (P) ","干ばつ[かんばつ] (n) drought/long spell (period) of dry weather ","干支[えと<br>かんし] (n) (1) sexagenary cycle (60-year cycle of 12 animal zodiac and 5 elements in Chinese astrology) (2) 12-year Chinese zodiac "],"署":["税務署[ぜいむしょ]tax office  N1","消防署[しょうぼうしょ]fire station  N2","署名[しょめい]signature  N3","警察署[けいさつしょ]Police Station ","署[しょ] (n) (abbr) station (esp. a police station)/office (e.g. tax office) ","署長[しょちょう] (n) chief (of police)/head (of office) (P) ","部署[ぶしょ] (n, vs) one's post/one's station/department/bureau/section (P) "],"鼻":["耳鼻科[じびか]otolaryngology  N1","鼻[はな]nose  N5","鼻歌[はなうた]Humming ","鼻血[はなぢ,  はなじ<br>はなじ<br>はなぢ]Nosebleed, bloody nose ","鼻くそ[はなくそ]Snot,  boogers ","鼻先[はなさき]Tip Of The Nose,  tip of nose, nose tip ","鼻紙[はながみ]tissue paper ","鼻の穴[はなのあな]Nostril,  nose hole ","鼻詰まり[はなづまり]Stuffy Nose,  blocked nose "],"栄":["栄える[さかえる<br>はえる]to prosper; to flourish  N1","繁栄[はんえい]prospering; prosperity;thriving;flourishing  N1","栄養[えいよう]nutrition,  nourishment  N3","栄光[えいこう]Glory ","光栄[こうえい]Honor,  privilege ","虚栄心[きょえいしん]Vanity ","見栄[みえ<br>みばえ]vanity ","栄誉[えいよ]Honor,  honour ","栄[えい<br>はやし<br>ロン] (n) glory/prosperity ","共栄[きょうえい] (n) mutual prosperity (P) "],"恋":["恋する[こいする]to fall in love with; to love  N1","恋愛[れんあい]love; love-making;passion;emotion;affections  N1","恋しい[こいしい](1) dear, beloved,darling,(2) yearned for  N2","失恋[しつれん]disappointed love, broken heart,unrequited love,be lovelorn  N2","恋[こい]love,  tender passion  N3","恋人[こいびと]lover,  sweetheart  N3","初恋[はつこい]first love ","恋人同士[こいびとどうし] (n) pair of lovers/girlfriend and boyfriend ","恋う[こう] (v5u-s, vt) to love "],"塩":["塩[しお<br>えん]salt  N1","塩辛い[しおからい]salty (taste)  N2","食塩[しょくえん]table salt  N2","塩水[しおみず]Salt Water ","塩味[しおあじ]Salty Taste,  tastes salty, salty, salty flavor ","塩分[えんぶん]salinity ","塩梅[あんばい]condition ","粗塩[あらじお,  あらしお]sea salt, coarse salt ","塩化[えんか] (n, adj-no) chloride (P) ","塩基[えんき] (n) (chem) base (P) ","塩素[えんそ] (n, adj-no) chlorine (Cl) (P) ","塩田[えんでん] (n) saltpan/field for drying salt (P) ","塩酸[えんさん] (n) hydrochloric acid (P) ","塩尻[しおじり] (n) cone-shaped ","塩釜[しおがま] (n) (1) salt pan (used for boiling seawater to make salt) (2) (abbr) cooking a fish inside a salt crust (3) candy made with a wrapping of sweetened rice flour (looking like a salt crust) "],"兵":["兵器[へいき]arms; weapons;ordinance  N1","兵士[へいし]soldier  N1","兵隊[へいたい]soldier, sailor  N2","兵員[へいいん]Military Personnel,  military strength ","水兵[すいへい]Navy Soldier,  naval soldier, seaman ","米兵[べいへい]Us Soldier,  american soldier ","兵役[へいえき]military service ","徴兵[ちょうへい]conscription ","兵舎[へいしゃ]Barracks ","核兵器[かくへいき]Nuclear Weapons ","撤兵[てっぺい]Withdrawal Of Troops ","騎兵[きへい]Cavalry ","兵糧[ひょうろう]army provisions,  provisions ","伏兵[ふくへい]ambush ","兵[いくさ<br>つわもの<br>へい] (n) (1) war/battle/campaign/fight (2) (arch) troops/forces ","砲兵[ほうへい] (n) artillery/gunner (P) ","海兵[かいへい] (n) sailor/marine ","歩兵[ふひょう<br>ほへい] (n) (shogi) pawn ","民兵[みんぺい] (n) militia/militiaman (P) ","海兵隊[かいへいたい] (n) Marine Corps/Royal Marines (P) ","傭兵[ようへい] (n) mercenary (soldier) ","出兵[しゅっぺい] (n, vs) dispatch of troops/despatch of troops/expedition ","工兵[こうへい] (n) combat engineer/military engineer/combat engineering/military engineering (P) ","将兵[しょうへい] (n) officers and men (P) ","兵力[へいりょく] (n) military force/force of arms/strength of an army (P) ","兵衛[ひょうえ] (n) middle palace guard (ritsuryo system) ","憲兵[けんぺい] (n) military police ","衛兵[えいへい] (n) palace guard/sentinel/garrison ","兵站[へいたん] (n) supply train/communications/logistics ","派兵[はへい] (n, vs) dispatch of troops/despatch of troops (P) "],"細":["心細い[こころぼそい]helpless; forlorn;hopeless;unpromising;lonely;discouraging;disheartening  N1","細やか[こまやか<br>ささやか]friendly  N1","細菌[さいきん]bacillus; bacterium;germ  N1","細工[さいく]work; craftsmanship;tactics;trick  N1","細胞[さいぼう<br>さいぼう,  さいほう<br>さいほう]cell (biology)  N1","詳細[しょうさい]detail; particulars  N1","細かい[こまかい]small,  fine  N4","細い[ほそい<br>こまい]thin  N5","明細[めいさい]details ","細か[こまか]minute ","細長い[ほそながい]long and thin ","繊細[せんさい]delicate,  dainty, fine, slim, sensitive, subtle ","細部[さいぶ] (n) details/particulars (P) ","零細[れいさい] (adj-na) insignificant/trifling/paltry/cottage (industry)/tiny (company) (P) ","細かく[こまかく] (adv) minutely/finely (P) ","些細[ささい] (adj-na, n) trivial/slight (P) ","細[いささ<br>いさら<br>さい<br>ささ<br>さざ<br>ささら<br>さざら<br>さざれ<br>ほそ] (pref) (uk) (arch) small/little ","細分[さいぶん] (n, vs) subdivision (into small parts) (P) ","微細[びさい] (adj-na, n) minute/micro/detailed/delicate/subtle (P) ","細身[ほそみ] (n, adj-no) narrow/thin (sized)/slender "],"焼":["燃焼[ねんしょう]burning; combustion  N1","日焼け[ひやけ]sunburn  N1","夕焼け[ゆうやけ]sunset  N1","焼く[やく]to bake, to grill  N4","焼ける[やける]to burn, to be roasted  N4","焼き鳥[やきとり]Roast Chicken,  cooked chicken, yakitori ","焼き肉[やきにく]Roast Meat,  grilled meat, cooked meat, yakiniku ","すき焼き[すきやき]sukiyaki ","焼きそば[やきそば]pan-fried noodles ","焼きもち[やきもち]jealousy ","胸焼け[むねやけ]Heartburn ","照り焼き[てりやき]Teriyaki ","焼き芋[やきいも]Roast Potato,  baked potato ","焼酎[しょうちゅう]Shochu,  shouchuu, japanese liquor ","焼失[しょうしつ] (n, vs) being destroyed by fire ","焼き[やき] (n) (1) cooking,  esp. frying or stir-frying/heating (2) tempering (n-suf) (3) -ware ","焼肉[やきにく] (n) (1) (food) yakiniku/Japanese dish of grilled meat similar to Korean barbecue (2) (food) roasted meat/grill (P) ","焼[やき] (n) (1) cooking,  esp. frying or stir-frying/heating (2) tempering (n-suf) (3) -ware ","焼却[しょうきゃく] (n, vs) incineration/destroy by fire (P) ","お好み焼き[おこのみやき] (n) okonomiyaki/savoury pancake containing meat or seafood and vegetables ","全焼[ぜんしょう] (n, vs) burned down/entirely destroyed (P) ","焼き払う[やきはらう] (v5u, vt) to burn down (to the ground)/to clear away by burning/to reduce to ashes/to burn off ","焼き討ち[やきうち] (n) setting on fire/setting afire ","焼成[しょうせい] (n, vs) firing (pottery) ","焼き蕎麦[やきそば] (n) (food) yakisoba/fried noodles,  usu. with vegetables and meat "],"脳":["首脳[しゅのう]head; brains  N1","脳[のう<br>なずき]brain; memory  N1","頭脳[ずのう]head, brains,intellect  N2","脳死[のうし]Brain Death,  brain dead ","脳みそ[のうみそ]Brains,  gray matter ","洗脳[せんのう]Brainwashing ","大脳[だいのう]cerebrum ","電脳[でんのう] (n) (1) (comp) computer (2) cyberbrain/digital brain ","右脳[うのう] (n) right brain ","脳裏[のうり] (n) one's mind (P) ","脳卒中[のうそっちゅう] (n) stroke/cerebral haemorrhage/cerebral hemorrhage (P) "],"胸":["胸[むね<br>むな]breast,  chest  N3","胸焼け[むねやけ]Heartburn ","度胸[どきょう] (n) courage/bravery/pluck/nerve/grit/guts (P) ","胸部[きょうぶ] (n, adj-no) chest/breast (P) ","いい度胸[いいどきょう] (exp, n,vs) some nerve (as in 'you must have some nerve to ...') ","胸鰭[むなびれ] (n) pectoral fin "],"喫":["喫茶[きっさ]tea drinking; tea house  N1","喫茶店[きっさてん<br>きっちゃてん]coffee lounge  N5","喫煙[きつえん]Smoking ","喫する[きっする] (vs-s, vt) (1) to eat/to drink/to smoke/to take (2) to suffer (e.g. defeat)/to receive a blow (P) ","満喫[まんきつ] (n, vs) (1) having enough of (food, drink, etc.)/having one's fill (2) fully enjoying (P) "],"枚":["枚[びら<br>ひら<br>まい]counter for flat objects (e.g. sheets of paper)  N1","枚数[まいすう]the number of flat things  N2","五枚[ごまい]Five Flat Objects,  five sheets ","〜枚[まい]Flat Object,  clothing items, sheets ","二枚舌[にまいじた]Forked Tongue ","何枚[なんまい]How Many Flat Objects,  how many sheets "],"訓":["教訓[きょうくん]lesson; precept;moral instruction  N1","訓[くん<br>おしえ<br>くに]native Japanese reading of a Chinese character  N3","訓練[くんれん]practice,  training  N3","訓読み[くんよみ]Kun'yomi,  kun reading, japanese reading ","特訓[とっくん]crash course ","音訓[おんくん]On'yomi And Kun'yomi,  chinese and japanese readings ","訓戒[くんかい]Warning,  admonition ","校訓[こうくん] (n) school precepts "],"祈":["祈り[いのり]prayer; supplication  N1","祈る[いのる]to pray  N4","祈願[きがん]Prayer,  a prayer ","祈念[きねん]Prayer,  a prayer ","お祈り[おいのり] (n, vs) prayer/supplication ","祈祷[きとう] (n, vs) (1) prayer/grace (at meals) (2) (Shinto) (Buddh) exorcism (P) "],"禁":["禁じる[きんじる]to prohibit  N1","禁ずる[きんずる]to forbid; to suppress  N1","禁物[きんもつ]taboo; forbidden thing  N1","禁煙[きんえん]No Smoking!  N3","禁止[きんし]prohibition,  ban  N3","禁句[きんく]Taboo Word,  taboo phrase, dirty word, bad word ","禁酒[きんしゅ]abstention from alcohol ","立ち入り禁止[たちいりきんし]no trespassing ","立入禁止[たちいりきんし]Do Not Enter,  no entry, entry prohibited, no trespassing, trespassing prohibited ","監禁[かんきん]confinement ","撮影禁止[さつえいきんし]No Photos,  no photos allowed ","厳禁[げんきん]Strictly Forbidden,  strictly prohibited, strict prohibition, ban ","禁欲的[きんよくてき]abstemious ","軟禁[なんきん]house arrest ","禁忌[きんき]taboo ","禁[きん] (n) ban (e.g. on smoking)/prohibition ","解禁[かいきん] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) lifting a ban/raising an embargo/opening a season (hunting, fishing, etc.) (2) (col) publishing contents/revealing information (P) ","禁固[きんこ] (n, vs) imprisonment (without forced labour)/incarceration/confinement (P) ","拘禁[こうきん] (n, vs) detention/custody/confinement/internment (P) ","禁制[きんせい] (n, vs,adj-no) prohibition/ban/embargo (P) "],"冊":["冊[さつ<br>さく]counter for books  N1","〜冊[さつ]Books Counter,  counter for books, books ","八冊[はっさつ]Eight Books,  eight volumes ","一冊[いっさつ]One Book,  one volume ","別冊[べっさつ]Separate Volume ","三冊[さんさつ]Three Books,  three volumes ","冊子[さっし<br>そうし] (n) book/booklet/story book/pamphlet/notebook (P) ","小冊子[しょうさっし] (n) booklet/pamphlet (P) ","冊封[さくほう<br>さっぽう] (n) bestowing peerage by imperial edict (in ancient China)/document bestowing peerage "],"布":["配布[はいふ]distribution  N1","布巾[ふきん]tea-towel; dish cloth  N1","布告[ふこく]edict; ordinance;proclamation  N1","座布団[ざぶとん]cushion (Japanese)  N2","分布[ぶんぷ]distribution  N2","布[ぬの<br>にぬ<br>にの<br>の<br>ふ]cloth  N3","毛布[もうふ]blanket  N3","布団[ふとん]Japanese bedding,  futon  N4","財布[さいふ]wallet  N5","昆布[こんぶ<br>こぶ]Konbu,  kombu, konbu seaweed, kombu seaweed ","若布[わかめ]Wakame,  wakame seaweed ","公布[こうふ]promulgation ","敷布団[しきぶとん]mattress ","綿布[めんぷ]Cotton Cloth,  cotton material ","塗布[とふ]Application,  coating ","麻布[あさぬの<br>まふ]Hemp Cloth,  linen ","波布[はぶ] (n) (uk) habu (Trimeresurus flavoviridis)/yellow-spotted pit viper ","布教[ふきょう] (n, vs,adj-no) propagation (e.g. a religion)/proselytizing/missionary work (P) ","発布[はっぷ] (n, vs) proclamation/promulgation ","宣戦布告[せんせんふこく] (n, vs) declaration of war/proclamation of war ","散布[さんぷ] (n, vs) dissemination/scattering/sprinkling/spraying (P) ","流布[るふ] (n, vs,adj-no) circulation/dissemination ","布陣[ふじん] (n, vs) (1) battle formation (2) lineup (e.g. for a game) (P) ","布施[ふせ] (n, vs) (1) (Buddh) alms-giving/charity (2) (Buddh) offerings (usu. money) to a priest (for reading sutras, etc.) (P) ","頒布[はんぷ] (n, vs) distribution/circulation (P) ","布袋[ぬのぶくろ<br>ふたい<br>ほてい] (n) cloth bag "],"比":["対比[たいひ]contrast; comparison  N1","比重[ひじゅう]specific gravity  N1","比率[ひりつ]ratio; proportion;percentage  N1","比例[ひれい]proportion  N1","比較的[ひかくてき]comparatively, relatively  N2","比較[ひかく]comparison  N3","比べる[くらべる]to compare  N4","比[ひ<br>ころ<br>ごろ<br>ころおい<br>たぐい]comparison ","見比べる[みくらべる]look and compare ","比較する[ひかくする]To Compare ","比喩[ひゆ]metaphor ","恵比須[えびす<br>えべす<br>ゑびす] (n) Ebisu/god of fishing and commerce ","恵比寿[えびす<br>ゑびす] (n) Ebisu/god of fishing and commerce (P) ","比叡山[ひえいざん] (n) Mt. Hiei (in Kyoto) "],"歴":["学歴[がくれき]academic background  N1","経歴[けいれき]personal history; career  N1","履歴[りれき]personal history; background;career;log  N1","歴史[れきし]history  N4","履歴書[りれきしょ]Personal History,  resume, resumé, curriculum vitae, cv ","歴史的[れきしてき]historical ","歴然と[れきぜんと]clear ","職歴[しょくれき]one's professional experience ","遍歴[へんれき]travels,  pilgrimage, itinerancy ","歴任[れきにん] (n, vs) successive jobs/consecutive jobs (P) ","来歴[らいれき] (n) history/career ","略歴[りゃくれき] (n) brief personal record/short curriculum vitae/short CV (P) ","歴[ふ<br>れき] (v2h-k, vi) (1) (arch) to pass/to elapse/to go by (2) (arch) to pass through/to go through (3) (arch) to experience/to go through ","歴史家[れきしか] (n) historian ","歴代[れきだい] (n, adj-no) successive generations/successive emperors (P) "],"減":["いい加減[いいかげん]moderate; right;random;not thorough;vague;irresponsible;halfhearted  N1","軽減[けいげん]abatement  N1","減少[げんしょう]decrease; reduction;decline  N1","減点[げんてん]subtract; give a demerit  N1","削減[さくげん]cut; reduction;curtailment  N1","増減[ぞうげん]increase and decrease, fluctuation  N2","加減[かげん]addition and subtraction,  allowance for  N3","減らす[へらす]to abate,  to decrease, to diminish, to shorten  N3","減る[へる]to decrease (in size or number),  to diminish, to abate  N3","減法[げんぽう]Subtraction ","半減[はんげん]50 percent reduction ","減速[げんそく]deceleration ","いい加減にしろ[いいかげんにしろ]Cut It Out,  cut the bs ","減給[げんきゅう]Pay Cut ","腹が減った[はらがへった]Hungry,  to be hungry ","腹減った[はらへった]Hungry,  to be hungry ","減俸[げんぽう]salary reduction,  salary cut ","減[げん] (suf) reduction ","手加減[てかげん] (n) (1) making adjustments based on experience/doing something by feel/skill/knack (n, vs) (2) going easy on someone/making allowances/using discretion/taking various circumstances into account ","低減[ていげん] (n, vs) decrease/reduction/fall/depreciation/mitigation (P) ","激減[げきげん] (n, vs) dramatic decrease/sharp drop/sudden fall (P) ","減税[げんぜい] (n, vs) tax reduction (P) ","減量[げんりょう] (n, vs) (1) loss in weight (esp. body weight)/weight reduction (2) loss in quantity/reduction of quantity (P) ","減衰[げんすい] (n, vs) attenuation/damping/decay ","減額[げんがく] (n, vs) reduction/diminution/abatement (P) ","減ずる[げんずる] (vz, vi) (1) to decrease/to be reduced/to grow less/to abate (vz,vt) (2) to reduce/to lessen/to cut down/to mitigate/to diminish (3) to subtract/to deduct/to take off ","減刑[げんけい] (n, vs) reduction of penalty/commutation of a sentence "],"絡":["絡む[からむ]to entangle; to entwine  N1","連絡[れんらく]contact  N4","連絡する[れんらくする]To Contact,  to get in touch, to get in contact ","脈絡[みゃくらく]logical connection ","連絡先[れんらくさき] (n) contact address (P) ","絡み[からみ<br>がらみ] (n) linkage/entanglement/involvement/relationship/interaction (P) ","短絡[たんらく] (n, vs) (1) electric short-circuit (2) drawing a hasty inference between two events/jumping to a quick conclusion/dealing with matters quickly and carelessly (P) ","絡み合う[からみあう] (v5u, vi) to be(come) intertwined/to be entangled (P) ","絡める[からめる] (v1, vt) (1) to entwine/to twine around/to mix together (2) to coordinate (with) (3) to arrest "],"団":["団扇[うちわ]fan  N1","劇団[げきだん]troupe; theatrical company  N1","公団[こうだん]public corporation  N1","団結[だんけつ]unity; union;combination  N1","座布団[ざぶとん]cushion (Japanese)  N2","団地[だんち]multi-unit apartments  N2","集団[しゅうだん]group,  mass  N3","団体[だんたい]organization,  association  N3","布団[ふとん]Japanese bedding,  futon  N4","入団[にゅうだん]Join,  enlist, enrollment, enlistment ","暴力団[ぼうりょくだん]Crime Syndicate,  yakuza, gangster organization, gangster organisation ","応援団[おうえんだん]Rooting Section,  cheerleaders, cheering section ","合唱団[がっしょうだん]Chorus,  choir ","敷布団[しきぶとん]mattress ","管弦楽団[かんげんがくだん]orchestra ","師団[しだん] (n, adj-no) (army) division (P) ","団[だん] (n) body/group/party/company/troupe ","楽団[がくだん] (n) orchestra/band (P) ","旅団[りょだん] (n) brigade (P) ","船団[せんだん] (n) fleet (fishing,  naval, etc.)/convoy/group of ships ","退団[たいだん] (n, vs) leaving (a group, team, etc.) (P) ","球団[きゅうだん] (n) baseball team (P) ","財団[ざいだん] (n, adj-no) foundation (P) ","軍団[ぐんだん] (n, adj-no) army corps (P) ","騎士団[きしだん] (n) order of chivalry/chivalric order ","団塊[だんかい] (n) (1) mass/lump (2) (abbr) baby boom generation (of 1947-1949)/babyboomer (born between 1947-1949) (P) ","教団[きょうだん] (n) religious organization/religious organisation (P) ","社団[しゃだん] (n) corporation/association ","団長[だんちょう] (n) leader of a delegation (body,  party) (P) ","団員[だんいん] (n) group member (P) ","営団[えいだん] (n) corporation/foundation (P) ","団子[だんご] (n) (1) dango/dumpling (usu. sweet)/doughboy (2) ball-shaped object/something round (3) lump/group/bunch/knot/tight crowd ","一団[いちだん] (n) body/group/party/gang/troupe/troop (P) "],"史":["女史[じょし]Ms.  N1","歴史[れきし]history  N4","史上[しじょう]historically ","歴史的[れきしてき]historical ","史[し<br>ふひと<br>ふびと<br>ふみひと] (n-suf, n) history (P) ","史跡[しせき] (n) historic landmark/historic site/historic remains (P) ","歴史家[れきしか] (n) historian ","史学[しがく] (n, adj-no) study of history (P) ","史料[しりょう] (n) historical materials/historical records/historical sources/archives (P) ","史実[しじつ] (n) historical fact (P) ","国史[こくし] (n) history of a nation/Japanese history ","史家[しか] (n) historian (P) ","正史[せいし] (n) official history/authorized history ","史書[ししょ] (n) history book ","戦史[せんし] (n) military history/military annals ","史観[しかん] (n, suf) historical view/view of history (from a given point of view) "],"混":["混む[こむ]to be crowded  N1","混血[こんけつ]mixed race; mixed parentage  N1","混同[こんどう]confusion; mixing;merger  N1","取り混ぜる[とりまぜる]to mix; to put together  N1","混合[こんごう]mixing, mixture  N2","混ざる[まざる]to be mixed, to be blended with,to associate with,to mingle with,to join  N2","混じる[こんじる<br>まじる]to be mixed, to be blended with,to associate with  N2","混ぜる[まぜる]to mix, to stir  N2","混雑[こんざつ]confusion,  congestion  N3","混乱[こんらん]disorder,  chaos, confusion, mayhem  N3","人混み[ひとごみ]crowd ","混乱する[こんらんする]To Be Confused ","混迷[こんめい]confusion ","混成[こんせい] (n, vs,adj-no) mixed (e.g. team, chorus) (P) ","混在[こんざい] (n, vs) existing alongside (each other)/mixture/intermingling ","大混乱[だいこんらん] (n) chaos/turmoil/pandemonium/havoc ","混沌[こんとん] (n, adj-no) (1) chaos/confusion/disorder (adj-t,adv-to) (2) chaotic/confused/uncertain/disarrayed ","混入[こんにゅう] (n, vs) mixing/blending/adding/adulteration (P) ","混声[こんせい] (n) mixed voices "],"順":["手順[てじゅん]process; procedure;protocol  N1","不順[ふじゅん]irregularity; unseasonableness  N1","順々[じゅんじゅん]in order, in turn  N2","順序[じゅんじょ]order, sequence,procedure  N2","道順[みちじゅん]itinerary, route  N2","順[じゅん<br>ずん]order,  turn  N3","順調[じゅんちょう]favourable,  doing well, O.K., all right  N3","順番[じゅんばん]turn (in line),  order of things  N3","五十音順[ごじゅうおんじゅん]Aiueo Order,  in aiueo order ","年代順[ねんだいじゅん]Chronological Order ","大きい順[おおきいじゅん]Decreasing Order,  descending order, largest first ","小さい順[ちいさいじゅん]Increasing Order,  ascending order, smallest first ","順位[じゅんい]Ranking,  standing ","席順[せきじゅん]Seating Order ","順々に[じゅんじゅんに]by turns ","順路[じゅんろ]fixed route ","筆順[ひつじゅん]stroke order ","順次[じゅんじ] (adv) in order/sequential/seriatim (P) ","順番に[じゅんばんに] (adv) in turns/in series/in number order/by rotation ","従順[じゅうじゅん] (adj-na, n) obedient/gentle/meek/submissive/docile ","帰順[きじゅん] (n, vs) submission/return to allegiance ","順に[じゅんに] (adv) in order/in turn/one by one (P) ","順子[シュンツ<br>じゅんツ] (n) (mahj) chow (chi:)/three-in-a-row "],"宇":["宇宙[うちゅう]universe,  cosmos, space  N3","宇宙人[うちゅうじん]Alien ","宇宙船[うちゅうせん]Space Ship,  space shuttle, starship, star ship, ufo, spacecraft, space craft, flying saucer ","小宇宙[しょううちゅう] (n) microcosmos/microcosm ","宇宙飛行士[うちゅうひこうし] (n) astronaut (P) "],"詞":["自動詞[じどうし]intransitive verb (no direct obj)  N1","助詞[じょし]particle; postposition  N1","助動詞[じょどうし]auxiliary verb  N1","数詞[すうし]numeral  N1","接続詞[せつぞくし]conjunction  N1","他動詞[たどうし]transitive verb (direct obj)  N1","形容詞[けいようし]true adjective  N2","形容動詞[けいようどうし]adjectival noun, quasi-adjective  N2","代名詞[だいめいし]pronoun  N2","副詞[ふくし]adverb  N2","名詞[めいし<br>なことば]noun  N2","動詞[どうし]verb  N3","品詞[ひんし]Part Of Speech ","歌詞[かし<br>うたことば]Song Lyrics,  lyrics ","固有名詞[こゆうめいし]Proper Noun ","台詞[せりふ<br>だいし] (n) (uk) speech/words/one's lines/remarks ","作詞[さくし] (n, vs) (writing) song lyrics (P) ","詞[ことば<br>し] (n) (1) language/dialect (2) word/words/phrase/term/expression/remark (3) speech (manner of) speaking (4) learning to speak/language acquisition "],"改":["改まる[あらたまる]to be renewed  N1","改悪[かいあく]deterioration; changing for the worse  N1","改革[かいかく]reform; reformation;innovation  N1","改修[かいしゅう]repair; improvement  N1","改定[かいてい<br>かいじょう]reform  N1","改訂[かいてい]revision  N1","改良[かいりょう]improvement; reform  N1","改めて[あらためて]another time, again,over again,anew,formally  N2","改める[あらためる]to change, to alter,to reform,to revise  N2","改札[かいさつ]examination of tickets  N2","改正[かいせい]revision, amendment,alteration  N2","改造[かいぞう](1) remodeling, (2) modding (comp)  N2","改善[かいぜん]betterment,  improvement  N3","改札口[かいさつぐち]ticket gate ","改築[かいちく]rebuilding ","改訂版[かいていばん]Revised Edition ","改称[かいしょう] (n, vs) renaming/retitling ","改名[かいみょう<br>かいめい] (n, vs) name change ","改編[かいへん] (n, vs) reorganization/reorganisation (P) ","改行[かいぎょう] (n, vs) (1) new line/new paragraph (2) (comp) newline (e.g. LF, CR, CRLF) ","改組[かいそ] (n, vs) reorganization/reorganisation/reshuffle (P) ","改装[かいそう] (n, vs,adj-no) remodelling/remodeling/reorganization/reorganisation (P) ","改宗[かいしゅう] (n, vs) religious conversion (P) ","改易[かいえき] (n, vs) change of rank ","改変[かいへん] (n, vs) change/alteration/modification ","改[かい] (n-suf) revision ","改憲[かいけん] (n, vs) constitutional change/revising the constitution (P) ","改元[かいげん] (n, vs) change of era ","改選[かいせん] (n, vs) re-election (P) ","改竄[かいざん] (n, vs) alteration/falsification/faking ","更改[こうかい] (n, vs) renewal/extension/revision (P) ","改姓[かいせい] (n, vs) (1) change of one's family name (n) (2) changed family name "],"乱":["内乱[ないらん]civil war; insurrection;rebellion;domestic conflict  N1","反乱[はんらん]insurrection; mutiny;rebellion;revolt;uprising  N1","乱す[みだす]to throw out of order; to disarrange;to disturb  N1","乱れる[みだれる]to get confused; to be disordered;to be disturbed  N1","乱暴[らんぼう]rude, violent,rough,lawless,unreasonable,reckless  N2","混乱[こんらん]disorder,  chaos, confusion, mayhem  N3","乱戦[らんせん]Melee,  free for all ","乱交[らんこう]Orgy,  promiscuity ","乱用[らんよう]abuse ","動乱[どうらん]disturbance ","波乱[はらん]disturbance ","混乱する[こんらんする]To Be Confused ","乱雑[らんざつ]confusion ","錯乱[さくらん]confusion,  distraction, derangement ","乱[らん] (n) revolt/rebellion/war ","反乱軍[はんらんぐん] (n) rebel army ","取り乱す[とりみだす] (v5s, vi) (1) to be upset/to lose one's composure/to lose self-control/to go to pieces/to be shaken up/to break down/to be flustered/to blow one's cool (v5s,vt) (2) to put in disorder/to mess up/to disturb/to scatter about ","乱入[らんにゅう] (n) (1) trespassing/intrusion (vs) (2) to barge into/to burst into/to trespass ","乱闘[らんとう] (n, vs) fray/fighting/brawling/scuffle (P) ","大混乱[だいこんらん] (n) chaos/turmoil/pandemonium/havoc ","戦乱[せんらん] (n, adj-no) wars/disturbances ","散乱[さんらん] (n, adj-f,vs) dispersion/scattering/spreading out/diffusion ","乱れ[みだれ] (n) disorder/disturbance/unrest (P) ","騒乱[そうらん] (n, adj-no) disturbance/riot/mayhem (P) ","叛乱[はんらん] (n, vs,adj-no) insurrection/mutiny/rebellion/revolt/uprising ","乱獲[らんかく] (n, vs) excessive fishing/overfishing/overhunting/excessive taking (P) ","乱立[らんりつ] (n, vs) (1) standing together in a disorderly fashion/standing close around/crowding together (2) flooding in (applicants, election candidates, etc.) (P) ","攪乱[かくらん<br>こうらん] (n, vs) disturbance/perturbation/derangement "],"暴":["暴露[ばくろ]disclosure; exposure;revelation  N1","暴動[ぼうどう]insurrection; rebellion;revolt;riot;uprising  N1","暴風[ぼうふう<br>あらし]storm; windstorm;gale  N1","暴力[ぼうりょく]violence  N1","暴れる[あばれる]to act violently, to rage,to struggle,to be riotous  N2","乱暴[らんぼう]rude, violent,rough,lawless,unreasonable,reckless  N2","暴走[ぼうそう]Run Wild,  run out of control ","暴落[ぼうらく]plunge ","暴風雨[ぼうふうう]rainstorm ","暴走族[ぼうそうぞく]Biker Gang,  motorcycle gang, japanese bikers, bosozoku ","暴力団[ぼうりょくだん]Crime Syndicate,  yakuza, gangster organization, gangster organisation ","暴騰[ぼうとう]sudden rise,  sharp rise, boom, skyrocketing ","暴虐[ぼうぎゃく]tyranny,  outrage, atrocity, cruel ","暴行[ぼうこう] (n, vs) (1) assault/outrage/act of violence (2) rape/sexual assault (P) ","暴力的[ぼうりょくてき] (adj-na) violent ","暴言[ぼうげん] (n) reckless remark/rash remark/abusive language/thoughtless words ","暴く[あばく] (v5k, vt) (1) to disclose/to divulge/to expose (2) to open (and rob) a grave ","凶暴[きょうぼう] (adj-na, n) ferocious/brutal/atrocious/savage/barbarous ","暴徒[ぼうと] (n) insurgent/rioter/mob (P) "],"械":["器械[きかい]instrument  N2","機械[きかい]machine,  mechanism  N3"],"震":["震わせる[ふるわせる]to be shaking; to be trembling  N1","震える[ふるえる]to shiver,  to shake, to quake  N3","地震[じしん<br>じぶるい<br>ない<br>なえ]earthquake  N4","余震[よしん]Aftershock ","震災[しんさい]Earthquake Disaster ","震度[しんど]Earthquake Intensity,  earthquake magnitude, magnitude, earthquake scale ","震源地[しんげんち]Epicenter,  epicentre ","大震災[だいしんさい] (n) (1) great earthquake (disaster) (2) (abbr) Great Kanto earthquake of 1923 (P) ","耐震[たいしん] (n, adj-no) resistant to earthquakes ","震源[しんげん] (n, adj-no) hypocentre (of an earthquake)/hypocenter (P) "],"被":["被せる[かぶせる]to cover (with something)  N2","被る[かぶる<br>かむる<br>こうむる]to suffer  N3","被害[ひがい]damage  N3","被告[ひこく]defendant ","被害者[ひがいしゃ]Victim,  victims ","被[ひ] (pref) indicates the target of an activity/-ee (e.g. employee,  examinee, trustee) ","被災[ひさい] (n, vs) being a victim of (some disaster)/suffering from (P) ","被告人[ひこくにん] (n) accused/defendant/prisoner at the bar (P) ","被爆[ひばく] (n, vs) (1) being bombed (2) being A-bombed/being nuked/being exposed to radiation (from an atomic blast) (P) ","被弾[ひだん] (n, vs) being shot/being bombed ","被曝[ひばく] (n, vs) being exposed to radiation/radiation exposure ","被疑者[ひぎしゃ] (n) suspect (person) (P) ","被験者[ひけんしゃ] (n) (1) subject (of a medical experiment,  etc.)/test subject/trial subject/testee (2) examinee (of a full-body scan, etc.) ","被覆[ひふく] (n, vs) (1) coating/covering (2) (math) cover "],"個":["個[こ<br>か<br>ち<br>ぢ<br>つ]article counter  N1","個々[ここ]individual; one by one  N1","個性[こせい]individuality; personality;idiosyncrasy  N1","個別[こべつ]particular case  N1","個所[かしょ]passage, place,point,part  N2","個体[こたい]an individual  N2","個人[こじん]individual,  private person, personal, private  N3","一個[いっこ]One Small Thing,  one thing, one small object, one object ","個室[こしつ]Private Room,  one's own room ","三個[さんこ]Three Small Things,  three things, three objects, three small objects ","別個[べっこ]another ","個人的[こじんてき] (adj-na) personal/individual/private (P) ","個性的[こせいてき] (adj-na) individual/distinctive/unique/characteristic/personal/idiosyncratic (P) ","個々人[ここじん] (n) an individual/individual people (P) ","個展[こてん] (n) solo exhibition/one-man exhibition/one-woman exhibition (P) ","個数[こすう] (n) number of articles/quantity "],"圧":["圧迫[あっぱく]pressure; coercion;oppression  N1","圧力[あつりょく]stress; pressure  N1","抑圧[よくあつ]check; restraint;oppression;suppression  N1","圧縮[あっしゅく]compression, condensation,pressure  N2","気圧[きあつ]atmospheric pressure  N2","血圧[けつあつ]blood pressure  N2","指圧[しあつ]Shiatsu,  finger pressure ","低気圧[ていきあつ]low pressure ","圧倒[あっとう]overpower ","電圧[でんあつ]voltage ","高気圧[こうきあつ]high atmospheric pressure ","高血圧[こうけつあつ]High Blood Pressure,  hypertension ","圧倒する[あっとうする]To Overwhelm ","弾圧[だんあつ]oppression ","鎮圧[ちんあつ]suppression,  subjugation ","圧倒的[あっとうてき] (adj-na) overwhelming (P) ","制圧[せいあつ] (n, vs) gaining total control (of people or counties)/suppression/oppression/control/mastery/ascendancy/supremacy (P) ","高圧[こうあつ] (n, adj-no) high voltage/high pressure (P) ","圧[あつ] (n) pressure/force ","油圧[ゆあつ] (n, adj-no) oil pressure/hydraulics ","圧勝[あっしょう] (n, vs) complete victory (P) ","重圧[じゅうあつ] (n) strong pressure/heavy pressure (P) ","圧巻[あっかん] (n) (1) highlight/best part (adj-no, adj-na) (2) stunning/incredible/superb (P) ","低圧[ていあつ] (n, adj-no) low pressure/low voltage ","加圧[かあつ] (n, vs) increasing pressure (P) ","水圧[すいあつ] (n, adj-no) water (hydraulic) pressure ","変圧器[へんあつき] (n) (power) transformer ","与圧[よあつ] (n, vs) pressurization/pressurisation "],"防":["国防[こくぼう]national defence  N1","堤防[ていぼう]bank; weir  N1","防衛[ぼうえい]defense; protection;self-defense  N1","防火[ぼうか]fire prevention; fire fighting;fire proof  N1","消防署[しょうぼうしょ]fire station  N2","防止[ぼうし]prevention, check  N2","防犯[ぼうはん]prevention of crime  N2","消防[しょうぼう]fire fighting,  fire department  N3","防ぐ[ふせぐ]to defend (against),  to protect, to prevent  N3","予防[よぼう]prevention,  precaution, protection against  N3","防水[ぼうすい]Waterproof,  watertight ","消防車[しょうぼうしゃ]fire engine ","防戦[ぼうせん]defensive battle ","防災[ぼうさい]disaster prevention ","防音[ぼうおん]soundproof ","防御[ぼうぎょ]defense ","防腐剤[ぼうふざい]Preservative,  antiseptic ","防衛庁[ぼうえいちょう] (n) Japan Defense Agency (Defence) (became Japanese Ministry of Defense in January 2007) (P) ","防空[ぼうくう] (n) air defense/air defence (P) ","防護[ぼうご] (n, vs,adj-no) protection (P) ","消防士[しょうぼうし] (n) firefighter/fireman ","防犯カメラ[ぼうはんカメラ] (n) security camera (P) ","正当防衛[せいとうぼうえい] (n) (yoji) legitimate self-defence/legitimate self-defense (P) ","無防備[むぼうび] (adj-na, n,adj-no) defenseless/defenceless ","攻防[こうぼう] (n) offense and defense/offence and defence (P) ","防備[ぼうび] (n, vs) defense/defence/defensive preparations ","防具[ぼうぐ] (n) guard/protector/defensive armament/personal armor (armour) ","防弾[ぼうだん] (n, adj-no) bulletproof/bombproof (P) ","防波堤[ぼうはてい] (n) breakwater/mole (P) "],"厚":["厚かましい[あつかましい]impudent, shameless,brazen  N2","厚い[あつい]kind,  deep, thick  N5","厚さ[あつさ]thickness ","厚意[こうい]favor ","厚生[こうせい]public welfare ","厚着[あつぎ]heavy clothing ","濃厚[のうこう]dense ","厚生省[こうせいしょう] (n) Ministry of Health and Welfare (now Ministry of Health,  Labour and Welfare) (P) ","厚[あつ] (suf) thickness ","分厚い[ぶあつい] (adj-i) bulky/massive/thick/heavy ","厚み[あつみ] (n) (1) thickness (2) profundity/depth (P) ","重厚[じゅうこう<br>ちょうこう] (adj-na) profound/deep/grave/solid/dignified/stately/solemn/massive/composed (P) ","温厚[おんこう] (adj-na, n) gentle/mild-mannered (P) "],"委":["委託[いたく]consign (goods (for sale) to a firm); entrust (person with something);commit  N1","委員[いいん]committee member  N3","委ねる[ゆだねる]entrust ","委任[いにん]entrustment ","委員会[いいんかい]committee ","委員長[いいんちょう] (n) committee chairman (P) ","委嘱[いしょく] (n, vs) commissioning/entrusting (with)/request/appointment (to a position) (P) ","教委[きょうい] (n) (abbr) Board of Education ","委譲[いじょう] (n, vs) transfer/assignment "],"省":["省みる[かえりみる]to reflect  N1","省略[しょうりゃく]omission, abbreviation,abridgment  N2","反省[はんせい]reflection, reconsideration,introspection,meditation,contemplation  N2","省く[はぶく]to omit,  to eliminate, to curtail, to economize  N3","務省[むしょう]Ministry Of ","外務省[がいむしょう]Ministry of Foreign Affairs ","帰省[きせい]homecoming ","大蔵省[おおくらしょう]Ministry of Finance ","省[しょう] (n, n-suf) (1) ministry/department (2) province (of China) (n-pref) (3) saving/conserving ","労働省[ろうどうしょう] (n) Ministry of Labour (now Ministry of Health,  Labour and Welfare) (P) ","厚生省[こうせいしょう] (n) Ministry of Health and Welfare (now Ministry of Health,  Labour and Welfare) (P) ","文部省[もんぶしょう] (n) Ministry of Education,  Science and Culture (1871-2001) (P) ","通産省[つうさんしょう] (n) (former) Ministry of International Trade and Industry (now Ministry of Economy,  Trade and Industry)/MITI (P) ","法務省[ほうむしょう] (n) Ministry of Justice (P) ","省庁[しょうちょう] (n) ministries and government offices/the authorities (P) ","財務省[ざいむしょう] (n) Ministry of Finance ","郵政省[ゆうせいしょう] (n) (former) Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (now Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications) (P) ","運輸省[うんゆしょう] (n) Ministry of Transport (P) ","建設省[けんせつしょう] (n) Ministry of Construction (P) ","省令[しょうれい] (n) ministerial ordinance (P) ","省エネ[しょうエネ] (n) (abbr) energy conservation/economical use of energy ","環境省[かんきょうしょう] (n) Ministry of the Environment ","自治省[じちしょう] (n) (former) Ministry of Home Affairs (P) ","農林水産省[のうりんすいさんしょう] (n) Ministry of Agriculture,  Forestry and Fisheries/MAFF ","各省[かくしょう] (n) each ministry "],"設":["施設[しせつ]institution; establishment;facility;(army) engineer  N1","設置[せっち]establishment; institution  N1","設定[せってい]establishment; creation  N1","設立[せつりつ]establishment; foundation;institution  N1","設ける[もうける]to create; to establish  N1","建設[けんせつ]construction,  establishment  N3","設計[せっけい]plan,  design  N3","設備[せつび]equipment,  device, facilities, installation  N3","公設[こうせつ]Public,  public institution ","設定する[せっていする]To Establish ","開設[かいせつ]establishment ","架設[かせつ]Construction,  building ","創設[そうせつ] (n, vs) establishment/founding/organization/organisation (P) ","敷設[ふせつ] (n) laying (a railroad,  pipes, naval mines, etc.)/construction (P) ","新設[しんせつ] (n, vs,adj-no) establishing/founding/setting up/organizing/establishment (P) ","移設[いせつ] (n) (1) relocation (of a facility)/moving establishment (vs) (2) to relocate/to move into place/to put into place/to adapt/to affix/to install ","特設[とくせつ] (n, vs,adj-no) setting up specially/special installation (P) ","常設[じょうせつ] (n, vs,adj-no) standing (committee)/permanent (exhibit) (P) ","増設[ぞうせつ] (n, vs,adj-no) extension/expansion/adding (equipment, facilities, etc.) (P) ","設計図[せっけいず] (n) plan/blueprint ","併設[へいせつ] (n, vs) joint establishment (esp. schools of different levels or different courses of study)/establishment as an annex (e.g. of a school)/juxtaposition/placing side by side (P) ","創設者[そうせつしゃ] (n) founder ","建設省[けんせつしょう] (n) Ministry of Construction (P) ","仮設[かせつ] (n, adj-no) (1) temporary/provisional (vs) (2) to do something temporarily (esp. build temporary facilities)/to do something provisionally (P) ","設問[せつもん] (n, vs) (1) posing a question (2) question (P) ","私設[しせつ] (n, vs,adj-no) private (P) ","設営[せつえい] (n, vs) construction "],"査":["審査[しんさ]judging; inspection;examination;investigation  N1","捜査[そうさ]search (esp. in criminal investigations); investigation  N1","巡査[じゅんさ]police, policeman  N2","検査[けんさ]inspection (e.g. customs,   factory), examination  N3","調査[ちょうさ]investigation,  examination, inquiry, survey  N3","検査する[けんさする]To Examine,  to inspect, to check ","捜査官[そうさかん] (n) police investigator/investigator (P) ","審査員[しんさいん] (n) examiner/judge ","監査[かんさ] (n, vs) inspection/audit/judgement/judgment (P) ","巡査部長[じゅんさぶちょう] (n) police sergeant ","探査[たんさ] (n, vs) probe/inquiry/enquiry/investigation (P) ","調査中[ちょうさちゅう] (exp, adj-no) under investigation ","血液検査[けつえきけんさ] (n) blood test/hemanalysis (P) ","主査[しゅさ] (n, vs) chief examiner or investigator (P) ","捜査員[そうさいん] (n) investigator (usu. of criminal cases) ","会計検査院[かいけいけんさいん] (n) Board of Audit (P) ","査定[さてい] (n, vs) assessment (of value, damages, etc.)/revision (of a budget) (P) ","査察[ささつ] (n, vs) inspection (for compliance)/investigation (tax, etc.) (P) ","走査[そうさ] (n, vs) scanning (e.g. TV)/traversal "],"税":["関税[かんぜい]customs; duty;tariff  N1","税務署[ぜいむしょ]tax office  N1","課税[かぜい]taxation  N2","税関[ぜいかん]customs house  N2","免税[めんぜい]tax exemption, duty exemption  N2","税[ぜい]tax  N3","税金[ぜいきん]tax  N3","無税[むぜい]Tax Free,  no tax ","増税[ぞうぜい]Tax Increase,  raise taxes, increased taxes ","国税[こくぜい]national tax ","脱税[だつぜい]Tax Evasion ","納税[のうぜい]tax payment ","租税[そぜい]Taxes,  taxation ","税込[ぜいこみ] (n) tax included (e.g. price)/before tax (e.g. salary) ","税理士[ぜいりし] (n) tax counsellor/tax counselor/licensed tax accountant (P) ","税制[ぜいせい] (n) tax system (P) ","税率[ぜいりつ] (n) (1) tariff (2) tax rate (P) ","税込み[ぜいこみ] (n) tax included (e.g. price)/before tax (e.g. salary) (P) ","税務[ぜいむ] (n) taxation business (P) ","税源[ぜいげん] (n) tax source/source of taxation revenue/taxable item ","税法[ぜいほう] (n) taxation law (P) ","減税[げんぜい] (n, vs) tax reduction (P) ","税収[ぜいしゅう] (n) tax yields/revenue (P) ","税別[ぜいべつ] (n) tax not included (in price)/tax separate ","徴税[ちょうぜい] (n, vs) tax collection/taxation (P) "],"総":["総[ふさ<br>そう]whole; all;general;gross  N1","総会[そうかい]general meeting  N1","総合[そうごう]synthesis; coordination;putting together;integration;composite  N1","総理大臣[そうりだいじん]Prime Minister  N2","総体的[そうたいてき]As A Whole ","総理[そうり]Prime Minister ","総数[そうすう]total (number) ","総論[そうろん]introduction ","総理府[そうりふ]Prime Minister's Office ","総裁[そうさい]president ","総括[そうかつ]Synthesis,  recap ","総帥[そうすい]commander,  leader, fuhrer ","総務[そうむ] (n) general affairs/general business/manager/director/adjutant general (P) ","総額[そうがく] (n) sum total/total amount (P) ","総督[そうとく] (n, vs,adj-no) governor-general/governor/viceroy (P) ","総長[そうちょう] (n) (college) president/secretary-general (P) ","総統[そうとう] (n) (1) supreme ruler/generalissimo (2) president (of Taiwan) (3) fuhrer/fuehrer (P) ","総称[そうしょう] (n, vs,adj-no) general term/generic name ","総監[そうかん] (n) inspector general/commissioner (P) ","総研[そうけん] (n) (abbr) institute for general research/multidiscipline laboratory ","総当たり[そうあたり] (n, adj-no) round-robin/using all combinations/brute force (e.g. in code-breaking) (P) ","総員[そういん] (n) the entire strength/all hands/all the members ","総計[そうけい] (n, vs,adj-no) total/sum (P) ","総局[そうきょく] (n) head office/general office ","総集編[そうしゅうへん] (n) highlights/summary/compilation ","総じて[そうじて] (adv) (1) in general/generally (2) as a whole/all in all/altogether/summing it up ","総体[そうたい] (n, adj-no) (1) all/the whole (adv) (2) on the whole/all in all/generally/all things considered (P) ","総勢[そうぜい] (n) all members/whole army (P) ","総て[すべて] (n, adj-no) (1) (uk) everything/all/the whole (adv) (2) (uk) entirely/completely/wholly/all ","総社[そうじゃ] (n) shrine enshrining several gods ","総和[そうわ] (n) (1) sum total (2) (math) summation "],"各":["各[かく<br>おのおの]each; every;either;respectively;severally  N1","各種[かくしゅ]every kind; all sorts  N1","各々[それぞれ<br>おのおの]each; every;either;respectively;severally  N1","各自[かくじ]individual, each  N2","各地[かくち]every place, various places  N2","各国[かっこく<br>かくこく]each country ","各駅停車[かくえきていしゃ]Local Train ","各社[かくしゃ] (n) all companies/each company ","各駅[かくえき] (n) every station ","各所[かくしょ] (n, adj-no) each place/various places ","各位[かくい] (n) everyone/each and every one (of you)/ladies and gentlemen (P) ","各人[かくじん] (n-adv, n-t) each person ","各省[かくしょう] (n) each ministry ","各界[かくかい<br>かっかい] (n) each field/various circles "],"勢":["形勢[けいせい]condition; situation;prospects  N1","情勢[じょうせい]state of things; condition;situation  N1","勢力[せいりょく]influence; power;might;strength;potency;force;energy  N1","態勢[たいせい]attitude; conditions;preparations  N1","優勢[ゆうせい]superiority; superior power;predominance;preponderance  N1","姿勢[しせい]attitude, posture  N2","勢い[いきおい<br>いきよい]force,  vigor, energy, spirit  N3","大勢[おおぜい<br>たいせい<br>たいぜい]great number of people  N5","威勢[いせい]dash ","国勢[こくせい] (n) state of a country (population,  resources, etc.)/condition of a country/strength of a country (P) ","軍勢[ぐんぜい] (n) military forces/hosts/troops ","勢[いきおい<br>いきよい<br>せい<br>ぜい] (io) (n) (1) force/vigor/vigour/energy/spirit/life (2) influence/authority/power/might (3) impetus/momentum/course (of events) (adv) (4) naturally/necessarily ","攻勢[こうせい] (n) offensive (movement)/aggression (P) ","劣勢[れっせい] (n, adj-no,adj-na) inferiority (e.g. numerical)/inferior position/disadvantage/unfavorable situation/unfavourable situation (P) ","体勢[たいせい] (n) posture/stance (P) ","運勢[うんせい] (n) fortune/luck ","総勢[そうぜい] (n) all members/whole army (P) ","権勢[けんせい] (n) power/influence ","加勢[かせい] (n, vs) assistance/backing/reinforcements ","地勢[ちせい] (n) topography "],"営":["営む[いとなむ]to carry on (e.g. in ceremony); to run a business  N1","運営[うんえい]management; administration;operation  N1","営業[えいぎょう]business,  trade, management  N3","経営[けいえい]management,  administration  N3","私営[しえい]Private,  privately run, run privately ","公営[こうえい]Public,  government run, run by the government ","市営[しえい]Run By The City,  city run ","官営[かんえい]Run By The Government,  government run ","県営[けんえい]Run By The Prefecture,  prefecture run ","営利[えいり]gain ","国営[こくえい]government-managed ","自営[じえい]independent ","自営業[じえいぎょう]self-employment ","都営[とえい]administered by the metropolitan government ","営業中[えいぎょうちゅう]Open For Business ","営業する[えいぎょうする]To Run A Business,  to manage a business ","陣営[じんえい]Camp ","民営[みんえい] (n) private management (P) ","造営[ぞうえい] (n, vs) building (a temple, palace, etc.)/construction/erection ","直営[ちょくえい] (n, vs,adj-no) direct management (P) ","経営者[けいえいしゃ] (n) manager/proprietor (P) ","大本営[だいほんえい] (n) Imperial General Headquarters (Japan) ","営団[えいだん] (n) corporation/foundation (P) ","営み[いとなみ] (n) activity/action/performance/execution/occupation/business/work/sexual intercourse/sex (P) ","町営[ちょうえい] (n, adj-no) town management/municipal management ","野営[やえい] (n, vs) camping/campground/making camp ","設営[せつえい] (n, vs) construction ","営巣[えいそう] (n, vs) building a nest "],"域":["域外[いきがい]outside the area  N1","領域[りょういき]area; domain;territory;field;region;regime  N1","区域[くいき]limits, boundary,domain,zone,sphere,territory  N2","流域[りゅういき](river) basin  N2","地域[ちいき]area,  region  N3","水域[すいいき] (n) waters/water area (P) ","域[いき] (n) region/limits/stage/level ","広域[こういき] (n) (1) wide area (2) wide view (of a digitally displayed map)/zoomed-out view (P) ","市域[しいき] (n) municipal area ","全域[ぜんいき] (n, adj-no) the whole area (P) ","聖域[せいいき] (n, adj-no) (1) sacred precincts/sanctuary/consecrated ground/holy ground (n) (2) issue that is regarded as being off-limits/matter that is not up for discussion (P) ","海域[かいいき] (n) area of ocean (P) ","帯域[たいいき] (n) (1) band/zone/range (2) (abbr) bandwidth ","音域[おんいき] (n) singing range/register ","空域[くういき] (n) airspace (P) "],"領":["占領[せんりょう]occupation; capture;possession;have a room to oneself  N1","領域[りょういき]area; domain;territory;field;region;regime  N1","領海[りょうかい]territorial waters  N1","領地[りょうち]territory; dominion  N1","領土[りょうど]dominion; territory;possession  N1","要領[ようりょう]point, gist,essentials,outline  N2","領事[りょうじ]consul  N2","領収[りょうしゅう]receipt, voucher  N2","大統領[だいとうりょう]president of a country  N3","受領書[じゅりょうしょ]Receipt,  docket ","領事館[りょうじかん]consulate ","領空[りょうくう]airspace ","領収書[りょうしゅうしょ]Receipt ","副大統領[ふくだいとうりょう]Vice President ","領主[りょうしゅ] (n) feudal lord ","領有[りょうゆう] (n, vs) possession (esp. of a territory) (P) ","領[えり<br>りょう] (n) (1) collar/lapel/neckband/neck (2) nape of the neck/scruff of the neck ","受領[じゅりょう<br>ずりょう<br>ずろう] (n, vs) receipt (of a letter, money, etc.)/acceptance/receiving (P) ","首領[しゅりょう] (n) head/chief/boss/leader (P) ","綱領[こうりょう] (n) general plan/main points/summary/platform (e.g. for a campaign)/mission statement (P) ","天領[てんりょう] (n) (1) imperial lands (2) shogun's demesne ","横領[おうりょう] (n, vs) embezzlement/misappropriation/usurpation (P) ","拝領[はいりょう] (n, vs) receiving (from a superior)/bestowed ","本領[ほんりょう] (n) (1) characteristic quality/special character/one's real ability/one's specialty (2) one's function/one's duty (3) fief/inherited estate (P) ","惣領[そうりょう] (n) (1) eldest child/oldest child/first-born child (2) child who carries on the family name (3) (arch) pre-ritsuryo official established in key provinces,  responsible for administration of his home and surrounding provinces (4) (arch) head of a warrior clan (Kamakura period) "],"副":["副[ふく]especially; above all  N1","副詞[ふくし]adverb  N2","副業[ふくぎょう]Side Business ","副題[ふくだい]Subtitle,  subheading ","副作用[ふくさよう]reaction ","副大統領[ふくだいとうりょう]Vice President ","副長[ふくちょう] (n) (1) deputy head/deputy director/vice chief (of something) (2) executive officer (navy) ","副社長[ふくしゃちょう] (n) (abbr) executive vice-president (P) ","副会長[ふくかいちょう] (n) vice president (of a club or organization,  organisation) ","副葬[ふくそう] (n, vs) burying a dead person's personal belongings with the body "],"城":["城下[じょうか]land near the castle  N1","城[しろ<br>き<br>じょう]castle  N3","茨城県[いばらきけん]ibaraki prefecture ","山城[さんじょう<br>やまじろ] (n) mountain castle ","城主[じょうしゅ] (n) lord of a castle (P) ","宮城[きゅうじょう] (n) (obs) Imperial Palace (esp. from 1888 to 1946) ","古城[こじょう] (n) old castle/old fortress (P) ","築城[ちくじょう<br>ついき] (n, vs) fortification/castle construction ","居城[きょじょう] (n) castle of a daimyo/castle of feudal lord ","城壁[じょうへき] (n, adj-no) rampart/castle walls ","城下町[じょうかまち] (n) castle town/city in Japan that developed around the castle of a feudal lord (P) ","落城[らくじょう] (n, vs) surrender (fall) of a castle ","城郭[じょうかく] (n) fortress/castle/citadel/enclosure/castle walls (P) ","入城[にゅうじょう] (n, vs) entry into a castle (by a conquering force) ","金城[きんじょう] (n) impregnable castle ","籠城[ろうじょう] (n, vs) (1) holding a castle (during a siege)/holing up (2) confinement (to one's home)/staying at home/staying indoors ","都城[とじょう] (n) castle town ","城跡[じょうせき<br>しろあと] (n) castle site/ruins of a castle ","城塞[じょうさい] (n) fortress/stronghold/citadel ","攻城[こうじょう] (n, vs) castle siege ","名城[めいじょう] (n) fine castle/famous castle ","長城[ちょうじょう] (n) great wall (of China)/long wall ","城址[じょうし<br>しろあと] (n) castle site/ruins of a castle "],"停":["調停[ちょうてい]arbitration; conciliation;mediation  N1","停滞[ていたい]stagnation; tie-up;congestion;retention;accumulation;falling into arrears  N1","停止[ていし<br>ちょうじ]suspension, interruption,stoppage,ban  N2","停車[ていしゃ]stopping (e.g. train)  N2","停電[ていでん]failure of electricity  N2","停留所[ていりゅうじょ]bus or tram stop  N3","バス停[ばすてい,  バスてい<br>ばすてい<br>バスてい]Bus Stop ","各駅停車[かくえきていしゃ]Local Train ","停学[ていがく]suspension from school ","停車場[ていしゃじょう<br>ていしゃば] (n) (1) (arch) railway station (2) generic term for rail yards,  junctions, railway stations, etc. ","停戦[ていせん] (n, vs) armistice/ceasefire (P) ","停泊[ていはく] (n, vs) anchorage/anchoring/mooring (P) ","電停[でんてい] (n) tram stop ","停める[とどめる<br>とめる] (v1, vt) (1) to stop/to stay (e.g. the night)/to cease/to put an end to (2) to contain/to keep (in position, in place)/to limit (3) to record (e.g. a fact)/to retain ","停留場[ていりゅうじょう] (n) stop (bus,  streetcar, etc.) "],"律":["一律[いちりつ]evenness; uniformity;monotony;equality  N1","規律[きりつ]order, rules,law  N2","法律[ほうりつ]law  N4","律動[りつどう]Rhythm ","不文律[ふぶんりつ]Unwritten Law,  unwritten rule, common law ","律動的[りつどうてき]Rhythmical,  rhythmic ","旋律[せんりつ]melody,  tune ","律[りつ] (n) (1) law (esp. ancient East Asian criminal code)/regulation (2) (Buddh) vinaya (rules for the monastic community) (3) (abbr) Ritsu (school of Buddhism) (4) (abbr) lushi (style of Chinese poem) (5) (musical) pitch (6) six odd-numbered notes of the ancient chromatic scale (7) (abbr) Japanese seven-tone gagaku scale,  similar to Dorian mode (corresponding to: re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do) (n,n-suf,ctr) (8) (in traditional Eastern music) step (corresponding to a Western semitone) ","律令[りつりょう<br>りつれい] (n) criminal,  administrative and civil codes (forming the basis of ancient East Asian law;  orig. Chinese)/legal codes of the Nara and Heian eras based on Chinese models ","自律[じりつ] (n, adj-no) (1) autonomy (philosophy) (2) self-control (P) ","法律事務所[ほうりつじむしょ] (n) law office/law firm (P) ","調律[ちょうりつ] (n, vs) tuning (musical) ","戒律[かいりつ] (n) (religious) precept/discipline/commandment/mitzvah (P) "],"導":["主導[しゅどう]main leadership  N1","導入[どうにゅう]introduction; bringing in;leading in  N1","導く[みちびく]to be guided; to be shown  N1","誘導[ゆうどう]guidance; leading;induction;introduction;incitement;inducement  N1","指導[しどう]leadership,  guidance, coaching  N3","半導体[はんどうたい]semiconductor ","魔導士[まどうし] (n) sorcerer/wizard/mage ","指導者[しどうしゃ] (n) leader/guide/mentor/coach (P) ","主導権[しゅどうけん] (n) hegemony/leadership/initiative (P) ","伝導[でんどう] (n, vs) conduction/transmission ","導き[みちびき] (n) guidance ","導[しるべ] (n) guidance/guide ","導き出す[みちびきだす] (v5s, vt) to draw (conclusion)/to deduce/to derive ","先導[せんどう] (n, vs) guidance/leadership/leading the way (P) ","超伝導[ちょうでんどう] (n) superconductivity/super-conductivity (P) ","導出[どうしゅつ] (n, vs,adj-no) derivation (e.g. in math, logic)/drawing (conclusion, summary etc.)/leading (e.g. to a conclusion, opinion, etc.) ","魔導[まどう] (n) (1) sorcery/black magic (2) (Buddh) netherworld/world outside the six realms where evil spirits roam "],"革":["改革[かいかく]reform; reformation;innovation  N1","革新[かくしん]reform; innovation  N1","革命[かくめい]revolution  N1","吊り革[つりかわ]strap  N1","変革[へんかく]change; reform;revolution;upheaval;(the) Reformation  N1","革[かわ<br>つくりかわ<br>つくりがわ]leather  N3","皮革[ひかく]Leather,  hides, pelts ","革ジャン[かわじゃん,  かわジャン]Leather Jacket ","革命者[かくめいしゃ]Revolutionary,  a revolutionary ","沿革[えんかく] (n) history/development (P) "],"乳":["乳[ちち<br>ち]milk; breast;loop  N1","牛乳[ぎゅうにゅう]milk  N5","乳首[ちくび<br>ちちくび]Nipple ","乳児[にゅうじ]baby ","哺乳瓶[ほにゅうびん]baby bottle ","搾乳[さくにゅう]milking,  breast pumping ","哺乳[ほにゅう] (n) lactation/suckling/mammal ","乳母[うば<br>おんば<br>ちうば<br>ちおも<br>ちも<br>にゅうぼ<br>にゅうも<br>まま<br>めのと] (n) wet nurse/nursing mother ","豆乳[とうにゅう] (n) soy milk ","乳業[にゅうぎょう] (n) dairy industry ","巨乳[きょにゅう] (n, adj-no) huge breasts ","乳幼児[にゅうようじ] (n) infants/babies and very young children (P) ","乳房[ちぶさ<br>にゅうぼう] (n) breast/udder (P) ","乳製品[にゅうせいひん] (n) dairy products (P) "],"則":["原則[げんそく]principle; general rule  N1","不規則[ふきそく]irregularity, unsteadiness,disorderly  N2","法則[ほうそく]law, rule  N2","規則[きそく]regulations  N4","反則[はんそく]Foul ","校則[こうそく]school regulations ","罰則[ばっそく]penal regulations ","原則として[げんそくとして] (exp, adv) as a general rule/in principle/basically/essentially/fundamentally ","則[そく] (suf, ctr) (1) counter for rules (n) (2) (obsc) rule/regulation ","正則[せいそく] (adj-na, n,adj-no) (1) correct/proper/formal/regular/systematic/normal (adj-na,adj-no) (2) (math) invertible (matrix)/holomorphic (P) ","変則[へんそく] (n, adj-na,adj-no) irregularity/anomaly (P) ","則る[のっとる] (v5r, vi) to conform to/to be in accordance with/to follow (rule, tradition, example, etc.) ","付則[ふそく] (n) additional rules/by-laws/supplementary provisions/additional clauses "],"準":["準急[じゅんきゅう]local express (train&nbsp; &nbsp;slower than an express)  N1","準じる[じゅんじる]to follow; to conform;to apply to  N1","準ずる[じゅんずる]to apply correspondingly; to correspond to;to be proportionate to;to conform to  N1","基準[きじゅん]standard, basis,criteria,norm  N2","規準[きじゅん]standard, basis,criteria,norm  N2","標準[ひょうじゅん]standard, level  N2","準備[じゅんび]preparation  N3","水準[すいじゅん](1) water level,  (2) level, standard  N3","準える[なぞらえる<br>なずらえる]compare ","準備する[じゅんびする]To Prepare ","準[じゅん] (pref) semi-/quasi-/associate (P) ","心の準備[こころのじゅんび] (exp, n) mental preparedness/being braced for/being steeled for ","準決勝[じゅんけっしょう] (n) (sports) semifinal (P) ","準拠[じゅんきょ] (n, vs) basis/based on/conformance/conformity/authority (of)/standard/reference (P) ","照準[しょうじゅん] (n) sight (e.g. of a gun)/aim/alignment (P) ","準備中[じゅんびちゅう] (n) in preparation (shop) not yet open for business ","準備万端[じゅんびばんたん] (exp) fully prepared/all ready ","準同型[じゅんどうけい] (n) (math) homomorphism "],"庁":["庁[ちょう]government office  N1","官庁[かんちょう]government office, authorities  N2","県庁[けんちょう]prefectural office  N2","都庁[とちょう]Metropolitan Government,  metro government ","警視庁[けいしちょう]Metropolitan Police Department,  metro police department ","警察庁[けいさつちょう]National Police Agency ","府庁[ふちょう]prefectural office ","気象庁[きしょうちょう]Weather Agency,  meteorological agency ","庁舎[ちょうしゃ]Government Office Building ","防衛庁[ぼうえいちょう] (n) Japan Defense Agency (Defence) (became Japanese Ministry of Defense in January 2007) (P) ","省庁[しょうちょう] (n) ministries and government offices/the authorities (P) ","文化庁[ぶんかちょう] (n) (Japanese) Agency for Cultural Affairs (P) ","支庁[しちょう] (n) (governmental) branch office ","環境庁[かんきょうちょう] (n) Environment Agency (P) ","経済企画庁[けいざいきかくちょう] (n) Economic Planning Agency (defunct as of 2001) (P) ","特許庁[とっきょちょう] (n) Patent Office/Patent Agency (P) ","本庁[ほんちょう] (n) central government office/this office ","市庁[しちょう] (n) municipal office ","検察庁[けんさつちょう] (n) (abbr) Public Prosecutor's Office (P) ","官公庁[かんこうちょう] (n) government and municipal offices/public agencies (P) ","政庁[せいちょう] (n) government office (P) "],"額":["差額[さがく]balance; difference;margin  N1","額[がく<br>ひたい]forehead,  brow  N3","金額[きんがく]amount of money  N3","年額[ねんがく]Annual Amount,  yearly amount ","定額[ていがく]Fixed Amount,  fixed sum, flat rate, ration ","半額[はんがく]Half Price ","多額[たがく]Large Amount,  large sum ","月額[げつがく]Monthly Amount ","残額[ざんがく]Remaining Amount ","総額[そうがく] (n) sum total/total amount (P) ","高額[こうがく] (adj-na, n,adj-no) large sum (money) (P) ","全額[ぜんがく] (n) total/full amount/sum (P) ","巨額[きょがく] (adj-na, n,adj-no) great sum (P) ","少額[しょうがく] (n, adj-no) small sum (e.g. of money)/small denomination (P) ","額面[がくめん] (n) face value/par (P) ","減額[げんがく] (n, vs) reduction/diminution/abatement (P) ","増額[ぞうがく] (n, vs) increase (in an amount of money) (P) "],"腕":["腕前[うでまえ]ability; skill;facility  N1","腕[うで<br>かいな]arm  N4","腕時計[うでどけい]Wristwatch,  watch ","腕力[わんりょく]muscular strength ","腕白[わんぱく]naughtiness ","右腕[うわん<br>みぎうで] (n) (1) right arm (2) (baseb) right-handed pitcher ","左腕[さわん<br>ひだりうで] (n) (1) left arm (2) left-handed (baseball pitcher) (P) ","手腕[しゅわん] (n) ability/capability/skill (P) ","両腕[もろうで<br>りょううで] (n) both arms ","鉄腕[てつわん] (n) strong arm "],"境":["境遇[きょうぐう]environment; circumstances  N1","国境[こっきょう<br>くにざかい]national or state border  N1","境界[きょうかい]boundary  N2","環境[かんきょう]environment,  circumstance  N3","境[さかい<br>きょう]border,  boundary, mental state  N3","境内[けいだい]grounds ","心境[しんきょう]mental attitude ","逆境[ぎゃっきょう]adversity ","辺境[へんきょう] (n, adj-no) remote region/frontier (district)/border(land) (P) ","県境[けんきょう<br>けんざかい] (n) prefectural border/prefectural boundary ","環境省[かんきょうしょう] (n) Ministry of the Environment ","環境庁[かんきょうちょう] (n) Environment Agency (P) ","苦境[くきょう] (n) difficult situation/adverse circumstances/predicament/trouble/dilemma/distress (P) ","境地[きょうち] (n) (1) state (of mind)/mental state/emotional condition (2) field (of activity) (3) one's lot/circumstance/situation in life (4) place/region/area/land (P) ","越境[えっきょう] (n, vs,adj-no) border transgression (P) "],"燃":["燃焼[ねんしょう]burning; combustion  N1","燃料[ねんりょう]fuel  N1","燃やす[もやす]to burn  N2","燃える[もえる]to burn  N3","可燃ゴミ[かねんごみ,  かねんゴミ]Burnable Garbage, burnable trash ","不燃ゴミ[ふねんごみ,  ふねんゴミ]Nonburnable Garbage, unburnable garbage, nonburnable trash, unburnable trash ","不燃物[ふねん ぶつ]incombustibles ","可燃物[かねん ぶつ]combustibles ","燃費[ねんぴ]mileage ","燃え付く[もえつく]To Catch Fire,  to catch on fire ","再燃[さいねん] (n, vs,adj-no) recurrence/revival/resuscitation (P) "],"担":["担架[たんか]stretcher; litter  N1","担う[になう]to carry on shoulder; to bear (burden);to shoulder (gun)  N1","負担[ふたん]burden; charge;responsibility  N1","分担[ぶんたん]apportionment; sharing  N1","担ぐ[かつぐ]to shoulder, to carry on shoulder  N2","担当[たんとう](in) charge  N3","担任[たんにん]teacher in charge ","担保[たんぽ]mortgage ","担当者[たんとうしゃ] (n) person in charge (of an area of work)/person responsible/contact (person) (P) ","加担[かたん] (n, vs) support/participation/assistance/complicity/conspiracy (P) ","担い手[にないて] (n) (1) bearer/carrier (2) person bearing responsibility/person in charge/supporter (P) "],"祝":["祝賀[しゅくが]celebration; congratulations  N1","祝日[しゅくじつ]national holiday  N2","祝い[いわい<br>ゆわい]celebration,  festival  N3","祝う[いわう]to congratulate,  to celebrate  N3","お祝い[おいわい]congratulation  N4","祝福[しゅくふく]blessing ","祝電[しゅくでん]congratulatory telegram ","祝儀[しゅうぎ]Celebration,  congratulations ","慶祝[けいしゅく]congratulation,  celebration ","祝[いわい<br>しゅく<br>はふり<br>ほうり<br>ゆわい] (n) congratulation/congratulations/celebration/festival/congratulatory gift ","祝祭[しゅくさい] (n, adj-no) festivals/feasts "],"届":["届け[とどけ]report; notification;registration  N1","届く[とどく]to reach  N3","届ける[とどける]to reach  N4","行き届く[いきとどく<br>ゆきとどく]be attentive ","見届ける[みとどける]make sure ","届[とどけ] (n, n-suf) report/notification/registration (P) ","届出[とどけで] (n) report/notification ","届け出る[とどけでる] (v1, vt) to report/to notify "],"象":["気象[きしょう]weather; climate  N1","象[ぞう<br>しょう]phenomenon  N1","象徴[しょうちょう]symbol  N1","抽象[ちゅうしょう]abstract  N2","印象[いんしょう]impression  N3","現象[げんしょう]phenomenon  N3","対象[たいしょう]target,  object (of worship,  study,  etc), subject (of taxation,  etc)  N3","第一印象[だいいちいんしょう]First Impression ","気象庁[きしょうちょう]Weather Agency,  meteorological agency ","象牙[ぞうげ]Ivory,  elephant tusk ","抽象的[ちゅうしょうてき]abstract ","事象[じしょう] (n) event/phenomenon/matter (P) ","象る[かたどる] (v5r, vt) (1) to model on/to make in the shape of/to represent/to pattern after/to imitate (2) to symbolise ","表象[ひょうしょう] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) symbol/emblem (n,adj-no) (2) mental image/representation/idea ","印象付ける[いんしょうづける] (v1, vt) to impress (someone) (P) "],"層":["階層[かいそう]class; level;stratum;hierarchy  N1","高層[こうそう]upper  N2","大層[たいそう]very much, exaggerated,very fine  N2","一層[いっそう]much more,  still more, all the more  N3","〜層[そう]Layer Of,  layer ","層[そう] (n, n-suf) (1) layer/seam/bed/stream/class/stratum (2) (math) sheaf (ctr) (3) storey (of a building)/story/floor ","上層部[じょうそうぶ] (n) top brass/upper echelon/higher-ups/top management/upper reaches/top of the pile ","地層[ちそう] (n) stratum/geological formation/layer/bed (coal,  gravel, etc.) (P) ","上層[じょうそう] (n) upper stratum (classes,  stories, storeys) (P) ","断層[だんそう] (n) (1) fault/dislocation (2) gap/discrepancy (P) ","下層[かそう] (n, adj-no) lower strata (classes) ","深層[しんそう] (n, adj-no) depths/deep level (P) ","表層[ひょうそう] (n) surface/outer layer ","低層[ていそう] (n, adj-no) (1) low-rise (architecture) (2) low-level/low-class "],"述":["記述[きじゅつ]describing; descriptor  N1","口述[こうじゅつ]verbal statement  N1","述語[じゅつご]predicate  N2","述べる[のべる]to state,  to express, to mention  N3","上述[じょうじゅつ]Above Mentioned,  the above mentioned ","陳述[ちんじゅつ]statement,  declaration, allegation ","叙述[じょじゅつ]description ","前述[ぜんじゅつ] (adj-no, n,vs) aforementioned/above-mentioned ","先述[せんじゅつ] (adj-no, n,vs) aforementioned/above-mentioned ","後述[こうじゅつ] (n, vs,adj-no) mentioning later/discussing below ","公述[こうじゅつ] (n, vs) speaking at a public hearing ","著述[ちょじゅつ] (n, vs) writing/book (literary) work ","供述[きょうじゅつ] (n, vs) affidavit/deposition/testimony (P) ","申し述べる[もうしのべる] (v1, vt) to say/to tell (somebody)/to state ","詳述[しょうじゅつ] (n, vs) detailed explanation (P) ","述懐[じゅっかい] (n, vs) recollection (P) "],"武":["武装[ぶそう]arms; armament;armed  N1","武力[ぶりょく]armed might; military power;the sword;force  N1","武士[ぶし<br>もののふ]warrior, samurai  N2","武器[ぶき]weapon,  arms, ordinance  N3","武道[ぶどう]Martial Arts ","武[ぶ] (n) (1) (arch) the art of war/martial arts/military arts (2) military force/the sword (3) valor/bravery (4) military officer/military man ","武将[ぶしょう] (n) military commander (P) ","武家[ぶけ] (n) samurai/warrior/military family ","武蔵[むさし] (n) Musashi/historical region consisting of modern Tokyo,  Saitama and eastern Kanagawa prefectures ","武者[むしゃ] (n) warrior (P) ","武術[ぶじゅつ] (n) (1) (MA) martial arts/military arts (2) wushu/modern sport derived from traditional Chinese martial arts ","武夫[ぶふ] (n) warrior/samurai ","武庫[ぶこ] (n) armory/armoury ","武芸[ぶげい] (n) martial arts ","武勇[ぶゆう] (n) bravery/military prowess/valour/valor (P) ","玄武岩[げんぶがん] (n) basalt/whin(stone) "],"型":["模型[もけい]model; dummy;maquette  N1","型[かた<br>がた]mold,  model, style, shape, data-type  N3","典型[てんけい]type,  pattern, archetypal  N3","原型[げんけい]Prototype,  model ","典型的[てんけいてき]Typical ","体型[たいけい]figure ","大型[おおがた]large ","定型[ていけい]definite form ","小型[こがた]small size ","類型[るいけい]type ","血液型[けつえきがた]Blood Type,  blood group ","髪型[かみがた]Hairstyle,  hair style, hairdo ","型式[かたしき<br>けいしき] (n) model (e.g. of a vehicle)/type (P) ","新型[しんがた] (n, adj-no) new type/new style/new model/new strain (e.g. infectious disease) (P) ","成型[せいけい] (n, vs) (1) cast/mold/mould/casting/molding/moulding/compacting (e.g. in metallurgy) (2) forming/shaping/fashioning ","金型[かながた<br>かねがた] (n) (1) die (2) (metal) mold/mould ","流線型[りゅうせんけい] (n, adj-no) streamline shape/aerodynamic shape ","準同型[じゅんどうけい] (n) (math) homomorphism ","薄型[うすがた] (adj-no) thin/slim/flat "],"管":["管[くだ<br>かん]pipe; tube  N1","血管[けっかん]blood vessel  N1","保管[ほかん]charge; custody;safekeeping;deposit;storage  N1","管理[かんり]control,  management (e.g. of a business)  N3","鉛管[えんかん]Lead Pipe ","管理人[かんりにん]Manager ","管制塔[かんせいとう]Control Tower ","管轄[かんかつ]jurisdiction,  control ","管弦楽[かんげんがく]orchestral music ","管弦楽団[かんげんがくだん]orchestra ","只管[ひたすら]at all ","移管[いかん] (n, vs) transfer of control (P) ","管区[かんく] (n) jurisdiction (P) ","管弦[かんげん] (n) wind and string instruments/music ","所管[しょかん] (n, vs) jurisdiction (P) ","管制[かんせい] (n, vs) control (P) ","管制官[かんせいかん] (n) controller (usually air-traffic) (P) ","管内[かんない] (n, adj-no) within the jurisdiction of (P) ","配管[はいかん] (n, vs) plumbing/piping (P) ","主管[しゅかん] (n, vs) supervision/management/supervisor/manager (P) ","鋼管[こうかん] (n) steel pipe ","気管支[きかんし] (n) bronchial tube (P) ","木管[もっかん] (n) (1) wooden pipe (2) wooden bobbin (3) (abbr) woodwind instrument ","金管[きんかん] (n) brass (musical) instrument ","管楽器[かんがっき] (n) wind instrument "],"量":["感無量[かんむりょう]deep feeling; inexpressible feeling;filled with emotion  N1","熱量[ねつりょう]temperature  N1","微量[びりょう]minuscule amount; extremely small quantity  N1","重量[じゅうりょう](1) weight, (2) heavyweight boxer  N2","測量[そくりょう]measurement, surveying  N2","量る[はかる]to measure, to weigh,to survey  N2","分量[ぶんりょう]amount, quantity  N2","量[りょう<br>はか]quantity,  amount, volume, portion (of food)  N3","定量[ていりょう]Fixed Quantity,  measurement, fixed amount, set quantity, set amount ","大量[たいりょう]Large Quantity,  huge amount ","多量[たりょう]large quantity ","少量[しょうりょう]small quantity ","数量[すうりょう]quantity ","質量[しつりょう]mass ","適量[てきりょう]proper quantity ","推量[すいりょう]conjecture ","感慨無量[かんがいむりょう]deep emotion,  deeply moved, filled with emotion ","容量[ようりょう] (n) (1) capacity/volume (2) (abbr) capacitance (P) ","軽量[けいりょう] (n, adj-no) light weight (P) ","量産[りょうさん] (n, vs) mass production (P) ","計量[けいりょう] (n, vs) (1) measuring/weighing (n) (2) (math) metric/distance function (P) ","量的[りょうてき] (adj-na) quantitative/concerning the quantity (P) ","量子[りょうし] (n, adj-no) (physics) quantum ","裁量[さいりょう] (n, vs) admeasure/discretion (P) ","流量[りゅうりょう] (n) flow rate (esp. water or electricity)/quantity of flow/capacity (of output or throughput per unit time) ","水量[すいりょう] (n) quantity or volume of water (P) ","音量[おんりょう] (n) volume (sound) (P) ","量販[りょうはん] (n, vs) volume sales/volume retail ","線量[せんりょう] (n) dose (of radioactivity) (P) ","減量[げんりょう] (n, vs) (1) loss in weight (esp. body weight)/weight reduction (2) loss in quantity/reduction of quantity (P) ","技量[ぎりょう] (n) ability/competency/talent/skill/capacity ","力量[りきりょう] (n) (1) ability/capacity/capability/talent (2) physical strength (P) ","量子化[りょうしか] (n, vs) quantization/quantisation/quantizing ","雨量[うりょう] (n) (amount of) rainfall (P) "],"販":["販売[はんばい]sale,  selling, marketing  N3","通販[つうはん]Mail Order ","自動販売機[じどうはんばいき]Vending Machine ","市販[しはん]marketing ","限定販売[げんていはんばい]Limited Edition ","自販機[じはんき]Vending Machine ","量販[りょうはん] (n, vs) volume sales/volume retail ","再販[さいはん] (n) resale (P) ","販促[はんそく] (n) (abbr) sales promotion "],"肩":["肩[かた]shoulder  N3","肩書き[かたがき]degree ","右肩[みぎかた] (n) right shoulder ","強肩[きょうけん] (n, adj-no) strong throwing arm "],"触":["気触れる[かぶれる]to react to; to be influenced by;to go overboard for  N1","感触[かんしょく]sense of touch; feeling;sensation  N1","接触[せっしょく]touch; contact  N1","触れる[ふれる]to touch,  to be touched, to touch on a subject, to feel, to violate (law,  copyright,  etc.), to perceive, t  N3","触る[さわる]to touch  N4","触角[しょっかく]Antenna ","前触れ[まえぶれ]previous notice ","触れ合い[ふれあい]contact ","触れ合う[ふれあう]come in contact ","顔触れ[かおぶれ]personnel ","肌触り[はだざわり]The Touch Of,  feel of, texture ","触媒[しょくばい]catalyst ","触発[しょくはつ] (n, vs) (1) detonation by contact/contact detonation (2) touching off (something)/triggering/sparking/provocation/inspiration (P) ","抵触[ていしょく] (n, vs) (1) infringement (of a law, treaty, etc.)/contravention/running afoul (2) conflict (with a theory, claim, etc.)/inconsistency/incompatibility/contradiction (3) (arch) collision/contact/touching (P) ","触手[しょくしゅ] (n) feeler/tentacle "],"輸":["運輸[うんゆ]transportation  N1","輸血[ゆけつ]blood transfusion  N2","輸送[ゆそう]transport, transportation  N2","輸出[ゆしゅつ<br>しゅしゅつ]export  N3","輸入[ゆにゅう<br>しゅにゅう]importation,  import, introduction  N3","輸出する[ゆしゅつする]To Export ","輸入する[ゆにゅうする]To Import ","密輸[みつゆ]Smuggling ","運輸省[うんゆしょう] (n) Ministry of Transport (P) ","空輸[くうゆ] (n, vs,adj-no) air transport/air lift/airlift (P) "],"腰":["腰掛け[こしかけ]seat, bench  N2","腰掛ける[こしかける]to sit (down)  N2","腰[こし<br>ごし]hip  N3","腰抜け[こしぬけ]Coward ","腰痛[ようつう] (n, adj-no) lower back (or hip) pain/lumbago (P) "],"況":["好況[こうきょう]prosperous conditions; healthy economy  N1","不況[ふきょう]recession; depression;slump  N1","況して[まして]still more; still less (with neg. verb);to say nothing of;not to mention  N1","状況[じょうきょう]state of affairs,  situation, circumstances  N3","景況[けいきょう]Condition,  the situation ","実況[じっきょう]actual conditions ","近況[きんきょう] (n) recent state/present state/present condition/current status/current circumstances (P) ","戦況[せんきょう] (n) war situation/progress of a battle (P) ","現況[げんきょう] (n) present condition (P) ","盛況[せいきょう] (n) success/prosperity/boom (P) "],"効":["効き目[ききめ]effect; virtue;efficacy;impression  N1","効率[こうりつ]efficiency  N1","無効[むこう]invalid; no effect;unavailable  N1","効力[こうりょく]effect, efficacy,validity,potency  N2","効く[きく]to be effective  N3","効果[こうか]effect,  effectiveness, efficacy, result  N3","有効[ゆうこう]validity,  availability, effectiveness  N3","時効[じこう]prescription ","効果的[こうかてき]Effective ","逆効果[ぎゃくこうか]Opposite Effect ","即効[そっこう]Immediate Effect,  instant effect ","実効[じっこう] (n) practical effect/efficacy/efficiency (P) ","発効[はっこう] (n, vs) coming into effect (P) ","効用[こうよう] (n) use/utility/effect/benefit (P) ","失効[しっこう] (n, vs) lapse/abatement/invalidation/expiration/expiry/becoming void ","効能[こうのう] (n) effect/efficacy/virtue/benefit (P) "],"含":["含嗽[がんそう]gargle; rinse mouth  N1","含める[ふくめる]to include, to instruct,to make one understand  N2","含む[ふくむ<br>くくむ]to hold in the mouth,  to bear in mind  N3","含意[がんい]Implication,  hint at, suggestion ","含有[がんゆう] (n, vs) containing (an ingredient, mineral, etc.) (P) ","包含[ほうがん] (n, vs) inclusion/comprehension/implication/containing/covering (P) "],"豊":["豊作[ほうさく]abundant harvest; bumper crop  N1","豊富[ほうふ]abundance,  wealth, plenty, bounty  N3","豊か[ゆたか]abundant,  wealthy, plentiful, rich  N3","豊満[ほうまん]Plump,  full figured "],"替":["切り替える[きりかえる]to change; to exchange;to convert;to renew;to throw a switch;to replace;to switch over  N1","取り替え[とりかえ]swap; exchange  N1","為替[かわせ<br>かわし]money order, exchange  N2","着替え[きがえ]changing clothes, change of clothes  N2","交替[こうたい]alternation, change,relief,relay,shift  N2","替える[かえる]to exchange,  to interchange, to substitute, to replace  N3","両替[りょうがえ]change,  money exchange  N3","取り替える[とりかえる]to exchange  N4","替わる[かわる]To Be Replaced,  to be substituted, to be switched ","日替わり[ひがわり]changing on a daily basis ","着替える[きがえる<br>きかえる]change clothes ","立て替える[たてかえる]pay for others ","代替[だいがえ<br>だいがわり<br>だいたい] (n, vs) (1) substitution/alternation (adj-f,adj-no) (2) alternative/substitute ","差し替える[さしかえる] (v1, vt) to change/to replace ","替え[かえ] (n) (1) change/alteration/substitute/spare/proxy (2) rate of exchange (P) ","入れ替える[いれかえる] (v1, vt) to replace/to substitute/to shift/to change places ","切り替え[きりかえ] (n) exchange/conversion/replacement/switching (to)/switchover (P) ","入れ替わる[いれかわる] (v5r, vi) to change places/to relieve one another/to replace someone ","切り替わる[きりかわる] (v5r) to change completely/to switch (to)/to shift (to another mode) ","振替[ふりかえ] (n) (1) transfer/switching over/change (2) money transfer (usu. between accounts held by the same person) (3) (abbr) postal transfer (P) ","付け替える[つけかえる] (v1, vt) to renew/to replace/to change for/to attach anew ","入れ替え[いれかえ] (n, vs) (1) replacement/substitution/change (2) shunting (rail)/switching (P) ","吹替[ふきかえ] (n, vs) dubbing/stand-in/dummy ","切替[きりかえ] (io) (n) exchange/conversion/replacement/switching (to)/switchover ","振り替える[ふりかえる] (v1, vt) to change (e.g. a bill)/to transfer (e.g. money)/to switch over/to move over ","替え歌[かえうた] (n) parody (of a song) "],"巻":["取り巻く[とりまく]to surround; to circle;to enclose  N1","巻[かん<br>まき]volume  N1","寝巻[ねまき]sleep-wear, nightclothes,pyjamas,nightgown,nightdress  N2","巻く[まく]to wind, to coil,to roll  N2","上巻[じょうかん]First Volume ","下巻[げかん]Last Volume,  final volume ","一巻[いっかん]One Volume,  first volume ","二巻[にかん]Second Volume,  two volumes ","寝巻き[ねまき]pajamas ","巻きずし[まきずし]Rolled Sushi,  sushi roll, makizushi ","春巻き[はるまき]Spring Rolls ","巻き添え[まきぞえ]involvement ","巻き込む[まきこむ]involve ","竜巻[たつまき]Tornado ","鉢巻[はちまき]Headband ","渦巻き[うずまき]coil ","襟巻き[えりまき]muffler ","内巻[うちまき] (n) curling inwards (esp. the tips of one's hair) ","荒巻[あらまき] (n) salted salmon/fish wrapped in (bamboo) leaves ","巻き[まき] (n) (1) roll (e.g. of cloth) (2) winding (3) volume (of book) ","巻き起こす[まきおこす] (v5s) to create (a sensation)/to give rise to (controversy) ","圧巻[あっかん] (n) (1) highlight/best part (adj-no, adj-na) (2) stunning/incredible/superb (P) ","巻末[かんまつ] (n) end of a book (P) ","絵巻[えまき] (n) picture scroll (P) ","席巻[せっけん] (n, vs) sweeping conquest/sweeping over/conquering/invading (P) ","巻き返す[まきかえす] (v5s) to rally/to regain one's strength ","巻き起こる[まきおこる] (v5r, vi) to arise/to break out/to well up/to burst ","巻頭[かんとう] (n) (1) beginning (of a book,  magazine, etc.)/opening page (2) beginning (of a matter)/start ","巻き上げる[まきあげる] (v1, vt) (1) to roll up/to hoist/to heave up (2) to take away/to rip off (e.g. money from someone) (3) to blow up (dust) ","渦巻く[うずまく] (v5k, vi) (1) to whirl/to eddy/to swirl/to curl (smoke) (2) to be all jumbled together (feelings, thoughts, etc.) (3) to surge/to sweep "],"捜":["捜査[そうさ]search (esp. in criminal investigations); investigation  N1","捜索[そうさく]search (esp. for someone or something missing); investigation  N1","捜す[さがす]to search, to seek,to look for  N2","捜査官[そうさかん] (n) police investigator/investigator (P) ","捜し出す[さがしだす] (v5s, vt) to track down/to locate/to find out/to smoke out/to ferret out/to chase up/to discover ","捜査員[そうさいん] (n) investigator (usu. of criminal cases) ","特捜[とくそう] (n) special investigation (P) "],"補":["補給[ほきゅう]supply; supplying;replenishment  N1","補強[ほきょう]compensation; reinforcement  N1","補償[ほしょう]compensation; reparation  N1","補充[ほじゅう]supplementation; supplement;replenishment;replenishing  N1","補助[ほじょ]assistance; support;aid;auxiliary  N1","補足[ほそく]supplement; complement  N1","補う[おぎなう]to compensate for  N2","候補[こうほ]candidacy  N3","候補者[こうほしゃ]Candidate ","立候補[りっこうほ]candidacy ","補欠[ほけつ]substitute ","補正[ほせい]correction ","補佐[ほさ]assistance ","警部補[けいぶほ] (n) assistant inspector ","補[ほ] (suf) assistant .../probationary ... ","補完[ほかん] (n, vs) complementation/supplementation/completion (P) ","補修[ほしゅう] (n, vs) repair/mending (P) ","増補[ぞうほ] (n, vs) extending (e.g. a book)/augmenting/enlarging/supplementing ","補填[ほてん] (n, vs) compensating/making up for/supplementation ","補習[ほしゅう] (n, vs) supplementary lessons "],"接":["接触[せっしょく]touch; contact  N1","接続詞[せつぞくし]conjunction  N1","接ぐ[つぐ]to join; to piece together;to set (bones);to graft (trees)  N1","密接[みっせつ]related; connected;close;intimate  N1","応接[おうせつ]reception  N2","間接[かんせつ]indirection, indirectness  N2","接近[せっきん]getting closer, drawing nearer,approaching  N2","接する[せっする]to come in contact with, to connect,to attend,to receive  N2","接続[せつぞく](1) connection, union,join,link,(2) changing trains  N2","面接[めんせつ]interview  N2","直接[ちょくせつ]direct,  immediate, personal, firsthand  N3","接待[せったい]reception entertainment ","直接的[ちょくせつてき]Directly ","面接する[めんせつする]To Interview With,  to interview ","隣接[りんせつ] (n, vs) adjacency/contiguity/being adjoined (P) ","近接[きんせつ] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) proximity/nearness/being nearby/being adjacent (n,vs) (2) approaching/drawing near/coming close ","接収[せっしゅう] (n, vs) requisition/requisitioning/seizure/confiscation/impounding/retaining (e.g. deposit) ","接合[せつごう] (n, vs) (1) union/joining (2) (biol) conjugation ","接着[せっちゃく] (n, vs) adhesion/glueing/gluing/bonding/binding/adhering/fastening (P) ","接種[せっしゅ] (n, vs,adj-no) inoculation/vaccination (P) ","接点[せってん] (n) (1) (math) tangent point/point of contact (2) contact (electrical,  etc.) (3) point of agreement/common ground/interaction (P) ","溶接[ようせつ] (n, vs) weld/welding (P) ","接地[せっち] (n, vs) (1) ground (elec) (2) contact patch (between car tyre and road) (3) landing (an aeroplane, airplane) ","接客[せっきゃく] (n, vs) serving customers/looking after visitors/reception ","接戦[せっせん] (n, vs,adj-no) close combat/close contest (P) ","接頭辞[せっとうじ] (n) (ling) prefix ","接尾辞[せつびじ] (n) (ling) suffix "],"再":["再[さい]re-; again;repeated  N1","再会[さいかい]another meeting; meeting again;reunion  N1","再建[さいけん<br>さいこん]rebuilding; reconstruction;rehabilitation  N1","再現[さいげん]reappearance; reproduction;return;revival  N1","再生[さいせい]playback; regeneration;resuscitation;return to life;rebirth;reincarnation;narrow escape;reclamation;r  N1","再発[さいはつ]return; relapse;reoccurrence  N1","再三[さいさん]again and again, repeatedly  N2","再来月[さらいげつ]month after next  N2","再来週[さらいしゅう]week after next  N2","再来年[さらいねん]year after next  N2","再び[ふたたび]again,  once more, a second time  N3","再開[さいかい]Reopening ","再度[さいど]Twice,  a second time, again ","再起[さいき]comeback ","再編[さいへん] (n, vs) reorganization/reorganisation/reshuffle (P) ","再興[さいこう] (n, vs) revival/restoration/resuscitation ","再選[さいせん] (n, vs) re-election (P) ","再婚[さいこん] (n, vs) second marriage/remarriage (P) ","再戦[さいせん] (n, vs) rematch ","再検討[さいけんとう] (n, vs) re-examination/review/reappraisal (P) ","再販[さいはん] (n) resale (P) ","再考[さいこう] (n, vs) reconsideration (P) ","再任[さいにん] (n, vs) reappointment (P) ","再帰[さいき] (n) (1) recurrence/recursion (adj-no) (2) (ling) reflective ","再演[さいえん] (n, vs) (1) another showing (of a play) (2) (biol) recapitulation (P) ","再版[さいはん] (n, vs) reprint(ing)/second edition ","再録[さいろく] (n, vs) re-recording ","再審[さいしん] (n, vs) (1) (law) retrial/reopening of a case (2) review/reexamination (P) ","再燃[さいねん] (n, vs,adj-no) recurrence/revival/resuscitation (P) "],"菓":["菓子[かし]pastry  N3","お菓子[おかし]sweets,  candy  N5","菓子屋[かしや]Candy Store,  candy shop, sweet store, sweet shop ","干菓子[ひがし] (n) dried candies/dried confectionary/cookies ","製菓[せいか] (n) (1) confectionery production/baking (e.g. pastries,  sweets) (adj-f) (2) confectionery ","和菓子[わがし] (n) wagashi/traditional Japanese confectionery (P) "],"造":["偽造[ぎぞう]forgery; falsification;fabrication;counterfeiting  N1","創造[そうぞう]creation  N1","造り[つくり<br>づくり]make up; structure;physique  N1","造る[つくる]to make; to create;to manufacture;to draw up;to write;to compose;to build;to coin;to cultivate;to org  N1","荷造り[にづくり]packing; baling;crating  N1","改造[かいぞう](1) remodeling, (2) modding (comp)  N2","構造[こうぞう]structure, construction  N2","人造[じんぞう]man-made, synthetic,artificial  N2","造船[ぞうせん]shipbuilding  N2","作る/造る[つくる]to make, to create  N2","製造[せいぞう]manufacture,  production  N3","酒造[しゅぞう]Brewing,  distilling ","造園[ぞうえん]Landscape Gardening ","木造[もくぞう<br>きづくり]being made of wood ","無造作[むぞうさ]casual ","創造的[そうぞうてき]Creative ","創造力[そうぞうりょく]Creative Power,  creativity ","醸造[じょうぞう]brewing,  distillation ","鋳造[ちゅうぞう]casting,  founding, minting ","建造[けんぞう] (n, vs) building/construction (P) ","造営[ぞうえい] (n, vs) building (a temple, palace, etc.)/construction/erection ","新造[しんぞ<br>しんぞう] (n, vs) (1) new/newly made (n) (2) unmarried woman of about 20 (3) newly-married woman (4) new prostitute that has not started working/attendant of an older prostitute ","造語[ぞうご] (n, vs) coined word/coinage/neologism (P) ","造形[ぞうけい] (n, vs) molding/moulding/shaping/modelling (i.e. plastic arts)/modeling (P) ","造成[ぞうせい] (n, vs) creation/clearing/reclamation (P) ","人造人間[じんぞうにんげん] (n) android/artificial human/robot ","若造[わかぞう] (n) (derog) youngster/neophyte/greenhorn ","築造[ちくぞう] (n, vs) construction/building ","捏造[ねつぞう] (n, vs) fabrication/forgery/falsehood/hoax (P) ","造幣[ぞうへい] (n) coinage/mintage "],"占":["占領[せんりょう]occupation; capture;possession;have a room to oneself  N1","独占[どくせん]monopoly  N1","占う[うらなう]to forecast, to predict  N2","占める[しめる](1) to comprise,  to account for, to make up (of), (2) to hold, to occupy  N3","占い[うらない]Fortune Telling ","独り占め[ひとりじめ]exclusive possession ","買い占める[かいしめる]buy up ","星占い[ほしうらない]Astrology,  horoscope ","占拠[せんきょ] (n, vs) occupation (e.g. of territory)/exclusive possession (P) ","占有[せんゆう] (n, vs) possession/occupation/occupancy (P) ","占い師[うらないし] (n) diviner/fortuneteller/soothsayer/palmist ","占[うら] (n) (arch) fortune-telling/divination ","占星術[せんせいじゅつ] (n) astrology "],"郵":["郵送[ゆうそう]mailing  N2","郵便[ゆうびん]mail,  postal service  N3","郵便局[ゆうびんきょく]post office  N5","郵便屋さん[ゆうびんやさん]mail carrier ","郵便箱[ゆうびんばこ]Mailbox,  postbox ","郵便番号[ゆうびんばんごう]Post Number,  postal code, postcode ","郵政[ゆうせい] (n) postal system (P) ","郵政省[ゆうせいしょう] (n) (former) Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (now Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications) (P) ","郵貯[ゆうちょ] (n) (abbr) postal (post-office) savings (deposit) (P) ","郵船[ゆうせん] (n) mail boat "],"針":["針路[しんろ]course, direction,compass bearing  N2","針金[はりがね]wire  N2","方針[ほうしん]objective, plan,policy  N2","針[はり]needle,  hand (e.g. clock)  N3","針医[はりい]Acupuncturist ","秒針[びょうしん]Seconds Hand ","羅針盤[らしんばん]compass ","指針[ししん] (n) (1) needle (compass,  gauge, etc.)