MyAnimeList (MAL) Tags Updater

Adds type, genres and other info to entries tags. Can also delete all current tags.

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Posted: 25.6.2016

MAL tags update bug...?

Hi there! I have a problem with this script The problem is that some anime series have tags and while others don't. I've tried reinstalling it a few times but no luck so I just kinda left it. Did MAL recently change something or is it something on my end?

Posted: 25.6.2016

Hey. I've just updated tags in my list (4000+ entries) twice - the script is working fine on Chrome and Firefox.

— 1)
If there are some Failed entries after the full tags updating, you can update them by clicking on Empty link.

— 2)
There's a possibility that some entries just don't have the tags you selected in Tags Updater settings. Can you provide an example of entries with empty tags and a screenshot of your Tags Updater settings window?

Posted: 25.6.2016
Edited: 25.6.2016

Ok I was using a different script for my MAL tags in replacement until you replied to this post and now when I removed the replacement MAL script for my tags, the tags are still there. How would I delete all these tags so I can reinstall your MAL tags script?

Here's what it looks like now with the different MAL tags script:

Posted: 26.6.2016

It doesn't matter for the script which tags you currently have in your list. The script adds a menu I posted on the screenshot above. The problem is in your list style. Try changing it to default list style or to another one.

Posted: 26.6.2016

I got it working! Thanks

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