Bypass paywalls for scientific documents

Bypass paywalls for scientific documents by downloading them from sci-hub instead of paying something like 50 bucks for each paper. This script adds download buttons on Google Scholar, Scopus and Web Of Science, which lead to In this way you can get free access to scientific papers even if you (or your university) can't afford their prices.

< Feedback on Bypass paywalls for scientific documents

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 11.6.2018

Links unclickable on


unfortunately all the Full Text on Sci-Hub links don't work. They have a different hover color, but cursor is like hovering plain text.

Console error says CSP: The preferences of this page have blocked loading a resource on self

Script version 3.1.1 Firefox version 60.0.2 (64-bit)

Maybe you can have a look on it.

Greets, graphen

Posted: 14.6.2018
Edited: 14.6.2018

Hi, I also have Firefox 60.0.2 (64 bit), and I can't reproduce this bug. I think it might be related to the onclick attribute I used to open the link in a new page instead of the same page. Here is some documentation about how some CSP setings don't allow executing inline scripts such as onclick functions: I replaced the onclick with an event listener: see if it works for you. Best regards, Stefano

Posted: 14.6.2018

Thank you, now it works! There are still errors in console but who cares if it works :-)

Only thing - maybe you could add the cursor style to be a hand pointer. Currently it's the one for selecting text which is a bit irritating.

Greets, graphen

Posted: 14.6.2018

I'll try to do it! Are those errors still related to CSP on my script? I replaced onclick with eventlistener in the whole script in version 3.1.3, but the other instances were on Scopus and WOK code.

Posted: 14.6.2018

Are those errors still related to CSP on my script?

Did some debugging: No, it's related to uBlock Origin and google scholar itself.

Posted: 14.6.2018

I'll try to do it!

I think a = "pointer"; should be enough.

Posted: 14.6.2018
Edited: 14.6.2018

Done! Check version 3.1.4 B)

Posted: 14.6.2018

nice, thank you!

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