/hand (clock)/indicator/pointer/index (2) guiding principle/guideline/guide (P) ","針葉樹[しんようじゅ] (n) conifer/needle-leaved tree "],"復":["復旧[ふっきゅう<br>ふくきゅう]restoration; restitution;rehabilitation  N1","復活[ふっかつ]revival (e.g. musical); restoration  N1","復興[ふっこう]revival; renaissance;reconstruction  N1","往復[おうふく](col) round trip, coming and going,return ticket  N2","回復[かいふく]recovery (from illness),  improvement, rehabilitation, restoration  N3","復習[ふくしゅう]revision  N4","復帰[ふっき]restoration ","回復する[かいふくする]To Recover ","復讐[ふくしゅう]revenge ","修復[しゅうふく<br>しゅふく] (n, vs,adj-no) restoration/repair/mending (P) ","復元[ふくげん] (n, vs) restoration (to original state)/reconstruction (P) ","報復[ほうふく] (n, vs) (1) retaliation/revenge/reprisal/retribution (2) retorsion/retortion (P) ","反復[はんぷく] (n, vs) repetition/iteration/recursion/recurrence/recapitulation (P) ","復員[ふくいん] (n, vs) demobilization/demobilisation/repatriation (P) ","復刻[ふっこく] (n, vs) republishing/republication/reissuing/reproduction (P) ","復位[ふくい] (n, vs) restoration/reinstatement ","復刊[ふっかん] (n, vs) reissue/putting back in print ","復権[ふくけん<br>ふっけん] (n, vs) rehabilitation/reinstatement/restoration of rights ","復する[ふくする] (vs-s) to return to normal/to recover/to restore ","復調[ふくちょう] (n, vs) (1) demodulation (2) recovery/getting back to form (P) ","復路[ふくろ] (n-adv, n-t) return path (of a signal, communication)/return trip ","王政復古[おうせいふっこ] (n) (yoji) restoration of imperial rule (in English history) the Restoration ","復古[ふっこ] (n, vs,adj-no) revival/restoration ","復職[ふくしょく] (n, vs) reinstatement/reappointment "],"河":["河川[かせん]rivers  N1","運河[うんが]canal, waterway  N2","河[かわ<br>がわ<br>ホー]river,  stream  N3","川/河[かわ/かわ]river  N5","河豚[ふぐ,  ふく<br>かとん<br>ふく<br>ふぐ<br>ふくべ]Fugu, blowfish, pufferfish ","氷河[ひょうが]Glacier ","河童[かっぱ<br>かあっぱ<br>かあらんべ<br>かわわっぱ]Kappa ","河口[かこう<br>かわぐち]river mouth ","銀河[ぎんが]galaxy ","河内[ハノイ] (n) (uk) Hanoi (Vietnam) ","古河[ふるかわ] (n) old river ","大河[たいが] (n) large river (P) ","河原[かわら] (n) dry riverbed/river beach (P) ","河畔[かはん] (n) riverside (P) ","河馬[かば<br>かわうま] (n) (uk) hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) ","河川敷[かせんしき<br>かせんじき] (n) flood plain/river terrace/riverside area/area between river and river bank ","河田[かわた] (n) (uk) (derog) lowly people (Edo period)/eta "],"貯":["貯蓄[ちょちく]savings  N1","貯蔵[ちょぞう]storage, preservation  N2","貯金[ちょきん](bank) savings  N3","貯える[たくわえる]To Save,  to put something aside ","貯金箱[ちょきんばこ]Savings Box,  piggy bank, bank, money box ","貯水[ちょすい] (n, vs) storage of water (P) ","貯まる[たまる] (v5r, vi) to be saved up (of money) ","貯める[ためる] (v1, vt) to save up (money) ","郵貯[ゆうちょ] (n) (abbr) postal (post-office) savings (deposit) (P) "],"印":["印[しるし<br>いん]seal; stamp;mark;print  N1","印鑑[いんかん]stamp; seal  N1","調印[ちょういん<br>ちょういん]]signature; sign;sealing  N1","目印[めじるし]mark, sign,landmark  N2","矢印[やじるし]directing arrow  N2","印刷[いんさつ]printing  N3","印象[いんしょう]impression  N3","第一印象[だいいちいんしょう]First Impression ","印紙[いんし]stamp ","消印[けしいん]postmark ","認め印[みとめいん]informal seal ","朱印[しゅいん]Red Seal ","封印[ふういん] (n) (1) seal (vs) (2) to seal (e.g. a letter)/to affix a seal/to seal up ","刻印[こくいん] (n) (1) carved seal/engraved stamp (vs) (2) to engrave (a seal)/to carve (3) to make an impression (with a seal) ","印字[いんじ] (n, vs) (1) printing/typing (n) (2) printed character/typed character (3) character(s) carved onto a seal ","無印[むじるし] (adj-no) unlabeled/unbranded ","印章[いんしょう] (n, adj-no) stamp/seal ","印象付ける[いんしょうづける] (v1, vt) to impress (someone) (P) "],"刺":["刺繍[ししゅう]embroidery  N1","刺[とげ<br>し]thorn; splinter;spine;biting words  N1","刺さる[ささる]to stick, to be stuck  N2","刺身[さしみ]sliced raw fish  N2","刺す[さす]to pierce, to stab,to prick,to thrust  N2","名刺[めいし]business card  N2","刺激[しげき]stimulus,  impetus, incentive  N3","突き刺す[つきさす]pierce ","風刺[ふうし]sarcasm ","刺激的[しげきてき] (adj-na) stimulating/exciting/provocative ","刺客[しかく<br>しきゃく] (n, adj-no) (1) assassin (vs) (2) to assassinate ","刺殺[しさつ] (n, vs) (1) stabbing to death (2) (baseb) putting out "],"汗":["汗[あせ<br>かん]sweat,  perspiration  N3","汗臭い[あせくさい]Sweaty Smell,  smell sweaty, sweaty stench ","冷や汗[ひやあせ]cold sweat "],"筆":["執筆[しっぴつ]writing  N2","随筆[ずいひつ]essays, miscellaneous writings  N2","筆記[ひっき](taking) notes, copying  N2","筆者[ひっしゃ]writer, author  N2","筆[ふで<br>ひつ]writing brush  N3","鉛筆[えんぴつ]pencil  N5","万年筆[まんねんひつ]fountain pen  N5","筆記用具[ひっきようぐ]pens and pencils ","筆記試験[ひっきしけん]written examination ","筆順[ひつじゅん]stroke order ","達筆[たっぴつ]good handwriting ","筆頭[ひっとう<br>ふでがしら] (n, adj-no) (1) brush tip (2) first on a list (3) head/chief (P) ","特筆[とくひつ] (n, vs) special mention (P) ","筆名[ひつめい] (n) alias/pseudonym/pen name/nom de plume (P) ","文筆[ぶんぴつ] (n) literary art/literary activity/writing (P) ","自筆[じひつ] (n, adj-no) one's own handwriting/autograph/holograph (P) ","加筆[かひつ] (n, vs) correction/improvement/revision ","肉筆[にくひつ] (n, adj-no) (1) one's own handwriting/autograph (2) as written with a brush (P) ","主筆[しゅひつ] (n) editor-in-chief (P) "],"昇":["昇進[しょうしん]promotion  N1","上昇[じょうしょう]rising; ascending;climbing  N1","昇る[のぼる]to arise,  to ascend, to go up  N3","昇給[しょうきゅう]Pay Raise,  salary raise, raise ","昇格[しょうかく] (n, vs,adj-no) raising of status/promotion/advance (P) ","昇降[しょうこう] (n, vs) ascending and descending/going up and down ","昇段[しょうだん] (n, vs) promotion ","昇級[しょうきゅう] (n, vs) promotion/advancement (P) ","急上昇[きゅうじょうしょう] (n, vs) sudden rise/steep climb/zoom ","昇任[しょうにん] (n, vs) promotion/advancement ","昇天[しょうてん] (n, vs) (1) ascension (into heaven)/the Ascension (2) death ","昇華[しょうか] (n, vs) (1) (chem) sublimation (2) sublimating (an emotion, impulse, etc.)/channelling/diverting/converting/elevating "],"極":["究極[きゅうきょく]ultimate; final;eventual  N1","極端[きょくたん]extreme; extremity  N1","極めて[きわめて]exceedingly; extremely  N1","極楽[ごくらく]paradise  N1","両極[りょうきょく]both extremities; north and south poles;positive and negative poles  N1","消極的[しょうきょくてき]passive  N2","南極[なんきょく]south pole, Antarctic  N2","北極[ほっきょく]North Pole  N2","極[きょく<br>ごく<br>はたて]quite,  very  N3","積極的[せっきょくてき]positive,  active, proactive  N3","極める[きわめる<br>きめる]To Carry To Extremes,  to carry to the extreme, to take to the extreme, to take to an extreme, to carry to an extreme, to take to extremes, to master ","極限[きょくげん]limit ","見極める[みきわめる]ascertain ","極秘[ごくひ]strict secrecy ","南極圏[なんきょくけん]Antarctic Circle,  antarctica ","積極[せっきょく] (n) positive/progressive (P) ","極東[きょくとう] (n, adj-no) Far East (P) ","消極[しょうきょく] (n) (1) negative/conservative (2) depolarization (P) ","極道[ごくどう] (adj-na, n) (1) wicked/evil/profligate/immoral (n) (2) wastrel/scoundrel/villain (3) organized crime/yakuza/underworld ","極力[きょくりょく] (adv) to the utmost/to the best of one's ability (P) ","電極[でんきょく] (n) electrode (P) ","極度[きょくど] (adj-na, n) maximum/extreme/utmost/curvature (P) ","極意[ごくい] (n) deepest level (of an art,  skill, etc.)/secret teachings/mysteries/innermost secrets/the secret (of success, etc.) ","極右[きょくう] (n, adj-no) far right (in politics)/extreme right/ultraconservative (P) "],"胃":["胃[い]stomach  N3","胃痛[いつう]Stomachache ","胃腸[いちょう]stomach,  gastrointestine "],"濃":["濃度[のうど]concentration, brightness  N2","濃い[こい]thick (as of color,   liquid), dense, strong  N3","濃厚[のうこう]dense ","濃縮[のうしゅく]concentration ","濃紺[のうこん]dark blue "],"悩":["悩ましい[なやましい]seductive; melancholy;languid  N1","悩ます[なやます]to afflict; to torment;to harass;to molest  N1","悩み[なやみ]trouble(s); worry;distress;anguish;agony;problem  N1","悩む[なやむ]to be worried,  to be troubled  N3","苦悩[くのう]distress ","伸び悩む[のびなやむ] (v5m, vi) to be sluggish (business)/to make little progress/to not grow as much as expected (P) "],"児":["児[こ<br>じ<br>やや]child; the young of animals  N1","孤児[こじ<br>みなしご]orphan  N1","小児科[しょうにか]pediatrics  N1","育児[いくじ]childcare, nursing,upbringing  N2","児童[じどう]children, juvenile  N2","幼児[ようじ]infant, baby,child  N2","乳児[にゅうじ]baby ","鹿児島県[かごしまけん]Kagoshima Prefecture ","孤児院[こじいん]orphanage ","胎児[たいじ]embryo,  fetus, foetus ","小児[しょうじ<br>しょうに] (ok) (n) young child/infant ","健児[けんじ] (n) stalwart youth ","女児[じょじ] (n) baby girl/primary schoolgirl (P) ","問題児[もんだいじ] (n) problem child ","男児[だんじ] (n) (1) boy/son (2) man (P) ","遺児[いじ] (n) (1) orphan/child left by the deceased (2) abandoned child (P) ","乳幼児[にゅうようじ] (n) infants/babies and very young children (P) ","稚児[ちご<br>やや<br>ややこ] (n) (1) (festivity) page (2) baby/child (3) (arch) boys kept by pederasts ","園児[えんじ] (n) kindergarten pupil/kindergartener (P) "],"凍":["凍える[こごえる]to freeze, to be chilled,to be frozen  N2","冷凍[れいとう]freezing, cold storage,refrigeration  N2","凍る[こおる]to freeze,  to be frozen over, to congeal  N3","凍結[とうけつ]Freeze ","冷凍庫[れいとうこ]Freezer ","凍死[とうし]Freeze To Death "],"巨":["巨[きょ]big; large;great  N1","巨大[きょだい]huge,  gigantic, enormous  N3","巨人[きょじん]A Giant,  giant ","巨視的[きょしてき]macroscopic ","巨匠[きょしょう]master,  maestro ","巨額[きょがく] (adj-na, n,adj-no) great sum (P) ","巨乳[きょにゅう] (n, adj-no) huge breasts ","巨星[きょせい] (n) (1) (astron) giant star (2) great man/big-shot/superstar (P) "],"幼":["幼児[ようじ]infant, baby,child  N2","幼稚[ようち]infancy, childish,infantile  N2","幼稚園[ようちえん]kindergarten  N2","幼い[おさない<br>いとけない]very young,  childish  N3","幼年時代[ようねんじだい]Childhood ","幼なじみ[おさななじみ<br>おさなじみ]childhood friend ","幼名[おさなな<br>ようみょう<br>ようめい] (n) childhood name ","幼少[ようしょう] (n, adj-na,adj-no) infancy/childhood/tender age (P) ","幼虫[ようちゅう] (n, adj-no) larva/grub/maggot (P) ","幼年[ようねん] (n) childhood/infancy ","幼馴染み[おさなじみ<br>おさななじみ] (ik) (n) childhood friend/friend from infancy/old playmate ","幼生[ようせい] (adj-na, n,adj-no) larva/larvae ","乳幼児[にゅうようじ] (n) infants/babies and very young children (P) ","幼体[ようたい] (n) immature form (of an organism)/young animal "],"並":["月並み[つきなみ]every month; common  N1","並み[なみ]average; medium;common;ordinary  N1","並びに[ならびに]and  N1","軒並み[のきなみ]row of houses  N1","並列[へいれつ]arrangement; parallel;abreast  N1","並木[なみき]roadside tree, row of trees  N2","並行[へいこう](going) side by side, concurrent,abreast,at the same time  N2","並ぶ[ならぶ]to line up, to stand in a line  N5","並べる[ならべる]to line up, to set up  N5","並[なみ]Ordinary,  average ","並び[ならび]line ","人並み[ひとなみ]like others ","町並み[まちなみ]the look of a street ","軒並[のきなみ]across the board,  row of houses, altogether ","並んで[ならんで] (adv) alongside/side-by-side/abreast ","街並み[まちなみ] (n) townscape/street (of stores and houses) (look of) stores and houses on street ","並走[へいそう] (n, vs) running parallel (to)/running side-by-side/keeping pace (with) ","並立[へいりつ] (n, vs) standing abreast (P) "],"清":["清らか[きよらか]clean; pure;chaste  N1","清々しい[すがすがしい]fresh; refreshing  N1","清算[せいさん]liquidation; settlement  N1","清純[せいじゅん]purity; innocence  N1","清濁[せいだく]good and evil; purity and impurity  N1","清い[きよい]clear, pure,noble  N2","清む[すむ]  N2","清書[せいしょ]clean copy  N2","清掃[せいそう]cleaning  N2","清潔[せいけつ]clean  N3","清涼[せいりょう]Cool,  refreshing ","清浄[せいじょう,  しょうじょう<br>しょうじょう<br>せいじょう]pure, clean, purity ","清[さや<br>しん] (adv) (1) (arch) clearly/brightly (2) cleanly/purely ","清水[きよみず<br>しみず<br>せいすい] (n) (1) spring water (2) clear (pure) water ","清朝[しんちょう] (n) Qing dynasty (China,  1644-1912)/Ch'ing dynasty/Manchu dynasty ","粛清[しゅくせい] (n, vs) (political) purge (P) ","清和[せいわ] (n) (1) season when the sky is clear and the air warm (spring) (2) first ten days of the fourth lunar month ","血清[けっせい] (n) (med) serum/blood serum ","清流[せいりゅう] (n) clear stream (P) "],"録":["登録[とうろく]registration; register;entry;record  N1","付録[ふろく]appendix; supplement  N1","目録[もくろく]catalogue; catalog;list  N1","録音[ろくおん](audio) recording  N2","記録[きろく]record,  minutes, document  N3","録画[ろくが]videotaping ","登録する[とうろくする]To Register ","回顧録[かいころく]Memoirs,  reminiscences ","録音テープ[ろくおんてーぷ]recording tape ","収録[しゅうろく] (n, vs) (1) compilation/editing (2) recording (P) ","録[ろく] (n, suf) record/transcript ","黙示録[もくしろく] (n) Revelation (book of the Bible)/the Apocalypse ","再録[さいろく] (n, vs) re-recording "],"逆":["逆転[ぎゃくてん](sudden) change; reversal;turn-around;coming from behind (baseball)  N1","逆立ち[さかだち]handstand; headstand  N1","逆上る[さかのぼる]to go back; to go upstream;to make retroactive  N1","吃逆[しゃっくり]hiccough; hiccup  N1","逆さ[さかさ]reverse, inversion,upside down  N2","逆様[さかさま]inversion, upside down  N2","逆[ぎゃく<br>さか]reverse,  opposite  N3","逆らう[さからう]to go against,  to oppose, to disobey, to defy  N3","逆効果[ぎゃくこうか]Opposite Effect ","逆説[ぎゃくせつ]Paradox ","反逆[はんぎゃく]rebellion ","逆さま[さかさま]upside-down ","逆上せる[のぼせる]get dizzy ","逆境[ぎゃっきょう]adversity ","逆襲[ぎゃくしゅう]Counterattack ","逆に[ぎゃくに] (adv) conversely/on the contrary ","反逆者[はんぎゃくしゃ] (n) rebel/traitor ","逆戻り[ぎゃくもどり] (n, vs) retrogression/reversal/relapse/doubling back/backtracking (P) ","可逆[かぎゃく] (adj-na, adj-no,n) (1) reversible (n,adj-na) (2) (math) invertible ","逆行[ぎゃくこう<br>ぎゃっこう] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) reverse movement/retrogression/going backwards/moving in the wrong direction/running counter to (e.g. the laws of nature)/running against (e.g. the tide of the times) (2) (astron) retrogradation/retrogression "],"移":["移行[いこう]switching over to  N1","移住[いじゅう]migration; immigration  N1","移民[いみん]emigration; immigration;emigrant;immigrant  N1","移転[いてん]moving, transfer,demise  N2","移動[いどう]removal,  migration, movement  N3","移す[うつす]to remove,  to transfer, to infect  N3","移る[うつる]to move house or transfer  N4","移住者[いじゅうしゃ]Emigrant,  immigrant, migrant ","移植[いしょく]transplant ","移譲[いじょう]Transfer,  assignment ","移管[いかん] (n, vs) transfer of control (P) ","移籍[いせき] (n, vs) (1) transfer (of one's name into another family register) (2) transfer (to another team, company, etc.) (P) ","推移[すいい] (n, vs) (1) transition/change/progress/development/shift (2) passing (of time) (P) ","移設[いせつ] (n) (1) relocation (of a facility)/moving establishment (vs) (2) to relocate/to move into place/to put into place/to adapt/to affix/to install ","移送[いそう] (n, vs) transfer/transport/removal (P) ","移封[いほう] (n, vs) forced relocation of a daimyo to a different domain by the Edo shogunate ","遷移[せんい] (n, vs) transition ","転移[てんい] (n, vs) (1) moving (location, with the times, etc.)/change/transition (2) (med) metastasis/spread (3) (physics) transition (e.g phase transition) (4) transfer (of learning) (5) transference (in psychoanalysis) (P) ","移築[いちく] (n, vs) dismantling an historic building and reconstructing it elsewhere ","移入[いにゅう] (n, vs) importation/ingression/migration/transfection ","移り変わる[うつりかわる] (v5r) to change "],"庫":["金庫[きんこ<br>かねぐら]safe; vault;treasury;provider of funds  N1","在庫[ざいこ]stockpile; stock  N1","車庫[しゃこ]garage, car shed  N2","倉庫[そうこ]storehouse, warehouse,godown  N2","冷蔵庫[れいぞうこ]refrigerator  N5","冷凍庫[れいとうこ]Freezer ","庫[くら]Warehouse,  granary ","文庫[ぶんこ]collection of literary works ","公庫[こうこ] (n, adj-no) finance corporation (P) ","国庫[こっこ] (n, adj-no) national treasury (P) ","文庫本[ぶんこぼん] (n) small-format paperback book/pocket paperback ","庫裏[くり] (n) (1) (Buddh) temple kitchen/monastery kitchen (2) (Buddh) quarters of a head priest (and his family) ","武庫[ぶこ] (n) armory/armoury ","入庫[にゅうこ] (n, vs) (1) warehousing/storing (2) entering a garage/entering the depot "],"券":["旅券[りょけん]passport  N1","回数券[かいすうけん]book of tickets  N2","定期券[ていきけん]commuter pass, season ticket  N2","券[けん]ticket,  coupon, bond, certificate  N3","前売り券[まえうりけん]Advance Ticket,  ticket sold in advance ","〜券[けん]Ticket ","乗車券[じょうしゃけん]train ticket ","入場券[にゅうじょうけん]entrance ticket ","証券[しょうけん]securities ","航空券[こうくうけん]airline ticket ","債券[さいけん]Bond ","券売機[けんばいき] (n) ticket machine/ticket-vending machine ","馬券[ばけん] (n) (horse racing) betting ticket (P) ","発券[はっけん] (n, vs) issuing (a banknote, ticket, etc.) "],"略":["概略[がいりゃく]outline; summary;gist;in brief  N1","侵略[しんりゃく]aggression; invasion;raid  N1","略語[りゃくご]abbreviation; acronym  N1","略奪[りゃくだつ]pillage; plunder;looting;robbery  N1","省略[しょうりゃく]omission, abbreviation,abridgment  N2","略す[りゃくす]to abbreviate  N2","略図[りゃくず]Rough Sketch ","大略[たいりゃく]Summary,  outline ","略[りゃく<br>ほぼ]abbreviation ","策略[さくりゃく]artifice ","戦略[せんりゃく] (n, adj-no) strategy/tactics (P) ","略歴[りゃくれき] (n) brief personal record/short curriculum vitae/short CV (P) ","攻略[こうりゃく] (n, vs) (1) capture (of enemy territory)/taking (by storm)/conquest/attack/assault (2) defeating (an opponent) (3) attacking (a problem) strategically (P) ","略称[りゃくしょう] (n, vs) abbreviation (P) ","簡略[かんりゃく] (adj-na, n) simple/simplicity/brief/brevity (P) ","中略[ちゅうりゃく] (n, vs) omission (of middle part of a text)/ellipsis (P) ","略号[りゃくごう] (n) code/mark/symbol ","謀略[ぼうりゃく] (n) strategy/stratagem/trick/scheme/plot (P) "],"板":["看板[かんばん]sign, signboard,doorplate,poster  N2","板[いた]board,  plank  N3","黒板[こくばん]blackboard  N3","まな板[まないた]chopping board ","掲示板[けいじばん]notice board ","登板[とうばん] (n, vs) (baseb) taking the mound/pitching a game (P) ","甲板[かんぱん<br>こういた<br>こうはん] (n) deck (of a ship) (P) ","降板[こうばん] (n, vs) (1) (baseb) leaving the mound/being knocked out (2) resigning from a role or position (P) ","板橋[いたばし] (n) (arch) wooden bridge (with planks) ","基板[きばん] (n) (comp) substrate (computer) circuit board ","鋼板[こうはん<br>こうばん] (n) steel sheet/steel plate/steel plates (P) ","鉄板[てっぱん] (n) (1) iron plate (2) (sl) sure thing (P) "],"乾":["乾[いぬい<br>けん<br>ほし]heaven; emperor  N1","乾かす[かわかす]to dry (clothes,  etc.),to desiccate  N2","乾燥[かんそう]dry, arid,insipid,dehydrated  N2","乾電池[かんでんち]dry cell, battery  N2","乾杯[かんぱい]toast (drink)  N2","乾く[かわく]to get dry  N4","乾季[かんき]Dry Season "],"欧":["欧米[おうべい]Europe and America, the West  N2","中欧[ちゅうおう]Central Europe ","日欧[にちおう]Europe And Japan,  japan and europe ","東欧[とうおう]East Europe ","西欧[せいおう]the West ","欧州[おうしゅう] (n) Europe (P) ","北欧[ほくおう] (n) Northern Europe/Nordic countries/Scandinavia (P) "],"航":["航海[こうかい]sail; voyage  N1","航空[こうくう]aviation,  flying  N3","航法[こうほう]Navigation ","直航[ちょっこう]Nonstop Flight,  direct voyage ","航空便[こうくうびん]airmail ","航空券[こうくうけん]airline ticket ","航空機[こうくうき]aircraft ","航路[こうろ]course ","難航[なんこう]rough going ","航空母艦[こうくうぼかん]Aircraft Carrier ","就航[しゅうこう] (n, vs) entering service (on a route;  of a plane or ship)/going into commission/being in service (P) ","航行[こうこう] (n, vs) cruise/navigation/sailing (P) ","運航[うんこう] (n, vs) operating (e.g. ships, aircraft) (P) ","出航[しゅっこう] (n, vs) departure (of a boat, plane)/setting sail/leaving port/putting out to sea/takeoff ","渡航[とこう] (n, vs) voyage/passage/travelling (P) ","曳航[えいこう] (n, vs) towing (a ship) ","航続距離[こうぞくきょり] (n) cruising range/flying range ","潜航[せんこう] (n, vs) submarine voyage/underwater navigation ","回航[かいこう] (n, vs) navigation/cruise ","来航[らいこう] (n, vs) arrival of ships/arrival by ship "],"臣":["総理大臣[そうりだいじん]Prime Minister  N2","大臣[だいじん<br>おとど]cabinet minister  N3","外務大臣[がいむだいじん]Minister Of Foreign Affairs ","国務大臣[こくむだいじん] (n) Minister of State ","家臣[かしん] (n, adj-no) vassal/retainer ","重臣[じゅうしん] (n) chief vassal/senior statesman ","法務大臣[ほうむだいじん] (n) Minister of Justice ","臣下[しんか] (n, adj-no) retainer/subject/vassal/servant ","忠臣[ちゅうしん] (n) loyal retainer/loyal subject (P) ","朝臣[あそみ<br>あそん<br>あっそん<br>ちょうしん] (n) (arch) Asomi (second highest of the eight hereditary titles) "],"詰":["詰らない[つまらない]insignificant; boring;trifling  N1","詰まり[つまり]in short; in brief;in other words;that is to say;in the long run;after all;blockade;stuffing;ultimate  N1","詰る[つまる]to rebuke; to scold;to tell off  N1","缶詰[かんづめ]packing (in cans), canning,canned goods,tin can  N2","詰まる[つまる]to be blocked, to be packed  N2","瓶詰[びんづめ]bottling, bottled  N2","詰める[つめる]to pack,  to shorten, to work out (details)  N3","鼻詰まり[はなづまり]Stuffy Nose,  blocked nose ","見詰める[みつめる]To Stare At ","思い詰める[おもいつめる]To Think Hard ","詰め込む[つめこむ]To Stuff,  to cram ","煮詰める[につめる]boil down ","瓶詰め[びんづめ]bottling ","追い詰める[おいつめる] (v1, vt) to corner/to drive to the wall/to run down/to track down/to chase after ","詰[つめ<br>づめ] (n, suf) (1) stuffing/packing (n) (2) end (esp. the foot of a bridge) (3) lowest-ranking guest at tea ceremony (4) tea master (5) endgame (esp. in shogi or used figuratively) (6) (abbr) sweet eel sauce (7) (arch) middle-aged woman (n-suf) (8) appointment to a particular workplace (9) using as the sole ground of judgement (judgment) (10) continuing/keep doing for period of time ","詰め[つめ<br>づめ] (n, suf) (1) stuffing/packing (n) (2) end (esp. the foot of a bridge) (3) lowest-ranking guest at tea ceremony (4) tea master (5) endgame (esp. in shogi or used figuratively) (6) (abbr) sweet eel sauce (7) (arch) middle-aged woman (n-suf) (8) appointment to a particular workplace (9) using as the sole ground of judgement (judgment) (10) continuing/keep doing for period of time ","行き詰まる[いきづまる<br>ゆきづまる] (v5r) to reach the limits/to come to the end of one's tether ","缶詰め[かんづめ] (n, adj-no) (1) canned food/tinned food (n) (2) confining someone (e.g. so they can concentrate on work) (3) being stuck in a confined space (P) "],"預":["預金[よきん]deposit; bank account  N1","預かる[あずかる]to keep in custody, to receive on deposit,to take charge of  N2","預ける[あずける]to give into custody,  to entrust, to deposit  N3","預言者[よげんしゃ] (n) prophet/predictor/prognosticator ","預言[よげん] (n, vs) prophecy "],"版":["初版[しょはん]first edition  N1","絶版[ぜっぱん]out of print  N1","版[はん<br>ばん]edition  N1","版画[はんが]art print  N1","出版[しゅっぱん]publication  N3","版権[はんけん]Copyright ","出版社[しゅっぱんしゃ]publishing company ","出版する[しゅっぱんする]To Publish ","改訂版[かいていばん]Revised Edition ","凸版[とっぱん]letterpress,  relief printing ","版元[はんもと] (n) publisher ","木版[もくはん] (n) wood-block printing/wood engraving ","再版[さいはん] (n, vs) reprint(ing)/second edition "],"照":["参照[さんしょう]reference; consultation;consultation  N1","照合[しょうごう]collation; comparison  N1","照明[しょうめい]illumination  N1","照り返す[てりかえす]to reflect; to throw back light  N1","対照[たいしょう]contrast, antithesis,comparison  N2","照らす[てらす]to shine on, to illuminate  N2","照る[てる]to shine  N2","照れる[てれる]To Feel Embarrassed,  to be shy, to be embarrassed, to feel shy ","照会[しょうかい]application for information ","照り焼き[てりやき]Teriyaki ","照準[しょうじゅん] (n) sight (e.g. of a gun)/aim/alignment (P) ","照射[しょうしゃ<br>ともし] (n, vs) (1) irradiation/radiation/beaming (2) exposure (to light)/illumination (P) ","前照灯[ぜんしょうとう] (n) headlights ","日照[にっしょう] (n) sunlight (P) "],"快":["軽快[けいかい]rhythmical (e.g. melody); casual (e.g. dress);light;nimble  N1","快い[こころよい]pleasant; agreeable  N1","全快[ぜんかい]complete recovery of health  N1","快晴[かいせい]good weather  N2","快適[かいてき]pleasant,  agreeable, comfortable  N3","愉快[ゆかい]pleasant,  happy  N3","快速[かいそく]High Speed,  express ","快感[かいかん]Pleasure ","不快[ふかい]Unpleasant,  uncomfortable ","快楽[かいらく<br>けらく]enjoyment ","不愉快[ふゆかい]upset ","明快[めいかい] (adj-na, n) clear/clear-cut/lucid/unequivocal/explicit (P) ","快挙[かいきょ] (n) brilliant achievement/spectacular feat/splendid accomplishment/remarkable deed (P) ","快[かい] (n) pleasure/delight/enjoyment ","爽快[そうかい] (adj-na, n) refreshing/exhilarating/invigorating/bracing (P) ","快勝[かいしょう] (n, vs) sweeping victory/easy victory (P) ","豪快[ごうかい] (adj-na, n) hearty/exciting/stirring/lively/heroic/largehearted/splendid (P) "],"延":["延べ[のべ]futures; credit (buying);stretching;total  N1","延いては[ひいては]not only...but also; in addition to;consequently  N1","延長[えんちょう]extension, elongation,prolongation,lengthening  N2","延ばす[のばす]to lengthen, to stretch,to reach out,to grow (beard)  N2","延びる[のびる]to be prolonged  N2","延期[えんき]postponement,  adjournment  N3","延期する[えんきする]To Postpone ","引き延ばす[ひきのばす]extend ","延長する[えんちょうする]To Prolong,  to extend ","遅延[ちえん]Delay ","延滞[えんたい]arrears ","蔓延る[はびこる]grow thick ","延伸[えんしん] (n, vs) stretching/extension/elongation ","延喜[えんぎ] (n) Engi era (901.7.15-923.4.11) ","延宝[えんぽう] (n) Enpo era (1673.9.21-1681.9.29) ","生き延びる[いきのびる] (v1, vi) to survive/to live long ","延暦[えんりゃく] (n) Enryaku era (782.8.19-806.5.18) ","蔓延[まんえん] (n, vs) spread (e.g. of a disease)/rampancy/infestation/proliferation/being widespread ","延享[えんきょう] (n) Enkyo era (1744.2.21-1748.7.12) ","万延[まんえん] (n) Man'en era (1860.3.18-1861.2.19) ","延命[えんみょう<br>えんめい] (ok) (n, vs,adj-no) keeping alive longer/prolonging life/life extension/life-support ","寛延[かんえん] (n) Kan'en era (1748.7.12-1751.10.27) ","落ち延びる[おちのびる] (v1, vi) to run away/to escape safely "],"翌":["翌日[よくじつ]The Next Day,  next day ","翌月[よくげつ]The Next Month,  next month ","翌朝[よくちょう,  よくあさ<br>よくあさ<br>よくちょう]The Next Morning, next morning ","翌年[よくねん,  よくとし<br>よくねん<br>よくとし]The Next Year, next year ","翌[よく] (pref) the following/next ","翌週[よくしゅう] (n-t) the following week/the next week (P) "],"符":["符号[ふごう]sign, mark,symbol  N2","切符[きっぷ]ticket  N5","終止符[しゅうしふ]period ","感嘆符[かんたんふ]Exclamation Mark,  exclamation point ","符[ふ] (n) (1) charm/talisman/amulet (2) tally (3) sign/mark/note (ctr) (4) (mahj) fu/unit used in calculation of a hand's score ","音符[おんぷ] (n) (1) musical note/note symbol (2) phonetic symbol (incl. the kanji and kana-doubling symbols,  vowel-lengthening symbol, etc.) (3) part of a kanji for which the role is primarily to represent the pronunciation (as opposed to the meaning) (P) "],"帯":["一帯[いったい]a region; a zone;the whole place  N1","帯びる[おびる]to wear; to carry;to be entrusted;to have;to take on;to have a trace of;to be tinged with  N1","携帯[けいたい]carrying something  N1","世帯[せたい<br>しょたい]household  N1","連帯[れんたい]solidarity  N1","温帯[おんたい]temperate zone  N2","寒帯[かんたい]frigid zone  N2","地帯[ちたい]area, zone  N2","包帯[ほうたい]bandage, dressing  N2","帯[おび<br>たい<br>たらし]band (e.g. conduction,   valence)  N3","熱帯[ねったい]tropics  N3","携帯電話[けいたいでんわ]cellular phone ","携帯ストラップ[けいたいストラップ,  けいたいすとらっぷ]Cell Phone Strap, mobile phone strap ","帯域[たいいき] (n) (1) band/zone/range (2) (abbr) bandwidth ","亜熱帯[あねったい] (n) subtropics (P) ","靭帯[じんたい] (n, adj-no) ligament ","附帯[ふたい] (n, vs,adj-no) incidental/ancillary/accessory/secondary/collateral ","帯同[たいどう] (n, vs) taking (someone) along ","付帯[ふたい] (n, vs,adj-no) incidental/ancillary/accessory/secondary/collateral (P) ","帯状[おびじょう<br>たいじょう] (n, adj-no) belt-shaped ","世帯主[せたいぬし] (n) head of the family/head of the household "],"均":["均衡[きんこう]equilibrium; balance  N1","平均[へいきん<br>へいぎん]equilibrium; balance;average;mean  N1","均等[きんとう]Equality,  uniformity, evenness ","均整[きんせい]Symmetry,  balance ","均一[きんいつ<br>きんいち]equality ","不均衡[ふきんこう]imbalance,  disparity, inequality "],"貨":["貨幣[かへい]money; currency;coinage  N1","外貨[がいか]imported goods; foreign money  N1","雑貨[ざっか]miscellaneous goods; general goods;sundries  N1","貨物[かもつ<br>かぶつ]cargo, freight  N2","通貨[つうか]currency  N2","硬貨[こうか]coin  N3","百貨店[ひゃっかてん]department store ","貨車[かしゃ]freight car ","貨物船[かもつせん]Freighter,  freight ship ","貨幣価値[かへいかち]Currency Value ","金貨[きんか] (n) gold coin (P) ","銀貨[ぎんか] (n) silver coin (P) ","貨客船[かかくせん<br>かきゃくせん] (n) combined cargo and passenger ship "],"孫":["子孫[しそん]descendants, posterity,offspring  N2","孫[まご]grandchild  N3","孫娘[まごむすめ] (n) granddaughter (P) "],"編":["長編[ちょうへん]long (e.g. novel&nbsp; &nbsp;film)  N1","編[へん]compilation; editing;completed poem;book;part of book  N1","編物[あみもの]knitting, web  N2","編む[あむ]to knit  N2","短編[たんぺん]short (e.g. story,  film)  N2","編集[へんしゅう]editing, compilation,editorial (e.g. committee)  N2","編者[へんしゃ]Editor ","編み物[あみもの]knitting ","編入[へんにゅう]admission ","編成[へんせい]organization ","編集者[へんしゅうしゃ]Editor ","編集する[へんしゅうする]To Edit ","三つ編み[みつあみ]Braided Hair,  hair braid ","改編[かいへん] (n, vs) reorganization/reorganisation (P) ","編纂[へんさん] (n, vs) compilation (esp. dictionary, history, law code)/editing ","再編[さいへん] (n, vs) reorganization/reorganisation/reshuffle (P) ","編集長[へんしゅうちょう] (n) editor-in-chief ","続編[ぞくへん] (n) continuation/sequel (P) ","編曲[へんきょく] (n) (1) arrangement (vs) (2) to arrange/to orchestrate ","前編[ぜんぺん] (n) first part/first volume/prequel ","本編[ほんぺん] (n) (1) original story/original version (2) this volume ","後編[こうへん] (n) latter part (of book,  etc.)/sequel/concluding part ","全編[ぜんぺん] (n) whole book (volume)/complete episode ","総集編[そうしゅうへん] (n) highlights/summary/compilation ","予告編[よこくへん] (n) trailer (film,  TV)/preview ","編著[へんちょ] (n) compilation (P) ","編隊[へんたい] (n) formation (e.g. of aircraft) ","新編[しんぺん] (n) new edition ","編み出す[あみだす] (v5s, vt) to work out/to think out/to devise/to invent "],"陸":["上陸[じょうりく]landing; disembarkation  N1","着陸[ちゃくりく]landing; alighting;touch down  N1","内陸[ないりく]inland  N1","大陸[たいりく]continent  N3","陸[りく<br>おか<br>む<br>むう<br>ろく]six (used in legal documents)  N3","陸軍[りくぐん]Land Army,  army ","陸上[りくじょう]land ","陸橋[りっきょう<br>りくきょう]overland bridge ","離陸[りりく]takeoff ","陸地[りくち] (n, adj-no) land ","北陸[ほくりく] (n) Hokuriku region of Honshu (incl. Niigata,  Toyama, Ishikawa and Fukui prefectures) (P) ","離着陸[りちゃくりく] (n, vs) takeoff and landing (P) ","揚陸艦[ようりくかん] (n) landing ship/amphibious warfare ship ","陸海軍[りくかいぐん] (n) army and navy ","陸戦隊[りくせんたい] (n) landing force "],"泥":["泥[どろ]mud  N3","泥棒[どろぼう]thief  N4","泥水[でいすい,  どろみず]Muddy Water ","泥酔[でいすい]Dead Drunk,  completely drunk ","泥沼[どろぬま]Bog,  marsh "],"普":["普遍[ふへん]universality; ubiquity;omnipresence  N1","普及[ふきゅう]diffusion, spread  N2","普段[ふだん]usually,  habitually, ordinarily, always  N3","普通[ふつう]usually,  or a train that stops at every station  N4","普段着[ふだんぎ]everyday wear ","普遍的[ふへんてき]universal,  omnipresent, ubiquitous ","普請[ふしん] (n, vs) (1) building/construction (2) group effort by Buddhist practitioners/group activities by a community (e.g. cleaning, etc.) "],"棒":["鉄棒[てつぼう]iron rod; crowbar;horizontal bar (gymnastics)  N1","棒[ぼう]pole,  rod, stick  N3","泥棒[どろぼう]thief  N4","相棒[あいぼう] (n) partner/pal/accomplice (P) ","用心棒[ようじんぼう] (n) (1) bodyguard/bouncer/guard (2) bar (e.g. on a door)/bolt (3) stick or pole used for self-defence (P) ","棒状[ぼうじょう] (n, adj-no) cylinder or rod-shaped "],"粉":["花粉[かふん]pollen  N1","粉々[こなごな]in very small pieces  N1","粉末[ふんまつ]fine powder  N1","粉[こな<br>こ]flour,  meal, powder  N3","花粉症[かふんしょう]Hay Fever ","粉状[ふんじょう]Powdered ","麦粉[むぎこ]Wheat Flour ","小麦粉[こむぎこ]flour ","白粉[おしろい]powder ","洗濯粉[せんたくこ]detergent ","粉飾[ふんしょく] (n, vs) (1) embellishment (e.g. of a story)/ornamentation/decoration (2) (arch) putting on makeup (P) ","粉砕[ふんさい] (n, vs) pulverization/pulverisation/smashing/demolishing (P) ","澱粉[でんぷん] (n) (uk) starch ","製粉[せいふん] (n, vs) milling/grinding into flour "],"掃":["清掃[せいそう]cleaning  N2","掃く[はく]to sweep, to brush,to gather up  N2","掃除[そうじ]cleaning,  sweeping  N3","掃除機[そうじき]vacuum cleaner ","掃除する[そうじする]To Clean ","掃討[そうとう] (n, vs) cleaning up/sweeping up/mopping up (P) ","一掃[いっそう] (n, vs) clean sweep/purging/doing away with/eradication (P) ","掃海艇[そうかいてい] (n) minesweeper "],"菜":["お菜[おさい]side dish; accompaniment for rice dishes  N1","野菜[やさい]vegetable  N5","菜食[さいしょく]Vegetarianism,  vegetarian diet ","白菜[はくさい]Chinese cabbage ","菜[さい<br>な] (n) side dish "],"机":["机[つくえ<br>つき]desk  N5"],"汚":["汚す[よごす<br>けがす]to disgrace; to dishonour  N1","汚らわしい[けがらわしい]filthy; unfair  N1","汚れ[よごれ<br>けがれ]uncleanness; impurity;disgrace  N1","汚れる[よごれる<br>けがれる]to get dirty; to become dirty  N1","汚染[おせん]pollution,  contamination  N3","汚い[きたない]dirty  N5","汚水[おすい]Dirty Water,  filthy water, sewage ","汚点[おてん]Stain,  smudge ","汚職[おしょく]bribery ","汚濁[おだく]pollution,  contamination, corruption "],"複":["重複[じゅうふく<br>ちょうふく]duplication; repetition;overlapping;redundancy;restoration  N1","複合[ふくごう]composite; complex  N1","複写[ふくしゃ]copy, duplicate  N2","複数[ふくすう]plural, multiple  N2","複雑[ふくざつ]complexity, complication  N4","複数形[ふくすうけい]Plural ","複製[ふくせい] (n, vs,adj-no) reproduction/duplication/reprinting (P) ","複線[ふくせん] (n) double track/two-track line ","複葉[ふくよう] (n) compound leaf/biplane ","複素数[ふくそすう] (n) (math) complex number "],"卵":["卵[たまご<br>かい<br>かいご<br>らん]egg  N5","ゆで卵[ゆでたまご]Boiled Egg ","生卵[なまたまご]Raw Egg ","鶏卵[けいらん]chicken egg,  hen egg ","産卵[さんらん] (n, vs) egg-laying/spawning (P) ","抱卵[ほうらん] (n, vs) incubation ","卵生[らんせい] (n, vs,adj-no) oviparity/produced from eggs ","卵形[たまごがた<br>らんけい] (n, adj-no) oval shape/egg shape (P) "],"永":["永い[ながい]long, lengthy  N2","永遠[えいえん]eternity,  perpetuity, immortality, permanence  N3","永久[えいきゅう<br>とこしえ<br>とわ]eternity,  perpetuity, immortality  N3","寛永[かんえい] (n) Kan'ei era (1624.2.30-1644.12.16) ","永禄[えいろく] (n) Eiroku era (1558.2.28-1570.4.23) ","嘉永[かえい] (n) Kaei era (1848.2.28-1854.11.27) ","宝永[ほうえい] (n) Hoei era (1704.3.13-1711.4.25) ","安永[あんえい] (n) An'ei era (1772.11.16-1781.4.2) ","永正[えいしょう] (n) Eisho era (1504.2.30-1521.8.23) ","応永[おうえい] (n) Oei era (1394.7.5-1428.4.27) ","永[とこしえ<br>なが] (n, adj-na,adj-no) eternity/permanence/perpetuity ","永住[えいじゅう] (n, vs) permanent residence (P) ","永享[えいきょう] (n) Eikyo era (1429.9.5-1441.2.17) ","寿永[じゅえい] (n) Juei era (1182.5.27-1184.4.16) ","永続[えいぞく] (n, vs,adj-no) permanence/continuation (P) ","文永[ぶんえい] (n) Bun'ei era (1264.2.28-1275.4.25) ","永世[えいせい] (n) eternity/perpetuity/immortality/permanence "],"績":["業績[ぎょうせき]achievement; performance;results;work;contribution  N1","紡績[ぼうせき]spinning  N1","功績[こうせき]achievements, merit,meritorious service,meritorious deed  N2","実績[じっせき]achievements, actual results  N2","成績[せいせき]results,  record  N3","戦績[せんせき] (n) war or military record/score/military achievements/results (P) "],"液":["液[えき<br>しる<br>つゆ]liquid; fluid  N1","溶液[ようえき]solution (liquid)  N1","液体[えきたい]liquid, fluid  N2","血液[けつえき]blood  N2","血液型[けつえきがた]Blood Type,  blood group ","液晶[えきしょう]Liquid Crystal ","血液検査[けつえきけんさ] (n) blood test/hemanalysis (P) ","液化[えきか] (n, vs) liquefaction (P) ","唾液[だえき] (n, adj-no) saliva/sputum ","粘液[ねんえき] (n, adj-no) mucus/mucilage/viscous liquid/phlegm "],"採":["採掘[さいくつ]mining  N1","採決[さいけつ]vote; roll call  N1","採算[さいさん]profit  N1","採集[さいしゅう]collecting; gathering  N1","採択[さいたく]adoption; selection;choice  N1","採用[さいよう]use; adopt  N1","採点[さいてん]marking, grading,looking over  N2","採る[とる](1) to adopt (measure,  proposal),(2) to pick (fruit)  N2","採取[さいしゅ]collecting ","伐採[ばっさい]lumbering,  felling, deforestation ","採石[さいせき] (n, vs) quarrying "],"党":["野党[やとう]opposition party  N1","与党[よとう]government party; (ruling) party in power;government  N1","政党[せいとう](member of) political party  N2","党[とう<br>たむら]party (political)  N3","共産党[きょうさんとう]Communist Party ","自民党[じみんとう]Liberal Democratic Party,  ldp ","党員[とういん]Party Member ","社会党[しゃかいとう]Socialist Party ","甘党[あまとう]Sweet Tooth ","自由民主党[じゆうみんしゅとう] (n) (1) Liberal Democratic Party/LDP (2) Free Democratic Party (Germany)/FDP ","民主党[みんしゅとう] (n) Democratic Party (esp. DPJ or US Democratic Party) (P) ","自由党[じゆうとう] (n) Liberal Party ","新党[しんとう] (n) new (political) party (P) ","党首[とうしゅ] (n) party leader (P) ","入党[にゅうとう] (n, vs) joining a political party (P) ","党派[とうは] (n, adj-no) faction (P) ","離党[りとう] (n, vs) secession from a political party (P) ","共和党[きょうわとう] (n) Republican Party (P) ","公明党[こうめいとう] (n) New Komeito (Japanese political party)/New Clean Government Party/Justice Party (P) ","日本共産党[にほんきょうさんとう] (n) Japanese Communist Party ","結党[けっとう] (n, vs) formation of a party (P) ","残党[ざんとう] (n) remnants/survivors/refugees/pocket (of resistance) ","悪党[あくとう] (n, adj-no) scoundrel/rascal/villain ","党内[とうない] (n, adj-no) party-internal (P) ","国民党[こくみんとう] (n) (1) (abbr) Constitutional Nationalist Party (1910-1922) (2) Guomindang (Chinese Nationalist Party)/Kuomintang ","新進党[しんしんとう] (n) New Frontier Party (defunct Japanese political party)/NFP ","社民党[しゃみんとう] (n) (abbr) Social Democratic Party (P) ","進歩党[しんぽとう] (n) progressive party ","中国共産党[ちゅうごくきょうさんとう] (n) Chinese Communist Party ","民社党[みんしゃとう] (n) Democratic Socialist Party (P) ","両党[りょうとう] (n) both political parties (P) ","解党[かいとう] (n, vs) dissolution (of a political party) "],"捨":["四捨五入[ししゃごにゅう]rounding up (fractions)  N2","捨てる[すてる]to throw away  N4","使い捨て[つかいすて<br>つかいずて]disposable ","切り捨てる[きりすてる]cut down ","呼び捨て[よびすて]address informally ","見捨てる[みすてる]desert ","投げ捨てる[なげすてる]To Throw Away "],"灰":["灰[はい]puckery juice  N1","灰皿[はいざら]ashtray  N1","灰色[はいいろ]grey, gray,ashen  N2","石灰[いしばい<br>せっかい] (n, adj-no) lime/quicklime/caustic lime ","灰汁[あく] (gikun) (n) (1) (uk) lye (2) (uk) harsh taste/astringency (3) (uk) scum (formed when cooking some foods) (4) (uk) (excessive) strength of will "],"装":["衣装[いしょう]clothing; costume;outfit;garment;dress  N1","盛装[せいそう]be dressed up; wear rich clothes  N1","装飾[そうしょく]ornament  N1","装備[そうび]equipment  N1","武装[ぶそう]arms; armament;armed  N1","舗装[ほそう]pavement; road surface  N1","包装[ほうそう]packing, wrapping  N2","装置[そうち]equipment,  installation, apparatus  N3","服装[ふくそう]garments  N3","装い[よそおい]Attire,  dress, garb ","変装[へんそう]Disguise ","正装[せいそう]formal dress ","装う[よそおう<br>よそう]dress oneself ","偽装[ぎそう]Camouflage ","塗装[とそう]Coating,  painting ","擬装[ぎそう]disguise,  camouflage ","装甲[そうこう] (n, vs) armoring/armouring/armor/armour (P) ","実装[じっそう] (n, vs) implementation (e.g. of a feature)/installation (of equipment)/mounting/packaging ","換装[かんそう] (n, vs) exchanging parts or equipment to effect a change in performance ","装着[そうちゃく] (n, vs) equipping/installing/fitting/mounting/putting on (P) ","改装[かいそう] (n, vs,adj-no) remodelling/remodeling/reorganization/reorganisation (P) ","内装[ないそう] (n, vs) interior design/interior/upholstery (P) ","装[そう] (n) (1) clothing (2) binding (of a book) ","装填[そうてん] (n, vs) loading/charging/filling ","外装[がいそう] (n, adj-no) exterior/packaging/cladding/armor (armour)/arm ","女装[じょそう] (n, vs) female clothing/wearing female clothing/cross dressing (for a man) ","仮装[かそう] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) costume/fancy dress/masquerade/disguise (2) converted (cruiser) (P) ","新装[しんそう] (n, vs) redecoration/remodelling/remodeling/refurbishment (P) ","装束[しょうぞく<br>そうずく<br>そうぞく] (n, vs) (1) costume/dress/attire (2) (arch) interior decoration/landscaping/furnishing/ornament ","艤装[ぎそう] (n, vs) fitting-out of a ship/rigging/ship's outfit ","軽装[けいそう] (n, vs) lightweight equipment or dress "],"著":["著しい[いちじるしい]remarkable; considerable  N1","著[ちょ]counter for suits of clothing; arriving at ..  N1","著書[ちょしょ]literary work; book  N1","著名[ちょめい]well-known; noted;celebrated  N1","著す[あらわす]to write, to publish  N2","著者[ちょしゃ]author,  writer  N3","著作[ちょさく]Writing,  authorship ","名著[めいちょ]famous book ","著作権[ちょさくけん]Copyright ","顕著[けんちょ]remarkable,  striking, obvious ","著述[ちょじゅつ] (n, vs) writing/book (literary) work ","共著[きょうちょ] (n) collaboration/co-authorship (P) ","編著[へんちょ] (n) compilation (P) ","自著[じちょ] (n) one's own literary work ","主著[しゅちょ] (n) one's main (chief) (literary) work "],"裏":["裏返し[うらがえし]inside out; upside down  N1","裏返す[うらがえす]to turn inside out, to turn (something) over  N2","裏口[うらぐち]backdoor, rear entrance  N2","裏切る[うらぎる]to betray,  to turn traitor to, to double-cross  N3","裏[うら]reverse side  N4","裏通り[うらどおり]Alley,  back street ","裏切り[うらぎり]Backstab,  betrayal ","表裏[ひょうり]duplicity ","裏表[うらおもて]inside-out ","裏門[うらもん]back gate ","裏切り者[うらぎりもの]Traitor ","裏側[うらがわ] (n, adj-no) the reverse/other side/lining (P) ","裏庭[うらにわ] (n) rear garden/back yard ","裏面[りめん] (n) back/reverse/other side/inside/tails (of coins)/background (P) ","裏付ける[うらづける] (v1, vt) to support (a theory, claim, etc.)/to back up/to substantiate/to prove ","内裏[だいり] (n) (1) imperial palace (2) (abbr) festival dolls representing the emperor and the empress ","脳裏[のうり] (n) one's mind (P) ","庫裏[くり] (n) (1) (Buddh) temple kitchen/monastery kitchen (2) (Buddh) quarters of a head priest (and his family) ","裏腹[うらはら] (adj-na, n) opposite/reverse/contrary (P) "],"誌":["雑誌[ざっし]magazine  N5","日誌[にっし]diary ","週刊誌[しゅうかんし]weekly magazine ","誌[し] (n-suf, ctr) (abbr) magazine (P) ","誌上[しじょう] (n) in a magazine (P) ","本誌[ほんし] (n) this magazine ","誌面[しめん] (n) page of a magazine (P) "],"敬":["敬具[けいぐ]Sincerely yours  N1","敬う[うやまう]to show respect, to honour  N2","敬語[けいご]honorific, term of respect  N2","敬意[けいい]respect,  honour  N3","尊敬[そんけい]respect,  esteem, reverence, honour  N3","失敬[しっけい]rudeness ","敬老[けいろう]respect for the aged ","敬遠[けいえん]keeping at a distance ","尊敬語[そんけいご]Honorific Japanese,  honorific language, formal japanese, formal language ","尊敬する[そんけいする]To Respect ","敬[けい] (n) reverence/respect ","敬虔[けいけん] (adj-na, n) pious/devout/modest ","敬愛[けいあい] (n, vs) respect and affection ","敬称[けいしょう] (n) title of honour/title of honor (P) "],"尊":["自尊心[じそんしん]self-respect; conceit  N1","尊い[とうとい<br>たっとい]precious; valuable;priceless;noble;exalted;sacred  N1","尊ぶ[とうとぶ]to value; to prize;to esteem  N1","尊敬[そんけい]respect,  esteem, reverence, honour  N3","尊重[そんちょう]respect,  esteem, regard  N3","尊敬語[そんけいご]Honorific Japanese,  honorific language, formal japanese, formal language ","尊敬する[そんけいする]To Respect ","本尊[ほんぞん] (n) (1) principal object of worship at a temple (usu. a buddha or bodhisattva)/principal image/idol (2) (joc) the man himself/the person at the heart of the matter (P) ","尊[そん<br>たっと<br>とうと<br>みこと] (n) (1) zun (ancient Chinese wine vessel,  usu. made of bronze) (pref) (2) (arch) (hon) honorific prefix referring to the listener (suf,ctr) (3) counter for buddhas ","尊厳[そんげん] (adj-na, n) dignity/majesty/sanctity (P) "],"砂":["砂利[じゃり<br>ざり]gravel; ballast;pebbles  N1","砂漠[さばく]desert  N3","砂[すな<br>いさご]sand  N4","砂糖[さとう]sugar  N5","砂浜[すなはま]sand beach ","砂丘[さきゅう<br>しゃきゅう]Sand Dune ","土砂[どさ<br>どしゃ] (n) sediment/earth and sand ","高砂[たかさご] (n) (1) (uk) double-lined fusilier (Pterocaesio digramma) (2) Taiwan (nickname) (3) Takasago (classic noh play by Zeami) ","砂糖黍[さとうきび] (n) (uk) sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) ","砂岩[さがん<br>しゃがん] (n) sandstone "],"簡":["簡易[かんい]simplicity; easiness;quasi-  N1","簡潔[かんけつ]brevity; conciseness;simplicity  N1","簡素[かんそ]simplicity; plain  N1","簡単[かんたん]simple  N4","書簡[しょかん] (n) letter/note/epistle/correspondence (P) ","簡略[かんりゃく] (adj-na, n) simple/simplicity/brief/brevity (P) ","簡便[かんべん] (adj-na, n) handy/simple and easy "],"蒸":["蒸留[じょうりゅう]distillation  N1","蒸気[じょうき]steam, vapour  N2","蒸発[じょうはつ]evaporation, unexplained disappearance  N2","水蒸気[すいじょうき]water vapour, steam  N2","蒸し暑い[むしあつい]humid, sultry  N2","蒸す[むす<br>ふかす]to steam, to poultice,to be sultry  N2","蒸れる[むれる]To Be Humid ","蒸かす[ふかす]steam ","蒸し返す[むしかえす]To Reheat "],"蔵":["蔵[くら<br>ぞう]warehouse; cellar;magazine;granary;godown;depository;treasury;elevator  N1","蔵相[ぞうしょう]Minister of Finance  N1","埋蔵[まいぞう]buried property; treasure trove  N1","冷蔵[れいぞう]cold storage; refrigeration  N1","貯蔵[ちょぞう]storage, preservation  N2","冷蔵庫[れいぞうこ]refrigerator  N5","地蔵[じぞう]Jizo,  jizou ","大蔵省[おおくらしょう]Ministry of Finance ","大蔵[おおくら] (n) Ministry of Finance (P) ","内蔵[ないぞう] (adj-no, vs) internal (e.g. disk)/built-in/equipped (with) (P) ","武蔵[むさし] (n) Musashi/historical region consisting of modern Tokyo,  Saitama and eastern Kanagawa prefectures ","収蔵[しゅうぞう] (n, vs) garnering/collection ","所蔵[しょぞう] (n, vs,adj-no) (in one's) possession (P) ","蔵書[ぞうしょ] (n) collection of books (personal) library (P) "],"宝":["重宝[ちょうほう<br>じゅうほう]priceless treasure; convenience;usefulness  N1","宝器[ほうき]treasured article or vessel; outstanding individual  N1","宝[たから]treasure  N3","宝石[ほうせき]gem,  jewel  N3","国宝[こくほう]National Treasure,  nic cage ","宝くじ[たからくじ]public lottery ","七宝[しちほう<br>しっぽう] (n) (Buddh) the seven treasures (gold,  silver, pearls, agate, crystal, coral, lapis lazuli) ","宝永[ほうえい] (n) Hoei era (1704.3.13-1711.4.25) ","延宝[えんぽう] (n) Enpo era (1673.9.21-1681.9.29) ","お宝[おたから] (n, adj-no) (1) (pol) treasure (2) picture of a treasure ship (3) money/cash ","宝物[たからもの<br>ほうもつ] (n) treasure/treasured item/prized possession (P) ","宝クジ[たからクジ] (n) (1) lottery (2) lottery ticket ","瑞宝章[ずいほうしょう] (n) Orders of the Sacred Treasure ","財宝[ざいほう] (n) treasure ","天平宝字[てんぴょうほうじ] (n) Tenpyo-hoji era (757.8.18-765.1.7) ","宝籤[たからくじ] (n) (1) lottery (2) lottery ticket "],"諸":["諸[もろ<br>しょ]various; many;several  N1","諸君[しょくん]Gentlemen!; Ladies!  N1","諸国[しょこく]various countries ","諸々[もろもろ]Various,  all kinds of ","諸島[しょとう] (n) archipelago/group of islands (P) ","諸説[しょせつ] (n) (1) various opinions/various theories (2) various rumors (rumours) ","諸侯[しょこう] (n) princes/lords ","マーシャル諸島[マーシャルしょとう] (n) the Marshall Islands ","ソロモン諸島[ソロモンしょとう] (n) Solomon Islands ","諸共[もろとも] (n-adv) (uk) (all) together "],"枝":["枝[えだ<br>し]branch,  twig  N4","枝豆[えだまめ]Edamame,  steamed soybeans ","爪楊枝[つまようじ]toothpick ","小枝[こえだ] (n, adj-no) twig/spray (P) ","枝垂れる[しだれる] (v1, vi) to droop/to hang down/to weep "],"承":["承諾[しょうだく]consent; acquiescence;agreement  N1","了承[りょうしょう]acknowledgement; understanding (e.g. please be understanding of the mess during our renovation)  N1","承る[うけたまわる](hum) to hear, to be told,to know  N2","承知[しょうち]consent,  acceptance, assent, admitting  N3","承認[しょうにん]recognition,  acknowledgement, approval, consent, agreement  N3","継承[けいしょう]Succession,  inheritance ","伝承[でんしょう] (n, vs,adj-no) handing down (information)/legend/tradition/folklore/transmission (P) ","承継[しょうけい] (n, vs) succession/accession/inheritance ","治承[じしょう<br>ちしょう] (n) Jisho era (1177.8.4-1181.7.14)/Chisho era ","承和[しょうわ<br>じょうわ] (n) Jowa era (834.1.3-848.6.13)/Showa era ","承久[しょうきゅう<br>じょうきゅう] (n) Jokyu era (1219.4.12-1222.4.13)/Shokyu era ","承応[しょうおう<br>じょうおう] (n) Shoo era (1652.9.18-1655.4.13)/Joo era "],"紅":["口紅[くちべに]lipstick  N2","紅葉[こうよう<br>もみじ](1) (Japanese) maple  N2","紅茶[こうちゃ]black tea  N5","紅[べに,  くれない<br>あか<br>くれない<br>こう<br>べに<br>もみ]Deep Red, dark red ","紅白[こうはく]red and white "],"劇":["喜劇[きげき]comedy; funny show  N1","劇団[げきだん]troupe; theatrical company  N1","演劇[えんげき]play (theatrical)  N2","劇[げき]drama,  play  N3","劇場[げきじょう]theatre,  playhouse  N3","悲劇[ひげき]tragedy  N3","劇的[げきてき]Dramatic ","歌劇[かげき]Opera ","劇中[げきちゅう] (n) during a play ","劇作家[げきさっか] (n) playwright/dramatist ","観劇[かんげき] (n, vs) theatre-going/theater-going (P) ","劇画[げきが] (n) comic strip with dramatic story (P) "],"臓":["内臓[ないぞう]internal organs; intestines;viscera  N1","心臓[しんぞう]heart  N3","肺臓[はいぞう]Lung ","肝臓[かんぞう]Liver ","心臓発作[しんぞうほっさ] (n) (1) heart attack (vs) (2) to have a heart attack ","臓器[ぞうき] (n, adj-no) internal organs/viscera/intestines (P) ","腎臓[じんぞう] (n, adj-no) kidney (P) "],"損":["損なう[そこなう]to harm; to hurt;to injure;to damage;to fail in doing  N1","損失[そんしつ]loss  N1","破損[はそん]damage  N1","損得[そんとく]loss and gain, advantage and disadvantage  N2","損[そん]loss,  disadvantage  N3","損害[そんがい]damage,  injury, loss  N3","大損[おおぞん]Heavy Loss,  big loss ","全損[ぜんそん]Total Loss ","損する[そんする]lose ","損ねる[そこねる]offend ","損益[そんえき]profit and loss ","見損なう[みそこなう]fail to see ","損害する[そんがいする]To Damage ","損傷[そんしょう] (n, vs) damage/injury (P) ","毀損[きそん] (n, vs) damage/injury/defamation/harm (P) ","欠損[けっそん] (n, vs) (1) deficit/shortage/loss (2) being partially broken/being partially missing/being partially removed (P) ","損壊[そんかい] (n, vs) damage/destruction (P) "],"純":["清純[せいじゅん]purity; innocence  N1","純情[じゅんじょう]pure heart, naivete,self-sacrificing devotion  N2","純粋[じゅんすい]pure, true,genuine,unmixed  N2","単純[たんじゅん]simplicity  N3","純毛[じゅんもう]All Wool ","不純[ふじゅん]Impure ","純[じゅん] (adj-na, adj-t,adv-to) (1) innocent/chaste/naive (pref) (2) pure/unmixed/genuine/unalloyed (P) ","純正[じゅんせい] (adj-na, adj-no) genuine/pure/perfect ","純一[じゅんいつ] (adj-na, n) purity/homogeneity/unadorned ","純度[じゅんど] (n) purity (of a substance) (P) ","純血[じゅんけつ] (n, adj-no) pure-bred (usu. animal)/pure-blooded/thoroughbred "],"拝":["崇拝[すうはい]worship; adoration;admiration;cult  N1","拝啓[はいけい]Dear (so and so)  N1","拝借[はいしゃく]borrowing  N1","拝む[おがむ]to worship, to beg,to make a supplication  N2","拝見[はいけん](hum) (pol) seeing, look at  N2","拝見する[はいけんする]To Have A Look At,  to see ","参拝[さんぱい] (n, vs) visit to a shrine or temple/paying homage at a shrine or temple (P) ","礼拝[らいはい<br>れいはい] (n, vs) worship (esp. Buddhist and Shinto) ","拝殿[はいでん] (n) front shrine/hall of worship ","拝領[はいりょう] (n, vs) receiving (from a superior)/bestowed "],"銅":["銅[どう<br>あか<br>あかがね<br>かね]copper  N1","青銅[せいどう]Bronze ","銅山[どうざん]Copper Mine ","銅像[どうぞう]Copper Statue,  bronze statue "],"紹":["紹介[しょうかい]introduction  N4","紹介状[しょうかいじょう]Letter Of Introduction ","自己紹介[じこしょうかい]Self Introduction ","紹介する[しょうかいする]To Introduce "],"介":["介護[かいご]nursing  N1","介入[かいにゅう]intervention  N1","介抱[かいほう]nursing; looking after  N1","厄介[やっかい]trouble,  burden, care, bother  N3","紹介[しょうかい]introduction  N4","お節介[おせっかい]meddlesome ","仲介[ちゅうかい]agent ","紹介状[しょうかいじょう]Letter Of Introduction ","自己紹介[じこしょうかい]Self Introduction ","紹介する[しょうかいする]To Introduce ","媒介[ばいかい]intermediary ","介す[かいす] (v5s, vs-c,vt) (1) to use as an intermediary/to mediate/to assist (2) to worry/to mind/to care ","介助[かいじょ] (n, vs) help/assistance/aid (P) ","魚介[ぎょかい] (n) marine products/seafood/fish and shellfish (P) "],"湖":["湖[みずうみ<br>こ]lake  N4","山中湖[やまなかこ]Lake Yamanaka,  yamanaka lake ","湖畔[こはん]lake shore ","湖北[こほく] (n) north of a lake/north of Lake Biwa ","琵琶湖[びわこ] (n) Lake Biwa (P) ","湖沼[こしょう] (n) lakes and marshes (P) ","湖岸[こがん] (n, adj-no) lakeshore/lakeside ","湖水[こすい] (n) lake (P) "],"講":["講習[こうしゅう]short course; training  N1","講読[こうどく]reading; translation  N1","聴講[ちょうこう]lecture attendance; auditing  N1","休講[きゅうこう]lecture cancelled  N2","講師[こうし]lecturer  N2","講演[こうえん]lecture,  address  N3","講義[こうぎ]lecture  N4","講堂[こうどう]auditorium  N4","講和[こうわ]peace ","講談[こうだん] (n) style of traditional Japanese storytelling featuring highly dramatic delivery (P) ","講座[こうざ] (n) (1) academic teaching unit/lectureship/professorial chair (2) course (e.g. of lectures) (P) ","受講[じゅこう] (n, vs) taking (attending) lectures (P) ","講[こう] (n, n-suf) (1) (Buddhist) lecture meeting (2) religious association (3) mutual assistance association (i.e. for financial assistance) ","講ずる[こうずる] (vz, vt) (1) to take measures/to work out a plan (2) to lecture/to read aloud (3) to confer (P) ","講じる[こうじる] (v1, vt) (1) to take measures/to work out a plan (2) to lecture/to read aloud (3) to confer ","開講[かいこう] (n, vs) (1) holding a course (of lectures)/offering a course (2) beginning a series of one's lectures/starting a new course "],"測":["推測[すいそく]guess; conjecture  N1","観測[かんそく]observation  N2","測定[そくてい]measurement  N2","測量[そくりょう]measurement, surveying  N2","測る[はかる]to measure, to weigh,to survey  N2","予測[よそく]prediction,  estimation  N3","憶測[おくそく]Guess,  speculation ","計測[けいそく] (n, vs) measuring/measurement (P) "],"油":["油絵[あぶらえ]oil painting  N1","原油[げんゆ]crude oil  N1","醤油[しょうゆ<br>しょうゆう]soy sauce  N2","灯油[とうゆ]lamp oil, kerosene  N2","油断[ゆだん]negligence, unpreparedness  N2","油[あぶら]oil  N3","石油[せきゆ]oil,  petroleum, kerosene  N3","給油[きゅうゆ]Fueling ","油田[ゆでん]Oil Field ","給油所[きゅうゆしょ]Gas Station,  filling station ","油彩[ゆさい]Oil Painting ","油圧[ゆあつ] (n, adj-no) oil pressure/hydraulics ","重油[じゅうゆ] (n) heavy oil/fuel oil (P) ","油脂[ゆし] (n) fat/fats and oils (P) ","製油[せいゆ] (n, vs) oil refining "],"将":["将棋[しょうぎ]Japanese chess  N2","将来[しょうらい]future, prospects  N4","主将[しゅしょう]Commander,  commander in chief, team captain ","大将[たいしょう<br>だいしょう]General,  admiral, head, leader ","将軍[しょうぐん]Shogun,  general, commander, shougun ","少将[しょうしょう] (n, adj-no) major general/rear admiral/air commodore (P) ","中将[ちゅうじょう] (n) lieutenant general/vice-admiral (P) ","武将[ぶしょう] (n) military commander (P) ","将[しょう<br>はた] (n) commander/general/leader (P) ","女将[おかみ<br>じょしょう<br>にょしょう] (n) proprietress (of a traditional Japanese inn or restaurant)/landlady/hostess/mistress ","准将[じゅんしょう] (n) commodore/brigadier general ","将校[しょうこう] (n) commissioned officer (P) ","将兵[しょうへい] (n) officers and men (P) ","将軍家[しょうぐんけ] (n) family positioned to accede to the shogunate ","軍将[ぐんしょう] (n) army commander ","将官[しょうかん] (n) general/admiral ","王将[おうしょう] (n) (shogi) king (of the senior player) (P) ","名将[めいしょう] (n) great commander/famous commander "],"換":["換算[かんさん<br>かんざん]conversion; change;exchange  N1","転換[てんかん]convert; divert  N1","乗り換え[のりかえ]transfer (trains&nbsp; &nbsp;buses&nbsp;&nbsp;etc.)  N1","換気[かんき]ventilation  N2","乗換[のりかえ](n) transfer (trains,  buses, etc.)  N2","換える[かえる]to exchange,  to interchange, to substitute, to replace  N3","交換[こうかん]exchange,  interchange, reciprocity  N3","乗り換える[のりかえる]to change between buses or trains  N4","変換[へんかん]Conversion,  change ","引き換え[ひきかえ]exchange ","言い換える[いいかえる]paraphrase ","換気扇[かんきせん]ventilation fan ","互換[ごかん] (n, vs) (1) interchange (n) (2) (math) transposition (adj-f) (3) compatible (e.g. PC) (P) ","置換[ちかん] (n, vs) (1) substitution/replacement (2) (math) permutation (3) (chem) substitution/displacement ","換装[かんそう] (n, vs) exchanging parts or equipment to effect a change in performance ","置き換える[おきかえる] (v1, vt) to replace/to move/to change the position of (P) ","引き換える[ひきかえる] (v1, vt) to exchange (things)/to convert ","気分転換[きぶんてんかん] (n) (yoji) change of pace/change of mood (mental) break (e.g. going for a walk)/refreshment (P) ","書き換える[かきかえる] (v1, vt) to rewrite/to overwrite/to renew/to transfer (P) ","買い換える[かいかえる] (v1, vt) to buy a replacement/to replace by buying something new ","換金[かんきん] (n, vs) realization (of goods into money)/conversion (into money)/liquidation (P) ","置き換わる[おきかわる] (v5r) to be rearranged or transposed ","可換[かかん] (adj-na) (math) commutative "],"旧":["旧知[きゅうち]old friend; old friendship  N1","旧事[きゅうじ]past events; bygones  N1","復旧[ふっきゅう<br>ふくきゅう]restoration; restitution;rehabilitation  N1","旧[きゅう<br>ふる<br>もと]ex-  N3","旧姓[きゅうせい]Maiden Name ","旧式[きゅうしき]old style ","旧暦[きゅうれき]Lunisolar Calendar,  traditional japanese calendar, japanese calendar ","旧制[きゅうせい] (n) old system/old order (P) ","旧名[きゅうめい] (n) former name/maiden name ","旧道[きゅうどう] (n) old road ","旧来[きゅうらい] (adj-no, n-adv,n-t) traditional/from ancient times/formerly (P) ","旧約[きゅうやく] (n) (1) old promise/old agreement/old covenant (2) (abbr) Old Testament (P) ","新旧[しんきゅう] (adj-no, n) new and old/incoming and outgoing (P) ","旧作[きゅうさく] (n) old work/existing work ","旧友[きゅうゆう] (n) old friend/old pal "],"般":["全般[ぜんぱん](the) whole, universal,wholly,general  N2","一般[いっぱん]general,  liberal, universal, ordinary, average  N3","一般に[いっぱんに]generally ","全般的[ぜんぱんてき]General,  overall, across the board ","一般的[いっぱんてき]Ordinary,  normal, common ","先般[せんぱん] (n-adv, n-t) some time ago/the other day (P) ","一般人[いっぱんじん] (n) ordinary person/member of the general public/non-celebrity (P) ","般若[はんにゃ] (n) (1) (Buddh) prajna (san:)/wisdom required to attain enlightenment (2) noh mask of a grinning,  horned demoness (represents a woman's rage and jealousy) (3) family crest designed after the Hannya noh mask (4) (abbr) dreadful face (esp. of a woman driven mad by jealousy)/terrifying facial expression "],"療":["診療[しんりょう]medical examination and treatment; diagnosis  N1","治療[ちりょう<br>じりょう]medical treatment  N1","医療[いりょう]medical care,  medical treatment  N3","療養[りょうよう]recuperation ","診療所[しんりょう しょ<br>しんりょうしょ<br>しんりょうじょ]clinic ","療法[りょうほう] (n, adj-no) therapy/treatment/remedy/cure (P) ","治療法[ちりょうほう] (n) treatment/cure/remedy (P) ","治療薬[ちりょうやく] (n) remedy/cure/therapeutic medication "],"依":["依[よ]depending on  N1","依然[いぜん]still; as yet  N1","依存[いぞん<br>いぞん,  いそん<br>いそん]dependence; dependent;reliance  N1","依って[よって]therefore; consequently;accordingly;because of  N1","依頼[いらい](1) request,  commission, dispatch, (2) dependence, trust  N3","依頼人[いらいにん]Client ","依然として[いぜんとして] (exp, adv) still/as yet/as of old (P) ","依存症[いそんしょう<br>いぞんしょう] (n) dependence (on alcohol,  drugs, etc.) ","依る[よる] (v5r, vi) (1) (uk) to be due to/to be caused by (2) (uk) to depend on/to turn on (3) (uk) to be based on/to come from (4) (uk) to be based at (a location, an organization)/to be headquartered at ","帰依[きえ] (n, vs) becoming a devout believer (religious) conversion (P) ","依拠[いきょ] (n, vs) dependence "],"伸":["伸ばす[のばす]to lengthen,  to stretch, to reach out, to grow (beard)  N3","伸びる[のびる]to stretch,  to extend, to make progress, to grow (beard,  body height)  N3","伸び[のび]growth ","伸びやか[のびやか]carefree ","伸び伸び[のびのび]at ease ","差し伸べる[さしのべる]hold out ","引き伸ばす[ひきのばす]stretch out ","追伸[ついしん]P.S. ","延伸[えんしん] (n, vs) stretching/extension/elongation ","伸び悩む[のびなやむ] (v5m, vi) to be sluggish (business)/to make little progress/to not grow as much as expected (P) ","伸す[のす] (v5s, vi) (1) to stretch/to extend/to lengthen/to spread (v5s) (2) to gain influence/to become stronger/to increase (e.g. in scope) (v5s,vi) (3) to go further (v5s,vt) (4) to smooth out/to roll out (5) to spread out (something folded) (6) to iron (7) to knock out/to knock down ","伸長[しんちょう] (n, vs,adj-no) expansion/extension/elongation/stretching/uncompression ","伸縮[しんしゅく] (n, vs) expansion and contraction/elasticity/flexibility (P) "],"姓":["姓名[せいめい]full name  N1","姓[せい<br>かばね<br>しょう<br>そう]surname, family name  N2","旧姓[きゅうせい]Maiden Name ","同姓[どうせい]same surname ","百姓[ひゃくしょう<br>おおみたから<br>ひゃくせい]farmer ","改姓[かいせい] (n, vs) (1) change of one's family name (n) (2) changed family name "],"甘":["甘える[あまえる]to behave like a spoiled child; to fawn on  N1","甘口[あまくち]sweet flavour; mildness;flattery;stupidity  N1","甘い[あまい<br>うまい]delicious  N1","甘やかす[あまやかす]to pamper, to spoil  N2","甘党[あまとう]Sweet Tooth ","甘く見る[あまくみる]To Not Take Seriously,  to take lightly ","甘味[あまみ<br>かんみ]sweetness ","甘酢[あまず]Sweet Vinegar ","甘んずる[あまんずる] (vz, vi) to content oneself with/to be resigned to (one's fate)/to be contented (satisfied) with (one's lot) "],"貿":["貿易[ぼうえき]trade  N4","貿易会社[ぼうえきがいしゃ]Trading Firm "],"超":["超[ちょう]super-; ultra-;hyper-  N1","超える[こえる]to exceed, to cross over,to cross  N2","超す[こす]to cross, to pass,to tide over  N2","超過[ちょうか]excess, being more than  N2","超自然的[ちょうしぜんてき]Supernatural ","超音速[ちょうおんそく]Supersonic Speed ","超音波[ちょうおんぱ]Ultrasonic Wave ","超〜[ちょう]Ultra,  super, really ","超特急[ちょう とっきゅう]super express ","超越[ちょうえつ]transcending ","超人[ちょうじん] (n) (1) superman/superwoman (2) Ubermensch (e.g. Nietzsche's ideal man of the future)/overman (P) ","超能力[ちょうのうりょく] (n) (1) extra-sensory perception/ESP/psi/psychic ability (2) psychokinesis/PK ","超伝導[ちょうでんどう] (n) superconductivity/super-conductivity (P) "],"幅":["大幅[おおはば]full width; large scale;drastic  N1","幅[はば<br>の<br>ふく]width,  breadth  N3","幅広い[はばひろい]wide ","拡幅[かくふく] (n) (1) widening (of a road) (vs) (2) to widen (esp. a road) ","幅員[ふくいん] (n) breadth,  extent ","増幅[ぞうふく] (n, vs) (1) amplification (elec.) (2) magnification/amplification/making larger ","全幅[ぜんぷく] (adj-no) (1) full/wholehearted/utmost/all/every (n) (2) overall width ","振幅[しんぷく<br>ふりはば] (n) (physics) amplitude (P) "],"患":["患者[かんじゃ]a patient  N3","急患[きゅうかん]Emergency Patient ","患う[わずらう]To Be Afflicted,  to be afflicted with illness, to be sick ","疾患[しっかん]disease,  ailment, disorder ","罹患[りかん] (n, vs) contracting a disease "],"爆":["原爆[げんばく]atomic bomb  N1","爆弾[ばくだん]bomb  N1","爆破[ばくは]blast; explosion;blow up  N1","爆発[ばくはつ]explosion,  detonation, eruption  N3","爆撃[ばくげき]Bombing ","爆笑[ばくしょう]Explosive Laughter ","自爆[じばく]Suicide Bomb ","水爆[すいばく]hydrogen bomb ","原子爆弾[げんしばくだん]Atomic Bomb ","爆発音[ばくはつおん] (n) sound of an explosion ","被爆[ひばく] (n, vs) (1) being bombed (2) being A-bombed/being nuked/being exposed to radiation (from an atomic blast) (P) ","爆薬[ばくやく] (n) explosive/blasting powder (P) ","爆雷[ばくらい] (n) depth charge ","空爆[くうばく] (n, vs,adj-no) aerial bombing (P) ","爆風[ばくふう] (n) bomb blast/blast (from an explosion)/shock wave ","起爆[きばく] (n, vs) ignition/detonation/triggering/explosion (P) "],"漁":["漁船[ぎょせん]fishing boat  N1","漁村[ぎょそん]fishing village  N1","漁業[ぎょぎょう]fishing (industry)  N2","漁師[りょうし]fisherman  N2","漁[りょう<br>すなどり]fishery ","漁る[あさる]fish ","漁港[ぎょこう] (n) fishing harbour/fishing harbor (P) ","漁獲[ぎょかく] (n, vs) fishing/catch/haul (P) ","漁場[ぎょじょう<br>ぎょば<br>りょうば] (n) fishing grounds/permitted fishing zone (P) "],"香":["香辛料[こうしんりょう]spices  N1","香水[こうすい<br>こうずい]perfume  N2","香り[かおり]aroma,  fragrance, scent, smell  N3","香港[ほんこん]Hong Kong ","香川県[かがわけん]Kagawa Prefecture ","香ばしい[こうばしい]nice smelling ","芳香[ほうこう]perfume,  fragrance, aroma ","香[か<br>かおり<br>きょう<br>こう<br>こり] (n) smell (esp. a good smell)/fragrance/scent/aroma/perfume ","香料[こうりょう] (n) (1) flavoring/flavouring/spices (2) fragrance/perfume/incense (3) condolence gift (P) "],"湾":["湾[わん]bay,  gulf, inlet  N3","台湾[たいわん]Taiwan ","港湾[こうわん] (n) harbour/harbor (P) ","湾岸[わんがん] (n) gulf coast/bay coast (P) ","湾曲[わんきょく] (n, vs) curve/bend/crook (P) "],"兆":["兆し[きざし]signs; omen;symptoms  N1","兆[ちょう]signs; omen;symptoms  N1","前兆[ぜんちょう]Omen,  sign ","兆候[ちょうこう]Sign,  indication ","兆す[きざす] (v5s, vi) (1) to show signs/to have symptoms/to give indications (of) (2) to bud/to germinate/to sprout "],"募":["応募[おうぼ]subscription; application  N1","公募[こうぼ]public appeal; public contribution  N1","募る[つのる]to invite; to solicit help&nbsp;&nbsp;participation&nbsp;&nbsp;etc  N1","募金[ぼきん]fund-raising; collection of funds  N1","募集[ぼしゅう]recruiting, taking applications  N2","募集中[ぼしゅうちゅう]Now Hiring,  now recruiting ","応募する[おうぼする]To Apply For,  to enlist, to answer an ad "],"跡":["跡継ぎ[あとつぎ]heir; successor  N1","遺跡[いせき]historic ruins (remains&nbsp; &nbsp;relics)  N1","追跡[ついせき]pursuit  N1","跡切れる[とぎれる]to pause; to be interrupted  N1","足跡[あしあと<br>そくせき]footprints  N2","跡[あと<br>せき](1) trace,  tracks, mark, sign, (2) remains, ruins, (3) scar  N3","証跡[しょうせき]Evidence ","奇跡[きせき]Miracle ","軌跡[きせき]Tire Track,  path one has taken ","史跡[しせき] (n) historic landmark/historic site/historic remains (P) ","跡地[あとち] (n) former site (of something)/site (e.g. of a demolished building) ","痕跡[こんせき] (n, adj-no) trace/traces/vestige/vestiges (P) ","形跡[けいせき] (n) traces/evidence (P) ","城跡[じょうせき<br>しろあと] (n) castle site/ruins of a castle "],"齢":["年齢[ねんれい]age,  years  N3","高齢者[こうれいしゃ]Elderly Person,  old person ","老齢[ろうれい]Old Age ","適齢期[てきれいき]marriageable age ","高齢[こうれい]advanced age ","齢[よわい<br>れい] (n) (one's) age (P) ","樹齢[じゅれい] (n) age of a tree (P) "],"刊":["刊行[かんこう]publication; issue  N1","季刊[きかん]quarterly (e.g. magazine)  N1","創刊[そうかん]launching (e.g. newspaper); first issue  N1","夕刊[ゆうかん]evening paper  N2","日刊[にっかん]Daily Edition ","月刊[げっかん]Monthly Edition ","朝刊[ちょうかん]Morning Edition ","刊行する[かんこうする]To Publish ","新刊[しんかん]new publication ","週刊[しゅうかん]published weekly ","週刊誌[しゅうかんし]weekly magazine ","刊[かん] (suf) publication/edition (e.g. morning,  evening, special)/published in (year)/publication frequency (e.g. daily, monthly) ","増刊[ぞうかん] (n, vs) special edition ","休刊[きゅうかん] (n, vs) suspension of publication (P) ","廃刊[はいかん] (n, vs) ceasing to publish/discontinuance of publication ","発刊[はっかん] (n, vs) publish/start (new) publication (P) ","年刊[ねんかん] (n, adj-no) annual publication/year of publication (P) ","復刊[ふっかん] (n, vs) reissue/putting back in print ","既刊[きかん] (adj-no, n) already published ","公刊[こうかん] (n, vs) publication "],"奥":["奥[おく]interior,  inner part  N3","奥さん[おくさん](honorable) wife  N5","奥様[おくさま]married woman ","奥行[おくゆき]depth ","奥深い[おくふかい<br>おくぶかい] (adj-i) (1) profound/deep (2) deep (of a cave,  etc.)/innermost/interior ","奥義[おうぎ<br>おくぎ] (n) secret techniques/inner mysteries/esoterica/hidden purpose/quintessence (of art,  skill) ","奥行き[おくゆき] (n) depth/length (P) ","奥山[おくやま] (n) remote mountain/mountain recesses (P) ","大奥[おおおく] (n) inner palace (in Edo Castle)/palace's ladies chambers/shogun's harem "],"傾":["傾く[かたむく<br>かたぶく<br>かぶく]to incline toward; to slant;to lurch;to heel over;to be disposed to;to trend toward;to be prone to;to  N1","傾ける[かたむける]to incline; to list;to bend;to lean;to tip;to tilt;to slant;to concentrate on;to ruin (a country);to  N1","傾[かたむき]lean; incline  N1","傾斜[けいしゃ]inclination; slant;slope;bevel;list;dip  N1","傾らか[かたむきらか]  N2","傾向[けいこう]tendency,  trend, inclination  N3","傾げる[かしげる]incline ","傾倒[けいとう] (n, vs) (1) devoting oneself to/concentrating on/commitment/admiration/adoration (2) (arch) tipping over and collapsing (P) "],"贈":["寄贈[きぞう<br>きそう]donation; presentation  N1","贈る[おくる]to send,  to give to, to award to, to confer on  N3","贈り物[おくりもの]gift  N4","贈収賄[ぞうしゅうわい]Bribery ","贈与[ぞうよ]donation ","贈賄[ぞうわい]Bribery ","贈呈[ぞうてい]presentation ","追贈[ついぞう] (n, vs) conferring court rank posthumously "],"埋":["埋まる[うまる<br>うずまる]to be buried; to be surrounded;to overflow;to be filled  N1","埋め込む[うめこむ]to bury  N1","埋蔵[まいぞう]buried property; treasure trove  N1","埋める[うめる<br>うずめる]to bury, to fill up,to fill (a seat, a vacant position)  N2","埋め立て[うめたて]reclamation ","埋め合わせる[うめあわせる]To Compensate For ","埋もれる[うもれる<br>うずもれる<br>うづもれる]To Get Buried,  to be buried ","埋没[まいぼつ]implantation,  burial, embedding ","埋葬[まいそう] (n, vs,adj-no) burial (P) ","埋め合わせ[うめあわせ] (n) compensation ","穴埋め[あなうめ] (n, vs) (1) filling in gaps/filling in blanks (in a form, etc.)/stopgap/temporary measure (2) covering up a deficit/making up for something (e.g. one's mistake) (P) "],"雇":["雇用[こよう]employment (long term); hire  N1","雇う[やとう]to employ,  to hire  N3","解雇する[かいこする]To Fire Someone,  to fire ","解雇[かいこ]discharge ","雇用者[こようしゃ]Employer ","雇い主[やといぬし] (n) employer (P) "],"群":["群[ぐん<br>むら]group (math)  N1","群集[ぐんしゅう](social) group; crowd;throng;mob;multitude  N1","群がる[むらがる]to swarm; to gather  N1","群れ[むれ]group, crowd,flock,herd  N2","群馬県[ぐんまけん]Gunma Prefecture ","抜群[ばつぐん<br>はっぐん]outstanding ","群れる[むれる]crowd together ","群衆[ぐんしゅう<br>ぐんしゅ<br>ぐんじゅ]masses (of people) ","症候群[しょうこうぐん] (n) (med) syndrome (P) ","群島[ぐんとう] (n) island group/archipelago (P) ","群像[ぐんぞう] (n) (1) lively group (usu. young people)/dynamic bunch (2) group (art) (P) ","一群[いちぐん] (n) (1) group/flock/crowd/herd (2) wide expanse (of flowers) ","群落[ぐんらく] (n) many communities (villages)/cluster of plants ","群生[ぐんじょう<br>ぐんせい] (n) (Buddh) all animate creation "],"片":["片思い[かたおもい]unrequited love  N1","片言[かたこと]a smattering; talk like a baby;speak haltingly  N1","片付け[かたづけ]tidying up; finishing  N1","鉄片[てっぺん]iron scraps  N1","片仮名[かたかな]katakana  N2","片付く[かたづく]to put in order, to dispose of,to solve  N2","片道[かたみち]one-way (trip)  N2","片寄る[かたよる]to be one-sided, to incline,to be partial  N2","破片[はへん]fragment, splinter,broken piece  N2","片付ける[かたづける]to tidy up  N4","片[かた<br>ひら<br>びら<br>へん<br>ペンス]Fragment ","片手[かたて]One Handed ","後片付け[あとかたづけ]cleaning up ","断片[だんぺん]fragment ","片側[かたがわ]one side ","片方[かたほう]one side ","片隅[かたすみ]corner,  nook ","片づけ[かたづけ] (n) tidying up/finishing ","片づける[かたづける] (v1, vt) (1) to tidy up/to put in order/to straighten up/to put away (2) to settle (problem)/to clear (dispute) (3) to finish/to bring something to an end (4) to marry off (e.g. a daughter) (5) to do away with someone/to bump someone off ","片づく[かたづく] (v5k, vi) (1) to be put in order/to be put to rights (2) to be disposed of/to be solved (3) to be finished (4) to be married (off) ","片面[かためん] (n, adj-no) one side "],"薄":["薄弱[はくじゃく]feebleness; weakness;weak  N1","薄暗い[うすぐらい]dim, gloomy  N2","薄める[うすめる]to dilute, to water down  N2","薄い[うすい]thin, weak  N5","薄情[はくじょう]Cold Hearted ","薄まる[うすまる]be diluted ","薄着[うすぎ]light clothing ","軽薄[けいはく]frivolous ","薄[うす<br>すすき] (pref) light (e.g. colour,  color) ","薄れる[うすれる] (v1, vi) to fade/to become dim (P) ","希薄[きはく] (adj-na, n) (1) thin (e.g. air)/diluted/sparse/lean/weak/rarified/rarefied (2) lacking (e.g. empathy)/deficient/insufficient (e.g. zeal) (P) ","薄型[うすがた] (adj-no) thin/slim/flat "],"殿":["宮殿[きゅうでん]palace  N1","殿[との<br>しんがり<br>どの]rear; rear unit guard  N1","神殿[しんでん]temple; sacred place  N1","沈殿[ちんでん]precipitation; settlement  N1","殿様[とのさま]feudal lord  N1","〜殿[どの]Lord,  master, milord ","殿堂[でんどう]Palace ","社殿[しゃでん] (n) (main building of a) Shinto shrine ","御殿[ごてん] (n) palace/court (P) ","殿下[てんが<br>でんか] (ok) (pn) your Highness/his Highness/her Highness ","本殿[ほんでん] (n) main shrine/inner sanctuary ","拝殿[はいでん] (n) front shrine/hall of worship "],"柱":["柱[はしら<br>じ<br>じゅう<br>ちゅう]pillar; post  N1","電柱[でんちゅう]telephone pole, telegraph pole,lightpole  N2","帆柱[ほばしら]mast ","支柱[しちゅう] (n) prop/stay/support/brace/fulcrum (P) ","円柱[えんちゅう<br>まるばしら] (n, adj-no) (1) column/shaft/cylinder (n) (2) round pillar (esp. in buildings) (P) "],"駐":["駐車[ちゅうしゃ]parking (e.g. car)  N3","駐車場[ちゅうしゃじょう]parking lot  N4","駐在[ちゅうざい]Residence,  stay ","駐日[ちゅうにち]Resident Of Japan,  stationed in japan ","駐留軍[ちゅうりゅうぐん]Stationed Troops,  occupying troops ","駐屯[ちゅうとん]stationed,  occupancy ","駐留[ちゅうりゅう] (n, vs) stationing (e.g. of troops)/garrison (P) ","進駐[しんちゅう] (n, vs) occupation/stationing (P) ","常駐[じょうちゅう] (n, vs) (1) permanent stationing/staying permanently (adj-no) (2) (comp) resident (program, file, etc.) (P) ","駐輪場[ちゅうりんじょう] (n) parking area for bicycles "],"鋭":["鋭い[するどい]pointed,  sharp  N3","新鋭[しんえい]Freshly Picked,  newly produced ","鋭利[えいり]Sharpness ","鋭敏[えいびん]Sharpness,  quick witted, keenness ","最新鋭[さいしんえい]State Of The Art,  cutting edge ","精鋭[せいえい] (n, adj-na,adj-no) elite/best/pick/cream of the crop (P) "],"炭":["炭素[たんそ]carbon (C)  N1","炭鉱[たんこう]coal mine, coal pit  N2","石炭[せきたん<br>いしずみ]coal  N3","炭[すみ]Charcoal ","炭酸[たんさん]carbonic acid ","炭坑[たんこう] (n) coal mine/coal pit ","炭化[たんか] (n, vs) carbonization/carbonisation ","二酸化炭素[にさんかたんそ] (n) carbon dioxide (P) "],"衣":["衣装[いしょう]clothing; costume;outfit;garment;dress  N1","衣料[いりょう]clothing  N1","衣類[いるい]clothes; clothing;garments  N1","衣食住[いしょくじゅう]necessities of life (food,  clothing, etc.)  N2","浴衣[ゆかた<br>よくい]bathrobe, informal summer kimono,yukata  N2","衣服[いふく]clothes  N3","更衣室[こういしつ<br>こうい しつ]Changing Room,  locker room, dressing room ","衣[ころも<br>い<br>きぬ]Clothes,  garment ","脱衣[だつい]Undressing ","白衣[はくい]white coat ","麻衣[あさごろも<br>まい] (n) linen robe ","羽衣[うい<br>はごろも] (n) (1) angel's raiment/robe of feathers (2) wings of birds or insects/plumage of birds "],"鉱":["鉱業[こうぎょう]mining industry  N1","鉱山[こうざん]mine (ore)  N1","鉱物[こうぶつ]mineral  N2","炭鉱[たんこう]coal mine, coal pit  N2","鉄鉱[てっこう]Iron Ore ","鉱石[こうせき]Ore,  mineral ","鉱床[こうしょう] (n) mineral deposit/ore deposit ","金鉱[きんこう] (n) (1) gold ore/gold deposit (2) gold mine "],"伺":["伺う[うかがう](hon) to visit,  to ask, to inquire  N3","伺い[うかがい]Inquiry,  enquiry, question "],"包":["包む[つつむ<br>くるむ]to be engulfed in; to be enveloped by;to wrap up;to tuck in;to pack;to do up;to cover with;to dress i  N1","包装[ほうそう]packing, wrapping  N2","包帯[ほうたい]bandage, dressing  N2","小包[こづつみ]parcel,  package  N3","包み[つつみ]bundle,  package, parcel, bale  N3","包丁[ほうちょう]Kitchen Knife,  cutlery, carving knife ","包囲[ほうい]Siege,  encirclement ","包み紙[つつみがみ]wrapping paper ","包括[ほうかつ] (n, vs,adj-f) inclusion/complete coverage/comprehensiveness (P) ","内包[ないほう] (n, vs,vt) (1) connotation/comprehension/intension (2) inclusion/containment within (P) ","梱包[こんぽう] (n, vs) packing/crating/packaging (P) ","包含[ほうがん] (n, vs) inclusion/comprehension/implication/containing/covering (P) ","縫い包み[ぬいぐるみ] (n) (uk) stuffed toy/plush toy/soft toy/cuddly toy "],"掘":["採掘[さいくつ]mining  N1","発掘[はっくつ]excavation; exhumation  N1","掘る[ほる]to dig, to excavate  N2","根掘り葉掘り[ね ほり は ほり]in great detail ","掘削[くっさく] (n, vs) digging out/excavation (P) ","掘り下げる[ほりさげる] (v1, vt) to dig down/to delve into/to get to the bottom of (a matter)/to investigate further "],"床":["床[ゆか<br>とこ<br>しょう]bed; sickbed;alcove;padding  N1","起床[きしょう]rising, getting out of bed  N2","床の間[とこのま]alcove  N2","床屋[とこや]barber  N2","温床[おんしょう]Hotbed ","病床[びょうしょう]Sickbed ","寝床[ねどこ]bed ","苗床[なえどこ]nursery,  seedbed ","臨床[りんしょう] (adj-no) clinical (e.g. pathology,  physiology) (P) ","床下[ゆかした] (n, adj-no) under the floor (P) ","鉱床[こうしょう] (n) mineral deposit/ore deposit ","床面積[ゆかめんせき] (n) floor space "],"泊":["泊[とまり<br>はく]counter for nights of a stay  N1","泊める[とめる]to give shelter to, to lodge  N2","宿泊[しゅくはく]lodging  N3","泊まる[とまる]to lodge at  N4","一泊[いっぱく]One Night's Stay ","二泊[にはく]Two Night's Stay ","泊まり[とまり]Stay,  stopover ","停泊[ていはく] (n, vs) anchorage/anchoring/mooring (P) ","宿泊客[しゅくはくきゃく] (n) guest spending the night (i.e. at a hotel) ","梁山泊[りょうざんぱく] (n) place of assemblage for the bold and ambitious "],"双":["双子[ふたご<br>そうし]twins,  a twin  N3","双眼鏡[そうがんきょう]Binoculars ","双[そう<br>もろ]Pair ","双方[そうほう] (n, adj-no) both parties/both sides (P) ","双葉[ふたば] (n, adj-no) bud/sprout (P) ","双方向[そうほうこう] (n, adj-no) two-way/bidirectional/interactive ","双六[すぐろく<br>すごろく] (ok) (n) sugoroku/traditional Japanese board game played with dice "],"袋":["足袋[たび]tabi, Japanese socks (with split toe)  N2","袋[ふくろ<br>たい]bag,  sack  N3","手袋[てぶくろ]glove  N4","ゴミ袋[ゴミぶくろ,  ごみぶくろ]Garbage Bag, garbage sack ","福袋[ふくぶくろ]Mystery Bag,  mystery sack ","お袋[おふくろ]one's mother ","布袋[ぬのぶくろ<br>ふたい<br>ほてい] (n) cloth bag "],"荒":["荒らす[あらす]to lay waste; to devastate;to damage;to invade;to break into  N1","荒っぽい[あらっぽい]rough; rude  N1","荒廃[こうはい]ruin  N1","荒い[あらい]rough, rude,wild  N2","荒れる[あれる]To Be Stormy,  to be rough ","荒々しい[あらあらしい]rough ","荒波[あらなみ]Stormy Seas,  raging waves ","荒巻[あらまき] (n) salted salmon/fish wrapped in (bamboo) leaves ","荒木[あらき] (n) logs in bark/rough wood/unseasoned timber/new lumber (P) ","荒[あら] (n) (1) (uk) remaining bony parts (of a fish after filleting) (2) (uk) flaw (esp. of a person)/fault/defect (3) rice chaff (pref) (4) rough (5) crude/raw/natural/wild ","荒野[あらの<br>あれの<br>こうや] (n) wasteland/wilderness/deserted land/prairie/vast plain/wilds/desert/wild land ","荒れ地[あれち] (n) (1) wasteland/wilderness/abandoned land/devastated land (2) The Wasteland (poem by T.S. Eliot) "],"筒":["筒[つつ<br>ピン]pipe; tube  N1","水筒[すいとう]canteen, flask,water bottle  N2","封筒[ふうとう]envelope  N5","気筒[きとう] (n, ctr) cylinder (P) ","円筒[えんとう] (n) cylinder (P) ","筒井[つつい] (n) round well (P) "],"籍":["戸籍[こせき]census; family register  N1","国籍[こくせき]nationality  N2","書籍[しょせき<br>しょじゃく]book, publication  N2","入籍[にゅうせき]entry in the family register ","在籍[ざいせき]registration ","移籍[いせき] (n, vs) (1) transfer (of one's name into another family register) (2) transfer (to another team, company, etc.) (P) ","除籍[じょせき] (n, vs) (1) removing a name (2) expelling (e.g. from school)/decommissioning (P) ","籍[せき] (n, n-suf) (1) one's family register/one's domicile (n-suf) (2) nationality (3) membership (club, party, etc.) (P) ","転籍[てんせき] (n, vs) (1) transfer of permanent domicile (as recorded in the family register) (2) transfer of school register ","本籍[ほんせき] (n) one's registered domicile (as recorded in the family register)/one's legal domicile (as opposed to where one lives) (P) "],"柔":["柔軟[じゅうなん]flexible; lithe  N1","柔道[じゅうどう]judo  N4","柔らかい[やわらかい]soft  N4","柔和[にゅうわ]Gentleness ","柔らか[やわらか]soft ","柔軟性[じゅうなんせい] (n) flexibility/pliability/softness/elasticity ","柔術[じゅうじゅつ] (n) jujitsu (classical Japanese martial art,  usually referring to fighting without a weapon)/jiujitsu/jujutsu ","柔[じゅう<br>やわ<br>やわら] (n) softness/gentleness/weakness ","懐柔[かいじゅう] (n, vs) winning over/placation/gentle persuasion (P) "],"刷":["刷り[すり]printing  N1","刷る[する]to print  N2","印刷[いんさつ]printing  N3","刷新[さっしん] (n, vs) reform/renovation (P) "],"珍":["珍しい[めずらしい]rare  N4","珍味[ちんみ]Delicacy ","珍[ちん]Rare,  curious, strange ","珍紛漢紛[ちんぷんかんぷん]gibberish "],"封":["同封[どうふう]enclosure (e.g. in a letter)  N1","封[ふう]seal  N1","封鎖[ふうさ]blockade; freezing (funds)  N1","封建[ほうけん]feudalistic  N1","封筒[ふうとう]envelope  N5","封建主義[ほうけんしゅぎ<br>ほうけん しゅぎ]Feudalism ","封書[ふうしょ]Sealed Letter ","開封[かいふう]Unsealed Letter ","封建的[ほうけん てき]feudal ","封じる[ふうじる<br>ほうじる] (v1, vt) (1) to seal (letter) (2) to prevent/to forbid/to block (P) ","封印[ふういん] (n) (1) seal (vs) (2) to seal (e.g. a letter)/to affix a seal/to seal up ","封ずる[ふうずる<br>ほうずる] (vz, vt) (1) to seal (letter) (2) to prevent/to forbid/to block ","封入[ふうにゅう] (n, vs) enclose (in letter) ","移封[いほう] (n, vs) forced relocation of a daimyo to a different domain by the Edo shogunate ","完封[かんぷう] (n, vs) complete blockade (seal)/baseball shutout (P) ","冊封[さくほう<br>さっぽう] (n) bestowing peerage by imperial edict (in ancient China)/document bestowing peerage ","封切る[ふうきる<br>ふうぎる] (v5r) to release (e.g. a film) "],"沈":["沈める[しずめる]to sink; to submerge  N1","沈殿[ちんでん]precipitation; settlement  N1","沈没[ちんぼつ]sinking; foundering  N1","沈黙[ちんもく]silence; reticence  N1","沈む[しずむ]to sink,  to feel depressed  N3","沈滞[ちんたい]Stagnation,  inactivity ","撃沈[げきちん] (n) (1) sending a ship to the bottom/sinking (a ship) (vs) (2) to sink a ship (P) ","沈静[ちんせい] (adj-na, n) stillness/tranquility/tranquillity/dullness (P) ","沈下[ちんか] (n, vs) sinking/subsidence (P) "],"粒":["粒[つぶ<br>つび<br>つぼ]grain  N2","粒子[りゅうし]Particle,  grain, atomic particle ","素粒子[そりゅうし]Elementary Particle,  particle ","顆粒[かりゅう] (n, adj-no) granule "],"叫":["叫び[さけび]shout; scream;outcry  N1","叫ぶ[さけぶ]to shout,  to cry  N3","絶叫[ぜっきょう]Exclamation,  scream, shout ","叫び声[さけびごえ]Shout,  yell, scream "],"匹":["匹[ひき<br>き]head; small animal counter;roll of cloth  N1","匹敵[ひってき]comparing with; match;rival;equal  N1","四匹[よんひき]Four Small Animals ","一匹[いっぴき]One Small Animal "],"辛":["辛うじて[かろうじて]barely; narrowly;just manage to do st  N1","香辛料[こうしんりょう]spices  N1","辛抱[しんぼう]patience; endurance  N1","塩辛い[しおからい]salty (taste)  N2","辛い[からい<br>からい,  つらい<br>つらい<br>ずらい<br>づらい]hot and spicy;  salty  N3","辛子[からし]Mustard ","辛勝[しんしょう]Narrow Victory ","辛口[からくち]spiciness ","唐辛子[とうがらし<br>とんがらし]red pepper ","辛[かのと<br>しん] (n) 8th in rank/eighth sign of the Chinese calendar "],"涙":["涙[なみだ<br>なだ<br>なんだ]tear  N3","感涙[かんるい]Tears Of Gratitude "],"缶":["缶詰[かんづめ]packing (in cans), canning,canned goods,tin can  N2","薬缶[やかん]kettle  N2","缶[かん<br>かま<br>ほとぎ]can,  tin  N3","缶ビール[かんびーる,  かんビール]Can Beer, canned beer ","缶コーヒー[かんこーひー,  かんコーヒー]Canned Coffee, can coffee ","空き缶[あきかん]Empty Can ","缶詰め[かんづめ] (n, adj-no) (1) canned food/tinned food (n) (2) confining someone (e.g. so they can concentrate on work) (3) being stuck in a confined space (P) "],"塔":["塔[とう]tower,  pagoda  N3","管制塔[かんせいとう]Control Tower ","エッフェル塔[えっふぇるとう,  エッフェルとう]Eiffel Tower ","バベルの塔[ばべるのとう,  バベルのとう]Tower Of Babel ","砲塔[ほうとう] (n) gun turret ","司令塔[しれいとう] (n) (1) control tower/conning tower (2) leader/commander/person calling the shots (3) (sports) playmaker/game maker ","鉄塔[てっとう] (n) (1) steel tower (2) electricity pylon/transmission tower "],"舟":["舟[ふね]ship  N4","小舟[こぶね]Boat,  small craft ","呉越同舟[ごえつどうしゅう]bitter enemies in the same boat,  classic rivals, traditional rivals "],"曇":["曇[くもり]cloudiness,  cloudy weather, shadow  N3","曇り[くもり]cloudy weather  N5","曇る[くもる<br>くぐもる]to become cloudy, to become dim  N5"],"湿":["湿気る[しける]to be damp; to be moist  N1","湿気[しっけ<br>しっき]moisture, humidity,dampness  N2","湿度[しつど]level of humidity  N2","湿る[しめる<br>しとる]to be wet, to become wet,to be damp  N2","加湿器[かしつき]Humidifier ","湿地[しっち<br>しめじ]Wetlands ","多湿[たしつ]high humidity ","湿っぽい[しめっぽい]damp ","湿原[しつげん] (n) marshy grassland/wetlands (P) ","湿潤[しつじゅん] (adj-na, n) damp/moist/humid "],"磨":["歯磨[はみがき]dentifrice; toothpaste  N1","歯磨き[はみがき]dentifrice, toothpaste  N2","磨く[みがく]to brush teeth,  to polish  N5","磨き[みがき]Polish,  shine ","達磨[だるま] (n) (1) (uk) daruma/tumbling doll/round,  red-painted good-luck doll in the shape of Bodhidharma, with a blank eye to be completed when a person's wish is granted (2) (uk) Bodhidharma (3) prostitute (P) ","研磨[けんま] (n, vs) (1) grinding/polishing (2) refining (skill, knowledge, etc.)