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MTurk HIT Database Mk.II

Keep track of the HITs you've done (and more!). Cross browser compatible.

< Commentaires sur MTurk HIT Database Mk.II

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 2015-11-06

Almost perfect...

Thank you for taking the time to create this script! I can finally turk in Firefox again.

My only concern is that we can no longer view what's been approved (with payment pending). We used to be able to hover over the pending earnings value and see a tooltip that would display this data. It is very important data because this is money that's unaccounted for on the dashboard. It represents the flow of real money that we're guaranteed to receive (i.e. it's pass the possibility of being rejected). Personally, I account for this amount on my spreadsheet so I can see all stages of the income (pending, approved - pending, and actual income available for transfer).

Is it possible that we can get this feature back? Thanks for your consideration!

Posté le: 2015-11-06

Done. Added in latest version (1.0.033).

Posté le: 2015-11-06

Wow, thanks!! PERFECT.

I've done some programming many years ago, and I'm currently studying JavaScript and jQuery. I need to get into this so I can increase my earning potential on Mturk and elsewhere. It will also be great to create tools to help others. I wish I had chosen to dive in earlier but better late than never.

Thanks, again!

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