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Block Youtube Users

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< Commentaires sur Block Youtube Users

Avis: Mauvais - le script ne fonctionne pas

It Stopped working YouTube must done something can't right click to blacklist videos and can't get click on the "B" in the upper right hand corener

Posté le: 2022-07-22

same here

Posté le: 2022-07-23

It still works for me on both Chrome and Firefox with tampermonkey.
What browser and script manager are you using?

It still works for me on both Chrome and Firefox with tampermonkey.
What browser and script manager are you using?

Micosoft Edge and Tampermonkey

Posté le: 2022-07-23

I've just tried it on Microsoft Edge but it's ok for me... can you open the console (press Ctrl+Shift+J (Windows, Linux) or Command+Option+J (macOS)) and tell me if you see any errors relating to the script? Can you make a screenshot of it? Whilst the console is open, try clicking on the "B" and see if anything is changing.

when i left click it highlights the "B" and when right click the right click menu comes up

when i left click it highlights the "B" and when right click the right click menu comes up

when i left click it highlights the "B" and when right click the right click menu comes up

and here's the console:

Posté le: 2022-07-24

That isn't the console, don't click on any other tab, it should be this:
If you update the script, now you should be able to open the menu when pressing ctrl+alt+b

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