/striving to master something (P) "],"肌":["肌着[はだぎ]underwear  N2","肌[はだ<br>はだえ]skin  N3","肌色[はだいろ]Flesh Colored,  skin colored ","鳥肌[とりはだ]Goosebumps ","肌触り[はだざわり]The Touch Of,  feel of, texture "],"硬":["強硬[きょうこう]firm; vigorous;unbending;unyielding;strong;stubborn  N1","硬い[かたい]solid,  hard (esp. metal,  stone), unpolished writing  N3","硬貨[こうか]coin  N3","堅/硬/固い[けん/かたし/かたい]hard  N4","硬直[こうちょく]Rigidity,  stiffening, stiffness ","硬さ[かたさ]hardness ","硬化[こうか]hardness ","硬式[こうしき] (n, adj-no) hard (esp. of hardball, tennis, etc.) (P) ","硬度[こうど] (n) hardness/solidity (P) "],"涼":["涼む[すずむ]to cool oneself, to cool off,to enjoy evening cool  N2","涼しい[すずしい]refreshing  N5","涼風[りょうふう]Cool Breeze,  refreshing breeze ","清涼[せいりょう]Cool,  refreshing ","涼[りょう] (n) cool breeze/cool air/refreshing coolness "],"綿":["木綿[きわた<br>もめん<br>ゆう]cotton  N1","綿[わた<br>わた,  めん<br>めん]cotton, padding  N3","綿布[めんぷ]Cotton Cloth,  cotton material ","石綿[いしわた<br>せきめん] (n, adj-no) asbestos ","綿花[めんか] (n) raw cotton/cotton wool ","綿密[めんみつ] (adj-na, n) minute/detailed/careful/scrupulous/thorough (P) "],"鈍":["鈍感[どんかん]thickheadedness; stolidity  N1","鈍る[にぶる<br>なまる]to become less capable; to grow dull;to become blunt;to weaken  N1","鈍い[にぶい<br>にぶい,  のろい<br>おそい<br>のろい]dull (e.g. a knife),thickheaded,slow (opposite of fast),stupid  N2","鈍器[どんき]Blunt Weapon ","鈍間[のろま]dull fellow ","鈍[どん<br>なまくら<br>のろ] (adj-na, n) dull/slow/stupid/dull-brained "],"零":["零す[こぼす]to spill  N1","零れる[こぼれる]to overflow; to spill  N1","零点[れいてん]zero, no marks  N2","零[れい<br>ゼロ]zero  N5","零下[れいか]Below Zero,  sub zero ","零時[れいじ]Midnight,  twelve o'clock ","零細[れいさい] (adj-na) insignificant/trifling/paltry/cottage (industry)/tiny (company) (P) "],"滴":["水滴[すいてき]drop of water  N2","滴[しずく<br>たらし<br>てき]drop ","点滴[てんてき] (n, vs) (1) raindrops/falling drop of water (2) (med) intravenous drip/IV/drip-feed (P) "],"帽":["帽子[ぼうし]hat  N5","帽[ぼう] (n-suf, n) hat/cap ","烏帽子[えぼし] (n) black-lacquered headgear (made of silk,  cloth or paper) originally worn by court nobles in ancient Japan, and afterwards spreading to the common people "],"憎":["愛憎[あいぞう]likes and dislikes  N1","憎しみ[にくしみ]hatred  N1","憎い[にくい]hateful, abominable,poor-looking,detestable  N2","憎む[にくむ]to hate, to detest  N2","憎らしい[にくらしい]odious, hateful  N2","憎悪[ぞうお]abhorrence "],"畳":["畳[たたみ<br>じょう<br>たとう]#NAME?  N1","畳む[たたむ]to fold (clothes)  N2","折り畳み[おりたたみ]collapsible ","折り畳む[おりたたむ] (v5m, vt) to fold up/to fold into layers "],"咲":["咲く[さく]to bloom  N5","返り咲き[かえりざき]Comeback,  second bloom ","遅咲き[おそざき]Late Flower,  late blooming ","返り咲く[かえりざく] (v5k, vi) to come back/to bloom a second time ","咲かせる[さかせる] (v1, vt) to make bloom "],"賢":["賢明[けんめい]wisdom; intelligence;prudence  N1","賢い[かしこい]wise,  clever, smart  N3","賢人[けんじん]Wise Man ","ずる賢い[ずるがしこい]sly ","悪賢い[わるがしこい]cunning ","賢[かしこ<br>けん] (exp) (uk) (fem) yours sincerely/respectfully yours ","賢者の石[けんじゃのいし] (exp, n) philosopher's stone ","賢者[けんしゃ<br>けんじゃ] (n) wise man/wise woman/sage "],"踊":["踊り[おどり]a dance  N4","踊る[おどる]to dance  N4","盆踊り[ぼんおどり]Bon Festival Dance,  bon odori, lantern festival dance ","踊り場[おどりば]Dance Hall,  dance floor ","舞踊[ぶよう] (n) dancing/dance (P) "],"灯":["灯[あかり<br>あかし<br>とう<br>とぼし<br>ともし<br>ともしび<br>ひ]light  N1","蛍光灯[けいこうとう]fluorescent lamp, person who is slow to react  N2","灯台[とうだい]lighthouse  N2","灯油[とうゆ]lamp oil, kerosene  N2","電灯[でんとう]electric light  N4","灯り[あかり]Lamp,  light, torch ","街灯[がいとう]Streetlight,  street lamp ","消灯[しょうとう]lights out ","灯す[ともす]burn ","点灯[てんとう] (n, vs) lighting (a lamp)/turning on a light ","前照灯[ぜんしょうとう] (n) headlights ","提灯[ちょうちん<br>ていとう] (n) paper lantern/Chinese lantern/Japanese lantern "],"畜":["家畜[かちく]domestic animals; livestock;cattle  N1","畜産[ちくさん]animal husbandry  N1","畜生[ちくしょう]beast; brute;damn  N1","牧畜[ぼくちく]stock-farming  N2"],"溶":["溶液[ようえき]solution (liquid)  N1","溶かす[とかす]to melt, to dissolve  N2","溶く[とく]to dissolve (paint)  N2","溶け込む[とけこむ]to melt into  N2","溶ける[とける]to melt, to thaw,to fuse,to dissolve  N2","溶岩[ようがん]lava  N2","水溶性[すいようせい]Water Soluble ","溶解[ようかい] (n, vs) (1) dissolution/dissolving/solution (e.g. chemical) (2) melting/liquefying/fusion (P) ","溶媒[ようばい] (n, adj-no) solvent ","溶接[ようせつ] (n, vs) weld/welding (P) ","溶融[ようゆう] (adj-na, n) melting/fusion "],"塗":["塗る[ぬる]to paint, to plaster  N4","塗布[とふ]Application,  coating ","塗装[とそう]Coating,  painting ","塗料[とりょう]Paints,  painting material ","塗り[ぬり] (n) coating (esp. lacquering) "],"肯":["肯定[こうてい]positive, affirmation  N2","肯く[うなずく,  うなづく]to nod, to bow one's head "],"挟":["挟まる[はさまる]to get between, to be caught in  N2","挟む[はさむ<br>さしはさむ]to interpose, to hold between,to insert  N2"],"沸":["沸騰[ふっとう]boiling; seething  N1","沸かす[わかす]to boil, to heat  N4","沸く[わく]to boil,  to grow hot,to get excited  N4","沸点[ふってん]boiling point "],"瓶":["瓶[びん<br>かめ]earthenware pot  N1","瓶詰[びんづめ]bottling, bottled  N2","花瓶[かびん]a vase  N5","空き瓶[あきびん,  からびん]empty bottle ","火炎瓶[かえんびん]molotov cocktail ","瓶詰め[びんづめ]bottling ","哺乳瓶[ほにゅうびん]baby bottle "],"召":["召す[めす]to call; to send for;to put on;to wear;to take (a bath);to ride in;to buy;to eat;to drink;to catch (a  N1","召し上がる[めしあがる](polite) to eat  N4","召喚[しょうかん]summon,  summons ","召集[しょうしゅう] (n, vs) convening/calling together (e.g. parliament)/call-up (for military service) (P) ","召還[しょうかん] (n, vs) recall (esp. of an envoy or an ambassador)/calling someone back/summons (home) "],"隅":["隅[すみ<br>すま]corner, nook  N4","隅々[すみずみ]nooks,  corners ","片隅[かたすみ]corner,  nook ","四隅[よすみ]four corners "],"燥":["乾燥[かんそう]dry, arid,insipid,dehydrated  N2","焦燥[しょうそう]impatience,  uneasy, irritation ","燥ぐ[燥[?] ぐ]frolic "],"脂":["脂肪[しぼう]fat; grease;blubber  N1","脂[あぶら<br>やに]fat, tallow,lard  N2","樹脂[じゅし]resin ","脂身[あぶらみ]fat meat,  fatty meat ","脂質[ししつ] (n) lipid/fats/adipose ","油脂[ゆし] (n) fat/fats and oils (P) "],"軒":["軒並み[のきなみ]row of houses  N1","軒[のき<br>けん]eaves  N3","〜軒[けん]house counter,  counter for houses, building counter, counter for buildings ","軒並[のきなみ]across the board,  row of houses, altogether "],"耕":["耕作[こうさく]cultivation; farming  N1","農耕[のうこう]farming; agriculture  N1","耕地[こうち]arable land  N2","耕す[たがやす]to till, to plow,to cultivate  N2"],"隻":["〜隻[せき]ship counter,  counter for ships ","隻[せき] (ctr) (1) counter for ships (large boats) (2) counter for half of a pair (e.g. half of a folding screen) (3) counter for fish,  birds, arrows, etc. "],"膚":["皮膚[ひふ]skin  N2","皮膚科[ひふか]dermatology ","皮膚病[ひふびょう]skin disease "],"軟":["柔軟[じゅうなん]flexible; lithe  N1","軟らかい[やわらかい]soft, tender,limp  N2","軟禁[なんきん]house arrest ","軟化[なんか]softening ","柔軟性[じゅうなんせい] (n) flexibility/pliability/softness/elasticity ","軟式[なんしき] (n, adj-no) soft (esp. of softball, tennis, etc.) (P) ","軟骨[なんこつ] (n) (1) cartilage (2) nankotsu (dish of) gristle (usu. of chicken,  deep-fried) (P) "],"郊":["近郊[きんこう]suburbs; outskirts  N1","郊外[こうがい]outskirts  N4"],"濯":["濯ぐ[すすぐ]to rinse; to wash out  N1","洗濯[せんたく]washing  N5","洗濯する[せんたくする]to wash,  to do laundry ","洗濯粉[せんたくこ]detergent ","洗濯機[せんたくき,  せんたっき<br>せんたくき]washing machine, laundry machine ","洗濯屋[せんたくや]dry cleaners,  laundromat ","洗濯物[せんたくもの] (n) laundry/the washing (P) "],"枯":["枯れる[かれる]to wither, to die (plant),to be blasted (plant)  N2","枯渇[こかつ]drying up,  dry up, running dry ","木枯らし[こがらし]cold wintry wind ","枯れ木[かれき]dead tree ","枯れ葉[かれは]dead leaf ","枯らす[からす]to let dry,  to kill, to season "],"又":["又は[または]or, otherwise  N2","又[また]again,  and  N3"],"刀":["剃刀[かみそり]razor  N2","刀[かたな<br>とう]sword,  saber, knife, engraving tool  N3","短刀[たんとう]Short Sword,  dagger, tanto ","太刀[たち] (n) long sword (P) ","抜刀[ばっとう] (n, vs) drawing a sword/drawn sword ","秋刀魚[さんま] (gikun) (n) (uk) Pacific saury (Cololabis saira)/mackerel pike ","竹刀[しない] (n) (MA) bamboo sword (for kendo)/bamboo fencing stick (P) ","刀剣[とうけん] (n) sword/dagger/knife/bayonet (P) "],"丁":["丁目[ちょうめ]district of a town; city block (of irregular size)  N1","丁々[ちょうちょう]clashing of swords; felling of trees;ringing of an ax  N1","庖丁[ほうちょう]kitchen knife, carving knife  N2","丁寧[ていねい]polite  N4","丁度[ちょうど]Exactly,  just ","丁度いい[ちょうどいい]Just Right,  exactly right ","包丁[ほうちょう]Kitchen Knife,  cutlery, carving knife ","丁[ちょう<br>てい<br>ひのと] (ctr) (1) sheet/page/leaf (2) block of tofu/servings in a restaurant (3) long and narrow things such as guns,  scissors, spades, hoes, inksticks, palanquins, candles, jinrikishas, shamisen, oars, etc. (n) (4) even number (5) 109.09 m ","横丁[よこちょう] (n) bystreet/side street/back street/alley/lane "],"矢":["矢[や<br>さ]arrow  N1","矢鱈に[やたらに]randomly; recklessly;blindly  N1","矢っ張り[やっぱり]also; as I thought;still;in spite of;absolutely  N1","矢印[やじるし]directing arrow  N2","弓矢[ゆみや]Bow And Arrow ","矢倉[やぐら] (n) (1) turret/watchtower (2) high wooden stage/scaffolding (3) wooden frame (of a kotatsu) (4) (arch) weapons storehouse ","矢作[やはぎ] (n) (1) fletcher/arrow maker (2) fletching/arrow-making ","無理矢理[むりやり] (ateji) (adv, n) forcibly/against one's will (P) ","矢先[やさき] (n) (1) arrowhead (2) target of a flying arrow/brunt (of an attack) (3) the very moment (when)/the point (of doing) (P) ","嚆矢[こうし] (n) (1) whistling arrow used to signal the start of battle (2) start (e.g. of a movement)/beginning/dawn "],"羊":["羊毛[ようもう]wool  N2","羊[ひつじ]Sheep ","山羊[やぎ] (n, adj-no) (uk) goat ","羊歯[しだ] (n) (uk) fern (esp. species Gleichenia japonica)/fernery "],"氏":["氏[し<br>うじ]family name  N1","氏名[しめい<br>うじな]full name, identity  N2","源氏[げんじ]Genji ","彼氏[かれし]Boyfriend ","源氏物語[げんじものがたり]Tale Of Genji,  the tale of genji ","摂氏[せっし]centigrade,  celsius ","氏族[しぞく] (n, adj-no) clan/family (P) ","平氏[へいし] (n) the Tairas ","同氏[どうし] (n) the said person/he/she/same person (P) ","氏子[うじこ] (n) (Shinto) shrine parishioner "],"仮":["仮[かり<br>け]tentative; provisional  N1","仮令[たとえ]example; even if;if;though;although  N1","送り仮名[おくりがな]part of word written in kana  N2","片仮名[かたかな]katakana  N2","仮定[かてい]assumption, supposition,hypothesis  N2","仮名[かな<br>かめい<br>かりな<br>けみょう](n) alias, pseudonym,pen name  N2","仮名遣い[かなづかい]kana orthography, syllabary spelling  N2","平仮名[ひらがな]hiragana, 47 syllables,the cursive syllabary  N2","振り仮名[ふりがな], pronunciation key  N2","仮に[かりに]Temporarily,  suppose ","仮面[かめん]Mask ","仮説[かせつ]Hypothesis ","仮称[かしょう]Working Name,  tentative name ","仮想[かそう] (n, vs,adj-no) imagination/supposition/virtual/potential (enemy) (P) ","仮釈放[かりしゃくほう] (n, vs) releasing on parole/conditional release ","仮設[かせつ] (n, adj-no) (1) temporary/provisional (vs) (2) to do something temporarily (esp. build temporary facilities)/to do something provisionally (P) ","仮装[かそう] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) costume/fancy dress/masquerade/disguise (2) converted (cruiser) (P) ","仮処分[かりしょぶん] (n) (law) provisional disposition/temporary injunction (P) "],"功":["功績[こうせき]achievements, merit,meritorious service,meritorious deed  N2","成功[せいこう]success,  hit  N3","大成功[だいせいこう] (n) huge success (P) ","功[いさお<br>いたわり<br>こう] (n) distinguished service/meritorious service ","功労[こうろう] (n) meritorious deed/services (P) "],"級":["階級[かいきゅう]class; rank;grade  N1","等級[とうきゅう]grade; class  N1","同級[どうきゅう]the same grade; same class  N1","学級[がっきゅう]grade in school  N2","高級[こうきゅう]high class, high grade  N2","上級[じょうきゅう]advanced level, high grade,senior  N2","初級[しょきゅう]elementary level  N2","級[きゅう]class,   grade,  rank, school class,  grade  N3","中級[ちゅうきゅう]Intermediate Level,  intermediate rank, intermediate grade ","同級生[どうきゅうせい]classmate ","進級[しんきゅう] (n, vs) promotion (school, military, etc.) (P) ","下級[かきゅう] (n, adj-no) lower grade/low class/junior (officer) (P) ","一級[いっきゅう] (adj-na, n) one grade/first-class/primary (P) ","弩級[どきゅう] (n) dreadnought class (of warship) ","昇級[しょうきゅう] (n, vs) promotion/advancement (P) "],"暑":["蒸し暑い[むしあつい]humid, sultry  N2","暑い[あつい]hot  N5","暑さ[あつさ]heat ","残暑[ざんしょ]lingering summer heat ","暑中見舞い[しょちゅうみまい]summer greeting ","避暑[ひしょ]summering ","酷暑[こくしょ]intense heat "],"第":["第[だい]ordinal  N1","第一[だい<br>だいいち]first; foremost;# 1  N1","落第[らくだい]failure, dropping out of a class  N2","次第[しだい](1) order,  precedence, (2) circumstances, (3) immediate(ly)  N3","第二章[だいにしょう]Chapter Two,  second chapter ","第一位[だいいちい]First Place,  first rank ","次第に[しだいに]gradually ","第一印象[だいいちいんしょう]First Impression ","第一段[だいいちだん]The First Step,  first step ","及第[きゅうだい]Passing An Exam,  make the grade, passing the exam ","第三者[だいさんしゃ] (n) third party/third person/outsider/disinterested person (P) ","第一歩[だいいっぽ] (n) first step (P) ","第一線[だいいっせん] (n) the front (of a battlefield)/forefront (P) ","第一人者[だいいちにんしゃ] (n) leading person/foremost figure (P) ","第三紀[だいさんき] (n) the Tertiary period "],"謝":["月謝[げっしゃ]monthly tuition fee  N1","謝絶[しゃぜつ]refusal  N1","感謝[かんしゃ]thanks,  gratitude  N3","謝る[あやまる]to apologize  N4","謝罪[しゃざい]apology ","慰謝[いしゃ]Consolation ","新陳代謝[しんちんたいしゃ]metabolism ","感謝祭[かんしゃさい] (n) Thanksgiving (US,  Canada) ","代謝[たいしゃ] (n) (1) metabolism (n, vs) (2) renewal/regeneration/replacing the old with the new (P) "],"整":["整然[せいぜん]orderly; regular;well-organized;trim;accurate  N1","整列[せいれつ]stand in a row; form a line  N1","整える[ととのえる]to put in order; to get ready;to arrange;to adjust  N1","整数[せいすう]integer  N2","整備[せいび]adjustment, completion,consolidation  N2","調整[ちょうせい]regulation, adjustment,tuning  N2","整う[ととのう]to be prepared, to be in order,to be put in order,to be arranged  N2","整理[せいり]sorting,  arrangement, adjustment, regulation  N3","整理する[せいりする]To Arrange,  to organize, to sort ","均整[きんせい]Symmetry,  balance ","整頓[せいとん]arrangement ","整合[せいごう] (n, vs,adj-no) adjustment/coordination/integration/conformity (P) ","整形[せいけい] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) orthopedics/plastic surgery/cosmetic surgery (2) smoothing (bursty traffic, etc.)/shaping/fairing ","整体[せいたい] (n, adj-no) seitai/manipulative therapy based on Chinese and Japanese traditions, and encompassing osteopathy, massage and chiropractic ","整流[せいりゅう] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) rectification (2) commutation ","整地[せいち] (n, vs) (1) levelling of ground (for construction) (2) preparation of soil (for planting) "],"器":["器[うつわ<br>き]bowl; vessel;container  N1","器官[きかん]organ (of body); instrument  N1","計器[けいき]meter; gauge  N1","磁器[じき]porcelain; china  N1","聴診器[ちょうしんき]stethoscope  N1","陶器[とうき<br>すえき]pottery; ceramics  N1","兵器[へいき]arms; weapons;ordinance  N1","宝器[ほうき]treasured article or vessel; outstanding individual  N1","楽器[がっき]musical instrument  N2","器械[きかい]instrument  N2","器具[きぐ]utensil  N2","受話器[じゅわき](telephone) receiver  N2","食器[しょっき]tableware  N2","容器[ようき]container, vessel  N2","器用[きよう]skillful,  handy  N3","武器[ぶき]weapon,  arms, ordinance  N3","不器用[ぶきよう]clumsy ","消火器[しょうかき]fire extinguisher ","洗面器[せんめんき]washbowl ","電子機器[でんしきき]Electronic Equipment,  electronics ","核兵器[かくへいき]Nuclear Weapons ","凶器[きょうき]Dangerous Weapon,  lethal weapon ","加湿器[かしつき]Humidifier ","鈍器[どんき]Blunt Weapon ","循環器[じゅんかんき]circulatory organ ","弦楽器[げんがっき]stringed instrument ","漆器[しっき]lacquerware,  lacquer ware ","泌尿器[ひにょうき]urinary organs ","器機[きき] (n) device/equipment/machinery/apparatus ","機器[きき] (n) device/equipment/machinery/apparatus (P) ","土器[かわらけ<br>どき] (n) (1) earthenware (2) unglazed (bisque-fired) earthenware ","石器[せっき] (n) stone implement (e.g. stone age arrowheads)/stone tool (P) ","火器[かき] (n) firearms/guns (P) ","臓器[ぞうき] (n, adj-no) internal organs/viscera/intestines (P) ","電器[でんき] (n) electric (goods) (P) ","銃器[じゅうき] (n) small arms (P) ","盗聴器[とうちょうき] (n) listening device/bug/wiretap ","打楽器[だがっき] (n) percussion instrument (P) ","器楽[きがく] (n) instrumental music (P) ","陶磁器[とうじき] (n) porcelain/china/chinaware/ceramics/pottery (P) ","便器[べんき] (n) bedpan/chamber pot/urinal/toilet bowl ","性器[せいき] (n, adj-no) genitals ","変圧器[へんあつき] (n) (power) transformer ","管楽器[かんがっき] (n) wind instrument ","鉄器[てっき] (n) ironware "],"養":["扶養[ふよう]support; maintenance  N1","保養[ほよう]health preservation; recuperation;recreation  N1","養う[やしなう]to rear; to maintain;to cultivate  N1","養護[ようご]protection; nursing;protective care  N1","養成[ようせい]training; development  N1","休養[きゅうよう]rest, break,recreation  N2","教養[きょうよう]culture, education,refinement,cultivation  N2","養分[ようぶん]nourishment, nutrient  N2","栄養[えいよう]nutrition,  nourishment  N3","養子[ようし]Adopted Child,  son in law ","療養[りょうよう]recuperation ","養殖[ようしょく]cultivation ","滋養[じよう]Nourishment ","培養[ばいよう]Cultivation,  nurture ","養鶏[ようけい]chicken farming,  poultry farming ","養父[ようふ] (n) foster father/adoptive father (P) ","養女[ようじょ] (n) adopted daughter/foster daughter ","供養[くよう] (n, vs) memorial service for the dead/holding a service (P) ","養老[ようろう] (n) (1) making provision for the elderly (2) Yoro era (717.11.17-724.2.4) (P) ","養嗣子[ようしし] (n) adoptive heir ","養育[よういく] (n, vs) bringing up/rearing/upbringing (P) ","養蚕[ようさん] (n, adj-no) sericulture/silkworm culture/silkworm raising (P) "],"鏡":["眼鏡[めがね<br>がんきょう]spectacles; glasses  N1","顕微鏡[けんびきょう]microscope  N2","望遠鏡[ぼうえんきょう]telescope  N2","鏡[かがみ]mirror  N4","双眼鏡[そうがんきょう]Binoculars "],"詩":["詩[し<br>うた]poem,  verse of poetry  N3","詩人[しじん]poet  N3","詩歌[しか,  しいか]Poetry ","叙事詩[じょじし]epic poem,  descriptive poetry ","詩集[ししゅう] (n) poetry anthology/collection of poems/collected poems (P) ","漢詩[からうた<br>かんし] (n) Chinese poetry ","詩作[しさく] (n, vs) composition of a poem "],"士":["学士[がくし]university graduate  N1","修士[しゅうし]Masters degree program  N1","紳士[しんし]gentleman  N1","同士[どうし<br>どし]fellow; companion;comrade  N1","兵士[へいし]soldier  N1","武士[ぶし<br>もののふ]warrior, samurai  N2","博士[はかせ<br>はくし]doctorate,  PhD  N3","力士[りきし<br>りきじ]Sumo Wrestler ","運転士[うんてん し]driver ","代議士[だいぎし]member of the Diet ","弁護士[べんごし]Attorney,  lawyer ","富士山[ふじさん<br>ふじやま]Mt Fuji,  mount fuji ","棋士[きし]Shogi Player,  go player ","騎士[きし]Knight ","紳士協定[しんしきょうてい]gentlemen's agreement ","士[さむらい<br>し] (n) warrior (esp. of military retainers of daimyos in the Edo period)/samurai ","戦士[せんし] (n) soldier/combatant/warrior (P) ","士官[しかん] (n) (mil) officer (P) ","魔導士[まどうし] (n) sorcerer/wizard/mage ","藩士[はんし] (n) feudal retainer or warrior ","士道[しどう] (n) chivalry/samurai code ","闘士[とうし] (n) fighter (for)/militant/champion (of)/boxer (P) ","消防士[しょうぼうし] (n) firefighter/fireman ","税理士[ぜいりし] (n) tax counsellor/tax counselor/licensed tax accountant (P) ","騎士団[きしだん] (n) order of chivalry/chivalric order ","宇宙飛行士[うちゅうひこうし] (n) astronaut (P) ","隊士[たいし] (n) regimental soldier ","会計士[かいけいし] (n) accountant (P) ","操縦士[そうじゅうし] (n) pilot ","士気[しき] (n) morale (of troops,  team, etc.)/esprit de corps (P) ","恋人同士[こいびとどうし] (n) pair of lovers/girlfriend and boyfriend ","居士[こじ] (n) (1) (Buddh) grhapati (layman;  sometimes used as a posthumous suffix) (2) private-sector scholar ","士族[しぞく] (n) family or person with samurai ancestors ","剣士[けんし] (n) swordsman/swordswoman/fencer (P) ","浪士[ろうし] (n) ronin/lordless samurai ","志士[しし] (n) (1) imperial loyalist samurai of the Bakumatsu-era (2) patriots/idealists willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of the nation ","名士[めいし] (n) celebrity/personage ","勇士[ゆうし] (n) brave warrior/hero/brave man (P) "],"標":["座標[ざひょう]coordinate(s)  N1","標語[ひょうご]motto; slogan;catchword  N1","標識[ひょうしき]sign, mark  N2","標準[ひょうじゅん]standard, level  N2","標本[ひょうほん]example, specimen  N2","目標[もくひょう<br>めじるし]mark,  objective, target  N3","商標[しょうひょう] (n) trademark (P) ","指標[しひょう] (n) index/indices/indicator (P) ","標的[ひょうてき] (n) target (P) ","標高[ひょうこう] (n) elevation/height above sea level (P) ","標[しめ<br>しるし<br>しるべ] (n) (1) (Shinto) (abbr) rope used to cordon off consecrated areas or as a talisman against evil (2) (arch) cordoning off/cordoning-off sign ","標榜[ひょうぼう] (n, vs) standing for/advocating/championing/professing (to be) "],"雰":["雰囲気[ふんいき<br>ふいんき]atmosphere (e.g. musical),  mood, ambience  N3"],"基":["基金[ききん]fund; foundation  N1","基[もと<br>き<br>もとい]basis  N1","基準[きじゅん]standard, basis,criteria,norm  N2","基礎[きそ]foundation, basis  N2","基地[きち]base  N2","基盤[きばん]foundation, basis  N2","基本[きほん]foundation,  basis, standard  N3","基づく[もとづく]to be grounded on,  to be based on, to be due to, to originate from  N3","基本的[きほんてき]Fundamentals,  basics, fundamental, standard, basic ","塩基[えんき] (n) (chem) base (P) ","基調[きちょう] (n) (1) basic tone/underlying tone/basic theme/basis/keynote (2) trend (3) (music) keynote (P) ","基板[きばん] (n) (comp) substrate (computer) circuit board ","基底[きてい] (n, adj-no) (1) base/ground (n) (2) (math) basis ","基幹[きかん] (n) mainstay/nucleus/key (P) ","基く[もとづく] (io) (v5k, vi) to be grounded on/to be based on/to be due to/to originate from ","開基[かいき] (n, vs) (1) foundation of a temple/laying a foundation (stone) (2) (math) open base ","基点[きてん] (n, adj-no) datum point/cardinal point/reference point/origin ","基数[きすう] (n) (1) cardinal number (2) (math) base/radix "],"妥":["妥協[だきょう]compromise; giving in  N1","妥結[だけつ]agreement  N1","妥当[だとう]valid, proper,right,appropriate  N2","妥協する[だきょうする]To Compromise "],"松":["松[まつ](1) pine tree,  (2) highest (of a three-tier ranking system)  N3","松葉[まつば]Pine Needle ","浜松[はままつ] (n) Hamamatsu (city) (P) ","若松[わかまつ] (n) young pine/New Year's symbolic pine decoration (P) ","小松[こまつ] (n) small pine/young pine ","松原[まつばら] (n) pine grove (P) ","赤松[あかまつ] (n) Japanese red pine (Pinus densiflora)/Japanese umbrella pine/tanyosho pine (P) ","松川[まつかわ] (n) (uk) barfin flounder (Verasper moseri) "],"頑":["頑固[がんこ]stubbornness; obstinacy  N1","頑丈[がんじょう]solid; firm;stout;burly;strong;sturdy  N1","頑張る[がんばる]work hard ","頑張れ[がんばれ]Do Your Best,  good luck ","頑強[がんきょう] (adj-na) (1) stubborn/dogged/persistent/tenacious (2) tough/sturdy/hardy/strong (P) "],"紀":["世紀[せいき]century,  era  N3","紀元後[きげんご]After Death,  ad, anno domini, ce, common era ","紀元[きげん]era ","紀元前[きげんぜん]Before Christ,  bc, bce, before common era ","紀[き] (n) (1) (geol) (abbr) period (2) (abbr) Nihon-shoki ","紀行[きこう] (n) traveller's journal/traveler's journal/travelogue (P) ","白亜紀[はくあき] (n) Cretaceous Period ","第三紀[だいさんき] (n) the Tertiary period "],"泣":["泣く[なく]to weep  N4","泣き声[なきごえ]tearful voice ","泣き顔[なきがお]crying face ","泣き虫[なきむし]Crybaby ","すすり泣き[すすりなき] (n, vs) sobbing/sob/weeping ","泣かせる[なかせる] (v1, vt) (1) to make someone cry/to move someone to tears (2) to let cry (3) to grieve ","泣ける[なける] (v1, vi) to shed tears/to be moved to tears ","泣き[なき] (n) weeping/lamenting (P) ","号泣[ごうきゅう] (n, vs) crying aloud/lamentation/wailing (P) "],"司":["司法[しほう]administration of justice  N1","上司[じょうし]superior authorities; boss  N1","司る[つかさどる]to rule; to govern;to administer  N1","司会[しかい]chairmanship  N2","寿司[すし]Sushi ","握り寿司[にぎり すし]nigirizushi ","司令官[しれいかん] (n) commandant/commanding officer/general (P) ","司[し<br>つかさ] (n) (arch) office (government department beneath a bureau under the ritsuryo system) ","司令[しれい] (n, vs) command/control/commander (P) ","司会者[しかいしゃ] (n) chairman/moderator/toastmaster/master of ceremonies/chairperson/host (of a TV show,  etc.) (P) ","司令部[しれいぶ] (n) headquarters (P) ","司教[しきょう] (n) (1) bishop (Catholic)/prelate (adj-no) (2) episcopal/potifical ","司祭[しさい] (n, adj-no) priest/minister/pastor ","司どる[つかさどる] (io) (v5r, vt) to rule/to govern/to administer ","公司[こうし<br>コンス] (n) company/firm (in China) (P) ","宮司[ぐうじ] (n) (Shinto) chief priest ","司馬[しば] (n) Minister of War (Zhou-dynasty China) ","司令塔[しれいとう] (n) (1) control tower/conning tower (2) leader/commander/person calling the shots (3) (sports) playmaker/game maker ","行司[ぎょうじ] (n) (sumo) referee (in sumo) (P) ","郡司[ぐんじ<br>こおりのつかさ] (n) district governor (Ritsuryo period) ","司書[ししょ] (n) librarian (P) "],"冒":["冒頭[ぼうとう]beginning; start;outset  N1","冒険[ぼうけん]risk,  venture, adventure  N3","冒す[おかす]inflict ","冒険者[ぼうけんしゃ] (n) adventurer "],"弁":["勘弁[かんべん]pardon; forgiveness;forbearance  N1","代弁[だいべん]pay by proxy; act for another;speak for another  N1","弁解[べんかい]explanation; justification;defence;excuse  N1","弁護[べんご]defense; pleading;advocacy  N1","弁償[べんしょう]next word; compensation;reparation;indemnity;reimbursement  N1","弁論[べんろん]discussion; debate;argument  N1","弁当[べんとう]box lunch  N3","お弁当[おべんとう]boxed lunch  N5","〜弁[べん]Dialect ","東京弁[とうきょうべん]Tokyo Dialect ","弁える[わきまえる]distinguish ","弁明[べんめい]explanation ","答弁[とうべん]defense of oneself ","花弁[はなびら<br>かべん]petal ","駅弁[えきべん]station lunch ","関西弁[かんさいべん]Kansai Dialect ","大阪弁[おおさかべん]Osaka Dialect ","弁済[べんさい]payment ","弁護士[べんごし]Attorney,  lawyer ","弁慶[べんけい]strong person ","弁[べん] (n) (1) speech/tongue/talk/eloquence (n-suf) (2) dialect/brogue/accent (n) (3) (abbr) bento/Japanese box lunch (4) petal (n, adj-no) (5) valve (n) (6) Oversight Department/division of the daijokan under the ritsuryo system responsible for controlling central and provincial governmental offices (P) ","合弁[ごうべん] (n, adj-no) (1) joint management/pool (adj-no) (2) (bot) gamopetalous/sympetalous (P) ","弁護人[べんごにん] (n) counsel/defender/advocate (P) ","弁理[べんり] (n, vs) management ","弁天[べんてん] (n) Benten (goddess of arts and wisdom) "],"証":["証[あかし<br>しょう<br>しるし]proof; evidence  N1","証言[しょうげん]evidence; testimony  N1","証拠[しょうこ]evidence; proof  N1","証人[しょうにん]witness  N1","証明[しょうめい]proof,  verification  N3","保証[ほしょう]guarantee,  security, assurance, pledge, warranty  N3","保証人[ほしょうにん]guarantor ","証書[しょうしょ]bond ","証明書[しょうめいしょ]Certificate,  credentials ","検証[けんしょう]verification ","証券[しょうけん]securities ","証跡[しょうせき]Evidence ","免許証[めんきょしょう]license ","認証[にんしょう] (n, vs) (1) certification/attestation/authentication/confirmation (2) Imperial attestation (P) ","実証[じっしょう] (n, vs,adj-no) demonstration/verification/substantiation/actual proof (P) ","証し[あかし<br>しるし] (n) (1) proof/evidence/sign/testimony/vindication (vs) (2) to testify (usu. Christian religious context) ","東証[とうしょう] (n) (abbr) Tokyo Stock Exchange ","証拠品[しょうこひん] (n) piece of evidence/evidence ","身分証[みぶんしょう] (n) (abbr) identification papers/ID ","暗証番号[あんしょうばんごう] (n) personal identification number/PIN/password number ","立証[りっしょう] (n, vs) establishing proof/demonstration/substantiation (P) ","確証[かくしょう] (n) conclusive evidence/positive proof/definite proof/confirmation ","考証[こうしょう] (n, vs) (historical) investigation (P) ","論証[ろんしょう] (n, vs) proof/certain truth/demonstration/argumentation "],"保":["確保[かくほ]guarantee; ensure;maintain;insure;secure  N1","保つ[たもつ<br>もつ]to keep; to preserve;to hold;to retain;to maintain;to support;to sustain;to last;to endure;to keep we  N1","保育[ほいく]nursing; nurturing;rearing;lactation;suckling  N1","保温[ほおん]retaining warmth; keeping heat in;heat insulation  N1","保管[ほかん]charge; custody;safekeeping;deposit;storage  N1","保険[ほけん]insurance; guarantee  N1","保護[ほご]care; protection;shelter;guardianship;favor;patronage  N1","保守[ほしゅ]conservative; maintaining  N1","保障[ほしょう]guarantee; security;assurance;pledge;warranty  N1","保母[ほぼ]day care worker in a kindergarten&nbsp; &nbsp;nursery school&nbsp;&nbsp;etc.  N1","保養[ほよう]health preservation; recuperation;recreation  N1","保健[ほけん]health preservation, hygiene,sanitation  N2","保証[ほしょう]guarantee,  security, assurance, pledge, warranty  N3","保存[ほぞん]preservation,  conservation, storage, maintenance  N3","保守的[ほしゅてき]Conservative ","生保[せいほ]Life Insurance ","保持[ほじ]Retention,  maintenance, preservation ","保安[ほあん<br>ほうあん]preservation of public peace ","保留[ほりゅう]reservation ","保育園[ほいくえん]day-care center ","保証人[ほしょうにん]guarantor ","保持する[ほじする]To Maintain,  to preserve ","保守主義[ほしゅしゅぎ]Conservative,  conservatism ","保護する[ほごする]To Conserve,  to protect ","保護者[ほごしゃ]guardian ","担保[たんぽ]mortgage ","保有[ほゆう] (n, vs,adj-no) possession/retention/maintenance (P) ","保安官[ほあんかん] (n) peace officer/sheriff ","保全[ほぜん] (n, vs) preservation/integrity/conservation/maintenance (P) ","安保[あんぽ] (n) (1) (abbr) security (e.g. national security) (2) (abbr) US-Japan Security Treaty (3) (abbr) campaign against the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty (1959-60,  1970) (P) ","保護観察[ほごかんさつ] (n) probation ","保釈金[ほしゃくきん] (n) bail (money) ","保険金[ほけんきん] (n) insurance payout/insurance money (P) ","保健所[ほけんしょ<br>ほけんじょ] (n) health care center/health care centre (P) ","安全保障[あんぜんほしょう] (n, adj-no) security guarantee (e.g. military security, network security, etc.) (P) ","保釈[ほしゃく] (n, vs) bail/releasing on bail (P) ","安保理[あんぽり] (n) (abbr) UN Security Council ","留保[りゅうほ] (n, vs) reserving/withholding (P) ","保線[ほせん] (n) track maintenance "],"典":["原典[げんてん]original (text)  N1","百科事典[ひゃっかじてん]encyclopedia  N1","百科辞典[ひゃっかじてん]encyclopedia  N1","古典[こてん]old book, classics,classic  N2","典型[てんけい]type,  pattern, archetypal  N3","辞典[じてん<br>ことばてん]dictionary  N4","仏典[ぶってん]Buddhist Scriptures,  buddhist writing ","字典[じてん]Character Dictionary,  kanji dictionary ","古典的[こてんてき]Classical ","事典[じてん<br>ことてん]Encyclopedia ","典型的[てんけいてき]Typical ","特典[とくてん] (n) privilege/special favor/special favour/benefit/prerogative/perk/amenity (P) ","典[てん<br>のり] (n) ceremony/celebration/law code ","式典[しきてん] (n) ceremony/rites (P) ","賞典[しょうてん] (n) prize/reward ","出典[しゅってん] (n) source (e.g. quotation)/authority (P) ","経典[きょうてん<br>けいてん] (n) sacred books/sutras/scriptures/Bible ","祭典[さいてん] (n) festival (P) ","正典[せいてん] (n) canon (i.e. the Biblical canon) "],"冗":["冗談[じょうだん]jest,  joke  N3","冗長[じょうちょう] (adj-na, n) (1) tedious/verbose/prolix (2) redundancy "],"是":["是正[ぜせい]correction; revision  N1","是非とも[ぜひとも]by all means (with sense of not taking no for an answer)  N1","是非[ぜひ]by all means  N3","是[ここ<br>これ<br>ぜ] (pn) (1) (uk) here (place physically close to the speaker,  place pointed by the speaker while explaining)/this place (2) (uk) these last (followed by a duration noun and a past sentence: time period before the present time of the speaker) (3) (uk) these next ... (followed by a duration noun and a non past sentence: time period after the present time of the speaker)/the next ... "],"結":["結核[けっかく]tuberculosis; tubercule  N1","結晶[けっしょう]crystal; crystallization  N1","結成[けっせい]formation  N1","結束[けっそく]union; unity  N1","結合[けつごう]combination; union  N1","妥結[だけつ]agreement  N1","団結[だんけつ]unity; union;combination  N1","結び[むすび]ending; conclusion;union  N1","結び付き[むすびつき]connection; relation  N1","結び付く[むすびつく]to be connected or related; to join together  N1","結び付ける[むすびつける]to combine; to join;to tie on;to attach with a knot  N1","結果[けっか]result,  consequence  N3","結局[けっきょく]after all,  eventually  N3","結論[けつろん]conclusion  N3","結ぶ[むすぶ]to tie,  to bind, to link  N3","結構[けっこう]splendid, enough  N5","結婚[けっこん]marriage  N5","結う[ゆう<br>いう]do up ","結末[けつまつ]conclusion ","結構です[けっこうです]No Thank You,  no thanks ","締結する[ていけつする]To Conclude,  to enter, to execute ","凍結[とうけつ]Freeze ","結婚式[けっこんしき]Marriage Ceremony,  wedding ","結婚する[けっこんする]To Marry,  to get married ","結びつく[むすびつく] (v5k, vi) (1) to be related/to be connected/to be joined together (2) to result in/to lead to/to bring about (P) ","締結[ていけつ] (n, vs) (1) conclusion/execution (of a contract)/entering (into treaty) (2) fastening (as in a joint) (P) ","連結[れんけつ] (n, vs,adj-na,adj-no) concatenation/coupling/connection/linking/consolidation (e.g. of company accounts) (P) ","結界[けっかい] (n) (1) (Buddh) (fixing) boundaries for religious practices (2) (Buddh) prohibition (of items,  people, spirits, etc. that would hinder Buddhist practice) (3) (Buddh) fence between inner and outer sanctums in a temple (4) (arch) short two or three-fold lattice around the front desk of a store (5) (col) barrier/dimensional barrier/containment zone/containment barrier/mystical barrier ","完結[かんけつ] (n, vs) conclusion/completion (P) ","終結[しゅうけつ] (n, vs,adj-no) end/close (P) ","結びつける[むすびつける] (v1, vt) to combine/to join/to tie on/to attach with a knot/to bind (e.g. an address) ","結婚生活[けっこんせいかつ] (n, adj-no) wedded life/married life ","直結[ちょっけつ] (n, vs,adj-no) direct connection/direct link ","集結[しゅうけつ] (n, vs) massing (of troops)/gathering ","結党[けっとう] (n, vs) formation of a party (P) ","結集[けっしゅう] (n, vs) concentration (of efforts, forces, etc.)/gathering together/regimentation/marshalling/mobilization (P) ","結論付ける[けつろんづける] (v1) to reason/to sum up/to conclude ","結社[けっしゃ] (n) association/society (P) ","増結[ぞうけつ] (n, vs) adding train cars ","小結[こむすび] (n) (sumo) wrestler of the fourth highest rank (P) ","結実[けつじつ] (n, vs) (1) fruition/fructification/bearing fruit (2) being successful/achieving success/bearing fruit (idea, plan, ambition)/realization/realisation ","帰結[きけつ] (n, vs) consequence/result/conclusion ","結び目[むすびめ] (n) knot ","結託[けったく] (n, vs) conspiracy/collusion (P) "],"渉":["干渉[かんしょう]interference; intervention  N1","交渉[こうしょう]negotiations; discussions;connection  N1"],"幻":["幻想[げんそう]Fantasy,  illusion ","幻覚[げんかく]Hallucination ","幻[まぼろし]Illusion,  phantom ","幻滅[げんめつ]Disillusionment ","幻影[げんえい] (n, adj-no) phantom/vision/illusion (P) "],"梅":["梅干[うめぼし]dried plum  N1","梅[うめ<br>むめ]plum,  plum-tree, lowest (of a three-tier ranking system)  N3","梅雨[つゆ<br>ばいう]rainy season,  rain during the rainy season  N3","梅酒[うめしゅ]Ume Wine,  plum wine, plum liquor, umeshu ","入梅[にゅうばい]beginning of the rainy season ","塩梅[あんばい]condition ","梅干し[うめぼし]pickled plum ","梅雨入り[つゆいり]start of the rainy season ","梅雨明け[つゆあけ]end of the rainy season ","青梅[あおうめ] (n) unripe plum (P) "],"虚":["謙虚[けんきょ]modesty, humility  N2","虚栄心[きょえいしん]Vanity ","虚弱[きょじゃく]Weak,  feeble, weakness, feebleness ","空虚[くうきょ]emptiness ","虚しい[むなしい]vain ","虚無[きょむ]nihility ","虚構[きょこう]fabrication ","虚[うつお<br>うつせ<br>うつほ<br>うろ<br>きょ<br>そら] (ok) (n) hollow/cavity/hole ","虚偽[きょぎ<br>こぎ] (n, adj-no) (1) falsehood/untruth/lie/misinformation (n) (2) fallacy (logic) (P) "],"弓":["弓[ゆみ<br>きゅう<br>たらし<br>ゆ]bow (and arrow)  N1","弓道[きゅうどう]Archery,  kyudo, kyuudou ","弓矢[ゆみや]Bow And Arrow ","真弓[まゆみ] (n) (uk) Japanese spindle tree (Euonymus sieboldianus) "],"句":["佳句[かく]beautiful passage of literature  N1","語句[ごく]words; phrases  N1","句読点[くとうてん]punctuation marks  N2","俳句[はいく]haiku poetry  N2","句[く]sentence  N3","文句[もんく]complaint  N3","禁句[きんく]Taboo Word,  taboo phrase, dirty word, bad word ","節句[せっく]Seasonal Festival ","文句する[もんくする]To Complain ","挙げ句[あげく]finally ","慣用句[かんようく]idiom ","高句麗[こうくり] (n) Goguryeo/Koguryo/ancient Korean kingdom (37 BCE - 668 CE) ","挙句[あげく] (n-adv, n-t) (1) (uk) in the end (after a long process)/finally/after all/at last (n) (2) last line (of a renga) (P) "],"僧":["僧[そう]monk; priest  N1","仏僧[ぶっそう]Buddhist Priest ","僧院[そういん]Temple,  monastery ","禅僧[ぜんそう]Zen Priest ","尼僧[にそう]Nun,  priestess ","僧侶[そうりょ]bonze ","小僧[こぞう] (n) (1) youngster/boy/kid/brat (2) young Buddhist monk/young bonze (3) young shop-boy/errand boy/apprentice (P) ","僧正[そうじょう] (n) high Buddhist priest "],"汽":["汽船[きせん]steamship  N1","汽車[きしゃ]steam train  N4","汽笛[きてき]Steam Whistle ","汽水[きすい] (n) brackish water "],"禅":["禅[ぜん]Zen (Buddhism)  N1","座禅[ざぜん]Zen Meditation ","禅僧[ぜんそう]Zen Priest ","禅寺[ぜんでら,  ぜんじ<br>ぜんでら]Zen Temple ","禅宗[ぜんしゅう]Zen Sect ","禅師[ぜんし<br>ぜんじ] (ik) (n) (hon) monk/priest,  particularly a high-ranking Zen monk honored by the imperial court "],"履":["履歴[りれき]personal history; background;career;log  N1","草履[ぞうり]zoori (Japanese footwear), sandals  N2","履く[はく]to wear,  to put on (lower body)  N3","履歴書[りれきしょ]Personal History,  resume, resumé, curriculum vitae, cv ","履物[はきもの]footwear ","履き物[はきもの]Footwear,  shoes ","履修[りしゅう] (n, vs) taking a class/studying a subject/completing a course ","履行[りこう] (n, vs) performance (of a duty)/fulfillment (of a promise)/fulfilment/execution (of a contract)/discharge/implementation (P) "],"閥":["財閥[ざいばつ]Plutocrats,  financial clique, zaibatsu ","派閥[はばつ]clique ","軍閥[ぐんばつ] (n) military clique or party "],"昆":["昆虫[こんちゅう]insect; bug  N1","昆布[こんぶ<br>こぶ]Konbu,  kombu, konbu seaweed, kombu seaweed "],"笛":["笛[ふえ<br>ちゃく]flute,  pipe  N3","汽笛[きてき]Steam Whistle ","口笛[くちぶえ]whistle ","口笛を吹く[くちぶえをふく]To Whistle ","笛吹[ふえふき] (n) flute player "],"宙":["宙返り[ちゅうがえり]somersault; looping-the-loop  N1","宇宙[うちゅう]universe,  cosmos, space  N3","宇宙人[うちゅうじん]Alien ","宇宙船[うちゅうせん]Space Ship,  space shuttle, starship, star ship, ufo, spacecraft, space craft, flying saucer ","小宇宙[しょううちゅう] (n) microcosmos/microcosm ","宙[ちゅう] (n) (1) space/air/midair (2) (from) memory (by) heart (P) ","宇宙飛行士[うちゅうひこうし] (n) astronaut (P) "],"善":["最善[さいぜん]the very best  N1","親善[しんぜん]friendship  N1","善良[ぜんりょう]goodness; excellence;virtue  N1","善し悪し[よしあし]good or bad; merits or demerits;quality;suitability  N1","改善[かいぜん]betterment,  improvement  N3","善[ぜん]good,  goodness, right, virtue  N3","善悪[ぜんあく]Good And Evil ","善くも[よくも]how dare ","善く善く[よくよく]very carefully ","善意[ぜんい]favorable sense ","慈善[じぜん]charity,  philanthropy ","善人[ぜんにん] (n) good person/virtuous person ","善い[えい<br>よい] (ok) (adj-i) (1) good/excellent/fine/nice/pleasant/agreeable (2) sufficient/enough/ready/prepared (3) profitable (deal,  business offer, etc.)/beneficial (4) OK/all right/fine/no problem ","偽善[ぎぜん] (n, adj-no) hypocrisy ","善戦[ぜんせん] (n, vs) fighting a good fight/putting up a good fight/fighting bravely (P) "],"節":["節[ふし<br>せつ<br>のっと<br>ぶし<br>よ]node; section;occasion;time  N1","調節[ちょうせつ]regulation, adjustment,control  N2","節約[せつやく]economising,  saving  N3","季節[きせつ]season  N4","節句[せっく]Seasonal Festival ","お節料理[おせちりょうり]festive food for the New Year ","使節[しせつ]ambassador ","関節[かんせつ]joint ","お節介[おせっかい]meddlesome ","貞節[ていせつ]chastity,  virtue, fidelity ","音節[おんせつ] (n) (ling) syllable ","小節[こぶし<br>しょうせつ] (n) (1) undulating melodic ornamentation or embellishment,  esp. in folk and popular songs (2) unit of timber measurement ","一節[いっせつ<br>ひとふし] (n) a verse (e.g. in the Bible)/stanza/paragraph/passage/a joint/section/a tune/note/strain/measure (P) ","節目[ふしめ] (n) (1) turning point/critical juncture (2) knot (in a tree,  etc.) (P) ","節度[せつど] (n) moderation/standard (P) "],"舌":["舌[した]tongue  N3","二枚舌[にまいじた]Forked Tongue ","猫舌[ねこじた]Aversion To Hot Foods ","舌打ち[したうち] (n, vs) smacking lips/clicking tongue/tut-tut (P) ","百舌[もず] (n) (1) (uk) shrike (any bird of family Laniidae) (2) bull-headed shrike (Lanius bucephalus)/butcher bird "],"裕":["余裕[よゆう]surplus,  composure, margin, room, time, allowance, scope, rope  N3","裕福[ゆうふく]Wealth ","富裕[ふゆう]Wealthy,  affluent "],"災":["災害[さいがい]calamity; disaster;misfortune  N1","戦災[せんさい]war damage  N1","天災[てんさい]natural calamity; disaster  N1","災難[さいなん]calamity, misfortune  N2","火災[かさい]conflagration,  fire  N3","震災[しんさい]Earthquake Disaster ","災い[わざわい]Personal Disaster,  personal misfortune ","防災[ぼうさい]disaster prevention ","被災[ひさい] (n, vs) being a victim of (some disaster)/suffering from (P) ","大震災[だいしんさい] (n) (1) great earthquake (disaster) (2) (abbr) Great Kanto earthquake of 1923 (P) ","労災[ろうさい] (n) (1) (abbr) work-related injury/work-related illness/work-related death/on-the-job accident (2) (abbr) workers' compensation insurance (P) "],"嫌":["嫌がる[いやがる]to hate, to dislike  N2","好き嫌い[すききらい]likes and dislikes, taste  N2","機嫌[きげん]humour,  temper, mood  N3","嫌う[きらう]to hate,  to dislike, to loathe  N3","嫌[いや<br>や]unpleasant  N5","嫌い[きらい<br>ぎらい]hate  N5","嫌疑[けんぎ]Suspicion ","不機嫌[ふきげん]in a bad mood ","大嫌い[だいきらい]hate ","嫌悪[けんお]dislike ","嫌味[いやみ]Hurtful Words,  hurtful speech, sarcasm, disagreeableness ","ご機嫌[ごきげん] (n) (1) (hon) (pol) humour/humor/temper/mood/spirits (2) (hon) (pol) safety/health/well-being/one's situation (adj-na) (3) in a good mood/in high spirits/happy/cheery/merry/chipper ","嫌み[いやみ] (n, adj-na) (1) disagreeableness/unpleasantness/nastiness/offensiveness/tastelessness (2) cutting remark/disagreeable remark/snide comment/sarcastic comment ","嫌がらせ[いやがらせ] (n) harassment/pestering (P) ","嫌気[いやき<br>いやけ<br>けんき] (n, vs,adj-no) dislike/disgust/disinclination/tired of (P) "],"穴":["穴[あな<br>けつ]hole  N3","穴子[あなご]Conger Eel,  anago ","穴場[あなば]Hole In The Wall,  little known good place ","鼻の穴[はなのあな]Nostril,  nose hole ","洞穴[どうけつ<br>ほらあな]Cave,  den ","落とし穴[おとしあな] (n) pitfall/trap/pit (P) ","横穴[おうけつ<br>よこあな] (n) cave/tunnel ","竪穴[たてあな] (n) pit/shaft ","穴埋め[あなうめ] (n, vs) (1) filling in gaps/filling in blanks (in a form, etc.)/stopgap/temporary measure (2) covering up a deficit/making up for something (e.g. one's mistake) (P) "],"妨":["妨害[ぼうがい]disturbance; obstruction;hindrance;jamming;interference  N1","妨げる[さまたげる]to disturb, to prevent  N2"],"率":["軽率[けいそつ]rash; thoughtless;careless;hasty  N1","効率[こうりつ]efficiency  N1","率直[そっちょく]frankness; candour;openheartedness  N1","統率[とうそつ]command; lead;generalship;leadership  N1","倍率[ばいりつ]diameter; magnification  N1","率いる[ひきいる]to lead; to spearhead (a group);to command (troops)  N1","比率[ひりつ]ratio; proportion;percentage  N1","確率[かくりつ]probability  N2","能率[のうりつ]efficiency  N2","率[りつ]rate,  ratio, proportion, percentage  N3","利率[りりつ]interest rate ","率先[そっせん]initiative ","打率[だりつ] (n) batting average (P) ","勝率[しょうりつ] (n) winning percentage (P) ","税率[ぜいりつ] (n) (1) tariff (2) tax rate (P) ","視聴率[しちょうりつ] (n) ratings (of a television program) (programme) (P) ","離心率[りしんりつ] (n) eccentricity "],"臭":["生臭い[なまぐさい]smelling of fish or blood; fish or meat  N1","面倒臭い[めんどうくさい]bother to do, tiresome  N2","臭い[くさい<br>におい]odour,  scent, smell, stench  N3","水臭い[みずくさい]not frank ","臭う[におう]stink (unpleasant) ","汗臭い[あせくさい]Sweaty Smell,  smell sweaty, sweaty stench ","臭[しゅう] (suf) (1) -smell/stinking of (2) smacking of/hinting of "],"尾":["尾[お<br>び]tail; ridge  N1","尻尾[しっぽ<br>しりお]tail (animal)  N1","尾行[びこう] (n, vs) shadow/tail/following (P) ","尾翼[びよく] (n) tail (of an aircraft)/empennage/tail assembly ","尾根[おね] (n) (mountain) ridge (P) ","語尾[ごび] (n) (inflected) end of a word/end of a sentence ","末尾[まつび] (n) end (e.g. of report,  document, paragraph, etc.) (P) ","交尾[こうび] (n, vs,adj-no) copulation (in animals) ","追尾[ついび] (n, vs) following/pursuing/tracking/shadowing/tailing/chasing ","尾鰭[おひれ<br>おびれ] (n) (1) tail and fins (2) embellishment (of a story,  rumor, etc.)/exaggeration ","船尾[せんび] (n, adj-no) stern of a ship ","最後尾[さいこうび] (n) end of a line (queue) (P) ","接尾辞[せつびじ] (n) (ling) suffix "],"条":["箇条書き[かじょうがき]itemized form; itemization  N1","条約[じょうやく]treaty; pact  N1","発条[はつじょう<br>ばね]spring (e.g. coil&nbsp; &nbsp;leaf)  N1","条件[じょうけん]conditions,  terms  N3","不条理[ふじょうり]absurdity ","条例[じょうれい]regulations ","無条件[むじょうけん]unconditional ","必須条件[ひっすじょうけん]essential condition,  requisite, must ","条[くだり<br>じょう<br>すじ] (n) (uk) passage/paragraph ","条項[じょうこう] (n) clause/article/stipulations (P) ","条文[じょうぶん] (n) text/provisions (act,  treaty) (P) ","信条[しんじょう] (n, adj-no) creed/belief/conviction/article of faith (P) "],"批":["批判[ひはん]criticism,  judgement, comment  N3","批評[ひひょう]criticism,  review, commentary  N3","批判する[ひはんする]To Criticize ","批准[ひじゅん]ratification,  ratify "],"素":["簡素[かんそ]simplicity; plain  N1","元素[げんそ]chemical element  N1","質素[しっそ]simplicity; modesty;frugality  N1","素敵[すてき]lovely; dreamy;beautiful;great;fantastic;superb;cool;capital  N1","素早い[すばやい]fast; quick;prompt;agile  N1","素材[そざい]raw materials; subject matter  N1","素っ気ない[そっけない]cold; short;curt;blunt  N1","素朴[そぼく]simplicity; artlessness;naivete  N1","炭素[たんそ]carbon (C)  N1","素人[しろうと<br>しらひと<br>しらびと<br>しろと]amateur, novice  N2","水素[すいそ]hydrogen  N2","素直[すなお]obedient, meek,docile,unaffected  N2","素質[そしつ]character, qualities,genius  N2","酸素[さんそ]oxygen  N3","素晴らしい[すばらしい<br>すんばらしい]wonderful,  splendid, magnificent  N3","素[もと<br>す<br>そ]prime  N3","要素[ようそ]element  N3","素顔[すがお]face without makeup ","素粒子[そりゅうし]Elementary Particle,  particle ","窒素[ちっそ]nitrogen ","酵素[こうそ]enzyme ","素子[そし] (n) (1) element (esp. component in electronics)/elemental device/device (2) data/datum (P) ","素手[すで] (n, adj-no) bare hand/empty hand ","素数[そすう] (n) (math) prime number ","色素[しきそ] (n, adj-no) pigment/coloring/colouring/colorant/colourant (P) ","塩素[えんそ] (n, adj-no) chlorine (Cl) (P) ","二酸化炭素[にさんかたんそ] (n) carbon dioxide (P) ","画素[がそ] (n) picture element/image pixel/PEL ","よう素[ようそ] (n) iodine (I) ","ヨウ素[ヨウそ] (n) iodine (I) ","複素数[ふくそすう] (n) (math) complex number ","素性[すじょう<br>そせい] (n) (1) birth/lineage/parentage/origin (2) identity/background/history/past (3) provenance/origin ","ケイ素[ケイそ] (n) silicon (Si) ","砒素[ひそ] (n, adj-no) arsenic (As) ","弗素[ふっそ] (n) fluorine (F) ","毒素[どくそ] (n, adj-no) toxin "],"敵":["敵[てき<br>かたき]enemy; rival  N1","素敵[すてき]lovely; dreamy;beautiful;great;fantastic;superb;cool;capital  N1","匹敵[ひってき]comparing with; match;rival;equal  N1","大敵[たいてき]Arch Enemy,  rival, enemy ","無敵[むてき]Unrivaled,  invincible ","敵対[てきたい]antagonism ","強敵[きょうてき] (n) formidable enemy/strong enemy/tough enemy (P) ","敵機[てきき<br>てっき] (n) enemy plane ","敵国[てきこく<br>てっこく] (n, adj-no) enemy nation (P) ","敵意[てきい] (n) hostility/animosity/enmity (P) ","宿敵[しゅくてき] (n) old enemy/longtime enemy/arch-enemy/traditional rival/longstanding foe (P) ","政敵[せいてき] (n) political opponent (P) ","敵陣[てきじん] (n) enemy camp/enemy line ","敵地[てきち] (n) enemy territory/hostile place ","索敵[さくてき] (n, vs) searching for the enemy ","天敵[てんてき] (n) natural enemy "],"評":["好評[こうひょう]popularity; favorable reputation  N1","書評[しょひょう]book review  N1","不評[ふひょう]bad reputation; disgrace;unpopularity  N1","評論[ひょうろん]criticism, critique  N2","批評[ひひょう]criticism,  review, commentary  N3","評価[ひょうか]valuation,  estimation, assessment, evaluation  N3","評判[ひょうばん]fame,  reputation, popularity, arrant  N3","評[ひょう]comment ","酷評[こくひょう]severe criticism,  damnation ","評議[ひょうぎ] (n, vs) conference/discussion (P) ","評す[ひょうす] (v5s, vt) to evaluate/to appraise/to comment on ","評決[ひょうけつ] (n, vs) decision/verdict (P) ","評議会[ひょうぎかい] (n) council (consultatory,  advisory)/board of trustees ","評定[ひょうじょう<br>ひょうてい] (n, vs) council/conference/consultation ","論評[ろんぴょう] (n, vs) comment/criticism (P) "],"検":["検事[けんじ]public prosecutor  N1","探検[たんけん]exploration; expedition  N1","点検[てんけん]inspection; examination;checking  N1","検査[けんさ]inspection (e.g. customs,   factory), examination  N3","検討[けんとう]consideration,  examination, investigation, study, scrutiny  N3","検問する[けんもんする]To Inspect,  to examine, to check ","検定[けんてい]examination ","検察[けんさつ]criminal investigation ","検証[けんしょう]verification ","検査する[けんさする]To Examine,  to inspect, to check ","検討する[けんとうする]To Examine,  to study, to look into ","検索[けんさく]Lookup,  internet search ","検疫[けんえき]Quarantine ","検閲[けんえつ]censor,  inspect ","検視[けんし] (n, vs) autopsy/inquest/investigation of death (P) ","検出[けんしゅつ] (n, vs) detection/sense (e.g. sensor) (P) ","検察官[けんさつかん] (n) public prosecutor (P) ","検診[けんしん] (n, vs) (abbr) physical examination/medical examination/health checkup/health screening (P) ","血液検査[けつえきけんさ] (n) blood test/hemanalysis (P) ","再検討[さいけんとう] (n, vs) re-examination/review/reappraisal (P) ","検挙[けんきょ] (n, vs) arrest/roundup (P) ","検察側[けんさつがわ] (n, adj-no) (law) the prosecution/prosecution side ","検知[けんち] (n, vs) detection ","地検[ちけん] (n) (abbr) District Public Prosecutor's Office (P) ","会計検査院[かいけいけんさいん] (n) Board of Audit (P) ","検地[けんち] (n, vs) land survey/cadastral survey ","検察庁[けんさつちょう] (n) (abbr) Public Prosecutor's Office (P) ","車検[しゃけん] (n) vehicle inspection (P) ","検校[けんぎょう<br>けんこう] (n) (1) (arch) inspector (2) temple administrator/shrine administrator (3) villa administrator (4) highest ranking blind court official "],"審":["審議[しんぎ]deliberation  N1","審査[しんさ]judging; inspection;examination;investigation  N1","審判[しんぱん<br>しんばん]refereeing; trial;judgement;umpire;referee  N1","不審[ふしん]incomplete understanding; doubt;question;distrust;suspicion;strangeness;infidelity  N1","塁審[るいしん]Baseball Umpire,  umpire ","陪審[ばいしん]jury,  juror ","審査員[しんさいん] (n) examiner/judge ","陪審員[ばいしんいん] (n) juror/juryman ","審理[しんり] (n, vs) trial (P) ","主審[しゅしん] (n) (sports) chief umpire/referee (soccer,  boxing, etc.) (P) ","審問[しんもん] (n, vs) interrogation/hearing/trial (P) ","再審[さいしん] (n, vs) (1) (law) retrial/reopening of a case (2) review/reexamination (P) ","球審[きゅうしん] (n) (baseb) umpire-in-chief/plate umpire "],"企":["企画[きかく]planning; project  N1","企業[きぎょう]enterprise,  undertaking  N3","企てる[くわだてる]To Plan,  to scheme ","企み[たくらみ]conspiracy ","企む[たくらむ]conspire ","大企業[だいきぎょう] (n) large company/enterprise (P) ","企図[きと] (n, vs) plan/project/scheme (P) ","経済企画庁[けいざいきかくちょう] (n) Economic Planning Agency (defunct as of 2001) (P) "],"挙":["一挙に[いっきょに<br>いっきょ に]at a stroke; with a single swoop  N1","選挙[せんきょ]election  N1","挙げる[あげる]to raise, to fly  N2","挙がる[あがる]To Rise ","挙げ句[あげく]finally ","選挙する[せんきょする]To Elect ","列挙[れっきょ] (n, vs) enumeration/list (P) ","快挙[かいきょ] (n) brilliant achievement/spectacular feat/splendid accomplishment/remarkable deed (P) ","挙げて[あげて] (adv) all/whole/en masse ","推挙[すいきょ] (n, vs) recommendation (of a person for a position)/nomination ","検挙[けんきょ] (n, vs) arrest/roundup (P) ","一挙[いっきょ] (n-adv, n) one effort/one action (P) ","挙句[あげく] (n-adv, n-t) (1) (uk) in the end (after a long process)/finally/after all/at last (n) (2) last line (of a renga) (P) ","挙式[きょしき] (n, vs) holding a ceremony/wedding ceremony (P) ","挙動[きょどう] (n, vs) conduct/behavior/behaviour ","選挙人[せんきょにん] (n) qualified voter (P) ","挙行[きょこう] (n, vs) celebration (of ceremony)/solemnization (e.g. of a marriage)/solemnisation ","挙る[こぞる] (v5r) (1) to assemble everything together (2) to do something as a group "],"義":["義理[ぎり]duty; sense of duty;honor;decency;courtesy;debt of gratitude;social obligation  N1","正義[せいぎ]justice; right;righteousness;correct meaning  N1","定義[ていぎ]definition  N1","意義[いぎ]meaning, significance  N2","義務[ぎむ]duty,  obligation, responsibility  N3","主義[しゅき<br>しゅぎ]doctrine,  rule, principle  N3","講義[こうぎ]lecture  N4","保守主義[ほしゅしゅぎ]Conservative,  conservatism ","共産主義[きょうさんしゅぎ]Communism ","名義[めいぎ]name ","有意義[ゆういぎ]significant ","義母[ぎぼ]mother-in-law ","義父[ぎふ]father-in-law ","資本主義[しほんしゅぎ]capitalism ","軍国主義[ぐんこく しゅぎ]militarism ","異義[いぎ]Different Meaning ","同音異義語[どうおんいぎご]Homonym ","利己主義[りこしゅぎ]egoism ","排他主義[はいたしゅぎ]exclusivism ","仁義[じんぎ]Humanity And Justice,  duty ","封建主義[ほうけんしゅぎ<br>ほうけん しゅぎ]Feudalism ","義塾[ぎじゅく]Private School ","帝国主義[ていこくしゅぎ]Imperialism ","義[ぎ] (n, adj-no) (1) morality/righteousness/justice/honour (honor) (2) meaning (3) (Buddh) teachings/doctrine (n,n-pref) (4) nonconsanguineous relationship (i.e. of in-laws) (5) prosthesis ","広義[こうぎ] (n, adj-no) wide sense (e.g. of a word)/broad sense ","狭義[きょうぎ] (n, adj-no) narrow sense (e.g. of a word) ","義務教育[ぎむきょういく] (n) compulsory education (P) ","義姉[あね<br>ぎし] (ik) (n) (1) sister-in-law (spouse's older sister or older brother's wife) (2) older stepsister/older adopted sister/non-blood-related older sister ","義務づける[ぎむづける] (v1, vt) to obligate/to make compulsory/to require/to mandate ","義務付ける[ぎむづける] (v1, vt) to obligate/to make compulsory/to require/to mandate ","教義[きょうぎ] (n) creed/doctrine/dogma ","正義の味方[せいぎのみかた] (exp, n) champion of justice/knight in shining armor/crime avenger/hero/super hero ","民主主義[みんしゅしゅぎ] (n, adj-no) democracy (P) ","朝鮮民主主義人民共和国[ちょうせんみんしゅしゅぎじんみんきょうわこく] (n) Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)/DPRK (P) ","義兄[あに<br>ぎけい] (ik) (n) (1) brother-in-law (spouse's older brother or older sister's husband) (2) older stepbrother ","マルクス主義[マルクスしゅぎ] (n) Marxism (P) ","演義[えんぎ] (n) (1) popularization/simplification/explaining in simple language (2) adaptation of history for popular reading (esp. Chinese)/historical novel writing ","奥義[おうぎ<br>おくぎ] (n) secret techniques/inner mysteries/esoterica/hidden purpose/quintessence (of art,  skill) ","忠義[ちゅうぎ] (adj-na, n) loyalty/devotion (P) ","大義[たいぎ] (n) great cause/moral law/justice (P) ","信義[しんぎ] (n) faith/fidelity/loyalty (P) ","義弟[おとうと<br>ぎてい] (ik) (n) (1) brother-in-law (spouse's younger brother or younger sister's husband) (2) (obsc) younger stepbrother ","対義語[たいぎご] (n) antonym "],"派":["特派[とくは]send specially; special envoy  N1","派[は]clique; faction;school  N1","派遣[はけん]dispatch; send  N1","派手[はで]showy, loud,gay,flashy,gaudy  N2","立派[りっぱ]splendid,  fine, handsome, elegant, imposing, prominent, legal, legitimate  N3","派出所[はしゅつじょ]police box ","派生[はせい]derivation ","派閥[はばつ]clique ","宗派[しゅうは]Sect,  denomination ","左派[さは] (n, adj-no) left wing (P) ","流派[りゅうは] (n) school (e.g. of ikebana) (P) ","党派[とうは] (n, adj-no) faction (P) ","右派[うは] (n, adj-no) right wing (P) ","一派[いっぱ] (n) school/sect/party (P) ","会派[かいは] (n) faction/denomination/communion ","派出[はしゅつ] (n, vs) sending out/dispatching/despatching ","特派員[とくはいん] (n) (1) (special) correspondent (e.g. for a newspaper) (2) representative/delegate (P) ","派兵[はへい] (n, vs) dispatch of troops/despatch of troops (P) ","分派[ぶんぱ] (n, vs) faction/branch/sect/denomination/branching off ","新派[しんぱ] (n) (1) new school (of thought,  etc.) (2) new drama (P) "],"援":["救援[きゅうえん]relief; rescue;reinforcement  N1","応援[おうえん]aid, assistance,help,reinforcement  N2","援助[えんじょ]assistance,  aid, support  N3","支援[しえん]Support ","後援[こうえん]backing ","応援団[おうえんだん]Rooting Section,  cheerleaders, cheering section ","援助する[えんじょする]To Assist,  to aid ","応援する[おうえんする]To Root For,  to cheer on, to cheer ","支援する[しえんする]To Support,  to back, to aid ","援軍[えんぐん] (n) reinforcement (P) ","援護[えんご] (n, vs) covering/protection/backing/relief (P) ","声援[せいえん] (n, vs) (shout of) encouragement/cheering/rooting/support (P) ","増援[ぞうえん] (n, vs) reinforcement (e.g. of troops) "],"態":["形態[けいたい]form; shape;figure  N1","実態[じったい]truth; fact  N1","態勢[たいせい]attitude; conditions;preparations  N1","態と[わざと]on purpose  N1","態々[わざわざ]expressly; specially;doing something especially rather than incidentally  N1","事態[じたい]situation,  present state of affairs  N3","状態[じょうたい]condition,  situation, circumstances, state  N3","態度[たいど]attitude,  manner  N3","失態[しったい]Blunder,  disgrace ","変態[へんたい]Pervert,  abnormal ","容態[ようだい]one's condition ","生態[せいたい]ecology ","醜態[しゅうたい]shameful sight,  disgraceful behavior, disgraceful behaviour ","緊急事態[きんきゅうじたい] (n) state of emergency/emergency/crisis ","動態[どうたい] (n) movement/dynamic state (P) ","最悪の事態[さいあくのじたい] (exp, n,adj-no) worst/worst-case (scenario) ","非常事態[ひじょうじたい] (n) state of emergency ","業態[ぎょうたい] (n) (1) business conditions (2) business category/line of business ","生態学[せいたいがく] (n) ecology (P) ","病態[びょうたい] (n) patient's condition/pathology "],"誕":["誕生[たんじょう]birth  N3","誕生日[たんじょうび]birthday  N5","生誕[せいたん]birth ","お誕生日おめでとう[おたんじょうびおめでとう]Happy Birthday ","誕生会[たんじょうかい] (n) birthday party "],"賀":["祝賀[しゅくが]celebration; congratulations  N1","賀状[がじょう]Greeting Card,  new year's card ","年賀[ねんが]New Year's celebration ","年賀状[ねんがじょう]New Year's card ","謹賀新年[きんがしんねん]happy new year,  happy new year! ","賀[が] (n) congratulation "],"姿":["姿勢[しせい]attitude, posture  N2","姿[すがた]figure,  shape, appearance  N3","容姿[ようし] (n) (physical) appearance (of a person)/one's face and figure (P) "],"罰":["刑罰[けいばつ]judgement; penalty;punishment  N1","処罰[しょばつ]punishment  N1","罰[ばつ<br>ばち](divine) punishment; curse;retribution  N1","罰する[ばっする]to punish,  to penalize  N3","罰金[ばっきん]A Fine,  fine ","罰ゲーム[ばつげーむ,  ばつゲーム]Batsu Game, penalty game ","罰点[ばってん]black mark ","賞罰[しょうばつ]reward and punishment ","罰則[ばっそく]penal regulations ","懲罰[ちょうばつ]Discipline,  punishment "],"案":["案じる[あんじる]to be anxious; to ponder  N1","案の定[あんのじょう]sure enough; as usual  N1","議案[ぎあん]legislative bill  N1","法案[ほうあん]bill (law)  N1","案外[あんがい]unexpectedly  N2","案[あん<br>つくえ]plan,  suffix meaning draft  N3","案内[あんない<br>あない]information,  guidance, leading  N3","提案[ていあん]proposal,  proposition, suggestion  N3","答案[とうあん]examination paper,  examination script  N3","名案[めいあん]splendid idea ","提案する[ていあんする]To Propose ","勘案[かんあん]Taking Into Consideration,  giving consideration ","考案[こうあん] (n, vs) plan/device/idea/invention (P) ","立案[りつあん] (n, vs) (1) planning/devising (a plan) (2) drafting/drawing up (P) ","案件[あんけん] (n) (1) matter (to discuss)/item (on the agenda)/issue/topic (2) (court) case (P) ","発案[はつあん] (n, vs) idea/suggestion/initiation of a proposal (P) ","原案[げんあん] (n) original plan/original bill/original motion/draft (P) ","草案[そうあん] (n) draft (for a speech,  bill, etc.) (P) ","事案[じあん] (n) concern/circumstance which is becoming a problem/case (court) ","図案[ずあん] (n, adj-no) design/sketch ","本案[ほんあん] (n) this plan ","思案[しあん] (n, vs) careful thought/consideration/deliberation/reflection/rumination/pondering (P) ","懸案[けんあん] (n, adj-no) pending question/unresolved problem (P) ","翻案[ほんあん] (n, vs) adaptation (of a novel, play, etc.) (P) ","案ずる[あんずる] (vz, vt) (1) to be anxious or concerned about/to ponder (anxiously)/to fear (2) to investigate/to consider/to plan "],"策":["策[さく<br>むち]plan; policy  N1","政策[せいさく]political measures; policy  N1","方策[ほうさく]plan; policy  N1","対策[たいさく]counter-plan, counter-measure  N2","策略[さくりゃく]artifice ","策定[さくてい] (n, vs) formulation (of a plan, policy, etc.)/decision/settling on (P) ","解決策[かいけつさく] (n) solution/solution strategy (P) ","施策[しさく] (n) policy/measure (P) ","画策[かくさく] (n, vs) plan/scheme/program formulation/programme formulation/maneuver/manoeuvre ","失策[しっさく] (n, vs) (1) blunder/slip/error (n) (2) (baseb) error (P) ","散策[さんさく] (n, vs) walking/strolling/roaming/wandering/exploring (P) ","国策[こくさく] (n) national policy (P) "],"提":["前提[ぜんてい]preamble; premise;reason;prerequisite  N1","提供[ていきょう]offer; tender;program sponsoring;furnishing  N1","提携[ていけい]cooperation; tie-up;joint business;link-up  N1","提示[ていじ]presentation; exhibit;suggest;citation  N1","提案[ていあん]proposal,  proposition, suggestion  N3","提出[ていしゅつ]presentation,  submission, filing  N3","大前提[だいぜんてい]major premise ","提起[ていき]raising ","提案する[ていあんする]To Propose ","提唱[ていしょう] (n, vs) advocacy/proposal (P) ","提言[ていげん] (n, vs) proposal/motion/recommendation (P) ","提督[ていとく] (n) admiral/commodore ","提訴[ていそ] (n, vs) presenting a case/suing (P) ","菩提[ぼだい] (n) (1) (Buddh) bodhi/enlightenment (2) (Buddh) happiness in the next world ","提灯[ちょうちん<br>ていとう] (n) paper lantern/Chinese lantern/Japanese lantern "],"応":["応急[おうきゅう]emergency  N1","応募[おうぼ]subscription; application  N1","相応[そうおう]suitability; fitness  N1","対応[たいおう]interaction; correspondence;coping with;dealing with  N1","適応[てきおう]adaptation; accommodation;conformity  N1","反応[はんのう<br>はんのう,  はんおう<br>はんおう]reaction; response  N1","相応しい[ふさわしい]appropriate  N1","一応[いちおう]once, tentatively,in outline,for the time being  N2","応援[おうえん]aid, assistance,help,reinforcement  N2","応ずる[おうずる]to answer, to respond,to meet,to satisfy,to accept  N2","応接[おうせつ]reception  N2","応対[おうたい]receiving, dealing with  N2","応用[おうよう]application, put to practical use  N2","応じる[おうじる]to respond,  to satisfy, to accept, to comply with, to apply for  N3","不相応[ふそうおう]unbecoming ","応答[おうとう]answer ","手応え[てごたえ]resistance ","応援団[おうえんだん]Rooting Section,  cheerleaders, cheering section ","応援する[おうえんする]To Root For,  to cheer on, to cheer ","応募する[おうぼする]To Apply For,  to enlist, to answer an ad ","応酬[おうしゅう]exchange,  reciprocation ","慶応[けいおう] (n) Keio era (1865.4.7-1868.9.8) ","応える[こたえる] (v1, vi) (1) to respond/to answer/to meet (e.g. demands, expectations) (2) to affect/to take a toll/to strike home/to have an effect on/to be hard on someone (e.g. heat, cold, work, illness, etc.)/to be a strain (P) ","応永[おうえい] (n) Oei era (1394.7.5-1428.4.27) ","呼応[こおう] (n, vs) (1) hailing each other (2) acting in concert/responding (to)/sympathizing (with) (3) (ling) agreement/concord (P) ","応仁[おうにん] (n) Onin era (1467.3.5-1469.4.28) ","明応[めいおう] (n) Meio era (1492.7.19-1501.2.29) ","応力[おうりょく] (n) stress (e.g. on a mechanical part)/tension ","即応[そくおう] (n, vs) (1) compliance/conformance/adaptation (2) (immediate) response (rapid) reaction ","承応[しょうおう<br>じょうおう] (n) Shoo era (1652.9.18-1655.4.13)/Joo era ","応戦[おうせん] (n, vs) fighting back/returning fire/counter-attack/responding to an attack/accepting a challenge ","観応[かんおう<br>かんのう] (n) Kanno era (of the Northern Court) (1350.2.27-1352.9.27)/Kan'o era "],"宮":["お宮[おみや]Shinto shrine  N1","宮殿[きゅうでん]palace  N1","宮[みや<br>きゅう]Palace ","宮廷[きゅうてい]Imperial Court,  royal court ","宮城[きゅうじょう] (n) (obs) Imperial Palace (esp. from 1888 to 1946) ","八幡宮[はちまんぐう] (n) Shrine of the God of War ","二宮[にぐう] (n) the Two Ise Shrines (P) ","大宮[おおみや] (n) (1) (hon) imperial palace/shrine (2) Grand Empress Dowager/Empress Dowager (3) woman of imperial lineage who has borne a child (4) elderly woman of imperial lineage ","神宮[じんぐう] (n, n-suf) high-status Shinto shrine with connection to imperial family/imperial Shinto shrine (P) ","王宮[おうきゅう] (n) royal palace (P) ","新宮[しんぐう] (n) newly constructed shrine ","宮内[くない] (n) (1) inside the Imperial Palace (2) Department of the Imperial Household ","宮中[きゅうちゅう] (n) imperial court (P) ","子宮[しきゅう] (n, adj-no) womb/uterus (P) ","三宮[さんぐう] (n) (obsc) Grand Empress Dowager,  the Empress Dowager and the Empress Consort ","本宮[ほんぐう<br>もとみや] (n) main shrine ","迷宮[めいきゅう] (n) (1) labyrinth/maze (2) mystery (P) ","宮司[ぐうじ] (n) (Shinto) chief priest ","若宮[わかみや] (n) (1) young imperial prince (2) child of the imperial family (3) shrine dedicated to a child of the god of the main shrine (4) newly built shrine (to which a divided tutelary deity has just been transferred) ","天満宮[てんまんぐう] (n) Tenmangu shrine (shrine dedicated to Sugawara no Michizane's spirit) (P) ","離宮[りきゅう] (n, n-suf) imperial villa/royal villa/detached palace (P) ","宮地[みやじ<br>みやち] (n) grounds of a Shinto shrine ","神宮寺[じんぐうじ] (n) Buddhist temple within a Shinto shrine/temple attached to a shrine ","後宮[こうきゅう] (n) (1) inner palace (reserved for women)/harem/seraglio (2) consort of the emperor "],"脱":["脱出[だっしゅつ]escape  N1","脱する[だっする]to escape from; to get out  N1","脱退[だったい]secession  N1","脱線[だっせん]derailment, digression  N2","脱ぐ[ぬぐ]to take off clothes  N5","脱字[だつじ]Omitted Character,  omitted word ","脱税[だつぜい]Tax Evasion ","脱走する[だっそうする]To Escape,  to flee ","脱水[だっすい]dehydration ","脱落[だつらく]be omitted ","脱走[だっそう]desertion ","脱獄[だつごく]Jailbreak,  escape from prison ","脱衣[だつい]Undressing ","逸脱[いつだつ]deviation,  departure ","離脱[りだつ] (n, vs) withdrawal/secession/separation/breakaway (P) ","脱[だつ] (pref) de- (indicating reversal,  removal, etc.)/post- ","脱げる[ぬげる] (v1, vi) to come off/to slip down/to slip off ","脱落者[だつらくしゃ] (n) dropout/quitter/deserter ","脱却[だっきゃく] (n, vs) ridding oneself/freeing oneself of/growing out of/overcoming/outgrowing (P) ","脱力[だつりょく] (n, vs) loss of strength/exhaustion/weakness ","脱皮[だっぴ] (n, vs) (1) ecdysis/shedding (of skin)/sloughing/molting/moulting/casting off (2) freeing oneself/breaking with (convention, etc.) (P) "],"統":["統合[とうごう]integration; unification;synthesis  N1","統治[とうち<br>とうじ]rule; reign;government;governing  N1","統制[とうせい]regulation; control  N1","統率[とうそつ]command; lead;generalship;leadership  N1","系統[けいとう]system, family line,geological formation  N2","統一[とういつ]unity, consolidation,uniformity  N2","統計[とうけい]scattering, a scatter,dispersion  N2","大統領[だいとうりょう]president of a country  N3","伝統[でんとう]tradition,  convention  N3","伝統的[でんとうてき]Traditional ","副大統領[ふくだいとうりょう]Vice President ","統括[とうかつ]Unification ","統帥[とうすい]supreme command,  high command ","総統[そうとう] (n) (1) supreme ruler/generalissimo (2) president (of Taiwan) (3) fuhrer/fuehrer (P) ","正統[しょうとう<br>せいとう] (adj-na, n,adj-no) legitimate/orthodox/traditional ","血統[けっとう] (n) lineage/pedigree/family line/birth ","統廃合[とうはいごう] (n, vs) reorganization (e.g. of a company)/reorganisation/consolidation/scrap-and-build "],"価":["定価[ていか]established price  N2","価格[かかく]price,  value, cost  N3","価値[かち]value,  worth, merit  N3","高価[こうか]high price  N3","評価[ひょうか]valuation,  estimation, assessment, evaluation  N3","物価[ぶっか]prices of commodities,  prices (in general)  N3","地価[ちか]Land Value ","価[あたい<br>か]Value ","真価[しんか]true value ","等価[とうか]equivalence ","米価[べいか]price of rice ","価値観[かちかん]Moral Values,  sense of values, values ","貨幣価値[かへいかち]Currency Value ","廉価[れんか]low price,  cheap ","安価[あんか] (adj-na, n) (1) low-priced/cheap/inexpensive (2) shallow (e.g. sympathy)/superficial/cheap (e.g. government) (P) ","株価[かぶか] (n) stock prices (P) ","創価学会[そうかがっかい] (n) Soka Gakkai (lay organization,  based on Nichiren Buddhism) (organisation) (P) ","特価[とっか] (n, adj-no) special price/bargain price ","原価[げんか] (n) cost price (P) ","単価[たんか] (n, adj-no) unit price/unit cost (P) ","時価[じか] (n, adj-no) current value/price/market value (P) ","対価[たいか] (n) compensation/equivalent value/consideration (P) ","有価[ゆうか] (n, adj-no) valuable (object)/negotiable (instrument) "],"藤":["藤[ふじ]Wisteria ","藤本[とうほん] (n) climbing trees/liana ","葛藤[かっとう<br>つづらふじ] (n, vs) conflict/complication/troubles/discord (P) "],"崎":["崎[さき<br>みさき]Cape,  small peninsula ","川崎[かわさき]Kawasaki,  kawasaki city ","長崎[ながさき]Nagasaki ","長崎県[ながさきけん]Nagasaki Prefecture "],"施":["施行[しこう<br>しこう,  せこう<br>しぎょう<br>せぎょう<br>せこう]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;execution;enforcing;carrying out  N1","施設[しせつ]institution; establishment;facility;(army) engineer  N1","施す[ほどこす]to donate; to give;to conduct;to apply;to perform  N1","実施[じっし]enforcement,  enact, put into practice, carry out, operation  N3","施工[しこう<br>せこう] (n, vs) construction/constructing/carrying out/work/formation/workmanship/execution ","施策[しさく] (n) policy/measure (P) ","布施[ふせ] (n, vs) (1) (Buddh) alms-giving/charity (2) (Buddh) offerings (usu. money) to a priest (for reading sutras, etc.) (P) ","施政[しせい] (n) government/administration/statesmanship (P) "],"護":["介護[かいご]nursing  N1","看護[かんご]nursing; (army) nurse  N1","護衛[ごえい]guard; convoy;escort  N1","弁護[べんご]defense; pleading;advocacy  N1","保護[ほご]care; protection;shelter;guardianship;favor;patronage  N1","養護[ようご]protection; nursing;protective care  N1","看護婦[かんごふ]female nurse  N4","弁護士[べんごし]Attorney,  lawyer ","看護師[かんごし]Nurse ","保護する[ほごする]To Conserve,  to protect ","保護者[ほごしゃ]guardian ","擁護[ようご]protection,  advocacy, support, defence ","防護[ぼうご] (n, vs,adj-no) protection (P) ","守護[しゅご<br>すご] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) protection/safeguard (n) (2) shugo (Kamakura or Muromachi period military governor) ","警護[けいご] (n, vs) bodyguard/escort (P) ","援護[えんご] (n, vs) covering/protection/backing/relief (P) ","庇護[ひご] (n, vs) patronage/protection ","加護[かご] (n, vs) divine protection ","保護観察[ほごかんさつ] (n) probation ","護国[ごこく] (n) defense of one's country/defence of one's country (P) ","弁護人[べんごにん] (n) counsel/defender/advocate (P) ","護送[ごそう] (n, vs) escort (e.g. under guard)/convoy (P) ","救護[きゅうご] (n, vs) relief/aid ","護る[まもる] (v5r, vt) (1) to protect/to guard/to defend (2) to keep (i.e. a promise)/to abide (by the rules)/to observe/to obey/to follow "],"鬼":["鬼[おに<br>き]ogre,  demon, it (i.e.,  in a game of tag)  N3","吸血鬼[きゅうけつき]Vampire ","殺人鬼[さつじんき] (n) devilish homicide/cutthroat ","餓鬼[がき] (n) (1) (uk) (col) brat/kid/urchin/little devil (2) (Buddh) preta/hungry ghost "],"秀":["優秀[ゆうしゅう]superiority,  excellence  N3","秀でる[ひいでる]To Excel,  to surpass ","秀才[しゅうさい]genius ","秀逸[しゅういつ]excellence ","秀[しゅう] (n) preeminence/superlativeness ","最優秀[さいゆうしゅう] (adj-no) best/most (valuable player)/top (quality)/grade A/ace/finest "],"俳":["俳句[はいく]haiku poetry  N2","俳優[はいゆう]actor,  actress, player, performer  N3","俳人[はいじん] (n) haiku poet (P) ","俳諧[はいかい] (n) (1) haikai/collective name for haiku,  haibun, haiga, senryu, etc. (2) (abbr) humorous or vulgar renga poetry "],"裁":["裁く[さばく]to judge  N1","制裁[せいさい]restraint; sanctions;punishment  N1","体裁[ていさい<br>たいさい]decency; style;form;appearance;show;get-up;format  N1","独裁[どくさい]dictatorship; despotism  N1","裁縫[さいほう]sewing  N2","裁判[さいばん]trial,  judgement  N3","仲裁[ちゅうさい]arbitration ","洋裁[ようさい]western-style dressmaking ","総裁[そうさい]president ","裁つ[たつ]cut out ","裁判所[さいばんしょ]courthouse ","裁決[さいけつ]decision ","裁判官[さいばんかん] (n) judge (P) ","裁判長[さいばんちょう] (n) presiding judge ","地裁[ちさい] (n) (abbr) district court (P) ","最高裁[さいこうさい] (n) (abbr) Supreme Court (P) ","裁き[さばき] (n) judgment/judgement/decision/verdict ","最高裁判所[さいこうさいばんしょ] (n) Supreme Court ","地方裁判所[ちほうさいばんしょ] (n) district court/local court ","高裁[こうさい] (n) (abbr) High Court (P) ","裁定[さいてい<br>せいてい] (n, vs,adj-no) decision/ruling/award/arbitration (P) ","裁量[さいりょう] (n, vs) admeasure/discretion (P) "],"張":["嵩張る[かさばる]to be bulky; to be unwieldy;to grow voluminous  N1","誇張[こちょう]exaggeration  N1","突っ張る[つっぱる]to support; to become stiff;to become taut;to thrust (ones opponent);to stick to (ones opinion);to in  N1","張り紙[はりがみ]paper patch; paper backing;poster  N1","矢っ張り[やっぱり]also; as I thought;still;in spite of;absolutely  N1","威張る[いばる]to be proud, to swagger  N2","拡張[かくちょう]expansion, extension,enlargement,escape (ESC)  N2","出張[しゅっちょう]official tour, business trip  N2","張り切る[はりきる]to be in high spirits, to be full of vigor  N2","欲張り[よくばり]avarice, covetousness,greed  N2","緊張[きんちょう]tension,  mental strain, nervousness  N3","主張[しゅちょう]claim,  request, insistence, assertion  N3","張る[はる<br>ばる]to stick,  to paste  N3","引っ張る[ひっぱる](1) to pull,  to draw, to stretch, to drag, (2) to pull the ball (baseball)  N3","張り出す[はりだす]jut out ","張本人[ちょうほんにん]author ","強張る[つよ はる]become stiff ","見張る[みはる]guard ","頑張る[がんばる]work hard ","頑張れ[がんばれ]Do Your Best,  good luck ","緊張する[きんちょうする]To Stress,  to stress out, to be nervous ","縄張り[なわばり]one's territory ","踏ん張る[ふんばる]hold out ","膨張[ぼうちょう]expansion,  swelling, increase, growth ","見張り[みはり] (n) watch-keeping/guard/lookout (P) ","張[ちょう] (n) (1) (astron) (arch) Chinese 'Extended Net' constellation (one of the 28 mansions) (suf, ctr) (2) counter for objects with stretched strings (i.e. bows, kotos), curtains, papers, etc. ","張り[はり<br>ばり] (n) (1) stretch/tension (2) resilience/springiness/tone (3) will-power/pluck/pride ","緊張感[きんちょうかん] (n) feeling of tension/air of tension/tension/nervousness ","張り付ける[はりつける] (v1, vt) (1) to paste/to stick/to affix (2) to station/to post ","引っ張り[ひっぱり] (n) pulling/stretching/tension "],"沢":["光沢[こうたく]brilliance; polish;lustre;glossy finish (of photographs)  N1","沢山[たくさん<br>だくさん]many; a lot;much  N1","贅沢[ぜいたく]luxury,  extravagance  N3","沢[さわ]Swamp ","沼沢[しょうたく]Swamp,  marsh "],"幹":["幹[みき<br>から<br>かん](tree) trunk  N1","幹線[かんせん]main line; trunk line  N1","幹部[かんぶ]management; (executive) staff;leaders  N1","新幹線[しんかんせん]bullet train (very high speed), shinkansen  N2","幹事[かんじ]manager ","基幹[きかん] (n) mainstay/nucleus/key (P) ","根幹[こんかん] (n) (1) foundation/root/basis/core/fundamentals (2) root and trunk (P) ","主幹[しゅかん] (n) (1) chief editor/managing editor (2) manager/person in charge (P) ","語幹[ごかん] (n, adj-no) (ling) stem/root of a word "],"看":["看護[かんご]nursing; (army) nurse  N1","看板[かんばん]sign, signboard,doorplate,poster  N2","看病[かんびょう]nursing (a patient)  N2","看護婦[かんごふ]female nurse  N4","看護師[かんごし]Nurse ","看守[かんしゅ] (n, vs) jailer/gaoler (P) "],"展":["進展[しんてん]progress; development  N1","展示[てんじ]exhibition; display  N1","展望[てんぼう]view; outlook;prospect  N1","展開[てんかい]develop, expansion (opposite of compression)  N2","発展[はってん]development,  growth  N3","展覧会[てんらんかい]exhibition  N4","親展[しんてん]Confidential ","発展する[はってんする]To Develop ","展示会[てんじかい]Trade Show,  exhibition ","展[てん] (suf) (abbr) exhibition/exhibit ","展覧[てんらん] (n, vs,adj-no) exhibition/show ","出展[しゅってん] (n, vs) exhibit/display (P) ","個展[こてん] (n) solo exhibition/one-man exhibition/one-woman exhibition (P) "],"視":["監視[かんし]observation; guarding;inspection;surveillance  N1","近視[きんし]shortsightedness  N1","視覚[しかく]sense of sight; vision  N1","視察[しさつ]inspection; observation  N1","視点[してん]opinion; point of view;visual point  N1","視野[しや]field of vision; outlook  N1","重視[じゅうし]importance,  stress, serious consideration  N3","無視[むし]disregard,  ignore  N3","遠視[えんし]Farsightedness,  longsightedness ","警視庁[けいしちょう]Metropolitan Police Department,  metro police department ","無視する[むしする]To Ignore,  to disregard ","直視[ちょくし]direct look ","視力[しりょく]eyesight ","軽視[けいし]neglect ","巨視的[きょしてき]macroscopic ","凝視[ぎょうし]stare,  gaze, fixation ","視聴[しちょう<br>してい] (n, vs) (1) looking and listening (television) viewing (2) attention/interest (P) ","視[し] (suf) viewing as .../seeing as .../treating as .../regarding as ... ","視聴者[しちょうしゃ] (n) viewer (television) audience (P) ","監視カメラ[かんしカメラ] (n) surveillance camera/security camera ","検視[けんし] (n, vs) autopsy/inquest/investigation of death (P) ","警視[けいし] (n) police superintendent/metropolitan police (P) ","視線[しせん] (n) one's line of sight/one's gaze/one's eyes (looking)/glance/gaze/look (P) ","視界[しかい] (n) field of vision/visibility/view/visual field (one's) ken (P) ","視する[しする] (suf, vs-i) to take a view or perspective/to regard as/to consider to be ","可視[かし] (n, adj-no) visibility ","視聴率[しちょうりつ] (n) ratings (of a television program) (programme) (P) ","巡視[じゅんし] (n, vs,adj-no) inspection tour (P) ","視認[しにん] (n, vs) visual confirmation/sighting "],"環":["循環[じゅんかん]circulation, rotation,cycle  N2","環境[かんきょう]environment,  circumstance  N3","悪循環[あくじゅんかん]vicious circle ","循環器[じゅんかんき]circulatory organ ","環礁[かんしょう]atoll,  circular coral reef ","環[かん<br>たまき<br>わ] (n) (1) ring/band/rim (2) (math) (chem) ring (n-pref) (3) circum- ","一環[いっかん] (n) link (e.g. in a chain of events)/part (of a plan,  campaign, activities, etc.) (P) ","環状[かんじょう] (n, adj-no) annulation/ring shape/loop shape (P) ","環境省[かんきょうしょう] (n) Ministry of the Environment ","環境庁[かんきょうちょう] (n) Environment Agency (P) "],"製":["製[せい]-made; make  N1","製鉄[せいてつ]iron manufacture  N1","製法[せいほう]manufacturing method; recipe;formula  N1","作製[さくせい]manufacture  N2","製作[せいさく]manufacture, production  N2","製造[せいぞう]manufacture,  production  N3","製品[せいひん]manufactured goods,  finished goods  N3","自家製[じかせい]Homemade,  home brewed, made at home ","アメリカ製[あめりかせい,  アメリカせい]Made In America ","中国製[ちゅうごくせい]Made In China ","日本製[にほんせい]Made In Japan ","木製[もくせい]Wooden,  made from wood, made of wood ","製図[せいず]drafting ","製薬[せいやく]pharmaceutical manufacture ","既製[きせい]ready-made ","製鋼[せいこう]Steel Manufacture ","縫製[ほうせい]sewing ","製紙[せいし] (n) papermaking/paper-making/paper making/paper manufacture (P) ","複製[ふくせい] (n, vs,adj-no) reproduction/duplication/reprinting (P) ","製菓[せいか] (n) (1) confectionery production/baking (e.g. pastries,  sweets) (adj-f) (2) confectionery ","特製[とくせい] (n, vs,adj-no) special make/deluxe (P) ","精製[せいせい] (n, vs,adj-no) refining/purification (P) ","鉄製[てっせい<br>てつせい] (n, adj-no) made from iron (P) ","和製[わせい] (n) Japanese-made ","製剤[せいざい] (n) formulation (of pharmaceuticals)/preparation/pharmaceutical production ","製材[せいざい] (n, vs) sawing ","製粉[せいふん] (n, vs) milling/grinding into flour ","製糖[せいとう] (n) sugar manufacture (P) ","製油[せいゆ] (n, vs) oil refining ","乳製品[にゅうせいひん] (n) dairy products (P) "],"狭":["狭い[せまい]narrow  N5","狭まる[せばまる]get narrow ","狭める[せばめる]narrow (something) ","偏狭[へんきょう]narrow minded,  intolerance ","狭義[きょうぎ] (n, adj-no) narrow sense (e.g. of a word) ","狭隘[きょうあい] (adj-na, n) (1) narrow/small/confined (2) narrow-minded/intolerant ","狭間[はさま<br>はざま] (ok) (n) (1) interval/space/interstice/threshold (2) valley/gorge/ravine (3) loophole (in a wall)/crenel/eyelet ","狭軌[きょうき] (n, adj-no) narrow gauge ","手狭[てぜま] (adj-na) narrow/small/cramped "],"載":["記載[きさい]mention; entry  N1","掲載[けいさい]appearance (e.g. article in paper)  N1","載せる[のせる]to place on (something), to take on board,to give a ride  N2","載る[のる]to appear (in print), to be recorded  N2","所載[しょさい]Printed,  published ","掲載する[けいさいする]To Publish,  to print ","搭載[とうさい]built in,  equipped with ","連載[れんさい] (n, vs,adj-no) serialization/serialisation/serial story (P) ","転載[てんさい] (n, vs) reprinting/reproduction ","積載[せきさい] (n, vs) lading/loading/carrying (P) ","艦載機[かんさいき] (n) ship-borne plane ","満載[まんさい] (n, vs) fully loaded/full load/loaded condition (P) ","車載[しゃさい] (n, adj-no) in-vehicle/on-board ","休載[きゅうさい] (n, vs) suspending publication (of serialized content in newspapers, magazines, etc.) "],"株":["株式[かぶしき]stock (company)  N1","株[かぶ<br>かぶた<br>くい<br>くいせ<br>くいぜ<br>しゅ]share,  stock, stump (of tree)  N3","株主[かぶぬし]stockholder ","株式会社[かぶしきがいしゃ]Corporation ","株式市場[かぶしきしじょう]Stock Market ","持ち株[もちかぶ] (n) stock holdings/one's shares (P) ","株価[かぶか] (n) stock prices (P) ","新株[しんかぶ] (n) newly issued stock or share/stock issue/share issue (P) "],"逮":["逮捕[たいほ]arrest,  apprehension, capture  N3","逮捕する[たいほする]To Arrest,  to capture "],"票":["票[ひょう]label; ballot;ticket;sign  N1","投票[とうひょう]voting,  poll  N3","投票する[とうひょうする]To Vote ","得票[とくひょう] (n, vs) number of votes polled/poll votes (P) ","開票[かいひょう] (n, vs) counting ballots/tally (of votes) (P) "],"属":["所属[しょぞく]attached to; belong to  N1","付属[ふぞく]attached; belonging;affiliated;annexed;associated;subordinate;incidental;dependent;auxiliary  N1","属する[ぞくする<br>しょくする]to belong to, to come under,to be affiliated with,to be subject to  N2","附属[ふぞく]attached, belonging,affiliated  N2","金属[きんぞく]metal  N3","配属[はいぞく]assignment ","従属[じゅうぞく]subordination ","属す[しょくす<br>ぞくす] (v5s, vt) (1) to entrust (2) to send (a message, etc.) ","属[ぞく] (n) (1) (biol) genus (adj-no) (2) (biol) generic ","属性[ぞくせい] (n) attribute/property/context/element ","帰属[きぞく] (n, vs) (1) belonging/ascription/attribution/imputation/possession/jurisdiction (2) reversion/return/restoration (P) ","専属[せんぞく] (n, vs) exclusive/attached to/specialist (P) ","直属[ちょくぞく] (n, vs,adj-no) direct control/direct supervision (P) ","属国[ぞっこく] (n) vassal state/vassal nation/dependency "],"輩":["後輩[こうはい]junior (at work or school)  N2","先輩[せんぱい]senior  N4","年輩[ねんぱい]Elderly Person,  old person, elderly ","吾輩[わがはい]I,  me, myself ","輩出[はいしゅつ] (n, vs) turning out in great numbers/appearing one after the other (P) ","輩[ともがら<br>はい<br>ばら<br>やから] (n) comrade/fellow "],"響":["反響[はんきょう]echo; reverberation;repercussion;reaction;influence  N1","響き[ひびき<br>どよめき]echo, sound,reverberation,noise  N2","響く[ひびく<br>どよめく]to resound  N2","影響[えいきょう]influence,  effect  N3","交響曲[こうきょうきょく]symphony ","音響[おんきょう]sound ","悪影響[あくえいきょう]Bad Influence,  evil influence ","交響[こうきょう] (n, vs) reverberation ","地響き[じひびき] (n) subterranean rumbling/earth tremor ","影響力[えいきょうりょく] (n) influence/clout/leverage (P) ","響[ひびき] (io) (n) (1) echo/reverberation (2) sound (esp. the distinctive sound of an object or activity,  e.g. rain, gun, gallop, drum)/noise (3) quality of a sound (e.g. a fine phrase, clear voice, resonant bell)/feeling of a sound/emotion or feeling inspired by something heard or read (P) ","交響楽[こうきょうがく] (n) symphony (orchestra) (P) "],"鮮":["鮮やか[あざやか]vivid; clear;brilliant  N1","新鮮[しんせん]fresh  N3","鮮魚[せんぎょ]Fresh Fish ","朝鮮[ちょうせん] (n) Korea (P) ","北朝鮮[きたちょうせん] (n) North Korea (P) ","朝鮮半島[ちょうせんはんとう] (n) Korean peninsula (P) ","鮮血[せんけつ] (n) fresh blood ","朝鮮民主主義人民共和国[ちょうせんみんしゅしゅぎじんみんきょうわこく] (n) Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)/DPRK (P) ","鮮明[せんめい] (adj-na, n) vivid/clear/distinct (P) ","鮮卑[せんぴ] (n) Xianbei (ancient nomadic tribe of northern Asia) "],"隠":["隠居[いんきょ]retirement; retired person  N1","隠す[かくす]to hide,  to conceal  N3","隠れる[かくれる]to hide,  to be hidden, to conceal oneself, to disappear  N3","隠居する[いんきょする]To Retire ","隠匿[いんとく]hide,  concealment, conceal ","隠し事[かくしこと<br>かくしごと] (n, vs) secret/secrecy ","隠る[かくる<br>こもる<br>なまる] (v5r, vi) (arch) to hide/to be hidden/to conceal oneself/to disappear ","隠し[かくし] (n, n-pref,n-suf) (1) hiding/concealing/being hidden/being concealed (n) (2) pocket ","目隠し[めかくし] (n, vs) (1) something used to cover the eyes/blindfold/blinder/blinker/eye bandage (2) concealing one's home such that the interior cannot be seen from outside ","隠蔽[いんぺい] (n, vs) concealment/suppression/hiding ","隠れ[かくれ] (n-pref, n) (1) hidden/concealed/unknown/crypto- (n) (2) passing away/dying/death ","隠れ家[かくれが<br>かくれや] (n) (1) hiding place/hideout/refuge (2) retreat/hideaway "],"模":["規模[きぼ]scale; scope;plan;structure  N1","模型[もけい]model; dummy;maquette  N1","模索[もさく]groping (for)  N1","模範[もはん]exemplar; exemplification;exemplum;model;example  N1","模倣[もほう]imitation; copying  N1","模様[もよう]pattern,  figure, design  N3","大規模[だいきぼ]Large Scale ","小規模[しょうきぼ]Small Scale ","模擬[もぎ]imitation,  sham, mock, simulation ","模擬試験[もぎ しけん]mock examination ","模する[もする] (vs-s, vt) (1) to imitate/to copy/to mock/to replace/to model after (2) to trace/to forge ","模[かたぎ] (n) wooden printing block ","模試[もし] (n) (abbr) mock examination/trial examination ","模写[もしゃ] (n, vs) copy (of the real thing)/copying/reproduction/tracing "],"訟":["訴訟[そしょう]litigation; lawsuit  N1"],"肥":["肥料[ひりょう]manure; fertilizer  N1","肥満[ひまん]Obesity ","肥える[こえる]fatten ","肥[こえ] (n) manure/night soil/dung/fertiliser/fertilizer (P) ","肥沃[ひよく] (adj-na, n) fertile/rich/productive ","肥大[ひだい] (n, vs) (1) swelling/enlargement/becoming fat (2) (med) hypertrophy (P) "],"影":["撮影[さつえい]photographing  N2","影響[えいきょう]influence,  effect  N3","影[かげ]shade,  shadow, other side  N3","人影[ひとかげ]human figure ","投影[とうえい]cast shadow ","面影[おもかげ]face ","悪影響[あくえいきょう]Bad Influence,  evil influence ","撮影禁止[さつえいきんし]No Photos,  no photos allowed ","影響力[えいきょうりょく] (n) influence/clout/leverage (P) ","射影[しゃえい] (n, vs,adj-no) (math) projection ","幻影[げんえい] (n, adj-no) phantom/vision/illusion (P) "],"絞":["絞る[しぼる]to press, to wring,to squeeze  N2","絞殺[こうさつ]Death By Strangling,  strangled to death, strangling ","お絞り[おしぼり]steamed towel ","絞める[しめる] (v1, vt) to strangle/to constrict (P) ","絞り込む[しぼりこむ] (v5m, vt) (1) to squeeze/to wring out (2) to narrow down/to refine (P) ","絞首刑[こうしゅけい] (n) death by hanging/execution by hanging (P) "],"訴":["訴え[うったえ]lawsuit; complaint  N1","訴訟[そしょう]litigation; lawsuit  N1","訴える[うったえる]to sue (a person),  to resort to, to appeal to  N3","告訴[こくそ]Accusation,  charge ","起訴[きそ]prosecution ","控訴[こうそ]appeal ","起訴猶予[きそゆうよ]suspension of indictment ","提訴[ていそ] (n, vs) presenting a case/suing (P) ","敗訴[はいそ] (n, vs) loss of a court-case (P) ","不起訴[ふきそ] (n) nonprosecution/nonindictment (P) ","訴追[そつい] (n, vs) (1) prosecution/indictment (2) impeachment (P) ","勝訴[しょうそ] (n, vs) winning a lawsuit (P) ","公訴[こうそ] (n, vs) accusation/prosecution (P) ","上訴[じょうそ] (n, vs,adj-no) appeal (in court) "],"独":["孤独[こどく]isolation; loneliness;solitude  N1","単独[たんどく]sole; independence;single;solo (flight)  N1","独裁[どくさい]dictatorship; despotism  N1","独自[どくじ]original; peculiar;characteristic  N1","独占[どくせん]monopoly  N1","独創[どくそう]originality  N1","独り言[ひとりごと]a soliloquy, a monologue,speaking to oneself  N2","独身[どくしん]bachelorhood,  single, unmarried, celibate  N3","独特[どくとく]peculiarity,  uniqueness, characteristic  N3","独立[どくりつ]independence (e.g. Ind. Day),  self-support  N3","独り[ひとり]alone,  unmarried  N3","独学[どくがく]Self Study ","独りぼっち[ひとりぼっち]solitary ","独り占め[ひとりじめ]exclusive possession ","独断[どくだん]dogmatism ","独楽[こま]top ","独唱[どくしょう]Solo ","独[どく] (n) (abbr) Germany ","独房[どくぼう] (n) single cell/isolation cell/solitary cell/solitary confinement cell (P) ","独奏[どくそう] (n, vs) (instrumental) solo/recital (P) ","独創的[どくそうてき] (adj-na) creative/original (P) ","独ソ戦[どくソせん] (n) Russo-German War (1941-1945) ","独走[どくそう] (n, vs) (1) running alone/running solo (2) having a large lead (over the others)/being far ahead (of everyone else) (3) having one's own way/ignoring others' opinions and acting as one wishes/arbitrary action (P) "],"獣":["怪獣[かいじゅう]monster  N1","獣[けもの<br>けだもの<br>しし<br>じゅう]beast; brute  N1","獣類[じゅうるい]Beasts,  animals ","獣医[じゅうい]Veterinarian,  vet ","野獣[やじゅう]Wild Beast,  wild animal ","鳥獣[ちょうじゅう] (n) birds and wild animals/wildlife (P) "],"討":["討議[とうぎ]debate; discussion  N1","討論[とうろん]debate; discussion  N1","討つ[うつ]to attack, to avenge  N2","検討[けんとう]consideration,  examination, investigation, study, scrutiny  N3","検討する[けんとうする]To Examine,  to study, to look into ","討伐[とうばつ] (n, vs) subjugation (using military force)/suppression/subduing ","討ち死に[うちじに] (n, vs) (sens) die in battle/die in action ","再検討[さいけんとう] (n, vs) re-examination/review/reappraisal (P) ","掃討[そうとう] (n, vs) cleaning up/sweeping up/mopping up (P) ","焼き討ち[やきうち] (n) setting on fire/setting afire ","征討[せいとう] (n, vs) subjugation/conquest "],"故":["故[ゆえ<br>こ<br>ことさら<br>ふる<br>もと]the late (deceased)  N1","故人[こじん]the deceased; old friend  N1","其れ故[それゆえ]therefore; for that reason;so  N1","何故[なぜ<br>なにゆえ]why; how  N1","何故なら[なぜなら]because  N1","故郷[こきょう<br>ふるさと]home town,  birthplace, old village, historic village  N3","故障[こしょう]break-down,  failure, accident, out of order  N3","事故[じこ<br>ことゆえ]accident  N4","故意[こい]Intention,  premeditation, purpose, intent ","交通事故[こうつうじこ]traffic accident ","故事[こじ]historical fact ","故に[ゆえに]Therefore,  consequently ","何故か[なぜか] (adv) (uk) somehow/for some reason/without knowing why (P) ","生まれ故郷[うまれこきょう] (n) one's birthplace "],"較":["比較的[ひかくてき]comparatively, relatively  N2","比較[ひかく]comparison  N3","比較する[ひかくする]To Compare "],"創":["創刊[そうかん]launching (e.g. newspaper); first issue  N1","創造[そうぞう]creation  N1","創立[そうりつ]establishment; founding;organization  N1","独創[どくそう]originality  N1","創作[そうさく]production, literary creation,work  N2","創造的[そうぞうてき]Creative ","創造力[そうぞうりょく]Creative Power,  creativity ","創設[そうせつ] (n, vs) establishment/founding/organization/organisation (P) ","創業[そうぎょう] (n, vs) establishment (of a business)/founding (P) ","創建[そうけん] (n, vs) establishment/foundation ","創[きず] (n) (1) wound/injury/cut/gash/bruise/scratch/scrape/scar (2) chip/crack/scratch/nick (3) flaw/defect/weakness/weak point (4) stain (on one's reputation)/disgrace/dishonor/dishonour (5) (emotional) hurt/hurt feelings ","創る[つくる] (v5r, vt) (1) to make/to produce/to manufacture/to build/to construct (2) to prepare (food)/to brew (alcohol) (3) to raise/to grow/to cultivate/to train (4) to till (5) to draw up (a document)/to make out/to prepare/to write (6) to create (an artistic work, etc.)/to compose (7) to coin (a phrase)/to organize/to organise/to establish/to found (8) to have (a child) (9) to make up (one's face, etc.) (10) to fabricate (an excuse, etc.) (11) to give a (false) appearance/to feign (a smile, etc.)/to put on a show of emotion (12) to form (a line, etc.) (13) to set (a record) (14) to commit (a sin, etc.) (P) ","創価学会[そうかがっかい] (n) Soka Gakkai (lay organization,  based on Nichiren Buddhism) (organisation) (P) ","創設者[そうせつしゃ] (n) founder ","創始[そうし] (n, vs) creation/founding/initiating (P) ","創出[そうしゅつ] (n, vs) creation/generation (P) ","独創的[どくそうてき] (adj-na) creative/original (P) ","創世[そうせい] (n) creation of the world ","創り出す[つくりだす] (v5s, vt) (1) to manufacture/to produce/to raise (crops) (2) to invent/to dream up/to create (P) "],"往":["往復[おうふく](col) round trip, coming and going,return ticket  N2","往生[おうじょう]passing away ","往来[おうらい] (n, vs) (1) coming and going/traffic (n) (2) road/street (n,vs) (3) association/socializing/socialising/fellowship/mutual visits (4) recurring (e.g. thoughts) (5) correspondence (P) ","往年[おうねん] (n, adj-no) years gone by/earlier years/former years/the past (P) ","往々[おうおう] (adv) sometimes/often ","往時[おうじ] (n) ancient times ","往還[おうかん] (n, vs) traffic/coming and going/highway "],"励":["激励[げきれい]encouragement  N1","奨励[しょうれい]encouragement; promotion;message;address  N1","励ます[はげます]to encourage; to cheer;to raise (the voice)  N1","励む[はげむ]to be zealous; to brace oneself;to endeavour;to strive;to make an effort  N1","励起[れいき] (n, vs) (electrical) excitation "],"激":["激励[げきれい]encouragement  N1","感激[かんげき]deep emotion, impression,inspiration  N2","激増[げきぞう]sudden increase  N2","急激[きゅうげき]sudden,  precipitous, radical  N3","刺激[しげき]stimulus,  impetus, incentive  N3","激しい[はげしい]violent,  vehement, intense  N3","激動[げきどう]turmoil ","激[げき] (pref) extremely ... ","激突[げきとつ] (n, vs) crash into/clash (P) ","過激[かげき] (adj-na, n) extreme/radical (P) ","刺激的[しげきてき] (adj-na) stimulating/exciting/provocative ","激戦[げきせん] (n, vs,adj-no) fierce battle/hard-fought battle/hot contest/severe fight (P) ","激減[げきげん] (n, vs) dramatic decrease/sharp drop/sudden fall (P) ","激怒[げきど] (n, vs) rage/indignation/exasperation (P) ","激化[げきか<br>げっか] (n, vs) intensification/aggravation (P) ","激闘[げきとう] (n, vs) fierce fighting "],"障":["気障[きざ]affectation; conceit;snobbery  N1","障る[さわる]to hinder; to interfere with;to affect;to do one harm;to be harmful to  N1","保障[ほしょう]guarantee; security;assurance;pledge;warranty  N1","障子[しょうじ]paper sliding door  N2","故障[こしょう]break-down,  failure, accident, out of order  N3","障害[しょうがい]obstacle,  impediment (fault), damage  N3","耳障り[みみざわり]stridency ","支障[ししょう] (n) obstacle/hindrance/impediment/difficulty (P) ","障害物[しょうがいぶつ] (n) obstacle/hurdle ","目障り[めざわり] (adj-na, n) eyesore/unpleasant sight/obstructing a view ","安全保障[あんぜんほしょう] (n, adj-no) security guarantee (e.g. military security, network security, etc.) (P) ","障壁[しょうへき] (n) (1) enclosing wall/boundary fence (2) obstacle/barrier (P) "],"我":["自我[じが]self; the ego  N1","我がまま[わがまま]selfishness; egoism;wilfulness;disobedience;whim  N1","我慢[がまん]patience,  endurance, perseverance  N3","怪我[けが]injury (to animate object),  hurt  N3","我々[われわれ]we  N3","我[われ<br>あ<br>あれ<br>が<br>わ<br>わが<br>わぬ<br>わろ]I,  me ","無我[むが]Selflessness ","我が国[わがくに]our country ","我が家[わがや<br>わがいえ]one's home ","無我夢中[むがむちゅう]Total Absorption,  ecstasy ","我が[わが] (adj-pn) my/our/one's own (P) ","我ら[われら] (pn) (1) we/us (2) (arch) I/me (3) (arch) you (referring to a group of one's equals or inferiors) (P) ","我が社[わがしゃ] (exp, pn) our company/my company ","我が子[わがこ] (exp, n) one's own child/one's own children ","大怪我[おおけが] (n) serious injury "],"徴":["象徴[しょうちょう]symbol  N1","徴収[ちょうしゅう]collection; levy  N1","特徴[とくちょう]feature,  characteristic  N3","徴兵[ちょうへい]conscription ","特徴付ける[とくちょうづける] (v1) to make characteristic/to characterize ","徴用[ちょうよう] (n, vs) drafting/requisition/impressment/commandeering/expropriation ","徴税[ちょうぜい] (n, vs) tax collection/taxation (P) "],"授":["授ける[さずける<br>さづける]to grant; to award;to teach  N1","助教授[じょきょうじゅ]assistant professor  N2","教授[きょうじゅ]teaching,  instruction, professor  N3","授業[じゅぎょう]lesson, class work  N5","授与[じゅよ] (n, vs) awarding/conferment/granting/presentation (P) ","准教授[じゅんきょうじゅ] (n) associate professor ","授かる[さずかる] (v5r, vt) (1) to be awarded (e.g. a prize)/to be given an award/to receive (e.g. a title) (2) to be gifted or endowed (e.g. with a talent) (3) to be blessed (e.g. with a child) (4) to be initiated (e.g. into a secret) (P) ","授賞[じゅしょう] (n, vs) awarding a prize (P) ","授業中[じゅぎょうちゅう] (n) while in class (P) ","伝授[でんじゅ] (n, vs) (giving) instruction/initiation "],"鉛":["鉛[なまり]lead (the metal)  N1","鉛筆[えんぴつ]pencil  N5","鉛管[えんかん]Lead Pipe ","鉛毒[えんどく]Lead Poisoning ","亜鉛[あえん] (n) zinc (Zn) (P) "],"従":["従って[したがって]therefore; consequently;in accordance with  N1","従業員[じゅうぎょういん]employee; worker  N1","従事[じゅうじ]engaging; pursuing;following  N1","従来[じゅうらい]up to now; so far;traditional  N1","従姉妹[いとこ]cousin (female)  N2","従兄弟[いとこ<br>じゅうけいてい]cousin (male)  N3","従う[したがう]to abide (by the rules),  to obey, to follow, to accompany  N3","従業[じゅうぎょう]Employment ","従える[したがえる]be accompanied by ","従属[じゅうぞく]subordination ","服従[ふくじゅう]obedience ","従[じゅ<br>じゅう<br>ひろい<br>ひろき] (n, n-pref) (arch) lesser (of equal court ranks)/lower/junior ","に従って[にしたがって] (exp) in accordance with/according to/as X,  then Y (e.g. as we age we gain wisdom, as wine matures it becomes more valuable, etc.) (P) ","従軍[じゅうぐん] (n, vs) military service/serving in a war/taking part in a campaign (P) ","に従い[にしたがい] (exp) in accordance with/according to ","従三位[じゅさんみ] (n) second grade of the third rank of honor (honour) ","従前[じゅうぜん] (n, adj-no) previous/former ","従順[じゅうじゅん] (adj-na, n) obedient/gentle/meek/submissive/docile ","追従[ついじゅう<br>ついしょう] (n, vs) following (e.g. someone's opinion)/being servile to/adherence/compliance/emulation/mimicking/servility ","従者[じゅうしゃ] (n) follower/attendant/valet/servant "],"豚":["豚肉[ぶたにく<br>とんにく]pork  N5","河豚[ふぐ,  ふく<br>かとん<br>ふく<br>ふぐ<br>ふくべ]Fugu, blowfish, pufferfish ","豚[ぶた<br>とん]Pig ","海豚[いるか] (gikun) (n) (uk) dolphin (or other small toothed whales,  such as porpoises, belugas, etc.) "],"振":["振興[しんこう]promotion; encouragement  N1","振動[しんどう]oscillation; vibration  N1","久し振り[ひさしぶり]after a long time  N1","不振[ふしん]dullness; depression;slump;stagnation  N1","振り[ふり<br>ぶり]pretence; show;appearance  N1","振り出し[ふりだし]outset; starting point;drawing or issuing (draft)  N1","身振り[みぶり]gesture  N1","振り仮名[ふりがな], pronunciation key  N2","振舞う[ふるまう]to behave, to conduct oneself,to entertain (vt)  N2","振る[ふる<br>ぶる](1) to wave,  to shake, to swing, (2) to sprinkle, (3) to cast (actor), to allocate (work)  N3","手振り[てぶり]gesture ","振り向く[ふりむく]turn around ","振り返る[ふりかえる]turn one's head ","振る舞う[ふるまう]behave oneself ","三振[さんしん] (n, vs) (baseb) strikeout/strike out/fanning out (P) ","振り回す[ふりまわす] (v5s, vt) (1) to wield/to brandish/to flourish/to wave (about)/to swing (2) to display (one's knowledge)/to show off (3) to abuse (one's power) (4) to manipulate someone (P) ","振るう[ふるう] (v5u, vt) (1) to swing/to wield (physically)/to exert (2) to exercise (e.g. power, ability)/to exhibit/to display/to wield (metaphorically) (3) to flourish/to prosper/to thrive ","振込[ふりこみ] (n) (1) payment made via bank deposit transfer (2) (mahj) discarding a tile that becomes another player's winning tile ","振付[ふりつけ] (n, vs) choreography/dance composition/dance coaching ","振る舞い[ふるまい] (n) behavior/behaviour/conduct (P) ","振り付け[ふりつけ] (n, vs) choreography/dance composition/dance coaching (P) ","振り込む[ふりこむ] (v5m, vt) (1) to make a payment via bank deposit transfer (2) (mahj) to discard another player's winning tile (P) ","振れる[ふれる] (v1, vi) (1) to swing/to shake/to wave (2) to veer/to deflect/to lean towards ","割り振る[わりふる] (v5r, vt) to assign/to allot/to divide among/to distribute/to prorate/to assess/to apportion/to allocate ","振り付ける[ふりつける] (v1) to choreograph ","振り分ける[ふりわける] (v1, vt) (1) to divide in two/to divide in half (2) to apportion/to divide among/to portion out/to allot/to assign ","振込む[ふりこむ] (v5m, vt) (1) to make a payment via bank deposit transfer (2) (mahj) to discard another player's winning tile ","振替[ふりかえ] (n) (1) transfer/switching over/change (2) money transfer (usu. between accounts held by the same person) (3) (abbr) postal transfer (P) ","振幅[しんぷく<br>ふりはば] (n) (physics) amplitude (P) ","振り子[ふりこ] (n) pendulum (P) ","振り切る[ふりきる] (v5r, vt) (1) to shake off/to shake free from (2) to swing completely (bat, club, etc.)/to take a full swing (3) to break off from (pursuer)/to pull away (4) to reject (request)/to ignore (P) ","発振[はっしん] (n, vs) oscillation ","振り替える[ふりかえる] (v1, vt) to change (e.g. a bill)/to transfer (e.g. money)/to switch over/to move over "],"怪":["怪獣[かいじゅう]monster  N1","怪しい[あやしい]suspicious, dubious,doubtful  N2","怪我[けが]injury (to animate object),  hurt  N3","怪談[かいだん]Ghost Story ","怪事件[かいじけん]Strange Mystery,  mystery case ","怪しむ[あやしむ]suspect ","怪奇[かいき]mystery ","妖怪[ようかい] (n) ghost/apparition/phantom/spectre/specter/demon/monster/goblin (P) ","怪物[かいぶつ] (n) monster (P) ","怪[かい] (n) mystery/wonder ","怪人[かいじん] (n) mysterious person ","怪しげ[あやしげ] (adj-na, n) questionable/doubtful/suspicious ","大怪我[おおけが] (n) serious injury ","怪盗[かいとう] (n) mysterious thief/phantom thief "],"睡":["睡眠[すいみん]sleep  N3","睡眠薬[すいみんやく]Sleeping Pills,  sleeping drugs, sleeping medicine ","睡る[ねぶる<br>ねむる] (ok) (v5r, vi) (1) to sleep (not necessarily lying down) (2) to die (3) (arch) to close one's eyes "],"端":["極端[きょくたん]extreme; extremity  N1","半端[はんぱ]remnant; fragment;incomplete set;fraction;odd sum;incompleteness  N1","先端[せんたん]pointed end, tip,fine point  N2","途端[とたん]just (now,   at the moment,  etc.)  N3","端[はし<br>たん<br>つま<br>はじ<br>はした<br>はた<br>はな]end (e.g. of street),  edge, tip, margin, point  N3","中途半端[ちゅうとはんぱ]Half Finished,  half assed ","両端[りょうはし<br>りょうたん<br>りょうはじ]both ends ","最先端[さいせんたん]cutting edge ","末端[まったん]end ","発端[ほったん]beginning ","端たない[はしたない]shameful ","端的[たんてき]directly ","道端[みちばた]roadside ","異端[いたん]heresy ","端末[たんまつ] (n) (1) (comp) (abbr) terminal/computer terminal (2) (abbr) information access device (smartphone,  tablet, book-reader, etc.) (3) end (e.g. of a roll of film) (P) ","南端[なんたん] (n) southern tip ","北端[ほくたん] (n) northern extremity (P) ","東端[とうたん] (n) east end/eastern tip ","端子[たんし] (n) (1) terminal (electricity) (2) pin (on a semiconductor or microcontroller) (3) port (e.g. LAN port) ","準備万端[じゅんびばんたん] (exp) fully prepared/all ready ","一端[いったん<br>いっぱし] (n) (1) one end/an end (2) part/fragment (P) ","川端[かわばた] (n) riverbank (P) ","終端[しゅうたん] (n) terminus/terminal/end edge ","端緒[たんしょ<br>たんちょ] (n) start/beginning/first step/clue (P) "],"郎":["野郎[やろう]Bastard,  guy, fellow ","ばか野郎[ばかやろう] (n, int) (uk) (col) (derog) (yoji) idiot ","バカ野郎[バカやろう] (n, int) (uk) (col) (derog) (yoji) idiot ","三郎[さぶろう] (n) (1) third son (2) (uk) Occella iburia (species of poacher) ","与太郎[よたろう] (n) (1) (arch) slow witted fellow/counter-hero/liar (2) (arch) lie/nonsense (3) Yotaro (rakugo character) ","新郎[しんろう] (n) bridegroom (P) "],"康":["健康[けんこう]health,  sound, wholesome  N3","不健康[ふけんこう]Unhealthy,  not healthy ","健康的[けんこうてき] (adj-na) hygienic/healthy/healthful/sanitary (P) "],"健":["健在[けんざい]in good health; well  N1","健全[けんぜん]health; soundness;wholesome  N1","健やか[すこやか]vigorous; healthy;sound  N1","保健[ほけん]health preservation, hygiene,sanitation  N2","健康[けんこう]health,  sound, wholesome  N3","健忘症[けんぼうしょう]Amnesia,  loss of memory ","健気[けなげ]brave ","不健康[ふけんこう]Unhealthy,  not healthy ","穏健[おんけん]moderate ","剛健[ごうけん]Vigor,  vigour, virility ","健児[けんじ] (n) stalwart youth ","健闘[けんとう] (n, vs) fighting bravely/strenuous efforts (P) ","保健所[ほけんしょ<br>ほけんじょ] (n) health care center/health care centre (P) ","健康的[けんこうてき] (adj-na) hygienic/healthy/healthful/sanitary (P) "],"誘":["勧誘[かんゆう]invitation; solicitation;canvassing;inducement;persuasion;encouragement  N1","誘導[ゆうどう]guidance; leading;induction;introduction;incitement;inducement  N1","誘惑[ゆうわく]temptation; allurement;lure  N1","誘う[さそう<br>いざなう](1) to invite,  to ask, (2) to tempt, to lure, to induce  N3","誘惑する[ゆうわくする]To Tempt ","誘拐[ゆうかい]kidnapping,  abduction ","誘致[ゆうち] (n, vs) attraction/lure/invitation (P) ","誘拐犯[ゆうかいはん] (n) kidnapper/kidnaper/abductor ","誘い[いざない<br>さそい] (n) (1) invitation/introduction (2) temptation ","誘発[ゆうはつ] (n, vs) inducing/causing/triggering/giving rise to (P) ","誘電[ゆうでん] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) induction/induced electricity (adj-f) (2) dielectric/inductive "],"惑":["疑惑[ぎわく]doubt; misgivings;distrust;suspicion  N1","誘惑[ゆうわく]temptation; allurement;lure  N1","惑星[わくせい]planet  N1","迷惑[めいわく]trouble,  bother, annoyance  N3","惑う[まどう]To Be Misguided,  to be led astray, to be perplexed, to be puzzled ","困惑[こんわく]embarrassment ","当惑[とうわく]confusion ","惑わす[まどわす]fascinate ","戸惑う[とまどう]be puzzled ","迷惑メール[めいわくめーる,  めいわくメール]Spam, junk mail, unsolicited mail ","誘惑する[ゆうわくする]To Tempt ","魅惑[みわく]enchantment ","ご迷惑[ごめいわく] (n, adj-na) trouble/bother/annoyance ","思惑[おもわく<br>しわく] (ateji) (n) (1) expectation/anticipation/prediction/forecast/calculations (2) purpose/intention/motive/ulterior motive (3) others' opinions of one (4) (finc) speculation (P) ","小惑星[しょうわくせい] (n) (astron) asteroid (P) "],"就":["就業[しゅうぎょう]employment; starting work  N1","就任[しゅうにん]inauguration, assumption of office  N2","就職[しゅうしょく]finding employment,  inauguration  N3","就く[つく]to settle in (place),  to take (seat,  position), to study (under teacher)  N3","就航[しゅうこう] (n, vs) entering service (on a route;  of a plane or ship)/going into commission/being in service (P) ","就学[しゅうがく] (n, vs) entering school/school attendance (P) ","就労[しゅうろう] (n, vs) working/being employed/being hired (P) ","就寝[しゅうしん] (n, vs) going to bed/retiring (for the night) (P) ","成就[じょうじゅ] (n, vs,n-suf) fulfillment/fulfilment/realization/realisation/completion (P) "],"暇":["暇[ひま<br>いとま]free time; leisure;leave;spare time;farewell  N1","余暇[よか]leisure; leisure time;spare time  N1","休暇[きゅうか]holiday,  day off, furlough  N3","寸暇[すんか]Moment's Leisure,  free minute ","暇潰し[ひまつぶし]kill time "],"症":["症[しょう]illness  N1","症状[しょうじょう]symptoms,  condition  N3","健忘症[けんぼうしょう]Amnesia,  loss of memory ","〜症[しょう]Disease,  sickness ","不眠症[ふみんしょう]Insomnia ","重症[じゅうしょう]serious illness ","恐怖症[きょうふしょう]Phobia ","花粉症[かふんしょう]Hay Fever ","炎症[えんしょう]Inflammation ","症候[しょうこう] (n, adj-no) symptoms (P) ","依存症[いそんしょう<br>いぞんしょう] (n) dependence (on alcohol,  drugs, etc.) ","感染症[かんせんしょう] (n) infectious disease/infection (P) ","発症[はっしょう] (n, vs) outbreak of an illness/onset of an illness/appearance of symptoms (P) ","症候群[しょうこうぐん] (n) (med) syndrome (P) ","症例[しょうれい] (n) (med) case (P) ","自閉症[じへいしょう] (n, adj-no) autism (P) ","後遺症[こういしょう] (n) prognostic symptoms/after-effect (P) "],"締":["締め切り[しめきり]closing; cut-off;end;deadline;Closed;No Entrance  N1","戸締り[とじまり]closing up; fastening the doors  N1","取り締まり[とりしまり]control; management;supervision  N1","取り締まる[とりしまる]to manage; to control;to supervise  N1","締切[しめきり]closing, cut-off,end,deadline,Closed,No Entrance  N2","締め切る[しめきる]to shut up  N2","締める[しめる]to tie  N5","締結する[ていけつする]To Conclude,  to enter, to execute ","取締役[とりしまりやく]director ","引き締まる[ひきしまる]be braced up ","引き締め[ひきしめ]tightening ","引き締める[ひきしめる]brace oneself ","戸締まり[とじまり]closing of the doors ","締まる[しまる]become tight ","締結[ていけつ] (n, vs) (1) conclusion/execution (of a contract)/entering (into treaty) (2) fastening (as in a joint) (P) ","取締[とりしまり] (n) control/management/supervision ","締め[しめ] (n) (1) tie up/bind/fastening/tightening (2) sum/total amount/total (3) (MA) judo choking (strangling) techniques (4) (food) last meal eaten when going restaurant hopping (5) completion/conclusion/rounding off (ctr) (6) counter for bundles/counter for faggots/counter for bundles of 2000 sheets of paper (n) (7) end mark/closure mark (P) ","締め括る[しめくくる] (v5r, vt) (1) to bring to a finish (2) to bind firmly (3) to superintend ","締めくくる[しめくくる] (v5r, vt) (1) to bring to a finish (2) to bind firmly (3) to superintend ","取締り[とりしまり] (n) control/management/supervision (P) ","締約[ていやく] (n, vs) conclusion of a treaty (P) ","抱き締める[だきしめる] (v1, vt) to hug someone close/to hold someone tight/to embrace closely "],"迫":["圧迫[あっぱく]pressure; coercion;oppression  N1","脅迫[きょうはく]threat; menace;coercion;terrorism  N1","迫害[はくがい]persecution  N1","迫る[せまる<br>せる]to draw near, to press  N2","切迫[せっぱく]Urgency,  pressure, draw near, be imminent ","迫力[はくりょく]force ","緊迫[きんぱく]strain ","迫撃砲[はくげきほう] (n) mortar (P) ","強迫[きょうはく] (n, vs,adj-no) compelling/using duress ","逼迫[ひっぱく] (n, vs) (1) tightness (of money, financial conditions, etc.)/pressure/stringency (2) being strained (of a situation)/being tense/being pressing/being tough "],"織":["織[おり]weave; weaving;woven item  N1","織物[おりもの]textile; fabric  N1","織る[おる]to weave  N1","組織[そしき<br>そしょく](1) organization,  (2) structure, construction, (3) tissue, (4) system  N3","羽織[はおり]japanese half length coat ","紡織[ぼうしょく]spinning and weaving,  weaving and spinning ","織姫[おりひめ] (n) (1) woman textile worker (2) (astron) Vega (star in the constellation Lyra)/Alpha Lyrae ","織り込む[おりこむ] (v5m, vt) to weave into/to interweave/to be incorporated in/to be factored in ","織り交ぜる[おりまぜる] (v1, vt) to weave together/to interweave/to intermingle ","織機[おりき<br>しょっき] (n) loom/weaving machine "],"屈":["窮屈[きゅうくつ]narrow; tight;stiff;rigid;uneasy;formal;constrained  N1","屈折[くっせつ]bending; indentation;refraction  N1","理屈[りくつ]theory; reason  N1","退屈[たいくつ]tedium,  boredom  N3","屈辱[くつじょく]Disgrace,  humiliation ","卑屈[ひくつ]subservient,  abject ","屈指[くっし] (n, adj-no) leading/foremost/preeminent/outstanding/one of the best (P) ","屈する[くっする] (vs-s, vi) (1) to yield/to give in/to be daunted/to shrink (vs-s,vt) (2) to bend (knee, etc.) (3) to subdue/to overpower (vs-s,vi) (4) (arch) to feel down ","屈曲[くっきょく] (n, vs,adj-no) crookedness/bending/indentation/curvature/flexion ","屈服[くっぷく] (n, vs) yielding/submission/surrender/giving way/succumbing "],"攻":["攻め[せめ]attack; offence  N1","攻める[せめる]to attack, to assault  N2","攻撃[こうげき]attack,  strike, offensive, criticism, censure  N3","専攻[せんこう]major  N3","反攻[はんこう]Counterattack,  counter offensive ","攻撃する[こうげきする]To Attack ","侵攻[しんこう]Invasion ","攻略[こうりゃく] (n, vs) (1) capture (of enemy territory)/taking (by storm)/conquest/attack/assault (2) defeating (an opponent) (3) attacking (a problem) strategically (P) ","攻撃的[こうげきてき] (adj-na) offensive/aggressive ","特攻[とっこう] (n) (abbr) suicide attack/kamikaze attack ","攻勢[こうせい] (n) offensive (movement)/aggression (P) ","速攻[そっこう] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) swift attack/quick attack/fast break (adv) (2) (col) right away/without delay/immediately (P) ","攻防[こうぼう] (n) offense and defense/offence and defence (P) ","進攻[しんこう] (n, vs) attack/drive/advance/invasion (P) ","攻城[こうじょう] (n, vs) castle siege ","攻守[こうしゅ] (n) offense and defense/offence and defence/batting and fielding (P) ","猛攻[もうこう] (n, vs) fierce attack (P) ","攻め落とす[せめおとす] (v5s, vt) to take by storm (e.g. a castle)/to assault/to capture/to reduce "],"撃":["襲撃[しゅうげき]attack; charge;raid  N1","衝撃[しょうげき]shock; crash;impact;ballistic  N1","打撃[だげき]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;blow;shock;strike;damage; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;batting (baseball)  N1","反撃[はんげき]counterattack; counteroffensive;counterblow  N1","撃つ[うつ<br>ぶつ]to attack,  to defeat, to destroy  N3","攻撃[こうげき]attack,  strike, offensive, criticism, censure  N3","進撃[しんげき]Advance,  charge ","目撃[もくげき]observation ","直撃[ちょくげき]direct hit ","羽撃く[はばたく]flap the wings ","攻撃する[こうげきする]To Attack ","爆撃[ばくげき]Bombing ","狙撃[そげき]Shooting,  sniping ","襲撃する[しゅうげきする]To Attack,  to assault ","目撃者[もくげきしゃ] (n) eye-witness/witness ","撃破[げきは] (n, vs) crushing ","撃墜[げきつい] (n, vs) shooting down (aircraft) (P) ","撃沈[げきちん] (n) (1) sending a ship to the bottom/sinking (a ship) (vs) (2) to sink a ship (P) ","電撃[でんげき] (n) (1) electric shock (n, adj-f) (2) blitz/lightning attack (adj-f) (3) sudden and without warning/shocking (P) ","砲撃[ほうげき] (n, vs) bombarding/shelling/bombardment (P) ","撃退[げきたい] (n, vs) repulse/repelling (e.g. the enemy)/driving back ","迎撃[げいげき] (n, vs) intercept/interception/counter-attack (P) ","出撃[しゅつげき] (n, vs) sortie/sally/attack (P) ","射撃[しゃげき] (n, vs) firing/shooting/fire/gunshot/marksmanship (P) ","追撃[ついげき] (n, vs) pursuit/chase (P) ","突撃[とつげき] (n, vs) charge/rush/dash/assault/attack ","攻撃的[こうげきてき] (adj-na) offensive/aggressive ","雷撃[らいげき] (n, vs) being struck by lightning/torpedo attack ","銃撃[じゅうげき] (n, vs) shooting/gunning (down) (P) ","遊撃手[ゆうげきしゅ] (n) (baseb) shortstop/short (P) ","衝撃的[しょうげきてき] (adj-na) devastating/gut-wrenching/shocking/startling/sensational/astounding/astonishing ","撃ち殺す[うちころす] (v5s, vt) to shoot to death ","迫撃砲[はくげきほう] (n) mortar (P) ","一撃[いちげき] (n, vs) blow/hit/poke (P) ","銃撃戦[じゅうげきせん] (n) firefight/gun battle/shoot-out ","遊撃[ゆうげき] (n, vs) (1) raid/military attack by a mobile unit/hit-and-run attack/search-and-kill mission/search-and-destroy mission/military action without a predetermined target/attacking the enemy or assisting allies as the opportunity arises (n) (2) (baseb) (abbr) shortstop/short (P) ","迎え撃つ[むかえうつ] (v5t, vt) to meet (the enemy) and attack/to engage (the approaching enemy)/to confront/to intercept (P) ","撃滅[げきめつ] (n, vs) destruction/annihilation/extermination "],"浜":["浜[はま]beach; seashore  N1","浜辺[はまべ]beach; foreshore  N1","横浜[よこはま]Yokohama ","砂浜[すなはま]sand beach ","浜松[はままつ] (n) Hamamatsu (city) (P) ","海浜[かいひん] (n) seashore/seaside/beach (P) ","白浜[しらはま] (n) white sandy beach "],"綺":["綺麗[きれい]pretty ","綺[かにはた<br>かんはた<br>かんばた<br>き] (n) (arch) thin twilled silk fabric "],"益":["収益[しゅうえき]earnings; proceeds;returns  N1","益々[ますます]increasingly; more and more  N1","有益[ゆうえき]beneficial; profitable  N1","利益[りえき<br>りやく]profits,  gains, (political,  economic) interest  N3","国益[こくえき]National Benefit,  national interests ","公益[こうえき]Public Benefit ","不利益[ふりえき]disadvantage ","無益[むえき]futile ","損益[そんえき]profit and loss ","益[えき<br>ますます<br>やく<br>よう] (n) (1) benefit/use/good/advantage/gain (2) profit/gains (P) ","受益[じゅえき] (n) benefitting by/benefiting by (P) ","権益[けんえき] (n) (one's) interests (P) "],"憲":["憲法[けんぽう]constitution  N3","憲政[けんせい]Constitutional Government ","立憲[りっけん] (n) constitutionalism (P) ","憲兵[けんぺい] (n) military police ","憲章[けんしょう] (n) charter (P) ","違憲[いけん] (n) unconstitutionality (P) ","改憲[かいけん] (n, vs) constitutional change/revising the constitution (P) ","制憲[せいけん] (n, vs) establishment of a constitution "],"微":["微か[かすか]faint; dim;weak;indistinct;hazy;poor;wretched  N1","微笑[ほほえみ<br>びしょう]smile  N1","微量[びりょう]minuscule amount; extremely small quantity  N1","微塵[みじん]particle; atom  N1","顕微鏡[けんびきょう]microscope  N2","微妙[びみょう<br>みみょう]delicate,  subtle  N3","微笑む[ほほえむ]to smile  N3","微生物[びせいぶつ]Microorganism,  microbe ","微[び] (n, adj-na) (1) minuteness (num) (2) one millionth ","顕微[けんび] (adj-na, n) microscopic ","微分[びぶん] (n, vs) (1) (math) differentiation (n) (2) (math) differential/derivative ","微小[びしょう] (adj-na, n,adj-no) microscopic (P) ","微細[びさい] (adj-na, n) minute/micro/detailed/delicate/subtle (P) ","軽微[けいび] (adj-na, n) slight/little/insignificant "],"修":["改修[かいしゅう]repair; improvement  N1","修学[しゅうがく]learning  N1","修行[しゅぎょう<br>すぎょう]pursuit of knowledge; studying;learning;training;ascetic practice;discipline  N1","修士[しゅうし]Masters degree program  N1","修飾[しゅうしょく]ornamentation; embellishment;decoration;adornment;polish up (writing);modification (gram)  N1","修了[しゅうりょう]completion (of a course)  N1","専修[せんしゅう]specialization  N1","必修[ひっしゅう]required (subject)  N1","研修[けんしゅう]training  N2","修繕[しゅうぜん]repair, mending  N2","修正[しゅうせい]amendment,  correction, revision, modification  N3","修理[しゅうり<br>しゅり<br>すり]repairing,  mending  N3","修辞学[しゅうじがく]Rhetoric ","修める[おさめる]cultivate ","修学旅行[しゅうがくりょこう]school excursion ","修業[しゅうぎょう<br>しゅぎょう]learning ","研修生[けんしゅうせい]Trainee ","修復[しゅうふく<br>しゅふく] (n, vs,adj-no) restoration/repair/mending (P) ","監修[かんしゅう] (n, vs) (1) (editorial) supervision/general editorship (n) (2) supervising director (of anime, TV series etc.) (P) ","修道[しゅうどう] (n) learning/studying the fine arts (P) ","修道院[しゅうどういん] (n) monastery/convent/cloister/abbey (P) ","修習[しゅうしゅう] (n) apprenticeship ","補修[ほしゅう] (n, vs) repair/mending (P) ","履修[りしゅう] (n, vs) taking a class/studying a subject/completing a course ","修得[しゅうとく] (n, vs) learning/acquisition (of a skill, knowledge, etc.) ","修好[しゅうこう] (n, vs) amity/friendship ","修羅[しゅら<br>すら] (n) (1) (Buddh) (abbr) Asura/demigod/anti-god/titan/demigods that fight the Devas (gods) in Hindu mythology (2) fighting/carnage/conflict/strife (3) sledge (for conveying large rocks,  logs, etc.) (4) log slide/chute/flume "],"博":["博士[はかせ<br>はくし]doctorate,  PhD  N3","博物館[はくぶつかん]museum  N3","博覧会[はくらんかい]Exposition,  exhibition, fair ","博打[ばくち]Gambling ","博学[はくがく]erudition ","博愛[はくあい]philanthropy ","博物[はくぶつ] (n) (1) (abbr) natural history (2) wide learning/broad area of learning (P) ","博[はく<br>ばく] (n-suf) (1) doctor/PhD (2) exposition/fair/exhibition (P) ","博す[はくす] (v5s, vt) (1) to win/to gain/to earn (2) to spread (one's name, etc.) ","万博[ばんぱく] (n) (abbr) world fair/international exposition ","博覧[はくらん] (n) extensive reading/wide knowledge ","賭博[とばく] (n, vs) gambling "],"稚":["幼稚[ようち]infancy, childish,infantile  N2","幼稚園[ようちえん]kindergarten  N2","稚拙[ちせつ]unskillful,  childish ","稚児[ちご<br>やや<br>ややこ] (n) (1) (festivity) page (2) baby/child (3) (arch) boys kept by pederasts "],"麗":["奇麗[きれい]pretty; clean;nice;tidy;beautiful;fair  N1","綺麗[きれい]pretty ","華麗[かれい]magnificent ","高麗[こうらい<br>こま] (n) (1) (abbr) Goryeo (dynasty of Korea;  918-1392 CE) (n, n-pref) (2) Korea (esp. the Goguryeo kingdom or the Goryeo dynasty) (P) ","高句麗[こうくり] (n) Goguryeo/Koguryo/ancient Korean kingdom (37 BCE - 668 CE) "],"奇":["奇数[きすう]odd number  N1","奇麗[きれい]pretty; clean;nice;tidy;beautiful;fair  N1","奇妙[きみょう]strange,  queer, curious  N3","好奇心[こうきしん]curiosity ","怪奇[かいき]mystery ","奇跡[きせき]Miracle ","奇襲[きしゅう]Surprise Attack ","好奇[こうき] (n) inquisitiveness ","奇[き] (adj-na, n) strange/unconventional ","奇遇[きぐう] (adj-na, n,adj-no) unexpected meeting/coincidence ","奇しくも[くしくも] (adv) strangely/oddly/miraculously/mysteriously ","奇抜[きばつ] (adj-na, n) novel/original/striking/strange/eccentric/fantastic (P) ","奇形[きぎょう<br>きけい] (ok) (n, adj-no) (1) deformity/malformation (2) strange shape/unusual shape "],"衆":["観衆[かんしゅう]spectators; onlookers;members of the audience  N1","衆[しゅう<br>しゅ]masses; great number;the people  N1","衆議院[しゅうぎいん]Lower House; House of Representatives  N1","大衆[たいしゅう]general public  N1","公衆[こうしゅう]the public  N2","民衆[みんしゅう]populace ","聴衆[ちょうしゅう]audience ","群衆[ぐんしゅう<br>ぐんしゅ<br>ぐんじゅ]masses (of people) ","アメリカ合衆国[アメリカがっしゅうこく] (n) United States of America (P) ","合衆国[がっしゅうこく] (n) (1) federal state (2) (abbr) United States of America ","衆院[しゅういん] (n) (abbr) House of Representatives (lower house of the National Diet of Japan) (P) "],"潔":["簡潔[かんけつ]brevity; conciseness;simplicity  N1","不潔[ふけつ]unclean, dirty,filthy,impure  N2","清潔[せいけつ]clean  N3","潔い[いさぎよい]Pure Hearted,  pure ","潔く[いさぎよく]bravely ","潔白[けっぱく]innocent "],"隊":["兵隊[へいたい]soldier, sailor  N2","軍隊[ぐんたい]army,  troops  N3","入隊[にゅうたい]Enlist In The Army,  enlist ","〜隊[たい]Squad ","機動隊[きどうたい]riot police ","自衛隊[じえいたい]Self Defense Forces ","艦隊[かんたい]Naval Fleet,  armada ","連隊[れんたい] (n, adj-no) regiment (P) ","隊[たい] (n, n-suf) (1) party/group/crew/team/body (2) company (of troops)/corps/unit/squad ","部隊[ぶたい] (n) force/unit/corps/echelon/element (P) ","中隊[ちゅうたい] (n) company,  battery, troop (P) ","隊員[たいいん] (n) troops/group members/team members (P) ","隊長[たいちょう] (n) commanding officer (P) ","親衛隊[しんえいたい] (n) (1) bodyguards/elite guards/imperial guards (2) Schutzstaffel/SS (3) groupies/ardent fans ","大隊[だいたい] (n) battalion (P) ","海兵隊[かいへいたい] (n) Marine Corps/Royal Marines (P) ","特殊部隊[とくしゅぶたい] (n) (mil) special forces ","小隊[しょうたい] (n) platoon ","隊士[たいし] (n) regimental soldier ","分隊[ぶんたい] (n) squad/team ","除隊[じょたい] (n, vs) military discharge ","支隊[したい] (n) detached force/detachment ","本隊[ほんたい] (n) (1) main body (of an army)/main force (2) these troops (P) ","編隊[へんたい] (n) formation (e.g. of aircraft) ","楽隊[がくたい] (n) band/orchestra (P) ","陸戦隊[りくせんたい] (n) landing force ","分遣隊[ぶんけんたい] (n) detachment "],"妙":["巧妙[こうみょう]ingenious; skillful;clever;deft  N1","奇妙[きみょう]strange,  queer, curious  N3","微妙[びみょう<br>みみょう]delicate,  subtle  N3","妙[みょう]strange,  unusual  N3","妙薬[みょうやく]Wonder Drug ","絶妙[ぜつみょう] (adj-na, n,adj-no) exquisite/superb/perfect/miraculous (P) "],"傘":["傘[かさ<br>からかさ]umbrella  N5","傘立て[かさたて]Umbrella Stand,  umbrella holder ","傘下[さんか] (n) affiliated with/under jurisdiction of/under the umbrella (P) ","落下傘[らっかさん] (n) parachute "],"添":["添う[そう]to accompany; to become married;to comply with  N1","添える[そえる]to add to; to attach;to append;to accompany;to garnish;to imitate;to annex  N1","添付[てんぷ]Attachment ","巻き添え[まきぞえ]involvement ","添加[てんか]addition ","添削[てんさく]correction ","寄り添う[よりそう] (v5u, vi) to get close/to cuddle close together/to nestle close to/to snuggle up to ","付き添う[つきそう] (v5u, vi) to attend on/to wait upon/to accompany/to escort and wait on/to chaperone "],"宴":["宴会[えんかい]party, banquet  N2","宴[うたげ<br>えん]Banquet,  dinner party, party, feast ","披露宴[ひろうえん]wedding reception "],"壊":["破壊[はかい]destruction  N1","崩壊[ほうかい]collapse; decay (physics);crumbling;breaking down;caving in  N1","壊す[こわす]to break  N4","壊れる[こわれる]to be broken  N4","倒壊[とうかい]Collapse,  destruction, crumbling ","全壊[ぜんかい]Complete Destruction,  total destruction ","壊れ物[こわれもの]Fragile Thing,  breakables, fragile item ","壊滅[かいめつ]Destruction,  annihilation ","取り壊す[とりこわす] (v5s, vt) to demolish/to tear down/to pull down ","ぶち壊す[ぶちこわす] (v5s, vt) (1) to destroy/to crush/to break by striking/to wreck (2) to spoil/to ruin ","ブチ壊す[ブチこわす] (v5s, vt) (1) to destroy/to crush/to break by striking/to wreck (2) to spoil/to ruin ","損壊[そんかい] (n, vs) damage/destruction (P) ","決壊[けっかい] (n, vs) burst (e.g. dam, embankment, levee)/breach/collapse/washout/rupture ","壊死[えし] (n, vs,adj-no) necrosis "],"督":["監督[かんとく]supervision,  control, superintendence  N3","督促[とくそく]reminder ","家督[かとく] (n) family headship/inheritance ","総督[そうとく] (n, vs,adj-no) governor-general/governor/viceroy (P) ","提督[ていとく] (n) admiral/commodore ","都督[ととく] (n) governor-general ","助監督[じょかんとく] (n) assistant director (in taking professional movies) "],"僚":["官僚[かんりょう]bureaucrat; bureaucracy  N1","同僚[どうりょう]coworker,  colleague, associate  N3","閣僚[かくりょう]Cabinet Ministers ","官僚的[かんりょうてき]Bureaucratic ","幕僚[ばくりょう] (n) staff/staff officer (P) "],"診":["診療[しんりょう]medical examination and treatment; diagnosis  N1","聴診器[ちょうしんき]stethoscope  N1","診断[しんだん]diagnosis  N2","診る[みる]to examine (medical)  N2","診察[しんさつ]medical examination  N3","診断する[しんだんする]To Diagnose ","診療所[しんりょう しょ<br>しんりょうしょ<br>しんりょうじょ]clinic ","打診[だしん] (n, vs) (1) (med) percussion/tapping/examining by percussion (2) sounding out (someone's intentions)/making an approach (about) (P) ","検診[けんしん] (n, vs) (abbr) physical examination/medical examination/health checkup/health screening (P) ","受診[じゅしん] (n, vs) having a medical examination/seeing a doctor (P) "],"猛":["猛烈[もうれつ]violent; vehement;rage  N1","猛〜[もう]Fierce,  energetic ","猛[もう] (adj-na) (1) greatly energetic (2) ferocious (pref) (3) extreme/severe ","猛攻[もうこう] (n, vs) fierce attack (P) "],"江":["江戸[えど]Edo,  tokyo ","入江[いりえ]Inlet,  cove ","堀江[ほりえ]Canal ","江[え<br>こう] (n) inlet/bay (P) ","入り江[いりえ] (n) inlet/cove/creek/bay ","長江[ちょうこう] (n) Yangtze River/Changjiang River "],"雄":["英雄[えいゆう]hero; great man  N1","雄[おす<br>お<br>おん<br>ゆう]male (animal)  N1","雄大[ゆうだい]grand ","雄犬[おすいぬ]Male Dog ","雄たけび[おたけび] (n) war cry/roar ","雌雄[しゆう] (n) (1) male and female (animals)/the two sexes (2) victory and defeat/strengths and weaknesses (P) "],"監":["監視[かんし]observation; guarding;inspection;surveillance  N1","監督[かんとく]supervision,  control, superintendence  N3","監禁[かんきん]confinement ","監査[かんさ] (n, vs) inspection/audit/judgement/judgment (P) ","監視カメラ[かんしカメラ] (n) surveillance camera/security camera ","総監[そうかん] (n) inspector general/commissioner (P) ","監修[かんしゅう] (n, vs) (1) (editorial) supervision/general editorship (n) (2) supervising director (of anime, TV series etc.) (P) ","収監[しゅうかん] (n, vs) imprisonment ","助監督[じょかんとく] (n) assistant director (in taking professional movies) ","監房[かんぼう] (n) (prison) cell/ward ","監察[かんさつ] (n, vs) inspection/inspector (P) ","監獄[かんごく] (n) prison (P) ","監理[かんり] (n, vs) superintendence/supervision/administration (P) "],"宗":["宗教[しゅうきょう]religion  N3","宗派[しゅうは]Sect,  denomination ","禅宗[ぜんしゅう]Zen Sect ","宗[しゅう<br>むね] (n) sect (P) ","宗家[そうか<br>そうけ] (n) head of family/originator ","改宗[かいしゅう] (n, vs) religious conversion (P) ","真宗[しんしゅう] (n) Shin Buddhism ","真言宗[しんごんしゅう] (n) Shingon sect (of Buddhism) ","正宗[まさむね] (n) (1) famous sword/sword blade by Masamune (2) (col) sake/Japanese rice wine/brand of sake from Nada region during Tenpo era (1830-1844) ","天台宗[てんだいしゅう] (n) Tendai sect (of Buddhism) ","曹洞宗[そうとうしゅう] (n) Soto school (of Zen Buddhism) ","日蓮宗[にちれんしゅう] (n) Nichiren school of Buddhism ","浄土宗[じょうどしゅう] (n) Pure Land sect (of Buddhism)/Jodo (sect) ","臨済宗[りんざいしゅう] (n) Rinzai school of Zen Buddhism ","時宗[じしゅう] (n) Jishu sect (of Buddhism) ","宗主国[そうしゅこく] (n) suzerain state "],"請":["強請る[ねだる]to tease; to coax;to solicit;to demand  N1","要請[ようせい]claim; demand;request;application  N1","請う[こう]to ask, to request  N2","申請[しんせい]application, request,petition  N2","請求[せいきゅう]claim,  demand, application, request  N3","請願[せいがん]Petition ","請ける[うける]To Receive,  to undertake ","請求書[せいきゅうしょ] (n) bill/job invoice (P) ","申請書[しんせいしょ] (n) written application ","請負[うけおい] (n) contract (for work)/contracting/undertaking (P) ","普請[ふしん] (n, vs) (1) building/construction (2) group effort by Buddhist practitioners/group activities by a community (e.g. cleaning, etc.) ","請け負う[うけおう] (v5u, vt) (1) to contract/to undertake (2) to take over/to take responsibility for (P) ","勧請[かんじょう] (n, vs) (1) praying for the coming of a deity (2) ceremonial transfer of a divided tutelary deity to a new location ","下請[したうけ] (n, vs) (1) subcontract (n) (2) subcontractor (person or company) ","下請け[したうけ] (n, vs) (1) subcontract (n) (2) subcontractor (person or company) (P) "],"索":["捜索[そうさく]search (esp. for someone or something missing); investigation  N1","模索[もさく]groping (for)  N1","索引[さくいん]index, indices  N2","検索[けんさく]Lookup,  internet search ","探索[たんさく] (n, vs) search/lookup/hunt (item of) research/exploration/investigation (P) ","詮索[せんさく] (n, vs) inquiry into/enquiry into/prying (into)/investigation/search/exploration ","脊索[せきさく] (n, adj-no) notochord (rudimentary spinal chord) ","思索[しさく] (n, vs) speculation/thinking/meditation (P) ","索敵[さくてき] (n, vs) searching for the enemy "],"催":["開催[かいさい]holding a meeting; open an exhibition  N1","主催[しゅさい]organization; sponsorship  N1","催す[もよおす]to hold (a meeting); to give (a dinner);to feel;to show signs of;to develop symptoms of;to feel (sick  N1","催促[さいそく]request, demand,claim,urge (action),press for  N2","催し[もよおし]event, festivities,function  N2","催告[さいこく]Notification ","主催する[しゅさいする]To Sponsor,  to promote ","催促する[さいそくする]To Urge,  to press for, to demand ","催眠術[さいみんじゅつ] (n) hypnotism ","催眠[さいみん] (n, adj-no) hypnotism (P) ","共催[きょうさい] (n, vs) joint sponsorship (of an event)/cosponsorship/joint hosting (P) "],"街":["街道[かいどう]highway  N1","街[まち<br>がい]~street; ~quarters  N1","街頭[がいとう]in the street  N1","市街[しがい]urban areas; the streets;town;city  N1","街角[まちかど]street corner  N2","商店街[しょうてんがい]Shopping District ","地下街[ちかがい]Underground Shopping Mall,  underground shopping center, shopping centre ","歓楽街[かんらくがい]Pleasure Quarter ","街灯[がいとう]Streetlight,  street lamp ","市街地[しがいち] (n) town area/urban area/metropolitan area/built-up area (P) ","街中[まちじゅう<br>まちなか] (n) the whole town/all over the town/throughout the town ","街路[がいろ] (n) road/street/avenue (P) ","繁華街[はんかがい] (n) business district/shopping district/bustling street/shopping centre/shopping center/downtown (P) ","街並み[まちなみ] (n) townscape/street (of stores and houses) (look of) stores and houses on street "],"緊":["緊急[きんきゅう]urgent; pressing;emergency  N1","緊張[きんちょう]tension,  mental strain, nervousness  N3","緊迫[きんぱく]strain ","緊張する[きんちょうする]To Stress,  to stress out, to be nervous ","緊急事態[きんきゅうじたい] (n) state of emergency/emergency/crisis ","緊張感[きんちょうかん] (n) feeling of tension/air of tension/tension/nervousness ","緊密[きんみつ] (adj-na, n) rigour/rigor/closeness/compactness/tightly knit (P) "],"閣":["内閣[ないかく]cabinet; (government) ministry  N1","閣議[かくぎ]Cabinet Meeting ","閣僚[かくりょう]Cabinet Ministers ","組閣[そかく]cabinet ","閣下[かっか] (n, n-suf) (hon) your Excellency/his Excellency/her Excellency (P) ","入閣[にゅうかく] (n, vs) joining the cabinet (P) "],"促":["促す[うながす]to urge; to press;to suggest;to demand;to stimulate;to quicken;to incite;to invite (attention to)  N1","促進[そくしん]promotion; acceleration;encouragement;facilitation;spurring on  N1","催促[さいそく]request, demand,claim,urge (action),press for  N2","促成[そくせい]promotion of growth ","督促[とくそく]reminder ","催促する[さいそくする]To Urge,  to press for, to demand ","販促[はんそく] (n) (abbr) sales promotion "],"烈":["強烈[きょうれつ]strong; intense;severe  N1","猛烈[もうれつ]violent; vehement;rage  N1","熱烈[ねつれつ]Impassioned,  passionate enthusiasm ","痛烈[つうれつ]scathing ","熾烈[しきれつ<br>しれつ] (ik) (adj-na, n) fierce (fight, competition, etc.)/severe/hot/hard/bitter/keen/cutthroat "],"魅":["魅力[みりょく]charm,  fascination, glamour  N3","魅惑[みわく]enchantment ","魅力的[みりょくてき] (adj-na) charming/fascinating/attractive (P) ","魅了[みりょう] (n) (1) fascination (vs) (2) to charm/to fascinate/to mesmerize (P) "],"騒":["騒動[そうどう]strife; riot;rebellion  N1","騒がしい[さわがしい]noisy  N2","騒々しい[そうぞうしい]noisy, boisterous  N2","物騒[ぶっそう]dangerous, disturbed,insecure  N2","騒ぎ[さわぎ]uproar,  disturbance  N3","騒音[そうおん]noise  N3","騒ぐ[さわぐ]to make noise, to be excited  N4","大騒ぎ[おおさわぎ]racket ","騒めく[ざわめく]be noisy ","騒がせる[さわがせる] (v1) to disturb/to alarm/to agitate/to cause anxiety (to)/to trouble ","騒乱[そうらん] (n, adj-no) disturbance/riot/mayhem (P) "],"飾":["着飾る[きかざる]to dress up  N1","首飾り[くびかざり]necklace  N1","修飾[しゅうしょく]ornamentation; embellishment;decoration;adornment;polish up (writing);modification (gram)  N1","装飾[そうしょく]ornament  N1","飾り[かざり]decoration  N2","飾る[かざる]to decorate  N4","服飾[ふくしょく]Attire ","電飾[でんしょく]Decorative Lighting ","粉飾[ふんしょく] (n, vs) (1) embellishment (e.g. of a story)/ornamentation/decoration (2) (arch) putting on makeup (P) "],"詳":["詳細[しょうさい]detail; particulars  N1","詳しい[くわしい]knowing very well,  detailed, full, accurate  N3","不詳[ふしょう]Unknown ","詳しく[くわしく] (adv) in detail/fully/minutely/at length ","詳述[しょうじゅつ] (n, vs) detailed explanation (P) "],"旗":["旗[はた]flag  N3","国旗[こっき]National Flag ","白旗[しらはた,  はっき]White Flag ","旗本[はたもと] (n) shogunal vassal/direct retainer of a shogun ","旗揚げ[はたあげ] (n, vs) (1) raising an army (2) launching business (P) ","赤旗[あかはた] (n) (1) red flag (2) Red Flag (Communist Party newspaper) (P) ","反旗[はんき] (n) standard of revolt/banner of revolution (P) ","旗手[きしゅ] (n) standard-bearer/flag-bearer (P) ","軍旗[ぐんき] (n) battle flag/standard (regimental) colours/colors/ensign "],"漏":["漏らす[もらす]to let leak; to reveal  N1","漏る[もる]to leak; to run out  N1","漏れる[もれる]to leak out; to escape;to come through;to shine through;to filter out;to be omitted  N1","漏出[ろうしゅつ]Leak Out,  escape, leakage ","漏水[ろうすい]Water Leakage ","雨漏り[あまもり]leak ","漏れ[もれ] (n, n-suf) (1) leakage (2) omission/oversight (pn) (3) (sl) I/me ","漏洩[ろうえい<br>ろうせつ] (n, vs) (1) leak (of secrets, information, etc.)/disclosure/divulging (2) leak (of gas, liquid, etc.)/leakage/escape (of gas)/coming through (of light) (P) "],"系":["系[けい]system; lineage;group  N1","系統[けいとう]system, family line,geological formation  N2","体系[たいけい]system, organization  N2","日系[にっけい]Japanese Descent,  of japanese descent ","太陽系[たいようけい]Solar System ","体系的[たいけいてき]Systematic ","〜系[けい]Tribe,  lineage, group ","家系[かけい]family line ","文系[ぶんけい]liberal arts ","理系[りけい]science ","系列[けいれつ]affiliation ","系譜[けいふ]genealogy,  pedigree, family history ","水系[すいけい] (n) water system/river system/drainage system (P) ","系図[けいず] (n) family tree/pedigree/genealogy (P) ","直系[ちょっけい] (n, adj-no) direct descent/direct line (P) ","時系列[じけいれつ] (n, adj-no) chronological order/time series ","女系[じょけい<br>にょけい] (n) female line/matrilinear ","男系[だんけい] (n, adj-no) male lineage ","山系[さんけい] (n) mountain range/mountain system (P) "],"覧":["閲覧[えつらん]inspection; reading  N1","回覧[かいらん]circulation  N1","観覧[かんらん]viewing  N1","御覧なさい[ごらんなさい](please) look; (please) try to do  N1","御覧[ごらん](hon) look, inspection,try  N2","展覧会[てんらんかい]exhibition  N4","博覧会[はくらんかい]Exposition,  exhibition, fair ","一覧[いちらん]A Look,  a glance ","ご覧[ごらん]Look At,  see ","御覧になる[ごらんになる]To Look,  to please look ","展覧[てんらん] (n, vs,adj-no) exhibition/show ","博覧[はくらん] (n) extensive reading/wide knowledge ","遊覧[ゆうらん] (n, vs) sightseeing (P) "],"懐":["懐く[なつく<br>いだく<br>うだく<br>なずく<br>なづく]to become emotionally attached  N1","懐かしい[なつかしい]dear, desired,missed  N2","懐[ふところ]bosom ","懐疑[かいぎ]doubt ","述懐[じゅっかい] (n, vs) recollection (P) ","懐柔[かいじゅう] (n, vs) winning over/placation/gentle persuasion (P) "],"撮":["撮影[さつえい]photographing  N2","撮る[とる]to take a photo or record a film  N5","盗撮[とうさつ]Hidden Camera ","撮影禁止[さつえいきんし]No Photos,  no photos allowed ","撮れる[とれる] (v1) (1) to be photographed (2) to be able to photograph ","特撮[とくさつ] (n) (abbr) special effects/SFX ","自撮り[じどり] (n, vs) (col) taking a picture or video of oneself (esp. with a smartphone camera)/selfie/video selfie/self-taken picture "],"乏":["窮乏[きゅうぼう]poverty  N1","欠乏[けつぼう]want; shortage;famine  N1","乏しい[とぼしい<br>ともしい]meagre; scarce;limited;destitute;hard up;scanty;poor  N1","貧乏[びんぼう]poverty; destitute;poor  N1","貧乏人[びんぼうにん]poor person "],"購":["購読[こうどく]subscription (e.g. magazine)  N1","購入[こうにゅう]purchase; buy  N1","購買[こうばい]purchase; buy  N1","購読する[こうどくする]To Subscribe "],"渇":["渇く[かわく]to be thirsty  N2","枯渇[こかつ]drying up,  dry up, running dry "],"廊":["廊下[ろうか]corridor  N5","画廊[がろう]Picture Gallery ","回廊[かいろう] (n) corridor/gallery/hallway/cloister (i.e. covered walk typically circling a building or garden,  esp. in a palace or place of worship) (P) "],"離":["距離[きょり]distance; range  N1","分離[ぶんり]separation; detachment;segregation;isolation  N1","離す[はなす]to part,  divide, separate  N3","離れる[はなれる]to be separated from,  to leave, to go away, to be a long way off  N3","離婚[りこん]divorce  N3","引き離す[ひきはなす]draw apart ","離陸[りりく]takeoff ","近距離[きんきょり]short distance ","遠距離[えんきょり]long distance ","短距離[たんきょり]Short Distance ","隔離[かくり]Isolation,  quarantine ","離脱[りだつ] (n, vs) withdrawal/secession/separation/breakaway (P) ","離党[りとう] (n, vs) secession from a political party (P) ","切り離す[きりはなす] (v5s, vt) to detach/to decapitate/to cut loose/to let loose/to dismember (P) ","離れ[はなれ<br>ばなれ] (pref) detached (dwelling,  room) ","長距離[ちょうきょり] (n, adj-no) long distance/long haul (P) ","離反[りはん] (n, vs) estrangement/alienation/disaffection (P) ","離[り] (n) li (one of the trigrams of the I Ching: fire,  south) ","離散[りさん] (n, vs) (1) dispersal/scattering (adj-no) (2) discrete (P) ","航続距離[こうぞくきょり] (n) cruising range/flying range ","かけ離れる[かけはなれる] (v1, vi) to be very far apart from/to be remote/to be quite different from ","離着陸[りちゃくりく] (n, vs) takeoff and landing (P) ","離職[りしょく] (n, vs) employment separation/leaving one's job/losing one's job (P) ","離島[りとう] (n) (1) isolated island/outlying island (n, vs) (2) leaving an island (P) ","解離[かいり] (n, vs) dissociation ","電離[でんり] (n, vs) (1) (abbr) ionization/ionisation (2) electrolytic dissociation ","乖離[かいり] (n, vs) divergence/alienation/deviation/estrangement/separation/detachment ","遊離[ゆうり] (n, vs) (1) separation/isolation (2) (chem) extrication/release/isolation ","掛け離れる[かけはなれる] (v1, vi) to be very far apart from/to be remote/to be quite different from ","単離[たんり] (n, vs) isolation (e.g. of a particular chemical substance within a mixture) ","離宮[りきゅう] (n, n-suf) imperial villa/royal villa/detached palace (P) ","剥離[はくり] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) detachment/coming off/peeling off (2) separation ","離心率[りしんりつ] (n) eccentricity "],"径":["直径[ちょっけい]diameter  N2","半径[はんけい]radius  N2","口径[こうけい] (n) aperture/bore/calibre/caliber (P) ","径[けい<br>みち<br>わたり] (n) diameter "],"融":["融資[ゆうし]financing; loan  N1","融通[ゆうずう<br>ゆうづう<br>ゆずう]lending (money); accommodation;adaptability;versatility;finance  N1","金融[きんゆう]monetary circulation,  credit situation  N3","融合[ゆうごう]Fusion ","融点[ゆうてん] (n) fusion point/melting point ","投融資[とうゆうし] (n) investment and lending (P) ","融解[ゆうかい] (n, vs) fusion/melting/liquefaction ","溶融[ようゆう] (adj-na, n) melting/fusion ","融和[ゆうわ] (n, vs,adj-no) harmony/reconciliation (P) "],"墓":["墓地[ぼち<br>はかち]cemetery; graveyard  N1","墓[はか]grave,  tomb  N3","墓参り[はかまいり]visit to a grave ","墓場[はかば]Graveyard,  cemetery ","墳墓[ふんぼ]Grave,  tomb ","墓碑[ぼひ]gravestone,  tombstone ","墓石[はかいし<br>ぼせき] (n) tombstone/gravestone "],"尋":["尋ねる[たずねる]to ask  N4","尋問[じんもん]Questioning ","尋常[じんじょう] (adj-na, n,adj-no) common/usual (P) ","千尋[せんじん<br>ちひろ] (n) (1) great depth/bottomless (2) great height "],"豪":["富豪[ふごう]wealthy person; millionaire  N1","豪華[ごうか]wonderful,  gorgeous, splendor, pomp, extravagance  N3","豪傑[ごうけつ]hero,  bold person, daring person, extraordinary person ","豪[えら<br>ごう] (pref) tremendous/huge ","強豪[きょうごう] (adj-na, n) veteran/champion (P) ","豪族[ごうぞく] (n) powerful family (clan) (P) ","豪邸[ごうてい] (n) palatial residence/stately mansion ","豪雨[ごうう] (n) torrential rain/heavy rain/cloudburst/downpour (P) ","豪州[ごうしゅう] (n, adj-no) Australia ","豪快[ごうかい] (adj-na, n) hearty/exciting/stirring/lively/heroic/largehearted/splendid (P) ","豪雪[ごうせつ] (n) tremendous snowfall ","豪商[ごうしょう] (n) wealthy merchant "],"鑑":["印鑑[いんかん]stamp; seal  N1","年鑑[ねんかん]yearbook  N1","鑑賞[かんしょう]appreciation  N2","図鑑[ずかん]picture book  N2","鑑定[かんてい]Expert Opinion ","鑑[かがみ] (n) model/pattern/paragon/exemplar ","鑑識[かんしき] (n, vs) (1) judgement/judgment/discernment/discrimination/having an eye for (2) appraisal (e.g. of an antique)/evaluation/assessment (n) (3) forensics (criminal) identification/crime lab ","鑑みる[かんがみる] (v1, vt) to take into account/to bear in mind/to consider/to learn from/to take warning from ","鑑別[かんべつ] (n, vs,adj-no) discrimination/judgement/judgment/separation/sorting (P) "],"巣":["巣[す]nest,  rookery, breeding place, beehive, cobweb  N3","ハチの巣[はちのす,  ハチのす]Beehive ","巣立ち[すだち]Leave The Nest,  become independent ","クモの巣[くものす,  クモのす]Spiderweb ","古巣[ふるす] (n) old haunts/former homes (P) ","営巣[えいそう] (n, vs) building a nest "],"既":["既婚[きこん]marriage; married  N1","既に[すでに<br>すんでに]already,  too late  N3","既決[きけつ]Decided,  settled ","既存[きそん,  きぞん<br>きそん<br>きぞん]Existing ","既成[きせい]established ","既製[きせい]ready-made ","既婚者[きこんしゃ] (n) married person ","既知[きち] (adj-no, adj-na,n) already known/well-known ","既得[きとく] (adj-no, n) vested/already acquired ","既定[きてい] (adj-no, n) established/fixed/prearranged/predetermined (P) ","既刊[きかん] (adj-no, n) already published "],"救":["救援[きゅうえん]relief; rescue;reinforcement  N1","救済[きゅうさい<br>くさい<br>ぐさい]relief; aid;rescue;salvation;help  N1","救い[すくい]help; aid;relief  N1","救助[きゅうじょ]relief,  aid, rescue  N3","救う[すくう]to rescue from,  to help out of  N3","救急車[きゅうきゅうしゃ]Ambulance ","救出[きゅうしゅつ] (n, vs) rescue/extricate/reclaim/deliverance (P) ","救急[きゅうきゅう] (n, adj-no) first-aid/emergency (aid) (P) ","救世主[きゅうせいしゅ] (n) saviour/savior/messiah (P) ","救難[きゅうなん] (n) rescue/salvage ","救い出す[すくいだす] (v5s, vt) to rescue/to free ","救命[きゅうめい] (n, adj-no) lifesaving (P) ","救世[きゅうせい<br>くせ<br>ぐぜ] (n) salvation ","救護[きゅうご] (n, vs) relief/aid "],"華":["華奢[きゃしゃ]luxury; pomp;delicate;slender;gorgeous  N1","華美[かび]pomp; splendor;gaudiness  N1","華々しい[はなばなしい]brilliant; magnificent;spectacular  N1","華やか[はなやか]gay; showy;brilliant;gorgeous;florid  N1","豪華[ごうか]wonderful,  gorgeous, splendor, pomp, extravagance  N3","中華[ちゅうか]Chinese ","華麗[かれい]magnificent ","中華人民共和国[ちゅうかじんみんきょうわこく] (n) People's Republic of China (P) ","華[はな] (n) (1) flower/blossom/bloom/petal (2) cherry blossom (3) beauty (4) blooming (esp. of cherry blossoms) (5) ikebana (6) (abbr) hanafuda (7) (the) best (adj-no) (8) glorious/lovely ","中華民国[ちゅうかみんこく] (n) Republic of China (Taiwan) ","法華[ほけ<br>ほっけ] (n) (1) (abbr) Nichiren sect/Tendai sect (2) (abbr) Lotus Sutra ","華族[かぞく] (n) peerage (in Japan,  1868-1946)/nobility/aristocracy ","繁華街[はんかがい] (n) business district/shopping district/bustling street/shopping centre/shopping center/downtown (P) ","繁華[はんか] (adj-na, n) bustle/prosperity ","華北[かほく] (n) North China ","蓮華[れんげ] (n) (1) (uk) lotus flower (2) (abbr) (uk) Chinese milk vetch (Astragalus sinicus) (3) (abbr) china spoon (4) lotus-shaped pedestal for a gravestone ","華人[かじん] (n) ethnic Chinese (living abroad,  esp. with non-Chinese citizenship)/overseas Chinese ","華僑[かきょう] (n) overseas Chinese (P) ","昇華[しょうか] (n, vs) (1) (chem) sublimation (2) sublimating (an emotion, impulse, etc.)/channelling/diverting/converting/elevating ","精華[せいか] (n) essence/quintessence/flower/glory "],"嘆":["嘆く[なげく]to sigh; to lament;to grieve  N1","驚嘆[きょうたん]Admiration,  wonder ","感嘆符[かんたんふ]Exclamation Mark,  exclamation point ","嘆息[たんそく]Sigh,  lament ","嘆き[なげき]grief ","感嘆[かんたん]admiration ","嘆願[たんがん] (n, vs,adj-no) entreaty/appeal/petition (P) "],"偵":["探偵[たんてい]Private Detective,  private investigator, detective, sleuth, investigator ","内偵[ないてい]Scouting,  reconnaissance, secret investigation ","偵察[ていさつ]scouting "],"驚":["驚き[おどろき]surprise; astonishment;wonder  N1","驚異[きょうい]wonder; miracle  N1","吃驚[びっくり]be surprised; be amazed;be frightened;astonishment  N1","驚かす[おどろかす]to surprise, to frighten,to create a stir  N2","驚く[おどろく]to be surprised  N4","驚嘆[きょうたん]Admiration,  wonder ","驚愕[きょうがく] (n, adj-no,vs) astonishment/amazement/surprise/fright/shock (P) "],"脈":["山脈[さんみゃく<br>やまなみ]mountain range  N1","脈[みゃく]pulse  N1","文脈[ぶんみゃく]context  N2","血脈[けつみゃく]Blood Vessel,  blood relationship ","人脈[じんみゃく]Personal Connections,  network ","動脈[どうみゃく]artery ","脈絡[みゃくらく]logical connection ","脈拍[みゃくはく]pulse ","静脈[じょうみゃく] (n, adj-no) vein (P) "],"徳":["道徳[どうとく]morals  N3","徳川[とくがわ]Tokugawa,  tokugawa shogun ","徳島県[とくしまけん]Tokushima Prefecture ","徳[とく] (n) (1) virtue (2) benevolence (3) profit/benefit/advantage ","正徳[しょうとく] (n) Shotoku era (1711.4.25-1716.6.22) ","道徳的[どうとくてき] (adj-na) ethical/moral ","悪徳[あくとく] (adj-na, n,adj-no) vice/immorality/corruption (P) "],"倉":["倉庫[そうこ]storehouse, warehouse,godown  N2","倉[くら]Warehouse ","鎌倉[かまくら] (n) Kamakura (city) (P) ","倉敷[くらしき] (n) storage charges (P) ","矢倉[やぐら] (n) (1) turret/watchtower (2) high wooden stage/scaffolding (3) wooden frame (of a kotatsu) (4) (arch) weapons storehouse ","岩倉[やぐら] (n) (uk) caves dug as tombs in and around Kamakura during the Kamakura and Muromachi periods ","弾倉[だんそう] (n) magazine (of a firearm) ","米倉[こめぐら] (n) rice granary (P) "],"酸":["酸[さん<br>す]acid  N1","酸化[さんか]oxidation  N1","酸っぱい[すっぱい]sour; acid  N1","酸性[さんせい]acidity  N2","酸素[さんそ]oxygen  N3","炭酸[たんさん]carbonic acid ","硫酸[りゅうさん]sulfuric acid,  sulphuric acid ","酢酸[さくさん] (n, adj-no) acetic acid (P) ","酸い[すい] (adj-i) sour/acid ","アミノ酸[アミノさん] (n) amino acid (P) ","硝酸[しょうさん] (n, adj-no) nitric acid (P) ","二酸化炭素[にさんかたんそ] (n) carbon dioxide (P) ","酸味[さんみ<br>すみ] (n, adj-no) sourness/acidity (P) ","カルボン酸[カルボンさん] (n) carboxylic acid ","塩酸[えんさん] (n) hydrochloric acid (P) "],"銭":["小銭[こぜに]coins; small change  N1","金銭[きんせん]money,  cash  N3","銭[ぜに<br>せん]Coin ","銭湯[せんとう]Public Bath "],"衛":["衛生[えいせい]health; hygiene;sanitation;medical  N1","護衛[ごえい]guard; convoy;escort  N1","守衛[しゅえい]security guard; doorkeeper  N1","防衛[ぼうえい]defense; protection;self-defense  N1","自衛[じえい]self-defense  N2","衛星[えいせい]satellite  N3","自衛隊[じえいたい]Self Defense Forces ","衛生的[えいせいてき]sanitary ","近衛[このえ] (n) Imperial Guards (P) ","防衛庁[ぼうえいちょう] (n) Japan Defense Agency (Defence) (became Japanese Ministry of Defense in January 2007) (P) ","親衛隊[しんえいたい] (n) (1) bodyguards/elite guards/imperial guards (2) Schutzstaffel/SS (3) groupies/ardent fans ","兵衛[ひょうえ] (n) middle palace guard (ritsuryo system) ","正当防衛[せいとうぼうえい] (n) (yoji) legitimate self-defence/legitimate self-defense (P) ","前衛[ぜんえい] (n, adj-no) (1) advance guard/vanguard (2) avant-garde (e.g. music) (P) ","衛兵[えいへい] (n) palace guard/sentinel/garrison "],"飼":["飼育[しいく]breeding; raising;rearing  N1","飼う[かう]to keep,  to raise, to feed  N3","飼い主[かいぬし]Pet Owner ","飼料[しりょう] (n) fodder/feed (P) "],"染":["感染[かんせん]infection; contagion  N1","染みる[しみる<br>じみる]to pierce; to permeate  N1","染まる[そまる]to dye  N1","染める[そめる]to dye; to colour  N1","伝染[でんせん]contagion  N2","汚染[おせん]pollution,  contamination  N3","伝染病[でんせんびょう]Contagious Disease ","染み[しみ]blot ","染色[せんしょく]dyeing ","馴染み[なじみ] (n) intimacy/friendship/familiarity ","感染症[かんせんしょう] (n) infectious disease/infection (P) ","馴染む[なじむ] (v5m, vi) to become familiar with/to fit in/to adapt oneself/to get used to/to grow accustomed to ","幼馴染み[おさなじみ<br>おさななじみ] (ik) (n) childhood friend/friend from infancy/old playmate ","染料[せんりょう] (n) dyes "],"眼":["眼科[がんか]ophthalmology  N1","眼球[がんきゅう]eyeball  N1","眼鏡[めがね<br>がんきょう]spectacles; glasses  N1","近眼[きんがん]nearsightedness; shortsightedness;myopia  N1","眼[め<br>まなこ]Eyeball ","老眼[ろうがん]Farsightedness ","眼差し[まなざし]expression ","肉眼[にくがん<br>にくげん]naked eye ","双眼鏡[そうがんきょう]Binoculars ","眼孔[がんこう]Eye Socket ","主眼[しゅがん] (n) (1) main purpose/chief aim/focus (2) main point/gist/essence (P) ","一眼[いちがん] (n, adj-no) one eye/single lens (e.g. camera) ","一眼レフ[いちがんレフ] (n) single-lens reflex camera "],"志":["志[こころざし]will; intention;motive  N1","志す[こころざす]to plan; to intend;to aspire to;to set aims (sights on)  N1","志向[しこう]intention; aim  N1","志望[しぼう]wish; desire;ambition  N1","同志[どうし]same mind; comrade;kindred soul  N1","意志[いし]will,  volition  N3","闘志[とうし]Fighting Spirit ","大志[たいし] (n) ambition/aspiration ","志願[しがん] (n, vs,adj-no) aspiration/volunteering/desire/application (P) ","有志[ゆうし] (n, adj-no) interested person/volunteer/supporter (P) ","志士[しし] (n) (1) imperial loyalist samurai of the Bakumatsu-era (2) patriots/idealists willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of the nation ","遺志[いし] (n) wishes of a deceased person/dying wish (P) "],"興":["興じる[きょうじる]to amuse oneself; to make merry  N1","興業[こうぎょう]industrial enterprise  N1","興奮[こうふん]excitement; stimulation;agitation;arousal  N1","新興[しんこう]rising; developing;emergent  N1","振興[しんこう]promotion; encouragement  N1","復興[ふっこう]revival; renaissance;reconstruction  N1","余興[よきょう]side show; entertainment  N1","興味[きょうみ]an interest  N4","お神興[お かみ きょう]portable shrine ","興す[おこす]cause to rise ","興味がない[きょうみがない]No Interest,  not interested ","即興[そっきょう]Improvisation ","再興[さいこう] (n, vs) revival/restoration/resuscitation ","興味深い[きょうみぶかい] (adj-i) very interesting/of great interest (P) ","興行[こうぎょう] (n, vs) (1) show/performance/act (n) (2) entertainment industry/show business (P) ","興[おこし<br>きょう] (n) (uk) millet or rice cake,  roasted and hardened with starch syrup and sugar (sometimes including peanuts, etc.) ","中興[ちゅうこう] (n, vs) restoration/revival/resurgence ","勃興[ぼっこう] (n, vs) sudden rise to power/sudden rise in prosperity ","興国[こうこく] (n, vs) (1) making a country prosperous/prosperous country (2) Kokoku era (of the Southern Court) (1340.4.28-1346.12.8) ","興隆[こうりゅう] (n, vs) rise/prosperity (P) ","興る[おこる] (v5r, vi) to rise/to flourish "],"恩":["恩恵[おんけい]grace, favor,blessing,benefit  N2","恩[おん]favour,  obligation, debt of gratitude  N3","恩人[おんじん]Benefactor ","恩賞[おんしょう]Reward,  a reward ","恩知らず[おんしらず]ingrate ","恩返し[おんがえし]repayment of kindness ","恩赦[おんしゃ]amnesty,  pardon ","命の恩人[いのちのおんじん] (exp, n) lifesaver/person who saved one's life ","恩師[おんし] (n) (hon) teacher/one's former teacher (P) ","恩賜[おんし] (n) Imperial gift (P) "],"序":["秩序[ちつじょ]order; regularity;system;method  N1","順序[じゅんじょ]order, sequence,procedure  N2","序文[じょぶん]Preface ","序でに[ついでに]on the way ","無秩序[むちつじょ]disorder,  chaos, confusion ","序[じょ<br>ついで] (n) (1) order/ordering (2) beginning/start (3) foreword/preface/introduction (4) opening of a song (in gagaku or noh) ","序盤[じょばん] (n) the opening(s) (e.g. in a game of go or chess) (P) ","序列[じょれつ] (n) rank/ranking order/hierarchy (P) ","序曲[じょきょく] (n) overture/prelude (P) "],"桜":["桜[さくら]cherry blossom,  cherry tree  N3","桜んぼ[さくらんぼ]Cherry ","桜肉[さくらにく]Horse Meat ","桜色[さくらいろ]Pink,  pink color, pink colour, color pink, colour pink "],"密":["過密[かみつ]crowded  N1","厳密[げんみつ]strict; close  N1","精密[せいみつ]precise; exact;detailed;minute;close  N1","密か[ひそか]secret; private;surreptitious  N1","密集[みっしゅう]crowd; close formation;dense  N1","密接[みっせつ]related; connected;close;intimate  N1","密度[みつど]density  N1","秘密[ひみつ]secret,  secrecy  N3","密[みつ]secrecy,  density (pop), minuteness, carefulness  N3","密告[みっこく]Secret Information ","密会[みっかい]Secret Meeting,  clandestine meeting ","密輸[みつゆ]Smuggling ","密入国[みつにゅうこく]illegal entry ","密売[みつばい]smuggling ","親密[しんみつ]close ","密猟[みつりょう]poaching ","密着[みっちゃく] (n, vs) (1) close adhesion/sticking firmly to/being glued to (2) relating closely to/having relevance to (3) contact printing (P) ","機密[きみつ] (n) secrecy/highly classified information (P) ","内密に[ないみつに] (adv) confidentially/privately/off the record ","密教[みっきょう] (n, adj-no) (Buddh) Mikkyo/esoteric Buddhism/secret Buddhist teachings ","緻密[ちみつ] (adj-na, n) minute/fine/delicate/accurate/precise/elaborate (P) ","緊密[きんみつ] (adj-na, n) rigour/rigor/closeness/compactness/tightly knit (P) ","密閉[みっぺい] (n, vs) shutting tightly/sealing something airtight ","綿密[めんみつ] (adj-na, n) minute/detailed/careful/scrupulous/thorough (P) ","密約[みつやく] (n, vs) secret agreement (P) "],"秘":["神秘[しんぴ]mystery  N1","秘書[ひしょ](private) secretary  N1","秘密[ひみつ]secret,  secrecy  N3","便秘[べんぴ]Constipation ","秘める[ひめる]To Conceal,  to keep secret ","極秘[ごくひ]strict secrecy ","秘訣[ひけつ]key ","秘匿[ひとく] (n, vs) hiding/concealment "],"厳":["厳か[おごそか]austere; majestic;dignified;stately;awful;impressive  N1","厳密[げんみつ]strict; close  N1","厳重[げんじゅう<br>げんじょう<br>げんちょう]strict, rigour,severe,firm  N2","厳しい[きびしい]strict  N4","厳禁[げんきん]Strictly Forbidden,  strictly prohibited, strict prohibition, ban ","厳守[げんしゅ]strict observance ","厳格[げんかく]stern ","威厳[いげん]Dignity,  majesty ","荘厳[そうごん]solemnity,  gravity ","厳粛[げんしゅく]gravity,  solemnity, severity, seriousness ","厳選[げんせん] (n, vs) careful selection/careful screening/hand-picking ","尊厳[そんげん] (adj-na, n) dignity/majesty/sanctity (P) ","厳正[げんせい] (adj-na, n) strict/rigid/exact/fair/impartial ","戒厳[かいげん] (n) martial law "],"訳":["言い訳[いいわけ]excuse; explanation  N1","内訳[うちわけ]the items; breakdown;classification  N1","通訳[つうやく]interpretation  N2","申し訳ない[もうしわけない]inexcusable  N2","訳す[やくす]to translate  N2","申し訳[もうしわけ]apology,  excuse  N3","訳[わけ<br>やく]meaning,  reason, circumstances, can be deduced, situation  N3","翻訳[ほんやく]translation  N4","英訳[えいやく]English Translation ","和訳[わやく]Japanese Translation ","訳語[やくご]Translated Term ","訳者[やくしゃ]Translator ","邦訳[ほうやく]Translation Into Japanese,  translation to japanese ","直訳[ちょくやく] (n, vs) literal translation/direct translation ","訳注[やくちゅう] (n) translation with notes/translator's notes ","意訳[いやく] (n, vs) free translation/liberal translation "],"暖":["暖まる[あたたまる]to warm up, to get warm  N2","暖める[あたためる]to warm, to heat  N2","暖かい[あたたかい<br>あったかい]warm  N3","温暖[おんだん]warmth  N3","暖房[だんぼう]heating  N4","寒暖計[かんだんけい]thermometer ","暖か[あたたか]warm ","暖炉[だんろ]Fireplace,  hearth, stove ","暖簾[のれん]credit "],"傷":["火傷[やけど<br>かしょう]burn; scald  N1","傷付く[きずつく]to be hurt; to be wounded;to get injured  N1","傷[きず]wound; injury;hurt;cut;gash;bruise;scratch;scar;weak point  N1","中傷[ちゅうしょう]slander; libel;defamation  N1","負傷[ふしょう]injury; wound  N1","傷心[しょうしん]Heartbreak ","傷者[しょうしゃ]Injured Person,  wounded person ","傷める[いためる]To Damage ","傷つく[きずつく]get hurt ","傷む[いたむ]be damaged ","傷付ける[きずつける]hurt (someone) ","傷害[しょうがい]bodily harm ","軽傷[けいしょう]slight injury ","重傷[じゅうしょう<br>おもで]heavy injury ","傷つける[きずつける]To Hurt Someone,  to injure, to wound, to scratch, to damage ","損傷[そんしょう] (n, vs) damage/injury (P) ","負傷者[ふしょうしゃ] (n) injured person/wounded person/casualty ","傷口[きずぐち] (n) (opening of) a wound (mouth of a) wound/cut (P) ","死傷[ししょう] (n, vs) casualties/injuries and deaths ","外傷[がいしょう] (n) external wound (physical) trauma (P) ","無傷[むきず] (adj-no, adj-na,n) (1) unhurt/uninjured/unwounded/unscathed/unharmed (2) flawless (e.g. gem)/unblemished/undamaged/perfect (condition) (3) spotless (e.g. reputation)/faultless (e.g. performance)/perfect (record)/without failure/without defeat (P) ","殺傷[さっしょう] (n, vs) killing and wounding/bloodshed (P) "],"垂":["垂れる[たれる<br>しだれる]to hang; to droop;to drop;to lower;to pull down;to dangle;to sag;to drip;to ooze;to trickle;to leave  N1","垂直[すいちょく]vertical, perpendicular  N2","垂らす[たらす]To Dangle Something,  to dangle ","雨垂れ[あまだれ]raindrops ","枝垂れる[しだれる] (v1, vi) to droop/to hang down/to weep ","垂水[たるみ] (n) (arch) waterfall "],"漠":["漠然[ばくぜん]obscure; vague;equivocal  N1","砂漠[さばく]desert  N3","漠然と[ばくぜんと]vaguely "],"異":["異議[いぎ]objection; dissent;protest  N1","異見[いけん]different opinion; objection  N1","異性[いせい]the opposite sex  N1","異動[いどう]a change  N1","異論[いろん]different opinion; objection  N1","驚異[きょうい]wonder; miracle  N1","差異[さい]difference; disparity  N1","異常[いじょう]strangeness,  abnormality, disorder  N3","異なる[ことなる]to differ,  to vary, to disagree  N3","異状[いじょう]Abnormality,  something wrong ","異義[いぎ]Different Meaning ","特異[とくい]peculiar ","異端[いたん]heresy ","同音異義語[どうおんいぎご]Homonym ","異[い<br>け<br>こと] (n, adj-na) (1) difference (of opinion) (adj-na) (2) strange/odd/unusual (pref) (3) different ","異名[いみょう<br>いめい] (n) another name/nickname/alias (P) ","異母[いぼ] (n) different mother ","変異[へんい] (n, vs,adj-no) variation/rogue (something) ","異例[いれい] (adj-no, adj-na,n) exceptional/unusual/extraordinary/unprecedented/singular (P) ","異色[いしょく] (adj-no, adj-na,n) (1) unique/distinctive/novel/singular/unusual/special (n) (2) different color (colour) (P) ","異星人[いせいじん] (n) alien (from another planet) ","異様[いよう] (adj-na, n) bizarre/strange/eccentric/odd/queer (P) ","異説[いせつ] (n) different view/alternative theory/dissenting view ","異国[いこく] (n, adj-no) foreign country (P) ","異変[いへん] (n) unusual event/strange occurrence/strange phenomenon/something abnormal/change (for the worse)/accident/disaster (P) ","異質[いしつ] (adj-na, adj-no) different (quality, nature)/heterogeneous (P) ","異種[いしゅ] (adj-na, n,adj-no) different kind (species, variety)/heterologous/heterogenous ","異形[いぎょう<br>いけい] (adj-no, adj-na,n) fantastic/grotesque/strange-looking/suspicious-looking ","異にする[ことにする] (exp, vs-i) to make a distinction/to differ/to be different ","異教徒[いきょうと] (n) pagan/heretic/heathen "],"皇":["皇居[こうきょ<br>こうぎょ]Imperial Palace  N1","天皇[てんのう<br>すべらぎ<br>すべらみこと<br>すめらき<br>すめらぎ<br>すめらみこと<br>すめろぎ]Emperor of Japan  N1","皇太子[こうたいし]Crown Prince ","皇族[こうぞく]Imperial Family,  member of the imperial family ","皇室[こうしつ]Imperial Palace,  imperial household ","皇帝[こうてい<br>おうだい]Emperor ","皇太子妃[こうたいしひ]Crown Princess ","皇后[こうごう]Japanese Empress ","皇子[おうじ<br>みこ] (n) imperial prince ","教皇[きょうこう] (n) Pope ","上皇[じょうこう] (n) retired emperor/ex-emperor/former emperor/emperor emeritus ","皇女[おうじょ<br>こうじょ<br>みこ] (n) imperial princess ","法皇[ほうおう] (n) (1) ex-emperor who becomes a monk (2) (Catholic) Pope/religious leader ","皇太后[こうたいこう<br>こうたいごう] (n) Queen Mother/Empress Dowager ","皇位[こうい] (n) imperial throne (P) "],"拡":["拡散[かくさん]scattering; diffusion  N1","拡充[かくじゅう]expansion  N2","拡張[かくちょう]expansion, extension,enlargement,escape (ESC)  N2","拡大[かくだい]magnification,  enlargement  N3","拡がる[ひろがる]To Extend,  to spread ","軍拡[ぐんかく]expansion of armaments ","拡幅[かくふく] (n) (1) widening (of a road) (vs) (2) to widen (esp. a road) ","拡げる[ひろげる] (v1, vt) (1) to spread/to extend/to expand/to enlarge/to widen/to broaden (2) to unfold/to open/to unroll/to unwrap (3) to scatter about/to spread around (4) to make flourish/to cause to prosper "],"忠":["忠告[ちゅうこく]advice; warning  N1","忠実[ただみ<br>ちゅうじつ<br>まめ]fidelity; faithfulness  N1","忠誠[ちゅうせい]Loyalty ","忠[ちゅう] (n) (1) loyalty/devotion/fidelity/faithfulness (2) inspector of the Imperial Prosecuting and Investigating Office (ritsuryo system) ","忠誠心[ちゅうせいしん] (n) loyalty/faithfulness ","忠義[ちゅうぎ] (adj-na, n) loyalty/devotion (P) ","忠臣[ちゅうしん] (n) loyal retainer/loyal subject (P) "],"肺":["肺[はい]lung  N1","肺がん[はいがん]Lung Cancer ","肺病[はいびょう]Lung Disease ","肺臓[はいぞう]Lung ","肺炎[はいえん]pneumonia "],"操":["操る[あやつる]to manipulate; to operate;to pull strings  N1","操縦[そうじゅう]management; handling;control;manipulation  N1","体操[たいそう]gymnastics, physical exercises,calisthenics  N2","操作[そうさ]operation,  management, processing  N3","操[みさお]Chastity,  virginity ","貞操[ていそう]chastity,  virtue, fidelity ","操業[そうぎょう] (n, vs) operation (of a machine, factory, fishing boat, etc.)/work (P) ","操縦士[そうじゅうし] (n) pilot ","操車場[そうしゃじょう] (n) switchyard "],"筋":["粗筋[あらすじ]outline; summary  N1","大筋[おおすじ]outline; summary  N1","一筋[ひとすじ]a line; earnestly;blindly;straightforwardly  N1","筋肉[きんにく<br>すじにく]muscle,  sinew  N3","筋[すじ<br>きん]muscle,  string, line  N3","筋道[すじみち]method ","鉄筋[てっきん]reinforced with iron ","心筋[しんきん] (n, adj-no) heart muscle/myocardium (P) ","背筋[せすじ<br>はいきん] (n) (1) spine/line of the backbone (2) seam down the back (of clothing) (P) ","腹筋[はらすじ<br>ふくきん<br>ふっきん] (n, vs) (1) sit-up (2) abdominal muscles/abs ","道筋[みちすじ] (n) path/route/itinerary (P) ","筋力[きんりょく] (n) physical strength/muscle strength (P) ","血筋[ちすじ] (n) lineage/stock/strain/blood relationship "],"盛":["盛る[もる<br>さかる]to prosper; to flourish;to copulate (animals)  N1","盛装[せいそう]be dressed up; wear rich clothes  N1","盛大[せいだい]grand; prosperous;magnificent  N1","全盛[ぜんせい]height of prosperity  N1","繁盛[はんせい<br>はんじょう]prosperity; flourishing;thriving  N1","目盛[めもり]scale; gradations  N1","盛り上がる[もりあがる]to rouse; to swell;to rise  N1","盛り[もり<br>さかり]helping,  serving  N3","盛ん[さかん]popularity, prosperous  N4","大盛り[おおもり]large helping ","盛り上げる[もりあげる]bring excitement ","目盛り[めもり]division ","隆盛[りゅうせい]Prosperity ","盛期[せいき] (n) prosperous period ","盛り込む[もりこむ] (v5m, vt) (1) to incorporate/to include (2) to fill (a vessel) with (P) ","盛り上がり[もりあがり] (n) (1) climax/uprush (2) bulge (P) ","盛[もり] (n, n-suf,ctr) (1) serving (of food)/helping (n) (2) (abbr) chilled soba served on a dish (often on a wicker basket or in a shallow steaming basket) with dipping sauce ","盛りだくさん[もりだくさん] (adj-na, adj-no,n) many/varied/all sorts/crowded/large (e.g. helping) ","旺盛[おうせい] (adj-na, n) (1) lively/vigorous/energetic/healthy/avid (e.g. desire)/rich (e.g. imagination) (n-suf,adj-na) (2) full of (energy, appetite, curiosity, etc.)/brimming with (P) ","盛況[せいきょう] (n) success/prosperity/boom (P) ","盛り土[もりつち<br>もりど] (n) embankment (for road,  railway, etc.)/raising the ground level/fill "],"宣":["宣教[せんきょう]religious mission  N1","宣言[せんげん]declaration; proclamation;announcement  N1","宣伝[せんでん]propaganda, publicity  N2","宣告[せんこく]sentence ","宣言する[せんげんする]To Proclaim ","宣戦[せんせん] (n, vs) declaration of war (P) ","宣教師[せんきょうし] (n) missionary (P) ","宣戦布告[せんせんふこく] (n, vs) declaration of war/proclamation of war ","宣誓[せんせい] (n, vs,adj-no) oath/abjuration/pledge (P) ","宣下[せんげ] (n, vs) imperial proclamation ","宣旨[ぜじ<br>せんじ] (ok) (n) written imperial order (late Heian period) "],"賃":["運賃[うんちん]freight rates; shipping expenses;fare  N1","賃金[ちんぎん<br>ちんきん]wages  N1","家賃[やちん]rent  N3","賃貸[ちんたい]Rental ","賃借[ちんしゃく] (n, vs,adj-no) hiring/renting/leasing (P) "],"熟":["成熟[せいじゅく]maturity; ripeness  N1","未熟[みじゅく]inexperience; unripeness;raw;unskilled;immature;inexperienced  N1","熟語[じゅくご]idiom, idiomatic phrase,kanji compound  N2","熟れる[うれる]To Ripen ","早熟[そうじゅく]forward ","熟練[じゅくれん] (n, vs,adj-no) skill/dexterity/proficiency (P) ","熟成[じゅくせい] (n, vs) maturing/ripening/aging/ageing/curing/fermenting "],"糖":["砂糖[さとう]sugar  N5","果糖[かとう]Fructose ","無糖[むとう]Sugar Free,  unsweetened ","楓糖[ふうとう,  かえでとう]maple sugar ","糖[とう] (n, adj-no) sugar (P) ","糖尿[とうにょう] (n) glycosuria/glucosuria/urine sugar ","糖尿病[とうにょうびょう] (n) diabetes/diabetes mellitus (P) ","血糖[けっとう] (n) blood sugar (P) ","砂糖黍[さとうきび] (n) (uk) sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) ","製糖[せいとう] (n) sugar manufacture (P) "],"納":["納まる[おさまる]to be obtained; to end;to settle into;to fit into;to be settled;to be paid;to be delivered  N1","滞納[たいのう]non-payment; default  N1","納入[のうにゅう]payment; supply  N1","納める[おさめる]to obtain, to reap,to pay,to supply,to accept  N2","納得[なっとく]consent,  assent, understanding  N3","収納[しゅうのう]Storage ","出納[すいとう]receipts and expenses ","未納[みのう]in arrears ","納税[のうぜい]tax payment ","納豆[なっとう]Natto,  fermented soybeans ","奉納[ほうのう]dedication,  offering, presentation ","格納[かくのう] (n, vs) (1) storage/housing for equipment and machines (2) (comp) putting into computer memory ","大納言[だいなごん] (n) (1) chief councillor of state/chief councilor of state (2) large-grained variety of adzuki bean ","納屋[なや] (n) shed/barn/outhouse (P) ","中納言[すけのものもうすつかさ<br>ちゅうなごん<br>なかのものもうすつかさ] (n) medium-ranked councillor in the Department of State ","納期[のうき] (n) appointed day of delivery/time for payment ","納品[のうひん] (n, vs) delivery of goods ","納付[のうふ] (n, vs) payment/supply (P) ","帰納[きのう] (n, vs) induction/inductive reasoning "],"豆":["豆[まめ]beans,  peas  N3","小豆[あずき<br>しょうず]Azuki Beans,  adzuki beans ","納豆[なっとう]Natto,  fermented soybeans ","大豆[だいず]soybean ","豆腐[とうふ]tofu ","枝豆[えだまめ]Edamame,  steamed soybeans ","湯豆腐[ゆどうふ]Boiled Tofu ","豆乳[とうにゅう] (n) soy milk "],"揮":["指揮[しき]command; direction  N1","発揮[はっき]exhibition, demonstration,utilization,display  N2","発揮する[はっきする]To Exhibit,  to demonstrate ","指揮者[しきしゃ]Commander ","指揮官[しきかん] (n) commander/commanding officer/CO ","揮発[きはつ] (n, vs) volatilization/volatilisation (P) "],"幕":["幕[まく]curtain; bunting;act (in play)  N1","字幕[じまく]Subtitles ","黒幕[くろまく]Wirepuller,  mastermind, black curtain, dick cheney ","開幕[かいまく]rising of the curtain ","日本語字幕[にほんごじまく] (n) Japanese subtitles ","幕府[ばくふ] (n) bakufu/shogunate (P) ","幕下[まくした] (n) (sumo) third highest division/wrestlers of the third highest division (P) ","幕末[ばくまつ] (n) closing days of the Tokugawa shogunate/end of Edo era (P) ","幕内[まくうち] (n) (sumo) highest-ranking division (P) ","幕僚[ばくりょう] (n) staff/staff officer (P) ","入幕[にゅうまく] (n, vs) advancing to the first grade (P) ","閉幕[へいまく] (n, vs) falling of the curtain/coming to an end (P) "],"歓":["歓声[かんせい]cheer; shout of joy  N1","歓迎[かんげい]welcome,  reception  N3","歓楽街[かんらくがい]Pleasure Quarter ","大歓迎[だいかんげい] (n) warm welcome ","歓喜[かんき] (n, vs) delight/great joy (P) ","歓楽[かんらく] (n) pleasure/merriment "],"奴":["奴[やつ<br>しゃつ<br>つぶね<br>め<br>やっこ<br>やつこ<br>やつこらま]servant; fellow  N1","奴隷[どれい]Slave ","奴ら[やつら]Those Dudes,  those guys ","匈奴[きょうど<br>フンヌ] (n) Xiongnu/ancient Central Asian nomadic people often associated with the Huns "],"聖":["神聖[しんせい]holiness; sacredness;dignity  N1","聖書[せいしょ]Bible; scriptures  N1","聖日[せいじつ]Holy Day ","聖地[せいち]Holy Land,  holy ground ","聖[せい<br>ひじり] (n, n-pref) (1) Saint/St./S. (n,adj-na) (2) sacred/holy/pure ","聖堂[せいどう] (n) (Confucian) temple/church/sanctuary (P) ","聖杯[せいはい] (n) (1) chalice (for Holy Communion) (2) Holy Chalice/Holy Grail ","聖母[せいぼ] (n) (1) holy mother/birth mother of a holy man (or woman) (2) Virgin Mary (P) ","聖域[せいいき] (n, adj-no) (1) sacred precincts/sanctuary/consecrated ground/holy ground (n) (2) issue that is regarded as being off-limits/matter that is not up for discussion (P) ","聖なる[せいなる] (adj-pn) holy/sacred ","聖人[しょうにん<br>せいじん] (n) (1) (Buddh) person on the path to enlightenment (2) (Buddh) Buddha/bodhisattva (3) (hon) high priest ","聖職[せいしょく] (n, adj-no) sacred profession/holy orders/vocation/ministry ","聖歌[せいか] (n, adj-no) hymn/chant/sacred song ","聖公会[せいこうかい] (n) Anglican or Episcopal Church ","聖霊[せいれい] (n) the Holy Ghost/the Holy Spirit ","聖戦[せいせん] (n) holy war/crusade (P) ","聖火[せいか] (n) (1) sacred fire (torch) (2) Olympic flame (P) ","棋聖[きせい] (n) great master of go/great master of shogi (P) "],"推":["推進[すいしん]propulsion; driving force  N1","推測[すいそく]guess; conjecture  N1","推理[すいり]reasoning; inference;mystery or detective genre (movie&nbsp;&nbsp;novel&nbsp;&nbsp;etc.)  N1","類推[るいすい]analogy  N1","推定[すいてい]presumption, assumption,estimation  N2","推薦[すいせん]recommendation  N3","推量[すいりょう]conjecture ","推奨[すいしょう]Recommendation,  endorsement ","推敲[すいこう]polishing ","推移[すいい] (n, vs) (1) transition/change/progress/development/shift (2) passing (of time) (P) ","推す[おす] (v5s, vt) (1) to recommend/to endorse (e.g. a candidate)/to nominate (2) to infer/to conclude/to conjecture/to surmise (3) to think something through/to ponder deeply (P) ","推力[すいりょく] (n) thrust/driving force/propulsion ","推計[すいけい] (n, vs) estimate/estimation (P) ","推挙[すいきょ] (n, vs) recommendation (of a person for a position)/nomination ","推し進める[おしすすめる] (v1, vt) to press forward/to forge ahead/to push on ","推論[すいろん] (n, vs,adj-no) inference/deduction/induction/reasoning (P) ","推察[すいさつ] (n, vs) guess/conjecture/surmise "],"磁":["磁気[じき]magnetism  N1","磁器[じき]porcelain; china  N1","磁石[じしゃく<br>じせき]magnet  N2","磁場[じば<br>じじょう]Magnetic Field ","電磁場[でんじば]Electromagnetic Field ","電磁[でんじ] (adj-f) (physics) electromagnetic ","電磁波[でんじは] (n) (physics) electromagnetic wave ","磁性[じせい] (n) magnetism ","陶磁器[とうじき] (n) porcelain/china/chinaware/ceramics/pottery (P) ","磁力[じりょく] (n) magnetism/magnetic force "],"源":["起源[きげん]origin; beginning;rise  N1","語源[ごげん]word root; word derivation;etymology  N1","財源[ざいげん]source of funds; resources;finances  N1","水源[すいげん]source of river; fountainhead  N1","電源[でんげん]source of electricity; power (button on TV&nbsp;&nbsp;etc.)  N1","源[みなもと<br>げん]source; origin  N1","資源[しげん]resources  N3","震源地[しんげんち]Epicenter,  epicentre ","源氏[げんじ]Genji ","源氏物語[げんじものがたり]Tale Of Genji,  the tale of genji ","音源[おんげん] (n) sound source/sound generator/tone generator ","源流[げんりゅう] (n) (1) source (e.g. of a river)/headwaters (2) origin of something continuous (language,  culture, etc.) (P) ","根源[こんげん] (n, adj-no) root/source/origin/foundation/base/principle (P) ","情報源[じょうほうげん] (n) (1) source of information/intelligence source (2) (comp) message source ","源泉[げんせん] (n) (1) source (of a spring,  etc.) (2) source (of payment, energy, knowledge, etc.)/origin/wellspring (P) ","震源[しんげん] (n, adj-no) hypocentre (of an earthquake)/hypocenter (P) ","税源[ぜいげん] (n) tax source/source of taxation revenue/taxable item ","光源[こうげん] (n) light source "],"芋":["芋[いも]Potato ","焼き芋[やきいも]Roast Potato,  baked potato ","じゃが芋[じゃがいも]White Potato,  irish potato ","薩摩芋[さつまいも]sweet potato ","ジャガ芋[ジャガいも] (n) (uk) potato (Solanum tuberosum) (P) "],"薦":["推薦[すいせん]recommendation  N3","自薦[じせん]Recommendation ","薦める[すすめる]To Recommend ","薦め[すすめ]Recommendation,  advice ","お薦め[おすすめ] (n, vs,adj-no) (uk) recommendation/advice/suggestion/encouragement "],"腐":["腐敗[ふはい]decay; depravity  N1","腐る[くさる]to rot,  to go bad  N3","腐食[ふしょく]Corrosion ","豆腐[とうふ]tofu ","湯豆腐[ゆどうふ]Boiled Tofu ","防腐剤[ぼうふざい]Preservative,  antiseptic ","陳腐[ちんぷ]cliched,  stale, hackneyed "],"沿":["沿岸[えんがん]coast; shore  N1","沿線[えんせん]along railway line  N1","沿う[そう]to run along; to follow  N1","沿い[そい<br>ぞい]along  N1","沿海[えんかい]Coastal Waters,  coast ","沿革[えんかく] (n) history/development (P) ","沿道[えんどう] (n, adj-no) roadside/wayside/route (P) "],"射":["反射[はんしゃ]reflection; reverberation  N1","放射[ほうしゃ]radiation; emission  N1","放射能[ほうしゃのう]radioactivity  N1","射す[さす]to shine, to strike  N2","発射[はっしゃ]firing, shooting,discharge,catapult  N2","陽射[ひざし]sunlight, rays of the sun  N2","注射[ちゅうしゃ]injection  N4","発射する[はっしゃする]To Launch,  to fire ","反射的[はんしゃ てき]reflective ","投射[とうしゃ]incidence ","噴射[ふんしゃ]jet,  spray, injection, jet propulsion ","射撃[しゃげき] (n, vs) firing/shooting/fire/gunshot/marksmanship (P) ","射る[いる] (v1, vt) to shoot (arrow, bolt, dart) (P) ","放射線[ほうしゃせん] (n) radiation (P) ","射殺[しゃさつ] (n, vs) shooting to death (P) ","射程[しゃてい] (n) range (of a rifle,  missile, etc.) (P) ","速射砲[そくしゃほう] (n) (1) rapid-fire gun or cannon (2) (col) talking rapidly/barrage of words or questions ","照射[しょうしゃ<br>ともし] (n, vs) (1) irradiation/radiation/beaming (2) exposure (to light)/illumination (P) ","射影[しゃえい] (n, vs,adj-no) (math) projection ","連射[れんしゃ] (n, vs) rapid-fire ","高射砲[こうしゃほう] (n) antiaircraft gun ","入射[にゅうしゃ] (n, vs) (1) incidence/injection/input (adj-no) (2) incident "],"縮":["短縮[たんしゅく]shortening; abbreviation;reduction  N1","縮まる[ちぢまる<br>ちぢまる,  ちじまる]to be shortened; to be contracted;to shrink  N1","圧縮[あっしゅく]compression, condensation,pressure  N2","恐縮[きょうしゅく]shame, very kind of you,sorry to trouble  N2","縮小[しゅくしょう]reduction, curtailment  N2","縮む[ちぢむ<br>ちじむ]to shrink, to be contracted  N2","縮める[ちぢめる]to shorten, to reduce,to boil down,to shrink  N2","縮れる[ちぢれる]to be wavy, to be curled  N2","濃縮[のうしゅく]concentration ","縮み[ちぢみ]shrinkage ","軍縮[ぐんしゅく]reduction of armaments ","収縮[しゅうしゅく] (n, vs) deflation/contraction/shrinking/constriction (P) ","凝縮[ぎょうしゅく] (n, vs) (1) condensation (of ideas, emotions, etc.) (2) (physics) condensation (of a vapour or gas) (P) ","縮尺[しゅくしゃく] (n, vs) reduced scale/scaling (P) ","萎縮[いしゅく] (n, vs) withering/shrivelling/shrinking/atrophy/contraction (P) ","伸縮[しんしゅく] (n, vs) expansion and contraction/elasticity/flexibility (P) "],"隷":["奴隷[どれい]Slave "],"粋":["粋[いき<br>すい]chic; style;purity;essence  N1","純粋[じゅんすい]pure, true,genuine,unmixed  N2","抜粋[ばっすい]excerpt "],"吐":["吐く[はく<br>つく]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;to breathe; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;to tell (lies); 3.&nbsp;&nbsp;to vomit;to disgorge  N1","吐き気[はきけ]nausea, sickness in the stomach  N2","吐き出す[はきだす]To Spit Out,  to disgorge, to spew out ","嘔吐[おうと<br>へど] (n, vs,adj-no) (med) vomiting/emesis (P) "],"貴":["貴女[きじょ<br>あなた]you; lady  N1","貴族[きぞく]noble; aristocrat  N1","貴い[とうとい<br>たっとい]precious; valuable;priceless;noble;exalted;sacred  N1","貴重[きちょう]precious,  valuable  N3","兄貴[あにき]Older Brother,  big brother, elder brother, one's senior ","貴様[きさま]You ","貴重品[きちょうひん]valuables ","騰貴[とうき]rise ","貴賓[きひん]noble visitor ","貴[き<br>たっと<br>とうと<br>むち] (suf) honorific,  familiar suffix ","貴族院[きぞくいん] (n) House of Lords ","貴方[あなた<br>あんた<br>きほう] (pn) (1) (uk) (pol) you (referring to someone of equal or lower status) (2) dear (what a wife calls a husband) (P) ","姉貴[あねき] (n) (1) (fam) (hon) elder sister (2) (hon) older female friend ","高貴[こうき] (adj-na, n,adj-no) high class/noble "],"縦":["操縦[そうじゅう]management; handling;control;manipulation  N1","縦[たて<br>ほしいまま<br>よし]length,  height  N3","縦横[たてよこ<br>じゅうおう]Length And Width,  vertical and horizontal ","縦書[たてがき]Vertical Writing,  vertical style writing ","縦書き[たてがき]vertical writing ","縦断[じゅうだん] (n, vs) (1) running through (north-south)/cutting across/travelling across (2) cutting vertically/sectioning longitudinally (P) ","操縦士[そうじゅうし] (n) pilot ","縦貫[じゅうかん] (n, vs) running through/traversal "],"熊":["熊[くま]Bear ","熊本県[くまもとけん]Kumamoto Prefecture ","熊之実[くまのみ]clownfish,  anemone fish "],"彫":["彫刻[ちょうこく]carving, engraving,sculpture  N2","彫る[ほる]to carve, to engrave,to sculpture,to chisel  N2","彫像[ちょうぞう] (n) sculpture/carved statue/graven image (P) ","浮き彫り[うきぼり] (n, adj-no) (1) relief/embossed carving (n) (2) bringing to the fore/throwing something into relief (P) "],"杉":["杉[すぎ]Japanese cedar  N2","小杉[こすぎ] (n) (1) (abbr) (arch) small cedar (2) thin Japanese paper (used as tissue during the Edo period) "],"舎":["校舎[こうしゃ]school building  N2","田舎[いなか<br>でんしゃ<br>でんじゃ]countryside  N4","兵舎[へいしゃ]Barracks ","庁舎[ちょうしゃ]Government Office Building ","駅舎[えきしゃ] (n) station building ","厩舎[きゅうしゃ] (n) barn/stable ","舎[しゃ] (n-suf) (1) hut/house (n) (2) (arch) (in the ancient Chinese army) one day's march (approx. 12.2 km) (P) ","宿舎[しゅくしゃ] (n) lodging house (P) ","学舎[がくしゃ<br>まなびや] (n) school (building) "],"酔":["麻酔[ますい]anaesthesia  N1","酔っ払い[よっぱらい]drunkard  N2","酔う[よう]to get drunk,  to become intoxicated  N3","泥酔[でいすい]Dead Drunk,  completely drunk ","酔っ払う[よっぱらう]get drunk ","二日酔い[ふつかよい]Hangover ","船酔い[ふなよい]Sea Sickness ","陶酔[とうすい]fascination ","酔い[えい<br>よい] (ok) (n) (1) drunkenness/intoxication (2) motion sickness/travel sickness "],"炎":["炎[ほのお<br>えん<br>ほむら]flame  N3","炎症[えんしょう]Inflammation ","肺炎[はいえん]pneumonia ","肝炎[かんえん]Hepatitis ","火炎瓶[かえんびん]molotov cocktail ","炎上[えんじょう] (n, vs) (1) going up in flames/destruction by fire (esp. of a large building) (2) (col) stirring up a storm of criticism online (of an article, tweet, statement, etc.)/becoming the target of an Internet pitchfork mob (P) ","陽炎[かげろう<br>ようえん] (n) heat haze/shimmer of hot air ","火炎[かえん] (n) flame/blaze "],"己":["自己[じこ]self; oneself  N1","己[おのれ<br>うぬ<br>うら<br>おどれ<br>おぬ<br>おの<br>おら<br>おれ<br>おんどれ<br>き<br>つちのと<br>な]Oneself,  myself, i ","利己主義[りこしゅぎ]egoism ","自己紹介[じこしょうかい]Self Introduction ","利己[りこ] (n) self-interest (P) ","知己[ちき] (n) acquaintance/appreciative friend (P) ","克己[こっき] (n, vs,adj-no) self denial/self control (P) "],"獄":["地獄[じごく]hell  N1","入獄[にゅうごく]Imprisonment ","獄内[ごくない]In Prison ","脱獄[だつごく]Jailbreak,  escape from prison ","出獄[しゅつごく]Release From Prison ","試験地獄[しけんじごく]Entrance Exam Hell,  hell of entrance exams ","投獄[とうごく] (n, vs) imprisonment/incarceration ","獄[ごく<br>ひとや] (n) jail/gaol/prison ","牢獄[ろうごく] (n) prison/jail/gaol ","監獄[かんごく] (n) prison (P) ","獄中[ごくちゅう] (n, adj-no) during imprisonment/while in jail (gaol) (P) "],"為":["行為[こうい]act; deed;conduct  N1","為来り[しきたり]customs  N1","その為[そのため]hence; for that reason  N1","為さる[なさる]to do  N1","為替[かわせ<br>かわし]money order, exchange  N2","為す[なす]to accomplish, to do  N2","為る[する]to change,  to be of use, to reach to  N3","所為[しょい]cause,  reason, fault  N3","為[ため<br>す]in order to  N4","為に[ために]For The Sake Of,  sake of ","為される[なされる] (v1, vt) (hon) (uk) to do ","人為[じんい] (n, adj-no) human work/human agency/art/artificiality (P) "],"汁":["汁[しる]juice, sap,soup,broth  N2","果汁[かじゅう]Fruit Juice ","味噌汁[みそしる]miso soup ","汁物[しるもの]Soups,  soup ","灰汁[あく] (gikun) (n) (1) (uk) lye (2) (uk) harsh taste/astringency (3) (uk) scum (formed when cooking some foods) (4) (uk) (excessive) strength of will ","出汁[だし] (n) (uk) dashi (Japanese soup stock made from fish and kelp) "],"滞":["滞納[たいのう]non-payment; default  N1","停滞[ていたい]stagnation; tie-up;congestion;retention;accumulation;falling into arrears  N1","滞る[とどこおる]to stagnate; to be delayed  N1","渋滞[じゅうたい]congestion (e.g. traffic),  delay, stagnation  N3","滞在[たいざい]stay,  sojourn  N3","遅滞[ちたい]Delay ","延滞[えんたい]arrears ","沈滞[ちんたい]Stagnation,  inactivity "],"剣":["真剣[しんけん]seriousness,  earnestness  N3","剣道[けんどう]Kendo,  japanese fencing, way of the sword ","剣[けん<br>つるぎ] (n) (1) sword (originally esp. a doubled-edged sword)/sabre/saber/blade (2) bayonet (3) swordsmanship (4) stinger/ovipositor/dart (P) ","剣士[けんし] (n) swordsman/swordswoman/fencer (P) ","銃剣[じゅうけん] (n) (1) bayonet (2) guns and swords ","刀剣[とうけん] (n) sword/dagger/knife/bayonet (P) "],"亀":["海亀[うみがめ]Sea Turtle ","亀[かめ]Turtle ","亀裂[きれつ] (n) crack/crevice/fissure/chap/rift (P) "],"厄":["厄介[やっかい]trouble,  burden, care, bother  N3"],"酢":["酢[す]vinegar  N2","酢の物[すのもの]Vinegared Food,  pickled food ","甘酢[あまず]Sweet Vinegar ","酢酸[さくさん] (n, adj-no) acetic acid (P) "],"諾":["承諾[しょうだく]consent; acquiescence;agreement  N1","受諾[じゅだく]Acceptance ","許諾[きょだく]Consent ","諾否[だくひ]Consent Or Refusal,  yes or no "],"盟":["同盟[どうめい]alliance; union;league  N1","連盟[れんめい]league; union;alliance  N1","盟約[めいやく]Pledge,  pact ","加盟[かめい]affiliation ","盟友[めいゆう] (n) sworn friend (P) ","盟主[めいしゅ] (n) leader (of an alliance)/leading power (P) "],"債":["負債[ふさい]debt; liabilities  N1","債券[さいけん]Bond ","債権[さいけん]Debt,  liabilities ","国債[こくさい]National Debt,  bonds ","債務[さいむ] (n) debt/liabilities/obligation to a person or party (usu. legal or contractual) (P) ","債[さい] (n, n-suf) debt/loan (P) ","公債[こうさい] (n, adj-no) public debt/public bond or securities (P) "],"伎":["歌舞伎[かぶき]Kabuki "],"鹿":["馬鹿馬鹿しい[ばかばかしい]stupid  N1","馬鹿らしい[ばからしい]absurd  N1","馬鹿[ばか]fool,  idiot, trivial matter, folly  N3","鹿[しか<br>か<br>かせぎ<br>かのしし<br>しし<br>ろく]Deer ","鹿児島県[かごしまけん]Kagoshima Prefecture "],"津":["津波[つなみ]tsunami; tidal wave  N1","天津飯[てんしんはん] (n) (food) crab omelet on rice ","津[つ] (suf) (1) harbour/harbor/port (2) ferry ","摂津[せっつ] (n) Settsu (former province covering parts of modern Osaka and Hyogo) ","天津[あまつ<br>てんしん] (adj-f) (arch) heavenly/imperial ","津浪[つなみ] (n) tsunami/tidal wave "],"継":["跡継ぎ[あとつぎ]heir; successor  N1","受け継ぐ[うけつぐ]to inherit; to succeed;to take over  N1","中継[ちゅうけい<br>なかつぎ]relay; hook-up  N1","継ぎ目[つぎめ]a joint; joining point  N1","継ぐ[つぐ]to succeed  N1","継続[けいぞく]continuation  N2","継父[けいふ]Step Father ","継承[けいしょう]Succession,  inheritance ","中継ぎ[なかつぎ]broadcasting ","引き継ぎ[ひきつぎ]taking over ","引き継ぐ[ひきつぐ]succeed to ","継ぎはぎ[つぎはぎ]patching together ","後継[あとつぎ<br>こうけい] (n) (1) heir/inheritor (2) successor ","後継者[こうけいしゃ] (n) successor ","生中継[なまちゅうけい] (n, vs) live broadcast (radio, TV)/live coverage (P) ","承継[しょうけい] (n, vs) succession/accession/inheritance "],"遺":["遺跡[いせき]historic ruins (remains&nbsp; &nbsp;relics)  N1","遺体[いたい]Corpse,  remains ","遺伝[いでん]Heredity ","遺産[いさん]Inheritance ","遺失[いしつ]Loss ","遺失物[いしつぶつ]lost property ","遺言[ゆいごん]<br>いげん<br>いごん<br>ゆいごん]testament ","遺伝子[いでんし]Genes ","遺憾[いかん]regrettable,  unsatisfactory ","遺構[いこう] (n) (archaeological) remains/remnants (of ancient structures)/ancient foundation (P) ","遺族[いぞく] (n) bereaved family/surviving family/family of the deceased (P) ","遺物[いぶつ] (n) relic/remains/memento (P) ","遺す[のこす] (v5s, vt) to leave (behind, over)/to bequeath/to save/to reserve ","遺書[いしょ] (n) (1) note left by dead person/suicide note/testamentary letter/will/testament (2) posthumous work (P) ","遺骨[いこつ] (n) (1) ashes (of a cremated person) (2) remains (of war dead) (P) ","遺児[いじ] (n) (1) orphan/child left by the deceased (2) abandoned child (P) ","遺作[いさく] (n) posthumous works (P) ","遺骸[いがい<br>ゆいがい] (n) remains/corpse/body ","後遺症[こういしょう] (n) prognostic symptoms/after-effect (P) ","遺品[いひん] (n) articles of the deceased/article left by the deceased/things that belonged to the deceased (P) ","遺棄[いき] (n, adj-no,vs) abandonment/desertion (P) ","遺志[いし] (n) wishes of a deceased person/dying wish (P) ","拾遺[しゅうい] (n) gleaning/gleanings "],"維":["繊維[せんい]fibre; fiber;textile  N1","維持[いじ]maintenance,  preservation  N3","維新[いしん]Restoration,  meiji restoration ","明治維新[めいじいしん]Meiji Restoration ","維持する[いじする]To Maintain ","線維[せんい] (n, adj-no) fibre/fiber/textile "],"奈":["神奈川県[かながわけん]Kanagawa Prefecture ","奈良[なら]Nara ","奈良県[ならけん]Nara Prefecture ","奈落[ならく] (n) (1) (Buddh) Naraka (san: naraka)/hell/hades (2) very bottom/the end/worst possible circumstances (3) theatre basement/theater basement "],"核":["核[かく<br>さね]nucleus; kernel  N1","結核[けっかく]tuberculosis; tubercule  N1","核実験[かくじっけん]Nuclear Test,  nuclear bomb test, nuclear testing ","核兵器[かくへいき]Nuclear Weapons ","中核[ちゅうかく]core ","核心[かくしん]core ","核分裂[かくぶんれつ]Nuclear Fission,  karyokinesis ","原子核[げんしかく] (n) (physics) nucleus/atomic nucleus (P) "],"廃":["荒廃[こうはい]ruin  N1","廃れる[すたれる]to go out of use; to become obsolete;to die out;to go out of fashion  N1","廃棄[はいき]annullment; disposal;abandon;scrap;discarding;repeal  N1","廃止[はいし]abolition; repeal  N1","廃絶[はいぜつ]Extinction ","退廃[たいはい]decadence ","退廃的[たいはいてき]decadent ","廃止する[はいしする]To Abolish ","廃墟[はいきょ]Ruins,  abandoned building ","廃車[はいしゃ] (n) (1) decommissioned vehicle/out of service vehicle/end of life vehicle (2) deregistered vehicle/unregistered vehicle (n, vs) (3) deregistering (vehicle)/unregistering ","廃す[はいす] (v5s, vt) (1) to abolish/to abandon/to repeal/to discontinue (2) to dethrone/to depose ","廃校[はいこう] (n, vs) closing of a school/closed school ","廃業[はいぎょう] (n, vs) discontinuation (of business)/closing down/giving up (one's practice)/retiring (P) ","撤廃[てっぱい] (n, vs) annulment/abolition/repeal/rescission (P) ","廃藩置県[はいはんちけん] (n) (yoji) abolition of feudal domains and establishment of prefectures (1871) ","廃刊[はいかん] (n, vs) ceasing to publish/discontinuance of publication ","全廃[ぜんぱい] (n, vs) total abolition/full phase-out/total repeal (P) ","統廃合[とうはいごう] (n, vs) reorganization (e.g. of a company)/reorganisation/consolidation/scrap-and-build ","廃寺[はいじ] (n, vs) (1) ruined temple/abandoned temple/temple ruins (2) closing a temple ","廃部[はいぶ] (n, vs) club disbandment ","廃嫡[はいちゃく] (n, vs) disinheritance "],"献":["献立[こんだて]menu, program,schedule  N2","文献[ぶんけん]literature, books (reference)  N2","貢献[こうけん]contribution,  services  N3","献血[けんけつ]Blood Donation ","献金[けんきん]Donation,  offering ","献上[けんじょう] (n, vs) presenting to (P) ","献身[けんしん] (n, vs) dedication/devotion ","献ずる[けんずる] (vz, vt) to present/to offer/to dedicate "],"沖":["沖[おき]open sea  N3","沖合[おきあい]Open Sea ","沖縄[おきなわ]Okinawa ","沖縄県[おきなわけん]Okinawa Prefecture ","沖積[ちゅうせき] (n, adj-no) alluvial "],"摘":["指摘[してき]pointing out; identification  N1","摘む[つむ<br>つまむ]to pinch; to hold;to pick up  N1","摘発する[てきはつする]To Unmask,  to expose ","摘発[てきはつ]exposure ","指摘する[してきする]To Point Out,  to identify ","摘出[てきしゅつ] (n, vs) (1) picking out/taking out (surgical) removal (2) exposure (P) ","摘まむ[つまむ] (v5m, vt) (1) (uk) to pinch/to hold (between one's fingers)/to pick up (with chopsticks, tweezers, etc.) (2) (uk) to pick up and eat/to snack on (3) (uk) to pick out (the main point)/to summarize/to sum up (4) (uk) to bewitch/to possess/to fascinate "],"及":["及び[および]and; as well as  N1","及ぶ[およぶ]to reach; to come up to;to amount to;to befall;to happen to;to extend;to match;to equal  N1","追及[ついきゅう]gaining on; carrying out;solving (crime)  N1","普及[ふきゅう]diffusion, spread  N2","及ぼす[およぼす]to exert,  to cause, to exercise  N3","及第[きゅうだい]Passing An Exam,  make the grade, passing the exam ","言及[げんきゅう] (n, vs) reference/allusion (P) ","波及[はきゅう] (n, vs) spread/extension/influence/aftereffect/ripple (P) "],"縄":["縄[なわ]rope,  hemp  N3","縄文[じょうもん]Jomon People,  joumon people, joumon, jomon, ancient japanese ","縄張り[なわばり]one's territory ","沖縄[おきなわ]Okinawa ","縄跳び[なわとび]Jump Rope ","沖縄県[おきなわけん]Okinawa Prefecture "],"踏":["踏まえる[ふまえる]to be based on; to have origin in  N1","踏切[ふみきり]railway crossing, level crossing,starting line,scratch,crossover  N2","踏む[ふむ]to step on  N4","舞踏[ぶとう]Dancing ","足踏み[あしぶみ]step ","踏み切る[ふみきる]launch out ","踏ん張る[ふんばる]hold out ","雑踏[ざっとう]hustle and bustle ","舞踏会[ぶとうかい]Ball,  dance ","踏み込む[ふみこむ]To Step Into,  to rush into ","踏襲[とうしゅう] (n, vs) following (a precedent, former policy, etc.)/continuing with/sticking to/observing ","踏み出す[ふみだす] (v5s, vi,vt) (1) to step forward/to step forth/to advance (2) to start/to embark on/to set forth on/to take steps toward ","踏み入れる[ふみいれる] (v1, vt) to walk in on/to tread upon "],"陣":["陣[じん]Army Base,  army camp ","陣営[じんえい]Camp ","陣地[じんち] (n) (mil) encampment/position (P) ","出陣[しゅつじん] (n, vs) departure for the front (P) ","陣痛[じんつう] (n) labour pains/labor pains/birth pains/contractions (P) ","本陣[ほんじん] (n) (1) troop headquarters/stronghold (2) inn designated for use by a daimyo (Edo period) ","退陣[たいじん] (n, vs) (1) resignation/stepping down/retirement (2) retreat/decamping/withdrawal (P) ","布陣[ふじん] (n, vs) (1) battle formation (2) lineup (e.g. for a game) (P) ","敵陣[てきじん] (n) enemy camp/enemy line ","殺陣[さつじん<br>たて] (n) sword battle (staged for television,  etc.)/sword fight ","陣取る[じんどる] (v5r, vi) to encamp/to take up positions ","初陣[ういじん] (n) one's first campaign/one's first battle (P) "],"塁":["塁[るい<br>とりで]Baseball Base,  base ","塁審[るいしん]Baseball Umpire,  umpire ","塁打[るいだ]Base Hit,  single ","本塁打[ほんるいだ]Homerun ","本塁[ほんるい] (n) (1) base/stronghold/main fort (2) (baseb) home base/home plate (P) ","盗塁[とうるい] (n, vs) (baseb) base stealing/steal/stolen base (P) ","出塁[しゅつるい] (n, vs) (1) (baseb) getting on base/reaching first base (n) (2) (baseb) times on base/TOB (P) ","満塁[まんるい] (n, adj-no) (baseb) bases loaded (P) ","二塁打[にるいだ] (n) (baseb) two-base hit/double (P) ","走塁[そうるい] (n, vs) (baseb) base running (P) ","三塁打[さんるいだ] (n) (baseb) three-base hit/triple (P) "],"弾":["弾力[だんりょく]elasticity; flexibility  N1","弾く[ひく<br>はじく]to flip; to snap  N1","弾む[はずむ]to spring; to bound;to bounce;to be stimulated;to be encouraged;to get lively;to treat oneself to;to  N1","爆弾[ばくだん]bomb  N1","弾[たま<br>だん]bullet,  shot, shell  N3","弾丸[だんがん]Bullet ","弾圧[だんあつ]oppression ","原子爆弾[げんしばくだん]Atomic Bomb ","銃弾[じゅうだん]Rifle Bullet,  bullet ","糾弾[きゅうだん]Blame ","弾劾[だんがい]impeachment,  accusation, censure, denunciation ","弾薬[だんやく] (n) ammunition/ammo (P) ","弾頭[だんとう] (n) warhead (P) ","榴弾[りゅうだん] (n) high-explosive projectile ","砲弾[ほうだん] (n) shell/cannonball (P) ","擲弾[てきだん] (n) grenade ","弾ける[はじける] (v1, vi) (1) to burst open/to split open/to pop (2) to be bursting with (e.g. youth, laughter, flavor) (3) to bounce/to bound ","被弾[ひだん] (n, vs) being shot/being bombed ","弾道[だんどう] (n) (1) trajectory/line of fire (adj-no, adj-f) (2) ballistic (P) ","手榴弾[しゅりゅうだん<br>てりゅうだん] (n) hand grenade/grenade ","弾性[だんせい] (n) elasticity ","ロケット弾[ロケットだん] (n) rocket (P) ","弾倉[だんそう] (n) magazine (of a firearm) ","弾き語り[ひきがたり] (n) singing to one's own accompaniment ","防弾[ぼうだん] (n, adj-no) bulletproof/bombproof (P) ","徹甲弾[てっこうだん] (n) armor piercing ammunition/armour piercing ammunition "],"葬":["葬る[ほうむる<br>ほうぶる]to bury; to inter;to entomb;to consign to oblivion;to shelve  N1","葬式[そうしき]funeral  N2","火葬[かそう]Cremation ","葬儀[そうぎ]Funeral ","冠婚葬祭[かんこんそうさい]ceremonial occasions ","埋葬[まいそう] (n, vs,adj-no) burial (P) ","副葬[ふくそう] (n, vs) burying a dead person's personal belongings with the body "],"抗":["抗議[こうぎ]protest; objection  N1","抗争[こうそう]dispute; resistance  N1","対抗[たいこう]opposition; antagonism  N1","抵抗[ていこう]electrical resistance,  resistance, opposition  N3","反抗[はんこう]opposition,  resistance  N3","抗体[こうたい]Antibody ","抗戦[こうせん]Resistance ","反抗する[はんこうする]To Rebel ","抵抗する[ていこうする]To Resist ","抗[こう] (pref) anti- ","抗原[こうげん] (n) antigen (P) ","抗生物質[こうせいぶっしつ] (n, adj-no) antibiotic/antibiotics (P) ","拮抗[きっこう] (n, vs) rivalry/competition/antagonism/struggle for supremacy ","抗菌[こうきん] (adj-na, n,adj-no) antibacterial/antimicrobial (P) "],"崩":["雪崩[なだれ]avalanche  N1","崩壊[ほうかい]collapse; decay (physics);crumbling;breaking down;caving in  N1","崩す[くずす]to destroy, to pull down,to make change (money)  N2","崩れる[くずれる]to collapse, to crumble  N2","崩御[ほうぎょ] (n, vs) (hon) death (of an emperor)/demise ","崩落[ほうらく] (n, vs) collapse/break/cave-in/crash (market) decline (P) "],"遣":["遣い[つかい]mission; simple task;doing  N1","派遣[はけん]dispatch; send  N1","無駄遣い[むだづかい]waste money on; squander money on;flog a dead horse  N1","遣り通す[やりとおす]to carry through; to achieve;to complete  N1","遣る[やる]to do; to have sexual intercourse;to kill;to give (to inferiors&nbsp;&nbsp;animals&nbsp;&nbsp;etc.);to dispatch (a letter  N1","仮名遣い[かなづかい]kana orthography, syllabary spelling  N2","小遣い[こづかい<br>こずかい]personal expenses, pocket money,spending money,incidental expenses,allowance  N2","言葉遣い[ことばづかい]speech, expression,wording  N2","遣う[つかう]To Consider,  to make use of ","思い遣り[おもいやり]Consideration,  sympathy ","息遣い[いきづかい] (n) breathing/respiration ","遣り取り[やりとり] (n, vs) (uk) giving and taking/exchange (of letters)/arguing back and forth (conversational) exchange ","気遣い[きづかい] (n) consideration/concern/fear/worry/solicitude (P) ","気遣う[きづかう] (v5u, vt) to worry about (someone's welfare or comfort)/to feel anxious about/to have apprehensions of ","追い遣る[おいやる] (v5r, vt) (1) to drive away/to order off/to chase away (2) to force into an unpleasant situation (bankruptcy, prostitution, suicide, etc.) ","遣わす[つかわす] (v5s, vt) (1) to send/to dispatch/to despatch (v5s,aux-v) (2) (uk) to bestow (favour, etc.)/to grant (e.g. pardon) ","分遣隊[ぶんけんたい] (n) detachment "],"掲":["掲げる[かかげる]to publish; to print;to carry (an article);to put up;to hang out;to hoist;to fly (a sail);to float (a  N1","掲載[けいさい]appearance (e.g. article in paper)  N1","掲示[けいじ]notice,  bulletin  N3","掲示板[けいじばん]notice board ","掲載する[けいさいする]To Publish,  to print ","掲揚[けいよう] (n, vs) hoisting (e.g. a flag)/raising/flying/putting up (P) "],"恵":["恵み[めぐみ]blessing  N1","恵む[めぐむ]to bless; to show mercy to  N1","恩恵[おんけい]grace, favor,blessing,benefit  N2","恵まれる[めぐまれる]to be blessed with, to be rich in  N2","知恵[ちえ]wisdom,  wit, sagacity, sense, intelligence, advice  N3","恵[え] (n) (1) wisdom/enlightenment (2) (Buddh) prajna (one of the three divisions of the noble eightfold path)/wisdom ","恵比須[えびす<br>えべす<br>ゑびす] (n) Ebisu/god of fishing and commerce ","智恵[ちえ] (n) (1) wisdom/wit/sagacity/sense/intelligence (2) (Buddh) prajna (insight leading to enlightenment) ","恵比寿[えびす<br>ゑびす] (n) Ebisu/god of fishing and commerce (P) "],"跳":["跳ぶ[とぶ]to jump, to fly,to leap  N2","跳ねる[はねる]to jump, to leap  N2","跳躍[ちょうやく]Jump,  leap, bound, skip ","縄跳び[なわとび]Jump Rope "],"旬":["下旬[げじゅん]month (last third of)  N2","上旬[じょうじゅん]first 10 days of month  N2","初旬[しょじゅん]first 10 days of the month  N2","中旬[ちゅうじゅん]second third of a month  N2","旬[しゅん<br>じゅん]In Season "],"聴":["聴覚[ちょうかく]the sense of hearing  N1","聴講[ちょうこう]lecture attendance; auditing  N1","聴診器[ちょうしんき]stethoscope  N1","聴力[ちょうりょく]Hearing Ability ","聴者[ちょうしゃ]Listener ","聴く[きく]To Listen To,  to hear, to listen ","盗聴[とうちょう]Wiretapping,  bugging ","聴衆[ちょうしゅう]audience ","傍聴[ぼうちょう]attendance ","視聴[しちょう<br>してい] (n, vs) (1) looking and listening (television) viewing (2) attention/interest (P) ","視聴者[しちょうしゃ] (n) viewer (television) audience (P) ","聴取[ちょうしゅ] (n, vs) (1) listening/hearing/audition (2) radio reception (P) ","事情聴取[じじょうちょうしゅ] (n, vs) (yoji) inquiry/enquiry/investigation (police) interview/questioning (e.g. witness, suspect)/hearing ","盗聴器[とうちょうき] (n) listening device/bug/wiretap ","試聴[しちょう] (n, vs) trial listening (e.g. to a record before buying)/audition ","視聴率[しちょうりつ] (n) ratings (of a television program) (programme) (P) ","公聴[こうちょう] (n, vs) public consultation/public information ","聴こえる[きこえる] (iK) (v1, vi) (1) to be heard/to be audible (2) to be said to be/to be reputed "],"臨":["臨む[のぞむ]to look out on; to face;to deal with;to attend (function)  N1","臨時[りんじ]temporary, special,extraordinary  N2","臨海[りんかい]Seaside,  coastal ","臨終[りんじゅう]deathbed ","臨床[りんしょう] (adj-no) clinical (e.g. pathology,  physiology) (P) ","君臨[くんりん] (n) (1) reigning/controlling (vs) (2) to reign/to dictate/to control (P) ","臨界[りんかい] (n) (1) boundary (2) (physics) (nuclear) criticality (adj-f) (3) critical (mass,  pressure, temperature, state, point, etc.) (P) ","臨済宗[りんざいしゅう] (n) Rinzai school of Zen Buddhism ","降臨[こうりん<br>ごうりん] (n, vs) (1) descent (to earth, esp. of a god)/advent/epiphany (2) (hon) arrival (of an important person)/appearance "],"契":["契機[けいき]opportunity; chance  N1","契る[ちぎる]to pledge; to promise;to swear  N1","契約[けいやく]contract,  compact, agreement  N3","契約書[けいやくしょ] (n) (written) contract/agreement (P) ","契丹[きったん<br>けいたん] (n) Khitan people/Khitai/Kitan/Kidan "],"刑":["刑[けい]penalty; sentence;punishment  N1","刑罰[けいばつ]judgement; penalty;punishment  N1","死刑[しけい]death penalty; capital punishment  N1","刑事[けいじ]criminal case,  (police) detective  N3","刑務所[けいむしょ]Jail,  prison ","終身刑[しゅうしんけい]Life Sentence ","刑期[けいき]Prison Term ","処刑[しょけい]execution ","死刑囚[しけいしゅう]condemned criminal,  death row convict ","受刑者[じゅけいしゃ] (n) prisoner/convict ","刑法[けいほう] (n) criminal law/penal code (P) ","刑務官[けいむかん] (n) prison officer/corrections offer/penal officer/prison guard/jailor/warder ","流刑[りゅうけい<br>るけい] (n, vs) exile/banishment/deportation ","受刑[じゅけい] (n, vs) punishment (P) ","絞首刑[こうしゅけい] (n) death by hanging/execution by hanging (P) ","実刑[じっけい] (n) prison sentence (without a stay of execution) (P) ","求刑[きゅうけい] (n, vs) recommended sentence/prosecution's demand for punishment (P) ","減刑[げんけい] (n, vs) reduction of penalty/commutation of a sentence "],"償":["賠償[ばいしょう]reparations; indemnity;compensation  N1","弁償[べんしょう]next word; compensation;reparation;indemnity;reimbursement  N1","補償[ほしょう]compensation; reparation  N1","償う[つぐなう<br>つぐのう]To Compensate For,  to make up for ","代償[だいしょう]compensation ","賠償金[ばいしょうきん]reparations,  compensation ","無償[むしょう] (adj-no, n) (1) without compensation/without reward/without pay (2) free (of charge) (P) ","償い[つぐない] (n) recompense/indemnity/atonement (P) ","償還[しょうかん] (n, vs) repayment/redemption/amortization/amortisation (P) ","償却[しょうきゃく] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) repayment/redemption (2) depreciation (3) amortization/amortisation (P) ","有償[ゆうしょう] (n, adj-no) (involving) payment (involving) compensation/paying a fee (P) "],"抵":["大抵[たいてい]usually,  generally  N3","抵抗[ていこう]electrical resistance,  resistance, opposition  N3","抵抗する[ていこうする]To Resist ","抵当[ていとう] (n, adj-no) mortgage/security/hypothec/pledge (P) ","抵触[ていしょく] (n, vs) (1) infringement (of a law, treaty, etc.)/contravention/running afoul (2) conflict (with a theory, claim, etc.)/inconsistency/incompatibility/contradiction (3) (arch) collision/contact/touching (P) "],"昭":["昭和[しょうわ]Showa Era,  shouwa era, showa, shouwa, showa emperor, shouwa emperor ","昭[しょう] (pref) (abbr) nth year in the Showa era (1926.12.25-1989.1.7) "],"闘":["戦闘[せんとう]battle; fight;combat  N1","奮闘[ふんとう]hard struggle; strenuous effort  N1","闘志[とうし]Fighting Spirit ","闘う[たたかう]To Struggle,  to fight ","格闘[かくとう]fight ","闘争[とうそう]conflict ","敢闘[かんとう]fight bravely ","闘い[たたかい] (n) battle/fight/struggle/conflict ","闘士[とうし] (n) fighter (for)/militant/champion (of)/boxer (P) ","決闘[けっとう] (n, vs) duel/shoot-out ","格闘技[かくとうぎ] (n) martial arts which involve fighting without weapons/combat sport/one-on-one fighting sport ","戦闘機[せんとうき] (n) fighter (aircraft) (P) ","健闘[けんとう] (n, vs) fighting bravely/strenuous efforts (P) ","共闘[きょうとう] (n, vs) joint struggle/common (united) front (P) ","乱闘[らんとう] (n, vs) fray/fighting/brawling/scuffle (P) ","激闘[げきとう] (n, vs) fierce fighting ","闘病[とうびょう] (n, vs) fighting against an illness (P) ","死闘[しとう] (n, vs) life or death struggle/mortal combat/struggle to the death "],"執":["執着[しゅうちゃく<br>しゅうじゃく]attachment; adhesion;tenacity  N1","執筆[しっぴつ]writing  N2","執る[とる]To Take Control,  to carry out ","固執[こしつ<br>こしゅう]adherence ","執念[しゅうねん]tenacity of purpose ","執行[しっこう<br>しぎょう<br>しゅうぎょう<br>しゅぎょう]execution ","執行猶予[しっこうゆうよ]suspended sentence ","執り行う[とりおこなう] (v5u, vt) to hold a ceremony ","執政[しっせい] (n, adj-no) administration/government/administrator/governor ","執事[しつじ] (n, adj-no) (1) steward/butler (2) court official (3) deacon (Anglican, Lutheran, etc.) ","確執[かくしつ] (n, vs) discord/antagonism (P) ","執拗[しつおう<br>しつよう] (adj-na) persistent/obstinate/tenacious/relentless/insistent/importunate/persevering/stubborn ","執権[しっけん] (n) regent to the shogunate ","執務[しつむ] (n, vs) performance of one's official duties (P) "],"削":["削減[さくげん]cut; reduction;curtailment  N1","削る[けずる<br>はつる]to cut down little by little, to take a percentage  N2","削除[さくじょ]elimination, cancellation,deletion,erasure  N2","添削[てんさく]correction ","削除する[さくじょする]To Delete,  to eliminate ","掘削[くっさく] (n, vs) digging out/excavation (P) ","開削[かいさく] (n, vs) excavation/cutting/digging "],"伴":["伴う[ともなう]to accompany; to bring with;to be accompanied by;to be involved in  N1","同伴する[どうはんする]To Accompany ","同伴[どうはん]accompanying ","伴奏[ばんそう] (n, vs) (musical) accompaniment (P) ","伴[とも] (n, vs) companion/follower/attendant/retinue (P) ","随伴[ずいはん] (n, vs) (1) attendance/accompanying/following (2) (math) adjoint "],"宜":["適宜[てきぎ]suitability  N1","どうぞ宜しく[どうぞよろしく]pleased to meet you  N1","便宜[べんぎ<br>びんぎ]convenience; accommodation;advantage;expedience  N1","宜しく[よろしく]well; properly;suitably;best regards;please remember me  N1","宜しい[よろしい](hon) good,  OK, all right, fine, very well, will do, may, can  N3","宜しくお願いします[よろしくおねがいします]Best Regards ","宜[うべ<br>むべ] (adv) truly/indeed "],"賄":["賄う[まかなう]to give board to; to provide meals;to pay  N1","賄賂[わいろ]Bribe ","贈収賄[ぞうしゅうわい]Bribery ","贈賄[ぞうわい]Bribery "],"房":["女房[にょうぼう<br>にゅうぼう<br>にょうぼ]wife  N2","文房具[ぶんぼうぐ]stationery  N2","暖房[だんぼう]heating  N4","冷房[れいぼう]air conditioning  N4","房[ふさ<br>ぼう]Cluster,  tassel, tuft ","官房[かんぼう] (n) government secretariat (P) ","工房[こうぼう] (n) workshop/studio/atelier (P) ","書房[しょぼう] (n) library/bookstore/bookshop (P) ","独房[どくぼう] (n) single cell/isolation cell/solitary cell/solitary confinement cell (P) ","厨房[ちゅうぼう] (n) (1) kitchen/galley (2) (sl) (Internet) troll (P) ","監房[かんぼう] (n) (prison) cell/ward ","乳房[ちぶさ<br>にゅうぼう] (n) breast/udder (P) "],"慮":["配慮[はいりょ]consideration; concern;forethought  N1","遠慮[えんりょ]diffidence,  restraint, reserve  N3","考慮[こうりょ]consideration,  taking into account  N3","不慮[ふりょ]accidental ","遠慮する[えんりょする]To Decline,  to restrain ","憂慮[ゆうりょ]anxiety,  concern, fear ","遠慮なく[えんりょなく] (adv) without reservation/freely/frankly ","慮る[おもんばかる<br>おもんぱかる] (v5r, vt) to consider carefully/to deliberate thoroughly/to think over "],"託":["委託[いたく]consign (goods (for sale) to a firm); entrust (person with something);commit  N1","受託[じゅたく]Be Entrusted With ","託す[たくす]To Entrust ","信託[しんたく]Trust,  entrusting ","嘱託[しょくたく]part time employee,  temporary employee ","結託[けったく] (n, vs) conspiracy/collusion (P) ","神託[しんたく] (n, adj-no) oracle ","供託[きょうたく] (n, vs) deposit "],"却":["却って[かえって]on the contrary, rather,all the more,instead  N2","却下[きゃっか]Rejection,  dismissal ","忘却[ぼうきゃく]forgetfulness ","返却[へんきゃく]return ","棄却[ききゃく]rejection ","売却[ばいきゃく] (n, vs) selling off/disposal by sale/sale (P) ","冷却[れいきゃく] (n, vs) cooling/refrigeration (P) ","退却[たいきゃく] (n, vs) retreat/withdrawal/retirement (P) ","脱却[だっきゃく] (n, vs) ridding oneself/freeing oneself of/growing out of/overcoming/outgrowing (P) ","焼却[しょうきゃく] (n, vs) incineration/destroy by fire (P) ","償却[しょうきゃく] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) repayment/redemption (2) depreciation (3) amortization/amortisation (P) "],"需":["必需品[ひつじゅひん]necessities, necessary article,requisite,essential  N2","需要[じゅよう]demand,  request  N3","需給[じゅきゅう] (n, adj-no) supply and demand (P) ","軍需[ぐんじゅ] (n) munitions/military stores (P) ","必需[ひつじゅ] (adj-no, n) necessary (P) ","内需[ないじゅ] (n) domestic demand (P) "],"致":["雅致[がち]artistry; good taste;elegance;grace  N1","合致[がっち]agreement; concurrence;conforming to  N1","一致[いっち](1) coincidence,  agreement, (2) conformity  N3","致す[いたす](humble) to do  N4","致命的[ちめいてき]Fatal ","一致する[いっちする]To Match ","拉致[らち] (n, vs) taking captive/carrying away/kidnapping/kidnaping/abduction ","誘致[ゆうち] (n, vs) attraction/lure/invitation (P) ","致命[ちめい] (n) fatal ","致死[ちし] (n, adj-no) lethal/fatal (P) ","招致[しょうち] (n, vs) invitation/summons/bidding (e.g. to host the Olympics)/calling (P) ","送致[そうち] (n, vs) sending/forwarding "],"避":["避難[ひなん]taking refuge; finding shelter  N1","避ける[さける<br>よける](1) to avoid (physical contact ),  (2) to ward off, to avert  N3","避妊[ひにん]Birth Control,  contraception ","不可避[ふかひ]inevitable ","退避[たいひ]evacuation ","逃避[とうひ]escape ","避暑[ひしょ]summering ","避難する[ひなんする]To Evacuate ","回避[かいひ] (n, vs) evasion/avoidance (P) ","待避[たいひ] (n, vs) (take) shelter/shunt ","忌避[きひ] (n, vs) (1) evasion/avoidance/shirking (2) (law) recusation (of a judge)/taking exception (to a judge)/challenge (P) "],"描":["描写[びょうしゃ]depiction; description;portrayal  N1","描く[えがく<br>かく,  えがく<br>かく]to draw, to paint, to sketch, to depict, to describe  N3","描画[びょうが]Drawing,  painting ","思い描く[おもいえがく] (v5k, vt) to imagine/to picture/to figure/to see (P) "],"扱":["扱い[あつかい]treatment; service  N1","取り扱い[とりあつかい]treatment; service;handling;management  N1","取り扱う[とりあつかう]to treat; to handle;to deal in  N1","扱う[あつかう]to handle,  to deal with, to treat  N3","取扱[とりあつかい] (n) treatment/service/handling/management (P) ","取扱い[とりあつかい] (n) treatment/service/handling/management (P) "],"併":["合併[がっぺい]combination; union;amalgamation;consolidation;merger;coalition;fusion;annexation;affiliation;incorpor  N1","併殺[へいさつ]Double Play ","併合[へいごう]Merger ","併用[へいよう] (n, vs) using together (jointly)/used at the same time (P) ","併せる[あわせる] (v1, vt) (1) to match (rhythm, speed, etc.) (2) to join together/to unite/to combine/to add up (3) to face/to be opposite (someone) (4) to compare/to check with (5) to cause to meet (e.g. an unpleasant fate) (6) to place together/to connect/to overlap (7) to mix/to combine (8) to put blade to blade/to fight (P) ","併設[へいせつ] (n, vs) joint establishment (esp. schools of different levels or different courses of study)/establishment as an annex (e.g. of a school)/juxtaposition/placing side by side (P) ","併記[へいき] (n, vs,adj-no) writing side by side (P) ","併せ持つ[あわせもつ] (v5t, vt) to have two things (at the same time) (e.g. good and bad points)/to also have something (in addition to something else) "],"緩":["緩和[かんわ]relief; mitigation  N1","緩む[ゆるむ]to become loose; to slacken  N1","緩める[ゆるめる]to loosen; to slow down  N1","緩やか[ゆるやか]lenient  N1","緩い[ゆるい<br>ぬるい]loose, lenient,slow  N2","緩慢[かんまん]slow,  sluggish, dull ","緩衝[かんしょう] (n, adj-no) buffered ","緩急[かんきゅう] (n) (1) pace/tempo/slow and fast (2) in case of emergency (P) ","緩行[かんこう] (n, vs) going slowly ","弛緩[しかん<br>ちかん] (n, vs) relaxation (e.g. of muscles)/becoming flaccid "],"奏":["吹奏[すいそう]playing wind instruments  N1","演奏[えんそう]musical performance  N3","奏楽[そうがく]Instrumental Music ","重奏[じゅうそう] (n, vs) instrumental ensemble ","奏者[そうしゃ] (n) instrumentalist/player (P) ","協奏曲[きょうそうきょく] (n) (music) concerto (P) ","伴奏[ばんそう] (n, vs) (musical) accompaniment (P) ","独奏[どくそう] (n, vs) (instrumental) solo/recital (P) ","奏する[そうする] (vs-s, vt) (1) to report to the Emperor (2) to play (musical instrument) (3) to accomplish ","吹奏楽[すいそうがく] (n) wind music/wind instrument music ","奏法[そうほう] (n) playing (instrument)/playing method/touch ","合奏[がっそう] (n, vs) ensemble (e.g. orchestra, chamber group, etc.)/concert (P) ","奏でる[かなでる] (v1, vt) (1) to play an instrument (esp. string instruments) (v1,vi) (2) (obs) to dance (P) ","上奏[じょうそう] (n, vs) report to the throne ","前奏[ぜんそう] (n) prelude/overture ","変奏曲[へんそうきょく] (n) (music) variation ","変奏[へんそう] (n, vs) (music) (playing a) variation ","間奏[かんそう] (n) (music) interlude/intermezzo "],"妊":["妊娠[にんしん]conception; pregnancy  N1","避妊[ひにん]Birth Control,  contraception ","妊婦[にんぷ]Pregnant Woman ","妊娠する[にんしんする]To Be Pregnant "],"娠":["妊娠[にんしん]conception; pregnancy  N1","妊娠する[にんしんする]To Be Pregnant "],"択":["採択[さいたく]adoption; selection;choice  N1","選択[せんたく]selection,  choice  N3","択一[たくいつ]multiple choice ","選択する[せんたくする]To Select,  to choose ","選択肢[せんたくし] (n) choices/alternatives/options (P) "],"還":["還元[かんげん]resolution; reduction;return to origins  N1","還暦[かんれき]60th birthday  N1","返還[へんかん]return; restoration  N1","生還[せいかん]Reaching Home Plate ","帰還[きかん] (n, vs) (1) repatriation/return (2) (electrical) feedback (P) ","奪還[だっかん] (n, vs) recovery/rescue/recapture (P) ","償還[しょうかん] (n, vs) repayment/redemption/amortization/amortisation (P) ","奉還[ほうかん] (n, vs) restoring to the emperor ","召還[しょうかん] (n, vs) recall (esp. of an envoy or an ambassador)/calling someone back/summons (home) ","送還[そうかん] (n, vs) sending home/repatriation/deportation (P) ","往還[おうかん] (n, vs) traffic/coming and going/highway "],"繰":["引っ繰り返す[ひっくりかえす]to turn over, to overturn,to knock over,to upset,to turn inside out  N2","引っ繰り返る[ひっくりかえる]to be overturned, to be upset,to topple over,to be reversed  N2","繰り返す[くりかえす]to repeat,  to do something over again  N3","繰る[くる]To Spin ","やり繰り[やりくり]juggling ","繰り返し[くりかえし] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) repetition/repeat/reiteration/iteration/refrain/cycle (n-adv) (2) repeatedly (P) ","繰り広げる[くりひろげる] (v1, vt) to unfold/to unroll/to open (P) ","繰り出す[くりだす] (v5s, vt) (1) to draw (a thread)/to let out (e.g. a rope) (2) to head out as a group/to set out in large numbers/to flock/to sally forth (3) to send out one after another/to dispatch (4) to lunge/to unleash (P) ","繰り上げる[くりあげる] (v1, vt) to move up/to advance (P) ","繰り上がる[くりあがる] (v5r, vi) (1) to move up (e.g. date, rank, order)/to be advanced (2) (math) to be carried (of a number in addition) "],"抑":["抑圧[よくあつ]check; restraint;oppression;suppression  N1","抑制[よくせい]suppression  N1","抑止[よくし]Deter,  stave off ","抑える[おさえる]suppress ","抑揚[よくよう]intonation ","抑留[よくりゅう] (n, vs) internment/detainment/detention (P) "],"懸":["懸賞[けんしょう]offering prizes; winning;reward  N1","一生懸命[いっしょうけんめい]with utmost effort  N4","懸命[けんめい]Eager,  eagerness ","懸ける[かける]To Hang,  to suspend, to stake ","懸かる[かかる]be suspended ","懸念[けねん]anxiety ","命懸け[いのちがけ] (n, adj-no) putting one's life on the line/staking one's life (on)/risking one's life/life and death situation (P) ","懸案[けんあん] (n, adj-no) pending question/unresolved problem (P) "],"称":["称する[しょうする]to pretend; to take the name of;to feign;to purport  N1","名称[めいしょう]name  N1","一人称[いちにんしょう]First Person ","対称[たいしょう]Symmetry ","仮称[かしょう]Working Name,  tentative name ","称える[たたえる,  となえる<br>たたえる<br>となえる]To Praise, to give praise, to call oneself ","改称[かいしょう] (n, vs) renaming/retitling ","通称[つうしょう] (n) popular name/common name/nickname/alias (P) ","呼称[こしょう] (n, vs) (1) naming/giving a name/designation/denomination (adj-f) (2) nominal (P) ","称す[しょうす] (v5s, vs-c,vt) (1) to take the name of/to call oneself (2) to pretend/to feign/to purport ","称賛[しょうさん] (n, vs,adj-no) praise/admiration/commendation/approbation (P) ","略称[りゃくしょう] (n, vs) abbreviation (P) ","総称[そうしょう] (n, vs,adj-no) general term/generic name ","愛称[あいしょう] (n, adj-no) pet name/nickname/name used to indicate affection, intimacy, informality, etc. (P) ","称号[しょうごう] (n) title/name/degree (P) ","自称[じしょう] (adj-f) (1) self-proclaimed/self-professed/self-styled/would-be (n, vs) (2) professing oneself to be/calling oneself/describing oneself as (n) (3) (ling) first person (P) ","人称[にんしょう] (n, adj-no) (ling) person/personal ","公称[こうしょう] (n, vs) (1) public name/announcing publicly (adj-f) (2) nominal (P) ","俗称[ぞくしょう] (n, vs) common name/popular name ","敬称[けいしょう] (n) title of honour/title of honor (P) "],"盤":["碁盤[ごばん]Go board  N1","基盤[きばん]foundation, basis  N2","地盤[じばん<br>ちばん](the) ground  N2","算盤[そろばん]abacus  N2","円盤[えんばん]Disk,  flying saucer ","盤[ばん<br>さら]Tray ","胎盤[たいばん]placenta,  afterbirth ","羅針盤[らしんばん]compass ","中盤[ちゅうばん] (n-adv, n) middle (stage) (P) ","終盤[しゅうばん] (n) endgame/final stage (P) ","序盤[じょばん] (n) the opening(s) (e.g. in a game of go or chess) (P) ","鍵盤[けんばん] (n) keyboard (piano,  computer, etc.) (P) ","岩盤[がんばん] (n) bedrock (P) "],"控":["控除[こうじょ]subsidy; deduction  N1","控室[ひかえしつ]waiting room  N1","控える[ひかえる]to draw in; to hold back;to make notes;to be temperate in  N1","控え室[ひかえしつ]waiting room ","控訴[こうそ]appeal ","控えめ[ひかえめ] (adj-na, n,adj-no) moderate/reserved/conservative/humble/mild-mannered/self-effacing/unassuming/well-behaved/low-key/temperate/in small quantities (P) ","控え[ひかえ] (n) (1) reserve/spare/backup (2) note/memorandum (n, n-suf) (3) duplicate/copy/stub (of a ticket, etc.) (n) (4) waiting one's turn (P) ","控え目[ひかえめ] (adj-na, n,adj-no) moderate/reserved/conservative/humble/mild-mannered/self-effacing/unassuming/well-behaved/low-key/temperate/in small quantities "],"充":["充実[じゅうじつ]fullness; completion;perfection;substantiality;enrichment  N1","補充[ほじゅう]supplementation; supplement;replenishment;replenishing  N1","拡充[かくじゅう]expansion  N2","充電[じゅうでん]Recharge ","充電する[じゅうでんする]To Charge A Battery,  to recharge, to recharge a battery ","充分[じゅうぶん] (adj-na) (1) enough/sufficient/plenty/adequate/satisfactory (adv) (2) sufficiently/fully/thoroughly/well/perfectly (P) ","充てる[あてる] (v1, vt) to assign/to set aside (P) ","充当[じゅうとう] (n, vs) allocation/appropriation (P) ","充填[じゅうてん] (n, vs) filling (up)/replenishing/filling in (tooth)/loading (gun with ammunition, camera with film, etc.)/packing/plugging (P) ","充足[じゅうそく] (n, vs) sufficiency (P) "],"渋":["渋い[しぶい]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;tasteful (clothing);cool;an aura of refined masculinity; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;astringent;sullen;bitter (taste); 3  N1","渋滞[じゅうたい]congestion (e.g. traffic),  delay, stagnation  N3","渋る[しぶる]be unwilling ","渋谷[しぶや]Shibuya ","渋[しぶ] (n) astringent (puckery) juice (of unripe persimmons) "],"岐":["岐阜[ぎふ]Gifu ","分岐[ぶんき]divergence ","岐阜県[ぎふけん]Gifu Prefecture ","多岐[たき] (adj-na, n) digression/many divergences (P) "],"鈴":["鈴[すず<br>りん<br>れい]bell  N2","呼び鈴[よびりん]Doorbell ","風鈴[ふうりん]wind chimes ","鈴蘭[すずらん] (n) (uk) lily of the valley (Convallaria keiskei) "],"棋":["将棋[しょうぎ]Japanese chess  N2","棋院[きいん]Shogi Hall,  go hall ","棋士[きし]Shogi Player,  go player ","棋譜[きふ]game records ","棋[ご] (n) go/board game of capturing territory ","棋戦[きせん] (n) go or shogi tournament ","棋聖[きせい] (n) great master of go/great master of shogi (P) "],"譲":["譲歩[じょうほ]concession; conciliation;compromise  N1","譲る[ゆずる]to turn over,  to assign, to hand over  N3","謙譲語[けんじょうご]Humble Japanese,  humble language ","移譲[いじょう]Transfer,  assignment ","譲渡[じょうと] (n, vs) transfer/assignment/conveyance (P) ","割譲[かつじょう] (n, vs) cession (of territory) (P) ","譲り受ける[ゆずりうける] (v1, vt) to inherit/to receive/to take over by transfer ","分譲[ぶんじょう] (n, vs) selling (real-estate) lots (P) ","譲位[じょうい] (n, vs) abdication ","委譲[いじょう] (n, vs) transfer/assignment "],"免":["御免ください[ごめんください]May I come in?  N1","御免なさい[ごめんなさい]I beg your pardon; excuse me  N1","免れる[まぬがれる<br>まぬかれる]to escape from; to be rescued from;to avoid;to evade;to avert;to elude;to be exempted;to be relieved  N1","免除[めんじょ]exemption; exoneration;discharge  N1","御免[ごめん]your pardon, declining (something),dismissal,permission  N2","免税[めんぜい]tax exemption, duty exemption  N2","免許[めんきょ]license  N3","免状[めんじょう]Diploma,  license ","免許証[めんきょしょう]license ","免疫[めんえき]Immunity,  immunization ","赦免[しゃめん]remission ","罷免[ひめん]dismissal,  discharge ","ご免[ごめん] (int) (1) (uk) your pardon/sorry/no thanks (n) (2) (uk) not wanting/objecting to/being fed up with/wishing to avoid (3) (uk) permission/leave/dismissal/discharge (P) ","免[めん] (n) dismissal ","免責[めんせき] (n, vs,adj-no) exemption from responsibility/disclaimer (P) ","免職[めんしょく] (n, vs) dismissal/sacking/discharge (P) "],"枠":["枠[わく]frame; slide  N1","枠組み[わくぐみ]Frame,  framework "],"銃":["銃[じゅう]gun  N1","銃殺[じゅうさつ]Death By Shooting ","短銃[たんじゅう]Pistol,  revolver ","銃弾[じゅうだん]Rifle Bullet,  bullet ","拳銃[けんじゅう]Revolver ","銃声[じゅうせい] (n) (sound of a) gunshot (gun) report (P) ","機銃[きじゅう] (n) machine gun ","小銃[しょうじゅう] (n) rifle/small arms (P) ","銃撃[じゅうげき] (n, vs) shooting/gunning (down) (P) ","銃身[じゅうしん] (n) gun barrel ","銃撃戦[じゅうげきせん] (n) firefight/gun battle/shoot-out ","銃器[じゅうき] (n) small arms (P) ","銃剣[じゅうけん] (n) (1) bayonet (2) guns and swords "],"仙":["仙[せん<br>セント]hermit; wizard  N1","水仙[すいせん]Daffodil ","仙人[せんにん]Hermit,  mountain man ","仙台[せんだい]Sendai "],"邦":["連邦[れんぽう]commonwealth; federation of states  N1","邦人[ほうじん]Fellow Countryman,  japanese national ","邦訳[ほうやく]Translation Into Japanese,  translation to japanese ","アラブ首長国連邦[アラブしゅちょうこくれんぽう] (n) United Arab Emirates/UAE ","邦題[ほうだい] (n) Japanese (translation) title given to foreign work ","東邦[とうほう] (n) Oriental country/the Orient (P) ","邦楽[ほうがく] (n) Japanese music (esp. traditional Japanese music) (P) ","ソ連邦[ソれんぽう] (n) (abbr) Soviet Union/Union of Soviet Socialist Republics/USSR "],"慎":["慎む[つつしむ]to be careful; to be chaste or discreet;to abstain or refrain  N1","慎重[しんちょう]discretion,  prudence  N3","謹慎[きんしん]penitence "],"躍":["活躍[かつやく]activity  N2","跳躍[ちょうやく]Jump,  leap, bound, skip ","飛躍[ひやく]Leaping ","躍動[やくどう]Lively Motion,  throb ","躍進[やくしん]Rush,  dash, onslaught ","躍る[おどる]To Leap,  to jump, to bounce ","躍り[おどり]Jumping,  leaping ","一躍[いちやく] (n-adv, n,vs) (1) suddenly (rising to fame, etc.)/instantly/immediately/overnight (n,vs) (2) one bound/one leap (P) ","大活躍[だいかつやく] (n, vs) being very active/being very useful/greatly flourishing/playing a very active part ","暗躍[あんやく] (n, vs) secret manoeuvres (maneuvers)/operating behind the scenes "],"謙":["謙る[へりくだる]to deprecate oneself and praise the listener  N1","謙虚[けんきょ]modesty, humility  N2","謙遜[けんそん]humble, humility,modesty  N2","謙譲語[けんじょうご]Humble Japanese,  humble language "],"項":["事項[じこう]matter; item;facts  N1","項目[こうもく]item  N2","要項[ようこう]Important Points,  main points ","項[うなじ<br>こう] (n) (uk) nape (of the neck)/nucha ","条項[じょうこう] (n) clause/article/stipulations (P) ","多項式[たこうしき] (n) (math) polynomial ","前項[ぜんこう] (n) preceding paragraph "],"斐":["甲斐[かい<br>がい]Effect,  result, worth ","生き甲斐[いきがい]reason for living ","甲斐性[かいしょう]Resourcefulness,  competence ","やり甲斐[やりがい]Worth Doing "],"隆":["隆盛[りゅうせい]Prosperity ","隆起[りゅうき]Protuberance,  bulge ","興隆[こうりゅう] (n, vs) rise/prosperity (P) "],"圏":["圏[けん]sphere; circle;range  N1","南極圏[なんきょくけん]Antarctic Circle,  antarctica ","英語圏[えいごけん]English Speaking World ","圏外[けんがい]Out Of Range ","商圏[しょうけん] (n) business region/marketing area/commercial sphere/trading area/region in which a business operates "],"勧":["勧告[かんこく]advice; counsel;remonstrance;recommendation  N1","勧誘[かんゆう]invitation; solicitation;canvassing;inducement;persuasion;encouragement  N1","勧め[すすめ]recommendation; advice;encouragement  N1","勧める[すすめる]to recommend,  to advise, to encourage, to offer (wine)  N3","お勧め[おすすめ] (n, vs,adj-no) (uk) recommendation/advice/suggestion/encouragement ","勧請[かんじょう] (n, vs) (1) praying for the coming of a deity (2) ceremonial transfer of a divided tutelary deity to a new location ","勧進[かんじん] (n, vs) temple solicitation (P) ","勧業[かんぎょう] (n) (encouragement of) industry (P) "],"拒":["拒絶[きょぜつ]refusal; rejection  N1","拒否[きょひ]denial; veto;rejection;refusal  N1","拒む[こばむ]To Refuse,  to reject "],"稲":["稲光[いなびかり](flash of) lightning  N1","稲[いね]rice-plant  N3","稲作[いなさく]Rice Cultivation,  rice crop ","稲田[いなだ]Rice Field,  rice paddy, paddy field ","稲妻[いなづま<br>いなずま]lightning ","稲穂[いなほ]Head Of Rice,  ear of rice ","早稲田[わさだ<br>わせだ] (n) field of early-blooming (or ripening) rice ","稲荷[いなり] (n) (1) Inari (god of harvests,  Uka-no-Mitama) (2) Inari shrine/Fushimi Inari shrine (in Kyoto) (3) fox (said to be messengers of Inari) (4) fried tofu (said to be a favourite food of foxes) (5) (abbr) (uk) inarizushi (P) "],"奪":["略奪[りゃくだつ]pillage; plunder;looting;robbery  N1","奪う[うばう]to snatch away  N3","奪取[だっしゅ] (n, vs) usurpation/taking back/dispossession (P) ","剥奪[はくだつ] (n, vs) stripping (of rights, office, etc.)/deprivation/divestiture/forfeit/revocation ","奪還[だっかん] (n, vs) recovery/rescue/recapture (P) ","奪回[だっかい] (n, vs) recovery/rescue/recapture (P) ","争奪[そうだつ] (n, vs) struggle (for)/scramble/contest (P) ","強奪[ごうだつ] (n, vs) pillage/seizure/hijacking/plunder/extortion (P) ","簒奪[さんだつ] (n) (1) usurpation (vs) (2) to usurp ","奪い取る[うばいとる] (v5r, vt) to plunder/to grab/to snatch "],"鋼":["鉄鋼[てっこう]iron and steel  N1","鋼[はがね<br>こう]Steel ","製鋼[せいこう]Steel Manufacture ","鋼材[こうざい]Steel Material ","鋼鉄[こうてつ] (n) steel (P) ","鋼板[こうはん<br>こうばん] (n) steel sheet/steel plate/steel plates (P) ","鋼管[こうかん] (n) steel pipe "],"甲":["甲[こう<br>かぶと<br>かん<br>きのえ<br>よろい]1st in rank; first sign of the Chinese calendar;shell;instep;grade A  N1","甲斐[かい<br>がい]Effect,  result, worth ","生き甲斐[いきがい]reason for living ","手の甲[てのこう]Back Of One's Hand ","甲斐性[かいしょう]Resourcefulness,  competence ","やり甲斐[やりがい]Worth Doing ","甲乙[こうおつ]a and b,  first and second ","装甲[そうこう] (n, vs) armoring/armouring/armor/armour (P) ","甲板[かんぱん<br>こういた<br>こうはん] (n) deck (of a ship) (P) ","機甲[きこう] (n, adj-no) armour (e.g. tank)/armor ","甲状腺[こうじょうせん] (n) thyroid gland (P) ","甲殻類[こうかくるい] (n) crustacean ","甲冑[かっちゅう] (n) armor and helmet (armour) ","徹甲弾[てっこうだん] (n) armor piercing ammunition/armour piercing ammunition "],"壁":["壁[かべ<br>へき]wall  N4","壁紙[かべがみ]Wallpaper ","城壁[じょうへき] (n, adj-no) rampart/castle walls ","壁画[へきが] (n) fresco/mural/wall painting (P) ","壁蝨[だに] (n, adj-no) (uk) tick (Acari spp.)/mite ","外壁[がいへき<br>そとかべ] (n) outer wall (P) ","壁面[へきめん] (n) surface of a wall (P) ","障壁[しょうへき] (n) (1) enclosing wall/boundary fence (2) obstacle/barrier (P) ","真壁[しんかべ] (n) wall with exposed timber pillars ","岸壁[がんぺき] (n) (1) quay/wharf/jetty (2) steep cliff/cliff wall (P) ","隔壁[かくへき] (n, adj-no) barrier wall/bulkhead/partition/septum/diaphragm "],"祉":["福祉[ふくし<br>ふくち]welfare; well-being  N1","社会福祉[しゃかいふくし]Social Welfare "],"敏":["敏感[びんかん]sensibility; susceptibility;sensitive (to);well attuned to  N1","機敏[きびん]Clever,  shrewd, smart, quick ","過敏[かびん]Oversensitivity,  nervousness ","鋭敏[えいびん]Sharpness,  quick witted, keenness "],"唱":["合唱[がっしょう]chorus; singing in a chorus  N1","唱える[となえる]to recite; to chant;to call upon  N1","主唱[しゅしょう]Advocate ","合唱団[がっしょうだん]Chorus,  choir ","歌唱[かしょう]Singing,  song ","唱歌[しょうか]Singing,  songs ","独唱[どくしょう]Solo ","提唱[ていしょう] (n, vs) advocacy/proposal (P) "],"衝":["衝撃[しょうげき]shock; crash;impact;ballistic  N1","衝突[しょうとつ]collision,  conflict  N3","衝動[しょうどう]impulse ","衝撃的[しょうげきてき] (adj-na) devastating/gut-wrenching/shocking/startling/sensational/astounding/astonishing ","要衝[ようしょう] (n) important point/strategic position/key point (P) ","折衝[せっしょう] (n, vs) negotiation (P) ","緩衝[かんしょう] (n, adj-no) buffered "],"戒":["警戒[けいかい]warning; admonition;vigilance  N1","戒告[かいこく]Admonition ","戒める[いましめる]To Warn,  to caution, to admonish ","訓戒[くんかい]Warning,  admonition ","戒め[いましめ]caution ","哨戒[しょうかい] (n, vs) patrolling (esp. using ships or aircraft) ","懲戒[ちょうかい] (n, vs) discipline/punishment/reprimand (P) ","戒厳[かいげん] (n) martial law ","戒名[かいみょう] (n) posthumous Buddhist name ","戒律[かいりつ] (n) (religious) precept/discipline/commandment/mitzvah (P) "],"兼":["兼ねて[かねて]simultaneously  N1","気兼ね[きがね]hesitance; diffidence;feeling constraint;fear of troubling someone;having scruples about doing someth  N1","兼業[けんぎょう]side line; second business  N1","兼用[けんよう]multi-use; combined use;combination;serving two purposes  N1","兼ねる[かねる]to hold (position), to serve,to be unable  N2","待ち兼ねる[まちかねる]wait impatiently ","兼任[けんにん] (n, vs) serving concurrently as/holding the additional post of (P) ","兼[けん] (conj) cum (e.g. bedroom-cum-study)/holding both roles (e.g. Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs)/and/in addition/concurrently/at the same time (P) ","兼務[けんむ] (n, vs) (1) serving concurrently as/holding the additional post of (n) (2) additional post (P) ","兼ね備える[かねそなえる] (v1, vt) to have both/to possess both/to combine with (P) "],"堀":["堀[ほり]moat, canal  N2","堀江[ほりえ]Canal ","堀川[ほりかわ]Canal ","内堀[うちぼり]Inner Moat ","外堀[そとぼり]Outer Moat "],"剤":["洗剤[せんざい]detergent, washing material  N2","〜剤[ざい]Medicine,  dose ","薬剤[やくざい]Medicine,  drugs ","薬剤師[やくざいし]Pharmacist ","防腐剤[ぼうふざい]Preservative,  antiseptic ","洗浄剤[せんじょうざい]detergent ","鎮痛剤[ちんつうざい]painkiller,  pain reliever, sedative, tranquilizer, tranquiliser ","錠剤[じょうざい]pill,  lozenge, tablet ","覚醒剤[かくせいざい]stimulant ","剤[ざい] (n-suf) medicine/agent (chemical) substance/drug/dose ","鎮静剤[ちんせいざい] (n) sedative/tranquilizer/tranquiliser ","解毒剤[げどくざい] (n) antidote ","製剤[せいざい] (n) formulation (of pharmaceuticals)/preparation/pharmaceutical production "],"雅":["雅致[がち]artistry; good taste;elegance;grace  N1","優雅[ゆうが]Elegance,  grace ","雅楽[ががく]Japanese Court Music,  gagaku ","雅[が<br>みやび] (n, adj-na) (1) elegance/grace (n) (2) festal song (genre of the Shi Jing) "],"頻":["頻りに[しきりに]frequently; repeatedly;incessantly;eagerly  N1","頻繁[ひんぱん]frequency  N1","頻度[ひんど]Frequency ","頻発[ひんぱつ]Frequency,  frequent occurance "],"駆":["駆け足[かけあし]running fast; double time  N1","駆けっこ[かけっこ](foot) race  N1","駆ける[かける]to run (race&nbsp; &nbsp;esp. horse);to gallop;to canter  N1","駆け回る[かけまわる]To Run Around ","駆け込む[かけこむ]To Rush Into ","駆け出す[かけだす]To Rush Out ","駆逐[くちく] (n, vs) extermination/expulsion/destruction (P) ","先駆ける[さきがける] (v1, vi) to be the first (P) ","駆使[くし] (n) (1) free use (vs) (2) to use freely/to make free use of/to have good command (e.g. of a language) (3) to drive someone on (P) ","駆動[くどう] (n, vs) driving force (P) ","駆けつける[かけつける] (v1, vi) to run to/to come running/to rush (someplace)/to hasten (P) ","駆け付ける[かけつける] (v1, vi) to run to/to come running/to rush (someplace)/to hasten ","先駆[せんく] (n, vs,adj-no) (1) forerunner/pioneer/precursor (2) herald (3) outrider/pilot car (P) ","駆る[かる] (v5r, vt) (1) to spur on/to urge forward/to impel (2) to drive at high speed (e.g. a car) (P) ","駆け落ち[かけおち] (n, vs) elopement/running away with a lover ","駆除[くじょ] (n, vs) extermination (esp. pests)/expulsion/destruction (P) ","駆け引き[かけひき] (n) (1) bargaining/haggling (2) tactics/strategy (P) "],"俊":["俊才[しゅんさい]Genius,  person of exceptional talent, exceptionally talented person ","俊[しゅん] (n) (obsc) excellence/genius ","俊足[しゅんそく] (n, adj-no) (1) fast runner (2) swift horse/fleet steed (3) talented person/brilliant person (P) ","俊彦[しゅんげん] (n) (obsc) gifted man/accomplished man "],"誉":["名誉[めいよ]honor; credit;prestige  N1","栄誉[えいよ]Honor,  honour ","誉める[ほめる] (v1, vt) to praise/to admire/to speak well of someone "],"茂":["茂る[しげる]to grow thick, to luxuriate,to be luxurious  N2","繁茂[はんも]Luxuriant Growth "],"殖":["繁殖[はんしょく]breed; multiply;increase;propagation  N1","殖える[ふえる]to increase, to multiply  N2","殖やす[ふやす]to increase, to add to,to augment  N2","生殖[せいしょく]Reproduction ","養殖[ようしょく]cultivation ","増殖[ぞうしょく] (n, vs,adj-no) increase/multiplication/propagation/proliferation (P) "],"隣":["隣[となり]next door to  N5","隣人[りんじん]Neighbor ","近隣[きんりん]Neighborhood ","隣国[りんごく<br>りんこく]Neighboring Country ","隣家[りんか]Neighboring House ","隣り合う[となりあう]adjoin ","隣り合わせ[となりあわせ]adjoining ","隣り[となり] (io) (adj-no, n) (1) next (to)/adjoining/adjacent (n,adj-no) (2) house next door/neighbouring house/next-door neighbour/next-door neighbor ","隣接[りんせつ] (n, vs) adjacency/contiguity/being adjoined (P) ","隣る[となる] (v5r, vi) (arch) to neighbor (neighbour)/to be adjacent to/to be next to/to border "],"繁":["繁栄[はんえい]prospering; prosperity;thriving;flourishing  N1","繁殖[はんしょく]breed; multiply;increase;propagation  N1","繁盛[はんせい<br>はんじょう]prosperity; flourishing;thriving  N1","頻繁[ひんぱん]frequency  N1","繁茂[はんも]Luxuriant Growth ","繁昌[はんじょう]prosperity,  flourishing, thriving ","繁華街[はんかがい] (n) business district/shopping district/bustling street/shopping centre/shopping center/downtown (P) ","繁華[はんか] (adj-na, n) bustle/prosperity ","繁雑[はんざつ] (adj-na, n) complex/intricate/complicated/confused/troublesome/vexatious/cumbersome "],"巡":["お巡りさん[おまわりさん]policeman (friendly term)  N1","巡査[じゅんさ]police, policeman  N2","巡る[めぐる]to go around  N2","巡回[じゅんかい]Patrol,  going around ","巡礼[じゅんれい]Pilgrimage ","巡り会う[めぐりあう]come across ","巡洋艦[じゅんようかん] (n) cruiser ","巡[じゅん] (suf, ctr) counter for tours, cycles, rounds, circuits, etc. ","巡査部長[じゅんさぶちょう] (n) police sergeant ","巡り[めぐり] (n) (1) circumference/girth (2) tour/pilgrimage (3) circulation (e.g. of blood) ","巡業[じゅんぎょう] (n, vs) provincial tour (P) ","巡視[じゅんし] (n, vs,adj-no) inspection tour (P) "],"携":["携帯[けいたい]carrying something  N1","携わる[たずさわる]to participate; to take part  N1","提携[ていけい]cooperation; tie-up;joint business;link-up  N1","携える[たずさえる]carry in one's hand ","携帯電話[けいたいでんわ]cellular phone ","携帯ストラップ[けいたいストラップ,  けいたいすとらっぷ]Cell Phone Strap, mobile phone strap ","連携[れんけい] (n, vs) cooperation/coordination/link (P) ","携行[けいこう] (n, vs) carrying (on one's person)/taking with one "],"褒":["褒美[ほうび]reward; prize  N1","褒める[ほめる]to praise,  to admire, to speak well  N3","褒賞[ほうしょう]Medal,  prize, reward ","ご褒美[ごほうび] (n) reward/prize (P) ","褒め言葉[ほめことば] (n) words of praise/eulogy/compliment ","褒章[ほうしょう] (n) medal of honour/medal of merit "],"排":["排除[はいじょ]exclusion; removal;rejection  N1","排水[はいすい]drainage  N1","排出[はいしゅつ]Emission ","排他[はいた]Exclusion ","排気[はいき]Exhaust,  ventilation ","排他主義[はいたしゅぎ]exclusivism ","排日[はいにち]anti-Japanese ","排気ガス[はいきがす]exhaust gas ","排水溝[はいすいこう]Drainage ","排斥[はいせき]expulsion ","排泄[はいせつ] (n, vs,adj-no) excretion ","排ガス[はいガス] (n) exhaust gas/exhaust fumes "],"顧":["顧みる[かえりみる]to look back; to turn around;to review  N1","顧問[こもん]Advisor ","回顧録[かいころく]Memoirs,  reminiscences ","回顧[かいこ]reminiscence ","顧客[こかく<br>こきゃく] (n, adj-no) customer/client/patron "],"犠":["犠牲[ぎせい<br>いけにえ]sacrifice  N1","犠打[ぎだ]Sacrifice Fly ","犠飛[ぎひ]Sacrifice Fly ","犠牲者[ぎせいしゃ]victim "],"獲":["獲物[えもの]game; spoils;trophy  N1","獲得[かくとく]acquisition; possession  N1","捕獲[ほかく]capture; seizure  N1","漁獲[ぎょかく] (n, vs) fishing/catch/haul (P) ","鹵獲[ろかく] (n, vs) capture (of enemy weapons, supplies, etc.)/seizure/plunder ","獲る[える<br>とる] (v1, vt) (1) to get/to earn/to acquire/to procure/to gain/to secure/to attain/to obtain/to win (2) to understand/to comprehend (3) to receive something undesirable (e.g. a punishment)/to get (ill) ","乱獲[らんかく] (n, vs) excessive fishing/overfishing/overhunting/excessive taking (P) "],"敷":["屋敷[やしき]mansion  N1","座敷[ざしき]tatami room  N2","敷地[しきち]site  N2","敷く[しく]to spread out, to lay out  N2","風呂敷[ふろしき]wrapping cloth, cloth wrapper  N2","敷金[しききん]Security Deposit ","下敷き[したじき]being buried ","敷居[しきい]threshold ","敷布団[しきぶとん]mattress ","敷設[ふせつ] (n) laying (a railroad,  pipes, naval mines, etc.)/construction (P) ","倉敷[くらしき] (n) storage charges (P) ","河川敷[かせんしき<br>かせんじき] (n) flood plain/river terrace/riverside area/area between river and river bank ","敷島[しきしま] (n) (1) Yamato (province) (2) Japan (3) (abbr) the art of classical Japanese poetry "],"透":["透き通る[すきとおる]to be(come) transparent  N2","透明[とうめい]transparency, cleanness  N2","透ける[すける]To Be Transparent,  to be see through ","不透明[ふとうめい]opaque ","浸透[しんとう]Permeation,  soaking, osmosis ","透過[とうか] (adj-na, n,vs) penetration/permeation/transmission "],"棄":["棄権[きけん]abstain from voting; renunciation of a right  N1","廃棄[はいき]annullment; disposal;abandon;scrap;discarding;repeal  N1","破棄[はき]revocation; annulment;breaking (e.g. treaty)  N1","放棄[ほうき]abandonment; renunciation;abdication (responsibility&nbsp;&nbsp;right)  N1","棄てる[すてる]  N2","投棄[とうき]Abandonment ","棄却[ききゃく]rejection ","自棄[やけ]desperation ","遺棄[いき] (n, adj-no,vs) abandonment/desertion (P) "],"至":["至って[いたって]very much; exceedingly;extremely  N1","乃至[ないし]; between...and;or  N1","至急[しきゅう]urgent, pressing  N2","至る[いたる]to come,  to arrive  N3","必至[ひっし]Inevitable,  necessary, foregone ","夏至[げし]Summer Solstice ","至上[しじょう]Supremacy ","冬至[とうじ]Winter Solstice ","至る所[いたるところ]everywhere ","至[し] (pref) to ... ","至近[しきん] (n) very near ","至福[しふく] (n, adj-no) beatitude/supreme bliss (P) "],"拠":["根拠[こんきょ]basis; foundation  N1","証拠[しょうこ]evidence; proof  N1","拠点[きょてん]Position,  location ","拠る[よる]To Be Due To,  to be caused by ","本拠[ほんきょ] (n) stronghold/inner citadel/base/headquarters (P) ","準拠[じゅんきょ] (n, vs) basis/based on/conformance/conformity/authority (of)/standard/reference (P) ","証拠品[しょうこひん] (n) piece of evidence/evidence ","占拠[せんきょ] (n, vs) occupation (e.g. of territory)/exclusive possession (P) ","拠出[きょしゅつ] (n, vs) donation/contribution (P) ","本拠地[ほんきょち] (n) stronghold/inner citadel/base/headquarters ","依拠[いきょ] (n, vs) dependence "],"儀":["御辞儀[おじぎ]bow  N2","儀式[ぎしき]ceremony, rite,ritual,service  N2","行儀[ぎょうぎ]manners  N3","礼儀[れいぎ]manners,  courtesy, etiquette  N3","祝儀[しゅうぎ]Celebration,  congratulations ","葬儀[そうぎ]Funeral ","辞儀する[じぎする]To Bow ","お辞儀[おじぎ]bow ","儀礼[ぎれい]courtesy ","余儀無い[よぎない] (adj-i) unavoidable/inevitable/beyond one's control ","儀[ぎ] (n) (1) ceremony (2) matter/affair (suf) (3) with regard to/as for/as concerns (P) ","余儀ない[よぎない] (adj-i) unavoidable/inevitable/beyond one's control (P) ","流儀[りゅうぎ] (n) (1) style/fashion (2) school (e.g. of poetry) "],"潜":["潜る[もぐる<br>くぐる,  もぐる<br>くぐる<br>むぐる]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;to drive;to pass through; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;to evade;to hide; 3.&nbsp;&nbsp;to dive (into or under water);to go undergro  N1","潜水[せんすい]diving  N1","潜入[せんにゅう]infiltration; sneaking in  N1","原潜[げんせん]Nuclear Submarine ","潜在意識[せんざいいしき]Subconscious ","潜水艦[せんすいかん<br>せんすい かん]Submarine ","潜む[ひそむ]To Lurk,  to lie dormant ","潜在[せんざい]dormant ","潜伏[せんぷく]conceal,  hiding, ambush ","潜航[せんこう] (n, vs) submarine voyage/underwater navigation ","潜める[ひそめる] (v1, vt) (1) to hide/to conceal (2) to lower volume (of a sound or one's voice) so as not to be heard (3) to become quiet and inconspicuous "],"偽":["偽造[ぎぞう]forgery; falsification;fabrication;counterfeiting  N1","偽装[ぎそう]Camouflage ","偽[にせ<br>ぎ]Fake,  imitation ","偽る[いつわる]To Lie,  to cheat, to deceive ","偽物[にせもの<br>ぎぶつ<br>にせもん]imitation ","真偽[しんぎ]authenticity ","偽り[いつわり] (n, adj-no) lie/falsehood/fiction/fabrication ","偽者[にせもの] (n) impostor/imposter/pretender/liar ","虚偽[きょぎ<br>こぎ] (n, adj-no) (1) falsehood/untruth/lie/misinformation (n) (2) fallacy (logic) (P) ","偽名[ぎめい] (n) false name/alias/assumed name/pseudonym ","偽善[ぎぜん] (n, adj-no) hypocrisy "],"蛍":["蛍光灯[けいこうとう]fluorescent lamp, person who is slow to react  N2","蛍[ほたる]Firefly,  lightning bug, glowworm ","蛍光[けいこう] (n, adj-no) fluorescence "],"拳":["じゃん拳[じゃんけん]rock-scissors-paper game  N1","拳骨[げんこつ]Clenched Fist,  knuckles ","拳[こぶし<br>けん]Fist ","拳銃[けんじゅう]Revolver ","拳法[けんぽう] (n) Chinese art of self-defence (defense) "],"郷":["郷愁[きょうしゅう]nostalgia; homesickness  N1","郷里[ごうり<br>きょうり]birth-place; home town  N1","故郷[こきょう<br>ふるさと]home town,  birthplace, old village, historic village  N3","帰郷する[ききょうする]To Return To One's Hometown ","郷[きょう<br>ごう<br>さと] (n) (1) hometown (2) rural township (of China) ","本郷[ほんごう] (n) one's hometown ","郷土[きょうど] (n) (1) native place/birth-place/one's old home (2) province/region/locality (P) ","帰郷[ききょう] (n, vs) homecoming/return to one's home ","生まれ故郷[うまれこきょう] (n) one's birthplace "],"仁":["仁[じん<br>にん]Humanity ","仁義[じんぎ]Humanity And Justice,  duty ","応仁[おうにん] (n) Onin era (1467.3.5-1469.4.28) ","仁王[におう] (n) two Deva kings/guardian gods of Buddhism who stand at the entrance of a Buddhist temple (P) "],"侵":["侵す[おかす]to invade; to raid;to trespass;to violate;to intrude on  N1","侵略[しんりゃく]aggression; invasion;raid  N1","侵入[しんにゅう]penetration, invasion,raid,aggression,trespass  N2","侵害[しんがい]Infringement,  violation ","侵攻[しんこう]Invasion ","侵食[しんしょく]Erosion,  corrosion ","侵入者[しんにゅうしゃ] (n) intruder/invader/trespasser/raider ","不法侵入[ふほうしんにゅう] (n) (yoji) trespassing/intrusion ","侵犯[しんぱん] (n, vs) violation (of foreign territory, rights, etc.)/invasion/infringement (P) ","不可侵[ふかしん] (n, adj-no) inviolability/nonaggression/sacredness (P) "],"徹":["徹する[てっする]to sink in; to penetrate;to devote oneself;to believe in;to go through;to do intently and exclusively  N1","徹底[てってい]thoroughness,  completeness  N3","徹夜[てつや]all night,  all night vigil, sleepless night  N3","徹底的[てっていてき]thorough ","貫徹[かんてつ]persistence,  accomplishment, carry through, perseverance, realization, realisation ","徹す[とおす] (v5s, vt) (1) to stick through/to force through (2) to spread throughout/to thoroughly diffuse (3) to make a path between two points (4) to proceed in a logical manner (5) to let pass/to allow through (6) to lead (someone) into (a house, room, etc.)/to show in (7) to go through (a middleman) (8) to (look, listen) through (a window, wall, etc.) (9) to pass (a law, applicant, etc.) (10) to force to accept/to force agreement (11) to continue (in a state)/to persist in (12) to do to the entirety of/to cover all of/to span the whole ... (13) to do from beginning to end without a break (14) to convey (one's ideas, etc.) to the other party (15) to do to the end/to carry through/to complete (P) ","徹甲弾[てっこうだん] (n) armor piercing ammunition/armour piercing ammunition "],"瀬":["瀬戸物[せともの]earthenware, crockery,china  N2","瀬[せ]Rapids,  shallows, current ","瀬戸[せと]Seto,  strait, channel ","高瀬[たかせ]Shallows ","早瀬[はやせ]Swift Currents ","浅瀬[あさせ] (n, adj-no) shoal/shallows/sand bar/ford (P) "],"措":["措置[そち]measure; step  N1","措辞[そじ]Wording "],"誠":["誠実[せいじつ]sincere; honest;faithful  N1","誠[まこと]truth; faith;fidelity;sincerity;trust;confidence;reliance;devotion  N1","忠誠[ちゅうせい]Loyalty ","誠意[せいい]Sincerity,  good faith ","誠に[まことに]truly ","丹誠[たんせい]working earnestly,  sincerity, diligence, effort ","忠誠心[ちゅうせいしん] (n) loyalty/faithfulness "],"虎":["虎[とら]tiger  N3"],"艦":["軍艦[ぐんかん]warship; battleship  N1","航空母艦[こうくうぼかん]Aircraft Carrier ","艦隊[かんたい]Naval Fleet,  armada ","潜水艦[せんすいかん<br>せんすい かん]Submarine ","艦船[かんせん]Warship,  ocean vessel ","軍艦島[ぐんかんじま]Battleship Island,  gunkanjima ","艦艇[かんてい]military vessel,  war fleet ","巡洋艦[じゅんようかん] (n) cruiser ","艦[かん] (n, n-suf) warship (P) ","母艦[ぼかん] (n) mother ship ","艦長[かんちょう] (n) captain (of a warship) ","戦艦[せんかん] (n) battleship (P) ","艦上[かんじょう] (n) aboard a warship ","艦載機[かんさいき] (n) ship-borne plane ","艦砲[かんぽう] (n) ship's guns ","砲艦[ほうかん] (n) gunboat ","揚陸艦[ようりくかん] (n) landing ship/amphibious warfare ship "],"撤":["撤兵[てっぺい]Withdrawal Of Troops ","撤去[てっきょ]Withdrawal,  repeal ","撤回[てっかい]Withdrawal,  repeal ","撤退[てったい] (n, vs) evacuation/withdrawal/revocation/repeal/retreat (P) ","撤廃[てっぱい] (n, vs) annulment/abolition/repeal/rescission (P) ","撤収[てっしゅう] (n, vs) (1) removal (e.g. of a building)/dismantling (e.g. a tent)/striking (e.g. a stage set) (2) withdrawal (of troops)/evacuation/retreating (P) "],"樹":["樹木[じゅもく]trees and shrubs; arbour  N1","樹立[じゅりつ]establish; create  N1","果樹[かじゅ]Fruit Tree ","樹皮[じゅひ]Tree Bark,  bark ","植樹[しょくじゅ]Tree Planting ","樹脂[じゅし]resin ","樹[き] (n) (1) tree/shrub/bush (2) wood/timber ","大樹[たいじゅ] (n) large tree/big tree/huge tree ","樹上[じゅじょう] (adj-no, n) up in a tree ","広葉樹[こうようじゅ] (n) broadleaf tree (P) ","針葉樹[しんようじゅ] (n) conifer/needle-leaved tree ","樹齢[じゅれい] (n) age of a tree (P) "],"析":["分析[ぶんせき]analysis  N3","解析[かいせき]Analysis "],"弧":["括弧[かっこ]parenthesis, brackets  N2","円弧[えんこ]Arc ","弧[こ] (n) arc "],"軸":["軸[じく]axis; stem;shaft;axle  N1","中軸[ちゅうじく]Axis,  pivot ","枢軸[すうじく]Axle,  pivot ","掛軸[かけじく]Hanging Scroll ","車軸[しゃじく] (n) axle (P) ","主軸[しゅじく] (n) (1) main spindle/main shaft (2) linchpin/pivot (3) (math) principal axis/main axis (P) ","機軸[きじく] (n) axis/axle/plan/contrivance "],"綱":["横綱[よこづな<br>よこづな,  よこずな]sumo grand champion  N1","綱[つな<br>こう]rope  N2","綱引き[つなひき]Tug Of War ","綱渡り[つなわたり]tightrope walking ","綱領[こうりょう] (n) general plan/main points/summary/platform (e.g. for a campaign)/mission statement (P) ","要綱[ようこう] (n) main principle/gist/general plan/guidelines/outline (P) ","大綱[おおづな<br>たいこう] (n) (1) thick rope (2) fundamental principles/outline/general features ","亜綱[あこう] (n) (biol) subclass ","爬虫綱[はちゅうこう] (n) Reptilia "],"挑":["挑む[いどむ]to challenge; to contend for;to make love to  N1","挑戦[ちょうせん]challenge; defiance  N1","挑発[ちょうはつ]Provocation ","挑戦者[ちょうせんしゃ]A Challenger,  challenger "],"焦":["焦る[あせる]to be in a hurry; to be impatient  N1","焦げ茶[こげちゃ]black tea  N1","焦がす[こがす]to burn, to scorch,to singe,to char  N2","焦げる[こげる]to burn, to be burned  N2","焦点[しょうてん]focus, point  N2","焦り[あせり]Impatience ","焦燥[しょうそう]impatience,  uneasy, irritation "],"紛":["紛失[ふんしつ]losing something  N1","紛争[ふんそう]dispute; trouble;strife  N1","紛らわしい[まぎらわしい]confusing; misleading;equivocal;ambiguous  N1","紛れる[まぎれる]to be diverted; to slip into  N1","紛糾[ふんきゅう]Complication,  confusion ","紛らす[まぎらす]To Divert,  to distract ","紛れ[まぐれ<br>まぐれ,  まぎれ]confusion ","珍紛漢紛[ちんぷんかんぷん]gibberish ","紛れもない[まぎれもない]Certain,  unmistaken, obvious ","内紛[ないふん] (n) domestic discord/internal discord/internal strife/internal struggle/infighting "],"範":["規範[きはん]model; standard;pattern;norm;criterion;example  N1","模範[もはん]exemplar; exemplification;exemplum;model;example  N1","範囲[はんい]extent,  scope, sphere, range  N3","範[はん]Example,  model ","師範[しはん] (adj-na, n) instructor (fencing) teacher/model (P) ","広範囲[こうはんい] (adj-na, n) extensive/vast range/wide scope (P) ","広範[こうはん] (adj-na, adj-no) wide/extensive/comprehensive/far-reaching/widespread (P) ","範疇[はんちゅう] (n) category "],"括":["一括[いっかつ]all together; batch;one lump;one bundle;summing up  N1","括弧[かっこ]parenthesis, brackets  N2","総括[そうかつ]Synthesis,  recap ","括る[くくる]To Fasten,  to tie up, to tie together, to bind ","統括[とうかつ]Unification ","包括[ほうかつ] (n, vs,adj-f) inclusion/complete coverage/comprehensiveness (P) ","締め括る[しめくくる] (v5r, vt) (1) to bring to a finish (2) to bind firmly (3) to superintend "],"握":["把握[はあく]grasp; catch;understanding  N1","握手[あくしゅ]handshake  N3","握る[にぎる]to grasp,  to seize, to mould sushi  N3","握力[あくりょく]Handgrip,  grip of the hand ","一握り[いち にぎり]a handful ","握りしめる[にぎりしめる]grip ","握り寿司[にぎり すし]nigirizushi ","握り[にぎり]Grip ","お握り[おにぎり]Onigiri,  rice ball ","掌握[しょうあく] (n, vs) grasping/seizing/holding/commanding/having control over (P) "],"枢":["中枢[ちゅうすう]centre; pivot;mainstay;nucleus;backbone;central figure;pillar;key man  N1","枢軸[すうじく]Axle,  pivot ","枢機卿[すうききょう<br>すうきけい] (n) cardinal (Catholic church) "],"揚":["揚げる[あげる]to lift, to fry  N2","抑揚[よくよう]intonation ","揚げ[あげ]Fried ","揚げ出し[あげだし]Deep Fried ","旗揚げ[はたあげ] (n, vs) (1) raising an army (2) launching business (P) ","引き揚げる[ひきあげる] (v1, vt) (1) to pull up/to drag up/to lift up (2) to increase/to raise (e.g. taxes) (3) to withdraw/to leave/to pull out/to retire (4) to promote (someone to a higher position) (v1,vi) (5) to return home (v1,vt) (6) (arch) to expedite the schedule ","揚陸艦[ようりくかん] (n) landing ship/amphibious warfare ship ","高揚[こうよう] (n, vs) enhancement/exaltation/promotion/uplift (P) ","掲揚[けいよう] (n, vs) hoisting (e.g. a flag)/raising/flying/putting up (P) ","揚力[ようりょく] (n) dynamic lift/lifting power ","揚水[ようすい] (n, vs) pumping up water (e.g. to a high place for energy storage) "],"潟":["潟[かた]Lagoon ","干潟[ひがた]Tidal Flat,  tideland ","新潟[にいがた] (n) Niigata (city) (P) "],"芝":["芝[しば]lawn; sod;turf  N1","芝居[しばい]play,  drama  N3","芝生[しばふ]lawn  N3","芝草[しばくさ]Lawn,  turf ","東芝[とうしば]Toshiba,  toushiba "],"肝":["肝心[きもごころ<br>かんじん]essential; fundamental;crucial;vital;main  N1","肝炎[かんえん]Hepatitis ","肝臓[かんぞう]Liver ","肝[きも]Liver,  chutzpah, courage "],"喪":["喪失[そうしつ]Loss,  forfeit ","喪[も]Mourning ","喪服[もふく]Mourning Dress,  mourning clothes ","記憶喪失[きおくそうしつ] (n, adj-no) loss of memory/amnesia "],"網":["網[あみ<br>もう]net; network  N1","通信網[つうしんもう]Communications Network ","交通網[こうつうもう]Traffic Network ","網戸[あみど]Screen Door ","網羅[もうら]covering,  encompassing, including ","網膜[もうまく]retina ","網羅する[もうらする]comprehend ","金網[かなあみ] (n) wire netting/wire mesh/wire screen/chain-link mesh (P) "],"克":["克服[こくふく]subjugation,  conquest  N3","克明[こくめい]Detailed ","克服する[こくふくする]To Conquer ","克己[こっき] (n, vs,adj-no) self denial/self control (P) "],"柄":["間柄[あいだがら]relation(ship)  N1","大柄[おおがら<br>おおへい]large build; large pattern  N1","小柄[こがら<br>こづか<br>しょうへい]short (build)  N1","事柄[ことがら]matter; thing;affair;circumstance  N1","人柄[ひとがら]personality; character;personal appearance;gentility  N1","柄[え<br>がら,  え<br>がら<br>から<br>つか]handle, grip  N3","国柄[くにがら]National Character ","取り柄[とりえ]merit ","家柄[いえがら]lineage ","手柄[てがら]great deed ","身柄[みがら]one's person ","銘柄[めいがら]Brand,  make ","図柄[ずがら] (n) design/pattern (P) ","役柄[やくがら] (n) role (P) ","絵柄[えがら] (n) pattern/design ","葉柄[ようへい] (n) leaf stalk/petiole "],"哲":["哲学[てつがく]philosophy  N3","哲学者[てつがくしゃ]Philosopher ","哲[てつ] (n) (1) sage/wise man/philosopher/disciple (n, adj-na) (2) sagacity/wisdom/intelligence "],"斎":["書斎[しょさい]study  N3","斎場[さいじょう]Funeral Hall ","斎[いみ<br>いわい<br>とき<br>ゆわい] (n) (1) mourning/abstinence (2) taboo (3) religious purification (n-pref) (4) pure/holy "],"揺":["動揺[どうよう]disturbance; unrest;shaking;trembling;pitching;rolling;oscillation;agitation;excitement;commotion  N1","揺さぶる[ゆさぶる]to shake; to jolt;to rock;to swing  N1","揺らぐ[ゆらぐ]to swing; to sway;to shake;to tremble  N1","揺れる[ゆれる]to shake, to sway  N4","揺る[ゆる]To Shake,  to jolt ","揺りかご[ゆりかご]cradle ","揺るがす[ゆるがす]shake ","揺する[ゆする]To Shake,  to jolt ","揺れ[ゆれ] (n) (1) shaking/shake/jolt/jolting/vibration/tremor/flickering (2) unsettledness/instability/vacillating/wavering (3) (ling) existence of multiple spellings,  pronunciations, usages, etc. for a single word ","揺らす[ゆらす] (v5s, vt) to rock/to shake/to swing "],"滑":["円滑[えんかつ<br>えんこつ]harmony; smoothness  N1","滑稽[こっけい]funny; humorous;comical;laughable;ridiculous;joking  N1","滑らか[なめらか<br>すべらか]smoothness; glassiness  N1","滑れる[すべれる]  N2","滑る[すべる<br>なめる<br>ぬめる]to slide, to slip  N4","滑走路[かっそう ろ]runway ","滑り台[すべりだい]Playground Slide,  slide ","滑走[かっそう] (n, vs) (1) gliding/sliding/skating (on ice)/glide/slide (2) taxiing (aircraft)/making a takeoff run (P) ","潤滑[じゅんかつ] (n, adj-na) lubrication/smoothness ","滑空[かっくう] (n, vs) gliding (through the air) ","平滑[へいかつ] (adj-na, n,adj-no) smooth/even/level/flat ","地滑り[じすべり] (n) landslide "],"堅":["堅い[かたい]hard (esp. wood), steadfast,honorable,stuffy writing  N2","堅/硬/固い[けん/かたし/かたい]hard  N4","中堅[ちゅうけん]nucleus ","堅実[けんじつ]sound ","手堅い[てがたい]Solid,  steady, firm ","堅持[けんじ] (n, vs) holding on to/sticking to (P) ","堅固[けんご] (adj-na, n) solid/strong/firm (P) ","堅牢[けんろう] (adj-na, n) solid/strong/sturdy/durable/stout "],"暫":["暫く[しばらく]little while  N1","暫定[ざんてい]Tentative,  temporary "],"糾":["糾弾[きゅうだん]Blame ","紛糾[ふんきゅう]Complication,  confusion "],"襲":["襲う[おそう]to attack  N1","襲撃[しゅうげき]attack; charge;raid  N1","空襲[くうしゅう]Air Raid,  air attack ","逆襲[ぎゃくしゅう]Counterattack ","奇襲[きしゅう]Surprise Attack ","襲撃する[しゅうげきする]To Attack,  to assault ","踏襲[とうしゅう] (n, vs) following (a precedent, former policy, etc.)/continuing with/sticking to/observing ","襲名[しゅうめい] (n, vs) succession to another's professional name (P) ","世襲[せしゅう] (n, vs,adj-no) heredity/heritage (P) ","襲いかかる[おそいかかる] (v5r, vi) to rush on/to attack/to swoop down on ","襲来[しゅうらい] (n, vs) invasion/raid/attack/visitation (of a calamity) ","強襲[きょうしゅう] (n, vs) assault/violent attack ","急襲[きゅうしゅう] (n, vs) raid/assault/descent ","来襲[らいしゅう] (n, vs) raid/attack/invasion (P) ","夜襲[やしゅう] (n, vs) night attack/nocturnal assault "],"沼":["沼[ぬま]swamp; bog;pond;lake  N1","泥沼[どろぬま]Bog,  marsh ","沼地[ぬまち<br>しょうち]Marshland,  wetland, swampland ","沼田[ぬまた,  ぬた<br>ぬまた<br>ぬまだ]Marshy Rice Field, marshy rice paddy ","沼沢[しょうたく]Swamp,  marsh ","湖沼[こしょう] (n) lakes and marshes (P) "],"朗":["明朗[あきろう<br>めいろう]bright; clear;cheerful  N1","朗読[ろうどく]reading aloud; recitation  N1","朗らか[ほがらか]brightness, cheerfulness,melodious  N2","朗報[ろうほう]Good News "],"摩":["摩擦[まさつ]friction, rubbing,rubdown,chafe  N2","摩る[さする]rub ","薩摩芋[さつまいも]sweet potato ","薩摩[さつま] (n) (1) Satsuma (ancient province located in present-day Kagoshima prefecture) (2) (abbr) sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) "],"懲":["懲りる[こりる]to learn by experience; to be disgusted with  N1","懲罰[ちょうばつ]Discipline,  punishment ","懲役[ちょうえき]imprisonment ","懲らしめる[こらしめる] (v1, vt) to chastise/to punish/to discipline ","懲戒[ちょうかい] (n, vs) discipline/punishment/reprimand (P) "],"慰":["慰める[なぐさめる]to comfort, to console  N2","慰問[いもん]Condolences,  sympathy call ","慰謝[いしゃ]Consolation ","慰安[いあん]Solace,  relaxation ","慰め[なぐさめ] (n) comfort/consolation/diversion ","慰霊[いれい] (n) consoling the spirits of the dead (P) "],"懇":["懇話[こんわ]Friendly Chat,  friendly talk ","懇親[こんしん]Friendship ","懇談[こんだん]Informal Talk ","懇意[こんい]Kindness,  intimacy ","懇願[こんがん] (n, vs) entreaty/supplication/petition (P) "],"滅":["全滅[ぜんめつ]annihilation  N1","滅びる[ほろびる]to be ruined; to go under;to perish;to be destroyed  N1","滅ぼす[ほろぼす]to destroy; to overthrow;to wreck;to ruin  N1","滅茶苦茶[めちゃくちゃ]absurd; unreasonable;excessive;messed up;spoiled;wreaked  N1","滅亡[めつぼう]downfall; ruin;collapse;destruction  N1","絶滅[ぜつめつ]destruction,  extinction  N3","滅多に[めったに]rarely (with neg. verb),  seldom  N3","壊滅[かいめつ]Destruction,  annihilation ","幻滅[げんめつ]Disillusionment ","撲滅[ぼくめつ]Extermination ","消滅[しょうめつ]disappearance ","滅多[めった]reckless ","点滅[てんめつ]flashing ","破滅[はめつ]destruction ","自滅[じめつ]self destruction ","滅ぶ[ほろぶ] (v5b) to be ruined/to go under/to perish/to be destroyed ","殲滅[せんめつ] (n, vs) extermination/annihilation ","撃滅[げきめつ] (n, vs) destruction/annihilation/extermination ","死滅[しめつ] (n, vs) extinction/annihilation/destruction "],"距":["距離[きょり]distance; range  N1","近距離[きんきょり]short distance ","遠距離[えんきょり]long distance ","短距離[たんきょり]Short Distance ","長距離[ちょうきょり] (n, adj-no) long distance/long haul (P) ","航続距離[こうぞくきょり] (n) cruising range/flying range "],"露":["露[つゆ<br>あらわ<br>ろ]dew  N1","暴露[ばくろ]disclosure; exposure;revelation  N1","露骨[ろこつ]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;frank;blunt;plain;outspoken; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;conspicuous;open; 3.&nbsp;&nbsp;broad;suggestive  N1","露出[ろしゅつ]Exposure,  photographic exposure ","露店[ろてん]Street Stall,  stand, booth ","披露[ひろう]announcement,  show, display, introduction, perform ","披露宴[ひろうえん]wedding reception ","露顕[ろけん]discovery,  detection, exposure ","露呈[ろてい]exposure,  disclosure ","露天[ろてん] (n, adj-no) open air ","露見[ろけん] (n, vs) discovery (of a plot, misdeed, etc.)/detection/exposure/disclosure (P) ","御披露目[おひろめ] (ateji) (n, vs) (pol) unveiling/debut/introduction "],"炉":["原子炉[げんしろ]Atomic Reactor,  nuclear reactor ","高炉[こうろ]Blast Furnace ","暖炉[だんろ]Fireplace,  hearth, stove ","炉心[ろしん]Nuclear Reactor Core ","焜炉[こんろ]portable cooking stove ","炉[ろ] (n) (1) hearth/fireplace (2) furnace/kiln "],"趣":["趣[おもむき]meaning; tenor;gist;effect;appearance;taste;grace;charm;refinement  N1","趣旨[しゅし]object; meaning  N1","趣味[しゅみ]hobby  N4","趣き[おもむき]distinctive charm ","悪趣味[あくしゅみ]Bad Habit,  bad taste ","趣向[しゅこう] (n) plan/idea/design/plot (P) "],"擦":["擦る[する<br>こする<br>する,  こする<br>かする<br>さする<br>なする]to touch lightly; to take a percentage (from)  N1","擦れ違い[すれちがい]chance encounter  N1","擦れる[こすれる<br>すれる]to rub; to chafe;to wear;to become sophisticated  N1","摩擦[まさつ]friction, rubbing,rubdown,chafe  N2","擦れ違う[すれちがう] (v5u, vi) (1) to pass by one another (2) to miss meeting each other/to miss each other (3) to disagree "],"琴":["琴[こと<br>きん]Koto (Japanese harp)  N2","月琴[げっきん] (n) yueqin (4-stringed Chinese lute) "],"垣":["垣根[かきね]hedge  N2","垣[かき]Fence ","石垣[いしがき]Stone Wall ","大垣[おおがき] (n) roofed mud wall around a villa or temple ","垣間見る[かいまみる] (v1, vt) to take a peep at/to catch a glimpse of (P) "],"即":["即ち[すなわち]that is; namely;i.e.  N1","即座に[そくざに]immediately; right away  N1","即する[そくする]to conform to; to agree with;to be adapted to;to be based on  N1","即効[そっこう]Immediate Effect,  instant effect ","即〜[そく]Immediate,  instant ","即座[そくざ]Immediate,  instantaneous ","即興[そっきょう]Improvisation ","即死[そくし]Instant Death ","即日[そくじつ]Same Day ","即席[そくせき]impromptu ","即位[そくい] (n, vs) accession to the throne/enthronement (P) ","即[そく] (adv, pref) (1) instantly/immediately/at once (conj) (2) equals/means/is (n) (3) (Buddh) oneness (of two opposing things)/inseparability ","即時[そくじ] (adj-no) prompt/immediate/in real time (P) ","即す[そくす] (v5s, vi) to conform to/to agree with/to be adapted to/to be based on ","即応[そくおう] (n, vs) (1) compliance/conformance/adaptation (2) (immediate) response (rapid) reaction ","即売[そくばい] (n, vs) sale on the spot (P) "],"威":["威力[いりょく]power; might;authority;influence  N1","権威[けんい]authority; power;influence  N1","威張る[いばる]to be proud, to swagger  N2","球威[きゅうい]A Pitcher's Stuff,  pitcher's stuff ","威厳[いげん]Dignity,  majesty ","威勢[いせい]dash ","威嚇[いかく]intimidation ","脅威[きょうい] (n, vs) threat/menace (P) ","威[い<br>おどし] (n) power/authority/might/influence/dignity/majesty ","示威[しい<br>じい] (n, vs) demonstration/show of force ","威信[いしん] (n) prestige/dignity (P) "],"滋":["滋養[じよう]Nourishment "],"牧":["牧師[ぼくし]pastor; minister;clergyman  N1","遊牧[ゆうぼく]nomadism  N1","牧場[まきば<br>ぼくじょう](1) farm (livestock), (2) pasture land,meadow,grazing land  N2","牧畜[ぼくちく]stock-farming  N2","牧草[ぼくそう]Pasture,  grass ","牧野[ぼくや,  まきの<br>ぼくや]Pasture Land, ranch ","牧[まき] (n) pasture/grazing land ","放牧[ほうぼく] (n, vs) pasturage/grazing (P) "],"泰":["安泰[あんたい]Peace,  security ","泰[タイ] (n) (uk) Thailand (P) ","泰山[たいざん] (n) large mountain/Mt Taishan (China) "],"岳":["山岳[さんがく]mountains  N1","岳[たけ<br>だけ]Peak,  mountain "],"旨":["趣旨[しゅし]object; meaning  N1","要旨[ようし]gist, essentials,summary,fundamentals  N2","旨い[うまい]Delicious,  skillful, clever ","旨[むね]Gist,  principle ","論旨[ろんし]Point Of An Argument ","主旨[しゅし] (n) meaning/point (e.g. of a statement)/gist/effect ","宣旨[ぜじ<br>せんじ] (ok) (n) written imperial order (late Heian period) "],"斉":["一斉[いっせい]simultaneous, all at once  N2","一斉に[いっせいに]all together ","斉[せい] (n) Qi (kingdom in China during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Period of the Warring States)/Ch'i "],"撲":["相撲[すもう<br>すまい]sumo wrestling  N2","撲滅[ぼくめつ]Extermination ","打撲[だぼく]blow ","大相撲[おおずもう] (n) professional sumo wrestling (P) "],"裂":["裂ける[さける]to split; to tear;to burst  N1","破裂[はれつ]explosion; rupture;break off  N1","分裂[ぶんれつ]split; division;break up  N1","裂く[さく]to tear, to split  N2","決裂[けつれつ]Breakdown,  rupture ","引き裂く[ひきさく]separate ","核分裂[かくぶんれつ]Nuclear Fission,  karyokinesis ","切り裂く[きりさく] (v5k, vt) to cut off/to cut up/to tear to pieces ","亀裂[きれつ] (n) crack/crevice/fissure/chap/rift (P) ","断裂[だんれつ] (n, vs) snapping apart ","炸裂[さくれつ] (n, vs) violent explosion/bursting (P) "],"潮":["潮[うしお<br>しお]tide  N1","満潮[まんちょう]High Tide,  full tide ","風潮[ふうちょう]Tide,  current ","潮流[ちょうりゅう]Tide,  tidal current ","黒潮[くろしお]Japan Current,  kuroshio current ","潮時[しおどき]Tidal Hour,  the right time "],"貢":["貢献[こうけん]contribution,  services  N3","貢[こう] (n) tribute ","年貢[ねんぐ] (n) annual tribute/land tax "],"斗":["斗[と<br>とます<br>ます]Big Dipper,  measure of volume, eighteen liters, eighteen litres ","北斗[ほくと] (n) (astron) (abbr) the Big Dipper (asterism)/the Plough/the Plow "],"刃":["刃[は<br>やいば]edge (of a sword)  N1","刃物[はもの]Edged Tool,  cutlery, kitchen cutlery ","刃先[はさき]Edge Of Blade,  blade edge ","自刃[じじん] (n, vs) suicide by the sword "],"砲":["鉄砲[てっぽう]gun  N2","大砲[たいほう]Cannon ","砲塔[ほうとう] (n) gun turret ","砲[じゅう<br>ほう] (n) gun/rifle/small arms ","砲兵[ほうへい] (n) artillery/gunner (P) ","主砲[しゅほう] (n) main battery/main armament (P) ","砲撃[ほうげき] (n, vs) bombarding/shelling/bombardment (P) ","砲身[ほうしん] (n) gun barrel ","砲弾[ほうだん] (n) shell/cannonball (P) ","発砲[はっぽう] (n, vs) firing/discharge of gun (P) ","砲台[ほうだい] (n) (gun) battery/fort ","速射砲[そくしゃほう] (n) (1) rapid-fire gun or cannon (2) (col) talking rapidly/barrage of words or questions ","迫撃砲[はくげきほう] (n) mortar (P) ","砲術[ほうじゅつ] (n) gunnery/artillery ","艦砲[かんぽう] (n) ship's guns ","砲艦[ほうかん] (n) gunboat ","砲火[ほうか] (n) gunfire/fire (P) ","火砲[かほう] (n) artillery ","高角砲[こうかくほう] (n) high-angle or anti-aircraft gun ","野砲[やほう] (n) field gun/field artillery ","高射砲[こうしゃほう] (n) antiaircraft gun "],"竜":["恐竜[きょうりゅう]Dinosaur ","竜[りゅう<br>たつ<br>りょう]Dragon ","竜巻[たつまき]Tornado ","天竜[てんりゅう<br>てんりょう] (n) (1) (Buddh) deva and naga (2) heavenly dragon ","竜王[りゅうおう] (n) (1) Dragon King (2) (shogi) promoted rook (P) ","土竜[どりゅう<br>むぐら<br>むぐらもち<br>もぐら<br>もぐらもち] (ok) (n) (uk) mole (Talpidae spp.,  esp. the small Japanese mole, Mogera imaizumii) "],"縁":["縁[えん<br>え<br>えに<br>えにし<br>ふち<br>へり<br>ゆかり<br>よし<br>よすか<br>よすが]chance; fate;destiny;relation;bonds;connection;karma  N1","縁側[えんがわ]veranda; porch;balcony;open corridor  N1","縁談[えんだん]marriage proposal; engagement  N1","縁起[えんぎ<br>いんえん]Omen ","無縁[むえん]Unrelated ","血縁[けつえん<br>けちえん]blood relation ","所縁[しょえん<br>ゆかり] (n) (uk) connection (to a person,  place, etc.)/relation/affinity ","近縁[きんえん] (n) close relation (association) ","絶縁[ぜつえん] (n, vs) (1) breaking off relations/disconnection (2) insulation (esp. electrical)/isolation (P) ","因縁[いんえん<br>いんねん] (n) (1) fate/destiny (2) connection/tie/bond/origin (3) pretext/justification (4) (Buddh) hetu and prataya (direct causes and indirect conditions,  which underlie the actions of all things) ","縁組み[えんぐみ] (n, vs) (1) betrothal/wedding/marriage into a family/matrimonial alliance (2) (law) adoption ","縁取る[ふちどる] (v5r, vt) to (add a) border or fringe "],"忍":["忍者[にんじゃ]Ninja ","忍ぶ[しのぶ]To Endure ","忍耐[にんたい]Endurance,  perseverance ","忍[しのぶ<br>にん] (n) (1) (uk) squirrel's foot fern (Davallia mariesii) (2) (uk) Lepisorus thunbergianus (species of fern) (3) color of clothing layers under one's overcoat (light green on blue) (4) (abbr) ancient women's hairstyle (5) (abbr) clothing patterned using squirrel's foot fern ","忍び込む[しのびこむ] (v5m, vi) to creep in/to steal in ","残忍[ざんにん] (adj-na, n) brutal/cruel/merciless/ruthless/cold-blooded (P) "],"釣":["釣り[つり]fishing; angling  N1","釣鐘[つりがね]hanging bell  N1","釣り合う[つりあう]to balance, to be in harmony,to suit  N2","釣[つり] (n) (1) fishing/angling (2) (uk) (abbr) change (for a purchase) (n, vs) (3) (sl) trolling/writing deliberately inflammatory posts online  N3","釣る[つる]to fish  N4","お釣り[おつり]change (of money) ","釣り合い[つりあい]balance "],"吉":["不吉[ふきつ]ominous; sinister;bad luck;ill omen;inauspiciousness  N1","吉[きち<br>きつ]Good Omen ","吉祥[きちじょう<br>きっしょう] (n) lucky omen/happy/auspicious ","嘉吉[かきつ] (n) Kakitsu era (1441.2.17-1444.2.5) ","末吉[すえきち] (n) good luck to come (omikuji fortune-telling result)/future good luck "],"丘":["丘陵[きゅうりょう]hill  N1","丘[おか<br>つかさ]hill,  height, knoll, rising ground  N3","砂丘[さきゅう<br>しゃきゅう]Sand Dune ","墳丘[ふんきゅう] (n) tumulus/grave mound ","段丘[だんきゅう] (n) terrace/bench (in geography) "],"僕":["僕[ぼく<br>しもべ<br>やつがれ<br>やつこらま]manservant; servant (of God)  N1","僕ら[ぼくら] (pn) (male) we (P) ","僕たち[ぼくたち] (pn) (male) we (P) ","僕達[ぼくたち] (pn) (male) we "],"寸":["一寸[ちょっと](ateji) (adv int) (uk) just a minute; a short time;a while;just a little;somewhat;easily;readily;rath  N1","寸法[すんぽう]measurement, size,dimension  N2","寸[すん]Sun,  three point zero three centimeters, three centimeters, three point oh three centimeters ","寸暇[すんか]Moment's Leisure,  free minute ","寸前[すんぜん] (n, n-suf) (1) just before/on the verge of/on the brink of (2) just in front of/just ahead of (P) "],"桃":["桃[もも]Peach ","桃色[ももいろ]Peach Color,  peach colour ","胡桃[くるみ] (n) (uk) walnut (Juglans spp.,  esp. Juglans regia) (P) "],"梨":["梨[なし]Pear ","梨花[りか] (n) pear blossoms ","山梨[やまなし] (n) wild nashi (Pyrus pyrifolia var. pyrifolia)/wild Japanese pear "],"姫":["姫様[ひめさま]Princess ","姫[ひめ]Princess,  noble girl ","お姫様[おひいさま<br>おひめさま] (ok) (n) (1) (hon) princess (2) spoiled girl/hothouse flower (3) glue ","織姫[おりひめ] (n) (1) woman textile worker (2) (astron) Vega (star in the constellation Lyra)/Alpha Lyrae ","白雪姫[しらゆきひめ] (n) Snow White ","歌姫[うたひめ] (n) songstress/diva (P) "],"娯":["娯楽[ごらく]pleasure, amusement  N2"],"侍":["侍[さむらい<br>さぶらい]Samurai; warrior  N1","侍女[じじょ] (n) lady attendant/lady's maid/waiting maid (P) "],"棚":["戸棚[とだな]cupboard, locker,closet,wardrobe  N2","棚[たな]shelves  N4","本棚[ほんだな]bookshelves  N5","棚田[たなだ] (n) terraced rice-fields "],"芽":["発芽[はつが]burgeoning  N1","芽[め]sprout  N3","新芽[しんめ]Sprout,  bud, shoot ","萌芽[ほうが]germination,  sprout ","芽生える[めばえる] (v1, vi) to bud/to sprout "],"嵐":["嵐[あらし]storm,  tempest  N3"],"雷":["雷[かみなり<br>いかずち<br>いかづち<br>なるかみ<br>らい]thunder  N1","雷雨[らいう]Thunderstorm ","魚雷[ぎょらい]Torpedo ","雷鳴[らいめい] (n) thunder/thunderclap/crash of thunder (P) ","機雷[きらい] (n) (sea) mine (P) ","雷撃[らいげき] (n, vs) being struck by lightning/torpedo attack ","水雷艇[すいらいてい] (n) torpedo boat ","地雷[じらい] (n) (1) land mine (2) (col) topic that sets someone off/sensitive topic/taboo topic/trigger (3) (col) something that seems fine at first but turns out to be very bad (e.g. product,  business)/booby trap/pitfall (P) ","爆雷[ばくらい] (n) depth charge ","落雷[らくらい] (n) (1) lightning strike/thunderbolt/bolt of lightning (vs) (2) to strike (lightning)/to be struck by lightning (P) "],"朱":["朱印[しゅいん]Red Seal ","朱[あけ<br>あか<br>しゅ]Vermillion,  scarlet red, blood ","朱鷺[しゅろ<br>とき] (n) (uk) Japanese crested ibis (Nipponia nippon)/crested ibis "],"翼":["翼[つばさ<br>よく]wings  N3","左翼[さよく]Left Wing ","右翼[うよく]Right Wing ","主翼[しゅよく] (n) main wings (of an aeroplane,  airplane) ","尾翼[びよく] (n) tail (of an aircraft)/empennage/tail assembly ","一翼[いちよく] (n) (1) one wing (2) (a) role (a) part (P) ","翼賛[よくさん] (n, vs) supporting (e.g. a government)/backing up/assistance/countenance ","両翼[りょうよく] (n) both wings/both flanks (P) "],"菌":["細菌[さいきん]bacillus; bacterium;germ  N1","黴菌[ばいきん]bacteria; germ(s)  N1","ばい菌[ばいきん]Germ ","殺菌[さっきん]Sterilization,  sterilisation ","無菌[むきん]Sterilized,  sterilised, pasteurised, pasteurized ","菌[きん<br>きのこ<br>たけ]bacteria ","大腸菌[だいちょうきん]e. coli,  escherichia coli, e coli ","菌類[きんるい] (n) fungus/fungi ","菌糸[きんし] (n) fungal filament/hypha/hyphae ","抗菌[こうきん] (adj-na, n,adj-no) antibacterial/antimicrobial (P) "],"鐘":["釣鐘[つりがね]hanging bell  N1","鐘[かね]bell, chime  N2","警鐘[けいしょう]Alarm Bell,  fire bell ","鐘の音[かねのね] (n) chimes/toll of a bell "],"嫁":["花嫁[はなよめ]bride  N2","嫁[よめ]bride,  daughter-in-law  N3","嫁ぐ[とつぐ]To Marry ","転嫁[てんか]blame ","嫁さん[よめさん] (n) (col) wife "],"暦":["還暦[かんれき]60th birthday  N1","暦[こよみ<br>れき]calendar; almanac  N1","西暦[せいれき]Christian Era, anno domini (A.D.)  N2","旧暦[きゅうれき]Lunisolar Calendar,  traditional japanese calendar, japanese calendar ","グレゴリオ暦[グレゴリオれき] (n) Gregorian calendar ","延暦[えんりゃく] (n) Enryaku era (782.8.19-806.5.18) ","太陽暦[たいようれき] (n) solar calendar "],"也":["可也[かなり]Considerably,  fairly, quite ","也[なり] (aux-v) (1) (uk) (arch) to be (2) (uk) (arch) to be (location) (n, suf) (3) sum of money "],"塾":["塾[じゅく]coaching school; lessons  N1","塾生[じゅくせい]Cram School Student ","義塾[ぎじゅく]Private School ","私塾[しじゅく] (n) (1) small private school (esp. for cramming) (2) private school (in the Edo period,  orig. run by Confucianists) (P) "],"稼":["共稼ぎ[ともかせぎ]working together; (husband and wife) earning a living together  N1","稼ぐ[かせぐ]to earn income,  to labor  N3","稼げる[かせげる] (v1) to work/to earn income ","稼働[かどう] (n, vs) operation (of machine)/operating/running/working (P) ","稼ぎ[かせぎ] (n) earnings (P) ","稼動[かどう] (n, vs) operation (of machine)/operating/running/working ","時間稼ぎ[じかんかせぎ] (n) holding out/stalling/putting off/time-buying ","出稼ぎ[でかせぎ] (n, vs) working away from home (P) "],"翔":["翔ける[かける]To Fly,  to soar ","翔ぶ[とぶ] (oK) (v5b, vi) (1) to fly/to soar (2) to jump/to leap/to spring/to bound/to hop (3) to vanish/to disappear/to be consumed in a flash ","飛翔[ひしょう] (n, vs) flight/flying/soaring "],"霊":["幽霊[ゆうれい]ghost; specter;apparition;phantom  N1","霊園[れいえん]Cemetery ","悪霊[あくりょう<br>あくれい]Evil Spirit ","亡霊[ぼうれい]Ghost,  the dead ","霊感[れいかん]Inspiration ","霊[たま<br>み<br>れい] (n) soul/spirit ","精霊[しょうりょう<br>せいれい] (n) (Buddh) spirit of the deceased ","霊界[れいかい] (n, adj-no) the spiritual world ","霊力[れいりょく] (n) spiritual power ","霊的[れいてき] (adj-na) spiritual/incorporeal ","霊場[れいじょう] (n) sacred ground ","聖霊[せいれい] (n) the Holy Ghost/the Holy Spirit ","慰霊[いれい] (n) consoling the spirits of the dead (P) ","木霊[こだま] (n, vs) (1) (uk) echo/reverberation (n) (2) spirit of a tree/tree spirit ","神霊[しんれい] (n, adj-no) divine spirit "],"溝":["溝[みぞ<br>こう<br>どぶ]10^38; hundred undecillion (American);hundred sextillion (British)  N1","排水溝[はいすいこう]Drainage ","海溝[かいこう]Ocean Trench "],"矛":["矛盾[むじゅん]contradiction, inconsistency  N2","矛[ほこ]Halberd "],"狩":["狩人[かりゅうど]Hunter ","狩り[かり]Hunting ","狩猟[しゅりょう]hunting ","狩[かり] (n) (1) hunting (n, n-suf) (2) harvesting (e.g. berries, fruit)/picking/gathering ","狩る[かる] (v5r, vt) (1) to hunt (animals) (2) to search (for a criminal) (3) to go looking for (flowers, etc.)/to gather (mushrooms)/to pick (berries) "],"脚":["脚色[きゃくしょく]dramatization (e.g. film)  N1","脚本[きゃくほん]scenario  N1","脚[あし<br>きゃく]Leg,  foot ","立脚[りっきゃく]viewpoint ","失脚[しっきゃく] (n, vs) losing one's position/losing one's standing/falling (from power)/being overthrown/downfall (P) ","脚本家[きゃくほんか] (n) scriptwriter/playwright/scenario writer ","脚光[きゃっこう] (n) footlight/limelight (P) ","橋脚[きょうきゃく] (n) bridge pier/pontoon bridge (P) ","三脚[さんきゃく] (n, adj-no) tripod/three legs ","脚気[かっけ] (n) beriberi "],"澄":["澄ます[すます]to clear; to make clear;to be unruffled;to look unconcerned;to look demure;look prim;put on airs  N1","澄む[すむ]to clear (e.g. weather), to become transparent  N2"],"塊":["塊[かたまり]lump, mass,clod,cluster  N2","団塊[だんかい] (n) (1) mass/lump (2) (abbr) baby boom generation (of 1947-1949)/babyboomer (born between 1947-1949) (P) "],"狂":["狂う[くるう]to go mad,  to get out of order  N3","狂気[きょうき]Madness,  insanity ","狂わす[くるわす]drive crazy ","熱狂[ねっきょう] (n, vs) wild enthusiasm/being crazy about (P) ","狂[きょう] (suf) (1) (some type of) enthusiast (2) somebody possessed of a (certain kind of) mental abnormality ","狂言[きょうげん] (n) (1) kyogen/farce presented between noh plays or during the interlude of a noh play (2) kabuki play/kabuki performance (3) make-believe/ruse/trick (P) "],"嬢":["嬢[じょう]young woman  N1","お嬢さん[おじょうさん]young lady  N4","嬢さん[じょうさん<br>とうさん]Young Lady,  daughter ","お嬢様[おじょうさま] (n) (1) (pol) (another's) daughter (2) young lady (of pampered upbringing)/woman who has never known hardship/naive woman ","お嬢[おじょう] (n) (hon) (someone else's) daughter ","令嬢[れいじょう] (n) (hon) (your) daughter/young woman (P) "],"裸":["裸足[はだし]barefoot  N1","裸[はだか]naked,  nude  N3","全裸[ぜんら]Completely Nude,  totally nude, completely naked, totally naked ","半裸[はんら]Half Naked,  half nude "],"陰":["陰気[いんき]gloom; melancholy  N1","日陰[ひかげ]shadow  N2","陰[かげ<br>いん<br>ほと]shade,  shadow, other side  N3","物陰[ものかげ]shade ","陰謀[いんぼう]Conspiracy ","お陰[おかげ] (n) (1) (uk) grace (of God)/benevolence (of Buddha)/blessing (2) (uk) assistance/help/aid (3) (uk) effects/influence ","山陰[さんいん<br>やまかげ] (n) place in the shade of a mountain/shelter of the mountains ","陰陽[いんよう<br>おんみょう<br>おんよう] (n) cosmic dual forces/yin and yang/sun and moon,  etc. (P) ","陰性[いんせい] (adj-na, n,adj-no) negative (P) ","陰茎[いんきょう<br>いんけい] (ok) (n, adj-no) penis ","陰に[いんに] (adv) invisibly/secretly/privately "],"魂":["魂[たましい<br>こん<br>たま<br>だましい]soul; spirit  N1","〜魂[こん]Spirit ","鎮魂[ちんこん]repose of souls ","魂胆[こんたん]plot,  ulterior motive, secret intention, hidden purpose "],"眺":["眺め[ながめ]scene,  view, prospect, outlook  N3","眺める[ながめる]to view,  to gaze at  N3","眺望[ちょうぼう]Prospect,  view "],"卓":["食卓[しょくたく]dining table  N3","電卓[でんたく]Calculator ","卓[たく<br>しょく]Table,  desk ","卓球[たっきゅう]Table Tennis,  ping pong ","卓越[たくえつ] (n, vs) preeminence/excellence/superiority/transcendence (P) "],"凶":["凶作[きょうさく]bad harvest; poor crop  N1","凶悪[きょうあく]Atrocious,  fiendish ","凶器[きょうき]Dangerous Weapon,  lethal weapon ","元凶[がんきょう]Ringleader,  main culprit ","凶暴[きょうぼう] (adj-na, n) ferocious/brutal/atrocious/savage/barbarous ","凶[きょう] (n) (1) bad luck/bad fortune (2) evil/wickedness "],"滝":["滝[たき]waterfall  N2","滝川[たきがわ]Rapids "],"井":["伊井[いい]that one; Italy  N1","天井[てんじょう]ceiling; ceiling price  N1","井戸[いど]water well  N2","井[い<br>せい] (n) well ","筒井[つつい] (n) round well (P) "],"墨":["墨[すみ<br>ぼく]ink  N2","墨絵[すみえ]Ink Painting ","入れ墨[いれずみ]Tattoo "],"瞬":["瞬き[まばたき]wink; twinkling (of stars);flicker (of light)  N1","一瞬[いっしゅん]a moment,  an instant  N3","瞬間[しゅんかん]moment,  second, instant  N3","瞬時[しゅんじ]Moment,  instant ","瞬く[またたく<br>しばたたく]To Blink,  to flicker, to twinkle ","瞬く間に[またたくまに] (adv) in the twinkling of an eye/in a flash "],"泡":["泡[あわ<br>あぶく]bubble,  foam, froth, head on beer  N3","気泡[きほう]Air Bubble ","水泡[すいほう]Foam,  bubble ","発泡[はっぽう]Foaming "],"穏":["穏やか[おだやか]calm,  gentle, quiet  N3","平穏[へいおん]Calm,  tranquil ","穏当[おんとう]Proper,  reasonable ","不穏[ふおん]Unrest,  turbulence ","穏健[おんけん]moderate "],"孔":["眼孔[がんこう]Eye Socket ","瞳孔[どうこう]Pupil,  pupillary ","孔[あな] (n, n-suf) (1) hole (2) deficit/shortage/missing person (in a team, meeting, etc.) (3) vacancy/opening (4) flaw (5) profitable place (or item, etc.) not well known by others (6) upset victory (with a large payoff) (7) (sl) pit (of a theater) (8) (arch) hiding place (9) (arch) underbelly (of society, etc.) ","孔子[くじ<br>こうし] (n) Confucius ","孔雀[くざく<br>くじゃく] (n) (uk) peafowl (incl. the male peacock,  female peahen, and young peachick) "],"菊":["白菊[しらぎく]White Chrysanthemum ","菊[きく]chrysanthemum ","菊花[きくか<br>きっか] (n) chrysanthemum "],"魔":["お邪魔します[おじゃまします]Excuse me for disturbing (interrupting) you  N1","誤魔化す[ごまかす]to deceive; to falsify;to misrepresent  N1","悪魔[あくま]devil,  demon, evil spirit  N3","邪魔[じゃま]hindrance,  intrusion  N3","魔術[まじゅつ]Black Magic,  sorcery ","魔法[まほう]Magic,  witchcraft ","魔女[まじょ]Witch ","魔法使い[まほうつかい]Wizard,  magician, sorcerer ","魔[ま] (n) (1) demon/devil/evil spirit/evil influence (n-suf) (2) someone who (habitually) performs some (negative) act (P) ","お邪魔[おじゃま] (n, vs) (pol) hindrance/intrusion ","魔導士[まどうし] (n) sorcerer/wizard/mage ","魔術師[まじゅつし] (n) magician/conjurer ","魔王[まおう] (n) devil king ","魔物[まもの] (n) demon/devil/evil spirit/monster/goblin/apparition ","邪魔者[じゃまもの] (n) (1) obstacle/hindrance/impediment/obstruction (2) nuisance/bore/burden ","魔界[まかい] (n) world of spirits/hell ","魔力[まりょく] (n) magical powers/supernatural powers/spell/charm (P) ","妖魔[ようま] (n) ghost/apparition ","魔族[まぞく] (n) demonic or magic being/inhabitant of hell (or the spirit world) ","魔神[ましん<br>まじん] (n) devil/evil spirit/genie ","魔導[まどう] (n) (1) sorcery/black magic (2) (Buddh) netherworld/world outside the six realms where evil spirits roam "],"寮":["寮[りょう<br>つかさ]hostel, dormitory  N2","寮生[りょうせい]Boarding Student,  boarder "],"鳩":["鳩[はと]Pigeon,  dove "],"鍛":["鍛える[きたえる]to forge; to drill;to temper;to train;to discipline  N1","鍛錬[たんれん]Tempering,  forging ","鍛冶[かじ<br>かぬち<br>たんや] (n) smithing/blacksmith "],"碁":["碁盤[ごばん]Go board  N1","碁[ご]Go (board game of capturing territory)  N2","囲碁[いご]Go,  go board game ","碁会所[ごかいじょ]Go Parlor,  go playing parlor "],"癖":["癖[くせ<br>へき]a habit (often a bad habit),  peculiarity  N3","口癖[くちぐせ]Favorite Phrase,  catchphrase ","癖に[くせに]And Yet,  though, in spite of "],"穂":["穂[ほ]ear (of plant); head (of plant)  N1","稲穂[いなほ]Head Of Rice,  ear of rice "],"盆":["盆[ぼん]Lantern Festival, Festival of the Dead,tray  N2","盆地[ぼんち]basin (e.g. between mountains)  N2","お盆[おぼん]Obon,  obon festival, lantern festival ","盆踊り[ぼんおどり]Bon Festival Dance,  bon odori, lantern festival dance ","盆栽[ぼんさい]bonsai "],"庄":["庄園[しょうえん]Manor ","庄屋[しょうや] (n) (ksb:) village headman "],"猿":["猿[さる<br>まし<br>ましら]monkey  N3","猿真似[さるまね]Monkey See Monkey Do "],"棟":["棟[とう<br>むね]place; section;building  N1","病棟[びょうとう]Hospital Ward ","棟梁[とうりょう] (n) (1) central figure/pillar (e.g. of the nation)/mainstay/chief support/leader (2) chief/boss/leader/head (3) master carpenter (4) beams and ridge supports of a roof "],"誇":["誇張[こちょう]exaggeration  N1","誇る[ほこる]to boast of; to be proud of  N1","誇り[ほこり]pride  N3","誇大[こだい]Exaggeration,  hyperbole ","誇らしい[ほこらしい] (adj-i) proud/haughty/arrogant/splendid/magnificent "],"瞳":["瞳[ひとみ]pupil (of eye)  N2","瞳孔[どうこう]Pupil,  pupillary "],"寧":["寧ろ[むしろ]rather,  better, instead  N3","丁寧[ていねい]polite  N4","寧[むしろ] (io) (adv) (uk) rather/better/instead "],"俵":["土俵[どひょう]arena  N1","俵[たわら<br>ひょう]Sack,  straw bag, bale ","土俵際[どひょうぎわ]Edge Of A Sumo Ring,  sumo ring edge, edge, sumo ring "],"幽":["幽霊[ゆうれい]ghost; specter;apparition;phantom  N1","幽閉[ゆうへい]Confinement,  imprisonment "],"架":["担架[たんか]stretcher; litter  N1","架空[かくう]aerial, overhead,fiction,fanciful  N2","書架[しょか]Bookshelf,  bookcase ","架設[かせつ]Construction,  building ","十字架[じゅうじか]cross ","高架[こうか] (adj-no, n) elevated (structure)/overhead (P) ","架橋[かきょう] (n, vs) (1) bridge building/bridge (2) cross-linking (P) ","架線[かせん] (n, vs) aerial wiring ","架[か<br>たるき<br>ませ] (n) rack/mount/stand "],"黙":["沈黙[ちんもく]silence; reticence  N1","黙る[だまる]to be silent  N3","黙殺[もくさつ]Ignoring ","暗黙[あんもく]tacit ","寡黙[かもく]silent,  shy ","黙り[だんまり] (n) (1) silence/keeping silent/taciturnity (2) giving no notice/giving no warning (3) pantomime (in kabuki) ","黙示録[もくしろく] (n) Revelation (book of the Bible)/the Apocalypse ","黙認[もくにん] (n, vs,adj-no) connivance/tacit consent/toleration/acquiescence (P) "],"帝":["皇帝[こうてい<br>おうだい]Emperor ","帝国[ていこく]Empire ","帝政[ていせい]Imperial Government,  imperialism ","帝[みかど]Japanese Emperor,  emperor of japan ","帝国主義[ていこくしゅぎ]Imperialism ","帝王[ていおう] (n) sovereign/emperor/monarch ","大帝[たいてい] (n) great emperor/... the Great ","帝都[ていと] (n) imperial capital ","女帝[じょてい] (n) empress "],"租":["租界[そかい]Concession,  settlement ","租税[そぜい]Taxes,  taxation "],"錬":["錬金術[れんきんじゅつ]Alchemy ","鍛錬[たんれん]Tempering,  forging ","錬金術師[れんきんじゅつし] (n) alchemist (P) ","精錬[せいれん] (n, vs) (1) refining/refinement/smelting (2) training "],"阻":["阻止[そし]obstruction; check;hindrance;prevention;interdiction  N1","阻む[はばむ]to keep someone from doing; to stop;to prevent;to check;to hinder;to obstruct;to oppose;to thwart  N1","阻害[そがい]Obstruction,  inhibition "],"幣":["貨幣[かへい]money; currency;coinage  N1","紙幣[しへい]paper money, notes,bills  N2","貨幣価値[かへいかち]Currency Value ","造幣[ぞうへい] (n) coinage/mintage "],"瞭":["明瞭[めいりょう]clarity  N1","不明瞭[ふめいりょう]Dimness,  obscurity, unclear, unintelligible ","一目瞭然[いちもくりょうぜん] (adj-na, n,adj-no) (yoji) apparent/obvious/very clear "],"炊":["炊事[すいじ]cooking, culinary arts  N2","炊く[たく]to boil, to cook  N2","自炊[じすい]cooking (for oneself) ","炊ける[たける] (v1, vi) to be boiled/to be cooked/to be done/to be ready "],"墜":["墜落[ついらく]falling; crashing  N1","撃墜[げきつい] (n, vs) shooting down (aircraft) (P) ","失墜[しっつい] (n, vs) abasement/fall/forfeiture/sinking (in people's estimation) (P) "],"欺":["欺く[あざむく]to deceive  N1","詐欺[さぎ]fraud; swindle  N1","詐欺師[さぎし]Swindler ","欺瞞[ぎまん] (n, vs) deception/deceit "],"塀":["塀[へい]wall,  fence  N3"],"霧":["霧[きり]fog,  mist  N3","霧雨[きりさめ]drizzle "],"扇":["団扇[うちわ]fan  N1","扇ぐ[あおぐ]to fan, to flap  N2","扇子[せんす]folding fan  N2","扇風機[せんぷうき]electric fan  N2","換気扇[かんきせん]ventilation fan ","扇[おうぎ<br>おおぎ]Folding Fan ","扇動[せんどう] (n, vs) incitement/sedition/agitation/abetting (P) ","扇状地[せんじょうち] (n) alluvial fan or delta "],"扉":["扉[とびら]door; opening  N1"],"恨":["恨み[うらみ]resentment  N2","恨む[うらむ]to curse, to feel bitter  N2"],"佐":["佐[たすく]help  N1","補佐[ほさ]assistance ","少佐[しょうさ] (n) major/lieutenant commander/wing commander (P) ","中佐[ちゅうさ] (n) lieutenant colonel/commander (navy) (P) ","大佐[たいさ<br>だいさ] (n) colonel (navy) captain (P) "],"挿":["挿す[さす]to insert, to put in,to graft,to wear in belt  N2","挿入[そうにゅう]insertion ","挿入する[そうにゅうする]To Insert ","挿絵[さしえ] (n) illustration (e.g. book)/picture (P) "],"伊":["伊井[いい]that one; Italy  N1","伊[い] (n) (abbr) Italy ","伊達[だて] (n, adj-na) (1) (uk) elegance/dandyism/sophistication/having style (2) (uk) affectation/showing off/putting on an air/appearances/doing something just for show (P) ","伊吹[いぶき] (n) (uk) Chinese juniper (Juniperus chinensis) "],"詐":["詐欺[さぎ]fraud; swindle  N1","詐欺師[さぎし]Swindler "],"如":["如何[いかが<br>いか<br>いかん<br>どう]how; in what way  N1","如何に[いかがに<br>いかに]how?; in what way?;how much?;however;whatever  N1","如何にも[いかにも]indeed; really;phrase meaning agreement  N1","突如[とつじょ]suddenly; all of a sudden  N1","如何して[どうして]why?; for what reason;how;in what way;for what purpose;what for  N1","如何しても[いかがしても]by all means; at any cost;no matter what;after all;in the long run;cravingly;at any rate;surely  N1","欠如[けつじょ]lack ","如来[にょらい] (n) Tathagata/perfected one (suffix of high-ranking Buddhist deities) ","如し[ごとし] (aux-v) like/as if/the same as (P) ","如く[ごとく<br>しく] (adv) (uk) like/as if/the same as "],"唇":["唇[くちびる]lips  N2"],"掌":["掌[てのひら]the palm  N1","車掌[しゃしょう](train) conductor  N2","掌握[しょうあく] (n, vs) grasping/seizing/holding/commanding/having control over (P) "],"婆":["お婆ちゃん[おばあちゃん]Granny,  grandma, old lady, old woman ","産婆[さんば] (n) (obs) midwife ","婆[ばば<br>ばばあ] (n) (1) (uk) old woman (2) (uk) joker (card) "],"哀":["可哀想[かわいそう]poor; pitiable;pathetic  N1","哀れ[あわれ<br>あはれ]helpless,  pity, sorrow, grief  N3","哀れむ[あわれむ]pity ","哀悼[あいとう]condolence,  regret, sympathy, lament ","哀しい[かなしい] (oK) (adj-i) (1) sad/miserable/unhappy/sorrowful (2) sad/lamentable/deplorable/grievous "],"虹":["虹[にじ]rainbow  N2"],"爽":["爽やか[さわやか]fresh; refreshing;invigorating;clear;fluent;eloquent  N1","颯爽と[さっそうと]dashing ","爽快[そうかい] (adj-na, n) refreshing/exhilarating/invigorating/bracing (P) "],"憩":["休憩[きゅうけい]rest,  break, recess, intermission  N3","憩い[いこい]relaxation ","休憩所[きゅうけいじょ]Rest Area,  rest stop ","憩う[いこう] (v5u, vi) to rest/to relax/to repose (P) "],"尺":["尺[あた<br>さし<br>しゃく] (n, n-suf,ctr) (arch) distance between outstretched thumb and middle finger (approx. 18 cm) ","尺度[しゃくど] (n) (1) gauge/standard/measure/criterion/index (2) length/size (3) (measuring) rule/scale (P) ","縮尺[しゅくしゃく] (n, vs) reduced scale/scaling (P) "],"砕":["砕く[くだく]to break, to smash  N2","砕ける[くだける]to break, to be broken  N2","粉砕[ふんさい] (n, vs) pulverization/pulverisation/smashing/demolishing (P) "],"粘":["粘り[ねばり]stickyness; viscosity  N1","粘る[ねばる]to be sticky; to be adhesive;to persevere;to persist;to stick to  N1","粘土[ねんど<br>ねばつち<br>へな<br>へなつち]clay ","粘着[ねんちゃく]affixing ","粘膜[ねんまく] (n, adj-no) mucous membrane (P) ","粘度[ねんど] (n) viscosity ","粘液[ねんえき] (n, adj-no) mucus/mucilage/viscous liquid/phlegm ","粘り強い[ねばりづよい] (adj-i) (1) tenacious/persevering/persistent/stubborn/steadfast (2) sticky (P) "],"胴":["胴[どう]trunk; body;frame  N1","胴上げ[どうあげ]tossing in the air ","胴体[どうたい]body "],"柳":["花柳界[かりゅうかい]Red Light District,  pleasure quarters, world of the geisha ","柳[やなぎ<br>りゅう] (n) (1) willow (any tree of genus Salix) (2) weeping willow (Salix babylonica) (P) ","川柳[かわやぎ<br>かわやなぎ<br>せんりゅう] (n) (arch) riverside willow ","青柳[あおやぎ<br>あおやなぎ] (n) (1) green willow (i.e. one that has budded) (2) meat of the trough shell (Mactra chinensis) (P) "],"遂":["遂げる[とげる]to accomplish; to achieve;to carry out  N1","やり遂げる[やりとげる]to accomplish  N1","遂に[ついに]finally,  at last  N3","遂行[すいこう]Accomplishment,  execution ","未遂[みすい]Attempt ","成し遂げる[なしとげる]carry out "],"蓄":["蓄積[ちくせき]accumulation; accumulate;store  N1","貯蓄[ちょちく]savings  N1","蓄える[たくわえる]to store, to lay in stock  N2","備蓄[びちく]Emergency Stores ","蓄電池[ちくでんち] (n) storage battery (P) "],"殴":["殴る[なぐる]to strike; to hit  N1","殴打[おうだ]Hit,  strike, blow ","殴り合い[なぐりあい]Fistfight,  fist fight ","殴り込み[なぐりこみ]Raid ","ぶん殴る[ぶんなぐる] (v5r, vt) to knock/to hit hard/to give a hard blow/to wallop/to sock "],"鉢":["鉢[はち]a bowl, a pot  N2","火鉢[ひばち]Brazier ","鉢巻[はちまき]Headband "],"彩":["色彩[しきさい]colour; hue;tints  N1","迷彩[めいさい]Camouflage,  disguise ","油彩[ゆさい]Oil Painting ","彩る[いろどる]To Color Something,  to colour something, to color, to colour ","水彩画[すいさいが]Watercolor Painting ","彩り[いろどり]Coloring,  colouring, color scheme, makeup ","多彩[たさい] (adj-na, n,adj-no) variegated/varicoloured/varicolored/multi-coloured/multi-colored/diverse (P) ","精彩[せいさい] (n) (1) brilliance/luster/lustre/colorfulness/colourfulness (2) vividness/life (P) ","水彩[すいさい] (n) watercolor painting "],"培":["栽培[さいばい]cultivation  N1","培養[ばいよう]Cultivation,  nurture ","培う[つちかう]To Cultivate,  to foster ","培地[ばいち] (n) (biol) culture medium/growth medium "],"斜":["傾斜[けいしゃ]inclination; slant;slope;bevel;list;dip  N1","斜面[しゃめん]slope; slanting surface;bevel  N1","斜め[ななめ<br>なのめ]obliqueness  N2","斜[はす<br>しゃ<br>ななめ<br>なのめ] (adj-no, n) diagonal  N2","斜体[しゃたい]Italics,  italic font style "],"尽":["尽きる[つきる]to be used up; to be run out;to be exhausted;to be consumed;to come to an end  N1","尽くす[つくす]to exhaust; to run out;to serve (a person);to befriend  N1","尽力[じんりょく]Efforts,  assistance ","理不尽[りふじん]Unreasonable,  irrational "],"霜":["霜[しも]frost  N3"],"穫":["収穫[しゅうかく]harvest,  crop, ingathering  N3"],"麻":["麻[あさ<br>お]flax; linen;hemp  N1","麻酔[ますい]anaesthesia  N1","麻痺[まひ]paralysis; palsy;numbness;stupor  N1","大麻[たいま<br>おおあさ]Hemp,  cannabis, shinto paper offerings ","麻薬[まやく]drug ","麻布[あさぬの<br>まふ]Hemp Cloth,  linen ","麻雀[まーじゃん<br>マージャン]mahjong ","麻呂[まろ] (pn) (1) (arch) I/me (n) (2) (person having) thin or shaved eyebrows (suf) (3) affectionate suffix for names of young men or pets ","胡麻[ごま] (n) (1) (uk) sesame seeds (2) (uk) sesame (Sesamum indicum) (P) ","麻衣[あさごろも<br>まい] (n) linen robe "],"騎":["騎兵[きへい]Cavalry ","騎手[きしゅ]Horse Rider ","騎馬[きば]Horse Riding ","騎士[きし]Knight ","騎乗[きじょう] (n, vs) riding (on horseback)/mounting (a horse) ","騎[き] (ctr) counter for horsemen ","騎士団[きしだん] (n) order of chivalry/chivalric order ","一騎打ち[いっきうち] (n, vs) personal combat/one-to-one fight (P) "],"辱":["侮辱[ぶじょく]insult; contempt;slight  N1","屈辱[くつじょく]Disgrace,  humiliation ","恥辱[ちじょく]Disgrace,  shame ","辱める[はずかしめる]To Humiliate,  to embarass ","雪辱[せつじょく] (n, vs) vindication of honour/vindication of honor/making up for loss/revenge (P) "],"蚊":["蚊[か]mosquito  N2","蚊帳[かや<br>かちょう<br>ぶんちょう]Mosquito Net "],"帳":["几帳面[きちょうめん]methodical; punctual;steady  N1","帳[ちょう<br>とばり]curtain  N1","通帳[つうちょう]passbook  N2","手帳[てちょう]notebook  N2","メモ帳[めもちょう,  メモちょう]Memo Book, memo pad, notebook, notepad, scratchpad ","蚊帳[かや<br>かちょう<br>ぶんちょう]Mosquito Net ","記帳[きちょう]Registry,  entry ","電話帳[でんわちょう]Telephone Book,  telephone directory ","帳簿[ちょうぼ]Account Book,  register ","台帳[だいちょう] (n) account book/ledger/register (P) "],"輝":["輝く[かがやく]to shine,  to glitter, to sparkle  N3","光輝[こうき]Brightness,  splendor ","輝度[きど]Luminance,  brightness, clearness ","輝かしい[かがやかしい]bright ","輝き[かがやき]Radiance "],"憶":["記憶[きおく]memory,  recollection, remembrance  N3","憶測[おくそく]Guess,  speculation ","記憶喪失[きおくそうしつ] (n, adj-no) loss of memory/amnesia ","憶える[おぼえる] (v1, vt) to memorize/to memorise/to commit to memory/to learn by heart/to bear in mind/to remember ","記憶力[きおくりょく] (n) memory/ability to remember "],"悔":["後悔[こうかい]regret; repentance  N1","悔しい[くやしい]regrettable, mortifying,vexing  N2","悔やむ[くやむ]to mourn  N2","悔い[くい]regret "],"耐":["耐える[たえる]to bear; to endure  N1","耐久性[たいきゅうせい]Durability ","忍耐[にんたい]Endurance,  perseverance ","耐火[たいか]Fireproof ","耐熱[たいねつ]Heat Resisting,  heat resistant ","耐久[たいきゅう] (n) endurance/persistence (P) ","耐震[たいしん] (n, adj-no) resistant to earthquakes ","耐性[たいせい] (n, adj-no) resistance (e.g. to antibiotics)/tolerance (e.g. drug tolerance) (P) "],"盾":["盾[たて]shield; buckler;escutcheon;pretext  N1","矛盾[むじゅん]contradiction, inconsistency  N2","後ろ盾[うしろだて]Backing,  support, backer, supporter "],"蛇":["蛇口[じゃぐち]faucet, tap  N2","蛇[へび<br>くちなわ<br>じゃ<br>へみ]Snake ","蛇行[じゃこう<br>だこう] (n, vs) meandering/snaking/zigzagging "],"班":["班[はん]group; party;section (mil)  N1","首班[しゅはん]Head,  leader ","班長[はんちょう]Squad Leader,  honcho, team leader, group leader "],"飢":["飢える[うえる<br>かつえる]to starve  N2","飢饉[ききん]famine  N2","飢餓[きが]Starvation,  famine, hunger ","飢え[うえ]Hunger,  starvation "],"餓":["餓死[がし<br>がしん]Death From Starvation,  starving to death ","飢餓[きが]Starvation,  famine, hunger ","餓鬼[がき] (n) (1) (uk) (col) brat/kid/urchin/little devil (2) (Buddh) preta/hungry ghost ","餓狼[がろう] (n) hungry wolf "],"迅":["迅速[じんそく]quick; fast;rapid;swift;prompt  N1"],"脅":["脅かす[おどかす<br>おびやかす]to threaten; to coerce  N1","脅す[おどす]to threaten; to menace  N1","脅迫[きょうはく]threat; menace;coercion;terrorism  N1","脅し[おどし]Threat,  a threat ","脅威[きょうい] (n, vs) threat/menace (P) "],"概":["一概に[いちがいに]unconditionally; as a rule  N1","概説[がいせつ]general statement; outline  N1","概念[がいねん]general idea; concept;notion  N1","概略[がいりゃく]outline; summary;gist;in brief  N1","大概[たいがい]in general; mainly  N1","概論[がいろん]intro, outline,general remarks  N2","概算[がいさん]Approximation,  rough estimate ","概要[がいよう]Outline,  summary ","気概[きがい]Strong Spirit,  backbone ","概ね[おおむね] (adv) (1) (uk) in general/generally/mostly/roughly/largely/mainly/on the whole/by and large (n) (2) gist/point/main idea ","概して[がいして] (adv) generally/as a rule ","概観[がいかん] (n, vs) general view/outline "],"拘":["拘束[こうそく]restriction; restraint  N1","にも拘らず[にもかかわらず]in spite of; nevertheless  N1","拘置[こうち]Detention,  confinement ","拘置所[こうちしょ] (n) prison/detention house/detention center/jail (P) ","拘る[かかわる<br>こだわる] (v5r, vi) (1) to be affected/to be influenced (2) to be concerned with/to have to do with (3) to stick to (opinions) ","拘留[こうりゅう] (n, vs) custody/detention/confinement (P) ","拘禁[こうきん] (n, vs) detention/custody/confinement/internment (P) "],"煮":["煮える[にえる]to boil, to cook,to be cooked  N2","煮る[にる]to boil, to cook  N2","煮物[にもの]Boiled Foods,  stewed foods ","雑煮[ぞうに]New Year's Dish,  mochi soup ","煮詰める[につめる]boil down ","煮込む[にこむ]boil well "],"覆":["覆す[くつがえす]to overturn; to upset;to overthrow;to undermine  N1","覆面[ふくめん]mask; veil;disguise  N1","覆う[おおう]to cover,  to hide, to conceal, to wrap, to disguise  N3","転覆[てんぷく]Capsizing,  overturn ","覆る[くつがえる]To Capsize,  to topple over, to be overturned ","覆い[おおい] (n) cover/mantle/shroud/hood ","被覆[ひふく] (n, vs) (1) coating/covering (2) (math) cover "],"駒":["駒[こま]Chess Piece,  shogi piece "],"悟":["悟る[さとる]to attain enlightenment; to perceive;to understand;to discern  N1","覚悟[かくご]resolution,  resignation, readiness, preparedness  N3","悟り[さとり] (n) (1) comprehension/understanding (2) (Buddh) enlightenment/spiritual awakening/satori (P) "],"謀":["陰謀[いんぼう]Conspiracy ","無謀[むぼう]Reckless,  thoughtless, unpremeditated ","謀る[はかる]To Conspire,  to plot ","参謀[さんぼう] (n) (1) staff officer/military staff (2) adviser/counselor/counsellor (P) ","謀[はかりごと] (n) plan/strategy ","共謀[きょうぼう] (n, vs) conspiracy/collusion/complicity (P) ","首謀者[しゅぼうしゃ] (n) ringleader/mastermind/leader (of a plot) ","首謀[しゅぼう] (n) (1) plotting/planning (crime,  intrigue) (2) ringleader/mastermind/leader (of a plot) (P) ","謀略[ぼうりゃく] (n) strategy/stratagem/trick/scheme/plot (P) "],"鶴":["鶴[つる<br>たず]Crane "],"拓":["開拓[かいたく]reclamation (of wasteland); cultivation;pioneer  N1","干拓[かんたく] (n, vs) land reclamation (from sea) (P) ","開拓使[かいたくし] (n) early-Meiji administrative unit for Hokkaido (1869-1882) "],"衰":["衰える[おとろえる]to become weak; to decline;to wear;to abate;to decay;to wither;to waste away  N1","老衰[ろうすい]senility; senile decay  N1","衰退[すいたい]Decline,  decay ","減衰[げんすい] (n, vs) attenuation/damping/decay ","衰弱[すいじゃく] (n, vs,adj-no) weakness/debility/breakdown/prostration (P) "],"奨":["奨励[しょうれい]encouragement; promotion;message;address  N1","奨学金[しょうがくきん]scholarship  N3","推奨[すいしょう]Recommendation,  endorsement ","奨学[しょうがく] (n) encouragement to study (P) ","選奨[せんしょう] (n, vs) recommendation (P) "],"淡":["冷淡[れいたん]coolness; indifference  N1","淡水[たんすい]fresh water  N2","淡い[あわい]Faint,  pale ","淡々[たんたん] (adj-t, adv-to) (1) uninterested/unconcerned/indifferent/dispassionate/matter-of-fact/detached (2) plain/light/simple/bland (3) flowing gently (P) "],"礎":["基礎[きそ]foundation, basis  N2","礎[いしずえ]Foundation "],"陛":["陛下[へいか]Your Majesty,  his majesty, her majesty "],"浸":["浸す[ひたす]to soak; to dip;to drench  N1","浸ける[つける]to dip in, to soak  N2","浸透[しんとう]Permeation,  soaking, osmosis ","浸水[しんすい]Submersion,  flood ","浸る[ひたる]To Be Soaked In,  to be submerged, to be flooded ","浸かる[つかる] (v5r, vi) (1) to be submerged/to be soaked (2) to be pickled/to be well seasoned (3) to be totally immersed (in a condition, e.g. laziness) (P) ","浸食[しんしょく] (n, vs) erosion/corrosion (P) "],"劣":["劣る[おとる]to fall behind,  to be inferior to  N3","劣化[れっか]Deterioration,  degredation ","劣悪[れつあく]Inferiority,  coarseness ","劣等感[れっとうかん]Inferiority Complex ","卑劣[ひれつ]mean,  foul play, cowardly, base ","劣勢[れっせい] (n, adj-no,adj-na) inferiority (e.g. numerical)/inferior position/disadvantage/unfavorable situation/unfavourable situation (P) ","劣等[れっとう] (adj-na, n,adj-no) inferiority/low grade "],"勘":["勘弁[かんべん]pardon; forgiveness;forbearance  N1","勘違い[かんちがい]misunderstanding, wrong guess  N2","勘[かん]perception,  intuition, the sixth sense  N3","勘定[かんじょう]calculation,  counting, consideration  N3","割り勘[わりかん]Splitting The Cost,  splitting the bill ","勘案[かんあん]Taking Into Consideration,  giving consideration "],"隔":["隔週[かくしゅう]every other week  N1","隔たる[へだたる]to be distant  N1","間隔[かんかく]space, interval,SPC  N2","隔てる[へだてる]to be shut out  N2","隔月[かくげつ]Every Other Month ","隔離[かくり]Isolation,  quarantine ","遠隔[えんかく] (n, adj-no) distant/remote/isolated (P) ","隔壁[かくへき] (n, adj-no) barrier wall/bulkhead/partition/septum/diaphragm "],"桑":["桑原[くわばら]Mulberry Field ","桑畑[くわばたけ]Mulberry Field,  mulberry plantation ","桑[くわ]Mulberry Tree,  mulberry ","桑田[そうでん] (n) mulberry plantation (P) ","扶桑[ふそう] (n) land east of China/Japan "],"尼":["尼[あま<br>に]Nun ","尼僧[にそう]Nun,  priestess "],"珠":["真珠[しんじゅ]pearl  N1","珠算[しゅざん]Calculation With Abacus ","数珠[じゅず]Rosary,  prayer beads "],"抽":["抽選[ちゅうせん]lottery; raffle;drawing (of lots)  N1","抽象[ちゅうしょう]abstract  N2","抽出[ちゅうしゅつ]Extraction,  selection, sampling, abstraction ","抽象的[ちゅうしょうてき]abstract "],"壇":["花壇[かだん]flower bed  N1","壇[だん]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;platform;podium;rostrum; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;(arch) mandala  N1","仏壇[ぶつだん]Buddhist Altar ","祭壇[さいだん] (n) altar (P) ","文壇[ぶんだん] (n) literary world/literary circles (P) "],"陶":["鬱陶しい[うっとうしい]gloomy; depressing  N1","陶器[とうき<br>すえき]pottery; ceramics  N1","陶芸[とうげい]Ceramic Art,  ceramics ","陶酔[とうすい]fascination ","陶磁器[とうじき] (n) porcelain/china/chinaware/ceramics/pottery (P) "],"妃":["皇太子妃[こうたいしひ]Crown Princess ","妃[ひ<br>きさき]Princess ","王妃[おうひ]Queen "],"刈":["刈る[かる]to cut (hair),  to mow (grass), to harvest  N3","草刈り[くさかり]Mowing,  mower ","刈り取る[かりとる]To Mow,  to reap, to harvest "],"紫":["紫[むらさき]purple colour, violet  N2","紫外線[しがいせん]Ultra Violet Rays ","紫色[むらさきいろ<br>ししょく]Violet,  purple ","筑紫[つくし] (n) (arch) Tsukushi (provinces of Chikuzen and Chikugo in northern Kyushu) "],"唯":["唯[ゆい<br>ただ]free of charge,  mere, sole, only, usual, common  N3","唯一[ゆいいつ<br>ゆいつ,  ゆいいつ<br>ゆいつ<br>ゆういつ]only, sole, unique  N3","唯物論[ゆいぶつろん]Materialism "],"剛":["剛健[ごうけん]Vigor,  vigour, virility ","剛[ごう] (n, adj-f) strong/hard/manly ","金剛[こんごう] (n) (1) vajra (indestructible substance)/diamond/adamantine (2) thunderbolt/Indra's weapon/Buddhist symbol of the indestructible truth "],"征":["征服[せいふく]conquest; subjugation;overcoming  N1","遠征[えんせい]Expedition,  campaign ","征伐[せいばつ] (n, vs) (1) conquest/subjugation/overcoming (2) chastisement/punishment/punitive expedition ","出征[しゅっせい] (n, vs) (1) going to war/departure for the front (2) departure for military service (in response to a draft) (P) ","征[しちょう] (n) (uk) ladder (in go) ","征討[せいとう] (n, vs) subjugation/conquest "],"誓":["誓う[ちかう]to swear, to vow,to take an oath,to pledge  N2","誓い[ちかい]Vow,  oath ","誓約[せいやく]Written Vow,  pledge, covenant ","誓って[ちかって] (adv) (1) surely/upon my word/by Jove (2) (with neg) by no means/never (P) ","宣誓[せんせい] (n, vs,adj-no) oath/abjuration/pledge (P) "],"俗":["風俗[ふうぞく]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;manners;customs; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;sex service;sex industry  N1","民俗[みんぞく]people; race;nation;racial customs;folk customs  N1","俗語[ぞくご]Colloquialism,  colloquial language ","俗[ぞく<br>しょく]Slang,  local manners, local customs ","通俗的[つうぞく てき]common ","世俗[せいぞく<br>せぞく] (n, adj-no) (1) common customs/worldliness/vulgar/popular/the world/the common people (2) secularity ","俗称[ぞくしょう] (n, vs) common name/popular name "],"潤":["潤う[うるおう]to be moist; to be damp;to get wet;to profit by;to be watered;to receive benefits;to favor;to charm;t  N1","利潤[りじゅん]profit; returns  N1","潤い[うるおい]moisture ","湿潤[しつじゅん] (adj-na, n) damp/moist/humid ","潤滑[じゅんかつ] (n, adj-na) lubrication/smoothness "],"巧":["巧妙[こうみょう]ingenious; skillful;clever;deft  N1","精巧[せいこう]elaborate; delicate;exquisite  N1","巧み[たくみ]skill; cleverness  N1","巧い[うまい]Adept,  skillful, clever ","技巧[ぎこう] (n) technique/finesse (P) "],"把":["把握[はあく]grasp; catch;understanding  N1","把[わ]Counter For Bundles ","大雑把[おおざっぱ] (adj-na, n) rough (as in not precise)/broad/sketchy (P) "],"駄":["駄作[ださく]poor work; rubbish  N1","無駄遣い[むだづかい]waste money on; squander money on;flog a dead horse  N1","下駄[げた]geta (Japanese footwear), wooden clogs  N2","駄目[だめ]useless,  no good, hopeless  N3","無駄[むだ]futility,  uselessness  N3","時間の無駄[じかんのむだ] (exp, n) waste of time "],"洞":["洞穴[どうけつ<br>ほらあな]Cave,  den ","洞[ほら<br>うつお<br>うつほ<br>うつろ<br>うろ]Cave,  den ","空洞[くうどう]Cave,  hollow, cavity ","洞察[どうさつ]insight ","洞窟[どうくつ] (n, adj-no) cavern/cave/cave system/grotto (P) ","曹洞宗[そうとうしゅう] (n) Soto school (of Zen Buddhism) "],"伯":["伯父さん[おじさん]middle-aged gentleman, uncle  N2","伯母さん[おばさん](hon) aunt  N2","伯父/叔父[おじ/おじ]grandfather, male senior citizen  N5","伯母さん/叔母さん[おばさん/おばさん]aunt  N5","伯母[おば<br>はくぼ]Aunt ","伯[はく]Chief,  count, earl ","伯父[えおじ<br>おじ<br>はくふ] (n) (arch) uncle (one's father's older brother) ","伯爵[はくしゃく] (n) count/earl (P) ","方伯[ほうはく] (n) landgrave "],"諮":["諮る[はかる]to consult with; to confer  N1","諮問[しもん]Question,  enquiry "],"廷":["法廷[ほうてい]courtroom  N1","宮廷[きゅうてい]Imperial Court,  royal court ","朝廷[ちょうてい] (n) Imperial Court "],"晶":["結晶[けっしょう]crystal; crystallization  N1","水晶[すいしょう]Crystal ","液晶[えきしょう]Liquid Crystal ","晶子[しょうし] (n) crystallite "],"漂":["漂う[ただよう]to drift about; to float;to hang in air  N1","漂着[ひょうちゃく]Drifting Ashore ","漂流[ひょうりゅう]Drifting,  drift "],"堤":["堤防[ていぼう]bank; weir  N1","堤[つつみ]Embankment,  bank, dike ","防波堤[ぼうはてい] (n) breakwater/mole (P) ","築堤[ちくてい] (n, vs) embankment/bank "],"后":["皇后[こうごう]Japanese Empress ","后[きさい<br>きさき<br>ご] (ok) (n) empress/queen ","皇太后[こうたいこう<br>こうたいごう] (n) Queen Mother/Empress Dowager ","太后[たいこう] (n) empress dowager/queen mother "],"疫":["免疫[めんえき]Immunity,  immunization ","疫病[えきびょう<br>やくびょう]Infectious Disease,  plague, epidemic ","検疫[けんえき]Quarantine "],"翻":["翻訳[ほんやく]translation  N4","翻意[ほんい]Change One's Mind,  change your mind ","翻る[ひるがえる]To Flip,  to turn over, to flip over ","翻す[ひるがえす<br>こぼす]change ","翻弄[ほんろう] (n, vs) (1) trifling with/toying with/playing with/making sport of/making fun of/leading around by the nose (2) tossing about (a ship) (P) ","翻案[ほんあん] (n, vs) adaptation (of a novel, play, etc.) (P) "],"涯":["生涯[しょうがい]One's Lifetime,  one's career "],"銘":["銘々[めいめい]each, individual  N2","銘柄[めいがら]Brand,  make ","感銘[かんめい]Deep Impression ","銘打つ[めいうつ] (v5t, vi) to engrave an inscription/to call (designate) itself/to mark/to label "],"仰":["仰ぐ[あおぐ]to look up (to); to respect;to depend on;to ask for;to seek;to revere;to drink;to take  N1","仰っしゃる[おっしゃっしゃる]to say; to speak;to tell;to talk  N1","信仰[しんこう](religious) faith,  belief, creed  N3","仰々しい[ぎょうぎょうしい]Pompous,  exaggerated ","仰天[ぎょうてん]Taken Aback,  amazed, horrified, flabbergasted ","仰向け[あおむけ]facing upward ","仰角[ぎょうかく] (n) angle of elevation ","仰る[おっしゃる] (v5aru, vt) (uk) (hon) to say/to speak/to tell/to talk (P) ","仰せ[おおせ] (n) statement/command/wishes (of a superior) "],"漫":["漫画[まんが]comic  N4","漫才[まんざい]Comic Dialogue,  two man comedy act "],"彰":["表彰[ひょうしょう]Public Acknowledgement,  public recognition ","表彰状[ひょうしょうじょう]certificate of commendation ","顕彰[けんしょう]honoring "],"簿":["名簿[めいぼ<br>みょうぶ]register of names  N1","帳簿[ちょうぼ]Account Book,  register ","簿記[ぼき] (n, vs) journalization (accounts)/journalisation/bookkeeping (P) "],"亭":["〜亭[てい]Restaurant,  traditional japanese restaurant ","亭主[ていしゅ]husband ","亭[ちん<br>てい] (n) arbor/arbour/bower/pavilion ","料亭[りょうてい] (n) ryotei/traditional Japanese restaurant (esp. a luxurious one) (P) "],"訂":["改訂[かいてい]revision  N1","訂正[ていせい]correction; revision  N1","改訂版[かいていばん]Revised Edition ","校訂[こうてい] (n, vs,adj-no) revision "],"壮":["壮大[そうだい]magnificent; grand;majestic;splendid  N1","壮年[そうねん]Prime Of Life ","壮行[そうこう]Rousing ","壮[そう] (n, adj-na) (1) vibrancy/strength/bravery/manliness (2) (esp. of men) one's prime (approx. age 30) ","壮絶[そうぜつ] (adj-na, n) grand/heroic/sublime/fierce "],"軌":["軌道[きどう]orbit; railroad track  N1","軌跡[きせき]Tire Track,  path one has taken ","狭軌[きょうき] (n, adj-no) narrow gauge "],"奮":["興奮[こうふん]excitement; stimulation;agitation;arousal  N1","奮闘[ふんとう]hard struggle; strenuous effort  N1","奮起[ふんき]Stirring,  rousing oneself ","奮う[ふるう]rouse up ","奮発[ふんぱつ]effort ","奮戦[ふんせん] (n, vs) hard fighting "],"峰":["峰[みね]peak; ridge  N1","連峰[れんぽう]Mountain Range ","最高峰[さいこうほう] (n) (1) highest peak/highest mountain (2) greatest authority/most prominent person/pinnacle (e.g. of art)/peak (P) "],"墳":["古墳[こふん]Ancient Tomb,  ancient mound ","墳墓[ふんぼ]Grave,  tomb ","円墳[えんふん<br>えんぷん] (n) round burial mound ","墳丘[ふんきゅう] (n) tumulus/grave mound "],"搬":["運搬[うんぱん]transport; carriage  N1","搬出[はんしゅつ]Carry Out ","搬送[はんそう]Transportation ","搬入[はんにゅう] (n, vs) carrying in (esp. heavy objects, artwork, furniture)/bringing in/taking in (P) "],"邪":["お邪魔します[おじゃまします]Excuse me for disturbing (interrupting) you  N1","無邪気[むじゃき]innocence; simple-mindedness  N1","邪魔[じゃま]hindrance,  intrusion  N3","風邪[かぜ<br>ふうじゃ]a cold  N5","邪[よこしま]Wicked,  evil ","風邪薬[かぜぐすり]cold medicine ","お邪魔[おじゃま] (n, vs) (pol) hindrance/intrusion ","邪見[じゃけん] (n) evil point of view ","邪魔者[じゃまもの] (n) (1) obstacle/hindrance/impediment/obstruction (2) nuisance/bore/burden ","邪悪[じゃあく] (adj-na, n) wicked/evil "],"浦":["浦[うら]bay,  inlet "],"貞":["貞節[ていせつ]chastity,  virtue, fidelity ","貞操[ていそう]chastity,  virtue, fidelity ","不貞[ふてい]unfaithful,  infidelity ","童貞[どうてい] (n) (1) virginity (of a male)/virgin (2) (Catholic) nun/sister ","貞観[じょうがん] (n) Jogan era (859.4.15-877.4.16) ","貞享[じょうきょう] (n) Jokyo era (1684.2.21-1688.9.30) ","貞治[じょうじ<br>ていじ] (n) Joji era (of the Northern Court) (1362.9.23-1368.2.18)/Teiji era ","貞[てい] (n) (1) firm adherence to one's principles (2) chastity (of a woman) "],"亮":[""],"襟":["襟[えり]neck; collar;lapel;neckband  N1","襟巻き[えりまき]muffler ","襟元[えりもと]collar,  front of the neck, nape of the neck "],"郡":["郡[ぐん<br>こおり]country, district  N2","郡司[ぐんじ<br>こおりのつかさ] (n) district governor (Ritsuryo period) "],"釈":["解釈[かいしゃく]explanation,  interpretation  N3","釈明[しゃくめい]explanation,  vindication ","注釈[ちゅうしゃく]notes,  comment, remark, annotation ","会釈[えしゃく]nod,  greeting, bow ","釈放[しゃくほう]liberation ","釈迦[しゃか]Lord Buddha ","仮釈放[かりしゃくほう] (n, vs) releasing on parole/conditional release ","保釈金[ほしゃくきん] (n) bail (money) ","保釈[ほしゃく] (n, vs) bail/releasing on bail (P) "],"蓮":["蓮[れん<br>はす<br>はちす]lotus  N1","蓮花[れんげ]lotus flower,  lotus ","蓮根[れんこん,  はすね]lotus root ","日蓮宗[にちれんしゅう] (n) Nichiren school of Buddhism ","蓮華[れんげ] (n) (1) (uk) lotus flower (2) (abbr) (uk) Chinese milk vetch (Astragalus sinicus) (3) (abbr) china spoon (4) lotus-shaped pedestal for a gravestone "],"慈":["慈善[じぜん]charity,  philanthropy ","慈悲[じひ]compassion,  benevolence, charity, mercy ","慈愛[じあい]affection,  kindness, love "],"塚":["塚[つか]mound,  burial mound ","貝塚[かいずか<br>かいづか] (ik) (n) shell heap/shell mound/kitchen midden "],"玄":["玄人[くろうと]expert; professional;geisha;prostitute  N1","玄関[げんかん]entry hall  N5","玄米[げんまい<br>くろごめ]unpolished rice,  unmilled rice, brown rice ","玄武岩[げんぶがん] (n) basalt/whin(stone) "],"肪":["脂肪[しぼう]fat; grease;blubber  N1"],"媛":["愛媛県[えひめけん]ehime prefecture "],"邸":["邸宅[ていたく]mansion; residence  N1","私邸[してい]private residence ","邸内[ていない]grounds,  premises ","公邸[こうてい]official residence ","官邸[かんてい]official residence ","邸[てい<br>やしき] (n-suf, n) (hon) residence/mansion ","豪邸[ごうてい] (n) palatial residence/stately mansion "],"喚":["召喚[しょうかん]summon,  summons ","喚く[わめく]to shout,  to scream ","喚起[かんき]awaken,  rouse, evoke, excite "],"苗":["苗[なえ<br>びょう<br>ミャオ]rice seedling  N1","苗字[みょうじ]surname,  family name ","苗床[なえどこ]nursery,  seedbed ","苗木[なえぎ]seedling,  sapling, young tree ","早苗[さなえ] (n) rice seedling "],"渦":["渦[うず]swirl  N1","渦中[かちゅう]vortex,  maelstrom ","渦巻き[うずまき]coil ","渦巻く[うずまく] (v5k, vi) (1) to whirl/to eddy/to swirl/to curl (smoke) (2) to be all jumbled together (feelings, thoughts, etc.) (3) to surge/to sweep "],"聡":["聡明[そうめい]wisdom,  sagacity ","聡い[さとい]smart,  sensitive, discerning "],"祥":["不祥事[ふしょうじ]scandal ","発祥[はっしょう]origin ","吉祥[きちじょう<br>きっしょう] (n) lucky omen/happy/auspicious "],"呂":["風呂敷[ふろしき]wrapping cloth, cloth wrapper  N2","風呂[ふろ]bath  N3","お風呂[おふろ]bath  N5","風呂場[ふろば]bathroom ","風呂屋[ふろや]bathhouse ","呂[りょ] (n) (1) (abbr) bass range (in Japanese music) (2) six even-numbered notes of the ancient chromatic scale (3) Japanese seven-tone gagaku scale similar to Mixolydian mode (corresp. to: re,  mi, fa, so, la, ti, do) ","麻呂[まろ] (pn) (1) (arch) I/me (n) (2) (person having) thin or shaved eyebrows (suf) (3) affectionate suffix for names of young men or pets ","語呂[ごろ] (n) sound (of a sentence)/euphony "],"偏":["偏る[かたよる]to be one-sided; to incline;to be partial;to be prejudiced;to lean;to be biased  N1","偏[へん]side; left radical of a character;inclining;inclining toward;biased  N1","偏見[へんけん]prejudice; narrow view  N1","偏狭[へんきょう]narrow minded,  intolerance ","偏食[へんしょく]unbalanced diet ","偏差値[へんさち]deviation ","偏り[かたより]bias,  deviation, prejudice ","偏差[へんさ] (n) deflection/deviation/variation/declination/drift ","偏向[へんこう] (n, vs) propensity/tendency/inclination/deflection (P) ","偏光[へんこう] (n) polarized light/polarised light/polarization/polarisation "],"陥":["欠陥[けっかん]defect,  fault, deficiency  N3","陥る[おちいる]to cave in,  to collapse, to fall, to trap ","陥落[かんらく]fall,  sinking, surrender ","陥没[かんぼつ]cave in,  collapse, sinking, depression ","陥れる[おとしいれる] (v1, vt) (1) to trap (into a difficult situation)/to put (in a fix)/to throw (e.g. into turmoil)/to trick (into doing)/to lure (into a trap)/to frame (for a crime) (2) to capture (a castle, fortress, etc.)/to take/to reduce (3) to drop (something) into "],"鎖":["封鎖[ふうさ]blockade; freezing (funds)  N1","閉鎖[へいさ]closing; closure;shutdown;lockout;unsociable  N1","鎖[くさり<br>じょう]chain  N3","連鎖[れんさ]chain,  chaining, connection ","鎖国[さこく]national isolation,  exclusion of foreigners "],"賠":["賠償[ばいしょう]reparations; indemnity;compensation  N1","賠償金[ばいしょうきん]reparations,  compensation "],"恒":["恒星[こうせい]star ","恒久[こうきゅう]permanent,  perpetual ","恒例[こうれい]established practice,  custom ","恒常[こうじょう]constant,  routine "],"綾":["綾[あや] (n) (1) (uk) figure/design (2) twill weave/pattern of diagonal stripes (3) (uk) style (of writing)/figure (of speech) (4) (uk) design/plot/plan (5) (uk) minor market fluctuation/technical correction (6) (uk) (abbr) cat's cradle (7) (uk) (abbr) lease rod (in a loom) ","綾子[りんず] (n) figured satin "],"没":["沈没[ちんぼつ]sinking; foundering  N1","没収[ぼっしゅう]forfeited  N1","没落[ぼつらく]ruin; fall;collapse  N1","出没[しゅつぼつ]appearing frequently,  infesting ","埋没[まいぼつ]implantation,  burial, embedding ","戦没[せんぼつ]killed in action,  death in battle, kia ","没後[ぼつご]after death,  posthumously ","没[ぼつ]discard,  reject, death ","日没[にちぼつ]sunset ","没頭[ぼっとう]immersing oneself,  immersing yourself, immerse oneself, immerse yourself ","陥没[かんぼつ]cave in,  collapse, sinking, depression ","没する[ぼっする] (vs-s) (1) to sink/to go down/to set (2) to pass away/to die (3) to disappear/to vanish (4) to confiscate ","没年[ぼつねん] (n) (1) year of a person's death (2) one's age at death ","水没[すいぼつ] (n, vs) submerge ","病没[びょうぼつ] (n, vs) dying of illness/dying of natural causes "],"擁":["抱擁[ほうよう]embrace,  hug ","擁する[ようする]to have,  to possess ","擁立[ようりつ]backing,  support ","擁護[ようご]protection,  advocacy, support, defence "],"遭":["遭難[そうなん]disaster; shipwreck;accident  N1","遭う[あう]to meet, to encounter (undesirable nuance)  N2","遭遇[そうぐう]encounter "],"噴":["噴出[ふんしゅつ]spewing; gushing;spouting;eruption;effusion  N1","噴火[ふんか]eruption  N2","噴水[ふんすい]water fountain  N2","噴煙[ふんえん]volcanic smoke ","噴射[ふんしゃ]jet,  spray, injection, jet propulsion ","噴き出す[ふきだす]to burst out,  to spout out "],"殊":["殊に[ことに]especially; above all  N1","特殊[とくしゅ]special, unique  N2","殊勝[しゅしょう]admirable ","殊勲[しゅくん]meritorious deeds ","特殊部隊[とくしゅぶたい] (n) (mil) special forces "],"倫":["倫理[りんり]ethics,  morals ","不倫[ふりん]adultery ","倫理学[りんりがく]ethics,  moral philosophy ","倫理的[りんりてき]ethical "],"陳":["陳列[ちんれつ]exhibition; display;show  N1","陳腐[ちんぷ]cliched,  stale, hackneyed ","陳情[ちんじょう]petition,  appeal ","陳述[ちんじゅつ]statement,  declaration, allegation ","新陳代謝[しんちんたいしゃ]metabolism ","陳列室[ちんれつしつ]showroom ","陳[ちん] (n) (1) Chen (ancient Chinese state,  approx. 1045-479 BCE)/Ch'en (2) Chen dynasty (China, 557-589 BCE)/Ch'en dynasty "],"隼":["隼[はやぶさ]falcon ","隼人[はいと<br>はやと<br>はやひと] (n) people who lived in Kyushu in ancient times,  and who opposed the state of Yamato "],"乃":["乃至[ないし]; between...and;or  N1","乃[の] (prt) (arch) possessive particle "],"輔":["大輔[たいふ<br>たゆう<br>だゆう] (n) (arch) vice-minister (ritsuryo system)/deputy minister "],"猟":["狩猟[しゅりょう]hunting ","猟師[りょうし]hunter,  huntsman ","密猟[みつりょう]poaching ","猟[りょう]hunting,  game ","猟犬[りょうけん<br>かりいぬ]hunting dog,  hound "],"唆":["示唆[しさ]suggestion,  hint, implication ","唆す[そそのかす]incite "],"惰":["惰性[だせい]inertia,  habit, momentum ","怠惰[たいだ]laziness,  idleness, sloth "],"怠":["怠慢[たいまん]negligence; procrastination;carelessness  N1","怠い[だるい]sluggish; feel heavy;languid;dull  N1","怠る[おこたる]to neglect, to be off guard,to be feeling better  N2","怠ける[なまける]to be idle,  to neglect  N3","怠惰[たいだ]laziness,  idleness, sloth ","怠け者[なまけもの]lazy person ","倦怠[けんたい] (n, vs) languor/fatigue/weariness/boredom (P) "],"覇":["覇者[はしゃ]supreme ruler,  champion ","連覇[れんぱ]successive championships,  consecutive championships ","覇権[はけん]hegemony,  supremacy ","覇気[はき]ambition,  aspiration, spirit ","制覇[せいは]conquest,  domination, mastery "],"須":["必須[ひっす<br>ひっしゅ<br>ひっすう]indispensable,  required, essential ","必須条件[ひっすじょうけん]essential condition,  requisite, must ","恵比須[えびす<br>えべす<br>ゑびす] (n) Ebisu/god of fishing and commerce "],"牲":["犠牲[ぎせい<br>いけにえ]sacrifice  N1","犠牲者[ぎせいしゃ]victim "],"秩":["秩序[ちつじょ]order; regularity;system;method  N1","無秩序[むちつじょ]disorder,  chaos, confusion "],"孤":["孤児[こじ<br>みなしご]orphan  N1","孤独[こどく]isolation; loneliness;solitude  N1","孤立[こりつ]isolation; helplessness  N1","孤島[ことう]solitary island ","孤児院[こじいん]orphanage "],"芳":["芳香[ほうこう]perfume,  fragrance, aroma ","芳しい[かんばしい<br>かぐわしい]sweet,  fragrant, aromatic, good "],"貫":["貫禄[かんろく]presence; dignity  N1","貫く[つらぬく]to go through  N1","貫通[かんつう]pierce,  penetrate, perforate ","貫徹[かんてつ]persistence,  accomplishment, carry through, perseverance, realization, realisation ","突貫[とっかん]charge,  rush, lightning attack ","〜貫[かん]sushi pieces counter,  counter for pieces of sushi ","一貫[いっかん]one piece of sushi,  one sushi, consistency ","貫き通す[つらぬきとおす]to follow,  to stick with, to stick to, to go through ","貫[かん<br>ぬき] (n) (1) kan (obs. unit of weight,  approx. 3.75 kg, 8.3 lb) (2) kan (obs. unit of currency) (ctr) (3) pieces of sushi (P) ","縦貫[じゅうかん] (n, vs) running through/traversal "],"糧":["食糧[しょくりょう]provisions,  rations  N3","兵糧[ひょうろう]army provisions,  provisions ","糧[かて<br>かりて<br>りょう] (n) (1) food/provisions (2) nourishment (mental,  spiritual, etc.)/sustenance (e.g. of one's life)/source of encouragement "],"颯":["颯と[さっと]quickly,  suddenly ","颯爽と[さっそうと]dashing "],"慢":["怠慢[たいまん]negligence; procrastination;carelessness  N1","我慢[がまん]patience,  endurance, perseverance  N3","自慢[じまん]pride,  boast  N3","緩慢[かんまん]slow,  sluggish, dull ","慢性[まんせい]chronic ","傲慢[ごうまん]pride,  haughtiness, arrogance, insolence "],"膨":["膨れる[ふくれる]to get cross; to get sulky;to swell (out);to expand;to be inflated;to distend;to bulge  N1","膨脹[ぼうちょう]expansion; swelling;increase;growth  N1","膨らます[ふくらます]to swell, to expand,to inflate,to bulge  N2","膨らむ[ふくらむ]to expand, to swell (out),to get big,to become inflated  N2","膨大[ぼうだい]huge, bulky,enormous,extensive,swelling,expansion  N2","膨張[ぼうちょう]expansion,  swelling, increase, growth "],"遇":["境遇[きょうぐう]environment; circumstances  N1","待遇[たいぐう]treatment; reception  N1","優遇[ゆうぐう]preferential treatment,  favorable treatment ","処遇[しょぐう]treatment,  dealing with ","遭遇[そうぐう]encounter ","冷遇[れいぐう]cold reception,  inhospitality ","最優遇[さいゆうぐう]most favorable treatment,  warmest reception ","奇遇[きぐう] (adj-na, n,adj-no) unexpected meeting/coincidence ","不遇[ふぐう] (n, adj-na) misfortune/ill fate/bad luck/obscurity "],"諭":["教諭[きょうゆ]teacher ","諭す[さとす]to admonish,  to persuade, to warn "],"随":["随筆[ずいひつ]essays, miscellaneous writings  N2","随分[ずいぶん]extremely  N3","随所[ずいしょ]everywhere,  at every turn ","追随[ついずい]follow,  take after ","随時[ずいじ]at any time ","付随[ふずい] (n, vs) being incident to/being accompanied by/being collateral with/being attached to ","随行[ずいこう] (n, vs) attendant/follower ","随一[ずいいち<br>ずいいつ] (n) best/greatest/first (P) ","随伴[ずいはん] (n, vs) (1) attendance/accompanying/following (2) (math) adjoint "],"胡":["胡椒[こしょう]pepper  N2","胡瓜[きゅうり]cucumber ","胡座[あぐら]sitting cross legged,  sit cross legged ","胡[こ] (n) barbarian tribes surrounding ancient China ","胡麻[ごま] (n) (1) (uk) sesame seeds (2) (uk) sesame (Sesamum indicum) (P) ","胡頽子[ぐみ] (n) (uk) oleaster (any plant of genus Elaeagnus)/silverberry (US) ","胡桃[くるみ] (n) (uk) walnut (Juglans spp.,  esp. Juglans regia) (P) "],"搭":["搭乗[とうじょう]boarding,  embarkation ","搭載[とうさい]built in,  equipped with "],"錦":["錦鯉[にしきごい]colored carp,  colored koi ","錦[にしき]brocade,  fine dress, fine clothes "],"鯉":["錦鯉[にしきごい]colored carp,  colored koi ","真鯉[まごい]black carp,  black koi ","緋鯉[ひごい]red carp,  golden carp, red koi, golden koi ","鯉[こい]carp,  koi "],"胞":["細胞[さいぼう<br>さいぼう,  さいほう<br>さいほう]cell (biology)  N1","胞子[ほうし]spore ","同胞[どうほう,  どうぼう<br>どうほう<br>どうぼう<br>はらから]brethren, brothers, fellow countrymen, compatriot "],"浄":["清浄[せいじょう,  しょうじょう<br>しょうじょう<br>せいじょう]pure, clean, purity ","浄水[じょうすい]clean water ","浄土[じょうど]pure land ","浄化[じょうか]purification,  cleanup ","自浄[じじょう]self purification,  self cleansing ","不浄[ふじょう]uncleanliness,  dirtiness, impurity, filthiness, defilement ","洗浄[せんじょう]washing,  cleaning, laundering ","洗浄剤[せんじょうざい]detergent ","浄瑠璃[じょうるり] (n) joruri/type of dramatic recitation accompanied by a shamisen (associated with Japanese puppet theater) ","浄土宗[じょうどしゅう] (n) Pure Land sect (of Buddhism)/Jodo (sect) "],"帥":["統帥[とうすい]supreme command,  high command ","総帥[そうすい]commander,  leader, fuhrer ","元帥[げんすい]general of the army,  marshal, admiral "],"諒":["諒[りょう] (n) truth "],"曙":["曙[あけぼの]dawn,  daybreak, beginning "],"惨":["悲惨[ひさん]misery  N1","惨め[みじめ]miserable  N1","惨事[さんじ]disaster,  horrible accident ","惨敗[ざんぱい<br>さんぱい]crushing failure,  utterly beaten, overwhelming defeat ","惨状[さんじょう]disastrous scene,  terrible spectacle ","大惨事[だいさんじ] (n) great disaster/horrible tragedy/catastrophe/catastrophic event/catastrophic incident/dire calamity/terrible disaster/apocalypse "],"稿":["原稿[げんこう]manuscript, copy  N2","投稿[とうこう]submission,  post, contribution, submit ","草稿[そうこう]notes,  draft, manuscript ","稿料[こうりょう]advance for manuscript,  copy money ","原稿用紙[げんこうようし]manuscript paper ","稿[こう] (n, vs) manuscript/version/draft (P) ","寄稿[きこう] (n, vs) contribution (e.g. to newspaper) ","本稿[ほんこう] (n) this manuscript "],"啓":["拝啓[はいけい]Dear (so and so)  N1","啓発[けいはつ]enlightenment,  development, illumination, education, inspiration ","啓蒙[けいもう]enlightenment,  instruction ","啓示[けいじ]revelation "],"披":["披露[ひろう]announcement,  show, display, introduction, perform ","披露宴[ひろうえん]wedding reception ","御披露目[おひろめ] (ateji) (n, vs) (pol) unveiling/debut/introduction "],"繊":["化繊[かせん]synthetic fibres  N1","繊維[せんい]fibre; fiber;textile  N1","合繊[ごうせん]synthetic fiber,  synthetic fibre ","繊細[せんさい]delicate,  dainty, fine, slim, sensitive, subtle "],"徐":["徐行[じょこう]going slowly  N1","徐々[じょじょ]gradually; steadily;quietly;slowly;soon  N1","徐々に[じょじょに]slowly,  little by little, gradually, steadily, quietly  N3"],"葵":["葵[あおい]hollyhock ","山葵[わさび]wasabi,  japanese horseradish ","向日葵[ひまわり] (n) (uk) sunflower (Helianthus annuus) "],"騰":["沸騰[ふっとう]boiling; seething  N1","暴騰[ぼうとう]sudden rise,  sharp rise, boom, skyrocketing ","高騰[こうとう]sudden price jump,  steep price rise ","急騰[きゅうとう]sudden rise,  jump, sharp rise ","騰貴[とうき]rise "],"据":["据え付ける[すえつける]to install; to equip;to mount  N1","据える[すえる]to set (table); to lay (foundation);to place (gun);to apply (moxa)  N1","据え置き[すえおき]deferment ","見据える[みすえる] (v1, vt) (1) to stare fixedly at/to fix one's gaze on (2) to make sure of/to set one's eyes on (e.g. the future)/to focus on ","据え置く[すえおく] (v5k, vt) to leave as it is/to defer "],"莉":[""],"緯":["経緯[けいい<br>けいい,  いきさつ<br>いきさつ<br>たてぬき<br>たてよこ]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;details;whole story;sequence of events;particulars;how it started;how things got this way; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;c  N1","緯度[いど]latitude (nav.)  N2","緯線[いせん]parallel,  latitude lines ","北緯[ほくい]northern latitude,  north latitude ","南緯[なんい]southern latitude,  south latitude "],"虐":["虐待[ぎゃくたい]abuse,  maltreatment, mistreatment, cruelty ","虐げる[しいたげる]to oppress,  to persecute, to tyrannize ","暴虐[ぼうぎゃく]tyranny,  outrage, atrocity, cruel ","虐殺[ぎゃくさつ]atrocity,  massive killing, slaughter, massacre ","残虐[ざんぎゃく]cruelty,  brutality ","自虐[じぎゃく] (n) self-torture/masochism/inflicting damage to oneself "],"艇":["艦艇[かんてい]military vessel,  war fleet ","競艇[きょうてい]boat race ","艇[てい] (n) boat ","水雷艇[すいらいてい] (n) torpedo boat ","掃海艇[そうかいてい] (n) minesweeper "],"丹":["丹誠[たんせい]working earnestly,  sincerity, diligence, effort ","丹念[たんねん]diligent,  careful, elaborate, meticulous ","契丹[きったん<br>けいたん] (n) Khitan people/Khitai/Kitan/Kidan ","雲丹[うに] (n) (1) (uk) sea urchin (2) (food) seasoned sea urchin eggs ","牡丹[ぼたん] (n) (1) (uk) tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa)/moutan (2) wild boar (meat) "],"緋":["緋鯉[ひごい]red carp,  golden carp, red koi, golden koi ","緋[あか<br>あけ<br>ひ] (oK) (n) (1) red/crimson/scarlet (2) red-containing colour (e.g. brown,  pink, orange) (3) (col) Red (i.e. communist) (4) (abbr) red light (traffic) (5) (abbr) red ink (i.e. in finance or proof-reading) (in) the red (adj-no) (6) complete/total/perfect/obvious "],"准":["批准[ひじゅん]ratification,  ratify ","准将[じゅんしょう] (n) commodore/brigadier general ","准教授[じゅんきょうじゅ] (n) associate professor "],"舗":["舗装[ほそう]pavement; road surface  N1","本舗[ほんぽ]head office,  main shop, shop name suffix ","舗[ほ,  ぽ]shop, store ","店舗[てんぽ]shop,  store, shop counter, store counter ","老舗[しにせ,  ろうほ<br>しにせ<br>ろうほ]old shop, old store "],"壌":["平壌[へいじょう,  ぴょんやん<br>ピョンヤン<br>へいじょう]pyongyang ","土壌[どじょう]soil "],"駿":[""],"剰":["過剰[かじょう]excess, over-  N2","余剰[よじょう]redundant,  surplus, residue, balance ","剰余金[じょうよきん]surplus ","剰余[じょうよ] (n) surplus/balance/remainder "],"寛":["寛容[かんよう]forbearance; tolerance;generosity  N1","寛大[かんだい]tolerance,  liberality, leniency ","寛ぐ[くつろぐ]to relax,  to feel at home ","寛永[かんえい] (n) Kan'ei era (1624.2.30-1644.12.16) ","寛政[かんせい] (n) Kansei era (1789.1.25-1801.2.5) ","寛[かん<br>ゆた] (n, adj-na) lenient/gentle ","寛延[かんえん] (n) Kan'en era (1748.7.12-1751.10.27) "],"庶":["庶民[しょみん]masses; common people  N1","庶務[しょむ]general affairs  N1","庶民的[しょみんてき]popular,  folk, working class ","庶子[しょし] (n) illegitimate child ","庶流[しょりゅう] (n) illegitimate family lineage "],"且":["且つ[かつ]yet; and  N1","尚且つ[なおかつ]and yet,  besides "],"顕":["顕微鏡[けんびきょう]microscope  N2","顕在[けんざい]actual,  obvious, explicit, overt, apparent, evident ","露顕[ろけん]discovery,  detection, exposure ","顕彰[けんしょう]honoring ","顕著[けんちょ]remarkable,  striking, obvious ","顕[あらわ<br>けん] (adj-na) (1) exposed/scanty/bare/unconcealed/naked (2) public/open ","顕微[けんび] (adj-na, n) microscopic "],"杏":["銀杏[いちょう,  ぎんなん<br>いちょう<br>ぎんなん]ginkgo, ginkgo nut, ginkgo tree ","杏[あんず]apricot "],"栞":["栞[しおり]bookmark "],"欄":["欄[らん]column of text (e.g. as in a newspaper)  N2","空欄[くうらん]blank space ","欄干[らんかん]guardrail,  handrail, bannister ","欄外[らんがい]margin "],"冠":["冠[かんむり<br>かん,  かむり, かんむり<br>かうぶり<br>かがふり<br>かぶり<br>かむり<br>かん<br>かんぶり<br>こうぶり]crown; diadem;first;best;peerless;cap;naming;designating;initiating on coming of age;top character ra  N1","王冠[おうかん]crown,  diadem, bottle cap ","冠婚葬祭[かんこんそうさい]ceremonial occasions ","冠する[かんする] (vs-s, vt) (1) to crown/to cap (2) to prefix with/to start with/to begin with ","戴冠[たいかん] (n, vs) coronation/crowning "],"酷":["残酷[ざんこく]cruelty; harshness  N1","酷い[むごい<br>ひどい]cruel; awful;severe;very bad;serious;terrible;heavy;violent  N1","冷酷[れいこく]cruelty; coldheartedness;relentless;ruthless  N1","酷似[こくじ]resemblance,  resemble ","酷使[こくし]exploitation,  overuse, abuse ","酷評[こくひょう]severe criticism,  damnation ","酷[こく]severe,  harsh, strict, unfair ","過酷[かこく]severity,  rigor, cruelty, harsh ","酷暑[こくしょ]intense heat "],"叙":["叙述[じょじゅつ]description ","自叙伝[じじょでん]autobiography ","叙勲[じょくん]conferring of decorations,  decorate ","叙事詩[じょじし]epic poem,  descriptive poetry ","叙情[じょじょう]lyricism,  description of feelings, expression of feelings ","叙爵[じょしゃく] (n) conferring a peerage ","叙位[じょい] (n) investiture "],"逸":["逸らす[そらす]to turn away; to avert  N1","逸れる[それる<br>それる,  はぐれる]to stray (turn) from subject,to get lost,to go astray  N2","秀逸[しゅういつ]excellence ","逸話[いつわ]anecdote ","逸脱[いつだつ]deviation,  departure ","逸品[いっぴん]gem,  treasure, article of rare beauty, fine article ","散逸[さんいつ] (n, vs) (1) being scattered and ultimately lost (2) (physics) dissipation ","逸する[いっする] (vs-s) (1) to lose (a chance)/to miss (a chance) (2) to overlook/to omit/to forget (3) to deviate "],"紋":["紋[もん]family crest,  crest, coat of arms ","紋章[もんしょう]crest,  coat of arms ","指紋[しもん]fingerprint ","波紋[はもん]ripple,  repercussions ","家紋[かもん] (n) family crest "],"阿":["阿呆[あほう,  あほ<br>あほう]fool, simpleton, idiot ","阿る[おもねる] (v5r, vi) (uk) to flatter/to play up to/to fawn on/to pander to/to cater to ","阿弥陀[あみだ] (n) (1) (Buddh) Amitabha (Buddha)/Amida (2) (uk) (abbr) ghostleg lottery/ladder lottery/lottery in which participants trace a line across a lattice pattern to determine the winner (3) (uk) (abbr) wearing a hat pushed back on one's head (P) "],"愚":["愚か[おろか]foolish; stupid  N1","愚痴[ぐち]idle complaint; grumble  N1","愚[ぐ]foolish,  silly, stupid ","愚か者[おろかもの] (n) fool "],"尚":["高尚[たかなお<br>こうしょう]high; noble;refined;advanced  N1","尚[なお]furthermore; still;yet;more;still more;greater;further;less  N1","尚更[なおさら]all the more; still less  N1","和尚[おしょう<br>かしょう<br>わじょう]buddhist high priest,  high priest, buddhist priest ","時期尚早[じきしょうそう]premature ","尚且つ[なおかつ]and yet,  besides ","今尚[いまなお] (adv) still/even now "],"拐":["拐う[かどわかしう]to carry off; to run away with;to kidnap;to abduct  N1","誘拐[ゆうかい]kidnapping,  abduction ","誘拐犯[ゆうかいはん] (n) kidnapper/kidnaper/abductor "],"悠":["悠々[ゆうゆう]quiet, calm,leisurely  N2","悠長[ゆうちょう]leisurely,  slow, deliberate, easygoing ","悠久[ゆうきゅう]eternity,  perpetuity, permanence "],"勲":["殊勲[しゅくん]meritorious deeds ","勲章[くんしょう]decoration,  order, medal ","叙勲[じょくん]conferring of decorations,  decorate ","勲[いさお<br>くん] (n) distinguished service/meritorious service ","勲一等[くんいっとう] (n) order of the 1st class "],"疎":["疎か[おろか<br>おろそか]neglect; negligence;carelessness  N1","過疎[かそ]depopulation  N1","疎通[そつう]mutual understanding,  removal of blockage, drainage ","疎ら[まばら]sparse,  thin, scattered, straggling, sporadic ","空疎[くうそ]vain,  groundless, futile ","疎開[そかい]evacuation ","疎外[そがい]estrangement,  neglect, alienation ","疎遠[そえん]estrangement,  neglect ","疎[おろ<br>そ] (pref) incompletely/insufficiently/partially/somewhat ","疎い[うとい] (adj-i) (1) distant/estranged/disinterested (2) poorly informed/unfamiliar/ignorant "],"謡":["歌謡[かよう]song, ballad  N2","民謡[みんよう]folk song, popular song  N2","童謡[どうよう]nursery rhyme,  children's song ","歌謡曲[かよう きょく<br>かようきょく]popular song "],"栽":["栽培[さいばい]cultivation  N1","盆栽[ぼんさい]bonsai "],"践":["実践[じっせん]practice; put into practice  N1"],"呈":["進呈[しんてい]presentation  N1","贈呈[ぞうてい]presentation ","露呈[ろてい]exposure,  disclosure ","呈す[ていす] (v5s, vt) (1) to present/to offer/to give (2) to show/to display/to exhibit (3) to assume (e.g. a shape) ","呈する[ていする] (vs-s, vt) (1) to present/to offer (2) to show/to display/to exhibit (3) to assume (e.g. a shape) "],"疾":["疾っくに[とっくに]long ago; already;a long time ago  N1","疾患[しっかん]disease,  ailment, disorder ","疾走[しっそう]sprint,  dash ","疾病[しっぺい]illness,  disease ","疾風[しっぷう,  はやて<br>しっぷう<br>はやて]gale, strong wind, fresh breeze "],"茜":["茜[あかね] (n) (1) (uk) madder (esp. Japanese madder,  Rubia argyi) (2) madder (red color) "],"酬":["報酬[ほうしゅう]remuneration; recompense;reward;toll  N1","応酬[おうしゅう]exchange,  reciprocation ","無報酬[むほうしゅう]free of charge,  gratuitous, without pay "],"鎌":["鎌[かま]sickle,  scythe ","鎌倉[かまくら] (n) Kamakura (city) (P) "],"粛":["静粛[せいしゅく]silent ","厳粛[げんしゅく]gravity,  solemnity, severity, seriousness ","自粛[じしゅく]self control,  self discipline, self restraint ","粛清[しゅくせい] (n, vs) (political) purge (P) "],"茎":["茎[くき<br>なかご]stalk  N1","陰茎[いんきょう<br>いんけい] (ok) (n, adj-no) penis "],"痴":["愚痴[ぐち]idle complaint; grumble  N1","痴漢[ちかん]molester,  pervert ","音痴[おんち]tone deafness,  tone deaf, off key ","痴呆[ちほう]dementia ","白痴[はくち]idiocy ","方向音痴[ほうこうおんち]no sense of direction,  bad sense of direction "],"荘":["別荘[べっそう]holiday house, villa  N2","荘厳[そうごん]solemnity,  gravity ","山荘[さんそう]mountain retreat,  mountain cottage, mountain villa ","荘[しょう<br>そう<br>チャン] (n, n-suf) manor/villa ","荘園[しょうえん<br>そうえん] (n) manor/demesne "],"鯨":["捕鯨[ほげい]whaling; whale fishing  N1","鯨[くじら]whale ","鯨肉[げいにく]whale meat "],"卸":["卸す[おろす]to sell wholesale, grated (vegetables)  N2","卸売[おろしうり]wholesale ","卸値[おろしね]wholesale price ","卸[おろし]wholesale ","卸売り[おろしうり]wholesale ","卸し売り[おろしうり] (n) wholesale/wholesaling "],"累":["累計[るいけい]cumulative total,  accumulated total ","累進[るいしん]successive promotion,  gradual promotion, graduated ","累積[るいせき]accumulation ","累[るい] (n) trouble/evil influence/implication/involvement "],"伏":["起伏[きふく]undulation  N1","降伏[こうふく]capitulation; surrender;submission  N1","伏せる[ふせる]to cover,  to hide, to lay upside down, to turn over ","伏線[ふくせん]foreshadowing ","伏兵[ふくへい]ambush ","潜伏[せんぷく]conceal,  hiding, ambush ","待ち伏せ[まちぶせ]ambush ","伏する[ふくする] (vs-s, vi,vt) (1) to crouch/to stoop/to bend down/to prostrate oneself/to lie down (2) to yield/to submit/to surrender (3) to hide/to conceal oneself "],"虜":["捕虜[ほりょ]prisoner (of war)  N1","虜[とりこ]captive,  prisoner, victim to love, slave to lust "],"循":["循環[じゅんかん]circulation, rotation,cycle  N2","悪循環[あくじゅんかん]vicious circle ","循環器[じゅんかんき]circulatory organ "],"粗":["粗筋[あらすじ]outline; summary  N1","粗い[あらい]coarse, rough  N2","粗[あら<br>ほぼ]defect,  flaw, blemish, weak point  N3","粗末[そまつ]crude,  rough, plain, humble  N3","粗野[そや]rustic,  rough, rude, vulgar ","粗悪[そあく]coarse,  crude, inferior ","粗大[そだい]rough ","粗塩[あらじお,  あらしお]sea salt, coarse salt ","お粗末[おそまつ] (adj-na, n) (hum) poor/lame/ill-prepared "],"凝":["凝らす[こらす<br>こごらす]to freeze; to congeal  N1","凝る[こる<br>こごる<br>しこる]to congeal; to freeze  N1","凝固[ぎょうこ]solidify,  coagulate, freeze ","凝視[ぎょうし]stare,  gaze, fixation ","凝縮[ぎょうしゅく] (n, vs) (1) condensation (of ideas, emotions, etc.) (2) (physics) condensation (of a vapour or gas) (P) "],"栓":["栓[せん]stopper, cork,stopcock  N2","栓抜き[せんぬき]bottle opener,  corkscrew ","血栓[けっせん] (n, adj-no) thrombus/blood clot "],"瑛":[""],"旦":["旦那[だんな]master (of house); husband (informal)  N1","一旦[いったん]once, for a moment,one morning,temporarily  N2","元旦[がんたん]new year's day,  new year's morning ","旦那様[だんなさま] (n) (1) (hon) husband (2) (hon) master (of a house,  shop, etc.) "],"奉":["奉る[たてまつる<br>まつる]to offer; to present;to revere;to do respectfully  N1","奉仕[ほうし]attendance; service  N1","奉公[ほうこう]service,  apprenticeship, public duty ","信奉[しんぽう]belief,  faith ","奉納[ほうのう]dedication,  offering, presentation ","奉行[ぶぎょう]magistrate,  shogunate administrator ","奉還[ほうかん] (n, vs) restoring to the emperor "],"遼":["遼[りょう] (n) Liao (dynasty,  916-1125 CE)/Khitan Empire "],"郭":["輪郭[りんかく]outline,  border, silhouette, summary, features, appearance ","城郭[じょうかく] (n) fortress/castle/citadel/enclosure/castle walls (P) ","外郭[がいかく] (n) (1) outer wall (e.g. castle)/outer block (enclosure) (2) outline/contour (P) "],"抹":["抹消[まっしょう]erase,  delete ","一抹[いちまつ]a little,  a touch, slightly ","抹殺[まっさつ]murder,  killing, denial, erasure, obliteration, ignoring ","抹茶[まっちゃ]matcha,  powdered green tea "],"佳":["佳句[かく]beautiful passage of literature  N1","佳作[かさく]fine work,  good piece of work ","佳[か] (adj-na, n) beautiful/good/excellent "],"惜":["惜しむ[おしむ]to be frugal; to value;to regret  N1","惜しい[おしい]regrettable, disappointing,precious  N2","惜敗[せきはい]loss of a close game,  regrettable defeat ","名残惜しい[なごりおしい]be sad to leave ","惜しまない[おしまない]without sparing,  spare no ","惜しくも[おしくも] (adv) to one's regret/regrettably/to one's chagrin "],"憂":["憂鬱[ゆううつ]depression; melancholy;dejection;gloom  N1","憂慮[ゆうりょ]anxiety,  concern, fear ","憂える[うれえる]to be anxious,  to worry about, to lament, to grieve, to be distressed ","憂国[ゆうこく]patriotic concern,  patriotism ","憂い[うれい]grief,  distress, sorrow ","憂き目[うきめ]bitterness,  misery, hardship, distress "],"悼":["追悼[ついとう]mourning,  memorial ","哀悼[あいとう]condolence,  regret, sympathy, lament ","悼む[いたむ]grieve over "],"癒":["治癒[ちゆ]healing,  cure, recovery ","癒着[ゆちゃく]adhesion,  collusion ","癒える[いえる] (v1, vi) to recover/to be healed ","癒やし[いやし] (n, adj-no) healing/soothing/therapy/comfort/solace ","癒す[いやす] (v5s, vt) to heal/to cure "],"弥":["弥生[やよい<br>いやおい]yayoi period,  yayoi ","弥[いや<br>いよ<br>いよよ<br>よ] (adv) (1) (arch) more and more/increasingly (2) (arch) extremely/very ","阿弥陀[あみだ] (n) (1) (Buddh) Amitabha (Buddha)/Amida (2) (uk) (abbr) ghostleg lottery/ladder lottery/lottery in which participants trace a line across a lattice pattern to determine the winner (3) (uk) (abbr) wearing a hat pushed back on one's head (P) ","弥勒[みろく] (n) (Buddh) Maitreya (Bodhisattva)/Miroku "],"髄":["脊髄[せきずい]spinal cord ","骨髄[こつずい]bone marrow,  marrow ","神髄[しんずい]essence,  spirit, true meaning ","真髄[しんずい]essence,  pith, true meaning ","髄[ずい<br>なずき] (n) medulla/marrow/pith "],"傍":["傍ら[かたわら]beside(s); while;nearby  N1","傍受[ぼうじゅ]monitoring,  interception, tapping ","傍観[ぼうかん]look on,  sit by and watch, spectate ","傍[そば,  はた<br>かたわら<br>そば<br>はた]near, close, beside ","傍聴[ぼうちょう]attendance ","近傍[きんぼう] (n) (1) neighborhood/neighbourhood/vicinity/surrounding area (2) (math) neighborhood/neighbourhood "],"愉":["愉快[ゆかい]pleasant,  happy  N3","不愉快[ふゆかい]upset ","愉しい[たのしい] (iK) (adj-i) enjoyable/fun/pleasant/happy/delightful "],"赴":["赴く[おもむく<br>おもぶく]to go; to proceed;to repair to;to become  N1","赴任[ふにん](proceeding to) new appointment  N1"],"昌":["繁昌[はんじょう]prosperity,  flourishing, thriving ","昌平[しょうへい] (n) peace/tranquility/tranquillity "],"憾":["遺憾[いかん]regrettable,  unsatisfactory "],"朴":["素朴[そぼく]simplicity; artlessness;naivete  N1","朴[えのき<br>ほお<br>ほおがしわ] (n) (uk) Japanese hackberry (Celtis sinensis var. japonica)/Chinese nettle tree "],"該":["該当[がいとう]corresponding; answering to;coming under  N1","当該[とうがい] (adj-no) appropriate (e.g. authorities)/concerned/relevant/said/aforementioned/competent/applicable/respective "],"之":["之[これ<br>の]this ","熊之実[くまのみ]clownfish,  anemone fish "],"鎮":["鎮魂[ちんこん]repose of souls ","鎮める[しずめる]to appease,  to suppress, to calm ","鎮圧[ちんあつ]suppression,  subjugation ","重鎮[じゅうちん]leader,  authority ","鎮痛剤[ちんつうざい]painkiller,  pain reliever, sedative, tranquilizer, tranquiliser ","鎮まる[しずまる]to quiet down,  to calm down, to subside, to die down ","鎮守[ちんじゅ] (n) local Shinto deity/tutelary god (P) ","鎮静剤[ちんせいざい] (n) sedative/tranquilizer/tranquiliser ","鎮座[ちんざ] (n, vs) enshrinement ","鎮台[ちんだい] (n) garrison (in Meiji era) "],"尿":["屎尿[しにょう]excreta; raw sewage;human waste;night soil  N1","尿[にょう<br>いばり<br>しい<br>しし<br>しと<br>ばり<br>ゆばり<br>ゆまり]urine  N1","泌尿器[ひにょうき]urinary organs ","糖尿[とうにょう] (n) glycosuria/glucosuria/urine sugar ","糖尿病[とうにょうびょう] (n) diabetes/diabetes mellitus (P) "],"賓":["国賓[こくひん]state guest ","来賓[らいひん]guest,  visitor ","貴賓[きひん]noble visitor ","賓客[ひんきゃく,  ひんかく]guest of honor, privileged guest ","迎賓館[げいひんかん]reception hall,  guest house "],"那":["旦那[だんな]master (of house); husband (informal)  N1","旦那様[だんなさま] (n) (1) (hon) husband (2) (hon) master (of a house,  shop, etc.) ","刹那[せつな] (n-adv, n-t) (1) moment (san:)/instant (n) (2) (Buddh) kshana/duration of a single mental event (about 1-75 second)/shortest possible interval of time (P) ","支那[しな] (n) (sens) (uk) China "],"匠":["意匠[いしょう]design ","師匠[ししょう]master,  teacher ","巨匠[きょしょう]master,  maestro ","匠[たくみ<br>しょう]artisan,  mechanic, carpenter, workman "],"拍":["拍手[はくしゅ<br>かしわで]clapping hands,  applause  N3","〜拍[はく]beat ","脈拍[みゃくはく]pulse ","拍子[ひょうし]beat ","心拍[しんぱく] (n, adj-no) heartbeat ","拍車[はくしゃ] (n) (riding) spur (P) "],"縛":["束縛[そくばく]restraint; shackles;restriction;confinement;binding  N1","縛る[しばる]to tie, to bind  N2","縛り首[しばりくび]hanging,  death by hanging ","金縛り[かなしばり]tied down by money,  sleep paralysis, bound hand and foot, temporary paralysis ","捕縛[ほばく] (n, vs) arrest/apprehension/capture "],"飽":["飽和[ほうわ]saturation  N1","飽くまで[あくまで]to the end, to the last,stubbornly  N2","飽きる[あきる]to get tired of,  to lose interest in, to have enough  N3","飽食[ほうしょく]gluttony,  satiation, engorgement ","飽き[あき]weariness ","飽くまでも[あくまでも]to the last,  to the end "],"蝶":["蝶[ちょう]butterfly  N1","蝶々[ちょうちょう]butterfly "],"弦":["弦楽[げんがく]string music ","弦[つる,  げん<br>げん<br>つる]bowstring, string ","管弦楽[かんげんがく]orchestral music ","弦楽器[げんがっき]stringed instrument ","管弦楽団[かんげんがくだん]orchestra ","管弦[かんげん] (n) wind and string instruments/music "],"庸":["凡庸[ぼんよう]mediocre,  banality, common ","庸[ちからしろ<br>よう] (n) tax paid to avoid forced labor (ritsuryo period) "],"錯":["錯誤[さくご]mistake  N1","錯覚[さっかく]optical illusion; hallucination  N1","交錯[こうさく]mixture,  blending, complication ","倒錯[とうさく]perversion ","錯乱[さくらん]confusion,  distraction, derangement ","試行錯誤[しこうさくご]trial and error ","錯体[さくたい] (n) (chem) complex "],"轄":["管轄[かんかつ]jurisdiction,  control ","所轄[しょかつ]jurisdiction ","直轄[ちょっかつ]direct control "],"悦":["満悦[まんえつ]delight,  rapture ","悦[えつ] (n) self-satisfaction/rejoicing "],"窮":["窮屈[きゅうくつ]narrow; tight;stiff;rigid;uneasy;formal;constrained  N1","窮乏[きゅうぼう]poverty  N1","困窮[こんきゅう]poverty,  distress ","窮地[きゅうち]dilemma,  predicament ","窮状[きゅうじょう]distress,  wretched condition "],"嘉":["嘉日[かじつ]auspicious day,  lucky day ","嘉永[かえい] (n) Kaei era (1848.2.28-1854.11.27) ","嘉吉[かきつ] (n) Kakitsu era (1441.2.17-1444.2.5) "],"弊":["弊害[へいがい]evil effect,  harmful influence ","疲弊[ひへい]exhaustion,  impoverishment ","弊社[へいしゃ] (pn) (hum) our firm/our company (P) "],"遥":["遥か[はるか]far; far-away;distant;remote;far off  N1","遥かに[はるかに] (adv) far off/in the distance/long ago/far/by far/far and away "],"洪":["洪水[こうずい]flood  N1"],"紳":["紳士[しんし]gentleman  N1","紳士協定[しんしきょうてい]gentlemen's agreement "],"呉":["呉れ呉れも[くれぐれも]repeatedly; sincerely;earnestly  N1","呉れる[くれる]to give; to let one have;to do for one;to be given  N1","呉服[ごふく]draperies,  kimono fabric, cloth ","呉越同舟[ごえつどうしゅう]bitter enemies in the same boat,  classic rivals, traditional rivals ","呉[ご] (ateji) (n) go/soy beans soaked and mashed to a creamy paste (ingredient of tofu and soy milk) "],"穀":["穀物[こくもつ]grain,  cereal, corn  N3","穀類[こくるい]grains ","米穀[べいこく]rice "],"摂":["摂理[せつり]divine providence,  providence ","摂氏[せっし]centigrade,  celsius ","摂取[せっしゅ]intake,  absorption ","摂政[せっしょう<br>せっせい] (n) regency/regent ","摂津[せっつ] (n) Settsu (former province covering parts of modern Osaka and Hyogo) ","摂る[とる] (v5r, vt) (uk) to have (e.g. lunch)/to take (e.g. vitamins) (P) ","摂食[せっしょく] (n, vs) feeding/feed "],"寂":["寂しい[さびしい<br>さびしい,  さみしい<br>さみしい]lonely  N4","静寂[せいじゃく<br>しじま]silence,  still, quiet "],"宰":["主宰[しゅさい]supervision,  chairmanship ","宰相[さいしょう]prime minister ","大宰府[だざいふ] (n) dazaifu (under the ritsuryo system,  governmental office with jurisdiction over Kyushu, Iki and Tsushima) "],"陵":["丘陵[きゅうりょう]hill  N1","陵[みささぎ<br>みはか<br>りょう] (n) imperial mausoleum/Emperor's tomb (P) "],"凡":["凡ゆる[あらゆる]all; every  N1","凡そ[およそ<br>おおよそ]about; roughly;as a rule;approximately  N1","大凡[おおよそ]about, roughly,as a rule,approximately  N2","平凡[へいぼん]common, commonplace,ordinary,mediocre  N2","凡庸[ぼんよう]mediocre,  banality, common ","非凡[ひぼん]prodigy,  rare, unique, extraordinary ","凡人[ぼんじん]ordinary person,  average person, mediocre "],"尉":["尉[い]jailer; old man;rank;company officer  N1","少尉[しょうい]second lieutenant,  ensign ","中尉[ちゅうい]first lieutenant,  lieutenant ","大尉[たいい<br>だいい]captain "],"靖":["靖国神社[やすくにじんじゃ]yasukuni shrine ","靖国[せいこく<br>やすくに] (n) pacifying the nation "],"恭":["恭しい[うやうやしい]respectful,  reverent "],"縫":["裁縫[さいほう]sewing  N2","縫う[ぬう]to sew  N2","縫製[ほうせい]sewing ","縫目[ぬいめ]seam,  stitch, suture ","縫合[ほうごう] (n, vs) seam/suture/stitch ","縫い包み[ぬいぐるみ] (n) (uk) stuffed toy/plush toy/soft toy/cuddly toy "],"舶":["船舶[せんぱく]ship  N1","舶来[はくらい]imported "],"搾":["搾取[さくしゅ]exploitation ","搾る[しぼる]to squeeze,  to press, to wring ","搾乳[さくにゅう]milking,  breast pumping "],"猶":["猶予[ゆうよ]extension,  delay, postpone ","起訴猶予[きそゆうよ]suspension of indictment ","執行猶予[しっこうゆうよ]suspended sentence "],"窒":["窒息[ちっそく]suffocation  N1","窒素[ちっそ]nitrogen "],"碑":["碑[ひ<br>いしぶみ]stone monument bearing an inscription  N1","墓碑[ぼひ]gravestone,  tombstone ","石碑[せきひ]stone monument ","碑文[ひぶん]inscription,  epitaph ","記念碑[きねんひ]monument "],"智":["智[ち]wisdom ","明智[めいち] (n) sagacity/wisdom/intelligence ","智恵[ちえ] (n) (1) wisdom/wit/sagacity/sense/intelligence (2) (Buddh) prajna (insight leading to enlightenment) ","上智[じょうち] (n) supreme wisdom "],"款":["借款[しゃっかん]loan,  international loan ","定款[ていかん]articles of incorporation,  company statute, articles of the company laws ","約款[やっかん]agreement,  stipulation, article, clause "],"鼓":["太鼓[たいこ]drum, tambourine  N2","鼓膜[こまく]eardrum ","鼓[つづみ]hand drum,  tsuzumi ","鼓動[こどう]beat,  palpitate, pulse, throb ","鼓舞[こぶ]inspiration,  encouragement "],"盲":["盲点[もうてん]blind spot  N1","盲目[もうもく]blindness,  blind ","盲人[もうじん]blind person ","盲腸[もうちょう]appendix ","色盲[しきもう]color blindness ","盲[めくら<br>めしい] (n) (1) (sens) blindness/blind person (2) illiteracy/illiterate person (3) ignorance/ignoramus (P) "],"醸":["醸す[かもす]to brew,  to cause, to give rise to, to distill ","醸成[じょうせい]brew,  ferment, breed ","醸造[じょうぞう]brewing,  distillation ","醸し出す[かもしだす] (v5s, vt) to create (an atmosphere, feeling, etc.)/to produce/to engender "],"凹":["凸凹[でこぼこ]unevenness, roughness,ruggedness  N2","凹む[くぼむ<br>へこむ]to be dented, to be indented,to yield to,to give,to sink,to collapse,to cave in,to be snubbed  N2","凹凸[おうとつ]uneven,  rough, rugged ","凹[おう<br>くぼ] (pref) concave/hollow/sunken "],"弔":["弔意[ちょうい]condolence,  sympathy, mourning ","弔辞[ちょうじ]memorial address,  funeral address ","弔う[とむらう<br>とぶらう]to mourn for,  to hold a memorial service for, to condole ","慶弔[けいちょう]congratulations and condolences ","弔い[とぶらい<br>とむらい<br>ともらい] (n) funeral/burial/condolence "],"凸":["凸凹[でこぼこ]unevenness, roughness,ruggedness  N2","凸版[とっぱん]letterpress,  relief printing ","凹凸[おうとつ]uneven,  rough, rugged ","凸[でこ<br>とつ] (n) (1) (uk) brow/forehead (2) (uk) bump "],"敢":["敢えて[あえて]dare (to do); challenge (to do)  N1","勇敢[ゆうかん]bravery; heroism;gallantry  N1","敢然[かんぜん]boldly,  bravely, fearlessly ","敢闘[かんとう]fight bravely ","果敢[かかん]resolute,  determined, bold ","敢行[かんこう]decisive action,  perform, dare, carry out ","取り敢えず[とりあえず]for the time being,  first of all, at once, immediately "],"堕":["堕胎[だたい]abortion,  feticide ","堕落[だらく]corruption,  depravity, degradation "],"衡":["均衡[きんこう]equilibrium; balance  N1","平衡[へいこう]balance,  equilibrium ","不均衡[ふきんこう]imbalance,  disparity, inequality "],"伐":["伐[き]strike; attack;punish  N1","伐採[ばっさい]lumbering,  felling, deforestation ","間伐[かんばつ]tree thinning,  thinning, periodic thinning ","討伐[とうばつ] (n, vs) subjugation (using military force)/suppression/subduing ","征伐[せいばつ] (n, vs) (1) conquest/subjugation/overcoming (2) chastisement/punishment/punitive expedition "],"酵":["酵素[こうそ]enzyme ","酵母[こうぼ]yeast,  leaven ","発酵[はっこう]fermentation "],"閲":["閲覧[えつらん]inspection; reading  N1","検閲[けんえつ]censor,  inspect ","校閲[こうえつ]revision,  proofreading "],"遮":["遮る[さえぎる<br>さいぎる]to interrupt; to intercept;to obstruct  N1","遮断[しゃだん]isolation,  cut off, blockade, quarantine ","遮断機[しゃだんき]crossing gate,  railway crossing gate, circuit breaker ","遮蔽[しゃへい] (n, vs) shielding/sheltering/screening/shading/masking "],"腸":["腸[ちょう<br>ちょう,  わた, はらわた<br>はらわた<br>わた]guts; bowels;intestines  N1","大腸[だいちょう<br>おおわた]large intestine,  large bowel, colon ","胃腸[いちょう]stomach,  gastrointestine ","盲腸[もうちょう]appendix ","大腸菌[だいちょうきん]e. coli,  escherichia coli, e coli "],"瑠":["瑠璃[るり] (n) (1) lapis lazuli (2) (abbr) lapis lazuli (color) (3) (abbr) beryl (4) (abbr) mall blue passerine bird (esp. the blue-and-white flycatcher and the Siberian blue robin,  but also the red-flanked bluetail) (5) (obsc) glass (P) ","浄瑠璃[じょうるり] (n) joruri/type of dramatic recitation accompanied by a shamisen (associated with Japanese puppet theater) "],"乙":["乙[おつ<br>おと<br>きのと]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;strange;quaint;stylish;chic;spicy;queer;witty;tasty;romantic; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;2nd in rank;second sign of the  N1","甲乙[こうおつ]a and b,  first and second ","早乙女[さおとめ]rice planting girl,  saotome ","乙女[おとめ] (n) little girl/maiden/young lady/female usually between 7 and 18 years old "],"楓":["楓糖[ふうとう,  かえでとう]maple sugar ","楓[ふう,  かえで<br>かえで<br>かえるで<br>ふう]maple, maple tree "],"膜":["膜[まく]membrane; film  N1","鼓膜[こまく]eardrum ","網膜[もうまく]retina ","角膜[かくまく]cornea ","粘膜[ねんまく] (n, adj-no) mucous membrane (P) "],"紺":["紺[こん]navy blue, deep blue  N2","濃紺[のうこん]dark blue "],"蒼":["蒼[あお] (n, adj-no) (1) blue/azure (2) green (n) (3) (abbr) green light (traffic) (4) black (horse coat color) (pref) (5) immature/unripe/young "],"漬":["漬ける[つける]to soak, to pickle  N4","漬かる[つかる]be immersed ","漬物[つけもの]pickle ","〜漬け[づけ]pickled,  preserved in, marinated in ","漬け[づけ] (suf) (1) pickled (something) (2) pickled in (something)/preserved in/dipped in (3) overreliance on (e.g. medication)/excessive use of/addiction to/immersion in/intense involvement in "],"哉":["哉[かな]question mark  N1"],"峡":["海峡[かいきょう]channel  N1","峡谷[きょうこく]ravine,  gorge, canyon ","峡[かい] (n) (arch) gorge/ravine "],"賊":["海賊[かいぞく]pirate ","烏賊[いか]squid,  cuttlefish ","山賊[さんぞく]bandit,  brigand ","盗賊[とうぞく]thief,  robber ","海賊王[かいぞくおう] (n) pirate king ","賊[あだ<br>ぞく] (n) (1) foe/enemy/rival (2) resentment/enmity/grudge (3) harm/injury "],"旋":["旋風[せんぷう<br>つじかぜ<br>つむじかぜ]whirlwind,  commotion, sensation ","旋回[せんかい]revolution,  rotation, turning, circling ","旋律[せんりつ]melody,  tune ","斡旋[あっせん]mediation ","螺旋[らせん<br>ねじ]screw ","凱旋[がいせん] (n, vs) triumphal return "],"俸":["減俸[げんぽう]salary reduction,  salary cut ","年俸[ねんぽう]annual salary "],"喝":["恐喝[きょうかつ]blackmail,  extortion ","喝采[かっさい] (n, vs) acclamation/applause/ovation/cheers "],"羅":["羅列[られつ]enumeration ","羅針盤[らしんばん]compass ","網羅[もうら]covering,  encompassing, including ","網羅する[もうらする]comprehend ","羅[うすもの<br>ら] (n) lightweight fabric or clothing/silk gauze/thin silk ","遍羅[べら] (n) (uk) wrasse (any fish of family Labridae) ","曼荼羅[まんだら] (n) mandala/Buddhist visual schema of the enlightened mind ","修羅[しゅら<br>すら] (n) (1) (Buddh) (abbr) Asura/demigod/anti-god/titan/demigods that fight the Devas (gods) in Hindu mythology (2) fighting/carnage/conflict/strife (3) sledge (for conveying large rocks,  logs, etc.) (4) log slide/chute/flume "],"萌":["萌芽[ほうが]germination,  sprout ","萌え[もえ]sprouting,  budding, crush, infatuation, moe ","萌える[もえる] (v1, vi) (1) to burst into bud/to sprout (2) (col) to have a crush/to be infatuated (P) "],"槽":["浴槽[よくそう]bathtub ","水槽[すいそう]fish tank,  water tank ","槽[うけ<br>そう<br>ふね] (n) (arch) basin/tub "],"坪":["坪[つぼ]tsubo,  two mat area "],"遍":["普遍[ふへん]universality; ubiquity;omnipresence  N1","何遍[なんべん]how many times,  how often ","一遍[いっぺん]once,  one time ","遍歴[へんれき]travels,  pilgrimage, itinerancy ","一遍に[いっぺんに]at once,  at one time ","普遍的[ふへんてき]universal,  omnipresent, ubiquitous ","遍羅[べら] (n) (uk) wrasse (any fish of family Labridae) "],"胎":["胎児[たいじ]embryo,  fetus, foetus ","胎盤[たいばん]placenta,  afterbirth ","堕胎[だたい]abortion,  feticide ","受胎[じゅたい]conception,  fertilization, fertilisation ","胎内[たいない] (n) (1) interior of the womb (of a pregnant woman)/interior of the uterus (2) interior of a Buddhistic statue ","胎生[たいせい] (n) (1) viviparity (adj-no) (2) viviparous/zoogonous/live-bearing "],"陪":["陪審[ばいしん]jury,  juror ","陪審員[ばいしんいん] (n) juror/juryman "],"扶":["扶養[ふよう]support; maintenance  N1","扶助[ふじょ]aid,  help, support ","扶桑[ふそう] (n) land east of China/Japan "],"迭":["更迭[こうてつ]change,  switch, reshuffle, reorganization, reorganisation "],"鶏":["養鶏[ようけい]chicken farming,  poultry farming ","鶏肉[とりにく,  けいにく<br>けいにく<br>とりにく]chicken meat ","鶏[にわとり<br>かけ<br>くたかけ<br>とり]chicken ","鶏卵[けいらん]chicken egg,  hen egg "],"瑞":["瑞々しい[みずみずしい]fresh,  young, juicy, lively, vibrant ","瑞宝章[ずいほうしょう] (n) Orders of the Sacred Treasure "],"暁":["暁[あかつき<br>あかとき]dawn,  daybreak "],"剖":["解剖[かいぼう]dissection; autopsy  N1","解剖学[かいぼうがく]anatomy "],"凌":["凌ぐ[しのぐ]to outdo; to surpass;to endure;to keep out (rain);to stave off;to tide over;to pull through;to defy;t  N1","凌駕[りょうが] (n, vs) excelling/surpassing/outdoing "],"藩":["藩主[はんしゅ]feudal lord,  daimyo ","藩[はん]fiefdom,  domain ","藩士[はんし] (n) feudal retainer or warrior ","廃藩置県[はいはんちけん] (n) (yoji) abolition of feudal domains and establishment of prefectures (1871) "],"譜":["楽譜[がくふ]score (music)  N1","譜面[ふめん]music,  musical score, sheet music ","系譜[けいふ]genealogy,  pedigree, family history ","年譜[ねんぷ]chronological record ","棋譜[きふ]game records ","譜[ふ] (n) (1) (sheet) music (musical) note (musical) score (2) genealogy/family tree (3) (abbr) record of a game of go,  shogi, chess, etc. "],"璃":["瑠璃[るり] (n) (1) lapis lazuli (2) (abbr) lapis lazuli (color) (3) (abbr) beryl (4) (abbr) mall blue passerine bird (esp. the blue-and-white flycatcher and the Siberian blue robin,  but also the red-flanked bluetail) (5) (obsc) glass (P) ","浄瑠璃[じょうるり] (n) joruri/type of dramatic recitation accompanied by a shamisen (associated with Japanese puppet theater) "],"淑":["淑やか[しとやか]graceful,  modest, gentle, polite ","淑女[しゅくじょ]lady "],"傑":["傑[すぐる]excellence  N1","傑作[けっさく]masterpiece, best work,boner,blunder  N2","豪傑[ごうけつ]hero,  bold person, daring person, extraordinary person ","傑出[けっしゅつ] (n, vs) being outstanding/excelling/being foremost (P) "],"殻":["貝殻[かいから<br>かいがら]shell  N1","殻[から<br>かい<br>かく<br>がら]shell, husk,hull,chaff  N2","地殻[ちかく]earth's crust ","吸い殻[すいがら]cigarette butt ","甲殻類[こうかくるい] (n) crustacean "],"錠":["手錠[てじょう]handcuffs; manacles  N1","錠[じょう]lock,  padlock, tablet, pill ","錠剤[じょうざい]pill,  lozenge, tablet "],"媒":["媒体[ばいたい]media,  medium ","媒介[ばいかい]intermediary ","触媒[しょくばい]catalyst ","媒酌[ばいしゃく]matchmaking ","溶媒[ようばい] (n, adj-no) solvent "],"忌":["一周忌[いっしゅうき]first anniversary of death,  first death anniversary ","忌まわしい[いまわしい]unpleasant,  disgusting, inauspicious, ominous ","回忌[かいき]death anniversary,  anniversary of death ","禁忌[きんき]taboo ","忌[き]mourning,  mourning period ","忌避[きひ] (n, vs) (1) evasion/avoidance/shirking (2) (law) recusation (of a judge)/taking exception (to a judge)/challenge (P) "],"濁":["清濁[せいだく]good and evil; purity and impurity  N1","濁る[にごる]to become muddy, to get impure  N2","濁す[にごす]to make muddy,  to make cloudy, to speak ambiguously, to speak vaguely ","汚濁[おだく]pollution,  contamination, corruption ","濁流[だくりゅう]muddy stream "],"椎":["脊椎[せきつい]spine,  spinal column, backbone ","椎[しい] (n) (uk) any beech tree of genus Castanopsis/chinquapin/chinkapin "],"赦":["容赦[ようしゃ]pardon,  forgiveness, mercy, leniency ","恩赦[おんしゃ]amnesty,  pardon ","赦免[しゃめん]remission ","容赦なく[ようしゃなく]relentlessly,  mercilessly "],"戯":["悪戯[あくぎ<br>いたずら<br>いたづら<br>わるざれ<br>わるじゃれ]tease; prank;trick;practical joke;mischief  N1","戯曲[ぎきょく]play; drama  N1","不山戯る[ふやまおどける]to romp; to gambol;to frolic;to joke;to make fun of;to flirt  N1","戯れる[たわむれる]to toy with,  to play with, to flirt, to kid ","遊戯[ゆうぎ]game,  play, sport ","戯れ[たわむれ]joke ","戯言[ぎげん<br>ざれこと<br>ざれごと<br>たわこと<br>たわごと<br>たわぶれごと<br>たわむれごと] (n) joke/jest "],"享":["享受[きょうじゅ]reception; acceptance;enjoyment;being given  N1","享年[きょうねん] (n, n-pref) one's age at death ","貞享[じょうきょう] (n) Jokyo era (1684.2.21-1688.9.30) ","延享[えんきょう] (n) Enkyo era (1744.2.21-1748.7.12) ","永享[えいきょう] (n) Eikyo era (1429.9.5-1441.2.17) "],"嘱":["嘱託[しょくたく]part time employee,  temporary employee ","委嘱[いしょく] (n, vs) commissioning/entrusting (with)/request/appointment (to a position) (P) "],"肖":["肖像[しょうぞう]portrait "],"憤":["憤慨[ふんがい]indignation; resentment  N1","憤り[いきどおり]resentment,  outrage, anger ","憤る[いきどおる<br>むずかる] (v5r, vi) to be angry/to resent/to be enraged/to be indignant "],"朽":["朽ちる[くちる]to rot  N1","老朽[ろうきゅう]decrepit,  overage, obsolete, too old ","不朽[ふきゅう]immortal,  everlasting, eternal ","朽木[くちき] (n) (1) decayed tree/rotted tree/decayed wood/rotten wood (2) obscure,  meaningless life (metaphor) "],"奔":["奔走[ほんそう<br>ほんそ]running about,  efforts, be busy ","奔放[ほんぽう]wild,  uninhibited, extravagant, rampant ","出奔[しゅっぽん] (n, vs) flight/elopement/running away/absconding "],"帆":["帆[ほ]sail ","帆走[はんそう]sailing ","帆柱[ほばしら]mast ","帆船[はんせん,  ほぶね<br>はんせん<br>ほぶね]sailboat, sailing boat, sailing ship ","真帆[まほ] (n) spread-out sail/full sail (sailing) downwind "],"酌":["酌む[くむ]to serve sake  N2","晩酌[ばんしゃく]evening drink,  drink with dinner ","媒酌[ばいしゃく]matchmaking "],"慨":["感慨[かんがい]strong feelings; deep emotion  N1","憤慨[ふんがい]indignation; resentment  N1","感慨無量[かんがいむりょう]deep emotion,  deeply moved, filled with emotion ","感慨深い[かんがいぶかい]deeply moving,  deeply emotive "],"絹":["絹[きぬ]silk  N4","絹糸[けんし,  きぬいと]silk thread "],"窃":["窃盗[せっとう]theft,  stealing "],"硫":["硫酸[りゅうさん]sulfuric acid,  sulphuric acid ","硫黄[いおう<br>ゆおう]sulfur,  sulphur ","硫化[りゅうか] (n, vs) sulfuration/sulphuration "],"亜":["亜科[あか]suborder; subfamily  N1","東亜[とうあ]east asia,  the orient ","亜[あ] (pref) (1) sub- (2) -ous (indicating a low oxidation state)/-ite ","亜種[あしゅ] (n, n-suf) subspecies ","亜目[あもく] (n) suborder ","亜空間[あくうかん] (n) hyperspace/subspace ","亜鉛[あえん] (n) zinc (Zn) (P) ","亜門[あもん] (n) (biol) subphylum/subdivision ","亜熱帯[あねったい] (n) subtropics (P) ","白亜紀[はくあき] (n) Cretaceous Period ","亜綱[あこう] (n) (biol) subclass "],"屯":["駐屯[ちゅうとん]stationed,  occupancy "],"岬":["岬[みさき<br>さき]cape (on coast)  N2"],"鋳":["鋳造[ちゅうぞう]casting,  founding, minting ","鋳る[いる] (v1, vt) to cast/to mint/to coin (P) ","鋳物[いもの] (n) cast metal/casting (P) ","鋳鉄[ちゅうてつ] (n) cast iron "],"拙":["稚拙[ちせつ]unskillful,  childish ","拙者[せっしゃ] (pn) (hum) (arch) (male) I/me ","拙い[つたない<br>まずい] (adj-i) (1) (uk) poor-quality/shoddy/crude (2) unskillful/inexpert/maladroit/inept/foolish/clumsy (3) unlucky "],"詠":["詠む[よむ]to compose,  to recite "],"慶":["慶び[よろこび](n) (a) joy, (a) delight,rapture,pleasure,gratification,rejoicing,congratulations,felicitations  N2","慶ぶ[よろこぶ]  N2","弁慶[べんけい]strong person ","慶弔[けいちょう]congratulations and condolences ","慶事[けいじ]auspicious event,  happy event ","慶祝[けいしゅく]congratulation,  celebration ","慶応[けいおう] (n) Keio era (1865.4.7-1868.9.8) ","慶安[けいあん] (n) (1) agency for employing servants and arranging marriages (Edo period)/mediator/go-between (2) flattery/flatterer (3) Keian era (1648.2.15-1652.9.18) ","重慶[じゅうけい] (n) Chongqing (China) "],"酪":["酪農[らくのう]dairy (farm)  N1"],"篤":["危篤[きとく]critical condition,  critical illness, on the verge of death ","重篤[じゅうとく] (adj-na, n) critical (condition)/serious "],"侮":["侮辱[ぶじょく]insult; contempt;slight  N1","侮る[あなどる]to despise,  to disdain, to make light of ","侮蔑[ぶべつ]scorn,  disdain, contempt, slight "],"堪":["堪える[こたえる<br>たえる,  こたえる, こらえる<br>こらえる<br>たえる]to bear; to stand;to endure;to put up with;to support;to withstand;to resist;to brave;to be fit for;t  N1","堪らない[たまらない]intolerable; unbearable;unendurable  N1","持ち堪える[もちこたえる]hold out ","堪能[かんのう<br>たんのう] (adj-na, n) (1) proficient/skillful (n,adj-na) (2) (Buddh) patience/perseverance/fortitude ","堪る[たまる] (v5r, vi) (uk) to bear/to endure "],"禍":["戦禍[せんか]war damages,  ravages of war ","禍根[かこん]root of evil,  source of evil "],"雌":["雌[めす<br>め]female (animal)  N1","雌花[めばな]female flower ","雌雄[しゆう] (n) (1) male and female (animals)/the two sexes (2) victory and defeat/strengths and weaknesses (P) "],"睦":["親睦[しんぼく]friendship,  amity ","和睦[わぼく] (n, vs) reconciliation/peace/rapprochement "],"胆":["大胆[だいたん]bold; daring;audacious  N1","胆石[たんせき]gallstones ","胆[たん,  きも]guts, innards, courage ","魂胆[こんたん]plot,  ulterior motive, secret intention, hidden purpose ","落胆[らくたん]discouragement,  despondency, dejection, disappointment "],"擬":["模擬[もぎ]imitation,  sham, mock, simulation ","擬装[ぎそう]disguise,  camouflage ","模擬試験[もぎ しけん]mock examination ","擬人[ぎじん] (n) simulation of a person ","擬する[ぎする] (vs-s, vt) (1) to imitate/to copy/to mimic (2) to enter someone as a candidate (3) to press (e.g. a weapon against someone's back) (4) to compare/to liken "],"漆":["漆[うるし<br>しち<br>な<br>なな<br>ひち]lacquer ","漆黒[しっこく]jet black,  pitch black ","漆器[しっき]lacquerware,  lacquer ware "],"閑":["長閑[のどか]tranquil; calm;quiet  N1","閑散[かんさん]deserted,  inactive, leisure, quiet ","閑静[かんせい]quiet ","等閑[なおざり]neglect "],"憧":["憧れ[あこがれ]yearning; longing;aspiration  N1","憧れる[あこがれる]to long for, to yearn after,to admire  N2"],"卑":["卑しい[いやしい]greedy; vulgar;shabby;humble;base;mean;vile  N1","卑怯[ひきょう]cowardice, meanness,unfairness  N2","卑屈[ひくつ]subservient,  abject ","卑劣[ひれつ]mean,  foul play, cowardly, base ","鮮卑[せんぴ] (n) Xianbei (ancient nomadic tribe of northern Asia) "],"姻":["婚姻[こんいん]marriage,  matrimony "],"曹":["法曹[ほうそう]lawyer,  legal profession ","軍曹[ぐんそう] (n) sergeant ","曹洞宗[そうとうしゅう] (n) Soto school (of Zen Buddhism) ","曹長[そうちょう] (n) master sergeant/sergeant major (JSDF) "],"吟":["吟味[ぎんみ]testing; scrutiny;careful investigation  N1"],"礁":["岩礁[がんしょう]reef,  sunken rocks, shore reef, rock reef ","環礁[かんしょう]atoll,  circular coral reef ","暗礁[あんしょう]reef,  sunken reef ","さんご礁[さんごしょう] (n) coral reef ","サンゴ礁[サンゴしょう] (n) coral reef ","座礁[ざしょう] (n, vs) running aground/being stranded/grounding/beaching ","珊瑚礁[さんごしょう] (n) coral reef "],"峠":["峠[とうげ]ridge, (mountain) pass,difficult part  N2"],"沙":["ご無沙汰[ごぶさた]not writing or contacting for a while  N1","御無沙汰[ごぶさた]not writing or contacting for a while  N2","無沙汰[ぶさた]neglecting to stay in contact  N2","沙子[いさご<br>すなご] (n) sand/grit ","沙[いさご<br>さ<br>しゃ<br>すな] (n) sand/grit ","沙汰[さた] (n, vs) (1) affair/state/incident/issue/matter (2) verdict/sentence (3) directions/orders/command/instructions (4) notice/information/communication/news/message/tidings/update "],"汰":["ご無沙汰[ごぶさた]not writing or contacting for a while  N1","御無沙汰[ごぶさた]not writing or contacting for a while  N2","無沙汰[ぶさた]neglecting to stay in contact  N2","沙汰[さた] (n, vs) (1) affair/state/incident/issue/matter (2) verdict/sentence (3) directions/orders/command/instructions (4) notice/information/communication/news/message/tidings/update ","淘汰[とうた] (n, vs) (1) weeding out/elimination (e.g. of unneeded employees)/culling/selection (2) selection (e.g. natural selection) "],"紡":["紡績[ぼうせき]spinning  N1","紡ぐ[つむぐ]to spin,  to make yarn ","紡織[ぼうしょく]spinning and weaving,  weaving and spinning "],"遷":["変遷[へんせん]change; transition;vicissitudes  N1","左遷[させん]demotion,  degradation, demolish ","遷都[せんと]move the capital,  transfer the capital, relocation of the capital ","遷移[せんい] (n, vs) transition ","遷座[せんざ] (n, vs) relocation of a shrine/transfer of an object of worship "],"叔":["叔父さん[おじさん]middle-aged gentleman, uncle  N2","叔母さん[おばさん](1) aunt, (2) middle-aged lady  N2","伯父/叔父[おじ/おじ]grandfather, male senior citizen  N5","伯母さん/叔母さん[おばさん/おばさん]aunt  N5","叔母[おば<br>しゅくぼ]aunt ","叔父[おじ<br>おとおじ<br>しゅくふ]uncle ","叔母ちゃん[おばちゃん] (n) auntie/older woman ","叔父ちゃん[おじちゃん] (n) (uk) (fam) middle-aged man/uncle "],"甚":["甚だ[はなはだ]very; greatly;exceedingly  N1","甚だしい[はなはだしい]extreme, excessive,terrible  N2","甚大[じんだい]immense,  tremendous, enormous "],"浪":["浪費[ろうひ]waste; extravagance  N1","流浪[るろう]vagrancy,  wandering, nomadism ","放浪[ほうろう]wandering,  roaming ","浪人[ろうにん]ronin,  masterless samurai ","浮浪者[ふろうしゃ<br>ふろう しゃ]vagrant,  bum ","浪[なみ<br>ろう] (n) (1) wave (2) (id) ups and downs ","津浪[つなみ] (n) tsunami/tidal wave ","浪士[ろうし] (n) ronin/lordless samurai ","浪速[なにわ] (n) Naniwa (former name for Osaka region) ","浪曲[ろうきょく] (n) recitation of stories accompanied by samisen (called naniwabushi) "],"梓":["梓[あずさ<br>し] (n) (1) (uk) Japanese cherry birch (Betula grossa) (2) yellow catalpa (Catalpa ovata) (3) Japanese mallotus (Mallotus japonicus) (4) printing block (5) (abbr) catalpa bow (6) (abbr) catalpa medium "],"崇":["崇拝[すうはい]worship; adoration;admiration;cult  N1","崇高[すうこう]loftiness,  sublimity, nobility ","崇める[あがめる] (v1, vt) to revere/to respect/to worship "],"煩":["煩わしい[わずらわしい]troublesome; annoying;complicated  N1","煩い[わずらい<br>うるさい]noisy, annoying  N5","煩雑[はんざつ]complex,  intricate, complicated ","煩忙[はんぼう]busy ","煩う[わずらう]worry about "],"蛮":["南蛮[なんばん]southern barbarians,  nanban, south sea countries ","野蛮[やばん]savage,  uncivilized, uncivilised ","蛮行[ばんこう]barbarism,  brutality "],"廉":["廉価[れんか]low price,  cheap ","廉[かど<br>れん] (n) (uk) charge/grounds/suspicion "],"劾":["弾劾[だんがい]impeachment,  accusation, censure, denunciation "],"某":["某[ぼう<br>それがし<br>なにがし]certain,  one "],"矯":["矯正[きょうせい]correction,  remedy "],"囚":["死刑囚[しけいしゅう]condemned criminal,  death row convict ","囚人[しゅうじん<br>めしうど<br>めしゅうど]prisoner,  convict ","囚われる[とらわれる] (v1, vi) (1) to be caught/to be captured/to be taken prisoner/to be arrested/to be apprehended (2) (uk) to be seized with (fear, etc.)/to be a slave to/to stick to/to adhere to/to be swayed by "],"痢":["下痢[げり]diarrhoea  N1","赤痢[せきり]dysentery "],"逝":["逝去[せいきょ]death ","逝く[いく<br>ゆく] (v5k-s, vi) (1) to go/to move (in a direction or towards a specific location)/to head (towards)/to be transported (towards)/to reach (2) to proceed/to take place (3) to pass through/to come and go (4) to walk (5) to die/to pass away (6) to do (in a specific way) (7) to stream/to flow (aux-v) (8) to continue (v5k-s,vi) (9) (uk) to have an orgasm/to come/to cum (10) (uk) (sl) to trip/to get high/to have a drug-induced hallucination ","急逝[きゅうせい] (n, vs) sudden death (P) "],"漸":["漸く[ようやく]gradually, finally,hardly  N2"],"升":["升[ます<br>しょう]grid,  box, measuring container, measure ","升目[ますめ]square,  box, measure "],"婿":["婿[むこ]son-in-law  N1","花婿[はなむこ]bridegroom,  groom ","娘婿[むすめむこ]son in law "],"匿":["匿名[とくめい]anonymity,  pseudonym ","隠匿[いんとく]hide,  concealment, conceal ","秘匿[ひとく] (n, vs) hiding/concealment "],"謹":["謹賀新年[きんがしんねん]happy new year,  happy new year! ","謹慎[きんしん]penitence "],"藍":["藍褸[あいる]rag; scrap;tattered clothes;fault (esp. in a pretense);defect;run-down or junky  N1","藍[あい]indigo ","伽藍[がらん] (n) (1) (Buddh) (abbr) temple (esp. large one)/monastery (n-suf) (2) (Buddh) temple building "],"桟":["桟橋[さんばし<br>さんきょう]wharf; bridge;jetty;pier  N1"],"殉":["殉職[じゅんしょく]die at one's post,  die on duty, die at your post ","殉教[じゅんきょう] (n, vs) martyrdom "],"坑":["坑道[こうどう]tunnel,  mine, shaft ","炭坑[たんこう] (n) coal mine/coal pit ","坑[こう] (n, n-suf) pit (esp. of a mine) "],"罷":["罷免[ひめん]dismissal,  discharge "],"妄":["妄想[もうそう<br>ぼうそう]delusion,  fantasy "],"藻":["藻掻く[もかく]to struggle; to wriggle;to be impatient  N1","海藻[かいそう]seaweed ","藻[も]seaweed,  duckweed, algae ","藻類[そうるい] (n, adj-no) seaweed/algae (P) "],"泌":["泌み泌み[しみしみ]keenly; deeply;heartily  N1","泌尿器[ひにょうき]urinary organs ","分泌[ぶんぴつ,  ぶんぴ<br>ぶんぴつ<br>ぶんぴ]secretion, discharge "],"唄":["長唄[ながうた]long shamisen song,  epic shamisen song, nagauta ","唄[うた]song,  shamisen song ","唄う[うたう]to sing,  to recite, to chant "],"畔":["湖畔[こはん]lake shore ","河畔[かはん] (n) riverside (P) "],"倹":["倹約[けんやく]thrift; economy;frugality  N1"],"拷":["拷問[ごうもん]torture,  the rack, third degree "],"醜":["醜い[みにくい]ugly  N2","醜態[しゅうたい]shameful sight,  disgraceful behavior, disgraceful behaviour ","醜悪[しゅうあく]ugliness,  meanness, offensiveness ","醜聞[しゅうぶん]scandal "],"渓":["渓谷[けいこく]valley,  ravine, canyon ","渓流[けいりゅう]mountain stream ","渓[たに] (n) valley "],"湧":["湧く[わく]to boil, to grow hot,to get excited,to gush forth  N2","湧水[ゆうすい,  わきみず]spring water, spring ","湧き水[わきみず] (n) spring water ","湧出[ゆうしゅつ<br>ようしゅつ] (n, vs) gushing out/welling up/springing up "],"寡":["寡婦[かふ<br>やもめ]widow ","寡黙[かもく]silent,  shy ","多寡[たか] (n) degree (of something)/greatness or smallness (of something)/quantity/number/amount/size (P) "],"慕":["慕う[したう]to yearn for; to miss;to adore;to love dearly  N1","思慕[しぼ]yearning,  deep affection "],"々":["一々[いちいち]one by one; separately  N1","厭々[あきあき]unwillingly; grudgingly;shaking head in refusal (to children)  N1","愈々[いよいよ]more and more; all the more;increasingly;at last;beyond doubt  N1","苛々[いらいら]getting nervous; irritation  N1","色々[いろいろ]various  N1","云々[うんぬん]and so on; and so forth;comment  N1","近々[ちかぢか<br>ちかじか,  ちかぢか<br>きんきん]nearness; before long  N1","種々[しゅじゅ<br>くさぐさ]variety  N1","煌々と[こうこうと]brilliantly; brightly  N1","個々[ここ]individual; one by one  N1","粉々[こなごな]in very small pieces  N1","明々後日[しあさって]two days after tomorrow  N1","所々[ところどころ<br>しょしょ]here and there; some parts (of something)  N1","清々しい[すがすがしい]fresh; refreshing  N1","図々しい[ずうずうしい]impudent; shameless  N1","各々[それぞれ<br>おのおの]each; every;either;respectively;severally  N1","徐々[じょじょ]gradually; steadily;quietly;slowly;soon  N1","度々[たびたび]often; repeatedly;frequently  N1","段々[だんだん]gradually; by degrees  N1","丁々[ちょうちょう]clashing of swords; felling of trees;ringing of an ax  N1","堂々[どうどう]magnificent; grand;impressive  N1","何々[なになに]which (emphatic)  N1","長々[ながなが]long; drawn-out;very long  N1","華々しい[はなばなしい]brilliant; magnificent;spectacular  N1","日々[ひび<br>にちにち]every day; daily;day after day  N1","益々[ますます]increasingly; more and more  N1","区々[まちまち]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;several;various;divergent;conflicting;different;diverse; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;trivial  N1","間々[まま]occasionally; frequently  N1","丸々[まるまる]completely  N1","態々[わざわざ]expressly; specially;doing something especially rather than incidentally  N1","順々[じゅんじゅん]in order, in turn  N2","先々月[せんせんげつ]month before last  N2","先々週[せんせんしゅう]  N2","騒々しい[そうぞうしい]noisy, boisterous  N2","続々[ぞくぞく]successively, one after another  N2","着々[ちゃくちゃく]steadily  N2","点々[てんてん]here and there, little by little  N2","転々[てんてん] (adv, adv-to,n,vs) (1) moving from place to place/being passed around repeatedly (2) rolling about (P)  N2","広々[ひろびろ]extensive, spacious  N2","別々[べつべつ]separately, individually  N2","銘々[めいめい]each, individual  N2","元々[もともと]originally, by nature,from the start  N2","悠々[ゆうゆう]quiet, calm,leisurely  N2","若々しい[わかわかしい]youthful, young  N2","方々[かたがた<br>ほうぼう]persons,  this and that, here and there, everywhere  N3","様々[さまざま<br>さまさま]varied,  various  N3","少々[しょうしょう]a little bit;  a few seconds  N3","徐々に[じょじょに]slowly,  little by little, gradually, steadily, quietly  N3","精々[せいぜい]at the most,  at best, to the utmost, as much (far) as possible  N3","偶々[たまたま]casually,  unexpectedly, accidentally, by chance  N3","次々[つぎつぎ]in succession,  one by one  N3","我々[われわれ]we  N3","中々[なかなか]considerably  N4","時々[ときどき]sometimes  N5","人々[ひとびと<br>にんにん]people ","口々に[くちぐちに]variously ","早々[そうそう<br>はやはや<br>はやばや]As Soon As,  just after, immediately after ","年々[ねんねん<br>としどし]year by year ","早々と[はやばやと]early ","国々[くにぐに]nations ","次々に[つぎつぎに]one after another ","弱々しい[よわよわしい]Weak Looking,  frail, weak seeming, seemingly weak ","共々[ともども]in common ","堂々と[どうどうと]grandly ","順々に[じゅんじゅんに]by turns ","静々[しずしず]Quietly,  calmly ","散々[さんざん]severely ","諸々[もろもろ]Various,  all kinds of ","荒々しい[あらあらしい]rough ","謎々[なぞなぞ]Riddle,  puzzle, enigma ","仰々しい[ぎょうぎょうしい]Pompous,  exaggerated ","隅々[すみずみ]nooks,  corners ","凛々しい[りりしい]gallant,  manly, distinguished, noble ","瑞々しい[みずみずしい]fresh,  young, juicy, lively, vibrant ","蝶々[ちょうちょう]butterfly ","々[のま] (n) kanji iteration mark ","等々[とうとう] (suf) etc./et cetera/and so on (P) ","数々[かずかず<br>しばしば] (n-adv, adj-no) many/numerous/various/large number of (P) ","久々[ひさびさ] (adj-na, adj-no,adv,n) (in a) long time/long time (ago)/while (ago)/long ago/long while (ago) (in a) long while (P) ","代々[だいだい<br>よよ] (n-adv, n-t) for generations/hereditary/generation after generation (P) ","多々[たた<br>ふさふさ] (adv) very much/very many/more and more ","神々[かみがみ] (n) gods ","島々[しまじま] (n) islands (P) ","自信満々[じしんまんまん] (adj-na, adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) (yoji) full of confidence/brimming with (self-)confidence/having great faith in oneself ","淡々[たんたん] (adj-t, adv-to) (1) uninterested/unconcerned/indifferent/dispassionate/matter-of-fact/detached (2) plain/light/simple/bland (3) flowing gently (P) ","山々[やまやま] (n) (1) (many) mountains (adv) (2) (uk) very much (esp. wanting to do something one cannot)/greatly/really (P) ","個々人[ここじん] (n) an individual/individual people (P) ","正々堂々[せいせいどうどう] (adj-no, adj-t,adv-to) (yoji) fair and square/open and aboveboard ","上々[じょうじょう] (adj-no, adj-na,n) the very best/excellent/superb (P) ","大々的[だいだいてき] (adj-na) great/grand/extensive/large-scale (P) ","別々に[べつべつに] (adv) separately/apart/severally/individually ","木々[きぎ] (n) (many) trees/every tree/all kinds of trees (P) ","常々[つねづね] (adv, n) always/usually ","前々[ぜんぜん<br>まえまえ] (pref) (one) before last/two before/two in front (e.g. rows) ","先々[さきざき] (n-adv, n-t) (1) distant future/inevitable future (2) places one goes to (P) ","面々[めんめん] (n) every person/each one/everybody (P) ","生々しい[なまなましい] (adj-i) lively/green/fresh/raw/vivid/graphic (P) ","往々[おうおう] (adv) sometimes/often ","後々[あとあと<br>のちのち] (n-adv, n-t) distant future ","花々しい[はなばなしい] (adj-i) brilliant/splendid/glorious/magnificent/spectacular ","高々[たかだか] (adv-to) (1) very high/high up/aloft (adv) (2) at most/at best/no more than ","楽々[らくらく] (adv, adv-to) comfortably/easily "],"分":["一部分[いちぶぶん]a part  N1","処分[しょぶん]disposal; dealing;punishment  N1","十分[じゅうぶん<br>じっぷん<br>じゅっぷん]10 minutes  N1","手分け[てわけ]division of labour  N1","取り分[とりぶん]especially; above all  N1","配分[はいぶん]distribution; allotment  N1","引き分け[ひきわけ]a draw (in competition); tie game  N1","分[ぶん<br>ぶん,  ふん<br>ぶ<br>ふん]minute  N1","分業[ぶんぎょう]division of labor; specialization;assembly-line production  N1","分散[ぶんさん]dispersion; decentralization;variance (statistics)  N1","分子[ぶんし]numerator; molecule  N1","分担[ぶんたん]apportionment; sharing  N1","分配[ぶんぱい]division; sharing  N1","分母[ぶんぼ]denominator  N1","分離[ぶんり]separation; detachment;segregation;isolation  N1","分裂[ぶんれつ]split; division;break up  N1","申し分[もうしぶん]objection; shortcomings  N1","幾分[いくぶん]somewhat  N2","区分[くぶん]division, section,classification  N2","水分[すいぶん]moisture  N2","成分[せいぶん]ingredient, component,composition  N2","大分[おおいた<br>だいぶ<br>だいぶん]considerably, greatly,a lot  N2","等分[とうぶん]division into equal parts  N2","何分[なんふん<br>なにぶん]what minute?, how many minutes?  N2","引分け[ひきわけ]a draw (in competition), tie game  N2","分解[ぶんかい]analysis, disassembly  N2","分数[ぶんすう]fraction (in math)  N2","分布[ぶんぷ]distribution  N2","分量[ぶんりょう]amount, quantity  N2","分類[ぶんるい]classification  N2","身分[みぶん]social position, social status  N2","養分[ようぶん]nourishment, nutrient  N2","分る[わかる]to be understood  N2","分かれる[わかれる]to branch off, to diverge from,to fork,to split,to dispense,to scatter,to divide into  N2","随分[ずいぶん]extremely  N3","大部分[だいぶぶん]most part,  greater part, majority  N3","多分[たぶん]probably  N3","部分[ぶぶん]portion,  section, part  N3","分析[ぶんせき]analysis  N3","分野[ぶんや]field,  sphere, realm, division, branch  N3","余分[よぶん]extra,  excess, surplus  N3","分ける[わける]to divide,  to separate  N3","気分[きぶん]mood  N4","自分[じぶん]oneself  N5","半分[はんぶん<br>はんぷん]half minute  N5","分かる[わかる]to be understood  N5","五分[ごぶ]fifty percent ","分立[ぶんりつ]separation ","見分ける[みわける]To Distinguish,  to tell apart, to differentiate ","不十分[ふじゅうぶん]insufficient ","見分け[みわけ]distinction ","当分[とうぶん]for some time ","分からず屋[わからずや]obstinate person ","分別[ぶんべつ<br>ふんべつ]classification ","選り分ける[よりわける]classify ","春分[しゅんぶん]vernal equinox ","秋分[しゅうぶん]autumnal equinox ","取り分け[とりわけ]above all ","思う存分[おもうぞんぶん]to one's heart's content ","塩分[えんぶん]salinity ","可分[かぶん]Divisible,  separable ","不可分[ふかぶん]Indivisible ","分割[ぶんかつ<br>ぶわり]division ","分岐[ぶんき]divergence ","核分裂[かくぶんれつ]Nuclear Fission,  karyokinesis ","分泌[ぶんぴつ,  ぶんぴ<br>ぶんぴつ<br>ぶんぴ]secretion, discharge ","充分[じゅうぶん] (adj-na) (1) enough/sufficient/plenty/adequate/satisfactory (adv) (2) sufficiently/fully/thoroughly/well/perfectly (P) ","分の[ぶんの] (exp, suf) -th (e.g. one fifth) ","親分[おやぶん] (n) (sens) boss/kingpin/chief/head (e.g. of a crime syndicate) (P) ","自分自身[じぶんじしん] (pn) oneself/myself (P) ","分間[ふんかん] (ctr) minutes (period of) (P) ","分かり[わかり] (n) understanding/comprehension (P) ","分の1[ぶんのいち] (exp, suf) one Nth part (e.g. one fifth, one tenth)/one out of N ","分かつ[わかつ] (v5t, vt) (1) to divide/to separate (2) to share/to distribute (3) to distinguish (P) ","引き分ける[ひきわける] (v1, vt) (1) to pull apart/to separate (2) to draw/to tie (a game) ","積分[せきぶん] (n, vs) (1) (math) integration (n) (2) (math) integral ","子分[こぶん] (n) (1) henchman/follower (2) (arch) adopted child ","分だけ[ぶんだけ] (suf) in proportion to/just as much as ","分家[ぶんけ] (n, vs) branch family/cadet family/establishing a branch family ","分校[ぶんこう] (n) branch school (P) ","分かち[わかち] (n) distinction/differentiation/discrimination (P) ","自分の力[じぶんのちから] (exp, n) one's own strength or effort (by) oneself ","分け[わけ] (n, n-suf) (1) sharing/division (2) draw/tie (P) ","言い分[いいぶん] (n) (1) one's say/one's point (2) complaint/grievance/objection/excuse (P) ","身分証[みぶんしょう] (n) (abbr) identification papers/ID ","気分転換[きぶんてんかん] (n) (yoji) change of pace/change of mood (mental) break (e.g. going for a walk)/refreshment (P) ","国分寺[こくぶんじ] (n) state-supported provincial temple (Nara period) (P) ","分断[ぶんだん] (n, vs) dividing into parts ","存分に[ぞんぶんに] (adv) freely/to one's heart's content ","分化[ぶんか] (n, vs) specialization/specialisation/differentiation (P) ","微分[びぶん] (n, vs) (1) (math) differentiation (n) (2) (math) differential/derivative ","自分のために[じぶんのために] (exp, adv) for oneself/for one's own sake/on one's own account ","使い分ける[つかいわける] (v1, vt) to use properly/to use (different things) for different purposes ","自分勝手[じぶんかって<br>じぶんがって] (n, adj-na) (yoji) selfishness/egotism/egoism (being) self-centered/without consulting (doing) as one pleases/one's own free will ","分社[ぶんしゃ] (n, vs) (1) branch shrine (2) corporate spin-off/split-off business ","分科[ぶんか] (n) department/section/branch/course/school (e.g. of learning) ","分隊[ぶんたい] (n) squad/team ","分厚い[ぶあつい] (adj-i) bulky/massive/thick/heavy ","分権[ぶんけん] (n) decentralization of authority/decentralisation of authority (P) ","分譲[ぶんじょう] (n, vs) selling (real-estate) lots (P) ","分け前[わけまえ] (n) share/portion/quota/cut (P) ","得意分野[とくいぶんや] (n) (yoji) one's field of expertise/one's strong area ","細分[さいぶん] (n, vs) subdivision (into small parts) (P) ","毎分[まいふん] (n-t) every minute/per minute ","存分[ぞんぶん] (adj-na, adv,n) to one's heart's content/as much as one wants (P) ","その分[そのぶん] (exp) (1) to that extent (2) accordingly/that being the case/because of that/this means that .../respectively/conversely (3) that state/that condition ","振り分ける[ふりわける] (v1, vt) (1) to divide in two/to divide in half (2) to apportion/to divide among/to portion out/to allot/to assign ","仮処分[かりしょぶん] (n) (law) provisional disposition/temporary injunction (P) ","分身[ぶんしん<br>ぶんじん] (n) (1) other self/alter ego/part of oneself (in someone or something else)/representation of oneself (2) (Buddh) incarnations of Buddha (P) ","草分け[くさわけ] (n) (1) pathfinder/trailblazer/early settler (2) pioneer/founder/originator/groundbreaker (P) ","分派[ぶんぱ] (n, vs) faction/branch/sect/denomination/branching off ","分室[ぶんしつ] (n) detached office/annex (P) ","分与[ぶんよ] (n, vs) distribution/allocation/dispensation/impartation ","取り分ける[とりわける] (v1, vt) to distribute/to apportion/to divide ","分流[ぶんりゅう] (n, vs) distributary/tributary/branched flow (river, current, etc.) ","分遣隊[ぶんけんたい] (n) detachment ","仕分ける[しわける] (v1, vt) to assort/to classify/to journalize (in accounting)/to journalise ","名分[めいぶん] (n) (1) moral duty/moral obligations (2) justification/pretext/just cause ","分館[ぶんかん] (n) annex "],"里":["郷里[ごうり<br>きょうり]birth-place; home town  N1","里心[さとごころ]Homesick,  homesickness ","里[さと<br>り]Home Village,  village, one's parents' home, home town, hometown ","山里[やまざと] (n) mountain hamlet/mountain village ","古里[ふるさと] (n) (1) (uk) home town/birthplace/native place/one's old home (2) (arch) ruins/historic remains (P) ","千里[せんり] (n-adv, n-t) 1000 ri (a) long distance (P) ","里親[さとおや] (n, adj-no) foster parent/foster parents (P) ","海里[かいり] (n) nautical mile ","里子[さとご] (n) foster child (P) ","万里[ばんり] (n) thousands of miles (P) "],"身":["受身[うけみ]passive; passive voice  N1","身体[しんたい<br>からだ<br>しんだい<br>しんてい]the body  N1","生身[いきみ]living flesh; flesh and blood;the quick  N1","身近[みぢか]near oneself; close to one;familiar  N1","身なり[みなり]personal appearance  N1","身振り[みぶり]gesture  N1","刺身[さしみ]sliced raw fish  N2","心身[しんしん<br>しんじん]mind and body  N2","全身[ぜんしん]the whole body, full-length (portrait)  N2","中身[なかみ<br>あてみ]contents, interior,substance,filling,(sword) blade  N2","身分[みぶん]social position, social status  N2","自身[じしん]by oneself,  personally  N3","出身[しゅっしん]coming from  N3","身長[しんちょう]height (of body),  stature  N3","独身[どくしん]bachelorhood,  single, unmarried, celibate  N3","身[み<br>むくろ]body,  main part, oneself, sword  N3","上半身[じょうはんしん]upper part of the body ","下半身[かはんしん<br>しもはんしん]lower half of one's body ","半身[はんしん<br>はんみ]half the body ","身の上[みのうえ]one's career ","身の回り[みのまわり]everyday affair ","身元[みもと]one's birth ","身内[みうち]relations ","身投げ[みなげ]suicide by drowning or jumping ","受け身[うけみ]being passive ","身軽[みがる]agile ","変身[へんしん]transformation ","私自身[わたしじしん<br>わたくしじしん]Personally,  as for me, myself ","身寄り[みより]relation ","終身刑[しゅうしんけい]Life Sentence ","身柄[みがら]one's person ","脂身[あぶらみ]fat meat,  fatty meat ","自分自身[じぶんじしん] (pn) oneself/myself (P) ","身勝手[みがって] (adj-na, n) selfish/self-centred/egotistical ","転身[てんしん] (n, vs) (job) turnover (P) ","砲身[ほうしん] (n) gun barrel ","前身[ぜんしん] (n) antecedents/ancestor/previous position/previous existence/predecessor organization/predecessor organisation (P) ","不死身[ふじみ] (adj-na, n) invulnerability/immortality/insensibility to pain (P) ","身分証[みぶんしょう] (n) (abbr) identification papers/ID ","身代金[みのしろきん] (n) ransom ","単身[たんしん] (n-adv, n-t) alone/unaided/away from home (P) ","身代わり[みがわり] (n) substitute (for)/sacrifice (of,  to)/scapegoat (for) (P) ","銃身[じゅうしん] (n) gun barrel ","終身[しゅうしん] (n, adj-no) the whole life (P) ","長身[ちょうしん] (n, adj-no) tall figure/high stature (P) ","自由の身[じゆうのみ] (exp, n) freedom/free man/free woman ","彼自身[かれじしん] (pn) himself/he himself ","後身[こうしん] (n) (1) successor (e.g. organization) (2) new existence after rebirth ","献身[けんしん] (n, vs) dedication/devotion ","人身[じんしん<br>ひとみ] (n) the human body/one's person ","分身[ぶんしん<br>ぶんじん] (n) (1) other self/alter ego/part of oneself (in someone or something else)/representation of oneself (2) (Buddh) incarnations of Buddha (P) ","化身[けしん] (n, vs,adj-no) (Buddh) incarnation/impersonation/personification/avatar ","身の代金[みのしろきん] (n) ransom ","細身[ほそみ] (n, adj-no) narrow/thin (sized)/slender ","赤身[あかみ] (n, adj-no) (1) red flesh (of a fish)/red-fleshed fish (e.g. tuna)/lean meat (2) heartwood "],"的":["静的[せいてき]static  N1","先天的[せんてんてき]a priori; inborn;innate;inherent;congenital;hereditary  N1","知的[ちてき]intellectual  N1","的[まと<br>てき]-like; typical  N1","動的[どうてき]dynamic; kinetic  N1","消極的[しょうきょくてき]passive  N2","的確[てきかく<br>てっかく]precise, accurate  N2","比較的[ひかくてき]comparatively, relatively  N2","積極的[せっきょくてき]positive,  active, proactive  N3","目的[もくてき]purpose,  goal, aim, objective, intention  N3","〜的[てき]Al,  like, typical ","日本的[にほんてき]Very Japanese,  typically japanese ","人道的[じんどうてき]humane ","具体的[ぐたいてき]concrete ","内向的[ないこうてき]introverted ","受動的[じゅどうてき]passive ","合理的[ごうりてき]rational ","女性的[じょせいてき]feminine ","実用的[じつようてき]practical ","後天的[こうてんてき]acquired ","必然的[ひつぜんてき]inevitable ","性的[せいてき]sexual ","打算的[ださんてき]calculating ","文化的[ぶんかてき]cultural ","末期的[まっきてき]decadent ","本格的[ほんかくてき]authentic ","楽天的[らくてんてき]optimistic ","男性的[だんせいてき]masculine ","画期的[かっきてき]epoch-making ","的中[てきちゅう]hitting of the mark ","目的地[もくてきち]destination ","相対的[そうたいてき]relative ","社交的[しゃこうてき]friendly ","能動的[のうどうてき]active ","自主的[じしゅてき]voluntary ","自発的[じはつてき]spontaneous ","形式的[けいしきてき]formal ","法的[ほうてき]legal ","自動的[じどうてき]Automatic ","古典的[こてんてき]Classical ","保守的[ほしゅてき]Conservative ","基本的[きほんてき]Fundamentals,  basics, fundamental, standard, basic ","全面的[ぜんめんてき]full-scale ","歴史的[れきしてき]historical ","論理的[ろんりてき]logical ","総体的[そうたいてき]As A Whole ","国際的[こくさいてき]international ","経済的[けいざいてき]economical ","主観的[しゅかんてき]subjective ","客観的[きゃっかんてき]objective ","悲観的[ひかん てき]pessimistic ","楽観的[らっかんてき]optimistic ","伝統的[でんとうてき]Traditional ","典型的[てんけいてき]Typical ","律動的[りつどうてき]Rhythmical,  rhythmic ","効果的[こうかてき]Effective ","端的[たんてき]directly ","創造的[そうぞうてき]Creative ","直接的[ちょくせつてき]Directly ","巨視的[きょしてき]macroscopic ","官僚的[かんりょうてき]Bureaucratic ","精神的[せいしんてき]Spiritual ","体系的[たいけいてき]Systematic ","禁欲的[きんよくてき]abstemious ","衛生的[えいせいてき]sanitary ","劇的[げきてき]Dramatic ","反射的[はんしゃ てき]reflective ","超自然的[ちょうしぜんてき]Supernatural ","退廃的[たいはいてき]decadent ","致命的[ちめいてき]Fatal ","全般的[ぜんぱんてき]General,  overall, across the board ","一般的[いっぱんてき]Ordinary,  normal, common ","徹底的[てっていてき]thorough ","封建的[ほうけん てき]feudal ","抽象的[ちゅうしょうてき]abstract ","通俗的[つうぞく てき]common ","倫理的[りんりてき]ethical ","庶民的[しょみんてき]popular,  folk, working class ","普遍的[ふへんてき]universal,  omnipresent, ubiquitous ","魅力的[みりょくてき] (adj-na) charming/fascinating/attractive (P) ","個人的[こじんてき] (adj-na) personal/individual/private (P) ","公的[こうてき] (adj-na) public/official (P) ","一時的[いちじてき] (adj-na) temporary (P) ","圧倒的[あっとうてき] (adj-na) overwhelming (P) ","最終的[さいしゅうてき] (adj-na) final/eventual/ultimate (P) ","多目的[たもくてき] (adj-na) multipurpose (P) ","標的[ひょうてき] (n) target (P) ","決定的[けっていてき] (adj-na) definite/final/decisive/conclusive (P) ","私的[してき<br>わたしてき] (adj-na) personal/private/proprietary (P) ","感情的[かんじょうてき] (adj-na) emotional/sentimental (P) ","攻撃的[こうげきてき] (adj-na) offensive/aggressive ","世界的[せかいてき] (adj-na) (1) worldwide/global/international/universal (2) world-famous/world-class (P) ","現実的[げんじつてき] (adj-na) realistic/pragmatic (P) ","刺激的[しげきてき] (adj-na) stimulating/exciting/provocative ","量的[りょうてき] (adj-na) quantitative/concerning the quantity (P) ","一方的[いっぽうてき] (adj-na) one-sided/unilateral/arbitrary (P) ","科学的[かがくてき] (adj-na) scientific (P) ","暴力的[ぼうりょくてき] (adj-na) violent ","衝撃的[しょうげきてき] (adj-na) devastating/gut-wrenching/shocking/startling/sensational/astounding/astonishing ","理想的[りそうてき] (adj-na) ideal (P) ","絶望的[ぜつぼうてき] (adj-na) desperate/hopeless ","個性的[こせいてき] (adj-na) individual/distinctive/unique/characteristic/personal/idiosyncratic (P) ","道徳的[どうとくてき] (adj-na) ethical/moral ","意図的[いとてき] (adj-na) intentional/on purpose (P) ","社会的[しゃかいてき] (adj-na) social/societal/societary (P) ","健康的[けんこうてき] (adj-na) hygienic/healthy/healthful/sanitary (P) ","独創的[どくそうてき] (adj-na) creative/original (P) ","大々的[だいだいてき] (adj-na) great/grand/extensive/large-scale (P) ","霊的[れいてき] (adj-na) spiritual/incorporeal ","人的[じんてき] (adj-na) human/personal (P) ","重点的[じゅうてんてき] (adj-na) prioritized/focused/concentrated/predominant (P) ","質的[しつてき] (adj-na) qualitative (P) ","内的[ないてき] (adj-na) inner/intrinsic/mental/inherited "],"丈":["頑丈[がんじょう]solid; firm;stout;burly;strong;sturdy  N1","丈夫[じょうぶ<br>じょうふ<br>ますらお]1.&nbsp; &nbsp;hero;gentleman;warrior;manly person; 2.&nbsp;&nbsp;good health;robustness;strong;solid;durable  N1","丈[たけ<br>たけ,  だけ<br>じょう<br>たき<br>だけ]height; stature;length;measure;all (one has)  N1","成る丈[なるたけ]as much as possible; if possible  N1","大丈夫[だいじょうぶ<br>だいじょうふ<br>だいじょぶ]all right  N5","背丈[せたけ]Stature,  height "],"阪":["阪神[はんしん]Hanshin ","大阪[おおさか<br>おおざか]Osaka,  oosaka ","大阪弁[おおさかべん]Osaka Dialect ","京阪[けいはん] (n) Kyoto-Osaka (P) ","京阪神[けいはんしん] (n) Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe ","阪[さか] (n) slope/hill "],"無":["感無量[かんむりょう]deep feeling; inexpressible feeling;filled with emotion  N1","ご無沙汰[ごぶさた]not writing or contacting for a while  N1","台無し[だいなし]mess; spoiled;(come to) nothing  N1","無難[ぶなん]safety; security  N1","無礼[ぶれい]impolite; rude  N1","無意味[むいみ]nonsense; no meaning  N1","無口[むくち<br>むこう]reticence  N1","無効[むこう]invalid; no effect;unavailable  N1","無言[むごん]silence  N1","無邪気[むじゃき]innocence; simple-mindedness  N1","無線[むせん]wireless; radio  N1","無駄遣い[むだづかい]waste money on; squander money on;flog a dead horse  N1","無断[むだん]without permission; without notice  N1","無知[むち]ignorance  N1","無茶[むちゃ<br>むっちゃ]absurd; unreasonable;excessive;rash;absurdity;nonsense  N1","無茶苦茶[むちゃくちゃ]confused; jumbled;mixed up;unreasonable  N1","無念[むねん]chagrin; regret  N1","無能[むのう]inefficiency; incompetence  N1","無闇に[むやみに]unreasonably; absurdly;recklessly;indiscreetly;at random  N1","無用[むよう]useless; futility;needlessness;unnecessariness  N1","無論[むろん]of course; naturally  N1","有無[うむ<br>ゆうむ]yes or no, existence,flag indicator (comp),presence or absence marker  N2","御無沙汰[ごぶさた]not writing or contacting for a while  N2","無沙汰[ぶさた]neglecting to stay in contact  N2","間も無く[まもなく]soon, before long,in a short time  N2","無限[むげん]infinite  N2","無地[むじ]plain, unfigured  N2","無数[むすう]countless number, infinite number  N2","無し[なし]without  N3","無[む<br>ぶ]nothing,  naught, nil, zero  N3","無事[ぶじ]safety,  peace, quietness  N3","無視[むし]disregard,  ignore  N3","無駄[むだ]futility,  uselessness  N3","無料[むりょう]free,  no charge  N3","無くなる[なくなる]to disappear, to get lost  N4","無理[むり]impossible  N4","無くす[なくす]to lose something  N5","無名[むめい]Anonymous ","無休[むきゅう]No Holidays,  always open ","無力[むりょく]Powerless,  powerlessness, helplessness ","何気無く[なにげなく]as if nothing had happened ","引っ切り無しに[ひっきりなしに]incessantly ","無い[ない]to not be ","無人[むじん<br>ぶにん<br>むにん]deserted ","無実[むじつ]innocent ","無形[むけい]immaterial ","無心[むしん]be absorbed in ","無性に[むしょうに]extremely ","無情[むじょう]coldhearted ","無意識[むいしき]unconsciously ","無残[むざん]atrocious ","無法[むほう]lawless ","無理やり[むりやり]forcibly ","無生物[むせいぶつ]inanimate object ","無色[むしょく]colorless ","無関係[むかんけい]irrelevant ","無関心[むかんしん]indifferent ","無風[むふう]calm ","虚無[きょむ]nihility ","無害[むがい]Harmless ","無機物[むきぶつ]inorganic substance ","無神経[むしんけい]insensitive ","無罪[むざい]innocence ","無税[むぜい]Tax Free,  no tax ","無敵[むてき]Unrivaled,  invincible ","無条件[むじょうけん]unconditional ","無責任[むせきにん]irresponsible ","無職[むしょく]Unemployment ","無視する[むしする]To Ignore,  to disregard ","無制限[むせいげん]unlimited ","無期限[むきげん]indefinite ","無我[むが]Selflessness ","無造作[むぞうさ]casual ","無我夢中[むがむちゅう]Total Absorption,  ecstasy ","無益[むえき]futile ","無欲[むよく]unselfish ","無糖[むとう]Sugar Free,  unsweetened ","無恥[むち]impudence ","無縁[むえん]Unrelated ","無菌[むきん]Sterilized,  sterilised, pasteurised, pasteurized ","無謀[むぼう]Reckless,  thoughtless, unpremeditated ","無秩序[むちつじょ]disorder,  chaos, confusion ","無報酬[むほうしゅう]free of charge,  gratuitous, without pay ","感慨無量[かんがいむりょう]deep emotion,  deeply moved, filled with emotion ","名無し[ななし] (n, adj-no) being without a name/being nameless/namelessness ","余儀無い[よぎない] (adj-i) unavoidable/inevitable/beyond one's control ","無事に[ぶじに] (adv) safely/peacefully/quietly/without problems ","無償[むしょう] (adj-no, n) (1) without compensation/without reward/without pay (2) free (of charge) (P) ","程無く[ほどなく] (adv) (uk) soon/before long/shortly thereafter ","皆無[かいむ] (adj-na, n,adj-no) nonexistent/nil/none/nothing (at all)/bugger-all (P) ","時間の無駄[じかんのむだ] (exp, n) waste of time ","無防備[むぼうび] (adj-na, n,adj-no) defenseless/defenceless ","無理強い[むりじい] (n, vs) compulsion/insistence/pressure/extortion ","無傷[むきず] (adj-no, adj-na,n) (1) unhurt/uninjured/unwounded/unscathed/unharmed (2) flawless (e.g. gem)/unblemished/undamaged/perfect (condition) (3) spotless (e.g. reputation)/faultless (e.g. performance)/perfect (record)/without failure/without defeat (P) ","無理矢理[むりやり] (ateji) (adv, n) forcibly/against one's will (P) ","無機[むき] (n, adj-no) inorganic ","無期[むき] (n) indefinite (P) ","無垢[むく] (n, adj-na,adj-no) purity ","無題[むだい] (adj-no) untitled/titleless/without a title/no subject (email) ","無差別[むさべつ] (n) (1) indiscrimination/without discrimination (adj-na) (2) indiscriminate (P) ","無声[むせい] (n, adj-no) voiceless/unvoiced/silent/noiseless ","無印[むじるし] (adj-no) unlabeled/unbranded ","仕方無い[しかたない] (adj-i) it can't be helped/it's inevitable/it's no use/can't stand it/impatient/annoyed ","違い無い[ちがいない] (exp, adj-i) sure/no mistaking it/for certain/without doubt ","限り無い[かぎりない] (adj-i) eternal/unlimited/endless ","無限大[むげんだい] (adj-na, n) infinity ","無神論[むしんろん] (n) atheism "],"可":["可笑しい[おかしい]strange; funny;amusing;ridiculous  N1","可成[かなり]considerably; fairly;quite  N1","可愛い[かわいい<br>かわゆい]pretty; cute;lovely;charming;dear;darling;pet  N1","可愛がる[かわいがる]to love; to be affectionate  N1","可哀想[かわいそう]poor; pitiable;pathetic  N1","可愛らしい[かわいらしい]lovely; sweet  N1","不可欠[ふかけつ]indispensable; essential  N1","可決[かけつ]approval, adoption (e.g. motion, bill),passage  N2","可[か]passable  N3","可能[かのう]possible,  practicable, feasible  N3","許可[きょか]permission,  approval  N3","不可[ふか]wrong,  bad, improper, unjustifiable, inadvisable  N3","可分[かぶん]Divisible,  separable ","不可能[ふかのう]impossible ","不可分[ふかぶん]Indivisible ","可能性[かのうせい]Possibility ","不可解[ふかかい]incomprehensible ","認可[にんか]approval ","可燃ゴミ[かねんごみ,  かねんゴミ]Burnable Garbage, burnable trash ","可燃物[かねん ぶつ]combustibles ","不可避[ふかひ]inevitable ","可也[かなり]Considerably,  fairly, quite ","可変[かへん] (adj-na, n,adj-no) variable/changeable/convertible/controllable ","可動[かどう] (n, adj-no) mobile/moveable ","可視[かし] (n, adj-no) visibility ","可逆[かぎゃく] (adj-na, adj-no,n) (1) reversible (n,adj-na) (2) (math) invertible ","可換[かかん] (adj-na) (math) commutative ","可否[かひ] (n, adj-no) (1) propriety/right and wrong/advisability/possibility (2) pro and con/ayes and noes (P) ","不可侵[ふかしん] (n, adj-no) inviolability/nonaggression/sacredness (P) "],"尻":["尻尾[しっぽ<br>しりお]tail (animal)  N1","尻[しり<br>けつ]buttocks,  bottom  N3","お尻[おしり]Butt ","塩尻[しおじり] (n) cone-shaped "],"岡":["岡山県[おかやまけん]Okayama Prefecture ","福岡[ふくおか] (n) Fukuoka (city) (P) ","静岡[しずおか] (n) Shizuoka (city) (P) ","岡[おか] (n) hill/height/knoll/rising ground "],"坊":["朝寝坊[あさねぼう]oversleeping; late riser  N1","坊ちゃん[ぼっちゃん]son (of others)  N1","坊さん[ぼうさん]Buddhist priest, monk  N2","坊や[ぼうや]boy  N2","坊っちゃん[ぼっちゃん]son (of others)  N2","赤ん坊[あかんぼう<br>あかんぼ]baby  N4","寝坊[ねぼう]sleeping in late  N4","坊主[ぼうず]Buddhist Priest ","お坊さん[おぼうさん]monk ","寝坊する[ねぼうする]To Oversleep ","坊[ぼう<br>ぼん] (n) (1) bonze/monk (2) monk's dwelling (3) boy/sonny (4) I/me (suf) (5) (fam) little (6) person who is ... ","本因坊[ほんいんぼう] (n) Hon'inbo/Honinbo/grand master of the game of go (P) ","御坊[おんぼう<br>ごぼう] (n) (1) cemetery guard (2) crematorium worker "],"贅":["贅沢[ぜいたく]luxury,  extravagance  N3"],"韓":["日韓[にっかん]Japan And South Korea,  south korea and japan, japan and korea, korea and japan ","韓国[かんこく<br>からくに]South Korea,  korea ","韓[から] (n, n-pref) (arch) China (sometimes also used in ref. to Korea or other foreign countries) ","大韓民国[だいかんみんこく<br>テハンミングク] (n) Republic of Korea ","韓国語[かんこくご] (n) Korean (language) ","韓国人[かんこくじん] (n) South Korean person "],"枕":["枕[まくら]pillow, bolster  N2"],"爪":["爪[つめ]fingernail or toenail, claw,talon,hoof  N2","爪切り[つめきり]Nail Clipper ","爪先[つまさき]tip of a toe ","爪楊枝[つまようじ]toothpick "],"丼":["丼[どんぶり<br>どん]porcelain bowl, bowl of rice with food on top  N2","牛丼[ぎゅうどん]Beef Bowl,  beef rice bowl ","うなぎ丼[うなぎどん]Eel Bowl,  eel rice bowl ","親子丼[おやこどんぶり,  おやこどん]Parent And Child Bowl, parent and child rice bowl "],"噌":["味噌[みそ]bean paste  N4","味噌汁[みそしる]miso soup "],"寿":["寿命[じゅみょう]life span  N2","福寿[ふくじゅ]Happiness And Longevity ","長寿[ちょうじゅ]Long Life,  longevity ","喜寿[きじゅ]Seventy Seventh Birthday ","寿司[すし]Sushi ","握り寿司[にぎり すし]nigirizushi ","寿[ことぶき] (n) (1) congratulations/felicitations/best wishes (2) longevity/long life (P) ","恵比寿[えびす<br>ゑびす] (n) Ebisu/god of fishing and commerce (P) ","寿永[じゅえい] (n) Juei era (1182.5.27-1184.4.16) "],"鍋":["鍋[なべ]saucepan,  pot  N3","〜鍋[なべ]Pot,  stew, hotpot "],"醤":["醤油[しょうゆ<br>しょうゆう]soy sauce  N2"],"牙":["牙[きば]Fang ","象牙[ぞうげ]Ivory,  elephant tusk "],"狙":["狙い[ねらい]aim  N2","狙う[ねらう]to aim at  N2","狙撃[そげき]Shooting,  sniping "],"賂":["賄賂[わいろ]Bribe "],"埼":["埼玉県[さいたまけん]Saitama Prefecture ","埼玉[さいたま] (n) (uk) Saitama (city) (P) "],"阜":["岐阜[ぎふ]Gifu ","岐阜県[ぎふけん]Gifu Prefecture "],"孝":["孝行[こうこう]filial piety  N2","不孝[ふこう]Disobedience To Parents,  lack of filial piety ","親不孝[おやふこう]lack of filial piety ","親孝行[おやこうこう]filial piety ","不孝者[ふこうもの]Disobedient Child,  unfilial child ","孝[きょう<br>こう] (ok) (n) filial piety "],"蜂":["蜂蜜[はちみつ<br>はつみつ]honey  N1","蜂[はち]Bee,  hornet, wasp ","蜂起[ほうき] (n, vs) uprising/revolt ","蜜蜂[みちばち<br>みつばち] (ik) (n) (uk) honeybee (Apis sp.)/honey bee "],"畑":["畑[はた<br>はたけ]field  N3","〜畑[はたけ]Field,  crop ","田畑[たはた<br>たはたけ<br>でんばた<br>でんぱた]Field,  field of rice, field of crops ","麦畑[むぎばたけ]Wheat Field,  barley field ","桑畑[くわばたけ]Mulberry Field,  mulberry plantation "],"蜜":["蜂蜜[はちみつ<br>はつみつ]honey  N1","蜜[みつ<br>みち]nectar; honey  N1","蜜蜂[みちばち<br>みつばち] (ik) (n) (uk) honeybee (Apis sp.)/honey bee ","蜜柑[みかん] (n) (uk) mandarin orange (esp. the satsuma mandarin,  Citrus unshiu) (P) "],"遜":["謙遜[けんそん]humble, humility,modesty  N2"],"墟":["廃墟[はいきょ]Ruins,  abandoned building "],"酎":["焼酎[しょうちゅう]Shochu,  shouchuu, japanese liquor "],"誰":["誰[だれ<br>た<br>だあれ<br>たれ]adjectival suffix for a person  N1","誰か[だれか]someone,  somebody  N3","誰にも[だれにも] (adv) anybody and everybody/with the best of them/as the next fellow (P) ","誰でも[だれでも] (exp, pn) anyone/anybody/everyone/everybody/whoever (P) ","誰だって[だれだって] (exp, pn) anyone/anybody/everyone/everybody/whoever ","誰にでも[だれにでも] (exp, conj) anyone/anybody/everyone/whoever (P) ","誰かさん[だれかさん] (n) (joc) a certain somebody/you-know-who "],"笠":["笠[かさ]Conical Hat,  bamboo hat "],"俺":["俺[おれ<br>おらあ<br>おり]I (ego) (boastful first-person pronoun)  N1","俺ら[おれら<br>おいら]We ","俺たち[おれたち]We ","俺様[おれさま] (pn) (hon) I/me "],"謎":["謎謎[なぞなぞ]riddle, puzzle,enigma  N2","謎[なぞ]riddle,  puzzle, enigma  N3","謎々[なぞなぞ]Riddle,  puzzle, enigma "],"叱":["叱る[しかる]to scold  N3","叱責[しっせき] (n, vs,adj-no) reprimand/rebuke "],"頃":["頃[ころ<br>ころ,  ごろ<br>けい<br>ごろ<br>ころおい]time; about;toward;approximately (time)  N1","この頃[このごろ<br>このころ]recently  N1","年頃[としごろ]age; marriageable age;age of puberty;adolescence;for some years  N1","日頃[ひごろ]normally; habitually  N1","一頃[ひところ]once; some time ago  N1","手頃[てごろ]moderate, handy  N2","近頃[ちかごろ]lately,  recently, nowadays  N3","いつ頃[いつごろ]About When,  how soon ","若い頃[わかいころ]One's Youth,  early life ","先頃[さきごろ]Recently,  the other day ","今頃[いまごろ] (n-adv, n-t) about this time (P) ","中頃[なかごろ] (n-adv, n) about the middle ","その頃[そのころ] (exp, n,adj-no) at that time/in those days/at that moment/then "],"呪":["呪い[のろい<br>まじない]Curse ","呪う[のろう<br>まじなう]To Curse,  to put a curse on ","呪[かしり<br>じゅ] (n) (arch) spell/curse ","呪文[じゅもん] (n) spell/charm/incantation/magic word ","呪術[じゅじゅつ] (n) magic/sorcery/incantation "],"賭":["賭け[かけ]betting; gambling;a gamble  N1","賭ける[かける]to wager; to bet;to risk;to stake;to gamble  N1","賭博[とばく] (n, vs) gambling ","賭[かけ] (n) bet/wager/stake/gamble "],"椅":["椅子[いす<br>いし]chair  N3","車椅子[くるまいす]wheelchair "],"吾":["吾輩[わがはい]I,  me, myself ","吾妻[あずま<br>あづま] (n) (1) (arch) eastern Japan (esp. Kamakura or Edo,  from perspective of Kyoto or Nara)/eastern provinces (2) (arch) east (3) (abbr) wagon/yamatogoto/six-stringed native Japanese zither (4) my spouse ","吾[あ<br>あれ<br>わ<br>わぬ<br>われ] (ok) (pn) I/me "],"鍵":["鍵[かぎ<br>けん]key  N3","鍵盤[けんばん] (n) keyboard (piano,  computer, etc.) (P) "],"斬":["斬る[きる](v5r) to behead, to murder  N2","斬殺[ざんさつ]Killing With A Sword,  putting to the sword ","斬新[ざんしん]Novel Idea,  original, novel, original idea ","斬首[ざんしゅ] (n, vs) (1) decapitation (n) (2) decapitated head "],"箸":["箸[はし]chopsticks  N2","割り箸[わりばし]disposable chopsticks "],"崖":["崖[がけ]cliff  N1","断崖[だんがい] (n) palisade/cliff "],"粧":["化粧[けしょう<br>けそう<br>けわい]make-up (cosmetic)  N3","化粧品[けしょうひん] (n) cosmetics/toilet articles "],"巾":["布巾[ふきん]tea-towel; dish cloth  N1","雑巾[ぞうきん]house-cloth, dust cloth  N2","頭巾[ずきん<br>ときん] (n) hood/kerchief "],"芯":["芯[しん]core, heart,wick,marrow  N2"],"脇":["脇[わき<br>かたわら]side  N3","脇見[わきみ]Looking From The Side,  looking aside ","脇役[わきやく]Supporting Actor,  supporting role, minor role ","関脇[せきわけ] (n) (sumo) wrestler of the third highest rank (P) ","両脇[りょうわき] (n) both sides "],"隙":["隙間[すきま]crevice, crack,gap,opening  N2","隙[すき<br>げき<br>すきけ<br>ひま]Crevice,  gap, space "],"闇":["無闇に[むやみに]unreasonably; absurdly;recklessly;indiscreetly;at random  N1","闇[やみ]darkness; the dark;black-marketeering;dark;shady;illegal  N1","暗闇[くらやみ]Darkness,  the dark "],"貼":["貼る[はる]to stick  N5","貼付[ちょうふ<br>てんぷ] (n, vs) pasting/sticking/attaching/affixing/appending (P) "],"鰐":["鰐[わに]Alligator,  crocodile ","鰐蟹[わにかに]wanikani "],"蟹":["蟹[かに]Crab ","鰐蟹[わにかに]wanikani "],"堰":["堰[せき]Dam "],"淀":["淀川[よどがわ]Yodogawa ","淀[よど<br>よどみ] (n) pool (in river) "],"鬱":["鬱陶しい[うっとうしい]gloomy; depressing  N1","憂鬱[ゆううつ]depression; melancholy;dejection;gloom  N1","鬱気[うっき]Gloomy,  melancholy, gloominess ","鬱病[うつびょう] (n) (med) depression (P) ","鬱[うつ] (n) (uk) depression/low spirits (P) "],"唐":["唐突[とうとつ]Sudden,  unexpected ","唐辛子[とうがらし<br>とんがらし]red pepper ","唐[から<br>とう<br>もろこし] (n, n-pref) (arch) China (sometimes also used in ref. to Korea or other foreign countries) ","唐代[とうだい] (n) Tang dynasty (China,  618-907)/Tang era "],"茨":["茨[いばら]thorn,  briar, wild rose ","茨城県[いばらきけん]ibaraki prefecture "],"蒙":["蒙古[もうこ]mongolia ","啓蒙[けいもう]enlightenment,  instruction ","蒙る[こうむる] (v5r, vt) to suffer/to receive (kindness, rebuke, support)/to sustain (damage) "],"瓜":["瓜[うり]melon,  gourd ","西瓜[すいか]watermelon ","胡瓜[きゅうり]cucumber ","南瓜[かぼちゃ]pumpkin,  squash, kabocha ","瓜実顔[うりざねがお]oval face,  classic features "],"戴":["戴きます[いただきます]expression of gratitude before meals  N1","頂戴[ちょうだい]humbly receiving,  humble eating, humble having ","戴冠[たいかん] (n, vs) coronation/crowning ","戴く[いただく] (v5k, vt) (1) (hum) (uk) to receive/to get/to accept/to take/to buy (2) (hum) (pol) (uk) to eat/to drink (3) (uk) to be crowned with/to wear (on one's head)/to have (on top) (4) (uk) to have (as one's leader)/to live under (a ruler)/to install (a president) (aux-v,v5k) (5) (hum) (uk) to get somebody to do something (P) "],"哺":["哺育[ほいく]nursing,  suckling ","哺乳瓶[ほにゅうびん]baby bottle ","哺乳[ほにゅう] (n) lactation/suckling/mammal "],"傲":["傲る[おごる]to be proud  N1","傲慢[ごうまん]pride,  haughtiness, arrogance, insolence "],"呆":["呆れる[あきれる]to be amazed; to be shocked  N1","呆気ない[あっけない]not enough; too quick (short&nbsp;&nbsp;long&nbsp;&nbsp;etc.)  N1","呆然[ぼうぜん]dumbfounded; overcome with surprise;in blank amazement  N1","呆ける[ぼける,  ほうける]to grow senile, to be mentally slow ","痴呆[ちほう]dementia ","阿呆[あほう,  あほ<br>あほう]fool, simpleton, idiot ","呆気[あっけ]amazement ","呆然と[ぼうぜんと]blankly ","呆れ返る[あきれかえる]to be utterly amazed,  to be stunned, to be amazed ","呆け[ぼけ]idiot,  fool "],"栃":["栃木県[とちぎけん]tochigi prefecture "],"龍":["烏龍茶[うーろんちゃ,  ウーロンちゃ]oolong tea, oolong ","龍[たつ<br>りゅう<br>りょう] (n) (1) dragon (esp. a Chinese dragon) (2) naga/semi-divine human-cobra chimera in Hindu and Buddhist mythology "],"脊":["脊髄[せきずい]spinal cord ","脊椎[せきつい]spine,  spinal column, backbone ","脊索[せきさく] (n, adj-no) notochord (rudimentary spinal chord) "],"柴":["柴[しば]firewood,  brushwood ","柴犬[しばいぬ,  しばけん]shiba inu, shiba dog, shiba "],"凛":["凛々しい[りりしい]gallant,  manly, distinguished, noble ","凛[りん] (adj-t, adv-to) (1) cold/frigid/bracing (2) dignified "],"烏":["烏龍茶[うーろんちゃ,  ウーロンちゃ]oolong tea, oolong ","烏[からす]crow,  raven ","烏賊[いか]squid,  cuttlefish ","烏丸[うがん] (n) Wuhuan (proto-Mongolic nomadic people) ","烏帽子[えぼし] (n) black-lacquered headgear (made of silk,  cloth or paper) originally worn by court nobles in ancient Japan, and afterwards spreading to the common people "],"漣":[""],"菅":["菅[すが<br>すげ] (ok) (n) (uk) sedge (Cyperaceae spp.,  esp. members of genus Carex) "],"蔑":["軽蔑[けいべつ]scorn; disdain  N1","蔑む[さげすむ]to scorn,  to despise ","侮蔑[ぶべつ]scorn,  disdain, contempt, slight "],"狐":["狐[きつね<br>きつ<br>けつね]fox "],}


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                .then(itemsLoaded.bind(this, allData));

        function itemsLoaded(allData, allApiItems){
            console.log('Retrieved ' + allApiItems.length + ' items.');


        function loadCsv(allData){
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            $.get(allData.config.customNoteCsv, function(data) {
                var entries = data.split("\\NL");
                        var parts = entry.split("\\SEP");
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                        allData.ownMnemonics[character] = mnemonic;


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                        var vocReading =  "<span class='voc-reading'>"+
                            reading +

                        var vocKanji = "<span class='voc-kanji'>"+
                            voc.substring(0, voc.indexOf("[")) +

                        var transl = voc.substring(voc.indexOf("]")+1, voc.length).replace(/,/g,", ").replace(/;/g,"; ").replace(/  /g," ");
                        var vocTransl = "<span class='voc-translation'>" +

                        var vocFormatted = vocReading + vocKanji + vocTransl;

                        vocabStr+="<span class='voc-item'>"+vocFormatted+"</span>";

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                               " #lessons-summary .kanji,  #reviews-summary .kanji, " + characterSelector);

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                    text = getPopoverHtml(allData, itemChar, "kanji");


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                            triggerClose: {
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                                tap: true,
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        function getPopoverHtml(allData, kanjiChar, itemType) {
            var itemData = getItem(allData.allApiItems, kanjiChar, itemType);
                return " "

            var infoText = allData.formattedAdditionalInfo[kanjiChar];

            var result = "";

            if(infoText && infoText.trim()!==""){
                result+=infoText + "<hr>";

            result = result + + "<br>" + ( ?  : "");
            return result;

        function truncateString(str, num) {
            if (str.length > num) {
                return str.slice(0, num) + "...";}
            else {
                return str;

        function getItem(allApiItems, char, type){
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                    returnVal = item;
            }, this);
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